; 13 "' Ti i'SJ ERSAL SERVICE, PLAN TO BE REVIVED ff onatoc Now Not Dimsouratfod , & by Detent ot nia cna j nioni WOTHEB BILL COMING! Km' Compulsory Military Train ing for Youths iwiween 4i nnu 21, Utel ITOjipaiuun tVaihlnglon, April 1 Tfi movement In establish comput- ,n military .raining in uie inep , nla la not dead as a result of the 'Met ol Senator "New's nmendnieut In . Jbr Senate Kilqay. Tiiai aeieat lien. nltely h'S l,u ,lle Pr"P!ai u "ieep while the war ln"u' ll la conceded X i ".. a.. .....a Iiaaii Iti lri An?ii.irfl Ithose woo ii v . . . it the movement, hut an effort to re. t-h. the pRltatlon Itt Congress, so that bnltatv training will ha assured when i .. n-l I hi inniln nr nllM St 5-t.i. .tatcment Is made on the. Ifnnith of an announcement by genu- M"T.- (l.t he Is ilraftlnc a bill ftmliar to the Chamberlain military training meaaure anil win iniroauce n . acmif within a few weeks, .in "' ' ....... .,i,l 1,1. l.tn will nvjir !-. .v.. .rinr mil nh Ifctlons ureefl uoirif "?.";..;"'. H ,1,., h. &,.,. ,tlnue the fight until It Is won, i fe'ln this determination lie is ,Jolnc(l by I nnv Senators, pnntiiiaii ikiiukhhiii- K'fnlnlne hill will not pass the Senate ! KfioV If It provldea tor ft system to ko U tt.i. n,u deeliled noon every I r-uiouiiii ":, :.'..-, ,-.,i,i.. 'detail oi ine um, nu i ..iur .. KpMTliKin requirlnB that every young Ernan Wild reacne; uw n "' "ic;ii t.Mll undergo military training for a klwrlod of at least a year between the Stale of his nineteenth and his twemy IX?2. .lrl.rt4v Hint thereafter esi?h rrnung man shall return to training for 1 BJl-Kit thirty days In each .year for K&mk means will be taken to alve rytuilhorlty In the bill to the army chiefs rntli-, year beginning Saturday, the an B.ehrinTsororlmerf0eV,mt'fef28r! '"w" ot America's ent.ance into tpjistDi wiui me mudiih wi inn waiiiiih Jbf occupation, and 1 have also In mind clause iimkliiK It clear that there ' rTehall be a latitude n me system so as Bto Interfere as lltllo as possible with Jliielnaiviai mi p aniii iiio young iiien, . C D,'n'a. IreeeV e thS P? of'a sol" ', m. onrf that no vounir man Khali lm ?nble to actual service In the field until j ner ne nas pecunie iiveiuj-ums jtare a ne ab. 1 alro would like to see a pro teBJtL0ffl3lf,,ied.i?nn',i,,i:!5 i men. I rThe Universal training idea has the i"? " me nuu mates. .ow uon Jiupport of every one who looks ahead j gress has set aside a very much larger F and the opposition only of sentimental , appropriation to carry out this giig p(Tsoni who think all that Is necessary i nestlon of the bureau, that a great pa SI4 prevent war lto reduce the country ; tlonal campaign be carried out through CIA a condition of utter hobelessnesa , .i,i ., .. .. ... .... ...... .. &Ty are being converted now fwter , sinn iney can ne couiueu. J J . -. GIRL STUDENTS TAUGHT i- - r' TrrT nr-KTCTrT i mtr-.r ruu" or.iWAii , ,. , Course at hwarthmore Col- Special tClege Enforces Doctrine of the Clean Plate in Practical Way tFnqi conservation In war time Is re- eelvng the consideration of turnty-llve g?SXVSrjtair pursuing iwurseh calculated to teach the ' Wet methods of satisfying the palate I without pinching the "Inner man." -The course Is under the direction of &:dl,V.,,;orrfva!;0,lvl,Vi M 'lnrped the art of "making one dough. nui irosf nere to grew before. Iliey tiUI lee to it that everv nlate. at tlm JjaiJ of a Wwa.rthinore day. s a "clean plate." , fcrTliey are posting placards about the , vMiiuiuf i:iiiiii, uiuii un inniM timers , ZXn Wskft Ull. slon hpltirr n iim-(p.i-maii KWp'-wtallng, conserve, sm-rlfice." Al. I convened a food slacker Into an raiu7oMV,0l,.,!o1rbhUerin' ml.lo...ry of food production A wrta, jine less narrei or nour per week KMI.Wtn knocked In the head, and It Is . SenUmated that befoie the end of Lha . tftrtiiat term moie than 30Qp Ions of i im ."'" wniHvra, C-..l JVHIIH n Dhl. " un t n .... ,1. n fj Islli!e. hive als,n' )i-niiu n. mi i ! sall""fJorm, ' and Irewater w take the ! fw oi puncn at all "functions." Slsrt K!n,'!i"lis'.nv. ,n,"f," h.a. a,,'0,, WtiTSXll Li .rSlyli,JfmlX? 1 iREieS tiDecti. this sum.nr in i-appIv.. rf'iorirnnint appointment to act as depi- , jrimtirarvr ot me principles of substltu h . .' "wuo omuuiw ttuuui ma niitir, W XeVn,,'wKhirae,i,,JmB,Li'.f , . VS . 'at the lOllere. ...,,.... rWlHBetli A Altrlrmua (Mui-u Itloa A f ifei?'"' f'atherlne Ilelvllle, Ilelen ''IMI'i .Uorothy Cottln. Marararetta Coo. Xporolhv Johnson, Iluth Kistler, Mary .Ulttll. Kdlth Alendanlmll. Klliiilietb Hiiiiil- ', .S iiuiiiin, K.UISUCUI i ..,..... -Hher In KIUr. Bi her Newcomer, Kther PhH'ile,,j .. . La Virginia. I'ostleihwalte, Uladys Hlch. , ,0rt coiiservatloii If!:' k"'1?." ,lhey. Opal Itobinson, a fine farm, and Florence ItmraiR stnrui, iinva-a tioin ! vs. rb&1 l,ablh Stotsenburg, Mary Ver- .!, yranrei Wllllauu and Kthel Young, IwimoHnnm:,.; x.To Fe. rjiiuniAUlv nuuua ut limm DAIRY EXPORTS , W wjtif and grteeue Produced for Sol- rien Held in Storat'e, Market i rr. Service Reports hlaUs, n. j,t April 1 The war Is nP Df great nuantltlea of milk and ! ?W made for exnort In w .lrtv I - Wtb)n Apia to b sent to France for itha snlriUi-a-n.A. . . . ' w-, .-.-,. mcir, unim. io snip-anuri nn iney iff." ?wrtment o tivirV7-,:"".M'r': ?" i.p. iw j? i atlQ ISIS h. J.I..: ...i 'a . .' .. " T gAaVrW.aho7,,&,.Northoaat District Leaders Ff fir in hiifnl nf i.iosb.1. nr y. i i nr i r lt..aMV f A.rlSyKiA. It" S rowQwoiviiun-n I &F ' pKSueW VT.1 XibJJS- iK3.'!. !1 Increaied- conatimptlon. of-.nd .ir wane ill wf 1-.0-.. i. .,.i.i. 'The bulletin adds that with tafs!lft.M5 .""! ft IMXt It Is aiwlthqut being accompanied by adults H4'Uj:fai i ;n-n .- the vvork nf Ih. IwSvi iS W,Mm,r ' charged from church," nccprtllpg tn thp officials of tha 5l i .M1 H",rr ' "-''a 4f. "VrPri 0.: ii?,,.!i;he "great war-winning wheat Blietr'.?.,r 1,U .'" Nw Jersey. The vwneun ssva th., i . .ninJ -... ... MMl.,'.illi.' ..I,.. " '" """ma ills li; urZ,S"" nig per pound, and ttiiJi K?ila.Be ?tan hy the publlo o gftJt H!tAmerlcan ,,d A'11" for" Hr w Hung. g a mot ppqrlshlng yJVBA DEFUSES SHIP COAL fni6li Vessel Unable to Get SunnlSs r C at Havana " ?1 I l al ,vn L'.'!', Vl APrH laThe Hpgnlall 7v. V0,,w wiHoli la lying mu coal. . lrvx "tfnl informed tho 1 m Inns of P.. l,J v,.n -I.- ,rt that nort fan H,. ....!'. r.. fWIP Will rnnllnn. trt. I -en... . f eoaanv ii .:;:, . '"1,.".'"! T nA"jnort to gettioal nt Havana. Qfl t'ifldg fpr 99 Years p"fn. April ( -Tba agraement Lik!!?,,t.um fl"1 v'" t,0,,r WV " m Human, regard 4MJ1 MOTHERS' PROBLEMS ! For the Children's Year . Dy MARY L. READ, D. S. Director ef Ih. Befool pf Molherrraft War Service KJCjJXJ. flj - SJ Bf fe ' P - t ni fee 'tilt -WS.IM, 3 v.A-"ITi.Il . Vi fliUe,wM" 'heagert of 'welvn month ami eighteen JL"J ? i? ' "i.l,0i y,.embJ?t of v"1"1 b' th0 Federal Children's IIil . ' i?r '" iVile.Kenl!'.f ' !'bllc U,,er everJ' Monday, Wednesday and Friday, will deal with the health and hygiene of those upon whose Hlinuldrr will fall (he reconstruction of the United States In the Generation In come. The Children's Year Copyriohttt Oue&tlfiiiM nil ttie rniliiiiriMAii aI rMMrm IKlMin V ...... ja.. .. .. i , . . ft&iWis:' swFis&.tSi&iro'i ! rMM nature wilt be otutfrrrd Ikiouoh Ursa rolumiu. Iiiouirfo ore invited torn nni; f"r,.,,",l(r, '" ouilloiiir rrmilrliia XSll'lflnl'l,"" ' """d',"""t vnm ii..crvirn ill ne icefarr nr C'luurr.t. personal escelope m niniu mi. nus iiecn aesignaieu as ,Ti nLiU,. v." t... n . n i Tl,e thiiens ear. by the Federal LWHKIren'H Hureau of the United States. That bureau Is a regular division of ,hf Government Department of I.abor. offlcw In Washington. The bureau was established by Congress In 1912. with an annual appropriation nf a few mouaim aouars, to collect information ,n,i ini. .imh niila AnrAa . ... wll"' " Province of a Government de- Partmenl. lor the protection of chlin- "'h", "i' i0 o Id Z "F""'B " - - -: - ,..:.;, , What Is It that Is hoped to he au- "'" . w B. "", I:. :"?' ""2 rn.niMiji iimi, hit- miJ i JUU.UUV lt.iht4 shall h n?il. Fvorv vo-n finn - ()00 b-al)e:, a,; llV(m-s co-un;rj,' ,et 100.000 or these lives could be saved, f (he mothers and the fathers and the members of the community knew better nnw io cure tor uaoieg anq now to pro tect them. Tlie bureau has estimated the resrjon. ..... . . . SOLDIER'S FAITHFUL M r . ..Tiri ,. rt vVn yv r a -.-. .-. . IV A V V. 7 . I ( . JT " " . j j s 'Southern Woman Tells United States Official How She ni-.ll.,l OlnKm-. uunicucu oiaunwa uu Aiding r-r-iti r I ' MU3 Is the story of a woman who and conservation, who would not allow . . a neighbor by nidirrereme. laziness or greed to hamper the food program of .... ...,.. ..., ..,. ,.,!,. i,.ri. ,i IIIB liaillfll MHU llll.n IHtHIII ...,.'-. a, ...u life of her son, who Is fighting In France. It s an example that can be followed by "everywoman everywhere." The experience was told to Aislstant Secretary of Agriculture Clarence Ousley not long ago. when he was touring the South to present the tiovernment's urgent request that the Houtn reeu useif 11. a year. After one of his speeches a woman aouglll Alr- nusiey "I am ulail ou said what you did." 'she said. "I have a son who Is now In' France. And I have a neighbor who has pot been following the finvernmenfa requests either 111 loon pronisciioii ur in i, i nis (Binny in mm neither the woman In !... i.-iir.i,pn imp ih busbaiid In his i fields has changed (he accustomed ' ' ot yng Th man haa been planning '.? mP.lofhl.tanl n , cottop TMr tame pas naa p uimo "" " -'- ZX ..Zu" thi't t& tlTZA h fnml ihev need not conferve. tpii.oilu I pnuld stand It no longer. 1 went to this woman -for I knew If I SUNDAY SCHOOLS AIM TO RECRUIT MEMBERS B'al.u.e to enforce the Sabbath .w. the nromlaououa atle-ndanca of " . '0Mng ch children at moving-picture shows twnty.firat Sunday ache Kensington district com school district the -connected with the nday School As- sdclatlon. Twenty-tine Sunday schpqls, connected with churohea of all Protestant ile'lpm Inatlpna In the dlalrlct. have engaged In a campaign to Increaia their enrollment 10 'per cent. Tliajr had no sooner .uri.a tin, leaders declare, than they . . ..... ...I.a.anl.a'1 l.vltV ')1 th enforcement of Ilia sabbai nd th neglect of movlng-plolu nrletoru to enforce the law wh ran ud HEsinst iwu unpi.'- .--,. OSUMSVII .. re pro. prletoru to enforce the law wnion re fuse HilmHiapre tp their theatres In the evening of yppnf clilMrun who- are not nej-nmiianiea tiv aouilSa LITha district Is bounded by Kenslng- PT ...... T ahl.h aV.. lorr fvenue, i.umi "". -nut and the rieiawara nivar. Jamaa A. WaUon present pf the 'fwenty'driit Dlstrtpt. who I super tntendant ot the Twelfth United Praaby tarlan Sunday School, has sought the as slstance ot lh Il?v Ur. Thomaa T Mutchlar. scrttiry of ihe Philadelphia Babbath A'sodatlon. to degl with the infraction of the 8Wli )iW9, TJi mvtn(f'ptcturo spp'w flimeuliy will b taken up with the police- Claranc thr. uprlntntlent of the Mlegheli) Avenue Baplt Sunday (lrbpl. whelaeergUry of the-Twenty. EVENING PUBLIC ; - - y r 7. : v, Vate Z Pennsylvania have the lament nouula- lions, and thercfoie have the gieatest number of lives to save. New York State heads the entile list, with an assignment of 8435 children tinder five years of age to be saved, and Pcnnsyl vanla follows a close second, with 831s. Second and a seemingly larger prob lepi special ptecautions are to be taken for the protection of the health and wel fare, of the 20,000,000 children from five to fifteen yearB of age. Health and conditions of hygiene shuuld be Im proved among school children, and these children should be protected from un necessary privations, from exploitation and the various danger Incident tu con ditions of war. All these are the children, who. twenty years from now, will be carrying out the after-war teconstructlon In Indus try. In social life, in government, In In ternational affalis. They must he strong and well prepared for their tasks. Kvery mother and father and every mother's son and daughter from the grammar grades up, Is going to be en couraged and Inspired to study the fccl ence and lore of the nursery. It will soon be a disgrace for any grown per son to be unfamiliar with the funda mental principles and practices of child welfare In the home and In the com munity. tin Inter rirthieti ai-rouut will be sUen nf how tho Children's llurenu U n(roniitllnhliiE thete reiulu and what this rouimiinltr ran ilu to help,) (CONTINLTKD AVKDNKSDAY) H Kl IK S A V If HI 1111) nu. tt i OIUIJ UIIUUUSUIUUSIY Kaiser could make her understand the hus band also would be changed. 'You are trylpg your best to kill my boy,' 1 said to her. 'I'm sure you haven't realized that this Is the effect of what you and your husband are doing, but It Is the effect just the same, and you must un dei stand What It means. If my hoy must be killed I want the enemy only to bear the burden of responsibility for his death. I want to know that be died for Ills country, truly. I don't want my own neighbors, the people wpo pre tend to be my friends, to help kill him. I am glad and proud for him to fight for humanity, but I am not willing for him to suffer and sacrifice In order that gluttons Inay be gratified and greedy misers increase their gaintf. 1 think you will change your way when you undeistand that your conduct .may Sacrifice my hoy. whom you have known a his life ever since he was a baby with curly hair, toddling-around and try ing to learn to walk I don't think you want tn Jain the Hermans In fighting him. And you've got to change, now that you do understand, now that I've told you. what It means." "And she did change. She was In tears before I finished. 1 am afraid I wounded her very deeply, but It had to be done. She Is conserving food now no one In the county Is more ardent than she, and her husband Is going to put In some fowl and fe'ed crops and pot plant all his laud Iu cotton. I don't know what I would have done If they hadn't changed," she admitted with u little smile, "but I'm sure there is some way, and I would have found It and I would have dope whatever was necessary to do." "You liaya doiif the thing that Is stronger than toe liovernmini neeause.mr. .-aiiouai itparo It la the Government, becauae It makes the Government.'' said Mr. Ouelfy. "You have created public sentiment. If In every community In thla country there ta created a sentiment of acorn and cnbteinpt for those who do not now sus tain our country, there will De very tew offenders, for to be depel by one neighbors would mans lira unoenrame. When we have everywhere a puhlo sen timent such aa you hava helped make here, so the. food slacker, either In pro. ductlon or conservation, will h loathed and looked down upon, the thoughtless and the seinan win periorm meir run duty." aiiiiiiitiiiimiit.iiiiiiimnifl.fiiTiiTnifiliM Jr . J VL Meeting place HHtt of Representative gliJCr American Men and slJgiOM JCP j Women fiom every ffS, 1 state ixi, the Union piM. . jrit m THwikj! al $& fflHB' TvBPaERlHILADEWnrA, MONDAY, STUDIO TO SCREEN AND IN BETWEEN EngtW Week Novelties in the Locnl Photoplay Therttrea ity the I'holoplny Ivlitor Tljls Is anniversary wcek,at the Ka,lr mount Theatre. Among the new fee." tures to be Introduced Into tho houso service Is the uso of Kdlsou Mar.da lamps In place of carbons In, the pro .lectins machlno and an nutomatlc change-making machine. Thin la a J. I Krcd Zimmerman tuentre. ' Maclerllnck's "Tho nine Tllrd." which l.i to he at the Stanley alt this week. Is the most artistic proiUictlc.il ever made. 1 11 wilt remain as a screen claselc. j ".My Klrst Jury." which Is the third I episode of tho serlcB of 'The Hon of Democracy, will bo the added feature at the nidge Avenue Theatre today. The (lieat Northern has been taken oer by Mr. Al Boyd, who Is nlso.thc owner of the Arcadia and Family The aties Mr. Madden has been asulgnrd us i manager. Messrs Fairbanks. Hart and flay arc the featured stars this week at the Ulueblrd In novel attractions. The Strand will have the mole ver sion of "t.a Tosca." with Pauline Fred erlck, the first half of the week. j "TJm lllrth nf a Nation" Ih the 'big I attraction for tho"flist two days of this I week at the .Model. Kvu Tunguay. as "The Wild tllii," will he shown upon the Mireeii of the Imperial on Thursday. Cine of the. strongest plays of Italian life Is shown In "One Mole American." which stars (leorge Heban. It will be ' at the Park today. With double blllu at the Helmout. , 1 Kifty-alxth and Itlvnll Theatres, thai ie ' pations In that section of West Phlla- ' delphla have a vvlde choice In bargain movies. I The Kmpiess. In Manayunk. today of-I fers Harold l.ockwood In "Uroadway , ...." a lively Metro comedy. ! Kdlth Storey Is to he stalled on t-esday at the Leader In "The Claim." i which Usald to have but one woman J In tlia caat ' The Family will have first showings everv dav this week nf tai-leil IhiiiiiIh. ! -nil. World For Kal.." Im ,..Pioi!,sl. tlon ,.f J. Stuait Hlackton's novel and will be nt the Illalto Thuisday ' New iirk, April 1. The Fedesal Food Board has Issued n warning to the public "to be most careful in the future when eating bread, rolls, cakes and pastry, "because "Jagged bits of glass have been found In Hour, btead and hiead wrappers." 'Urn warning added that "complaints of this character have been sultlclently . frenuent to vvanaut the board In nub Lllshlng this wHipIng. inucli as it dls- , p,,, . ... ... . ... ., .,.,. . GROUND GLASS IN RRKAr. for an automatic fiom any of lie win- t thl,, extremity, use the spy's weap .... v,1J't'3i3 ' "Ulin ,"r "",,", ' st;irHi blankly at him from ,,. If the other man fought. It would WAKiNlNG OF FOOD BOARD the second tory. There was homing ,e different Tho desperate uauiie of ,iviiiiii,vt vi I ju ou.vivw inc. "m"(( ,, H.olc.,lng his toes ,, ,iCi taking was beginning tn colne .1.,,... i m,.,.t the. impact. Fortunately lo him. Two men, perhaps three or Malicious Persona Employed in It was not far. but he lost his balance , even four And yet he must win. He t, , - , i .. ' L...1 toiuiled bldewavs. catching himself , nitia-t. Slowly but suiely a plan was Ilakcnes 15 amed for Its I'rosenco. ?'" "I1 ..... ..l.i !,.. Here aualu the i foi ining and he made un lis m nil to Will Seek I iiw wind raved him from discovery, but . ,mt It Into practice. Will bleu Law !'. "A1...:.. i.VJ ..ulln and kept a look on snt tired et?" he asked . nr- en ...n .. , ..l.ll IlkMB III I,,. I, II, II, III. IIMKIIIMM a.r Cn... .,,.. after It has been cut and made icady for the table, says the warning "Where bread Is baked In the home, the flour should be thoioughly sifted for" foielgn substances. Owneis of bakeries and those handling Hours and substitutes used III baking are asked to have rigid i .i ...... . Asserting that It has a headv laUn steps to piotect the public, the board ' HlinrilltiPPil lli.'tt Ifrf a-h( '. . to confer this week with lovornor Whit. mail to seak the passage of snepl.-.l !.... isiaiion. wiucn v moreadeiiuately. lalatlon. which will meet the al.ua ,Tn SCHOOLBOY FARMERS ' TO HAVE EQUIPMENT Adjutant General Deary Arranges for Unifornts, Tents and Other Paraphernalia for 1000 ... ... Tbioiigh the cn-operatlon of Adjutant General lleary. equipment for 1000 schoolboy farmers has been supplied for thla mimiher's work on farms thiough. opt the State. The otlints Include tenls. uniforms. cooking uteps Is and other parapher- nalla. It Is said that the State has Sdlifl khaki iinlfonns, 1000 sleeping tents, cook. tents, officers' meas.iems and other equipment or a type slightly ihsglete at the present stare of t lie fighting game. (This Is the equipment formerly used by Forty standard camns will be enulnned under plans now being developed by the Pennsylvania committee of public Mfety Kach camp will Include fifteen tents, each of them helpg seven.by-seven Wall lanls, housing two boys: the others will he leaders' teljta and mess-tents, Three military flare-lamPs and one cnpkstove will be furnished each outfit The State arsenal will furnish national (lags. Bova now enrolling under the boys' i working reserves will bo eligible for PUcrnient. All camps will be under V M, C A. supervision. Volunteers will be obliged to furnish i only shirts, hats and leggings. A khaki uniform and one pair of canvas working trousers will be furnished by the State, tD be lent for the period of work, ...... ... ..,, .... ... ...- kcittuii, nm.d iinlrklv lie ueei ru UC. -a... a -.- to alarm unduly our public." ' "f'the roof A light wa burning In the According to the board, no organized kitchen, but whether the loom Was oc attempt to work Injury by placing gloss eupled or not. he could not tei . i In bread has heen found, but such , H1 "'" '" r'k a, 1V',n. hv i vverl a acts ore attributed to malicious person" I V,,,i,ft ',urLfSUSSHlJ reach he fuel engaged In the bakeries and facto.le, x'', H ''sn.'.d '.lea"1 Vhe' kitchen door affected. n, a moment thev were on the ground "Housewives should examine bread u.i movlmr aloiiK in the shelter of the mspecuon maqe neroui tnete commoill- . the goal or nis nopea. " ," '; ties lenve shipping looms In bulk or. "as .ut behind bin.. I had ''".Ider inanuigciureq lorm. Where suspicion Is "',' '"?. " '" "' " t uBh as a pine ISSltoV"'"' t,,OU!" " ,l""'0Ugh '""- kno.0an.rm,.;ir survive8 t.r. oss' oV ligation , blood It was t.lndherg's ordeal with The Yellow Dove' &$&& . . ... 'y'Mf . Author ot'Th, naming Bwurd' iCodtHoM. tilt. D. Appttten Ot.i Window, and llaimiieraley knew enough of (he (lermnn c.haracter l he eure that iiie Soulier pfioiv would mil lenve that side of the bouse. As he slid carefully down the roof tinon lhr nlher Hide, hi- the soldier I saw that thoic were two dormers, ami lor a moment could not think which ' them let Into the room In which, lorls wna hniirlsdneil Id .fHih-d the ledae and tiAUted. The nbuttir nf Iwitli win- iriows hhits closed. l.indbetK had told Jlllpi tins, but hi' Mime mlliUy, to him fcelf because bo l.af r't tmlil closer at- lentioii of the roilers Instruct Ions, for while ope of tlm mom was Doris's, the other be knew was to bu occuplfd by .lohn Itlsx'o. It was while he lie. luted that he heard a MhUper at bis lull, and ciatvllng aloriK I If ledge. In a moment had tiwhrd the window "Is It you. fvrll?" In- beard "Yes" he whlspend "Let me In." Utidbcrg had oppiied the shutter In the afternoon, hut II uas still sltthbnru. and when I'ytll pul his stretiKth to Doris's. It cicakcil abominably. It as not really a loud nnl hut o the sen sitive ears of the fualtHes II seemed las If discovery must ho Inevitable Ai latt I hey managed to open It wide eunuch to admit i'vrli im Ircn and his body speedlh loilow-d Insld ttic room they stood, ih'lr tunt-i chisp'd. I fearful of discovery listcn'ng fi't sounds .without or within which woull tell (hem I of the nppioiirh i. the drruddl We'd ; Nothing but the sighing nt Ilu wind In i tho tret-top" and the palter of tho rnln. As hope returned. Ilammiraley ipies . tinned tpilckly "You are i.-adv 'o pn-"' "Yi-s," she ippliril cag rlv . "The sheets'.'" "Here. I have p-;i.ird." It was dark and hi could lint ;'OI lichen i oof" v'u It lu Invt bnlow. 1 could see .. ' .' ..".. . .i... .ii.iiiu this "I' ' "r V.' " """- - ' e i-aught her In hla aims and their n,,s met. "I will ko 111 st Ilun v. hen the ten- slon relaxes, you tollow " She pressed his rund a He 1 "' "'? -; , " (, JJ $$7 A " be wawd hli hand and slowly weni ( Wed-(down. He knew that t'.i- anK'c "' "" building inula h . ..mi lioi'i '."""'.i Wh. m., lie 0I, I ; ,' ri,i,n Kt" 'idi er'buigled In sp-.ce IU- looked be- low him. but In the d.i.l.iiiss the ills- to nee was uncertain Had Lliniueik inlki-.iti'iiluted? tir had Imrls used loo much of the sheet nt the. upper end lauds He let iiimseii miwi mi i i II his. ft ,T0l,mn.!.,l, V,- tol-s n touched nothing, and still nwaed and spun In the air Ike an apple on a the corner of the garnen, vvalch UK for Doris. fearless. She came, at once, slowly but fearless- Iv and In a moment he had her safely u III" arms, drawing her back near fie bulk .If the building tn crouch and wall and listen again. They did , not dure to sneak, but iiuiiiin: ". "."" was singing madly with Pope If the) had not been uiscim-iru now. the time would hniii-es wero uiai ruiuv elaW, enough at least rt" of their IUKlllves IV ,rl " . r."""'. ' i.-i I'l-rmn-i-s w-urneil Hut the dauicllng beet llaniinerslpy that they must hedge toward the hangar. iia larolrtv exulted was some- thing n have brought Purls away, hu nui "enled V.m Stioniberg. The bundled figure of Llndberg, lying up theie : bleed ing In the dark, shot a pa n through his heart, but In action, moving toward .boon ll was iiiiiiiikik p ;,"i iv. ui.n,niieii? that botheied him. When they reached the shelter II.. ii-..i,ila the leiisloil 1'elaXed "We're going to get off. Ih.iih." he .?' JooUJD- I know every stick of r.h.',e,,.S?r ?i,ll,f Mroli l.a" been . too much for you lluvv am you feel- ' nir.'" .Never better. she said bravely. "Which way now?' Haiumersley had paused a moment to slip on his shoes, and as he goc to his feet, . .. . ' "Follow me.'' he said. "If I go too fast for you. let me know." He cut Into the woods and pies enllv struck a path wli.ch led It, the left and for a while they followed this rapidly Thanks lo a r.ne plnMipie and a vigorous life out-of-doors, the girl was good condition and, though breathing hard upon the slopes, made no mumiur. Haiumerslev knew that he had little ,(, ( ,,aie. and Doris followed blind- V asking m questions. She was aware fr. i,at C.vill had said In the after- .,,,.. that his objective In coming to ijennaiiy as now within readh. and she could onlv niitgi) of Its lm1otaIlCB to r-ngiatnl o inn uesperuie cuuiices ue IIIIIHKfH ..... .. .. . 11..., .-I 11,1.... .. II .1... -I.. I IHU Will rNC,c'.o,on,M,,c proteollon of the!i thil" c'vTil Te'tVw Vftil hSi Im'f !" tun,. ttV!ini jle? UuWrtt?, Schools K0p0t, With lSf 'KahlM he could for the momeiSt ills- I becti tricked Into betraying him. and ' "", j'j0,t,t.'.,'.n? "Interesting" StlldfcS Id regarll the danger of the guard, for hi, ?X.enVd nX.'she TV'Zy SliVhl'm , '' B ? WWrhS'wbrwtnVi;; I Comljftt "Spring FeYCr" ' otders had been tp watch hut one until ill end She owed him that ELH?. -'.PwS..1' f. ,o J, I i, .f? .V?.'"5 I "r SPP. ...... . ... ... ..... ....- ... II . .! ...111. I his hniid and found lli.ij It was ins- ..,- , ,j , w , ,v ynu , KtllnR to "K,om what .Urectron?" she H-ViTtTed ,r"' 'cno018' w,"c" "e designated "pqr teued to the bedP;.". How; Min 1 ad ,U sho said defiantly. , -There." ' and he p. tiled acrosa llie ,ast 'lne 'f M- alo vvII aid In managed In move the h-ay led across ,', ,,,,',,,1, then slopped and caught : Bv poiiueo across uie JhU J)rocelg f ,he mimafy llea can h !,m..l.!l.ri.-ve ., .me.i on fi." here It .l'01' ny the elbows, peering down Into --They'll be here in a moment. Listen biought home to the most patriotic pirt i... mi; .....-.,... .... , .-" ; r Vfni 1 kfl IIP I1S. Nlia lia.l lioard Ilic anlinH rr n inani n. i knot that she had made una m-i' ias- ,, 11,1,1ni ,,t ..... of., - , L-. ',.. V. , V r T.V. i t ubumh uuifH om ""'..," ?".. ,.,.' ... .! .ii.,. ! i est inoitieni oi "i mi. Sinn she obeyed wonderlns v- "Now . . ., "" "1 "".','. "'.:. .'... ,.;.,, It "Anil inlnc. lie-r v nice a ns were. u. .... rntit ,,. , , k uM ,;- , , : - 'i.:i " i.'imd .Hwii" ,.'" ...r :' ";." v rx,,a,v,ri. .. wik ?-'" skim j. he-jAiiurr .ors systism '' fk vssi: m;rt;!n!r-.no r'- " ,u xTn:' to distribute labor uirinir r, r 1 ll I iHiuivv rcu. n nu1 Iliraim i.iiv - -. -. , .,.,,. i ....lltur-ai Iwinjftip pump that is Jjty' ..H w to those who want A 'i'ikW&tmS s Kffi$iii&0E Crettfpd in mahotrany caK, !( fpJBU0ff2l' gun-metal, patent leatlier, WS L73B .aHTTiaaH.- KlflJ MUVBl TT11IIC UUCn BIIU SB ri 919-921 MARKET STREET 60th td Chestnnt SU. 274fi48 Germantown Are. 4028-30 I,Hcalr Ate. Sj04.0q Gemantown Ave. BrancK fr( Opfn ffrerv Evtfiqt A?RIL 1, 1018 MS." "Ulilcap Aflhr a while, when thov had been imivlnc fur peihans twenty minutes. ll... MA. . U-.I ,, n,unt ll. 111. tfam ': a trees i'8-.?! i '., ' where she could see gray patches sir throuaii the branches overhead, i int. ivni'.vo ..,, irfmiiiii . mi tiinn iter rect emerging rroni tnj ury leaves ,..,,, m .., n ......v, . ..,...... -imp ,-cuonuorr riwo. ne mm. vc n follow It ship by slue. Are you tired?" "No." Thev went cm miir inpldls. while tlsnimerstey piplalned: "The documents I came to UfTinnn) foe nro to bo brought long this load tonight In an aiilnniohlle. The hour they me due to reach Ulaufelden Is pIpvmi. and If I know anything of Ibe infallibility of the Herman secret mos seiiKer. they will be here on time. It Is now aftfr ten. 1 have an hour or le.ia to make my preuHiatlnns." "Whut are jou going to do?" she (Vhed. "flet thorn. Klrst. I'm going lo take .v.tii tn a nmt where ymt will be as safe us If you were at home In Asb wcier Park. "Vi she said flmdy. "I'm going vvllii ou. "But that's Impossible. 1 don't know (his could have eiapied befoie tie tell- uhat may happen. My plans are of the mie rope of sberta should have been vaguest--" dlK-overed Already she was sure that "I will sharp them No. vim shan't YVeutx and bis men must be on the way refu!e mo I will follow you 1 can in tt machine or on horses, perhaps. help I must I would die In those which would cover the distance thfy had niidn Hlnne. Don't you 'inderstatid. traveled In less than a uuailer of the Hut If I fall and tbey take ) on. time. She thought that she heard the vi.ii will h.. as guilty as I. It's an acU,lUd of machine In the distance and of war. noils" , ,, Hi.- voices of men. She pleaded with him "Then all the more reason whv I tn sn no. Inn lu onlv smiip.1 :! iir. mould hi committed to It. They made war on inc. ... nut H'ere will be danger. " am li.ltllp He caught her baud In his ami they moved forward more quickly. Along Ibis p'ltb Death was riding toward them, but they stiode eagerly tn meet It, to defv It. to defeat It. Cyril planned rapidly, casting anxious glances along tho road behind them Kvery font they traveled took them further fiom pur suers. If pursuers there were. Kvery foot they traveled took them ncaier tho advancing messenger. So that the fart1Pl. tlcv ,vc,r,t the Io the while before thsy w weni uie lonKer wnuui oe eie overtaken. but the shorter the time for separa tion to stop the uutoiunhlle. ..Ic. icier was not In Hammei'sley's line. They passed many placea, ditllciilt spots In the road where the machine must al most stop and go Into low gear to climb declivities, places wheie project ing rocks jutted rough faces up lo the verv ruts of Hie load. It would not be dlfllcult to kill with an automatic at .1 dlstaiiie of two paces, but Hammers le.v could not play the. game Hun way. He was a spy. If the laws t war riled hlin so. but he would not. even No I could go on forever Then listen. Wo are healing the GERMAN MASS-MEETING IJERE HONORS BISMARCK'S MEMORY Thousands From Philadelphia and Vicinity Throng Opera House on Anniversary of Famous "Iron Chancellor's" Birthday Til P IIDUSANDS ot (iC'iinans of Philadcl - hla and nearby towns attended ... ......... . .,. II.U, 1,1. ....low iiit. luieoiaiioii ui in.- ". seir. All the roregolng look place Just anniversary nf 1'iince Blsmuick at the three years aijo and. to be exact, on Metropolitan Opera House. Tribute to I Tuesday. April C. IS13. the "Iron Chan the memory of the "Iron Chancellor r -thnr oMhUoc..r "Bteod was paid by pininliient suns and daugh- 18,5 Al)rll yuoyK )ay. ters of the Fatherland, ami there were j many speeches of praise for the man li.j-wxTpv.wxxTpnsj mnP iv ho welded together the different Teii-aIUJM JVi TftlUUISIiltts KUJLi tonto States Into the Herman empire of IN SEPARATE AUTOS today. one of tho features of the exercises was an allegorical tableau representing the net of federation. This was ar-1 ranged under the direction of J. Otto Schwelner, the well-known sculptor. The , program was opened with selections by a largo trained chorus, which rendered,1' among other iiuuibeis, the "Jubilee Ovclture," by Webei. j The P.ev. Dr. Julius Hofmapn, of Bal-1 tlmoie. spoke on "Hlsinarck From iiei llian-vil.ei leal. r-iunuvuii. ,i. Thomas C. Hill, of the I'liion Theolog- l riB- leal Seminar), discussed "Ulsmaicli .- . . e . i i ,,. ... ii Fiom ail American Point of lew. Wengerfs "Lvo of Home" was ren- dered by a male chorus of the I'nited Singers of Philadelphia. I'rotessor rcu gcue Kuelinemann. of the t'nlverslty of Breslau, (leiniany, then discussed "Ills-, marck From the Standpoint of a Her man." Dr. C. J. Hevamer, president oT the Herman Soclet) of Philadelphia, made the opening address If your Americanism has been aroused Crt?atr4 in mahotrany caK, gun-metal, patent leatlier, gray buck, white buck and white Vid; tarn sole and fpll Unis XV heel. Vorel fifrf atnri Open BHuriav gvf. 55SUrSar: T, TiPTER UOUQAyim ...SA mm? &lA'Mb . dad ov hv (nmlMW& .in1 th.'sap? ; arc piSKs.. a- less I'do hapnens to hunt for us them." nar ' .n .. ,,i,t.t- ii.i,si. i,r int.tru u..mii ,.. i... i,,,fii,'. v. au in, ni..i. ,i m. 'V 'C ' ' '. " " ." "I. .. . iu le liursvuiB. tin us ui-j- ni'iitr inc 11(,( f.jr rdcweil dovni Io : wnlk again. ' "M the ftot of the glm th ' a dry bed of a stream full nf.rocl-s There -, , ,,,. a bl.ldKC ur0i ,lut ,t wa vvashtd away its an awKvvam spot , even for n good m-itor. I in going le, mau I it worse." I He left her. ilash'lnc on ahead, while sue foiiowiKi. ami vvnen sne renepeu ine stiesin she saw hint drugging one of the bridge timbers across the road She vvanltd to help, but he told her In vvalch. until ne got niininer ami men nnniner timber into p are And In another mo- mem It was evident Hint he barricade was formidable enough to deler any ma- chine from ciosslng. And theie was no way to gn around, for upon one side ioe the irags and upon the other the gully fell away Into a dark pit filled with rocks and tangled branches. Theie was nothing for It now hut to wall And yet it seemed a despeiatc thing to do. wear and mown as Doris w-ns. it would liuvu seemed better to have gmiH on and on-anything to put ills- lanc between ()iil and the death that surely awaited them back there. It seamed Impossible that so long a time as "You must do what 1 say. Doris," he said, and then paused listening. "They're coming." he whispered. follow the lino of the rocks Into the hllali.a l.'ll-lf tat. tt ..... 41. a .-A...1 among' the s'lirubber), you'll find' n cleft Country Is Split Into Thirteen, Pis lu Hie rocks. Climb It and ou'll conic, tnVts in Knrilitntn Fnnnllintlnn out here." and he pointed upward Just ' lncW ,Q l ac"ltnl0 &qiWUU10Il nbove the mad "Watt for me there. I'll i by Transfer coinu In a inoiuen' " And as she hesitated, he caught her i v.l,l.,rl..n Amil 1 Theennntn-v has by the elbows and shoved her alopg the I Mash ng.,.n. ApHl l. I petoftnUiy lm ledge backward- "Ho! Do you hear? I heen lntlvlded Into thirteen tmptojipetd I ll navn no refusal. There was not rtenvlmt the accent ot command tn his voice oc the quick Hash of bis e.ve Never until Von Stromberg had badgered her today had a man spoken to her In this tone before. Hut she loved him for It. rejoiced In hla . la.Al.n4t, Ilia .al IH llllFA lllotlll rt f .. A... strength the primitive Instinct of worn an to obey. When she had gone. Haiumersley quickly crossed the stream and took a position behind a thick bush, listening to the exuausi or tne atminachlnu machine hut listening and looking, too. In the opposite direction for sounds of his nuisuers. A searchlight mime Inn tastlo shapes among the leaves and long shadows suddenly shot out along the road. (CONTINLKP TOMOUltOW) Caleb F. Fox Improved Caleb F. Fox, Jr., prominent In so ciety and n member of University nf Pennsylvania Base Hospital No. 10, wlpi was Injured In an automobile accident on the Northeast boulevard, was re potted Improved today. Iby the fact thai such a celebration In L"?' ' " K00 " h ' '" ''r ? "'.'"'" '""'"- ...-."a JP. WI". JUU.- Both Expert Drivers, Negotiate Iloui;h Western Roads to Home Town in Different Cars Wrnsttiiee, IVnili,. April 1. Kach In his or l.er own automobile, Hubert J,. Collins, of Spokane, and his bride, for, meiiy Miss Fannie Davis Kerns, of Wenatcliee. went from this city on their honeynuHiii trip lo Spokane, where they j ,,111 live. Kach has a reputation as an expert driver. It was rough going, for ... , .... ... ..., j.i , ,..',. r:" . .,.,., ..... ".' 7..... II. .I little trit ai if nr iiiixiiti,! n iivii 1 iilllii) a. thins like that """ "KP """ . - April Records OUT TODAY at HEPPE'S Www The new list of Records is exceptionally fine. It inclucjea Records iy John McCormack, Galli-Curci, the Boston Sym phony Orchestra, and other great artists. Come to Heppe'i to hear these Records. Call, phone or write for catalogs and full particulars of the Heppe Rental-Payment Plan if you do not have n Victrola. Heppe War -Time Outfit VICTROLA 1V.A Record, your eelcctton. $20.00 ..,,, 3.09 Total cot $23.00 fey tl dawn, 12-30 monthly. VICTROLA VI-A ... . Record, your selection. ..$30.00 . . 3.T Totsl cot 33.7S Pay $4 pwn. V monthly. VICTROLA Vlll-A ,$4.5.00 Records your ,, lection 4.00 Total cot , . . $49.00 Pay 14 down, $).J0 piontjvly. VICTRQI-A IX.A tI7.S0 Records your eilectlon ,, B.00 Totsl co.t S$2.SQ Pay $ down, $4 monthly. Call, phone or wriit fpr yllmtT(i((4 cutahgs n4 ardtalr if tht Heppe Jiental'Vayiiitnt Plqn, u '' C; J. HEPPE W$0H. lirMUt Ckwjt St. ..' .01 A I" $ rA.ia,f ltfli, omm.lff v m aw,vw Today end the qtieVYri; iatfr T".4 oaiion of more ilun ?oo,pjo piilWre The pupils of the Philadelphia. 1)U schools returned this imifnlBg to lM "grind" after the Kaster hoHtJfya, . The boys have reurrec,Je.d their l'ts, halls and glove, and the girls are tatsy with spring hnUsfcleJPlpg- r?pflp( h ' .,.rll-,, i,., ...iiv. ie ti.r ivhooli ht't j 'r,'t "anc wnn love l(-r penoota, nil .lonuny ami aiary mpsv return in nn , 1S t cirooinooa. tine consolation lefl them, according- ' , ll(ncials or the Hoard Of Kducallon, I .... ., . , ., I Is the fact that studies are not as dull HH lhf... were in the time t.f their an . ... J. L , eestors. The new history cpurs. whteh, i K calculated to maintain the Interest M , .... ... , , , . ,. . f the atutjent from the beginning to the , en,. tn wll as th nw clylc courri i . .,....,., ... ,,, i.v ..,,.i,..j and the Improvement on the old method nf teaching the Rnglish language also , ,,,., ,, ..,., .,. !,. n.r,..ji- I w'" '"'ll ,n dlapel ome of the pef)adng I gloom accompanying the return if the j Juvenile Phitadeiphlan to the steady . lound of dally education, I Lessons In the working of war ggr-i ! .,,, rarefullv ilranared hv StlM fsio ''f .' ?' "l', , , r,,?p,1it in ill Jt?, Mll,'p- an1 'wtructlan In the art of n''"ln? a.r Kegnttd to act n r Part of the medicine for Hie snrlne I fever prevalent now among our future citizens. Sunerintendent Harber's nro. ... .t i..r.in1- n, .tr.n,-J.: I ,i.trptt t fsniiiite the transfer Df labor of nil kinds fniln districts 'wher a surplus obtain to those where . shortago exists nag announced by lh fulled Slatfg I-Jinplo) meat Service. Jtp- I mogenelty of Industi lea apd employment 1 .. .... 1 . . ' Problems governed the division. Th? districts apd Slatea Included Itl them follow: No. 1 Maine. New llainnahlre. Ver 1 mi. .it Mns.flt'hlisptt and Ithndn t.la.irl No. 2 New York. Connecticut and No. 3 Pennsylvania and Delaware No. Ohio and West Virginia. No. Ii Maryland. Vlrglnlu, North. Carolina and South Carolina. No. fi Georgia. Florida. Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana No. 7 Indiana, Illinois. Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa No. 8 Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri and Arkansas. No. 11 Minnesota. North Dakota. South Dakota and Montana i N. 10 Nebraska, Kanea, OklahQnu, Colorqdn and Wyinlng. No, 11 Texas and New Mexico. No. IB Aiiaiona. Utah, Nevada and California. No. 13 Washington, Oregon and Idaho. There will be a superintendent at the head of each .district. Five already ap pointed ae ftVi follows: No. 1, It. A, Stevens, Boston; No. fi, Kalph Izard, lllchmond. Va. ; No f, V. L. 1'ientls. Chicago; No. J3. William T- Boype, San Francisco; No. 13, Harry White, Seattle, Wash. Kach of the superintendents Is em ployment director in hi own Stat. MARYLAND INDUSTRIES WILL HELP FARMERS Employes Experienced in Tilling; Soil to Be Loaned for Tht . Work lnertii,vn, Jli)., April I Waahtpf ton County's farm labor problem w'U very probably he solved satisfactorily as the result of a conference between farmers and business men. at which methods for co-operation were consld i.'i'r.t', . la planned to list all tha elrt- lllo,es III factories and other hoslness establishments who have had experience on the farm and release them during Ihe rush season on the farms.. One big con cem has fifty men so enrolled on aa emergency list -who may be at the serv ice of farmers on demand, and numsr ous factory operators expressed tfill Ingness to shut down for a few days or to run with reduced forces. The. iiagerstown and Frederlca Hallway Company will suspend all track woifc when the farmers need extra hands. It Is believed the. plan will afford the farmers efflclent help, as mapy of the Itllltltltriul IVni'L-.l'. nf thb M.n.M.mlla, '..-.-'--,. ...-.. w., t.ii, a,ui,lllUI.I.,j hae the necessary experience Ip tilling 1 the soil and harvesting the crops. V1CTROI.A X-A ,, HS-M Recorde your lection.,,.,,. 8.M , e .'.- Total coit , ,M.t Pay IS down, 1 monthly. VICTROUA XI-A ,..tII0.e Record! your ifltctlon. ... ., $.,. ' " ii. ' i ' ' . Totsl co.t $111.(9 Pay IH down, IV monthly. VICTROLA XIV tm Rtcordt yoMf eltctls-p. .,.., HJ' ,a I Total spet IT5,0 rr "own. monniy. VICTROLA XVI mM Records vour aeletlui fct.MI Toul co.t . .-. . . 4. .aMNf. Pay $10 dw. I0 mpptltly. 0 rr&m k fc A .w9n r-i HI Hew,, r.tlMsw! mt 1 ttt .. " d. a), .iWa, rtiliM iVtot, hi M.prm4'.5wUli Mr W tJ.y i A fj l' CDIVJWVfr l.lll.'