yflWKyfrwifcTf-w r-pira wir f "WW t -itf frt- EVEXIXG PUBLIC i-UDGUU-PHILADteLPHIA, AlOXDAY, APRIL 13, 1918 $ -TL. I 7fiaiH?a 110 Wt1 40 POWER PLANT PLANS TO RECEIVE TRY-OUT r Scheme to Generate Elcctricitj it Mines Nears Completion Pnllnwinir Conference t ..- iriinslOfUPPl' I'lidailclplilJ nnd ali-i Sltrlcts Kh cleMU' Power kpiui.iI. d j Hie jnllira"" ' ''' H"l"Ll ''.iv, Ln announced follow u.g a coiifcrni. ..kln-lnn llf HIllellltlltlirF Of llir a niJtiii'i."'- .-., -i Tf.nn Kama furl n dll) 1) ami fcflcri "" - ItriUons, Hie War Pcp.it tnien ffiiVer eomi).inle tomanied JTJt U estimated thai Hie xti-P " u -.r. of coal nnnu.illj. Tl I -i i IP . i. ... i, muili tit Hie Dower plai" i( the i:iectrlo seurlni I'ompnm i lliiito, near .nan. n mi"" "" S:.... nlnnt ot llenlon will he mil ;e4 for the -aiiie pin nose. The m... nm run to rnunuc imi.i nun X:.t.a niih ihe Philadelphia riniu. P1""" .".. ..... ....... i .. e.nnv V cni.ic .Ml. linn -- I."" republic senice .uMiuumwn 01 . 'lirur. Kpnanclne or Hie piopiisitlon ha lm decIJcd Tin ooMiinnicnt i I u Hill Ol In be eonslilei mg tin ptoposmoi nisliir a fund among Hie powei ..11 sanies concerned Ltht coniprcnc in arhinton w a i fcndfd bj William l'otur fui-l udiinni Jnlor for Peniihanta . HciipisiI Jellar, P. J linlMc. !' Parlingu.n Percy Thomas and Major MacLan-n. of to War Department and Hip I 'nunc i I it'atlonal I)i fensp P '. K. .Stuari of the United Stati-. ftn I iidminlPtr.itlnn . T C. L lllgln of Hie Philadelphia (tjectnc comiiauj 'arirj cigooii. uo "uresldent of tile Pnhhc Ser pp I'uipoia- Itlan; R. J Jlct Ipllnml ihlef eiigtiicci of ltie Hlectrlc Seem hips Compam. and Illeulenant W Vt Manhv BOWLES TO DE DIRECTOR IpFHOG ISLAND HOUSING Entire Situation to lie I'lac-oil in Irt'jwal Ofllccr's Hanils. Wai-h- SP1 inc Dispatch Dcclui en Indication? thnt llii. finthi. Mr... lul.tml inslng situation is to be placed In the , Kami. A I.n- .1 .1 l.i .rn ' MUda Of Heap Atlimr.,1 l.-l;uieiu T Admiral Houles has st.itpil nmip tli.m I11C8 that lip lllin n liln.i tun th., wil... ttoa of the dlllicultics that liave cou wnted the housing coniinlshlon, but ha-i Rtlineil to give any of tho details of .flat plan. ' Ctniterenccs were held heio last week :."T!n Edward lluilpy. cliahman Uw shipping board : Charles Pie. raend manaRer of tlio IhuerKcncy mt Corporation ,1 Uoircn Klannery na Oun Tipnitiop.i i i. t.. ... ., -'-"""i' .i... il i-i i.ii.i.iji fit housing ln.utpis wore the chief wic oi moM conrprciups, though dc aiB re caitfullv gu.u d from news. wwr men fuciaj'ln beglinuug tnp boushii; I""""1 rl,v" ,,', " hip icnort WcTOon.aI. 'Hcatloti of the Kvo ui itiu llOHI-IItl would lie InvoKetl 1B0AHD WOULD FINISH AEW LIBKARY BUILDING InisU'cs Will Sept t ri! ik, Despite Government's ' Older for Delay TnidcAii - ... Ubriwh.. "F .lno . ' hlladPlphla l.'iee Atfott t ."ueresle" 'hemseives u an ,'VJS.i0 Prent cancellation of their S5viii .'l. "e building on the V thk r..h,ch ls Uireatencd as a icsiilt HeaSiri .. " t'"Fm s ciemand that tin l& ?.?;. ?V off L'rlorlty or- orsiruoi,,V0. ,1!,8,uca UJ tneuoverntnent SSTf1?.1?1 ".'eel and J.GOU,000 ls pio- Iknr.. 'oan 'onus Ijwntracts nlrpn.H it . Sitlte--jtS IfrlibrSrSr.'7clpat co"ract The now wlimf 7la.n Vs 8'aTted many ytais MidV,!?-?81"1 qf Hie mono was voted MTh. Fr.1!- us 'ol,s no as 1S'I8. i coniSu".,,F'.u,nl,",B. or canceling ;l2rih.t2.Lutl,orllp '" hale of bonds Wfm, ik. ne.J'lJc',l'0n "I" bave to go '!mS tsf. ?'L na sale ibsues comm tteo in authorization k " "c r PACIFIST AIDS RED CROSS UC?I,;,,'S. APrll IS TI.O IT lllnnn, nSi!lllraa4 "' "t tolerate lff.,1",, among their fcllnvv- "" n any form. fBrono Detip am ., t.-u. . tlSLr?'USt tO buy a I.ihprtv Itnn.l jRS tESK10" ,! n inced "w Cros s i "t.iioo ju 10 mo f. '- iiuhn, 11 IIU 11 U XKIITA, .. l.n .. n itiii ... .vsrmany and wlinsp i.9ntg PB0i 5Ie,.la,d he Intended to l'eep tuile ft. r tho, fatherland He trai hm bought a??i s?ute tl10 na&. nnJ l.l.."gu'it a Llbertv Iinml un t. KS"l" ne.ny allei'i "" " " ""'""""minimi n(nl Sales rooms Open futurdaua Until Flw deities Vlciin Gncl or Cork Tip People of culture and refinement invariably PREFER. Deities to any other Cigarette iy 111 (.11 J MtlllliH 01 T'il Nonli Thiil;, i-iitlith sticct, iihaimiuisi of University uf I'eiuisjlMinni I'asi llospitnl Unit No. 20. wlni i an all around athlete ami la-t week de feated hib opponents in a iceent Y. M. C. A. athletic1 meet. COAL OUTPUT RECORD BEATEN DESPITE WAR March Banner Month With 7,270,777 Tons Year's In crease 14 Per Cent Bowleii arc contained In dispatches from i Thai March was the h.mnei month .n Htdiliiton todaj . t ,. ... , ., ., , , 1,11. ll,.,.,,, Ul lltl. (,,, uw, IVi ,,.,,u.,,. Is indicated In the rccoul uf shipments us ieportcd lo tlio Anthracite iiuicnu of Information ul Philadelphia Milpnuuts for Inst mouth uiuounted tu ?,;7C,i7" tons, nn increase of 1 104.- C93 tons ovir l'Vhruary nnd of i'Si.TUJ tons over tho corrcspoudlii); month last year. The) exceed by 115,827 tuns tin October, 1917, bhlpments. which, until I now. icprcsented the hlRh-wutei mail, in tluit I monthly shipments I'or tho coal jcar ending with .Maith. PUS. tho total shipments were 77,752. .:i." tuns, nn iiicicaso of y. 07.".. 720 tuns, or more than II per cent over tlio pic ccdiug coal j car. These Jncteased shipments have been sent to maiket despite a labor .shortage j 011 nm, H)BIlt.ll n rc)01t ra,0,c , u of about one-sevtiith of the noinnl strlCtion f nK. BUliw.i. Piie.toi Pale woiklng funo In tho mines. 'Ihej ln-lman :i cw ,ia)8 ng .Jcelaicd lliat tin dic.ilo the success tint lias followed the contlnuancc of tlio work formed a crtorts ot tlio opeiators to inaluliiln ,np,wce to tho liulldlng maslmuni pioducllon iluilug tlio (Irot, s rcpoit was based patil.v upon "tlio jenr of the war. discovciy ot n number of ci.uks in th- The mine woikeis have co-opeiatcd as a, i n,0 biicUwork of tho In wltli tho companies In making possible lcr,. 0f Hip building. TIip iiulill.atloti these new- production lecouls, and Uio 0f xs latest slntcment gave 1 l-o to grand total or -March xiiipmciitH was made thioiigb tho men and' ho.vs wuik- Ing teadlly during all of Holy Week ' IIMIIl 1I.'miMAI s:i.'l?Vlf'l.' aiwu.' ..,w. . umiM.u Pottsvillo Moohc Pay Tributes Dead Jlemlicra to Poltstllle, Pa.. April 15 The beventh annunl memoilal service of, Pottsvillo Lodge, No. 411. 1.0 ul Order of Moose, was held In tho Hippodrome, which was packed to tho doors. Thlrtjnieinbrta of Hie lodge have died since uhu institu tion of tho lodge. Jacob 11. Hothstcin. foinier pepuiy Dlstilct Attorney, delivered the me moilal oiatlon. The Itov. C. jr Nich olas, of the nngllsh Lutheran t'hurch. dellveicd tho Invocation and pronounced the benediction. Instrumental numbers b Seltzer i Orchcbtra and ocal selections hv lln. Lotus Quartet, comprised part of tho exercises Theie arc 123 of the 1100 nipiiibcis of the Indue in tho mllltai'v and naval I i service iiiiiniiiiiiiii mniiniiTTmiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiii Lamps and Lighting Fixtures The new Lighting I'iture and Lamps arc an indispensable adjunct to tiic cozily furnished home. They have much to commend them, and in planning to refurnish any of our rooms it will be to your in terest to consider our new models. The Horn & Brannen Mfg. Cp. JSsltri I the Critical iU Exacting 427-433 North Broad Street "cL 'CJ tmost Vr'i Ugctreke.,' n VOTE REGISTRATION DRIVE OPENS IN CITY Wednexlav Only Day for rollmeiit for Spring Primary Im.Iiv i nl, I lii llt-l ..f a con r in itiil tnli. fhl dtUe lo KCt nil ,iif. in lln i n leRI'ici.tl tin "tu m .1.. fen th. Milling piimaii pi. i Ho i Tiiili t'i I'.iiiimc nnd Vaic fnttlniw' , . i i, a if i tile oUr In nunc inn I 1 in th pi in. inal diiic b hilng mail. l. tin .inti-liipipi people Un i him ii . . iintiii.ii- i-ulTiasists and n.ilepenil in i.,l 1 1. in. . tit it. n. tho epe. lali.nii. oi inni.t mm i - rut ii onl oiip rKnati. .1 i in t i i nn ti cle ,lnn Ml Mtiei -wb. nn in i lejjs.errd toi the I.t-i i. mill i' . .in mum trgilt'i Widni il.n in mile i tu Kin the liRlit to Mil. .1 Hit . Jlilllll, IlllllllllV m nn on- Him wnnt I.. .luin-c M.tii i.uKtialhm fiom one imt '" u" ..Un l inut al-o do It Weilnpsilav liiil.pi ndeiitH arc iliBlng Iheir pafv m.!i is Id ciuoll mi liepuhllciina or prinn .lii- bin piliitip.il stic. a belns , l.u oil on Hip t nrollment In I he iiepub l.an lank- owlns tu the loinl IlBht bc i wnii Hip Ptnrti'e and Vai.' elfinents. Tuvvii MictliiB pirn votcis ate being in Kid in iislsii'i as lipiiiihltcans. owitiR ii, Hie I it 1 that tlicie will be no Town "limine Hi hit at Hip pilnvirv iltillun lip rigl-lr.itlun houiH will lip from i in lo lit n in., utid fiom I p in to 10 n m The I'.uiillil.ilis ii, .p voted for wip bp Uovrinor, Lieutenant ilovrrnor. M.nlaiv nf liilcrual Affairs, all t'on srpssnicn, lucludlus four nl-lnis. . twpn-M-Mvcn Slnlp Kennlom unil nil of the nuinbciit of the House Tin p.irl.v Itadris estimiiti that ubuiit ' 'T.'IOi) p. riious wlio arc eligible lo vole did not vol. at Hip ihitinn last full The elluit of tills vtai s in (ji'l as laiee a piopoit'un nf thin voli liKiMci.d at-po-slbh DENY SUBWAY WORK HAS HURT CITY HALL Experts Differ With Dates man Say Foundations Have Been Strengthened Contractois and expeit- at w.cl, m. subway constiuctlon undei ' uv I In I' flatly deny Phector Iiate-niun -, ihinii tliht danger has resulted to the lnuldins from ONcavatlous and declati that iinu. solidity has resulted from the work. Ill speaking of the work .losi pit II Louehhelm, pre.sldtnt of tin Kpv'tmi. Statu Construction fouipanv :-aiil "Since th coiislrilPtlnn of III. miIh' i under the suuthwesi found moil- ul it Hail the 1 Ig hirudin. I. mm ittll siippoitcil than ever and time i- in ilaucri of injurs lo the biiililiim b . hi i of the opeiatlou of liains unil' t n i m siilnvny Is now !iu jier ipiiI tonphti under Hip iiiilldlng anil Hie lounilaiiun tests on bcdiocl. something wltiih tm not Hie case hrfoio the work was un dci tak- n. ' Although himself n nieiubei uf the , ,,i,.,leulrt.. itltl.l. ne.rl,, n .1 iiivrsinr., f,u.u denials on the pan of transit rnjjinccts. - ' - TiinMi Jitnoek Leatlcr Diw. 'nil.bnlinotk. Ph.. Alllil 15 Pi J I 'I iniktinlinotk. Pi , llardwell Is dead ,. - ,..,, ,.. .. . . i.- ,, , r.... p.irs lleiiubllt'iu count i chairman In chairman oniiiig Count! nnu one or tno nesi knnwn dot tins in northeastern Pennsvl vania lie was a giaduatc of the L'n- Iversity of PennsMvama. IliSni "M" a liberty Botic and Help , the II ar a Hj Style and quality dn 'i :$$& Ml hi not always mean a . ' . vl ami Ifli high price the pump , . JM BfiS m Pictured U '. m M I f 6 jMfX R jw$rX'W rlf m lu ttp 'AaBagffUeautifully made in mahog- Ul fJSJI j""5 any calf, gun-metal calf, pat- vwa itMrt (tE&"" ent leather, gray buck, white (WJi ' ffiBi! al,d white buck. ji ! 919-921 MARKET STREET i iBij 60th and Chestnut Sli. 274C-48 Germantown Ave. jlfcj !S' 4028-30 Lancaster Ave. SG04-06 Germantown Ave. U& RJ ilninch filore Opf UaxUt Street Start Hja 'H Bitry Etentog Open Saturday Big. Bgu BOY SCOUTS ARRANGE I WEEK LOAN CAMPAIGN Troops Start Drive to Equal $2,000,000 llccoril With Parade April 27 I Philadelphia Hoy ScoiiIh will lelchi.ito tliolr tMillrlimtloti In lln- tlilid Liberty Loan camtttllcii li tlio ohxerviiiice of o Scout loan oel InirfliiB this lime. I r (mi An'lll 2T to Mil) I li-luftlw. the rroulfl hope In lirlnj? thnlr tolaLof bond nlen pnHt the YJ.non.uon math That mil redder ih height of Huh mhleo inent In the neeund loim 1 1 1 o p me me RieaniTs niter Hip imp- era Ih the ilnsrnn that has been minuted bv ihn ,n.F for the weeh'B Moil. More the Seoul. Kor the nat.p of greater cffl-1 i li'iii'.i Hip rntlro c Itv hn8 been laid out lulu dlFlilem. mi that each of tho 220, .scout troops will hao a limited terrl-' toiv TIip l.lheiu Loan lommittee of tlie Tli'nl Kedeini l!e-.re PIMrlct. which emlii.wes I'hllndiilphla, has luoinlsed nn mniicaii flag to the lio upon comll noii thai the obtnln $:.00n,000 In suh cilpiioii- The Scouts expect to far e. fed that amount. One of the featinc of Scout loan neili wPI he the participation of the Lou in n big Libert) Loan parade that N planned for prl 2T. on this oren si.Mi I'hllndflphiani will for the tint lime hair un oppnrtuiiitx tu sec u imr .iion of Hip Scout bicycle stpiad that. sIikp (he appointment h PrtHldent II- non, Ins been terlng asUocinment ills p.llr'1 bPiirris Ell- More than Hill of these bo will be In line. Tlii w ill be lomnianded bi I'lehl t'ommls'oner lalwnid Mm pun In the diamond frame of each bli n le is a sign on which is pi luted' "l!o 11 outs ot A met it n . tloiernmcnt dispilch bearers The cMu.il il 1 ii lid si.ito Seil.'r Tioop n I . Ii'. i ,ii Hip iciiiie-.! of I i.i.icrnitii in .lib. i.iN w.im oiganl.d 1..i i it ".""iiBt-i i ii ,ii Hit Hog Isl.iml innnuiiiinig plain ,n-n will lie in lit i Til.-. Im- wi I he in .It, it-, of ilioit -i iiiinai, i i .1 oi ki i: U. it. CHARGE GERMANS HERE PLAN MILITARY ACTION Federal Airents Investiirato Ito- ports of Formation of Teu ton Societies Bearing Arms Agent- uf the Pipartmeni uf .luii.p are tudn.x tmcstlgatlns icpoiis of al ICRed octlity li Herman military o cletkx in Philadelphin with u lev to suppressing nny posslblo movement that mu) be of a seditious or treasonable natme llcpoits Iimm- leached the tlepai Intent that In nrious cities of Hip I'lillcil Slates tiermiins fill Is nimeil and riiuip ped for tit III t t i scrxliv. Ii.im iioen rpile l orcuiil7.lne. 't is said that in tln plty nlnno theie nio finOO tlerinans m orcanlzed Tli members of these ocictlcs are alleRcd to lip clthei xelcrans or sons ot eteruns' of the Clerman an, and se cinl leadiiiR business men of Philadel phia aic lcporied lo be active in the oianisMtlnn. U the Pepailnient of Justice II .i -aid .li.u nn imcstlRatiou is lielnR made ami that pionipl action will bo taken In the event II is foumr that such an oicanlatii.n actually is in caIMciico In i'lnlnilPlpliia URRYfor AMERAS DEVELOPING PRINTING FRANK J.CURRY THE CAMERA SPECIALIST 812 CHESTNUT STREET 812 l our mi i.iMit rum m. I s lllSlHIlllt r ir , i I i uur SIPI lilt lln ll Kiiit.nrl. lit tid iin.l n.laixlr-il In i vpi ' is Our spa nitr- 1 l.l-lle lln-Vrt II in it s t ii.infurl .hi 'import fin ni inR mIii s oHn I ml v I, 1,1, rl lliil Hill I. " IriKups. illelnttibi.il tint! HtillPlil -up-liiirltrs .if .ill la in- I ii.i I rrinll. il.nllti, in t lir. uorl'l nifr hllilplnlili llrtlini..ll. In.. ID N. 1 :t 1 1 SI (nt tint anil kfpp fur rrrcreme. 1.. 1. I.. Lr MYUt There Are Two Uoiuls Ot r i the l.ibpi t brnnJ fur f i p Ins J rpploin hU Ii tpr IMnluikl Vhliii -houM liu. Tlie itth-" H tlio ItOlul Of nillnlpnrp ItPtprn (ur f u-tnniprrt nnd ourele- c iratotl U nn in urn to. skilled Hint prompt rr it e ntilt Ii ert riilluilclplitau fhoul 1 ti. LLEWELLYN'S l'liilt'lelpliia s biunUa-il thus blure V'A 1318 Chcbtnut Street yj"" "' '""' """' ' '"'M ''TzzziL mr TUBERCULOSIS FOES PLAN AID FOR TROOPS 'Philadelphia Committee Will Obtain Names and Help Soldier Victims Pert ice mill telief In Philadelphia to members nnd inoptelle luemhcrs of tho nriuy nnd nn who nio found to be tuberculous liri") hern nriangcil for tinder n plan Jiift perfeeled h the l'lillndel phla committee of the Pcnnijlvatiln, So elety for the Pretention of TuberculoJlis Announeeineni of ttiti fact was mado .today at the olllce of tho toinmlttca lit the. cnn)ltnln Timidlnc The worli ' Keoii - Goilctal lloigas. Lii'ii;! ill." pun! nil? j'liiiMUC'.fjiiit. mvi'i- mltt(i will recehc name of nil mm In its district either drafted or already in training quarter niul who hnM- been re leeted for serpp brmuse of tubercular doelopmem, liuli IndiMdiinl rnsn w'll rtcelvo Hie attention of u Mslting mitse Tlio objiet will be to rffei i. If possible n primnnent ture and to piotrvt llw sol Ulleis' families unit nelghhois from pos sible Infe. lion. Tho Philadelphia toimnlNee nlso 1 worlilnif lo obtain l.st nf all men nf .draft age now in sanatoria operntlm; within the ttnitoi) Hint il i-encs. This data will ho forwarded to nnhilng catnpt 'and used In weeding out tlioe with n history of the tllsensr- 1'or the tliaftees who haxe not devel oped Hie disease In let ognizablp form 'until utter thr liaie passed n ptoba ,tionar ppilnd In tiaitilng camn and itlirn arc ent Iioiup lln Philadelphia committee will rnde.no.- to obtain sana J toi iutu at t nnnnodaiiiiii lin thus, who ihaxe be. ii icprttd i di.ift Imaids a" ' ' not in line of dun " i In- coiumttti will 'tr In lb d In. -n't il beds ilililiHlilililililililiiilililililiKiiBiiHifllBiliEivViflfili& Note them on your appointment pad These two officially as Executives' days at the Busi ness Show, to facilitate the visits of business executives. We'll gladly furnish executives with tickets gratis. Simply phone or write The Ediphone offices. Philadelphia Business Show 1st Regiment Armory, Broad & Callowhill Sts. APRIL 15th TO 2pth INCLUSIVE If you dictate to The Ediphone you know in your own experience the great .business im portance of this perfected dictating machine, given you by Edison and his laboratory staff after forty years of development. If you do not dictate to The Ediphone you will have a lively interest in this ingenious machine that is writing more than a mil lion letters a day for other business men. The Ediphone is shown and demonstrated this week at booths 67 and 68, The Business Show, at the 1st Regiment Armory, Broad and Callowhill Streets. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OPPOSES NICKNAMES (Jnzctto Decries Use of "Pcnn" and "Pcnnsy" for Penn sylvania Term" nnd Penney ' as ucd with refeience to llin t'iilerslt.v of Pcntii'.l nnln arc nhjeelrd to In nn cdlturlal In The ppnni"hnnlii fla?.itlp. tho fcMy magazine of the university. The edi torial In mi attempt to rilncourago tho un of tho word. It J- "Perhaps wore nre ocr-fetnltle mi pA.r.r.Co FLOWER VASES AND BOWLS Silver Glass China Pottery days have been EDISON DICTATING MACHINE W MiiriGv? ygTfli 1035 Chestnut Street Telephone: Walnut 3135 tho point, but my wo nuggest -tor the benefit of our newspaper friends, and our nluinnl ntid vtudentr Hint tlio name of ibis iinhcrjlly is Pcnnsyhnnla? It Is mi rum.' and It Is not Pcnnsj.' We utilize Hint on account of tlio length of, me name, nnd heenuse it owe its origin to William Penn. theio la a rcat temp iiilloii to Khorlen It to Tenn ' This ap peals with particular force to newepa per bond wrller who nre obliged to com prep much In a diiinll space Probably our own Ftudeiit mid nluinnl hao been 1 altogether too lax In liMnc wiint lr- tually amounts to n tilehuumo In refer-1 ling lo their university. Let Uh tnslMi i In referring lo our uniierslty. upon Hi full, dignified name. If our students and alumni will always ohnre this theni nelws. wp an count,on Hie co-oncrallon of the newspapers to do likewise." I Appropriate Wedding Gifts designated pJKs . V , ' 'fc-e . sS? IRi fl f r Perry's Spring Suits $20 $25, $30, $35 I ' .L ii v P ? Perry's HOLIII.lMllli: sl'l.l "MII.ITAIIV MODIil, Xciv ConiMve .llilltar.r Mioul dern; lone lapels, lop pickets flapped ; hot torn po elects slashed; snug waist lines; flve-seam bmU, There's , a Model a Pattern a Price here for Every Man q In the Matter of IModcls, you will find Singlc-Breaslrrs Doublc-Breaiters Onc-bulloncrs Two-butloncrs Three-bultoncrs Four-biilloncrs Simulated Belts Military Backs Sports Backs Braid Bindings J nd Pocket Varieties that create a number of new sub-divisions of style In Patterns and Fabrics, you will find I Worsteds; Flan nels; Cassimeres; Cheviots ; Serges in plain, neutral col ors in various color . c o m b i nations ; in stripes, plaids, checks -and novelty mixtures. J Reasonably Priced at figures that we could not dupli cate, if we had to buy " our stock today ! Perry & Co. "N. B. T." I ii 16th & Chestnut SUJ A tkrt walk ! Auttmtbilt Rv " f p r it A