""""" TUE WEATHER rj!jSlo". dPril 26.!'robably rain tonight and on Saturday. TEMrniUTcnn at i:acii notrt rrpH"10"1 lia '. ' "'r3 ' I s brhrrfi2 I ca 1 68 I'll . i it 4" uenmo POSTSCRIPT '! Bublic montx TlV.-NO. 192 HISTORIC BELL i AND CHILDREN! IN BIG PARADE Liberty Day Cele-j " . itt'ii -n I librateclHei'ewimra- triotic Spectacle '35,000 STUDENTS TO MARCH IN-LINE ilxian and Education Offi cials to Head Pro cession REVIEWED 1$Y GOVERNOR, jrmy and Navy Send Honor Guard for Emblem of Freedom "libertv Dai iq being observed In ..u. ,v todai u.th a big parado ot Klool chlMrtu down liroad street was le principal ev. t r llAltli tli- American Arm In I'm me,, U,ro than W" bigh school and Aprjt ,. ,s,vertli and elg.it h grndo elementary ' A French general will decorat, with Irhool pupils i. assemble In their ie-,lho ,.rols dD gumr, tlo culnrH )f lip Ivesehoo.- -' f.v bofnro 1 o'clock, i iiurlcuti regiments which defeated thi ne rirado w d' taM aL Broad street ihi-daj attack bj picked Herman tun. n ijd Columbia avenue m 2 o'clock. The .northwest of Toui two weeks' ago. , nriiinal Ubcrtj 1S-11 will have. a. proni- Individual member also will be ! . . eat place, in tn Tvu.ide with n guard I raud. The citations and ceremony ;n. j tonor. ' scheduled fov riimdrij jnUiout porei. ' i.ienioii, umlcew- This Is the firm time mi liner, . 'Iited and qutetij, th. Libel ty !ell was regiment ha- leceived the Pi ouch w.n ..t. fmm IK ' sling place In Inde- ' .-ross. wtoce Hall '"' morning, mounted on ion truck aid carried away to par llcate in tho ll ci tjLoan parade. PellN 1'ourtfentli Trip fts the " -nd time tho bell n.ui ten moved ntw-o h- memorable trip Juttnulional Upoltnn at ban 1 rain-M- ts three years obo. and the fourteenth ant it had left Independence Hall tdn--e Itwu first moed ! lETtatcruwd t.K'Cd m Chestnut street 'T:.;',,. ,t,i ,.:i trm.k lMri moved muv o isruad and Oxford , HxttiSt where it vu join nus ancr- U won' parade , frIo k iv inrMir timiu mini 1111s inuiiiiii inui the UU was to l- used In thU after- ' ,tMn demons i.it top. ftuperinieiiuem. p fflolpte Berry, who will bo In chat ko , '.. Tv. kn .,i l,u .-..torn t.i lmln. I Jiweneo Hall, wan unauio to uecoruiu fit tj anr cMcnt. but It will be hand- i tnl7 araped for it part in tomorrow's i fpjjunt. tin honor sua'd troni tho army and i Ul HID UUU UIIMI HD . I -l tihftrt. itiihi.1 ipnoi fhft nrmv anil I .1 iniliini the iiu v Mill march bcMdo ' 7tl (mck tarrying Hu bell during both wt .. ... . .... ...i..n LVIUC u, l J.I11UUII:. nif.irv.i..u..v Will Utomobile eoiicern. w-IU pilot tliu I track und Its precious burden r f In l'arail Tomorrow Following thtH afti-rnoon'H parade, the bcu nill bd ntur.i.d to Independence JW and will be di-coiated for tomor fa' Twirail. I., i .iI.ivm riiirrnle tt will be draped, but i f.Miit time slen to (perform the ta-K- bnndtcappcl Suporln ttendent JJero and hit. aFhlUantu, and. ru he txplahied. It 11I be only half Jone," After tomorrow ' pal uuu tho hell Till be retunv.-tt to Independence Hall. It had not been Intended that the bell mould be a part uf tuday'it parade, hut tbe Liberty Loan luinmltteu jeKterdny decided to rcquei-t it uo. It w jo leadl 'lytranted I'ainteis worked on tho up- 'rittitt n-lilcli vupport the bell after It , A been placed on tho truck this morn- fer, polhhlng and painting until a mo ment beforo the tiui-lt i oiled away. Ilcaded by U T Motcsbury, the nicm m ot tlio n-houl Llbeity Loan com . aittee and the llftim mentberu of tho tEoard of liilucatlon. the parado will jWtceed along Uroad htreet to I'hie, Were It will dibband. EacKoehool will marob as a unit. Tho I taildren will earn- Liberty Loan ban- .P&Tide Unit stlnnl.ilinr- fl.n lnt..r..ul rtf r'lddhldual schools. Ills aides are: John Putnam. Mrs. A r. Mcllrlde, ,ouel Judclsohn and AV4lllum Kclchelt. 'Jlui fj, Klstermacher will be In charge tho bands. The celebrated Liberty U lll bo In tho parade. j, Qovcrnor rjrumbaugh. Mayor Smith Wd Other nOleinlu ..-111 1. ,1. nnmA - Jrem n special stand erected In front ot t" union League. Many army and Jf ofleers and a number of tho city's W prominent men will review tho pa ! from the grand stand at Broad and Arch streets ' O0t SatlsflPrl tn ImiA tlo. vinn... ' Mdren full to take part In tho Liberty W exerclfes, ilrtually iUI tho nubile Tfnoolj held sectional purades this morn. Hrliools Clo.ed at 11 taTie tI,e or,1''r of President iMwIn ' P.'?'- ' ln Hoard of Kducatlon. all f'."". enooi.s weru closed today nt 1 1 i.VT, il0ever, many principals ga ,e entire dn ni. ... .n-in.i i inheldno classes. I Manr of i., ., . . rinl.ii., ' onaiiiiiui paraurs weio htren T?,1'5.' aTiinKed- The small chll- Kii frayed In fancy dress, nnd flags l4eneenner8 wcre c,crywhere In ovl- Kw? J! '""Possible to havo the 220,000 IfiSS.' ?ren Pirtlcipato In the main !liin?.'i0wi?.e t0 thelr Bat number nnd Tte 'nablly of tho smaller children Bon, "ich a ,onf maro. Tho bee likeJe tt'.8 ,nft"'ooii under direction of krc'r teachers nn,i n,in.i..i U. S. ARMY TAKES BERLJN IBroadu-av I.m Thaf i.t. , -...w ...mm 1lll una Been Drafted fUnuA . j ' "i,n - -uroaaway was R"rea todav tn l.ni.r. IV,... h. ...! .- Ilri!1..1"111 talt,n Derlln, Jirrins Berlin, master Ja song car- ' eX,TnUfcrf l001 ,0 have- been draft. bzert thi ,T wnr exPe" who have P'Wtl this d snatch 'ptnienco Hull, van unnWo to decorate . day ntid ulRht guard has hern. Tc moetiiiff Tn attendMl b. iminy,ue rrrui mr men tiff at Allien m '.rT! : JL - - i... i ...in i. i..i. ,iT-,rt.i .... .1.'.. ...i. i T-...1.. .. ..-I l man KiiHeL'lios ma scheduled. Actlnir Hu- lrnd school banners as well as flags I hLLOiM) AMLIClLAiN IlhLlJ ' incuase the number so eugnBcu-. ' .u ., it was raided to the' lieb and BOO houses haio already been com- antoo from llngland that chips which COOPKII 1. AVT.LLS sergeant W all dejerlptlons I many casts tho iidipivik! iv ninvi "'" lo l,,lH p"lnl' no ,U,ul"- ,it('re Sln Im Ion i followV mandeerrd. It was announred that con-1 had left the Hast Indies since March 23. ToilN L KIIRLK mechanic. Wodents will bo In costumes. One of ill JmlliAjNIJ. Ii tlllAA would scarcely be nn dlfferenfo of '" '''' ,u October t'stl ilu ICInir for construction work on this ' or might le.nc in tho futur?, would not uro'r.OK t' P.OSS private Wie mot notubb leatures will be .the opinion, neitlier can there be difference ,,,''. .., i. .'.' ,iul. t . ' project were U) ho lot within the week. ' bo seized ..... m "GoUdes.se. or Liberty" from tho nM.., aniilv nf Vims Tlpfni-n of opinion as In I he absolute neoessit.i ""' "," ,....,,.' uml the braerv Whether this work has gone no far that i Dutch fhipowneis are reported to Mounded Seierelx fSoilth I'hlladolnbM High School for U1""-"" huPl' I ol "" ,0l ' for .Ilveitlng men to industrim engaged.! " ,l,l.1,'. ."r. . "?" I.L- .1 HIINPA" II. WORTHIXOTO.V 'Wls, ' Talk Of JJcU'it.sing Mini hoi- in piofliielng. ttansportlng nnd ills- " B","'"" ,",., -.,,, i ur ,ia' in faor of a retutn to the original plan lug, of ships to the fnltcd States to get t-1n. ? Mteelier I. Mar.lml J! 5.l.. I.M. ti ibutlng munition of war of nil kinds. ' 'IT' ' . '..V.. Is u question. Stain It Is hatd tho .Vlouw Amsterdam i ortLVXDU C. BROWN t William A. Meei,..r itlrroior of nhvs-' This is. likewise, tifeessarj, nnd cien , ' ;''', "'""' '"'.",,, M11inn- All the tow nshlo iirojeetsof the Tutted will rail in ti tew week- tlmo for Xew IIDIVAIIP I. ITinBJl JWl training in the public schools,' Is ,.,Mn, Aprll 5S.A llrltish- merican tlethe .Iu.vp noi g 'n Jul tnought ;. sluubovll ,,. ,,, shipping Hoard are similar to the ' Jorltw bi-hig boirie , tmalnlnB Dutch .lOllN J. HYDE. lleUte Wuhal for the ii.-ir.-io Ko,- several t.,, nLn mnim ...,. r.ot. to the funtlainenluls of the subject, ?' .... -, ,., ,.,... r. ,,, original Ktmwood project lletween 300 allo- iioh at American porte. HARRY !'. KELLY, Kayapast he and his twenty assistants in.,' been caotured bv' bri"ands In PreMJ' v11 understand it. i h-nefforili hlstoricil r1"' 600 bouses nre to be built in Wil-- l-'RED R. IIIAIES, scr fee been 1,, r , i ., 1 n LL.."'' ,3" L . , ' I "Habit-foimlug nmtisements are also en"lT.. ' , Z V . . mington, t7) It. Cumilen and others In ni-.lrr.U.... April 20. ABI RUSICIX. sergei School Pupils' Parade If ill Mori' at 2 o'clock The Libert. D.i p. wide of r!i ooi I'hilailclphlu clilldicn of the so, nti, ami eighth itl'uili'H of the pu . ; , . high und parochial schr ;- v , form this iiCtol noon on tici1 rnst nnil west from Ilro.id una en ford stieots to Glrunl nionuc. A 2 o'clock tho lino will move mih i to liroad and 1'lno streets. I. T. Slntcsbury will lru.1 t ,. procession, followed by tho Lilum t-o:tii coiiunlttco on s-ohooK np.1 members of tho X'onnl of nunc, Hon. They will review the p-n-j.i" from a stund In front of the I'm.. League. ttesldcg tuoio Hum SO.umi ,,.! pupils, details of Uoy and .i: Scouts will be In line, r.minti. tongs to br Mint? on the march will bo accompanied b twentv bands. YANKEE TROOPS WIN HIGH HONOR FOR THEIR VALOR Regiments Which Defeated Germans in Toul Sector to ' Get French War Cross GERMAN SPIES CRIPPLE , GIANT TANK AMERICA Was to Have Appeared in Parade Ueiti? Watched llmtun, Api.l i'i Pailuic ot the new Riant tank "Amei In thu narnrtn Anrll in un- noA with tht annouiiucmcnt that Geiman miIch or , impainizeis nan put i out or ronimis- ,uuuj iiuiiliiij niiti iv. i-iiii'i fiitiiiuui . P. S. A., .-aid that changes of material uuu iein.icpiiienii win ue soon completed, Tho olfendert) havo not been uauslit, but ' sutneefH in.. -n,..1n.1 .-.-..,.. . v. -(v. , . nay ana went guard lias neen . jilaccd on tho tank and only pertons of , authority allowed near It. Karly tilals , of thu tanU were highly nucccEsful, but a few dayn bel'oie the pat ado It began lew iIhvm tiofnl th nnt.'iilrt ll t..'ni l going wrong. ,veU.t,ntote polntr wrong. n... v 1'vt.n.w m iiiuiiruuiiyn viioui Hoi..,- 1t-. , it n.i,i..AH.A- M..,T ..ill dnys. fnlloneil by other demonstrations tUn "ar nnd " "ddiestey made will in other cities. WORKERS AT ARSENAL IN PATRIOTIC RALLY .. . liliipiojt'N no MlbMTlbCd .'.iS.UUU to Loan, Will Celebrate Tn bn t0"''J ,...,., , .VM.I1UI.I mil) lllll HI" Iltll! IIOS.111111 .ni'v-.S JnViii 'iVi..! l-r.-.l" munitions or other commodities ien- ?jffiiBSS.,wTiB a-SSE "f 'nrr : noon at mo Mth street wlitno tlvo tl.nlll.ihil pmn nl'ou u-lll lini tleinate. Lieutenant Donald Cimv will , bo In charge. Invitations have been e-ctended to j many prominent speahciB, among whom ' aro the Ilev. T. Asher Hew, a drummer noy .luring tlio (Jlvtl ar. who will beat oft the many calls used duilng battle on u drum which he has picherved from 41lnOn 1 u utiil Afluis f I tM itVn. il (i member of thu Thlrd' 'Liberty ljan leased In other occupation to the oeeu Conunlttee. I nation of agrlcultuie. The imy OiH l.nniloveM of tuo nrrenal have d "J23S.000 to tho thlid MberU through Captain Theodore 11 ' .. scriDcu v-ioa.uvv Loan -" brigands demand a supply of arms be fore negotiations for his rcleafc. Amer lean Consul Peck is proceeding to Tsin an to represent the American Legation j in tho case. Tho tlmo limit of the monii rc-nard ofi'ered for tho ransom of Kle. the American engineer, e.splred April 17. and a geneinl military pursuit of thu Honan bt.ndlts began on the lStb with a ilew to rescuing Kjle. INTEGRITY OF GREECE. TO RE STAND OF U. S. Tcrritoriiil Rights Will Vo Muin- tttincd, Athens Dispatches Says 1. 1....- lorll ".-. Tlin P.'itns null. i -subject to military uut.. and ulso to " i, ,i. Klmne.ljinire. , Philadelphia for the fleet corporation He added that ho had a written guar- Died of DUrste llshcs a statement attributed to the j tlon nnd distribution snnnii. . run American Minister, Garrett Droppers, to pUHeil and rendered less o.isU. 1 re the effect that the Goiernment unci neo- gards production, great strides hae been pie of the I'nlted b'tntes are ilctermlued ' mado to eliminate wast. I nder nuns .1. . i,A irnr-rite of Lirnsfc icrrltorv ! nriir,u enormous loss of power Is ,..,,.-,, a .w. .. w. .......-..,--- .. -. " snail ne preserieo. It adds that will bo secured it tho rights of the nation J d in the peace negotiations. MINISTER'S SOX WOUNDED n-.l.l W Wtlltnmo tf finrm nnt nmi. ! xyviiuiu u ,,... ..w, w. . ...... ....., Was Pennsylvania atuuent Donald U Williams, mtntloned in tho marine casualty list ns slightly wounded, was formerly u resident of Germantown and a student ut tho University of Penn sylvania. Williams's father, tho Rv. Charles Williams, an Episcopal minister, for. merly resided at 137 West Brlnghurst Ills roniueiiv-u in was a graduate en rrinccion iiuvci Bltv nnd wng taking n course nt tho University of Pennsjlyanla when he en listed. He would have been graduated this ear. street, uennuuiunn. - .w,....w.v ... ,- w nations wenare or " Hon.'tuie or seifliious propaguniiii i now at Compass, Cheater County. 'nrv service to support the nailoii. All of tho speakem deolaicd in fuior Private Williams enlisted last fall and u.tnXV words, nil such waste Is un- of honest erlileUm. Secretin v of the 8 .. F1" ''!?.!? !;.. '" ,2 i St& wh ol.l be clr. seen N-OV "ihigthers W ?S letUT to msihireiuB .. r...w ---.-. . . ctual natiiio oi wnai ""'.that ns" u public olllclnl now he ivel- he was anxious to gei 10 rranre. no JSERTY BELL READY FOR JAUNT IN ClLS7jPl9GSFr!&i9?SIMBHHiHBAHr9f f&t-MnmaBmmm'V77?r wirBMMBHMMaBHm I ibfj&miatim&icua&itfm!&'P:&menmK3FsmmamKmimmm k. hihi i & '" . "? .'.t:Wfr&KtDeXF2Z !M VFZZeZ Hie icvcu'd relic, lie to hon with its niianl of honor, left Independence Hall this niornini to take its place at the head of PhihnU Iphm'- I.ihcrt Dav parade (niardinj; the bell, left to iitfht, are (nptam It. M. (iwo. t aptain J. l:. Wheelci . Prnatc .lame-. I) t.ra and Private l.eona-(l Jlnldursun. ABOLISH WASTE GERMAN ORATORY ORIGINAL HOUSING DAWSON'S PLEA BANNED BY POLICE SCHEME REVIVED Fads and Fancies of Peace Mills Forbids Meetings at City Plans Ready as Op Time Must Give Way. Which Teuton Tongue position Blocks Home Scientists Are Told Is Spoken Seizure UUBES KKilll ECONOMV hrtlitlou of fails, i isnl .noiny and Int reused fond nroductlnn mcio nuionB,1"1 " " other tlilns uifjt-d by 3IHeM M. Duwhon. of Stw Yoik. tod.. in an uddrMH at. tne optninff Mtxion of the twenty-second , annual nioetlns 'f the American Aead omy or I'olltlcal nnu Social Kelence, ... .,,. i:ai,.vuo.stntfnrl "' '" I'OHOUO-nuauoni. ...- " ". "" " of the moxt prominent fm.tu'roM banl.ctK and "ulllr'. nd Fclentlut of the - ounirj. The genera! theme of the meeting n The general theme of the. meeting Im be along that line After the delegate had been weliomeil b 1'rof. Carl Kclwey, of tlie Vnlveralt. i.f lit.iiMi 1 miltl t. ll.ln'UAti ttnr.U .!,. ploring tho gnat wate going on durlns the war. unit nnld tbeis clionld be cm- - oderablo dlerslon of iIiomi who tui en- p.lgC(, Ul othrl. oc-upatiom. to the in- , tcnultleatlou of agriculture. ll-dcilunil wan wrong to use in- milium i in ikics in noncbfentinlR when they i.mld he utilized In farming and the inuUbig of holds and expensive linHtehle-', he mi id wan an Inexcucablu dlieridon of human labor, lni Mlierl llnersir ..,, i absolutely iiidlnenahle. -aid Mr. Doran. "that there should bo a con siderable dtieiaion of those who ato ni- sub-lmoiK. after culling iinon those h.i en- ga - cii for their nuola to lielp car.v on t war must be to replaie th,;,, in agrlctilturo with persons who air not ilKllUlllkUlU ll I'm l...1(... ...i.ll ..A... I very cogtl. ineriiumg ami urmruruw. The passion fur entertainment, as if 1 cicrtoUnon a serious moment were trli- e. nm. ioid of JOJ. is a wcaUnes, " "iw of thouJs cnnnniinl hv this, surplus food to ON "':----,- ln wnvs nhlch do petal "t,rnerK'8,,"1"nfJV,'V ,.,,". not. mate for the mobilization ot our , - nuuui El. "Other foims or waste may not ' J nhvlous. but some otthein can bo pointed out anil perhaps can b more readily '" "' lf 10 tlll;.d nm, fou'rth ai, ' heer within the amount tho Government Edward if. Boyle, editor of the Phil obviated than these. There Is, for tu- J.n , to lltwnS1 to fo 'l-eni-'O.OOO.OOO. , ndelpbla News Bureau, died today at his stance, tho purchase of nrthles not fo, ?,, t"ru,u, nrcesure of tho lalototis , ''ve'J' ,'aso tl10 1'0"f03 nro to bo 'lomo "' tfcls Ut'- "" 1,ad l,ecn l" 'V3or their use but for ornament, a vast ! ' 1 ,,? I lege nioious but on a)d ,jroUdca ,. 10 Bh,ppInB ,,,, unil unabl0 t0 actvcij- CIlfago amount of labor being appllrd to make ;!' .,,i,.r ' T'lc Kni5 relies on ou! .ard , "n,a lhc mol,e for Ulelr colv ln ,lorl for 'nSf than a year. Rc them specially rich and c.tl It ; 'J1,',, t, or r brotiie. non b. to ho loaned by the i,lpplr,i: cently ho rcturtl from KIoi Ida, where ought to be unfnshlonable to Indulge V" v ,' )niiomitable resistanco to tho bmnt Tl"' Projects are similar In ! ho had spent tho winter for the benefit .lM A.taA,1iinlln(i kli.Bltl.1 Villi i ftl PI V fAC tttll t .i l.f I...U1. in these linti mcir i.iii.iui...".. r..uu.u eeafe. i:iliiilinilliic I.o if Power Processes of produeiion. irannpoiia- ..v- . . . ..l...t..n,l m'.r. I. ll(.P,. Till There Is being niiiuu.in rtl. however, nt least as much aste , as eirr In dlstt Ibutlng commoditlces, snecial attention ought to ho Bitcn to avoiding- forclns commodities upon pur- chasers , . ,., nl 'Tho consumpiioii oi uuiiu -. ...... , .. iwtnmnrl -ii'n or nrovldo such serilotf, wlio ,nfdi 1 m,.l wouhl U theto were not this "Ji811.1, .""ii for 'their servTcese, bo e,u- nin-Hiu - - - - ployed eitnr i eoij '-'' - .,"- .; munitions or oi uimi """-""-- nlnco appear, without tlu- eamouiiiige ii.Vit one l merely siKiiding his own .... inlil unit ttny. '"dre'IsesVer" ddfyered b.v Talcott Addresses n. Coullnued on Paio bl. Column One sort. Wliuinri ......'...." -- ----- --::-- "' r. "-:-. "".,...i,- z.z i .... ... nein.iiH- i.h.i nttai. is an or me ivur aiiuvo mo lirejuuiceM oi mo .ininsiioor water ana gas " .:..rin to thing, because it draws upon past and selfish hones of Lie future .but eltfctrici,i iWtuieB. Tho c "".'". ","i.i,ie und. of wirnluH food, "" " V"l''"-'B"77."f'l".V:u,'.r" their bldsnieraeed J2S00 a uiu """""".-- .. ,,.f. . "', i '". "".'"W" l lu ."'" .....i,i.i nl.l.,l nnlv to proituu inaiiiieii"""' " -. - I'rusiuvnt oi tnu i nueii stales List nignt n"-u.i.v ...w.-- ...... .. ; I., oceunatlons necessaiay to pio- n,..aklnc at tho annual banuuet of tho i to havo bton furnished ou uui.n.. "' .. . . &. .... .. ..... .' . . . . .. ... .... ,.!., nnil dlstibute such coin-i Amei lean .imwaner j'uuusueis .isso- tiact in ices in iuu "i'. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1918 'll.l. REFUSE I'KIUHTS nia!-nK'eUng: will !' ihiiii.i- ity at whli b upeechf- are dtllwrtd hi the ilermaii lansuag AppHcatloim for" such meetliiB- will i . r. l l l . 14 rerua b tin- pollix. . Aitlnu Nueriiiteiideiit of I'olui- .Milln toda; ordered tin- bun on tluiuun lioeobeH In public place. lii announcing that npplicatioiiH would . . .. .. rinrlttl utiiTnitf Xilllrt erilif tnnt in twninn wlth ft patriotic fcelbiK nboulil uttend HUcIl m'CCinBH 1'ranK Mel, i3 Norm iiuru mreel b'rank Kiel, U930 North Third utreci . . .7 . . V V . aurpicc of the National Industrial L'nlon. nt C-j AVeiit Thompson street. some pari, at least, and that the C'oi Aeeonllnt! to the police tjiln organ- ' t.inent w ill rnva monc.v by adhering to izatlon Im Identified with tho Industrial WorUem' of tho World, At the meeting, which him been m -d-i'td stopped b tho police. Carl Kan nenbmg, of New YoiK, was elated to "pfal KING ALBERT PRAISES HEROIC BELGIAN ARMY Issues Proclamation on Stub born Defense Made Near Lungermu'ck UiitlilnEloii. ,lii Jii ,'" 'l,c1'1,' through Lleuten J .T atT .eiS '" ' "" , " '"L,' "K. . Mhert, through Lieutenant tlen. 1 amotion oL'iilzlnr tho heroic nnd iletnr'.ous defense iigaliist the . ..,.. ,..,."......., i... """","' i'"r-',", ...,,,.,',,, K,,, ' , ' " , ,", ,,, . to ttZ had P,,. north of Ypres ' Despite the 'attempts uPbroUmatcly 2.0u0.0M0 for 970 house, euenij's 'picked troops ou liaie1'""- Elmwood projeet wtia to have con- :d signal Mieoeseea at Xlcuport. K,"tccl nt construction of 22i0 houses. oblallieii signal buci-uBcua m .n-uiiuni OlMiiude and MereUem. I-'or a month "'"' ' " ,.. .. .,, , ,,,. de nnd Merckem. for a month cmy has been engaged in his ..l on-ensiic between t ho Sonimo ' lliu eiii-uij lino Hv... ..nMn. ... -. -".,"" lla b ,M launched hero incos-1 ttiid'.j si to has munyie.i nero inees n.,,,ir.r. ,0l.. ,.a k fort h tho admirat on of the mtlre world. The Yser must re- .ua. iv- main the insuperable obstacle ucalnsi which the onem attacks will be In , ,..... .i . ,wv ,,,.. HUGHES PLEDGES HIS llltlimil'H'IVl IIDI.VIIll.iVMl i-oioniK n ion uouseri inui noon in tne SUPPORT 10 PRhSlDLNTpath of necessary ti.insportatlon faelli- ties in other cities. These weio but Speaker.- tit Publishers' RuntlUCt TTotlest Criticism Daniels t atoi iioncsv unncism uanivis Welcomes Honest Criticism New nrl., April 20. mi a iilatfnim elation. Ho wild that all the facts pertaining ? ii0 c.v?-"t .th?.?a.r exS.e tho"' mm. iihkiu uw u. iiiu u iuv ciifiiiy i siiouni be giien to . t no puniic i'Ut.tliatnd an effort made to build smal op hum im no im; inr ine iioisoi oi ii c. con,ed honest ciltlclsni from others. 1I , ,,ald high tribute to the idrtors or Amer- ' CA- "members of the nrui) of publln .opinion' who are iieed.d in t. war wiih German us much ns the army In I Vrnnee 1 France AID OF LOAN f.y.1.;... -"Wl l-UOI'ITEEUINC IS DENIED 'ppOhituni to tin Imuylns Pan of Ad- in'iul Uowlen. which Imludcd tola- iiiai.deerliic of huuncH In AS ist and South ' ' """"' ""' ""' V,V """"'. """". I i..0...1,.l..l.l.. . ......I... . .n J ii'ii-c n ri'iuru 10 iuo udkoihi ouii- .ntr projeit In h.- lVrtloth AVnrd. Tlie!n,,fl, n.,MntnlTnnf Tn i-.tv Iiiih iimionnied that It is ready for il. Iiieicetiey t'Meet norporntlon to IhjtIh worli and planii aie virtually com- plete. I.'ollon hiK i.ioration of the ovutlou older b fhailex M. Suhwab. now dlrcci- .110; u.-nit or the tleet coi poratuin. Indlcat- Ins that he Im at nrlarico with Admiral lit wlrn on th program, Htrong protests havo been registered which nttrinpt to navo been reglHtercd which nttrinpt to . ... J tm lllmwood tract worl; were nniruo in " original plnn Thomas Shnlli'i ih. .lr. nresldent of tho Philadelphia Heal Hstale Ilojul. nalil today that If building operation" I. ad been Ntntted In the llbnwood sec Hoii on the original bids, which ho tald called for houses to cost between $253" and 528"". collars of these houses would he romplctid h this time. The Mils made b- riilladclphia tniild- cr.-, .Mr. ShalkTOHS said, wero consldertd riM-onnlile Worli on the houses for -hipliulhletc If the Government had ac cepted tho bids of J2S50 and $2S0t, could h.m -t.irted si weeks ago. Nut an lltith us Itiioleil In iliHiuesliig the bids uhkh the Uo- inment had received, Jlr. iChnlluioss said that the bids ipiotcd by the otll i inln In Washington wero not ns high' as thc wero ipiotcd. The bids re ferred to by Jlr Shannon wero thorc of iiOOO und $IC0t. It Is undeistood thai the l.itid Title u-t'd Trust t ompany Is ready with plans " 000 hour's to ho built in West arlbtol. I'hrsKr. Vmnnrt News. Va.. Sparron s Point. Md . and elsewhere. The Camden expenditures will total i:biiwiion l'i SB.iiuo.otio . . cimernmimt win ikii . .:' . "1P . ""' l". uoieinmi.nt will paj , ' lno '-amuen nouses, u is pointed out ,hat le l:llimoo(, ll0us8 w0Ul(J ,,a0 ...''". . lllllelals Ol llle shinning hoard said ,.. ... ...t ., , ,--,....,... ... ... ,"'.'. , , , "u "'5 "uauo" ,n tms I f. .. . ' 'l""?" r -Mlmlrnl ?"' but that it had not been adjusted i '. !0oU,!K ' ,y- ,'-vct'In '" Ul, c,,t" f Wn"l Philadelphia no houfcs were com- mandeered bi the shipping board. c- lent-ono in number, , Moss & Taylor and jr., IOwest biddeis on t Daniel Crawford tho Elmwood work, today denied that tho bids had been anywhere near tho figures attributed In Washington, wnero n was siatcu mat they run from JtSOO to $6000 a bouse. piuinuing ana ontractors say house the. eb in n.i -..s tsidc tho ton - Builders Defend Prices riieir statement in part follow t: ,- this development is abandoned ---,, ,iruuBliout the touthorn see tlon of West l'hll.idelphln. and the sub urban sections In Delawnro County it will result in tlv necessity for creating an expensive orgiinuation lor tne nan dims of these properties at a ktv I Decayed Meat Causes Two Deaths "";,,:,. i' il .,,.!.. ,, fiR llll EC i-vpniH ..."'"." ;"" .."''" Sou's "ne SCboVhSodiT nnd. more expen.iio to control. The i-rlce, which wero emoted to oiitlniied on Taje bl. Column Two Corrtionf, I91g, at ini GERMANS WIN FOOTING ON KEMMEL HILL BY NEW MIGHTY THRUST BOND SUBSCRIPTIONS TOTAL $1,956,776,650 "WASHINGON, April 26 "Llbeity Day" saw .etual al). scrlptlous to the third Libcity Loan vhtually icach the $203, 000.000 mark. The official figures ,as indicated by the initial payments in the twelve Federal Reset ve Districts and compiled by, tho Tiensuty Deptutment today weic $1,056,776,050. SliYDLER MAY BE FORCED OUT ZU1UCH, April 26. Premier Von Seydler. of Austria, will be compelled either to leslgn or dissolve the Chamber of Depu tics ,accoidiug to information received today from the frontier. It was btatcd that the Austrian Socialists, the' Slav party and other political factois would refuse to support the Von 'Seydler government. HOLLAND CANNOT BOOST EXPORTS ''"i-v.Ji v-iiiiuiv iu nxccu j.uh ton Demands i'or Gravel and Sand .inn nnu i iv iv rnrrp.2 -"" ' ivr4ii-vi ii luiup i.. inwl "fl J etbeilandtf 1'arhaincul on tho wand and graiel miction with (lernian), Jonl heer J. Louiion .Minister of Foreign Af fairs, bald: "The a xulKilioiin legardtng an economic agreement w all Upi-man. ate delayed h dlllluiiltius. 1 am uuublu to gto Information at nre. i.t ua to the t.it. ol thu negotiations, but the are not :i:.H..n; .-cry Miootbl, piiiieipall bioaur.ii Holland would be unable m csporl luuili lucre than she Is at present Answering members, tho I orelgn Jltn. istcr cald that no ship would sail from .Holland befoio a written guarantee had been obtained that thers would bo no further seizures of vessels. He bald that ho had gathered from un Interview with John W. Uurrott, American Min ister, that the latter supposi-d that a I written assurance had ubeady been slicn. He continued: The intention was tlur t. dps fhould constantly remain in tlo eeri loe, and I havo lejMin to assume that the number will bo extended and that Oermanj will put no obstacles In the way. 1 1. IL.o it fd:i be iumnod that the Alitid Cioieinuionts will observe their obligations icg.irdlng the ratlon- ItlB or HuSMliU uic utnnaii uu:sseiuonel- ucnor.il- Anzclgcr saj s that the conclusion of the negotiations between Holland nnd Gcr- many is to be etpected shortly - EDWARD M. BOYLE ; ..-- Mitor of Philadelphia Newd Bureau Jsuccumus to Long illness ,u uia niiu Mr. Tlovlo hml n linn of fvlsnrlj nmll i .---- .... ... .. , -..., acquaintances In flnnnclHl circles, where ho had Ions been Known as a Ilnanclal I writ-r. Ho was formerly Ilnanclal cdl- t tor of tho Philadelphia PresB and was a veteran of tho Clill War. JERSEY "GASSES" NEW YORK Physicians Will Testify in Effort to Do Away With Fumes New York-, April 20. Eminent phy sicians will testify before tho State 1 Voa,a ' Vca ' ' ,ncst il0'aa3- ", le - - ..... .. ...,....- 0"" Bases waiteu ucrosa me uuuson l,tr uj .it .iciocj mciunci. i'or years ineso ineuical men naie ' tecn complaining, not only of dls- comiorts nicy iiieinsoives nave suncrea because of the fumes and smoke, but they have had to treat patients made ' 111 by the gases. Complulr.ts allego that tho Barrett , Company, ho General Chemical Com pany, the Yaliollno Oil Company and the Corn Products Company aro responsible for tho fumes and odors. ll.b.nor Cltv !.. Anrll 28 llol-n RuVkls, agetf four i ears, arid InVr V.ster Mary.agca ), are , ncaa nero oi i B"3mKrTh,S iSZZ'nSX K Kt decaved meat. Tho father and mother I ..... L.rion. ennrttt Ion are tn terjous condition fciuo I.nan Courier 'NINE U. S. MEN DIE IN ACTION l.-ifwl- I id TnnniAc- Q,r uaitoi; xjioiv jicwiuo uvv enty-five Cas ualties L.erunurv iiTntrvnTr oo ociinnouj uununu - . ? '& :-V'lniia). i;U)rll as,, re died o wounds, three died of dlroase, thirty. three wounded severely and twenty-five wounded slightly were teporled In to ddV3 casualty list from General Ter shing. T.leutenaiit .lullen X. 1 preilously reported killed in aetlotfl'"ii now re ported a prisoner In Germany, wounded hoi eroly. The list follows. Killed In Ailiuu UAllIt. T. COUDI.V, sergoam. tVILLIAM n. KN'ArP, sergeant. LOUIS M. HOLMES, corporal. IIAr.P.Y J. AUKINS, private. DKLMAli ,T. WAKNUR, private. .TOSKl'H DIMARGO. privuto. CHAltLHS O. IT.IJNCII. private ,TO.Si:rJl V. G VUDETTU, private liALPIl I'ALVMUO, private. Tilrd of Wound AI.UL'itT ADAMS, priiate GKOIUii: J. DUTO, private. ISUN'JAMIX KASICA, prli-ate. CIAnENCU V. PYItAlI, private. fHAllLEd L. SHULL, prii-ate cap- lleutcnant. AN, lieutenant Utenant. lieutenant sergeant. int. GEORGE W. .STERLING, coipoial PRANK ANKER, cook. JOSEPH X. WOOD. cook. ALEXANDER ALLERDICE. vmatc JOSEPH AMEDEO. private. LEON K. BARDI:N. private. HUGH CARROLL, private. JOHN V. COTTINGHAM, private. RALPH J. CULLXNAN, private MALVuLN DAVIS, private. MICHAEL J. DILLON, prliate. HARI'ER II. FAULKNER, private. JOHN OAWLAK, private. JOHN GIGUERE, private. JOHN V. GRANGER, private. BASILO GL'IDORA. private. GEORGE U. IUG1IT, pritate. GEORGE ALFRED HOPKINS, prl vate. ROBERT I HOUSE, prliate. JULIUS KULIIAYI. private PRANK V. MELLON, private PETER MODZELEVSKl, private JOHN NORRl.H. private. SAMUEL R. SOHLIMPER, private. BEN L. SIE.MON. private. CHARLES W. WILLIAMSON prl iate. Sllihtly Wounded WILLIAM II. KIRK, lieutenant ALFRED P. KIVLIN, lieutenant. CHARLES SMITH, sergeant. ROBERT P. BARRETT, corporal HARRY S. GALLAGHER, corporal. MARTIN O'REILLY', corporal. CHARLES O. THIESSE, mechanic. JOHN MASTRANDIA, wagoner. HAROLD P. ARCHER, private. JOHN BOGDAN, private. WALTER BOREK. private. WALTER CABAK. private. WILLIAM E. DEVINE, private CALED W. FEEBACK, private, GEORGE W. FORD, private. CHARLES G. FYKE, private. JOSEPH HEALY. private. ELMER JERNBERG, private. THOMAS F. KELLY, ptlvate. WALTER A. LOISELLE, private. StLVIE JUNE LU8ARDI. private. JOHN MADERE. private. OEORGE W. MARBLE, private, JOHN NORMAN, private. MAURICE D. O'MHARA, prime r When yon thfnV of wrltlnr thtnk ot ITHIX'SO. Xtv PRICE TWO CETS Allies, Outnumbered, Yield at End of All Day Fight CLEAN OUT ENEMY POSTS NEAR VILLERS j Continued Anglo - French Gains in Region of ' Retaken Town TANKS ENGAGE IN DUELS Americans Play Prominent Part in Defense of Amiens 37T1I DAY OP GERMAN OFFENSIVE London, April 26. German forces have obtained a footing on Mont Kcmmel, one of the most important heights in Flanders, following an all-day battle on a ten mile front, Field Marshal Haig; re ported today, tho Allies yielding sround only after greatly superior forces finally made a most ag gressive assault. (Kcmmel Hill lies in Belgium just west of the lower end of Messines Hidgc. The village of Kemmel which is on tho crest of the high ground, is about five miles south of Ypres.) Hard fighting continues along i both the Picardy and Flanders bsrt I tlcfronts. ' Thr battle continues around Dranoutro, Kemmel and Vierstraat , (near the Franco-Colgian frontier). The British carried out a minor operation west of Morville during tho night, capturing prisoners and three machine guns. Gemmi. artillery has been very ..'..I ... - ... . r.ctlVCJJon Xlie iront oewrcen tne Liys IHyer andiGivoncliy. Sfelli' tholSistrict of Viilevs-Breton- ncux German posts which bad been holding out wero cleared. (Villers-Bretonneux is on the Picardy front about nine miles east of the British base of Amiens.) Haig's Riport After severe fighting throughout the day on the Bailleul-Hollcbcke front the enemy obtained a fool ing on Kcmmel Hill. At Kcmmel Hill the Allies gave ground before superior forces. A successful , minor operation west of Mcrvillc resulted in the capture of fifty enemy prisoners and three machine guns. From the Lys to Givenehy there is hostile artillery firing. South of the Sommc hostile posts holding positions southeast of Yillcrs-Brctonnctix were cleared out. The enemj's artillery is active and is using gas shells. In the neighborhood of Dra noutrc, Kcmmel and Vcrstraat fighting continues. A belated report fiom the German War Office, dated last night and rei coliod hero early today, stated that Gen oral Slst ion Arnlm's army was fight ing for posbesslon ot Kemmol Ridge and tho illlage of Kemmel on the crest. Tho great double battle which devel oped two days ago on the Picardy antt Flanders fields, was still raging last night with varjing Luccess. The Brit ish recaptured tho vlllago of VUlera Brotonneux, but slightly retired their lines at some points on tho Flanders front to avoid useless losses. American troops played a brilliant part ln tho fighting south of the Sornm. River (opposito Amiens). Austtallan forcese, in conjunction with the English soldiers, attacked lo sector of Villers-Bretonneux and not only drove the Germans from the. vil lage, but captured more than (to prisoners. Earlier German attacks In the same neighborhood had been carried out with about 60,000 troops. Despite the- v)gw of the assaults, tho Germans were un able to gain any ground, and Field Marshal llaig, In hio official dispatches on Thursday night, emphasized the se verity of tho German losses. Tho Germans were, unablo to ran1 tholr Infantry attacks, and tho artil lery on both sides was very active The big guns were active all the wa to tho Avre River. A feature of the engagement on tbe. Picardy field wan a series of duels be. tween tanks. The British remained complete masters ln this phase ottbu flghtlnir, however. The BrlUslr taate, Continued mi Pare hlv. Celunui tklrni DISTANCE GUNS POUND PAWfc Kvupps Best Bet Resumes TWar Night Bombardment Pa.rU, April Si. Tho bombardnteal of Paris by long-range German cjupton was recommenced, durlmr the night. A factory was struck by a ahelUMc there wero no casualties. , ' Five Die in BaVery Fire llrookllue. Mm. Anril 28. The b&dUm of five emplOM of tho Henry IL Tifeieii ett & Hons' ftrv were foinia tn the ruins of a llr Slob destroyed tlio bal , ery early to! chirre4 that 1 flculti rney are so usa ev itlncatlon will be A f A ft tL h i ti- k