Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 10, 1918, Postscript Edition, Image 1

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rain lonmtit od Thursday, jm.it in
' MMniin iirrt. itHillmici. toM.
trMPBit m m. at " """
HrTToTnTiLL1. 1 -I J I V 6
rTjjji n
ciientng public fe&ger
t nrtriuiir WIS. M Ttit I lb it I rtw nt t'oiiriNt
Sberty Campaigners Defy
7., ?n,,. in Effort to
; "Go Over lop
filly at Metropolitan Opera
t "Lf1M to Spur City's
MO Draftees to Mai eh
in Liberty Loan Parade
or the 50.000 Philadclphlnns who
will he In lino In tlic Ubcrtj Loan
puiude. April 27. at least 1000 and
probably nunc will be National
Ainiy men.
This is the icaiilt of .in arrange
ment with UrlK.idler General Dean,
commanding I1ir Sctciity-clghlh
Division at Camp Uix. N. J. it h
likely th.u cither the 309th or tho
Sloth IlcBlinrnts or both Mill be on
hum! for the parade.
Mcmbcis of the Llbcitv Loin
conmilttee are clJted our the pros
pcet of Ihr parade because or the
tppc.il to prnvpcitlxe PUrchasci b to
bo made In tho Ui.iM and tho
Klara and Sti ipc
Crushing of Germans
Final Fearful Offensive,
Aim of United States
and Entente
j ,r vva la'-lca tod.i 1 -end
Cr the .. in the Libert,
iB? "',' ii-,, bv satu.day nlBlit l "
1th .r. n.ai- tl.o total sub-
nacm " . ..,..., jo.ooo-
l&B.l0.aa" minting, and the
,8 , u, ,,uoU i- l.!0.000.000. The
47 oflUe Tti.nl 1 tdrral licsmc ...- UUU1I1C1H1 liiSllinaiOS 5I10W
New JcrMV, is " I' ' n ' I L J Ul IJUIKIS.
Whole Country Roused
NEAR $400,000,000
irlet. Including
J pel,, arc and l""
I?:'?,. -niim i.i i"
HOW" .-
g, uncriy
KtincMiciit ""
Ittotnul ttnci i" '
Vr. ..fr to '"
if injected Into
.-imnalKii by an
il, u.id Ml eel. fioni
i Mull, nan mm
...If lr e InilllV
.rnpd UCr I" ,. ..III,
arsr . -
: . Iho result oi j. I
fiuiM ork - , . .!.. r,,,
m .1... mf-rlinc
jloea i"- , -)1,ilci1i,
Mii-litticton, April 111
'I be Hind t.lbutv Loan campalsn Ik
i.iinuij Hwinsintr lino jton.ono.OOO worth
of stibcrlillon. that amount In ins It"-
he. id-
more IF
vBroiid strict from t n
l..j ... ..in tm lonci
!" " "1 . : "".., , I.v nr.lr.-M .,f
Sivor Smltli TrallU will be dlencd
tt mtcenth tticet anil to Mlilrtcenlh
oral. Bands mjciiI and mulcal enter-
?t!nmcnt, f peters ami oilier means oi
i, i, iho neonli n the htaiue of
unolllelal total l.a-id un roiiferxalirr
VSnTMZ "he iHMilBlit """ r.u. tin ,oen, .on.mllVe, In
.Tv tlic on-r also fi.iKd m.n ," 1 '''' r Ihr eountri Tin trra.air,
"'C ' .. .. . ...... .lrMtlP tilt Il.lM ffilltlliltr... .... .....I..
iiohcm' i " , , ;, ' "" i'""i ' "i awaums ine
; uiifaoi 'bli weather lomli cold IlKuris finni tin I'cdiral liewerxc
'. oDtlmlsin iinu octeniuiwiioii ..... .....,., u.,i .ron. ;n,- lyr, 0r rtr;:runi-
ws vv . . llinA'a lir-.w). rterlril llf II... in. ... t .
tirflucu i'.i' i" n. .- ....... ,------. . ... .... uiucri,v oaii noun
' ' ClU.irlrr. mwl tr ..i -, . .
. - Mu'" v-tmmi.-n unireii oy
Mall to Client- ( the eonnnlltic In Hie larar nnuiieial
on ca.-ii ii.ifj."""'! in i; piim win lut.iiy uu up-
proaelicd l.irnre iilght
t-'ieretarv XleAdoo has bent ihrered
by the hrltht prospeits rnr the bond
loue. lie Iihh felt out the pulse ol tl.
nation and hounded the elation tall tor
not only sy.ono ooo.nno i,..i r... ...
Tptrlv durlPK luni n hour will be Used I eoloal Mini ..I JU.000.OUO.noO or $f.'.-
fucli aiy duruij run i-nii.tiK" ,--.- ,v, ,,,, m.,U'itiu. war ooireir
I More than too "' "" 'eported their; Anierli-a Ii.ih been iiiiilanipeiied In
B ,v . ... . . M ., ,. Orf I Still I 111 ll I .l. .. I. .I..- .... ..
motli BUDECriu. u .. "" iinnu.... ...... , -. .... ...... .... nuui uiuiiuii on
1 o'clock on Hie npenliiK il.i or tile inc e.iet (.uii-.t oT the bond
"Force" Against Prussian
ism Sidetracks "Politi
cal Drive" on Austria
Conscrption in Ireland
May Complicate Situa
tion in United States
Mir lull tcxl i.r Premier l.lil
lltrnrsi'' upculi l prliil.il mi t'c- l
W.'ishinutoii, A pill 1"
With licitnani uUikliiH In i all ""
the wcMtern ofren-ixe. the A""- ""ll
Atnerlea !tuc aii'WCicd that tin '"
will still r nil and do it "ow
That was thn Mi Washington tool,
tmlm of I.lnd lieoi fir's ail.liis rol
low Ins 1'ixvldrnt Ibon'- toni' ."I-d.e-s
unit his ptrduo to doilbh'-ipil-K
the Hfiirlinii or Anirrhaii mm ihioii'l
Tin- itIiIh tame home with full
ronT toda fioni UnBlnnds net
1 rulslna the mllitai M-ivlie ni
'nrii xoiiim and hei ilei iMoii
wrlpt lrlnhllieii.
Miflit" rulll1e.il OIUiimm
I'ruililent Wilson eleineil the wax
bv mlde-traeUlntj tile Idia or u polltl-
ri ..(TfiiHlVL iiuiiiiiist Aiifliiu ami
i1uel.trlnu that lureiifttr
'fin if will be Alum leu's tolo.
... 1 ...!
(ilHIIItr llUtllurlllOH Ul.nm
lincricaiis ill Go
Into Hig llallle boon
W.istiiuzluii.'Apiil 10. - Amerlcuti
troops hale nut Mt cone Into bat
tle in I'icurdi. aillim Keintaii of
Win t 'run ill .intuuiiiiTd In an ad
dress to the National L'onfei cilif
of Ani'-rleiin Lreturerc
Ite added, however, that I ml lea
tloiis u ro that In Hie near futliro
tlenrral I'ernhlim'ti men will bo ac
lively opponlns the tlermann In
their supreme effoit on the west
it n front
"The Klttiiition will lip seiiou.s foi
u lona time ' Mr. r'rowrll ilrelnred,
"The tlerniiiiis li.ne been soli.;;
will ind on' I. lav i i. .In st. .Mils
h.ivi proviiitiil tin in r-.ni iiiiMiik
rurllie. puvu
COSTS $250,000
Fierce Flames Sweep Uusi-
ness Selcion of the
Several Pig Stores Damaged
and Court House and T?nnk
P.uildings Threatened
Fighting Shifts Toward Flanders
'"hmii'i liutizet I In omi
ni to
to eon-
I (Tjtrt nl I) imti It It till. 0 'l.blu I Cliff f
l.iiieasltr, I'.i., Am II 10.
I'lamcK are KWi'epliiK the buidncss
! Fcetlon of the elt, lire Htuitlns In the
blir Spifelier .1 Uuiimi liaiiiwiire btore
i on liint KIhb ktrei't and preudlns
Iqulrhl to the tlariln department
' store and ilriien b a Bale into th
AtrOoi tens-ent Moie. The vvhoh
bllsliies, :ri'tun is threute.n.l and tl i
the is not under lonliol
The lourl livtise Is iloi-e tv t'n
Spreihei & (ianss bultdlm; and tvv
. banUliic Iioumh ale in the path
The enthe llrr-llahtlin; forie ot tin
iitv m at woiit, but Is bavins little
, . rfi el onjtlie Haines, The losh mi far
I is estimated ut nboirt $L'"0.00.
A battalion of t'siuies. here t help
tin Mbirlv oljin. Is astlNlm; the fire
uimi. Minor Ticitil it diiiellua tin in
pi . sonallv .
The Hip biaan In the ih-vato. .-hift
ol tin' Hpreehei' &. tiuuss nlou mil wa
liuollim IIiioiikIi tin loot when tl.r
IliM apparatus arrlxed The Int. not
PVIMiT"!' IMtn.' iraniv of ,,,r ,',c",' "',M 1cs,u""1 ""' -lAI
btl I AOaiWiLi lUUAl teunie tire and waler dainaKe was
" done to the M T. tiarvln .v.- t'o. tli
, partment More. Mit-'rury .M t'o ten
Amcndmcnls to Modify
Power of Ullicials Deing
II iishlnqliiii. Apitl 10
'I In Minute, lelf-iiiuiizlid In respoiiKe l wt tore, Mui rf KunK. hathi i ware
to d( .Hands for "li s talk and moio
netlon," pripared foi a showdown todav
on the M-dltlun bill, ostrmahlv disUmd
ItutlKP. and other Mini II olllee in the
Iilllldlnux nietitloned
The t wines battalion vveie oideixd
iinstlnttil 1 to bett.r aim the IHpaitmetit of Justl.e , ' m K,,,,',,c' ' iipiuin I . lio.MJ ami
" -. . - .1 fliil tmilmii ii in b ! ......lulu... li.. I1u
Tor .i tiaiion-wifio iuuml-up or mu iinu ' '"" --w-i' m uwh-uhk mu nn--
. IllPU.
' !.... (i... n i i.. i...i..i.t
11- HIV Ml ll"i ill 111 lll'IKIIL
J .It. IH. ..II....
,,ul' ' II. K..( ii i.u liii.lln.t l t. n ...Im.l..
I - ITH-IT Klip IIHMIVU IU 11 M Mlllltllin
peeih In aiioidunej? with the.
h be. divided
i iMm on the nnenniK u.i o. i.iu ' i.ui Pu.i-cfi ol tne iiotul mi i " .. ., .,",.....,.'.. tlir ulinlp lniltnsa sr pIImii .. tin ...ii.
it," -' .. '...... i . . . nil . .1 .....i.i ! nun mi l it; . in r iii'i-f ii in in i (linn Tii-n u 1 1 n i in ---- ....-.. --.. .-..,..,.,. ..... ....,.
Jwnpiln. uceurdmis to Uli-p uims r. - i. e.u u a.Bt. nature ii.ih pone for- , Hlalml m pouuvu, ... ' ',.'.,..., '.:uH. ,, ,, . , 7N1, " , , I rml ami the I'olumbl.L department I
Utd from WuilHitwlui. Many ot tlu.se .ward n vie ,l.,u.s arta.v. I ,Mx ,)f ,.rlollll billion in Ireland In n nmiiH . lis. m hb een irm rnUM , d
Brtnshad comi.lit.d their uoUm be- I. New, WK openH tl,,. r,,UPl , tU of . ..nKerlnllon Ussue. ?. "1. ,! "i ".'' ' )'l " r.''lr "T.. "i'.olC Vlrtualli no buMiiis wruj done in
fcSMK z.;rsi z f P""s-ns:! " -'--"S.i,r -fc-sssrirtss a lss.-a: 3' ..-ra
W to 'put tne .Live u.rors vv... i ..v. .""',, . wolllU lorif uii !- - - mi . . . ( . , aillomnbilH tires piled in the .Sprcehcr
4s:Sn x. . . . mA . . tfocoftJ. JUw i J:
;-r torMcUJc rot!rirttSlic ypr? J I 1 V
v VVattcn H Stccnvoordef flSjF''. .AZZzP
friR W rwTZ
'imn larKii'ii AierfsaiL .f V jBSJ
- . v . i . v r '"i'-"i."" mrj s - - i'. -
i i?f, . U .- Ji-fJuIK3L b.,Wm;
.- '-;'- - 7 A-i-A'y-i
Hindenburg Trying
New Drive to
Sea Coast
Jritish Counter - At
tack Wins Back
Lost City
French Make Strategic
Retirement South of
Local Fighting Marks .Zone
South of tho
' Sommc
then' bun die. I
All the l,i i se ellle
s a rp vvoiKinp In-
li fitllualil. fioni San I'ninelpco i Von I ,,f sioner.ll liuuisii, n-u.ii-. v,. .... ,,,,,, oplllf,t,ol, r the last wiek. An "'" " "' - . ieu mnoive pan
..ri. i.i -i ' c , m. Amu. hIuh appoiiitliiCMil i. now si.iii.1m im ....... mt.t.i i.p k,.n. in tu low oi ov er tin dty us fur as tho
' .-iivi ..mill IINU llll 1 I I II III! I III lllnll I llltt -!---- - -" "... ij. . J I . 11..
I i.i (ieneiiil l-'mh iim chief BtiuteBlxt, Jh" for erltklzlnc "any duly eonstltul
ol OeiKiiit , ,., VPiilllc8 '''"'eral or .Slate ollleer in lonuectl.
U-vhleiillj Hiipu-M'dlim im ,,wmlCB with the oonduet of the uai '
wi'Mlern Hunts.
im,is .-,,. I i..d.iv bv the .'""" .".mie iiimu nnu ua.v im m,
T. """'""-" :." :. . ....... ., . .s m.iiitaiuii .Mi.iiii.. vnw... ..... i
JfllAfnnl final 1 '( flrrilllo I UI laillOI.U . . . ----- ; - -. i, . ....-. i
...... .-. ..... 1 in li.n.r u.lli., ,..,.. I ...lu li...
This il 1 lanloU tu all . "" ', " -' ... .v.iu n-ir uru-i.ui
... ... ( Ul IM .Itlll lilt fl1fi:i1i mil ft ,. ll..
;. Mlsi- iitRii.i M 1'Hhfr. TrcaMjr nf "",M tilt-li lu- tlu-in- ' touia-ll plan rrcaltMl unluhl U'iuukh This latik'tiaR.' Iian bmi Mruhou fioni
ri.. i : . 4 .. ...! r ii. ,'pitri mm- im' i HiHinsiiniiiv 01 raiKiiiL- . uii'n ii.ittu-. uiiKUinu uuu n i i.w Mriiuiiiun im iiui cuiiiru
r?""..r" ,'.;." . ' ,' ITI.c old ,nlmui uuota arranuem.itl "' '"" """-" """ , ' .,. ' KatlMlcd vv III. tho meaKure In Ih nrewnt
, I does not hunipu the hutlona of the I I'lalieo have neen mium... - , fomi, however. Additional anieiidmrnls W'arv Wvatll
vmi, nor tlir larce i:.u-t(ru elllen. wlieie i and cloto l l uiuil uuiiuuijio i "r .in ...u.i...t.iiiou were nun penning
tlJ'!lln8 are il"',,u"K l"" ,UD" "l euniu"' nie urtlnis on t.n nvenise , ',,, , vvueu mo Keruio went Into 'kcj-sIoii'
IWktnpra. Thev ..re l.elnu dlsli ibuted tin doiiblluii of the uuota. Tint hinnllee i eoiunih i" " ' I toUav
! ... . . ..in,.; ,.M ......n. ....i i V iiiim. mutt WTOI1K Willi mo
'Ilic iiiap sllov wlieie (lie llnti-li have ju-1 i eeaptiired (Jivoncliy
(ind are lit inly liolilin;,' Un ki'ouikI in lis ieintt.v. KUacii miles to
tlie noi Hi. nt Anncntiores, Uiiiili'nliur"; has liiuinlic.il n viulent
nttni'li. This puint is thiily-lhc miles ftom Dunkirk on the North
Sen, whieli may be tlio new German objective.
IjLtto hundred lliotiwnd third Liberty
jfai kullpns are anaillns lite rubh ot
llftiJbujcrs, Thev ure belns
dlsli ibuted
The prdcrs ror bonds are pent In to
S banKa thi-uiiuli "huh the are
AnaM-mccUiiK vwl) 1.. held touUlit at
til's Metropolitan U.i 1,1 Houm-. SiiuccIicm
tUl cilure tin p.it. lulu pioran.
' ft fir... .,,... H......I..I
taidclphla hope to co "over the
top" pt the loan cnniialKii by Satutday
eonimillecs nie tirirlne on tin nvenise
tin doubling of the iiiota, Tho smaller
eoniiniinllleH are npiall) cntlnii'lastle
r.irtj-lho or the latter today win olTi
elallj auuuunicd to be tied for the honor
ol beinif the first in the laud to eom
pl. te tilth uuolii All npoiltd over
tuliserlptiiin shttrtl.v artei '.i o'tloeli S.il
uid.iy uu.rnlm;
Tieasiiiv i.rrielals expect to uimuunie
the (list iu cilia 1 1' totals Irom tin batil(
l'lflli iiriu.
they Kiiy.
I he two most important amenilnicnis
I.Iojd rer-mnu to ho voted on loda.v were
... -n- ...uiiti-il nut that onb l""' oiierrit i.v Senator Itorah or
(leorKo hlliiM-II nolnted out I lat oni, ,,,,, ,,;,,.,. j,,, r Mllw,ncllu.
pai t of the tur ot that western lieu rlls senator Horah's iimeiidiurnt
has Ken told to dato ISnouch now would abullh the Postmaster lirueralK
im irwaleil. however, tu convince mil .r?"or.',v.c.1; t,u' ,r,VM b repenllnu me-
... ,,.,-. ,,i mil iti.innaKo law iiuinoriziiifft i.i
n,., ... .11 ltlea heie that L.nslami him to iknv u-i ot Hi. nmiK i,. nni.n. .. . '"
er Aiun bxpects. rloici
Whlto KlaKet. Ueforc Enil I
of O.ty
.lust as Philadelphia had bid faionctl
to KlnR Trobt. Kiuc Snow. Kins Ice utid
Kins Zflo, the weatherman used his
mullKii Influence and pelted tho city liibl j
nlc;ht and this morniiiK with enow i
vvhltt U.iIms plainly visible h'ur-
s ur the drive lurol-Noiie (.r the huce t-lties has completed I AmieilM
iTLf,rfT," , , "' ,,Uo1" . H 'luotii. to date. It was learned at tin I , utcolJUi but thev asree with cuirc publications unless th.-v printed1 N'ral m
UMUm. .Mreadj tln report a total loan hcadiiuarters, thourh the totat in ,l" """' ol,,L - ,.,, I a Hue translation ( .,11 mutie. , ,, ,l I north and m
.the neighborhood ,,r UD.uOU.OOU. and i ome or tin pitnelpal inanurin.lurliiK i Llojtl tlcorso that the battlo lius t tin , ,. ' ' i ,s? . v.
luh-t hiv uu iiv-mi un- .' '"' ' u( lyi- inuHiuf ni; iho rnl:
""sientaiv M. Adoo 8akn,u -t Ual- Ainc. iat will p. . a v ast p.u t in the HEXAMER RESIGNS FROM JT." Xic !!
cleh V l ursul the nation to tilplc coliiuiK days Her Hoop shipment ,,,,,,.. , ,, llK country dlMrietB. cn
t,,,uadruple the 0rBla. IS m.o.ooo.nuo ,c,K(u,c s Kl,all IllKll ., ho wl AIANUI ACTURERS' CLUli L u ,"' mornin
IlKiiii with -.0 won 000 individual sub- At s ociuiii huh mornin.
toil; when ollielal
JUB Iraount Is cpretnl to lie doubled
7klfck A it .1. . .. .....I, ..' .....
r,w... , wi i,,i; i.aiui,iihii uiuil oaiui-iTIir.
tlhe racctlng at tin Metiopolitau will
kfi iMrenscd bv t-uoi-nev Ucnei.il
,'Jobn.M. Meico'.t of New .lerscj. The
innc Band frum Waslilueinn villi
faj. Covcrnor IVi-nmii or Ihn .'nl-
nl Bank, v III also inal, and Alaor
UKth will prealU Tour American
yitni Hounded III IVaine will Ik mi
iVitatc, dretbcd m Hi" K.une bulls
pcrhxl on In tin ti em Iks, and will
j-uta viord to m
ftTo boost tlic ah.adv reiord-brpahliiK
"jm imong uu num. li woilieis,
i.t Hpnorti
"Ul ie hf-arrl .mil iip.iK. a. ii I tirn
1 ft troinen to preater on.nts
I' oulldinsr and loan lonimlttec.
Ijlcli has aiinouiiiid mibmrlptlona au-
niJUne more than 1. 300. 000, will
WlilinlUr luiiUieon In the Aicadla.
about l-'rldi and dall) iiildllious will , ,,.......,,, i1,. drawn heavily on te .lions
b loiilieomluK eliovvlns; the lneieaho ' """ ,...- i.-rnr.. Spi
In Kubserlptlona for the previous .lavs Kercs tu halt the (..eimans i.cioro
Senator I.e. let
U li.it I,,nfllt1rt.l lr..... .,u !... ., r
rnev ,.. still tsjiindent ol , J .,"' ',.. ' ".",.."' "", '""" Iiouik
" - - "vhiu viuni- uu- llldll
t uricln.i
to l(Tiiianl.ui-
llitrniort. tlio ucnthor man will promluc .
i imj it; lie i limit im nti vuij'iuut
Philip Klein, a .wholesale vlliinor dealer nnU roctl'icr,
ihuigcd with having made "moonaUiiie" wliisUy on hlb preiiiioi ,
2310-12 Fninnount nvenuo nnd 2300-U Wnllnce utreot. vns
Requited today hy a Jury in the Federal cottit. Tho verdict a3
leached after eighteen houm' deliberation.
million oi so Inhabitants of
middle eastern Hlutea for the
four hours hao been dodc- ,
IniT tho raindrops and shlverliic: In a
lit. tn tlio out. i
ut ccnil do.
imiiiiiiini on imbc mhi. toiiinii iiirre Chairman of House Committee Ho-
licves It Mas Uccn Accepted
by Roaid
tho ollielal
tliennoinfler said Jlr. Mercury was loil-
tritiB around tho thirty-olKlit.ilcffruc
mart; and that hn had prnt tiiout ot
last ills lit hi tho vicinity ut lhlr(y-H
"Tin center ot tho storm ' the wenith
rrinan said. "Ik still hansius around the,
coast Stales and is moving vtovvly la li
,iui,, in. null.. .. ii ui uu. n, .1
n va iitiii nt i,.on today . CCrcssive Sea Action Before Senator Overcome ill St
vvomens Mbenv T.uan tUmuilt-' "" ,., . 1
portH or various eonmiitteia . July 1 to Supplement West Car and Condition Js
Line, Predicted
Considered Grave
Needle TrnHf. Mri
Aoionr tho hi- m.,h .,,,. nii.,n- w ....
fMliCld in the llmmbei of ConuueiCB
i. 19 0 clock this rvpt.i.ifr I.v rf.nr...
Mlia of loon firms or the needle
&. Thr fikvft... .i i ,i..i 1 i.
contlnuini; .lutivltv in bootUm:
the bond- and it is cMiectcd
w'iUB mccilnii will restilt in it
VV.iblil.isl"... Apiil l
Prcssuic lor u n.iM(l oltemlve to sup
pleincnt tho costly batlllnc on the wcm
line la manlfeat anew In arm.v mid nm ,
And Ihert aic those amoiu t.u nav
ofllclaU who predicted today that mm.
.ikricksIvo sea action will ion.0 brfou
July 1, though the did not vtnturr t
I.I!?'1uml,erot faubstripiiona belnc un- predict Its uintsnitudc
MflBaif! " t .....
W" il iMcilorts .cpoits of totals un
IWii at thc tan st.lK, uf ,i. ......
i are nourli.i!- .....
30(tho IJbcru .. ii.-.
I W " lUllllllllllT
'IS?,.lre,:l0' f the Morion I'M.. Ah.
'Si'. Folnell in Mcilo... i -ii-it.
ffirtvI..L!"';!".or.t,,u Mrr-
.ttU'i, . : ,7 ;"""""". Himounee.i
Til...: ' "' "liU-t.l I1IOIH II.IIIU1L-
iK1' " "Irculy was
f " a 1'lbtry Ixian honor flag.
Such as ciitcilahied this view po.ntf-a
.out that America has ruppleinrnud tin
' llrltidh navy with battlcdiip subn. i
I . I....- ..lr,,u.lM tin.l. ill rill t till flOl
I I.H. .,. r ., " ......-. . -
or naval irafl This, tu Ih.lr mnidh
was slKiilflcant or a plan Tor mare n
rrtssive hteps than shuply wardim; oh
tho Mibmarlncs after they c-t out o.
their Oerniau nest.
Uliu official, whow llliKlil into nn.tl
ahairs is leiosuled as espeilallv I.
rirlorlf. Subscribe
CMiicfcscd the view that the MboO
i.itifH uniilil iittemnt a itiole n . ,
i a,
The it-isnat Ion of rn Chniles J
tleainei. fornier prt.tdcnt of the a
llonnl lieiiiian-Anierlcan Mli.uiee, ,is i
lire member or the .MHii.ir:i.,.ir,.r I'lnl
J-'iT.,1-!,"1 l,0n,r'' l'v 'he board of di- suowllaKeH this mornllis and eNiwel (o
Stl-CCt, Club members loofi.tli midlcuantlv ! "T ".""' ",'.ul" ''.' ff,l "'R.1'1 Uf coiirso.
ill maiiile.i Unit Ur Itexnmer he ouMid "1IB "' 'Pr". aim iiinnj - uuiiim eun nap
Irom the elub. an a result nt his ne- pen at this season of tho year. Low
livtiies in the on.-anUn.ion which Is now temperatures are reported from polnlH
belnc investigated b a Senate subconi-I ns far west us the Middle Stat. utid
uuttee , .,, .(lM Urt .,u ,,. .... .- ....i.i.
T.e linilsn . n. 11. ...... n ...! vi-.l.. "" s. . ...c ... , , muuuii'
II Iruwii, elmlrnmti, "received fioelor
Iltxiinurr reslKiiallon as a member of
nie Miinuiiiciuieis inn., nml the com- -
in. ite sent il to the board of dlrectoip - ivnutJC rIi" t'lJAIll,'
with iht iiionimendrftion thai It beat- ImiVUblW Ul' UltIJIV
iipltd I wn not at the nueli.B of the
l)i..iid of ilnettois mi ilo not liiiow ofll-
. illi Hint v is .lour Inn beliee from
Him - thai Lav. uathid n.e that tin
les.n uimi vv.i-. amptcd I have had no
oils I il not li ilion or that rati liovvevn
j able tlr.e und cxlent. W luda do not,
however, seeni to be violent '
MILWAUKEE. April 10 Move than one hundred Tedtral
mt!, ltd ly Uuited States Mnrshnl Rnndolnh, In fifty autonio
lilli s taidtd the so-taUed dlbloynl centets of thlr. city torlny find
enptuied moie than fifty alleged, disloyalists. These men tire
bald to have violated the Presidents proclamation by falling to
lefeister as alien enemies, to have mado disloyal nnd traitorous
speeches nnd to have interfered with th recent local elect lo-.f. Pro
btunan isymoith'eis ave in a p-tuie.
Oidci of New Jersey Utility Hoard
Piicctd Cautionary Signals and i
Lessening Speed '
Irt-nli.n, N. I., Apnl It) The State
Uoaid ot I'ublii Ulllilj t'onininibiotiers
SalooiiUerppm I'lomisc Rarri'l Cost loJ'l ,""u"1 "" ol1, ''roen- tie
Increii,.. Will Alleel n.,1.. Atlantic ( ll Railroad Company
Sire of tTiaMacs
Atlanta I'll) Railroad
made Mich uiiaiigt iiioiiIh thai
1 1.
I ton ii branch truck by the county road '
'in lllnsr.lH.ru township, llloinvstir
trol All Kinaiit'Ps
Ce Uf ",ui tnJutrlal plantR biiiBBe. Wllhclnishaveu oi p rhap
witrn ,i. cntlro ,,'u,t of t,lc I-atiblon Tiuton stroiiBhold HellBoliind .
ISri . Jr.""'ln .WCIIty.fotllll, ,1
lifift ii'.ti
i Int.
"i-iiiTi.iiifl can't uTford to nml
r!taiu I . !. 11.111 -V. . .. ... ,. ,i. . ..!
iiit -v.o, uaa ueen iMnum...! t... t-.imiiie. nowever. ne uuirtim
tr ot tho industrial loan coin- has licpt thf teas clear with htr navv
i."". Ind ncifi-.i n. ..." -uu- ... , '. ,,,., !.., It tint for hoi
fr,.. . '"""auu uouara oh. n ll " " uv "" " .,:,-...;.
ciiiuioyea Tim t .. nouerrui navai loivt-s ii.u
K ...., l.IIJf.VPU T,. T
F'V has adopted the honXnair i ol'l "o-be on the Ecas. In such eh
'Rally Aroun.l I cumstaiicos ou can etc i'" "',
Z . ...l 1 , ,ocn , IlllI I llfl
I kitfi.li .. "wv" v.iitjioye who nu.l.s noi risu nrr ,vo.. .---
Inscription writes h- " ""J"? ... can look for tome action
Hut I do believe
lll h. .r .ro" T,,li, ' ori of , Jul.y
- -v itiaillCU 111 rininonlli.
bit.k j or ,., ,.,:";:::."'....
i -ft,,.!., "" uimi una
SEN A TOIt WM J .''niM'.
Ho was ovciiome with what is
believed to bi a sliglu tiokc of
paial.vsib while ridini; in a
Washington sttcet tai.
Waslilnctoii. H il i"
fccuatoi William J. Stone, of .Missouri.
iv ill bo no iuerra.i I
, ,mi c,f i ..lass of beer salnouket
ai.l t.il.ii flpspltc the fuel that Ih
I. iiinf" villi be ndvnoecd $L' a barrel
v il li.ii. n. r prehlnt of the Retail
I i i..,n n. aieis sK,i-lalloii. and others e.uullt,
ii..i ..in,r,ilif.i,,,-,H will take ..r'o'of1 limit the oiieed of ull tralim while pass. l'eKln. April 10 Jtiptm ha" piupoeU
I,',' ,'a.i or.l!anci!!B,,nu'lo?l.'.r llalhe?!1"5 m' ,l10 t-ros,,l8 lo bIx "'" " t0 "e"a -UU,nUU ,''01"' '" 'Ul"U t0
ih.iii'n.. . i r the cost sunn d'talers said houl . lo maintain two luutlon Hisus co-operate with J 100,000 Chll'ftHi tiui.us
Hi woiilil bear Hie eilrn "tux them. alunK tin blsliwny, '.'00 reel rrom the ,i.lW.-n,l In the .lauanosf lo ics'i-a
WASHINGTON. April 10 The new prlotltlts ordois, is
oiitil ti i-y lis.t the following industties in older of piefeicnce:
ji.tii ti, ainiuunitiou for United States and Allies, cnutonme.i
ijuil . iinill .tins ilants, chemical plants, coke plants, do
iii tic ns.t'0, and loud plants..
thrdb:.i Full Explanation Expecle
pit. 1 the Mew of tim crossins 0r its wiiiiauu,. i "Pi'olfi't Korders and Con- Today in Report of Sen
ate Commit tec
Tin ioinpjn is dlreetod to
WiiihliiEton, April 10
America ma be bIvch today Its llrnl
uikIbIU Into ll war aviation procram
hitherto vhrouded under uensorjlilp
The Senate Jlllllary fomnilttcc. rrtei
Hindcnburc's elTorts to split thc
Uritish line in Flanders and roll
the nortlictn Hank back upon thc
North Sea, opening a way to the
channel ports spread' into Bel
gium today alq,nK a twenty-mile
front. Aimenlieies is lesa than
forty miles fioni Dunkirk.
British p.i'hitions as far north as tho
Vpres-Coiuincs Canal arc under
terrific bombatdment. The Bel
gian frontier crosses the buttle
front nt the Lys, a mile north of
Tlic Uritish arc holding fast on thc
I.ys and laiwo Kivcrs. They are
dcspcralcly contcstint tho cro?s
inga at Kstiuresiund Bac St. Maujv
Huig has recaptured Givcnchy, two
miles vest of La Bnsscc, on Ulc
canal, by a counter-attack.
London, April 10.
i (iivcntliy. where the Germans
I penetrated the British line during
i the savage fighting which developed v.
jmrtli of La Basscc Canal on Tues
day moi ning, hits been recaptured
by the British, the War Oflico an-,
nounced loday. Tho British are
holding firmly on the Lys and Hawc
i Kivcis and contesting important
! fords.
Thc Germans have extended thc
zone of their arlillciy activity, bom
barding Uritish positions as far north
as Ypics and tlic Comincs Canal.
There was local lighting south of
the Sommu Itivcr on the 1'icardy
Pi out. and it left the situation
Apparently Hindenburg, foiled in
his attempt lo win a way to thc
sea through Amiens, has shifted his
objective to thc north of tho line.
i Arnicnticres is about thirty-five
miles from Dunkirk.
! Haig's .statement said;
Fighting continued north of the
La Basscc Canal yesterday evening
mid last night.
We arc holding the line on the
Kivcrs Lawc and Lys, and are
licavil) engaging the enemy on the
crossings at KMuircs and Bac St.
On the southern flank Givcnchy
was recaptured in a successful
counter-attack. We look 750
prisoners here.
Fast and north of Arinenticreit,
as far an the Yprcs-Comlncs Canal,
there was a hcay hostile bom
bardment early this morning, with
fighting on thc southern portion of
this front.
Th Get mans arc attacking
Molcntiy thc British and Portuguese
lie-, without Inll'ctlm, It on the cua. erosi-lim to Install a iliethanlc.il ulirnal. ..!.. (iii.ini-lifi.it rlilnn -nd li "Kcit ,i,..,.'t, i!..'.i,...i..,". ,.i,i.i i'.,i.., iinnltlnnt! fi-nni tlm li n,... r,.oT
tun.ei i eons in nu or on oscl lat nt- ted disc for .i. .,,...,.... .......,, ,ll..r- ,. wnia nn-n .. ..i.i... .... . .. i ...,. i . ...
point southward of Armcntieres
German Ileport
.:,0,.n. "'i!1,.,i?t"''V davllBlH indication und red llshu a, . i, ' "X ,V tl. . ' Jan., , V..M "Mi"r" V, Si n,,' . " a .1. . . , to U
Mstcdav adopted riniluitoii, at 3 "'k",1- ,lI",.,u lo,u'1 t0,uU u'on,aH'-' peril .uspjui, t,0op- lo ShaiituiiK end !'u- frci) aro eNpected : what dclas there
ineetins in I.u I.u Teniolc providing ror nt the iiouinusi cea-ncr or tlic erowilnR )xlcn provinces for piotcettop of Jap- have been where thc blame probabl)
in iiivv i.i . i". eiiiuu.irit;i-i.i-i null ,'ie .... -- - ....,.-
owners who violate the iitidife of honor letter I'ounty filed a complaint wllh
Elvcii the Uoverniiient recently when the 'lbs t.'tlllt Commissioners. In which It
Actlne Secretary of Nav Uopwiclt I
, Mtrieken with a sllcht attack of I llyi- dealers decided to abolish the fr.,le was all.md that the v.uwlue was dan- , !" ; ,
was etrlclvin vviin a siiunt muik oi i ( pl), nllll if.,,,,,, ,iHV), tn oll)er to ., iind ,irotcctloii lu.iilcnuate, and ' ( ' "
paralysis un his way to the Lapltol this Blj.p thc injixtlceof "bootliifslns" requested that the company be torn-, CIl,M
-'.wicomin .... ..... ,. .
j '7 isu mil liaVO a llltleli.
noom ?Bfil,er '"sstlnir In. tho I
vT ?l '1 .Uotc' ..Welphla at'
:.tlU k -" 'w inoBo attend
6.K 'ron. a"'1 steel merchants.
etori ' ,f,aU"B ft,,d ntllatlnir
"orp, urclll CCtH. finirl.. -..7,
mnrniiirr m lull lit iiiiiiuu rxiiiii PHIL'S .1 1 H I ih
Is known to oe one . ui " - , " - . T.'VMHV II s SIV IV ni-nvirt.' ' .. T'lniiiei mhs showed that Hie ilivv Jnpan: i.pcrnt nil or ion mile- Mid statement luueu iat mem. imer Liiair.
I. eves .in arcicsuivo rather than a de- Tll. njiul ,VM 0 tin cat on A.MIl.t HAS h. l. bhICMCb and I .lotofciapns s now il mat tin, view ,.,,', u i,,,nlu, rlr.ri ,! nu flu.mLerlaln nroiwed ror rn "onen
tensive policy on '" hto way to tho Scnntt ol.lte bullduu; ... i,..,,,,.- , . ot tramsju.s ouH.rul,u rSK, . tt Jw,M Inter, dlstu, don off the pirani." SrfVnf thm&n &
lit has the huppoil or the yoiuii-cr sei ' jrbi l'ltzgehllds I'lVC Soils and ,. , i Mongolia tho kuitio uu 111 Man-' 1'al" undtrlj im tho ttport who sides of the bommo Utcrc
of imy office, while a number ot when ho was taken ill. lie was helped rfTntlier IlnHne A,w ' MISSING SOI.DIEItS CAUGHT I ..ll X,on'ollu' lho 'a,,,0 JB '" AIU" I Bleai,cil through f.ciucnl hearlnKs vvlth violent artillery duels.
-. .. .! 1 I lit I III . . A !.- ..Ill . ..! - w tU I VllllllH '. . . m . .. .l . . . .- .. .
lirOKrCe!' uim --- -- , uum u'v .i w nv imiukd t w v.. . - ,., .. , - .,, iiuniMU unni. tinuinnui ui iiiv -liniuiv bull 111 cm I
i. rvnii.vtr la tioiitfii nun til ui-- .... . i .. .r- r
rj.nn'hfrvlevvrt'har'or older moved lo'hU Hume.
a1'en"o,"f theTiiilSdtutV Deserter and Two Hancock; IKltSCH TRIAL FIMUAY
l.cavc-iircaKuis icrrcsicu ucrc
ancse inicresis. icsaiiu vvna. mn ocnjiu io us ircuu , The German version of tho fnrht.
It is tald also mat japan ins sua- without, or courc. uisliosius nuuiHry t. " " ii " , " j" ",, r C ii.
milled n new series of demands lo Information the rtpoit was o.pectcd to ' "" - u t""'t b"J;" vi"- "' , Vr
la including complete cunliol ot go thorouflil into tno situation. ; """ " wmii, ut.-auuy ukW
iiii'h lluailLCK- lliat M pir ecu oi i.ai-iniuuit! anuimw "i uiui-puuiiciiy lollovt's:
I nmmunllloii puichai.es bo mad. lr. comniltieomen to thv.art a full public "North of La Bassco Canal the
Germans penetrated both British
Un both
havo beep''
On 'tin
i.'inli of the O ke Itivpr ttuki
ll...ln,ll.M. 1)n !! I'.lliap.l k.'rlllli.l .ililnf ! n .1 .1
. viwH.ii ..,.., ' "I"".. "" (jorttians tnrcw uacK tne r-rtiite
Ol mi una) di iui uiiik.i oio.ici iweilB. . ,!, nUn.AUlm Hnnal
iii . litii'Tn nf tlin V rni tlln r.lft Moot I. in ( " w ... w- Vw..Ht
. ... .....u ....w rviiiiiipiii la inn rupnn luilil lit. 1ia i.ii I
""lOjrg aml b," "" "'""iiwj, I navy men. woo imm. t.m ,.. Uii..i.t. r.,.u ..,., vU v... ...... ...... -. "'-"-; '" "iVi. '.. . .. , . . Proceed ngs Against AUtglHtrnlo UC- ami iiriusn aim i- rencn omcem. wno Conllnunl on r. M. roluow fmm
WauiB eom.,,.i UtIden'' "letala too creat to lake lM time hoiv seiious his condition I. '. ' "Vm e Vwl II, ef.e, ee.iJV.0' 1 An alleced iiecio dcerler and two ' b .,,., ,, .. . were consulted on tho aviation line-up , - -
" companies . v., i1B kt.lullii of blf battle milts In. '" " I lUrwraid aie tjetivlv ci.Rueed In va- I rn0is a'i'U!-ci or forglue their eave hjed by Motion to Quash Indlc'IPt'lit - the front o..i . V t lU. n. e.l n
IWtnoBl 3 ooo nnn i .?M? BruU1 tUlt' POK''lb,0 tl Hl ?J ,, .ate nntcd , ll ",l "tuted' m" 1:llcr l,c foll"d lo r.ss llouroe Kdward twcuti-roiir . 'l ",cs, stll'r'','ve.t T?.mUaJ0,r .iw.'l '1 Sto" ,,..hC,i'a."ih ,h ""-'tniut' on , , (lrHIB nu BradlnB department at . Voto wua cast In all of the six dlrtrtete.
r8 Hlg0 builders alone are - I between the United OtatcH CJrcat Britain ,'; J at I'amp Curter 16 "nelneer be taken back to their rcipeetOe camps quarter Session. Court, before Judjij "d,ML?ed Clark "y ' wird W
--i . " when you think of vtrttine. 'and Canada. Corpu under military Bucrnl c'air Ii will come up nest Friday Knonie, uce ana want. E?!" ti , '"
tuefudjaii- rk.fitlLir ,L - lailX. , -aiftiirf4i-;''- fc'--MriAMlii11iri'"itf f' ut tfrftfrifltoari iitif'Jn imi iiriiiit'A- 1.;, inn ISnllitirii i" i lilllifliiiilTr '" TmSSMliinmi 1 'i 'ififtfiWlllfi