Sgig5Bppppii i mi -mrffvr-"; fWB iV piij '-1- -.nrF"?" T3;f T" 'VCT-Twryrt- jliyijtyit-i EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. APRIL IS. 1918 4 Deities rlain Snd or Covk Ti People of culture and refinement invariably PREFER Deities to any other Cigarette K0. CAMAY CHOP I Rational Body Meets Today in fNew York Following Charges Band Dissension Recent disclosures "f dimension In at Philadelphia blanch nf tile nunp h Women b rhrlstlan Association nml llcktrps Of Ineilieienrx mm iiiiBiiiHii.tKi- (jnnt In the control nf the local curium 'jitlon culmlmteel In a speclnl inectinR "". .C- nillnn.ll fCCltltlXP COnimtltfe Aelng held In New Virk toijav. with a lW to taklnff step" to e? assoe late the 'JjkjI from the nation il organization In i.tbe P"1"0 n,lm' F The local assoi inunn nas airciui mmi-u Ho dl!bhneit llulf fiom Hip 'body, and It N bcliexed inoli.ilile that the Business omens fhrWtlin I.eaRue IvlU be asked to nlllllatp with the na tional Y t am? step Into tho Jplice of the hodx Hint heietofore lias heen knoixn ns Hip Philadelphia branch h A charge In Mil- lVcdeilck M I'.ilst fchatrman of Hie etc. utile committee ef the national bint d or the 1 A ilul efforts bi nation il IcadPiH of the usoclatlon to straighten out Hip tuiide ii the Phlladrlplil.i situation prp Mocked l local leaeieis is a i.uc ue ntopment In the 'i W ' A muddle libcording to Mrs Paint a eontroxcrsv 1U to whether the propo-ed iMntlB'-in.n. I' Hon or conditions in rnnaeiei una snouin. iXta held In Philadelphia n In .Niw York ij-iru the rock on which the split lame, (local leaders dcrlarliiK that the coiiTer- f Traces fchoum tie neni in ,p ioik, nrhlle the national leulern Insisted that the only logical place to nnko tho In Tjestljratlon was In Philadelphia 5 "The utter laik of anxthiiiR like iproper management ild Jim Talst '1 glien the national "X. W C A .1 Ick e)c throughout tat lt This Is 'moil unfortunate for the national Y W tC. A. Is engaged at present In main itremendous xiat enteipils-es which 4Vi lj4Jerie public support The plan of Awrtntr hnslpxM houses mid of ttnlulntr iltriifor speeial war work has Ixcn con Sacted In mam cities wit 1 the in-opcia-Son of the Federal tifix eminent Hut ytln a resident of Philadelphia Is ap- Iroicrifd h one or 0111 secretaries lie Wild and sas I Ighteenth and Arch' 1? tone whlea shows that no aid W to t Hpected from him ' ft . . CAMDEN COUNTY LOAN NEARS $3,000,000 12,272,450 Reported Docs Not In 1 clude All Large Subset iptions. Small Buyer? Co-operate Camden rniintx i snihBprtotlnn to the tJ4lrty Iian Is on its xxay to the thrce iBlUten mark The figures lepoiled at We headqu-irters or the Lllieil Loan vraramitie on Tuesdnv night total ,'U.0 nd the best or It 1. tliese flCUTM dn nnl In. nn.,.f I.a dii!. toptlons Tie greater nart or Una total Is made P Of ISO nml 1100 siihsprlntlnn.s slchihous'the spirit of co-operation of matss In the effort to finance tho wind help hung xlctor The result umden Count to dale Is a splendid fMence of the splili backing up the en who haxe gone and since it Is as- s mat the households are going to t the loan tllpra la tin rtnilh- na in LT1 " count total Is going to shoxv tlSfwchantxIlle Blackwood nnd Oakln , the first three towns In the county teiCh thPir mtnli nn.l n ... A . I, n LP These towns haxo already reported l lhan their quota and honor flags IXJlbe at once glxcn them by the Llb- i uoan committee This does not 1 mean that i,a aft.... .. m u. .. 11,... r.- ...v ,uui. .iii icupo 111 inn- vrnt, for In addition to tho honor flag i, r" ' stars glxen b the committee ifepecltled amounts realized nboxe the ywu. ana naturally all towns will want llffi" they can nliv '"u'i on Tuesday rrom t'ne ti-r' "i tne women s Llbert Loan com PlH "allied $17 500 additional, as r" "y the reports from the xarlous "ei", as follows Camden Safe Deposit kiim l0ml'an Mlsa Irene Welsh. ".Pennslxania Hallroad Feir No lA Jin cs-i,A- -... . '... ta.rtl .. . ' "i"u. Ainory, sirs ft?' Helmbold Jr $1550. Penns!- K iV"roal Kerr .No 1, Mrs Jessie m. Ii-tn Z.:."' '. ' "'" """- Jint,-. V -"""Be' cv. Long, jtiss Ada .""irman, litsn pn-naiCA T....... r- "Vi riorence Cannon S11nn. e-mn-i. 52' V" Mildred Jande. J750 . Hoard ffflj Mit" HnK Bradle. $250, post- Rlrk . ,,"ulmi! rate, J300 . Badei- I ,MUa Helen Shackelford. $150. 1 0T CHILLY RECEPTION LyS. F!rilTlnAAn XT-i lir-1 f I .. t -'iho hui. nreicomeu ny Russians at Vladivostok A Paiiaai... ... ... 1 1 TV""""! I arini- I'nrt. Am It 1S Sihtlm "ner "'ouelit lack txxent K; A?cer8 of the United States en- tot Vv.. ' Vvno "ei" to Vladlxostok P"--v Amnr p.u,D ..i,i .. i a. k(H 1 1 Vi ',lu "lien iney de.k . xos,ok the'e was no one Jw!r."' them, and thn Hnlaheclk litav ' f Vc'e ,10t hospitable After feS; tnree ,la'8 tllcy left rf fttSi b ,llelr 8tay Vladlxostok of , on,cer8 were killed As !ii-J ."' Americans out it. "It an. S ofiieet a1 ope" EeaB0'i tr rt"3- Skinlt . n, Wtts ,l ')0'- Insurance , ""' "uiea on hlqlit." Jor Iy Wounded, but Safe llaten. I'.im. Ai.-it is . ..a f till beftn ren-UAH .l.l, 1. ra. i'RXlety Ba to ,ne wound,3 of Mnjor J Imb -f a,e m"n wno ' ',J't01tT, ""'ijiunmei corps of the x- 'wca in Bcyjn. lu m. flejht l' he RuaiaiMAJ u rruc'tiifwii P Saagasfl&iftRsgaiiJaaaffri'vh'w'frcVi.iiiftnMflwMw.jif. TAKES WAR POSITION Prof. Edxxin Roulette Keedv of the Law School of the Urmei sity of Pcnn&yhania, who has been granted Icaxe of absence to serve with the war tiade board. He has been gixon the tank of major. utTn vir"P1M uiivu jiuiu . iiiim Vnni'I" 51T ilfin t tV.UUU 01J.UUU Cupple Gets LatRc Verdict in Cam- dcfi ARmnst Philadelphia Polk Packei A Jurx in Hip Camden c'lcuit Court xesterdi .iwaidcd one of the Ingest xeidlets in xilien It gixe Miss Catherine McAIIMei or Camden. $1.1 iion against IleinhiKl l.rnsl Brothers a Plilladelphia eoniPin The suit grew out or an accident ixlili h liippeneiJ on Oetobei 10 lllfi Miss McAllistei was 011 street walk ' when an autotruck owned In the de- fpndaiits skidded and stiuck Mls .McAl lister, pilnfullx Injuring hei and sh ti ter ng hpr nerxous sxtteni Thero xx as some dispute between inert leal experts ns to whether the lnjuiles xieie pernianent MU McAllister. whoe home Is at 10 ft) South Fifth street, has not been able to walk since tho accident and wns brought to couit in .1 ix hie! chair tts7P0WDER STATION SHIFTS TROLLEY LINE New Route- Begun to Park Lo.idinp; and Distributing Post To ellniliiate accidents and keep strangers from the new ammunition bag-loading and districting station being constructed bv the Goxetnmcnt .m wn-hlnirtim Park, on the Delawaie Hlier. Hie Puhlli eixice Hallway Com- pan lodi began to build a new road- xxax' for its trolle line in .-x.uionai i-.ur. and Woodhur Trneki. of liuth branches of the tiollc load fiom Camden now pass thiough the cenlei of Ihe giounds and the (Inxernment lias deemed It nee- cssar to haxo these tracks icmoxed, appear on charges or dlrloxalt When not onl) to eliminate danger possibll-1 Do-tor Sprlsslei updated he supposed Itles but to make xx.ij ror large build-1 lie was to undergo a eiuestlonlng lngs' Instead or this, lie asserts, ho was Moic than 5nn new emploxcs were confronted with three witnesses whom put to work constructing the buildings lip had nexer before seen the chief of foi tho ii'oxernnient at Hie old park site whom xxas Gertrude Detts, a negress, duiing the last tluce dan One or the who elalnied that while in his drug buildings will he a mile long and theie Htore she heaid him sa It's a shame will ho 200 smaller stiuctuies There nP cannot train a gun on Washington ate now more than Jnoo men engaged froni heie and get' President Wilson" Large groups or new emploxcs are ar- Doctor Sprlsslei hinted teida that pol rixlng dall Man or them are coming tcs mlglit lie pla.xlng a part in the riom the uppei end or the State and aie iti,arges ngainst him It was pointed out finding tiouble In obtalnlne acc-oninioda-I that Doctor Spilssler has tor a long tlons Duellings in Woodbur. Westxlllc. , tilne n0ssessed some Influence among the National Park and othei suburbs aro being transfoimcd into ap.irtmcnt houses 1 The Uox eminent intends to load bags xxlth powdei ns well as load the shells nt the new slstlon There will be 110 IMjwdei or shells made there but Hie shells and powder will be shipped to the station In large quantities Camden's Camp Dix Quota Is 133 Camden cltx will send to Camp Dlx on Apt 11 IB 1"0 white men and flft -fixe negroes Tliex xxlll leaxe Camden In a special train at 2 10 p m The draft boards of Camden set the machinery In motion )esterdi to obtain skilled men In most all trades for serilce In Fiance All the men of the selected serxlce age ate eligible except those In the quota which Is to go nwa) next week iu "CL Utmost 'in Ugareltes" O CHARGE COAL DEALERS FAIL TO UNLOAD CARS Reading Railway Complains ' That Consignees Won't Take Orders I I On the eie of a conference set In the renters. ..... ..... """-" '" 1 The tenants affected are In Prmberton fuel administration to arrange for hoax- (troet fron, Vlft.sexenth to rift ler shipments of famil loal Into 111'"' , clfchlh . Walton itxcnue, from I'lft-scx-tltv, the rhlladclphli and Heading Hail-' enth to Tift -eighth , Norfolk stteet, wa announced It would be ImpossUde ,0 ;Uh n). get more fuel here unless means were n,nhi jtodman street, from rift-scx-pioxldcd to forie dealers to anept ship-I onth (1 Klfty-ilghth De l.tntcy street, nieniu on tipriini least of Kit ty-nlnth and Pine street lie- According to the Heading the falluic of dialprs to unload cirs Ins resulted alread.x In holding 11 gictt dial of coal out of Phlladolphli In outlining the sltupatlon the conipiti said. "What good Is It foi us to bring 10 il from the mines if It Is allowed to remain on the Hacks' The cltx Is 1 ongcsteil nllli freight and both the Penns.xlxanla toad and ourselics placed an embirgol on general freight about two weeks ago Coal was ixtmpted 'We cm bilng 111 plenl of eeill. lut It mut be unloaded 'H'e "egll " of I dealers to accept' shipments begin nbnut the time the weather moderated Their attitude, has been nioie 01 less indifferent exer since Last Kuiidax we were xli- ....II. . ...l. t .... flit, lu t li.irl ..nil' ' lir'tx cars or so tit the St Cltlr ards iltstlneil for I'lillailelphli Since then the ,CcUnluUllonli.iHlncie.iseiI 1 he dealers I sa the lnxen't the labor to unload the coal" A innferenic has been called for toda to discuss the situation nx I lancis a Lewis eltx fuel administrator Mr Lewis will meet .1 Hklnrds presi dent of 'he Heading Coal and Iron torn- pan , S D Warrlner. president or the Lehigh Coal nml Naxlgaton Compuiy, and J B Dickson c,r IHekson I.ddx or 1 New York who compose me reaeiai anthracite distribution eonimlttee 1 Humors haxp reached thl e It th it iome or the sort-10 il operators xiere dls- obex ing the regulations calling for clean I roil bx shipping pom fuel on Hip as- Mimnt on that tie 1 iox crnniem oui , 'I leject It and turn it oxer to Hie second- class bunker coal pool tor snips ai a piice higher than that allowed ror do-1 mestlc purposes We are going to put a slop lo this I scheme." Mr Porter said ' We now haxe a geneinl inspector who Is nctlxe at' des. jtlnatlnn The demand that this practice be stopped Is Imperatixe" I POLITICS IN CHARGE DRUGGIST INTIMATES I Oolng xeitti tile French li special per Avoid Accused of Threatening Pl'CS- mission the colonel was missing when . 1 I ho tlrlinn hjk oxer lip soon rpaii- ident, He Tells of Work pp., ilS lx.eiOriTlLl f 'on tl nuance for a week has been .ranted - - "Z S()llth strppis, who wan called before i- s; Coinnilsslom 1 Long to answet a charge that he had m ide threats against Pree ident Wilson J McCartx-. counsel toi Doctor priier, airixed lu Philadelphia fiom New York to dereuil the druggist when I It became known that Commissioner I Long would begin the taking or testl moil at nine Doctor Sprissler and ills counsel both aseHed tint the order oilglnally leeelxed cited Sprissler 10 Uotcrs nf the Fourth Ward He was an I i(ctle worker In the reform moxement and supported Hudolphj uianKenmirs when be ran ror Ma) or I cannot Imagine who would want to bring such a baselcs charge against m. he said I was born in mis coun widely known here" tn and am 'His friends point to the fact that he recently purchased J500 worth or Lib ert Honda and Is a workei for the suc cess of tlie Uoxernment war thrift stamp f.cle Galvanized Boat Pumps J g533S59; IW(rr Co 9 N SH It 'la'l mar, tinricei j! K3W "' A-J MimiteMan Six The new tpe emer gency hand brake can be operated xxlth one Anger bringing the car to a quick but gentle stop All moittla now on exhibition at our thowroomi, unlcA tvlli be open citnino' JjfisKUufGSh Ml N. Bati St.. 1Imm PoW 76 PROPERTY PROFITEERS! CAUSE APPEAL TO U.S.' TcnantB Ask for Federal Law to "Prevent "Buy-or- Vacate" Methods A bill making proper!) speculation unlawful, to iirexent wholesale eviction of responsible tenants, will bo Intro duced In tho House of lleprescntatlxes by Congressman George r narrow of the Sixth District. If he answers faxor ably the request of some 263 'West Phil nilclphlans who decided to take a step toward Inxoklns Vecferal aid at a meet Ing nt Liberty Jlall, Sixtieth street and tarchmont axenue foiled States Dlstrkt Attnrnci Knne has nlso been appealed to as a result of from landlords In scuions of West Philadelphia that ten nits must either buv or ac.ite and bu at large Increases 'in price. Ileal estate speculation with rpntlng , properties Is sale to be the cause of Hie 1 f ' .. .. llnrr ht lin.ll..wl,i ' " auegcu iiunic inm"i inn "j ........... .. because of the shortage of tenting prop rrtles due to the Influx of labor and the Increased production programs for war material plants It Is asserted that some leal estate speculators haxe registered their houses near llog Islam at rents from 50 to .JOO per lent higher than the occupants no are pa InK 1 The meeting held last night, was tailed b Howard 1; Uernhelincr Re publican' committeeman from the thlrn- p chth division 01 me ronj-siMn aru . I J J Fuchlon and V 1 UIcp Manx in stances of ralsid repts weie cited and the plan of the real estate speculators was denouncul b flft men and women tween Klft -ninth and Sixtieth PUT GERMAM LANGUAGE QUESTION UP TO PUBLIC 1 Noiustown School Board Waits to S Gaugo Grncial Opinion Hefoic Makinp; Decision Norrl.tonn. Pa. April IS onlx nrtx "f "ic 500 student" of the Norrlstown High School are stiidlng (ierman. ac- Cor1liiK tr llarr W Aklns hcerttar of ' "le .Nornstow 11 scntKii 1,01m I W. lipn iimUpi) what flip illirctorH 11m. I posed to do In the face of the Stale wide effort to be pushed b the P O " A to abolish (ierman In the schools Mi Aklns said that while he n0 , arI , lhp ptllI. nf (jerma )t) ,lp ,,ubm sc,00i, i,P tta8 read to do the bidding of the xoters If It was hnun ii,PN wanted the'studv abollslied Mr Aklns said that the subject was under consideration of the School Hoaiel n1(j ,,at a ,econ probahlx would b rc,ied this weett Tin re is nothing eompulsorx about thl. Ntuelv or (Ierman on the part or the ,upv, he slid It seems to me that in tnS war the f ii rniin langu igp mlglit 1, f ,iu,. to the meilcm tumps The Merman language might get 111 bo n drink or xxatu In the trenc.ies ' - p-. l A f AlfTHIIR RRINf u"v .....-W..... -. w-- . . -- IN CAPTIVE BY EAR Amciican Officer Uss Ridme; Whip lo Take Bib Bavanan Officer Prisoner Usshinglnn, April 18 New details xiero brought bv members of Secretarv Baker s part In Hurope about the ex ploit of Colonel Douglas Mac-Arthur. formerl War Department censor, who recently Joined a Frenih conipaux In storming a trench nnd came back xxlth a prisoner iP,ared tpading n big Haxaiian onupr ox me car wun inn- nnini nun hikihk i, rid ng whip with the otlier Colonel MacArthui who Is chief or staff of one or the American ellxlslons xxas dec I orated xxlth tV French Cross of Wai foi the part he plaed TYPEWRITING Pianissimo IN air of quiet efficiency pervades the office jTx equipped with Noiseless typewriters. The influence of quiet typewriters extends even to loud talking and other unnecessary disturbances, giving free rein to the silent force of accomplishment. Noiseless typewriting is no longer a vapid theory, a forlorn hope. The Noiseless Typewriter, mechan ical marvel of the age, is daily demonstrating its manifold benefits in thousands of business houses, libraries, hospitals and homes. The Noiseless has replaced the hammer-blow with the swift but positive pressure of type to paper, elimi nating noise at the very source. In addition to its wonderful noiseless feature, it is speedy and durable and a beauty besides. Wouldn't you like to try out the Noiseless in your office, without obligation to buy r Write for booklet "The Typewriter Plus" The Noiseless Typewriter Company 835 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. (Phut, Walnut 3691) 1--V. lf HSggBar NOIS TY'P E 'li-P IF lS&AA4!SilWmmtmjtSttMt. tA VAUDEVILLE ARTISTE WEDS Mrs. Louis Winscli, xho befoie hei marriaRC jestcrday wns Miss Itcne Law, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Charles Laxx She is known ns n xaudexille plajei and smp;cr. Hei husband is local lepiCNcnta tic of the Pathcphone Company. CATHOLICS IN STATE ' NEARLY TWO MILLION Ollicial C h u r e h Directory Shows Big Increase for Year. Nation Has 17,41G,'i50:i 'I hen me ntarlx J nno 000 Catholics In .Penns.xlxani 1 artordlng to the flguris of tin nllli' Catliollc Dlteitor foi I'HS The figures show a big In iip.ik lompared with last xiar In tin I ullid states II Is rcportnl there nip t'HOHin members of the fnltli a lie" Iiiiipisi of rl.1 I J I within a eat The dlieitorx kIiowh that 3fl 2GG.G1: Ciilliiiluii aie under the ptoteitlon of the St irs and Sti pes and R S5n 350 aro e'oni inimli.uits of ihurehes In Ainerlian toiilgu posuKslons 'Iwelxe Stnlep of tin cnuulix haxe a ('a hnllc population or li,i 1 r .1 million 01 mon I'lguris compllid lix Hie ilireeiory o'l Lln,,, al',n "l,"u ,oro lMH i'cv" a" lr" ,ieai or 3 r..".S S77 in the number of Catholics dining tin last ten Cal LOSS IN NET INCOME BY BOCK ISLAND Opcratine; Revenues Incteasc 10.8 Per Cent, but Kxpcnses Gain 19.0 Per Cent ( liliugn, III., Apill 18- The Hoik Ik land anil Pai Hie Hallwax I'ompin) s nn nuil teport shows a dccieasp or 8 7 pel cent In net opi rating rixenue Operating inclines Increased ci S and operating expenses 11 '1 per cent li.ulng I a net opeiatlng nxeuiie of ?J3 50.M,1 , The eompui pxtrli lied Itself rioni the reeeixcrshlp In Its own cfTnits pttd a ilixldenil on the pieremd stock of 11 770 771 and carried a balance or In come in piollt and loss or $') 717 371 CHILDREN'S DRIVn POSIPOMID Camden Welfare Unit Will Wait for Loan Campaign End The elillds weir.ire unit In 1 aniden nr thp children a welfare department of 'he Council or Vatlnnal DpTpiisp Is readx to ennserxe the llxes or oui ihililien but will gixe wax to the thlid Libeity Loan campilgn and will begin Us dim ror the child conserxation JuU as soon as the J.iht Libert Loan lionil gois oxei the top nils unit is couiposeii or men and women Interested in .he different pluses of child welfare Pour Win Appointments Cltx appointments todai im ludi Harrx Plp-r illo (ilenwood aiiiiu bittallon chief Hunan of I in t.'lon Charles II Mxeis .1, M Pi (iliaid axenue laptalu Hiireau or I'm tlloii and loeph Sclmn .10.' I oith Penx street caipentir Hiireau or c liintl s J I a day ELE dv5t T 15 K 'RAILROADS COMPLAIN OF WORKERS' SCARCITY Manufacturers Also Object to Drain on Labor for War Work Vnnouncement from Washington that ho Federal Employment Uurcau has lecently bppn Instrumental In suppl ing the Hog Island shlpards xxlth more him ion workmen gathered from dif ferent sections of the country has elicited complaint from manufacturing1 and rnll iotd Miurees that so great Is the drain Uoii the labor suppl by the lure of 1 high nagts In shipnrds and munitions pimts that n number of manufacturing enterprises are threatened with suspen sion foi lack of sufficlept labor to enable them to continue In business It Is tlaltueil bv the railroad com panies that the haxe been assured by Hip (Joxernnient that railroad cinploos will not be accepted In other Uox em inent xinrk, but that this agleement lias pot been carried out An appeal to scuetar Mcdoo for relief In the Bltu- i ntlon Is llkel It Is said tjiat the Heading Hallway alone has lost 1J00 j niPti sinco Hip llrst of the year 'Ihe labor scariltv nnnlies to womrii as well ns men. for minx women aie I ued In Hie niunltlons plants and ship yards and the high wagps paid In those 1 enterprises make II Incieaslngly rilfTi uilt to obtain women foi work in otlier I Industries Aircraft Heads Offer to Resign ' Wii.lilncliin, pril t S ( )flli ials now engaged In the (Joxernnient s airciaft 1 pmdiiction prngiam hnxe cxprci-sed tbeli Mllllngiipss 10 President Wilson to ip sign If he desires tliciu to prellnilniri 1 to his epei ted reorganization of this bianih of the war work I LEy,pANKSSBiDDlF -wfiLEBS AND SILVER . fA' lfs "".., JH OI(V.. FLOWER VASES Sterling Silver Lenox Silver and Crystal Wedgwood Engraved Crystal Rookwood Colored Crystal Chinese - CUT GLASS - April Wedding Gifts Tte Elsinore For her ucdtling a liitc glo c that is punctiliously conventional and jet A glove among gloves, distinguished by the sheer perfection of its qtialit). Infinite care in the selection of the kidskius, with the delicate Paris Point embroidery and in ecry thread and stitch senc to make this the finest gloc our 18 j ears of experience can evolve. 2.75 a Pair DALSIMER STANDARD SHOES Dalsimer Gives Best Values in Menes Shoes or Oxfords r""" NV s$ 'ftA V ' ' ; 9 : At Six Dollars you can buy superior style and quality standardized by Dalsimer. y-..YWVYWVVWVlWWlVVV1 A Spring Shoe Special 1 Cordo-Tan Calf. Narrow or Medium Toe. 6 A taxing (or now and a bigger mr Inr for next seaaon SVXWlWWXUIVXtVMMMWMUtVVVUUVVX.'t 'Tis a Feat to Fit Feet cSa&anet ZMniM:, BJC CATHOLIC INSTITUTIONS SHARE WOMAN'S ESTATE Ellen Campbell Divides Residue of $3G00 Possessions Among Four Charities Catholic Institutions benefit to the extent of J2600 under the will of Kllen Campbell, 2426 West Thompson street, probated today The, total estate Is xalued nt J3600, out of which $1000 goes te relatlxes of the testatrix The ttnialnder Is dlxlded In equal parts to St incetit s Home, Twentieth and Hace st-(ps, St Vincent's Home Sexenlleth stitPt and Woodland axenue, tho Homo for Hestltute Children, and St Johns Orphan Aslum utlur xi Ills probated Included thoe of lfred J Cobhln, 203fi South Nineteenth street xxlilch. In prlxate beeiucsts dis poses of propert xalued at $(3,000: Caroline M Hoberts 300 Greene street, 2imi1o. Catlntlne Hsrrx. 172S North 1 Truth street, $17r.00, Sarah A Mitchell IS3U Paul street, $13,000, Johanna She fel. 1221 Hlslng Sun axenue. $13 000. I'lnnk Coolex los Herman street, $7500, Atrlilbald McAlman, 874 North Twen-1 tllh street. $4)lin, William H Letinen, I Allintlc Cltv $3800 xnd Hllzabeth V I li'ghani Huntingdon allex Monlgom-1 erx t nimtv $3000 EWS I'htljtilMphi tifrrl no Intiffor Insi- run rninttns nnrl h t f olio tton for l(k of fireproof quirtrrn fur plnlii1 rt llllr Mill pro trt xour (Mlntitiffn until Ph!lnil phiH 9 w Art il1lrrv a mmplftn 20th Century Storage Warebouie Co. I IKM'IMIOI MTm (tpprtlt ct riillmlHphla hla f'iofir Prrsl on bio? Q) ,-, ,uni' TJlS lOJi Ceiitenieri Gloves 123 South-13tli St. Wing-Tip Oxfords, Morocco Dark Tan, Also a Straight Tip Dark Tan or Black Calf. 6 1204-06-08 Market St. jemm. , m n1 1 vltUtV 1 GOOD N vffyHv -" jy ?c 1 y i 3HOK STOKE Perry's Spring Suits $20 $25, $30, $35 irrv7 1 ij Perry's "SPOUTS" tOVTS okr Hark xxlth four unull turks at oke without waste ef fabilc, Cnmaif Military Minulilersi sklit cut off all around, raised xxrlt neam at xxalst line to simulate belt. Our Clothes are made for Philadelphians I Clothes that are made to suit men anywhere and every where have about as much individuality as a buffalo nickel they're cast in a com mon mold. They may suit men in Seat tle or in Singapore, but will they suit you? I We make Men's and Young Men's Clothes for Philadel phians and, if we do say so ourselves, Philadelphians are considered exceed ingly well - dressed gentlemen. C We have made a study of their tastes for some fifty odd years a study of the style of patterns they prefer, of the cut, the fit, the comfort, the character they favor for each season and social occasion. CJ And because we got our fabrics ahead of the rising prices we are selling Spring Suits at $20, $25, $30 and $35 today which are right now worth at least five dollars more in the open market. Berry & Co. "N. B. h A Ch i OtiropUetri1UinipFer v Hh MiarBhwhler, kwt kU. co. .'rjikfti ofiteVlt m Il I .llll "" it -a . f