Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 25, 1918, Postscript, Page 5, Image 5

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IL production Head Ac
Pi" , . rn.,., nf "p.-nrr.
jlaimeuaBi .wb
1 rcss aim ruii
l&AV of Red Tape and
WtHiintot CoiiRcstion and In-
9Z' -!.. "niTMiiiapfl
(ICCISIUH a iv,..,..,.
irnOilnelnii, April :.".
. i ...- ml IiiihIv clrnr-
"Lotion dcl.iy nnd I'ldeei-
-i.lhinlrcr.ift p.oducllon program
'"!",, follow the i.'P'lntni?.il
ffl, II) H" 1'IB hUsllll'HB II1HI1.
H , .inn leader Mn who had ''eon
rajocllon leaner
LJ.st In tier "iii'i"
I"") i..nn.f.m.-4 if tin present ro-
....i.,i Hie I5n appointment
firtkame of a nc , era ..f "pep and
Ml1"". . .....,! II ns u fur.
,H. i lav "'" " -
j ronslructivo step cotuparabli to
p&tment of .'1...IC M Kchvvnb
UhiTof fhlpbiillilliiB production.
ml .Sntiler cnici "' '"" sinnm
....t -rner.illv regarded as an
Simferopol Occupied by General
Kosch Push on In Kin-
land, Too
5RTr,ny "eal'iuarten
ofllclnl bulletin , which
Administration Critic Backs
Measure Giving Vast Pow
ers to President
ttfrlln. April
lifti Issued an
der TlXr ,.,ln,l',',c,I ..'"' f"nrr.il von
.. ""'j;. Imvp taken tie rn Hvvav- June
ll' ."I KlimlnRPrid Illkllmv-nU J Z.
will, ihl' "'I;'',lnlll',li'l communications! "NOT AFRAID" I IK SAVs
""'' !" Hnntch nrmy tinrth of LaUill. 1,wl '" ''"'"i u1' BrtlO
.- rn, iiuiHii uimpp inn rnm.
!.V.,'';!j'.t.(k',,"l K-osrh ImTc rearhed ,
, Converted Senator la Confident Wil
son Will Not Abuse
l.,.ilnluit .., f, ...... ...,"".''" "" '1P
............... .,, ,,,,, nimipropw ts tblr
tj-nvu miles northeast of Kebnslopol.
The occupation of Simferopol marks
the culling of thr- iHllro,i roiiiectlm
the foi tress of Kcbastopol with I?
April .:,.- A Sfo'rovv ells.
th S It f forces rpi,iiU,l ,
v... ... , . . . "' - "
detachment about ,,, ... ,,
a:ir nortnr n Anm ln" Senate M
I nntlnn.
pa teli says
eight mile, fr, n kaHnona r Vn, "Xp
,..':, ""'.''.v a sueees.ful maneuver ron-
!" .""'J' noniimrru troops, the dis
patch adds, misiHlncd heavy osscs nnd
were dispersed or raptured
According to prisoner, i.eneral Kornt-
!;o,,;,r.;,Vr.,",,Ml Mr",,," ",id uc-
I Kornilorr. who was fnrinerlv
V,Khlninn, April Z
Senator Chamberlain, ehalrman
Hilary Affairs Committee
and principal crltle of the Ailmlnltlrn
t!on'n war preparations, biirprlril the
Senate by dcclarlnc himself In fa
l vor of the 0crman bill, rIvIiir tne
I'fcsldfnt aft powers of Boernmeiui
ttKtentlst wtllioiit ""mil orp.m
"S hm lci-n iflecatccl to a fur
has Its
brnuil orp.ml7.liit; i
has thus far I
,lt;iials," that
th nlKnnl
Juctlon !
Srttint task than
r, n will mlinliiM
H1 . . .!.- Liirliinyii nf fill.
minus the iixlntlon pro
St. thereor ...
5aW Ccneral Neiilej appointment
HfaJ o' ",0 '"",lon "" nillltnry
" ,uilc8" will lnvolp roino rpadJuM
mbubj to iiulliorllv in the matter of
wmlnjanJ eiiKUieerlne. lint linn, ill
wjanjtuaso of Hie striet. Is to be the
IxbM'. The iilKiaft bo.nd formerly
wJtdly Ilonunl orlln has been shorn
rflti iTTHKirtnnrr and Collin. wIiost ich
jMtln ' before IMeshleiit Wilson
, Au nco HI Iwu lrlu,illy no
itbonty nerc.iii"! cm -in ... him- uu
U a this m H mlalloii problem
IfrpmM unllie.i .", iiii-i. ii imp ;i. ii.ii
u.iin Slcn.il I rps and aireraft boanl.
,iiiloii in ' irni'i- as riiicif
Jihe Slenal Corps erniipment ilhNlon
i contrary to adxaiire t-perulatlons,
jt II Mas bellexeii im was lite mnsi
ijtl candidate for the leadership of
Ml"ole propani J'otter's post, how
fir, 1i one of the tuohI Mtn of tile
iiuls aviation biisliies-- and It was held
tx tint It n. a tribut" riither than
trtllcctlon on him to keep lilin at that
Effective Jlay 1, Odd Measure
1 Will Allow Importation
of Liquors
inRiidrr-tiifiiter of tlip Ituss'lan "nrnilcs" I rcorKanlzatlon. which was sent to Con
Av... i.i , I , "C'orc been repoited Kress from t'.i White Mouse to rlieeh
wounded or Killed) , ...,.'.... .,
tnnte Mr. Chamberlains war cabinet and
director of munitions Id lit.
CONVICTS TO LABOR i " ;"- rl t rr
bill, Mr. Chamberlain. In a (.hort speech
Mild the President should have nil the
power neeestary to win th" war and
"" I should be freed from th red tape that
Edge Says People ,,lniI, ',,s hnnd.
Will Ro Tv'ruil lf... J I "1 am not afraid," be said, "the
him ho Kept inlormed on Pt..lr,n, ,,m ,.. the n,.pr wi.i.i,
I this bill will sle Mill. 1 shall olc for
I this bill"
. Senator Chamberlain's conversion to
the Overman measure ! regarded as
weakenlns th opposition to It, and the
Highway Building
HatrrnloiMi, Mil., April 2T.
Haccrstown purelia-erH of "wet Roods"
rt rlocMiiR up In preparation for the
htlht that becins here next Wednes-
Trrnton. April SB.
governor IIiIrp today announced that
tho people of New Jersey would be kept
Infoiiiied of the piocrehs In the construc
tion of tho $1.1.000,000 State lilgrmn
Hystcni. which Is belns built under the
direction of (.tcorpe V. Unethnls, builder
I or the Panama dual. Me also Ivucd
h icport KixIiir a rekuine of the activities
of the Slate lllshwa) Commission and
State Highway Department.
Outstanding features of the icport are:
The plan for the current jear takes
Into consideration the unusual tost of
Nupplles and equipment, and harmonizes
with the request of Kedcrul olllclals that
no unnecessary construction work be
undet taken throuRhout tho counlr.
Convict labor will bo liberally lived,
with tho result that load construction
will not be permitted to Impair the
Plllckncy of essential war Industries
pprolmaleIy J 11,1,00(1 will be allotted
to the counties as Slate aid, and 10-
e'pts fiom the motor vehicle fees to
the amount of . 1, 000, 000 will be dls
tilhuted to tho counties during 191. as
State aid on road repairs and maln
t( nance.
The ilnvernor says that In attempting
i to build only these roads, which arc ab
solutely necessary and which have
' special Importanco in i elation to the
prosecution of tlie war, the State Is co
I operating with the Keder.il tiovernment.
Impression t the bill has a much better
chance of p.isace than had been credited
to It Ronerallj. Two Republicans', Sen
ators Nelson and ttorab, iiddrcs-ed th"
Senate In Its favor today, as did Sen
ator Wolcott.
I'linmherlnln r.Milnlns hlsnd
Senator Chamberlain said In part
"I once had the temcrlt to critlclre
the Administration for Inelllcleiiey of
some of the departments In the conduct '
of the war. Well, 1 am more than over ,
convinced there has been Inefficiency.
And the Senator from North Carolina j
himself during debate on this bill has i
urged U was necessary because of Ineffi
ciency In the administration of wirao of
the departments.
1 ..in not ittra ft ol llie riTiiiiniii
I r
1 VLHffraHJgH v j.
i i 9 mi ll!fil! -Iik m.
' JJ0 ilKaWtf fa Hml jftfegSSBI Hk H?3s fxx 1
Trouble Existing Due to
Rushing of War
Shortage of Ships Still HampciH Un-
loadinc nt Knstcrn
nv a 1 1 ire PDAPnkTi
Arrest Mndc Aflrr Knsniclnns lilnzn. " illiWllAJ 1 llvl JVJU'
Dcsttoya Five Units of Plnnt.
Loss 1800,0(10
I Imn, ., April S5 -After a terrlllc
llve-hour light, a lire which swept
through the blc f.ako Krlo railroad
shops was conltolled early today and
elrcumrtnnces: dlcoverrd which Indicat
ed Incendiarism.
I'"lp iinlls of the shops vvero wiped
out. with los rstlmnlcd between J600.-
,0(10 and JS00.0OII.
Three separate llres broke out In the
' shops before the niitln uro started. Will
. . Pontius, of Cliero, link, was held for
. ... ,i .. 1 Investigation
Vts.hln.jlr.n. April ... I ... hnWf ( . rn(rp
Railroad roiiROfclloti 111 tbe l-l -' shops anil big Industrial plants ndjoln
been reduced nlniot SO per cent. Knit K would go before, the Haines. Tho
what sore spots cNlst today arc due I Solar Kellnery, one of the largest In
to the rush of supplies to the rail- ' the countiy. the I.liiia Locomollvo Works
Plan for Joint Board to Con
trol All Movements of
With 25,000,000 Tons Shipping Avail-
nble, Co-ordinated Control Would
Relieve Shortage
the roundhouse and storerooms seemed
Marlod ominMi. n Lake Krle, cm-
pb.ve. was seriously Injured when an
acetylene tank exploded while he was
' lighting the Unities aim several tlremen
were overcome
Expected Announcement
Army Program to Follow
Secretary's Return
load terminals for the military needs
or the fulled States mid the Allies, ac
cording to flguretf marie public by the
t'nltifl States railroad iiilmlnlslr.itlon.
RrpoilH received fiom Rrgioluil Ml
rector A. II. Smit.i staled that the
ibove normal car silpplv In tile eastern
terrltorv was ft.CIifi. as compared to
07.000 on January IS
Thut but for the ruh of war ileinniids
which have- been placed upon the Irans
porlatlon systems of the countrv re-
entij thern would be no tmfllp congestion
whatever, the railroad administration dr
i hired, was sliown by the fact that llieie
are more than 10.000 cars at lite docks
or piers of the Atlantic i'im'I seaports
wailing to be unloaded ff Ihls number
01!"." were loaded with various kinds of
foisl'iufTs. ranging from wheat In
fiorcn meal; more than 28 000 lllled
with othei varieties or freight, and "000
coal cars wli'rli have reached lliuupton
1 Ro.uls hut have not been uuloadeil
l.'ist jenr on Vprll IS the railroads
of the counliy loaded 1 17.3.10 revenue
cars and this ir.ir on the same date
the number hail been increased to ir8 -77
1 That ctTorts of the railroads to fur
liMi an adequate car supply to the coal
mines have been productive In part whs
Proved bv the Culled Slntcs ecological
Survey for Mat.-h which showed that the r ,,,, vrm.e(.mux un-
mlnes were fiinilsIiciP with more than ,",,,, ,
27.H0O mote cars for the month in 1918 "cr uie aniicipaiion inai. nen nraroii)
than they obtiilueel In 1017. The io.il llaker returnrd from his nuropeiiu flip,
prudiii'tlnu for the iiinulh, which Is gov. he woulef have many iccoinmcnriattons
eined bv the car suppl.v. vvas In 19IS of fur-reaelilng Importance to make.
. . . ... . .-.-.-,. .. w . . 18.188 000 tons as compared to 10,070,000 Some legislation was actually held In
. KhKTV HAN P h A ! ' ' KAN t l li K . t UK U ' March. 1017 . .. nlH.,H..co pending the return of the Sec
uiui;jL x uviiil uuii u iiiuiuiu iiuuiiuuu Speaking eif the nioiith s production
I the ilcnloBle al Survey lepoil b.ijs:
March. 1318. was a record inonlli,
Vtnslitnicton, April SS
The pooling nnd operation by nn Inter
allied shipping board of all tonnage now
operated by the 1'nlted Slates, tlrcnt
Urltnln, Kihiico and Italy Is being Jointly
ellsciissed by these 'nation
Distribution or tonnage as the war
sweeps Into Its most desperate stage, Is
becoming more nnd more a xltal factor
In the outcome. Differences of opinion
as to whether food supplies or men
lihould have priority have caused vast
confusion In recent months with the rap
Idlv changing situation In Prance.
oniclul diplomatic advices today an
nounced a meeting of the Interallied cco-
lomle committee of Krancn yesterday to
discuss the question or tonnngo uisinuu
tlon The nool ntHii would bring tins same
co-ordination In the shipping shortage
Of that was broiignt on the western front
li.v tne nppoimnicm o: coco no ,-
b'slmo of nil Allied troops
'I he plan Is to put control of Ilia
world's commcrco In the hands of an
Inter silled Isiard with iiutnoiliy to n'-
i iect shlpincnts of supplies, food, munl-
VV'n.Mnclioi, April 2.1. Hans and perhaps even troops.
WldpspiPad dlsappolntincut prevailed Piobably 25.000.000 ;nns of shipping
. , ., , ,, , i would be at the dlspoal of the board.
In Congress today over the falhi.e uf ""I',';; 'board u.jul.1 Ii.ixp authority to
Secretnrv of War ll.ikcr to present a i c,aiit prlorlti of shipments and to wlth-
One of the most energetic iind Mtcecs.ful of Liberty Hond sales-
women th Mrs. lloward V. llanscll, Sr. She is here seen .selling
a bond to George L. Harrison.
coinprehenslve program for Increasing
'America's man-power and to strengthen
the nation's fighting arm
I'"or many weeks Congress, or at least
bold sblomellts
I'nder present methods of operation
each war liov eminent operates Its ships
:j fetch and carrj the food nnd sup
plies It needs for its eiw n people. Thin
sometimes works to delay other vvur
'iovenune-nts. It often spells waste of
cargo ships through implications, cross
hauls and operation of ships In ballast
I It Is urged a supreme shipping author
ity would save tins waste.
resident Wilson's "force" speech at
Ilaltlmore milled to the expectancy hi
nbuslng his iiower. 1 shall vote for thH JaximUm. Not Mitlillllim, Of IIoUSP PUSSPS McaSUl'C Allow- ' exceeding' both March. 1917. and March, j Congress that the Administration would
bill to give him these great powers. i mc nl WUM exceeded In total tons In , shortly announce a new nimy tmlle-.v
possibly voting to exempt the Interstate MoilOJ' Needed lol" Sol- i lllg IvCSerVC AlCinUei'S to Com- ! those .vears only by October and No-I Members of both houses spoke again and
Commerce Commission and the Inderal .i;..0 nvU l-,lnn nptn Willi 'I'nwt f'nmtvmiot member 1917' again for doubling the strength of the
Reserve Hoard. (UClh, haS AICACIOO H IC A lilt 1 1 USl UOmp,iniC For the first quarter of 1918, however, army, while, others proposed Incieaslng
, .,,ni ..niittiipe.1 the bill for tne
I a,lll ni.il ' -- . ,
director of munitions and war cabinet
would have entirely served "" I''"""001' I
Tlio director or munitions bill was
evolved by the Military Affair Cnnimll- ,
... ....... ,., anil of Invest gallon. .
fireat Itrltaln had to come ttwhe minis- n new idea to local Liberty Loan cam
ii -1 1 1 n r t n . April " : I
'Keep working, liioiigh ou have
reached jour iiuotn," Is the biireleti of
coal production showed only a negligible
increase over the preceding year, una
tho draft ng" limit lo forty. Reports
I cached the spltol that the Admliils-
11 nhleiKlnii, Apt 'I -. I i.s fnctor is the one causing the fear i nation bad under consideration the regis-
Aft"- Votiiig elowu a motion bv Repre. of the fuel administration that this win- ' t rut Inn of all male residents between
sentallvc .1. Hampton Moore, or Phila
delphia, lo ree"inmlt the Phelan bill 1
try or munitions.
"Alrcadv there is In existence a body
of men who virtually coni-titute the di
rectorate of munltloni. On March .
1918. Iternnrd M. Ilaruch was appointed
chairman of the war Industries board.
Ills duties virtually arc thoso of a munl
tloni director.
ter will be one of suffering as last year the age of eighteen and fifty.
was. It woulej be nn exaggeration to say
i:.nres.s transshipment- of food nnd that Congress was on Its tiptoes In an-
p.ilgu committee-! from Secretary Me-1 amending llin Federal Reserve act to ' other products! hic still being maintained, i tit ipatlon or the announcement or tm-
strtke out a section which he s'lld men- railroad otnciais expiaineu, uoi necausc poriani new legislative recommendation
trouble In disposing of their supplies
i "dry law. which was voted on
'e? ill the then remajilng "wet" units
e( Jlarjland In 19IG. is the one that goes
nt tlTect The fniluie or the last
Wlaturo (o enact supplemental y leg
Hfctioii of a bone-dry character, or to
;WIri sale of alcohol for medical use,
IBtmine law a peculiar one
Jlnje cne-niay Import liquors. In large
Mf.iTMll eiuantltles. from "wet" ten I-
W rcr purerj' personal use but
Loan," said the
ment, "we arc sustaining our sons
in Crane who aro fighting, not for the
somebody with power to make siiboiril-j nilnlniuin. but for the maximum of
Mr. uarucn na.s i, ; Americas rights anil worm ninu
At the ralo the country Is milwi Hi-
TV- !...... 1... ....!..
I,c i-iMllinui-n li. rajiiiji. I t fi,,!,
"I deem It fortunate that the labor of I "Inrumpftents Klrked IP or mil
..u .......i , . i iiihii i .....- .. t i i.t.q I- time ! inust hao ,
k, u, 1 ,wi ei, ,!, i,, i., our .,u.,i o.i.i 1,-n. ""') .""" --me wiiwiv iu,- .-. ,. ---
i,i ., ... .... ..........t .... ......,, . n,,, - i . rnntnnrinii of Stnle ..v-n.l,- u-ltli nover to sav yes or in
Irghways. T am continent that tree laoor
will entirely approve of their use. as, of
course, it will not bo 111 competition In
these times when mote men are re
quired In our shipyards, steel mill", man
ufactures and mi the farms than can be
The report sass:
"Survey iinel plans nie progressing Was disclosed bv
for the sctlon of louto No 2 between tho
clly of Burlington anil Morenos roaeJ In
Hurllngton County. Ihls paving
Ae?o. prompted by recurring reports
that vv Olivers in some towns arc satis-'aces Hip business of trust companies In
fled with 100 per cent leeords Philadelphia and elsewhere, tha House
"If we stop lighting when we have passed the bill with the srctlon in
reached the minimum of the Liberty eluded Tho lilll pmiirncp n number of
KprrPlmv In h state- i """ """" "'" '" ",l ciMicrai ncscrv o .-ici.
mi I ah nnAV
u n Mfl't-pth nnil 1( orc-anlzlutr itulus
. . .. ... . .. tt.n st III Thf"
Iv-ork'ot the'lo-ordnatlon Tn'this dc , Ing this week the loan will be slightly
partment Is going on. oversubscribed, but Treasury otllelalii
"I believe the e-oiintry will agree with ar() lon;n)j llot rr ,, sght oversuberlp-
me..11 Jl"yS , Z 'mZ n tlon, but for a Iota, of at leant r..000.- back to patch I, ,,,,
Committee has cither been kicked up or 000,000. The average dally subscrlps
i irti.-a,i mil ttnns neeessnrv until the end of t.ie
t up most important or which is the one
lo which .Mr. Mooro objecteel and which
authorizes national banks to engage In
a trust company business I
I Representative .Moor- criticized the at-1
tllinln of Hip Democratic Administration1
I leaders throughout their legislative ram.
IMlgn for the enactment of the Fed"ral
I Reserve net. saying that the same men
who pointed to the original measure as
a perfect pl"cp of legislation now come
With leferenee to
tho business could not be handled on upon Mr linker's return. The Secietnrv
regular freight schedules now. but to bus appeared in the last two 77ays be
guard against the slightest delay. Hc-foio both the Senate and the House
twern twelve and fifteen trnlnloads are J Military Affairs Committees. If be had
movlii geach ela now from various parts I any new plans In mind he carefully cou
nt the country to the Rast. The greater , ceMled them from members of the com
part of the space I required ror war niittec
supplies, but n service lias been Inau- I
gurateel from Hie souui to uring me
perlshabln xegetablns into the eastern
matkrts and It was Indicated today that
an extension or this serv ice would be
ordered whenever It would bo round
beneficial cither to the producer or the
It's a distinct aid to any
housekeeper who desires
to economize, and at the
same time have appetiz
ing, nourishing and satis
factory cooking at every
meal. That's
Hie eirtct or the bill upon the trut coin-
panics or I'lilhidelphlii he said
Philadelphia is tho houin eif trust
ii. --- , . ..!.., .Anl-.-iiii. .1 loii.iuciiniia is mo noilin en irusi
Willi -There has been a complete icnrga calpalgii -are $120,000,000 lo make the coiopnl"s. Institutions founded there In
r-. sjToki: emmcr.M siktf1
hi..., . ,. I iiuriingion oumy. una I'.mnh win "rnere nun "" ......... ,.. . ..r(1 xin.iiiiii.iiiiii to maae mc roiniMiiK" Instltii
fen'.". ,;7 ,T" ',1 "r?c.r1"- 1 1-rovlde outlet to Camden for the mahy zation of war activities, with the result ' " ,, ,3o:.ooo 000 to make , ,10 Vitr earliest
tlnvrt ao jrrown up
. .. . ,a Mwxoi.vi. n m win nifi Twlllwtffo4 filntllT t If 1 JPlflWRrA J liver r1lat)(tifrillKDCfl men li:i- iw-n l'i' .ftft nnn rtArt Thy uinua VlllV I IIP . .... .!. .1 . .-! . - ,. .. . . sr ..
l..,InlDH ...!.. ""- .....- .. - -"--,, , I . ...-- - ,! H -rill- I U.VU,UUW.VVW - - ' ."" ' III Ml . v- IIIIM1NUIU1 Ul lfl3IMl3 111 a W.I V flCUfKrl lfrtC ' ' ll Wfl .lhrtlM V
Plircdinp , n,al ., national lmuU t-ouhl not liupe to f-rtM"fr wfct-n .t.v. .i
Ureachr nnj Ideally adinlnlstrr wlno I
1 I.. 1tn1r lit 1. mnar i font fnllto .i...nA nf ftiinrtrf ant lll)flPrraW1IlE?. x-IIU- . , , . ......,
K'cemmunlnn i:,vi 0.i ,..,. I "'" '" ' '"". '" "" "'""'..,"" I "" "' .""'"l.;" . , '. " i. m.T... -p. rcasury is anxious io, ....,
-- -.., .....i uiii.i itipn i i.m nn. .-. ... ,i .. o,ri nu-nr : ..i. noo nn-n in.iiin ,ii, l l. ......... ... .-
.! -.. ... ......... . .. uv,,vn i....w .-.. tnui .. ..-.. -- -
sn6 ui is loruiuuen as we I as ..ti, iu ,,,. n imr.l nivmlni on -.., i.. the n aces or miliary men. I
Unf, manufaelur.ng for srale. and
JiMPortation for sale
iTuhlngton nnd I'redeiick conmles
oJ l few smaller units .idnntpj iim
l, Baltimore citv. Il.lltlmorn Cmmlv
Iltftiany County and a few smaller
Wtt requested it
lny saloon men will cmbatk in tho
Mt drink business
Jioe renniar Hist ,ng Company, of
Unesboro, has a branch warehouse
w the Public ,quare, which will be
nwcd into a beaut parlor and a
met chop.
;t - .
Artwork of Motor Lines to Carry
inousands of Tons of Goods
Is Sought
Cl-velunel. II.. Am 11 51.
f new yclicine. v hi.1, !.., ,!. v.1.
I'Ff the Cleveland Chamber of Com
rce. nrnvjie n .. -.. . . ...
,,wr "-'- ., cuvcess, i icvcianei win
jm the center of a network- of
Wrtroc freight ,es, running on
S?! nd carrvimr mnv ii.nn'o'ii.,iq
EJ0" of ehort-heul freight which Is
U... "'"c-y oi me nations vvar
Sl? ""ro:I transportation sys
S jne efforts of rtvonty-nvc Cliam-k4-C,J'ommtrcc
and Hoards of Trade
nail ,?"" wlllc1' Includes tho ter
S "Jacent to Toledo. Columbus.
SWIrjh and llurTalo. nra belntr
ilflJ-i0 ""'Por'- the plan.
tarrt.. -- --..-.v. uj mi- .icveianei t.om
SAar1) Association, and Is
mroattd first to hHin. ,.,, i.
ht line nnminiu ..., - I
BUDIU-. . ""o I'looi'cttni: I
&il'.l..,"nuual acquaintance, and.
i DilB" return-load bureaus In
lTVn"lS. 0 that an elllelent v,lrm
J loaded both ways can bo estab- j
TiirA it nniv a bard oavemtnt on . .,i, lo the nlaces of military men.
rnn! N-o. 3 between CanWn and Der- nv that but for these distinguished
iin. ii una therefore, tboueht ndvlsahle nivlllrma the War Department
to commence this year's work at Berlin still be floundering In the dark. This Is
and pavo toward Hammonton. Plans not only a war of guns and bullets; this
aro ready and bids will be asked hils y is a war of Industrial life of this country
month for grading only of a relocated and Its Allies."
lino approximately four miles long he-1 u,illrh Cuts Ited Tape
tvveen Atco am? Ancor.i bridge This Stliw.bfnl. ""'"'"
excludes from the State highway the Mr. Chamberlain spoke ot the a point
., ,. i,,i.i. ,., Ain, nnd Water. ' ment of Charles M. s-chwah as director
tiftllAVMUUI "linpv ' ' ".. ...-.
up do l hp'sp institutions icnilri close per
The MinnrnpoMs and t uoms icicrni hun..l unltf to thalr clients and make
s .II..I.IM ,. nn nllln Hilt' i-rnxcifl ll . ! lt.A .. l .. Af .. .. t -..!.. fl't. tt t
ifstiilrl i lifFTVP UlPUIPn t-j w "im muj i-i- ll lilt,'!! ll llllljltt t lllllj'. 111" MiHlOliai
UlllU ..,. . .. 1 .iilirmlliiiil IhS flllll I I,. t.l ..t, .... 4l.l -..!..
lOIlipUL ill iiiiMiih riiur'.iii"'! t'ftimn huuhi itvivu uil l Ilia fl Itu it 3 il
Loan Be Made Overwhelm
ing Success
102 per cent lespectlvely of their quotas 1 sjp issue.
and headquarters recognized me ciaim 01
the St. Iiuls district of being first.
At 2:10 p in. Monday the St Louis
tank telegraphed that banks or the dis- '
trlcts held In binding form S130.;50.500
to cover the district's quota of $100,000..
000 and It was not until 1:1.1 Tuesday
rord. and provides a straight "Pl'roach , general oi,.-,...i.h-.w -"---..---- xf,ernoon timt the Minneapolis niinu re-
to tho Ancora bridge, thus removing tlon and of hdvvard It. SteUI ilus ..Second I , ,,, anbsoriptlons 9f ?inS.GU.300.
from route No. 3 the only real menace Assistant Secretary B"f "r: '" c' "r.f C 'an oversubscription of $3,011,300
i .nfp.tv between Camden am? Absecon. i purchases, and of bamuci .xici.oocris in ..--,, nr twelve States have wired
Plans are In progress and bids will
be nskcer about July for consideration
by contract of the section of route No.
fi' between Mulllca Hill and Woodbury.
This Improvement Is much needed ane
...til ..til- n -nnil nnimnnnl for trans-
rt nf farm nroduce to tho cities of ' forms there Is red tape,
Camden and Philadelphia."
the Ordnance Department
"These men have cut through a great
mass of red tape." he said "They have
attacked the problems In a business-like
w.iv It is fortunate they have not put
on uniform, for whero there are unl-
Voting on amendments will begin to-
dav with the fight centered on that
Secretary McAeloo tnai tney piincr ii.ui
or would Issue proclamations declaring
Liberty Day Friday a State holiday
The States are Illinois. Wlscoii'ln. Texas
Noith Carolina. South Carolina. West
Virginia, Minnesota. Virginia, .-xcvv jer
sey, Mississippi. California and North
it is manifestly unrnlr. moreover,
that when through It- enterprise a trust
company has flrmlj established Itseir as
nu Institution the banks should be told
to romp along nnd take over that busl
act .eveloped and built up
private enterprise.
Representative Plieliin or Massachu
setts. In charge of the bill, told the House
that nniler the mcasuie tile Federal Re
serva Hoard could grant trust powers
lo national banks notwithstanding State
laws prohibiting such grant or power
Tin, bill now noes to tho Senate
Washington, Apill -'."
Secretary' Daniels has transmitted to
all navy ships and stations a Llbertj
Day message to the American naval
through establishment trom Vice Admiral Slm-commnnder-ln-chler
of Hip I rilled Slulc-
naval forces in I'.utopean waters,
"It Is hoped." said the message "ic.it
on Llheitv Dav the navy will noi l.-t
iho consciousness of dutv well done upon
the occasion of former loans cause it to
relax Its efforts to make the prebent
i ... --...1...1...1.., ,,... ...... .
10.0011 communities In the
I Connecticut Restrictions Aimed at
Teaching of German
' Marl ford, Conn.. April 23. No lan
I guage other than RnglWi shall be used
- ....... I ... in Inn It. I -. . .. , nn I 1... 1 1
Or f ICniFllliOJ IllnlUHIUII I" V.V...I. ....vuv
exempting the Interstate commcrco ' ... nnw 1 ,avo exceeded their quotas,
Commission. Tho rule under which the ,. ,,. i,cuquarters review Definite
Senate Is working limits each Senator j ' m flom Hx 0f the twelve Federal
to speeches of half an hour on the bill ,v'fne districts, showed that about
itself, and twenty minutes on eacb i ' - 1al, nc(, nwaided, a-.
amendment, anil .-.enaior uitrnwn c- ,...,. Chicago.
2078 : Cleveland, 710 :
pressed the hope of icaclilng a flnal vote) Francisco. 077; Iloston, 182;
by Saturday. York. I.M. and Philadelphia. 17C
llalclon. Pa., April 25. An unl
dentllled woikman. presumably cm
plovcd nt the CI. II. Marklc ' mine,
walked into the Highland store and
laid $300 on the counter with the re
quest that It lie hunt to President
Wilson to push tho vvji
The man declined to give his name
and disappeared hefoie the cloiks re-
v,cw covcied from their su.pils
loan an overwhelming success We must
not forget that the ultimate victory of
war depends no less upon the novwr to
produce Us sinews than uoon the u-c
of the weapons thenihelve and thai it
is our duty not only to incoril to out
lenders the cennplete confldenc - which
their wise and Increasing efforts have
so Justlv rarncd. but as well to place
within their hands the full measure r
their requests for money, In order that
our arms and our hearts may be tnad
strong nnd Ihe world mav be made sare
for democracy "
Tho $3,000,000 mark in the Llbem
Loan drive was passed today by the
navy, It was announced
Women's and Misses' Newj
Dresses """
Former Prices Up to $22.50
Thr T.rttt mat
niodcli htiiI new
trltnmms rfffctn
Sfrci! poiillns.
j.abHriIins nn
rlu rhfrkfl nt
l.omcBpuns $ "I O
All Klzs ltd
Of HllU 1filTrtK
in ptntn color or
stripes. Matin
rie de rhinc
r r c v p mrtfor
eeorsrttf rrfio
rornblnatlons Also
wool scrtPS 51 O
nnd pop- 1m
Thf i-mart mod
els in tho proppf
Ifngtha, wriifi,
punllns Rabar-
dineB, HffhtwcUht
flours ami nov
itv weaves. Alt
new color M
pubiror,,,.raet,'e r'X ?' N- Y DEMOCRATS CAST
!inder proclamation Issued by Governor LINES FOR CANDIDATE
Restrictions are aimed nt the German
KEWSPDIlXTm Dimnm ,t
,- "-.nisi OIlUlllAUll
Mlonal Mectine- ttofBra to Tro.o
Quantities of Paper Used in
Government IJlircaus
I iWr !, A,lr" -3 'rl,e newsprint
W.-.Ke W.HS "1' '"r discussion at
,(, :" '? of the annual convention
lJWitioi, ti """P'll'er Publishers'
" Ootl I " '""""i '" 'ue oiBiii
SnfW . Jaw for Hccond-cluss mall
iVhl.t,i? c""lnupd.
wSK,.n tjovernment was nni l.laoipil
Is-il-Vjr the moment nnvvsorliit mwr
CtiSS',?luent reference was niado to I
knlii...Vn,tuof. ')anor lwlmr useel In
JTi1? reception of tho nssocla-
"Ikt ?:" Dy ? "Inner, will bo held
Scri.ii0 y,f.1krH at the dinner will
iNavi .f Wsr Baker. Secretary of I
EPORTSHIU tnoo ,.,.,...,
. L.WOQ JIVJ.X 1 111, I
IWllon. Anrll "1-o,i -,- -
"Kly return nf ui,ini., it.
""utlon of a monthly ro-
I 8?v' s w ii
s iMmwaBk fl
9 yyupp r rW9t n
1 -rV I
1 Bk fJ&4 -Iff i
H -Ti,,i $W a? 3 . II
r,As'ix yt..j.:)f.?w-.W7v. -wiiiivri t AY"r"tafV
Up-State Conference Appoints Com
mittee to Canvass Field for
Head of Ticket
German Twenty-live Years in Army
Makes Appeal
hjraeuie. X. V.. April 23 Carefully
avoiding even so much as a suggestion
of possible gubernatorial candidates, up
Stato Democrats. In conference here,
adopted resolutions pledging tpcclal
support to Tresldtnt Wilson and
I calling on the Senators from New York
to vote for tho suffrage amendment to
the Federal Constitution. Another reso
lution provides for the selection of a
general committee to make a canvass
of the sentiment of the several com
munities and report back to the con
ference their recommendation of a can
didate for Governor.
The seven men who will control the
committee of forty-eight named to sug
gest candidates aro William H- Kelicv
of Onondaga; William H. Manning, of
Saratoga: David K Lee, of Chenango
Joseph J. Murphy, of Rensselaer
Charles II Norrls, of Jefferson: John
Fltnglbbons, of Oswego, and T. Harvey
Ferris, of Oneida. They, with tho addi
tion ot seven women, aro to form the
executive committee.
The namo of William II. Kelwards.
internal revenuo collector, was placed
on file with tho other metropolitan
gubernatorial possibilities. To th up
State list of suggestions was ndded tin)
nnmi, nf Oliver Cabanna. of Krle County.
He is described as both a farmer and I
a business man.
I'itMuirsli, April 23. President Wll-
. ...lit l.n nnnAnlA,! In t1l-n.r-. f.n VVfl r
11 WOI "U MJ.f'V....... . w, --
I nenartment in the rate of Kergcant . a
vvl.r Knrlncer. P. S. A. letlred or , (?
this citv. who alter iwcmx-uve xears
M . AT r. t
BJ m A C k . M a. oi
of faithful scrvico in tne Liiueei i-iaics i g
army, was refused citizenship b.v g
.i,.., im was a German alien tcnemv ti
naturalization authorities on the ground E
uinnni u,h born In Germanv and Hi
came to the United States In 1SD3 lie
tiled his declaration oi um-iuiuo ,u u,--come
u cltUcn and. enlisting in the
srmy, he terved continuously un'il last I
week, when he was retired on a pension. I
Springer wants n commission in the j
ofllcers' reservo corps. .
Mavfeon & DeMan
1115 Chestnut Street
$1 Lingerie Waists
Rlaboratc lace and embroidery trimmed
fionis nlso novelu -striped effects Dozens of
stlcs for choice.
2 -1
Opposite he itli's Thcatic
Our New Location
Will Be at
1215 X yf .,: Tl:
chestnut riailY rliWo
M'af . 2 T'"nlay following the
nior each mnnii, 1- n ., 1...
Nlki-, " " miiiuuiinu 1
lfffcauSe Ills Wife Won't Eat
Bui. "' ,' Plil 23. Maria D.
?;. n rniKlrMn- iin-i-... ..,
W 97m,lti,aSclJla "because". lu
'"Used p eat r.nnnpp Ml.. I..I.1
Pallas 111 riAj ,11.1 .".' . .. .
ICiJ?1 ,,,'t, '"' replied that lie 1
C.V" "L a lnel wllliont hep
li. 1 fWwM lutniflrlv Q a
"l III bcdrtu.m. 1
At the request of the Govern
ment, United States Service
Troop No. 1, -Boy Scouts, was
organized for messenger service
nt tho Hog Island Shipynrd. A
chevron on tho sleeve has been
ofllciully sanctioned by the Gov
ernment and has just been
placed on tho coat of each Scout
in tho troop. Joseph ipper
lcin, EQ33 Springfield avenue,
seen nbovc, is a member of the
Missouri Governor Asks Speaker to
Succeed Late W. J. Stone
Go Slifl Lower
On Odd Kir Scarfs
Sets, Capes & Coats
Dior Immediate Clearance
In Our Removal Sale
Furs Stored,
and 18'
Repaired S1
89 c
$1 Values
Of fl B u r c d
percales a 11 d
c h a m b t a y.
some contrast
ing color trim
mtd AH sizes.
69 c
$1 Valuei
Very good
quality cotton
crepe night
gowns, cut full
and generous.
$1.25 Value
Black and fig
ured 8 a t e e 11
petticoats with
neat flounces
Very special
$3.50 Values
Wide plaid
In pla I ted
model, wide
I belts.
I.l.ll II.1IJJI II
1 iWkj :H.i 1 k i-w wi ..
. iv.ro, la -irtLV-i -1 mj 1
1000 Rooms
700 witli Bath
A cuisine which
has made ihc Astor
New York's leading
Banqueting place.
Single HooiriiV. ilhout bath,
2.50 and 13.00
Suitable for Spring
and Summer Wear
59.50 I C
"Just for Fridau" 100
1 1 Women's Taffeta &
II $13 Itcautiful Wolf 29.50 ?90 Jap Kolinsky Stoles..
VZ Tirtir full fur all nnlnrM Trhnnieil with tails
ltd $73 Poirct Kamchatka Fox, 49,50 $98.30 Hudson Seal Stoics, 61.50 pD!
ih iieuutuui ions suuy mr "u ? 'iw qunu
I pi ??5 Taupe Georgette Ko..
A rare bargain, indeed for every dress is worth either $10 or
l.ari" lined animal cMccu
'19.50 593.30 Natural Squirrel
tStylca and caps effect!
Fur Coats Fur Sets
Single Rooms, with bath,
14.00 to 17.00
Double $3.00 to $9.00
Parlor.Bedroom nnd Bath,
,10.00 to $13.00
Jefferson City, Mo., April 23. Champ
Clark. Speaker cf tho Home of Ilepre
zeutatlves. has been offered by Gov
crnor Gardiner the appointment as
Senator to succeed the late William.
J Stone. Tho Governor sent ma ioi- js. Q,,t.0
lowlnff teleitram to Mr. Clark: , ItttteS bqtUlte
"I )ivb the honor of tenderlne to I At Broadway, 44th te-45th Streett
you appointment as Cenator to fill! -the center of New Vork'a odal
vacancy causea oy ..
Stone, t l.qi)e-,to have early advlc.
otytour'awTtfrtc?;' . Z,- ... ,
503.0Q Marmot 39.50
UO.OO Muskrat 74.30
175.00 Hudson Seal 113.00
105.00 Nutiia 130.00
.150.00 Squirrel 215.00
U95.00 Mole 275.00
$65.00 Taupe Fos
85.00 Black Fos
80.50 Taupe Wolf
105.00 Pointed Fox...
110.00 Kamchatka Fox..
140.00 Beaver
$mA blas activities. In cIom
TMWMwtr-ta mlwT term!!.
Purchases will be'rescrved ii, our vaults until next fall upon
payment of a deposit, payments to be continued monthly.
67.50 1 1
if , t
Women's $6.50
New Spring
Specially Priced
$5" Spring
Sizei 2 to 6 Yeart
Girls' $2.98
White Lingerie
Size 6 to 14 Yeart
Wnmpn's t MlRKCR
Of Miepherd checks In new fitylea with belt and i
DUCKIO in UCH BilYI vuitar t wvn,