EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1018 as t MNE VA1MW COURSE IS IERZ0G PREVENTS f nfiAT RY GIANTS L UMLDi uuuiio Turns Down $3000 Bonus I fe. p,nvPS when Bos- i if rum " . .--- ' ton Balks at Salary .WANTS 510,000 i-a i evv Anrk. April 8 W....l Herzoe Is still the champion fefJnK"otl.H affair with , he f'-l-i rtlnnlM leaching New Votk E . And Giants leaching New otk '.eorge A Crump neurs ngn wan posl Bi" ."",. .!, Charles has taken live that I'lne Vnllov wnnhi nmd e.. IE1 i Xii and pone home, declining to J s anythliiR " lf wllh a lo,,UH '!f untit and the Jinoiiu ioiurm.1 n m- J"." ":' t(1, with the OlnntH for hit fill ta-eb" '"J'! i ores Went of the If"' r. .. I,, n List- Percy H llnugh Boston Hrnvcs, minute attempt ' w'l nnrlcH m with the rest ot 1 K,Xl msWQd that Herzog tl Braves, ".,' llt f a suit against V;?Bi"!?a'IIroa.l and the New . j ns niter. " - K jerk Olants. 3k'a n;, tho stntlon Charles ttl and Injured himself Were i.nr '. .. -eork Tho (Hants, ' h . nmiiic'i it" - ?"", Hcrzle. left out biiiio of .ottirou.s - - .mmcI while ho was i saiarj ""- -, -. . , lulng on ... .. , , i,i,,t- bad , r-vjr.nt rcpoii "" i:i,'""-".,. Vn..B.mr'rnUprema,ure It seems that 2 ! lrilltiKs made an ouei ,n. ,, IknrnC SIR""1'' .... ii.ul Katie I- wMmtlreiv ,( sloppy ' - -,,,,, ,,,. .se . . TWnP h ; ' t mformed Her- rfln!,. ?e are now minor, It Is ,ot-s difficulties re , :.7...jj anil n i' .i.. . telle ed, ""... .n.rorm when til. tei- btlit U0""'L .V he now declares he ' onetis exen If he SERVICE ACADEMIES ill V 11ESUME GAIN1ES fllAl 'UJJl' niAi .- West Point and Annapolis Hope to , Meet on "lame." . Gridiron .. r, n A 1.. -I II M,l Alirll R ICIUll' l- ' i Anio". ;'" ' Hn(i nalv circles ""fi-JVihe teams of the serlcc nrad- iSi., may meet In baseball this spr Ins ffln foolnall next fa . 'rh,'h 'h f,? Miel I" the "tea m" t.,K f"l contests In wl He .the "Jnds ,t 1,'bo-I taplaed "" 'om.",1; , M.ahe.1 I ,teiiknhasebill managements h.ie re- a June 1 tot the plniup "i ""-- Eilill Fame and the mUllnpy ujd.1- S. have upreeel that. the I 33 ph the, me ... Annano 11 '," SSuinH This ,,ui- the nMhc , pine Bquarcly up to . I "'? . ...n.,;i inncn mIII ennnatp !? .,i.m as there aro MronK I IS. that thomat.er III be taken up ie.Vk ilMiirtmenti It is iiiouent cii.n t"1" ?".;:. !,. ..n.Pinll came 111 If peSn&'on for the ....selmll Kamc In IS no oniioslttem will nrl?o In Hie secured no opuoiltlem will nrlo in me. rCUreili "I i case ot football SEVEN GIANT PLAYERS SENT TO KANSAS CITY . w..,.r Tnhn (lanzcl. ot Hit- Kansas , City American Association l.abchall team. bu among his material for this ea- in', nine Ken men pHced with hhn nni nine aeicu um 1 by the New lork Hants They are Catcher Jack Onslow, Inflelcler Sehep-1 Mr OUtneliler I 111 nun i-nc:in;in Wn'ters Hubbell, Hogin and Johnson itAnnouncemen'' was made some time Ho that Oaniel had reached a. work- Sir atreement with the (Jlanls where - te Kansas City would pet the pick of retain released by New York f PEDU1E LOSKS 11& tUALli j ifob Plant to Go to France as Y. M. j I C. A. Instucto niMtonn. . J., April 8 John D Kant, one ot tho leading preptrator Mhool coaches In tho country, has been rtleued from his service at I'cddlo In- slitutei. whpra hc lias been connected eVitli athletics for the last sixteen years, to to Into the overseas V JI C. let A. sen- ? The school has released him for tho duttlonof the war. when he will again llil nn ih. unrb h. Mn Pijni n. itr.ri v.u ti,inn( e ieino ,,,,,1 1 a prominent member of tho football tout During the five jears he attended , ne became known aa a profeS' iaf taBketba.ll player and wa,s for a1 Imttr of tears a guard on the old I 101 five, ot ptlstol, V Plant has coached both tho basket- a.s . . IfillTIR nmi trio ttrjnu Inatnci nnfanneil. v- -'"- -. .u uiwcwttii icanib lias nfcii mrieset Jtiitiie fact that he haB had charRo fitttifrainlni? of earh nbvur. Wlihln Ins- ik.i . . ' . tt? lilt ten yearK he has coached three waicnnae won tho Fennslan a H Baseball Yarn Fr6m Training Camps iStruAott tells thla r.nn raiotinn n WilftKaura size nnd n nnlrt , Wpolnt w.w.- o-..wo r-u 'i Wtortl. waiters at the Menger I la Bart Antonio aro all baseball Uf COUrBe. lh P.hnta n.A .lw.lH J.m team, an they alway8 stay at HWaoo. ,' "I "" i. -"-tv 'icii in l pvr iv nr m tT06 other riav -, l.u... . -a kMf,. -i .uiiciieruii inu 01 BSi.y '. "landing back of my table J,sssW,;.. ",'""' different New Yorl rk i.- lEJ1;' 'h"0 Benny Kauff. he lBSvS?fb SOme hy-" uld one. !,," ni fltUre that?" hhI.1 thn nlhcr said the other BBIIBallu , v,.cr. "Wly; imi. SBftl.. .'. Vl said the first, "hn tWr1 lll two home rim. w .i.. 1KS'.ClWh ln one game ,n de fBBL."" ssucir. I nln't BAk i.i ..,. i k. ..r- - suaii must . Dnn... ... ireBsVelll.' v w ovmu jiuwerxui tlife1 ."" "tile Benny came In I fc:, '' '?r. "ThafH Mr iWtor wih V. saw- He looked at EmT??U Ma eyes nnnnlnc . t.,1 rstnto,nj : . ---- -- rn mo v.. "vuuermpnT l' ,.m.a.n.7." .!le - ' I Grm. '" """ l8e ncaru ob rinii?sca.nn0c.ns what 8hoots seu- "c must use a rni,i,r h,i - qj-. -- ww. ut sum n Hlffla r n . . t ,v " uaies I for tfie Coming Season i m 41 tSUSil'. J.Dnlor ?''' fee' "J i7r a freshman, 'shmen vs. Mlih KVh.""l "resume fi. 'I ,-..WVI HI I'll Irialnk . a C.r!'arel ,. I',(o 'r.tS!,d, .ZtZJ"" " . ee-1 "f and i;n..i ' . v-oiumuia, !. "" nnIlvanl on Lake , "-KTaU TS. .niu. ... irv'.n"U.lLn'JV .Nary .n'&V'cVrlieJr."1- S2i..v."- V"l. Brst and --ssjjeBr,"Iv.,i - pine valley in mid june form UMjl,Ifll iU tiUJUFJUKS FLAYING OVER CRUMP'S FAMOUS COURSE Greens Were Cut for First Time March 22 and n i. t i t satire juhiks is m Marvelous Condition. Fairway Problem Seems Solved Hy PETER r 1 A.Nl COIf COUTRC In till inllnhv lmu marie Rood the claim of lis founder nnd bullilcr. It is Pine V.ille The Into ha nn iill-vrnr-round ceourse There l",, fl,m l,fn ot "'' I'll'iB over the inmuiii icnuxn vcniemiv, and after the lone, nnd nevcre winter that has been our i.iie, it was a genuine pleasure to no noio to play over a links which Is In such tup rb condition to enrl In tno veur When wc realise that a number ot our own local courses are still using tent pornry preens In spite of tho wonder fill stretches of crowing weather we h,tc had In the last two'or three weeks, I'lno Valley Is a revelation The preens there jesterday were as fine ns wo will find In our home courses In mid-June And, wonderful to relate', they were i ut for tno tlrst tune on March US! and have "i ii ""Pi eunu cm .mere u t iiim nievH !. . .1.. it.. . ...... .. ...i.,. ... "'"' .)" """ "' ,lu. w evceptlon of a few chilli ring, Tho f,ilr,iH wen also cut foi the time Inst Wednesdav StraiiKcr.s Jlarxcl at Greens llrst The Kre.ns wcio even In Huer . nntll- i tlon a few rias apo ac.ordlnp to How- nrri htieet, (leorpc A Crumps brother-I In-law, who now ban chaipo of the course A nuniber of New Yorkers were astounded last week when thc (list pot on the wonderful preens, and I'hllndelphlans w ho bavo h id to put up with temporary preens or who hac plajcd oxer tho old pit ens were equally 'surprised Not onI were they fully preen and well mated w beautl- preen and well mateu wun nno prass, but their puttlnp surrace could not hao been surpai-sed ecn lalo In June Cleorpo rrumn was told by a numbet of experts that he would not be able to prow prass cm tno tairwais, out some hi"" h"w '" ' -" -- ----- ,,r them arc now In such shape that tho oUl nllf, ot trPnK the- ball could be dono ttlt)l .r,,e Blall, hfls takcn k,ily to tho sands soil and the condition of t.ie falrwajs Is now such that lb. re Is excrj in.llc Uion that I'lne V.illcj s preatc-,t problem will be solved Tlie prounds arouud the oourje are beginning to take on men spring co.u- '"" - JESS WILLARD STARTS TRAINING FOR BIG BOUTf .. . , , i mui i o.cs IMVC ftliori uoumis wunout Difficulty in ChicaRO Gym -ii s i.lu Wlll.iril In. nc i llliniil'i iiu ii u -. t ii ..."" ........ VicRan his Kinnnbliiin Krlnel for the July 4th rulton h.ittle llo surprlseel lnliltues t' the Arc.nle ejmiiaKlum hy Bolng tlu f-hort roimels wltliout tllt!lcult Tony Mekholr unci Carl Miller traded wallops ith the champion. Jesa plajed a neiw role cail to.laj i;en lie lurneu in an .11.11 ni ami men helped extliiKUlsh a blaze In his homo , cre Tho ddnulB0 Wlls KiKi,t Jaclt Curley, of New Y01K and eKe- inieii;, .iiiie:.tit-ti 111 i-uiiii-ii iilu iwii.ij jwlth Colonel Miller, promoter ot tho Ward-Fulton match "Jack'n not t'lnK tt horn Into this , match," said the colonel ' He and Tom 1 Jones say Jess owes them Mime- monej. I I'm dlscusslne a settlement with both sloes LONGEST PRIZE FIGHT LASTED SEVEN HOURS I Hie longest gloe iibih on rei orci was pulled off at New Orleans, ,pru ii ibm, between And Bowen and Jack lturke The light went 110 rounds, lasting scen hours and nineteen minutes, and ended with a draw decision when neither man could light any longer Thero hao hcen a numbei of bale knucklo battles. !ioweer mat lasccu innppr lb.in ih, Itowcti-Hurke affali The shoitest bout on morel was tnat l,ol,..n Tlnllllnir N'e Isoll Htld Hill Itossl- ter at Hare, 111, fought sixteen jears Bgo esterda, wlien tlie nane puc inc-r Jhn .Iiim ininph lii exaetl.v three seo- 'onels Dal Hawkins also claimed tlie speedy knockout rccoru, nut iiaiue- Hogan, who lefereed both battles, de.- clared Nelson had the shade Notes of the Bowlers Jim" liue.t on,- of n.l ton.utjnl ,ir.upnr tim. hold the r..rj fm both hiuh ; ..-.- ., .l uliierl. pni -rrl I nrPP.EtIIlP loiritiii'' tin', ni'id'' .....- nr$jp? team ln tho j'niiaocipnia jmkuw mm hlth wore of t.' pins for trine Bam Ami flKurlng for the double roll n ho "Win headed tne inwierc wiin mur-i r" " t aointt down to indMdual tdntlc wmo records ior me iai we . i-. - y '"'; i nlnn ere not hard to pet ind aditil more ImireU when be tovpeil the alnkle PHinn record for tfM While lie took three tlrslM Jlm roiling did not carry opt ht tt am for thf flvcman hlh at or I'ennBynHnJa I Kntlroad team nutrolllnff tho MelroBO b ,o lctn pins when they ran a grand otal u '7.i nliiH MajeHtlt team finished thii.l tltb 2S8rt and lifter fourth with JH . 1 v- m. tbn unknown roller was a loao JV . j - .. ItVi (.nn nlna Thn lMt .. i. uhno m.n iiru names among the I honor roll and it proves the Interest now , belnff tnKen Wth the maple toppiera in meir , , w,ma ,, thA tlve man leacucs uni.i. OP IIOMW nil vvr.r.ie. Howler League 1st "tl 31 Total Guest, I'hlla K K M Kev stone Hood Quaker City T rucks Quaker City Flood Philadelphia Ilresset, Quaker CMt 1'ir.v Philadelphia inn ..Ml J.'R J1S mi .114 inn 2JI1 tno !14 211 1,1111 l,M CHI (117 (110 II 11 (111 mi din inn 1117 1117 mo nnq linn 1104 il.' 111 I J1NI '1S .It 11211 111 II .'13 j 'ii 1711 L'.n ami a is jiii inn ani ai an an urn sin l"n L'J4 17'l Krazler Vhlladelphla I Thompson K of C . I IqT cf. Pmeeiley Kevster flenn Quslcer CI City stone ' A -J I . f''5rf.-Qu?,ST,1.,' S,.. j i I n,,nan irstane A .11 181 Pehr Philadelphia . KB ' "08 HmedlM. I'hlla.lelphla lel J4 H" """ l'h.ladelPhhclUi. iu . lllflll JlhMN ff'qiih; .. t.,,- aiiT- an'ii LDJ'i ansn as in SHI" J7.',ft ajoo . I'enna , i inn 11 l-f 111.- r,i- oil R(i7 mm 1)44 HU'I UMI eini nnn hit 0S(l UH7 Ml ll.'O mv 100". )S I MH BT) 828 817 U25 J!!!". I"?. iSSJiSQ ' . , l'er Quaker cu ' Svvarthmore Q C i Airasslz. Jvey j -- -.'"".vl ' t.hii.Hii,hia Leaavie Muriay. 204- "nn Driier i easie Smedley 213-2211. Ilun fnr!, 813.500 Kevstone ''a " Camobell. Sli'nnc t,i. "1S.220 Oeary 2U-'JJ4 TlerT 2i3-2in. Flood. 228-310 Ilresset J01 213, all of the Quaker City League KivriLK uion s.rourn'i Que.t. SU. Smedley 248 I'hll.ele Iphl a v.V.iJ.. "44. Bank League Campbell, 238, Quaker City Ouest 230, I'hllanelpnia. FhlladelPhi. jlundrVrk 232. Drug Fr.xl.r and Price. 220, Philadelphia Journal Press, of the Curtis League, with fmtr.rarne. lead over their nvM, ion Pref.."?Snn"heJhamplSn.hlp in this lea.ru. with .total of 40 wen and 21 loat in the fimvl gam?. McOreaor. o( Post Tre... ran up high score of 232 pins Knterprlse. of ti rhlladelohia.Msil HartwIrJ League, copped the . champ on.hlp. havlna- a Pnal score of won 40 ana lost jj. NortSlretheVa nSlahed second. Dlsston third and Miller Lock fourth Ifaneock Hosiery Mllli began flr s.rles nf duck Pin bowllnsr or i th" ' taalno alleys teisir lobk two out ef three from Tsm 2, Pearson. IVrlsht and Bauro each had a. Team j, re-arson, .wrij" . '-; -""-" ": tiiiI flAMES MOUTH MLXTION Frailer atl-i'J'l Flood. S.1S-201 . Zlr. ill'm Carey 22tl-2in, Ouest 214-310. Fir" '-0-ali nunVan 204-201 nillott X2vT 4r. l?.H. Fehr a2.'-20 all ALREADY IN MID-JUNE PUTTER Ing Around the lako lo front of the clubhouse and dormitories the daffodils, crocuses and tulips aro In full bloom and on the dining tables were boumicls i ii.umiK iiruuiua picked on the oouiso. A nuniber of the c illdren of Hie club iniiiiiii rs c.imo in wnii winierpreeii ber ilcs and oer where there were slpns of prlnp Judplnp finm appeal nnces, I'lne Vnllc Is at least two weeks ahead of this section of tho counln I-ast Mar a subscription was tnlien up to widen the road to the club from the Iredell piopc-m and this work h,us lust been compleuri This is u UIk boon to those who po to and from Tine Vnl lej In motorcars as the old rnart tluouph tho dip to the tallroad tracks was so narrow that It was Impossible- for two cars polne In opposite directions to pass Conway Succeeds Hackney Mllltin P Cimic. ic ulin emu lii ft,n Indoor irnlf kplmnl ut Wun'iiLn-u i,iu whiter, has succeeded .11m llaiknov n the polf professional nt Aronimltil. Hnrknev Is the new professional at the N'urth 111111 I'Mlintrc llnl. I nu... ...u foimerlj pio at Halifax and Klnpston j,uap.i lY.mk James, who son,. Sears apo was tho pieenkcrpi i nt the old Iblmoiil Cricket flub bis loft ionlmlnk w .lore he h.i been stationed eei sinc-e the new course waB under constiue tlon and his ncfrpteri a slmllni position at tho I.tj I,u Temple' Countn Club Cahcrl Wins Commission it Is Lieutenant fecll Cnlxerl now. Ho h.cs Just won Ills commission In tho aviation section of tho slpnal corps and Is stationed at Atlanta Cecil, who ranks amonp the best of the Mumper polfers of Philadelphia and who linn won a number of the moio Important tournaments here, was in the cltv over tho week-end Whllo at Atlanta he plajed several i omuls with those vouth ful sciiMitloml potfe.s from that iltv llobbv Jones and 1'errv Adair nnd over tho Druid Hills course Calveit shot a "C, which Is Home scorlnp for a man who has plavrri very little polf slnco he left Aronimlnk BILLIARD TITLE GAMES WILL CLOSE THIS WEEK Connor, Payne and Coar Will Play to Decido the Local Championship I'li.tlrman Harry 1" e'llno, of tho louil ceimmltteo of billiard plajcra who for seneral months hae been engaged In ai lolls competitions for the ambulance fund to supply h!cles for use by lied Cioss corps In l'ranco announces tho two final Rimes, which it Is hoped will determine tho clumplon In tho 18 2 balk line amateur hnndlcip tourney which has been In progress In tho Continental Hotel parlor for tho last tluee weeks Tho llrst game will bo between Chtules Connor line? I' 'on tonight The second gime will be between Connot and I'an Tuesday night hr.vNin.se; en- tiik pi-vakiis w 1. r c w 1 i-1 1 onneir : ' 1 fl "' s" i Paj ne ,1 I 7'i0 nruckm r a noil I'lfenh r t I 210 cviier 2 a non I'm nn r i i 2io Connor the leatTer has won from Doc tor I'llenhelmer, 2ri0 tn 2'!-' the lattoi being se rati h contestant with a handi cap ot 300, the limit math Connor won from niuchenmlller, 250 tei 217, and be it Stllz 250 to lr7 Pnitci l'avne, the lowest handiiapped plavcr with a 200 points pet game Im port, won from Coar. "jnn to the lattei II (his handicap being 2Ti0) Con beat nrucKenmlller 200 to 232 (the latter being reeiulied to score 2.10 points to win) and also beat Poctor ITTenhelmet 200 to 295 but lost to Stllz 250 to 183 Coar has won two games and lost two He beat Druche nmiller 250 to 248 and won from Hoc tor I'ffenhelmer. 210 to 2C! but In turn was defected by Pano iml btllz. the latter winning out, 250 te. 118 Sitllz had defeated l'avne, 250 to '83, nnd beat Coar, 230 to 208 but lost to Connor Druchenmlller and Poctor I'ffenhelmer nrucKenmlller Heat StlU but lot to Connor 1'ajne and Coar Dea'tnr I'ffenhelmer beat Stllz but met defeat at the hands of Connor, I'ayuo and Coal pLAN ATHLETIC MEET ... rittmiirv i -.Tff nmnTT)r liN aiiI!iUUil O miiiuuni Martin eKherldaifH tiame Is to I1p nn In tht uorlc? of athletic for It Ih iilamud to hold an outdoor athteth niOLt each tar. to ho known iih tho hhtiidan me morial meet This suggestion w.ih brought before Prrrl A Mb h, preside nt of the Interseetlon.il Athletic l.eaKuu, and it was proposed that a i( t of nanus to he held h the league at Ttltlt Park on May .10 be deslRiiattd tht) tlrHt of the memorial companions l'Uiw for this mett have heen fosteud bv the Irish vtn.ili in A e vvhuh l virtuallv out of athletics because or tne war NO ELEVEN-SECOND SPRINTERS IN UNIFORM, SAYS JIM THORPE Great Indian Athlete Of fers Friendly Wager That No Man in League Can Turn Trick JIM THOnPU, tho great Indian all lound athlete, now pastlmlng In the outer works of the GlantH, Is bkeptlcal about thhese cdev en-second nun In base ball uniform He admits ho can't run the distance In dlamonel togs and he goes further and offers to mako u friendly wager that there Is not (mother man In the National who can. The Hlg Chief to expressed himself In a fanning bee at Marlln and In the following lan guage ' Thero are several men on our club who gojlovvn to first at the rate of better ... ...... 1.... I .Inn. 1,... ihnn eleven secjui us. uuv mum v hv- lleve any of them can keep It up for the Lentlre 100 jards Kiev en seconds Is fast traveling, anu ll caicea nauims, m that. When I was at my fastest In a thrack suit I never could beat 10 l-5,and I know I am nowhere near as fast nw as I was during the Oljmplo games "Some players lose much of their speed when weighed down with a baseball, or more especially a football, uniform 51 1 Pleasant, the old Carlisle quarter back, was one of these. He used to run away from me In the 100-yard dash, though I could pick him up In the 220. but In a football uniform I could beat him. He waa a little fellow, and the excess weight In the moleskins and cleated boots slowed him up at least a second on th 100 yards. "Perrltt might run the 100 In less than eleven seconds In a baseball uni form, but I doubt It He Is the on y one on the Olant team I would pick to rnaUs, a stab at tt. Nor can 1 tWnk of CI TESTER GERMAN IS TY COBB OF GUN Former Ball Player Has, All Trap Stars Faded for Consistency , STARRED FOR 20 YEARS Shontois haw- their real pood Mars- just tho same as ball plijcrs but It Is tho fellow who Is loe to the top er In and war out who Is tated as the best performer with the shntpuu Lester Herman Is the T I obb of trap- shooters, own If be rililn t reai h that clt.sllUatlnn as a ball plaor, (lei man Is a picifesslon.il trap-hot Hrcal.Inp claj tnrpets In n buslnesa Willi him lie know h bis business Yearly for twontv cnrs Uerniin hia been pul verllttp many thousands of clay "birds " Not until ten venrs up., however, did the Interstate Trnpsliootlrip Association Ik pin to keep records There nro no olllejlat i coiris of what trapshoolers did previous to 1!I0S. Has Decade Record Cicmmi, Willi W II Crosbv and Kteel elllbert aro the only three trapshuotera who llpuio In the Interstate nverngo for ten consecutive soars, unci in this tlina Herman has a combined nverupe of !i(162 on more than 60,000 tnrpets onlv tvvlep In the ten vent did (lerman fall below 'Ml pot cent Thtec- times has ho bctterrcl a f7 nMMHffo, In fin t hla lart thrri viiiih lup been his bout. . nnlv's iierHU for ton jeara la 103J and lillhert for tho Hiinio period ban nirrnRi .!4Su CroKby onco acr aprd bottir than 07, and nocn times bett umI 0G i'hatlcy Spencer icallj has a pltghtly better ncraRu thin Ucnnati, but ho la listed only far nine .irs lie didn't llguio In tho 1103 nxcrages In tho nine ears ho compiled an morage of I t77 Spenpcr wan oxer or, per ono of the nine yearn, and twlco he parsed ino j i iter cent maru i Alawvtll Oiu'-Arni Crack . . limn K Tavor has bclteieel a .lii1 ncrrnirr. fur .,., v.ra nArn e'lirl, average for seven years. 1 omer lark "' ... js... , ... .,. v.. win iui nw ears Claik is the onl professional who ever touched Ii 'IS nuraco fur nnn ...it ' e!nnr,pn T....All ii... ....n-r.... .1 JVI.I UlUI hi' .UllAllVH, III," Ulll-tlllllVI. I i,... i i ......... .i. ... m n... ...,o ,iiri.ni iii-i... i. mu o i ii-1 i vin ie,r i'ii- iisi si jp.iiH ' I'lllllliS PCWClIllli (if I'lllt.llll-llilii.l. Il.li. .. - ' uie- in -c average ior live vcais among the amateur tiapshols with 0501 but I terdnv , as a parting salute to Texas aclmlttlnir a membir sna Uilv umi extra the real classy avetage of the amateurs 1 1. rritorv Jess ,,- who camo to ?? tZ mmoei"tVo"n.l,oui.VI,,llmi,t 'Vil1 is the inie lompikd In Woolfulk Hinder- ' the l.lants vellh I.irrv Dovle from the number of tier-on to .100 thp nmtnlttea son uf Ipingtoti, K Tor the thr.OHrnes In the deal for Herog. stood woull ronfln- the sale of tlrkit-- to mpni veara prc.edlng l'U4 I.TneUiwin was utho Clever.ind crowd on their ears for J. "VX sS'TCt",,"" ."vVnVp 'whip" profosslotial Hejolnitif; the umatntirH in Ip lnnlnp i would ho complete l from thn npproprlatlon I'll l tin im.iu.l tliA uftw.i. ..nmu (.,i n I , ?f .V'r" m?defor the purpose Hrother John fifiitn lihrh niiin li t'tir. ihi.i i. .L. i.r.. ii e.( i iilnl til ii lit.t Ml n I rn TJ 'I'll fivn i oinu In su.c'csslnn ho lies avenicred better than '17 per cent ind has an average of 'iTII fin four vcirs or nn nn lour jcars pni ITMIJI IV ATAlJIcirT lyUliUllllilA li lllAlt.lV.nl Ii-, Ti ire, TiinrTn nn I menci 'OK VAKIOUS COALlillib 1 Many Open Licrths for Sports Tcach- cis at Hifj New York hihtiution Ceilumbia Is in the market for e oat lies for foutbill, track and field basketball swlmmli.c and water polo The- leslgtia tlon of T Nelson Mete alt to accept a tiosltlnn ns ellr'ctor of athletics nt (iber lln College leaves vacancies in football and trick afhleths Inisniuth ns for the last tluee jcars be his been lo.ic.Ii of, both teams i Tho enlistnienl of Carl Memer last fall left the basketbill team without a dlieitlng heicl, cltbough .lohn Murra was cutr.iKii) tu till the gip tempuiarllv .Now tho enlistment of I'd Kennedy makes It neeessar foi tho Illuo and Will to lo get a nmi to Miprrvlso the mv iinmlng and water-polo teams The football, tr.uk ind bisketlnll coaching propositions ale so bound to-, gether than no appointment ill basket- ball or trie ic will lie in icie until the quos- tlon of who Is toeoach the football team, Is disposed of i LIT BROTHERS WILL HAVE STRONG TEAM Lit Bt other will ho rcpiesented on tho hasihall field this ear h it strong, llrst-rlif-s hemlprofoHsir.nal ttam Min ager (lermon has hucteeded In beiurlnfr Hiieh well-known plajerw as Ylm and au of the Chinese tnini, Hud Fisher, of Southern High; Kelly, lite of Wild wood Hill "lub Joseph, of Karl Mnek h wihiu i ItalelRh ham Hornet and leeley, of Thorp and Kobliihon, of Sallhbui Mil Vlllanoa( and J&e O Xelll Thla team will hao for its homo games the, I- HR grounds at For.,- iourui direct iinei i-arKsiao avenue They , , , , , aro desirous of arranging h few games uvvuy from homo during MHy and June., All teams vvlhhlng this attraction or of booking gamese uddrehs II J Munch vvellcr president of Athletic Assocla- tion, Lit Brotherf, Eighth and Market streets JIM THORPE any other player In the National League, fast us are Max Carey, Jack Smith nd other of the boys, who could make eleven seconds on .a straightaway In a baseball uniform." It Is said that Thorpe will have an other real sprinting rival ln the Olant cast the coming Beason In Hots Young, the peppery Texan Whose general work In the preliminary going has been &o highly, touted, , , 3z j hdf n - 'A; C FKS WMWT .Vcw, W , v wewi. erA 4.M W CONDITION IF earl Memorial Game Tickets Are on Sale . Tickets for, tlm Mllllnm CI. Menrt Meniorlill lnlrlilll rnme, whlrrli will lie lilmeil liett sumrdm ufternnmi a I the rlilluilrllililn Nnlloinil Lrnmie Hull Turk brtween the AthMIr nnd I'lillllra, were ilrrd on sale todn at lullillnit's mill lllmliel's. . Thr iirlee of the ticket". vclihil InrlinleH llic war Inx. Is from llllrt irntii to XI, 10, Tills lll lie thr llrnt nniienrnnci" of the urnnon of either I mm In lldn rlt). WHITE SOX HAVE HARD TIME DOWN IN TEXAS i 'earn The veteran Scatterpoori and ur.l,1 rl.,: . -n t j Deputy lCccne, of l'ennsjlvanhi. Assem WOVld UiampiOllS Glad tO blv, expressed fraternal sentiments, tho Leave State After Losing Six of Eight Games . PAATPQ V-"A'--- J NEWS OF THE - ,,, . , ,., , , (Iklatinina fill, )kln April S The While Sot went out of Teas , , , , tod.lj IuppliiR a casualty list of six frames lost and two won amonp tho I-o..e Star teams. Tort Worth pins- tersd tliem with another slilltout Sun- . .. , . ,, eia$ .1 to 0. rllrher Whitlaker doled out threo hits The champions play nt Norman, near hero. toda. si, I oiils, prll S, The flist pnmes of Iho eltv series stood In favor of tho Hrowns today The.v ,1,pftl lno Notional !aKuer8 2 to I Sun inj 'inmT i jM tiprmim niinwoii one hit a Klnctf bv tletzel but hla Hlldnpii , n,n lljtuaI umjrBtlon that tin rAmllil tt a 1,(,"h: 'J, ' c ," ' , ...! L!Jr i "T' nimo bromht to mtnd the spirit lin UtteO n tun Isiirl Smith tracked I pnrtance an 1 pnwvr ut v Inunor'al phllati- permitted a homer off Ma, uhu hurled foi tho iardlnaln Dentins;, N. M., April S. Thp f'hkaRn Cubs were nn the road to lIutiHton today nfter flnlnhlnff their small tlinn nhcdulo by beattnp a Camp Cody hum here 8 to 0 Tlooldo Klnir Lear frit the hind of iron military dlsclpllno whetx ho was ppcorted from lup llc1 n nn nrmed guard afttr a m,Irl eIl ,u the umpires (iHiaiionin titt, Ohia., April s The Cincinnati Heds danRled on thn short end of the n ore again brio ye terdax laMng a G to 'J beHtlnir. The short end of tho re or., nmln linn v. I ,... ,., ," . , ,, , ,. v, tcr"'u Inking it 5 to 2 beating. The on,y ,)rrak ln , monntonv f tll0 pamo .H tun IlOMinrs 1,- Vo.inl, iiii.l llnll. mlltl f, ,p T1(;ir, nn(1 onc 1)y j,aiJct ... .i. .. . . ' " k - .. . .. iiuiiMiin, i April i i ne i, iints ve nippc el tlie eiij ugnt o itf Tlla SriDttl.ir .niwl tlin nllinf tlfiti t out Innrltf iiinnj ... "... : .-- ........ i Annies on tne leveanel team uere Ms-liim, prtnnhurK, s (, April R 'I lip Fonth Kimc uf Iho Ynnkro- "raves series will be tdaved hero to ',' ., 'S'im "' p of ," ?n,V . ,r "? ,0 l""1 I,rnNoq "now F0"10 "K''t before the series Is over So far the V have been nn ru-.y ic iiai licit i M-u iierii Koon mil I'lho series stnnds six games to nono i, .,.,,. , ,., tu In l ill r,f tin, VimW na ,Clli ft. tt tvum . , " .'.."". "-"" 1" Play, sn the New Workers have It Won alreatlv j I SAYS MINOR LEAGUES ; WILL BE HIT HARD Dick Kinsclln Declares Majors 0. K., but Says Little Ones Will Suffer lloomlng the major leagues and pre dicting "rough sledding ' for tho big minors, Dick Klnsella, one-tlmo presi dent of tho old Springfield Ihrce-Hjo League Club, hangs crcpo on tho th inces of tho minors the llttlo fellows In ,,,.,, ,,,, ., '"""''all this jeir. "ThciP aro tllll too nunj peoplo in terested In the game to Interfere) with lllie major leaguea this su niner," he said. "Hut 'trootl nlcht for the bush- wackers The big minors are going to have a. tough tlmo of It Tho fnns prefer tho hlgh-grado ba&chall and will he glad to pay tho differenco to tuUe 11 trlii to iseo u hlg league teim In action rather than stay at home and seo a minor league bquad perform " Klnsella, who Ih at present n hcoUi. for tho Now York Giants, denied the possibility of an Illinois State League It actually m ide him laugh when ho was shown htorles published regard ing It "There uouldn t ho enough people at tho bill itirltH to 1111 a fiatiron build Ing shoe-shining bhop They won't .orm, " They nt the genuine ; : , " :, ... , Inopportune for start ng a State minor iMiuen -'j,0 rediclH the GlantF will cop the pennant In tho National Leiiguo thla vcar. CHINESE QUIT CREAV AND TAKE UP SOCCER Columbia h hlnes oarhinon hie de Hrrtcd row ink fnr Koocer football Tho Chlnceo oarsmen found that Jim )tlct lias 1.1s hands more than full attending to tho teKUlar arnltv and freshmen crevvrt and had no tlmo to spend on them. According they tuio deserted tho i revs and lime organized a iwi-cer team Thev hae heen prai tlclng dally In Van t'ortlandt Park for the iHRt week and expect to play the tlrit of a series of regularly scheduled games this week K I j Kwong Mho Ih, or uas, cap tain of the Chines crew, Ih tlio leader of tho soccer team nnd other plaers aro U II Yip. Y C Leo and T. N Leo Y C Leo was a member of tho Colum bia wrestling team In the season Just dosed. Sports Served Short Harry Velter has told friends In Mon terey that he will not plav professional base ball this jear Tho Cib ojtneMer has landed a job with the standard Oil Com- Eany at Taft, that is the equal of anv base all berth which settles the talk of Wolter signing: with Sacramento or any other Coast League club. In-Hler lAiinlng. who plaved for a while in the outfield for the Athletics In 1V10 Is to play the coming season with the risk. lied Tops, of Chlcopee Falls, Mass Lannlnec Played In the outfield for the New Haven club of the Colonial ln-atnie last jear He captained a team at Weslejan In his college oas Armando Marsatl. the Yankees' c'uhsn plaer who failed to report will Join the team Wltnin two weens accoroing CO wora received here by Manager Miller Muggins brottr Mcmteltli. manager of Johnny Dundee, announced last night that the little Italian boxer Is n a critical con dition at the home of Ms mother-in-law with pneumonia. ftergcNint 1oii Cadore, lsts of the Brook lyn Nationals now of the Fifteenth Com pany. Ki-'d Depot Jirlgade. and a student tn tha training school for officers broke up the game at Camp Upton between hla brother students and the picked team of tht 37th Negro Infantry by knocking two home runs In an Inning, Krnfi.1 Brail, the golf professional, made a hole In ons In tbe course ot sn amateur professional match at IMnshurst. It came on the ninth hole ot the championship course, Tha distance la HO yards This Is the third hols made In one there this season. KUwarU ("Hull") McCleorr. 1010. will be Pennsylvania mate s assistant football eosch next fsll He will handle the back. neio low, field retell under then dlreejtlon ot Pick Har- I , iviAi tne, uvau emevei, UNDERD0WN ASSEMBLY A. 0. M. P., CELEBRATES Deputy Jacob Jordan at Pro gressive, Greathoad at Pass yunk Assembly News Nnne C l'liilnnlnun AciAmlilei evne ellteel a busv session to nmkn vvnv for I .11 ii lra, "erwion w maao vvay lor the l-idles Ono candidate was admitted. Ilrothers Ilurton, Marks nnd Decker re ceived honors as tho largest producers elurlnp the llrst quarter The Ilnnnco conmilttee was authorized to Invest In war-savlnps stamps and I.lberts Honds fimn available funds Tho recorder has offered to every producer of three candi dates u $B wnr-sivlnps stnmp certifi cate The cntettalnment committee was Instructed to prepure an event In tho nature of a testimonial to the bowllnp latter promising for the next inectliip of fnderdown a delepntlon of twentj or more from the l'cnn e'lub (halrman l'ullcnk Mailer Arllsan liar- thoiomew and Huperlnteiidcnt nidenour of Ni. John's AaeemWj. uunn In tho Iniereet "f the sreat unlcin rally at l.u l.u irmnle "'"t month llrother I'ollock expUinlna the 111 tailed iirrritlirf-mentR Itrinnlni llur- Smith hml eairlcil his motion of liavltic the i inlr ofneera net as a i omtnlttee lo re-pr- It - ent the aaaemhli In this ninienient Itrothi-r I e cm llifner who umi. up from Atlantic I ,,',,,.t via rnrdlnllj itreetid as was Harrj 'Litter who had been 111 I Mwut Jin persons enlovcd a high class j itt'rVm'ra KJi ToimodTa.k n,h.n VlX tfriffl1 J???. 1 1Wnt1 "mmitteimen William S Walker 'William Jt Cotter and John Marlcln wern iommendcd for the success f ti, cnter. cainmciu whie h cnminenioraled tho eight eenth onnlersar of the asaembb I he viiij rnretlm.- will lm taken to clrand i raiprnin Hall ana ic liou'euarmlnK t r-Mpelon will be held, to which eminent mrm i ners or ine order Kev stone. I rocrcsallc nnd oth' r nsicmblb a, will be Hulled VrpprfplM? sA(mMy s nltintlon nf St- I phi ii 1 nnl Bie opporrunlM In prtFntni; th imttu i for Dppun Jnnlriii s ini nloiiH thronlst, (Jlrard nnd hla lust nm that u mi iiiurifii pi,iianiiiropi?i n Ktirueii in more amuslnt, than vrlout ufpMt. Brother .lordin respond Ins to a hearty Erertlnsr trie J tr mlnlml?.r the importance uf hli t ounce t Inn with the assem hh hut prom lM ti Httenr) vwr tneetlns thl-t oir and npieulrd for a Rfneral spirit of nm toKither nrtUltv tie inmmendfd Hup rlntf ndnit Ilorke h Initiatory work and tmphawlynl the Important of tmnnmlve dllerv of the ritualistic aerlre !!' nald he would tlemon atrite at the nnxt iiuetins If ixrinltted, hH Idea of the rtndltlon of the servire in tho thr e rhilrs An old brotlnr expressed thn nptnlnu that of all the Ure axfemhll)s of the order No t necdetl the Rretitut In. vplratlon and influent p to awaken the dor mint spirit for the ai tomrllahnif nt of hit? imnfrs ami inai me fount nail now twen ""I'l'lleel. Ha tharpiinon I1111.I tilsi motion ear. rie-n time me reroreje-r in- inmructi"i to ex tanil In MrUInc to the M 1J the i,,,nk of the .fmiily fur ih- Hiiiiuiniinent "'... '":""' U",,,V' OI Hrother Jnrd in ini iiuiiiiiiikuhiiimi ia j niimiuiu v mi, ii - Chnlrmin elartllnit made a rpport for the " ,ln" If "nt Incrense ln the membership rpprpsentiitlves on th annual session of th. before January 1 lie-xt anil the, elianers l I. Asa-mhlv referrliiK to ihn full ne re much In favor of realizing these, fomi eount In Hip l.vtsiMi imhiii I.rnom. n Imp" Iirotbpr Stevpnson, who la re iilno reportid fur tho pntertainmpnt re in- ' aponaihli more than atn i thpr one nn mlier ...lis.. .. i. .. -I. - . . i. i.i. fntathu orral unrlf in vr iliknnl ML' 1h efnlin l,,,i I,, ii.- i ,.,. i i,u,. iw,i... nn ..'... .... ...r...., .1 .,.."., I,. I1D iilxo reported fur thn entertainmpnt n tu. ' mltte on the- annlveriarv of the assi-mblv. i 'atln that tho wnt would be held at the "ntel A lelphla on Mav 1 with 11 prnarratii ,nf hluiro ntertalnment daneinc an 1 oil - n hiu(rn i nte-rlHlnnipnt i aiirlmr n.n .imr i.piul. i mi c,,r - n,vi 1 Kolh Roiuht h inotton to restrict the ev- jtenu to the Hfisemhij to the amount of thp Impropriation hut on appeal of Hrother Hill I,lpie the assembly oted lis confidence lu tlie mnnaKenu'nt of tht tommlltee eln lbs projosltltn of Cashier MaeCrntKpr tint Sloo be nut Into wnrnuvlnas atainns. I aim nil- d hv Hrother Kolli to inakp It $"oO laminil'tl n Hrother Kolli to tnnkp It I oo ! an 1 ala ()() In I.IUrty llomls the assm lil voted to make the Investment from "- . -".'i. "' "'"".' ''' n, ",,,,, ,,, 1,1111, HVallablp eaali run Is vieiilorlHl servlrp vvu h. Ill for tbps.i eipreaiiPrt brotliera rrnlerlel nnkp Thnmiis J llncnes Prank 11 I Metrilr Jacob P Moycr William he hmllt and Mux Inkh r cordial rc( entlon whs an orded these brothers from Anollo Aicmlil Master rtlan William T Wlldp upTlntcndAnt ti W 1 urnbull liippt rtnr UoIm rt Ilnnale Irspph A Short Al OeJ enhLUdrr, ri n I rnlherman C I.iramle V K Klh Ic and J r Whker Urothir Wilde extended an invitation to Apollo a I idlB tdtrht next month lnpei tor Horn or j'rospi rt I'arli expressed dHappoIntment at the pon ippear an e of about one thirl of th memberhlp of bis aa mlih w hnn preem waa In ti iided to hennr their eminent fellow Hrother Tnnlnti, on his entrant aa dput In Fri urensle Hrother laniea Marlntlr of Ches i ter Auwm'iU and d put over Proioe t i'ark preftrred to sin it nln nentlmental mfcs rainer man ni iwe a Rpeevii i'at Master ITeld" told how ( hent r Aniemblj bavin,; Juft taken In elttht tnndldktea was ic'dnir In for bin results and Hrother Marr of SnuthucHtt rn ninpraivdateil No t on posse8inn of Hrother Jordan Hrother Ora iMm. of St John wen taken unawares I ut made referent e to the attendant e at the Inst tn ettnjj of hb Hssemhlv aa beln-" onl 1".J, a tonall percent litre of th total membership a statement mail? oldentlv w 1th sorno tlereo of Natlnfartlou, as hli Itlance around the room revealed a reason for comparison highly fa orable to his HSernhU Hetldn polos b Hrother Ttartmin, the nu irtet presented the feat nro of the eo nlns In a aoncr written bv Brother Jor dan entitled 'Keep ProcreiUe (Joint: ti the tune "Keep the Homn Klre Hurnlntr," the Hrsemhl lolnlnar In tho chorus und warmly arfilaudlng the author PisHunl. Ashembh arew out nearK J00 members who heartllj comnn nded tho In itiatory work of Chair Officers Moore Olb non and Messlneer One mrd member wae enrol ll Tho new deput the lelnet (Ireatheud wan enthuslasth aIIj greeted and he responded in hii tenderlv smpathetlc and Impresl,) way. cxpreaslnff his eratl tude for the floral remembrance when be whs too HI to bo present nt the previous meeting Past Master Polio k moinpHnbd by Superintendent Hldenour of St John a Assemblv was present to nubmlt the propo sition of the union rally of assemblies next month The assembly promptly voted moral nnrl fIrinnnlM.1 nld and a committer mm- poBed of th thalr officers wan appointed to co-operate in the movement last Maater ,,7 kntPFnrlnfl AasftMnhlv. nf M,hlrh hn Is dimit nnd of forty-two men tr Ialmra Assembly, It m nnnoumed that Paasyuuk would taUo a deletrutlon of posulblv stenty-flvo to Chanter Acscmbly on April 2S Heforfier 1'nnnps rpno ifmn oi ureev Inn and appreciation from oun members ailed to arms and reported that bo was In touch with all the armv bov A flue .iiMetlHe show was enloved This utsetn- blv Is surelv growing In numbers Influ ence and enthusiasm in tho good work at hand Htld will make a determined effort to win out In class 11 in tho membership and theatre party contests l.ureka Assemblj entertained Master Ar tisan Marmlon Hecorder Gunther and Dep uty Currens, of Oak I.ano Assembly who had some good things to say A W S H society waa formed with Master Artisan Walter A Meweg aa president and Recorder t.ordon llutterworth as secretary The as sembly decided three months ago to Invest In two $." war certificates every month this vcar Kureka- pitching experts beat cut Oak Lane In a quoit match ltadlant Star Assembly had an unusually good attendance brought about to some ex tent through tho clever but hazardous Idea by Recorder Macreeters of communlcitlng with the wives of absentees. Whether In some cases tho presence was due to lova or fear ut either end of the trip to the hall was not divulged However, the re corder has neivi) enough to threaten a fol low up letter If conditions do not come up to expectations The new deputy V. K Shearer, of Underdown Assembly has fur nished a placard star with slxts black ravs, to which will be added an Illuminated ml ray for every candidate initiated He also stirred UP stagnant blood by leading the singing of popular songs Hy Invitation of this assembly. Deputy Shearer will bring a delegation from Underdown to the next meeting llrother David W. De Haven was In stalled as recorder of Commonwealth Assem bl. No U succeeding llrother Curtis P c.l,r realo-netl. transacting the duties cf that position In a very capable manner One candidate was admitted and one petition , presented Master Artisan Andrews Is very enthuslsstlc, and predicts Commonwealth will make a forward movement this year Metropolis Assembly, No 40 of New Torlc city was visited by M E M A. Chalmers and M 13 Recorder Cox, and there vvas a good attendance of the mem hers. Including our genial friend George Msgowan beveral visitors from other assem blies were present, some of whom expressed their Intention of connecting with the New York assembly llrother Charles I, Paulus, a past maater of Pennsylvania Assembly presented bis credentials as deputy and was given a hearty reception. the new committee on extension and weirs-, recently BDnolnted bv M K M. A. Krank A. Chalmers held its Initial meeting on Friday evening last The committee Is composed of Ilrothers Charles W McCon- nell chairman. Alien i-. cox, eecr-cury. VVlllam II X'OIIOCK, rrvn it ueiyin, c. Lamar Hahurst. George M. Miller. Frank O Treston Walter Chsrrlere, J R Y ulakely. William F. Voorhees. Herman Meyer Frank A Chalmers. The committee Islet out plans for consideration of manv mstters of general Interest to the order, tend will hold regular monthly meetings for dls--....inn The brothers are thoroughly alive to the work and some geod results are bound to come from the development of I suggestions and plans this year- Jirottpr Ol'n. IC Sou. a welUowirq ft- trnal Uwrer, died uddnlr on Wednedr. April a. after brief lllneaa, of pneumonia, II WR eounnel for the fraternal Aid tJnlon which absorbed tlio Ileptaaoph and tho Kraternal Myatlc Circle, and had a remarkable ennerleneo In the field of fra ternal law. He waa born In Queen Anne County Maryland, fifty-four jeara aao, and after brine educated In tho Itattlmore law school be entered politic, representing- hla dlntrlit In tho Ntati- I,caJlature, and wa t'lty Bollcltor of llaltlmore Ilrother. llryan was an actlce member of the National fraternal Consresg of America and a atrona debater Juat prior to hla death he was rnthuaiaatlcally maklnir arranacmenta for tho aeaalon of the National Fraternal Ton areas to be held In thla cltv In Auruat next, havin? been annolnted br I)r It. II clrrard president of the congress as ehnlr- mhn of the local rommluee on arrnnae m(,n jte wa, n mtm, 0f at. John'a Asjembly. The "flreatbesd Helen ' will make a strona try for honors In the memtershlp content f.ehigh feels sure of vvlnnlnit out In e lass D llnrtram and l'aasiunk will lake ,ar- of Tlass II Had Ion llelahla feels I Iff enough lo walk away wllh Class II nnd llartnonv. Northwestern or Adelphi Is bound to be virior In Olaaa C GRAND REGENT AT FRANKFORD COUNCIL Boom Session Sets Pace for Progressive Councils in Royal Arcanum TYniiKfiinl Council h 'biff night' on Friday eoNfng 'n a complete mitceBB The rcrcptfon to tho puetH w.im carf fully prepired and tho many features were smoothly carried out Two appli cant wero upproed and ready for In duction, ono n,H Initiated fle petition! read and twonty-ono cards deposited. Tho large, ell-appolnted quirtera were comfortably filled The Inltl-itory rprrmon was ronrtuctrd hv llvffpnt Krnnt IiAllt. of the IX A Mnlmt CMub a dpcrren tram w tilth mi tie an 1m prpl pp"ir,inr- in thp powna loanni 1j lonl (nuiiilt fnr thin nrnnlon OfHii I I. He B nt Norton prr r.trt tl newly nirtil broth.r with rniiU t uttnn in lilt UP"tlall hnppy manm r and fitT h pxpr?ippf! hit appreeUtlon for tlie splendid w orli an! the ciorioui promt a tor l rnkior I i nuneii, I'ajit Orand lit snt Arthur It Uaton was In Rood trim tut somewhat In a hurrv, which all exeerdlncH regretted Brother Katon ban a magnet U fat ult i f nmuHtng his hcareri and partbulirh when touching upon ptrlntlni The at iktra wero cor dially receed and appret la ted hut none more than the council a own orator Holme who holds down hi title and station bv a full measure of Intellietual ability (lrand Orator Htoklnsvr dwell, d pirthu arlv upon th honors Krnnkford is ton frrlntr upon tho Philadelphia dhtrlrt bj lt present looin a shining exnmplo for eerv council In l'hlladelphli Itegent Bailey, of Philadelphia Louncll nnd President t'ul tiert of tho It A Dining Club rxpreaed their heartv congratulations. Other dlgnl lnries present were Supreme IlepreBentatle Mexjnder V Nh holas of lvnnlanln Council D D U R Tharlei V alter, of To nh ("ounr 11 Charles J Ooldimlth, of Guarantee Council Joepn Whltnker, of 1'. nn.xlnnla Council c O Prowert. of Philadelphia and tleorge Milrer of Prankford t ouncll The slogan of the pres- mt administration of l ranaroru council i: licitif-H ttmthrr Stcvpnson. who la "-. ., .L , , ,, ,, anonallili more than an i thar. on mi mlier forth- itrtnt work in re jm-natim: tnis roun I'll wan rontrritulated upon all aldea and re. ff d much cneourajjement from thp meet- l itifiF nnd the wrm concratuUtlorm from l.rml Ilpirpnf N'oreen The usually Bond smnlips ' and bountiful refrcshmpnts ln tho ' rathskellvr, ' h rpstllar festure with Vrankfonl e lovd the heat and most en thulastle mpclInB In the history ot I'rank- furd C ouni II The Associated Counells of Philadelphia and vMnlty e losed their fiscal vesr with a thrpp Ht.ii attraetlon on Saturdav evenlmr lust VV hlli some attention hail Iippii dirpetid tn maki this a bier patrlotle mnt clrand Hi pent Jamra K N'orton, howevpr proved 1 1 lie tin frreatpnt iittrartlon dpllverlnc one of his finest .fraternal addresses. Inter spersed wllh blbllial quotations This his tlrs1 vIMt to Ihls assiiliitliin resulted 1r siieh a tironounied sueeess that the (rood of tho orrlpr committee Is arraniilnB for an earlv .n - 'uiu "' ,.."!", ,',"."", " ' . ,w v. or itcd with third I.lbortv Loan anci ttintt Postpra The war address vena delivered bv , ...,. .,-,, u ,-.....c.h return visit Tho meeting nan was ar-i sergeant Major Wells of tho Canadian k Torres Ho dwelt consldprahlj upon the tortures to war r rlsoners nnd tho beastly treatment In women bv the brutal Hun ercrdnt Major A ells has a fncultN of In IrrspTslns hla narrittvea wun Humorous rx uirtpnTM and h uarnily umlaudd Hrother AIlui 1 Cox, thalrmm of th f internal dhUlon of the thrift and Ravines (ommlttpe mnne a stirrinc appeal ror ron Heratlon and tho inauguration or thrtrt so ' lUtlpa in ery It A toumtl Th entiro ntoi k of llti ruturo wun deposed f unit rood n sullH tnust surely iniiou nroiner i ox who (h a distinguished oltlrpr of the Ar tlsnns Order of Mutuil Protntlon, referri d ry kludlv to the ut e(i of the It A tn dentlnK the alms of tho niemy of fraternal insurance utul his adJrtss as ptj heartily appro' latrd '1 he or ent officers were i If re-elected for another term AV J StoIlnffpr. of tluarantre Coum.ll preldent Joseph A hit nker of pennajlanla ( ounrll le presi dent lames It Pinkerton. of renusyUaiihi rune II treahurer, 1 F II Hellor. of Haver ford Council eiretan The third Liberty In in was thorouchlx diseussed and tiery repri srntntlo urjjtd to nllt his rouncll In the uKtfrtssle tampalBn for suUm rlptlotia. Supreme neprcspntHtlve W T VVallarp, of Ionic- founrll nrresente-d the lloyal Ar innum Kt the nuptlnir of the local me-m-li-rs of thi tlftlcth annlvi-rsarv of tlie trfne flrlal nrRanizaztlons In thn assembly risini of the e'hamlier of Commcrcp Thv me-thoil of ie-Ibratlon anil ths ele-talls connected there-ii Ith werp ellSLiissPci The celebration will trek- plarfl In this city In the latter pirt of Vuitust at a tlmo when tho Nation il Fraternal Conaress will hold h convention hero Iho event will bo the greatest demor. siratlon ever attvmpted hy the united fra ternal societies ot America Areanlsn Council bad an at homo nlsbt ln Its council chamber Iteuent Alrey pre sided Several members from Oakdalej Coun cil deposited their membership cards at this meetlner and wire made to feel nt home bv the ofniers The eecretary an liouneed tbet other cards are epei ted at the net meetlnec The thrift und vcar savin? soeletv was perfeeted and tho lnetu hers urized to assist this and tho third I.lborty I o.in campalirn to the limit Past Itegent New tun and elranil Orator Stoklncer, of (Guarantee Council responded to the call for approprlato talks to the members from Oakdale who will add considerable, strennth to the worMoir force of Arcanlan Council. Tho newcomers are ull dependable workers Tho usual ctsars and refreshments were served. Guarantee Council suffered tlie absence of Secretary Charles cloldsmltb and the duties wero assumed Li nroiner J 11 Maize The death of Hrother Jicksou was reported and proofs of lUIni are In prep erection The . council was honored by u delegation of D O retrents ns well as several mem hers who made encouraging addresses and promises tor better attendance llrother stoklnger expects to have a flag presenta tion at tho next session of thi cuum II or the first meeting In Vlaj He urged tho mem bers to b.u Ic up the thrift and war savings stamp so1 iety and prepare for an aggressive, lampaign for tbe third Liberty Loin Talks from Rrotbers Walla, e and Walter of Ionic Council Hnd llrother Stewurt from Arcan Ian Council were enjoied The remarks of Hrother Wallace embr.icid u report on the preparation for the fiftieth anniversary cele oration of tho founding of the tlrst fraternal Insurance society In Ami rlca to be held here In August and Invited the council's co operation In this event The evenings enter tainment wis closed by a lecture on the "Weather" bv Hrother I D. Maize, of the Weather Ilureau Chester Council entertained I) Tl (1 n. Charles Walter, of Lansdowne, In hts nfflelal capactt) The council has bad a real esse of patriotism far some time. Inspired by nine ot Its members in the Government service It Is Identified In every movement toward flnanclns the war and earing for the noys in tne irencnes as wen as cnose in ens hospitals The Inauguration of u thrift and war savings society is the latest move, while arrangements will soon be made for an nggresslve campaign for the third Liberty Loan nonas in tne council ana city secre tary llrewster ond Collector Palmer, to gether with the staff of newly elected soune officers are entitled to a great deal cf credit for their splendid tnorc in raising funds for our country In the matter ot the financial condition of tbe order, this further statement is madet Recognizing ss thev do, and deeply ap preciating the spirit of fairness which ani mated without exception the officials of the several departments the authorities of the lloal Arcanum nevertheless express their deep regret that tbe examiners felt con strained under their construction of the governing Massachusetts statute to exclude from valuation assets certain credit Items, to which we call attention ' Liens against outstanding certlflcates of members paying on the halt-cash basis were not admitted as assets to the ertent Of 11 ssi) ooo, no credit waa allowed for gen eral fund fu1 real estate amounting to It 3D 8 JO, haiV.A,securltles belonging to the emergency tesdraVevn valued at their par value InateadHVmarket value on September 80, 1(117. we vefTuld have been given an addi tional credit of 1424,073. total. II. 700. 70V. "It la obvious that If the abovvs Items had been allowed ss assets the result would have shown a condition of actuarial solvency of more than 100 per cent and an advance over me valuation or one year age. "The possession ot a large amount ot cash assets doubtless Imparts a warm and comfortable feeling, but even In Insurance money Is not everything. The greatest asset any fraternity ran possess Is th loyalty and confidence of Its members. During- Its first twenty years of existence the Royal Arcanum lived literally from hand to mouth, raying claims as they ma- tor .1 and msklng no aavanoe provision whatever for the certain Increase In ourh J rlsima as the members grew older ana their death rate Increased. As everybody en m now. In tho. light ot the experenc,of It. eWCOtu! tw-atr ye, walla th srd ruar woes addlnnr thousands dally to Its lUbllllfoa, ripi pre-v vision Was made) Tor tneetwr themr eitherT than of ex tha uncerlalri and Ineaullabl devrcea of extra eaaeasments yet )n, that dav lh confidence hnd loyalty of the membership was absolute Lapsea wera so few aa lo bes m-Klialble. iraai deal of rrrrultlnir work, ntarlty by the memlier throiiffhi aeai oi recruuina; wors, y by the member thraueihi waa done volu rura lovs of the order and their lejio- man and accfinlons to the mnk wvre a Urce Hnd constant n to defr for rAr throuvh ttro influx of ntr itnd youn Uvc thp penalty due to nn unscientific plan 'Ilut now wo have bpfor us the report of a aeArchlnx and Impartial examination of th order, conducted by thrra of tho jtrMt Insurance dcppirtr&entii of tho country we hao tho assurance by theae examiner pf thn aolvrnt condition of the order, attained only after a strung! first rntered upon hearty twenty years bro Thin assurane in roupled with a statement of the need for ..ulMlnj: up and rejuvenatlna- tho rrrembf whip through thn Introduction of new Uvea, It In unthinkable that in the face of auoh a report the member will proe lax nt Indifferent to trio only condition Imposed, bv tlirj examiners as n nnulrement for tha order's permanent sohency and prosperity that 'h reasonable addition to Its mem iHTahlp secured a recrultlnif task which throughout tho existence of the Hoy a I Arranum has len nssumed as a prlvllca and a dut) bv the membership and ss suohi fflllhfutly fulfilled and wo confidently an tlrlpato thn fonttnuanre of this devotion on the part of a loyal constituency," THE MACCABEES Reviews nnd Central Committee Active in Woman's Association Hetay Uom Iteiew, Kranhford and Allegheny Renues, Mrs. (J A H. Kng lind commander, reports ecen appllcaw t!on? at the last meeting, with Deputy Assistant Anna Jt. Steelman vell in tho lead on applications secured The week of April 15 Is gleti for a theatre benefit for tho patriotic fund and at tho last ineelinff In April It la expected to hae Philadelphia Hclcv decree team ln Itlato a class for the piesentatlon to tircHt Commander Iounfabury at tho May part Ke atone Itelew Plft) third street and llavrrfurd aenue Mrs V M Helma com tnander. will hold n patriotic rally on Thiirfitfl epMlnir Anrtt Ts. with Mr fiMlth Held as ehatrinnn Keystone held a nhort. meeting ttlng hosteHu to central commit ten which turned out sixty strong, ritid with two out -of town Msltors and tho 1i dies of Kejstonv i lght five mmbera partook of the ext ellent luncheon at the ni of tin meeting supreme i hrj-daln Burgln "121 Brown street aHlMed h Mlse A P. peril, wilt entertain central committrn for the April meeting on 1 rtday evening April 10, nnd tho May meeting will be held at the homo of Mrs Ituh Th lor JO i N'orth Proad street, while the. June .meeting will to held at the homo of Mr Puller In Muores Olrard lteiew Tarkwny Hutldlng J!ra. Martha Attcra ommander reporta nix ap plications at tho last meeting and four can dldatca obligated H made arrangement a for a rrogrpsfllve noe!tv party to be held on Ma for the heneflt of the patriotic part and It extend .1 cordial Invitation to all memlrera and friend Mis A K Uerll la c halrman Thanks weia extendel to Mr -Mlllan Slner for her hard work for the theatre benefit of which eho made h aplendld PunpM Thv membera realdlnff enM of the hchu)IMIl will entertain tho mtmbera lltlng In West PhtladelphU. Philadelphia Itevlew So 212 Parkway Ilolldlnic reports a vprv pleasant meptlnir with one application reeelved and prospects pood for more at the next meetlner, aa It wants a poodle number of new membera tn pre sent to Miss I.otinsbury at the May day Tart of the andv p itrtnttt fund virs aiii eiorsuen, chairman sale fnr the benefit of tha distributed thp candy and arrangements wejr, made for a varn party ior tne DPnent or tie patriotic cunil wnicn will be held at tho next mretlnK on Tues day evenlner April lei when all members of the order and their friends will lie welrome The i ommandcr Mrs Anna llanee also spoke about thv bulldlnff ftr the Philadelphia membership whleh they hope lo have by the close of tho summer Supreme Chaplntn Miss Tlurcln and Cap tain Marv e'rou h attended the incetlntr of fratprnal lemlrra at the Chamber of Com mine last cdnsd.cv ufternonn at whleh arrangements were sit In motion for tha aretit fraternal celebration In thla city durlnp the Inst wepk In Auaust when will be iplebrated the tiftlPth anniversary of the founding of the fraternal beneficiary orders This promises to bo the areateat fraternal meetlnc iver held anwhere, and will be very appropriate at this time, when nil the leading nations are preachlntr and llichtlnfr for democracy and democracy. In the truo tense of tho word, la brotherhood of nu n CECIL DONALDSON IS TENNIS WONDER - Piftpptl-Ypar-Om PftrfllPr of i r 1X LCCJ1 1Li-U JTUt LIICI Ol Til den Has Brilliant Not Future Th.it nnothcr real Juvenllo star of tho courts Ins been developed Is shown by he .uslonlhhliiB pl.iy of fifteen-year-old Cecil Donaldson The outhfuI phe nom b work Is commented upon by Fred Hawthorne, ln tho N'evv 'iork Tribune, a.s follows "That America is bchoollnir a remark able crowd of future fctars of tho lawn tennis courts Is belns demonstrated with the lioldlnB of every tournament In which boys and Juniors compete Tho latest prodigy to link his name with tho-o of the ranking players Is young Cecil Donaldson, Just turned fifteen vears of uge, who, paired with William T. Tlldcn, Jd, of Philadelphia, finished as runner-up for tho national Indoor doubles championship at tho Seventh neglment Armory. "In spite of his south, Cecil has heen plijlng tho Kaino for hcveral years, hav Ing been coached In tho early stages bv Gerald Donaldson, his father, on tho clay courts of the Horough Park Tenn,fs Club, In Hrookljn Although he has yet to win u title, joung Donaldson Is making rapid strides In that direction, as his performance indicates,- "The thing about Donaldson that Im presses tlio critic today Is his coolness In action and the restraint ho Bhowa ln not going for the net position until hs has pavcel the vj.iy for an opening by forcing t-hota from backcourt. Onco tho opportunity for a finishing shot at the net Is thero Cecil shows no timidity ln closing in His volleying Is particularly good nnd his service Is sufficiently se vere and well placed to give him the chance to follow In to tho service court when he to desires "Tho coming outdoor season o tour nament play should do great things for this boy, provided he Is not rushed along too fast nnd keeps; n le-vel head upon his bhoulders Thanks be to Provi dence, or, mora probably, to wise par ents, Cecil has not shown the slightest disposition jet to be anything but a wholesome American schoolboy and a great tennis plajer. JOHNNY DUNDEE ILL WITH PNEUMONIA "Scotch Wop Is in Serious Condition. Has Temperature of 104 New Iork, April S. Johnny Dunct, one of the leading lightweights of the country nnd who has been a repeated challenger of Champion Benny Leonar, Is reported critically 111 today with pneumonia hTe 'S'cotch Wop" caught a Bevere cold while training for 8eerat ring engagements, the first of which, vvas to have been next week ln Btnton. Dundee vvas In Philadelphia last wed- nesday eenlng as a spectator Rt tho special Bhovv of the National A. C. In which Irish Patsy Cllne was defeated by I,ew Tendler. He reutner to this city to resume his workouts and on Friday was taken ill. V i n According to Sotty Monthletii , M manger, Johnny has. been in such serWsj, j condltln that It wa Impossibles td jrtOV him. Te has a fever of 104 ROYAL ARCANUM 40 YEARS PROTECTING HOMES WHY NOT YOURS? COUNCILS MUKT THIS H'KKKl April B Integrity. 1)1 t.S-.m Ave, 9 Philadelphia. Parkway Hellettug. April Ape Attrl l loiur, jcucs ercn Pin... , j 1 Aiu-ll titlitnaraitt. rMcMsvllUNlFsc. -. I AsiHf 10 Hutvenet. fmikwutr fetWcU, US itlaapNV VSKBsfrbuM - eegpsV sxetjBBBpBBjsiBV HBssvJBlnkF sssaiar i fl 1 il 1 1 l century and 0Tr. K CI I 'H. j A 0 i f i r r It V f? -