WILL SEND Appeal to u.s. Ltment to World on Kn Aeainst Draft Is Planned i - fiOES T0 WILS0N FIRST Ltlon Continues Threaten W ..fo1inti T.fibor - HUOblu" EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1918 PHILADELPHIAN SOON TO "GO OVER" B0ND CAMPAIGN LAGS I FIVE MILLIONS A DAY to Council Bucks Erin Ilublln, April 20 . . V'nltnllll'ulU ' ...(.H(9 01 me -.m." - . ' inr OBrlcnitM mid Lnborltes cSed " "r"mre for ,,ro"cma; 2 , he world '"tnlM ment 1 m ' against tho conu-ul. L'titry m.W imposed ...v the rfl,h Government . . t..nr nf nuhlln lias been I" ' t0 i Washington lint! present -tJnent pemi.iallv to President JSTWOTIW" un.nln.ouMy PuU Luita "'ar,n ,,,Pir ',"cmln",l0,, "tS conscription The resolution ? .i.ii.r to the one niloplcil bv Hie tbhopsa Matnoo.boirllerl-i the I inn.nmiiaini), i in n , m jMi'mwiffCT'iiMWMiWMiJBaaw I H ' if T 1 I u&P f ' 1 i r i.-r I feteaaffiaMaa5i ,,:n ?.rRPnt 1,n Uicha,tl Wood, foimcrly u membci of the Second ( ity Troop, icccntly was tnimferrrd from San Antonio, Texas, to the remount station at Camp Di, where Ins expert horseman ship is brought into piny. Sergeant Wood served with the United States Cavalry in Mexico in 1910 ORDER FURTHER PROBE DANIELS SAYS LABOR lt "::- -J-, i IN CHEROKEE DISASTER UPSET KAISER'S PLAN rtr". A iwiand and tli.it It was an liiand Inhuman law which the , Wavy Board rinda urounds to failure of Revolt Propaganda "shed u new record in awards of ii'u i ti'ii r Mings, hating passed on UK cinm mtterest Pill for , lommunltleH reporting otcrsul &a'',. i,m. the right tn resist ' by dnffi consonant with the law oC &L i.i.h clergv was directed to an I U,!l nr receiving contributions K, and parish meetings Mill be oUSt'sSndiJ to gain adherents to Cluthorit.es .n Ireland are taking 82, to deal with the filiation, which, "i" .v. t..t is threatening 'Zi, hnr council at Sidney. N s . JW"! it. nriiioh dot eminent to re- ' Mif Its decision to apply conscrlp !. .J , ' nvchanee Tele. iTk, labor council at Miney. .-. .- . SU resolution to send a cable teirt to rrcn.ler Iloxd r.eorKe re- bfimit r!f 4r(rd lls .". .h frni the Australian clt Zwlri Carson the Ulster leader. taWrt Rie follow Ing mcssaire to tho bifirt nw spapers fii: ,l,.ar dutv Is to support our L...I .oldlers at the iirMrd Ulster in ner posmon i I UBBrf Kingdom and the Kmplre. inr Thoniao Jlci alien mis ui-ui. VCbmmons for the Tu lamoro division 5Jrw Count Ireland lie Is r Sinn rttttr. 1 Doctor Met .irtcn was arrested lit " . i. . .. j l.n..lit tn Vrtll Jirfix last iao ii"n ii' " -- lei to be arraiRiicd on the charge of Vitnf obtained an American passport jiMulently He tame to the United SUW 8 a representatlo of the Sinn W larH and accnrdlni? to the Ked- Warrant Investigation by Higher Tribunal iisliliiKtnn, April .'0 The board of linctlKatlon which In- Gcrmans 'Miuanliini, Mans,, April JO Nation Must Perform Vigor ous Work in Order to Overcome Handicap (m'ADOO'S STIRRING PLEA i I Calls on America Again to Answer Germany's Uoast of Popular Interest in Loan I mlitnitlnii, Apill SO I The 'treasury iJcniirtnutit nniioiimed today that HUbscrlptlons to the third i I'bcrty I,o,m were runnliiK Khort In , J5, 000,(100 of the dally iivcraKc required I at the latest oITIcIhI count up to the 'close nf busline on April IS 1 be na tional total reported from tho twele Kedcnil ltiscnc districts In $1,201,714. I .'50 This Is (0 per cent of the mini mum iiuotii of ?.1,OOO,OOO,O0ft. i Four more Stales are reported mi bfflcltll) to h,ie oeiillbscrlbed tliell ipiotus 'I bey are Montana North Da kota, Kentucky uml Indian i St Louis Is forcing ahead of all ills trlits, balnK clinred more than $100,- I 000,000, I credit la attemplliiK to smash nil rec ords, in obtaining Its run uunl.i neiore ulKht New ' York Mate nportu the Biand lotal of $301.928. D00 with tho district In elKhtb place CIiUmko has estab- oi nonor ms from rsubsorlp- llons With the olllclal tlRurcw KiiowinB only 8 licr cent of Its quota subscribed, the Atlanta district has telegraphed the loan headqinrters that 40 per tint of its quota has been obtained Germany's Seven Loans Wc Have to Beat l.nall. l.rst . . Second . Third .. fourth . rifth ... Sixth ... Seventh Subscriber. .. 1.267,335 .. 2.CD1.0CO .. 3.90(5,418 ... 5,279,645 ,.. 3.809,976 ... C.7G8.082 .. 5.213,373 A Oerman mark' at 23.8 cents Amount (murks) 4, ISO 000.000 9.160.000,000 12,162,000.000 10,767.000.000 10,699.000.000 12.979.000,000 12,626.000,000 pnr Is worth DISLOYALTY MEASURE POWER TO CONSCRIPT SHIPPING DEMANDED Hurley Explains Sweeping Amendments Proposed to Act Pending in Senate I the Chamberlain bill They feel that their work cannot be brbugnt up Id th hlahent slnndard of emclency ns lone KlfPf TV mn TID ACnrTfi"" ,,,c military authorities are power ilijLU 1UU LUiAollvj lcs'' '" ndmlnlitrr quick and summary i Justice to convicted Herman agents. . The practlco of admitting iplci to ball, , . ,,,. they ikolure, Mrtually nullinoH their Canvass Shows Unwillingness1 work Senator Iloran, of lilulio. lias taken ne lead In announcing his opposition to the measure lie characterized It ns unncces- UL to Transfer Prosecutions to Military Authorities Gerard PjrqpCTlyJi) JfctHf lrfc . ,Vililnln(i, April 20. Jfm4rrjm ihreats nelxe the prlate property m( Jams W OeiiJrd lit Berlin Were dun trt, 1 rn.sundrrntnndlng the State Depart ment Is ndilred by tlio HpanU.i embasoy In the German capital It lnow sfaUd the Oerman (loernmcnt will repct all diplomatic and consular property WARN OF KU KLUX KLAN The grcatcbt disappointment of the f Oiegon bis reported 50.71 S lndllduil quired into the rati, for tho loss of , K.-ilrer In tJerlh. has not been the :rl.' , ?.n' " " !, , .',Ii i,, i io d the na.il tug Cherokee Kebruary 26. failure of the U-boat warfare to starxe causing the deaths, of Lieutenant 1; D Newell, of Philadelphia, und twinty-sl men, has reported that It found suillclent grounds for an !nestlgatlon by a board of Inquiry. It Is stated olllclnlly bj the N'ay Department The board of lnestigatlon heard wit npMHPtf In I'nnirt rtlnn with the allecatlons Mint soldiers at the front and to resist 0f tho anw and other reditu es of CvmA rule bill which attempts . TiP11t,.nt x,.viel that he knew the es. i-el to be unseaworthy, bad so leported to his superlois and bad objected to making the fatal trip whlcn resulted In the tug being lost off the Marjland coapt. t'ndei Judicial procedure In the nay a court of Inquiry sits only when the lower bod finds suillclent grounds In its Iniestlgatlon for further nitlon The court of InquliJ Is expeited to begin hearings at Philadelphia w thin a day or two. There Is one higher tribunal In the ninal establishment, a court-martial, whli h would try o(11cert found by tho lower bodlen to hae been negligent In the disihaigu of duty jal mthorttles In New York, was i-cdt-Sj to return to Ireland with a lev )l brlnjlrg about n recurience nf the lutir Monday riots in Dublin In 1916 ltn h was arrested lie was taken 310 court last December and released pier WOO ball Ills case is still pend- w 'GERMANS WANT INDEMITY teuton Attitude Indicated by Piincc Wilhelm's Speech J AnittnUm, Apr 1 20 Indemnities Till ke asked by Clermany. accordl ie to Wrince Frledrlch Wllhclni of Prussia, son N the late Prince Albrech'j, Itegent of Jntlwlck, as quoted by the Cologne Ttliuetun?. In a sneech at Breblau. j this newspaper, Prince, Frledrlch nuwim g&iu ITh enemy' rejection of tho hand of p4 justifies us In demanding economic ul Cnlncial indemnities Such Indem- lltti itso are needed for our economic trtlopment " I ' " fOCKET BIBLES GIVEN 19 DEPARTING SAILORS rhe (lerman llenelii lal has bought IbeitN Loan the Allies, but In the falllnz down of Union of PlttsburKb, Pa the weU-planned propaganda to foment I - XZ k noi-1 ii rroiuiiou in Auiern Secretar said tl.r. I'ltmhnrirl, I'Hlrlntlc League amount Daniels, In an address to- i,,,,- ".t nno da, nftei lsltlng tin- big fhlpiard here. tIh co-operation of 2.U00.000 Christian where the (Internment, through the or- Kndeniorlrs was urged In .1 telegram ganUatlnn of the Tore ItUer Shlpbulld- Usued tnilat bj Associate I'resident Ing Compinv, Is constructing the largist, Daniel A Poling to the war loan organ- plant In the wotld for ntilldlng destroy eri- "Tho greateht (llsappolntineiit. Sec retary Daniels inntlnuid, "Is that tho efforts of his paid spies and inilhsarles, whispering In the tars of an laboring mm who would listen to them, arc worso than wiiKl'd, and though mme I W. V In the West hae raised their hands to parahze government, the leaders and the rank nnd file nf Inoor hn not onl strengthned the iower nf America, but hae heartened the men tighllng for freedom across the pea 'Labor In Ainerb a undcrstonds that It depends for Its life and progress and future tlctorl"s upon overcoming the Herman autocracy In this war" Secretary Daniels said that the men who aro turning out destroyers and mu nitions arc Just as tir.ue as the men v ho are at tho front He tailed at tention to the fact that there Is not a Mi. Poling has Just returned lite weeks' tour of the westtru Izatlon from front 20,1100,0011 Mibrrlber ttnnlfil Secretary MrAdtio todat illed upon Americans to answer (lerman threats with 20 000 000 Indltldual subcrlptlo.i.s to the third I.lbtrtv Loan He pleaded foi the nation to demonstrate Its unlit in the prosecution of the war lit doubling the totil number of subscriptions of the second loan (iernmn) has boasted of the wide ills, trlbutlon of her war loins as on etidence of Oerman unlt In his new appeal M ilblnctnn, April 20. President Wilson must hate absolute power to conscript the sblpplug rtsouiees of the Pnlted Slates Chairman Iturlcj. of the uhlpplnp board, made this Mate inrnl In explanation of two wide-sweeping amendments to tho shipping ml and with 78 per .eut to Its "hMl l,, "'""'h Commerce Commit- ire nan ociore it lor consideration today Under existing laws there Is no au thority for the United States to requi sition American ships In foreign poits. Chairman Hurlcj declared that up to the present thno this has caused no trouble, because ship owners hate been patriotic In their desire to place their propert at the disposal of the Hot em inent lie states that additional power Is iiec-s.s.iry, howctei, for "etieptloml cases Penalty of n line and Im- piis-mmcht Is proposed for tho-e whoj tlolate a requisition order "Another serious defect in the p, Isllng law Is that In all prob.ibllltt It penults onl tlio leciuls'tlonlng of the bare phjslial possession of the ship Chairman Hurley stated "It does not authorize requisitioning the urilie, of the ship owner's organization and crew In pruulcc It Is almost nei -ssaart to do the lal.cr The legislation pro posed does not, of ioure, contemplate conscription of crews It puseitcs the1 pilmlple that litlllan tabor must he toluntiiit laboi " Deciirlng that rll Mllej niantlm. nation!! luiti found It neiess. to niii trol the chartering of neutral nations Chairman Hurley asks that leglsl itlon to this t f ft 1 1 be pissed In this lountrt It Is necessar, he diclares, "in ordu to protent the uncontrolled bidding up nf the tonnage market and to main- ' tain a proper eontiol of the Impoits ami eports " i Clear and iblltnel iiowii (o rvnulsi- tlon doiks anil teimlnnls Is also (.ought Loyal AmcricnnR Tell Congress An archy May fcnsue Where Ger mans Are Active tl nublnitlnn, April 20 Opposition of the most determined character made Us appearance In Con gress today ngalnst tho Chamberlain bill declaring tho United StattB n pari of the military zone and protld ng firing squad i for spies mid disloyalists Displtc much linpatlenco In Congress oter the Hot ernment's lnablll to cope moro successfully with espionage nnd treason, prediction whs made today that tho Chamberlain bill would not pass Members opposing It declared tint: It rep resents Prusslanlsm raised to the "nth" degree and that It tlolates the funda mental principle nf tho Constitution Lot nl Americans from both Minnesota and Wisconsin hate warned Congiess that rary and unconstitutional Jie lei it be known today that he would fight It to the last ditch when It comes up In the Senate as menacing the free lnstltu- tlons of the United State? Senator Chamberlain, of (iregon the j sponsor of the measure declared bo would use ctery means to bring It to' a tote In the. Senate Ho believes that ' the American urmv In France cannot bo adequate!) protected against dislojalty ut home without the measure SUFFRAGE HOSPITAL UNIT WAS IN BIG DRIVE Mrs. Drown Will Go Abroad to Aid in Ucorganizntion of Scat- tcred Foicca linlliitiiipntU, lml April 20 To re organize the hospital unit sent to the war zone by the suffrage organization MrV Itajmond llrovvn, of New York, fourth vice president of the National American Suffrage Association, will go to France soon This plan was deeliK'd upon at the opening session here of the twn-dav council of the executive board unless more effective steps are i of the iittlonal orgiinlatlon i 1 ,,i iiiiik " it 1'i.i in nun in, , i ii i iii,7 executive board meeting the hosnltal unit spnnso'ed b.v the suffrage organlza-, lion was In direct path of the Herman I drive nru bad been scadeted bv the gradual retirement nf tbp rtrltlsb fon es , Mrs Carrie Chapman Catt. president ' of the national association. Is presiding at the sessions and tlrtuallt all the meiuherH und national officers are In taken by the Hot eminent to root out dlslojaltv, "Klu-Klux Klans" will he organized and that anarchy will ensue In some set tlons of the country where Herman propagandists aro most active Nevertheless, cant ass today showed that the majority of Congress Is still un willing to take the prosecution of i iniiiiiiri n miii iiiiiiwiiui viiivi io n , nlonairo and dlyloRlt nut nf tnc mmli jiirtiihiwi- I of tho Department of Justice mul trans- fcrlt to the nillltaiy authorities Germans Approach Crimea Officials of the Vtnr and .Natv He- parlments having charge or the work Hlln. Apr 1 -'0 -e.eriimn troops in of running down spies and traitors 'J'., ' '" ' ffJ t? T?, !i V,'"," hato Indorsed the g-nerul prlm-ipk of -jhout flftt mile north nf the Crimen XJk First Regiment Armory Broad & Callowhill Sta. 1 P. IM. Io 10 P. M. Today Your Last Opportunity to sec all these modern time and labor saving de vices and systems demon strated by experts. The Show closes at 10 P. M. today. Every busi ness house should have a representative go to the Show and investigate. It may mean annual sav ings of thousands of dollars in the adminis tration of your business. i ma for Liberty Loan subscriptions McMlon b ' ha man Hui I. v The S. nate Com. declared the time had come to show her I """' """""""'V m,V,,,,1 "" ,,h, ,"U' associates In the fight as well as the "n na ,r 1 tcher hope ,o enemy that the nation Is w hr.ln-1 ," l ihfiii to tlio is,cn.-it noxt x -oK heartedU for complete demolition Hei man autocracy Tin re were iinprovlm.ite lv ( r,00 OOo Farm HrinRs Nearly $1000 an Acre !.. Atirll 0 Si 11 1!tl- .. . .-'h, ,.f it'hI ri'tuiiKhln has lust sold ' iim-iA Imilv win iinv ,.r-iilUe nower I Indiv Idual subscribers to the Hi st Llbert his farm of eleven acres, two miles i tnat (!()t.s t)0t lirl(. unoI1 lt n re,,rP. Loan .More than 9. 600.000 subscriptions northwest or .evv iiouano io uiorKt . Martin be the farmland A r i i.A L,,in .,i.i i... ii,in uprn re,sir,lerf tn the second i atupalgli 1,1 " 5,'SHj.onfi?rea,ter Count? I with the representatives of the employ-, The largest number of subscribers to land of tl"$i ana cit. and biting an equal tolce anv of the seten H.rman loans was lana oi jj.d sj an aen. r. ' 6 7C8.082, and that after two e.trs of NAME NEW HELPER FINEST TELESCOPE ' Ten per cent of this nation s popula tion bought bonds In the second cam . nalcn lt was onlv utter the very heart FOR STATE LIBRARY ' MADE IN PITTSBURGH j i,TalWr &E. bonds, according to flgurcH recelted at - I tho Treasury Department Thesa figures Regan, of West Chester, Is j Less Than Four Years Re- j unlt;U hX-. 1"ber!"o oS declared MRS. RYAN DEDICATES HOME TO WAR OFFICERS Imposing New York Edifice Formally Tendered for Use of Army and Navy ntrican Snrn'nfv PoannnHa tn t. 71. v. wri" nea of Chaplain With 100 Testaments iPao hundred pocket testaments weie ""Mid to enlisted men today within In hiurs of the'r departure from the elphla Naty Yard This donation m by the American Blhlo So t ' request of Chaplain Leslie Mll ft united States navy, who called at f iioclety's headquarters; at Seventh WWilnut stree's lite chaplain deplored the fact that JJJ men would bate to leate home "ut even a Iilble to comfort them, ,M within two hours 100 small Bibles ? received at tho naty jard and dls-' ted among tho men rFCUr British doiiai, .. i, i.n.i i,nM,i JJMilp chaplain preach at the Itlch- i ireBDyterlan Church last Sunday -contributed $t toward tho pur- Tjj-a i uiDiea ror the men. IJttfcpalgn to raise $4ov,000 wns ro- launched and will close tho last a fit, montn Already the Amerl- g .i oqgieiy nas furnished sold ers ,J MHora through tho Ycting Men's " oociaiicn ttitii more than JfUlIon pocket testaments It la hmini Ktho money derlv-d from the present rjw'in will help toward hating dls PM another million of these tes- Ijrty Bonds hate been sent the 'SSrr'I8 of t,,e Bt--lety, that more m? it soldlers "ay bato testa ttw.il. donors' ' Performing a imA iv wt" as a religious duty, are 'nirtd the i.An i .. . ... ! . ) V "" uoihis win not rje Pn vibon the market. Successor to Norman Gray Hiirrinburg, April 20 Intln Began, known among his friends as "Spider." Is now the nsslstant State Librarian He conducts a poolroom and cigar store opposite the Mansion Hou-e at West Chtttcr and In politics he op poses State Senator T. Larry I re His only knowledge of books. It is said at the Capitol, was gained from keeping a set of booka for his brother Regan succeeds Norman D. Gray, also of West Chester, who Is not a poli tician and who did not circulate an O'Nell petition when requested Hray has been here nineteen jcars and Is a recognized authority on books of all kinds. The change was made several days although the Governors onice to- quired to Grind 73-Inch Mirror for Canada Statistics reteal that between (Hto- her 1, 1913, and the first of this ear, Hermany's debt Jumped from $1,165,- 000,000 to $25,408,000.0011 rittklium. April 20 I Including tho American loans to the What is said to be tho world's finest I Allied Hot ernments this nation's public . , , , . . I debt on January 31 was only $i,.58,- telescopo and the second largest has(()0()000 ()r ,css t)lan one.thr,i of r.er- been completed In the workshop of Dr ,many's When the United States entered John A Brashear here and has been I the war the national debt was $1,203,- shlpped to the Dominion Astronomical 1000.000 Obseitatoiy in Victoria, Can The mlr. I , ,.irk, April 20 V gain of $22. ror is setenty-thrce Inches In diameter 000 000 -'3-0t0ooJnn;un1cc;;hoV7ly Nine years were required for the grind-. befor( ,0 o.cIn0U t0(lay ny vno oan Ing nnd pollshln? of the largest mirror managers of the Second district Todaj'.s in the world, which Is a 100-Inch mirror, 'total the twelfth day or tno campaign while tho ono just turned out fiom the was about $2,000,000 ahead of the eleten. Nrw iiirl., April 20. I As h .New York home for olllcir-i of the army and navj pissing through the j clt, the flte-siorj resldinie, nt I.' Hast .SKt-M"tcnth street was formally opened with a reception to the olllcers now in I this city by Mrs. Thomas Fortune ltjiin, I who has donated the house for the period of the v ar . I It wat estimated that 200 soldier i aw companled by their wives or relatives called duilng the hours of receiving The spacious drawing loonu and dining rooms, which had been remodeled and refitted, were decoiated with flags and flowers Music was furnlfhed b an or chestra and refreshments were served This inccca In New Yoik's desirt of brick nnd mortar Is to be known as the Central Park Olllcers' House" and will while tho one) just tuineo. oui iioni nit , toW, of )e ,aBt cam,,aKn am, ,,,, mst desirable plac? of abode for of. PlttsbuiBh shop was completed in less on(iiciuently u aapxminuneat. to the Hers of the arm and natj while In than four yeai Tho largo piece of glass, tvlilch In its finished state weighs two and one- managers. BIG GUNS RESUME nirn "" . . . . . ... . . . . i i day said no appointment nau Deen jourin tons, nrritea neio in aukubi made, and the Goternor said, oter th i 1914. It was made In Belgium nnd left telephone, that no successor to O ray Antwerp ono week before war was de hn.i hnpn named. elared. The l eouh ements were that Its Tho Goternor, who desired Hray s gieates't en or should not be more than I place for a tote-getter In Ilj re's district I 1-250.000 Inch. The greatest error in , .. n- un.tn.l cioIa T IHrnrlnn Alnnlpnm.rv 1 11, ....!.- Io 1 -jni. OO Innl-i I IITIS, vpill -w. some time ago to drop Gray. The State n.,, ,.,,.. w-itfh flftv.flvp tons range guns resumed their bombard-1 now In France, and the other. Joseph J Shell Paris After Silence of Forty- eight Hours -The Heinian long- New York It Is Mrs lljan's own Idea. The hou'e was gratefull accepted by Major Heiivral Datld C Shanks. In com mand of the port of New York Major Jthn T. Axton, chaplain In th , was master of ceremonies Mr. ltaii was present and assisted Mrs It) an In ritelvlng the guests He has two Kins In tho army, one Captain Cltndennln J. Ban, of the flying corps. librarian could not do this under the , nn,,"tno po,ar ax.s Js tiventythiee feet ment of Paris last evening after aan. a sergeant In Base Hospital No. ,ftVca awtliew-- a librarian who I ""B a"- en "" t '" -Henco of forty-elght hours. The long I1' " '....'"ouse is neither a club allowed the poimclans V nil the llbiary ! f''"1 " ' l ''' ono fcct lonK and ' Interval since the last bombardment , nol n notel Moder.lto rntM ar,. cluirRpd 1 weighs twelve tons. with friends, and then dropped them wt-ibiia is.0 i.a. ise tQ th(j beef tjat ncw within a few days lor incompetency i ITAT11T methods of countei-flie by the I'icncb ,in.. rboareVoV . eW o th." Ibrio ' """" """ V, V V t '. are proving effective, could drop emplo5es Ul'- l'Ul HU Wirn n Jvii. This consists of liotemor urumoaugo for services rendered There are excel lent equipments of dining rooms and kitchens and there are rooms to accom modate about fortt ollkers at a time. Airiincementh nre being made to , Billiard tables, pianos and tictrolas of- send the chlldicn in Paris to primary fer opportunltleH foi leinatlou and the Secretary of the Commonwealth Woods k, pattcrson's Latest Arrest Is on ' schools In the piovlnccs to protect house Is In evtr.v ispett nn admlrablo and Attorney General Brown Tho board ms- auerson s i.aitsv rtirt-ai. on thpm from th(j (,nemy lon.Iange 1)om. I substitute for home for the officers en VjllUrge Ul lunillb liuaumiu o PANVILLE QUOTA PASSED r Flag Won When Town Takes ?237,400 of Loan 'till.. 1. A-.!, HI, .,..!. trTo?n4 '." qVoU '" tn third Llb- lii.rrM Camnalcrn Til. nmraml r. U H,bJ ra'fced to win an .onor flag SV'MOO, which 752 subscribers -'Js IcC'lure Dnnvllln l,lrran.. n . t3!iM??r Coun'tles district iti rP."." ,tht Bloomsburg has w it.,c,???u?..ttnd...v;y' Urtd mJi. c r.lbers for 1160,000. Its quota is the same as that of hi.i a meeting several days ago, dropped Gray Immediately and named Began. DUTCH TO DEMOBILIZE FOR RETRENCHMENT Finance Minister Says Aimy Must Be Partly Dispersed After Western Offensive Amsterdam. April 20 The Finance Minister. M W P Treub has Informed the Second Chamber that the Govern ment must consider partial demoiilllia tn.. nf ii.A nrmv nn soon as the great offensive on the western front Is oter Suitcase bardment I ri'Ute to and from the bnttlcllne n-l.n nii.itlnn ft pnllAntlv line lilSMi asked whether the theaties nnd places heretofore" said Major Axtbn nt of amusement in I'm Is ought not to !' fcptlon last tight "They hate Little has been done for the ollkeri. the been . . a .1 n tu iinnemi si ,-. niwiiLnmnin r "'V;';..-.. ...... ..i,. nnpn. i.mldpd urnnor mp.is- KM to Mini pri mucn lor inemseUcn I'atterson. ot lis wesc neveiiiyminu :.... -.----. . :. v . ., kii ...UDi.it- titr.iirri v.. vt i.. ,--. nfnu firp taken to Rssuie tne tnieiv oi i n,'"p - -. wu vn. .street, daughter and heiress of "Lucky , urea a re taken to ' "''llrH Bjan'e wlendld gift Is the first Baldwin, of California. Is In hot water ',,. ' Tne directors themselves are thing of the kind In New York, and. again Her husband, who Is suing for '. rwnelmlnBly against closing. Hh -i single exception. In the country." and the dangers for Holland are less- Uhlch he says are of talue In the eU IlIIU llio uw"6i. i - !.,... nnttnti nnn ilonnmllnna which hi cned. dltorce. had her arrested jesterday. He i is Andrew V. I'atterton and for many ears he represented the Standard Oil Company In Portugal, where he was made a baron because of financial ad vice, he gate the King The Pattersons hate been separated since last September. Her arrest was on a charge of entering his room at the Hotel .Nemerinnus nnu laaing suitcase containing Jewelry papers .!,' xriniuiA. unlrl this necessity arose from Holland's financial position, which tvas so serious that very strict measures "' Minister3 Treub suggested a loan of . mn nnn ann florins to cover all e !l""Z connected with the war. 1915 he leu ncr asserting sne nau iuu ihlch afreadt hat J f amounted to more , much temperament " She had been on V..ni nnn noft.OOO tlorlns I the stage torce action and decorations which he recelted from the King oi i-oriugai Last spring Mr Patterson had his wife arrested, saying she had assaulted him In the New York Athletic Club Theirs had been a lote-ai-flrst-slght affolr but soon after the marriage In 'mJikx "4 THIRT1 f r 'V&.S ,1 N bV ' V. '.. ' ij1 'SSfi. fa i iA tT? t?S" 3f tto,?S,sfTKnfc wit! VBL f HP js (TBuW !i t' The House of Taylor -111 ra AquA SPEEDS WAR LOAN in Ue Rally put8 New Life Bond Campaigninc; WrlSin1'!'1! Aprl1 20 Tanmnim's PllhtbvrUS aa Elven Impetus PMtriiLon . of th largest patriotic IWiv ka; ,ne history or the ftJnh'h.!.?..0 "PS '" he line of . rna..,"' ? r"m.S..rP- .,.. . RnAi. ""nili loiiowniB vno Mlev a. i .were 'nade by Clar- mfiiASLi nichards. president irimadepl,ta nnd neadlnc Coal (is .ikwuk 4 iXir ii T ill 'ii!!lnt r a I f, . 600 Rooms HOTEL MARTINIQUE Broadway, 32d St., New York One Block From Pennsylvania Station Equally Convenient for AmuiemenU, Shopping or Business 167 Pleasant Rooms.with Private Bath, $2.50 PER DAY 257 Excellent Rooms, with Private Bath, facing street, southern exposure $3.00 PER DAY Also Attractive Rooms From $1.50 The Restaurant Prices Aro Most Modarate THE cut-and-dned plan of assembling mate rials into structural form is one thing studied construction for definite requirements is quite different. Steele Service goes far beyond actual building. It analyzes the needs of your industry, determines etiiciency, plans lor the future and then creates an industrial plant. Wm. Steele & Sons Co. Engineers Constructors Philadelphia Toronto "THE TWO DESTROYERS" DELAY AND TOMORROW Think of the Soldier in France who, hearing a command, would hesitate! SUCH A DELAY MIGHT MEAN DEFEAT What of the countless millions safe at home, who have been asked to subscribe to LIBERTY BONDS and have replied they will think it over? TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE This Company will accept ypur subscription on practically any plan satisfactory to you, and safeguard your bonds without charge. J I COMMERICAL TRUST COMPANY CITY HALL SQUARE I . , ...I 410 Btki "T i-vYssWny & fe&rV i. !.-l Am U.L .