Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 27, 1918, Postscript, Page 15, Image 15

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The Making
of George Groton
By Uriice Bar Ion
The big, nutttnndlng thing that the
editor of "Every Week" hat done in
thi novel it to dramatize succett in
builneit and love tha fahe, (lathy
lind, and the real and lasting thing
which only comes with the develop
ment of character. The tlory of
ifOlKC Uluun ,-.w.n -rati, ninny
jteps the ladder of .uccc.j. which
w.i not tuccett until he had learned
hit leiton, found his real sell and Ins
real life partner, is etucntinlly your
itory and my Moiy. The character.
.re people you know and meet every '
,j,y. Net, $1.40.
By Richard LeGullienne
A modern hunt for buried treasure
.mid the ttrong fall breath of the
tropical sen, the blue and milk-white
l.goons, the coral grottos of the Ba
hamas hound together with a per
fectly charming love .tory. One can
..r.r foriret Calvnso and her splen
did dive into me moon-imiH ... ...
" " .IO"fe&- lfc"um.
Iftly .fet-r ' t- h. re.V.r wT-
Ca taste for the real adventure of
those old pirate days of the Spanish
m(ljn. Net. $1.40.
Dramatic Moments
In American Diplomacy
By Ralph Pane
Do you know that the Kaiser was
prepared to declare war on the
United Slates in 1898, and that Ad-
i r .. 4tni1ft Rnv friits
iV.led hi. Plans? Do you know that
Germany attempted later to defy the
United Stales and the Monroe Doc-
trine, and almost succeeded in get-
ting a foothold in the Caribbean?
Do you knoxv how I'rance became our
first Ally? Read the marvelous
secret history of American aipio
m.cy in this startling, true book.
Net, $1.25.
The Way Out
of War
By Dr. Robert T. Morris
A very interesting contribution to
the biological study of war, its
elites and preventives. Sociology
fits made a failure of this question.
Biology now trie. it. hand. Rome
reached cultural limitations and
fell. Prussia reached cultured limi
t.tions and is falling. Why? The
.ntwer given in thi. book is ilium!
at;g! Not, $1.00
'Ready April 29th i
Shandygaff ;
By Christopher Morley
The'VolyumistYof the Philadelphia (
Evening Public Ledger calls his latest,
effusion "The By-Product of a Hap-
py Youth," and saya that he writes i
about brown eyes, tobacco, books,
hay fever, the sorrows of commuters I
and the President of the United I
States. It is a wholly delightful lit-1
tie volume, and one to treasure.
Net, $1.40
In My Garden
By Louise Heche Wilder
Mrs. Wilder is one of the f ew I
artist-writers in the country. She
has rare tasto and a practical work-1
Ing knowledge of plant, which put,
her in the foremost rank of garden
writers of the world. The extraor
dinary pictures, in full color, of the
author's garden at various periods of
the year are not merely delightful
pictures, but useful one. also.
De Luxe edition limited to 1500
copies. Net, $15.00
Sign Talk
Uy Ernest Thompson Seton I
A universal signal code without
apparatus, for use in the Army,
Navy, camping, hunting and daily J
life. Besides giving 1,200 signs in I
use among the Plains Indians, Mr.
Seton adds some of those used by
leaf mutes in F.urope and America,
and also a great many thai all of
us use in every-day life without re
liiing it. Net, $3.00
At All Bookitorei
Over 200.000 Have Been
Thrilled by tlie Addresses of
---Captain R.Ilujjh
YOU Will be Thrilled by Hi.
Experiences as Told in
"Over There"
Willi the.
Jl Mil (
Author of That Wonderful Historical Nveli"Ek5VS?HEBfthB
The New York Sun says : "Action'. From the flwt ord of tho
first sentence Mr. White hardly ever lets up. As a story punj
simple THE UNWILLING VESTAL is technically miles ahead of
EI, SUPREMO. Like his first novel this tale of Rome in the j .ears
behveen 100 and 200 A. D, Is related mostly by episodes. But the
tory does not lack continuity. And it has suspense s to a notable
decree, to a degree far beyond the power of many novelists to
Achieve "
PriVe St.50 net. Postage Extra. At All ffooktlorti.
I P miTrnw A r0...6tl FifthiAveo n. Y
Told in Ttvo Boohs of Personal Experience ami in Tirol
Novels Based on FartsOne of Them is '
"J.JAVI: sou ,een the Talline leaf.'
uuiior .aiu unon as lie settled
, ,
"""'"eir I" a comfortable chair oppo-
file Uoctt.i Mcl-'abrc. '
' I mu plenty of them last fall," tlic
fl"'"!!m"11 "cPUcd. "Tiiera Are no
" leave now except nroutul tlic
oaIjs when the new buds push the old
leu vei off "
Oxxin sinlleil tolerant). und lighted
one of my clsars.
"I ban- tlic Talllus leaf the other
Sunday when I was out In the" pail:."
Mild he. "ft wan not from an oal.
either. iluUi do not Brow M high. It
5,. .u ..... nuen u xt-ai nuoui n mtlfl pci letu-e.,. another is a Keneral hiiiii
nbove the c.u th Hiid turnoJ ami drifted niait of what the all men l.nvi. done,
with tin- xtlnd until m lie.m came up the third Is a novel xxiltten around u
Into my mouth" sr,iM of actua, Icttcl- flm .,,,., ,
ih. ,mi mean Lieu tenant l'la-'lils wife, and the fouith ii in n.-tl.m
chain- and hia airplane?" kuI.1 tlte'foim also, but it founded on the ,-
.iwviiM. .-,, , uiivi' nor RPPIl llim nv.
' '
i ,jnt s-t una, on .Sunday ufler-
,f,i,"; " "'
d ,lu,t " "' v0" what that
' leiu-liiiu n did and survive I would
ha xi- Liughed ut Mm." Owen xwnt on
"The tlii-t airship I Kw meielx at-,
iciiuHeuhirauiiiiuitnv mini. 1 thouslit
it was xxunderful. Rut olneo tllcj war
the tell in- the ulimeu an- doing
vtuiits xvhlc-h no one di earned of four
eiiMHgo Thev lme dlsoox eied that
cl Ions a the can keep the'i ma-
rliliii- goliiK tliex ran do almost anx-
thiliK- It N as pjsj- to II, upside down
ns llsht nld" up and sometimes xxhen
the in-in Is kuiiouiuIpcI l-y clouds he-
""' '""'""'t '" l--We whether he
n unlit Mii up or not. One uf their
laxoiite til. Us xi he-i tlghtlm; in the
sK is U pietpucl tu i..e contiol of
their mac hnie m.l ih-n , Hht tliem-
s0ve viuldenlj
then pi-Piny
F.itiileiuiiit. I!oia! Fithl
Art ttteni
Author of the Popular Book
for Soldiers
Amsnc.ms with a seme of
humor will enjoy every page of
this highl spiced, divertlntj vol
ume of ser ous and spnohtly com
ments on America. It Is a sptciet
of camourtaoe oi the part of a
Brit. sti officer for a desire to In
terpret America to his fellow
countrymen: lie confesses also to '
"a definite hope that I shall sue
ceed just a little in helping to
cement a strong friendship be
tween the two great nations."
I ronlUpleie. Il.M !
J. B. Lippincott Company
By George W. Cable
"If there's ever been n more
iC.T tl ,'.11 I, l.l...
lie story written in the
Stiite.-.;vl don't know
about it. ... I do wish it
could lind its xvay into every
household 111 Anieiicu." LmtU
Sl.ii net.
Your Health
i-on gieuiet atset. Keep
ii by applying ound practical
ludifnient In join mode of
Personal Health
By llillmm Biddy. M. P.
la ii book Hint contain-, a
Humuiaiy of llflren yeurt'
exurrlei.tf in tilttlui.' on
In-ulth topha lor the "people
It rovers every phaiie: It Blvea
Hiuiple treatmeiita : it Indlea'ca
whin ou should call your
phalclan It reads absotb
liiBlf Cloth, $1.50. At All Bookilom
u,,..,,,. The are dulm; iliuif... eieix '
uu "nidi me exhibition fliers befote
it. . .. . .
,ho "nr fcd(lom tlcinpted."
ou must have been leadli
iK onip
or the nil men's lonk." Mild I
"No. 1 have only icad the nex-t,papet
"Then jou ought to ie.nl the
books," I went on. "for tln-v tell in
Si eater detail what the newspaper ae- i
iMlutfl have ineielv Mlfrge.stell You j
find them fatilnatiiifr. if .ton tne at
alt inteicsted In tlyinjf. m If jou tan
be th'illed 1i djiini; 1 liaxe just
been ir.iillni; four of thnn all dltfei -ent
(.in i- I n lecoul of nirsonal ex.-
Hf-1'iMfit'fiv ftf n wtni. Anm..i i.. t...
-..V....VJ u ,, ,. V,,(, (IIIIVI tlllll III lilt'
air Feixl.-e. v.. M. Ituheits boi n in
Uu,u"' Mlmi.W.ote th-.,,,,,,, ,l,v
"- "- He happened to
b in Canada hen tlie war l.-ul.e out
and lie i-nli&ted In the mim. U- mi-
derwtood autoiiiolitle emtlnes and wa-
put In i-lmrgo of motoi ttui-kx both
xvliile he was in tialniiic and xxlieu
ho Rot to l'miu-c. He not tiled of
tnuddj iciada and wanted to light In
th" air AftPi n time lie sot his truui"
ft to the llojal Flying Corps and
i-eixH about n year a- a gunner in a
in.ic-hliK- opviatecl by a pllcit. Thou lit-
became a pilot himself and ran his
own machine, lie xvas In the tit nix-
three xears. niosl uf ili elm.. clio
M Iil .e.xlce."
"Tln-ee jeaisr hX. luimed
did not
.McKilirp. "I thniiglit the,
lat tin ce month.
"Well, volt fft- one nf thpm ainxixcd
much loncet." teplie.l. "lie xvns
flnall, an hpiiouhIx xxotmded in a tight
that he got hia iliac iiurgi- and w inf
ills book lie tell t.f battlea ill the
clouds thie miles uho 1 the (.tilth,
lie desctibes iald o:i (ieitu.iti nir
dioines. hnmhlni ammunition dumps,
laidim; i-e-r-nfnri ing columns, photo
giaphln? the tiencli lilies und ail the
other work of the ah man. The llrat,
time I ip went up alone as a pilot lie
decided to beat the altitude iccord foi
his Miuadion and xxlieti he xxus mole
than l-.'.onn feet in the nil bis engine
MoppeJ Me managed to gel down
safelx-. but lie xxas Impii-coned a month
for disobedience to otder.s. "lie lias
xxiHIpii a hook full of the spirit of ml
ventuie. comagt-uu and cheeiful with
no maudlin sentimentality und m line
XMitinp. It is a sti.ilght story uf
tin Wins Intel est."
"That is tlie kind of a book I baxe
been looking foi " said Oxxen.
'The otlifi nai'iatlxe" l went on.
"i xxiitten In IMgar Jfiddleton. and it
deals with tlie Ihitlsh tlyiuvr men It
is an admirable summitry of achieve
ment. .Mr. Aliddlcton tells tlie story
of one of the men xlio bombed the
Krupp (,'in i factoi, at llssen ns xv.-U
us the stoi uf man, othei iiKtonisli
Ihk exploit. The man xxhu tlexv to
Ks-.eti had to mukc a 11011-1011 1 mi of
COn miles. Il xvas in Ills machine for
six. hour- lie lost his xvay In the
clouds and had to follow his compass.
It xvav so cold he x"us utmost frozen,
but he dropped his bombi und escaped
the anti-aliciaft guns. One chapter is
dexoted to the (Jet man ah- hcrvice.
I'he extent of the ISrltMi and i'relicli 1
Keit lie is not told, for that v.oiild he
(,'lvitii; iiifuiiiiu tlon to tlic niiemx. U'e
.ire tnl.l th.it it H not tin.'niniiii.ii lor
the airmen to leach a height of lii.OOi)
feet ami lh.it the airships Mill fail
delibei.ltelj I'.ou 01 JOOn feet, head
dnxvn Inordirtoreaeliauenemybeloxx
, ,
tliem lhe tllin and luii-t, li-e and
fall, ititli the le.idlneaN of lilnls. and
eft n ivli-n the pilot la fro b.idl xvound
d that he faints lie ha a succeeded
I thin after time in settllls IiIh i-r.ift (
under lontiol ajraln and lauding safely
, xtitliln Ills lines with tin- Infoimatlon
I . .
for xvlileli lie lias been emit or niter
biinglns doxvn one or mole enemy all-
meii .Middleton's book deserves tlie
....-,.. ,.f eve.t one tibo ,., In-
roiniaiion unci ent-rtaiumein.
"If I ttcie lookluz for a book ubout
fi.tlns to put in the hands of u boy I
' Author of "The Iletl Man" .
Etc., Etc.
An appealing story of !
courage and devotion, high '
i' hopes and final happiness. ' 4
The reader who go with M
' Shirley Hollltttr on htr adventur-
r oui xvay and xvho learnt the
h secret ef the Cnchinted Barn,..
' may gain freth ceurate te eeek
hit own hipplnett and pot of
', gold at the feot of the rainbow.
. Tho actual world, as Shirley '
1 proves, may sometimes oring '
to roallzatlon the glorious dreamt ,
of youth.
Froatlipleco In Color, Sl.SJ Net
J, B. Lippincott Company
CT s? s ' w. r - "r: x
i ii i ii-.N r
Wlni .-pen; ix-iit.-txxii iiintiili- in
ImhiU .ilmut 111
should u 1 ip him Tin ilentiiip
of .rnutd Aduii ' It begin- 111 .1
bojs' m-IioiiI in Sn-ilM-rliituI hiiiI ends
xvith tlie. meeting betxvpen Adair, fl
ing for the IJlitcnte Allien, and a
young (lormnn llylng foi bis mvn
people xvho had been arbonlmates in
S'ulueiland m the fiir-ofT dajs xvhen
the vim Id was at pea. e Tlie txvn ulcl
thne rrltn.ls xxeic lighting each nther
in the ail. Adair bus bis mime 1111
,,,. ,. . . ., .
Ilia lnachiiic and the ,ouiiB Herinaii
gets I'lu-e eniiiiL'li to leud It and thru
tluous up Ills hands The txxu full into
a hike txltliln the C.p.mh.ii ll,,.. Tli......
u. i.iue ttitmn tlie i.criiutil lines Then-
is a tlltilliug escape for Adulr. aided ,
b, bis friend, who helps hllll oiei into'
Swilzerllllid in a new uhnlnue Ii I. .1
(food Htort. iitein.ilp in d.tail und
thrilling In plot."
' I iniit tell
HiM till
"He I-
lllioiuls ubu'lt
it, s.iiil llwen "He I- I.M.klng foi
book like that"
"Vou ...Uliln't lu bettei ' -Hid I.
.,,,,,. , ,, , ,, ,
-ml If tu ure looking for a ilxlng
novel for 5 our xvlfe xull . oil id not dn
bettei than get lu-i '.My Ail mull fiver
Theic' It Is it beautiful and puthotie
lute atoiy uf the bride of 1111 all man
who was llnally leporteil 11 luring tlie
mlsHing. It is m ide up uf tlie letters
of the husband tilth tlie liriili-'a 10m
lllents timl Mtiggesied replies. The bride
decrlbes ber life In Imgland xvith
many delightful touches Th.-ie .ne
ioiiie llttlu chlldreli In if, an old gar-
detii-r and u postman ami the families
,.,,,, , ., , ..
or the bride mid groom. Tlie letteis
ale tl-idoubtedl, gemilne The lute
stun- wuteii hi mind llietii I- su 1e.1l
that on.- get- the impiesslon lhat I. Is
genuine alto. There Is an inllnuici
about It thut In moat npprulluir, for It
ree.ils u lieiiutiful union lietween jiei-fm-tly
muted hutiiiin lieluija Tlie mi
thor handles the tiuui-d.x ut Ihe end
with ahlll and tdite The laeik ia u
pie. e of liteiature'
(SIXmUK V l)Ul!I.AH.
A I'l.llMI l'JiJltri:il An vintruaii
t'i hnia In .'...in n. I.ieitti-iianl M M
llt.Uurt". It r. C .N-.v Vurl. Ilaiper
I!pa tl r.n.
iH.OItlUl'K I'.M'UilTM ill" 'I UK AIP. Hv
IMffar Mlililli'li.i. -Nw V.ir.. I Mini
tun t i tt.n'i
nii: Aiivi:."rriti:s ui- xiimh i tt-Aiit
J-J-n. ,w ".-, !".:''"' '
ti .1.-.
VY AllltlXN' CIVII-. Tlli:tli: Ht Ilia if
s". u Xgrl .Xlittatt V.r.l It ... Illl".
Story of Alsace-Lorraine
In i-t -hand iie.-oiPii of Hi "lo-
piutiu. ea. "nun n.it e piu.teii uu
Punaut pan in the otlglii am opera-
tliiu-t of Iho pieaeni tvur. anil trill. Ii
,oui,tle tilll plat an impel lam p-tlt In
I... flti-.l ..il !,,. meiil of l.eui'e ix uitell
by llatii.l lllunieiitnal in "Alau--l.i-
tame." Th- author la . i founei IJe.Ut
re.im Sti'jahoitiir In Ihe Iteiehaiau. un
c.-.--eiiutor from Uuee..ori.iliie. and
nni aexer.il Hiiimh .Ma.xoi of the .-Uy uf
-'olinar. Ilia IntcreHt In U.- lieedo.n ..f
hie nat te roll iiiimeit him l be.-ume a
flIRllvt nn, a deulh henten-e on hi
head Mr, Hluinenllial aite the Iih-
loilo a'ul etlinie l..ii-KBiouiida qf (he
-Ul.Je.-t. shoua t.h Alauee and Irrallie
uliouli? not be lasa-a unu i.oiiiiiiiljeii.
di-M-rlhos the tjranny of PriiM-laulaiii
oter the iirovtiu h xtn-atrd l Jloltke
and Uleindicl. from elileHen i-uniie 01
1 870 and piopliri-lM Hie iedienn thut
xlctorlous iiinia tt ill brl'm the flKhilUB
l-'raiU'D of todat 1'rof IiouuIhh Vll-on
llobhisuti. of I'ultinibld. uitrodiu-ea Mr.
WuiiiHilliarH text with nn llluininathirf
forettoid. The liooli i a Mud or th.
lelatlon of Hie two proxiinea to l-'rutiie
and to iinim.HU." und a prenetilation of
the Just el.ilnis of llielr peoplen.
AI.S.Xi'lM.DKH.XINK H Haulel llluinn
Hijl V- VorU. II P I'uliiara uu
Chess for Beginners
The latert In ihe eileH if ll.tol'a
Worth lluviiiir." Issued bf the I'cnn Pub
lishing ruinpiiiif. Ix "i 'hem ' lit" David
A Mitchell, a handbooK foe lieRlniieia
at the enll.-lnx Kame Mr Sllwlu-ll flrtt
1 il-.-wrlbes the boaid and liim it must b
1 laid befoie beitlnuiiiK,lc uln . lie Inili
catrs the dNpusllivu "f Ihe men til lh
beKilildnir of the Baine und iiaineK mill"
deseriben Ih" mu fo hlinpl.t that me
1 xvho nex-er handled them tt ill Und 110
I ijiffioulty In cMttnguWhiiiK bettieen a
1 bishop and a queen, lie Kites a diaifium
1 ahotvlnir tin- nutation of the board
that tihen one fltnlH In .1 ilieoc tnnblem
a d'leiliou to un tH a Lutein fium ICK 1 U
to K1U one uill Uiiotv just there Ihe
man inil"t Ko. A ehapter Ii dexoted to
the etaticliird i'li openiiiRe and In an
other thaptir the mote In a erl" of
brilliant Kume.i jib indei-ted ami ih
mrlbed and there H a herle nf pinbleni
tr be rolved. ft In one of the vlinplent
and best handbookH of the hind on tho
nxarltet. '
J Winning the Victoria Cross,
llreiU of hardihood and bravery ate'
1 thrlllinirly described In 'Wonderful
IStoiies of AVinnlnif the V. in the
I Great War " Hankers and offlceis fle
1 ure In these "fact utoileii" of the ttet.t
j ern and other fiontx where the Drltieh
' are lined up HKalhst the Huns. Tliote
1 who loxe gallantry and iiillltary re
sourcefulnens tvlll nnd inuc.lt to admire
in these KtotleH, which ale told xtlthout'
frllla or trlmmlngf. yet all the piore im
pressively for their nlmpliclt) A num
ber of famous lllustratorB hate painted
tlie originals of the threescore full-page
plate wli'cli illustrate tho stories.
"" '" ii'lU OHKAT WK sew York
K I' DSrion ft Co IS M
r m itoiii:i:i.-
the an seri.e ,ni.l h.i xxtitten n
- l'pct ll-lli-l--
Intrigues of Supersities
'lateiiie tleilieit .r l .. new ua his
n.iiiie to tlie rexlew.i. I.ut Inn next laiok
will he p.ig.rly lead oil Hie thrilling
met it. of his lhat imxel. 'The I'mc-eti
llmi.l ' We assume 1I1I- Is Ids llr.t llc
tlon lietweeii inter-, since the title page
iitcllt- linn will, .in oihci iiiililt. atlons
Hi- fli-- book 1- 11 -11, ,vh- Ii K n
11. 'V. I of meioiliatti.itli foun dealing with
Hie liitrlgiies of MiiM-ispi.-, .111. 1 par-
tliularlx with Hie maaterlx .irganiiatiuii
01 I tunning street to Irciiinxent
, f willicliiiaiia--. i:.uli . pi
of lluniilnc street- tu . Irciiinxent the
I' xiitiiull, uti Itideiit'tiileiit r-iioi L story,
'''"a'' '"Ut and definite. ,ei these ale so tilth o.casiotiul milk ' When iliex
"nk"1 ,,,r,.,uB ciiiniunilt of motive mid , i.nclied llollund ".. pi... e-elot. of .iitlm-
,,, eharu. tera ..- t.. glte Hie ttspe.t laMle. xlllageia vuiled to e-eutt u t..
of 11 fnll-lenglli not. I tlie tllluge. Men. women and childien
' T1"" "" llanrl" Is not a hook for,,f.r, werF folll. hundred of thun Tin-
."'.nt "'".". """'., "aw. '''.' "01"."' V1'' "
i lllglil- lite plot- 01 ine epiouea air
Ingenlou- mil the telling plausible. The
.element of supniip Is llioiouglilx maln-
tllineil. Tlie ailllior slious u w me
fiimlliutitv with the Milium and diplo-
ii'muii. muneutei- of -l- utc.it win and
j Willi Hie per-ouagc-. who .lie Intuited
I""1- He is eiidenth 11,11.:. tiateled. too.
and I- able 10 create utiiiosplii-rlv en-
x lr(nmtilx f.-i the fai-llung Im-ulea of
his lull
TIIK fHKi: IIXM'- n I'Ln-iue Hor
lM-rl .e iluiueii . n'
.'u II .Ml
iniiiiii. .in
(Uirti'ood Scores Again
Theie is no mule m lite tvurkei In
the big lb lion fa. ton than the tiiutioi
wliu ha-- tu his .'i edit ' Ixurati. 'The
ill Izxlv King ' ' lod's muiitit and "The
t.... ....' ,..,.1 n .1, ...., 11, iiinr. linnl.M.
,t(i ,,., iatet.u nt nrP p, xw fanu-
dlnn tvilds No other wrlt.r has in-ne
li.tcreatlng tales tu tell of that '"'"
than James ulltei I'liiiiuod. and while
,,., mlll.u ,.f ,h.- ' mot les." the
author knows hi- lountit well anil
wiltea In a waj that hold- the utl. n-
"f '" ''i' , JV:,.!'
.. ... .,, )w IH iiii. 11 in -pi.
the lurid. 111elotlr.1m.1tl. ... tlon ixin. n
onura 111 tlie Ittel llfll 1MB.- Hale.
the outlaw doB. 10 tthlih the -I'lihor li.i'
devoted U book, and T111.1. 11 m melon
grlnlv bear, tlgure Ijib- in the le'llnu
of the atoit. but the uredle-1 inten-t
enteiM mound the heto fiom New Holl
and ilie harming touiiK islt I Muik-
It la a booK thai will i"""' "' .'..
.n.-rlof the leuder from iim 1 to mier .
'..iiiit more tun b- eaid uf pl'-int-i
i. '.', i"
1 ml
l.i v
nii: ciniini: .i" xititct ui..i.im:
.l.illl.' l.lliel ".ll.-cl ...LI- II
l,,ul...l.-. Pane ." s I"
llussia as It Is
W Ilimit a ll'lle "f .Ulleljl
lill.d tilth the luiid lone- "f h.n
i-rii Itii.Hi. nnilei It-" iea. ton-
imi incl
.,1 th.it
1 1 u -
r11111.nl. Iluth I'l.ri- .11 he. 1
I. ttcf.' eiilllled "Ttapp--il In III."
.in" inliiillelt dru-rlhea Hie Ii" -i
mill, ol
I. Itin--I
..,,.,,.. of Hi- aoi.H,-. -uti .1 di-itKi
l)f ,,ut VUKt f,,ien ..ml i-i-pp- .-hi
.ontiibutea theae . limn. u- leiU - in hei
1 1. ...ol. Un. Ii v... tn.'F- th.it on. hi
,.H,. Hull one 1- in m.ill- m.--uui
Hiioiioh thai dieuit leumti It m.i
i. i,i n.,,. Mia. iin- kij-ihiI a-nie
, ,, i lu-ol.lilni; .ui N ; tl- nation
1(,ul tt,.r foielan hiiiIu.i - .md lomi-.t'-'
fMlie,i i ..elte Hhe Imiiib-. at open-
.. ,.. neurheiou-. niin.n- of tin. Hot-
.riniient ParlU-ulailt t-hed.- i 1- -. Hu-
Innumerable auffenngx il.in Hn- iei-nr-
, uteO Jew in IIu-mic uudt ," ht
,ll hot. lj.u,ui.da of theae ; . vilea ..re
.irnen on .- ui
baton. 1 nniiit to
the it Idle death In Hlbei ia. und hu-i tlmu
uiulH of Hie men. w.iinen anil .IiiMieii
Kite nut lonjr hefttie 1 It t u.uii theft
doo-'ied deNtin.t In leudintt tht liooK it
heeni- uh IT Ii iwie wiitte-i bv un 1 p.
pteKei Ullb an iniil luilic. 1 illui tluiu
by an Auiiruan vvh.i .n ill. ai.il uu
eutiapped In lt rlo.i' 1. p'.t.n
I'ltXI'l'KI' l"v HI Xi K I I -..in 1 n 11,
.lull. .V.n.-ililiei IH!'. II It nil Pi ui
li.mt.iji 11. u. l.i. in xiin 1 1 .', si j.,
The Secret of the Marne
Marcel Berger
Author of "Ordeal by Tire"
I'O f.l.,111 III-1.
You remember how you seized your daily paper
with bated breath that time the German hordes were
initrchingr on Paris with the arrogance of victors?
And the glorious Marne weel; that turned victory into
You remember how the military experts were puz
zled, bewildered at the sudden German change of front
that Hanking movement that resulted in defeat?
In this daring and convincing novel, Marcel
Herger reveals the reason for this supreme blunder
so disastrous to the enemy, and the disclosure is so
plausible that the reader will be surprised into accept
ing this solution of the repulse of von Kluck's armies.
Do you read detective stories? "'Hie Secret of
the Marne" will furnish you with more thrills than
any mystery story you have read for many a day.
All Booksellers
G. 1'. Putnaju'a Sons
New York
7 In- Treatment j I'risonvrs
U or in (h'rniiiity littemletl
hi Kill Tlu'in
! .iii'cl l-e dinuull lo paiall.l In
..,. . ,. bl. 111..- "The leape of
i-iin.r I'm" It I. a record of Hie
. i i."i. .- of h cold er in a tvr which
- minutest Urialls dlfr.ri. from every
,. , i:,lflr.l IMw.iflx . a corporal
i ii c-.inudlan reglimm nati-ed rim-
IMtntin nftc-v the daualitei of the
-,, .leneral the Luke of
. .ri Ii t Mtatlonml neat pie
i ..n Mh. S, m&. lie a taken prla-
n- f nl, (! aiirxivoiM of the
i i ni a batiallun ..f xxhl.li went
... ti.-ii 0S5 atrons Til next flf-
..ntli-i xei- aiwtit in a pnaon
t ille-aeti. and Ibe detail- or III
. .. ,. . .-..I ..M-. ..1...l ill-
XMi-n 1h prisnlier left 'be
the mull surged around. Heaping
... 1. ,..,,11- noil tiloua: imrtlculariv
. . worn, n With hale In tlieii .
I... v -i-.it on us These were me acta - n jou limy uaxp read or Hie
1 .- i.nh of the 1 a links, but ul-o of thr cntraband lutineia There la anothet
i.irinie of good nplH-iiiam-e and ad- , sl-tit it cargo of cigars which he niati
rtr. -s ' The common lerin b, xvhlcli nf ea to land while he fools the . usloms
t 1. weie called was rVhwelu or pig. olllclals nllh a frei-foi-oll fight There
.- unsiu.tasrut iitlenipta to escape j ni 0 others ciiuall, Interesting nnd exen
wei, lunilshed bt soliuij conllnemelit 1 If jou despise -niuggllng nnd amuggleis
in . ell-. In which "slow stanutlnn" was J. -11 will lead theae entertaining tulea
cue of Hie men-urea udoplfd b (heir Willi a gieat deal of enjoyment
i..ilois 10 nd Hienaeltea of their cap- I r xPTAIV iltrt.T lie XVllllam Hope iio.lt
1 n Mmllur was the Inoculation, -on N'jt Vi-ri, Itub.Mi 1 xi, U1..1. t
tilth the perm- of oiiMiinption. "We '" :l '
w.-te .ill ordered t.i paiade for the lu-
,.. ,ili,.. I itifl ui.ueir will, u feXV
nihil- and so escaped Hie opemtlon "
In ugu-t. 1sl. he. Willi 11 comrade
rii. .-eeded In eluding theli guard and
the nest tluee weeks were speni III ine
aHinp. and iiiora-aea which lay be
tuceii this pail of clpiuiunx and
llollan.l. They bid tlieinaelxes ill theae
all day. as the night xxuij the only limn
In xxhlcli it a- safe In go At one
place the, found llicnis. Ix. .lose tu
village and the. Ilium t lienuielx e
Into a ditch xxllh a I'.-ot or so of
water in it and .hit Ing iuo hours
xi p lay on our back- In Hip natei with
'only the stnullen pot Hon of our
I 'ace piojecllng one. the guard
Junipid uxer the illtcli le-. than four
nl hvuj-. " siiff. it d intenselx.
fur although it cms lai" xitgust, the
wuler woa xhij 1 old I lien food 1 oti-
slated lliosll, of llliooke. xegetubles
und flint i.ck.,1 n- th. cent along
"leu all shook hands and pre-se.1 mom.
I hulled old ladt kissed us both Smin
one illugKed out 11 inoiith-orgaii, ..ml
1 stril. k up Tippeiary and men. woni.n
and ihihlieii all Joint tt In It tins Kin
nous. We sang. loo. in Ihigtlah. .mil
thej tu their tongue ' The edltoi ut
I this nuirutlxe. ilcoige I'eaisoti. wus ,1
loriatral of the same Itgiiiient. and m
Hie thai pail docrll.es lib- own .tp.n
ences Th. re an- III Illustration-, in-
1 ' hiditis Icio iHUiialt-. whbli add iu iln,
llll.-ieai 01 .1 uni.iiie oooiv
TIIK ns.'AI'i; UK A PIIIV. l:ss l-AT Unif
the I'ull A.i.-Ulll uf til. I'milure Hllll I if 1
teen tliililli-1 llnlil i-omtli'llt uf .'urP'iiil
lalUMlii- .if tb- i'rliii , ua I,tii in'a . n
ncllan Main Inrmitrt anil Ilia Hnat I'" I
rape From llerniant Intu llulliin.1 Ih
ll.'.irt.'' 1'iiiia.iti Vm. Xeik linn-,. II 1
ISir-tu .'i-mi.uiiv $1 pi
AltiPi t li. son ( Tr-i limn s ItouU Sup i -MMiien
I'liliap- one if th- moM in- '
l.'ic-iinu iiurt ' ih Iiool, t- Hint id
otd li hup S.i ml mi whom t -
t i'i -t lit- l ' 1 1 i t 1 1 In 1 1 t.i 'Mind
h - Pi-K - nt urtifU nit t fut t,ifi..n "'
tin ..nilii.!
IWr UlU Xf tTMrfe e rtui
! SftNl -ytt il .
cr fu t tM, .v di. -..
icel el tSe 1VM tfrj ia
4 rfi, try 4mr jwj cjinMr- ft ti
Ji-4 tM M wlfr,
XJi Im tUt lMtv4 UjoCLa
tw vnth fr fcool. el itvte
tAlXOit U0U.
Children Have a
Riht To Be Happy
It is your privilege to
make tlicm happy.
Give thorn books that arc
"made of happiness" happy
3 words, happy thoughts, happy
pictures, nappy inspirations.
Cuve tliem the wonilcrful
ucwVolUnd "Sunny Boolii '
ihcy utc making thou
sands of children happy
every day.
Price 50 cents each
At All Good Dealers
rtC'l flOCK DAAJ WnaSllA.K.0Fl0J.ALnY
P. F.Vollaiid Company
1 Jf
i'. TO
Game of Smuggling
nine peraonn nrlleie It Ik perrcPtlj
pKiper to mulct a ftrcet mr or tnllroad
l lulu coudiietor out of carfRieK oth
t ei- with equally elai-tle i-ouetenrei
Hblnk It Justifiable to "work" any cor
I" ration. And x.o nil know or li.ue
Uicoxxn person., xjhen travel on the i-oam
xxics not go Itazardeus an It la lod.ix-.
xviio Would not lierltate to amuggle
n,i8g nIo u,9 ,. onil wh(J uou
, u- imy min that might .uggesi It-
-f ne of ( mof ltf rMt(f f
, . , ,,f ,.,,, ( ton g
,,, hra ,,,., nho ,.,., , (
h tth degree along Hip line of i-muKKhtis
" hm-U m-e Ik vuk- IiIh met hud- iim
"' ,'" '''"' ,"''rt, hetlwr or nut ,nu i.p
iior or Ida niethndi.. xxh.eh you iirolinlilx
xx hi not, he la n xerv llhable tort of chap i
nptaln Oault tells these stotles, fir
""'r' ur" n dczen of tlirm. In diary fin in
, ea' ""' '" eprate from It, fr,-
,'""' " I""" ms aen ,nrn in a xrrx
" . ,"'" w"-v
the niauncr In
' " ouiwu- in,. , tiMoinr ontcpts
tl.aaUVt Oftlcilll. HIhI Iteteela ninii
",,u ome who me employed to nap
; eroingiy 1 icxei ineie I- a
,r " niuinni, cnae. one of tlie l-r-t of
" " serlca. xvt la u- Ingenloualj done
77 r Modern Library
no,, of the urns- i.tlrmtlte seiie- oi
, t, in ints of, famous hooka ia Hie .Modi 1-11
. 1. orar, taihllalied In Uonl i f.iteiighl
of New Vork. It was started about n
J.ai ugo with half a doyen tltlea 11 ml '
b.t- grown in the intertenlng Innntlis till
oliout sixty different honks hate lipen
l-iled They are of a sixe raiitenlent
fur pulling In the pocket, are bound In ,
limp .loft leather and sold at Co cent-i
Mill The publlshera ale polling thr
laiiiliseller- lo dlscoter which voluinea '
oil the moat populai The result will
li announced In June. They hate Ipui-ii-e.l
howeter. lhat Samuel Bill It's "Tlie
Waj of ll Klesh." and Xletz-ihe'-"Thus
Spake Xaiathuatru." are ii)nn In
d. mund mill that Ivlpllng'r Soliliei .- ,
II ree ' is the bust populai In. lulled in 1
liie Miles .lie llli, lolllllus ot lb-en - I
p il I'l.mbert - Macl.iiue ltc . 1
I Id lnili..in lit.'.iniei - 'i'.ile
aio in..n ..ill. 1 l.,n in- m. il.in liol. 1
Head Hie book b-
Spy Hunting
is one of tlic thirty-sex. en chapters of
"Over There' &?&
tl ,0 net
If you want to send men
to the front BUY
Wle ' " m
S?. ;rtr TSMrw.3,ljr
aWhen I Dived
ThroMgli a Cl!id!?7
Fl I", thousand ict-r in air, J taw I
low ine a ill uul that looked
. ..f 1 n.. :n
-oft and
dived through it. And on tin other side,
as I came through, I saw two feet away"
Mut the story is too good to tell here,
l.ct thr man who dived through tell you.
I Ic is a brave and gallant fighter, who, into
his short young life, has crammed enough
adventure to fill a thousand lives of other
Roberts is an American ate. lie was
two months in the wilds of Canada before
he knew war was on. Then he heard
went straight to tlic front.
1c has been a despatch rider; lie has
been in endless bombing expeditions; he
has brought down eight German aeroplanes
for he is an "Ace." I Ic has been gassed
and wounded and shell-shocked; he was
brought down from the air four times in
four days by the Germans.
1 Ic has volumes and volumes to tell;
to tell with a humor, a sincerity, a charm
as delightful as his keen face as alert
as his slim, athletic body,
lie has packed it all
into one gorgeous,
thrilling book.
Today THE
$150 By
Lieut. E. M. ROBERTS, R. F. C.
Today 'sNewBoofa
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A joung society nut Iron losca lifer,
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tin ab-uibltig talc tl BO net.
A Soldier Unafraid.,
Fly Capl. Andre Cornet-AuqulerV
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The Adventures
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Cook Book
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X-iti mtlip
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1 Hi.llHV COON
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like Lieutenant Roberta
fleci a a pillow. I
J "M
I '.EiIL. 'Jfoli
msmm i
1 n
- V,
t r
r s.. z -
T.I . ......',