iaienmcj public Meftger Philadelphia, Tuesday, April 23, 1V1U I' PICTURESQUE ECHOES OF WAR AND THE GRIM REALITY ARE CONTRASTED BY THE CAMERA'S EYE Th, 'c!r9B mJY rri wT ATin tBWbIMt Jf .tr jf j-ibbibibA3 Riwlt. Ah llYllYllB. J jPHt VLwwdkAw1 BlYlMtttfflHfillYllYIIIll w 95&flflBp fVslflfluv flux VW -SSy tV"" YOU ARE CHALLENGED by this grizzled but valiant Civil War veteran to "do your bit" in helping him hung the Kaiser's pet dachshund to the gallows specially erected for the purpose at the I'enn Square Postofiice. The price is as many Liberty Bonds as you can buy from this doughty G. A. It. veteran, George Good. flnVflK flf lr, . vi o&- ib 1 ? $? rif . ' - f - , ' ' ' ' , . ,- B' r" ; ' - '"! f iii.,, HEROIC MEASURES ARE BEING ADOPTED to protect the precious momi ments of Paris against bombavdment by the German long-range gun. French soldiers arc placing sandbags around everything, from great churches to delicate marble Columns. French Pictorial Ncrilcc n i- y -SfiA. -tuzmm ftm5UK'm&&sm 'feiNiffiftfatyjWN'''"- Xrfilf.'L.-A! 1 Aii'l'vSfil -. . it.V'tArvI?l rrT-iiirTiwrrrfi IT. ijjMMMin Hn i 1 1 ...'-' :-'-' . n '" ' .vwy.HMIw.wirwWgysMWWwya,Tt aff .Stf-ygaKy. ,-'- fc. .' . . .. , -...-.. . . :-.-- ' VJ., atiAMesajiLi .... m r-.. .. . - r .. 'i:.1-. rr ..k , r .iii t4.WM'4tla8&& .t.H . '&' "- Ail MwlK ,sil i AN ENERGETIC LITTLE RED CROSS WORKER is Marie C. Uurchill. of 51 North Fcllon street, who knits with veteran case, and also marched sturdily at the head of the Red Cross columns in the Liberty Loan parade on Saturday, THROUGH LONDON TO THE FIGHTING FRONT arc marching tho sturdy nephews of Uncle Sam by thousands and tens of thousands these days. The above scene has become a commonplace in the British capital as the "hoys from the States" stretch their legs after their voyage across the Atlantic. The sys tem of pack carrying that has been adopted is shown. Vcl.'rn -rtspaper I niun v ssg 'TgpSSS v , TwwiaegwsiKu; . z'!&i. . .mm A VERITABLE "MOORISH MYSTIC iSIAZE," such as used to delight amusement-park visiters, ' is this ingenious bit of work by a gardener in Italy, which has thoroughly baffled tho"'British officers who have wandered into it. Indeed, they arc finding it even more puzzling than the trenches, which it superficially resembles. V Ilnusli ofllcial l'rwt" LiijHruooil Vndrrwood THE BRITISH COMMANDER ON the Flanders front is General Herbert O. C. Plumer, who h a s been bi-ought back from Italy. A i.. WHBRlUHBK ..s.. PxUm .. j'-i ' " ' " ti. Jmm3Sr Tmm-i" -. Ak ? Jnuf VjdR 33&HVJrmi4w b kS VJ 5r T JBvAvAvAvAvJEHvAVifK I'iWL. HVIiHr 3 ' ; ; 1 ! i nrnmw i r 1 n r y v: A NEW TYPE OF FOOTBRIDGE is being employed by French engineers in tho Somme district. Cork floats replace the qld-timo cumbersome pontoons, and troop movement is vastly facilitated. International Film 8crIcc. JOCK'S IRREPRESSIBLE SENSE OF HUMOR bubbles to the aurface even when he is seriously wounded. These High land laddies are happy, though wounded, because they havo each bagged a German. ;aternatlonl FUm. SerTlM. 1 AFTER BIGGER LAURELS, Francis J. Honey, recent investigator of the Meat Trust for the Government, is out as gubernatorial candidate- in California. ALTHOUGH -"SMILING DOUG" FAIRBANKS and his wife have -separated "by mutual consent," no hint of the storm alleged to havo shaken tho movie star's domestic bliss is discoverable in this photograph, taken a short time ago. International Film Beryls. 6 kr' -iV i MILLIONS OF PERSONS HAVE SEEN HIM' PERFORM, yet not one has seen his face. This is the unique record of Arthur Hill, , who makes a very intelligent nnd amusing donkey, indeed, in the Georgo M. Cohan Revue, at the Forrest, and who has spent his lif as an animal actor. 'M 4 ye- 4 -n 4.J---.iV. Sjwmi. ; rfH i- , .'v ' ' rK .: '.AM j .