mmmmm&fWr u ,-. iBuenmcj public Ktefiger Philadelphia, Monday, April lo, 1V1B rf I A PAGE OF PHOTOGRAPHS ILLUSTRATING THE OUTSTANDING EVENTS IN A BUSY WORLD'S NEggfl HOLD Till' LINE. Ilrnllicr Unions we're .-iinui.f! man iImiii-jihI- Inui: uil u. man ill.ipr of I nunc arr bnoni inp accustomed lu llio sight of Vinrririiii Iroopi iiiarrliing In the relief uf llifir ViiIm-Simmi allies, adiuillrdl lianl jin- cil lull still flcinniiii? Ihr rush of ihr Crriuati liilr. Thai merir:ui should liml it llirir lot at ihr period of Ihr war In (ill the pap in ihi- aruiir- nf democrat' i a prmlrpr entirely in kci'iiinj: wilh Aniciira he-l tradition. I itnnul If ' mi I'ulili. Infi.i iiiiilinii. 1 ' ' ' P f THIS WAS PI. ( Kl-'l I. French farmhouse mi ihr onlskirt- of l'ari. whrn our of tin- fir-t of the shrlN thrown h the German- from thr srmrity of llicir lialllclines, secnt-fie mile ma. Iiurtleil lliiuiipli the air ami Mrurk it. on see llio result. lueidcnlall, litis is ihc firl photograph to reach this country shotting thr actual l triu-lion wrought in Ihe cnirou of Pari- b lln (criuuu s-contj-lie-iiiilr gun. Kml. I A II. U M . 1 1 1 ..1 Tl Sll l)i: 01' .kl.i; DOODI.K. ho lnrk 11 fciitlirr in liit cap anil ralleil it inaiaioni,"' if lii-ro aren't mjiiiu of llio.-e farmerrllf, wliilr fratlnT in their hal, uniforms and all! The arr priali in the (National Ionian'- l.anil rm. who arr setting rcaily to niaUc ihinps Rrow s out al Whilforil. The lo alior aie ailju-liu. Dohhin'- harnci-. licrca helow Mi.-.- l'rame (.tiruin i on her ua lo ihr -iriir of operations uilli a wheelharrou full of garden tools. I k i'i ih Tr roa CMC hMS l'IIION ihigneri har turned out garh for our female eowomcn. The Miil i of lilue ,... ..III. - I.. 1..... ....... I. ..1...... U !... i.,.l,e .1... p.. 1t.II. II pMIIIIIV.I IIUI! 1III..V.II7. T.I. II III. I. Ill S III. it ma he remoril, rtui'aliiiK a white shirtwaist. 1 MI1. ,. M , m jasa H - fB Wf "wwwwwmntitu t- ii,,,. ,rt f niiiriiaiiinni uinnMi--.w.-i o- rf . ' . vi v n ArTl'.K WIM) AM) WAVE had enled llicir fury last week, the seashore tellleiiicnt of Longport, N. J, began taking count of it loss and speedy steps for reconstruction. Summarized, t-eveii cottages, the suuinier of l'hiladclphia families, are down, a costly sea wall i now only a mass of concrete, and the beach is rent with great fissures. Altogether' llm lota is $200,000. The photograph above thorn oue section of the beach, with fulieu cottage in the middle ground. r. n OF AM. NATIONALITIES , llio I'olen arc, perhaps, unsurpassed in llicir nalriollsui. That been evidenced by Ihelr und, In. national consc.ousnes, in ihe face of persistent effort, of Europea u "utocracle o incornora te them And Ihe Philadelphia Pole are no i exception to ,h ruc. allhougl, they have transferred " their 6, loyalty Jo Ihe.r new homeland. Wiljiei. Ihe Liberty Loan parade pfVolish sociftie. 8 ,hey appeared on ll.cir'wSy don BM Ureet bunday afternoon lo a mast-meeting at ihe Metropolitan Opera Home. IM :'m'- '-,. S t W . - M . J ;.-, "K m I'M ' $. -" uti '" ;ji 'n.