, ,?? niff -qp, 'ip4 Jfc-" W " 4t f EVENING PITLIO LI3D(HflR PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APHIL 17, 1918 e WOODWARD IN HIDING, DEMAND TO "LOOSEN" HALTS PLEASURE SEEKERS PEPPER AROUSES NEW YORK Phlladclphian's Appeal Boosts Loan at Produco Exchango New York, April 17 Parades nnd mass-meetings again marked tho Liberty IjAn campaign In New Tork yesterday. George Wharton Pepper, of Philadel phia, stirred a large crowd nt tho Pro duco Hxchanga In tho afternoon. "Tho Huns aro headed this way!" he cried tit the close of nn Impassioned address. "I I call on jou to go over tho top and meet . them I" Tho result if tho ipeccr tvas nl scntteilng (lie of bord bujer3 wjileli set forward the e-schange's big clock to 1 $3, .52,000 I ARCHIE WANTS Trto ACK, COLONEL LEAR? 'V m w 'nIV AkIi 4 . KFARSf.AT.T.TnMimT I ' fclystcrious Candidate Is Con-. stable at Ashland, but i "Can't Be Seen" W. Simmons, division m.n.i.r 0!1 American lied l ross. South.... .7 I Jilncy Driver's hvg UruLcn in Crash Charles (lardiiUr, thirty years old. of Camden. Is In Cunper Hospital buffering from n broken left leg and lacerations ot who arrived from Krunco at tn il n' port .tioneiay. cal cd on Clr,.i i? eloro lloosevelt t Ovster D.V'1 elav and gavn him lnlr..nirUr. the bodv 1 .nn 1 vvnen an uuioinoini information about his t u. ..- "i-nii In which h. i riding collided with A ichle and Major Theodore iiSIl PUh another t.i i.ird'tirr Is a "Jitney" , well as describing the actluii.''sii driver nt tlie liik'i.il -ml fen as American troops In general ' 1 WOULD SPLIT VOTES Penrose Men Fight nn AUckcJ Plot to Name Houck by Old- Time Tuck , WILL INDICT O'NEIL FOR ROAD NEGLECT Clinton County Judge Orders Charges to Be Filed Agaiiftt Slate Head O'NEIL IS NOT WORRIED Admits Need for Itcpaire, but Con tends Mileage Makes Task Impossible a-tK iiavrn, r April 17 J. Denny 1 1 Neil State Highway romiulfcsloner, 0110 of tho Republican candidates for 1 fii.vernor. will bo called upon tiy nl tiltt Attorney Coumll. of Clinton County, ' to answer a charge of negket 0! Cv.y 'al 1 rilling to put tho long-neglected yu'Sc ' 10 id In tvv eett tMJ city and Inland In I pmper r-p.nr I Oinstahle Ilattorf. of CaslnilC.l tovrn f"-ip, tcported tho load as being In Al most Imps 'table condition, nlid by ll 11 lion nt Judge McCnrmlctt tho matter vv is pl.ned in tho hands of District At luinev t'ouiiill for nctlon. After the unlit linent papers are prepatcd nn fillleer pobiblv will be sent to llarrlsburg to sirvi them on the Highway CotntltlJ ! tho fame " 1 ull in n hina -hop" i-n t i i m Um in i ln piio (t the lot omul i i w 1 ( h r lui n. tin ,it intii second stic-ct hi'low Mai kit, inij'lj, pl.ij - a pati lot i it is made It is a visual . imomtiui ' 1 .ill to Inn bicd by the "J.u. Hand lio.s liotn the I mirth N.i Ahlilimil, To., April IT James Woodward anil .ihlatid havo Sprung Into prominence nt time. Tho Inquiry lias gono over I'cnmvt vnnla. "Who Is James Woodward tin nsptront for a place on tl'o Itepuldi in State llcltet'-' Tho man most Inlerciitid In the pi eonalUy of Jainc 'Woodward, of A-li land. Is Jumos r. Woodward, of AM Kheny County, lto h-va liccti pronn l th nnmlritttloii for .Secretary of liitiiini Altai liv ti-n Ite publican IcJders ol tr. l'enrn'-e rnlii.uini; Tho ItruiiiliaiiKli men would like tu I'SUl Houck. of SihuMMIl Cutint t Incumbent, tunned for the poxillon 1 1 I'enroso luider-i refused to Indm Iloiirk or Ull, haimon). Hut he i i candidate With two dailies Woodwards on th ticket on nomination day the olir Wouhl he confute il .lames Woodward nhd James I" Woodwaiil look nllke ulien It comes to Mittntr As James AVooil Tvard's name would conic first on the ballot lie would likely pet many more : voles than his opponent unless all the pople knew whlc.li was tho ccnulno Can didate, t Hence James r h.m taken JaincH Ind. court to tell the Judges why ho fo kuJ dency conceived the Idea of beltiB n can dldate. Tho Idea In pUltlntr James Woodward's name on the ticket Is to draw -votes from James P. Woodward ! and thus penult Houck to slip In be tween tho two. N'ovv. as to .Taint s Wnodivard, the tinltnovtn In the tint place, he sud denly disappeared after tho nomination papers were Hied Lift Thurvl.ij He Is supposed to be kept In hiding to prevent Ills bclnp summoned Into court l"or years jamc-.s Woodward has been Identi fied with tin' Ke'i'iuMlc.iu leadus of SchuvlktII t'ountv He Is an iverdnv sort of u chap, n mine worker of average abllltv. Il Is. married He has mver held political ' otllce betond minor borough olllces. iuili ms burgees Inspector and Judge of clec- Nthitille (lt, Apiil tT tions. i Kuiiure on the part of the Atlantu' lie ti a man moro than sWt vearClty and Hhore llalluav in keep 11 teuii old, vvalka wlili a very dUtlnct slooj) and 'pact with tlie t lt , entered into a o.u Ills locomotion Is slow. In the com- afro when jltnev lompetitlon was e inunltj he stands well. Woodwaid never eluded fiom Atlantic avenue for the figures in nnj public or i iv !e movements; benefit of the ttolli-v corporation, l in fact, he hlas atound t.i Ashland enargeu iv r, Cameron lllnkle, inun-.el ' ror tlie Atlantic ritj Jltnev Association A bill grunting permission for ini, jlt jnivs to compete with iars nn the eltv s I main business taoroughtare s.vll conn I up for second t fading before the 10111 mlssiouets tomoirow In return fop a transportation monop. I "Iv tin- Atlnntlli- City and Shore font. .paiiy (ontracteij with tho clt.v tu ciniit free tiansfers to crosstonn lltus build loops nt Ithode Island avenue In the uptown section to crosstovvn lines, build in fhelseu, and oM-iiite i ars on a two minute hcaduax. Ni ither loop has bten built and cars ato not running on the hcadnnv piomlscd tin jltnevniins nr- 1,'anlz.iU.in declines in suppoii of its inn- " - : .-jBr-a -s'-j- w!s&3 I In d1ii' i i all in ii In il n! Mile ami a iiai mli - . I.i' ctv I! m I ..ml tin- it. II H l K. in in M Muni i - oulil natuiallj sup tin ion Theatie, I ittv -p.uici ol whli h, indeed, s inn- message 1-. empli i- lieie tjioupeil in fiont of the locomotive and who aio plujiiur ut the in-i this veil, to aid the Naval Ileil Cios- ! JITNEYS ATTACK 1 SHORE RAILWAY 'Declare Atlantic City Com ' rcry I'ailcd to Keep Faitli Iioue w here lie 1)0 irds In the direciorj lie is li-ded as u con stable His pAtitlmi foi the nomination Was not eirilitd In Atdiland, o far as has been Usrned His Candida- v Is not t.ik n seriously here. In fact it Is rpuch of a joke SHORE SWEPT CLEAN BY WAVE OF REFORM Anti-Idling Act in Effect, Hit ting Many Male Board walk Habitues Ol'bllA ASSUKED FOR SRASON'OP 191S-1!) Munuffer Catti-Casazzu roimally Thanks Public for SupporlinR Completed Series 'i- hi il .M.mnK- r l.itli-t')isixx i ul the Mi tiopnlit.iii uptta t onipnnv took ok i. 'inn M-slenlav to I hank tin- niuMi -loving public of Philadelphia for lln ordl.il siipimit th-v bad Klvm his uiioia om ln tlurltiK the m.isoii jit'l iIosm! I m riallv iiiok th in sntlslled with the t suits of th s iikiiii as far as at-i tendanie on the pall of the public t ion. ' - ined. ' said Mi intt!-i .isnritn I onlv I hopn that the publli lias been 110.1 Ih well sutislkil with our utTi-rliiit- Tin- e an abnormal tinus. and It has Ik cc a. most (iiitiiuit si-us 111 rot every one in vnlvid To Kl'e olK-tn ut ull It must h admitted Is soniethlnu of nn flihUvi meiit HovMver, the theatie has Its mis, evi-n in war times The pulillo mind n -Mitlus iiivtiston and I know of no lutein r fiitni of dh 1 1 sin n thnn kiuihI oiwra 1111 sented as Hit Mi tiuKilnnn Opera 1 um p.tnv ulwavs tries In iHM.-nt It. The tisutts nf the se.nut ju--l 1 loslns w muni me In nniioum iris (m tlie ifint inK SH.ison tin- s.inn nuiiilii 1 1 f piform uni C--slle n w hh h --feiii to in- not I mi main and ! loo fin s In n to-fun- wi- shull indiavpr to ptnviili- its vailed a t pi tiolu as p..sihli dlstriliut I11K Ihinilgh il as fittpii-iitl hs piinli-iahk- all nui li.idini. -mis and sin h ui titles and it vital as in- letoivtil with ARTIST IS ARRESTED AS HE SKETCHES SHIP Childe Hasham, Ilckased, Comraends New York Police men for Their Vigilance New Vnrk. Vpnl IT I'hllde Ha sniiiti, the ultl-t "ini ill -spite the suggestion of tin uiltiii '11 hU surname was born In Uuton v 1- in t irrupted while sltetehlng oti unship hi tl(i Hudson ltlvcr fimu :tn i-shk 1'ilve vtsttrday and escorttd to lh 1'til nal llullilltiR bv two pnlki 111 n 'Iht tteuuishlp which the artist t is Imiwihk vas t atnoutlriged agjlnst n .l'i.-nj li.it k Kiouud to teprisent nn ohm 11 w ii. and tlu pollcillli'll thought tluv had cap tured u prim rpillmen of the l.flinall sp.v in the disllnailished artist, w host aticestiv is -is solidly American as the locks of I'lv mouth. Assl-tint I'nltod Htutes Mtotniv lb 11 Al.itllieus nit -pti-il respiiiisllillli) tm Ml 1 1 1 -ti 111 ind releasul bin! Tin-I'i-IIi 1 l"i 11 thotiitlit Ihev wcnl.l kifp the ill I'linit lit uliiuh the nt list bad bten -ItlllCI I his load, leading from the eastward 1 hints of the lty to the upper Utantl 1 mice, n dlstanec of little mors than 1 li ilf a mile, has been In 11 deplored)!') lonilliloti for sevetal jears. Tho raid, fi.i in pait of the main highway be- I iwceu 1111s ciiy una jersey ouaia nuu Wllllamsjioit llarrMnirs, Apt II IT. State Highway rummlsslnner u'.N'ell did not lal.u very seilottslj the 1 1 pent that Judge McCor tnk k of 1 union County, had held Iilm responsible foi the ondltlon of the told st Avl He admits that the mad. like many otheis, ought to be repslred, hut holds tint, with 11 highway sjstom of nearly ll.Ono miles. It was Impossible at piesiut to keep even thoa roads taken ovei t the Mate In constant lepalr. I'm 1111 ('iiininissloner Illgelnvv was arrfsted twice for similar teasons, but iinili ng ver 1 nine of the suits, etcept Unit In Jue ionise the roads complained nf wi I" e paired I lo not wane to discuss this matter until I hear otllelallv from the f'lluton 1 mint v Court,' raid Mr. O'N'cll. Ho s.i id I1.1t If he was to be served with 1 w iitant lor evt ry hole In a Mate hlgh wiiv 1 In- coiistnhli of 'lie State would lie) using up a lot of mileage, for he expected Mion to stnit on his gubernatorial cam paign tour and would bo on tho moro (kith BELATED BETHLEHEM WORKERS BARRED OUT l llfllili linn, I'll, ii il IT About 1000 nun b, eutisc of falluro to nrrlvo at wotk at (J 4u mloik cteiday morning when the new wage and working sched ule went into iffeit. wetc refused admit lame to the plant of the lifthlehcm Steel Conipanv when tne arrived at 7:30 0 t lot U. the old time The men nie ompln.ved In No. t ma- 1 bine shop, win to the Government eight hour law Is In force-, but becnuso the iSovrrnmcnt Is demanding the speeding up of pioduition at tho steel works tha wniiting. but Mr Matthews said no. cm ' eoinpanv dis-lded tu put the men on a Vllunllc Cll.i. Apnl 17 New I iceys new- .vvoik-or-llgUt statute. the most dnistfo law of its kind lit (ho e-ountrv-.'lioj, gono- into activo op eration nt the shoie with tin- issuing of orders to pollen details to report nt once for the purpose of blacklisting ami lnvestlgition tin- name ot every man of otlng ago hi the city who is not en gaged in some useful, productive, wln-thc-war occupation Voncssenti.il i-l.ifcplllcatlons to be sup. iriltted to the djutant (Jeneral's lie partment in Trenton for n ruling will etnhnee unattai heel dancing and skating Instructors, poolroom ntiepd.ints, dog talesmen who frcquenC the Hoardwalli gamblers of all kinds and masculine piano plavers, singers and dincers in raliaret shows along tho beachfront The letter nre to be outlawed bv Major Hacharach s aull-caharct ordinance which Is si heduled pj pass final li-ading bjr eotini il tomijrrftwj riurrled ntllcl.its tfjntlnue the notk of 1 lamping th shore "iht ap,i nuking At. tentlc Citv so clean that Washington au thorities ml have no reasoii to Bend Ultimatums lc the stiiiip Catenien anil saloonlsls, who e-ro thieatened by DI rcptor nf piddle Saf, ty Sooy with revo cation of Hilr lieenses If they bell to mjnors or soldleis. after 2 a In. or on Sunday. hav besn called to tho olllco ot Prosecutor o.iMll for further vvarnlus to keep within the law County detcctj,res ami t-fty plain clothes men will- n-aSi rplnret patrons nnd enforca the- nbw ullng barring minors from cafe. I'rnXeutor (Jaskill erved notice uiwii saloonnien that If tho city and county authorities cannot com pot obedience to the laws, ibe federal uoiernnient will I am nulle sun that mmi will f 1 . 1 It 1 1 our riontl In tin- pit I a uuarnnti-e for ' 0111 itoi main in Ih, ftiluit- l'lnl,id I- 1 phla knows what guild opeiti Is o-lt niushal bistoi is it, nn siitllt li ul i-t. rteni-t of this futt I am sun vou - III live up to 0111 ti iditiiiiis 1, it 1 nmi and lli.it .Mill III i i . i ii th, iimi , tit,- Mi-tioHihtnn 1 ipi 1 i ' iiiiipiin 1 vvili-ome sui ial 11ml ariiii, i.ti's iM Mini 1 in Ilf. Aciiu lit nn thni, m,:i linel assiu,. Mill if ui .tpi tialtun i voiii -viiipdlhv Willi 1 ni, iiistitin tuition that then- Is a stro-r public df- most l.ivm In tin mil ill, in Nt w otl. iiuimi rnr Better service Tinuxli 1 - have been effettivo sini-e the jitueH vvero bul led fiont Mlantii- nvi-nuo. enlneir e'ltv s beachfront was the r no of n 1 base and txnutlou full of thrills when town fit erne n iitptuied sine! killed a porpol-e seven nnd one-half feet In length and weighing mote than MQ0 pounds, tin- biggest which lias struck the shouts ot Absecon Island In Sears Tho potpolsc cime lusidi- tin line of shoals on a high tide nnd was left in 11 pool cut off from deep water by u ridge of sand when. the tide recedeel It was cnarglng the barrier In frantic efforts to got back into deep '.tiller when thildnii discovered It nnd hurried to Citv Hall with their news Tin 11 men made n peatcd efforts to rupture the iwrpolst alive, and when thev fa I ltd Jackson and flelsslnger, flremi 11 proiuied a gun and shot the captive Cut oft from 11 ri piulllahli hvi II hood liy a X'edual order foi bidding the use of the skv to lommercuil ot ama teur ni.atri , It, rj 1 II Kciiclrkk. ihltf pilot nf tin Atl.mtk 1 ity erlai I..ne front flni Inlet to i'ht Is, a will appiv tur ' u fJoverntuent pi unit lo i stabll h a school foi thu tiaiiiiug ot flnij JERSEY REPUBLICAN Cr.ni TO AIKET MAV 'Z Convention Will Bo Held at Trenton to Determine Issues of l-'nll Campaign 'rreiilon, ". .1.. pril IT The annuul tonventlan of tin- New Jeisc-v Ktme League of lEepuhh'-in lubs will tie held In tin- lit inn lit tu ciuh uudllorluni here mi Mtitrdiv Jlji .'".. with the opening at . oelntl, in tin afteinoon A call for tin- meeting - Issued today bv ndwuid c tlniinan. president of the hivlnu: Mm Mien Sir tlassiint salel liu w , nut -Impli-asid nt having bun In ciiinenletucil bti-ausc tlw event proved that .iw loil, p.illcciiiiu aic wide aw ,1 vt -it ih' the me time 11 d in .11 tin sii.i wbii, Mi ll.i'sim wiis lilt, nuptetl i tin pulp 1 man Ce-mge ilnke j, to-'i--l liiisiMt-s niiu of (. iiieinnnll was n-e in) alter, tin online ! tin- pollei-, '1 had tiki 11 pI'ut'iKraplis or Mi .unship. In the river Hewiii' tuken in tin r'ed uil lliiildlng ni'el ijutstloni-il In Mr M .till, w ten-bom -niid-tw em v-nve-mlnuto working basis, which would mean additional wages It Is understood that tho men who failed lo tepnit nu time villi bo per mittee! to work toda if they report at the earlier horn Theie wast no tumble ot nn kind and none s ppected Most of the men are frejm Alliutown und l.chlgh Valley towns 'I hi v said cut for tho two and one-half ctia bonis of lsbor they should be paid time nnd one-half time Instead of the straight hour rate. director .Sooy tarried the 1 Uauei town "'gunlzation, who .il. ., announicd thiU campaign to the beachfront bv directing every postcard dealer nlone the Hoard. walk to removo from his wtocl; forthwith and destroy ever curd of 11 eiuestlon able order One dealer with a $2000 -toek rushed to City Hall with samples ana a pica ior an oruer exempting them as art productions booy passed one of 'ho nrty odd samples andoidercd banish ment for the rett. It t LANCASTER NEGRESS DIES AFTER ATTACK Former Chester County Woman At tacked With Ax in Yard of Home Tamraster, 1'"., April IT V negro woman, aged about thirty cars, whose game Is tald to bo Dora I-'ord. formerly f -Cheater County, was fatally assaulted tist enlnc about 8 o'clock, according to he police, by William McMiller. foitj reane old Ho Is alleged to have cjiased er out eif her home at G10 North street jrto tne rear yard, where he bent her on In) head with nn ax KI10 died this norhtng JIcMIIIer escaped NOBLEMAN A SUICIDE -"Jpek Greene' Was Son of English Countess, Papers Disclose ' Noffales, Arlr., .April 17. -Accordlne to papers Xound iji his effects, "Jack XJrene," who va "found dead hero nrith a dtechareed Derringer besjde fip, was tho Itt. Hon. Jaeuteriant Jackson B. Argyle, son of the Count 3 of Drnley. of Cobham Hall, Cob. uim. Kent County, England, to whom fcf left a letter. tt papers Bliowed lie enlisted in 1614 In the, fourth Battalion or the iristi i-usiiiers anq nan dls- ! in Starch, 1917 He had three ; vvoundu and a bullet wnnmi Uiishs. wrlM4 here as a timekeeper un- mm i.aa fcid pronoBu at tin- 1 ouvt niton tu ,n. tabllMi tho l--ui - both Mate anil na tional, on whleh the fall lampalgn is to bo waged V 1 onunliti i- on lesnlu tions villi be appointed bv the prtsldmit and will meet In lonferenee. In the morn )Hg Immediately pieeedmg the conven tion The organisation h.i Invltid the fol lowing piomlnent nn n in the pattv to the meeting Will II Hayes chairman of tho National liepubllcun Committee: e--Uovernor Franklin Murphy, of New. nrk. national cotumltte, man from New Jersoy! Oovernor Walter I: lilge, of AtlflUtit- City, itt-S, n.itor Austen Co. gate, of Orange , Ucorge I, Itemed, of Jersey City, State Chairman Newton A. K. lsugljee, ot Tienton and otlicrs. BELIEVE COL. BOLLING STUMBLED INTO ENEMY Tornicr U. S. Steel Solicitoi Last Seen on Way to I-'iant-o- British Tront New urk, April 1" -'I he last moi f Colonel Ilasnnl C liolllng, forincilj mi. lleltor ot tho Culled States htci I loi poratlon, who has been icporled e,ip tured or nilsslng In (Jenrr.il Pershing s list of cakualtles. was on tho morning of March 5 driving his automobile In u northeasterly direction from Amicus according to private dispatches reeelvc-d by former buulneiw asslttants here Colonel Boiling was accompanied by his chauffeur. The t-wo had passed the night at Amiens. It Is believed they were on the way to the I-'ranoo-Urltlsh front to join American troops tent there as re-enforcements. The colonels friends bcllivo that lie loss nu way, ran into the German lines and was captured. Colonel Boiling resigned as solicitor of tlie United amies steel Corporation to accept a commission In tho aviation toe- tion of ttio army. L-nded Ferry Sinks in Midstream 1-arkrrlun, J'n., April 17 Tlie ferry boat across the lehlgh ltlvcr here, which has been put In operation foe the em. pioyea ot me j-kjimkii vaney juuiroau ,.iiu, linage; vvaiijswepc aay ui'uie.i iicor tne :JiWlMb&iMte , 1 1 The True Significance of Hampton Shops VERY often, we find some zs:S: characteristic Hampton Shops 5: " 1 grouping means the complete re- '"s"lSSJoi-rf:iiu ( alization of a decorative ideal that -""'' is sensed rather than fixed. ' As often again the same grouping .j,3E32i3CSS or some other as beautiful brings r j--sg glad recognition of a definite much- ' " "il filifllil ' wanted something that our customer K wf has sought elsewhere in vain. I I J( In fact, the whole history of Hamp- Mill M i ton Shops is a succession of satisfied i Iflfl II I patrons, whether they remember us ' j llllllf I for some single thing or piece for "I III I II home enrichment, or a houseful of J ' ''Al , i, II 1 1 'II beautiful furniture and its appro- ' 1 11' !' iSu ; M I 11 priate belongings, not forgetting the .. WI I fi vitahnatter of harmonious assemblage. wotMSKI 11 wxili US' nampnanSliDDS H1 111 nnuypt wpSBKf Who Oftoraiion iliilipitirs -rs-rrri O Si ApwJfflftf Ws: un r?if iMZMtmiiamMwmz,iMUmi &m. m K la.l & V ' iviw, ' . W I ' j.Tn'ii , i Ash ' - s c lj,i.t , , 4X3 I TAaArt.iv.iU.e.. . JKJj&.'i... ' itMti ,1 ---1 J JmtKk&dt&liiaiZ. i iffitf i fmaWhilM flti 11 r . Co.-),T:;ht I91S Hart Schiffccr 5. Man Join the nation's savers . if y u u men in school not old qnough to X hght want to help the boys in the trenches One way is to save wool and labor; take good care of your clothes; buy new ones when you need them and only then When you do buy, demand all-wool fabrics 1 and good tailoring Such clothes save because they last Our label is the sign; a small thing to look for, a big thing to find Hart Schaffner 3c Marx .!' Strawbridge & Clothier are the Philadelphia Distributors of the Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothing '" .i