i' " --wt,i"w' 'v EVENING PUBLIC1 LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, APRIL S, 1918 11 3,001 AMERICAN GOOD WOMEN I mann rn PTwr.i? rrrv ni? mm Women in war ork by leading wayward girls to clean life jf0t Behind French aid Kiib Volunteers of Ante lish in nepiuiniy m-ii at Front IFINU FARMERS Ol'POSED Defense Council ltstB 3,000,000 I Registered to Fill Vtciincies Urate maker ttiisliliig mi. Apt It ,,ul I nklinil Marte nnd .Maix mil Annie re- f The an I Commit tore ftnse lif e i "There ' tountrs tort necctar hai il I C (t Lender Says Nation Is A'o Stronger Than Its Femi nine Virtue Police, Even if All Were Honest. Could Not Pro tect Sailors City A'o Worse Than Others TTTOMI.V of tho ihtirihrs f ritlln W iti-lpim rH ,t to mupiio,. 1IM1 the police no online to Colonel Alloc V llerron, of the Volunteers nf America A Iltihv B.vmpathx and n dollar nt the rllit lime. fIh wild would old inimv fallen women toward tin- rlsht path Nile lonlcmled thut tho liest icmcdy l to eliminate the rill within the offender llw ( oloncl said kIip did not believe riillnili'lpliln nan anv worse than anv other rlt Kho kurrckIimI that a squad Of WomPtl tip Kldicted from overt' r.11,11-,.1. m ..,......( f ... ... ... . . . ... - II oi f.iiiiuiiai i.i- i hi iniiuucipmu ami mat tliry ko anions I tin (UIUmmIh and onelenxor tu lead tliPin io u i lean lire Polnml llerron Is a demure woman of pleasing pcrsoitalllx Hlip Im n dec-lilcd nptlmlHt In dim tinning tho ko situa tion toduv, she hiiIiI ' Vice ciinnot tip tipiooird hi IcbIvIh tlon t believe If thp xxonion of thp llllircliel Will offr Ihl'mSllVCM to III! urnt tusk of Rolnu nnil In IpiiiK tho ixietelied plrls who live those' Rh.istlv lives, not with an example of superior xirluo. but with loo avnipjlhy ntttl dollar at Iho rijrht limp, I'lill.idolphla can In i lemnil up "Hut thp question of in eiwdcnro In tn rV.ni"1 i.iAinrlio and Ictivcii " '"- '' m ,,1P ful" Land even nih.i m fixity heretofore ..thin the pn-v.., . f ,, ,11, uxe millions Wl"1" ...... -...1 'l'..,,xu l"nr ex. i-miu ""u .....,, , i ii inn. n woman ii.w fun i the rniiws ui uni Mxpitlicartu to talto itrons thS hM tai. (tcppcd forwatd ...ii...i rMC! TO""" ... . 1.,n for ml t oi in liui'-j "--, - nnd la dotiiS. " M tlac1 .h. u export. I IO .1" work o.' her n mi at hr front. How, mu.1. rriliH lias been dene in ;- the Vnittd ! 1lr" ., ,. . m from iiiu ,iuutv.. l i,i mil women in ttiln . nsagi il I" Industrial work urn mi tlio ar, but we hwJoiM"?"' f The iiEr - ...... -'- -. ,,, l,,1 Il't.UUll .....v, .-- u SiiiPilran woman in u li, i I'lencli nni linn iufl.1. am Job that pre- JO PT demons""'' Jlt us vl I h slsier inl) tlstlf . , ,, T.o t.me 1 i i"' t nrUrn for Iter liersMilie ' " "'"" licl,l"d "" ,,I!'C'' , V a inV - ia i and WrotiM are dolnff nil uiixv in linsiumi, uui ii llw- fmtory nnd Biorea MI-xM-ry Jonr xlie iH "fit 1 i lure nor thin, inndl- ii unit in hn wpeUI ni hil us n in Ii an dirt Tom ,i. i tonal Arm l I.IMI.IIIM) nrl.rr i ii , n of thin muntry n Hie burden of In- l in and are properly i ih, v iP meet tlir.lrauc, nfiontM the women'B nnd draft liny fui- JnP thi arn tn 'hn fat the I n I 1 '"t i" h evil' K fore J IM Ulcl-lfr rs ' ire mri dmtria ' ft'fjrnr.1 I i is 'li i l ' comnitiei1 Bv the Hoi tor sapp'.i trt f ' " iron 'i. i' jwmi f i qu( nmii' to V ' ' ' nteJ" n ' in! iuph i men f"r '. TVn hr ,1 tons ih en'.t R 1 1 crdln-iv 11 1 Tf Rrea' comm ire i. ijalnji li. 1 dustr a ". o mide I" cn ( "i 1" protoi'pr The 'po ha e l.r. n almoiit unhersal Jroin tho eointi uni tho new entranti i into the fli lil "i lit nt baxe not been rlvm tlio wK" t up b fonniT Htnnd- kinn buppurteu i iiu (innoutiLCU pollry I - f ef fhe Ui it'll ta'.H i ,ot eminent, made ... ., iii,,.i.,i ,, i,m: 'throuith ,. .. Mhoi conference hoard. ! the I'llDtopl.l hdltnr (tint not n Fhouhi lerclie eriunl pa liiuie (Ipoibc presented 'Ie n.iUBh- lor cqua won., t , ampilgn of education lr on uu t-pouen Mace tne nrm pan or latobc luu.l ,,t to insure the following lid Heuwin and now Hillle ltuike Ih np- out of i Ins p. i ) I pe.irlnK in tho photoplay Minion, which I will be nt the niuihiid Theatre today Inrmre I'ruws l.sl I mi t p The work v ill n ,t lie among employ rs alonr for tin re li.is bptn a teuileiuy ca the part of ponn women who fail to TMllzi . e opportunity for Industrial nil vancem. nt nut lonfiontK them to loiw nre nbsolutiU lioirlbh. Tin v i getting woimi, loo. nnd Hpreading nut Into the little KiibiirliH like a dlaeuHe lt' like that all oxer the count!. ur i ounce he. wai luin u great il.ul to do with it , thai, nnd tho dtrunge iiu tialu ml wav of Ihing we re getting Into ' latmk nt the IhhiIch that' nre written anil the phiSK Hint we Fee; notlru the Inarenidng 'btoad inlndednewc' In poo plen' iiltltmle toward Iminornlllx . Uon'l inn kop what rich noil there Im for the uli in of industrial k.miIk of .-In to Like loot and nourish " to have 8,000,(11111 in" i.i-tere Tho He- r ,) ,, hrm ,Xlll ;np w.irUlOg now cm a Ipoh,,. , ,,n ili.in up tlio c In nr louise li enable I'ni'le Ham ' ts of Hum tit dtilionst coirupt und . unrrlngly on bin , m, tiu IJutilici, ne policemen who if innlA labor Ml tlir llri j;,,,,,! ,1( ,n, iKiiM t i . ied to clunir , tnliili tin i in find tin loci ion of dl- . ipput (tile pl.i, Inn 'WulMliev c It. nod in I e ency. A ma tliein, don i ..u t. niir tli.it ih. i would ' ml ip mine , Hip i.iii- mil Ik mil ttto I i st en the olllce v li the women'a ' on baud are ii i he lulneivs and in- incn who cannot be lit n nomeii'M effoitu ,c iniiih an her male ' Photoplays and Players This Week's Bills at Local Theatres w i vwSjwysyiMwSsfwfflft-!? SS mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmm The Yellow Dove A Itomnnee of the Secret Service, By GEOItGB GIBBS Author of. "The I'lumlrur BworJ," "Madcap ' etc. F COLONEL ALICE V. HEIIRON lin.ik nut .icnin ui nnnttiei phi:' of the illi' Win. pint of I lie dllllLilliy 111 elraulng thliigM out now ailfeK from the oulburNl of zcul agalni't loritiptlon about' IHe euiH ago IVimotl) tile llmilM of tin tendeiloin w.rp nppurntilv nun kill, from Illi . ntli Ktieet down to Hi. wliurie, ami niu to Itldgi tixemn U itliln thoMe 11m! ill tin dins wire ci Rreguti il bin fi llowlng tin i iliN up m fh.it distrh t it I'll'1,, .mil ii ittircil 1 1n n an c nlit. il in in . ouiil Hiniph h,i, been li.iii.il from iic.'.iiitk he hmin dailix ,i who could poxicihlv follow a fniloi nil ii ion nil the clt ' If Sec returv HuniiW unntu to keep his llttlo h.illors good bom bed liaie to Kind eui h of tin in iiioimd with a miine ' If inu i,iu optical to those girlr., and diHj; thi in iiu'' of that mire, und keep tli.'ln out 1 1 h;il- the fight) inn will gi.iduillv piugi tin , t v of the etalii lliaf hi. biiiiilid I' nation is onlv uu suoni4 .is the litue of its women SCENARIO TO SCREEN AND IN BETWEEN WHEAT RATIONS ORDER IJUY,AU; i'"uu offered ! TO U. S.. SAYS HOOVER is mmm ry Hnnviro i . W ,, -., , J,00(I in inter iiu ,ii f the I eti i i In ' U i. I tn ( '. Mt 1 repc " , ( aniJ for - tur in , Ik tueriss Tin aiki't and underbid chli i i f. inner bin ptoied r,itie, nicoidlng to ip wonian'H ooninilttce, eo women in ngrlcul- so f.ir met with llttlo firnnr throuirli local t lodes anil in i presentations mado lo ' Corgr, has pn scntcd an ukiiniing ple- tore of the gi i ultural labor Hltuatiun. Ki caniiot ,v ihat women labor would help out exc pt for bousewoik or bciry ' picking tn trie W I where the need wai brought hone botore the war. JhousandH t o women arc irking in tlio fields todav inl lu.1, j, lrj suceeaafully eery r task Uiat coniiopted them In Washing!, n women nie now doing arnork in ( eminent oilkes as iihlp- J if tlerks draftbiiien, topographers, 4 tBger-hrlnt epeclalisis bookkeepers and Jlher tfw Im. s nerordlng to u ports by till women b illxlsion of tho l,.iboi I)c farUntnt Eniplojment Scrxlce. Through this branch 1320 women and tlrla from fourteen to FCent -eight Viira old ere placed In einplojinciit in Wathjngton last month Hesldea xarl- ether new lines of woik, tlio War Peparljnent is using girls for incssen ' lira. J,he women a division Is alo giving i aavice t0 thousands of girls ns to what tralnlcj they should take, and In xvhat w tpeoanle . Tne trend which women s effoits must UKe eventually, is shown bj tlio follow ! ing aurxey of one industrial dWtrict In Fran1 ,,J i the women's committee .sewer ana tstri.1 tneita lc.o i appliance, -0; needles trades, Wchlnery, 44 1 , tools, 417. pd'd by tho l'oregn Press Mu- S000 women etuplojed; Iron ziimi, Kclcntllli' irstru knu goods, 1025; ilcclrl- 08; vTYPHOID DEATHS SET r LOW RECORD IN STATE p i "Total of only 45 Repotted to State Board for January 1 f i"TUburr. Anrll fi Tlw. u,, i, i wment of 1,ealth " reported a new l !f Tt"A for tho number of deaths -"intr frcm tvphoid fexer in any one f,! ...There wero 1)Ut fort) -five deaths ""n this dlpKn ,ii,i., n. .,nr ftonlh from ''f '0iIa,lJ"un'1,l "" rbrly-fixo death SbaVn'A frv.alA Acting om Tho readers of the i:cmxii I'um.ir Lr,rjur:n who followed tho story of 'Tar zan of Ihe Apes" xvill find tlio bercen production of that stoij on xlcw this and next week nt the Victoria, with Until .Markov and Klmn Lincoln In prominent parte Mai l'ickford. who Isexiiected in this city tomonow to apeak for the Liberty Loan campaign, will begin the nll-stur proginni this week at the ltidgo Axenuo Tlieatie in riteila Jlario" Madge Kennedy is to portraj the role of ii novelist In search for 'cop " In 1 Tlio Danger llatne," which Is this week's feature nt the Stanley. Kxcellcnt character woik on Ihe part of Ueorgo He nan Is one of the chief features of "Ono More American " xvhieh is scheduled for tho Kalrmount tomor l ow Mrs Vernon fiuitle in "Vengeance Is Mine" will bo alioivn tlio latter bait of tlio week In addition to tlio xnudextllo program nt the Alhambra. Mexican bandits and cactus form tho background foi ' Ilendlti' South, ' xvlth Dougliiij 1'alrbanks as the featured star This movie is scheduled for the Coliseum and Frunkford Theatre 'Iho Kuhet. the llcast of lierlln, ' Is ,i plctiue showing the Intimate sldo of the war and somo of the Incidents con nected with tlio Kaiser. It Is book for this week nt tho Palace Clara Kimball Young has Just com pleted another production Her latest one, "Tlio Marionettes," will be shown at tlio Uureka todav. llniinv Wehlon. who Is scheduled to be In this city In person today, will ap pear upon the screen nt the ttlalto to morrow In the movlo story, 'The Shell (Jame " Kthol Claxton, xvho is soon to mal.o Los Angeles Iter peimanent liomc, is to bo at the Model tomorrow In "Whims of Society " Two Ounces of Bread Limit for One at Public Eat ing Place Uii-liliiEl. pill 8 I'm tlier impetus to the demand of tho food adnilnlHtrat on thut the people of file Culted Suites save wheat xxns given when It was announced that in addition to nn Increase of 5 per cent in the substitute isiutent of nil bread no public eating place mix seixe more than two ounres of breud and rolls or inoio than four ounceti of ciulek bread to any ono person nt any ono meal The latest move or uic loou iiumin dministratoi' Snnctions Its Acceptance by Local Food Bon ids at Fail- Price New XnrU, April S The I'edei.il Cood Hoard hero has recelxed a tele gi.im from Pood Administrator Ilooxer, authorizing acceptance of Hour by locul food boards nt a fair prlco xvhenexer offered bv dealers nnd consumers for the arnix, nnvs or the llic-. without re gard to flip sire of the pac lcage The price to be paid should be de termined bx the local food adnilnlstit tors and representatives of tho milling division and Iho grain corpoiatlon of tlie zone concerueil, according to Mi Ilooxer, win. asked that nrr.mgements hi made foi merchants to finance tho Jjlsniont r of Health 11 r. Hovei Cables to Spain Dclajed All cililo messages to Spain, except for Hilho.i, Harcelona and Vigo, aro sub ject to Indcllnito delay, according to announcement mado today by the 'West ern rnlon Telegraph Company. No I ca sern was given lstrutlnn places the tuition upon n i propomnou wiuiuuc mi- use ui e.uvcin xiituul xxheat-ratlonlng svstem llouo i ment funds. hold eonsumption lias been curtailed lTour received undei this nrr.inge tbrough voluntarx' ae'loti to the mini-I ment the message said should lie stored mum. Ibo counti.v s Ic.ulii'g hotels either ! tempoiarilv nl the most convenient have' or bv April 14 will abolish nil point1 p. minting .in coulv.ilcnt amoiiiit wheat products from their menus nnd irum the mills in go forward for c now those eating places that It was feu p rt in tin name ..f the Mate or country could not abandon the use or nrenu en- coiiccnm llrelv linxo been limited These steps, mnsldered Willi the ... . ... ....... If .1. !.... . n I ., I n I . enormous gain in ioiiu.u,. r.,.,1,.,,,.-. ... , Oyj- ,fitfTt7i7Ji.fmfSi'. TS't'ft the Allies in Mnreh and tho amount of , .S?4'-O.Sa Hour that recently has been released bv g&HZ4&i.giirioim ars-n, q Indlxldual consumers gove an inui nii., of the Kerious situation alnoad ivxhlch food ndinlnlstriti.m ollkials do- clared must bo iniex cie.i i c nine on the part of the merlcati piople The encouraging phas, of tin in utei to the flovernmcnt olllilal- is Ih. wnv in vvhlcli the people have re -poinled It In estimated that mailv 1 nun nnn bar rels of Hour haxo been released for the uno of the llBliting force" abroael rrmn out of Uio stores which householders had tet aside for their own use Publicity, in the form of the (lour census taken bv Ihe State ind eountv food adinlntBtrntors was an ild for t brought homo to the consiiin. r tin shame of having on hand sivei .1 bar rels of flour when the nee el In I ii'ope xvas to gieat In manv mum mil Irs hovvexer, tlio example of Crimes T. was followed, and the Itilubitint hax.1 pushed all thought of wheat aside until tho next harvest r,ertf nound of flour releisnl In thl" way means a pound oi flour for Curope food administration ollii lals h,aul ami i arrangements haxo even been in ede to shift surrendered flout not sUn,iiiiv Hacked foi exiiort to cenleis v.lnre it must be hud and take fiom there in luin I nn equal quantny oi inu Mapie reauj ii immediate shipment Hotel and lestuurant turn In manx parts of tho countrx are not waiting foi April 14 to put their pledge to cut out wheat Into effect Somo wircel instruc tions to their establishment-) from Wash ington immediately after the meeting on March 23 to eliminate xvlie.it nt once Menu cards haxo been coning In to the hotel division of the food administra tion beailng a pledge to that effect, and it Is bcllexed every first-class hotel and restaurant throughout tho count r will go upon an absolutely ' no-wheat basis between now and Aptil 14 CIIAlTI.lt l IIMli; AM) 1IOIMIH OP two hours or more, llamincrsley nnd tlio girl, taking turn anil turn. watched tho iohiI and foiest fiom the nmphltheatro of rocka The road In times of peaco was a short route from Wlndenbcrg to Scbondorf nnd popular Willi (ho mirket folk. Hut the restric tions put upon xlslts to Hlaufelelen bad resulted In tlio dlveislnn of tutlllc fiom Iho Miulli slope of the mountains to tlio longer road in the xallev upon Ihe other hlele Tlio few who appealed were mill in uniform Prom bis lotev perch llnm-, meisley splcel Captain Wentz us he hurried by with seMriil men in'nn ntito moblle ,lut bexoiid tlie crag the aulo. mobile was slopped nnd the men dis mounted and went on nfont I'lenrly they meant lo rontliuie the search abroad llainmorslex- rhucklcd ' lime anil boiinds ' lip muttered to hlinsrlf 'The more men to the east ward, the fewei to the west Hv Jove'1 Tlie expletlvo vvaH not unusual with llnmmeisev, but tho manner of lt ul t era lice f,axe It impoi tuncp. He pressed the level iiuleklv and peered ugalti at the xniilshlng IlKuies of the men A new Idea had been born. Hare and bounds' A game he bad plaved at I. ton a game ns old us sport as old ns hunting' And for stub u prize! He hurried Into tho uivo glancing liuirledlj at bis vvnteb. II was noon Pen In Mat upon the stool near I do xoii Wliulrti Ilnmmerste went over to their ccplive and cenintucd his bonds iiud I hen riio Ihe gltl u few hasty in sl tint Inns 'I am going down below to bo gone two -perhaps llnee hours cpilik intake' of the breath esiaped In i, bin shn cauglit her undei lip ui lei teelli nnd said nothing Mom t worrv ' be went on e heerfully, I in coming back 1 II piomiso vmi Hint I xe got a plan lie whispered n ni vv pi in a noble plan, n plan tint w ill nwike c.in gamo nil easy one It will be harder for ou than for me, iinrN because xou'xe old) got to sit and xx lit nnd tiv to be patient ' bile be was talking be bud taken off Hi. bells that contained the two pistols, iiiMenlng om around Pen is Then he took off his leielher Jacket anil put It n Hi, table fastening tlie other belt . intuiting t do s cartridges mid lltlto- innt i over bis gras sweater. She x ad lied hiin tlmldlv I tn t iiuppose litnf von Wlndeti fhotllel eel Ins nuns free, she protested I . annul shoot him cril I cannot tint thai - ' lie vviiii t trouble von III nirange thet He took fiom bis ,oat pocket the iloniuientH captured from the I Im pel or's messenger and held them up no that I do von Wituleii mild see them 'I must leave vnu for a while Celo Avvfullv horrv but Its moot urgent" He laughed You won t mine! wlllxou? Or tr to make things illlllcult'1 ' I Ii turned cpiuklx anil while both tho girl and tlie pilsoner wondered what he wna about to do, lie went tn tho tin bo In the cornet brought out u new candle llgliteel II nnd helil the papers so that the prisoner could see them "Pe xou observe xvhat 1 am doing, Pdo Miss Mather xv ill sit here upon it, A riMuiullA ut.ln ..f l.n ... a . .... , ..,.- .'.,r..L.- -,.,.- ,11 nn- V.,,,- X.lll I .lint, ,,,, In irtit to. ftttt ..... t..t l... II, ...i,t.l ... n . vn ii..,,, ,,,, uni flC XXIII Inn ii the papei h .Simple. Isn't It' Also quite effective She doesn t want to shunt ou I do nor do I. And of course if the pipers were burned, it wouldn't hurt l.iiKlnnel a great denl As long as tlie panels aro In Gerinanv, nij capture inav throw them Into German hands, nleht xxuhr ' ' Pdo xon Wind'iis head moved sllghtlv fiom left to right With an nuf xvledeisehen tlirown oxer his slioulelcr nt Udo, Ilammersley went outsleio the caxe. where Hurls followed lilm She was on the point of teais, but she buccerded In a smile "Don t worrv, Doris old girl Just going down for ,i stroll about" ' Itut why, Crll'" "Coin" to throw 'cm off the scent,' lie whispered "Hut thev'te nlreadv off the scent ' Por answer he- klcscd her gently and bade her keep up her coinage Then bo gavei her the papers, t.aw her Inside the caxe again, ahd In a moment xvas gone The moro Hiiniinerslev thoucht of Ids plan the better It seemed to him Tlio dnv was Mill oung In thiee hours he coUId do much. He cros-seil tho nmpitlieatre of rocks and followed tho locky gorge by which he had entered lust night and when he emerged upon tlie farthei side, paused and watihed for a while to see tint Wentz and his men were not In slvht, and then de scended the face of the rocks skullfullv und in a moment was cieeping on all fours through die undirhrush up the snje of the mountain It was steep lie re lend tllggeel but In a while he leaeheel Iho olel drcr ti.nl over vxhlih bo had I passed when ho bad doubled on bis puisuers last night Hut Instead of I following it lie hulled a moment to nsieii nnu men crossed to Ihe under growth, which nt thin Ixnllll upa en thlrk that nt twenlv paces even he xxns not xlslhle He slipped nmnng the tree- ritnks nnd evercrrens. movlnir ,n,,l,n,. unking n wide circle up the mountain side ntmost to Its ton, tlesc ending then .') phsv buiri'b. uni ii ne nntl coxcied four miles nt least, vvtien Im i,afa uin n. down toward the Schondcrf road ll.ue and hounds I Aw rvrlihu- o,nn even In the old elajs when It meant nthleiic' honors, lint now. wlih tlie nl temallves of dcalb as the pennlty of i allium and a great triumph as the lewnrd of escape. It inaeln liis blood run mi., ui. e kcioii Kaine a i.iir guinp. wllb buccess as tho teward of intelligence. lie planned carefully He must be SUIO tu COIUO down into llin onn nl a spot where Went, and Ids men wero nrnii-iiniK no anew tne rountiy well rherc will a village on the hillside, half a mile below. It was midway be tween Sihonelorf nnd the fntm houses at Hlaufelelen. The families of some of Hie fen esters lived there, and there vvnn telephonic connection both with the faun mid Wlndeiibeig All of the tin n of Mltlelwuld who weie not in Hie Potest Service were off at the front, and tlio chances were thut unless Went and his iiumi were there, llammeislev would ti-o onlv women nnd children Hut Im knew that Von Miombetg bad neglee led nothing that would give an Inkling of Ids whereabout, and his pres enee would be at om o reported nnd the e h isn begin He was In ee client condition trained a llttlo (oo fine, per haps, for im l.ngllshtuan, but 111 He had done little i tinning simp leaving Ihe uiilxersll), anil though he had lost some of his olel speed, he could lelv upon the thought of his danger and Pniiss to provide, tho Inccntlxo for extraotdinarj c rfort Mlttelw ild lav in a clearing similar to that at Hlaufilden and its faim, If raims thev eoulel be e ailed, clambered up the. hillside and straggled over brond tho road where thev weie merged Into the undergrowth of voting oaks The Sihonelorf road, ourxlng this wav and that, pasred between tho houses 'which weie tet nt liregular Intervals like the strips on the tall of a kite Ho went ni through the iindetbiush coming out into Iho onen unon llin in.ul nt ii.a .mint wlieie it enteied the woods upon the Seluindorf side Then be settled Ills automatic loosolj In Its klieatli, and xxent (inward bolellv His ee had m.iiked tho line of the telephone wire and followed It (o (he gable of one of the lAigct houses In the xillige It was to this hoeise that ho luiiele his w iv oung woman was working In tlie gaiden and ne approaeueii net quietlv nuel polltelv bill with an air of a in in not to bo Hilled with asked for food Ho was aWiile that he was unshorn, covered with mud, mill that his faco was streaked with dirt and pcisplratlnn. but be knew that his appeaiaiicc alone could not haxo ac counted foi the sudden bl.iui hlng of the woman s faie ami the air of alarm with whli h sho regaieled him. She straight ened and fell back two or three paces toward the hou'e. unable to speak a vvoid In reply So he repented Ills re quest, whllo her mouth gaped nt him and her cjes grew rounder At list she managed to stummei. "l'ood! You aro hungry ' Yes Potato bread aiivthlng. but qulcklv I xv III go with jou tn the house And ho Indicated tho wav She stumbled on before him, her head Jerking anxiously this wav and that oxer her shoulder, as though sho feared at anv moment to re-celxe a blow or a sliol In the back Hut he followed her Indoors and noted with satisfaction that slip appeared aftei all tn be a woman of some ititelllgeme A thing thut pleased him further xvas tho telephone Instru ment in tlie coiner "Mill, if xou pleae. and quickly I will tnke the lireid with me ' And while sho timorously hi ought them out, "Who lives here?' ' P Korster llabermehl ' ' Wi.ern Is he." peiemptorll) ' vt Wlnelenbirg." 'eih' There aio no men here?" Vo " 'That is well, then Ho drank a glass of milk greedily and tore off a piece of iho loif ' You aro a good girl Heaven will reward jou " lie mado his way to tho door, looking out auflous! , and then turned and put his hand In Ids pocket, bringing out a piece of inonej. "See." ho laughed, "I have com luded to reward jou mjself. Cash Much bet ter than hopes, nlcht wain" she fetched a timorous smile and bobbed shvlx ' You xvill do me a favor" ho said In a whisper as lie went out of the door. If xou will tell no one of my Msil ' nd with that chuckling to himself wen! down tlie loael ni-.iln In the. idree- tion of Si hondorf watching (ho turn In tlio in, id below (tie village for a glimpse ,,f Weill? and bis men Before he 1 readied (he edge of tle open country ho paused and listened. From the bouse that hn lifu.1 visited CRine the faint tinkle !.. ..-, tn .. t .. t. ........ 1. 1 t.H.1 Ud ui h. ecu, emu xctiuci inciii jtax iuni no time She hsd notified the master of the bounds who xx'as clamoring for the scent Hammertlry walked around the turn In the road, which hid blni from the house, nnd then went Into the bushes where he sat on a fallen log, peeping through the leaves toward the further side of the dealing, where (lenernl xon htromberg's men must appear He did not know how long ho xvould haxe (o xvnlt Half an hour perhaps longer If ho knew anything of Von Stromberg they would come In every bort of avail able vehicle, from a high-powered ma chine lo a donkey carl, picking up (he misguided Wentz and bis men upon the wax to follow this new scent It was illlllcult to sit still nnd wait Itammris le wanted a stnoko awfully, but he chewed a (wig Instead, for he needed to keep bin wind In good condition and had purposely left his pipe nl Ihe Thor vvuld He did not want to get loo far away from Doris Hy tho wav hn in tended (o return ho was now nt least six miles from the cavern Hnd with the mile or so he must go low aril Sehondorf before hn turned, a good elgh( miles of rough going lay between himself nnd safety Pnder oilier circumstances ho would haxo gteatly enjoved (be chance for a reel Willi u cooler wind from (he northeast the weather had cleat ed and tho period of higher (emprrntuies through which lhe,x hail passed seemed to be drawing to a close In spite of (he doub(s thut bung about his plan, he couldn't help saving to himself that he felt Jolly fit Twenty minutes lwenl-tlve Ho got up and stretched his long limbs lux urlously Tlio biro xvas rcadj. It was tlmo thev cast forward the hounds A peep through the bushes showed him Piau Hahermehl standing neat her home watching (ho road (o Wlndenberg So he camo oul of his jilaco of conceal ment and stood in tho open again iindi lie xxns suro that she unw him, when lie turned and went slowlv townid Si hondorf. He had planned his moment nlcelv for beforn lip wan nut nf bi,-i.i oi tho clearing nn automobile ciime Into xi. -xx, nausea ic moment before ri llabermehl and then came on rapldlj (coNTi.vunn TOMonncnv SNEEZE IS COMPARED WITH LONG.RANGE GUN Two Dangers Contrasted in Opening School Lecture of Anti-Tuborculoals Drive "The Sneeze nnd tlio Klxty-Kve-Mll Gun" will bo tho subject today In the first of a scries of lectures on "How to Sneeze," (o ho delivered under th utisploeB of tlio Philadelphia committee of the Pennslwnt!a Society for" the Prevention of Tuberculosis. Miss Jean Phillips will bo today's leetuier, at the Henson School, Wharlort and Twenty-seventh streets, at 2 o'clock Miss Phillips, who Is assistant secretary of (he Philadelphia commlt (ee. will draw an analogy between a misdirected sneeze as a projector of disease germs and tho giant gun that has been used to burl deadly missiles Inlo tho cltv of Paris ruber lectures on the subject of sneezing v. Ill be glxen during the week nt tlie following schools, Tuesdav llarrlty School Christian and Pl((y lx(h tre( (1 in Tuesdsi John Hay Hchool, Wharton anel Sluth utreots 2 p in Tuesday llelmonl School, Drown ana l"nrt-nrt streets. 3 p. m Tuesday Alltrhell Hchool. Flfty.lllth s(reei and Klnastsslns avenue. 0 a, m Thuradaj Henry Ixa Hchocii. larcust anel Pertv-sevenlh s(ree(s, (I a m rrlda rtudedae School, Ixorrls and Sev enth streets, 9 am. Farmers Buy Liberty Bonds srii.ie. rn.. April 8 With nearly n (bird of tho total apportionment Pledged the drat dav, liberty Uan of (lctalti checking up tho Initial results of the drlxo declare that Cumberland e ountv farmers nro furnishing the bulk Prau of tho subscriptions so far It Is said thHt the farmers in tnis ana suosequent campnlgns can bo counted upon to take their apportionment i il.lnnllll llll !li Mil I'M Mlli,-fc!S."v,Ss...Ii..si. -vv-vi! I iii inn 1 1 , ' n miitrttwrsji&&&&i&. i '"41 UlU . HI I ml 'I"" "V'4V"V"' "U.'-Vst.awE-ev: i?l Ifi'MwHlHKl IT w 8 1 wWbMwwtffi W&'h i ifiiF 1 '" inHTO i ill mwmmMm&mmiMmhmm n t i r -mggB&gssMssmwm'wMHzwi uxammm imt I 3?J: ' sjl BiiT for 1?,L .nly, the lowest for aiiv inontl P.,i.sB twelve-year period sum (he a. no VnL?.r,"1?,,,t W1,H organized, but Hv 1S?rr"pon'",,'5' '"oiith of .Inmiuix thl. V?.,a. than sixty-nine deaths fiom ifcJ- Slcib OCCUrrcil Tl.a I,... Afr r,lnu lIWk.,? re noted m May and Julv j...Vrlng Januarv !,,.. .. ft n dii i uw sna iirr -'.: " ."''". ' ."r" Wrtrted iWii . ' num"er r hlrtha - raed ln I'ennsylxanla an 18 930. U. S. Depots Being Erected fwriana w. V -'x". ..ca, new xuui jWvl r?iai,besu'' toda" nrul wns 'm ih; JS?.1' ,n special Instructions v..v War Denarlmeol Kiv imra 1 h othj?.,1" be constructed at once, tteBl trartf. t,i,.foJlow Twenty addl-th-r,."w''S will be run tn lh le i. ni chVrVVlla.IlalIroa' ana will later fwuV, "1rS of tpeclal Government Bantu for Silk Mill Workers tlnt Kon'.-V'' Apr" 8' A lilgh-cost-of-Ik Bee?...W'?',V.t.e' ? h" VrhXH of tHrloxl. wV! "l "la ror u six-month Wvisi It ' if fr"ted moro than 1000 t- . - no if i iic mi iiu in tn io niitf wm I,ol")1ysburge The bonus E..n,0'1fhy- VOf Warch Mm suuteift to 6 per cent of tho -wcimty wace. h BrI 1335-1337 Walnut St. (Opposite Rilx-Carlton J Important Dress Sale Liberal Selection of Women's and Misses' Afternoon and Street Dresses From Our Regular Stock Serge, Taffeta, Foulard Regular Values Heretofore $35.00 17.00 :- Good music is comforting n ..-il-ii.' ., ini.kia.jiiilm ,ttii i,.n, ,i "isn Willisiiwi im Francesca (Aeolian-Made) $475 In these days of trial and stress, the need of good music in the home is more vital than ever before. For those who lack the technical skill to give expression to the music within their hearts, the Aeolian-made Francesca Playei'-Piano is the logical instrument. Made in the same factories and under the same rigid supervision as the great Steinway and Weber Pianolas, and embodying the famous Aeolian pat ents, the Francesca is the greatest player-piano value to bo found anywhere. The case is beautiful in design and finish; the action quick and responsive; the tone wonderfully pure and sweet. Settlement may be made through our Rental Payment plan, which applies all the rent to the pur chase. Call or write for catalogues and full particulars. C.J.HEPPE8SON DOWNTOWN-J117-H19 CHESTNUT ST. UPTOWN - 6t e THOMPSON iSTS. A Diamond Rattlesnake Necklace This masterpiece of the jeweler's art is nineteen inches long, and every pait is flexible. ,t contains 683 diamonds and 120 specially cut sapphires. The eyes arc cabachon emeralds, and a very large blue-white dia mond is set in the head. $15,000.00. S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st. DIAMOND JILnCHANTtJ JUWELUnS SILVKUSMITHS Made from the Rich Cream of Selected Cows y ; The finest Bred Cows sur- 1 65 rounded by strictly hygienic conditions, breathing the atmosphere of the most wonderful Dairy Districts in. the world, produce Louella Butter. We say to you in all sincerity, Louella is without question, the Best Butter made. "Louella" BUTTER a 19 Butter, 4Tn. Good quality creamery butter, abso lutely pure, better than some dealers' best. Choice Asparagus. 13c can Tall cans of delightful "spears" California Asparagus of unusual quality. Cond Skimmed Milk, 14ccau Cheaper than fresh milk and just as good for rice and all kinds of puddings. Rich Cheese .... 27c lb. Very fine quality, rich and creamy, recom mended highly as one of the most nutritious of foods. Onr Very Best Coffee, 21c lb. A surprise awaits your palate, if you have never used this coffee. We guarantee it to be the best "cup" you ever drank, and if not all we claim for it, we will gladly refund the full price paid. No charge for what you use. JVK L VjlJaHaMal jH. sk. aLahaV aaH fl B i ) 1 llllll tn '"i ii,-ff,,T'egf, vyVftl. I III 'J 4 EVERYWHERE IN PHILADELPHIA And Throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland - f esJiii:KB1iaaisilsliJaliJaSJaiasaw ' iV.- - . -Ll V . ' i. ..,.& .!L4tL.3frU( ,.(; .A 4 1 4,1 i