fe-vf ,et..aeyv t w 1 jn ' ti li I i 1' f- EVENING PUBLIC1 LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', MONDAY, APRIL' 22, .1918 eOALPRODIICTSHOWS SERIOUS FALLING OFF Critical Condition ' at Minos Reported bjFuel Ad ministration i-'-"' DUE TO LACK -OP CARS Decrease In Eastern' and Middle Fields Ranges as High as 59.i Per Cent FORWARD MOVEMENT IN ARTISANS' ORDER KOYAL AltCANUM Patriotic Investments of the Vnrious Councils and. Dlnlng-Club Activity Arrantnn rounoll liclil Its semltnotillil meeting on Wednesday with a Rood lit- p ,.ni: r fiiir llnllv nt tendance ns usual. The Thrift and War I lCpiUnUOll 101 iilg 111111$ lit Savings Society received n. Mb boost. President Will, who has n boh In 1 France, has taken a firm (trip In tin ' management of tho Hoolcty's affairs, and Bl-otlitr Stewart, who owns the. din- ' Unction of lia Itifr two Minn In the serv ice, fa attending tho ftcretary's duties. A Kreat number of stamp purchases liavo already been made. Alex l'aytun deposited, his memberihlp card. The council has tine new- application and one reinstatement lit the hands jif the medical examiner. Lu Lu Temple to Draw Out Fraternal Spirit T.ie newly formed body of deputies, master Attlsans and recorders of the local nvKimbllcs of the A. O. M 1'. will meet for organization details on nov (Monday nlKht, April 29, at liijc Atch ttieet, but there will be a meeting tonight at the same place, of the com mittee of nrrunKcmcnts for the big ralK net month, composed of the chair olll cers of St. John's. Progressive, Key stone. I'nderduwn. Fidelity, L'nlon. Adel lilil. Oak K'ine, 1'ennsjlvanla. Olrard. Paspytink. ilcrinnntown. Hartram. West Tim ltojol An anum Dining "lul. .-vtutlvi committee nut inl nrruneeil details for th" . next bnnt.Uel. tu he 1,-1.1 April I'll nt thn I i lt lo.. aiu Kuuth HruHil street. Two vir interi-stlii.; and well-known speakers have I ueeit emriaetl. Itm-rlal mii.u. uml t,.,t hulrl. a,,.,,.,.,.,.,. ....... . . otlo nnd fraternal nnpi i for community sim,- I '' "aueipnui uiiu. wuuiomim vc.., Inn will be provided. It wan also suuitesleil . blleH. ,iin...-tT., V" y l"1""'' '" a ladlis' Iliolher William 11 Pollock of Si tiinner-dantc. . , . , ..... j John s Asfetnbly. halting been oppoimed Crorre Chanrtkr I'uiiucM member. tunitl by M. II. M. A. Chalmers ns rtpreeiua- out in good numbers on Thur.dai .venlnir. lit ,...,, -in. ..,, u,i. ,ni nu n,p tn...,. r loniu uiun- i ,....., .. , ,, . , , tirnt ui in.' new iiri;i.M'.itiitii iti'u .it- 'inn fr,itii Ills iiMif.irilili lima Wleeil tu. relln- .,i f,, ni,r,,i r,.,, nr Hi., in.-ni ... ttitklilnglon. April 22. That there Is'a critical condition ex isting In tlfo coal-prpaiHjtiiB fields due to a lack of cars at tiic. mines Is shown by a telegram received-' ' Iho fuel ad ministration from the' Fnlrniont-t'larks-burg field In West Virginia. The tele gram reads VViflt rar niinniv Fnlrmoiit-clarusburir L) U. U It rhrl, Wult.. . .'?.? js'L?. r; ! &?;. ' $$;. ; ;,,.. &Z.XZ .,Ml...ntt ,..r.t, 1... . .tt.fa . nrl i.oi iiutnh his nnltlnM in fuwir ..f r.n h. ran HiailO H lUUlirUl cailJlHH 01 111 null iuliuii mill lul um iiii.t n nwin ' i -- ."- "" "" " i ....... . .,w.i- ,i,i.. fmm nvinn. unircea In. ,J,,vo1" more lime to tho imiortunt of lieu of I eemblles III the interest of a in.ienipm ... . ", '. ',7,7 , "rriarj i ne ruuiii.ll J ltrllliir to III- ulilpli he collcoked Rlnl wMlIi In .llnA o.db ,ir.,I.A iiil.ltllnnfil hi tiprmriMM ll n tl.,nl tti . o.i.l . ...! .... I1KM nt LU1II.I li.ll HIHI lill.l III .viii i.n.o ,r,i nfi.e ir iiv w.me w'll. '." dlrM-ioj to thw ml In the future, tcrlbes In tills statement: du- A tiotrattfH frnm Muanunla i..iii.II ..It nines will loso their entire force. This pay Chandler b fraternal llt m lis nrt I will lino a disastrous effect upon pro- i "" mm. -irntner u .. Stewart was ductlon unless matter Is .taken in h.tnd also u tlMioi. ' Cor snme time the fplln thai it. rlmw QSHembllPS should detnte mur. iini aii.l rrrtl enmy in ill. ir existing tn-niii. hhln hiia h.n criminu In our ord. r. Th ., nnA n.l ttnl- Lltl.lifu lu lli.l.in.l If. t fil t. ! lnaf Mltnr.m, .trn...... f.....l It ..,.. l Old 'llfll liaS ben laid HHIO III lalnDllIT Innrenued ' lr.m of llarrlshurK. has he-n' Ieputl2ert to ' to Speak, and llov.. In the Eneral opln increased. Install the (ifflcrH f the ilrand Council uf ,oni " Is time to take out our sior-.l-awa Tho situation in this field doeii not llnod Ialutul, whhh hold Its annual nm. enthusiasm und vim. dut II off, Lriishb n it differ materially from -that evlstlm: all wtlon In J"roldtiii.e, LfBlnnlmt April s.1. up and wear It where tt an lie smi ....Jif-.. .1 ' '" .: ' -.- . . ... ..... Sunrenii. tirslor L It itelsenlieri?. r. !if Lnnl "Kor the lime U Inn let us lav siren- ...,UUK.. io iiu.r iiiiimiiuin iv..i iraui euiir. perioriiii similar senile at the an- upon which the Industrial centers de-nuil seanlun or iho New Jersey juri-dKtlon. pend for their fuel supply. The leport:' oeirimiine April as ai .hur i'.irl. for tho week ended April C show a de- k , , ,, , . crease of production over the prcce-lln 0T'hliVUtoSKSJl"0r."li'Jn7: '"fiftSPi wees ot t.auu.uuu tons. or 11 per cent. ' .ainif o mm jum returne.i rrom a oust For the week ended March 20 the mines 'Ws&. ,k ? -1 Hl ilH I FREELAND KENDRICK SUCCEEDS OLIN BRYAN MAiutiiir; ki:nnt.dt otTiiANDnn. on Arm Snth. IJUAXCHK .1. OSTHANDKIl and JOHN Jl. KENNKtiT. Jr.. were married hy the Itev nohert Johnston, rector of th Churth of the HaWour. Wet Vlilladelphla. IWATIH llI!tlS-rVRH Hurldenlv. Anrll tn. l.otMMA CliniHTINR. wife of f.ouls Oerstner, sed iK,Tlls T.IAM A. .ltIlAltI.HON',l',,rAe,ll - , husband. of Katherlnn uiA, ",'.,. 'tr ExecutivesPrepnring for Gold en Anniversary of Frater nal Insurance Orders Beatfja AIUMH inM DIM). April SO rHATt UiTTK. widow rf WIUIhih tt AilMtiin ltl tlxrfl nml frtnd- Invttfd tu fun. nrtrfR Tu,. II h, tn . parlor of William If. f'hw. & ror. .in Hi nml Fpruc nta. Hit prlxatc. Monument m Auto nrlcp. 1IKLU April imp. Tf.oitA (.. dnushtfr of TVatik und I 'red UMI, ltrlxthn ntid rrlndfl InMlnl to funrnl KnlrR. Wed . 2 P. in , uncle'n rldrc''. L'harlri A Hrll, JIM N". Ixacin ft Int utrlrtly prlvntf. rrlftidfl timy cull Tup., 7 to 0 p. m. IHCI.I.inunAU. Suddpiily. April 21. BAMUIil, IHlIJ.KnJiiAl' Due notice of fu npral will b( frlvcn, residnro ot J. V. Con norF i'.Tl (Iren nt. , IHIV.1II1 ft ll I It 1 t llli II iUKl) l' and isjcleties which has in chaige thfc atld lllrnei Hue notlre of funeral will l nomas jnrne. copy. IV " "' ..m. .i.., i-nuiiiiii ..v...... iiu..i.ii April i'i uA.ii.i, j,. son 01 Itlon Which will take Place In Imlepend-' late ,lnhn and Marsaret Homier. IMatUe 1 .- . ttjl relahda Itii'ltA.l 9 r f nnAik I W. Frcelnnd Kendrlck. the popular I'hllailelnhlati and one of the most nutUo i 1 mid enthusiastic: frnlcrnallsts In this country, Is now the chairman of the commlttco of leading olllclals and mem bers of fratcrnnl nnd benetlrlal orders ivrd Ix.de, No. D3. M. of It.. Itiinnlnir Deer Coun- I !, V.-Vr n" ''lenls i" !?' luSI ell. No. ft2. U of I'. Herman Lutheran VRTCUS2.1? V',V "main., pari r. ifV W hur.li Soeletj, ere united to funeral. Wed . IJf1"??,",. iifi -"d "' Men .?.""Tl S n m . 4.11 S 4th st.. tlloucester City. N. I 5feilli "i "tPV" Nl . J J. Int. Cnlon Ceni . (Iloucemer. N. J. I Ane."i iVm .. ,l1 s ,"." tlol.HSMITH. -April in. at HI. Luke's AK,ne". -om" H,rBPU"' V Tf.,n,'q Hospital. cr.CM.IA .inushter of i:dwarrt and I r HiFr ilBAini "n t.... '"'Hh' the late Calinle lloldsmllh. acd 69. nela- I ,nn( ,V lat.P cnihHAV.,''!l ' UIFP v tltes and friends Hulled to fun.rnl eenlees, "in ,,' ,mi a,Jf.r'3: V "Iff nt4 p.iH .1 h--(ii-iiji nivzt utr.i nt nn, tinnic Pnlll rfOtllPhi Innti vlt '""'-ill It alM . Mouth Laurel Hill Cem m Int New cihen.i Jn 'hur"h liftl I (HUM April in JOHN A. huban,l of I ntxiKHS iSill "n i&SV. " 'i late Mamarpl ilrlm tnee l.aux) Iteinilves of lute Marv lt"rV. iiih,J:NA"l'. noil..? and friends. Confraternity of lll.snd Haera- , invited to finir.VrTueI'',J,L," " iiie-iii u ri ii iiii',i' a "n.ii . i- ni JHillfn III p Till t -... . ' rMMjii. Phonsus's lieneflelal Societs an1 HI Peters Mawr. Pa. tlt.h iii..i'iy,??r.' to Younn Mens Soeletj Invited tn funeral. Counsel hureh o 1 ,ur,!clVr ' 853 Tuea.. tt n m . ITl't 11 Jbnamnln ae Cem Auto funeral ,nt 8t 1)TI Mntemn re.iiilem hlah mnfts HI. Alnlinnstia'a linnrip.vil.(it.'i, .. . ...... .-ui..i. ... r i, iii.ii ll, n ill l.li.lfsl ."" ,Jli ,,,,n.- u.- nuii.e .i. luurini Important matter of nrraiiElnn the de- ''" "l,,f,n- re'il.lem.e of son. Tliomas HI r ,.. , ... , , , """""'"h '" , 3SS0 Klnn st New pel t News papers cor tails of the fraternal patriotic celebra- iiONXtilt Anrll in IANtl:i, I., so ill iiiiii. nriiiii.'ii . . Church li 3h a m Int Holv Sepulchre r.ra ftOiKlK.NIIUIUIKH hepii ii", ' ' ?,' ATIIavi iiahij April 1. Juii.i, j,. nusnann, or runeiai wl 1 be slip,, fron .';t,.ii t. .i Oeneileva Quln Hare, aired -J Itelatlves street " ,rom -! W OntkiJJl .n.l rrl.n.la M lelta, I 7 rtinl.t tile-e Vn HR lll'ltr.AVIl !.... .. r)J P. and A HI : Arenuntini: Iiept. of Penna. hand of Cbrlatiiw liuhiLn,! ?JTI'.,f:nl II 11 l,.vll.rf tn funeral Men " ,n n.,1 11 li.i.ii.r. ''"".'""'.' 'H R.k eh'apel of Andrew .1. Jiilr Hon Arch anil Hamilton Loiise Ntt ,-,"1 p" w'"llim .,,,:,..'.:.'!,,, r1.. .?." '1'.'1"I.,L" A Pln- .. . irisiram 11. JTeeman r'h,.il. . vi a enro square. fHcltiK the Shrine of Amerl- , """ d " -J '. ' " ". ii. pVon.aroVe iv'.Vi.'iV, tlZvJ'Ln:;i..Zl?.i'Y.,y'l,:: ?W."'l." ' .'-! hi ., '. ".' I can Liberty, on Tuesday. August 27. st . West Philadelphia Solemn lemilem , mi n,e Jarkson. It.latHes nnd friends In- jisi ijenVrVin si li.i .? ""' S P Tfl Ah inemberH of his extclitlve mm- niafs Our Mother of Sorrows-Church In a. , ..,, , funeral, Toes . a P. m 3421 Queen Cem. lfmalns inaj ' flL"T ." T'Sf "ill.eo he ,,, named Allen P. Cox. j "NKKpr1! ,C IAI v"S. VBn. i ftn i'i": SffiS'i rSTnV aW. " 'uV'fT.-'rl. '' v J-T "" ' 2JI Arthur It. mioi.. C. U Cadwallader. I runjr.1 -leter , - re,id;-nie Mrs. Alexander ': '" "" " ' JJ"- ', VteTat iVei p., VrWnV"''' H.,fl Charles F Hotter. Thomas II. Walters Mnrtin. ll Summit uve . Jers-y tlty. Mon., ,;V -April si. IIHHHCCA T-. 'Uiwhtrr I NorwfBlsn.Uanlsh Jl I" 1 h'.-rl, 'K' anil P V Ilm.r- ," lirR'vii'n 1..11 1.. .. e.i,i.i.in 1 r la,e Mo" und Mary I" lfe Itelatites 1 runeri 1. Wed. S p u, 71- t rl '..IWIteJ 4 anu I. .N Hani:. 1 I lOL ll.rt ,"!'"' Vfitl'ii"- and frienda Intlted to funeral service.. Nenltes In ehurih 3 Pm im VIV'1" ' iS-.Snnn.lJTAr.nV'T'io-JIS; Wr- - "j,"1T;,-.,JO,h:3oV.- .r'J.VSlrffWlSSrft ' 'i;"T" " ,rtf ."iJ," -ar.,'"nu.",nW.?et Ihanh '.W Sh.'S,,,; 1.,'fflgf.MS: eon lct ltoi. and ail the olh.r patriots I I-i....':".'. .: L-'" V.,n-n.CSi:. ?t "SV.'fi 1 trail leat Inn llroa.l SI. Station t p m. 1 hard). aBed .-. Keiai,.... i.V1 J'n- .h..h"VL ,'""1 !'! this ' "tl.: home 1 I""';" va i'ip " .'" ."" 0V i-Vdr-lcktorf ; .U! J'"h?. .Aprll .bii. rtAll llT. I nnnslat-rs Volksfes, ,., "K ' "J vi iik irep 11 mi an nr Dm l.rt. u" iiia ..... .xn'i fit, n ir u t iiiihiu iiuiriustiu, i tn'tr'n in uniin nn h . .. .. ' 1 X. !.. 1 I .till H. II: li..iit.. 1 (-I...J. I tt.l ... .....-..! Hilt) iflflt'tri-) tllP IllltwU Hti.l lumH. .if nil tt ...... i..j. . ..-. ". "- --"-- 1 iiir-inu--, ,u 1 ran rim i finii iiimipUiIhi uriivrH ( - .... i i-.r . He William a. cbnniK is Mnstcr Aitisnn of Kcy- nesa inn. An unuf.ii.il ammmt ..r 1... pp.. sp .11 ienie was read and Important iulnc Inns ii ie. The ineinhers wire phHHtitl 'surprised upon entering the louniil hamlx-e in nun a i.irin silk Aiiiprnan llaB mounted I upon 11 aland.ird at Hie uiinr, a cltt to the rouni 11 fium th- mllMi numliers. one uppil. I'atlnn was re.id and another was In Un hands nf tho medical eiamlner. which nieana at eHt a duuhle Initiation at th next inrellnir The euuni II was asked Ii ,iiake nee was 22.C per cent. In one of tliew. U ,liv o mIV ? Jr', ," V J, 11 " . ' . ! tho northern and central Ohio Held, tho ir"t society reported u per lanitu of more I ......i c" ,. iiiuioer. "one ino se, retary ...iim.uii. .-11 old. me iii.'uioera ui inc couni throughout the country rliowed an aver- ago loss of production amounting to 23 3 per cent, due to car shortage. The de tailed loss by coal llelds was as follows: Tn the fields -of Illinois. Indiana and Ohio tho average loss! due to car ehort- upon the tntrodut tloti of new menilwra tip'l more stress upon the Inirodut Hon of p. n life Into ourselves, awasen the waning- In ter'St In our own and our sister assenihN alfuirs, ex, hanso isils. ditertaln our frien-ls lo the limit of our aldlltv and do all wi polhl tan to r kindle tn ourseltes and others thi new spirit of fraternallam. "As an Initial elm In this direction. It la proposed to tn.lil.a slennll'- union me. t ins In l.u tail Tuiipfe In tli middle of May Idate to he announced! "Th- exnens- i to lie borne nftefn assembllea. and -verv assenibh and member of the ord"r Invited to be present. "This niei'iine- will he n loeeil me. tins for nieinhcrs 011b . ami it is propneed to make it unique and one that will be ions remem tared Hver assemblv in our order Is is ptcted lo nrod'ii on. op mori candidates I lie TlTUailSlie ur IB T' le- ...ne- ., and eiKleties to the number nf In nim.uO'i and their on llilfl.ouO dependenta en. all the pople of the t'nlted States worthv of the proud lieritaite Ihev poasepM and who ale wllilnir lo make eacritloes. when tic(ar to protei t the liotne, fraterii.ilisni and cemoiiaf. Th.- lat. l.iminted (iiln liremi, who hit I clwti his km at iiI.IIIIn and unbounded eurv lo makliiK this forllienniliiic pitrintjc rraternal celeluatluli a succras, li.ul , on r.rred with Seirel.iri McAdoo and e.lhir prominent Uo eminent ofili lais. and It Is '.lelr desire nnl hope Hint not olill III" (treat annv of fraternalists will co-operate to the fullest exti nt to make tip. ot.osion it true exponent of what It does and nhould slicnirx, liul rttritary McAdoo promlseil to o-opernti. In thit illreellun. lie mill rr lerniillsm n splendid trlliiite in 1 omersiillon with Chaliman V. Kreelancl Kendrlck. whll In lihllnrtelnhln Fe.'elltlV In pumhu. linn 1. Ill, iwemy-iwi nots in tno sertiie nroiners . me opening or tin- idipi l.'li. ru Loan r.nn Jaekson. Treston. Haliet, liratk'r. 1h Ita. pilitn. The offala! f Hi. loernuieni at Solus. Siflnbaiii. Cerrls und Ilo.11; wi.ro I Washinston, from Presidenl vt llson down, named as a mmiiiltie on attendants.. A 1 hate come to roeoKnUo ihe trenic-idoiis iirI2" of two. theatre tttkets was nlferetl power for irood and those thlnss wlikb aie intimtor jatkson ror aiicn,in.u at tacn en desirable itnd ital alike at this time It t...ll ,n , ,,.j l....l.an,l llfmii.ro ..no .ii.-iioa. ni.iir,, ,,, iuilihi April l! JAMI.S. bllSliand a.,...,,. r.Hente of brother. Hlltrene Kter- miANllIAN aped 41!. lt.lAtlie. and fr end clely and Men's T niplars Socletj of Vlsi tatloii Phureh: Court Mary Mack No 1111 P. nr A ., lut lied to funeral, Wed. S-3n n. in. fathers residence. 111 11. Lehiuh ate. High mat.s Churth of M.ltatlon 11. V M III a. 111. Int. llol Sepulihre Ceni Auto tunerai ,,", - .. - .. loan, tert" it laeuoi. kuii it.-, at:riiiaoiotwii, Holy Nsme.M-, ,..,,, ., .,, . .. ,n, rriu., JOHNSON April ill. nt the Normandle. .inth and chestnut els FHANCINI. IS . wife of Krlward Meado Johnson, ased f,2 Notice nf funeral later, JONKS prll 111. P ltrsSlILI, JONnP. sou of lloiteatuin and Howard K. Jones iiKetl 'Jl llel.illtea r.ld Irlends stetson ...l. ......... . ,. . ... ... . a.a.i.ta ...a. .tiK'H -i unaiiea i.i.i iiirini. i-t.-tai'ii llltHNSiiV April 21. lU.iy.Atll.nH wifeipi.ij ,.rp, Bn,, Auxliiar.t . members of St ..i -'7i lata . . ae . ,."". .."" ii"iii iwr 1sa..a M. Hotimn iiirph f rtHiuiim s. iT.L:?!rpi9 1 'J1 'hurrh lo Auto fut.fral HrilOTTAirr.LIIH Alt....!.". II,. , ,;-Hunt 1,1,1 "rosi .- htonc Assembly, Artisans Ord it Mutual Protection. Mfir.iuxlurxl. u ,i v dot Id. d l i t., U bunds tu ttif aimnint tf SlUito. l) DUU ttlF 11. Kilir p-rrur 1 iubi'rln tlons trntn InillvMuHln nmountlnz tu ST.'iO. vJlrant HtitiMi nubMantlaiij I,.kU uf her nf Marl In .1 tlrrtixon nt "7 V HlHh UIitipf rii1 frlriul-t InItfd to sirvlf . Wil . l! p tn , (Mini- 11 Hair Hide., 1.0 Clirntnut nl Int Mt Mnrtnh r-m imoWV April L'l f lil'Jl WnlMc ft. MAIIY . ItltOU'.V ifnrmrrl I'uhfr) wlJnw or ahhti i;rtnn nmi i.uiRMipr iai iwnm Fjikn T.utl.rnii 'hurch flinl J It Hteton Sundav Sttiool. Htm mpiojrn or ixnn n 41 Kiuiir'rAirr.i.i:ii t .. m .. 1 SUl'llA widow of An.tr t Vh lMlnRr' 4. nclstltes and friends . M.i'iTJ M niiit itusdii niHin. Il)lli I. riirtsf.t ei ""rj att n m.. 4431 .lverwn. ,1 "","', Tu..JI Keuuleni mass St Mart a . hurea ln,.""'M I inl.. Mary. . e, KXDOurouhtl - -on of. Inlc Jo'h",nd Mans on'Ve-'i?,5'..! , ."' ""Mil Intlled tn fiilientl Tiles. 'J p m. lli'ja V, I'eai ileittites and ft la K I ods v U" ulh st Int. Artlslej Iliirlal Pari,. ltMiinlns I "nd A M , Corinthian . h.,v"r No ?' J ln.i be timed Moil, after 7 P in. Trolley i A. ''""". ' nminamlen Sn 7n K'ft funrlal. ' I.U ' Temple. A .1 V M V '.Tl tnentlntr. 'I lie lav meeting will enlov the of th. AI. l; utllifra who will rot a I wejtoine. loss was 34.2 ner cent. In th I'cnnsyltanla fields the Ios In , bad subscribed fl.'ou to tho third Liberty those highly nuallileti. ihe music b a larsn production due to enr shortaco axerireil ' ''oan. '." ',ir' ni1 nn itBKteslt drltti was orehtstra and loininned ouartets rtininl. U .,"'"." 1 ur"'1 for "ir r.mainlim ,!., f the earn- vanbt Aasemblt will confer lis Intertsilnu j..i per ceni. I palitn t-ctcral of the Irretrutar members aids decree produttlon nnd nttentlane- In the New IUvcr and AVIndlnir llulf .iin-ouram-j iho old euard to their presence, prizes will be olfered and all to eontludo nna J'ocanontnH tieiiK which hudiiIv the v.. IV, ...T .':, Jfc J,a,u " D'w- " nmi b np.ni.nu nun iuf- '- ."?"". ;',i what tiR H.ihl. lti inVLt. In Ilrotht-r ls.ti.drti pn-nprice 1 OHit uftlduN Htnl nitiiiiilttret will lx lmiIvo a miiiifl sbortlv. hi, h will l. rprontathc 119) onlv nit th, nrUr hihI ioilotlH hut Intll-nt" M)ri.Iulel th.it In thli might iiunfTiT'nr top iiDnin, rrHii'niniirn ntui up tnnrrRpj In lt hn-iift mill Itpit tr-n. . Prot pftui.tn. t'dthollr, llr-lir' nml kII th" p-o-!! reuarJlPHU of tiHttntiHliti. ,.r tMplon. so lotiK ns lhr nr loyal and .Mrlutii will uiiltf Hiul Fet nil f ainpl1 for the worhl ui ti what true llbTtjr mfani low volatllo coal ltally needed hy tho navy and tho merchant marine for bunker purposes, loan In production duo to car shortage wan 24 4 per vnt. l l n it Ait-tnlm. Cuuni.il. Star' and Strip-. p-r ! ' nn.l m it haniifri, vqixrs utifl KtnriK pn. ..hi atul hfttklpforl ihfurH und nut liihllitv. all rum- Pi 11 wl o m.ki- a ;re.t tilicht for llnnh -.(i-i unL nf mnsK tn a lper u'srr. "So Bt lihtnil thin iiinvfmeiit. Artisans. st irfftnu nnd tho halt mont tho uHiomwl Uip iiu.--.ti Truit.r J, M s,hptt t; . thli iW nrlni, Artiwn.hlt .lri.hlWi avrare loss In iirndnprfnn ilito a .r wl prt"enld ihM mrtiic tt hi.o. 1 '".'.". ..... ?. , ........ .. ..nr um,piik . " - ' -- " "" F......;.tb.i ;... .1... . .1 .."".;-";:.": win pro- " .i-'i i: - "-::.'; IHOI.IIKB VV.4 Jlflr CCUC ilie fOUtll- II iininitrVr tal nln, elL.l. VVl ? Z -.... Minn "-'" nviuo iuci ti in 1 1 mur i.ct?un nuieau, or .v York. .l.irtr.tm Aombl. tnuwt In roror-li-tJ hn th pioneer Hi th urd-r tn u mainipnt ti ptsiabllfh a tunl for thn prmlston ur un HinbuhttK. nrvHt' Tui tut lO'U rruss on lt. t-atttfil' id. llrothxr ThutuaH Vatu mad the propOKtltloii and Brother James llr'nnkii londtftJ ti und tup, utth Uecord-r 111 Klli. rv iippolniPd a -.Qlnmltti-A tu ronft-r ultti th M il. dfllrtra niton tho BUbJ-rl. ,.... ..i..... ..ttmaiti kni . itavn- uruincr in iiir H8niiiiu ruuin ninuc?!. in rpnewmw ini'Ti, "'."""",''".; . .,.-,..,. t ..:.,.. ... .;i,V . ''! K " ..'1"' H rt.. " Sr J' m.H " I- . " ( n," S; h ' " ' rH of AimrkH. n. hI-... th IlfUI.iri tm nui-ni nM-.il HnnriHMiir,- "A '." ,n...T Ah.it run nml liit (Inubt u 111 IK- 10n 111 lll'-ir .. IV I.I.I. 1 . i-iur 1 1 "" .VIIMIHM. iM.rj ji, : '."..". " ' !) onnon ih.i I mm and Hose I'rlnee ,1B..( ,.4 Itelatlves r,fl.,tv nm fr.ds Intlte.l to funeral "". lt- om Iefiw. Ilea, ptps wit i ? and f l lends Int led to funeral sertl.es, Wed.. ricw,, Tue.. 11 a in.. Heldslberu lie- ni"ii fogipenn.llon Hoard of iWtu T .il It ln-.,.,.,,!.ni.r-',,,",n!" ,r "!"' ' 'lnlV,,''r,'' formed riiurrh. Schwenttstllle. p.t. friends "Ho.""' or.ainzaiion. of ninth he ,, JJ A Son. 21.7 N llrn.nl tt Int prltnle Pern. mKV ...m alnn from 7 ... ,,, .. t0 y member, nre Intlled to aii.n.1 funmi ..! wood fem Itemiilna ln.it be Mewed at fll- ?nfinlhln .it" '' Wefl.. It m pi . ,, ," . ,111 ii.rnl borne 'rues. ,u lu p. m Auto .or- -",' PXy. -April 2(1. JAMI1S KKl.t.r. l.u.-1 "i,.,l'1'VvH?',i.m 'll, lnt(lrfffl iri-rmimiv ., ,1 .. nun ir 1,.. i,n.i band of Delia Kelit. He.,tVes nnd friend. 4,.!",. Vif.. - V- n"'n ""numa a,, J III rillUHlN Mm! ll I'llllall 1 is.liand ,.,,., f nei.a.l M-i,,,.- i. i. u . lie,l Tile- , a In II 1, m ' . 1 a,Vrer.?e.t ate. ".'n!'' tlel'ai'lt eV'aml frl.n.l. "''", "'",1 " ""'mn reqlllen, mars fllim I. nKTIl ,ti7eA "lo".'.'.?"' t ' EI fH? ijrtwrPiic Rl.. ni"'i imi itPiaTlP, arm I ri ni- - . titi-i,-.iiif.i. 'Illir.i.i.tirii 1 . .. mi tut "Mil. aup ' Jnypt. y Stiarr n .n , i-chlller Loilne. .V.. I... 1 (In r.. Invited V.Ut (VosS em IMatltc- and friend. .. tiiel in Van.tlH 1 to funeral eertltes. Tue 1-3.1 p 111 res. llo,l..V..u.tnr'll ". flllntrx Int. Inee.lp 111. r.slilen of ana In w .'IS? V;Tle.f,,,'0le,'X:,!av,',,;.0tl.Y.Udlon1 ImW .eF)rrtUi;re.'iWl . 'imi R;u ","-' i""'""ii' , ' 7,A"S, ete Inl nrltal Vor ho."l tlni to " ot 'nt'',n nn'' A'u V Kleaer. atted r.ll '.' o, - L 11 ,,",,, " " n" "I sJrllre P"a". Norlhwood Leni. Autu ,.. ,,d friends InMltd tn funeral -'sn't, ',..'" '' , . , 1 , (VMtr'.liiMei.H tt.ril "n tVllllttt aertltee, Wed., '. ,.. Ill resident.. nf i ,.,," V 'Z, f .Vi't 7 ' I 'llilierton jj -.'. As! ft!.. .7". ".I'.'?".u- .'M,r! .. rn .."."fV1 J..1 lurinl.. ir.tn Wesli.inpeli.ini st Tlotru. I-l.l.A Jf MtAHl' (r. I. ... t.l n,f. .. ,.1 .M A.-s i i.ttw I .ti.t . i loieriii nertites r-t. : -. .- .. . - -.. ... ....... , ., u. ..., -n , . - "- i tit tipi v nte. I ric-os tniit noil int. s trt ..... u..., .. ...i . i nut mi i. "Thla iiiceilns slioiild at coinnllsh wonders Mr It II (!e rani, presidenl t . 1:. rult-h. tecrl.irt and nil Hi. ollur evteu lite ofll' ers of the Natlouai rrateinai roll- a.rfl, als of the Vittlollal I'raternal I'res. Assnel.tlott. the I'ennsjltallla rralerti.l . onaress and the In the hlKh olatllo llelds of mutliern V"':n,'.,,?,,,Ja,n lt.B"- J',,,h,,,,n',!b " ,l"hu'' est Virginia nnd the Fairmont the '.ll.5,, omM n!eHKu.l:.il,r,,Tru.Ji'Je j.' y ' s.Vn cent and tho Fuinnont llelda 5a. t tier the luuirh rrmnotor, bein? esiremeiv cleter rant I '" "Is line of humor and pullios Iatrlotlo cent I Cumberland Piedmont field nhowed a dresse- coiurll.uted Will UIU," "a r-' i.in- .. .. -; ; ... t.ll.a l.,llal.l,iullt un.l our nrder (O eetlvell Ho your part it. inttte It Ihe Brand autcess it will be nnd r. st eerene t;i M.ur kn'.nl , tts- of uiiissful a.inmpllshni. n. of a inoteni-nt wll btuun and well don I'raternal t'otitrreases In the arlntis other Nurlhttvaltni Aaaeinblt had . itflilt inu HtaleH. recpenlite In the forth. olnltiB Pall iotic nit'lnbera out and .nltljUd al landl.iatta fruit rnal Jubilee, nut olllt a ureal honor 10 whom the buttons were presented uv nml prltjlei! for nil frnlernallsla and their lioclur leiti The aasembly nubacrltwil lo a . Tamil es and rrleuds reuardlesa 0f se or imi t,,u..... t,.....t si..., ..a- .i... lace, out a Haired ilult ts well It, tiiake II una il.'toteii tn rehe-trsil or me minstrel lin et cut worths of the iai.se if rcprtspnts, Valrictp ('bur. b. Intitfd lo funorai. Thnra , ?,.ur Lit" ii, lrlday m.bt; wi.l.h prote'l nhl.ji I; about the o.ilj tl.lni.- worth w Idle s .1.1 a. m . reslden e of ister.ln-i..,v. .Mrs. lo l.c a nr.at autceas li. m.ry way. Tlw ' ''f' ,n '.he world. Maiv . ainpbell. ..Ill s 2111. l. lle-ulein NtarK'a c'luiii li. l.ocust st in low 17th. Tucs , ,i p in int. pritaie umii nowere fA.MPIli:i.l. April IS. CHAUl.llS. hus band of late Tannic Ciinnbeii. Ilelallte. and friends Intlted t.i funeral, Tues., T:.!0 a, in . Mu federal st. ramden. N. .1 Illali mass of requiem Church of the Immaculate Conception t a. m. Int. Old Cathedral Cent (itnll flowern CAMl'llKLl. Vnril 2(1 MMlflAItHT ."A.Ml'lini.l, (nee l.lps.ttl widow of John Campbell, need n Itel.ttltss and friends Invited In strtlce. Wttl . 2 p m . 2.1.1I I'oo lar si Int pritaie. ivmtvood t'em. l-'rleruls Ilia) i nil Tlls., 7 to II p. an Aulit funepl. l'A.MI'lli:l.l. April 21 .MXIKlAlllir. daiiBbter of lale Tbnmiis and .Mint ('amp hell Iteljlltes and friends. II. V Jl So lialltt. l.eaime of the Haired Heart. Total tliMlllcpce ft net llnlj I'iiIIIi !ocleles ot .St. to the euecess of the ii. rformautf wu Klten under the auspb-ett The Vatlon.tl lYalernal CoiiaTrca. of Amir- mass Ml. J'atrltk'a Chun b 1(1 a. ica ami tne .national i raternai fries asso- .etv t aineurai . etn. ill. loss of production of l.".C per cent duo ,S"''!1"8' Itefreahment- nnJ !. nut tin to car shortage! ' uv ! Rnal tuuth to a teryenjoyablo etenlng. Ketstotie emblv t nl. ilaln. d a .1 if tri.tlon of Ihirlv from Ht. John Aemblv, headed l Maaler Arils... Itartlioloniew, Superintendent Itldenour and the n.tite .. -u... nn.in.ii. itrtllii. . Tnnmnsnn and Mnlon-t. who came to join in the memorial n. a Tatlur nnd '. II. Wood. 'Ihe other r- tt,,. Int. fllbt ltrtan. t member of No. narllelnanta were V. 1' S. llarttell, I., .1. lha linsltli.n unrl llrnth.. 1......I. l..--...t. I ... nn.i urn.n.i 1 1 e ilenutv of No 2 Allen llirne .1 1 t'tlllen. tV. II Cutnnillls. II. A eletled lu the position of Mee reKent Tha ' I'm explained the elrt unislain -a of Hrolber )t.nn. ". 11. iJruinmolid. V. Ilians, I death nf lirotber Samuel Hudson was1 un- !lran .onsentlni: lo Bh ln sertl.ea to jr. riuunderv. f c Kullanat. M J. ttai- i tne oia etaiultjva. llrntlirrs Clap.. . Hie nssemhlv. noiinu xnat toe un e.... , Pj!. i, ,, tt,. linall. la iienneaa, i.. -a Tlie mine I14UN In Kentucky, the Houthern .ppajachlan lleldH and tho itouthweslcrn VJrelnla llelds showed nn nverajre loss lit production of D." per cent due to far, shortase. On the other hand. In tho Alabama. .!?".' .. .,, . , . ., , , . , ....mi. ni a ue out etHiinuy., itrotuera t lara, , ine Bssemniv, noitu. a,i. --- , Jansas, Missouri. UKlahom.t. Arkantni!, Kinir. sir.tusa and iiest. are tery ontlmlstif brother had not only Ions experience in Wal At tlcrmantottn Countirn meptinff, the I reBcni's position lieiiiB made tacmt bv llrOtht-r (Jroom. nerilce In Wiishtturton. llroll.fr A 11 Hhoemakir was .letted to I ita.ll Lnd'Ttie "troSr.n wa'a made un'ol IP " '" "' ",n'1 '" lh" r-ellevuV SUralfold I CAllEIaS'. April IS. JOSIllMf S rlir.I.Pt ' Hall and Ihe Itrograi wa- made u' " ; Hotel In the last weeU in Ainsu.i. 'Ihat will of Nashvlll-. 'f. tin . at'ed !I2 I.eUllwH and !l .JV .- ,Vn .' 'M,. in.' a-i. i ,V ..1 brlnir tho .lel.ratloii early tu Ihe week, on friends intlled tu funeral Tus.. 2 n. m.. i the larg-e nudlelice file tntcrlu. Ulor Wlls n-,,.,.. .,,l,iv , t, .,, n.i .,, residence of til.,,. Mr. Ham 11 Tnaaai- Vt-.ii t v TnTh'm' c wUlflM'uiiimer' Interfere with the resular work of the ion- 217 H. lith el , i"indeii V J Int. nrltate. tiri KUKl'lllllIt April 2t. IIIINIIV JO.SIII'It, son of Jertime A. and Henrietta Knerber. ased 14 ltelatltes and friends Invited to fertile. Wed. 2 p 111. 0121 Chrlatinii at. Int. prltnte. Mtl'd. M ."..ll r.ii st Aorll 20. lli:HV ICIU'O. HB-eil S-, Iteliillf,.. and frleiitl. Pioneers of the Philadelphia Turnce iiiplnde. Intlted lo funeial. 'I lie" 2 p. in thi.liel of Andretv J Hair tt. Hon Ari li ami Huh sts In! prltnte. Anlo funeral laWXtl. April 21. at brother-in-law's resident e Albert Mlsslmer 14.ui N. '.'lat st. .MAHIi:. widow of Willi, nn ll I.hmic. llna nntli e of funeral will be wit. ii Hail l'ran . isco papers ropy, I.IPIM.VCOTI'. Anrll IR ANNII. II. widow tif Jacob C T.lpplncott. aiced 117. Keb ntlves und friends inttii.l to funeral a-rv ices. Mon . 2 p m , Klrbwood. .V J. Int. private. Atito will meet 12 2." lialn from Int t .tiarKei e.t i erry rnut. nt Kirittvood. N. .1. remain. Mon.. 7 to n p m H.MIT11. Aorll ID l.'lni. . . ... ........ ... r. - , . - - - tiu'lml I or late Huuiii.i .smitii p.eia ,, , anrl ...,;:;:, Cnlon Lo.lK-. No 17!l K an,, M fflSl line It. A Chapl.r ll. ftil, rt JM Coi.ncll,. No. 41 fl l I a kninJir.S Tribe, No. 27. I ' r M (if Wlllcb ht t IS fl HO 111 neral aertlcts. Wed j , si. Int Hillside Cem mains may be tlevteil ru . K t la n HMIT1I April 211 tSNt ilnu alia? Hlllllll Inee tthlterordl 1M.I es and fltesili li oltipr satcletta. I In u.il lo fjj 1 i Ll t .s.ta. I I in ral f,t n7l in I J tilth "... si JUryi Invited to funeial 'lit oraiice si . iltnut ester . i St. Jiaty't Cbunh li i Cem. bMITII. Aniil 21 tn .-I of 'Ihomas Mai k t innti llira oilil tll.'lliie III, L I lllliersi tirtll.Ll lliurs.. 2 ii m .iT:ia Hvrtfnhsni ttl 'int rim ".ffrlJ il niitv 'n. ,N,N!. i J-l Tloua Int. prltat. Siri.l.ll. .sud.Itnl J. ll. Pa sioii r naci :.; r.,3 11 .Mey.r. Miller. II 1 Chairman Kendri-lt baa assumed Ibis re I ('AHIt April 21. 1 UANC1 A. son of sponslbllitv as a patrlolh duty, and be, ause ' John nnd Catharine Carr Kei.tiles and he feels It will brim? to the nld of Untie friends, emp!o)e of P 11 T Co. Sam and his faithful officials. Includln Intlled to funeral. Wed. s an .. , tn . President .Wilson ami Hetreturv McA.loo, resldei.ee of parenls. i, Wahlniion el . Inst the ilsslstAtice and en.otienttliitt thee Ctlfloll Helahts. Delaware County. Ia Sol- are entitled to from iii.ijihi.ih... fraternalists emu hlh map. tif renuiem St. ('bathe's I.IIWCIIV. -Anrll tll HANNAH, ttlilnt- nf l,ii.l.,inH nt .Tent, I .. .-aimiei r. i.onrry tnee iiusni. ltelatltes tltes anj rrleiu s. t ishiimmn un Y and friends Intlled tn funeral sertlres. Tues.. ' 211. P (J. S. of . r.n .r I H. hool Omri l. in., aa ..i.iii.'i p., ant .aortott ootj t. em. Henialn. may be leweil Moil. eve. Auto funeral LYONS. At 120S Ilelmotlt nve , April la r.n AH J. l.VON'S elder dauahter nf lata IMttard and Marv l.tons of Maueliester. llnRtapd. nited St. IlPlallte und friends Intllnl to sertlcee. 'J'ues , 2 p. m . Oliver H. Dulr nidi;.. IS2.1 Chestnut st Int. pri taie. Woodljinls Cem. unlit Howe ..i.ttti ., .. ,prti tt,, ai cititierMiie, ,t ,i i No liOO. I P lnit l r, futural ,l 'J t. ni. Jiuntlnp-loii nii. fd (nt rrU m- wm. i'hihi i fin iui i mu meet trim lalnff Itoaillnc T rmln.l 10J t m. it llalri. .. al-llat. " Jt-lii i f rn -ii i i tin. STCAIVT April Jl HT. uaus Stuart funeral Thura . Hill . 111 2I2J Christian st r-oieinii requiem lllrf-' ?o . narlell t-lion it to J. i. tut i ion. . IT April Jl KMHMIINR RTli uahter of Ian P.in. I, .nd Imbui" Uelatives and fi . nils' invtlfd 1. I all lira! CV .ur.nn it .tieviT. it. i ..iiii'-i. a. a. ..rn etitttien in tr.iin lii.niin lion ir.tiei-ntnista emu oiitii maps it reooipm t. toaiiies ..i,.,a,...a iirm .... ut i i.i-i a nir. .. ... iimriii to a ill tin teio ora ttra . towa, hock -tiountain aim J'acinc t'oaK i '"' tne tuture tteuare oi ttermaniown coun- and prartnai manaKi-mi it ui ..-........". M,.n,,iHit. t s riunimi r. ii. jteoiui.. tt. . ai this tune. He asks, inertrore, mat tne i nuri-ii. wait i uv, io it in ipt ri. -i,": .."t'tvi.i.t mun ni t.,ivni niuuin. i nti'ui..Hii.i,i,ii. .turn i-i .ii..Mt(r.iiA UpMs Iha pir renlre it is ttllhln r.i.er,1'"' '-",u -I'Plli-tlon ttaa ntelved. ennl-atlnii- hut was one of the ..best men Sihtel.A.W Talham.d I.. Talor, .1. la. offlciitls of all the nrdera and fcotiftlts, Charles's Cepi. No carrlauea. lleUtlt.cs and friends invited to funeral serf- K., tlaucliter of late ,nui- and Hnrittti neias tne car Eeltlct! w.ih tutllln o per In iho whole fraternal world M '. Chaplain Tur'n,,r' j. ,. Webb, C. V. Uibb. W J. and espetlallt thoso whlcb hue u lariM ' .CAItltOI.I. April 21 itt Atlantic cttv, Ices. Tues . 2 p. ill . SlcklerWIle. N. J. Int. ' Sluhlmuller. lined 41 Its-la n s and frlenlt cent of normal. cept fur AldlMin.i the . j,.nnsylianl,i Countll baa two niinll. aiioni ' ': Johnson, member ..f No '.". dell t ere d We'u , - r, w.-liimann. c ll Wood, 11. V. . memberablp In and near J'hlla.blplim. at I -f- ' PATIIICK. hub.in.l of Calharln.- A. Ml .rlettooil pret.bjtprlan (Vm. Trolley leavea imiteri to funeral aert ic To-. 3 p. ni hulk of the output of these mines cues Uwaitlm.- nrhnitnl of n Impr. ahe eulus-v ; und Cliaplain IJ-ten nt i ; ,. , w .AMart ., ,..t ,,,, , mBT,a their force, ta'carrol Kelatltes iw-d friend. Court llroth- Maibet at. ferr. Camden, 11 a m.. for ' anartjnpnts of Mlinm ll Hatipr.cr.Uli Into dome.tlc consumntl.m nn.l in iitllije.l lt llecnt Herliert I. Itone who has b.-Vt. ' ' s- ;oiiduiieil th- floral '!-':.'" Tf,v ofilc.ra of tha Northwestern Mln- liat- them mar. h to Independent e S.mare erlv l.ove, ,v, in r of A.; Slater j l.ot Clemt-nton. 1 rlondi may call Mon . 7 to N. rtnad el. Int. prKate .,iePn-oaJ (K. ii mo uomcic mn-uinptl on ntu Is tltll zed n - , hi,r home for "ete?ai ,?,", ." nuart.-ta of th- two i.asernbli. s. In. hi'lui .lr,.,Bnu urP: A. J. Nlcliolaa, busln.-i n the -tenlnii of Ausust 27. so us to re... I, i "Irely. No Mi i. of r. of A : all olher 0 ,. m. I p.) Cem. Ibmainaina. i.. tiecd Mon . i ,em"X(:e;tcd,erntelTUoV",, , f'orPu?,, pj ,,,. reVl'.ri'nretloriXn K,tWk'i"' ., -r1'.!! WX? ,!' "-" W' &&n?u,"LWi WWM' rrfeV.S, 'J, 'lXW? .' !"t 'rl.W Th.. eni ,.i,lli,.., ,i..,. i. .,,,,,.. !?r ,'e'ti.rai tears, ulitl up lo the tliriH or ;'.',''...... f ti.. eni.rinlttment ..mi- properl.t t lucr, lltnrj c. .tvei.o, inusKji tn ,i. nt.r the oration It is . Iiairmaii h-n- ,,,,, hi Hi.nl,a.n . i-im,, h in - ,,. i,,t it .i nn , 'r-n -.,.-.. .. -..tJ.U r .., t m,.r,i M..i..ea -.!.. tt.rnn.k.i.i henaive te. u cont.nlia;; of thU. , -vlvPalb" oTi.roia.1,,a'; iVlT.'ror- oj" t.jjl.ion f - E. '"" V r' r """ ""'I SS'trttleVr'AerS-.li.V ".'. ,& l.''ev i,..n , ?' ft' V"1 1" li"' ."tSiSr".?" , i-7h? dltlon will reeult in a depletion of tho S,.ffi"M' """ t,,B tadU"" "":"1 '" iUrl Sonllu nZTS&nS on . dl V;nVn!Lr'r0rh,-On;m-:nr isTVo Sitffi , f 1""-1AIK fWnII'14rtVr.0e,l XlK' '" "" ,Iu, " ,,ln Aul band o' 'm", !?,.-' !," MLrmtVi mlnlntr llelds ot labor, us indicated l.v i - - Vie nthletk meet lelween Hi. Ailsans! A,K,n,it tnu.iue,l tin -cod worlt ' ' ,aVo tl lscHebrntbm im ., cas ion wor by U.Yr". V . fT"',"1,1"' . ' l'." rU"V ,A AIApJ',,.-'."'''-, fljriWTrANVA II ., I'.elHllye, and friend. . ...in luiletw X." he telegram (.uotetl from tlie Fairmont-. VMl'llirv .IVln.VTn'eieiin.'t MiV , , u "VSed nut ons ''' p, . , SIT'SHiBM T " '" of"."-,,? i" 4'iTeT wt-lu.: I S W 'frinus'inV?, ft $,"!Z"Z 'fUoeV.J 3 Clarksburg diet! kt it Is therefore de- hUMsOl' AMhlUC.t fir the A. o M. f Hecorder Poerie r.- caiiloiipr. eni.-. tbt- buttons itemalns muv be Mewtd Tuea. tte. ices Mon. 2 p m.. Mn2 Seminole ate . U in. 17.-.1N .'..ihs Solemn r votlntr Its effdrts toward i.roctirlnir a, - -- oorte.lt,.; 'Veinotal from the Parkwaj lliilld. lot r K lr I-'",;' ul. .11. . fw p- n. e U III .;i ' ' l h' .J'lj; , .bill, fiin-wl. Chestnut. .Hill, tnt. private nulem. m.tss S: llilzaia-ih . hur h 10 .. ri correction of tho conilliloim that threaten Conlinucd Patriotic Work of State t.A n.i ,,...!.. .1... I.... .1 i - tai.7 tvai auLa,j tiutiiit, tne t-ituiini; Reason. Camp Ofliccr.s in Aid of War in In tli reiomm-niiiiiB in- --i-" "" "- ", .:." . ii,' .,T..; ..i ...!. tnisn ... th. Oil I raterniit i.uiiune .......- --.. -,,,- n ..roe.t nni.e.tl I l.ri.llierli.itiil nml fairness REPUBLICAN CONTROL OF SENATE UNLIKELY Change of Rule Improbable in Filling of Thirty-six Seats Although major centers In the tlvcs. where actual the unprecedent rles to le filled leads political the senatorial ter barometer than tho contests of Congress. This view arisen cliieflv ... ............ -. ,it,i.i i i.iittrit i. .in. niaaini; an some llisi usstoil on one., .,. ar- ---,- ,.,,,, ,:.,,. ,.-n i -niltlm ialaeinl.lt ItlotltfCl dat" Xlti motrVo' IS "le'hai. The re-1 ii- VupporY. i'Kri Vhoemake, ami hi. (ia uiiu lu '". y.V"i ii... .4..i.. nf I--. taiiiBrtj nniKtit fiiiiimlttiA took hfri, uf llm t. under , "' f' f 7V1',' toek to th? ament of , eveninsa prosrain r..r ihe entertainment of rt-Kdent Hioo und inoted to take ten ahan-a In u Ihe Udlea, the prbt.-a provided beins of th orn life new er?e. which tvo.il.1 malte thlrit-ny- llnct l.tnd nnd thuromlily ei.Joje. by the eveilaattui; n iirtrii bv hi-t altrlln hiunl of The tin M The Fifth Philadelphia DWtrlrt. under tin icitleralilii of District I t.,.an.i 1tl... I .11...!.. 1..'. li, TT... ..,..,,.. ..t.,, ..-, ttie,,,.., u,B uiurn Hie new '--.",""., ".','.' ,""'.'.. men etl. In l.r-H . nnilt.ni nf Udlea nres. lit tmm for many jcar. A mcetiiiB was JSe matier of the 'allVat r.u T.n Temple 1 mlit.-e will prepare a riceulluu t.i neiu in tne room ot t amji i., Willi muro next montli. nruth.ra corrte. noei-i- utm uinteta nt.t inontn. than fifty representatives from the dls- '" w"rc onwlnted a .oinmltt.-e to co- tl let camps. l0Prrent Clatton. on furlmisli after lct.i Oak l.an.. Aesenibly. in r-Pi-ona- n. ih- Camp No .117. at iietenteenth and South Ihb the h oapltal at laHket-uol nave a hlEbly apiieal of iK-nuti Malonej. aub-icrllaci IJiam streets held u line ineetin.. with a "la," nielllent ard intereallns relation of his to the third Uherty lan. lirotber Morris. Initiation, last week. The degre" work wa i experten.es In the trenches In prance. , aecretarv of the w-ar-eavliiKa Hoviety. re done bv the able team nf CoitioN., ini f.r XoK.rinl.ndelit Klein then re-td Uncoln'a ad- pored M' amount nB to Jlal, 1 troth. . We.t I-hiiadeluhla. of which lirother iieV. i .iris, on the dedb atlon of the battletield at , I'hll Arnold, ot Atieipni. mm iiromer . nan. - 100,000 NEW FREIGHT CARS TO BE ORDERED ,Jh flt'DU. dttliKhttT uf Ut Amos fltid Su.ili 'uti-ll J.t-iittlwfl nml frlfiid. -'Hint N" US O of A Malta fount tl No Ml S. hih J. of J . Invlixl to luncrat tfprvlf ex. Tueji , l) .10 a iti. HPartnintrt of Anlrt J.hcrts Huii9. 'J.'iS S Ith i-t. Int Mthodlt i;i.l"rot-il i'in . BethH. .7 Viitu once'' j;muins mav lit- ipuca .won . 7 .II IC ilt'VtlV . t -. i nf Mnr W .Mnr-h fnr llncfhlottl un.l .,. sU'lT.Klt Anrlf 1M. Ii il huibinJ t nf UtH .lot-ph p. and I tilth I Mrth, hkI Annl M nml f.n of Itt" John nd J) Itfiatiifri nmi trends linpral IlemotdM iki)iiiii mw.iz'T i.eiam e n(i iniras iimuv Tt I 1 lTl ft-ed l.i thp tlccreo mantir nnii Ilhit ! Ottttiurr. Ilrftnllton tho urpfsldent. and thfr ueri William A nfurli luO fnTiitiori. nrtnt lv i unn Ivvulnno In in th dlitrl. t should back up tho hard- -MtS In tho ll'l-t. MT II1K Slmpfton. of ridellty, erp warml i Admitted Into i calved and both extended un tnxltatlon t 100 nnd Nturtd hi ofnclal ' (Ml: lin lo nttend th next meeting f Corrl' ..ffir Af lunltir ii snior m. " In ' I'ltlc-lltv A.KpmLh. of whlth lirother hiinn IttlTf. -on la rctordt-r and Hrother Arnold deput U. S. Will Use Wood in Build ing to Save Steel for War iiililiieioii, April -2 The tuiltuml AMIinil nril u AMANDA. wMnvr oupdIi C L'hatnbf! uiiPtl h't. HpIjIIvph .mu irit-nus tnu-u to funeral pr ). I'uph . J i. in. (jJth und Itai pim Int. ipniwoou i em. fl.IlMl.NT. IVturih Vnntli "nlli PI'. I " iri'MHl. II. IIIX'CA dauxhtpr f lat Maik and' I'ath- th Hull Yo), nnt. iiPiii-m. ti niPinltpr or lnticttni ilHt- i ei?":' io fuiiHial Tup S :0 h in HI" X Oifl i tmiu Kt llirrti iitHMM Hi v r i hurra II I n. in Int Holv Ilii( in -m VutofiflS neral. , J TAUKIIT. mll -' T nldflWfli .Mll I ihkti hi v -iui' ' en- " I.'. i.nr-. tleH anu rriemM iumi-i run rai enim Wed. 1...10 P m. r t"lti nf iion-tn-Uw M..IT.H.M 1 V.h -1171 I'-hln Kt. Roi. Int. .ilv Hptmlfliro iVm. Ifltitl... iwruUKli. Int lri -l- u -hi laurel I1W -. -;. " " . - ..7 -"" " - .. l.la,r.rl 111 . ,. 1 1 I it at II M.l.l. Ml nf I'lil.s.lt r. 1CII I f-llUfl Mil . 5' All. Air. united. Auto I'ost No. 71 tl. A n. hanom I.odp. No tt". J 1 . hulled to funeral, Tne., 1 p i. TimI Dudlfv nt . rt nnd McKean -t Int nrhatp. IVrnwooil fern, Krh iun iav i'hII Mon. ii e ulo werlr. M. Klaltov April 2. THY I.. wlf of V.rlw rd hl.lro (nt At'jliaup) Tunerai Tys. T-'l( a in 2727 llMiilrir. r t-t. Sot ifm nqi'lMn nwiti Church of St. Columb ti int: Inn, ral Ml uml Mnnunieiit avk.. Xn. lional 1'arlt, N, J., .VronUday, p. m .a. Monul lark trolley Ienei-i l'cderal st , I'ain deli. tpr twetitj tniiiuttK. Cl.OS. April 'Jl. JAi'OR. husband of MbBdHleii.i C'ln (iiff Mtdttptlhetnier), affed .in, or ini .-. .'tin ki jiue iiotu-t' or lu MM1HAT1I Anrll III. TIHlMAS 1 -.,, of ;tl7ab-th und Lite .fame .Mtilrath. IleU tlv'8 ttint friend lnlted tn funeral, Wid . S n in . -17.1m l.HninHtpp a. Solemn re quiem mas (hurih of Our Mother of Sor row !l u. ni. Int. UuJy 'ros-i Ceni, Autu terlr MillKAw Anrll v.. JUIIN .1 MtUllAW. . wnrktnz UhUr r t prefcident lv holdlnc a .Um 1H, "tiic cemor m. - n .:-, ? "' ""1,..-"""w,i -?i "".-. ."v'u.1' n.i.ni.1fuiritim. .lt nrnlf-ibtv nlnvn nr.1..iM i neral will I.m uUpu , Initiation limWoui to June 30. the tnd of , H "a" r inspector in i tun. unu m urouier necK, cnairnmn oi in emerwm- ......... . " V ".:.; i u CONAHAN April 18. MICIUKf. !1 , liuv BM .(.. 'leatneji una rriemt invited to "it.. .. t.i ..... a ..-ii nn I ... . ...... "Ll!"". ." u""w uw "w "u u I .. -.-.-(( i- fhrntii?!. the rhatrH. Jl ImS I mpnt i omm ttni. TirollllSPfl a dbllchtful e i tlilu i nplc U It 1 1 .lllOUt llftfen load I lit? 1......1 .. i.- ......, ... -.. M..11, .V '.. , fni,i.r.tl WVil. S-tn m . 4Tll7 niu It Ir., nt... , F.iiinKi.M., ji pi 11 .-, , uv Diaiw idinn iroK " v:r""" -t". "";; i. . un,i ..n fii. . ir... . . i ;, v., :... .i t..ii.ut .1.1.1 .... ti,. ' .- - "---- :- ,.Art - -." , mii-i U1 iiin . ynu .an -u-v 'ii.iff '-Ti- ;:.- in.Ti. u.,i.m -.-,... f- .:;'" "v:" ..iittoi ir,ti.-,f -M'rveti on viirrtiua .wui.i..i" -;- - ; '"'. )i "", "'" V, " ti , L -. " :."" car iii.inurnLUircra lur iuu.uuu ireiKiu ' u,h anu irienu. an ur.'afiizaiions or winch 1 ," "'"V : "'V;, " ',''' r4" main .11. political lnteiest Th palrilti, ordpr -4n- of m,n.n m . nnanee- i-ommlttfe for the last two third Tuesday In Ma. Ilruther A. J KIU. ..'. "!..,.. ..ininiAn- n inrfm i-. I R a tiiemhep. lnHr.l to funeral. Tuea.. i Prancl J ShIhk t'liurch 10 a m. Inl. IIOUc Of Jtenresenta-' ThlladplphU in earn, mlv uoi i:inu "fur th Ap the tnasfer. Iiih nrmw w7," "".V.'Si: ' " nas lL". ,"ut Vr "" 'jy 4,r "' a..i.iua,.,uBl ...., . .--,- '- H:30 u. m. IMS W Thompson at. Solemn 1 "' riV,.1.t.n, . .. nn rnntrnl k nt KHle I miici'M of th- third Llliertx Iluml Imm ""l Mna "" ,UI1 ,'"1" l,J l" i". a' imiaruunj Krvnvu. loriion 01 wouu 111 uiucr m ..' isit-c requlm 111 .inn Church of the (Imu 10 a. m. -Mllv -;: ' -;Vr.". -" 'Vl:,r'. A- tUIIirUl JS lit hWltC, , ."."'. "' ',.J,1'.V. '" "" 7F' i.ia.li. to 'V-l ll COUt . t.ii...n.ll...-. ,! ..ll..i-. .-.. tuirm.c... Ini ttftlv r.1r.h.. fom .i t,ir,mra Wlf of TllOnillff 5U KPIinpX ItelallVPH nn.l oil number uf vacan- 7'ni" E' ,2 .n;' S ..,. .,. , "" ."?.' """"' ,.V , ".V; 1, 1 ."ftwiii.v. rA.Vii . ... "r.i: 2 lurnr .'ox- , frumi. r..iti om-r nf i,..rinn. ,,,, in tho Senate thla year l.-ad..ur.-r. ..r.. i,r, Kr.tlfMw . the7m-l . P .. m iiTJ . 11 rti Si , ',," f ,r"..'ui r 'Af v" ""'"'". ."' V""m " . T.:..f ..'.I . ;v..lir "," V'J'U.u'rJ.':nV: ' .... ,'un'J?' "T 7' " i... ,:!!?.,. .y' .)l- leaders to believe that :; in r,. . - r I, it hj- TUlrJ ; '.."il.- li. I-. Tl- i-s.ik.h ..s ..... 'il.r. t..ii.llJat,8 l,aJ bn .,i,,,1,,1 .'..'pro Mb lv B op per ren u out Hfri-? T .51' . 8 '& I " n.' .3S' V"5 '.T ." -r JImUiI.si V-hurrl' lilsl.W ,l". ' il.; contests will offer a bet- lr.lLw .. ni.,U heaiu'V, ?,rt5T.ilS .ln ' tl.ou.li -ht.r.. .proVl lo ,. ..nf of thouBh tiiw I.J io HPP.r fur nl Uiltm l""'-1 Sol-,,,,, ,,,., f .,, SI . i:ilal-..li''S Tu-, . ,.on nrrlt.il ..f irMn l,..Mn itroiu of public sentiment rou.,..lM un- dolne th.ir In-.tu. pruw" UmT . '?-, X. L"'';.... ...i V , for'V VlV"of .uhuitUtV, " Kr nVit V,.h1, . " , " ,. " " ", . .. . "i. o, v ' " K.V ," ". ' ','',". ""v A1 "' cVr '5.7 , "" IS5 '" ""' 1I"l4lll'' '"' I In the lower branch ""rit-anii itn m-n or nrtlon A form u ",i,',i T , iir,.hti, Jl.li.o worth of th , nlion th iMiultrary of th.- u.it-inMy ut "' iifi,'ii'ii""' " - -- .. . .-- ..:. t-i.tv; i im.i w ,t .-, it - .M.-l'i:U nrll 21. llAltnv. liusbmj of in tut lower urauui furrdw from ,h M, eeul.. ,om. utb..rl;l to 'l"'", r,wrtV.I wW- nf ' tli rrsHiic- of th- U.li.s will u- lh. u..- llainx. illrector (if nurchas.es ut the rail- ;;J o? s"inuri '.ion"r iui.1 alsitr .." SsJ."l Vra.trfi M.-lVak uml .on of Hubert un.l TAXTl'JI - I'ourlll M in'li .Old. AMTJI lilu of t'hitrlfs II Tintuiii K.iitri. nnl frlentls Itnlipii to rum n.i r.wene i .?M,.,.i. (V TutltUfll I Itis.tt II ks , , I... i..ut liratiih . J ill nia.pt Irtln it llortlPiittnvn X J Itutlnu Marltf. it (erii THOMAS At lt Hnll V J April SO I'HAItlal'.S K 'lllnM.H. .HeO M" Rflllllt. ami frlt-ntls iinltfil to fuin-ri.1 133 V 1.l liiBton st , lt lluiu Tu-- .' p m. IntJ fnrr tl.nf llta. l?...il,ll l.-.a r. ....... ""'?". ." OF"U. . -. . ..... ....,,........, . .,. ......... i .,ul lorn, io n niitttfM to pt-- cainn in tlie stute for tht- froni the '.. 'n tin1 rmr.lia.f o r.ilifrtt Hanjs untl i.iiti ,'iiurt t. oftiia. I. inaml,,. tnir..lm.. teadlly In the House in the last three u. boml thruuiii Hit- tnmii or nts nine of elections, und the K.tln of aildltlonal .inpioim-nt. The tiwini.-r nn In inanr eatS In November, while mt Kreat lm- ti2ltln!EXPLiSJT fa? a "XrolTtt portanco In (ihaiiRtmr the orcanlza- thru- riurihast is tipairfU for tin- r. cords lion it nil, tint firrv tlto ttolcrltt nr " '" .""iittc- . itiii,. turn tor rirun to tlltl iion.wouiu. nqi cjn tne eigiu ot HurK uf h. .,...., BOti.tiM. most mail l.i. .i.i..,t.nl,i tt... utt'.r.l to liO nrtin.f tioj.i mm... ."",7 ".:. ," ,. 1... ,. ininm Mpii tthnst ItllltUv Is 1.1 r.inln unknown until ilrolston l r.;lnler.. Ilrtiilier Ittibrrm rtBHi.'rul as llr.t mipli- tant for the nrlr... I A most Imnrrssltat niiniorI..l i,iiii e was h'l.l for Ilrothrr V. T. Ati k ono ..t tht olJ-time mtml.i-rs. wliosn u.-t vl i In f"" y ars was it factor ntlw upliullJlllB of tho amsmblv The rellff tommittre etntl.l pie Unce the direct-election amend-' !. Jn , Ui-r. ?. . l.c","" '. , !ISnSk5Jf "!.? lJM"l '.: tl tin" l.i tlirlft -ni'ins l'-P" luh f.'r'l usual Mkuivh l.urln. u i-fc-Hi P".k;-r Ioaj ailmll.lhtiiiUon I., a. ii. I tl... lut.7t.tt linlMl.ll I inll fr III 'HI! I ltt"l till fl l'l" in li HI ll"iir-i iif. till- (.in- imr. K-tin"h n JU 2 lnul Iv.ne -ii l-o.n uhl-h biuuithl fuIw rlntlfiu lu itHhi-i ruKiz. J to charter an arnn auto- th- amount of $lm huinTliitt'ndent UecinsH ru k S . twninort tho m"mbern from IVnn'dre-w tho utundaia. vrUv. Hrother Jatiib rm.ni-. In 'nderdoin Viieniblv Unorder i Jordon iire-enleU lo th- unncinhly u beautl rilliniM IO lVUrl.n," . i V.U., ... Ihd I f..l l..,n(.i. ri.ll .. n,1 f.lw. t. u..rt i f.-.i- Mill. 'iMti. ll miotki. oii'-rru mt- .- .-. ..-...-. . - .""" " - "- " tho Senate elections, where tlie sentl ment of an enure State la registered. Thlrtv-alv kRitu In tho SorutA iro tn fia tlllpft ihiu Vip Thit- id itt i iprrpat i ll l'reeldy-nt Harper and State HpcreUry no niieu tms jear. -Litis is tlio largest Helms. hav hern personally ursine thp nuuiutrr ui i-unuiuuieH ueitire ino pen- ramps ana tnp.nurt to um ptry availablt. Tho art i i niinlrpro of thp Si alts ptu- tivt onimlttPf, Mato l'renldent Moypr, Stutv ment was ratified. hope for hiitticlent ffain.s to plve them ha 'ni..-. T)Ar.,.uit..n.i iiau i'miiuk nitM i nu iiiit u iiit i-oiii' ..- jt.iMMiivuii niuiiiU's in w nn n tnp muuoruinaii bppn at tlt alrtady have o t... !... ..at nf frutcrn. lilt m. il AVr i tho claim Initiation at, the Mav mMtinK nine HtarB. itprf h ntlntc the number of iiiem btra In tho xorvlce. Up ae -pri'Mhlon tu tho hlshPkt patilullo at ntlments and hupvd. nn all did. that all of the.su loa wuuM ptifeb return, HpPt.lilly an thre of thn nine ur his own sons Vlnltom fiom Tom-iminut-alth and Chesur AesfmblU'S were in tvrusttit isitur8. fc- rollhip storlt orderH ecr placed and the rulllncKwoo.1 Assembly Huffered the lo-ia by llrst of a,' sIzn ranged since tlie C.ov ileath of Master Artisan William I' TatPin. . eminent took oer management of the who ha.l been called only nine days b-forn railwa last December. Tho frelcht tu tho 'ihlrtj-thlrd Knulneer Corps at Oa nip rai ,,?. . , .. ' ,V Im, .1 . i 1 1 .M li leenH. Mann. The meetliik- therefor an,-airt will be manufactured according to oniiucieii in a oieinti ainioapnerc. iii j(ev Manu.iru UCSiRns, two tjieH or r0 tione ilr-f lli.pim.uit. fyrnu-rlv of HadduutleM. N .1.. ukpiI 7!t ltplallven ai'd frleniN Inxlted to funeral. Thlrddd '.'I.d lult 1 P. tit. resident;-, Mucllon, N J. Omit flow ers. Int. priate. Jrlndi nmv c.iil SpcoiuI da. 1 to ll p tn Train ,leatH Market fct terrj. riilla., 10 :in u. in (.OOi'KU. April ?0 VIOl.KT I'OOPI.U tnte Hull). lfe uf Willium ooir. Helrt- , tlve and frlendc. Itah I'ouncJI. No, , P. ' of I.. Clearfield Council, Ne. H. S. and ThMO r-.nlrt.cta .fprel.t the blim-,. 'c .,f. '.oNnuT To"...'..!: 'v,.C." UBB I 11 in . muiuer s rsiu.iinia, i,u..t jujee st. t rrlon.is ina tltll Tuis after S p. in Int f U.tklan.l i'imii. Autu funeral. ' rul'i:. .Mirll 1 JOH.V. huslianil of llnr ri. 1 It Coop, imeil 70. Itfl.ttlvps and frl.nds oltllllon LotlRi, No 11 1. K und A. M , nnd IVrracit ao. of tho Tort of JMilIu . Invited to y. rut., .lon . p. in , ol.'J J'lno at. int. Quantity iltllvt'iy of tlio l.iih Mill licclii tli iiboul four inontliH, uml nil proli.ttily will he comiiletfd In blx niniitlip. wlion mole will bt otilt'rrd Within two weeltH Mr. Wlllliiins ex Vetitj. to older part of tlio 2000 new lo i'oimitIv.s which tho railroads will need thin jear. ll.l..li.llit Mi'I'miI. Itflallts laml frl.ntl Intltftl tu fnnirtil. fd . II a in. lliril H. l'Vont st Mass of rt'tiulinn t'lmrtli of tlio Smred II.Brt lii'Su 11 in Int. Hols' Trots ivm Autu t-prtii- Mr.ri'.ltM April lit WILLIAM 11 . liu liand of Mitri nnd son of l.tt Pliillp nnt Mary M"er. ludathss Htid friends, .m nlots of A. M I'.illlm' .Mfir Co., intit-d to funpral seniors. Turs.. 1 p. in , 12111 N 531 m. Int. private Mt. Moriali Cem. Auto serilee. Itein.ilnj may be leted "Mon. eK. Mi:Vi:r. Su.ldtlily. on April I'll 191S. .U'LIl'S MKYl:ll, lilted 7n vt-Brs, of L'OS N. Park He 1'uneral and Int. iirltate. Ml'I.VCY- April .1. JASK widow nf IM .tril MulMV un 74. ltelatltes and friends invited to funernl. Thiirit . S .11, a m . resi dent e of son-ln-li. tt Kranl: O'.N'elll. l!4ll."a M laltlliorp si. Iliftli masa t'luirfli of tlio Vlsltittlon in it ni lut Holy Heuulihre .-ft-V'.,'. i'n Vo.i-.-n HeUt ves and III;"! I Ilrotherhood Cem 1 riwinn may call lino ..!.......- i. a l. ... tl "i .Ila.l ... ItlJ.l r.l 1 in III. li, -. ""-"."' Anrll 'JO. THOMAS 1HVN' IK sonofiTO. Ham J. un.l Urldget Torn. ii.;.i ;: K lives and friends, mil, lows or Dpl or fw lilies. City Hall, imiled lo funeral TlH. L ... ... .n.i.t.n. . ... ...r ,,,. 4nu7r Tiratan. rt av I in, it-iaiu." u '. rt, si Siilemn iHiiulein mas. i bnrcli or im Molller nf Sorrotts 111 b hi lm MtlJ tin dral Ct in. Autu funeral I TKLMIlLi: l l.d.m,.i- f''AS April ll. CllltlMHIK 1 r of tif" tt Trimble, i.aed '.S Itel.tit . an frfcrt. Invited I funeral s.-rt I. " etl ',' 1 -hanel of Antlrett J Hall on Area" Uiili sts Int pritaie irneM THIlNlin On Aorll IS 1 ....t0" ."J It Tl'ltS'llK. aaed ll tears .l"''1"!.; friends Invited to, funeral , sertleea en xm at 'J ii, ni.. at tlie reside ite of J 'HJ Jlovtvn'.iniS.S .'.'d-l. in. Fe mn, ood'ft-; fNll.ll---ui.ien,t. .. ":" "a J April IN WILLIAM I l'-'' i.tTi". iH 11.11a 1 nser I tee Ilains.vl Relallvcl Ut friends iniite.l to funeral fu-s i a, . reslileneo or sisur-in ia ! --y, tmiil ri d t ,,nw ",7,. in i i n i ru'i a,-.ii .... ..--, , ..n.i frltndi W" I'uef - P. W- ifatmiini .avVeTidoiiMr ':.'..jtP5 vaA rossr.N'.-Apni i. fNMtlffl .. 5!i Mon. eve .k.raaira artst-nl VAN lU.t NK - Vpi'l AN HLI'NK IMailH 'it.l i. a ftitit-r.il ttei H t ' lili'a S. llroad t lut ma I Pill s il I ri l ii tier li I I . .... i rnui,. . ;in h id t-uuirui ii euinevv inn. lar-iuii-iicti, . in i runu. , ;un I vtar It is (lis duty of tho Tn' re.vtr.ler aijo reau i """f. "V" ...,i it Waller CI arrieri tu the varant tliair ' ' " lH" '" '" ,lu "" " urop- ""ntv u s,i,,.i,i.. i. .n in iv. n NLII.A.N April .1. .HJNXII. dauhler of Yv,i,,n t S ass Cliun li of "" ""'5 the minds of many leader. With two nbeV, Tini. .rea. .Ir.'a'nlza.io'ii'yinaln0. r7?l?.r,SIV?l.i"itwn.U,", and "Xl.lu 1 ,. Knile"-"1.. I'iul ' l.otton. Hopper tars, ianglnB between L!!viVStrvLi'.'l"a'..V 7.Pr" !.i"pll$- ?d iV"7Si?K'WftVitf,"Jn.,X"IUn- ,,u,olke vfrKB l" in "nt W..- Vacanclen on the Demon atlc bide, the Inr nt hom- to t.u Liberty Honda and War , r ? ","f,"r Ht.5 klev In his usuallv era. ions sei.onil Uialr Cundutlur Wulter C Hani- ,my an,j 8iNty tons capacity. friends Invited to funeral. Mon.. .3U K m. vii'ri On AurFl is mis vunmr VACIIIIAK - Aih.i -1' " VN,n "i ifS majority part,' controls t.io .Senate by fhV .-Wr.,r.,b-r 5S.fitt5r SSSK tyrt, &'rtiXSr,J!T&,& 1SH P&MA'X; . In ,.,-parn..on for att anllnB conlracta gj ' "-.b. ..,.. MfeS-ug f -vh, Jg rifJfuiSh"-, ",'r 'nT l"ujg eight votes, having at present fifty -two thl. order, to th- ..umber of 13 (mo to knotv ?,, ,T.-ed ih sentiment "that tli. itsi-enililv , ,. so the matter of Umnalns tin.- meeilni: Mr. William- sought tentative l.lds from liUAt. Sti.lJenlv rrll sn. IL1.I M .'" '.nVnd, Imlted to funeial service, on Mon 1'. '"' .'', 2 eats to forty-four for tho Ropub- I "?tt the bo at hom. are beuW tlwm vv.tl. .Imhl, nl.hl belonn to I'V ",-. '?! . '.. A "iSS''1" ,,""' tSrtllndifin.t1 inatiufacturers nnd rejected those In- M. ?. V,' ',,,h"'.1 A, ','"' "'..'V8 "" "-' ' "' ' nar'en't.f're.Tdenr0" Cera ? Trillion. IM -".,V'dmm tl.iS lean.. As .Missouri and Louisiana ! "IZcZTL.iu of th- .cretarie, las. Z,y.TxiihtZ2??&i3 ."i'of'utesali'd ...SKliSilJSf." .formally because they represented prollts J,Te'rr,,Jd,,f'r,le,,,,,,"sUi,n!i.e,.,,;,,, XSZWA: , s8MW.t2-JSu 'A1, RiVVJ- Sfl?; P?5,Pf0.n1,r"1" "" ,-f "- both are Democratic .States, the ma- Saturday at .state litndtiuarters proved a,and In fae of abi.. e the ladles to send I 'raiiBlne above 10 per cent. Manufac- lliura S v in., loll .'liesier pike CoIIIiik-' 0f Ilernard U'Dunnell. ltelatltes ind friends" i Vui:imiN"ur.lt ni.i -' '.'Js "oobrtt JOrttr will be ten when tho temporary I S?n't.-g wltJJ "g. JW ?,B!4S. e,uR. t..v,,l" ,n LurKa,S." TM-n Hf -jum I W.hM l.a.l ,t aplr.ted ,nee,mf ttircrs were' n,ued to r "..Ir ?-f ,ifT0 VTm.1 -in..1 .l,,n".,?!.n , .'offTeVe'.T. A'.K.. ".nf nVffiiSr"-" ' M?" S H hses",aufcbytu:n f'7TTnYrt.;W.:T-5iULiv- trnors. ! !J'.', L, ma,1" ? Wtf ,df,VU,"1 iWL I ',',:rn1.Pd,v",.U.',e J'Xu". Pern ,uuVU.et'',nrotl.; v, hon. marU.ed into tl."a..mbly 'room at ls Its own urs, and preliminary replle, ''u e I ' nd "-"ran i'sm,1'" " uV., ',", e, '.nd I &"" Church 10 "' m' 1M' "oly Cr0" J,',,'7, 9S"- WT." An. .. " '"' nty,wo seats ,, by Demo- M4P ......n4l,.si- "VI t at of I n Ul'fJtTJIUHIli. U -tiUMlcr Jrilt.ll J- tu tno mini I'.tui'. 1 l.i i,l . la nr IIIETIl ma H M i,iiniij, , ..".....". -..-.-.....- ...., - ----.;,..- .ii it.t A 1 VJ. -, V I II .I.-I l.lt .Al'ltl a." -.- ,.ll ID" nttr-pf liinn ita stf r an pmbrvo artisan. In Hrother V, Janifi In tin das th Mar ban. IPHilITl ifimr iai- iiuiifiiu tthii ti itti iroiti an acciaeni. tin.iu rn.i. r.i niinitirM oauea iur r.it-i;u tun one ot inn nrivnifiii aim mui rnninm , (.mures iruin uoin hoioirlk. memlM nnd filled the various office- with - t?ipiitlonal ability and hi loa will 1j I greatly deplored. lirother Jaines T. Alien was ono of the oldent nnd honored metnberi. 1-. ..!.. xourieen neia y itepun- "V'"rL"V.,",.v'"V,...tr;,-:,T, " . iYh ...... i nnii . . .. . . L'r.-rj i !- rniniji ii u n uhk "ti7iiru u it-ia iui viii;iii. i . .-.-.. licans are to be filled at elections tills ci,arl.- J. conrau. year. On the Democratic tldo at least1 ,.,,- vn i hn- frme,i a rami, of aor- fO'jrteen of the States are counted as row, havln lust vtlihln ono week two. of i )rother farrv Wi.lner and n leadlnir lei certa.n for that uartv. and ti U fit.t. !!" W'"t .."" n'''.'n.lJ'Ji'"-. IV'..l,Ltn.t "f '" order, lirother .wit ,,0,;.:lu"'..'.! aw.,, .... I. .' " , , a t a HeOrBO IIUIIOIK. VTOO tlieit trutll tfttca tviiii tii t;iiuiiit:ia tn viuiuritrs 111 some of the so-calle.1 doubtful States, Is taken to indicate that the possibil ity of Republican control of tho Senate Is n t beit remote. Of seven vacancies created by deaths, one has been filled by the election of Jn-lne U lnroot in Wisconsin. Two ptriollc F'wd Hcnciits in for re-election for the' unexpired terms i Woman's Benefit Association for which they were selected. They i "Keystone Review, Ultteiihoui-e Hall. are John F Nugent, of Nevada. Demo-1 Fifty-third street and Have rford ave crat. forlhe unexpired term of Francis i nue jirg, j.-. jr. Helms, commander, rc G, Newlands. u Democrat, and Charles I , urranBements complete for the . iienaerson, democrat, ot jaiuio. tor ;. . . ,. drlle.. uni aItJO all entertain inv reuiuiiiu.fr ui tnu li IL Brady, a Republican THE MACCABEES Hie l'enn'a drama He tlub pees-ninl the dream eeene from "Th Hells." lirother Cliarlea Conrad pnrtrailne the character of the prla onrr In the must vivid and finished manner. He waa ublv supported bv Ilruther r.rneat ! Conrad ns tlio presiding Indue and liroth er C. llWi.l and W Ahn a aasotiata jutlat.s. urouier tieorne i-airie was notuiiiy rapabio at the mesmerist and lirother 11. Ilarrett made it most Impressive eendarme. Th ollinux of tho eveninit vvaa the plat Inn of the stars upon the aervlt-e flae In re memhranee of lirother Ira H Hell, now with the Thlrti-atventh l.n.lneipi. 1 ort Mser. land llroiher W. Ii Shruin. now with. tin; meuleal forpa at camp i.ee. taeputs ,r" ain.a.ir.at. .1...... ..a... i.t. u ,. etil nr n I n. I . Keen strutlc the reaponalve patriotic the remainder of the term of Jumer I '"'"" ,', rn,. n,e benefit of the l 'hord in the ii.arta of the audiene. by , iiiuii. a ."-' .. --- -- resume in itt iii.inry ut mu n .w... ..- ,: patriotic fund on Thurtday evening . ini-eptlon with eleven tars..earii inarribeti tht. aeceptance by Jlaster Artiaan c i to tne lower lmirs. tiakdale at Hlali nisss M Coliiml.a's ,yars The additional feature vvaa the Many car plants now are reported fh'ir.-h in u. in. Int. .New Cathedral tern. "'.'?. V. ,.I7"...,u",'f ...'". ur...'.,"i,"r.! riinnliir below eanaeltv hecaust. nf tlio ".'".ns. "n.-prii ii Ai.if.ivi' A., ron i wiiu Miott . fii ii pip to t.u iiv- ' i , , V Tji i i - a w u nu tnv ,aie ii nam a tit tii.ik. it mi uun i nt i.iir hex 1 iiti i w 11 iinnifiiiiif ui urutTH hoc i ui ntanuu Has e-iirimvu iu iuv uuumuui nneratlOll MUTted 1 I .1 IllfS 1 . ' I Faia, will be uis Iaa. O Vndenlown Auembly will enter- blK concerns OdHt of tain tnu menioerv. otner assemotie! ana oiiu jQ several in Heatll r HI. l Iuu-rniui4ii iou; tit t,it iit-i .-1 rt-.. -.It ini meetlntr room at Grand Frattnilty llulldlns, western cim. lOii Arch utrett, on May -. i " t Kt and rrienui im.t4 u runeral nenle-.. Weil t 1T.30 p m . 3541 N l'alrhlll nt . 01ne. Int. priai ..-ii Ml.ll. husband, of 1. iir.e..' . . . VOLIaMKIl - Kreeneri ailed Ton"l I'HILADELPHI HAS 150 MET Atleiphl Aatfeinbly will utaee a Uillfn nUlit thlfl ivtnltitf at Fraternity Hull wltii a proffrani nf hiKh-dava entertainment, tlam tne and lefivuhmentt. ThN ounf aiHnibl lina riiiriHtrn muih icumil, tu iit-w irttBt r . . rf,. , - , ni A ll V of llfo much IIUp lt advent Into the ' Capital IllVCStCU 111 ThlS Territory iion ot which hi Biiii-e timviiiiiiciiL tlves ana rrlfmis, fairmouni i.ol.'e. No H33. I . riaiwi ''i'' i ,lf, ,l Av. ,w l i V-rhi. Vo 1 ll " rl rhli. The new orders, It urotnerriooa oi fc. nu r.. iniua o;"' - u'r r . , ---m trUmted among most trawaonchtnPat mt. lr il1:.. "K! lrinmrit MeVnav4atV'B0 enV e.Y'v Tunier Vere.n;. HM. Tun, er ,- l tho MIsMHS.piH and ' Cem Iionl. Irelanrl Kelatives ami frlen.in H AuWnffi?m-r O lub inUtM to fun . .. i.itLiii ii i .ii ti,, .uiiu ti7iAf . V t Mniialltt. . KtMt?ii tif tit o,..-. ir.,.. I A. C Marnier v iuu "- . i cfriro .. e, I-ortiana aim oilier 11IV1.JIMil,.i.1rh't;, Ji "thi .' ."iiiAV".'' ' and Ito.Yr, ind "Altar SoV etv." nvlie i A . Wed- , v "' 1 ,.eweJ TWt- 1 pp.. Hitnth Moore funeral. Tuea s 3d a. m husband', re.l- n t. Private j - - , DUOAN.At realileme of .l.ler, Mrs rtn, ? J 'l t High mass pi. i:d- "..' ,B!irn 1 KlalZAIlllTl T l Ti.-.. V,..ll,,, i-lsAllnl.nea. t.. . - .. 1 1 1111 tlli' Phltrfh 1ft U . Ill Int Unit- l-..,... A ll t ."-! ' " ". .V T. I t St IU'il A DISTRICT , CTffiK:s5 il 1EjErVl.i I .ils' uin, .0. ,v.i.uam run- frS, n& AL PLANTS ?WrS.?V, ?A M ilWVIleVsere'Vuei'r1.. .".'.".'.." 7 ...'. . ': .v -. . ",I- u lver II Hair lll.ltr . lHL'll Senator McNary. Jlepubllcail, or " "":, nM members of the order HI brnther'a namo anfl faahloned In Oreiron. who was unpointed for the "exti nn all memucrs ot tne oruer form ot ,n, nure ..3." .ignificant of SV'a t. ,'nf PV.n,ini. Tfnrrv and tier f rends wll receive a cordial th. number of. th. aaaemblv. It. atarr .....,... ...,... -:..-. -.-- , ,.!.,. larovvtn. mouiii uv inontn, unui in Iane, Democrat, Is. not a candidate for the remainder of the Lane term, having- entered the race for the long term beirlnnlni? next March. Senator David Balrd, Republican .of New Jer sey may seek the. remainder of the term of Senator Hughes. Democrat, which runs to- March -J. with the like lihood of Governor F.dge, Hepubllcan, Tunnjni for the Ions term. That leaves the unexpired terms of jfcnator HtorrJi. Democrat, of Missouri. ..nd Senator Broussard, Democrat, of ITaOulsIana, both running to March 4, mi. to le filled. , With the exception of the Maine 0Wctlon. which Is to beheld In Septem- ; O.K, tn otnejr eats will do inieu ii. if WyirnaU;r. !, t n. welcome, Olrard Jtevlw, l'arkway Ilulldinir. lira. Artara, commander, recelve.1 aome Inatruc tiona from Hunremo Chaplain Uuraln. Th member. Ilvlne east of the Brhuil-lll ltlver entertained the mcmtKli on tha vveat aide with Mr.. Lillian Miner aa chairman, and tho host urly know how to entertain. Mr Miner waa preaented with a beautiful fern from tho review In aotireclatlon of her work for tho patriotic, fund and for the review On May 11 the review wilt hold a pruareaalve noveltv unity, with .Ilea A 1 Uerlt aa rtialrman. recelpta to be uaed for the patrlotio fund. Philadelphia, Review, Tarkway Ilulldlny, lfr Arina Haney, commander, received elabt ppllcatlone for mtmberahlp and obllaated flv candidate., after which a, abort enter tainment waa ttlven for the benefit, of the patrlotio fund which waa moat, enjoyable. A .pedal meetlna-, will ba held the and of the monlh to oblUale more candidate . .. .... a. ... ...a . ........ n nil.. ..a. n.aaa. . v.... ....... . '.lay i'ay aociar May 1 at t"l a . .. .for the preanttlon to the JCttiers Fratfrnltr lIU Lounebury at the arowth. moutli bv month, until the preaent total of neventeen true-blue etara upon the field of t.ureat white. tho unspotted flower of manhood, aurrounded by the loyal red, the true red blood of Amerlcanlam. atanrh .a,,, tru In (he .erilr,. nt luatlee and rlatlt. The entrance of tho comn-nv pf Ilia boye of tlie navy, the pclnit ot the atara upon the flair by Chief Yeomen Hus.ell Koaaett and Arthur Morton, the atandlna- at rlmld aalute of everv man and the aliiKlna- of "My Country "Tie of Thee" by tho whole eaeemblaite waa a spectacle torn: to be re. membered Amona- the company of the aallor boya were theae who claim a home town In the Middle Weati T. . Carnea. W. Karrow. (. Drackuae. J. O'.Velll. W. .Anton. If. Iloda-era. I.. Lana- and W. Kooch. Ample refreahmenta were aerved. after whleii there waa a relay danclnir , contrat durlna- one hour of continuous mualo with out lntermlaalon. The honora ware awarded to the Jackie., who eictianued oa'eper. while in motion, ''aomethinjt novel. Jme thine new " Art san famllv Three eandldatea were landed last month and tl ree ahould turn un lonioitt Maater Artiran Walla. 1 aeema io realize the Importance of larce at tendaiitea Hiid is leavlus nothlnr undone f work un thla feature lirother lllckhardt aeema to be in ureal demand aa thoru. i leader and entertainer mnon. tho aasetn bllea Ilia atle la all lila own and hla Jolly I tiiapoaittoii maaea mm an tne more popular, lirother Arnold baa taken hold of the reins aa deputy over Fidelity Aaaeinbly. and It la fairly certain that he will reunite thai aasembly into one of the beat. Adelphl paid Lehluli Assembly a fraternal visit on Friday evening: with a, deleratlon of thirty. Itecorder I.lpaey la the deputy of Lehla-li Two more name.. Handall and Jacobs, have been added to the honor roll maklue; twenty-two In all for Adelphl, The war eavlnga wtamp aociety haa been fully or ganized, with John Orals, prealdent, and J. Gilbert Clarke secretary and treaaurer. Bparta Aasembly celebrate, tomorrow night at 11-8 Arch atreet Ita thirtieth anntvereary by an entertainment and dance and haa aant out a. Ker.eral Invitation. Haddon Aaaembly obaervea Ita thtrty-flrat anniversary at Had donflald on, Thuraday nllht. deiphltl Conalatorv. , pie. ,. A u rt ai wa Aged Sinn Drownn in River Columbia, l'a., April S3 The Suaque. hanna ltlver la being dragged today for tne uouy or irmn uourDer. ciKiiiy- meant Aasemlalt a fialtliful forty Itsd very intjre.tin,bu.li,a.. a.ln ,IMana yearold. who vraterda'y morn. atven nv aiatv 1 At 4iii" wir niMaa io Di-irur out . larKtij- mLicuu-tiit.-- -- - -- -., . .--- ... ' -.: -Tli IankI&jurtU itreet wnith T promise to berths 1 now .Ut tbt jiMrral.lv U la numrttr. wMcUine wamw inio inp wr una uwap "T7"? .r':if: t -! "-P Vlul J7.iViM- .- h.i.i , th-ltrtftMt mtsmhr fltil imv and homeltk-. I nen.rM. ona mlla btlo.V tills CltV- It 11 fifties t HHlamev e-aJVJRVI .-!.., -.1- ..vrv w . -- -"- V '" " T. ; - -- - - -3, -... .,.J I t "" '.." . t - -- . -- . '... -:. rr." ir:m. E""at.i .'- ix wmm ..niLntinfpri ihni 1 iroui-ar irfriuin uv b. Burnris! ur iuii T.iijr.i tn urnu'ninr sirar ifitriii ".' "-.-IT?"--" T"7f 1 T'T- : 1 Ji - - - ' - ----' a.- atL .- ' f -- ----..... ..-, ,'-''. ir-" 1t,ieTStr t 'twetttatv W(Ta ." T-iawe- miii-i , " 1 aw vvf"t " k-blYH jajM. Now Estimated nt Half Billion Everybody lias note..! the si eat in cieane in metal worklnc planta In and around Philadelphia during the last few 5 ears. Detailed figures hate been pre. pared lately which show that In the Philadelphia district there are now nl most 450 plants which manufacture, consume and fabricate Iron, steel and metals. The capitalization of these A. S : l.u I.U Tern. and oilier onrantza- a memoer. invited lo funeral services. Mon 2 p m. David II. Hcnuvier nuiioina. uroau ana uiamonu ate. Int. Monument t'em IIW1L.H. April in jiaut A. T, widow rnvuidYo .Vy'w.dHH,,V..",l,rlSfSl 'n",ni m', " viewed Sun. a iter a p ' m. InvlUd lo luneral, ved 8.30 a. in. 3!lla Tn.-itiT7 in. 11 a,n tmtt n. .,.' . tLiimarlovvn nve Ilequlem high mass nt. 1 Frederick Plefita inee "l'ikei iVeiaiiv.. n S-Ar' I.,e.ld,haeD' .T.WW fchnSIrfer.'IS-r'N nX'&iSH KI.L.IOTT. April i'O. f.NNIli U.. wife of mfrS i.,n in ii'iVii.vr it... "t anu iiiciiu.. .tic 11 itiiiit 1 itaa nr ('htltnil( nl Tnl ii-Ji'i" ;- -: . iftit I,OUi '---, Private, Jit. Morlah Cm,... ?.1",ir. "n f fnni'r-il m . I JSi'.n M 111 1 1. 1.1 I'M anrll IU l'M7 r .-U- AaU- tii.a.vu "n Ut t.vlll A.t ". atl of. William Phillips nml i!auahter 'nf latLllS'PP John and ilarraret ailnvle. Helatlxen and ..V.?.".:.i. funeral iwii, .i-.. ot. iiusiieiou -u l'Wlk M.,..,.. r, S J,l.SI wait, "jj friends invited to funeral arvlce.. Mon P in . reaiuence or aon. William Phillies 13)1 i;. Suequehanna ave. Int. private. Ite a, lln. .A111a.n avtlll. n..,1 a.V.. a....... TUM.. V iuuiiui trn. iviiitite iitiiiit eiiu utiicr mania- i tiay ' J laciurills iMMitva tutai f uov,vvv,vitiu Philadelphia's wonderful growth as nn Industrial center during tho lasf few years Is demonstrated by the 1918 edi tion ot the Standard Iron, titeel. Metal Directory Just (sped by tlje Atlas Pub lishing Company, Inc., of New York. In thla edition sixteen more pages were required to cover the Philadelphia dis trict than In the previous Issue. Macred Heart League, Itosary Society and LJe 4tueBu'.e ll-tea MAa l.l I -. - 1 . .a . at... . 01, & j m -v... iutiif, mi neu 10 i u neral m 11 u in n 1 I.. al I a,. .ft .. Tpssm Cumberland County in Si C.rll.le, l'a., April 22 T activity 1-nds Cumberlai within striking distance of tl Liberty Loan total. To d ha been subscribed. Moun the second town to win an .IgrUtwt u i.00.000 opjiortlo SpPfi Holmeaburp M. U, Church. Firemen's Asso M2Pou.ll'., .ii,..,J:."i'.,'.,,..j Su'"." ."""n.i-iar- tqune 1, o, Ill.l, ra... hi 5iWr."r.V" '- ,..... tT''L,''t..l. J. " .Mon.. .3 111 a m Int. HI Marv'. i-em """1 , '"' iiei.n riiau a intra 1'nnypaeK I'reeK. .PPKlillklllBItr4AprT-21 I.IVI.N-O. j e,Slm"bu' Int' Brl'a"' "h Cedar Hill .".TON I',, son of lale John und Klla' J. PIlEaSKY ADril 18. rir. JEAV l v.... nee laoveianai, at ...u ir.rnoa in- 1. in. frntvi th. mount t'em. Ilammonton. N, J, Allantla iiiy impere ptHaae copy, l'lINCH. Aorll IR. lipr.vvr ttitiit. dauahter of John and Mary l'un'ch anti Fr,!,VrVe.'ervi't,.i.,l,Wa.",ni1 .f rn J Jnvlt. J band 'of 6m L.Prt asey tne. rin?.ainr Vw Int lit-it'...- "' m'' t3nl I.ampton. Va. Itelatlve. . KIPpri.MvilAnriVt,'.J,rt'f!nt.n ,. v'"d to funeral. Mon.. p. .rF.lrhi,,iTnVrJNT' of C. D. laovelan Pltii.ti ,,u.uit, ta .ti.ry iti. t-.paieln. llelai, Uvea and irjenaa. coremakera of Ilaldwln locomotive. Worlfa. Aleate.laorra.no Club. Invited to junerai. wd.. 1 p. m. reaiaence, ifi. usaen at. int. Northvvood Cem. Hrmalna may be viewed Tuea.. S to III p. i" . , .. ; funeral ' .T.nfi A. l,( Ward ased wi ,.. 1.,,',a,l.iin,p5"i'. H . I'ennypacK i-et... I WATT. At At ant c ritj , N qRORUK 11... nu".''y,"J ,'i1 fuAeral "rrai SRSAMfc-,y,l, lw'Sf ivllM.ni.JJ.""! iTih? 8Mb .f,f.1a0f.h:,,."n,d ffiStA' Jffi ur.'r"3d' m.' in"rhmou;h Meeuna'i 3 n. in. Interment ,Jlnln '.' ",J bu.t .VVKlSTB...-APr.l .,1 ";'. an frl. nlra.'.e'rW K & i fiR: KSTJItf nr'oVs."' BtWon nhM - tafKf .i.5BKj5.a Sffift!ffriiS fiHuuMiurr yi ni- i-i jonn ana cnen Iiarna atrittl 1T. n.l.tlui. .A4 .i" j.' rronaratlon of thn Faith Hlaiu k --..! bers Ann fdj7AlVv,r?dWdP japar.! :0v.'ln:lTlnrdaledDlr.V t'Um..' .".' C1."" "' requlem'feacre 1 IlVir ? Church 58 of Anna Wvkar. Bel. ave tolllnsdale Del ta Pa. Int and re. u. m. Int Cathedral Cem. v,,u" -u . lnrton i.odje. No. 38" P,,l!U,.nmW? j 'l,wd l Br' t'm. BKYNOIaUsin April 19. MM t the ' na'i Caatle. N'o. M. I SlaVfe1' ggJlg. '21: &i,?Siaa?Jr1 tWS.ii 'e-aj-a3iar1lt.a.t ' ...'ieiaaahi-at,.' v.Jltet'-.-. ..i.S- 4 i.. i .. . ,.. 's