r I mj,y.uT .,, "W I I lilHUpilHII --int)rw t-"rmnm '-"ye? gSSDP OP THE STREET jjVY STOCK SPECULATION JJISUUUltAUliiJJ 15 X JtSKUKJliKJS! jnCrease in Market Activity Is Not Wanted ! During Progress of Third Liberty Loan Campaign Gossip of the Street tiaSKEJ'S ami brokers, ns u rule, nre tllscournr'liig nny heavy specula- K . -1. It u ofitrl flu (lmV fri-.fl 1tn tlltlx tltti tiiIib In HKln, -. i,. y IteB in BWt-'ns1 " ....... -.- a-... ?e- noli ' --- hnadety the margin trailer may ho wiped out in a turn In the tide of (0n tho western front; besides ihry do not wish to enrourago nny it increase in market activity during the progress of tho Liberty Loan ((jmptlsn Thcrc it little activity ill rails these days, with the exception of i JlnSi allien responded to tho tetuarUaulo earnings shown by Its recent itlrt. ' infPcsMiig or nichcnt prices on tho Stock tixphutigc. a member raid -hedldnot look for any severe reversal of tho present upward tnoveuient i 0ngM the I.ibottv Loan hotds tho center of the stngr. provided nlwavti . tlfrc is no lmd war news from Hurope. " It Is true Hint n stroiir; market N very desirable for the success of tie Libcrtj Loan, but the danger lies when it begins to nttraet money tjm tho loan lirokers say it is tho general desire to hold tho market ittho present level until the present crisis In Uurope has passed, for It l.i icknowltilgcd tlicic is a erlsls Just now. When Focli dcllnitely announces the beginning of Ins offensive tho crisis will havo reached n stago where malts will begin to show In quick order, and If thov turn out as every one litre anticipate- the maikct cannot bo kept within bounds. fit Bond Market There Is an Inipiossion which prevails among bunkers nnd brokers thit the liquidation of Liberty -Is had about run its courts and that three bonds will soon work back to hotnewherp around US or 9S'. On Situnlay the prh rs for these bonds were somewhat higher, with a fair taund. The otllcrlnss of 3',s (luring the half s-cmIoii wcro not many, hut pices remained linn. The feature" of the Liberty Loan campaign In tills city on Snturi1n re the women's p.irinlo, reviewed by airs. Wilson, nnd llrown IJrotlicrs' uibscrlptlon of Jl.onn.onft. There Is ti tendency for tho campaign to drag, tut It is s.ild tins will be overcome; during tho coming wecU, when the aapaign will be nunc liltrnsive. IYosrcfcS has hern reported in the negotiations with tho Government , (or financing the $10 000.000 Now Voik the JS.000.OOO Mii'lugau ton tr.il notes, which mature in May. Tho present plm, It Is said, antlelp.ites an arrangement similar to that entered Into tj the New Haven, that is. tho companies will deposit collateral to iccuro the Government loan, and tho rate of Interest is expected to lie fi per cent, the same as that required from the New Haven. Bankers mid brokcit, in this city say there Is unite a demand for ihoit-terin notes, .nid that few are available at current quotations. .n ittempts to fill moderately sized orders result In having to pay from ipolnttoa point ,md a halt higher than "asked." They wiy that tho published ll'ts of quotations for this class of securities is really nominal, ind the cnl w i to tlnd out the true tone of tho market is to place the orders, Notice has linn ui'clvcd by the New Vork Curb Market Association from the Kcdci.il IIcmtvo Hank of Now York that the Secretary of Treasury desires no public transactions or quotations bo made in third liberty Loan bonds until May 10, 1 PIS. Members of tho curb associa tion are Instructed not to trado or accept orders for execution "when lied and If issued" In nhove-mentloiicd bonds until further notice. A similar notice was Issued to members of the New York Stock I'x ebansc The l'eh mgp does not Intend, it Is said, In see n repetition of r th hasty dealings in the 3',s which NStocks in Storage , S(ocks of crude oil in storago continue, to dccicase. March t there tm 50,374,715 luirols in storage, whllo on April 1 there were !)0.0!)0,9SS, I l decrease of 2S3.T77 barrels In a month. Substantially all of this do- B crease was in Mid Continent storage. r' 'The Oil t'ltv Du-iiek. In legnrd to ,'Dli and the outlook for tho year, had "Whllo there was a decrcuso (luring J pared with an lm ro.isc in tho llrst &, nresomuch woise during tho last wed to get a correct Idea of the situation. Many producing wells wcro efaeddown In January and February, and production was below normal (a nearly all fields. This was not duo to any serious falling off of tho Mils, but slinplv to the inability to keep them pumping. March showed , imuch better situation, as reflected In i This may be expected to contlnuo dining tho spring and summer. I "The large demand for fuel oil Is reducing the stocks of that article, i lot the production is rather on tho increase. There has been a gain slnco (December in California and tho output of the coastal iiclds In holding very iteadjr Tho higher prices In the latter division will causo moro active operations, and probably result in larger production. Tho wide extent of jj' wildcat operations through Texas should rrom the close of March, 3 017. to the end of March, 101S, the stocks Uljht oil were reduced S.JIG.ISO barrels, or a monthly average decrease tt 431,343 barrels the larger decrease being during the last tin cc months. Thfre will be a linger consumptive demand with the warmer weather and tte needs of tlu Ijovci nincnt. but thcic should also bo pxpected a much frjfr pioduction. This pxpectutlon Is based on tho fields of Kansas, tho 'prospects of an important addition to oil ucrcago In north central Texas. J,Mlhownby tile good wells being completed there, and the activities in uiuklahoma field. Wyoming also will ntput. Prom all theso sources thcrc , wraea to prevent any tcrlous loss In stocks." Opportunities Now for Bond and Stock Bargains There U a difference of opinion among brokers) in this city as to , Wther the present umvard movement in stock niices lias reached Its .ttolth, tino well-known houso issues I nutter; There never before has been a time when so great an emphasis has WQ Placed UOOIl nnnnrhmltlna fnf lifinntnu lt lsi,wlw nml utnil.-a bin netnl t'Titers and investment houses In general repeatedly have called attention w securities selling out of lino with 0Ttft has been Stressnrl In tlin nnlnt if N ltM unwlttlngl) ierverse. Why outside investors or speculators prefer rrwiiiiv L.nj. ...... . , , ikim ur sioeus at compaiativciy nigu levels aim reiuso 10 con- .tldpP(Vn.K.,.. . t-ik " l""'ro icccsslons may he oxpiauiPii satisiacioruy, uui J ' "Planatlon docs not reflect credit upon general Intelligence. An iMWdual may place his surplus funds In tho savings bank, nnd at tho jWtte time rPfllSn in lm.. M,n ..A,.n,-., .,(.,. 1...M.1 tli.if l,i u!i.,,i'u Imnt.' iitli'. eoiui it in. i. .... .. . ..... ... .-. ... . ut tue ueposucu currency. iment securities aro undeninlilv cbniin. 'tw'1" steadlly Going on; but with " UaCnt Of It It uilrhlna tmilj Iii liu rtitffltjr for tho development of nny broad, littv 6ecurltles tho scai city of money, although slightly less acute I the moment, still operates as a powerful deterrent." ming Uses for Electricitg t The .irnti-ini,, if i.i.. vi ,. i. n i i i... .!. t i....t... 'iilMrt? I,eatl,,S Company, points out IJuu y " being emplojed successfully. One Item shows experiments I "I rranpA .. , ... ..... . . .ut increasing me growth lrnDnrfti,.t .i . In tuns "ituiuago ot tins ircuimeni is suiu to uo tuo ucsiiuciion ut I;. ueCtj Which USUallv nrnv unnii llio ntiintu. t... "w w AnOlhfr llelll deserllieu ltetenv tlin ittUn, Inff beda In l. -n i i.t.. .1 " tilt? lllllllUl V IIUSIJILUIM tlt,re S desDs''ately wounded that they nio on tlio vcrBe of death. BttU ' that nUmcrous 8UC" "-'ases havo been revived through clextrlc Under ikn ... ..... ... "sfttte ii i-upiion, water rower jnsicuu 01 coin, mo ntvimv tuns I'latt to Sccretary of Interior Line's cstlnpito that 35,000,000 liorsc- ifL b y "utained from tlio natlan'u wasted water power, which "W that a total of 13fl.ooo.ooo tons of fuel would ho saved annually It k country's hydraulic 1 esources were i r n required f ...--, - -... r ftteii iiiiiuiiB, irunsporiuiivii niiu urini, nun iwi whii h tStd for ntboM ...n.t. 1 1.. ann Ann It t -.,- nn.l r.nftrt Innn. I, fthll """'' lltlllt UUll llUUIiy - 3r 11" WguId be set free. . "ere " a eood deal of speculation rs aoout tho .. ....! ... Vfieelal -viititti;i lieuiluiluiiH ill vv uniiniKiuil Willi icuttiuit iu tv ft ' uJustments wliicli different roads aro hoping for. Tlio paradox Jr " weakest roads are hoplncr for most, wiiilo the strongest, stand lQ road. i ,1.. ......... jse V" - io country Havo relatively ntiio to expect, iius is ue js the best roads have ulvvayH kept their property up at about the laie, while the weaker roads t Prosperous ycar ( j9jC t0 tu -' in property Some of the ?" 'McJal consideration on account of expenditure for addU Stermentit and equipment which. If allowed, vt) mean three or '"sen moro mlltlnnn n. Vearlto I - .-. 1V h.uiin in jiiii.us JCCCIU Central one-car notes nnd also brought tho quick dip below- par. production in tho llrst quarter of the following to sn.v: tho llrst quarter of lftlS, as coin- quarter of 1917, tho Held conditions three months that they must ho con- increased lecclpts from tho wells. uncover more pools. do her part In supplying a larger should be enough petroleum ob- the following statement on tho their real values and fundamental trltnnnvu. Tint tlm tillliltc 1m snmn. Jiiiyucn, top ; io. sa: "invesi- nnd some buvinir of these issues Is the Government calling for tho In- nwn linrlwf tliAffi tu lint til 11 ft 1 finnfll'. upward movement, in tho moro a number of new ways In which of punts as mucn as u per cent. ' . . ...,.,, .-.. . suexessful ll-n nf elect rleltV for ... t.- -. i t.s..t...t e.. n,n. 111 I'lllllUO llllll rllKllAlltl I VI llisu . . . . ...... a,. s.....i ii.. developed. Also that 3S0.000 men , ii .1.1.. .,i ...n..i,i i.r. UU,VVU ItllllUUU tum mitt www ,vw- eoIn on In railroad circles Just t......i.. . .1. ..inn . tt. telzed the oppoitunlty affoidcd by uusuujiy nrge amount of eurn- ''weak sisters" are going to present tho stockholders.. A EVENING PUBLIC Business Career of Peter Flint A Story of Salesmanship by Harold Whitehead '( ttpii IptO I mihmb2&ynXrl'vrr i""'r fc'"''""" i r.Mi.nii.f." b"M'0. K'Mnu. nifi-.rll.lno .1m ''I'' till ViV li'.".. "0i,.r..?.p"0""W,''Oiil! fort, lowr carrivf ttmnr an ft mutt t id j uxr vwiiri nrw ..-:- ''"". "'iri-i-. rr ?; i. ".'.rS',"l. If rf l' mtll). f)Hi. v''FVnitrij ;:'r.r;, rinn" ' '' f- ' o.to inc ttoru of Vrtir t Ui ' "The nrvv postal Inn- effeetlve .luly I , " ' ISIS, psMTintly the tenntng provision, will 1 L'iSV Birntly haniiipr nnd imbiirrnsH nrws- I TTTMi'v t ".' paper In the dlsseinlniitlon of m at W '0W I'llHlp Itugers Inst " time ii-n Information ii-Riirdlng the T' Riiturdny nlclit t nrmiit.i t - . progress or the war him! ilie iiHrllclpiillnti I u nisai i prmnispd to go In f Anirrlinn troops most vlliill.v lm- ins House thin Wednesday, so thin pvp- ' portanl u cltlns In iur part of lit. nlng I went, exiirctlnr e !,.. u...u. ! fntlrtl Wntrs time I '' rx',rc,,nB '" Have n lively) "Xovaspiiiwrs puhltslieil In the linger "". i got n. icltlps. with llnlr faellltlfs for guthfilng lo m delight Mnrgnret tllller nod her the news. nn most HdwpiHti ly niP'-t the brother vvrrn ihor nn.i ih... .... demands of fitinllle thai have ri-lnllves fllli tpachlni- . .i. . . ' "' oni"l"B me the uijt. rl. s ,.f luigc I " lOSl I itllinwi''" '.""' '"bl TIiimii I hud Rlvm up , somVihltm .tr;.nHJ ""'led to g.t Into iMMrenrA ,vn:vi7r,r:',,'l hlserr "u'r'- ' !l'riif.Wws,UuVl f!"" In talma small Kiiln'r) Twrlhu futiirel inn ' a beltcr-pnio dead-end jr'l. ' iKntKniT '7 "'i1 "bnost contented ,al ' raiuniny I, i,f rntllti. iml.l tl,A lt.... .. Intit In.... t . .. " '" i.-n,,- (i i,i, . ,ii ir'i'ii tiii-r ill inn iiiiiv on ,. mill lhp1,fHw",J:..VV-nflv "".n,v I ,"" '1Mn outside rking",tng,,:rHrr '?". v, iEZ'ui! ""r"""1 or m,"", ",n,nn l,"o",?,, back f mv nolo was gintlliie will, 'i I n'" "", ciunlr.v being unit In Its reln Jrilj n tn n wc.lt and liflni? nhio i li... tlon to the war there will he ns maiiv ili'Iiic. 'f -V "'! KrJW'" "f ' ' eould see a ' -t. tji'ih up iniii nny in nl. . ... linn mty ill Minn i.tnw'l? i"",,r' "", filing us a funnv ImiSi "h Wn,"7':,"" "'"BHInB uproar ! lOlisly when the liHI tang Uogers's landlady came in . rn, gciillv n n,nn n,,n,',', '' "" ohn ur- j.l!ft"i,rt nl,n, "H. said Itnsois i.ter Mh .simulder. nml a moinrnt Imrr , heanl . footsteps on the Mall s TIip ilm.r np-nnl nml In ,amo ,, mnn fl(111 ,hf, ,nov. 1 1' ut loan ssncliitlnn. I I had th.. iKick .if cauls In m hand in I as he came Into the r,..,ni th, cai.K ; i LfTJln W ,",'u,u- lingers nt the sh...ti of "eelng 1 I tn .narwirei saw tin in fall am ( lumsv. wlinl'H tlio iniitipr?" l.lill. . 'Nothing." said 1. atoophiB qillcklt In bad Bonn while. To think Hint thp beast - . hi, i ut- t'ltrtis. inr 1 KIWll mv r.. r.i.pHiu uiitr conio wniie Alnrginet wa lingers cave a ipilck glunee nl Inr, then turned to the man und siild. "Is It ' Iniimrtun! ? ' "Well, t guess It's prcllv iinpnrlnnt to '.inu ir vimr name's" -lure he took 1hi i note out of tils pocket, turned it over P.".,1...1"0 i.,'d "' the hack and added . I'blllp UllgC-H " I t.iT.l."'ro HlM K,l,,nep for a minute, then , rlilllp said. "nii. i.. y.H. snv, pome I Into my bedronin If H s private" ! "It ain't private so far as I'm con. cernetl. said the man. looking bard at 1 wanted lo sa something, lint to save my life 1 cmililnt sfieak a word. "It's private so far as I'm concerned, ' snld Philip. "Come with me " "Sny. don't ou want your friend to mine with yon?" said the ft How. lerklng his t'lumb townrd me I lose iiieelinnic.ill.v nml followed them I never wish ni worst enemy mure hitter tlinughtt than I wns expel Irnrlnc then. To think, afttr all Philip had ilonn for me, I In return had forged his 'rnnie on a note. True. 1 was meeting' mv pavinenls. ' Philip stood by his bid. I stood Irres- I olutely by the door, while the man stood let ween us He looked first nt one and ' then with the other, l'inully. with a shrug of tila shoulders, he said. "Mr lingers. I've cnl a detective waiting out side the front door wlilili I guess I'll have to use " I couldn't help It. nn articulate moan escaped from me. I felt the room swerve n round me, then Philip' strong arm sup- lairmiK me .vs i lapsed into uncon sciousness I heard his voice far away in the distance sat inc. "I'linr old chap, he's often taken like this When I iMiiiPtn I was n inR on the bed. l'bllln had the ncti will, hU forced siu- i nature In Ids band, and I heard the man sny, "We were hist wondering whethir I that signature was jour own or not, mil (While, of course, we don't iiiestion this jiiiuiik man s siaiemenis. .von iimiprstniui. , ) that signature looked kind of wobbly I and n vie ve lieen vei v good to him I "At 10 per eent a month," said I bit- ' lerlv. "We feel vvv ought to be oulle sure i vou did sign it. of coune. If for any i reason our oung friend kind of forgot 1o ask .vou first wh.v the detictlve down- I stairs will do bis Job all tight Wh.it about it. Air. lingers?" fiend Hilence. My heart thumped so hnrd in m.v i host . Hint I felt I was going to choke. ' If l'hillp didn't speak nt once I f. Il ' should shriek lie turned the note over in Ids hand and finally (ought d, prtp.ti.i- . lory to speaking, i Tllli.M's 111 sm;ss KiMtill Wl II in brltrr to fl.'e fl ninrlll ttlhfi y ii illi o iiiot tliatt n ti ill r iittitl Irtitl-rml tab. What does tin- mean to Mil ? ' Would Ilk" tour opinion on n mittrr th 1 1 ' has troiilileil mo (or aome time Am t!vontt-iui, rara or age. liato nn .. rift I trulnln. am now on ni rtshtli niunih of npprcnttceKhlp ut tho Iradn of jiuiiei ti makliiE. At tlio end of four vrara 1 will lm rarnini: arouml twent Ave pnr week, llatn nlwajM btsn intrreateil in Kales work. Would ou advise a ehaniri . or would mmi adtlsr leurninc the trude? Hut I do tint i 1 that I am adaptetl tn nus-hanleal wnrlt What are the imaatlillltlea In sales work" What pay dm a the utcrac" atom ,ikMnau rreelvo. iilao bt'chinera' What is our idea of It aa it professli,n, riprtthintr i onalderi il.' i' 11 l i It apiiears to nie joii must (Irst de tide whether or not .vou ienll do or do not like p.ittermnalhig It dues not I matter how much mntiev llietb ina he in sometiitng else. ou cannot succeed In that line unless joti ate Interested In 11 ' If vou are interested In pattei nninkliic I I would advise vou tn slick lo II. If mhi ,nre not, and von want to lie mlghlv cm , fill in deciding this ipttstinu. I would iid i visp vou to make n t liauge as ipiu kit n- possible. I rersnimllv. I think sellins; is most ln jtercstinc and worth-while work lt toil IHoro salesmen would average nioiind l 3 'to $18 a week, depending on the line i I know it cans't salesman In a iIiimiI ineut stoic who averaged innie than IJtntiO n venr for several .vcars. I know a young man who has been in n groteiy store for twenty veaia and still ninkt s only $12 n week. Your success in selling, us In pattern milking, would depend upon votir inthu sliism, knowledge of the goods and hard work. ((O.NTI.fi:i TiiMiUMiOW) SlKIfi ltlniIT4 TINTI( I ll. N ! JS rafaHrV-iViwia i)l7 "',' lit Liirsvu lO.: neVwiMr-H I ATLANTIC! CITY Sprlns comes tlrst up the Oiilf Stream In Atlantic City and the TRAYMORB Ths World's (lreatet Resort. Eeery one will bo there. Make your re.erra tlona now to na not to be duupnidnted. Ante rlcan and European Plans vAo.tminstpr Ky. v. near Ueacn. iar. WeSunUlSvt-r , private baths, rtlt. v.l.r lin n ei"' t-j.ipdalle Chat Buhra. tyrilNE VIJM.K. PA. GALEN HAIL-IN-TIIE-MOUNTAINS tl --- - ill Openslliear Dryalr Klnssciry J. very comfort for Ion or short rest, lialhs. Masssie. Resident Physician. P R RR. lllllVLMIUVtlll' II Throuicll I'unniana !; tun . -' Howshd M Wikci Mansrer. J -.- I i.AKl'.vv nnia n. j. LAUREL HOUSE Attractive Sprln Resort dolf. Tel. Lskewood 3U LAS.EWO o a HTW JERIIV "i-iasSST-SSSla-aaM vJvSiM-K MfMDRE kS1 LEJ)GEK-P1I1LADELPH1A, .MONDAY. POSTAL ZONING LAW HAMPERS NEWSPAPERS '5 Postponement of Provisions Until After the War Uruccl inKcw York New 'V.iirli, April 2! The I'uIiIIkIii rs AsDoplntlnn, of New York city, rtpie- Kenung hip tinny newspBper oi tsrw ( Vork and 15rwilln. hn ntloptrd resolu- '" war serMie for uhiil Is. ti p.rlnll.v. the most iniimriHiit r - nrriliifr tlm nnnl ut tli., wup to tin m news "The Irmli'iict of I lit- zone' pinv i-lnti will m lonrntr wtiins of thmiBhi wlil h "' "Pernio a- .. stlnuilant t.. tl l-i- motion - or sAtioiiHllsm. gnatlv to be discouraged, rspnlnllv nli.n tb iiallmi Is imirhrpiI in .. uui of li Ideal ami liberty. Xilltlilnl ineas will Ih ircnted n...l ...,t.u i.... i .i ..in wt.. divergent views as there are populnuv postal mwc. with resulting confusion. division nnd dauseinus conflict of opin ion "The Interchange of loVns throughout the West and Hoiuh through the circu lation nf newspapers .mil magiixinrs puli llsherl in Hie Kssl and of puhltcntlmis Is. snei In the ptt ami throughout the I Mast Is an ci-pilr,n:ilh strong unlf.viujt I Influence. The none svstem will cut off larg numbers of subscribers in nones 1 1 mole from the place of puhllratlnn, "I'ostnl wines will make it insicr fot tin proiMuamhi ineni.t. "Advi rtlsers. It a's s.i d. .-.eek husl iies In everv pail of the I'ttllerl Mtates i through iiuiiniuii'ein''iils In new -papers mm timer inimical inn- nt miliums mm along lines well pslahll-heil, spending millions of dollars nntinallt The rad "long lines well pstnhlMifil ical changes Involviil In Hip .one law will create grent disliirhain e of the present methods of geneial business, "The physical ennditloiw in the I'ost ifllis liepnrt inept are -in h :ii the pres ent time thnt the iippailiiipnt Is tillable I'liiladolihia Anintls at ivw ) '- Holds VI i II Vlt, iis .rni.iinl .1 I" llnvter Ur lln I' (I Itrtaiit II. niia Siiu,ir VV. S I'hittfon lti -Hit II I' rnlim t. i.iid Hnu.irr Mls K J Innl, I. II. ml. I Suuui. . II. I small, m vilnri I s imniie lli.rlln VI II i:i,rlila Park Avenue I A (lurraril Itreailvtat I'liilril .VI iliilillu ra. Sen Htranil W llila-. Iirrslln VV llattka, AIm ribs n i' lliishHi'h. Iirondtviit I'entral V I'. Mlki II Park At.nue .1 Itnrilor. t'nlun Hiiuarr. ' A. Willis. Ilreallll Vlra M. r. Htarr Nnrlllallilir VIm !' M Thomas. II, raid sitiiuit s .1. ThnimiK. Albirl vtr Tract. Ilroudttav Central I. v Weir. Orand i' II VVIIIIaniM. Ilreslln I llhn Ala'nhen .1 llarllell Vliinlern Vlrs J Mtirtletl Mmilerrt I. It llurke Sherinatl Htiuiii'1 Vlr J' It liurke. Sherman tfipi.trr i' t Itaiiilall. I'linilHTluml. I 1. lint Is Empire. Vlrs r I, liatls. Kntliirr .1 VI itit. Kl.inil. r .1 In nut. Kniplr. Vlra. .1. Iiimi-i. Kinlilri Miss VI It Knillintl Webaler il il (' r'UuterniHitn. I'huthum Nf II lb ury VViHiUivartl Mr- VI II ilenrt. Wuednaril I V Mihu VV illlik I. II Vtarkt AlKoniiuill .v;. J J VIorKsn Van i'oi'tlniiii K .1 111. h. VViHHlwiinl ni i: vv, lersiiiti. si j.inirs. Mrs .VI i: Ut Install St. .I.inn- .1 S. Hi njiilinn. llr, ulin Mrs J. .V 1'lnrk. Milium I VV. r'aniiiliuuer, llnslln Ii Ii foratlh. I.iith'iin H. VV. Muiiro". MarllKiruuBh Thorite. Ileriltllaue S I'phani. Tark Avenue V. Williams. Van ('inland .1 J. WHatm Van CnrtlJinI Mrs J J Wilnn Van 1'iirtlariil I' It Wilson I'mnlii rl.ind Vlrs r II VV llw.in rumherland. I' J .eabr Ibrilil Smlar, llllile llrpn-entatlves I ilriir V ( e - V I' l.lppluiott, rariajts. Iiiili, i lul I Sin in .Ii V '. V 'I hi, inns m.iuufai'- tur rs in in li.ilmii, 1 nn Ir, fi: i.i I'iist Special " U.S. A. We Must Win! Help Our Boys Beat the Kaiser Buy Bonds Don't be a Miser 3 BIG SPECIALS Limited Amount Only YOUR CHOICE Tills !l In. Ill a- iniinil linnie. ttlllilienutl- nil bonier in itrlniis iiilnrs lenil.it effnl. ;M1.95 aV T " I.i cri-nt rr.Iiirtlnim an wan nml fft trio tHrtnhleH. (lour Inn.ni nml larltt I iitr IlxturrN. Nn nlinnr in1r. OnU niif tn n nivtuiner. rnkltltelr tiling rvohl ti flinlrrt. New York Light Supply Co. 49 N. 9th St. MnUr Siir of mnf nnd .ililrr. lOnrn Saturn iv J-.in1u.TTrm.' j:m c vi kin i. ttntli Neves silOltTII VMI AMI IIIHIltlti:i:i'IV(l fircuB .sluirtbaiid, tin eaw. mpi . dy avstem. lluslnees iViiraea. liuy nr Ev, nhn: Si bools Hnroll ant nine To in, t tin heavy and In-cr-arltn: demaiiil for iiuiie men and women with nttli and himlniMa trainltuz our classes tvlll In omtlnued day and evenfnff throueh out th, comlnc aummer inonlha Call or wrlli fur iiiirtii lllars and Cat.tloK I'llll-tDlXI'lllV III MNLss UH.I.Elii: 1011 Chestnut street Wanted Bright Lady or Gentle. AS EDI CATllll COU IltlV. man -i. li:imji:u cnvTitM.. STRAYER'S 'l", 0t Puilness School j 1 !r t. - S.0I-SU1 t'hestnut Street rn.li'nea I'urtir 1 Knt.r nnw Ilay or nlaht Temliers Wunteil. I'natilona waltlnc; rree riKtsiratlun for Cnllcse anil Normal arad Modern Trurhera' llurriiii. liio: Vlurkrt sit. MORIO RAGTIME PIANO PLAYING IViMVJ T.Vt'lillT IN SO LESSONS llnnltlel vial etl rree CIIUISTENM.N MIKKIL of Popular Mustr a ran i-si . n e rtrer IQtu -wimuiui Ji., jJiuv;c aoi svnilNtI ASHER'S. Cor. 22d and Wnlnut 2 Pools WRITE CALU,OU piiiiNR JXI'ST Jinjj $1.95 Pi1 " T"f ! Iloiti" JOlii Itrnt l i i'f' 'n Ton. U u inifS'L ...I i."Jt sGW)- lids 31 In. Rent V1 "iVTe- Panel llnine. J,, , i'f-w Unliv llln- S,V I "s- moniN. Vlil- t'J' 'f''W (r'en. $LLa ' sPlauu W--i St. s. s ' f I X f II I -il Mli? ySS' -- -O . WRITE CALOlt PKONE JCl'ST MJT i vSSku.M aavirnHii 3 Parties, cs.,Thurs.&Sat. Evtpp' ;$$ a; - lo miet thrill in il vvn to render prompt nnd etlhlent lil ritiul Ion nnd de livery of'the innlls. even under svslems Ptevnlllng for mum carr TIip depjrt- ent is niremiv lamnertil In Is on- eintloiiH, u rnndltlon vhleh will not Im prove vvlille men are Iu-Iiir oiilloil Into ar spi vV e. . "Tho lesutt of imtthig a. zone sjsteni Into i (Tect ! ' . m,.(. ,,f presmit condl lions In the department would tiring about worse confusion ami greater delay and would be of the inmost ilanger to the byslnes" InleKrltv of tin- countrv. "Kor the teasoiiK glviu, the Pub lishers' Association of Nov Nnrk city fuiphatlcnltv iirgp. potK)llelllent of the operation of tin 7ime ptnvlslnns of tlm new- iiosiai inw until nricr the war. LOST AND FOUND IlltACl'MIT Ihwi. koM nomM.il, fiexlbt hrnis-lri . ntuit I'J in HmunUx. April 20, lirlwefii 13th Hiid Vlnrk"t ami lAth sml Wal nut. Ui-vvHrO if r.iurniil lo 1'u. tor tllll-ns, IMifl'tKMttmit si fTftoiiiir li. ii lafw l.lu- sinr rajwhttw lirtioih, KUrruunil, a In iiuinnnila.tin Tnurs ita, nlhi. April Is iiniih tn mspnimnt nl ItlU I'arlton lion 1 I'hila. r In t'nrr-n Th. iitr.' I.lbtTMl rm-am Hill b.. rmlii If Pfi at Itoom tslil mil Wirt, n.r llallilina fhila nil" TUUItlfll Lint Hatinlaj nicirnlns". Viirll -O. wlr-hnlr, a io It-rrli r. purr whin- Willi ll"n , nlornt spot" eier pvm. .inim ra in Hi' nam- Uui lint ttrturn to Mrs Jn'oph Tfilnw sl.ia rmtnnlr ave , t'hrrlnwl till' rtnt r, It " h rilltnlip rrwaril. IM'.KIXKXK HIMMH. I.nt nii Thursday frnni :tlr.l t'uw Mm! a a Bnlitisi hrnwn PrKllirar apanl'l. Iib.r.il rrnanl. I'holia l'rrton 4!1 la HCLPWANTCD rCBIALIJ ' (Oilier I t.mltlfil d on I'iiire 31 DDl.t. tfl.KPHOM-; nrKftATI.VO IS no is-r ttnsk tiald durtita Aral month mAvattr tontti nf HtatructMn. and then ranid . . Mkz. ....-':. niairuetmn, anu inn raPH advatH'rnwnt. nerratora bra aiilirncil to othci eoatcnlrnt to tatlf hotnta no KXPKniK.'00 neceaiAnr An rurallint rmrtnlly fur youn troona bctworn IS una 83 inn of Ttirra nra lomfortabt" and allrar lira reerratton and dining room: whrra moats nra scrsmi at mat. l'KnMASIINT RMPIiOTMnKT Appls brtnaan Sam at 4U1 liar krt street. nnd (1 p. m. TllK tlEI.I. Tni.r.PHONK io oir PDNNA. , I (ItAMIIKKMAID'anil waltrrr-. room and tiJ&Mir,1;..?si8 ew PWl- 'H! ,n Person. lJnyerayJhiltal.:iJ.tjLnjidbi'rlJL"!: t't.ERK wanted In lartte offlee: nniat ba Miitek ami a.iurat.-, jtood ehanee for ad vaiiiTtnenl P 1ST l-d;er Qfflea I'l.KllKH Vniniff liiitl,a. nent"anil num. rate it! llEinek allEhl knnul nf I.U-t,. prrf ple.ia siirroundlngs.l jM jj., rttf i i'ih'U. ehniiioerinalil and waitress, 2 wall rsenmnn ndart. ranonslhl" l"rot women r-hniir0rinaninn Sum p inj.'. I edsrr nrf 1 COOK wanted .iml dntt ntalrs -rnrk"7"vvKlte. , no Vtashlna- "1IS1 Mldtale ate Queen i Ijine Manor I'hone ilennannmn lasn ctnK. while, small family: prions ntn. 4IKIS- Utn. Irollay ,13. 11311 t.lneoln nnta. DlrTAPlloNE OPI-RATOtt-3 wanTatf-b I OPI lal lame eommrrei uome; permanent Post- tton, atato rxparlrnea VI iiii. ledger Central anil salary dfilrcu. ninijt pon mindino CAP BPINNtNO PRAMKH cap twiti.vo ntAJins DUAtVINO AND ROVIKO PItASIB3 TllK KRDEN IIAEDINO CO. TteoNT tvonnTED muva CNRl'll 8T. AND DEI.AWARD RIVER T.VCONV PA. HELP WANTED Omt.S AND TOPNO WOlinf WANTED far hand and mathlne oparatora In aavr and tils works permanant nnaitlon at coo, I wac-s for eatl'faeiory anpllcdnts bonua paid to aatlafactory workers Apply 1'mptovmanf Drtiiirtramt IIENttr DIRSTON & SONS, INC. Tacony. Philadelphia UIIUsS ANIi niK - Htrmh. wit nr ti.rtiinl wmK, In i mnlrn, up-ln-iUtf far. inrv nuiiiung hii iqc-Hi iotnnon rnr inoso lunik' in Virt Phila Mtid within ry rarh ur Hi), nn f-cvnuoi or rioR" proximity io vulmiiv. I.HrhiB lannratrr uf , !arh, -pru . liiililmnrn w. and fprlnc 0rt1iti -tn Hi.rfitu linr drill nrii-, power prB, ilm-nlinc niH(hliif nnd othr llvht murhlfi tmrl Tor el tailP rtl nt fHrtury olllce. II T. Taicto t'o , 3tI Arch t. Ullll.S t r eond lisht work In our flnlshln. department pnld well while learn 1'iff. Apph North American f.ae. iiiiip.in. Slh and Allegheny uv ttino-cilAVVroiin HUMES Mmi tub and Wvnmtnir nvia Snnie tt ithiirlvaleRarars. Oint.M wanted In flnlshlni! room of prlntlne planl; llcht. congenial work: -is hours per week, chance for advancement. Ketterllnut Co. 4iii Arch st. niKi.s ri'iuitKNri:ti in iiivhehv vi'i'i v iiiit'iiiiroN press. MAsctinn AMI SnMEIlSET. mm.N for nffl, e tvnrlt einli. Ti..sn. If I t Mcer nillt.irlal Dent OlK and Cheatnut. ,iiu.- hii,'-,i in Msiiip tiovi, inais i'ro. n sa Skirl i'ii t:inn Vreh. alxih flfior. (lini.s as nperators on cushions, l I S 3th at Apply INsprcTRKSSHs" f.ir ilzht ftovernnvmt wnrli unid pittlne line Elrn-bbaum 1l nr t.hteiut and Gth and Moore. VIVIlis f,r i I iniiurttork and waltlna 120 ob ii ml b inl I nltersity Hospital ;ih and Spin sis MOIHEHS IIKI.PKH for "a vearsoMT hfld'; Prut exn 111,111 i'tt Line lltefhk 203(1 VV M'RxERV liuVERNKS's or mntlier'a helper, white to tnfie ihnran nf 3 children. 8, I ami 11 trs P till. I.ed Off . nr ph Oln. t.ST 'I HE IIEDEI.f. CO. t.'Tll AND MARKET HTP. U. r.iulre the services of a aun lad as iifiln os.latnnt knnnledas of bookkeepln. iieieaa.ir.t Appl superintendent's offles. OPERATORS l.lcht navrrpment worki enod , ray A2&y K.lrsehbaum's. 12th ond la tnnn and fith and Moore. PIPER rtoxFs KXPFRinNrro oint,? t I CHINES IIEST VV.VOU-S AND ftTBAnV HMPlriYMENT ALL YEAR AnOllNli 1 AP PLY Mil NAUEY. U'S'J CALLOWIHLL. H1EVOHEAPHEII Exp iouiis woman-for 1 ril pcrin poa use dletattne machine 1 2 lo 3 hours a das. balance office work' should have some exp. bnoKki-eplnc and office work. If exi eptlonall brleht this put esuentlal. mil iw satisfactory wsses for 1 1 onuveteiict and aeturaey; In own hund- wrlllntr stale awe. exp.. ref , how eoon I mailable tlraton 4 Knl-ht Mf Co , l V 3,1 tt 'hTsfNotiliAPHER and tsplat wanted for I llvhl clerical work, nne tlnd.r.lnnillnir nn,l "SaVde'TO Tuenl tv ' nr ."rlt. Me'0 Marks. In r-are of the Oerman (las.lt. nil Arch st. "' STKNIMIIIAPIIEIt and clerk nuieftie rvph in. urine and wllllnn; no others need ai pit aonil houra and no overtime, stale aae, ref, rence exirlento und salan. P 4'Jll. ' -deer Office STENOOItAPHF.R wanted, experienced I'n i.rttnti.i 1.1-n.ior nreirr ttoniin wno win -saist t-i unw ui n is iitiaiiii 1 urtri a-,!"- N Slat at SJTENotllfAI'Ii-'"ll. neat and atrurate. state exnerteme if any. ottier particulars. M 2.111. l.eriirer Central hTKNOORAPHPllS wanted, must have sood tilucation .isle are experience and salary ueaireo j s.n i.enaer 1 eniral. TEACHER tvi.hlnff mnre d..lrahl .ntnljtv- m.nt must be teachable P ens T. ,!. Qelee Y.'AITRESS tvan'ed for email family: ref erenres Mra remberioii ;n Summit st. Chestnut Hill, nesr trolley and both stations WARDMAIDH. K? per month and board room nut University Hospital. 34th ana nprtirr Oovernmert work; sood nod La - 1 s i.ia ana APRIL 22, 1918 HELP WANTED TEMALt: (IHJifr Cliilflrit JdsjinJ'iireJ!) T"l Nil VVOVtl.N wsnted In rffVl iiitt" nnl nflflt in puttinir up orders, cooa rfs ro-ulrf.l AjiM .Vlamhittl llros . tniu 11 Vlrki-I si UKNTI.KVV OVUN" nteii.'"o"r M Sip1rf nil iilrnalnir prrstfiislltv. In nnjim In pho Inrrarhlr siudln Arply Marcmu Studio. lni ciixtnni i (if nernl IU'si.mihs tu.liviri: i'OMPanv MOOKKIIKI'lUtS SIS Jjn STi:0(1ltAPU i:ns. km i .viwiti.i; vvn.vif.v mh . p- ralo nflW 1.101 Irfitnl Tltlo llMn HELP WANTED MALE I . (llllifr ( Inolllnl ,il nn I'mr 'i AiCOfS'TANT Itlsli urad" atatltlrst arrnuntant. rnnabln tjrrutl, Rbmit S3 wf old. with a prraenalltv which will mmniaiid tlm rprt nf th hl3her sprititvJ. as wall aa Ihona r whom hi- will hate suptrvlston Mual t Mprrlenrrrt In tatlitlra.l ai-isinniins week. rapaMa f ttaati anahala and have ronstruetlvt abil ity of a high ordr. Itaply hv lrttar. prafrrablj-. in. '"Has a phntmrraph. atatlns vonf ar previous iMlnlng am) trwetat rpiatlflrailon to Tim rt.F.vr:t.ANri mrtai. pnnnfcTM -njiPANr. 7r,rn I'latt v , (ivUiiit Ohio nnllnn Mr IV I,, f.nthcr. Manager tiervieo IJepJ ovt:nxjtK'T wnnrc oovi:nvMB.vr want; ii-.t:!'1 vntKH or waii wn mckt am, 1 1 '.'H H'V NEi:n IIIKT.RH TO .main'- j ' -T.'VJiA.v,Af'.T A"',T ,N' T,,r: nkMi Vt It.I. TOf .llltV AVtRnlf'.VH IVVlNl'lUl.n IVni'STttlAr. VtlMV" Tou ran rrcl'frr nt hiaii w nts for tha fol- I .... lowlnc pnsittnna at , midvam: sTt-.nt. ani nnn.vANrn coMi'.vs'r , nnnrsTovi: mn.n rt.AVT i npysTOM: r , Vdlustars on autnmaite prrw niirtiin. au lomatte srrtv martiln nprramrs, brottnra ino rxprrlrnr, nrrlrarl. $ta n par wrark. lialtman rlarks. ruttr. rlndr dlr ainkara , cninra main ra, In.prrlnra labnrrra, inaehln lata rmalntananrr work) nllcra inotrnoin mlltlnB )iand, inntronm lath band tool rnnm marhlntats Innlniakara Innl crlmWs i tnnt hardanrra .100 arnrra en various ma. rhtnrs thirty rrntu prr hour and pt'eawnrk; your ptrrrtyork rarnlnas should ntaratta from III to Jit pr itat This la tour opportunttt. API't.V AT ItlTH NT. UVTI3 huino nr.rniiKxrns Alao s.r minnsaniatlw, at th. MANSION HOCHt'!. ItKAIMN'O, r.v. ISI.ANU HOAU AN't WOOriiiAN't) AVE , ANtlt.E Mlt.E-IRO.V nENDEUS, 2. steady work. Cruie-Km cr. Pa. for tank wnrki at bier, emoar Co.. Am ASHIFTANT rACTOnr MANAOER WANTED An mniaual npatiln for an atalat nnt manarr to tok rharxa of oro duet ton. Tha position requires a man of forea and abllltv tn hindla labor Rom enemies! ktiowTaUxo tynuld be halprul. but la not nbto luielv eaaentlat Tha plant la rnod rrn and fullv raulppfd: located naar llaltlmnre. Md When answnrmff clvi full infarma tlon rs-rardlnc nuallfieatlon esoerl nee. aatarr ote M 121. tdtrer Onler At'TOJlnlllM Pnrd enra. l.udlotr St. MECHANICS rvperlenced en Kood otienins. Apply g!3S automouim; painterh. Itlcelovr-Wllley Motor Co See Mr. Arnold. 3nt N. nroail .MITO IIi:lA1ttM.:N See Mr Arnnltl, lllss- low.Willey Motor Co . sni N liroad I AtlTOMOHIt.r. VVASI1EK See Mr. Arnold,, ' . lllwlow -Wilier Motor Co . 301 N. flroad et. U.VNlt wants hrlstit bov between IT itnd 20: I beet references required. 1 331. Ledzer Office; IHLl. AND J.N'TItT CLEUK exnerleneed I man tn work tn ofii, e of w nolesata drus hops- Applv Valentino It Smith & Co , S V. eol 2d indreeiats lJl.ACKWVItTtt A"n IIRI.PERH 'corn! w-anea i Ideal wnrkoii: inndlilnns ltumrlirea & , in. I rout ann I iim iiiii .is I . UK NKED'lVIMEDI vteiTv rtnllermakers helpers Itnad-otl chauffeurs I Ilollershoo helpers stationary iraa-enslno I Patternmakers repairmen tfndearrlers Wheelttrishta I IMpeflttera' helpers Laborers Ulccera' helpers Ouards i lirtvnlne hnur P"r week onlt expert-r-n.vd men need applv Atlantic Raflnlns I Co . Employment Department. Atlantic, cate. ' at t.ynj(jie. ! UlXiKKEiJPKIt Must bo exper. and-Bond penman, state uice, qualltteatlons and sal-! ary axpaeted. nlso elaastilration it In draft. J s.ld. I.eilner Central. nnnniv Onpiv PRsnRSI. KXPRniRKPED. i imi xfej -TTvAMrf T ItSON. N. J. h nor w vnted rot nnii or-, rirfl AND MAIL: CONTrNUA. TioN-sciioot. fr.ivn.r.an; sat. I'RDAT HAM IIOMDAT; AD N'ANCEMES'T ASK TOE MR SHAW COO CHESTNUT ST. IlOV wanted 1.1 or HI In n wholesale papar house, must have fair education; cood op- portunltv for ono who wants In makn head- ' way. Apph- In wrltlnz. Curtis . Pro . I lne.n s. hi IlOV fur iienerul office work and errands In inanuraeturer's offlee opnortunltv for I advancement for ambitious Isjv, 701 nnekla Itldg nOY. about Is ears old. In lars-e real estate ! office; salary ! pr week tn start; rood rhamo for ndvaneemnt; stato reference. J 331. ledger Central. ROT. etronc wanted: orr IB j-ears; tood opportunity for advancement. Apply at Pubtle !d;cr Co. and ask for Mr. Nahm. I second floor. norWanted, bright and Intejlt.ent boy. over 11 years of ace. for office, work in Inrea ebeirlrat concern. Atply Win. I'oater. litis N. 3lsl. ' ROTS I for dllverv derartroent. Tei'ry A Co.. lth vnd Chestnut. HOV for general work: lares nfAee, cood chance for advancement Aro&rtran Stores i ' 'h "" "ble, eighth floor. CAtlPPiKTHIlP wanted: Inslds work. Apply N VV, or nth and llrown ats ", I'VKPE.VTGfl ). PRT ('LABS Nane Otbsrs Neea Atwly Wages Mr aer hour. Htea4y work the year round .pp!y ctuuarintta.snt's iKBr. POINT HEUBZH OAS WORKS Pasiiunti and Schuylkill aves I-ITTKRB wanted: mu-t be ' nlZM"',i.fnil,.v'- ,tt4iy M"",n' - I0l l.it-r OWIee. ' CLKRI wonted, man foe sen...l efSea work I to take phono orders; must be wllllnr to work at "ib eh.11 required. Apply Wm. 1 roster. 15fis N. ittst. DOO MAN wanted. Sin month and board. Anpit m person at lo University Hos- ' rllal. 31th and S ruce st ELECTRICAL Man wnnted over draft SB"' or deferred cilia, tvttll some knowledaeof ! electrical business fnr nfnee work: must be I 'llllia in tvorK nlspta rwhin ,.,1' ainli Wm Vn.i., tin, V -i., " V " '""r l-""e'!"J ELEVATOR OPERATOR with llcenee. Csll In person. University Hospital. 31th and spruce ats ELEVATOR OPERATORS I OR nrptn "''it ntNO snnvirp, WHITE HTPspv cvtpij-iTjtBXT APPt Y POOVI 44 WIDENER RLPO -i-rii. :.. '..' " .. trinFMAN for ofllea hulldlnir ln!l.r tt,H., l stealy employment ..Apply ready for Lwrik Room 111 1111 Walnut st Al'l'tll"VT.s:TW Trv Ttlllvuin tiZ.lTm L.INAPl't.VlNO PATK AOr! , WJ'fflYl KVii: asp iii:rnittjfi.-si ihrm&MA. i far. i,a Vfi TlTt.t: hl.tio I'lttuv HELP WANTED MALE inihrr (iillllpil Vil nn I'ntr 31 rottut: itup iiu(iiiii;mb.vts vviisTixanovci: LI.t.iTItli' AND MAKl'PACTVniNa CO. (nssixrrrojj vonK8) toou wmanna tiAiiunusMiTiis tiioo rtM.) I HAiisiurt Ditivnns UA3ISIBR HDU'nRS rums sumtfl rnnsa t.nvimMBN ' rntias nmvnna rnrss tim.Pms APPI.T AT KMPrOniBST DBrARTSIBNT i f.etrr. P. on JANITOtta WASTHD wc Pirn norn PIM.V SfPntUSTCNPRMT 8 flPFtrC I'OtN'T DllKEZE OAS W0ItK8 t PARSYUSK ISO. AND BCIJUYLKIM. AVE. i JOP rnRRS ItANUS; S hours rr dayi h'th. est salary paid. Aw'y vVllllami L Mr eua, 2W-23 M. Darten St. MTt'llEV MAN. S3.1 par month and hoard, ' room nut. fnlverstty Hospital. 31th ami ! t.vnnnKns white on coiAinKri M0 WANTBD spaclal bona far atttmUnc It v-lll pay you to investigate soo learners on machines; (to eststlenc-i neerntary APPLT 1'HlU.v.DBU'ntA OPPICD ISUND ROAD AND WOODLAXD AVE Hours, 0 a. ftumlayi, 10 . until i P. in. lo 4 p. 1.AOOE&R0 AND MECHANICS WANTOT AT OKCH r. jiccovmw ISil 8 SD ST. UU0RBn9 coo I ItUQUinED at ocn WESTINOUOUSU ELECTaiC UPC. CO. I Taka Chetr Short Una trolley. car No. 3T, In Brnplotnenl Office. located at "WestlnBuataa'' Stop. LasUr, l'a. i LADnncno WORK IN PIULAQ-LPIIIA APPLT TO M. A. T8TOJLLI 1M1 ARCH IT. iiionpns ase-csa rr.n uoca atuvntic nmnNiNC 00. EMPLOrMUNT DEP.UtTJin.ST 3111 P.YS3.CXK A VII inanuri WANTBD HTEAOr WORK HOOD PAT Apply X. W con. OTII AND BROWN 8T8. iwji nsnns EXPEttinNCBIl ON liNOWLViS" TJ10M8 .i'.. JOHN iHN JAMlrf lOR?0N. IN Oj.D MILlX srtnTrt fvs Palls 01' kchuylkill -INC. ll1110REnS. .10. wauled at 111 berry, .lie 1 per hour and aleeplnu aiiartera: cood com 1 tnlssim: meet trtitk at llnwd and Filbert I ats. 11:4,1 a. m. 1'. W. Marks Construction j Comnane. 1 T.AIIOREItS wanted, colored men, tor out t sldo construction vnrk. steady wnrk all pear round. Applv Wm. 1'oster, ll'OS N Istjo 1A110REHS w ! Apply D. 11. , 1'errv ave. tilled steady work: cood pat. Martin Co.. 30th and tlras LINEMEN wanted, experienced, nonunion electric llsbi men: ateadt work cood 1 waises. Apply Wm. roster. 1V01 N. .list st ' LAllUltKHM wanted, steady work. Apply ' Chsrlea F. Johnson Ct Una S tnth at I LAItOltEUs tvnnled 10 work in paper ware- . bouse. (II to start. Uronn - llalley Co.. ' 1 ,.k . .. , ., . - - I II iS . I'rKIIMIII Ml 1.AUORERS; sood waees Oeorcs W. Smith fc Co . 3110T Powelton s ve SIACH1NP. TOOL OPERATOR EXPEIHENCRD PRKKERRED MACHINIST- WITH ALL AROUND A1I1LITY EXPERIENCED PUNCH PRE33 lll'rillA IIIIIH BOLDtjRRRS MODERN PIlNT EXCELLENT WOHK1NO CONDITIONS HEALTHY LOCALITV K"-".5i ' '.'"".'"J'" "'JJ. "'. "."""J?" "i Only elsht miles from center of Philadelphia , witit irrtiucut aim ttei'rnaauie train, ironsy and nintor Iran.iinrlnl nn f.rlllll.a . . .1 :: .r. ' t". - - ......--. . lnterestlna itaht and lmnortant work with . opportunltlea for advancement. ' Liberal bonuses In addition to rood wares. 60 hours constitutes a standard week with 1V4 pav for overtime. Steady and permanent employment. Apply personally or live full particulars In letter to THE AUTOCAR COMPANT ARDMORE, PA. UAi'HINlSTa and tsolmakers wanted blsh- arada men only new hop, .niod.ru 'rf veniencea, noaiwork. , 8. i; O axs. uu sv 17 - HELP WANIEP MALE M Iflher C'limUlnt Ail nn 1'iue SI K T. A D O P. E n 9 A II 85 TEft noun PATHIOTS WANTED IN Till! rinsT MNn op attack help nutLD smrs STitON'o. Ant.n-noniED men WANTED I-OP. OOVEUNMNT suiPTAno ivonic neaii rniLA. DEI.ntIA rni:n 'Tr..vvsponT.TioN on srnci.r, trainh and jioats to TOUIt WOnti ONE WAT DAILT. M.P3 1X311 10-ltOUn DAT JII.73 FOR 8-DAT WEEK FOR TUMj r.P.TIC0LAn3 SEB ME. SIIATTUCK UNITED STATES FEDEEAIi EMPtirvtnv'T orncn main orncB B. W. COIt. 3D AND WALNUT ST3. OP. MR. ACORD URAN'CIt Oli'ICE J3 CHRISTIAN STREET OR MR. SWARTZ 8TATB 1T.EE EMPI.OTMENT OFFICH 1B51 ARCH STREET JtACtltNISTs' WANTED utiuii ua(ii;n 10 fontpstant men who rnn work to mirinm. stars and rrad bluo prints we want m. elsnle who desire a permansnt position with an excellent opportunity for adtancf ment t.nslns.latha oprratora. rnrrrt-lalho operators I'laner operators. Hort7out.it Istrlnc-mlll nprralois vertical borlne-mllt oisrutor. tlllllard borlliB operators. Radlal-ilrlll operators 'reetors on luatv work. Toolmftkers Itrpalrmen, XIOI1T AND DAY WORK Deslrablo houars for emplovea tvlthln short dtetanre of Ihe vvnrks ran be aeeured thrnuali or Employment Department, room and lioirdin-r housea nl reasonable ratea. We will are that ton have desirable accom modations.. Our restaurant la open day and ntolit. .Meals at cost. Vnnlv KMI'LOTMRNT HI m;.V( DE LAVA I. STCAM TCItlllM; THENTllN N. J CO. MACHINISTS Erectora and floor hands, experienced In e.t. tir.C lip textile machinery. SMITH i FUR IIUiUl MACltlNi: CO., Hamoil. at entrance. above Lehigh ate. MAN wanted b hlah etass fruit and pro dueo market In Krankford. unod onpor- ' tunltv for adtaueemem to rlxht neraon. atatn aite. exierleiii o und salary desired. f l 3tl l.edor (Ifflre I MAN capable nf nillns mrponlble roeltlon In a cull office, must lie iicllve and ac curate; hours T to (I, Saturday noon, state ape. experience nnd silarv expected. 1 33. ledger Offlee. MEAT CUTTER wanted. bi.oiI ilnnes for ad. vaneement for the riRhi man Apply J Judas. Nnltonal T'rovlelon Co . S39 Hamlb j ton si. Alleniovtn I'a. "I " "" HELP WANTED MEN WVNTf.D for skilled und unskilled occupations cood clean, active men can learn to become skilled operators on aivv and 111- processes will he paid cood wases while learnlnc And after learnlns can increase their earnlncs considerably by worklnc under rlecework and bonus plsns Applv EmpTovm.nt Iepartment I1ENIIT DIMSION A SONS, INC. Tacony, Philadelphia MEN ItlR STORAOl DATTEHV ASSEMIIMNO AND ai-sEJiAL LABOR MINIMUM PAY SO CE.MTfi PISH HOflt WITH PitVlMll'M PTIlt STEADY WORK AND LlllEltAI. IIO.n'L'S Will PRODUCTION rlllUv. BTOIJAail UATTERY ONTARIO AND C iTji JtEN FOR GENERAL AM-AROUND WORIC 110.33 AVERAOE WEEKLT STARTES'a WAOE STE.YDr EMPI.OTMENT JOSEPH CAlirnELI. COMPANT ID AND MARKET STS CAMDEN. N J. MEN WANTED T-nn orricE-iiotLDisri window clkaninq VVlIIir, cir.siJt r.iiriAJiMt.nt APPLY ROOM 444 WIDENER UU1LD1NO MEN WANTED. rXPRRIENCE t'NNECE S , SARY. APPLY 1'KERLKSS KID COM. PANT. 1039 N 2D ST. CAMDEN. N. J. Mi:, colored Cleaners. Apply In person, UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL. 3100 Spruce. MUN wanted for outside electrical construe. tlon work, must be stronir able-bodied and not subject to draft: excellent opportunity will be clven to lenrn 10 becoms Unsmsn, Applv Wm Foster. 1201 N 31st. MEN wanted who understand dlpplnc chairs. Apply 244 H. .1th St. oTtDERLY. 130 per month and board) room nit 1'ntverelty Hospital 34th and Spruce. PAINTERS ion nrt-claa houae Painters 3U CENTS PER HOUR OPEN SHOP 11 S. 10TH ST . . - s RULER wanted, strictly tlrst elms, stats i jour bindery experience, age. number ot 5 sears doles ruling- and for whom: what has S been your experience with underllfls and r uuiemano icruria, it juu nun ,, tiv.t. ,, j vvhlCt Is permanent If operator Is capable A and steadyi vlve full and definite replies ta Q the.sbote" M 121, Ledger Office t SALESMAN lotrrs rubber companv wants rtrst-class salesman for esstern Pennsyl tanla to sell established trade beltlns. hoss naiklnit etc. prefer mnn to live In Harris . bunt, state aae, experience reference and aalarv deelred At 230 tdrer Central. (, SALESMAN-The aeneral sales mansasp of ,' a welt-known manufacturing corporation produclnr a line nf standard steam, aas and water brass goods Is looklna for ths rtet ' "1 man to represent the company tn Phttadel. phla and adjacent territory must be a salss tnan of known producing record In some lias, preferably elmllsrs salary and commission. Add. for Interview nrasa, J B3. Led. Csnt. JUNIOR HALKSJIAN We want a wlllHt , jouim man. IS to 2 years, honest en r aetli and rraoun-etul. to brain aa Junior ' sslesmsn selllur tha consumer In ronnrrllon with extensive educational eumpairn to brlPa the consumer In loser touch with 01 products, the man wa want ran In a reason able period develop sufficiently to berenU nne ot our eeneral-llpe salesmen pntYWIrre be Ir conscientious a hard worker ,enrt mskes aood, permanent position wttlt salar ; and Iravellna expenses roost W atnxla, wl . lo .travel apd abta.to furnish (au.tiT bond. ' Apnly 11 H. Pi to, 3 p. tn.. Ts K. ie;irt.ank yo , is1 Iteirs l4rf..r, t J$ -0 VmUsmty aa SW Vl!p isr. " 1 ' ' s- .-...., .