' Mimuum i I'liiniiwmi.ii i i 'I 'nww 18 ? EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL ,18. 191S xwrowtr1'1 "' lwnlllil'H)i''""-ry"',""' ' '" ' n mm . -. Your Share in Wifinfng the War Buy and hold Bonds 'of the Third Liberty Loan Bonbright & Company MOHIUB WISTAR BTnOOD. Jr. Uintpr 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia New York Boston Chlci(t Dalrolt NEWS OF THE FINANCIAL WORLD NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA j STOCK PRICES LOCAL STOCK TRADING BECOMES BOOKLET bout oil, mining and in dustrial stocks traded in on the New York Curb. ! FREE ' Irrr lnMtor or trader should a thli lmrortint Informa tion. , Write or Phone for TM Booklet More than 400 stocks are In. eluded, allowing their dlTlJnd rite, sir value, high tail low range for the montb and year and other figures for Tett Docket reference. Then la no obligation of any kind attached to your request for thli little reference book let of Information concerning Curb atocka. Simply mall na the coupon below. JONES &BAKER . STOCK BROKERS WldcnerBltJg. Philadelphia 'HQNES fclMg Ntrt YOKK PITTSBUROII CHICAGO BOSTON Birtct Pnrau Mw NEW YORK STOCK MARKET ACTIVE WITH MANY ISSUES ADVANCING Assumption Is That Important Banking Pools t Are Responsible for Demand Strength Is Surprising New York, April IS. The stock market continued to show a surprising decree ot sticngth In thin morning' trading, with many Issues making advances of moic than 1 point, and there wad genernlly a mote cheerful feeling In regard tp both the speculative situation and the war outlook than has been noted for some time past. It was assumed that powerful banking buying hits been In the mar ket at the Intervals when stocki seeme dto be pressed for sale for short account. Hnd tills bujlng Is said to hae been followed by the formation of pools In many Issues, based on definite knowledge of curient earnings ntul pending deelopmcnts. United States Steel was traded In on a large scale, opening at 91'4 nndadvanclng to 92V4. and the demand lnct cased substantlallj us the up ward moement progressed. Other steel Industtlals made gains of mound 1 point, with Baldwin Locomotive again vattracting attention by advancing Is, to "". Tool activities 'wei effected in putting up American Can 1", to 44, and there was Inside buying again In Distillers, which also lose more than 1 point, crossing 48. There were Indications of Rockefeller bulng In Into national Paper, which ranged from 38 to 39. Other lsues geneially moved upwald all through the first hour, there being baldly any exception to the geneial display of strength. News from the battlefields in Piance wrs anxiously awaited, but confi dence prevailed that a change in the situation there is cIoe at baud. New York Stock Sales SCATTERED SELLING STRENGTHENS CORN Trading on Very Limited Scale Export Demand Ab sorbs Cash Offers ioszs a hakes. Wltener BiAlilnp. ruiaitlma Send me your free booklet T.U.-OV. Atlrtli ry. ... a lutf ! Mate. a Shippers, Attention! f.RXIN 11KI.T U LATH Lit I (RF.('.T (hlrnro. April IK IlllnoU, Mlooiirl and Wisconsin rnsetllesl tonlttlit and Friday. Minnesota Pnrtly cloudy tonight! I rl day fair nnd root, Iowa shower, turning to nnw flurries, nnd colder tsinlghti Frlduy tmrl l rlotidr nnd cold. North Dakota and 'nnlli Dnkntn den ertill fair tonight nnd IrlibiM rolder to night, with frerzinr temperature. Nebraska I lisrltletl nnil colder li nlaht'. with freezing temperature! trlday fair nnd cool. . . ... Ivnnsns l'neltcd nnd folder tnnlsht. temperature nnr freczlngi rrldiu fair. Montana unri Vtjrmlnte Fnlr nnd colder tonltht. ('lilrngn, Atirll 18 T n nrnmlnnt , nmirVtaoti houses weer buers of torn this morning and out the market was firmer Offering'" werei small and the Helling was scattered i Trade wa confined to local interests and i whs not large The lece.pta here today were 187 cars May openetl, unchanged, at tl 27 and later advanced ',c. July started at 1 47 to $T 46b, against Jl 40 at the end jeoterday, and later sold a; $1 47's Shorts were disposed to cover on, lire U... - ... . j . ,... D D ""'.-pet" lor tuu ion oa weisni cargo, . . , , ..,.. ,i,. t'rto Phi adelnhii m m., v,i, n,, i..ji.. ' .llwlnnn nf raider weather 111 the West I Shipments from Argentina lor ine v-k I were estimated at 520,000 bushels, i against 1.061.000 bushel a jear ago I Business In oats was quiet. Small purchases made tlto market a little min er. Receipts weie i.i earn, 4. 1IAFITON LIGHTERAGE CO. 800 fearl Street. New York Broad 4613. lURKCTOnV OF Crnl1NTT' Tertlfled ruhtlo Ircoiinlnntw . IjAWflKNt'K K. I1HOVVN tc CO ISIB RKAIi K3TATB TRUST HI.IHJ INVBSTIOATB b ADJUST PAnTNRRSHtr ronmnATinv & disputed ArrnuNTq KnnrATiovti. lloth nw JTRAYFR"? The Beet Puslneaa School H l IU I CIV J oi-07 Che.tnut Street Foaltlons guaran'd Enter now. Day or night. AlMURo'd Mines A'.ka Juneau AlllvchVmMfi:. ... Am Ileet Sugar. .,, AmCan AmCanpf Am Car A Kdy AmCar&Fdjrnf.., Am International...1, AmrottonOtl . ... Amice Amlcepf Amlllde A-Lenh . Am Hide A I, pf . . Aml.lnseel .. , Am Llneedpf . . Am Locomotive Am.Ma'tlnjr . Am Smelt &Ref Am Pme't & lief pf AmSumatftTob Am Steel Foundrlei Am Sugar ftef Amlelo. lei . .. Mil Woo en Am Woo'en pf mVriti tl'if Am Zinc I. a s Anaconda Ooper A ten 1'opA.SI Atlantic (lulf A W I Hadnln loco Paltimore A Ohio .. Halt A Ohio pf . , Ilelh'ohem steel HcthSCIaii II .. llethSs icpl . . . HrookHnrtT llutte A Superior ( al I'elroeum ( al Petrol pf Canadian I'ac If.c . Cent heath Co cent LealhC pf . . Ccrro do Pjvj V ERRATIC CONDITIONS SH" IN COTTON MARKET' "-' ' ' f hi It I A Par 'l' III Al'dpcpf ( llIAI'7pcpr . Ch!'o Copper rhino Copper Columbia Uai A K . Corn prod fief . . . , Cruclb'e Steel . I Cuba Cane Sucar .. I Cuba Cane Sujar pf . I Deere o pf Del Lark & Vict Den A Itin Grande pf I Dome Mines insurers Securities , Krle i:rlelstpf Krie'jilpf fidston ni A V . . enerai K'ectric (ieneral Motors Cioodru.hH FCo (.1 Northern pf i Cit Nor r for o p llllnoli Central Inspiration Copp"r I Inte. Mcr Mar Inler Mer Mar pf. ... I Inter Nickel I Inter Paper l KanCiH South Kenneiott Copper Lack Sleel leh'ch a"ev i t.ouls A Nath Maj Dept Stores l.mU does High 1-ow . Hi lt J us 11 to a m 11 2I' 7I Mi 72 41 2Hi I7li . 4.1 . 0(1 . 77'4 78 7i!i .110 . M ... ... , :mj ... ! . 21U 2I 2I'i . 47 47H I", . 12J, ... .;. . S(llj T7 7 . 3l, 33H 32U .73 . oij; oijj oi'i . !) .. . '7i 77.'i 7fl' .ins . fil .1111 102 101'J 102 .1001, 100JS 100'S 100! . r.24 111 2'a 2i'j 2)' 2.)' 13 ... ... . 0' OVi l f. . St'5 ,lll" 101 ' KN'j 101 . 7(1U 77'j 7t'i'a 77'i . .r)l"j 52 oVi "- . fil'f 'os'i n.v tvf fi24 (VJi .'2!j ; 77'f 137JJ n7'J 10.',',' 103 . ,W . . . .11) ... 17 ... t7" 137 05' on ) .102!,' :t-j fitf o . 118' i 18'. 103' i 137' i 00 New York Bond Sales I lllah SflftO Atiglo-Kr 5s n' BOODHkn It T 5 '18 OR anno Ilordcnux (is. . si inon Fr ltep B's.. 05 IB :ono Inter Met 4's 52 . lAHIinn l.lli IIoimI ,1Hs tis.nj J15CMMI ilo 4a...... Iin.'it -non Ho t ta, ., nn.lt lflOOMIdvnle Bs ... S4 "s 1000 Mo l'so 6s.... 9 1000 .N Y G 4s 195'J 5 .1000 U H Itub"Ss.. 78 3000 U S Steel S I-' Bs fiCTa 1000 UK pf U & M'i 1 OM flOH !lfi 7 OS IB 52 na.Sd tin.to 110.50 81 , 00 85 78 OC'J 00 'i iV- A'cit? York Curb iii.i ..ii'i it 10 n m. 10 a, 00 "" . OS IS &S IIK.SH 110.21 nn.2i 8I 99 85 Ofi'l sk Sales in Philadelphia ii lit. 7 l.eh Nav. 17 J'enti nil 44 '4 Id Pblla Kleo 2. HilMlTtc 2 Km Ton Uel. 3W 100 Ton Mln. 3i'i 135 U S Steel 01 3 W J & S. 304 IIOMIS man 3001.1b Bonds 3VaS.. 1)8.30 350 . do 4s . 00 I iioo Phlla Klec iVt 5s 03 14 1)3 It 30 Net ,nw A.M shee At 04 Yt II II J 1111 2 23 23 . . 3 3 .. 3r- 3, .. 01 ni V4 30 'A 30', 4 Vt j lljSfl Net Lowr A.M. che 08.30 08.30 . . 00 1)0 .22 03fc ".i. Aettifi rffa Chenilct . .v..... Comlen K (n,.,.. ,. Curtlea IWilBh Vallej Coal Salea.. VNgrrni Copper Hal Henul ...( UunlHn fti a v do n't h Sennt-H Copper st Joseph Lead Hiilunarlno United .Molora . t'n Verde IJxt ...'... Wrlsht-Jlarll do prof MONEY-LENDING RATES I'll lt.A II KI.IMI I A Call 0 pel i out T time. Ti'U'iffi per cent Commeielal paper, thiee to four months, Bfflfi per cent , six months, fi per cent i PINLA. INACTIVE STOCKS I Following are quotations for Inactive i stocks listed In the Philadelphia Stock Exchange and In whien mere were no transactions today. The price given is the Inst prevloui closes: 2S 3" SI VI 31 30 ai st 3 s 4'-' II 11 (.-. in "n? '5! 3i: ."is si' j' Am Ice 10 Am Oas ... 77 ' j Acme Tea Co ,B4 Acme r 1st pi 33 Opening Quite Firm, but With drawal of Liverpool Support Brings Decline COTTON lllll.T HKTlli:il ( ONDITKIN. New lork. pril 18. The following tern pernlures v.ero recorded In Mie cotton belt this mornlngi Fort Smith. IKi llklahoniu. 50i Na.h vllle. .Ill Ahilenr. I.lttlr Itork nnd Vlem phls, 30 ( hnttiinoficn nnd Knowllle. 3Kt Xirkfttiiirg. Vlerldlnn nnd Mnntgomer. OOi nn ntonlo. I'ensncoln nnd Milfoil, (,!i New Orlrnns, (lit Thonmsilllr, ( Imrlrs ton, Avnniiull nnd tt Mmtncloti. tOt xhreveporl. ngiistit. Tnmptt mid .laik sonvllle. A81 Corpus t lirlstl 11ml (inlies ton. 70. There wns .01 Inch of prei iphnllmi nl M1K011, .00 nt Tlinm.iaillle, III nt ( hit tunooga. .20 nt t llnilnatoti. .26 ni Nnsh vllle nnd PenhMioU nnd .11 nt tluntn. firm. New lork, April IS ;rratle conditions prevailed tbiough- he llrt hour The start was uulte showing an advance of from 1 to 36 points on stronger cables, buying bv Liverpool and complaints of too much rain In the eastern belt and steadiness among spot holders in the eastern belt Sentiment here was bearish, liouevei and later, when the support from l..ver- pooi was witnaravvn, a occtine iiegan 1 Meilcati Petrol some or ino selling was uue to reports Mex Petrol pf "" 1 Miami copper from lVashlngtnn that price-fixing be cotton goods and woolen goods ma expected shortly. There vva gooil Wall slTeet and New Orleans hu Ing, but It proved Insulllclent to absorb the offerings. M.dra'o Steel Mls-ourl Paciiie Nat Knam A St.i Nevada Con Cop Ne orkCent MURIO K AftTIME PIANO PLAYING ViMVJ TAnCIHT IN 20 LESSONS Booklet Stalled Frr CTIIIISTT.NSE.N SCHOOL ( Popular Slosle 1520 Chestnut St. Spruce 967 Miv onened at Sl'c. against 81c at th end esterda. and later sold at iSI'iiC Jul s!rted at "t'ic to 71c, 'against 74VaC nt the end jesterday, and llatei bold at 74TBc I The export demand continued to ab j sorb cash offerings, but .the domestic I Inquiry Is slow. Shipments from Ar gentina for She week wore estimated at 4.000,000 bushels, against 1,391,000 bush els last year The receipts of wheat at Minneapolis and Duluth today were 120 cars, against 276 cars last jeaj: at Winnipeg 170 cars, against 214 cars; at Chicago, 3 cars, compared -with 50 tars. Shipments from Argentina for the week were 2.250.000 , bushels, against 240,000 busnels last jear. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Iron Cap Copper Company, a dividend of 25o per eharc on common, payable May 1 to atock of record April 20 11 F. (loodrlch Company, regular iuar terly of $1 on common, pajable Auguat 13 to atock of record Auguat 2 Fprene Manufacturing Company, regular quarterly of 2tt per cent on common. pa abl May 1 to atock of record April -- Kelaey Whvel Company regular quarterly of 11,73 on preferred, pajable Ma 1 to atock of record April 20 Pacific Power and Light Comj.in (Port- lnd. Ore ). regular quarterly or ."V Per lent oil preferred payable May 1 to atock Commission Gives Largest Ad-,utc.r(frdrVton '""isieeinc company, .-mi- I annual or a a anare on nrpienm .11 . ; 'on common, payable .May I to holders of STBINO IlKSOKTS iTLANTIO CITV. N. 4. wesuiunaicr , ,t PrV.t. batha. rum. i.r. Ill on -Hi 12'ipdallT Chaa. Ruhr, FINISH INVESTIGATION OF RAILROAD WAGES Toward noon the mat ket was very ac- ' e orkOnt A W tiv and about 50 points under last , Norfok A West night's close. Receipts at the polls for the day aie estimated at 8000 bales, against 10.213 bales a week ago, 7302 bales a yeat ago and 14.381 bales two years ago. Ye8lerdn's t losrt May ... July Orlob-r December Spot . . . Ill Ml 2'1 4S L's S'i L'7 !-, 31 ."II (ipen .10 III i'P "11 ."S til' 2s m 1(1 311 II .10 n m 1 1 a in a tp .in ': .in lj in In 2'1 "J 20 7-' 2 02 L'H 17 2 17 27 II". 2S IT, Jl 1,1 27 31 vances to len Getting Least Pay I record April 20 Financial Briefs John A, McCarthy has been elected a director of the Finance Company of Pennsylvania for the full term of one year, succeeding the late Illchard Cook. Washington, April 18 Ilecominendatlons' for wage Increases for railroad employes have been com pleted by the railroad wage commls lon A report will be submitted to Director General McAdoo uii his re turn from his Liberty lan speaking tour In the West. Nothing was made known as to the amount of the Increases to be given, although It has been said that employes now receiving the smallest pay willbe frtven the largest' advances The com mission began lis work January 21. It Is understood the program calls for a sliding scale of Increases, and that all employes, regardless of union or non union adulations, will be treated alike. Extensive hearings were held, in addi tion to Investigations made by experts. The revision 1b the most extensive ever undertaken. affecting approximately J.000.000 persons. New York. April 18 The cost of. , n..l.l.oJ permanent railroad Improvements should Huntingdon Man Had Ueen mnisneci Liverpool Cotton Liverpool. Atirll 18 Snot cotton quiet tnday with prices firm on the basis of 23 07(1 for middling, old contract, an advance of 31 points The sales were 5000 bates. There were no receipts Futures were tjulet In the early dealings Old contract, spot prices, were Ameri can, middling fair. 24.28d': good mid dling, 23 59d : middling, 23 07d , low mid dling. 22 54d : good ordinary, 2155d: ordlnao, 21 02d Wheat Flour Output Increases Minneapolis, Minn.. April 18 'Ihe Minneapolis wheat flour output last week Increased 9580 barrels The mills made week ending April 13 162,555 bar rels against 372,775 In 1917 Today twenty mills are In operation The flour trade for the time being is In a rut The eastern otlices ot some of the larger Minneapolis mills report business as virtually at a standstill Ilujers want wheat flour, but there Is little to offer on account of the exceedingly light production. ( Northern I'aciPc . Ohio Cities Clas . . Ontario Mirilnz . .. Pacific Mai! I'ennsjltanla It II I'eopesOasChl . I'ere Marquette .. Phi arle phla Co P lis Coal . . Pitts A West Vapf Pressed Steel Car pf Public Service N J Itj steel Sprlnj . . .. illy Steel Spring pf rtS r, .. I'nniMr Heading ltep Iron AS Savase Arms Saion Motor St 1,-San Fran Seabojrd Air I, Seaboard Air I, pf Sears Iioo A Co Sine air Oil nef . , Southern Pacific ' Southern Itv .. Southern R pf i-SludebakcrCo 1 Stutz Motors I Term Cop A Cberu 'leiasCo ' Tobacco ProiuctJ . Union Pacific I Union Pacific pf 1 Unllc-d Clears . United Unit . USIndA'coio . . USSmRefAM . US Steel US steel pt 1 Utah Copper Va-Caro Chem 1 VV'uh..h nf I abash p III INACTIVE NEW IOKK STOCKS ?.iirtn,ine' or Quotations for Inactlva vw York stocks and In vvhlcn there ! Wabash were no transactions touaj The pries f.Is.n is the lasc urrviuua salt. 1 . lun . ltt fat Biscuit. 97' ' We Is Farm Km The .New York SubtreaBUry gained , A,ax rtubber. ; JNat uis ,if. .H014 Western Marjland .. 1393.000 from the banks vesterday mak-1 Am Ag Ch. . 11 ,'" f .4ij Western Union I' . . Ing a cash net gain since Friday of , Am Kxpress. . 7J v! c'I?, ,? I W estlnchouse K A M . WW. Urn I- Pf- r,, N-2tKn&aPnr1S2,VestEA.Mpf . Amer '"'; 091 Xat Lead . : kt ' Wheel A I. F.r.e r n jp. n , Icono SI r.nn.nnn Hnnds 1 Am " ;, - ) u. n. sv . . .D- v., , Am Hmeiv Alh1.11. . Y API II IS The I'ublic Service Commission, second district, lias miiiinrlzerl the Buffalo. Iloehester and 99 .... jt.1 FdV 03 ? " Tohacco 10 flfl'i Am To pf new 98 iNat x.cad ... 67 N" Y Air Mr ii V Y C & a t. i I Wheel A I. K pf ' Wl.iys-Overlanl Mi. IK l.V, , w; :i2j 30" i 02! j 2S 7!) 0:. ICO S'i . Ill,' 27! S in1; . :n 1 30 Hsu 12'1 . RRU 27' i . O.i , 17'f 2l'f . !) 27'i . ;tsi,- IS). 3I. . 7S o7!i 1 lll'i , 11.1M in J) . I.Vi . 20! t . r,ov, . 18' 1 . OR'i l'l 10.1' i . W!a . ;i7 II' I . 31 . !.'." . 4Ii lll'i . 21 . .'2 07 100 . ."i2 07'! , 21 71)', 70!i Co'.' C, ft'.' 71,' l.V, Ullj .. 27'. . 82!,' . LO'j fi7'j . :wi J." 17.' i 113 . ST J .118 70', . SS'i 1 120 .122',' .. 37 i .. OH,' ..110 .. 78! i 12 7!i .. 3')',' . 7.T .. 13' 39' i 01 8',' 17j 17', 07i 10 07', 111 07' 10 03' j 05' i l"'3 40'' :S3'i 37) i OPf. 2SH 7U',' III', 10', 3 Pi 3'j 305 37 b'i'i (hl' 28' i 2S'j 7!)', 7!)',' I llese.ve banks vve.e as follows J-fi,,"?, fi first cnlunin gives th rates for W tie Scnuyl BI Inds up to and Including the f- Ief,lllNr1,Rnts . . ,.,.,, 1.1, llm cnrnnil fnr a lie- ,u" Pa'a . S3', Reserve Ranks' Discount Rales Olllclnl discount rates at the twelve Federal (The nil tiprlnd l.on.rla, iiiulm 11 llin cprnrld fnr a lie rlod of sixteen lo.nlrtety davs The third and fourth columns give the intes for ledlscoimts of collatetal loans secured lis (lovetnment bond, or notes) Com 1 paper (Inv'l pper 10 to !n 1,1 i!aa davs 1 O war. Alliance In.. Airier Ilvvv... A rtwy pf .. Amer Strs . Am Strs pf Brill J O Brill J (5 pf.. Huff A S t c. Buff ec S pf. cam steel. 'a 19 30 7J 29 92 23 U 70 S3 48 127 Cataws 1st pf 52 cataw 2d pf. 64 Cien Asphalt. 15't (Jen Asplt pf 48, it ft n t ... 10 Hi & B T pf. 17 Keystone Tel. 8 l.tt urotners 25 '4 Leh Nav res 1st pd . ..., I.'l l.eh Val 58 , Leh'A'al Tr.. 20 lh ValTr pf 26', I. N 2d rt pf. 43 Ij X vvr w I. . 7 North Cent.. 73 U North Penna 80 Pa Salt .... 88 Phlla Co.... 22, Thlla Go pf.. 23 u Phlla ft West 8 Ph AW pf... 34 PUT 26 Phlla Tract.. 67 Penn Traf... 2i rtwy Co Gen. 4 II C. 1 war... 27 '4 U S Stl pf.v109',s Cn Trnc ... 39 Warwick Irn. 8'J West Coal . . 70 Wm Cramp.. 79 York Ttwy . 9V4 U Cos of X J.189H OMLiLf AiNJJ 1k3 UlNllNTJliKjHi!STIN Tonopah Issues Again Lead Tradintr. hut aII v t , a 1 i mi t k y. jn ot Active ana rneir r rices Are Un changedLiberty Bonds Quiet The local stock market did not show any response this forenoon to ifil nrtlflti. nml etronfrtli thnt nnneared at the nnenlnc mi ttu. x- 4. . .12.1 change, and the, total turnover ptevlous to midday in the Phlladelbhia ,-S actloni was again about as small ai the smallest o ftho recent dull ... Street, and thete did not seem m k. "i nut brokers called aii...fl TJte change was a surprise to the St specific leason forthcoming to account for It. ttwtijl to the small crowds In attendance In their hoard rooms and said thsttff Liberty Loan drive was again an Influence In retarding stock trading j8 Of the strictly home shares the Tonopah Issues made up th ebulknn,- ness, following their same course of the last few dHjs, but even those Is1 ciki not (10 mucn cnriy in ine uny, am, uuiii iunoian iieimont and TontmX'H Mlnlntr vvptp iinrhnnced npar mtddav. havinrr held stptwlv ii.ha..l '. LtH " " ' I """"Knootnj rnfonnnn ,jj 1. Il. - 1 a. I I a 4 -. fl m.lU,1.le.Ul. mi.-ai laenin hv;uiioii iubi ',4 i" iuiaucinim rjiet'inc was UnchastSi rvnntvlrnnln tlnllinnd rlprlinpd n fraction tn 44 nnri Wat !...... . . tx . ....- , - - -v uwety Rnj shore lot ? to 3ft. Steel common wai Inacthe, but, following Its sensntlonal advarce New vorK, 11 uas maruea -up a iuu poini 10 vm. 1 IViaMii 1 nnn linnrla t am nflt Hlnlf In nil ns Inrrra n bahi. . "'"tiij wj. .-.n- .." - nv-aic ag USUal fcfii 1 the 4s, which" were the most active, were off 22-100 of 1 per cent tfa tne enti 01 me iiroi num. iniHadelphia Electric first 5s changed hands at 93 off a trifle .snrvnnnnmnnt U n B ITIflllo tfiflnV thf tYlP Jfil 051 fififi nnhll.t ..-. . niiiiuuiiv,v.u.v..l .lu ...vw . ...7 v.,..v.wvv vnjjimi 8CIDCK Af Hi fnited Gas Improvement Company had been admitted to the regular lg of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. This removes it from the unlfst? aeparuiieiii. , l.i Ttviatmt Vw VorK Phllarl'lpliln .. Clcvelrtri'! . . , Kit hmonil . . . . AtUntn Chicago . st Louli Mlnncapnlln Kansas Cllv . Tnltflft Han franc, sen in io on ,iii ilajn Hi 3't! l' :i' l'l 3 (H T3 Vi 15? l't 314 (8'J ll'J 40' i 48' 14' !WESLEYANHAS500 SERVING COUNTRY I Philadelphia Markets PROVISIONS "Ihe market ruled Arm, with a fair lobbing rlemnnd Thp quotations follow. City hef, in t omokM and air dried, :4c, entrrn b"ef In ats amokfil. lUr, cltj nif. knurklea and tenders rrnoked and air dried 35c, western beef, knuektes and tndTs, smnkrd. 3'c beef hams $. oork. famllv. NA20.3; hams. S. P cured, looe Lli ft ,11c: hams, skinned o,ise. 'JOtiTano harnn. skinned, smoked 30.11c, other hann. smoked, city rured ai to brand and aer hro :f'.c; hnm smoked, western rured RfUfS'Jp, hams boiled boneless 41c, plcnlr shouldprs H P cured loos-, il'4c. plenlc shoulders, smoked L'.V4c, bellies. In piekle, areordinc tn aerase Ioosp, 3Jc, breakfast hncon as tn brand and aterace, elty cured iiif break fast bacon western curra n lard western refined, 27'i fr'.'Se tlt kettle rendered 7t2S8r CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY 1C0H0N GOODS PRICBl ATTEND BIG MEETING STILL ARE GOINGII Council of Nation's Experts to Open War Convention Today UKI'INKU SUGARS 110'j 118 1714 y.i", .".'I l.i'i 7SJ, ii'j'i' University Men With Colors ;;; j Include Teachers, Under-" -''( ' graduates and Alumni nurkvt rnlrd for rxtra nn 17'. 'Jl'. Oil', "s ,'S.S l.-.'j 17'- i;i irii .;'i 15! 7 lS', OJ',' t'3'j n.!!3 2S'i Wi l!S'i 1.V, .V, 1.V,' Mi -'()' HO1,' ol 50 i fiO'a .'I7)a 'I7'i :i7'j KI'j 14 art -M',' so feU'i :ii', H f-' 7!lh Ml Mlildlrlonn, Colin., Apill 1 1 Wes lov.in now 1ms mnri than Sfld men In the service. Including fifteen of the teaching staff. J10 undergrad uates who have left college to answer the call of their counti.v and mote than .100 alumni Since the last 1M was published n number of additional enlistments have been tepoited as well as some pionio llons Dan C Kenan, the Wesleyan football coach. Is now a flist lieutenant In the field artillery and I- In France 12. Payson Tlayvvard, a former Middle town man and a vv ell-Known basketball pliyci, has been commlssioded a first lieutenant Ills parents live In Hartford now. The list ot additional names, Including the three faculty members, follows- .Vocl V Hen-lngei, "11, instructor in rieiman and history, navy department; !l''a now lotated nt the shlpjards at Quincy, ii tMass ' Leslie I. Terry, assistant In chemls- tiy, private In the chemical ervice i-ec. Hon. National Army, nddiees, S021 .Ma comb street, Cleveland Park, Washing ton, n C Kawreni-e I, .-stetle, Insttuctor In chemlstr , was first commissioned first lieutenant, ordnance: has-iPLently been piomoted to captain in the National Army: Is now stationed at Washington, a O. 1iiiimih1 was fHlr an'l thi FifHil on a basla ot 7 I.V Utanulnttfl DAIRY I'RODUCTS ( llt.i;si: Chnke slwk was pretty well (leaned up at full Usurer Quotations New York, uhiile milk, fanrv , Utffi -IVt. sixtlals hleher fair to soml SSP-'-V POULTRY J OJ .VJ'i t SO.'i llltf 10',' lO'l 1T7,' S'.'Sj M'i 1'0', 21 STEM, PLANT MORE ACTIVE Gcfman Propaganda Blamed Troubles in Past 39? j 3S' :',') 173 i Ufa nl'j 1IS',' 'sj VJVi KS no 17 17 mi; hi !', 04'J Vs'j 121 3S lll'i 110 IIS S'J iii 3S ItJJi 110 13'i t)o)j I3'J 0d Am TODacuw IV. Itt 17M RUtnorirea me uimi, i,TOre,.i Am ,.-- Pittsburgh Itallvvay Company to Issue Am T & Cap I1.SOO.000 4V4 per cent Wty-ear con solidated mortgage bonds. Tne com pany has also received ,au:horlty from the commission to pledge all or any pavt of the bonds as collateral security for short term loans under certain prohi bitions. The proceeds nf the loans are to he used to pay for cost of additions and betterments. BAKER KILLS HIMSELF not fall on shippers, according to the New 'Yojrk Hoard of Trade and Transportation, which went on if cord In opposition to the Government'a sug gested advance In freight rates. The board favored higher carrtnj; charge:. If they are foundnecessary to meet In creased cost of Inalntenance, operation, replacement or a reasonable return upon Investment, but declared a proposed ad ranee to provide funds for 100.000 cars, imany locornptlvea and other equipment needed for freighting of war supplies "a War ta. ot a moat odious character " 'Ther never was any public approval of policy which warranted oe would permit rate high enough to create funds tar the extension of Ilnee or the en largement of rolling stock." said a re "' port adopted by tne board's committee on railroad transportation. These) undertakings should be financed by Investor, and, riot by uhlppers, was tbt. attitude taken." "" ' Honor Flair for EnaU AtUatawa. Vm.. April !. J5mau. the thriving Miravlart borough jf Jhlgh n " aust)' ih lew than twelve touVa won? a ijPfWflt JpvTa HOwr ,!, i"S"; Kutv' for Food Law Violation Huntingdon. r April 18. Worried over the enforced closlpg of his bakery, Itobert C, Kramer, forty years old, swallowed poison and locked his store door. Ills dead body was found two hours later. Ten days ago Hood Admin istrator Hamilton accused Kromer of not putting necessary substitutes In his bread and he agreed not to bake for thirty days. Word came yesterday that he woujd be permitted to start up his bakery to day, but Kromer was not aware of this when he died. Repair Storm Damages MltUllle, N. .. April 18The wash; outs on the Maurice Itiver. Sa Isle and i..i.i hranchea of the West- Jersey and Seashore Railroad, which were swept I away by the heavy atom, and tides of I last week, are reported repaired and I train are running on schedule time. RMIey Perk Schools" Drop German Cheater. V.. April U.-VTpe nidley VarVx School Board has -vote-a to a is- -. e. T. TIT . so JoSViPj" As DC 1st Pt Asso Oil ; p Atchison )ret JJlj All Coast ", SKf-rSIl&nv'as Bkly Un oas.ios Brown Shoe., es ""r... $,'&," HZ Norf & soutri Sig I NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET rsorf & W nf i .-... i.i, ...n to i .... ,. llrllilrlirm. Ph.. Apill 18. Accoidlng to Information ftoni the llethlehcin Steel Works, the labor situation at the plant Is considerably Impiovcd. with all de partments working virtually full handed. There are, however, some men out In No 4 machine shop They are virtually nil from Allentnwn. These men are hold ing meetings dally In that cltv. (iciman propaganda Is blamed vfor the trouble Theio was no diUit bance of nny kind here today Government's Local N Market Reports ;"" ?r. 45 Au, ? Btee 6t Ohio Pue Sn am Ohio Gas'rc,, e.14 Owens Bottle. 70 Pan Ti r. m .,.. pprn;Axr?PepJ3H e- nrk. April 18, In the nnenlnc I market for coffee futures today Septem ber was the only month In which there ' was trading, but the undertone was stead nnd unchanged to an advance of ' 1 point. ToJaV'a opfninif fierce Arrow 37i fin npr ' rills fLVt 52 i. o.jrr-" w "trpi far fh-nillfr Slot 8I, nfad jSt'pf.: ' ...! r!a. XK atnw. ,... v! I oilu "-' cont -" Con AuguM pteniber October November trcemb-r January . February Marrh ... April . .. liny Juna . July . .. H..HJS.15 R.SIOS 00 8,H.ie8 ns Veaterday'a cloae K 1IIS 41 S ISCCH.tt S.4BOR 47 K.4UiM M K.MftH T.t s..-,hOn 17 S lllsjs 03 K.IWlfH UK KaofiK ni s.aiin-K.ai n xtnn an 8 HUH 3U Ti(s rfnfly rrporf la sent out by the Huicnn of Murkcts ot Ihe United Hlalrx Otpiirtment of Apriculliiic, Philadelphia branch, to(ft headquarters at 300-3 IS In. turance Exchange HulUUng (Wholeala prlcra on targe tots to, Jobb-ra.) fhuits APPI.KS Per bhl (III to 4.1 nuarlrr petka). New VorK. llalilwln, A urarle. i', -In . $.130, fancy. A grail., :!'-!. IT, H sratle. '-"a -In.. 1.1 .in junarailed, ii I.S3; VIrslnU. Uano tttt 7.1 PINRAI'PI.KS Porto nii-o, vr crate CJ4 to 4K pineappleal. I3..-.08T.1 STnAVVIlKItniKH North (arrtna per ouart (3- quart rrate), Klondikea and lllaalonarlea, 270VSc vi;aKT,nt.t;s AMI'All SUL'K .CiillfurnU ner box- II In ea), 5reen t'oioesal ana jumoo I.IVC SunnlleM tm nnli moderate hut etnbets j ther vvaa little tradlnir and tirkes favored nujeri. ivuniaiiona vnuaena. aoii-meaieu rooslera, .lj$(alc. ataairv vouna roonterav 'J1ff:tlli oil roosters, '.M5?"llo durka Pekln, a.'Hi.'lli do Indlnn Itunner. J8i3iic aiew. ss fr .1, h eulntaa per pair tl :.nfi1.ilS, pluenns old per pair 1.1i1iic do oung. pel pair .Tlfi.V.r FRESH FRUITS The market ruled steady on choice stock of Miot descriptions Trade, houeer whs qulft Quotations An pies per bbl Win sap. $l(.i. Northern Spy 1 1 ft (I. Albemarle Pippin Sltftl, Ilnldwln. Wtf. Home Beu tv HWriAfi. niihurt XiGIT flnnn tH6i)4 7Ti Hen la!s it I 7 apples, western per hox Ulnesap 2ff3 .'( Spttrenburtr. II. flu HW Koine Beauty I'JfflL 7,"p I'earmaln i7."iti-'N Newtown fipptp. ii."ioaini. flano II "."tftvj ("u. applfs, nearh. per hamper ftMcfi II .V) do do, per i -bush bskt . SSefi II Tt Lemon n per box 4M ," 3H lteinanris, per bunrb SUfr3.Au ((ranges Florida, per box. 14 77tftH J.i do. f'Hlirorntri per lm Si .V11& 7 50 Tanjjer Ines Florida. ter strnn It177. flrupefruU, KKirhln rifr Irfi S'J r,iilit T, Plnunnlen. Porto Illeo per rrate S3ff.1 Cocoanuts. per naff JlTi Strn wherries Alabama, per nt 276c. do North Carolina per ut . VEGETABLES The market waa generally stead under moderate offerlnsa and a fair demand Quo tation. White potatoea .lerse, per . bushel baaket (.1.1 'b I No 1 WfjIIOc, No , i'ili31r white potatora per 1011 lbs Pennavlvanta 1 3.1ffi I in. New York. tl 3.11U Ml, western tl .1W1 , Mlchlxan. tl 3i(ri 10. Delaunre Hnd .Maryland, tl In SSI 30 white potatoes Florida per bbl No 1. t" .1007 No 3 tl nnennll. white potatoes Florida per bushel-hamper or box, 3U3 .111. white potatoes Florida per 1,10-lb bai; No. 1. t'l No 3 t-1 aweet potatoes, lerbevv per 't. -bushel basket (33 lbs ) No. 1 t. 1.101 Ml. No 3 ,1U$t7.1c swell potatoes teraev, per hamper No I tl, 101. 00, No 3 7,1ei tl.3.1. celerv Florida per crate l lettuee South 1'arollna, per hamper. t3 7.104 3.1 lettuce. California, per irate, tlGM tin. cauliflower. California per rrate, tl03..1O, brussela spiouta X.one Island per ouart. irifr3'c csftplant, Florida, per boa t3,10(fl. essplant. Cuban, per boa tl03r,u, cucumbers Florida, per basket tl .103.31. aquash Florida, per crate, 11.30 101 7.1. splnarh, Norfolk .per hbl . t303.3,1. kale Norfolk tier bbl tl dpi. 7.1: bana, Florida per hamper, tl .1003, beets, Flor ida per rrate tl 3103 beeta Florida, per ion bunthea t.'!?lt. peas South Carolina, pel hamper. t3 inlt 3.311. peas Mississippi, per hamtier t-' .1003: peaa California per druni t70S peppers Florida per erat t303 2.1: peppers Cuban, per box tl .vmi 3 .10: tomatoes Florida per crate t2 V.1H 3 33, tomatoes Cuban, per crHte. t203, turnips lanaoa rutanaaaa tier ino iha. .'.Oclftl. radlsheav Norfolk, per bushel-baa ket. lll.,.i aanaraaus so bunches, jjvi.i. asnaraaua, Callrornia, per dozen bunches t3fo7: lahbaae, Tlahlah seed per ton, tlS032, tabbaae, Florida, new, per basket tl 2.101 71r cabbase. Florida, new, per bbl -crate, t303l onlona, per 100-lb, bair l 7.K2 31. onlona Texas new. p-r crate No 1. 12.30, 'n. 2. t2: watercress, per 1110 bunches, tl.3003.,10. mushrooms, per lb., 233(lc for Cincinnati, (., April 18. The National Korclgn Trades Council, lard, pure ; opening here today, will take up matters of great lmpottance ftom tne standpoint of war service. Nine of the ten lead ing manufacturers of the country repre senting Industiles vital lo the conduct of the war will submff reports detailing the status of these Industries In rela tion to foreign trade The lines on which leports will he marte Include tex tile", lumber, chemicals, automobiles, finance, metals, oils, agriculture and, coal The afternoon session will be de voted to reports on trade conditions after the war and on "exports control." Many Government experts on foreign trade will attend. James A. Farrcll, chairman of the council and president of the United .Slates Steel Corporation, headed a dele gation of more than n hundred ot the nation's leading manufacturers nnd ex porters who arrived from the ICast yes terday. Delegations ftom all sectjons of the country, some from as far distant as San Francisco, will nttend. It is ex pected that 1300 delegates will be here today Among the prominent men who have arrived are E. A. S. Clark, president of the Lackawanna Steel Company, New York city: Julius II, Barnes, president of the Barnes-Ames Company, Duluth, Minn . Howard 13. Cole, director of the Standard Oil Company, New York; Fred I. Kent, vice president of the Bankers' Trut Company, New York city ; H. C Lewis, treasurer and general manager of the National Taper and Tjpe Company, New York city j Charles A Schleren, president of the Charles A Schleren Company, New York city , 13 P Thomas president of the United States Steel Products Company, New York city, Dan iel Warren, vice president of the Ameri can Trading Company, New York city Quotations Advance Desniti Decline in Raw Material! and Price-Fixing Xcts Hrilforil, .Mats. April l H There seems to be no limit u tJ soaring ofjcotton goods prices. Imj, face of a decline in the raw mni.i market and a conference at Wathlorun 1 un mo iiue-uiuu ot tirice-nxtng bujmo! goods offer new business to mill, u sensational advances over prevloui (ji;'l tracts Print -cloth construction, h,,? risen In the last week by from onwirtf n uiir-imu u-ciu it yaru, ana many toaj structlons of line combed goods treif two cents a yard sjf ..ujEir oc,r,, lu CITLI H lamiM Q goods The Gov eminent Is now lMr close to 40, per lent of the output oft), cotton mills, ami it Is predicted In naJ places that by the middle of the jar the Government nnd other vvariienrisi will havo contracted for SO percealif, the production Cutting off half to supply of goods for the civilian tut'', this prospect they seem to act on (it theory that under thc!,e conditions prim are n negligible consideration Incontruf with getting the goods. Some goods are up close to ,M ps cent above the prices paid the first af this year. Many goods have adTitiS B0 per cent Print cloths are nowbrtaj juk sioiu i io 4i iu a pounu, ana nuf 'constructions nf fine combed goodiut held for Jl.i.i to tl 85 p2r pound Hw retail stores In the United Statu a.alkal, tU730. extra selected vw dozen (thick (Israel 1.1 2.1: pxtru (amy (medium), A 2.1. fancy (thin). J 73 iholcee (very thin), t.1 2.1 New Jersey ureen. per bunch ftvncy, StlRiUIr primes 3003.1c culls 3002.1c. IIKANS Florida, pr bush. (12 to 13 quar ter pecks) green, tl 7302 30, poor, 73c, was 12 .1(102 7.1 caiihaiik New rorK per ion. nsnisn RAILROAD EARNINGS SKAIIUAKI) AIM 1,1 NK IRIS t2.7H4.2nl tu. 'MI" "ninnr na .'i. ,iif "(ana AIlllnrssK February gross W-S"1 " i? Slua'aker pf b " ' . ' "Sr.rh..,n"'. r.'S&'Iii uc Steel P," Jexas Co rcta 18U BOSTON ANU JIAINH February gross . 13.937,31)1 31K,2K 18 "M raertnan '..SHsle the Pla of CaUsauQU, d WJfJK rk7hlnB of qeVnun la the HAinfcurgrt-Hi, lueU wVa JJT.000. The S""n.u,f .M.ools. A? the suggesUon of fnial f th rf work, wa ?v,00O, I ifha prlnelpata. M the, board substituted . H. r TJ Jv.r TKrenoh lrrenta of pupHa objected to , Kwaver ScJMotb CHmm Gtm r. .. Aurrt 1 ttsld t a .be tn ?'t '!.. - T .A.tlaMaail.1 fcllllal tifal SB M A 1 Dp tftifect that Corn S.1' n-l Jtr Hud 10 Thlrrt A Eleo Str Bat. BJH Transue-Wms io Flit 8pf... "U Teh Products 5J 55 S-'-'ssu Ic,?...fC;- !IU uen wm-. rj,T fT'J- V"J. " ' iso 01 ... -- Greenj Can V J? Gulf Sts Stl SV4 Hartman Cp Hav Eleo . .101 Homestake M 7J tnf Am .... u Underw Type 100H Mn,d?rw T nfl04 I, B- p new j" Unlteo Drug . 774 Un.Drg lar nf 411? ... :.l nf. 411 t'nlt Pan Rrrt til Int arv N JlIOlJ HnA'l2 Lteel 38 Two months' cross S,0i7.V CANADIAN PACIFIC Second week April . t3.35,(nin Vrom January 1.. .. 38,173,000 Uecreaae lill1171 472.1011 lin.'.nmi 1.913,000 LONDON STOCK MARKET InterCons r T Int Con Cp Pf i.W.P II' H " v. t H nf 11 tl fl IM Al t-e nT, KSm tS.'" 9ii4 R iiubbir si " Kelly Spring 4SH U MXInP h oca i.Dr 1, Atchison Canadian raelflc Chra 4:,Ohlo St raul F.rla . . Krla 1st pref . Illinois Central i Louis Nun central j-aeino . Pennrylanla . . . Headlns Southern I'ae'dc llnlon Paclftc U B Steel trillion 12J0 . !88 . . .10 IF . . 1 0H 117 ft' 84 87 , 13 , n r eauii, H2i ISIfJ 30'i 47 20t 6.1 4 HIS P8'4 SO St 1'?. is LorlllarO .. .Ill Manhat Zlco May Max More Bond Against Dank Notes tr..l,ln,lAn Anrll 1 sf Controller nf the cunency reported today" that during MeTe raciiwi rw N Vv April 18 -The Rev. I Wont. r""' a w,, !tli has Men fottagsf. a hed th) dost, that -war i) V Ir C & C T liep pfl0U Vi'frVri n n' 14 Motur' . 21 V4 !!:!" V.Jl. 1 un M .at nfjfiX viril -""'' it.. I, hi. iHert -..inntli. ended March 31 there Sux Til ii f 20t wMd SS'if 4 iVe deposited as eecurity' for national MteH Ctm ;..!'' WiU wtSf !nK UQteN I'nlted Siatee bqids to the lu.., Ttnimm hi i..v C7WWSr T 1 .., n'fies,T,t, kiifliiirlni. Il,& WllacnCoejr M . Period Jt)ver m$ "JiMrawn WlllVa oi vf !'. IWiiMed Rate boirdOPWi.n 14,:88.- WiCntv( ' lift, IM "oHfrt Htat fw ", oeposlt "tTIl T Hw iiliT" IfWt" ' " it -n jurpur, u'uicitira tweri removed from I M'rA?T4'Ju. .. Y .,teaatia h, , V Mtt'l' Wo I'm tf seed tlH03O. Florida. t"r t bbl. (10 to .10 lhs ) pointed type II 2301 73 per crate (Un tn ton lbs ) t 2,1 CAULIFLOWBU California per crate (l I dozen heads), 1303 SO. poor, it0125 Cl'CU'MHKnS Florida, per hamper (1 to 7 dozen), fancy i(fl 4ii choice, tl .10 0 1 7.1 . . . FHUPLANT norma, per crsie. rancy I IIO I .111: choirs t3 51103 Imreaae KAI.K Nil folk per bbl (30 to 22 quar- I ih-,,1.,1 ler peeks!, cicnai .-i i 31H.JSM . f PT-PirPK CBllfnri.Is nee crate tl tn S dozen), tl 2.1. South Carolina per hamper (2i loSVi dozen! 13 2.1012,1 JIUSlinoOMS Nearby per lb. (2 to 4 lb. basket). an&ISc ONIONS New York per 100-lh sacks, vallont I20r2.2.1. lexas pef cralt (1 bush ), bollera 1203 23 No 3. tl 73 PKAS Mississippi per bush baakft (1 1 to JS nuarter pecks). 1303 28 .. , niRni.!ftra Florida, ner cfat-. 0i POTATQbHFIorlda. per double- . I bb!. 140 ouarler pecks). No I It 3.10(1 1) N'n tt .loon ijo-ih ssi-ks vo t io i No 2. t4 3S' bulk, pei 100 lbs Peopsyl I vanla 11500100 Nw York Llnjtd per 100 lbs , it 40 RAniSHESr-Norfolk per iiuah basket, VI ".101 7.1 RHURAItn PennavlTanla. ai)d New Jer sey per bunr.h 20814 c SPINACH-Norfoik per bbl. (20 lo 22 quarter pecks). 202.2.1 BWKKT POTATOES Nearby, per 'I -hush harket IS to 8 quarter pecks). It 1501 10. CUTOMATOBH Florida, per (l-basket reals, fapcV " tinil to 144 tomatoesi t2 7aeS23. eholc (ISO tomaloea), 88 5002 73, WATEIlCItESS Nearby. pr bunch, 3 0c3cQANirT3 rr bag (80 lo 100 nuta). 17 AUCTION BALF.S TBSTKnPAT ArPf.ES Northwealern. .P",.I"1', Wipe. pis l!iW. Oano f J 0192 001 Ban Psv.. J.l2-tt",,jl. ..... ,. .SBtfr tiuWi m in W W V . is 7B0R . 4 al lornl mr ? IC l.w m hci 80US0 )70 to SWi' Jn ho. Mt!EMo''' f'edfornl. per 'Vei noa fa fiRAPRtaVu-e "'.) lr V til to BATUM, BLAC KSEA PORT, IS CAPTURED BY TURKS Constantinople Says Deputations of Population Came to Meet and Welcome Troops London, April 18 An official state menment from Constantinople announces "the capture by the Turks of the city of Batum, the Black Sea port of Trans caucasia. "Batum has fallen Into our lmnri" ! sas the olllclal statement "The enemy defended the outer foils step by step On the evening of April 13 attacks against the southern forts of the fortress asparaaus southern, per dozen i commei)Lefl ana proceeded with the Kreaiesr. stuoDornness, Some of the forts surrendered without fighting, but the others arreted great tesistance. "Deputations ftom the civilian popu lation of the town came out to meet our tioops and welcomed them. Tim town and the harbor establishment were occupied without tesistance being' met. In the town everything 8 quiet. The enemy losses were heavy. "Last of Lae Van our troops occu pied the town of Sell.'' Batum Is n the Transcaucaslan tetrltory ceded under the terms of the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty This le gion has been evacuated by the Rus sians, but Its occupation by the Turks Is being resisted by the Armenians and Georgians, Dr. Richard on Kuehlmann. the Ger man Foreign Minister, has telegraphed to H. Tchtcherln, the Bolshevik Foreign Minister, lo (he effect that the Russian Black Sea (eet has separated Into sec tions of unknown nationality and. In violation of the peace" treaty providing for the disarmament of Russian war ships, is attacking allies of Germany Docto- von Kuehlmann gives notice that all Black Sea warships continuing to act In violation of the Brest-Lltovsk treaty will after April 20 be treated as hostile ships. ase. southern, ItO.SIfHO 0.1 per ease', fsnev ' ttnt , -mvrsrrsTs , T ntoiimitTO .elected carefully cBndlert eras wera lobbing i ZUUU AfllliUllvAW P ItllUliMj tl lwisir M"r '114s DAIRY PRODUCTS (YESTURDAY) lU'TrKR Recelpta of aolld-oacked -r-am rv continued lUht and Ihla market fil-d steady. In spite of lowr r-ports from N-w York Ibiyers were not disposed o operate sxcept for actual needs but demand waa sufficient lo Weep supplies well -leaned up, Prlnta wprs In amall supply and aleadv inder r fair itemand Quoiattons: Western, fresh, solid-packed T-amery xtra, 11c; hlaher-scortna" aoods 1ils47c xtra Brata l4044'-sc: Orala. ISJr It 14!1 sec nds, 1ilsi2c: sweet cresmary. extra, tie, inder aradea. 41ifl)4.V:: nearhv prints, fanrv, nc; do, average extra, 4004Rr: Orsta. 444J 1.1c: seconds, (I04.lv snecla brands lobblnr tt f.O32c. Recelpta. as complied bv the (lureail of Markets lOOt tuba of butter and,424R cases n( ega. r.OllS The market riled steady with a good demand ltecelpa wera not so large and supplies 'si-re rlns-iy cleaned up Sales 1 Tn I nan" ni ii-ittuy "urr-ni r-c-ipis at ' ,il.?,a Win S'I per -ase un IM selling cotton goods cheaper thaatM could buy them for replacement TSi.l consumers of the country will nottoJ for few months what is now asm place In primary cotton goods marttti and when they do they may toniMa, present retail prices very cheap tjf DIRECT FEDERAL FIltE j AT KANSAS MILLING CGV 4 Food Administration Charges & legal Efforts at Price lj Inflation 4 tVnslilnejton. Aftrll 18. The llceiise aT the I8mert-Illncke Milling Compat35. Kansas City, one of the largest mpl concerns in the Missouri Valley, Ml be revoked, according to recomnKtJi; tlons made to the food adminlstn: . by Commlssitncr Murdock, of thaTi eral trade commission The caoPMl Is charged with Inflating wheat ea the nubile. 10- Mr. Murdock recommended' also tW the license nf the Frailer TacklPt Co pany. of Elvvood, Jnd , be w'.thheul iW company failed to deliver tomato calaj sold on contract, but O. B. Frailer, pf Afint an,) nulnrltv stockholder. W over tho plant, manufactured cats inrl ,nM If nn Ihn BtlOt market tl ' hlgjier price. It was charged M?nJX "omniission. I ha Street lh l.ll.. u,aa Iha ..n.r.l I..JI..'k..l. i.. .H..v, -. . ... ..-., -,,,,,,. ,,nn,p Quotations: Nearby frsts. Ill in per case- do rurr-nt receipts tio.so p-r cass western extra Hrats, 111. in p-r case do, firsts, llo.sn per -t-lllj J 4- Rt, aI ,7 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Clilraso. April I MOOS Katlrnated re relpts today 3J,nno bead, left over 0(194 head: tomorrow an. 00(1 head Market alow and mostly 1.1c lower than yesterday's aver age Ton 117 83 bulk. t!7 43017 73; light. If 7 30. 17. S.I. mixed. 117 2.1417 S3, heavy tin 40017.7(1. rough, iUMOftlA 7.1: yorkefa. maiOWSO Plga II 234 17 23, good to choice heavy 117 S0lr17 70 ' CATTI.B Katlrnated reselpta today 10 IKI0 b,ad: tomorrow, hooo head Prospect ateady to atrona; riejvean UltMllOQ. row, and helf.rs, I7I10OHJ0 atockera and feeders IS73V12 7.1. reive, JBU50. poor to mMllum' 112 204113 40. N ' r " SHF.er katlrnated recelpta today 10 000 head! tomorrow OOiio head Prnsoects atrnnr at yesterday's close Native 118.2.1417,33. western. I144M7 81 yearllnas. tt.i 73HIB. inmus, iii.eiir.i ..i wraierti jitv MEN INVAI.IDED HOME Transport Also Brings German Prisoners Taken From (Jap- tured U-Boat 21 75. i irsna rlly. Anrll Is CATTLB He celpta 5000 bead. Market strong. 10c higher 1IOCJR Itecelpta 8000 head. Market ateady JSHF.BP Itecelpta. 1000 head Market tron,- t Kauth-Omaha. April IS HOas necelnts te.oon head Market 1820e lowar. Tlangv. fin 7Ant7 30 CATTLB Recelpta. 10.000 head. Market tu lower. . i "HBBP rtaeeinla l?,0ot) head Market ateady. .fara, 7b " Tj.. . .1 A ! A . al d ,, Call ( Crt,l4lftlw ft( SatS fcmlw . tUr4f n. fllty-tUi,. years old'fofnie'rlv' MlKrlabyrg. AprU U, -Stt, Banking Comlnlsalcricr-. Lefenn Indav laauw. call fw the condition or all f-sisy- v is; Mil An Atlantic Port, April 18 Wth her rails crowded by men In uniform, chiefly the khaki of Uncle Sam, a big American transport has arrived here It was said that among the voyagers were about 2000 anldlers nnrl knllnra uiwl a nnnih.. ot" Germans captured from submarines! oy aniencan ncstroyera in British waters. The transport docked in the early evening. Local officers of the army and navy transport service Reclined to give any information as to whether nr tint prisoners from U-boats were aboard or as to tne number or aiiorsj and soldiers, most of whom, it was said, were re cuperating from illness or from wounds received in battle What disposition was m?de of the In valided Ashling men supposed to be on the ship could not be learned Suicide In Graveyard Mil.. 8t fcaijl's, iruet compan!,) ft v bum loalrivitfoor. of jne clone ci-V.- promlpent buslneai rnan. tti this toin, L-uniiiiivieq j,y(t;iue uanav Ills par.'nlK wnaii ii jp-neiu two bullets CLOSE FOUR COLLIERIES! High Water and Strike Slow Doj Shamokin Plants miaimikln. Pa.. Anrll 18.-Four fj argest collieries In 'h- SnamoklBJ trlct were made Idle jesterday tWMjgi high water and one by strike iw ...... nl!,r.. m,1i-o and I'antnyl"" operations of the Susriuehanna WJgl Company are In Idleness thrombi a ...im m,, n. inner level ttoraiwrvi 'he result of the rapid thaw folHtt fqur-foot snowfall last weea, ; n.u- T ,.l KMHler cnlllerVV Of U14 I company. Is Idle as a result ol ' il ..n. v, a,.,, than half of uie.i" have the'reoulred union credantlala.g he result that fellow ntmu -vj to enter the mines with them, l" officials ejepect io sei' -jj uitl.ln a abort time, having apprised men today that they were s lolathif agreement. HONOR DEAD PASTOPSi Lehirrh Presbytery Extols M(g of Two Former fliemDersi v lU.le.on. I'-. April l-f; services .or me " , ; ii man of Pottsvllle. and the Rev J Quick, of Bangor were co at the thirty-eighth annual mi the Lehigh rrcsoytery at IntJl Proahvterlan Church here na rwy B. Jack, of Haxleton. and thi p i H tyilllamson. of r"""""' 8l,iK.cr"'.. ,..., x- fie.ner of! ,ii ,vc ,,"..-. -- -ucj ton. wag elected moderator to "s ihe Rev C P Miller ot Tn . ..1. r: . . ,,,.iap r.1 na.ur v lected clerk to fil the """y or ino liev. nownru - '" , itarth'J who has gone to a charge at J" J boy. N J. De Forrest" waae aij Brown were licensed as prew' , Refined Sugar Unehans4 New York. April 18 """.V,? nvA ..nni.anvaa with all local f auotlne on the basis of TJM V cn.,tQ,.,T Thn Pedera) " N'atlonal compIc are eti'l ' Cuban ivv aU unchanged ' duty paid Wllnlnirion Veteriilgran ." ,.i 4uii i nJ it vs iiHitiiariuii. pyj,. ,r" 'rtlfl v, through ,ii Jireaat Trratrggedv ouurred I Wn of tbi-eUy h'diiy-,r tianiHi) una gixts vr" ."'4 '."' ,"". . ' . , tn the OaliiiJIlll Crmetevy, lieen enfioro.) f favminu laten ensagA.) , imhui. at T.it,.hn.U it n luf ni i.ia urc ii-. le:.'i i, I uotiflcsi. ,) an lo. aaaaX.H,WVi J0" thi taat two ye T' ' '" ' ... -rrr UUSa I t-