Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 06, 1918, Postscript Edition, Page 12, Image 12

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tt,-.tt rrtTTTn nAMTMn itrr,-.1
y,m. v -wuvw.tojhku.vu-.vk
ruxv ixan umiiMu W &,
Last Performances of Harry Lauder's American Tour
Allentown Camn Boys in Farcical Potpourri andl
I'.fl $
Hr lr
' I Vf
. -
Vieux-Colombier Players Head New Attractions
;3firrnan Arch-Egoism Unmasked With Stinging Force
i in "The Master" "Americanization" Mars Its Ef-
feet "Oh, Boy" Revives
JfTUIH egoist, whether In tic-tloii orjeere and Imprewlve authority. Almost
'- actual Jlfe, Is often vividly reflect! e tho whole artistry of the play Ilea In
Srf national traits. Such characters thin creation, since the verbosely de-f-tioot
be disguised by pure labile ' vtloped the-mc. with Its wearisome uru
Wtrtflth'is BJr Wlloughby Pattcinc, ' incuts concerning "ilnglo" nnd "double '
wiftaqucrading us a Frenchman, Mould ' moral fctaudards. Is outniodud and
jponvlnce. nobody. Tliat inspired portrait threadbare. The tame dIcusioi) I- im
British In every pigment. Ibsen's content of "A Gauntlet,-' recently fcitfij
Teer Gynt Is similarly it racial tlguie by tliu Theatre Workshop at tin Litrle
10 woenllal Norwegian attributes 'Theatre, anil Herr lUhr makes no c.
cannot be v enured. jstntiully new addition to L'Jn.rn cur
Vaster even than tho political culf , thlo- or philosophy
separating Germany from this country Is j
now tho psychological ubyss, and in Spirit of llojt
Venturing- to bridge it by "American' Parces Kecalled
lilng" 'Tho Master," Mr. rjlazer haB ob-j UfU, HOY." visible at last v ith it
soured both tils own abilities u a trans-, J original company Intact, after a
later and Herman Uahr-g as a drama-1 flfty-elght-we'ek run In New YotU, U a
tint. Tho pment form of this play, charming refinement of u ijpc of ent.r
fitirwnt at the Broad Btre-ct Theatre, talninein oneo rerr.ant upon tho Amrr!
is lamentably unconvincing. The dom-1 tan Blago Tho piece evol-.eu wclcom.
inaHl Unix . V.t ...... 1 .. -I.Jt .1 It. .
.....w uii-, uh ujtn-vKoiM, nan ume-u mu
adapter's hand. Arthur Wesley, as he
fli 1lA-A fttttintv I...11...I I., i,n..Mh.. l
,w ....,.,,.. ......vu, i v,v.. w
every mental aspect. The niut-nucradu
Is altogether too thin to Inspire credence.
Germany KxiWM'd
by flcr Dramatists
IT IS evident, of course, that llr.
Olaier was fearful of prescript at
this time tho nomenclature and locals
of tho Ironic comedy. Unreasonable
though the attitude be, Teutonic ton-
lc la frequently crotoUni: nrottsts
Trom raUicr unthinlilng patriot. Thn-
orousneus e-onecrnlne the exploitation of ,
Teutonic drama, regarded broadly, as'
only natural ocMseu tho book of "Oh. Woy." cannot
a-., ... , .u ., , ...Jsel beacridin.rtwiih .i ... ,
mu - uno jiafiji-uiur u(fiiR-c i
tho production of "The Matter' can
easily bo considered ab the revcr.e of a I
compliment to our foe.
Uahr's delln-
cation of German character and his de-
plctlon of Herman society ij strlUlnsli
Unflattering to
h!a nmicfM. ti, '
marguerite courtot
Prominent, in the cast, of the vuir
film play, "The Unbeliever," to
be givqn as u feature of the
Unitetl States marines' reeruit
inir campaign in the Metro
politan Opera House on the eve
ning of.April 13.
elf-opinionated cads and servllo weak
lUurt who populate "Tho Master" are
ruthlessly presented In that Independent
v spirit of tho a'nte-bclluni German stage.
Jonjr tso curiously Inconsistent with
governmental policies of repression.
Yeara beforo tho war unquestioned
geniuses like Sudcrmann and Haupt
jpann were rtcalcltrants. No enemy
criticism of German psychology could
havo beu more tevcro than was tho
former playwright's In "Magda" or tho
litter's In "Tho Weavers." Protests
wero also forthcoming from lesser
lights. Meyer-Korster's in "Old Hel
dslburg." though veiled in sentiment,
was nonti tho less keen. Von Bayer'
leln'a In 'Taps" was Indignantly out
tpohen. That terrible work Is perhaps
the most violently untl-inllltarisilc play
Herr Bahr, therefore, waa but follow.
-lng familiar models and Mr. Olazcr Is
the, truo offender In submitting tho char-
CW Pf "The Master" as Americans.
titty simply cannot credit his "Thomp -
eons," his "Wesleys," Ills "Kvunses." not
beexuse we luve any monopoly of virtue
Jn this country, but rather because our
particular brands of moral obloquy are
noi imercnangcaoie witn uermanys. ,l
ffho self-centered "Master," with hir
revolting and specious philosophy, based
0!) Nlet.-.eche and Stirrer, Is Teutonic to
tin core. Precisely the "Wesley" type
of reasoning was employed by Beth.
. mnn-tIo!Wf g to "Justify'' the violation
jrBoIglunu Oerman "kultur" reeks
.lih (his detestable creed..
rtTHPf .
,'. - Ieinale)i Play
f A TPH coiwequentlr the who!v pUy, if
tho adapter's masquerading bo dls-
D-tsirded, becomes an fxccedlnifly ut
vtlve e.vposn of Germany from the
iLaide," Baiir l no freak dramatist,
aij'Hla deJUlKful Tl Concert" clearly
tt4td, nnd substantial basis for his
W picture undoubtedly ,xl.l. In he
r Kmplre ln tho titular role
M Mpended the equipment of
trtUtdj tlnt Llmulng' the un
wpodtr-wtrklng physIoUn he
1 , Pw rutge
p-- . """""H
? '9Jl -, "- lt
Art of Musical Comedy
, memories vf the late Charles II. Hon.
J whoo musical comedy art has too-long
. ..-
uveii iipsjcctpu. its elements were a Ugh:
farcical plut lth a t'casonins of satiri
cal characterization, Jutt enough music
to be refreUilns and tin reduction of
the :horus to a purely axillary position.
J No wcarlomo tntlladlufc- of strut tine, '
1 H. ..,.. i ...
wiciwrawu enow ytri- closu-ed tho
bnezy funmakttit of "A Stranser In
New Yorl.," "A Jtiih Whlto KIhl-." "
Trip to
riilna'owii" or "A Contented
Clever comedian, sustained
,lle r,otc of Intelligent merriment. Win.
hmw Prinolpab contributed their quotas
Mosbrs. Wodeliouso and lloltoti ho (
" -... .,. w.w tvajiit
' ' e-i cuaracier nic!i tn Ilojt
v ab '0Jt"'ln closely altln to a enlu".
,... .i . .
- "'W at IcaM u deft senBU ot;. nffV;:.! "i"V..V '.." k
t'rIent conmlj and n layddblo respect
for eootl ,as,;- Their preeent oIWInB
"l "'C uric la thus Holt her m lni,ir, ,1
hus neither .,-. In,.ir, ,1
.nor so orlclnal tiw, ..,ir. . -i . i
n!.i,. ,. . H,er modliU--!
nemier elor-s It lapse In tho crudities I
"' -Kniru iioyt, ror all his talent, v,a3
ciceaslonalij gauty ' .
r.rn,, !- I-, .
Jerome. Krn dainty score Id ndinir-
aoO In Leeplnj u-lth the desljjn or the ,
i v Us tnelodies are hauntlii" Its in. '
i-un,eiii.itlbii Im k):iiir.it . ...,...
.. ......HI ,tW iiiiiuuues-
..... ., . ... . .
,. " :-. w uic action-never se-emo tn n-
r, u ien
New Hope for
Musical Comedv
v fo
tlOV," Indeed, holds out a hone
for the tulurc of native munlcul
comedv j?omo dlstrtsalne ep-clmena
of tliut product haxc lucn dls
cloted hero this ceason. Uen tho
raro g-oud ones hao failed to preserve
U.at aitluilu balance betuecn libretto.
Uriru and music which It a prime virtue
of this welcome new coiner.
Tho Interpretation rev
cilp no star of !
O'unrODortlonaln nvitmiin.. t.... .. l
an asiembly of adroit comedians' w UhoulJ prove ono of the red-letter eventa
refraln from horseplay, and !l s!
bouquet of comely girls, whoso hlstrt-
omo acuities aro unstrained by tho
sprightly farcical scents. Tho sinuing
Is wholly equal to Mr. Kern's modest
Trench Klaso Ml
i i Revolution
TAQL'US COPCAU S Vieu-Colomble-r
f pla.vi-ii-, lio com- to th- Little
Theatre for a brief e-igagemcnl. be-gtn-
nltig Wednesday night, aru accredite-d
vuui carrying a "niouvigo" not only tu
'ho Prench stago but to the theatre
in general. Tho scholarly and gifted
director, who won international tune
for his unique Paris playhouso beforo
tho war. and thla winter commanded
the slncero Interest of art lovers by ht
productions at tho American Vim.-,.
,-.. l,.- .. .. -.
vc.uiuuitr m ,vew "lork, has cxplolled I
ueiu.uu unu original principles of both ' tra at ono of tho Sunday concerts, us
acting and stago management I well aa In the Wilmington scries, and
Slmnlleilv l na,.n , , ... eaeh new appearance jierved to eonllrni
nlat or, J, . ? P'ank OM,IS the ,pendld Impression n.ado at th.
platform. Scenery Is reduced to an al- outset of his career New ork appear
leged artltllc minimum. Acting under I anct-s, both with tho Philharmonic. Or
hlu dlrecUon. is said tu i,aVc been ri - I ,'llt'R,r'1 an'J ln recital, have brought him
frevhinM., . . . .1 the coveted praL-e of the nietropolU He
freshlngly purged of artificiality. His ,,"! chosen o play In Philadelphia the
innovutlons havo provoked widespread ilsehalkowsky eomerto. th.it brllhaiu
unit HlirrMn oniMnA.., i.... ... .. '
. ,ww ,, u))Vf uul n llt, lluin
Iho verdict haa been extreme! v favor.
able. Of M. Copeau's Idealism there
can bo no quectlon. His visit to Ainer
lea enjojed powerful governmental
sanction. To a mere corniuercUIIst no
such Indorsement could havo been forth
coming. Therefore, apart from what interest
In Prench drama may exist In this city
mo appearanco of this altruistic or-
ganlzation Is likely to provo invigorating
to that spirit of radicalism stirring as
well In tho arts a In tho politics of tho
Usaac Orchestra in Allentown Camp
Boys Show Called Dest in
When the ITnlt..! .,., v,.. .. :
bulanee Service players, of AlFentoun
Pa.. Rive their rousing musical comedv
"Oood-Bye BUI" at the Carrlck The.
ere- mil , inn meiooieu should be Prom that time on ne ena not leave uus-i.irVf.U.InriyeT,ni',n-.and
''ly Pop-i Ji,. but he became a r.Ubslan subject
camp. "iumnvB tne fpoci, ,t which he founded the first
. In It brief tour the Usaaq orchestra veritable quartet In Kubsla with tho
has been h'ghly praised by noted famous Davldoff. Meantime ho was con.
musicians and the general public. Vic- i cert -director of the St. Petersburg brunch
lor H'rhftrt who h-arrt ih irm... ..,
the Allentown Camp, where he eon
ducted a concert, raid that the Usaao
orehwtr was the best service orches.
tra he had found. The orchestra wan
.li klVilt. n.bIuaH I.e. i.i- 'V. ..r7
.a "ZM rf:fJKidf Taft "o Yh'iS
recent vlsiN to the camp The con-
l(Klj njVlIn with the c! ,
;cago Symphony Orchestra,
me muaio or -uooa-uye bihi" has
ta .--a '4t.i "" ---iW
lfrtt$PZ m'
imimemu u mwi uiitmuoii ul rour of rjolltlcai cnaos was suci
In tfui "J9tt'vr,?i 'i"'u'jm "'aood-By- servatnlre did not open
Hb amribriitt,iiWSi.4trv)ZiH?Jt.'a decided to ay in seal
w r::ri -i vv viv t- vu iivh nAtf .. . ... i. - ..
t'av 7 I td nJ nubiUl-Mi:' tfh t?-.-" rectiais wcrv Bir in
x . r? :-paioce--ar,
GAME"-.- Stanley
- -
CariUo -nil! AT it voii-iir.i tr,
" ' Alat'cl,au1
Vm C?..t.,l C. .
"" '" Oiillii-Oitt'lis H
Operatic Masterpiece
Oneru. u th "crand muim. i iii l,t
th llelroIKllltnirs ufferinir nf.t .i-l.
"h!"i"on cl Uallla" in telit-duled for tff-
oT,,, . Xld s-J f,. ", . , ,
?"1 Al.Uj- aalnt-fcacns natterplo.e
iw ine onjy mubic urama or til magii'j:
i-enlly rpeclaeular school to be oflired
here this tcasAn.
ltTtn UtiM V in ftti Imn-it.ut ,,..w..
timeu a eaI, when Obcar Ilaniincrt-in
,m1 Charlib Dalmores and fjervilli -
''eiic 10 sins me muiar ron
""' '" t"B ine neuiar roiot MIUI1
"" reture-ful imprcttario lonxetutitid
with Mr. Gatti-Casazw to abttaln from
production for a decade the opera laptdl
lnlt "'Biect, du: its splendor and puwet
ei!J not admit of an extended eclipse.
t'aitlbo learned thf part of 'unison.
which Ik- ncm- handles tn huperb hi1o.
Informcef bj dlE'ilt and sin. crlt.v. lie
appealed for Hie llr?t thn here In the
"aitie-u-r last Featon, unu 1113 creation
'illl In- disclosed omv tnoio ut the Mil
ropollluu on Tutndaj.
Jlnri;nrotc Matztnauer, most glorious
of e-onteinporary contralto-,, will bo the-ri-tiii..
ui... t- ....... ,.. ,i... ...... i.. .l.i..
clt, her predHcesbora having bun
Lou'lf.i Homer Augusta. Poila und Uer-
vllle-i;ea.-iie. othr members of the oust
will be CUreuce Whltchtll, Leon llothli-r,
ichlcge, ftceehlgllan and llloe-h
Mnnteux ll cundui't
llotlnu ijulll. recowre trom the i!l
ntss which made necessary tho regiet-table-
poijlponeincnt of "Le Coq d'Or'
this vieeli, will had the balh t He" return
tu urtiaHc u.-tKltlLi fliould ctlmulati
unei tin: interest In the remurhatilf-HhnSkj-Kors-akoff
viorl,, vihlch Is now
definitely billed for performance hero In
connection with "L Oraeolo on tho uft
Mriifirin i,C Anrll til. That i ntert.ilnment
Satcha Jacoblnoff, tho talented young
Satcha Jacoblnoff, the talented young
violinist of this city, will bo tho soloist
a? the Philadelphia Orchestra concerts
on i'rlday afternoon und Saturday eve
ning next. Horn in this city of P.tis
slan parents Just twi-nty-ono vcaro ago,
voung Jacoblnoff dlsplajed extraordinary
musical talent u a mero boy. ronie
niili-.lnvinir nronlc of the cltv bei unle '
lit-areitcd In the- lad h futuri, and ufti r
n p-rlod if peeiipi.imry ttudj heie I
u .-ent to teuropo to work under the
beit mantrs por llif le-ar In n -nla
nid thin, studjlng for the mo-t
part under the guidance of Carl Plcsih.
ulthough ho also had iiii-'.-ructlon tor one
winter trom Arrlgo Srrato und spent a
tummcr vclth Auer. Prior to tho out
break of the war ho appeared In con
cert in several of tho largo European
citleu und scored an immediate ruccess.
Ho remained In Kuropu during tho Urs'.1
two vears of tho war and then returned
! to America, making his debut with the-
New York Philharmonic Orcliet-lra in
ihla env lajbt teason. .u.iBr'iui.ii..y uu
uppcarod wtfh the Philadelphia Ore-lies-,
AA....AW clui-c lulirihA rill
concert piece vvhco dllHciiltlea Aufr at
llrst declared tiiburmountnoie.
The orchestral number. cover a wide
range. Including us they do, tho Ci minor
fympliony of Mozart, the Urahms VurU
tlond on a Theme of Haydn, und Svmd
ton's "Carnival In Paris"
The Interesting announcement is trad
ihn i.w,nnid Auer. Iho noted violinist and ,
master teacher, villi bo heard In recital
at the Acaueuiy ui inm. vi, . vm.,o....
evinlne-. Anrll 17. Thin will, no doubt.
be one of tho most Important mu-lial
events of tho seaton, fur It wus Leopold
Auer who tnado postlble tho appearance
In America of sucn remaruaino unisis
, .!... -l,v,linUul l-.lii-i.'i .1 T?.,.n.
iUB liciiei, ..,"-... ........... ........
Eody Brown, McMillan, Kathleen l'ar
I low and others of like fame. Autr's
1 forthcoming concert will mark hl debut
. In ihls city.
i The great teacher's first studies we-ro
I fnken under tho careful guidance of
jnawneVVne'cewXr mm.er'
prize, after which two jears were spent
' ''' Joachiln. Later on he inuilo his
debut In London. Soon attcrvvarer canio
his close areociauon wiui ,-viiion iiuoin
tln reeultlng In Auers hUcceson to
Henri Wlenlawskl as profesbor of the,
Imperial Conservatoire, at Petersbuig.
of the Imperial Russian Society of Music.
These were years of Intimate aesocla.
tlon with Bublnsteln, Tschalkowsky.
ntmsky-Korsakoff and 3uzounoff. The
."...M.. 1.1 ,,..... -..
travel-'spent Sometime. In kS,uSS '
lh(1 first three summers of tho conflict
wtr ,penl n:1:fra?'; - fall he liad
'planned to follow hla usual prograni
of returning to uussia. ouc ine internal
i umt ine con
ind he therefore
Scandinavia, where
the larger
Leopold Auw mado, Ala AmerW.il
' , i -HJJ-
. 7-T "; .. Ail., Pk'.iX. w ilL . , Iv
v v aMP3 iRrts 'j r 'IsPP sr m
vvrv "JMM&ZMmF mw-ii
& r vKHre"nffBErml FlV. 1 S
&?WZMkl4r eJr1iSMEHs lw
1 rm 3lsTt y
and LLVfO v
APES"- Victoria
del ut li-t S.i n i in CarniaK ll.il
Yml, I.. ri. ,i iiin.niij Ihiijmi
mm j ot !il i li.ni pupili ,i,nl ulln
imtable' urtlttn Ihihk prtMiit
The- d.t- ol ilubrlloultm-h' levltul U'.
the- Ai-udcii' of Jliifli- has b-en i-hatise-d
to Saturday afti-riioon. April SJ. Thin
haj bion eniiw;il b the- numerous de
' 111a,,tlh' ft,r !,, uppeurotiuc of tho pianist
'" ,,,r ro'"- ot '""durtor. iliibrlloviltn-h
I '' - ,"-"" """ .."-" "" '."
iiiii. nit" i iii iiii i iiii i in rpi'iiui :in
Pearances In that role- with the- I'ctrolt
and Cincinnati Urcbinrab have eitated
a vldc demand for uivhrstr.il eonrcrts
under his direction (n Ne,u Vork That
tho greut pianist ha it marked pre--dlltctlon
for eouduitlng i.i eominon
ktioii le-dge. und It mlht be that IM
forihi-onnng rei Kill oulil be llu l.it
ojiportunliv of tnu lie lovers to hear liiin
us a planlft.
1 .le progrum lor thl.i recital is being
...... nii. .i .....i .. t.u
i,0 announced later. It Is known that
Jie V1" w! comW of -'-nn mid'
thu details villi
I,earlnh.e7JlvnvltalPWn .hii'L1
lirartl in Iter onu rtvltiil hero this wa-
ton in vvitiierspoon Hall on next Tiler -
aay evening, .vp.'ii ; oinucr tin auspices
of Ihc Department of Music of the I'n).
vereltv Uxte-imlon r'oelety. Mrh. Hots if
known to :lv inii.-n-.'il world through
her former apparam-e villh lb- I'lilln-
dilpM'i Orch'Atr.i, the OihiiMh Solii.
tin r horu! r-ociclj. tin- Mi..mi I'lijj, t.r
Pittsburgh und oth. r luidhig urgam.i
tlons. I'lillow lug Is the prouruin.
Vt. Ilrrt I'll r KnlHiful
Art -'Implor' Amuur '
tiui h
1 I'ulluv
. . . r'txih-
Uator t
Pun TIom Urn lianilna
'III" Que. 11 of lie- tfOK
Th. ennnUi'ii' nt . . . ,
La Vie Antrti urv .
I.es tln-L'UUX
Mfindalln-j ,
lUllatoIU ll'JKllucct
Tho Itow Clintn
Cebnai'1: Cradlo Song
,v t.uie enun.1
t,. ..n it... 'n ou.n i... .-
, it' bvii, ...... -ww wn,, 4.w,'H .U
Ip.hjllrn,. .'..
UUU Clurli Huiiuii'iiiii ut th tianu
fophle- P.ra.-lau Mitropulitan Opera
contralto, and Ltiem Zi:nli.ili-t. vloliuht. ;
, , &'!"Z-'itK.
ipujniin a lei . -iKeniiikiiwmj uiseio-iu v. nen mo lanieras Iris opens ,, , ,,.,, :
The I'lrnt anen sura . .. 5Iax llcliirlih on Mnileo Kennrdv's mouth, uh her Maurice Maeterlinck has completed
Knin u.ii. TmVii'M lllbial P-'nioiulniij Is excetdlngly exprcs- rat Play olmo "The lllue Illrd." '
umVna.H.'Liu.ri-Johnm--.: ?S2 IJf ! V'?- Madge Kennedy i ,lt jtome ' new- w ork. whe, s entitled..."
Jfin . . Thivr-f ' "otll comeiiv ami e. rloui (Iramu. Al- ' i.incaiucs line eieiromaia) will
vnrii sniu .. n..rihi.r,,. w tliouch "li.ibv Mine." "Nr.irlv Murriril" . the Paris footlights within u. few wei
ruSMlrKltee $MK'''MW"1ffimf'&Vp95'"' rr" A' 'WM?dr4l!pJ&u&.
Mtb.. I .rMF yi KFi 47211 T'H. a a 4 4B.V s -. IBi-
-wift. M&atw ?A m i;ftBirj . a o& mr .. '
MS"""- r-Mklt CD KS
x T !
v I Ih In aril in recital at tin- Academy
i f Mn-.i nji -lio evenliii; ut April !(.
i 'I l.i lnlili- I'K-f- last eonurt of the
i -a-Dii will in glwn In tin- ItclUvue
Mr.itford b.illruoni on the- sanip f vcnlnts.
Cnli ir.li lilumdnl, ilauijIUur of tho Ital
ian ti-nur of thin i-Hy, Peiuuclu Ulanulnl.
Iw b'Ml, cl fur a cone-iit in tin- Ai-adnio
on t'lei-venlng of April IS. SIlsMillannlnl.
viho In a ilnmiatli- wjprano, has Uen
viliiiiliiu operatli- lionoia In Italy even In
"'V"'. ,"' l u""-r '".
iriii ri .rrin.-i n ri m iuii iriio ii inmi
i-ltul by Miss Phebe .McKay. Koprano,
and Mlni Jlury Klcli.inlx, pianist, at thu
Art Alliance on Wnlncr-day evening, ' born shortly aftir the crew ot tin ver-i
Apt II 17 15IU Mercer (Jldrn, e'ontrallo. ttl mutinied, slew their othVrra and left
und John Leo, burltunc, will ulrj con- ' the liriystohcs marooned In the Jungle '
tribute to tin program. l-'ollowln tho mother's death the babo
. .. was carried off by a the upo viiio had
Just lost her child. It H umld these
,"1() IK SlAHb M Lb funoundlng? that the baby of atlEto-
i?!? 'i,itii.ii ix' I'll iK.cra"r' Parentage lt reared, with no Mir-
I linl UUJiiL; li 1 I Ij.HO 'foundings to Indicate that ther. aie
Madge Kennedy's Winsome Ofu'ur
I'untunilmo Effcfthc ill "The
l)ail(irr Game"
I Thousli Madg, K. nnciy rcce.ves an
oDDortunltv In her i.w ilolduvn nlc-
, lure. "Tlui Patigir ilatne." which will
be the Prlnclnil fi.iluu .it the t-'lanley
Theitlro all mil vit-ik, to pveal herci-lf
h, a pia.ver of dramntir rolei. this Hoy
Mjinervlllr bubln-t 1m by no me-atin ,i
(.Ilium; on- Tm re la ple-nly of oppor
lijiilt.i foi phiitosrupli.i ot the star's
pen- ejeii uml whiMiuii imlle.
Iiitiiiilunloii-i -n iioldwMi pit tiire are
nit. M ilTeetlle. .-.. fur lit1ulne m --llur
I. ntli Wlfi 'lint-- a i lui- .iii nwalid
VI'.- Kinnedi -i biiud-' petilug tlie bail;
of llv husband ihe b-id ju t niariied
' 1 lie llincir 11. mu ' uimii-. with it
elo-.-up of MIsh Keunedv - iji.i nlone.
i luted. Tilev mien craduallv lo rellei t
hutK,Vt,'w thoughts of i Ivtle. tin Inrolne of
lmriar. i "The lutiKir Oume. ' an lliev aro shown
.... iiiur in various moments miring tliu play.
. . HopAiu Uiiredom, obidlenei, insiilratlon. (onceii
Uoneuvalls j tratlon will bo exprejsi-o in the Ke-nnedv
vi,w,i'i,V'ya ilH Clvtlo thlnl.H of tho dullness, of
vAriin.it ! "' lJ'u 1'f" 'n "i" society of her
M.if.tiierM rlilerlv rrlenrlq
......... . ... . .
I A intaloiril.t ttr i mntlrttm iilll filer, K I
and 'Our Link- Wife' involve aiiiuMng
Mtu.itinn, I he dl'. lining t-e In Mudgo
Kennedy u pla,vr v h"- artihtle range
need by no nn-uns In eouiliitd lo bhce-r
CARUSO aa Samson.
ifci riiKi
' x. jmyrrzs. .imm,..
X "-,B."
AHEAD" Pcg,enr
Wealth of Stirring Incidents
Staged in Adaptation of
Burroughs' "Tarzan"
Theie is- exploitation of the IVarvwntan
theory In "Tarsan of tho Ares." tho re-1
marltable picture which has deeply in-1
t'.re ited New Yorlt and is to be cUlb-1
ite-d Ht the Victoria for a fortnight, bu
Binning on Monda:. The author of the
eMiuvajuntly Imaginative story bfe-m3 '
tn plm-e the upr- above some of the lower j
cliu-'u-i of humans, for he has given to
htm a chivnlrous und manly bearing.'
Tarn. it will In ticalled by thoto who,
have lead Mi. Uurrough i's llctlon, .is i
.... . , , . ... .... ...,,.. n..,
i nu unrui iib. vi -jt u unu j mi -.
stoke, viho vunt to Africa on a Hrlllsli j
Ciovcrnmctit mlslon. The child was
1 riji-n ue'llls us I'jvilKi-ij lieeijiiv . jii iiiia i
j'?Vwen?v.e Ihe'iuncir wdV
1 10 -omaci with civ nuc,
,i me aKii
reaturo comec i
act with civilized beings, who
have como to Eeek him out as the right
ful hdr to tho (Jresloko tlllu nnd cs
tatc, which have noen usurped by a
rascally brother of Tarzan'H father. It
Is Ultle viondir that he is amused ut
the appearance ot the victors. It takes
.. r'",' ''S1 J ,"S 'c,S!lIn.l.
ii i.v ilt"""i'"i . M-nt i tutu- w-.u'l
ally, however, Turz.ui doeii take kindly
to ilvltized Ideas and In time returns
to Lnghiiid ami thruiigh the u 'i of tln
girprlnls Is dcclaicl to In the rightful
h'- to tho van fortum.
Soim vlvhl i iilsodes are liiuwn on
the tcrein in thi dcvi lopmcnt of the i
talc Tho light between pallors and i
olllcers aboard the vessel has been voted
a "thriller." Another Ktlrrlng Incident I
is ine fctruggie or Tarzan with an
African Hon. In which finally ho bebts
tho beaM. Ills tight with a native negro
Ilttlo more than un animal Is still
another exciting feature.
' Little concerning Us triture has been
revealed bejond the aunouriceme-lit that
the piece s to some lmt a sequel to
' "Tho Hluc Illrd ' It is twelve jeais
cilice that fantasy had Its premiere.
James demons, the nimble eccentric
dancer with "Doing Our Bit," the Win
i ter Uurden Show at the Chestnut Street
Opera House, is nso a "professor,"
Every morning from 10 o'clock until
12, excepting on, matinee daje, from
ten to twenty girls of the extravaganza
can be found on Iho stage being put
'through the various dance steps by the
clever demons. This Instruction, which
that generous dancer gives free la not
only valuable to the girl, but It" P?o??s
of benefit to the management, as It
obviates the necessity of carrying un.
durstudles for tho principal 'dancing
puns. Tho fuct is. there Isn't a number
Jn the piece thaC could not be executed
by one or more of the members of cie.
mons'a clasj. should a principal be ab
sent. And fol- play ng a principal's partr
rt on emergency the girls aro aJloVed
the nrlnelnal's aalnrv. """"
Consequently any member of th,
chorue win vote ror "Jim" demons as
I y iiwov it'kh'i" vu in uoinjr Oe);
MHfflirllnetf V "Vte- P.j
Sj ... I f
0 lK:rA CiOOe.-bj Uill," a nov;l entertainment tloviECd ar.et prcsj
bv recruits of tho United States Army Ambulance service of tho A!!WJ
lown camp, i-.ifinty cun&icu ii,vi .,, ma.v,. ,uw ,o,i uii do ium
i.isid by ths t'taae Symphony Orcliotra. Tho musical farce, hlch IS
oy Itlenard lachcimer, concludes
1 OllTiCHT Harry Lauder in u repertoire of new tonca and old favorite!
aa SI it &A to A l rt M, 4 ft -! 1.A !fftbi1lll 1tlil. t to J91
A novelty will oe ins nrsi vwin
dent." Tho auxlllan' vaudcvlllo
Kltamura Japs and other entertainers,
UTTI.U TllKXTnU -French dramas by tho Vieux-Colombier Players, optol
Ins cnKacunent Wcdnciday night, with L'Avare." Tliurtday jnatisJ
"Poll do Cnrotto" and "La Traverse": Thursday nitrht. "La Jalousie if
Uarboulllc," "Le Caroisd du, yalnt-Sacramcnl" und "Le Pain do Mcnase"!
I'rlday nlslit. "Les I'rcres Karamazov"; Saturday matinee, "L'AvarrM
Saturday night, "Poll do Carottu" and "La Travorsu," J
nS?I!XlsS JiMvcho1oKica.
Kimcdv bv Herman liahr. ono of tne
mo-t noted of contemporary- Euro-
wan dPamatlsts. Benjamin P. Olazer
has made the Ungllsii adaptation.
Arnold Daly has the stellar role, ills
ti,r.r.riintr rati includes Carl Kelt-
.w. .,.. -- .
t.nni. and tch. Tho original ew
"orlt company, includlns Anna When-
tor mi 1'orue, i.ynno y )"'" "'''
.Marie Carroll and Stephen Sla'cy Is In-
cnriT't'i srnniir oprr.A novsi:
"Uolnpr Our 1311. an tlaboratc new
i tra jL'anza trom the Now Yorl;
wimrr uanen. .. ... -"
...,'.. pMni' t nnftv 1Inrv T..CU la.
. . -. 1 VI. . , l.illnH ilAtll llOllV
.limits .1. Corbett. Ada Lewla, Charlfi
ni .'juvj ... : " . . .
JudeL and the Canslnos. Spanish dan
cers Atnons tho spectacular features
c-f this diversified entertainment is i
"Ihc Disembarkation of the American i
.-oldlerJ In Piance," a icenlo speolalls
-lsipned by Lincoln J. Carter and J. J.
AUVhPlll "Tho Man Who Camo
liach." Jules L'ckert Goodman'u vety
succcstaui meioBrniaiic wiaj. ut
generation, through adicrsJtv, of a
lnllllonalre'o ton lo the basic theme.
The pleco Is prevented in live e-plsodca.
caeli ot which U.reploto with thrills.
Tu the excellent company are Mary
Nash. Conrad Najel and Clifford
OKPIIKIM "Baby Mine," Margaret!
Mayo's divertlni? t'arco Interpreted by
tho Li fc'alle resident stock companj.
ir.tI..Ve'7' "Uverjviotnan." Henry W. '
f-'avasoN production of Walter
i:rovn'3 modern morality pl.ij.
hun n Loulso Prefer
Tleadlrgs." John IJ. Hmer and com
pany in "Tom Walker lit Plvle," "Tin-,
Tloallh TtuuterH," La ncrntcla. classic
dancer; David hapli-htch), Nate Lelp-1
zlg. nuglclan: Thomas t". Svltt anl)
Mary 11 Kelly. Kcll and Lva, gj n -
, r.r.onj:"Tho l'ash.on Shon.
i ... - -
comedy; WcIIk, lvnlblo and compa y,
In "Thb Double Trail'': Harry l!ri-en,
Harty Mejcr-) and hlb inlnHlrelr1
Katherine Murray, Herbert und De
nti, "After tho bho"; ardon an
Doree, Leonard and Louie, and Preri
Maggot and 1 rere
C.'O.lOll'.lV Char.ei' Cornell l. vl .t
strtl Kevue, Al H White In ' T..e I
AinrRcr," Ash and Shaw, Harmon i i d
O'Connor, Jack Morrlssey ard Tiu
Pairs" pholoplav. tlrti half of vvc t
William Sllvano Ihgnder. Prank Con.
Icy, Mario Ltst, Unilly Slokcs Hager
and Henry II. Oourncy, all well-known '
Philadelphia musicians,. In a special
feature; "Tho Fascinating rilrti. "
musical comedy; Bronnln and Dan.,
bon, Qatcu and Plnlcy, Wulter Wary
and "A Camouflage KIsu," pholoplaj
latter half of week.
I C ROSS KCWeMaklB MoMnciI i
. i
Sjfat-o" fnt.vrl . i...T- .1 1...
Prank II. Abranu: Charles Miearn
- .... p .. ( v tv v pivui.iiiie uv
I'lianes wencr, urownlng and Daw
.on. Gates aid Pinlcv and Ulglt and
Norton, tlr.st half of week. Kltt;
l'runcl.i, Harmon and O'Connor, Andj
Lewis Olivet, Mi'lfct and Claire and
Vic und Victor, latter half of week.
ll'nr-MJ PVX.V "A Jazr Night.,
mare," musical comedy, produced by t
aoscpn canuey; uuescil Slack und
... l . -"' iiuocii .uaeit una
Dlancho Vincent, Prank W. t-laltord
and Mario atone, Dctzel and Carroll,
ana "Ivoso of Blood," photoplay, llrst
half of week. Charles Cornell', mu
sical revue. Joe Morris and Plossle
Campbell. Lou Holtz and "Tho House
of Glass," photoplay, latter half of
G.'.l.VD Slaurlce Pieeman In 'The Call
of Childhood." "Tho Texas Pour,"
Neater and Vincent, .Harry and Anna
eyniwiir, liuri.u
ml Harrv rinninn
Page, Hack and Mack, and tho biMh
episode of tho "House of Hate."
COf-O.V.ILPnlted States N'aval r.e.
fcorvc Jazz Band, Charles Hauling In
"Detective Keen" anil other actB. The
photoplay feature will be "Amarllly of
Alley,' wuli Mary Pick-
A .YO.V Ciautier'u Toy Shop, Oretn and
Miller. Schwartz and Clinors, Willie
Halo and brother, Jugglers, and "a
Modern Musketeer,'' photoplay.
STAS'LEY "Tho Danger Oumc," with
Madgo Kennedy. Tho scenario con-
eerily u toclety girl whose ambition to
be cnio a novelist leads her In e
copy amid scenes
Uoldv-)n production.
of adventure.
IMfJC; "Kaiser, the
Beast of Bcr-
Un ' Slgnlllcunt events of tho nrnr..
6Vrf ,"Oh, Bo," dainty comedy. Have Marlon In hlj Importation rfl
u-tth sprightly tnelodlcu by Jerome hnulfy the f'nbman the comPtf,J
IC.ru P. Ci. Wodehoubo und Guy Include? S IT. Dudlej. New EcchleJ
Uolton havo funtlbhed tho timuMnic I and the Alpine Pom Tlio bill maru
itiion ami progress or the word war'"",i. ""' , , , .mmHJ
. i..u... , - . . --"' '".I rri.n nrtirvrt In li.u , IMUIII COnim.W.
are vividly brought mu i ,m
umal mm. Tho flnalo M,, n .'
. - - .- - ,.. .,.,a un
SaUor as a prisoner.
.t.'O.tDf.l "nieh Mun 1, ,,.
from the novel of thosame namo b'v
Maxam an Poster, adnnted for ih
screen bv ClLr. nF.JorJP.c
guerllo Clark h the" leading
i Ninth chapter of tho "p'on of Dcmoc-
racy la an added feature.
VICTORIA "Turzjin nf n... .
SSrSF rr T ?r
MS M.lta ,& anS
KImo Lincoln havo tho leading roles.
nilOhWT --. "Breakers Ahead,
v iota on, nrst naif of
uoure or silence," with
latter half of week.
STMA') "His Majesty Bunker Beau"
with Jack Plckford, first half of week.
Naval Ja Band in Vaudeville
A novel feature will bo Introduced at
the Nlxen Colonial TheMri a of n5
week, w hen the fladlo Jusz Band of the
United States naval reserves will gV-
eoncorte both afternoon and ulsht in
aid of tho Ited Cross. Th. V,."'?"1...'"
U nant" ff W. cnn?'1.'- ?-u.?.
. :.. . :. t . . :i ,v-riiii&tiuiiiurf
Utates naval reserve radio school Th
Olo ut la Navnl -'u,l,.t ci7.l,- '' ,'.'!0
12S?!! ?.r'i8', !, .' .?". nd
JCK.?t1tr..meniberB of the band ara
. l.... --
uieoer. uaiiiz anu me Uaruld brother
At a. recent concert at tha li.ii.iT..
rt eber Kallti anil Ih flurji". "H. 8r0
uieper. uaiiiz anu tne Baruldl brothers.
ielf,tratford hotel the boys realised oC" -
is JleO I for th Bed Cr4l The demand
rfor the band Is noir to great that thi
. troupe ii booHed jj.-i wefltjj Xtotsa. W
ia lt.Ujtim.-
ltll tile capture w "Kniscr Bill." a
iiuiiiuvt, .iainniiB nun me lfeiW
snow win mirouuce Arnaut Krothcrt, Ujf
! ;?!" ?.":!. : vm
.,.,., .... .
-" ',', n" ' .. B ,s'-. 'suty unjl
jWBjnnrtl. ilrst half of veek. -J
"",....' ,;'"-' ."" Kerrfl
." " " ci veei.
nfnr.i vrtr-i-
e.eo.i I nc h or u or I rr ,..i . ....
. . ----- .-., Btu..
mo iwciuy-iutii
am icrsarj of ll!,
THOCADrnOThc Uidi Gtrlj rltil
T,at WMtc T1. t v4 " urVoftaa ! 3
i "Carey at the ierb" an,! "ti, ..
le.v Hurley Hotel." 1 ne cast IneluJesl
Anna Ora.t. Al Watbor and JaoM
- uiioru
. ..
o I Yin V Ui'ij WVI-h ' AmfirLml
i i..i . .. . -'-'crivini
Alnonir the funm.il...
ar "Watch-lhe-Slldc." Ilarrj- Vfltk
Hobby Vail and Husiiev lli.m..j
Katherlno Pearl and Mane Maim lieill
,,iu ie-jijiiiijiu e-uiiiinirciu
.t'.'t li
roniiCtiT"bi Snriram t
.11110 AD The Coburn Pluvcr
j GAllKICK Sugden's Ahitl.a p.c jui
apmi. s:-
CUUfiT.VUT 8TRPV1 Ol'l'n I WO.'Jp
"Ilae-li Again" vUtli Weber and!
bcr tnt)
Cohan ltevue pt 131S
A phil i'3
Gritnth photoplaj.
of tno WotH,"
A charming principal m ".Miss
.Springtime." to Lie seen ut the
Korrest Theatre on April IB.
, VL-iur oi ivriiitmicr A
W bLANlr PIlRASb i
,.. ... .. . ...!,ev
tome, on, Keay usea in jvciui
Sketch, Acquires Speedy i
The democracy of
slang is hi'Mr
potint. Not etnee
Ucorgc Cohan "1
famous "2S" haa an einrcselon come i8li
' elstcnce that shows more signs L
vitality than John V. Hi mere "coml 4
Ited," which is a "motive" of the hts
lino sketch at Kelth'a nest vnelf, 5f.
Hjiner, as is well known. Is on'
vaudevlllc'a most prominent author. li
has written inoro than his share of pWJ
Inr plajlets. Including "PcltlcetUv,
"Maggie Taj lor, Walire-ss. ' "VeterstHv
-auniown junction' unu several im"
equally n vvcll known lo tlieatrrri
Tho new pleco Is called "Tom W ""J
In nlvlA" imH if l in fA.ie ..eenes. TM
story tells of un old negro who h;
become educated and the first scetie fl
him reading a copy of "jrautt." I
1-uIIm nhleen nn.l ,le:iniK. Ills SftUnlt
Majesty appears und makes a eM
pact with the, negro to give a
nouI- to the devil, promising in eicnwi;
that no mailer what trouble, he may 15
Into, all ho has to do Is to snap "'I
lingers and say "Come on Bed, wi
riatan will aopear in time to fori
Tho negro
In 1,lu
I .....Ia. I..
I"":r'..,'L--",e -".v".
tried convicted and J
As tlie "
annroaehes. be l.eeoniea Imnat eilt nt.jM
devil's tardiness and to every e''"J
unu io ticrj mw---"(j
nnd even when WJ
' of thf warden's
I tirappeo in iuo cnair via ;i"i. ' -,
' current lo bo turned on. all ho.canMf
chair Malting ror i;
1 K', hM? f"1n fSrM V
reality. "Come on, ned" Is a oromj"
expression among gamblers and Is "!!
I us a "lucky nume" by the. negroes
i x? &,xrM
ItiflSA "" " "t
' '
. 4Zf .k
I . -VP"Mi i
- ' . v,.- i
i W9
il aKL : i
r " Tl iMr i n - MJH
HL -wnMrr i
nrk irF:
iv v!iB
f iiV,v
Br ,t-J . kifl
An attractive agent In tho new Pj1!
recruiting campaign Is the VVS
moving picture. "Tlie Unbeliever. I
screen version of Mry Haymond Bwa.
man Andrew's stirrmtr.war piori tv
n,. mt.l..ll ...1.11. n.lll h. tnOVI
under tho auspices of Iho marine lja
Metropolitan Oicra Houeo on h ;-.
nlni f Kaliirdav. Anril 13. The pl'l
was fllrtled lit Quantlco. and the J
bTa.ea troops themselves ftalt P
of t,,a "I'0"-. . . ' . . ,.,,
11ireKntattvea of brofesalliBil UH
I" ?-P.toPiy e Marguerite Cof
i th. eml Ineluds Maier Thomss
----,- ...... .., ,. ..u 1
."' the CBSl 1I1CIUO0 aiajor r.oi(i"
' ;.. Minr ittouft r tinwoll. Cur
i-vi.iv, 4 r ....' . t. rt.
, Thomas Sterrel', Ueuterutnt J J
Sergeant Mes QUI, f"roant
"W'ebb, Corporal Bob Jiyland, all
fljxttt nattltori V S M. Q.
SUM nuttnUon.
a v
L -
. ,