Euentng public Wzbapx fife Wt VT1IPR PrX(i;iiilj f.ocul Halih '. JUCSrltt) kavi'ri: at KArii hour S . TF.I On ion I 641 MJCl 1 62 03 . VOL. 1V.I-N0. 170 PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1918 CoMnioiiT, JB1I, t rn Niaie Umu ftft sY&atirflHa !1 p ' " l WL"1 ,f TlMIIaffrr JL .nnH ARGES STING 4 AYOR; HURRI! HOME I Confers With Wilson on Fodick Reppt POLITICS," SAYS VARE, CALLING I CITY CLEAN Jowntown Leader Says Complaints Are Designed to Embarrass Him AN I ELS MAY ACT Javy's Head Threatens Drastic Action Has Power to Make Whole City Dry Aroused by the charge thai Nice Jourlshes In Philadelphia, which la I branded aa the "vvcrst city In the United States" in n (report of Kay-' mond B. Kofcdlck, clalrmin of the committee on tralnllR camp ftctivl- I'S of the Navy Dec'irtment. Mnyor Inlth hurried homeAfiom Atlantic Bk? TOM j luua j ,. He Immediately summoned Director filson, of the Department of Public rfety, and Detective 8udei of the lice squad," for a conference. There is a general stir of activity nt City lill and evidence that the Kosdlck rtrt. which was macleao Rccietaty the'W!rmi-Ayis. " Arm. I Becictan Daniels. accordl'c 10 n , ..... - relteiated nshinBton flispaicn, iou;iy J.i..h.IhhI nn trt mKR Phllaclct ,iia safe for bluejackets noLa.n5": has ample powei" upon I it . h lrtttt iatt Is expose of vice and llnu romu h.. v,n wilt not hesitate to titKB.9rn.s- iiAcci Tna I'liv iiuliiui ivtv -i -i h action. If necessary, lie iam ne hut ho i n make the vvnoie " j ',. . , h Klvfme It Is not. fts '" belle mIc win wrerB, resincieu iu i..v .. .(pointed out that If housenomers wan nn. uui can promon.-nic ---. ttuor for apv distance from ""' ' WQint h deems that need!"" '"coal, dealers' delivery tijsiems wui u' rarissSoissiuftsS";. ,.( LMrecTor wuron-niia sour' -1 1-s.iWka RsUct frhatvKctlo 1E,M Wrt ' kil . . . . a i in new oi ine rtp" " "'"' I points ror iinmeumw ucmt,, "- -icallv mSnmii n,!i refused even .i:..i.i.,-i lin nnd Mr. Lewis said l'ate what coursic would take Gl'l "- t KIUI IIUU"' "" " "'" loelng closely prSed for a Matt Ki Lftn.1 1 nni.r .iii. 1 iill mil jy.i. .".vliiK tliuUBh the newspapers IpiPJ .Jy'Jjvn'B attitude was just as hjnXh. Jb v? .itioncd concerning the i lisdlck .i-V-i 5jlve said: "When I have ."! .. ...l , niii .!,. n ' milium 1." iimv - "... , .- nr l"When will 'hat lit?" he waji ahked "When t have nn comment to make, hterated the Director. Senator Vaie said the Kosdlck state- ant was overdrawn lie assenea inai was put out at this time for the In ience U vvould have on the coming ( ImarV election ami rccaiieu mai sim- T assertions were maoe dbioio me , it two primaries In FhllaUelphla. lie Id It the Navy Department 'has the ' oas on any ono ncre 11 pnuum wnp iv ., ..i.. j ...... .ii., .1..,1,.. Senator Vare said: The report made by Ilaymond B. ine unueu ovaii;a xisiicv miuinoji jsdlck. chairman of the Commission I Training Camp Activities, assisted 1 former Directors of Public SafetJ orge D. Porter nnd Itobcrt B. Drlppl, I m per cent untrue "There undoubtedly Is sim, vice In 1 Is big city of 2.000.0UO people, with recent additlop or mnny thousands - .-- - - -, and rallroad-owned , t,,B wna 8aeo u lrom ama8r 'new marines and sailors and a new O h ' 0Pt0 !? cheaoeMhan Aft,r the Bhoe 8tore ot Charl" F' rAilatlon ot more than 20.000 niechan-S'ff"."! "" the corner of Tennessee and 1 and workmen brought here by Hob land and other shipbuilding and .atrial plants. It Is natural that the Inrtitetrlal nnn .1 ttlmi ..mtlrt lirlni? r omen of questionable character, but r, Sn;i ne,n you consider the sudden change ; ai nas come tnis ciy is nroDauiy jne 1 .' . r . ..... .i. . anest In the country. ' I "The people living In this citv know dactly what Is colnc nn and hev liiovr this report, which Director Portei limits he helped to-ntake. Is unfounded lod untrue I have been looking for lich a report You will remember that similar report wan sent out last Vu- lust Just before tho primary election similar act was perpetrated before fit primary before that. We nave n- ther primary next, month i"If Mr Fosdlck's report Is true tonUnuKi un Pa.e Five, column Two I'OSTOFFICE AT QUEBEC MENACED By RIOTERSi holdiers Dominate City to Curb Draft Opponents and Martial Law Threatened ., . . , v , ,!.. .r.; .needing work on cargo' and tuebfr. April i4 Quebec was doml- dr are speeding work on cargo ana ited by soldiers today and machine-' transport bottoms that more thousands m emplacements had been built on 0f Mldlers-and supplies to maintain la I ii it fountain Hill, following "f'" " BvtH hv . nU-poiucrfptlpn floteru to etonn th , - ii(W (". vavviiV- uis '.lnteau Fontenac was located The diaft opponents have sained ixm 111 fn WMdr) thA limlnMnii (Hull csslon of some firearms' bvi hre,L,nc nto hardware stores. Captur qr flie- jaif -ndU"oCn0emm.he ST-triMl.. tiens oi soiaiers nave pecn Injured it was reported today that aWoinl.e ( neen made the crowds thanfoutslde ona. woum not ue used in Quebec ne's.'"..r"ni".".".,,"." "KeffE r oiu mese tilings were miletlng ie, tfnu. iimriiHi taw ta cxiiecteu lodav If the rinllnir ranllniu. ' i i-Qfie Tax Expert Aids 'ublic at Ledger Central ol the corpi of expert ad from tli? office of the Col lot Internal IteveniiO will sU idger Central, nroafl onh kit utreeta, betwn S o'clock lernoon and a p'clock lot It I? rijl answer questions ..t..- ..... .. ... t I I II? rfxTTcUv II Mil ff Her reik , , I Lc Zsjj I 1 J.CHMlWiV'J "i" sTttnit h.ca9oiJ Loj i ir yssp ; yCTay V CjStij'l.lLrA, 1- , yfKaSrE5l IILjlIL , 7 iiriiL (fgtL SCENE OP SHORE FIRE The black section, marked X, shows xfhere flames today swept the important business block 1n Atlantic City from New York to Tennessee Avenue on the south side of Atlantic avenue. The destroyed area is directly -opposite the Pennsylvania Rnil road station and diagonally across the street from the City , i Hall.' COAL SITUATION UP TO CONSUMER Buy at Once or Face Short age Next Winter, Lewis Warns SUPPLY NOW PLENTIFUL A warning that Philadelphia faces a possible coal shortage next winter un Ifss householders nlare their winter orders within the next fifteen dajs-was sounded today by Francis A. Lewis, chairman of the Philadelphia coal tonf mltteee Colncldentally u ltd Mr. bcwls caution, a drop of thirty cents a ton to the consumer on anthracite became ei fectixe In Philadelphia .. . .. . 0. ... .ii. ..ii... "J April in hub ciij hiiuiiiiuiu wm H..H,rf ... ,,...iu said The cstl- mate will he baaed lately upon the or- dp,'!' recehe,, b5' lnt 1,nle " was ,., , .. , ( M unin iau- " v" u,,....t. ". . ;" "r n- Me x cr:,for ai; cfu m i - ..... - consigned hero will be dUerted to-other , 1.. tl.l a tnmk inlirh nf tllR COal tlat 01Ke- the coat leaves here It will be imnOSIDI? IU llinC u(i n- ....-.. "ti,0 eoal situation in j'nnaueipiuu ...i .i H,tnl.K 1. otitlrelv lin to tne mntmmer." Mr. Lewis said. "Coal Is now comlnK Into Philadelphia In large iiuan titip The logical place to stori It is jn tj. cellars of the homes, as no cnl '.' V" TV" ." "iii.i. .,,1. in store neater hhh. iutiuv,i:e ....v.,--"' - - enough coal to supply his trade during the entire- winter." Mr, Lewis pointed out that un Isr the card ordering arrangement, tho house, holder la not compelled to take all the coal now. It can bo ordered and the dates specified when deliveries and aj ment arP iD i,e made. He summed up ,i, ,.i,ole situation in tnis epigram:) - Those unwilling to taKe coal wncn "ie , ., 1, ...111 no, be able to get it when 1 .. iiiinir 0 lake It," ' . . ,." nrr r..,i.ui,,i: Prices of tne various sues o, w- cite which become effective today are as ..... .i. follow a: Pea coal. J7.50 to J8.3S a ton. vi -oai to I9.7B a ton. I ' jMc coal. $8.75 to D,50 a ton. . Kgg real, JS.60 to f'Jit a ton. ., . ., ,. j. , .u- di. . ' "TlnT,,owe,l tha smaller operators ln" ' . " '"' r, " i, . ,., 1 In-18"""" ""J-'i,; 1. j, ' ?,""''"'" , '" i . . ....i .. - j -. i 'J "J ,.n.. ,,. ' '" "r" ';' "T" A ,m." ,' " ", , "", --f"t touseholderstoputmnext t! iTlr-, lunnlv during the summer. Only u intar a snnniv ntirinir inn auiiiinci. iiiiv k inter a nuiiiiiy uuiiuk iu p 1 -..,-. .- j. . i.. h.j ?":i"7J,..: .., V , "Vh.; "v.". i I .. ,... . --. - . then a sumclent supply tne auaiitoiai one-third will be delivered j SHIP MEN SPEEDING WORK ON TRANSPORTS- Qerman Threat on West Front ' Gives Great Impetus to Construction Watl'lnttnn, April 1. jspuireu oy tne u.rmi uirni un " , west front. America's shipbuilder to-1 ripuired by the German threat on the llfttiJ lllfty UC ruenru m riaiivr i 1- - ...UJ t . T.nA . lMWion to llj carco esela under! - " -- -'I- I . . construction now, sevent-five combined ...j . ... wi.n. .. cao anu i.ii' ..v- "" ""- tushed to completion, the shipping board "" ,oday TheM W,U Pr0dUCe jio.OOO.tons it is siaiea r .....,iv it , announced that oiniu-jf"- - ....- .- - co-operallon between in snipping ooaru and ralHoad administration has broken h. blr Ireigm jam, ine bmiiuiot ui sh OS .. a-., ltime auuolles are awaiting vessels. The " m t.t.le tlon Is shown In the follow f arrivals and departures of veisalsdulng the last four months I ive Jn l'tb, It arrh I Arrival Ml Jl B7 " no is m ins jpariur" Th g board today announced l that ' jbeen building program nas feJ 2 200.000 deadweight itona Bill w total n I atQ now FjiiurnutTP l,V..elii Of tn C 1 ,i.ii. Mitatem.! VsTiy S-I'S.OOO Ions tjlatrd-rer IF... ..h It t - Have oeen itpiainen nlni. FLAMES DESTROY SEVEN BUILDINGS IN ATLANTIC CITY '$500,000 Blaze Sweeps Half Block of Shore Resort's Heart SEEN BY EASTER CROWD Philadelphia Firemen, on Spe cial Train, Turn Back When Told Aid Is Not Needed Atlantic City, April 1 Half a block on Atlantic avenue, in the heart of , the business section here, was destroyed by fire which raged for more than five hours. When the blaze was finally subdued at 7 o'clock, seven buildings hud been destroved ami .evornl othor were, heavilv damatrcd. The loss is about! ?500,000. I Fanned by high winds, the flames , swept from one building to another, and officials here, believing it would j spread to the hotel district, appealed to nearby cities nnd to Philadelphia for aid. Rattnlion Chief Lcithcad nnd four engine companies set out from Philadelphia on a special train. At Hammonton orders were received that their services would not be re quired nnd they returned to their stations. The fire started about 2:30 this morning, in the store of the Oliver H. Guttridge Compnny, 1326 Atlan tic avenue, and, fanned by a higheral Pershing's confidence in offering It I .:j u- a i ..t.t.i -J I bodily to Ceneral Toch .,.u, w.c .iu !... Mu..,, u.,u were ucyonu cunirui uunuai uciuic the Atlantic City department ar rived. The, block on Atlantic avenue, from South Carolinn avenue to Ten nessee avenue, directly opposite the City Hall, was apparently' doomed, and the flames were eating their way toward the hotel district under the impetus of a twenty-five-mile, breeze. The nninf and nnner atork nf the'"" " ria.v nr ne" "OP" for l""OcratS Guttridge concern was quickly con sumed, and the fire next attacked me Atiarew Jacooy cigar iaory ,. ,, , . .. and store at 1324, and the Kirk & Jqhnson Co.piana.dcalers,.nU1322.rhy their families .and wo are now ready ' ! to lay down their lives In the greatest Mllltln I' Cnlled Vor The wind then swung from the south M, CHI IU II1C FUUM1 11U 1115 I1U1IIC3 Ulintn ed the buildings on the other side of the Outterldge store. Within a few moments the Vienna delicatessen store at 128 At lantic avenue, was badly damaged. lniteen minuiep later tne nre nao ,.., spread to the Bell Riddle Company of. flee building at 1334 Atlantic avenue, burning the Intervening stores of Hill & Farrell, haberdashers, and the build ing occupied by tho Western Union Telegraph Company, which was dam- agt(t to lite extent The Hell-moaie oy tne Atlantic iity Company, which su 000. Numerous lawyers tne upper iiuuib . ... . ... it..... i..... Among uivm uic Miaiiy huuiuii, 1 113 - City solicitor, and C U qoldenherg. City ' Uccorder I As the flames raged In the office .building and the shoe store or vv r Wall It was thought every moment they would leap across nn areaway In 1 iinq itr i i" winiiutiiwi ,,u,ci, n 1 frame building. Streams of water Ily! ? " .tttl .lhc dden shift In Atlantlcsavenuas, was damaged to the extent of U0.000. the wind again shifted to the southwest. The names swept across the burped buildings and again acrcss ine centered In the store of the Guttridge . .. ... .. .. Major Charles n white, Atlantic city Commissioner, who was at the. scene, a, nu mm tuinrf anirtAt r aiairra nn ail soon a the wind shifted telegraphed Governor Edge to send three troops of Contln'jeti en Pug? My, Column One HAYWOOD AND 113 I. W. W. GO ON TRIAL Accused of Anti-War Plot They Face Judge Landis in Chicago Cbiiaro, April 1 Tha stage Is s.t for the beginning . . ..torneyg ca tna ,.,. I ,0Jay of nnat a"rneyg can tne Diggesi tr,Bl '" criminal nistory or enner . . . It Is that ot William ' land or America n is mat oc wiiiiam rl Haywoo.1 and JJ3 of his J W, W touowers ociurc rur,., HUHr .r,,ciw M l-andln racrt is expeuieu to enter a i plea of not gullt The men are being tried for conspiracy under the espionage ad to hinder the United States war pro. The grtafer part of this and next week of J20.000 I spoke more than volumes declaration of the UKialnlan Uada, has battle lines ., building Is occupied, - - recognized that the following tlovern- ti,b rele- nolnis nut ihir in ,. i. .Though the Allies hnvr been com ffered a loss of I0.- "J"" n vwi wci Todolla. Kherson Taurlda (not includ- nveirun and the great numltet fir niti- . , , om' P0"1" of PMmary stra iryera with omces on' RE MANY AT HANCOCK inRin-"rnf.rvlev. rollava. Tchernl- oners and war malerltl .aiKijsi. I-VM " , """""?" .Ha lo,S B " Allied were heavy losers , gov. Hkaterlnoslav and Kharkov. To ni.i !- t, v...., ntiiir, .,. w i, nrmies are able to maneuver with the Is expected to b. consumed In the selec j Flight Officers Say -, he win seise tne opportunity to ante is rxueecu .w , j o T ' -home a strong war message to the na tion of a jurj. for which 100 veniremen , v Ar,rl, ,. A Curt 0ns battling In Biiropa have been ca ed The prpsecut on of , , , . . . i - K'd ., - th. comment an -- Zt KILLS N. Y. GAMBLER WHO nqrmou. sum. um nunoreu witnesses hhtt?.i7h of the defei.dants.have v '.V:,.i ,h. cnuntv tall since their iicri, ii.v ... . . . -. .-.-.. arrests nine months ago Tw. ..,,.. . . . . .h.I,.. ,.. ti.ll nn,f ,iun lln. . . v..i,..uu, , .7, i for trial ' BUHmt7ndt.ngr .Government are As-, vlitant Attorney General William C ' Pltter District Attorney diaries P dyne Special AsslaUnt Attorney Gen-1 era! Frank K. NebeVer or Utah, and ' Claude It, Porler United states district attorney ni , -, . 8HHr Anniversary Cae8 MiH . .1 : .. t... Mlio. I'. April J Thera su a lie (ori nf OP leriillfl at the i ta AMERICANSRUSH TO AID OF FRENCH IN GREAT DRIVE Brown - Topped Wagons and Camouflaged Guns Streaming Steadily Over Roadways MEN ARE ALL CONFIDENT President Moves to Hurry Transportation of Additional Forces From U. S. With the American Army in the Field, April 1. Ucnernl headquarters, as well nS iliniiA ntneAii 4n lltirta la f Via snotsjA, v.usv u. v v..v ..uv., w wu D,.v ui..T Kre""".fc " '" " " . r iL. u.i M:..U.. T 1- activity necessitated oy a ngnting 1.1- stcad of n nrmv- Thorc is no confusion despite the,om CIJI7i;iII Orro n d rapidity of the movement. Roads for DVLoill!. Villi Olilio U. O. miles in cvciy direction are choken to the utmost with every conccivnblc llNtLUIiNCL IN JAPAN traffic of war. j Solid miles of American fighters i nnd machinery arc coming from all directions to join other fighting forces bound on the same mission as those which have already passed. The brown-topped American wagons and camouflaged guns nnd caissons' are streaming steadily over all the I roads in this part of France. There Is a new snap and vim In the merlcan arm which Is proud of Oen- Th(j oIj aufslln cxprscd Is In the eonc whistled and sunc from the trans port wagon'. "Where Do We Oo Krom Here?1' So far as fighting aetlvltj Ii con cerned., the day paiscd quietly on the American sector There was onl the usual exchange1 of artillery fire On Kastei Pundaj. the dfty of resui- rcctlon. the thoughts of the men In the American army turned more than ever to the grim buslnes of killing llaster nnd the freedom of mankind ftellglnus jcrvlcei were held In the nrloui rest j .......... f.H .. u .. .,.., ..U.I. i. n.. ....... vmiiiio. .tiii ii in, ii tii .iri g 'i nivi'i . . of occupations a jear ago, surrounded battle of history, attended the service, It wan a wet Easter There was no fashionable parado here The entire front was mired Mud-caked couriers (dashed about on motorej cles, automo biles spiltcred mud en the men at tne roadsides, while doughbos plodded cheerfully through the mire. In an ancient church In a town chw to the lines American soldiers and , 5""g",.j: "7 il ,.1!""?.." .. " e Miur aiuir i" i mv imut cu ineir uiiius i and hissed the same crucifix. i- IL. II... !! . .. . una ui me puiius ihhi a oroincnx hand on" the shoulders of a douiehhos I nnrt ln.kPri him ullentlv in th mp Thr ---' " - " -.- s . nnn n 1.. : n.ii, ... , au,""" ennsytvanm ouimers rtiwnii church Services nt Southern rnmnPlvo Masse Held - ' - ( Htnp llanrntk, ucula, (in., April t Ten thousand soldiers at Camp Han- ' cock vesterdav morning attended I'-aster mass at the Knights of Columbus build ings. Five masses were held during the un. iir vinrri snnuen nut ,ne . nn.. . ue , cjeriiirtiiv. in ui'i'orinnco wiin tun ....... i..H.i... iMM .t.. , " ' -' '- . u..i..,i.i. m - -.. ." -" Iiuuu-Y. uicicuj miriiiiR i,r, n i.r i.ic in n rnnin n ri.i, nn Fire insurance r. CTITT? WfinCHIPPPO , ments coti'tliuie tne titiaine Volltynln nf successes caned, the lias- tr r. in ' " '" . ,n rcurt "n0 ln enemy has .v morning to eecomniodale the Immense V-.. mnntnlns tn fhlta thev ,,, ,. crowd of Haster worshipers In all '-IrBI mo,u . .;? y ?, nore soldiers attended mass jesterdaj ,lnc"' ll,at the rumors regarding in than at ar.v othe- time since the be- i extent nf tho arming of prisoners and the iFiiinlni- nf fnmn """" " -" ' . "' ' ining or Camp Hancock. Recimental chaplains also held snec.Int ervlceB esterday morning, and many of them administered the sacrament to hundreds of soldiers In attendance. In all. It Is estimated that fuv 20,000 Penns,anla soldiers attended church services yesterday morning at the camp - " BURKS READY FOR NEXT LOAX ' Bankers Named to Conduct Liberty Bond Campaign in Upper County Quakertonn, !.. April 1 The Lib- erty I.oan committee of rpper Bucks "'e' J'Jr Walter Drysciaie. American County has been appointed bv Chair-, m'Htary attache at PeUln. who had in- V a ,, , ,. . . . snected the prlsoneis along the Amur Vlllwnlii. VpH I man Jonas 8 Hurley, president of the R ftnJ the la,way rom Vladivostok I On the eve of the electku bf ntnN Quakertown Trust Company, and Is as to chta He found only B 8man num. states Senstor, which tatMi. i1ii lo follows' H C Detweller, aecretaiy and t,er of armed prisoners. I morrow, Wisconsin appeals calm v 11 treasurer, Quakertown Trust Companv : C C Harlng, president Quakertown N'a- nonai uank, jti n jteinnart. casnier, Quakertown National Bank; James H. he'iy. President. JMercnants .National Bank. Quakertown i S F Cresman ea.hler. Metehants N'atlonal rtank. Quakertown . Henry 0 Mo.ver, vml. Per)all,e v,tona Bank. W. K Terry, cshler. PeiKasle National Bank; r C D Fretr, president Sellervllle Nton,, .Bank , w F- ,., ca3her sU,m ,111. Ntl"J ;.B.a0nnkai Btnk ' Vin . n Ku)p caMler T,lfori, .Sa,ona Tlank. Lea S Clvmer calivllle .National Bank if Well. rih fer, rtelgelsvllle Xatlona Bank LIBERTY MOTOR A SUCCESS New Engine Acts I erfectly in test - cW(f flj,nB offlqfr. ,t ,.angejr YM. In WfM to Annails. Md .and back Major urown carrieu tnree pas- . sencere . ' Army tjiuwie r i,,c uii.mji mi,,, - ., ..,.1 .1 , ,.., Pe-fectl throughput the round trip and 'a"dJedret,m1Ven"utT'W,e " " t"8 were slv out- ...... . . Dog Attacks Man Jb-ntenng Home u.norrr. , J., son was attacked . ,.. Apr.. -George Jar, . ickert bv his own hull i or n xi. nil x.iiLciiiii; liuinc fibed In ; a wlndbw of his i home late at night having forgotten h' 'key, The. animal sank It teeth Into. hl net'k- as he vir climbing oyer the win. .k.n lie elfmheit In wlnriniv fir Ilia Idow lll, He coubi not ahake .he .animal i Uk uiiiu a Ife.i ivno ya awafcepeq the, 4i' " v" w,. tn jiij reseuef ami GREAT GUN DUEL RAGES IN ITALY; DRIVE EXPECTED British Shift Troops as Teuton Activity Heralds New Offensive lxnlnn, April 1. Ofllclnl leports' from Komo announce that along the entire Italian front there Is nn Inten sive artillery duel In progress and considerable activity by patrol parties. . Indications point to an early beginning: of n great Teuton offensive. The British troops holding the Mon-, tello sector on the tipper riavo In Italy hne been relieved, according to an ofTlclnl communication, nnd have taken a new sector on th'o Aslago plateau, to the northwest, near ... the the iicnuno. find where some nf heaviest fit-htlng in the Teutonic often slve laat J ear took place. oCUCVC America Responsible for Changed Attitude To- ward Siberian Soviet SLAV OFFICERS YIELD Mnny Reported Coming Over to Gov ernment Trotzky Warns Them Against Trcacheiy I'rtrngrnd. Apt tl 1 A. B LunaLhrskj. rommissary of Kducatlon. loda.v declared he believed America t laigel.v responsible for the appaient wllllngne of Japin to negotl ale with the Siberian sovltt. When asked about the Japanese situa tion Lunachtskv said: 'Something happened behind , the Kceii" In International politics during the last few .lapjin is now seek- I ing a settlement with the Siberian so- ! V lei I believe America n lirrrelv re. i Bponstlile- for tlilx" I l.unaeharskv nls-o said former high ltUfslan armv nnicprfi nn, nmi fnlnincr , ---.. .... ...... .j..i.iin the Bolihevlkl. "High nritij nilkei? are coming to ui eagerlj," he Bild "Mo erallze Mime of Ihcm tile routing with the hope nf'over throwlng us but we nte taking the Utlctest measures to in event thK "War COiumldsary Ttotrkj in Inviting the ofilcew (Icclnrid he was unable to guarantee rhat tie? would not be shot b mistake, but that they tertnlnly would be shot if guilt" Vlnsrnw. Anrll I In teplslng to the Utnlan explana- ton of the statement recently made by u. ' 'VJ'Vri"" ".;.'r.:.T .. -- v .......... -, r,ir H1.1.-1 doubt the sincere desire for peace on li lin ..9 II.Tlnnule.. ...... I.... . " i'n " ic itumn ,.ri.i.r. nut re- rd the BtRtrmenl as a rail to war ReEardlnc the Tluwo-Ukralnlan frnn- ,, -- . --- tnese. in accordance w in tno pence ticairj wiin tne ui.raine. is nuaea a part UI 1 IIU1III. The advance of the Germans I Ukraine I- continuing They have,the high commanaias jiattti) capturod Poltava, which they ret on Uh fottunot on the success 4 ifli irrfc nrr, iwiu ,vi .- iii.jinin iimiaiu iiiari(ov. captain vvjiuam vvcnMiei. of the American tied Cross, and Captain W I Hicks, n British officer, have telegraphed ",om " ;u"Vh.ri,. ,i f. ,. ," P .". along the Siberian railway ......i . ,.r. minuniwni threat to the trans-Sllierlnn iconstquent tnrcai to ine ;rans-sn line bail been exazceratcd rreatli .t Omsk Captain Webster and Cap. tan HttkH aw trnlnload of Autrlans ,,, tillnorin .,,,i ,, i,h hh nna ami Hungarians, armed with rifles i and machine guns, on the ay to the Jlan- churl an border to fight the Cossacks Hinder General Femenoff, who is hold- Ing out ngalnsl the Sotlet authority. rrheK" Austrian and Hungarians, for the. most part, are soldiers who desert- .nV are endeavoring to prevent other prison era from going back to Austria Captain JVebster nnd Captain Hicks i - ,,,IT nnv wtr T ftnPVTAAM uiciouiv piuu v "is xjjmi . . . Ir,v ixt ti A nillVTrtni? Vjrtliii ivis lis iinuiiiuuuu Ptesident to Speak Next Saturday at T attnehint? of Third Libeitv at Jauncning oi mini L,iueny Bond Sales WnKbliiEtnn, April I The White HoUM, ,Pt tt b, kn0wn today that Piesl- '''"I Wl'son plans to speak In Baltimore nexi Saturda nt a giant celebration i opening the third Liberty Loan cent , palgn It Is veiy probable the President will deliver an addles at that time. I( was mated officially and It Is believed here SQUEALS" TO POLICE - Harrv Cohen Loses L fe n Same . - Manner ns ilerman Rosenthal New ,kt April t -Harry Cohen, firopr'etor or a string or gambling inns, was shot and killed here toriai ... . ... ..-.,.,-.....--. ...; , $'hos.ha.' "KU" Z u .n ...o.l.ntlfl.rt mmi n. lie .tnnrf ln front of I West Nine.y-seoond 7trc. fnt l e W'e., ' b..i address, and died a few inlnutea later watlr KdnilhltratlR Jl uyria their w-uhouL making n statement The niur-Upellbindf rs not to stoi nvest i) rril- drr escaped . . . vd.nt Wilson wer lncIiHi. JTN rieit. .ViTordlnir to, friends, Cohcli reent ,nn,iiiiniit in ine rwiiire umu', i cruMije, unit u ta wwvsn m I.." .w., ........ . ... .... .-...- H-....-.. TEUTONS' NEW ATm VAIN SOUTH OF FAIL WEST OF OLD GLORY, TRIQQlrQR, UNION JACK, WAVING OVIJZ JOLLIES IN PICARDY PAULS, April 1 "TJio r'icnch Oovcrnmpil lisn rlceitled to accede to the desire expressed by Oeneral Pcrshlni In t Jename of tho United States Govern ment," an official note Issued Were sas, "The American troops w'U hgln nfc by side with the British and French troops, and the Stir- Ppinrlftl Banner will float besdo the Trench nnd Kngllsh flags Intthe ilalaw of Picardy." WHOLESALE GROCEESLICCNSE REVOKED FOR MONTH The United States rioocL soitmlnlstratloii today revoked the license of A. Linton. S S.0111 wholesale gioceis, of 519 South Second stieet, for tlilun dsnr- Jfty Cooke, Fedeial food ad lulnistintoi' for Phllndrluitiia., sv.Id the levocation was the lcsult of n timisnction lu rye J.cwr la -violation of the food legulatlons. MEDIATORS ADJUSI 31 LIBOR DISPUTES IN A WEEK WASHINGTON, Jnffil 1 .Eleven disputes between capital and labor wcie adjustilfl dainig the last week, the Depattment of Labor announced todcj- inut 20.000 workeia weie involved. Two of the largest Btrtees -weies in St. Louis. Heie the depart ment medintoib faettlcl t nt-ide of S7O0 mea at the Wagner Electilc,Compnny, whiilndf. ra,gg;rj on contracts for the oidnnace department. U. S. EXPECTED TO FORCE SHIFT 0F WAR THEATRE Americans Releesiinr French Counter-O-fEensive on Western Line, OfficiLl Sammary Points Out U fthliiRon '..Int.l L A VTIlMP.VTfNf! that tho lrneh J.r.1 . , . . . merlcnn forces now be.n( ruBii.l to the flraidy Trout w III r-lrlc the n,,m.n II,. H-.. -Iw. - - ''em .Marsnai naip. in tho face of partment, In Its wceklj reti r( the g'ave dlrtlcultles, has bern nble to main wnr today, expresfes tht lielliftC tli.i tl, ",,n hl' t,aal; rder of battle, nt the partment, In Its wceklv reli.t rf tkt wnr today, expresfes tht lieltQC tli.i thr theatre of opoiatlons Eoon vv!! Ij rfalft. ''"!" "t,,,!r. '".' . . rne American rorces nave t n paufed tinreservedlv at the dlsmNll of ihf . French and who eerta n u lt Krt b- . . . . ' Mnc hastened In the aciLiRl luttU !l-n. .k ii , -. rr u "Uino nir ir"nv.iiih . cim m - it(iiii r. . n3 basic order of battle ami toa rawn his troops In such mraatnirr 41 to prevent the enem.v fron Torcli-B n decision: this in spile nf .1- fact that campaign Tlu. v.eeklv tetiew slsn ( firm til" repoi t rnt ieontly frnm noMo that irkutnk In Sr.ber'a. has fallim lrt fi mau ,,a,,a, " now " he" "" !""L3P ot ,np cnem The review follows: "The period under revlri lna n lu- rally been one or anxiety l-cne viun ........ ... ... l ,. L'noer tnr picture, cxricaru cfj the WISCONSIN CLAIHED BY THREE CANILTOTIS Lenrpofs Supporten HojTul, While Davies andUer-gcr Also See Victory ' three candidates. Irvine 1. Wnt-iol Ri- puhllcsn ; Joseph H. lavlsf rmwral. ana torv and Victor I. Berget, HocWI st. it k- y enroot supporters niwrTlHlirtrai; t e- torv larselv ns a rontt ftdt sllion e' W9 President Mjrshsii s peti..Bn -vrnii-h lie vlrtuallv c.rged V,onn wllta h,Wg permeated win dlslovultt ills isch the leaders assert hi- Clrv niri than anvthlng else to aol'dlfs tie-m-sij H'n . iwi T.enioot The psimt ual size of the Berger vote Is i-eeiiiMsrJv m oi'it thing which keeps them l-m limns? an- solutelv confident LiKt If m'f fels that the race is beiiwreen nitnielf x.BllIe allsok. wh'oh may be wutl'i end Berger Dav es im lti otif-r lutid prtpatiitlon b try jnt inf. Our troon says he will be elected B(tH l.einrM wll Mt. prepared for defePss agaln-t t..r h the third man. . I mar tutit.s Am.ntnat, .m1iuu t. - - ,.'.. o the llrK vot I. Jill- waukee la still causing un iwlng will sween tV city vvhlli lh-n .fillct tie will ue aeteatru in na v-b hold Tho pluial'tv claims ilf tli lenrnot osimns a-e sn pno nno mo'i J 'he navies stronghold aie I' 0n C1,V' ) expec;a to g. t J3.op of , - Ln L la-uka. County aione i in. n..e.li1 Vice President Uarshtll In, II s iieeelt . .1 .I....... n f,. da. K. tllllnl. h chaiied Wisconsin i t tesi Urge. ly permeated with dl.lPtv .ilrmj so much leaemment nom v-oter or n state mat me icenunwaux arvv mkii miM.nri rhttneeH ihelrl tt-ctfst iLnd de - .(tnr.nn.... --.-...,-- .,.-. .. .- Z'y Ue'i drtn.Tth? ,t wJaklvy Joseph. TMiilela r ocep.St t"J Hale oeen cmuis a j-ih. wii"n .......... . ... . . .... . .?. ! by ordering attacks nw cy nenv UI iHurnuK riwivni mim. .-. , . aim td Kg Jtlls MM i eai-iiialtji.". Iwm.O Vnf-.pran Tvnnns fnv! enemy, w lo has put Into action picked ."" """ ll,n anu rarprullv trained I ""l" uniis. long anu rarprullv trained -,i.t ....ii. . . ... - " .' ""imiij Ii' I Mill inniVU ill tnski ihev were to nmMrtnL. th. n-i.' lh have been compelled to ghe ground ....,.,. giave dlrtlcultles. has ben, nhle in main. """ "'? "aalc. rder of battle, nt the ""' "' " ,"",";' "unK "" lroo',a .. . vnnnol I'orre OrrUInn -ir, R,.ite t .k. . .... Cnnnol I'orre llrrlslnn '' r . llir DUllCrBrfl lillinPCl. I IP 'in Bplte of the successes gained, tile iar nr i ':." : "i -V ," "ll11 nnn Ine TlirX ',MM "Cl .'"I" '"en " ar ma- i 1 . . " .-.. .- rpriai rn ni IITf1. I lid nnu 1. - 1,- .... ronsisiont unlt and flexibility which mey nave Known during lite enirace- '"'"'" "I.!'.!'1 6 lonK wl" Uctor lu"' the mr. "Hnuti' no Mi& &.......- i.ii. mand imw ntaked itn tounn on the r,v!l " .n9"".". "!..?.!: or prove to Its own satisfaction (hit It Ih unable to do so. e mint be prepared In ,se of his falltV" to obtain major results In the preenl theatre of opera tldns that he will attempt further of. fenlve nssaults In adjacent areas "From a tHcllcal standpoint the moxt ' '"" '" n l-re rite, ('oliiinn rten AMERICANS GO NORTH -FROM TOUL TRENCHES Damajre Small When Bochc Guns Retaliate Artillery Pounding of Lines Willi the Amrrltan Arm) In the Field, March Jl. Troop movements behind the Gennan lines are Increasing II was learned that one division moved Into the trencho on the Toul ftont. Thurdaj , but was tilth- d awn Salurdiy presumably going niii . ' .,. , , , ., ,, A" America, patiol entered Ibe (ler- man lines three times during lni n'ght. On one expedlt'on It enciunlercd el,e- tHcalb charge bathed w'rss On an- c her oocas'on shots weie ev.'hargjj vHh the enemv tiut the atrol withdraw wHo. 'out casualties The Americans are on the alert for a tK-rlodlcally'poiindlng the enitiv I nes The boohe guns reialUte. but daipage ' . captureu uocuiii-nt sithwitj that ' orders bad been Issued to the r.e"mai tu endeaVor to get ver minute Informu- 1 i Hon regarding the Amoltaiis. It I A captured docuni-nt slit, wed that tlfc.crlbes the unlfoimaa'id enmimiVnt of the lplted Stales troops. DANIELS TO OPEN UHIVE . Newton D Baker Also Invltart , Mra ' """ '"' "KW AIS0 nvited l n'H wevewnu vamyaign i ' fi. .V....I ..n . u .l .ir. null ii. .11, ill. eicltfuii v ill ii. j me mviiauoi. o ine v.ievom hi3. trlct to lmjuKurate tha thlry tuain !ii-s, aaaaaiuui u inrnrr. uiuar rtn'BjiF"' w r-w.sssn6 ""ww t : aaBBBBHB.aj:i tttt'I'. j'tw jzat.vKBamt .xj a t. . r.wautaaiv: . s m f L.-flE i- " "YmB SO 'WTtolii HAIG EXEKTS MORE' Attanks afufldflmm I w'm I fill 'is? Ahmm i Assaullfertjiittjt , J GsrafG uMsmmsji.'L.. J Tf r " TTi 1 TTMniifl iffvlrWfa V mW.?33WxtT.Ws a , j 1 ea.-iv" ""'V lowing mSefefcor - tt little PRoajtigp; r ' ONAVRKg'NiJLOai ward Paius-0iiifc'Bil- , . .-TWWtTOt.i way is ai VSBPU 109 GERMAN GUNSSU iiignting in bi Brings Booty Forces TWELFTH DAY OfcOTtJf f ri.. Hard fighting continues Mif rjwtj of the Picardy battlerok iHtil the German drive liarWS r Allied counter-thrusts grov(.ilnn&tf daily with the arrh&f frw& resorves. .., ,;5 German losses are now 550,000. "Sj'a.I' IS C9 .-. Anglo-French nrmrcs. 1 tuied much gropnd irrptmL j' 'ftUfJMIS ," n-mmanfU uAMM.r. ffiiw.T Sunday, taking Upw. I prisoners. ,f jj i " .Americans hrc expected .mm, f k Rhtlnr, I . ,, , 3' .'.1.W1.,., ,.w L.1W W Mf ....,-t. .t r. .. .-jia vvijicji me utraiaits iriaj ' tO tllO UritlStl UOSe Oli cnangeu nanus iour tierce fighting, remaining; " session of the Allies. I 'The- French delivered ,, . .t .1. V blows against tile SOUthWJlTl' ' ' nf tho' nrmnfi jtnltont. -J77" iT -i - ... -J i T ... .,.'. WiWW tKtl , ucrmnns iau 2l Pnrit.f!nl5il Mil.rnnrf . British forces have rejouIsedtKiiV y on ine western outgKirw, Brf-., Albert. ' " mf London, AprH l.'J Violent fizhtlnrr continued m. angle of the Luce Brook B . , . . .jJ 4k .- "tvJi vnkjuiw Ara the British War Office announefeB y. Field Marshal Haig re. ne ar Office that tht? fij in that sector was expecte continue. The Germans renewed th3j sault on the westorn outsktrwi Albert, but were unable to gain1. ground. 9 In the Scrre aection tho BcM captured I0!l guns during Su fighting. German thrusting towaid Paris-Calais railroad has foiled, according to field diapatd The Geimans nie still halted along the line. Haig's Report Fjeld Marshal Hnig's report; n fnllovvis: Two nt lacks were made by Germans on the western outskfrts Albert but were completely pulshed. South of the Somme River en niv h?s persis'cd In Ills hjIi along tne vaiicv of tne l.ucr m .I Aire River, but has madi" IKti progress. ttscks and ccuntrr-at'acks fal' lowed eali ther In th 8'etor Blar? ing (he iiftrnf3n arid everting isf Sunday, wi'li virvlim a-iccrrt. ' l expoe'ed the fighting wiH caw I tinue, "r- If Simtl-jV epcatiouiii ln'fiVi&f 1 tor-c dij'r'ct 109 German u'tt vver' ranttirrtl (JUcc Hrpol-nnd tht Avrp Pi V"" -' "v ftrir sr-uthcasfc ot Amiens afld In ty jj.;., wr.,re lle Rntlah ami Fi . , w"-re n oniieU ami rt n '-nifS Join. Tlje ground btvjri theu contains Mrcu!l Mesiem'ail Demuln nil th ee platter hivl ijt btki (tbe Ecfen-v of 4vok fiRKtlntr (taring- he lAst few ilavs. rhenrtnd 1'V rc nwill In Alllfd handX. The Av r 4 R, fl ,nrt1,U(D.,.rl .11- - -j- - .r f- - -- . rerton. lvincr Ahnut: tVmv-lmlia Ar4io .-..-.-,.- ..j. .vv -,-... ..... w aw. .. f MootdW'w. L'Vrtvnk a m&ii , -i. . .. '.. . H l ifrff y.roavrn -w WW? rrm i miles atml tff A)W. Th" jtpki TyKmtfs AiaH ( fr mm w ns t, tt4nqulrtw if ' ,. ... ,rt, m lew I, ni HtWK H trzPiSKmfzzEBZi s4vi Jwar k" Aim retn- emmmi Urtta i WtSl Un Si4 iJ ixht-j WAiiiU,