Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 06, 1918, Postscript Edition, Page 17, Image 17

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uovirrnRTnTN iftARivjiwi? a vadium . : r-
A 0 Ylt'lViuvuu
Burns Hammers Out Two
Homers and urowu rays
Jacksonville, IN.. Afjrll 15.
S onlr rarl in the cMicrl"iife or a
L.inr league i-all.ljcr does ho actually
M ,.l ...n ..,.. In
jfoy ejlllbltlllg III" BUJiriiui ...wuo .v,
Cpplns K "r ' n,ral l"'l,ul'"'(,
tT( I, usuall) a bore to nun to no snow.
wulth their piauuns , ii i'i v " ....v.
5v hotel n.-c .minmlalloiiH nnil even
-il,t railroad seiche to which ho 1
FHflJi in (ill such one-night stands
mnliir league linsouau,
hlhlilon gamis in country
'" Mnflrm hi' " 1,,s Krouch that
,0 ..iii no cour ls . uttcntloii or appro
i"!0 ,l of the small-town
,l0" romm.'.at.- him for what ho
':!,riho niOJi objectionable thing con
tiectecl "h
Cime a Ileal Treat
I But 1MIT.U - K-'iti.- between tho
i ..?,"! '..,i pittsi.uigh ut Palatka.
frnty -' t iMitimm Counts-.
.Mr miles M.inh -I h.r.' wan th- ex-
?1T,X en ,....! the trip ami did
.T.rrthlng nuhii. 'heir power to pro.
lTHTtni".. , ... -vMliltfnn tins!.
il. tho gaino
. 1 1
rM the his
.. ..ii n ' happened
-l.'.miwloi an Me from every liolnt
?,-, a"" u."en-lv enJo)ed by a,
01 TIC- ' ... . ... f....i.,.rtfl1r1riMl lint
llleirowd wniin ".'" "''"V.
I J3 hecause ii
.. A
rru . .. -.. !., Or., llm nil
ill it. c .- .....-- ....
ta fcetn arranged f-r the town and
$,,,. ,,, a-., because the pro.
Ogden Chosen to Win
From Red and Blue in
Opening Game Today
The Pcnn und Sitartl.mor baseball
teams pry off tho 11,1 , Franklin Field
thin afternoon.
m'ihi0 (,"'l""r 'oml-'"-t'ons. rivals
In athletic for ,i stretch of yrs that
oU.rs tevcral ile,lM. hreezc int., tho
nlBliST i "'"" "f tIle mi '-'ttilulBi,
!ieaHohi"K tl,U co,rtUHW "' J'tcMnue
rnlTi!.?, Gnr'",t Boe.s Into the battle the
fiuorlto over tli Ked and Ilhlo. malnlv
bmiuso of the reputation of Jnhnnv
Ogden the Bcnsatloiml .younK twirl. r
from Chester, who for the last two
ear Iirh been the backbone of the
suburban pitching staff, dclon hav n
world of speed nnd ilio t. k..
I luivo not pcoii much pecd twlrllnir thin
t oacli JJttU'er. however, fenrh mio
fault In his pitching ace. nCden. wh.r
ilKht Ih one .,r ti. ihl twiners In
colleylato mill;, but occasionally 1 e
Roeh wild and wh. n ho does get rattled
It lM comparatively fasy to beat hlni
remiB hopes uio haseil on OsUen'H wild
ties.. Tho Chester hurler will not llnd hlm
K ii, ?,"el"-1 nwtHiit any moan rival. Hi
will han an nu opponent Walter llern
hardt, who with Johnny Tltzel, now an
eiHlKn In the rmv. carried the lied and
llltio to no muny tilumplm last year.
The material that Coach Thomas will
sent ntrnlniit the PUburbanlte l un
tried with tho exception vf rour veter
mm. Tho iiuaitot from tatt year who
will nld In the suppoit of Jlernhardl nie
Johnny White. vllOltXtnn: t.nu.- Mnr.n
third hate, and liave rtcnnlii and tlobcvi
f L Vv. A , - to ' -- m r :
; IV "k- . x i m mm ,
l J ; , 'aarosJ j i
fr. UtfrTT:T.TJMb'L .fF
f4 9k' JS?1
1 -, " ' '-""" "- - Mb W.
I viBir-ievi ,- -v, i
' wmlmw ''
, wHmr
Disston vs. New York F. C.
Falls vs. New York
Dally Baseball Yarn
From Training Vamps
This echo of the long ago was revived
at the Indian camp at New Orleans
Nap I-aJolo'n Cleveland club this
van a lone time aco had just been
badly trimmed by Philadelphia and Nan
I Rlowered atop tho bun as It started away
' from IIia baseball arbor.
'llow'd you come out, boy?' yelled
a eurlous pedeatrlati.
'Out of tin, t'ate. vrtil f.itlmu.1 '' inne.
1 IP U it IT AN HANDICAPPED I eour responded the glum Napoleon.
now u you ininKT
Jlanaper John Ucdfurd, of PlKeton's i
soccer team, will lino up hl utrotttfest
eleven thin afternoon on tho UIks
ton baseball Rroundi. Ktat road und t'n
lull fctreet, at 2 p. in , whin he metftH the
Nqw Yorlt l. i". soccer team tor the,
Natlonul lveau championship.
" i
Dlston team will apaln Buffer a set
back next weik when two more of ltn
I crack playtrs. Andrews and llOfterH bid
farewell tu tho team to wear the. uni
form of the Canadian KngliirerH.
i "Johnny" wn4 not nt all pliajied with
the defeat handed his team on waiter
Monday afternoon on the Vnlrlill!
i grounds by the Veterans and hu ox- (
presswl lilnisolf that hlH leum ban only
once In alt Its Kamis on Falrhl.l Held
retflitered a victor. Ho will uslt for a
leturn match to be playtd on Mutual
Kat Heinle Ileruer. tho old Cleveland
pitcher, almost rolled off the chariot In
an renin)' of len at tho retort. It
made a marvelous- hit with him and for
days he kept repeatlnc, as ho lauichcd
Soldiers, Sailors and Ma
rines Will Participate in
Novel Exhibitions
Tho Army and Navy events at Penn
Olvanla'a relay carnival will be amotiR
tho mot Interestlnp of the scores of
eventK scheduled for Anrll 5(! ori.t
oud of der gate, you fadhead vat "' r""'"n i-ieui. Jlecent entries guar.
ou dlnlt
IK- waited taperly for a chance to
pprlnt: It on gome one lilmvelf. Finally.
antee that thee events wilt be very high
cIuhh and most closely contested. Can-in
1..,HU,n.. .. r . '
'xiiii.iii, ui ivuimaF. vestrrdav iii
In ht. louls one day us tho Cleveland )vor" ,hM ,!u,v vvould brlnij on it relay
ect after a ! ''T"1 Ior ,ne niecllcy relay and the ontr-
bus was rolling iiIoiik a street
(fame a fan shouted
What nan the score, linys"
mile relay.
l'aul WlthlnRton. one of Jlarvard'a
mii iini'i.. ,'l",''atf.'0,u.faJ1"!ad-vatBreatest former athletes. Is athletic dl
)ou dink?' shrieked Helnto. rector nt Camp Kunston. End he staUU
. ""'. "t'ty. that's how- nobby that they were now bu.v rl.lnt fuii.
1I11(H, the Yankee si..ju'
.,t,.i hv th. VI ,- ..i the inovt prom- ; "asr. aim nave iicnnls and Ilobev
in! dtlMns of the town coimmscd the I Mltht. outfielder Two of these. White
the two teams. .'iin.ih, rr ivqau uun tr.o btlclc,
litnt citliens .
t?r' courtcb u
?.k. n!lfm h
und iittintiun were shown i hut the other two are hluKScrs.
.. i ... i I llif. I'el-in u.iii'i.l ...ill ..!... !... i..!
.... Will H f If ...11,'. ' ..- --- ----- ... w, ..., .
tntp.aei" , ,i. ' for tho neuson prior to the. cam., tortuv.
." '-" - -- it ,, .. .... .. -.. . -"-
II over tho town in "" iei- u tnoseu ior tno leair
wero alio Riven a endilp last year, but ho Is now In thoi
Philadelphian and Part-
ner Defeat Doubles !
Tennis Champions
Vew t April C.
ortlcers' training corps at Camp "vix. """""""""- oi .miaueipmn. ;
1'avo llcnnis and Hnbey MkIiI are coi!-1w'"t (,oWn l" lcfe"t In his semlllnal ,
chirred as i.andldates for the position, found of the national IniJoor sinclts
i in- iine-iii mr 'lie fame follow-
MurKall. !
HellHIl Ll
llurnii Id
1 nnlK f
Whit v
Keehr, rf
't'luitr r.
uarlhn or
I. 'well. i
t: Whit , j
'urnoi.' -ii
irrln. r
' iir'r f
'.VW. II.
noiiKhtuii. ir.
l.itrkin ri
"(.tin. ..
ffrn'm the B'atti'll
...,A.hllf!l 1he
.UW..I"-'"' -
plendbl mldoav .nun. .
Bnrns l'rcmicr SliiRgcr
, ibe featur. "f "I"' '"
tihiKlof '.ems- uns. tho I'hlladul
'Jhl toy !. sua.. I- the initial wicl:,
ffcr Connie Ma. I The lirft time he ap
StSa. ba. iuii- whlffrd the chilly
'pher- Hot l amply atoned for.
Bincncllhei m- V.1,1. i.,h or I'ittsburnh '
U.. .. .ii th. Ix names pln)nl
mile It is trie II...I mliher of Ids clr-
knlt clouts n r U 't Httlo Jamleson's
ttmli hMf sailed ..ver tho concrete wall
ill Shite- l'ark -till all wero tcnlllo
iHontf, Eood fur Hint bastH tit the very
& Burns and Jimmi'm cither (.cored or ,
Etatled m all th. tuns totaled by the .
E5 "!7. i. .....! II... V.ntl mer tin, -V' t , ,,..,, ,..
SfteW fn l I'-r fourth 1ilV '" iM,,C ' y
Bindtra a on th mound. In the I GlimeS-With Phillies
iMhhe duplhatid tlml rive with a man .
En bane off the same huiler. In the illlU JTUIIU
Ltlflt round jaimeion smasneu uic
ipso! over tne riuni ncm vvuu vmih u
I Doming, N. M., Nino Gives
Chiciirri Shncl: in Ton.
I Inninir Gamu
The Haw makers from Tucutiy villi
probably use the name lineup ufrd this I Qu. ,,,;,,., Tnfm'ncl f",nt i,i,.na
.veek iiBalnst VeteranM, nendltift cm-I WU,,,IU,B ilUeieSl L.U1U1IU1CS
Higli, With 300 Tourneys
on the Card
Trapshootlns Ii icolnc Us way in aplto
Statistics Kathero on the
bertsou to tho soal mouth. McLaughlin I
and Lonsmore, fullbacks ; Mnttluiwn,
Fisher and Wilson, haKhHck": Course);
and Itofter, Inside and uulsldo rights;
Andrews, centre-forward; Foster and I
llarrctt, Insldo and outside (lefts
" i or the war.
junu-H Rcrr nui roiercr uuu ai , comlni! tnrlnir nd ,.... ....- .v
P. in., unk'fa both tiianw hic on hand 7 .n... c,,un
at tho blow of tho whittle, the team ' lnnt ,,1,ro wl" u very little let-up In
falling to be on tho Held foitelts
Captain Hippy, catcher, h in tliu
center of the irroup. Uinsmore
Uvitli tiio hat) i n JltMcr and
Miildluton, a pitclier. Ik'luvv in
Coach Sutton.
tennis championship at the Hiventh
ltefjlinent Armory, but his match with
Frederick Alexander will gu down In
history as one of the best-played
matches on record. The blc l'hlladel
phinn had the satlsfactlnn palnd with
fifteen-ycur-old (Vill Uonaldson. of
IlrooMyti, of winning the doubles mutch
from Alexander and Iir William Itosen
baum, thu national i huiiii'li.n-. and for
the first tlmo a (Iftcen-year-old bo
"111 piay In tlm llnul match toiho .
Alexander beat Tllden T-."i and l-S. while
Tllden and Donaldson ivon fioin Alex-!
umJur and UoLeiibnum. 4-tl, C-l. 12-10. i
Today Tllden und partner will play !
;. farlton .Shater and Meuteiiant King I
Smith In the doubles final, while Alex- PKXN
I anuer win meet . nov.uiu osneu in
the tennis blncles llnul " -"
i With Alexander senilis und the score! Coaih Sutton's C.eniiatito'vn Ai.idtmy
5-2 und 40-13 In the last set, Itosenbaum nine und the l'enn I'harter ball tourers,
, was so Certain of victory that ha turned nM u reult uf lhc opening leuguo games
iiw iii4 i;ui liii'i unti nuiu jiii(iKi. r reil.
Coach Sutton's Nine Defeats
Episcopal, 8-7, in Interaca
tlemic League Contest
liriiiliic, V. U April 8.
The I'hU.iKo Cubs souKht rcvinsu In
playliiB thji 'anta Itita Copper Miners
befnte a (',nni Cody crowd here today.
The miner beat Alexander nnd Ilun
tlrls. ti t" .. In u teii-lnnliift battle yes
terday. Tin second team pluys a Douu
las, Ariz., today.
i .iliimliU, , i' pnl it.
'Iln llftli imiseeutlvo victory of the
YiuiUeis over the Boston liraves liei"
yesterday wus a rout for the National
I-cutnlers, hut It on-t New York tho
servlie i of Al Walters, (lrt -string
catcher. A foul tip In tho third Innlmj
dislocated the thumb In WAIters's thrw
Ini h.itnl. iLltd It villi lm nt lenst two
weeks liuforn ho will be available for "tials.
ser Ice aijulu.
ho I tho trap sport. Twenly-threo States
linvo planned to hold chamnlnnshtt.
Tho tccond semi-final match for tho ! "hoola- tha dinners of which will bc sent
amateur cup championship will bo pliyert to the Ornud American at Chicago Auk
ut the Falrhlll baseball Krounds, Third ust C to 9.
anti i.emKn avenue. mis uiteriioon ryit (Iiiia
at. u n. in, wneii r.ius c. c , cue huuhk
tella the )am. i to fend on his team, and that thev
i hoped to make a pood showing,
Teams From Everywhere
Camp Ulx, tho marine and sailors of
..I- c-iuiHciripnia .Nnvy yarc. tho naval
lopcratlns base at Hnmplon Itoads. Vn
thu naval tralnlnir camp nt Charleslott,
. ,.; tho I'dham Uay naval tralnln
-tutl.in. Just outside New York city
Fort Hancock, of New York city; the
Issahlckon Larr.tcks. of Cape May, the
utitl,. the d and several other Inrantty
units stationed In or pear Philadelphia
guardlttK our nisenaU and munition
works will nil send men for ono or all
of tho events.
Tho siuad drill, the wall-scallni eon
test and the bayonet charKe race' should
I "it eAiiiunions oi jum what otir
..u. uu nwuiers ran do under (itresj)
of competition. The B'tuad drill Is
aroUihiK Kreat Interest In servlco clrcicff
a It will probably bc the only occasion
of the )ear when the Army and Navy
will net Into real rAmn.uu. , ;
exactly S00 trnjshootlnii
aKKreKatlon that pla)ed Hohlfeld. win- tournatnentK have been rCRlstrd with
lien of tho challenge cup. to a stand- the Interstate Association. Fiftv-one
still on Kaster Monday, will lino up additional sanctions havo been applied
nirainsMhe New York Shlpbulldliif: Com- , , , u " ai'P'""
pany tcm. for llml nl" ,,f' Kranted as soon ns
schedules have been r.trals-htened out
New York Ship tcum will bilntf over I Last year somo COO tournaments vero
eTln1 of "mmS S"S I "l; " "" '- ,n
to play "ICevls." who was fflven his ro- J,,n.OoO shooters have entered the nrmv
lease, conditionally, by John Dedford. i nnd navy of the t'nlt.-d Slates Tinier
manager of ttia Pi'mtm .v. a prevent- uie commons the nrn.cll Pf the in-
Ins him from pinynu in nny cup ganies.
It, however, has a fast team and It will j
be no tfiirprlse If It defeats Falls, thus
llmltiatliiK them fiom enterlnu Into the
IIhIIh-, 'ln, April ii.
"Jlnnn)" Walders has been chosen as
the leferec, with two mutual linesmen.
Mn en babe th,s walb.p belli" made olf , PROMISING TENNIS TE M Vm .Foi'? .?" V" ,'"" ',I"lU'U "m" ' "?
ttedelheri ,i ,.il-..ii. who had sue-1 i 1JrtlMD 1LA'U co Actlnc In accordance with nls
playeil yesterday, aru tied for first lion-
I ors tn the Intel academic Leusuc. The
Italn tirevetiteil tho second trame of the this heliiB the rule laid out by the amn
eerlea between the New York (Hants tour huicer committee for ull cup games
and tho t'levelmd Indians litre yester-
day It was tho first time that th. , y Ar T association soccer,
(ItautB have been Interfered with by tPa,, ,,aS a larKe representation of Its'
v-Sth," "to , t?'.-e vclVL aJo "" tS "1'"1,Lr'' nro" "' ' American army. ,
Marin, Just three vvieki auo. The j AU a , Four years this
m '.'"Vd". f,nV. ,in, n e'""CH Hub hiw been active In the Allied .Soccer
will be played today and Sunday rfHBue of this city, last season win-
Atlmiln ( a., April C. hi".? tho amateur ihaniplnoshlp cup.1
The At.untu Southern Aasoclatlon li'"t' "ow" lo i"".1"1 '" T .T ' l"e i
statement. Hosenhaum, phtylnir ut thui tuburban team sent .'..uch McCurty's ,-mi, yesterday purchased Pitcher Joo Veterans last Saturday forced them out
'Fihtv- Shows Poorly
hrrr nnd Falu-t were the hill per-
JpfBitrj for the Athlit'cs Two runs
jtwefcored off th, nfurlnKs of ouch, ul
tourti the former shown vastly moio
thin the latter Th.- --troni; rlnd that
Utw icross tilt dlatiiond l.otheteil IVrrv
ml Utile as It iiu so hlih that ho
bvun nut L-uuiie i is rurvfl nan. i in.
Wlloj'iakoreU the rounds, being nicked
4iS.-l .,,.. . 1,. ..I.l,1 nit.i il
b7i...i it,. ,.., ,.,.i unniM.r nn!i ' ' net, smashed his ii. xt shot w nil terrific
1.UJ1CU ..C V... .v..... -....u... ..- .. .,,- I , ttnilt j,H. Lr.i..r.l.... -i - . ...... .
!tt!,Vn to rli.r....! T snllll .!ll"lctl 111 I ., . .7.. , ..' "" "" "" lOlTe, UUt tilt! HUH Went OUt 1IJ' SeVeHC
T.Bsrnr also rlppud ..u miiu singles in , by the addition of the New York Ainer. i..i,. m ,.n i.. .11,1 .1.., ....... tt.i..
'" tut "" "t,ri' npio.mo.liv I (can battef), Uob fahawkey and sVhwert.l n 0' nou si ot nt tho re t seen ed
l.r 1,11 IIIHMl hirilllll.lll .I....', --...n.... I,...--.... 1... ...... . . 1. - -
". "" 1 'ivi-miu u wil, Hie v uoi .CI-I'IIUIUIIIK . .V. fne r.f..i ..fl.e u 1... m1.1i. ,,
nine of tho Philadelphia Navy Yard has down
urrant.ed it rather dlllleult tchtdulc for1
the tlrst half of the season. Includlnir a Onnoncntri KncouraL'c-d
IfofBitrs for the Athlit'cs Two runs I Kame witn 1110 J'liinies. .viunafter llalier , .,., ,, , ,, ... ,,,, ' , , ..i.in m cirlku mil one more than
Kored off ,. f.i rlnKS of each, ul- I ! '-" his w or,, for u Sunday chlbl-1 '-' l' '1 f' ".''.l, . 1 " , Z" ?BVtM "' Tbi m!" how-
v lhjr..ne, ,,'r "i, """,, n'i:.v.ufaSi,,,- and hort., each otheV Uver. spoiled the splendid work of the
convenience of the two teams
Kplscpal sciuud down to un 8-7 defeat,
whilu Friends' tVntrul lo-t u slURglns
mutch to l'enn I'herter. I'-S
The Oennniitown - Fplsiopul contest
was featured by the splendid pUchlliR
of aptaln Jimmy Hazlett, of KiilHcopal,
and Mlddletoti. tin liermantciccti twlrler.
Mlddlcton had u little on hi" rival, caus
i:ncel from the WadihiKtoii American. I of lho running: tor mis seasons cournoy.
Kncej jla)ed with the ltuffalo team of .
I cotihtaiitly. they cradually raised tho .ll.-heis. Kplscopal inakinB no less than
'power of their 1,-ame until they vnroi nine mtspla)s und flermantown sl.
both coins ut full speed. Ceill umazed These errors caused the downfall or
, the spectators by his dazzllnc volleylniri Hplscupal. KnttrlnB tho "lucky" scv
unO his woids ot advice to ids trlantl enth one tun to thu bad. Hermuntown
partner, "Steady now, Illll ; we'vo i;ot ' sluutrers K"t busy und, ulded I.) several
them on tbrt run." were u. ..uiitlnual errors, brounht four men ncross the
The fume with the strong miuw-btldfc-o
& fluthlei team will murk tho
onellimr of the season tnr Hie MtnrA
for five hits jiid to runs durlnK his I boys. The strongest service teums tn
tenure on the h .und Three of the I "' district uic'liicludtd In the ichtdule.
JWuicanie in a ..w In the fourth and I ,lH ll(' "oy Thomas s l'enn team und
7'tlded a run. 1 . h hne..u.it..- i..ntn some other lironilnent local nmi nnri.c
mbnded out two oassfs, his (inly Kfts "lues Munuifer Iialfour Intends play
ud the first blossomed into a run us ''" independent ball exclusively, and
MM result of a singh Altogether, how- ",s ,tul" wul "ot represent nny other
M?TT, "hi. v ork wu, f;,r froiii poor. I service departmiut thun cost accountins.
TJ Iook,'1 ho '' "", ,lri,t round l Games Up lo Navy
Mtptrformed that the Pirates counted1 ,,, ... ,
""i iie'-u hiiies uae oeen urraiiKiu
contliiKent upon naval orders). Cncle , , ,i,.. t the fallen
am has the llrst call upon tho service '
of theye Htldctes. and mnitaiy necessity I'jne lUxhihitlon
!,!!!rl't. .U1Tl b.0,"e ,!l? ",a"s m?u.1- ! Tin. conteM In which Alexander trl-
,ui ii .-. oopeu uiai no .natures will bo ,,..,, 0... T1idcll ,vmi r,,mi11 in tho
minds of man) as one of the ureal ox-
Thirty-t o niomberH of tho llrst and
second teams are now In the service
This season they lost the following pla),
ers through enlistments and dtuft: K. V
I'ullHlian, naval reserves; J. Aird. Camp
Meade; J. ciallieher. Canadian urniy
medical corps; T. Hayes, transferred
...v.... i ',.iii Vl.iiirltt ... S'rn iica . 1' DIM..
BOutiertl Wnilrt II Kallie in on. puini? till Ul- ' i-.r,,,. -rnl.. V Mi.nL (-..,,,
tentb.n to what U dntnit on the Held. Suoh son, ' amp Me.ulu . A Monk, lamp
InUlff. renee. un Mitchell, ttanips a oluver Meade: A. Av eldoli, f amp Meade, trun-'
us vrurtliless ut.d the ttrdt tlmn he mtchf-i : ferret! to France, und U. Wilkinson, en-
b... ..r l.tu , In M.tn ,. "t..irt ' t, ilIII i
n.iit tin 111 the urlco ot moo liut ( r"nut.'.
the ttiteruatlouiil Lcugtle last seat. in.
Mitchell Stopw. Peanut Parties
Mnii.il.' r I'reil Mitchell, of the ("hlcHKil
Cul-s sacs he will hhi.. no pvauut t-trtl-t
nil lu i l.en.'li. Mltehelr ...L'rlntlcin uf
peainit 1'nrty Is a biu.ch uf pl.uers s'Hthei
till' tit one end of the Unch citnj tnuiichhut ,
plneer corps.
state AR'oclatbm ure more thnn mtls.
tied with the uutlnok for the i-omlnt.'
Tho Kchedtile shows that April will
have twenty-four shoots, Mny eighty
live. June seventy, July fifty. An crust
thirty, September twenty-oltflit nnd Oc
tober elsht Sixteen InurnanientH are
listed for May Sd and seven for July I
The dates for the various Htnli cham
pionships follow;:
Phoenix, Arl., April '.'fl
Tacoma, Wash.. May ii
Oirilc-n. Utah. Mny 5
Tarkann, Atk.. Mnv i.
fharlotte, N. .. May s
Kaiieas City. Mo.. May 1 1.
Houston, TeMis, May 14.
Lakewood, N, J , May 10.
Portland. Ore. May So.
WIlmliiKton, Del.. May II.
Fremont. Neb . Mny 37,
Providence, II. I June 7
Puorla, 111., Juno 11.
Mou-c Falls, S D Juno 14
tloffstow ii, N. II , Juno 17
Mason City. Iowa, June IS
Minneapolis, Minn., Juno 27.
Indianapolis, lud , July 3.
Douslas, Wyn., July II.
Monlsvllle, Vt July 3 7
I-atonlu. Ky., July IS
New Haven, Conn.. July Jfl
Wausau, Wis., July 20.
strictly service event. The relay races
",ii iiwe in tneir ranKs many of Amer
icas best uthletes. now In tralnlnp.
Service Events Friday
All the serlc events will be held on
1-rlday. the 2th. with the exception of
the one-mile lelay, which will bo run
off on Saturday in connection with tho
one. two and the fuur mile colleti rela.)
champlonshliis of America with tn
many Army and Navv team entered,
this event and the medley relay on Fri
day will be ni'ttiai service champion-,
ships of this country, und they are al
ready helm? rccoscnlzert as buch. Tho
Great Lakes Naval Station, of Illinois,
and the First Naval tdstrlct of Boston,
are also plannlnc to be present If they
can llnd funds for the purpose.
Tho Marine Pand of the Philadelphia
Navy Yard will bc present on Friday
und ull soldier.-, and sailors in the United
States service will be udmltted free.
Popular prices are to be charged on
Kilday, as Pi nnsylvtinU is desirous thai
tho Keneral public attend by the thou-
-wii.i iv -si,,- uur lervice aimetes n
Kreat welcome Special -rlc-j tickets
ure to be sold to the schiin, and It la
eipectd that thousands o; schoolboy
and Blrls will bo there to watch the
I military and naval events and other
Interesting nnd high-class contests.
. rest l.ukrs. III.. April ti - The Con-
,..i ., -.. i . -.-luiiii-iiuiiMiips, wun an
entry list of :oo tr.ck and field head
liners, promised to develop Into a four
cjrnered battle hero today.
The .ireat Lakes Naval Training
School with Its many stam Notre Dame
I'nlversity, Chicago and Illinois Athletic,
. 'luhs appiared tho strongest organiza
tions when the athletes took the track
hero before u huge crowd.
iva rauruerintf ii'. .i...l.., r .
vr.iv.. "'Ki kuvc
ijter a great .-lusi but was out.
IK'? "P w"" rart' "t"1 trouble
EST'1. I' '1U!' a '---ry liovv ho
Meted the rest.!, but Fahey retired
IM Corsalrj hi title, the seventh
run, wero
s-ouro of nmusement to the onlooker!!.
When the midget and the giant had
finally won the last point und the niiuvh,
Tllden lifted Cecil up In, his arms and
hugged him. When Alexander and Itos
onbaum shook hands ucioss the net and
told Cecil he was "a wonder." the tow
headed boy got his tlrst attui k of stage.
fright ami beat a stiatcglc rttn at before
h:j .,-:::"
w ninth, but .am.- mighty neur losini:
nine m the ninth With two dow u
;?.?,mpiel' """ -ontrol of tho bull.
, ut'''w "i"' King. Ho thfn
HS!yi 4.,,,e runners ... carelessly that
ffikt . !10 ,ro"1"' '" tiegotlatlng u,
LbV,,ttai MeKeichtile's single scored
K' but Ja.nlts..n'M great throw
l king on third, but Illackwell kc tit
il1-f""" WUI' a d"u,,lu lr rlk'lit. Willi I
'HHI1 On n.enn.1 ....,, .... i ... . .... ...
I& o . u -i-'O. i"0 out. one
hJL . iwn " wt' Calson ended a I
'Kim tor . ''htludelphla's populaco
m -"..us w anannon
nhctc before the thinl man bad been re- I
tired. Heard, the Hist man up, walked.
Vlschtrs Intleld grounder wus allowed!
lo mil safe und Ileal d adcunced Mid-j
dleton uiose to tho occasion and rupped
out a double. s.orlng Heard and Vlschir j
Hippy I each llrst on u lltlder's thotcrtj
nnd aft. r Corrlgan had filed out. Dins-j
more doubled, scoring Mlddleton und
lilppy This was enough tn win the t
game. I
The- same ut Queen Lane was ' ' a ur A TIT a"
dranii-.ut affair, it taking two hours ; ftKV.ftlln
and llfty minutes to play eight nnd it
hulf Innings. Hinwn, the third baseman
Evening Public Ledger Pnotoplay Calend
Mabul Norman.1 in
'i'htf I'loor Cilow
Maico ke.nie.lv In
Our Little VVlfci
Marhtitrtti! Clark in
Ilti'h Man. Poor linn
Mabt Normuti'l la
The Moor Below
Clavtnn nd I.ovn In
YanV.p Pluck
Marguerite Ihp'k hi
Illclt Ilan, I'uor Mm
Ijibel VurniKiid in
i uiur iictu
Mr t n.otj frivtlA in
Wncfun'ti I Mine
tissue lltoakaica In
lflJden 1'earlJ
Vlir-ierltu Clark hi
r.lch Mn. Poor Mull
games ut the nav) )urd.
The following games
oludtd in the schedule:
The team will pla) ail Its ulltslde hihltlnns nf tennis skill. Handli-anncd-', nn lMm r'hnrter. vv.is the leadlnir ner
games on Saturdays nnd Sundays, Wed- ,y n spralnul ankle, tho result of a . former, nippWiar out three sufe hits, his
nesuti) ujieruooiiM being icgcnetl for mutch two das beloro Alexander was i Urtit scring two runs in the fourth
I ablo not only to wrest victory from Ids Inning In tho eighth frame his tingle
have bienln-i hard-lilttlng rlvul of Philadelphia, but sent thre men across tho plate.
to pluy tennis of u soit which I- seldom I vllUlli mgi, School lost Its second
seen, it wus an uriisiiu uu ci ...-utm t.unM., utUe game of the season ytster
that ho pit forth. Tliere was llnlsh In (Uj. 1)OV,iri. tu lho ,nov,e!H of tho Penn
every stroke, tho keenest strategy in Freshmen by tho score of 12-G. In a fuBt
their ' -very move nu i.ni.w umn mr ".'iifj,r,B played at Houston Field Conch
thut it., f-.uiti not aiioni 10 wusco un j ,,.triell.H i,yil W(.re Mo tl, c.l.inln but
ounce of struiKlh, for Tlld.n Is one of fuU1 ,llh ofr tIu. f,ehhineii plUhers. Mar-
J?.?.r."U1.V f'altoti. tn Th nnrothy Oalton. In Th , litile llnrrlicale. In I
l lid V lr.drhlp'a V Wow wiM V'hiJlili' widow ! Uorroaed Plumua
J,''ltr Makes Hit
ler.u-r.o e. ..... . ,.
tt s cun miiy to uurns in
itli ftfcl j ' ueiijicu
K ". uur"
V.f" "" Hume-run smashes. Hut
upon him by
us simply lionized
Anrll ul Cuntii liu, ut Camp Ul.
April ", Anlniur", at Ardmore.
MllV I HeiM-llrh2ht. lit IhAlr nr..i..l.
i'y .J l.riilnlng email, at imcy jar
May 11 Htrknlirldire . Clothier, ut th
Mrs- I ft Murines, at uuvy jurd.
Jlay Is llllhlale t HlllJafe.
May "2 TrallllliB t'ainp. at 11.10 Curd.
v rJ- 3oZ ',5"vr.ui',,''.7rit,?':,jrlf ..Iwlth a wrvlco that U e.iualed by none
May. 1
June 1 Isaacs, at Allentown I stralnt
June s University of I'niiinhanla. at 1 lo
franklin F, M
.Tuiie 1J Tnitnhi!; t'sinp. at navy yard.
Jun l.'V J 11 Mvtvon at their around.
June tn Murines, at navy jartl.
.luue "2 I'srkeHliura. at Parsealiurir
Jinn-Jl. lliasdlrlitht. ul llcas-llrluht.
July 4 I'ltiiinn (two saiuea). at l'illiian.
As most formidable players or the i-iei, t jtuney nnd Yunnan.
11, a service that u ciunici W none. , , d ltriJ
The very fact that lo wan held In n-, . . , . s .
.i.. i. Liu 1. UIib tinifiit ucpinfi rii mi. . . .
in lvjitilnr'K I'll ti if. He It'iew 1 nut "
I JI",w.;.Vr:.."r;" ..1..., 1 -. .....i ' wu n eay lime mi
1)0 rOllIU HOI HUUiu m uinv w"'"""1 "" t
IhllW llurite hi
t:v,'a UaURhter
Tll'la llaru 111
Uu l;arry
CnU llennett. In Ks
of tliu Klglittom
. UuUfflas Fairbanks tu
lleaaili' fcoulh
'Mary 1'lekfurd Amarll
1 ty of Clothesline Alley
Hllllc llurke lu
Mvo's D'lus-hter
1t.il. Pura in
Uu U.irry
4 ; .Media
niiK ihA tl.li.. . i v..j. i.A
BF!LZ!2 -"he tlml would
WiTi"5'1 ?."'" '"" fn ti. then o.VMi. ii.mda 'i'..ia
mttrn "Ur'i I'tninB u" inudo I
""e most remarkable thtos ever' At a meeting held ut the nay yard,
t, -y uiaiiiund Chief Yeoman Kussell Swalm. who had
nmi the uiuaj middle Held iidsUIoii ,ieen named temporary captain of tho
UUrht Vll, ,... ... . .' ' '"": "' "' ! ,,., lu ,..,rv. ..t It.,. IV... A. ......in,!...
ILl.lllp lUltlll lift IU U.3 b JI V Ulllltllin
A. A. was made permanent An elimi
nation contest will ileteiuiluti "hat men
will represent the association In Its
mutches with some of the representatives
f II... l....f.l mill uiil.iirl.nl, i.liil.c Mull.
'ttlJw. """ "aiueil into 1110 ...... .r 7 , .
fftw- uger ( . M. Christine Is making arrange-
HTkl ....,. ' i.ibiitM f.,e tltfc ilk.. .f smite nricnt find
WIZT::V"? 'I0!":." Uub courts because of tho lack of ac A1IKS OLGA DOUKNEH
K. ... . wnuiBuill U Will UC1 . ., -. ... .. .i ,,...-. .
A?'" tornorroH comiiiouuiious ut me navy juiu, uuu
hopes to Do aiie to mahe 11 possmio tor
the men to do tholr Ihnberlnr up before
tno real warm learns
iny dlainiiiwi
luurhthevi.USUaJ. "'ld,"'' fl"U1 I,0!'ltl0,,
hiSl ,hroH ,",ht McKechnle by
KfLaviH,-" l"',U' lVrklns "Hs
'Itt7.S llc,' tiule and the lattet
& "n "u''"",, to sll"". ut
iJiar ""' '""i "au.eii into tno
la. t gamo between '
It.. 1.1 I1-! ll.ll.t. III.. I. .. -.. .. ut
... . -. I, .11. 1. .. ,'.IM 1IIL Mill. II. 1.1. r.L.
his strokes wero playnl wun a pre- , . ,, Darhv (. (.Vrmun.
clslon and Jut "'-'' tin nfgh'deVlaVedv'erVord SuZk
the cum, work of the ' maste, .rURisIinB R.,. . , ,.nUll(1H)llla lost to ,-helten-under
tllli'.-ulliis to gain a victory, ir hgi ,.
a shot ' ut of nach, he almost In- ,
vurlablv forced to let' It go, but I
when ti' .us the opportunltj to im.ko CAAIPS IMEADE AND DIX
-......,' lilt IH., I IV. Illll
r.i.iui. ...1. i.u ..- ...... ,, nnvi vn nmittiv 1 iinvm
li'V DVJ.VIlvtx !UUlUVJlJil'l
, Viola D.itif. hi
Weaver of cirams
1 -
, Ctitra Ulmball Youlk
! In th? Mnrianett-e
I Ann Murdni k In
The Kichett illrl
Ciuislanc Tnlinadire Ip
Tin Studio Girl
Dniudas Prtirhar.kr tn
lleaillii' iMiUth
rthrl I'liivten, In
Ttio Web of Desire
n ret it 1
with u llrni. conildent swing that' sent
the sphere dliectly to lho ptaco whlrlt
ho hud antlclpiitetl. It wus this ability
to place that' caused Tllden much con
fusion AleHiidei's struttg) was supeib.
Ilepeatetlly luj drew Tllden out of posi
tion " that ho could s. nd u passing
bhot sizzling doun tie Un, -
Hnseketbull CJamo Will Also He Fea
ture of Two-Day Event
Sl Heavyweight Mat Cham
lHwuhlp 011 if Earl Can Get
Army Leave
(if the seveial buxlng slmus tu bo
held In th near future none Is of greater
Interest than that to be given next
Wedltesdii) evening 111 the Nutlonul A.
. ,. 1.. . ., 1.-1 .... , .
..,. . ..,,.. vivt rilfntl It '- ' " " oi.ecmi snue . out inn ill iter
WINS ANOTIIEH TITLE the club's auspices The are-u hn been
. engaged hv the iv.v '
Camp Meade. There will he seven star
mo urnvni oi mu nui a..n 'nim. . ., tli. Dnrliv. of Intl una-, b..uls between cohev,,
weather. ' , , ., . , ...n 3C8th Infantry of c.imn Meade anil toe
Th candidates for the team Include I polls, in women uuom.. m
1 fen vt ell-known collegiate and schoins. ; Yard Swim
tie bovs. us well as a host of Indedend-
ent players. The chairman of the assu- fjiltar;".. April tl. Miss ttlKu I'orfner,
elation, Assistant Paymaster F. T. Skin- 0( tue Philadelphia Turngeinelnde, won
...... , x' nu ..aII uu Aiuljlnni l'lic. I. , .....l..n..i c....tl.ii Athtefl.'
lliri, C . '., v,, ,a ,,n.-.p.... . Her foCCUIIU llttliunui l'i.,. --
master vvi uaru Mienser, 1. o. .. ... ., 1:111011 cnamnionsiui. 111 " iuii ""-
ti,.", Vrk. Anr-ti (!i,.... .....,.,....,. I Puv Clerk Harry C. Hosklns, L". S. N. It., v,.,. i.,u. niirlit when Hhe defeated Miss
,k..- -.', ,, 1 cuuuiKn .-"- -------- --- ,...,v. ..---w---
hi lw" aro lo be matched ate leading every enori o inane
tk can' .B,u wrestling title If sport u success at tne yuru.
tht ..?. " leave of absence
&' L n!,-n"'l0UnF" to.
?'jimiek ;"cM.:urler. pin ."
b " er part oi April,
IS'W Hit-
WI. April
Strontj Team Likely
this n.i.,m. Darby, the fourteen-year-old
mermaid of Indianapolis, In the titular
100-yard swim. Miss- Dorfner's. .time
was 1:091-5. wich Is 1 3-5 second be
hind the world's record held by herself.
On Thursday evening the Philadelphia
Prominent among the candidates are
-. II " ..!.., ntl... .rtflrin l-no.t lit f1.n
ICUSBeil OWMIIII. ll" ... -ww . "- v.. ...-. -- ...., ...I.
eheli Sene,. Knn.i,n..t tral High School and Penn I Nelly speed queen won iiiesiu yarusi.tie
"it'll Scores Knockout ".,'::.. -ti.-., n. T.-.renee- ,..nln Hosb. the San Francisco I
it Tii,.ctAi ... . ' . ' . ...... -..'. A u.in...if.. i i .n...lir uhi, stahllnhed t
Acaucmv: ncouic. m ojimcmow, uiu b... .,-,
: ir !..., -vpru e illume .Hie
CW" llghtwelBht. tindii'T
iJ?nt S2Brt..j:-. ',? 'lor
who estsblislied
! 'iiti
nto Tail, of Canada. ' tournaments.
nhK Ledger 7W.;..m
m! Ring Bouts . V;,
u .
. ics
le brnla de-
Mdlt Slullrn
'i..lC,d,ni VA
.Mtlor to pi, ii
f JSjj.i'rt? r'!e, fMWy;
nCT ' w" lrimm lr
Christine, who has played in local world's rccoro-i on inursua, """-
The squad also inciuacs swam ouo yarns in o o.-. -
Weaver, who was a sub at the l-ancaster u aeconas lusirr vim., u.c "'",,.
Country Club: Ornham, of Northeast; door world's mark. This, however, will
. .' ... . ,. &..n.l..... ... ,. ....nlnil nu n nillil 1 CCOrd. US It
sharpies, or uernianiuyni ,iwr.i.i , i m uu uc-i-.v- ... ..-...
.........,. ... ,i., 1,1 the Hohurban ..-.u made In an exhibition.
Veagiej Uudd. Ocean City Yacht Club; , Arthur Hartung, of tlie "Unol. A.. ffi
3rya L of Ht. Joseph's College. RomlB. letlo Club, won the fancy dlvng co est nJor,
iI "..... , .... . f...ei. nmi Dubois, m- T, Heyn. of the Chicago Athletic,
nriUlUlCI, ocenu. ...- - :':,... .n .eennil i.nd V. A. U IK- ,..,, -.!. r,..-,.
,ttiiwi...i ."--..".,-'. i.niiiKSioii ucvcinps riicner
Ruth S'lel.l Aellllev ,.f I'riiiii. I Hi Tim
nroceeds of the show will be devoted to COCUST
J the band nf the respective regiments. -
en ttte itiiiowiiiff uigiii ine sniuiers
will follow up the boxing bouts with
a game of basketball at Musical Fund
Hall. The guinc will he follow eij bv u
dance. Tho event Is under the uusplces
of the Y. M. (' A. The two-nlght stun!
promises, to furnish u big time for the
soldiers und their friends.
The lining bouts are as follows:
"(""nuntry." Meade, vs. Joe Hrowu, r;
Clifford Johnson Meatjn vs John Hop
kins lllx ; Hattllng Maudlin, Meade,
v. Jack Malone, I)lx ; Joe nowlnnd,
Meade vs Thoma Van Slyke. I)lx; Sid
ney Wells Meade, vs. Kid Harris, the
cliun-lip kid. n'x; KM Henry, Mnde
vs. Hpeedy Williams, nix, und Buttling
("tithes. Meade, vs. Knockout Lacwson,
In the basketball game the teams pre
tinuuunc-rcj iu ime up as roitows
I Oeerire Urban In
i One More American
T.lHle. Version
In llotn of the World
Porothy JValton.
In t-ove Letters
William S. Hart hi
Wolves ot the Pail
Surma Talinfinre tn tne
Utilfl nennett. In Keys
of the ltl.-hteCJJ
Douilan Fairbanks In
llcadin aouui
Mary I'lckfuM, Ainvrll
y of ciotlivsllne All')'
Siarv Plckford. In
Btella Marls
Annt.te JtVllerniann tn i
l.aunhter uf thu Cuda I
William fiesmond I" i
The Marrlunu Hubbl-.
tleorc llebaii In
One More Anterlcan (
tloilirliiH Fairbanks a
Iteailln' bouth
lfa-"l.l trfiekweil. lu
Droadway 11111
Oforin. P.olmn In
Or.u Muro Amerlcevn
Marauerlte C'lurk
In Tim Ama-ond
Mrs Vernon Catttle,
byivla. Secret ftcrvlcu
Wallace Itsld. In
Itlmrcicl; Junta
Maa Marth In
Th B,loeJ Traitor
Thetla narw In
Du Harry
Charles Itny. In
Thu Hired Man
G.nrc'rt Iteliiiu In Jules
of the Strum.- Heart
Mary Plekford. Auiarll. i
I) .f Ciothfultno Alley
Marv Plckf.inl. In '
Stella Marls
Harold l.ocktvnol . ,
Iu liroadvny 1,111
Winro Hallnhury In
The UeJ Ited Heart
lidlth hinrey In ,
Ike Claim
World '
PlH-clal Feature
Viola liana in
Weaitr uf Dreams
)larjruetiti' Clark in
Iltch .Vlan. Poor &tau
IleSRlo Ilarrl-cale In
llorruwed I'luuiaca
Mae Ma mh In
Tho Ucloved Traitor
,Juno Cai.rice In
The Caniuuilagd Kl&s
rharles lta. In
The Hired Man
Geurce Ii-Pan In Jules
of the atroi.r lltart
Mary Plckford. Ainarll
!y of Clothesline Alley
Jane Cove I, In
Spreading Dawn
Vhlan Martin hi
tho Fair lurturlan
Mr. Vernon fasti. In-Yenu-eancu
U .Vltno
Klttv Gnr.lull 111
Th9 Waio
Marruerlle Clark tn
Ilkh Man. Pour Man
Ann Murdoch. In
Tbc Illchcst Clrl
Ann I'ennlni'ton In
huashlnd Nan
June Caprice In
The Caniouflvc' KUs
Tho World for Ftilo
Hilllo llurke In
Uve'a UauKhter
Mary PI. kfaM Amarll.
ly nf CTotliesllne Alley
Tmn Mix. m
FU'Sbuoicr Andy
cleorae Wal.h In the
Pride of ?Cw ura
Mrs Vernon Caatl In
Vengeance I Mine
Alice Ilrsdi- In
huurs ot jjyhll
Marcucrlie Clark In
Itlch Man. I'oor Man
jVnn Murdoeh. tn
Tho Itlcheit Olrl
Jnek Plrkfor4 lu
lluelc and Tom
June Caprlroln
The Camouflase Kls
The World for Sale
Star C'nK
Murrlaye Hroker
Fannie Wiir.l.
rn of the Houvo in Madam Jeulousy
Clara Kluihall Younit.
Ill Thu Hoime of Glau
Constance Tatniadne
tu Tho Shuttle
Mary ilarflen
lu Thais
Tlieda lt.vra.
In Hose of lll.io.l
IvIMc Oi'dnn In
The Waap
William St Hurt
tn Hid a lllnires
T.ntt'ae Huff,
in Wild Youth
lluahman b llayne.
Ill The nrasa Cheek
Hnld Dennett In
Mil tl Ha JU
Mi nmon.
Me.lve Hra"!-, lu
Wanted A Jlotber
Kdlth Uterey In
liyes of Mtery
fousUn Falrlnk In
A Modern .Musketeer
Tht Kalier,
Thu lieatt of Uerllu
Lonie Huff
' In Wild Youth
Cnld IUnn.lt In
Kuvb uf Hlahteouu
Knld neunelt In
Irankln J'arnuni. In
Fast Company
Harr Morev,
In The Uther Man
rm.u Hayakavca.
In Hidden Pearl
Knld Hennelt In
Hnl.l lieiu.ett In
Keys uf thu Htahteous
Special Feature
Clnra Fltnhull Ynun
tn Tho Houw of ai.vss
Ootlftlnnce Talmsdire
lu The Shuttlo
Pauline 1're.lerlck
hi Madmne Jealuusy
(llaih nriH'kweH,
lu Debt of Honor
Tho World for Saje
Mary Plrkford It. Re- I
teecu Sunnybrook Farm
Ilarr)- Morev. '
ie The Other Man .
Tin da Para.. i
In Du Darry i
J, Wrrn Kerrlran In
A Man'fc Man '
Dorothy Phillips in
Pay Me
Jack Plckford In
Huck and Tutu
nulla lturke In
Bie's Daushter
Vtary Plekforrt". Amarll
ly of Clotheallne AH?
Edith ntorey, tn
Jack Plrkford
In thu Ghost House
QoTKtt Heban In
Onu More American
Vesiry Hyland fn
The .Debt of Honor
Jack Plckford In
Hu-k and Tom
la The
Talmadxe, i
Edith Slnrey. In
Tl. Claim
Ilthel Claymn tn
Whim nf el.(y
Alice Ilrudy. In
Her Client fclacrlilce
William Farnum,
In L,' Mixrablis
Vabel Normand
Dndalr.v a Million
Poualaa Fairbanks In
A Modern Muaketeer
Pourlaa Wlrbanka In
A Modern Muketer
Th Kapier.
Th lleaat ot Purlin
William nuMfll.
In A Midnight Trail
The Kaiser.
Th Oeast or llerlln
Madte Kvana.
In Wanted, A Mother
Iluatwian A Hayn
In Th nrass Check
I flsora llehan
In One More American
Staunton Cadets Win
(Muntn. V... April T"e StMnt.n
Military Academy ,'"1 ",chmo?o
College" by the one-sided score of Jv
...;,.-..' ... ....n,r-tvII Itarv Acad,
ZZ. iiT.SW'VhS vuar VVwi-liVir uu
ham, of the I. A. C, thlrc?.
Lebanon Valley Win Title
Ij-banoa.-PR., April 6. Th IOMMP.J.JI;
ire that paddy T.tvinttnn md hlni
1 pitcher, until Tadar took char of
Klt1r..t.,A. 4Sn lftflf Mliafl Hhar.1-11
tfeneol flr la no Jlnl m decllIM M I to hanal. Mm he cina t. VUlUat wwM
5tr chWtiJ' uu. 89 to st. U)r rM.
mil Rherdtll. th Ufthapder from whom
h at. laiul Cardlntl are expecting- much.
oeatare inav I'apur ..tvi
Vivian Martin In
A Petticoat Pilot
Mary rifkford j
In Stella Marls I
i , ,
Tli'-.U Kara tn
Du Harry
,i .ill
i All-Star ct
' In Innocent's Vrosrt
Jark Plrkford I
lu Huck and Tom
Kntmy Wehltn In
The 3hll On me
Mary PIckfoM
In alll, Maria
Win. H, JUrt In
111 Lait Card
Jewel Carmn
In Th Prld of Fear
Kdlth Utsrty
lo Tb Claim
Julian Kiting In
Th Widow' Mlsbt
i;hK niehnian Mary
Fuller In Ocer Then.
Peacy Hvland. tn
Debt uf llunor
Puurlaa Fulrbanks In
A Modern Musketr
. Jun Csnrif. I
Th I'amounac !
Th Kalier.
The lleat of Berlin
Alice Jove.
In HoriK of boul
Klttv Onrdun
In Th Wasp
Ms Marh In
Th lieloveil Traitor
William K. Hart
In th Cold Deck
Twedl Dan In
The Hermit
Ma Marh
In Th lUloved Traitor
Jewel Carmen lit '
Th llrld of Fear
Madg Kennedy,
1 Tn Danger clam
Madf Kennedy,
In The Danger Gam
lark Plckford In Ills (jack Plckford In Ills
trajeity Hunker Hon IWely Hunker Heait
Tkrun I
W,t mm
Madge Kennedy.
In Th Danger Uaiu
Jack llckford 1n Ills
Sntleaty Hunker Hen
tn Tim Horn Trail
June Klvld
In Th Way Out
Madg Kennedy.
In Til Danger Game
Wllc lUkl la
Th lloue of Ulliuoe
Mae Marali. In
Tbo Ueluved Traitor
William H Hart In
Blue Hlazes Kawdcu
OIca T.etrova
In The Light Within
Ujrl William"
tn A Mother's Hln
Charles Hay In
The Hired Stan
Poualas Katrhank
lu Hcadlu' south
Ann Pennlnctnn,
fn bunkhlne Nan
tlaorate Heban. In
Onu More American
J, Warren Kerrigan In
A Man's Man
Jewel Carmen. In
The Brld of Tear
Allc Hradr.
In hpura of Kibl!
Dou'laa IVlrbanka In
A Modern Mutketeer
Th Kalr.
Th Heatt cf Harlln
Unld Markey. In
Cheating th Publla
Norma Talmadr
In Ghosts ef Yesterday
Kdlth Storey In
William H. irrt
In the Cold Derk
CUra Khsbnll Youn
in Bhlrl-y Kay
Win. Hart
In The Primal Lure
Alfred Whitman
In Th Horn Trail
Madg Kennedy,
In Th Datuer am
Sa,Ika. Tl.l
The ilouoe o Klies ,,
Ma Marsh, In
Tin llrloveu Traltar
William JJ, Hart In
Hlu Hlaze Hawdto
Slarv Plrkford
In Eimeralda
MUry Plrkford.
In btelbt Marls
Mania Marknvs, In
A Heart's Revenge
i i .i i
Doulaa Fairbanks
tn tleadln' (iouth
Ann Pennington.
In Sunshine Nan
ii -ii,
Tom Sttx. In
SlybhooUr Acdj-
I. Warren Kerrlgail IB
A Man's Mau -
lllllla Burke. II
Uve's Pauihter
Alle Brady
In bpurs of tibU
Pnurlaa Fairbanks Is
A Modern MmWeteeV
The KaUer, ,
Th Heaat et Berlin
Enid Mrkey. In,
Cheating the Public
All-Star Cat
In Innocent'g Vroirrte
mm nurk in
Eve's Daughter, i -
Clara Khnbalt Younir
la The ?Ufloclte
Clar Kimball Tetate
In Shiner Kare ,
. "' '.".Vi
Charles H4T .
Ir. Th Family tskeif tsr
Dorothy Pal top
la Lev Ut
Hade Kenn
in -ipe uarger
7h KotM i
i -4
MiA-Hrwvk; ovt U. H -i ,
cf the APA.
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