? I,J'W"' ! 'WV'i V f (iHf W"l W Euening public ffie&tjer TiTJ WEATHER yhUton. April 23.-Cloudy tonight V nA Wednesday; ihouen If ccfncMfay. POSTSCRIPT . ..., i- ai l-Anr iiniTR XEM ii.ii""'"" 1 I 2 I 8 I 6 ti4 IBS tt-t ptft nfTifV' BTj.1 rt-roTTo 11 I' BX trtTfTeoT v " y- PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1918 ConttciiT, lt18, bt td X'cttic Ltocn: Cournt PRICE TWO CENTS jTICS SEEN MRS.RIPPIN filESIGNS POST HUNGARIANS ASK ' REFORMATION OF ELECTORAL LAWS 200,000 Persons Participate in Budapest Demonstration . -ri 7UHIC llfUnlClP"1 '-'vu 'tl.lpatol In a demonstra - -.!? lilAtinnrJ lotion umeiruicu Out, unare L SALARY CAUSE llct-rnKT PRESS OF SECRET PRESSURE 7umrn. Apui j! otlsand nrrsniiH iwr. (lcmonstrnttnti fn lnr. toral reforms nt Budapest vesterdaj, It un ic'iirncil lino todal o iiiousaua marched to thv Palace luh shouting "a ban Tlsza. Work and ittafflc was halted Similar demonstra tions wote conducted In various towns bundaj. Premier von Sovlor told the Polish I leaders todav that Gallcla would be re stored to roiaiui BRITISH NAVY 'BOTTLES UF FOE'S SUBMARINES IN NESTS AT OSTEND AND ZEEBRUGGE YANKEES REPULSE RAID OF GERMANS NEARST.MICHIEL l'AY OF GOO MEN RAISED Employes of Conshohockcn Plnht Get Two-thirds of Demand nrrlslonn, Pa,, April 13, The wanes of 600 employes at the. plant of the John Wood Manufacturing Corn pan v, Conshohocken, hae been In- . - - creased III e cents nn hour. This Is two- U , 1 -i m thirds of what the cmplovcs wanted S KnrPPK HGliaVGCl IjIKG several weeks ago, when they walked . O. I UlLLft JJCllctM.il JJirvx. 0(lt c refused a 20 ner cent Seasoned Veterans in HAIG BETTERS HIS POSITIONS ON 2 FRONTS out on being refused a 20 raise, but returned a few davs later FGHTIING U-BOATS "A L'AMERICAINE" . r . ..-.,-. . .. . tt Service AULiiiB AiNU U. 5. IN FULL AwnCeui u. ACCORD, BAKER SAYS 'Used to awy wivto uii uni nuni w ciueu into Single Military Unit, De- Pay ICDGB BlttW" M h SILENT S War aceictaiy a.liliigton, April 22 'Tlieie complete mllltar.i aceoid between tin armies of the United Stat and thoc of our allies The foices on the west fiont havo been welded Into a single million unit. fighting for a common caupe This assertion was made todav l Soot clary of War Baker just before h. took the stand before the House Mllitatj Affairs Committee. "Thero Is no, doubt of the outcome in tho mind oT any of tho high officials of our allies.-- the Secretary continued "Tho principal uuestion now is. TVh.it nierlca can do to shorten tho war Secretary Baker said that hts ht.iip- r8 offloer of l irtuallj fol0Cll jments befoir tho committee would bo of H(Jnr "T" ,' Rn 0f the many oU- an iniormai nature, iiesignco to ai -' rf office "rTay through polltl- I lnlnt tho mtmbcis with actual tondl- "- . . .-i a tnfpricre wiui "vl" ' "- .t..i. i.nv. uv .- , ould mako no tecum- , jBCepu""""' -- - inclinations at tins time, lnlltnatinir that Sanation waa submitted to I Hitnc wouh, com: later JXJud i Brown, of tho Municipal gfjtoh M. to take Ilt??t"l,uJTW0 NKW DIVISIONS &WTXSSl" " ! FROM DRAFT MONTHLY Ul service leaders w ho lttn e been i Mrs. nipplns progrec wor. j Balalll;e of Qllotas WiH Rc for Ke- J" 5? .i- .wi. the resignation I placement of Men Sent Announcement Has Been, 0 AI,W" . -.. pn,vl nor .Hade ruu.- v;," I . Tendered Resignation i V. the Ulnfl. of pubUc servant jtjr rrcj.u-. - -,rirtnnt 111 At JUS fcl Tinnin lma rf slencd as chief . Stf 'J" Mu.Ual Court, TMthatuhcwaBMnuauy "" mF beciuso of the many oh- 4 f office D.eca0 , hrnll-h nolltl- ' UlftfBln,l.,Tn interfere vlthltlo""' on tlic light Epltt dM'K", i? 'aard of M nounced that ho wc exceptionally WbIi standard of woru , t :W mtnll V' TV 'A i Lrernf J r .,v Sink Five Concrete Filled Vessels of Ob solete Type to Block Egress Dash and Brilliancy Mark Foray Upon Belgian Harbors in Hands of Teuton Covering and Auxil iary Warcrat't Run Fight at Scichepre.v when the Government took control of'Tmnpnvoc XTnvHi Qln tho plant, which Is working on muni- J-1I1iJ1 u V t! b -LNOlUieill Picardy and Flan- GERMAN LOSS ABOUT 300 Blow for B 1 o w Despite A II War Machinery Used by the Enemy Ainorlc.in .tinij In l-nrr.iiiic. tlons of wai The men ald they would work on Sundaj, If necessary, when they were told that they would bo paid double time. A notice has been posted In the I works asking all the cmplojes to buy a ,, , , Cioernment Bond unless they hae al- KetUrnCU ready done so ders Lines 2 LOST IN ACTION IN43 CASUALTIES STRENGTHENS HOLD IN ALBERT SECTION With lln- .p II .! l'lfty f!oi ttians rallied the American sector not Hi of St. Mlhlel (between St Miijiei una verdun) Jestcr.i.iy. Tiiojgjx Others Dead and Nine Ainci lean artillery repulsed the noencs ; as tlio readied the Ameilcnn b.ubcd wno etitanslrmentf The ficrnian wounded ueie ran led off. but two dead ttcro left on the wires. Tho Americans tillilo a countor- rnlil on tho Cerm.in ticnclics, brlngliiK Signs Point to Shifting of German Offensive -i i ni t i rniil on lln tierm.ui Of Shins AXrrvmmrl Uiek two nrlsnncts. 1 " The tnerle.in nlllclil report on Satur and Blow Them Up Severely Wounded on Pershing's Report 27 WERE SLIGHTLY HURT MAY DRIVE IN PICARDY Twin Battle Brewing, servers at Front Believe 0b- vinkfl TIUUIU' mo l ,, Smeunent was because of tlio un SS of the court to InMte u eon SSTtat might reveal the political JSrtf tho Mrtualls "forced- relB- n. wsitton nars .i salar.v or jdumu llTorind when Mrx nippln was up- fcM M 't lo ""-r" ""- " h0 linu Uio inaorH:in-iii ul unt MClll service womerw ui .in it( tho countn- She soon gain UtioBil reputation because of her Mil work in tne court juu " tot rules she made effective w.t wnuin nave no rci-uKiuuun trr -- -; ;. ,, m potnltnenL ui nci iii..i.v .- Uonvork. . t :((la MtaqffrWch uneasiness to the Cowers, wno were mua witcu lW a number of good "Jobs in i(isflHltlnn of the court. Thei 1 olind b tuahad their "ejo" on Mrs Itlp to Wnr nolilnclim, Apul - 1m ih dhlslims of froops will bt. oig.mtZMl aih month aH ft("h dtaft contingents ato called to tin- i nlor. It wbh Ii at tied at tlw War Department todav 'I he n -malnder of each month s quota of men will go to till up the leplacoment org.m Izitlons upon whldi calls villi bo made for men to tak" the )laecs of those lost oi wounded In action nbioad. Several camps In the east already are being tumid Into replacement depot" C.fME to see sights Wanderers round Camden "Small-Time Stuff" , iIi74A 4i .i .. I.A i,thu aooue iiic eeniiai pare o fMtHear job and on tho Job8 I Kapintti. thliteen jcais tltAMtttnent If., Jld Girl's Proteetor 'Tsasferof Mrs nippln to Government for work In connection witn me nMoa on Training Camp Activities iffoWtrand Xavy Departments and rtrtratlon at Washington longer man e ill months' leavo of ausonco given i ill Judfe Brown Is looked upon as. 4i Itiitlmate" excuse to push aside . Rtppln and leavo open the SjoOOO lijtsrpUce. iEiftuIof the court to paj her saiai ito torch 15 as the "Influence"1 fuinjjjt to give the resignation ecuse ' Tti Rtppln receives no pay fiom the, Sirirnnient for her Bcrvlces In conncc- m nth the Foiidlck commission the nollee of tho l-'lfteenth and Locust stteets station w'anderiiig about the eential part of tlio city, Maiy oki, anu a nme In a ilaiing laid on '.eelnupKe and O.stcnd, the two ptincipal L'-boat bases on the Uelgian Coast, the Uritish duplicated HobsonV oploit dunnr the Spanish-Ameiican Wai when ho wink the Mcrrimac in Santi.ijro Haibor and bottletl-up Genera's fleet. This map of Zecbiu,rKo llaibor f-hows how easily a few ships un able to block the old channel between the quay and tho jettie-., and acio.s the mouth of the new channel between the jetties thiiii-ohes s HOMES ARE SEIZED TWO-SHIFT PLAN FOR SHIPWORKERS TO START MAY 1 Government Commandeers Fire Chief Murphy Will Row of Dwellings on Adopt Change With Rodman Street Present Force TENANTS TOLD TO MOVE MEN WIN LONG FIGHT The limeigetK.v Tlcel ("uipoiatlon N- BensclsM. elcht veal s old. both of Cam- d.i.v tommandeeied huufecs in West den, toliJ the liouso sergeant at tho s,ta-, Philadelphia for the Uso of Hog Island havo beet, struggling worumen. riei-ent occupams uavu uctu years, n in jie luswutcu .naj i given thirty days In which to move. This i the first stop of the CJoMrii ment ah predicted b the Kvemnh PinLii- l.i:i)(ii:n last Satuida.v as a solution (if the Hog Island housing pioblcin. Ab announced excluslvelv the liovern- Tho Iwo-iilaton sjsleni, fm wli lu I'he two-platoon svstem fur whose lu- for ncail two to sec the sights 'Camden Is Miiall-tlme stuff,- ioin inented Mat.v l.aplnta, when asked whj t-he- left homo l'.uents of the girls look them home, nlieio they were bicakfasted .mil botft tent t(, tchook TOO MUCH AMI London, Apiil '-'0. Uiitisli naal forces in a dating! taid on the German submaiinc base.-? . at Ostend and .cebtugBc eaily this j morning blew up five concicte-fillcil ' ships in the channels to block the cgiess of enemy ciaft. The Admiralty announced. German destro.ver and sub marine bases at O.stcnd and Zee bniKk'e wcro raided by our naval lorccs this morning with a reason able measure of smccss. Willi the exception of our eovcr itig ships our force consisted of auxiliarv vessels and si obsolete cruisers. J'ivc ships tilled with concrete, used as "bloik ships" were ground ed, abandoned and blown up. Object of Ilottling Up" OHend, till the war, one or the most telcbiated of Euiopcan water places, was eail taptuicd by the Gennans as was the somewhat less known port of Zccbuiggc. Iloth have been invaluable as U-boat basesal though the activity of the Ciifl-li Channel fleet caused their abandon-' ment as naval bases for war ?lilps of tho main Geiman fleet. Hlockading of botli Uelgian poits may be taken not only as an cn dcavoi to close up submaitnes thpt picy on Allied tianspoits and food-' ships, but alo to pi event complete Teuton domination of the Channel coast in case the Geimans attain This announcement, made tndu t tlio nvn.viNO niiMr l.nnai.u bv Wil liam If Slurph. chief cnglneet uf the liuieau ui l lie. Kive" uiuriiii iiuuiv 111 i - . . . . !.,- , , ., . .1 'any of their objectives against the the men under bis command that the ""' - , . , uimpalgn which they havo waged for a Channel poits of UunkilU, CalaiF working schedule 1. vihl.-h part of each an(j l)0U(,Knt., I the Flanders (ll'Ixe li.Vll.;l'lll ...u. ...r...h .-i: .m.iu ...... rlav's engagement northwest of Tout, i follows- Tho losses sustained bv us were no largir than could icasonably be cs ported. The (tigagemeiit vns the most severe In which Americans havo par taken 'I he eneni.v'R losses were much gnater than he had anticipated, as is evidenced by more than 3U0 dead In the merlcan trenches and In No Jinn s Land. Tin flirman wounded were dragged bul. to tho Genu in trenches and theli number Is unknown. Heavy damage was inflicted In rrnimi- niprlcau artillery where the lines join I vliiFrliiin Oiilntimlirrril Tin sliiiii" uf wiiuuded iihmi l event i tin bi.iii of vnuilcan groups In re slstlns ami ib h ing off several times tin it iiuiuIhi ul iiuniv troops in S.it uidav ( ngagement One 'Dead JIati s Curve was de-i fended ! n mnclilne-gun squad under I constant and deadly ciermnn flic keep- I itig tho line of communications open V gri nail lei. who, was In tho front i line, asked if ho vv as 'scared, replied- "Didn't have time I was too busy ' lighting 1 had two green men with, me, m X bad to set them as example. 'I licj vine kcaied nt first, hut I i.iw tiiein w mining nit .soon tney vure fighting Ili.o vetetans Wc stuck until we vveie nil wounded ' Momi tumps who suppoitcd the Ger iiiiin uglmetit attiu king Amcilcaij forces hund iv n urulng nerc Micclallj ti. lined and is in .used lot this operation An "til 111 I'renili notH saH Krcneli I troops iluilug a raid In T.orralnn the I night 1 Vptil Hi laptuicd prisoners who said the Germans wde preparing for an Imiioit.int attack. At d.iun Suudn). after n most Intense bombflt dinen t. the attacked the Amei linns mi a mile fiont Additional do tjlls iho tlio Americans Jointly nt tacktil with the Vrcueli and chased the Gcrnu ns mil of llemk'res viood (half a mile uouiieasl of fceichepre ), vihere they had ctabllshed tliemsclvcs by an attack on the I'icndi The I'laiuo-mtikan tioops retook all the gioiiml lnt captured a number of prison, r and lift thn bathed wlro en ! tangb nn ins lllkd nith Geiman dead The ground whete the battlo was ( mitlmiril on 1'aeo sh. Column Three Wimhintlon, April 23 Two killed In action, one died of wounds, four died of diseases, nine Hounded severely and twentj -seven wounded slightly made the total of forty-three casualties reported to the War Department today bv Ofneial Pershing , Killed In i linn TTtvNK G ICANi:, private DANII.t. 1. JtcGAri'IGAN. private. Died uf Wounds ..WINTOIID II.OOK private lilrd of 111-cf.r jiojicrt i!vni:n. cook. jajii:s rni:Di:tnoi counTXKV, private Gi:OP.Gi: lAirm. private JOi: l'AVXi:, private Wounded severrl,, UI:UNAI:D l' JIcXUHU lieutenant 711.MEY c Si'tlWAXZ, sergeant. OAMJtl.lt 1 KfBIAK corporal J'isniMI V WITTKAJIP, mechanic CIIA1'.U:.S r. AUIK, private. WAIn;iS A A-TO.NIOWIi:Z. private JIICIIAI.L .1 T.1LIH, private TOW l'I.ZITO. private. FI.;AI Srl'I,r.Ti..V, private THOMAS J HOLJli:S lleulenalit HAltm 1 1 JIcNHIU lieutenant WIM.IAM CAlt.STn.WS, corporal GKOBOi: 1: i:GAX, coiporal. limVARP J I'tinCAUSItr, corporal JOHN' THOMPSON, corporal. AV1I-IJAAI LalTAJIJIK, corporal. JOSIU'H J AL,i:-5lClLVNDnoWlTCZ private i:lv,i;m: n iiiniox, piivatc JAJIHS AV. BUr.Ki:, private. Mnisnv C BUUT, private. .101 IN KTIICKSOX. private. Bl.nXAItn P llltWIX. private IIAVXOU V 1'AIRTV. private I'llXNK t: UKXltV, private. Ui:UBKHT I" JintA'IX. private i:oBi:iIT J. XICHOLhOX. piivate. TIIOJlXS OKI.njX, piliato H.xnitV V n.AIVi:V, private HAItltX : Kt:i:i), private rr.AXK 'I SWAGi:. private ai:onm; r chihick, private XllTHUn V TABlt. private, rosrilll TIIOVIAS. private HA HOLD U WALKi:n. private J KDWIX WICKJIAX, private XLAL H. WOOD, private. 31TH DAY OF TEUTON DniVE 1 ITII DAY OP FLANDERS UATTLE 4. HI .,,ln .flft a mns& limitAa in . . . 1 . . 1 1. -.s ' Uutfte& liro to hxpiodc, Injuring:, tu(8 Fectlon of the clt foi UouhIuk ' to enjoy within n few dns tin fiulU of Chouffcui ghlp).a,d workmen. A numbe, o. houses , 'JJo;J o, lllstu1atllllI of th, I.... niueli all was responsible f..i In- ",e n""' a " od";a" two.platoon svstem has been made bv j. ..I... t ifn,. nni,i..ir.., net. ,.,.. ,h..Ai Unit r T ft i . Ifrhtll mill I llt - i-lslAr ATucnlif It1i lii R.inr-tinti nf 1 ti- ... . . . . ill ii a n mil 11 i nj uin-tu . Hill iuui pnii.li iiuin -vm ..j -r - - s niti ,'ihiiimji . .....-.. -. . - itiaetiome of Judgo Brow-n today itjears old a chauffeur emplovcd b the I n, Mt,.Pt9 lector of Public hafcly Wllnon. although Wttlithat he has been 111 for several Philadelphia r.lectrlc Compans. nt Thlr- ",nlu ""pfl . . ....... .,., , 11 u n.lmltted that for somo time a few lad would speak to no one tj-llrst and Gliard strseN. when a tiro homo of tne resworn i.nen nouiu.e, ul eompanles comprising the buieau ine inn or me tile rederal movo until they aivouo tins M,, ,,0 0i,i,.e,i to opeiato short-handed moi nlng to find signs on the front of 'chief JIurph) picfera to ncconipllsh tho their homes which read -This property spe.dy iiuWltatlon of Jl. , tuo-pl-too,, , Kincrgeiuj ricetl'.. . ,,,, ,, ,., , m,i.r,i.iii,ir fm. ; Xa Rlppln was given a sli. montlis' lo'i tt absence by Judgo Brown fol witr a request of Baymond D t'os exploded this morning wheel camo off and inflicted a siivere I laceration in Robinson's chin and his strtaukfii lint irrs TMnnln lift de- , ''lp was hiulsed l'hjhlclaus at Lau SiJ? Jf.!?.."1.".!3:,?. "'?.' .. I kenau Hospital made an. X-iav .-xainl- nation of his ltijuile An clcctil. tin pump blew up the liic until it .-ploded ' to Imestleato tho moral condl i In territory adjacent to canton- i is various parts of tho united i In view of the fact that she aotttlten a vacation In three yeais i w permitted to Include an addl lt month. In her leavo of absence ltr late of Wve was October It tai due to lenoit for dutv on W1L ICeihe was busilj engaged In help- ito united States Government Her "7,iheBald, was to be continued bj 1 Uuelcloal rmiit rtofniii-o nf the obtained bv her, Mis. lllppin was oirecior of tho girls piotectlve oi me Wai Dcpaitmcnts corn don en tralnlnr- n.v.n .nil. UIa. awilnj, according to her friends'. ""t In VOIllll l,A l,n...n..l l l.A .. apI. Iftjtf return here Sirs Ulppln for- Per reslenatlon to Judgo Brow n , . e5' Mrtl llPP'n said jestcr JJ vttr the' telenhnn (mm v'.ici,i,.tr. I uVi , .'-- ..w... ,,u..i.i.h 7" mtnta vrord that lu-r lcslg- , "alould be tulmn ,ir ,.. it,- v.-.-,i Pnrnorg. Her salarv. Rim nsKerie.l. . ?"i!)pedon March 15 without notice ! K Salary Suddenly Stopped ' 1 tieW Of thft tan th.. !.- . fw-i. . .. fc iie mo coui i L"-""-'"' time n which to take 3a??!! my ""'enatlon," said Mrs. (htnM,- er 10 auoge Brown 'Muiniay, ask ni- htm i ir.. . &.enS.","iro.? Hwi ill ' "" ut liiai i. Bflt.wr,(h ft1 a s o,cl0 tonight. U Is oniy fair I should know - u court Is dolnn- vllh -- JA1I) PRINTING PLANT- (.uiimandeered by tho evaporation. Xo trespassing Residents in this vlclnlt;! iccentl held indlgii itlon meetings to protest against lai.dloid latsing tents The houses coui- tbero Is short a man to withholding fut tlier enjojinent bj his men of the less burdensome hours of dut foi whldi they have contended I'nder tho provisions of the plan woikeri out by tlio chief, the pen-omul Federal Ofllcers Aucit Two Con nellsville Men as Piopagandists Cnniirllhilllr, Pa.. Xpiil S3 Federal agents raided a printing plant ftoni which It is (hat Red pro-German litera ture has Hooded this section William Haug, tidily .icarn old, and Christian Hang, twentv -eight, aic held for a further investigation The printing outfit was discovered when tho authotitles went to the HaiifT Hindcnbuig is less than foity miles fiom Dunkiik. ( hulleliRr In X mi (aprlle I 'Hie British uavv in Its challenge to the dermaii high-seas fleet Is becoming Ineicasltigly daring Following tlio desttuilion of enemy aimed trnwlcis in the Kattegat, April IB tlaO miles fiom an l'ngllsh base tho i Biitlsh showed flesh enlerpriso by the raid up tho destrojer and submarine bases at Ostenil and Zeebrugge, bom- j bardliig tho haibor defenses and sinking llo eoncietc-llllid ships In tho channels Tlio measure of cnuiago ueceasiry for this operation Is evident fiom the fact that tho shoto battel les In these Belgian I ports aro known to he among the mo't i i ...... ii.ifiiiif llin.A In ( lliell nt unit Iriifl. rnmmiH etll hi. fll-htlCIl iiisuiuceii'u v.v ......i- ... v...... .. .. ..., , ,,, , i powerful ill the world ami tlio snips to Wi.ai.ta who piotcste.1 aio living ,"'"UeIJl,h 'j!v !!enC3"e(.l Uitmlc I ia4 "'-compllshcd the- desired blockade ;: ast r .irr is s Csr, h h,- sw;K,rsfsvss; some Mine "la nv of the residents of T'"h n,Vr ,dlt 7elleL it 1 he.e wl 'tltutc.l the bl.akadlng neet-in ad- Es-txiszsszsfis: SSSS s.;nrii., lint tho men til iou t this dcitrhatloN fcclliiff that tho il.Kht iMcoincnlcnco that u pacKeil lumlt tall In more limn f oinpeiiMiirii y ...Ii (.rfr.l (liiil t lirvt i 1 I tlllfl .... i .inn t m mi Limit nnwaa .. mmriM tn r n .ntoo tcv i - ... ... . .- ... i ...n.i.... pear before the dra t , ijMrji .or u y. -- 7,"". i- tiii rriust f'omnanv Is rpend tho t.ls.it witn w..c am. cuuiei, servico uiierauiro i-niun-u niu i-,u n ,iiuu uj . ,.. - win, .i Bake-Off and "Don't Blame the War on i regarded i-uch a strong ptobabllllv liMi home to arrest the brothers for ullcged i " .,robI falluro to answer to a wummoiis lo P-1'1"'18"1 ' rt . ' ,, pear beforo the dratt board for a. my shipbuilders hoi no othei nlaco to go In somo oi uie families aie small children ...i. ... animlAii nf llip tlnfr Inland ,,ii.iiii.i "" ....".. . iin.il nr ll l. II' IIUIIIIMIK HI IVVV - ...., ,,,,11. um uihiui nil... armored or battle citlleis with heavy armament, as tliev perfninnd Mm name role us the uitltlor In an Infantry nd- xancc I.jing welt oil snoic, tne un the Devil was among tlr.it iccovcrcd. U. S. AIDS TROLLEY COMPANY linngc livery Mv fia Government Will Construct Termi nals and Pui chase Cars ii wno tnken todav as an assuren rai i ,... ,. r,,,,,. ,,ini,t ,n ,t.i ilntv h.v thoso familiar with the housing s'tu' ( w ,it l0 m'ado each sixth da, when on.- atlon . 0f the crews will ervo twrnt-four William R. Xichol'on president of continuously, whllo tho other en tile rompanv, declined to mscuss x,,i inia n full dav off. At present, llremcn (louerslrr CII.V Servico N. J., ptjl 2J Su- rtu My,r,??atI(!n- I 1I1 not think ilk f " c ty of Philadelphia . -un.uuai leavo of ao ItlionehT ..!.... .... Slliu i ViV'"' a ,elltr rr0n tne '. it Would reel.-. ,. ..ii ., r I b.- j. ---..w tl,f uu Dai ""Jflce!r0lP,e.,i ifr0m V" paro11 , HVHCO, I received .I IcIIai- .nn.. rtth. ,,LBanc, Elllot- o"ltant w flO COUrt. rli l.i i. i j "t wctivinff tvA int,.i ,. 'TQffl th It '.leu, nuraiiuiff CmSLS,sr tani1 the ther from fiSh? !..' him that I a.. -" , nionev rrom i, TTr,iia '. "oternment. t .... i. .j ... nmunicatlona regarding Mia alh??? 5rS!Ijr surprised when St. . .""" D"n --topped." ler h.v5ii0rJh9 Government and 'gjwadquarttra In Washington. l'KCB WAR OK TURKEY v-ummittee T a i-.,i i -uMiaration Against Sultan Ut1n. April SS. Senator r.K.Vntro,uc1 a resolution the iSmat, Forln nelatlous . .."r'Jr consideration to liTl?.' "-'roduced by Sen J ifcKS Is - declaration of lrl4i u. Trky. matter todaj on tho ground that It was Government liuslness. and referred all innnirerH in Rear Adinlrul Bowles, in ,.l.n,Kn nf all the WOrk lit Hog Islafd. i oil- --.-- -- -- ... ... . ........ perlntendent Graham of the i-uu e . .moi " " ,' ""!?,, ,h ., Meet Servico uanvvay, announces mat i.n-givo out u nm.cni,.. Government had approved tho contract i -ater jn tho daj with tho railway to furnish tho money Tll0 dement of nijster.v that lias en- fSrmfnXaml "ll tho ,,OUS'"R ""tTW, Ii ' new sjstem and that Its actual enfoice- deTshlpyards. ' n"d ?o puwtaw thirty all probability, ho removed bj Admiral " ,)Ut a matter of Ua? lc. ne" car for each of tho terminals Bowlcss statement Kcports 1 mt tho, Uw mm eded with undls- t. .. i, ininntinn to have n. loon and housing Plan had been dennltc j aban-, cmtlfleatlon When tho State .Mt.i nt ench terminal and tho c.ua doned and that w oil-men ompioveu .u , ,.,...,- on0 Jcar ago. will be oneiated by shipyard crews, who , u0B Island would bo left to ti e.r own making the two-platoqn ..in t-ikn ihmi from the tvimuen car ,i,, iq tn flnd homes in tne enj navo, h. i,in itlo nf ihn fliKt cIbhi barn in the morning and leave them on )0t b(,ell credited by thoso In touch with "'". ' L ' , lia(i enjoved similar prlv . l .xtntA Lirtiniinn iii'i-niiaii iiunin . . i- a -. .nit i ni imia oeerv sixth day off. but they tcrvo at their ttatlons contlnuousl night and day between thoso brief weekly holldajs, their only Intervals for seeing their families being tho threo hour dally meal periods v.b that a definite date had been decided upon foi the installation of tho I (loubtedlv laid down a 'bairngc" villh their blu suns while tho lighter craft crept under the very noses of tho haibor defenses to Insure tho surcss of the blo. kadlng prociss. Sir l.ric Geddes has thus llgur.it id struck Admiral von fapelle twice In the face with his glovo within little more than a week without dianlng n re sponse All Indications point toward u de liberate attempt bv tho British navv to goad the Germans Into a sea fight of moro or less major pioportions, In which tho enemy high seas fleet would be opposed by a combined British and American squadron London, April 23. Further impiovcment of British positions on the noithern end of the Picaidy battlcfront and in Flanders xvas anrounccd by the War Office today. In the sector of Albert the Brit ish vveie successful in strengthening their lines. Local fighting, xvhich ended to the advantage of the British, took place also in the sectors of Rpbecq and WyUchaete (Belgium). Prisoncis 'wcie captured at both places Haig's Report Field Marshal Hnig lepoitcd as follows: Wc improved our positions north of Albert by a successful local operation last night. We took prisoners. A number of enemy prisoners were taken in local fighting in the Robecq sector and near Wt schaetc. xvhich resulted advan tageously to us. Raiding parties entered enemy trenches near Fampoux (four miles cast of Arras) and pene trated their support lines. There was hostile artillery actixity jestcrday afternoon and last night west of Albert, south of the Nieppc Forest and cast of Ypres. Our arlillerv engaged hostile concentrations in the Villers-Bre-1onneu sector and in the neigh borhood of Scrre. Twin Battle Brewing Inci easing raiding and artillery activity along the Somme and Ancie Rivers and at various points north and south, of the Lys River indicated today that a txvin battle xx as brewing and that it would break out in all its fury, perhaps ( simultaneously, on both the Pica.rdy and Flanders fronts. The Germans, carried out raids on i Monday in tho sector of Ilamel, j south of t'.e Somme, and imme diately south of La Bassec Canal, but gained no advantage. Northxx'est of Festubert a German laid was carried out in such force as to amount to x'irtually a locfal at tack. The Germans succeeded in penetrating n British adx'anced post, out the operation xxas xx-ithout sig nificance, ns the same post has changed hunds a number of times in the lcccnt fighting. - - The French Wnr Office in its of- WOMENS LOAN WORK EXPENSE OFFER MADE TLZZ3!?f. BOOSTS BIG WAR DRIVE FOR 500 Y. M. C. A. MW&tiySS actions. Both sides have been mass- TRENTON MAN HELD AS BOGUS ARMY OFFICER NEW YORK, Apiil 23 Mai tin Hillmeyer. wealing the uniform of a first lieutenant in the medical coips of the United States nimy, was nuested today in the lobby of the Impeiial Hotel on n charge of impel sonnting an officer and passing bad checks. He gave his nddiess ns 3G5 Centei stieet, Tienton, N.J, NEW YORK'S BOND TOTAL GOES TO $408i487.400 NEW YORK, Apiil 23 Total Libeity Loan subsciiptions in the second di&tiict weie $408,487,400 at 10 o'clock today, the loan mnnageis announced. This was a gain of approximately ij17,500,000 over the clobe of business yestciday. GERMAN BARRED IN CAMDEN SCHOOLS The Camden Boaid of Education today voted unanimou&ly to diop the study of Geiman fiom the public school cuiiiculum. $2,0011,500 Raised in Two Days' Enthusiasm Aroused by Parade Saturday Herbert Pratt Cables Edward Bok From France He'll Pay for Workers IIOW HOBSON ACHIEVED passed the HIS FAMOUS SOBRIQUET the wake of the enthusiasm that latoqn svs- nv HJIWItn niti xmnmil in'cd Saturday's "second-line-of-c! 3 fli st class Ut IILKU Ut lUtiliKlMAL parade A total of 2 003 500 w tho loop until night. ....-.I l....kn.-A ImHVAd the leal estate situation, uwuubo ""'"" for additional workmen has become a vital necessity .vhntit two weeks ago Admiral Bowles Gloucestcr-Philadelphla Service to "lc 'i.Un'g problenf wh.ch he believed would -sansiy "')""" but stated that it wou.u ue bi mv I BETTER FERRIES PLANNED Bo Improved for Summer Travel pinns for Imnrovement of ferry boat , i,,,.t nf the Government for mm lo ,., ,,,, ,irn.irtment heads to work "!" .Kc,,w V','La!t',:,m?, "EllP1??: Blc out any Jf .the details of W. . p an ,j f operation. Uelajed the IIIT HUM IVI ,,,.,..-... ............ -. . I Inl.C 11113 lllllll Ul ,,MI..'a . i . mtr pester and ror inrrruMeu un.-ikiiiK -i -. ,.,,. cllltles were made toda at ' V,e., am"':V. I lmlldlnc operations financed by private meeting of the Gloucester City Ferry b ulli. l W WJ .believed to haxe been tlio Company. The company anticipates capital Is now bellcveu to iiav heaxy traxci this summer. ono that Admiral Bow los mm '"""" The following board of directors was and upon which he has been working elected: u. A. .viuuer, iirrmuciui wcuib since. K. Petzold. secretary; xviiuam iiamuie ton, treasurer ; Franr nhrllch, Lester B. Johnson, Francis Phrom and alter U. lllllcr. all of Philadelphia, except Ham bleton, who lives in Gloucester. Add 48 Stars to Service Flag VI llmlnrton. Del.. April 13 The .en ice (lag at the xvinningion III School will bo returned to High 10 makers for tho purpose of Having roriy-eigni additional stars added. This win mane more tfan 500 stars on the flag and one vlll be a gold star in memory of Thomas W. Eaton, the younc aviator who lort iii UX WP" irajnmi ervJcn, abrp. for The tenth keel har 'cm laid at Hog Island It was tnat oi a i-iu """ of the tjpa for which keela have already been la Id at the Island With the Im provement in tho steel situation which has taken place In the last two .weeks. It Is bellexed that from now on the work "l? proceed In a satisfactory manner and that In a shoit time the plant Vttl have caiicUt lip with the program of construction originally outlined, Ad mlral Bowles expressed confidence today Uiat.tho number of sh lp, I Pronled b$ the jj-og Island sards will be delivered to the Quvernmcm. m.a j The ' Ilobson ' act. recorded in the British raid on tho German naval bases, Ir In Its vvav a- duplication of the achievement of a joutig American lieu tenant and his hnlf-doren Intrepid com panions when they made a daring, if not wholly successful effort to bottle tin Admiral Tew era's fleet In the har bor of Santiago early In tho war with Spain. America awoko ono June morning I ""' - .... . ... .i.. .,i. ,,.,,ii l&DS less man lira monins niter tne actual accompueimwiiu ui mv .. - beginning of hostilities to discover that the present it had a new nnvai ncro ills name was lflnlimmul 1' llODROll. 1L m pnint nnrl llecea for moro than two 3 ears 11 was hoped that tho terms of the measure, fixing tho rtato of Its Installation ns January 1, 1918, were mandatory, and the long campaign for bettci working hours happily ended But falluro on tho part of City Councils to provldo for ii.A uiiriuinnai men uccum. uu .., ..- liisti ut 1 oinmltiees leading Hie drive 01 tho XX omens l.lbcrts Loan committee today reported marked progress In their campaigns In all sections of the city, in to.tovv defenso" as sub scribed In two da.vs In the central citj, where Mrs. Paul Denckla Mills supcrvltes the women workers. J1.T0C.400 was subscribed In two days In Gcrmantown the work ers under Mrs W. B Gurley announced that that section was close to the 1. 500,000 figure Other reK,its showed that South Phil adelphia, it waiter J, Kreeman cnair ing troops and improving their lines xxhile the big guns hax-e been carry ing out intense duels. Next German Stroke? The big question is: "Where will the Germans deliver their main stroke?" , It may fall in tie district of Kern- Aftei spending ten dajs touring the1 T. M. C. A. "huts" of England and Trance. Herbert Pratt, vice president of ilia Diaiiuaiu uu Lujuimn , 11 iiu nui . ... . n , x a among the first to lespond to tho call mel R"lEe, in Belgium, a position of for "big men" for y. m. c. A. work the highest strategic importance; or tTnfBUfMlJil Phnif , f" of" it may como in the sector of La fer of expenses for 500 Philadelphia men " to take up the work ikinard Bok. Bassee Canal, xvhere the Gennans , state chairman of the r. M. r a war . tried seVcral times before to break work council In announcing Mr. Pratt's I n. .1 ji , c . t offer today, issued a call for loo more I through in the direction of the Brit- men. Tho oil magnate's nnlnlnn nf tin. n-c- "man. bad piled uj. S2i9,8o0 In two I hcinK done In France Is contained in his davs: AXefct Philadelphia Mrs. 11. P. cablegram which follow -11 1 nichardfcon. J1SI.400. Palls of Schuyl- camegram. wnicn follows Mark lUdlcal Change Much of the bitter feeling engendered by" the delay among the rank and tile has been softened, however, by the known ,n,utlons under which the chief and his oc.uinnt,. worked In their efforts to I ,..Mnm the shortage of cllgibles In low of the drains of military and other assistant naval constructor, he was less than twenty-eight years old, and ns the "hero of the Merrlmao" ho xvas acclaimed throughout the length and breadth of the land What liopson um to innu Him with After ten davs nf it n London and Paris, I believe the T. Jr. c. A. is th I greatest piece of woik ever done by 1 American men and women. But Mie ' staff Is often tired, because of lack of assistance to relieve them. Desneratelv nrobablxT was shattered. The West Philadelphia committee an- In need of helners. Push recnitiini. 1., , ,,.., .!. ie. j- nounced that Alexander Brothers had ' Ptiiimuinhti, tr .. iVn, ?..-" ' indications tnoi, tne lmpenamjr r subscribed kb.ooo ' antee traveling exnenseB of itnii ,.n i nexval of the German offensive on kill. Mrs. Bessie Dohron Altemus, Sl 100; Chestnut Hill, Mrs Francis S. lit Bhenny, J66.60QJ North Bural, Mrs. Charles S Wurts, :2,900, North Phila delphia. Mrs. Wilmer Krusen 1385,900 The nurses' committee under MUa Ro berta west, reported J3100, 'hi ish railhead position at Bethune. There has been an increase of activity south of tho Scarpo Rlvw opposite Arras, but the last German I thrust thero received a check so dei clslx-e that their hope of reaching I the British front in that district such celebrities 01 naval history as Mrs Antoinette Punk. Ice chairman " ..i.: i 1. Stephen Decatur, who llred the Phlladel- of the national committee, will speak 1 "Philadelphia "s responding Phla off Tripoli In 1808, and Lieutenant I tonight in the Baptist Temple under tho noir. said Mr. Bok. nobij the Western front will come in war dut es. , usninB, nuu "),' iifi .auspices of the .North l'hl aUelpnla com-inm. v,i ,,,,,, tt wlli be a mirnri n ""t" '.,.1 .... ii,n tun.nliLtnnn Albemarle during tho Civ 1 War wbr to n,i,.. nf hinh Mf. vvnm, V.-r,in i w"n8 n's.,,,B" " Tul e a surprise to Accon,,J"f..".. '.."., .. r,l,i m'slng tho collier Meirlmao In Santiago ' n,. Philadelphia when the list is published, n i Am lion- BuiAtoaiuiij wj- - , . ... .- -.. i. . ..--.,. ...... . .... i.i ., , "-'".-". .... . .1.1.- f (ii. miintn-. iiaruor 1 i '"' i'.vv"v uie i-pe most oi me iuikci v.i.o .. ...- .--....,, or tno ripanisn jieei, which nau neen marks the moBt radical change In tho working conditions of the Bureau of Fire since Its creation in isu Time after tme movements to. reduce CUBocn rat Sis. Celaua Oh ' blockaded by a squadron of powerful American warships. The deed was at the risk of his llfo and those of his com. pnnlonr- . Lieutenant Jlobson was on the cruiser "We ate getting PJcardy multiplied today. The Allies are Improving tntnr Mrs. Osslp Gahrllow Usch. who was hut this cannot be dene before the men positions, re-forming and strength- .. tt..... l. . .nu. K...1. 1 tint a nittAllr a rrli'l 'i mw triAro T1i,h, . . . r'Jic,r Ib'r SZ?, S lines to meet the nexv Wow first string and men of the second string The mere that will to, the better. The Clara Clemens, the daughter of Mark Twain, and Mrs. Leopold Stokowt.kl, wife of the conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, assisted at tho booth In front lieln at the same booth next Saturday M. rmfc .SM Q or eY.?y ,Dan Ctnlinued on Tare bis. Colnmn Oa f oon Ja AjnctUBwimJXUi .t. "-- '"y" w """' -.x In conjunction with the hvy artllltyy bombaidrati, vfaok ix """W f-ct 0. '&.i 0 I n , v " n .j ,'t