"--v." - I -i - tr -nr---- S JSP TO-' VjT --"fv "" I f s"fl. ' THE WEATHER uentng public ffieftcjer rhwgtnn. tpril 18. 'tlaUxmxd cooUr Mitht nnd Irulny; narutcasi umu TKm'i.r. mm: r i:ni until POSTSCRIPT rtrU iu.in.U-, I ''"'"' i-VTSk i PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1918 ri hi lfi in riirPwin I rr rn 'nrT PRICE TWO CENTS "vlpr-F"j hi S. TO OWN ! k COASTAL WATERWAYS Aing of Erie-New fork Canal uniy First Step HUDBW'HIA vision Pitt.. ,.iii.- nt? t.itv IcAdoo's Action rore- JSdows inland bysiem from Maine to Florida 1 THREE PURPOSES kDS 1 kill Strengthen National Dc- jtue, Make Kreigm nates ir Low and have snips Civtrnment ownership of canals ,S.B as an ultimate possibility Lowing announcement of Sccrc EfMcAdoo that he has taken over iiEre-New ioik v-uum i " .. . i.t i r:.. EUtS. It IS cxpecicu uiu "" nt will next take the entire Ejlni of canals included in the plan trnment o net ship and control anal systems This plan was an- iced by Connrcssman Rloote ptujh officers of the association ;e today. The three biR features, it is hop?'l. HUe realized throuch Gove r t jEol the three things which s iation and Philadelphia ship- tjnttrests Rencrnlly ha e hacked 1 years wi;n lespccv 10 me tiuuus I eielopment for ue in con Mon with nitlonil defense: as a inhenstie tem for the im- 5Tnt of shipping and luisdness Bijleneral, thrmiRh lowei ind as a mean Wmen and Ntrs at sea Jt Danltls nnd IliUrr for II ISfcreUry of the a Daniels nnd rttary of ar Itakei hae iilieanv I Quoted as f.nnnnK the puithase Immeof the most Imnoitant links kOiliritem of uaitruais which ex- from Eastpoit Maine to Key t,iFla. The sien taken by Secie- f McAdoo Is looked upon heie as an tlon that the ribinet Is at last ; Jhe Imnoitanee nnd feaslMlllj ( the filan PYitaa of the Inland waterwajH hi Mnd peace time Is emphasized by IfttTfgftman Mooie ns follows. 'Jim That our Loastwlse Inland Koaj, next to our licet Itseir. A mail ihp mnBi vilnl faetor of Mlanll dtfpnue liioml. That the sen Ices of these tiiii Increase with the nations H Thev are useful for ei.ononl' (for bulidinc ui nlants In time nf Ktithey would ulwnvs be a souua Iftrtnirth after the national defenses 1 H proMUed Tor They are 01 JHOunt fmiinrtnnin oniler our nres- Mnftrlor conditions of defense in any war undei pieneiit 1011- w mey would ajiord our nest " of aalnlnc the time neiessan I orftnize our fones and deieloji rirrm re.'ourct.s They would rui - 5 mt best refuse for our fleet. If Unmbered hv the eneiiii, without WlltlnC Un hloikaile lhn would Wk It DOSslhlM ffir mil flap! tlimtph Wlor, to ghe battle after choosliiK I w time and londltions and en- i to retire if necessary , thev IJ make It possible to utilize mid r n our esiniiiisnmeius foi re- nnr and building ships and to jmble and L0m.entr.1te ships ns lwth. That upon oui loastwlso In- j-J l""J8 in men lelatlon to tno ItHOIlM l..Ml. .1 ...1 .... i... LD ti,civ (U'lf nil IHB M'LUIMV Kr,.,nli' aids shipards and j'""ies aim v.ui Maine of cscap mii LnA. 1. ... 1. 1 ... . .. . . .. i.i ril ftJU "l'H 1UI WIIUIU Kjr 00 ainini u, l0ast defenses HSui5n;V,r.' ""A "..V"e," . ...- fc,, "I', '-un uniuo iiuiii IIM3 2i 1 .""ll nlue of nur coast- mu .1.1 wateiwajs thill para ul lltal Imilnrl.. .,. a I., t, l...,.,l Effif..,u,l "niiant and deinantl - meiisures on tlm nnrl or J"? o kflnu about their full and -"-w-llH,lll iMik mm iiriannrr t'aiml Prerament eiiEinecrs have made 11 2'118 of the R'u of the. mis. nii Delaware fanal to the try for vmr nt..i i.i....-...i l.v. . M.i uiuusLiitti puiliUKee, hi? II HOW in the ImSrlx nf Hie Zr' L0,' War "i Secretary of tho It. JWs . tlmate will form the tgwiiatlons for the puichase nf - iwui um owners Tho bonds Jjnal company nre ow ned for the " uy 01a estates In Phlladel- Ktioiernment first made an mtl. riLT500'1100 for tn" anal prop c runs acrobs Delaware from Z. , "lNer at Delaware t'ity Wtrnaj. Th(, tanal comnans me offer, Wen lho r. . In 191?. property g Power to seize the K'l, ' v "ngreBs Rr condcmnjtinn Tho net pro r.. .. -.. w. 'iu.ro i. lj(ernment to take Ilia V a result the canal company rm.1."1 ttw da8 h"e been r Overtures i.- .-. N Ih. to '. i" "overnmeni ih of i J. '" Association for ELy ' ,,anal l'"Prty. Shlpplnc Lftu w ,l WouW not be surprls. icti "" "uiu inuKe ar Mani i IleJ,'"r ,ulure wlth the 3tir th.ro1c,C8 a bl" t0 Provide iit the nurchase of it,. ,.i - ..IV Mllllll iX'Mrrf l- ,. .i IT-Can.) ,.r. ;" ""aro unu TrdKvi"""'0'1"? swuttpi, t wmswhat differ- 1 yM pk CftaM t w Vanivls's Prophecy in 1911 of Use of Canals in War If this canal wns constructed you could take these submarines nnd ilcatioyeis fiom Boston to New Orleans in these Inner chan nels without huit oi injury. That is foi pence. Hut if we should be so unfortunate and I pray God we may novel see it as to have wai, then the possession of an inland waterway channel .vould he essential to picscivc efficiency and to enable us to de feat our opponents, because these little ciaft could ply to and fio and dait out and deal n blow and letuin with little injuiy to them selves. That is the argument on the rude of national defense -nrtnry of the Naiji JlauM in mi addresi nt the elenlll annual innirntioH of the Atlantic Pcciei Wtiteruayi AaHotifitwr, Albany and Troy nrismnn, Scptrmhei, 101 5. U. S. TO PROVIDE EXTRAS FOR CAPTIVE SOLDIERS State Depattment Asks $5000 for Comfoits for American Pris oners in Germany tinshlnglnn, April IS Cnptuten American soldiers will be eh en the hesi nf rare during the r enfourd t-njnutn In Ccimnny It was Iciincd tndav til it the Slate Iiepartment Imr iciiuestcrt it.c the ram nf $3000 he set aside In the V.i lie. ie Atlantic Deeper Wnleivvays i partment fur that purpose 'lho plan iSciation from Maine to Florida. in pl.ue this sum of money In the Mediately following the close of ,lan,,M "r t,p Spanish nmhassadot at UiniWiaieiy I"""" "h i .Berlin In he iis-ed foi the miiiliasn of as that are mt allowed prlsoncis EasmanJ. iiamptun iuciuiv, wuiti unner international law a.. i.l.l ivntnriv-iv nlnn nnd T,ls Mini will enable Amcilcnns that .the inland waterways pian ant I)iup hci) ()Umlfl(, so s(xc,,h ihat nm- W'lll ptitatlon Is nrceesar) to he supplied with m ... iL lliuiiilill limiS, nil HIM iiiimiiiiu-iuic ti fclrtadme to llicieasc the mem- hlch Goimati Is famous The monev ' gLS.:,. r.t li nsvneiatinn ns the nia nlso l"" USP'' '" pioldhiK Kpnilh Kthip of the nshociauon as xne matt,rM KUPh llH f,H)l,,, if.mei.aii-. lit 01 a Vigorous caniiiui" i"i -inn naiw anil toe arioin mimi r K.inu - ir A lilt II nip pi ioiici - Hiii iiiii' ii li the lonK hour"" The War Deputment has taKen th request under ad reitunt, hut It Is un derslnod that the suKKCftlon will recehi appioval nnd the funds he ho dlspo-id BELGIANS REPEL FOE AND CAPTURE (iOO Get mans Diivcn Out of Trenches After Attack in Forco 1'nrl.. Apiil IS n olllilal HelBlan loniinunkatlou sai ' The (lermans attaiked In force our sNstLin of ndvanced iusts hetween l.e Hlanikaert pond nnd the Ypres rallroid nnd succeeded In hecurlng a foothold In a number of out positions, hut enei Relic ; counter-attaiks h our troopdrove them frelsht lout About 00H prisoners lenialn In our . f m.nc lhes,nan"' I shin property fiom CHABGE LIQUOR LAXITY I Jersey Judge Demands Better En fti cement of Criminal Laws 'alem, V !.. April IS The April term of the Salem fount courts opened with the larRest ctowd piesent In re cent vears .ludee Black In his charge called special attention to aliened breaches of the criminal law In renns provo and vlclnltv, particularly with re spect to the abuse of Intoxicating llquois Theie Is n breakdown or n laxity In the officials of Pennsgrove," the Court I said "and It is nil this more mjsterlous 1 when under a democratic rorm or gov-j Hon ernment there Is not the enforcement of Captain S-chnildt Is a veteinn of the the law that there should be Such Spanish-American War, having obtained crimes or violations glow nnd spiiad his commission at that time He is glv aud the onl safe course Is a complete Ing almost his entire time tn Llheity enforcement of the criminal law lan work, and Is tieasurer of the com- Cn-biu i.nn,i in rencProve n 'nilttee for persons of Oerman birth or Is alleged, as well as gambling houses, and on padajs at the powder plant the ' I town Is alive with women and men who, The Wavne-Strafford-St Davids di ll is said, prej on the workmen 'l"""" "r he,J1,B,.'J ".nn,T ,"nc mr' 'taken the lead In the Libert Ioan urn- pilgn In this section Ardmore p issed 1 VOUI) JUSTIFY I. W. . Defense, Human Exhihits May Be Feature in Chicago Tiial tinmen, .prii is ttuman exnious, j illustrating results of the piet-ent In- ... . ,. ....... IfJusttlal sstem will flguie in the de- fen e of th 112 I W W membeis on trial for alliged sedition Attorney tjcoige F Vanderveei indicated today in his nuestionlnic of venitemen Dc- fenso counsel will introduce men whoso healtn has neon snaiieieti n tneir cni ploment and will attempt to ju-tofy the 1 W. W levolutluuary propagamfa The fioverument has fnimall ten del ed twelve tentative juiors to the de fense It Is believed that several nf the jurors accepted bv the fjovernment will bo challenged by the defense DRAFT RIOT AT BELFAST Shipyard Workers Bteak Up Anti Conscription Meeting l.iindnn, April IK Dispatches tn the Dally News say that, tlotlng attendee Ihe breaking up of an nnt:-ra,r.scrlptloii meeting In Belfast esterday. Kevolvers wet used and baton charges wore madp by the police, who were pelted with paving stones Virtu all every plate-glass window In the btreet was smashed Fifteen thousand persons participated In the meeting, which was called by tht Labor party. SOLDIER'S THROAT SLASHED Body of Infantryman Found in Ra vine Near Atlanta, Ga. AlUnU. !.. April IS With his of propei ty to throat cut from ear to ear the body of a soldier, believed to be Private Charles A Ilogan. Company C. 326th Infantrv. was found In .a small ravine In Mie out skirts of Atlanta today In his pocket a letter addressed to Private Charles A Hogan, Comnany c. 326th Infantry, signed by M C Bjck man, 33 Kast 150th street'. New ork city, was found A woman a footprints were seen around the scene. Alleged Slayer Captured l.snrn.ter. ! April 18 Following . a. a i.A ! n a iilAmrvhtl an aii-niKiu cu- iii . -i"i,r . : i 'hlef ot ponce uasnong mimii ' f'rh.,anenc?incnlrg;?tn1kV.lln,CMr'i:i nora Ford, ncgrew. with an ax Tue.R day night. The fugitive, waj raH lwey!Ero, CbWr CvtrtYi ihihvo, w .wyf r uwr. . . Where British Hold Line Firm tShmiinp Changts lp to oon) ? sung '.A) --vS. ' 'M 'v '' ?mmri l-pJW HdHeflSM; -? " -v&li "Ll'il""i ' i"i"i i " ' i'iii Pield Maishal Hnij; teports that heavy Gciman attacks have been completely lepulsed nt the points indicated on the map and thnt the Hritish ate holding hrm on the piesent line. This is marked by tho heavy black line. The biokcn line shows the battle front before the beginning of the diive GERMANS RAISE CHEAPER FLOUR $500,000 OF LOAN IS NOW IN SIGHT T non rtiM'irn Prvrvoi nrl Kxr uuun iiivv- uw" "J Teutonic Americans, Committee Announces MORE BONDS PLEDGED . Oeiman-Amei leans have rallied to lho support of the Libert l.oan cam paign aicoidlng to figures announced today by Captain Louis II Schmidt, tteasurei of the committee earning on the Mbert.v Loan wntk among the Her mans In this clt To date approximate! 2000 subvcilp (Ions have been obtained hv this com mittee, an?l the mall tndav that had not vet been opened contained sevctal bun dled more lettets These subscriptions have totalled more than $500 000 Cap tain Schmidt said but he expected the largest amounts during the last week of the drive W'e sent nut 10 000 letters vester dav he said There are between In 000 and of) 000 persons coming under this committee ho far we have con fined ourselves to the small subscrip tions spread among the l.ugcst possible ericans of I numoer or persons 1 ne .mericans 011 Ilmiiun riesrent nre a. loval oilier ' Americans and the are rallying to the . l.ilierty Loan campaign without excep- descent ..!.. I l 111. .I.u Hum eslerda but the Wnne om tallica rpilonhled lis efforts and is now weii" hi", he lead The .Main Line, o,a, annnunciil lOlW) is oiiiiu. inia n ' II. I.I...1 ..B fnll.tvlQ. 'tlverbrook-. Merlon : 000 1 f)Hrt ('juw(! til.r.so fil 050 5. son Xarberlh W nnewood S 051 lfil.35(l 93,100 90 300 10.100 -i:ast 20,000 -Center K.ooo Ardmore Haicrford Br n JMr ni.iilu.vnne )Cawar Count Weat 1200 Vlllanova-Itosemont IJ.BOO Etoke 1'ogcs 20 250 Wane. St Davids. Strafford.. IS! 7S0 De('nn-Bcrwii 31200 I'aGll ls-5 lllg Mlbrrlptlnn The liberty Loan contmlttce toda announced the following subscriptions I'enn Seaboard Steel Corpoia- tlon iiiw.uuh Drovers and Merchants' Flank Quaker City Momorrco Corn pan . . Quaker City Morocco Lom nanv emplo.ve.s 100 000 01 500 ' I C.ioo Church of Our Lady of Merc 1 250 I p.isioiH nf nil Methodist Lplscopal (hurdles will read the following letter wiltten b Illshop Ilerry. from their pul pits Sunday, the committee announced today : The success of the Libert) Ixsn drive will not be determined by the subscriptions of the rich Rather, the fate of the great patriotic enterprise will be decided by the response of the great middle classes My appeal Is Hot to the capltalls! It Is to the pro fessional man, the teacher, the preacher, the mechanic and the thou sands of men nnd women of the fac tory, store, office and farm The sub scriptions of these multitudes will be ronllnurd on,t'aie Pli, Celomn Two FUNERAL OF'SENATOR STONE Last Services Held in Church at Nevada, Neb, .iad, .Sel., April 18. The funera.l of William J Stone waa held here today, Knights Templar and other fraternal organliatlona escorted the body to tha chureh. where service were read by ' . . ..u,i, v.-.. rttv ,ne jtev J w'"'"i' " -- The funeral train arrive., h. t m. from aeiwreon uiiy, wiwrM iboay lay w ww - - ... II ' .. .I..-" .1 7Z" Tlti'llinne in Sn-nllan Pi.nfilc- I'linimioiuuiiuiiwi 1 '"""ii'lp Hall a short talk toda.v ATnrlo Sinno Wos HixoiiqI uicv, oui viv-iicci, 1 Prncirloiit Tnlrl J. ltDlUCIll i. UIU GOVERNMENT GETS WHI1' Wnshlngtim, April 18 While flour mllleis and middlemen hnn made millions In swollen prtflts slnco the war opened Ciovernment supei vls.on Is gradunllv getting the upper hand and prices nre on the down grade the I'ederal Trade Commission said In a special repoit to President Wilson lodav fioveintuent pihe fWIng together with fcod ndmlnlstratlon regulations 01 ei mllleis and d stributers, will result this vear In flour being "seveial dollais a batrtl ' lowei to the consumer than last It was leported At the same time th- commission charged net profits of millers Increased fiom eleven cents a bai rcl for the 1 ! J 111,1 crp tn flfti-two cents a hairel for the lillfi-lDl" crop (iioss piollls of car-lot distributers Jumped fiom twen ts-two cents a barrel in litt to llftv-llve ,-f,,tH "' ,'"7 "nl "f ""Hl',-I" Jobbeis - ,,. , ., from fifty-two cents In 19U to e gllt Hlx,,"nt8, '" I9,Ji Millers' operating profits per barrel increased ITS per cent In 1916-1917 cver the preceding cai and profit on lnvist meat ino per lent The Commission criticized the Food AdmlnlMtatlons leguiatlon limiting mil lers to fixed profits over (ost This method. It was held, falls tn furnish a stimulus to efficiency In production nnd offers encouingement to cost padding It was also suggested that maximum flour prices be fixed TKUCK KILLS BRISTOL MAX ncM.i-ic.!.. x n.a.... 4 Mnnt.i ' n- , - " - ill mm ....... . w. ,,... 1 llrlnlol. V , pill 18 A riilladelphla motortruck driver Is being held without hall for a heating as a result of the death of it'iur McLaughlin, who was lun oier anil killed heie late vesterd.iv The prisoner Is Tom Dixon a negro who gave his address as 2212 Haster street This is the ihltd automobile incident of the week Ttov N'evergotd was run down and Injured h a touring cai Mon d. and veyterdav a taxlcab driven b Charles Land killed four- ear-old Cath erine Kelley. fill Huiklei street Ihe driver In attempting tn avert tho acii dent wrecked th tNl Land was ar icsted and is held without ball to wall a hearing 2000 GERMANS IN GAS TRAP British Stiategy Gives Enemy Taste of Own Medicine I'arls. April 18 The present battle has hown to a surprising extent the evolution of the use of gas shells. One new method s to lite he.i.v. slowly dispersing gases aiune cuarien lanes against the enem. tilling In the al ternate spaces with quickly dissi pating poison fumes Stoim attacks are then made by ttoops. who charge when a sufficient Interval of time has been given for the gases to ilse. The TJrltlsh gunners nt one part of the line thtew shells charged simply with ill-odored composition The Ger mans after a few hours discovered that this was nonpolsonous and began laying aside their masks. After these shells had been fired for another twelve hours theie was a sudden change to poison- gases, About 2000 Germans were cnught without., their masks nnd suffocated. MEXICANS WIN IN COURT Trial Bench Lacked Jurisdiction Dur ing "State of War" 'in 191G Auitln, Tex., April 18. The cases of Jose Antonio Arce and flve other Mexi cans, convicted of murder and sentenced to, death In Webb County aa the out growth of a clash between Mexican and American troop In 1016 near Laredo have been reversed and remanded The Court maintained the trial court did not tuyvf Jurlidlctlon btcaqte, ot a "atite of wer" enlsilng bstiveen the cotintrisn. MAYOR DEMANDS RESORT OWNERS EVICT TENANTS Threatens Suit Unless Rental for Immoral Purposes Ceases SOUDER TALKS TO MEN Acting Detective Captain Says Humanity Will Temper Vice Eradication ' More thnn inn prnprrti muier were nullllrd tndiM li Miiur stnltli to fiie renllnic Ihrlr liulldlno fr Immoral pur pue. In a letter (n the nw iter nt mh h p1me the Minor ordered llietn tn edit Mieli pernn within one week from dale. If the miionnie Ih tint iilmted within n weel. he hiild Hpplhiitlnn would lie innde to the nnrl of t otntnon l'len HokiliK lor rtn Injnnitlou reilritlnlnir the U'-e of m h tremUe. Kunhrt i h.tnKe In tin poltie deimt mini and Intiodin tlnti of an otdlninie In t'ouni Ih pimldlnt; for the le- esfaldlihnipnt of the ollke of vlxtnnt Superintendent of Police will he iimiuiR Indn s events In Mnnr Smiths lie 1 lean-up inmpaiKU With but fnrt-elRhl hours nnuilnlnn to 1 limlnate ice from the entile ilt In iimiril inn with his piomtsi- to the Uimrnmiiit the .Major has been lont lulltd to put on extra prcsuie In his ncneril plans Lasl Saturdav Ihe MnMii was told b I.leuteniut I'olonel fhailes It llatth. t K M ". that the itiovirnniftit ixpetted to see a Keneral (lean-up h Situid.n next The shirtlnK of polin inplnlns lliti tenants and the appointment of Delu- the lfied I Snudei, as nitlnR held of the Detective Ilutinu tn hui reed James Tate Is nnlv pan of the cineinl plan , to irmedv .ondltlnns 'I hese 1 hnnvfts I w ill h.ivr tn lirlnir fiull ami meie 1 hess ' Pliivlnc with (ailous oillirs will not satlsf.v the Ki 1I1 r vl ttovemment tniicsa thev result in inullliK vice liovernment Inv estimators nre I.eeplnc n 1 love untih on the Tenddloin mid In nil other scitlous of Philadelphia where vlie pievalkd Vlfred 1 Soudei. the new aellnc rap- t tin of dcUithes. Kave the sleuths at It wns I nlmiR filendl lines je nW( 11 ,in ,,, i inio who per-I formed their duty satlfai lorlly need' ,,,. ., f,nl ,,( in, I..,. n,i, i,. .Souder, toRethei with Detectives ' ?hc'?-n""i the dtv last nlchl He said that he, I encountered no women of question. ibtr cnaractet tine woman, who s.utt nlie was married, was found drinking nlouo In the backroom of a saloon near Tenth nnd' Vine, streets She wns tnl.n to City Hall and later tinned over to the Jllsdemennants Court She Is not under nnest Soiial woiUeis loniucted with the court will endeavor to convliict Ihe woman of the eiroi of her was De-I tectlvp Soudei said that humane meth- ' oils would be applbd In the vice tlrun up He said that nunv of the women m.iv be IndULed to had better lives if they ate ir'ven anvlliing like a fair chance store of negioes weie nnesleil today In lalds innduiled In the southern pirt nf the ltv Ml were sent to Jail FINNISH GOVERNMENT APOLOGIZES TO U. S. .... hoiciier Punished for Insult to Amei lean fJlliccr at Stockholm Washington, Apill IS The State Depaitment has tecelved a repoit finm Minister Mnnis at Stockholm, that ns n icsult nf n piotcst mado b lilni the Finnish Oovoinmont In Stockholm 'has cxpiesscd Its regiet nvei the public Insult nllcied to Lieutenant C H Thoilng. the Ameilean attache at I Wnsa, Pinlantl, on Maich 19 The Finnish ofllcet involved in the incl I dent has been punished, Mt. Metrls said. Lleutemnt Thorling had been sent fiom Stockholm to Finland tn secure passage tin (inch the Finnish lines of Ameilian citlcns leaving Russia While In n hn'cl at Wasa he was in sulted public bv twn Finnish citl ens, one an omccr and the other a civilian The Finnish Foreign Affulis Sailn. hut made no effort to inteipose, Germans Land 40.000 at lIcl.iRrr, VoTaV' T&tonfCV " " l-onilon, Apill IS I nrt thousand whole energy Into the pioductlon nf This Is Just nn example nf the et- riciimm tnuips have been landed at thlps war material and war equip- tieinelv small larcets th nierlcan llelsingfms, accmdiiiK to an KMhange I ment Dverv kind of wai Industty has artlllervmen am canable of h'tthif Teieginph dispatch finni Copenhagen. I mmplained of Inability tn gt high- The Americans nre ovv tb. m"te-s A Mctm.in Miuadinn anchmed In the i rlass sldlled workmen beiause of the nf Vo Alan's Land ni tbi- s'cinr I'verv Imibor of Helslngfors consists nf ' lack of comfoitabln homes In the big night five to e'sht imtmls senrrv f-om twelve ships, Including the battleships munitions pioduiing centeis Nn In- the outposts and smash I'm enemVs du--Fosen and Westfnlen, each of 18.G00 ducement of high wages has bein suf-loots listening pots nnd machine-gun tons. j tltlent to xrhunile enough skilled work- nests CAPTIVES FLEE GERMANY Guards Reduced So That Escape Is Easy (lenein, April 1? Prison tamp guards In tho Rhine towns have been so teduced because every Herman Is wanted In th" west, XKXISSZ doming m'unt Hi' . i j .i ..... . 5esterday nineteen Frenchmen, former- ly prisoners. Joously marched through the streets oi ueneva. Ail the erstwhile captives say the Germans ure hiding their losses In the offensive on the western front, and they add that Germany Is on the verge of starvation. Chocolate, they say, costs (5 a pound, while soap fetcheB (6 a pound GERMANS FEAR AIR RAIDS Reichstag Memher Urges Agree- ment for Open Towns i ' i I.nndon, April 18. Advices from Ber. lln via Amsterdam say that during the sitting of the Reichstag Herr Geek, So cialist, suggested making an agreement with the Allies to cease aerial attacks on open towns outside the war zone A Government representative renlled no official request hitherto had come I f torn the Allies, but that should It Tie re. celved U would b exaailuod by the rail). il 40 FT. CHANNEL PROJECT PUSHED BY CONGRESSMEN Moore' and Watson Back Movement to Deepen Waterway Here M All) TO INDUSTRY Shipping Men See Great Need of Increasing Facilities to Move Commerce A hie flRlit Is m bo statlpil nt unco In the Intel est nf a fortj foot channel foi the Delaware ltirt The plan Is ndmtttid to he an am liltliiim nm but tlie ejos of the fins rrnment arc wide open nnd are icstlnR tin the Kioat Inilustilal section nhout Plilliiti'lplill (llllrlals sen mitt as never liefnie the noesslt nf Itnnie ill Up de clopmeiit nf Hip pni t nf Phila delphia nnd Hip nthci linlintii.il ten tela iilniiK the Peliwnip 1ic IJcprpventntiM' I Hampton Momr of this ( lt and I!epip-entHtho Iipiiin . I' Watson, nf the KcrUi-Mntilznmvi v t'liuiuj district, w'lll stmt the c 01151 es- Hlonnl flEht fm the fnrt fnotihanncl pi iipusuioii 111 viiiikpsm anu 11 is un derstnnd the will hno the siippoit of xhttialli the pnthe delcRiitlnn finm Ppnns,lanla and tnan nf the mini hers nf the New .letpe.x delt Ration. nnouncenent of the ntpolntinent of Charles .M Schwab as director Reneial of the i:inerKenc I leet I'orporallon his done much to In nc l a held the deter mination to llsht foi butei channel 1011 dltti ns foi the Delawaie Ithei The aunouiuement of the rcoicanlza- Hon of the inipoiation brouuhl out nt 0111 n the fnrt that the section nlnne the Delaware Itlvei li the reil center of the shipbuilding Indusliv of the inuntrv II wns nlso brouKhl nut that about t- nn" """ HI be F.pnt hei In de- volnplnj: a hie debnrUatlnn port The site fm the debarkation station has fnnllniMil nn 1'iur lv. ( iiluinn l ' LIBERTY LOAN SALES PASS BILLION MARK WASHINGTON. Aiml IS -Actual subscriptions to thf third Libtuy Loan have jusstd the lilllion moiU. the Tteatuvy JJirmitmcnt announced today. The total ltpoited to FedcDil Jtct.civc Uinkt is V..05D 358.000 While thn amount is rncoui agiiis, LiVietty Loan dlnctois snicl that it was not entnely satif factoiy. ab the daily nveiage ot leturrii. is. not ifficieut to pio ride tilt minimum quotas in the allotctl time. JEFFERSON BASE HOSPITAL UNIT MOVES Ilaso Hospital No. 3S, the j'Kersou Husbltnl un.t, nio'cd today fjora the Second Bcgimcnl AJtuoi-y. wheie it liad btcn rjuajterotl for Btver.nl months, to Stenton Athletic tPeltl, Twenty riflh utttel and Httutin"; FnU; nvemu. Theio aro 200 muu in the unit. BIG HOUSING BILL MAY PASS SENATE TODAY Direction of Labor Secretary Only Objection to 360,000, 000 Measure Pending nshlnctiin. Aim II IS ' llellef was i lose at hand today foi i tho dlllhultles encouuteird In war work because of In.idf ipi ite housing faclll- nr,.,fij nBB reduced tho Hot man nrtll tles for working men 'lbs Senate ux- te.ry ,,, tvvn.thlids, silencing en'emy lint- peden in pass ine jun inio '" iiimsiim ,,, hcf(11(1 ..njomnment tonight Later on nnnthei nuasuie. apprnpilallng a lump sum nf at leant JI5,o0o,tlfin lp he used bv the President In extending loans to wnr Industiles for ennstruc- Mli Istet for lion nf pouting for working men, priili was pi cent, ablv will be offend These appropriations. It Is believed. I eis lo move their families awav from omfortable bonus Into the congested districts nnd eme snlnrs h'diiir ninc-s t-ifiinn The bill before th Senate toda pio- n Thv spni five hours mainline- the Mdes an approprlitlon of JBit.tJito.noi pn(r area h'or that section of the to be spent for housing, under dlrec- ,rnr'rnn trendies lion of thp SiM-retnr of Labm Therein t Untenant rjeorge r Patton of Nevi lles the onl hitch S-enalots opposing vnrk a surgeon nttneti-a to the la the hill ate doing so hugely upon this fantrv Is one of th lntt A"i"rl"nns giouud 'Ihe want tn give the mone io win tb Frneh wnr e-o"s fo bre-v to the President, to lie spent undi r his t cHme about tb's wnv Tb Aiirenos direction, so that the lesponslblllt forrre ,o-kl"g In n or.,i thst ' 's sod. - " - The measure glvei the Secielai) of Senato1; ' "' "f e S'"'1-" li niter Ulng the. bill as "the most obnoxious tver pioposed In the hlstor.v of the coun tr," declared that ths commandeertug featuro would empower the Secretary of Ibor to take over ever home In the countr A proviso In the. pill tequlres that at least 810,000,000 shall be sptnt In the construction of additional housing in the Dlsttlct nf Columbia Since the nut break of the war, the Government had brought thousands nf cletks to Washing. I naarla mam ttimiHurirla initra Kstlmatcs have been made that at least 30.000 more clerks will be necessary be fore the end of the ear. The limit of Washington's housing capacity has been reached and the bill pending today will relieve what mlKht have developed Into a serious situation at the capital. Phils Game Off The tame between the Phillies and BMlpn' "h',duledi, iot toda1y h" b'e" alied off because of ruin and wt BRITISH LINE FIRM AT ALL POINTS; HALT TRIPLE DRIVES ARCHITECTS SERVICE. m, , , ,T7. convention theme Inreeiolcl Waves at nelecates Piom All Sections Country Will Gather Hete N'eM Week I'hnpleis nf the American Institute of ArchlUi'is In forty sections of the lountr will b tepiesented under the Plan of a oluiitnrlli rcduied delcta Hon nt t.ie Hft(-llist annual tunxentlnn nt the Art I'luh. April ;t tr Jfi IihIii slp ' An Informal ineetlnc nf the dele- pates will precede the npenllifC nf the conxentlon Inesdnv nlcht The Helle- (iic-Stratford will he socHl heaibiuarlets for the architects while thes are In sls- slon heie I Speakers of national iitomlnence will nddtpis the ronvenllon 'I hursdav on 'Ihe AuhlUcts Set Ire. which will be the pilnrlpal theme of the oimeutlon W'ednedi the find da( will be de voted to (onsuleratlon of tne moom of (runmlltiis and the Imard of dlrertors and other business Discussion nf the Keneral theme of the oneullon will be mntlnued I'rhlax with paitlculnr ref eienei' to the (!ocrnment. the nlchtteit and the workman In existing Industrlnl and lelated nondltlons The convention will be hiotiKht to a i lose Krldav nlRhl with the annual dinnei nt the Oermnn- '"viVinB'de.'elimes wh.. in h. ti,e nt)" saturdav will he the cuests of the rhlladelphli (hapter on a lilp bv wain tn llos Island and an Inspection of the worlds ituatisl shipbuilding enteiprl'o theie tisza succkkds wr.KiniLn Resignation of Hungaiian Cabinet Is Confirmed I iinilnn, prll IS Confirmation that ihe lluusarlnn fahlnet has resigned was rerlvcd here todaj fount TlMi. former Premier Ins 1 cfdlnK f nunt W'eKerle tth'tlll iif-e-ii hi'"hiilvi in uirll tuai, nui ' AMERICAN SURE SHOTS SILENCE GERMAN GUNS Pershing's Men Now Masters t'f No Man's Land in Lor raine Sector With Hie mrrhnn Armv In l.nrrnlne, April IS Tho American nrtllkry on this front ,prf, wltn on)y f, minutes' bom ,,,,,., The French nre amazed at the Vnnkce gunner's nccuiney A lieutenant commindlnc one gun rpnttid a fiennan 'rolling kitchen" "H gosh. I'll bet I can silBh one In Heinle's soup " ho exclaimed The first shot was ton 'long.' The seeond wns tno 'short " The third snllleri . onirer snd twelvo m r'ded nve nischlne gun nests, n ll-td tlenhnn tot JF Patmn finding that his ca nissk I--isr'''d first-aid maii"a nulled It off He was oiercoo' hv the fumes hut re. covered whn taken tn a fleia hosoltal Vs s result of hs sef.eerlflce he Is vn idoiixed hv me iroons Wounded nerin-in prisoners ke"t natale from wounded Americans In th hospitals Thv nil mv thev are (rind thev were csntured Most o' them sre rutged ana nenv inai mere is anv lsck nf food In the German armv, Thev sv that American prisoners are well treated and that their captors nre not Unwed to take even a button from their uniforms One prisoner a ha"d (rrfnaae. ex pert who had served 'through the war unscathed, tried to throw buck si American grenade before It exploded. He waa a trifle stow and part ot his 1 hand was blown off Falling Magnet Kills Workman rlietlee r Anrll 18 lClmer TiitUI about thrtv.thre vears. o' It'" SHxr treet PliMadelab'a- m Instant rWth this morni-r at the n'snt of the Penn j.Hesbosrd SteI arid Ordnance Company M was outji'k nn ine. psh wicb m msg- ! 'His nrlt wu MriMU ' I uf HOLDS s of Kemmel and Bail leul Stopped :' ENEMY LOSS VERY HEAVY , VlOIPil f" u"'111' Artillerying Marks Fresh Efforts Toward Ypres . ALLIED FLANDERS LINE INTACT EVERYWHERE "" Pctcllll LflVS DOWll Tpi'l'lfir -"" JO UVW 11 1 t-l I lilt, Bombardment From Somme to Oise FRENCH W I T H BRITISH Ro-cnforce Ally on the Con- tested Franco-Flemish Front 20TH DAY OF BATTLE I London, Aptil 18. The British lines in the gigantic battle of Flanders ate holding firm. The War Ofliice issued a report from Marshnl Haig announcing that theie hns been no change in the situation and that the front is mtnet. German aitillery wns in action all night against the southein end of the British line. The bombard ments vvsre especially sevete be tween Givenchy and the sector cast sf Robecq. (This 13 the district between La Bassee canal nnd Merville.) Triple attacks were beaten back U Kemmel Hill nnd near Baillcul. Official details of Wednesday's fighting dwelt upon the ferocity of the struggle and the gtcat German losses. Marshal Haig leported as fol lows : There has been no overnight change on the British front. German nrlillcrj showed un usual activity on the southern end nf the Lis battlefield from Givenchy to the east of Robecq. There was an intense bombard ment of British positions between Locon and Robecq, which was still in progress at dawn today. , In the Merns sectoi local at tacks were repulsed Wednesday night. Detailed accounts of the fighting throughout Wednesday in tho forest of Nieppe and on the Wyt schaete front fold of the severity of the enemy's losses. Southeast of Kemmel Ridge tho German infantry attacked in three waves and pressed back the Brit ish line at one point, but it was quickly restored by .a counter attack. In the Baillcul sector the enemy attacked three times before Wed nesday noon, but was completely repulsed. The British line jesterday was reported intact at every point. I'renrh llnnibanlinent Heavy Tse French appirentlv ate concen trating the heaviest artillery Are slnc the German drive started on a Aft -six-mile front extending from a po'nt south of the Somme. east of- Amiens, to the Oise. In the vicinity nf N'oon. This bembatdment reported In a dis patch from the field covers every Inch of the German positions nnd the real aieas for mllee back of their lines. Pr's oners say that the cannonading has caused heavy Herman casualties and has prevented the client from digging In, the points of the farthest German penetration In P'catdy are Included lr this bembatdment It also Incl I'es the rreater pnrt of the southern leg of the lllndenburg tr angle In this region believed b many military critics to rep resent the most vulnerable part of the German advance The next few hours are expected to reveal whether this can nonading Is preparator to a major counter-offensive by tho Allies. On riandera Field On Flanders front, Haig Is holding W own Ills official report said there waa "no change on the British front " He reported the repulse of a determined assault against Mont Kem.uel from the direction of Wulverghem and the eonv plrte breakdown of a German attack In the Ballleul sector, to the southwest ot Mont Kemmel Hale also reported heavy artillery fighting on the southern edge of the Flandeia salient and the repulse of local attacks there He emphasised the heavy German loisee in the fighting round Nieppe woou ana vvii-cnaetn yesieraqy The British withdrawal east of re on Tuesday Is not clearly outlined An patently KUC moved his llo btvcV in average of about three mllea. It xvtmtrt appear ttun wr nuw rwiinn,; ziiwm, w-wi siktwp his.' 1 M , ! v , -j .' JA .i.jb . - lt ra v.ai.. fi