igwummituftninmn MVEXING PUBLIC1 LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, LLW RAILROAD OFFICES MUST CLOSE ti! Cut'inii in Mil Jlean nm o.'t, Overhead im" " Consolidate Work Effective .1.. I.trins Up jtww "-"- . ,-.:,,. Strictest economy m ..m- inp Cnnicis ARREST TWO SUSPECTS IN AVIATION SERVICE Depnitment of Jii3tico Agents Aie InvcBtigatint' What May lie Widespread Plot I an Ian, Ol.lii,, Apill ; tup i test uf two mlMi-d iiuu In tlic nvi.t Hon service on preslcrentlnl warrant barging them with belnir iUt,,r. IKrsons, has dlselrifcod nn investigation UM' ! I '111 , .1 , a,t. " ellfvea lo bo a widespread 'Ull IJ'J'i'Vn 1I,lcrcilHca mctnutlons have beet. One of the nil n mtrkti ,1 to 1 -... i i- . Itsw. The other Ik I'arl Jeineti, who was nfrcsacd with Wallow, and is nlso o' tho county Jail. U. OF P. STUDENTS TO GIVE PLAY FOR PATRIOTISM TUESDAY, AP1UL 1, 11)18 "TSIIAKESPEARE'SNATAL . i to I'ludtfc of ifi the RAILROADS CAN'T KEEP PACE WITH TRAFFIC t.Inhla " wiuioui '.rtllroadolllccsbr April 30. j cr before that date all nillioad K.y. enuntrv h.ivc uceii omen-., i.. ,,,11 their nawenen and ficisiit of- Kastern Seaboard Points Show .,. rltles not touched by tlieii line . F3 .. . ....ninirti nf these loadr in tiousauu tiui"--' - - 1 1. ir-ted 1)5 the older. It Is cstl- r " " The saving in ovoincau o- ient mid saianes, win hundied" of thousands Congestion Almost a Tie-Up TllW. lists, uch Ljat into the la tdiMloi i..j.lMi ,. tu Ucti city o.ilce Iklnnli llnc il. i-Mladelnli Clch Vdllcj lt.iiiioa.Ix Th order tnaU-liiB "- iliix li wa learned, have i consolidated fo' all tho load-s en 'lili means tin- I'eim- lie IJaltlmuie and Ohio, i and Itcndlng Jhd the i h. Hikes was C A R S NOT UN LO A 0 E D Pennsylvania and Kettdini: ie Planning New Ynul-? in ami Xc.ir City .-... li a statement issued bv Hail I 'j nirneloi general McAelot. shorilj With the war in:n-lilnci j nf Hi. ..m tjy being geared up stradllv to tin w Irnnnd mill fcllnntfna tnfn Tfrri. In 'in li Dlrecloi general vicAiiot. siioruj - .-,......- ....... " v. tn0K ins iiUn as head of the unprecedented stream, the raltroids at. nilroads of the union falling; to keep ptro with tho Govern ' IlHssla.eme..i Mr Me(IoopUdKodmcnl.8 p,OBm, , liandIlnK 10 lla(r JJ"noni riiiniliiif of Hi.- lines Imposed upon them. 7 coiiHolltlm ii "f the lines did nw.iy This applies particular; to tin n-t M all cunuw i i anmiiR th-in ,,,. j,cabo.ml points New YorK. Phil - l!iiciies l.niirinris dolphin, tlaltlinoro ml Xorfotl. and Kim ror jtars iiie i hIihiiIr nf the .mihli j ilnr cities, where. a.-".,-dlnB to nutlioil- (wlllneomieii'lon and some p.it.uielliiB tatlAo Information, tho surplus of sup-S;-: foLXd T.' plaot,1 of " '- -""V ..B0.UnB tho yard, and 'WCDirj " .,,,., ...., ,.. fnrelnir n inml flr..tm nf tlm rntl frt.1 ctlntalnlnff ousniea-i-toiieuiiiB ininjL'r" in i "- -i- " - ,.,.,.- ttmus cities of the countrj not touched crs. IrectlyliJ tin it MklrmR ' Tieie l not a clu on the Atlantic Thtrc arc upnaul of thlrt) or forty ..., ..... . , , . Jh lines In .no muntit liaeh main-, coa,t tI,at ia "ot "'nbargot.l to roino tiln(d an offlc- n tin principal dtles of cMent. Phlladt.ph a lias n scnerat em- fU various -i tes lids meant the i barjro on trtuall eeijthlns but per- aalnuininE o. .......... ... u. ... tliab e ficlcht. foodstuffH. roal and .1 test! luted lift of commodities ittrariletl as "munition pioduct" sjijr HppHR. HHRIHHL jHPBi aH smw Hw JjBt " BVsl DAY TO BE OBSERVED Usual Celebration Will Take Place at Forrest Home This Afternoon Interested In the. drama, and especially In tha works of the bard. Klmkespeare'u birthday la also to bo' ohnerved by the Phllomuslan Club this (nfteroon at 3 o'clock, when Professor 1 Henry W Southwlck. of Uoston, will Kite u leading of "Julius Caesar." Tho members of tlio club bao been Invited to bring their friends by tho llterutuia. and art committee, or which Mrs, (.'huiles 1'lsh Clement U chairman Hie IMwln 1'oirest Home. Itolmee bt).ff 13 one place In Philadelphia in which the 354th anniversary of tho birth of William Shahcrpearc will be cele braled today. I'ollowln? a ru'lo laid down by 1'or rest when he left ffls estate at "SprlnK-brool-' as a permanent homo for nc ti esses and actors who had passed tho Inge when they veto nhlo to nppear In tho Blare of tho footlights, tho little group which has letlred from the profes 'slon to tho hospitality of tho homo will faithfully observe the day. ,1'orrest do creid that each J ear tho memory of the INJURED SOLDIER DIES FROM TRAIN ACCIDENT Private John Sccoie, Fatally Hurt Leaning From Window, Dead at Jewish Hospital .fului itcoic. a private In tho lulled1 .Slates army, died early today In the Jewish Hospital from Injuries received here last 1'rldny. h'ecoro was being transported from a southern training lamp to an Atlantic . port with a contingent of troops soon to I sail for 1'iance. As the troop train passed over u bridge In N'icetown, he stuck his head out of the window and Hard of Aion must be honoicd and so il ' W1,H bumped by un obstruction. tils siviiu was iraciureo lie was un MomliPis of lilt ilnsnph 1 I iteiM.v, Soi it'tj 11. . I ... etl si-nt the tomed., "The Alan on the l!o," --eveial nmo- il tlu I nier-il ..r PiMn-.lvantn, who will iic in .iLI ol ihiliiotu .un I iiuu liable oi'Kanuntions i done Xtanj of those whj have sought shelter in the homo havo at ono time or another trod the boards" In tho toles of Shy loci. Hamlet, Juliet, Portia and the man other characters of tho poet's pen Tho gather each jear, some missing 1 bj death and others nddod tl'.rough new retirements to listen to eulogies and hear readings from the works of Shake speare Prominent speakers and actors'travel to the home to aid In tho cclebtatlon j The ecrcises totriy will begin nt J o clock limitations have been sent out to many peoplo In Philadelphia who are ousdotis when taken to the hospital and died without legalnlng consciousness TO ItKAItUUK OLD WAR CASE Vitginia-West Virginia Suit to Be Discussed Again m -IiIiik Ion. piil i3. A rcargument of proceedings Instituted by the State of Virginia to compel West Virginia to p.i .1 Judgment of ?1.',393 000 resulting (wti a suit tu collect Virginia's t'lvll V. ai debt hah been ordered bv the Supreme ( utn t UNIVERSITY'S DENTAL GRADUATES PROMOTED Lieut. Sanderson Appointed Lieutenant Colonel, Two Others Majors SWANN DISMISSES (URLS ARRESTED IN C'AI-'E RAIDS New Yoik Distiict Attonu-y DoeMi'l Intend lo Repeal Philadel phia Fiasco SUNDAY AMUSEMENTS DEFENDED BY DICKINS Navy Yard Chaplain Says the Criticism ol Ministers Due BFiIpjpjpjpjpjSpjpjpjB PJPJPJk j r jfH ""HfffffffffK wix ls jH 'Kp'jrj9 r ilHHj H "55fwil'"""r' H to Misunderstand inu Wb efflce and the renting of (platter IJUllroad men would not estimate the an '.m! n,t of iIm svstein of soliciting. lid It was agued that It runs far into it hundreds or timu-amis or uouats , with compeinion , lliuln.ilcJ. thn rall !ti admlnlstr itton deemed these o wnditures uiine. ess trv and the closing trftrrejulled --on.n of tin olllcos have mmdr been rlo..l Tlnao olliccs re- etiiffl ine ur, 1 1-can v an 1.11 i trrf to elo- h pnl 10 Tlio eliiuln .in." 'i linllvldiml branch Ulj ticket olll. ' 1 ni.iilo mi the same 1 S (rlnclpto us Hmi of the "orf-the-llup" migllt illl'l l'f-"r' uta . - . 1 11111- tlon of compftitioii of all mails was Rented tieretr to take nvvii thn essltj of tin 1.1 tintr linnet- of lh.e tranche? Tins also v. .11 result In .1 larg. tarb-g for the mad All cities In tin- . oimlr.v will be smllirly afd.ted I lie 1 ulo has nlieudy Vl made effe.nve m Washington. In, addition to tin mniliined olileo main- s'utatd In I nlon Station. 11 .opsolldated 10... I I lnl.lt..l.H.I 1.. 1.A .An. , win na1) uceii i-iiiuii-in-. 111 mi; cvit !1 business section of tho iltj Conolllnted Ticket Ulllir Tho l'hllidtlphla on--olidaUd oflkc vllt Ka In tlm iIaii.,, ,.f Tltn.nl liil fflitstnut street" it was It allied. SVv- rjtil sues nri utiuii cousitieiaiion une 'that retelved itartlcular mciittuu wasi that now oCeunled bv the Hock Island Une on the southwest corner of Sl- vtnm anil Cliestinit directs Willi tho jScsir of this oilice under the McAdoo f'wtr, It will be made available for uso 'ill a consolidated ticket ofllcc bv the WU entering the rltj ' Among the larger lines affected b.v tin order In 1 l.ii t.lelphl.i arc the follow-frr i ltcIiI--on, lopika and Santa l'e, 71 1 jptEtnut ttie.t Barllngln l utn s.lti fhestnut street. Canadian p.i. itu C.'J Cheslnut Htreut. Chicago. Ilinliiiirinii .m,i niiinr-.. s-u: fthMtmit slreti tmcago, ureat Wc-tcrn, 328 Chestnut wt Chlcano Milurtukep and St. Paul, S18 Chestnut itreti : Oilcaso lb, I I-land and Pacific. TOener Iluililmg . Chlcaco .mil fi.iin.".!.!., ian f Chestnut si reei Grand Trunk IIdihi.ii ltnll.n,, Great North. in S3C Chestnut street 1 Missouri Paciik Widencr Hulldlng Vw "Vork central Ilourso TSulldlng , in lork New Haven and Hartford, commercial Tiust nulldlng. rT0.rf an'' estcin, Commercial VTniSt lilllMlllr. 4 'lhern I'n,''l'- "U Chestnut atrcet. j " iiremises occupied by tho rall I" rno I" annual rental from J2000 iVflO.000 The nirRiPA lu Hm ,...1 i, Vla 15000 and J1000. m provision Is mndo by tho rail. la admlnlslratlnn fnr ini.ni ,i..n,, frith theso rallroids All shlpmentH will fil? . e m'"'0 b5' railroads touching uiaeipnu which concct with U10 lines if other ccctione DAR GKRSIAX PAPERS C urs are lie. I I . The -vvtiago distance a loaded tialn moves Is oiic-thlid 1913. l!j heavier carrying lapxclty has been Increased irtmllv ;.-, per cent In the last two Iom- as prnmptly i)ears, but the Inahllltv of the roads to othors were or- . get their cirs vvorkltg on nrcount of their being (led up In congest. d cities Is le.lui'liig the . fllclcni nf the ronds It Is pointed 0111 that the plan now being given consideration b Director ilcnernl "vlcdoo in pte-tnt Iho roads n cits 1 an get tluoush I ''' eas of Iho i:nst lM" Stveinl important proinotion- uf grad uates of tho Thomas Hvnns Hcntat Institute of tlu Vnlversitv uf Pcnnsvl vanla in tho mllttarj sen Ik- have been announced by Pecretnry John A llelmold less than It was In 1 Theso promotions aic recorded ns soon loading nf cats the ns received nml several huntlred nre in Im.xc.I tin- jars of hi 1 n-vmU-i n-vi-ni- ,., ... . ,,,. i,i.,i p .i.,'1.1 B1'! Jusl outside Plslri.t Nitorii. v tho list slnco the publication or the H prtup ,,IIl.e s. v. t.il i.iotb.iM dental war records on l'cbriuirv S In the 1 Mild their diiuglilets t.piesctiidl to t....,... 1. .,i n ..,, tlieiii lb. v wen .iltcnitins dun. .- vv lu 11 lennsvlvnul.i Citizen. )llv K,11Cl, llt . f ,iBl,t The nppi.htlniint uf I 'eiitenuui Mur- 'I In- chin vv.n- illsml-.-il nfni tin Jiiner Vnntli r..n ,.r fti. ,ln ,,f mnO 'll.nl bn-ll 111 t" Ills, l) bv Ml -VV.IIIII iniei smtiih rsn .r tin n" uf in 13 .M po(l of m,lllB N, w v. , u ,.,,, iu in- 11 in iiiriiiun ,u in n- ui'iiii.i , iiealllirill rnr Milillns mill - illut inrps if tin lulled Write nrm In bus the Itidnisenii-ut of Un I'tib-uil mi- Willi 1 0P 000 cars nt n tust c llinated "",ul,c ""' ""'le Inipoil.int Iiionintlnn-. tlinritles, leltei.iml ll-liii Mimti.v In the vlcliiltj nf $H0 000 000 will full rccmrii .1 ul this tlim i'aplnlti.1 t'r itlk Hvvhihi 'Tin I'l.lliidi Iphin llasi u Is nl fat- short of putting (lie lines on their I '''"? ''' '''" n"""e '""J"' ' "" 1 K '.' '.'"',' ,.'.'' ..'.'. '""i'V.'1, '." " . V? ,)"x, feet unless thee cs .an get tluuush 1 "'" "'Ps and Is now ntta.lied m tin- . ' ' ". . " ' '"""' 7...' ... '".Z Mice In WnsliliiRInn ". , sl.., ,,, ,.,.,., V1.11. wo oilier tir-t ii.uicnatus vvim nave ,,in wl prove ,1 S,, m, nicilliini uf lull piomoti.l to the rank of major lire pmsi-i ullon llv in, ;i 11. if it wc can ANnllei- 11. Itlchardton. "17 I) now nt- jitiltv nei.ih main .New loik u -pot- taihed to the suicenn general s office, less town and Uobert II Iv.v. '01 II. on' dutj IrT frame W. C. Speakuian '01 1), now on duly In France, Is made ti captain tlraduatcs of tho dental school now living In New Zealand1 and utralla also aro winning high honors. Word has Just 'been tecclvcd of the piomotloti of Kruest Wlnstonc. '10 I) , to be a major in the Kdmund I. t aid In the coal situation Since that IStnton US P , has been made a captain tlm. conditions have gone steadllj back- ( In the -amo curps. waid, tiKordlng to tralllo reports, until .hillcs Ijlboll.i Nicilema !'J l Is now a major lu tlio Italian armv anil has bc-ti mndo dlicctor ul tlu llospldnlu l'laiucsu l'crrar.i, I'.iUiino. Ital.v N'o dcpirtinenl uf the I'uiveisil.v has 11 bigger c.iHiialtv list among Its nluntnl P.11 Hi lli.itlnu In the vv.it than tin ileum! di-pntlnif.it This is mil In 1, nisi the vvulk uf the il-tilul in-11 W so full ul thiu g 1 but bciuiHi ul llu tiuit in t n dental giaduute-t vvhu hav. been siving ll.ilil Hie begluulug ul I hi will' ill t lie armies of am allies, pin II. ulni Iv- thus- uf New irl., April J3 Tw inmdoinof l'l-trkt Attornw Svvauns otlke were Hlliil .vesterdav with gills 1 might In the thlid enrlv Sundav -.if.ninB ratd of ult-iiight icsurls In Matiliallau JInn 1 i.,p.ini i'ImiI.s II I m kins, ..I the ul them weie .onf routed 1-. tlu ir moth-1 nav.v nid. will usli immbim uf the eis, vvho uppcarcd lo have been Ignorant Pi.-sb.vteiian Minisii-rlal ssoi Intlon to nf Hi,- lUesllieli ihiiirbtcrM were lendlnr. r v Ise n .i.lutlnns. passed bv them, de- Tlic sobs and expostulations of Irate I mothers lent n palh.-tb touch lo the I ii-ene One u mini 11 Inst In r teiniH-r and ' the enngested nre; The blame for this drop iu efllclencj tho nllro.ids place diieitlj on the shoulders of fie'gl-t lonslgnees I'allurc to unload i. us nroniptl is tho prime leason for the crippling of the toads, In the opinion of ex.. cutties of all lines. 'Clean-Up Wt.k," a natlon-wido Insti tution last Decemhei, resulted, (the car tiers admitted at that time. In clearing the lines to a point whero they were able to operate almost on normil sched ule. The same condition followed tlio H.J IILOOMERS CAUSE ROW ;h School Gill Refuses to Appear in Them llefore Principal cl.tring ngainst sundaj entertainment fur Huili'i- and soldiers her.. I'lmplnln Idikens cxtemied an invita tion to the tisso. Intion t npiHiltit n com mltt.c tu confer with hint, tolluvvltig ni--tlon of the mlulstiir eslerdnv lu pass iuv 1. tes.iliitluu Itttiudui.d bv I lie lb v lr ilnirg.- V Mtikclv nf Manajunk .kii.I. inning lll.se elili 1 Iniiiin. tits ns ' ;i tb ii rnlluii ul tlic Hablialh. Iuitui- Miike-lv nvs-iiUii satlui anil soldiers were slv.n 'siveral huurs en t.itnlnment In tin- lentlerluln district 1. ml vv.n tin 11 "tin in d louto on Un stii its "Willi. 1 In I that the iin.lii s ,.(. Hi 11 inistois wen nf tin be-.t - 1I1I t h , 1 -li.iu 1 .1. k ns toihiv "II would si 1 in Unit 1tii misitiiil. i.tnnd Hi.- slliuilioti II lb, Ibialrkal . met l.illnn. tits uf tin cl.ati. whrilisunu ihata.iir now In nig given ui. .illow.d 1.1 fall uii.lt 1 tin bin 1 hi 11 the -Minilav ihui.li panto-, should alsu fall until t tho b in p,o8r..T' Q) DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS The purchase of a fiiier quality Diamond assures permaneni vdlisfact ibn reaixlless of the MZC. far Towns, Will Not Allow Their Sale 'w iork. Vnril !: l-ftn niftM u have barred the sale of Herman "" newspapers thus eMendlng the unmy widening area in the metro "nan district in ubiei, jirinii mil ?.i IonEer ,uu bo Insulted by tho rk . ' '" uerman tongue. Ola DlaCes fnlnln l. !..... ...I, . .. 3fS?,were Caldwell, nutherford and "iWlitrfonl, X J, and Glencove. . ?na action at East Itutherford Is v3 ,y noteworthy because of the iTreponderanco ot residents of German SEAWEED A REAL FOOD 'fcestcd That U. S. Eat It as Doe3 Japan " Trl l.ll no .....- . , UJ s.ii 'i"" "lime, suarh, KSf 5f?,' wwweeil The latter. If jou v" l" announcement nt the Museum lGmbj i . """lorys foou exiillill at feiM?-Central Terminal. Is "more or less -1'. unit nu llllnl, 1.. u.n ..1 1 4nu )IA 1. . rM "-"-1. in icuuiiuuciiutu lur Kt..i . ecan homes Aniway, It Is 1 tath,i! . ea,e" ,n Japan, and every K T B l,at wrappers the Japanese fc, ; PUcard In full, introducing the I"0 ' reads' 0i!- . ' l,, Principal factors In Lr:?., od supply Is the seaweed, and now. New ion. Is being kept open for ttansscas shipments only by tho most expel t use of the embargo privi lege, while others aro struggling to keep t licit potta netlv - In an mcatuie slluatlnn Here C'rlllml 'I he situation here olllclnls of Ihe I'ciinsjlvunl.L and Heading if-sertid je-- terday, Is .rrli.us .mil threat, ns to bc . omc critical unless freight Is unloaded with timro sped What amounts to tin airtight embargo has been levied by both , i;nRijU1i, Australia. Canada and 1'ihuci- ru.ius. inis ciniiarKo wua piac-eu ns i.ir 1 back as April 1 by the Pinnsvlvaul.i and within a week Involved the Reading, when shippers unable to us.- the Penn sylvania thic-w their freight on tlio Head- lnsr, thn 011I5 other entry from western points. I Tho evient to which dilator con signees tnc (untilhuilug to the freight congestion her was Milium d up In the same statement by both roads- "If consignees will be pa It lot lo and unload shipments ns soon as the cars a-rlvo tho fa.illtles here aro ample to tako cue of the traffic. ' The Pennslv.inU jesterdav morning , had a total of 9109 cars In Philadelphia, j a surplus of moic than 100 per cent ov. r the normal number of cars stored here. Normally this road has 4000 to COO cars waiting unloading. Some or these cars. It is said, have been hole .1 matt, r of weeks. Tho aggregate Includes 117 cars for export The P.ending has a surplus cu" approvl mately ."0 per cmt. or 3000 cats, .0111 pared with HOOO normally. Tho n.a.l- . Ings cxpuit quota is saiu 10 no hisie n'ficant. "Hane Orer" After Kmbareo In both Instances tho fielght ten sented In these totals Is for local Cu sumption. Compared with the t.i. 1 condition, it Is alluded t" as sign. Ilia. 1 ..r.l.e resnonslbllitv uf the lonslguee cs peclally sln.e It Is pointed out as the "hang over" nfter .1 tluee-weeks' eir bnrirn. during whci t me tlio roaas imn refused to permit more freight to enur and clutter up the cltj. ve,-nnliiiir lu statistics, the Pcnnsj! vnnla has better facilities for handjlng frelgh' in Philadelphia, than any other city on its whole system. This road has 300 miles of track iu the city and a irmi ,,f hIxU-sI.s. freight stations. The 1 merchants along Delaware avenuo are ichaiged with a large piopottlon of cats I unloaded I Although tiff actual movement of cars hue been slowed up to .1 marked degree 'by tho existence of so many congested nieas wim-ll leep uuiiii "- in computing the car mileage. Important strides have been mado In tho mallei of heavy loading New x..irl,, pill 2.t - lliith Wucii'i siventein, nf Njink High s, lirml 11 ftised to go lufote tin. supi 1 in 1 tuli ul nf schools while nttlied in uthletn bloomers which tesnltcd In tin l.Mgu.i tlnn uf Miss Louise AihlNoti hn plu 1 111I culture icachet While taking phi si. .il ex. 1 it thi gh I litis or.lcic.i to appear bef.nc Mipti iulendtnt 11 I V ightni 111 be. mv, ,,1 having uiovi.l in tin winn iln.it ,n H11 refusal to tin t bruiii,lii . 11 - iilllo bet vv.ii. tn-ti in tin mil 1 11 1 11 vv It', h tb. cu I vv 1 li in-. I 11. I I Ill,iiv4 UM t III V I I' 1 I M-, I 1 it lii r bat k .mil at nt I 12 MILES PER HOUR 1 if -p i tot Hilton (Jur florrr I rn an r c irl at ti (m Jitit 1 I t r.i itit i I t-i lukMi to ut ur I r ful Imi II i. r nJ-t lrut (i I 20th Century Storage Warehouse Co B i uti rKiHir nmi n I j, M, ( t 1 h ! IfiOhi -Mjl j New Spring Suits Hundreds in Brilliant Assembly Specially Priced .75 Tvvu hundred nml tlftv.four students of the dental school have enlisted in the dental reservo corps mid will bo subjo. t to ordeis of tb- surgeon general as Noun as th.-v gradual.- cif this uuiit ber sixteen tut ineinb.is of the llrst viai (hiss, ins ul the soond vein utid I IU nf llu- (lillil vent LOAN LAGS I.N LUX.ER.NE Eveiy City in County Repotted Con siderably llehiinl uNlkes-llurre, April 2.1 i:nv . u nml town hi lain t iu Count Is lonsid "itiblv behind its ipion iu tin Liberty Loan drive, tu coi ding to it st.ilunint is sued at the headquarters Wilkes llnric has HUb-iilbid mil Jl per n-ul nt Us iiueita; I'lviinnilli .10; N'lintiinki I'.. Plttton, J!, llaliton ;i! sbli v Pi ind Kingston J! tnlb-r town mil about the same propui lion enders were sent utit to all i mniiiltti . - I i hi gin hustling and Hi. i.inipilgu must 1,. uf the whlilvviinl ii.itim in the lin ing vveiks If tiuuta-. .." to he subi rihid 'i,irii v'i f "- v"r irW''Qj'.ijnrfiv. jrNirfi)'iyijr rniu I . Hotter to match SJ eaton Pump oungish looking and popular fk. .:.. $ L-r-r-S m lEzsttW ins "' ki' mlBBffi ties i I I . 1pj1H class Wit 19 extraordinary otler- the assortment be specially augmented uric models ad'ord uniisual opportuni- in desirable, hijjh-tailleurs. Strictly Tailored Mod els Semi-Tailored Eton, li olero and Vestees. stunningly designed magnificently tailored nasnmg siik lining s. Men's Wear Serges, Ga- v I I- T- , f uaiuines, t- o j) i l ii s , Tweeds, Twills, Checks in Navy, Rookie, Gray, etc. No Charge for Alterations F Havana Brown Calfskin Gun .Metal Calfskin, White JJuekkin, Gtey liucksKin. I liuiti a xhocs utr un economy Hanan & Son At the New Fashion Shop Market Comer Twelfth Street Q-gp"-- 1318 Chestnut St. fcSSVfV'VV Vv ?tUii, country, with superior resources, "entirely lennrp.i n.i. ai,,si,is nm. psUooadU"Wed t0 B0 t0 wa8te a ,ery ii ell.li hnivn tr .! txaj t --" lllilCI UtJIU iFiwKaiASI" zl-A. Ii?!:: i-tteniiA t,I.. 1 "w l,tt.ur ui wia ruin Wtnlv .W? l Church, this city, died tfttr t.l l !',ls honi0 1,ere Sunday soon Karw5,n?uctlng morning senlces. He "tirlS .i,own aa a writer of children's . cb ana tvm n fsen..n Ant.iki.nH "tailnes hiv wmw 0OFING J MAJEHIAIJI .iFffl' A Tt 1 1 'J perfect wii 1 II dinner Bw I M Il demands o) II Salted Nuts, 1 I I Favors, Bon Bona I III fo harmonize II 1 1 with the table 111 II decorations j IB Nil War Dishes! From France 500 war-time recipes con structed in the homes of France to save food, prevent waste and yet preserve that delicious flavor for which French cooking is famous! his ijrcat help to the American housewife was obtained by asking subscrib ers to the French edition of The Delineator the largest magazine of, its kind in France to give us their best war-time recipes for the benefit of their American sisters. They are being published monthly in The Delineator. They will. save money and delight the pal ates of the entire family. Sec the current issue ThR Delineator The. Maqezne In i One Million Homes , 1 1 mi iaj miimuimmiiuxii iiiiiiniiiiii laa ppij Oriental Rugs Extraordinary Offering Special 20 Reduction Pre-Inventory Clearance Sale consisting of more than 85 Persian Serape Ruga of unusual magnificence, ranging in room sizes from 7 ft. 3 in. x 9 ft. 5 in. up to 11 ft. 5 in. x 17 ft. 4 in. These Rugs are all firm and strong in texture and made of the very finest Persian wool and dyes. In design they are most attractive, many showing a good-sided clearly defined central design, richly colored in dark blue on a ground of mellow shades of ied, brown or dull ivory reminiscent of the now priceless Persian rugs woven many years ago. Owing to the steadily advancing prices money can be saved by making selections now. HARDWICK & MAGEE CO. 1220 Market Street A Week of Special Privilege in Laces and Embroideries 10 Per Cent. Discount For 6 Lucky Days April 22-27 Involving the entire Lace and Embroidery stocks without reservation. LACES Val., Cluny, Filet, Venise EMBROIDERIES Narrowest to Widest 27- and 45-lnch Flouncings Galoons of Varied Width Distinctive daintiness and grateful economy are hand-in-hand for one short week. The last deft touch for ladies', chil dren's and infants' wear; for collars and cuffs, summer gowns, underwear. J-B-SrEPPARDtrSONS Locking Ihe Stable Door after the Horse is stolen is poor stuff. Licking Ihe Kaiser on I he American Coast is a Dashed Sight Worse! If buying a Suit Interferes with buying a Bond Let the Suit go and Lend the Money to America! Buy the Bond NOW! Perry & Co. Spring Suits at $20 $25, $30, $35 That we couldn't duplicate to sell at $5 more apiece if we had to go into the market to buy the materials and have them made today! J Besides the intrin sic value of material, they have the dis tinction of the Perry Cut, Perry Work manship, Perry Fit and Style. J Come in and see them for yourself, compare them with any or all others, and be yourself the judge!'' Perry & Ca "N. B- T." 16th & Chestnut Sts. PniOOjesUHitStJUi i i I p j i1 4- rviESTNUT SJpREIT Jirrrt .uTW iTEiuiirf rnif inirnTiiniuiniiiiniiiriifiiniiinii JOOA f4 fti v r I) 4..