Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 27, 1918, Sports Extra, Image 3

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    V r
" 'Vrt'-j'J. i"
i ist5T3iOiiirm''SSS
I T ! II . .-..-
" 4
Ipcdernl District Attorney
I TJAtrt T.immr Tlnnlnra' Anting
Won't End Bootlegging
fGintlfiol at Atlitudu of b'nloonmcn,
but Warm oi rossibie I urthcr
rcllowliiB tlic ilecIfiSon if tliu lletnll
JJniior Deiltnt' AhmocIMIoii to clltnlliati;
: tl'o naif of whUlty In pinto mid lio.lt-
rlnts oxer tho lmiK, Culled b'tateH lJW
! trlct Altornc Kane todiij exiumsetl
tilm'flf as Koi)tli al of th clllcicy or
i this method or iitiucic upon uootieK-
jinc' to men In uniform
l line i"u 1'iiiriLi iiwiiivj vin lenfB
Wmeelf ii belnu lilniscd with the de
cision and altitude of the liquor men,
lie Issued a unrnliiK today that there
wai no nKreement betuecn hlmelf and
' the dealers and th,it the eitahllnhmcn
tf a do zone In this tlt Is Mill n pos
tlblllty And Mt Kane adds that he luid re
fiuested the liquor men tn prohibit thu
: f ste of elthtr beer or liquor in any Hliupe
for consnminion ciuisiuo me pia micro
i It Is hold
"I nuo noi ih jti ni.itii' an net nu n
bout the dr one, lip i-.iltl toil ly
tllt, the pofMlilllli of eMnbllshlnp a
"drj zono cnunm he m nlr tiuhlh m till
time, lor lllr- iritMiii m.ti inj Heiioni
vlll he Koiiniril li lot ii t omniums in
tho liiinieilliU fill in If tlitv u t rant
a tlrv 7one n wn or cs-iiuiisiun
'.Vlillo I iiim Bruuiicii aim luppj
titer tho dlelslon of llin liquor men, I
jiatl asked that no bier or liquor In
nay form he fold for outside lunxump
tlon. IVniutt warn that I hao nn
ngrccnicnt with the llquoi nun and
that m hands aro free In the matter I
to do as I tec tit and as reuus best.
If loHtlons of the order prohibiting
the file of liquor to men In uniform con
tinue, there sb ill continue, the arrests
ps they lune ht en made In the pist, I I
tcems'to in tint wo arc unablo to Ret I
Jt through tho heads of a lot of men In
J'hlladelphl i that they ate doing tho
tloiernment an Immeasurable Injure
Hhen they sell liquor to soldiers and
Fallors And their action acts as it
boomeranp, for It will result serlouslj
for them"
Wholesale liquor dealers will follow
(he lead of tho Philadelphia Retail
IJluor Uealers' Association In restrict
ing tho btlo ui liquor in noities, in uu
HiE. ;-- ' ' vis m '
Egoless Eggnog to Feature
Easter Holiday Celebration
TIlClO Will bo foW "ClfRllOBl"
sold In saloons lieie during tho
Kastcr liolldas. What little In
pasrtl otti1 tlw bat 8 wilt bo alt tioc
-anil minus tho cri;,
(ionc, In this action, ts thu hup
pltiiM pf tho man wlio wHh Just
for Kastor Hint 1m nutj lilt thliiKH
up a bit and Manic It ult on cKRiiutf.
It h tho war iikoIii. Tho 1'hllu
tltlplilii lit tall llqiiorDcatera'Abso
ilntion rinlllnB that tho cgfc'a,
Hiinu in d mill. Used l't iRgnog
should not In witstctl In pleasing
tilt pilule s of silooil rustomcii",
bis tlrthbd to nlmndim tho llsiiat
I. ts.lt r pun lltt'
liit tnutlt t'omnilttco of tho
iissiiicl itlon will meet toda nntl ollb
rl till put Its I nn on tho diltih.
Women Also Needed for All
Kinds of Ofllce nnd Cnn- ,
teen Work
rollovtlns nn nppeal by IMwanl Eolt
for 'Mr men" for Y V. r work In
I"rance, coiuca a request irom u la-
wurKct, now la Vrnucc, that men and
Iwoinn of almost cry calllnB bo uent
Offleo help. stenoRrnlihers, nutomobllo
I opcratoru and mechanics, men and worn-
en to worlc In the canteen with tho men
I at tho front aro especially needed
Tho appeal oon.es from l'.icrott U
Mees of Canidui, N J, who landed
In l"Vanco lat Wednesday and la now
busltj cngiRed at the M. C A oxer
sets heattquarter In Franco In his
I letter to U W rountaln, acting cecu-
I tlxo secretarj of the Central ltranch.
I Jlcies asks Sttietarv T'ountalu to bend
A DAY, SAYS I)H. WILEY In" 1' oiiemlcs to Ret men and women
1 for the work In 1 ranee
As n furthei exhibition of its crsatili. tho timU "Hiitnniii.i " i.nw imnir .uiiuU'ipn n. tml i I. .on- 1
the salts ut Wni-S.ivniKs .Stnnips on Cit Hull pl.lt,. 'I liu iniitu cloiiuoini' of its I.attli m hm I ,.i.t
liromptcil many persons to buy the V. S. ceitillf.ites .,1 tin- special booth iicctt ,1 nuubv.. I litis, -nn n
tlic picture, who comlucttd the sale, ate (left to licht) Mis. A. Kini:. .Mrs. .1. . .MttJualc, Mi
Charles Heruicie, Jr., Mis. Tlionins Walker ami Mia. M. T. .Miclthnu.
Sixty-eight-Year-Old Grandfather Weds Sweetheart
of Half Century Agone Soldier Elopes With
Girl in Short Dresses
rpiIKUi: am tun t.tsts in Philadelphia
todt whlth Indh.itt' Hut siirhiR,
IslS tho ptcvciit xernul st ison will
ro down in Pennsylvania hlstoit us ono
-w... 4n Llimli nil, limit lpffrlniy nit.nn.r f)( the IlHISt liotpill flTl Tf lit ,1
toMlers and sailors L'upld falil.v biol.e all spet d and use litbt InL' 'lllU marrktl
CeglnnliiR Monday, the sale of pint minis m runnltiR the mmut of tomjticc
nnd half-pint flasks over the bar will to l,a'r on four hapjij souls in wedlock:
lio dlseontlnued, and purchasers of lrto I lilladilphl.t brldt Brooms, onn a
quart bottles from s iloonkeepers or slxtj-elRht-jeai-old Rr.indfathei-witlow-wholealers,
will be required to register. tr. nni' the other a twenl-seni-e.ir-their
name and address 'old soldier ' t sani-' , and two up-state
By passlns this rule and omplojlns brides, tin slxt-fuur Jt trs old and the
otiier it nuss oi scvcnietn, in snoir
tin of our lnestlRatorn to seft that It
i enforced," sild Nt II Bonner, presi
dent of tho mailers, "wo feel that wo
ran Rive tffective aid to the (lowrnment
In slopping th bootleRRers "
He told tho dealers that "."rank C'arr,
president of tho wholesale liquor deal
ers, had pletfgetl that branch of the trade
toco-operate with tho retailers In hclp-
,. . a.1 tlm lirintlf.iro'aru
.i iUS li ii. " ww..00-..
S 'The wlrolesalers will bepln nt tho
W tame time that we do to register all pur-
X chases inado throuRh them l;very bottle
J will carry the label, containing tho mme
nd address or tno ueaicr, anu every
V saloonkeeper Is to replster the n tme and surveved his blushing slxtv.foiir-eir-old
u ddrcss of tvery purclnser of a tniurt .bride at his homo at 1901 North War-
13 to
The records thus obtained will ba open .
Government nnd municipal autliorl-
nock s-trect todav
We're Just as lnppy as little chll-
'iUles" tlrcn, sild tho In hit, who was Jllss
O in vi.,lnlnp lids nl.in Tlonner snld I Tazetta fook. of II mover. Pa ("unld
the records will enublo tho Oovernmnt I never did set an age limit so wo're
authorities to traco the bootlegger and ' breaking no law or lominte'
the spc ikeasy. ' I'ortj-flvo je trs ago, while Mlllci vi to
working in a litnnvti lgu 1 1 torj
they met and btcaiiu ing.igtd iiuu
lel tviit Mlllei dipoiiih in to 'nk so
kico In tho ttt llo loigoi lib ui Ids
Ills wilt ill. a
limits In running the Liiimit of tomaticc In November, 1'JliS ."ml his live children
wen niirrletl, with families of thtu
own Alonu in tlic win Id, In tlmuUit or
his tId swcttlie.tit l.tst w i i'Ii In paid
a visit to Hanover Ills love itlurutd
'Ihe wen man ltd Monti iv nlulit nnd
totlaj Mllltr brought Mrs Mlllti lo
l'hll nltlphla where In i.- tuiiliijtd It
N smi, nimrg A t ii
St nicvvht ic in l'hll tdeliii t uidtt Hit
otllel hltppV toUph Is Sift flolll pUIMlil
'htj art t orporal Willi tin iJltkrisun,
oi this ut, u nn lulu r ot tin I nlutl
States .tiiu ambultiuc coips, ut Alb n
town, anil Miss Mtlli t uiuiIiikIi mi
tlaugbtei of l'atrlek CuiiiilnRliiiiii, of
Soulh llotlilthem Taking her clothing
which iiii'linltil of com si", fhort ilies
es tho sevtiitnn-ear-oIil L,lrl cloptd
with the dashing toiporal to l.lktou
Md . wlicio the wen miirled
The Rlrl's rather, enragtd by htr ac
tion notllled the authorities Iiitectlve
Doran was dctalUd bv l'ollci .Superin
tendent Oivles to ro to IMillidelphl t
with a warrint to bring her hack, but
the police here would not honor tho
warrant The father returned home
Corpcral Ultkirson is on a ten-diy furlough
I'KAISI'S IIKI) ( ItOss (ll(lv
l.lCUtcll.lIlt Tnpplu lXpilSMH (ll.lt'l-
tutlu of Soltln rs to t'.ititttn font
initttii I.I Uti 11 lilt t miiici IIMipli i Miliinllilei
of the inottii trurk tlnln 111 it tin ttiipril
todiv at t lit Hull, piti-td Uu . nnti I'M
tonunitttt' oi tin Kid t hiss hen tor
its alii In satlttliig Uu Iiiiiimm or the
. t'O men m inning tin trutks
'l'lillatlt Iphl t is stunt town the lieu
ttnint siiltl as tin tun innkx proce, ib it
on tlit Ir wi tn nn Mltulli putt
Tint p, rsoiin 1 tl tin ii tin K n lib
up or tin1 nn n fiuin il Iw iit-tlintl
I nittil stnti s I iis-lmi i
n effort Is bdlng made to rttabllsh
a recruiting st itlon for tho Y M C A j
work here In connection with the move
ment started by Mr llok I
Tho appeal for women and men Is spe-
clilly urgent at this time becnusd of tho ,
bnvoio pi in, now under tho supervision
of 1'ranhllii sterner ndmonda, of this
tlty. This plan Is one for recreation
and teit ror men from the front Word
, who
Is In Trance thit he ban received his
iirst allttmeiit of inui who hao been at
llie front under eli neral IVrrhiiiR I
l'frsniii ilelrlntr Information tin tn 4li
f t in boiiil) ullmtiitH tome over'StH work lintij itpplv to I,. W I
1 ountaln ai the neutral at C ,
reh L'trtet above Ilroatl. I
Autotruck Alire In Street j
ti autotruck belonging to George 11
Now ton 1'omptnj took (Ire this morning
at Thirty-third and fheitnut arcets,
when tho gasoline In the tank Ignited
This Is the second suth uct Itlent -it tho
sinio place In two dis An alirm
brought tho engine company from
Thins -seventh und l.udlovv streets to the
sciiio and the Mimes wcro extinguished
with sllfjit d iniuge to the uutotruck.
Uut He Wouldn't Wunt to, He Ail-
mits llotlily Ills Duo to
in el tan ,u tlgtit tli,t without
v nlrr nin o man cam live a jcar on
t tpiari of ii Ilk nliil u pound of corn
ii tal a titv but whs should he f
In llarv-v Mllty, nottd fejod ex
it nuiuiii. uu Sinn e iiiiiik m no- ,., .liu, , f..,,.. , ,-,,. . ,
inii.lt no slid, mid hiunnnlv, iJl)0lor lias Just tome tioin Mr l.dmond;
ii In il" i liiie the popular remark,
' u il In t t.llll tn
sii ii. in. n tin- Ungnrr !i)Mlttito
I i nij.1 i ihMioi wilt i hargesl that
s J i
Imm illiM i t li up tl Ism,
n i mill mil e ells 1 lln v til",'
I'mIoi UlliV sild Mlf tlm vevent
ttitittd itiiulis out of tver hundred
in it tr to tiillsi In pi.nv tliins i nni
infoniied tlm imki Is still the s tnie
s. pr tint W'ic it in id in plisli-il
lino of the ui t onspli nous tausei
of pli.vslial tlettrloi it nni is th, ,.ii,t ,f
vtit itltig It puidiiies wbiu arc known
ts lilt tlii I itNe ists tphoiil si urvy,
and ivin tubt rciilosls 1 luvt 1 . n
itsl.nl vvlntliti 1 mull! Ilvo on thirteen
tints u div I will si tint I ciuld
but I would in t tart to A in in enillil
llin il Vi u on ii quirt of milk und j.
pound of (ot mile il ii dnv."
I J ' I'M Ml, III lililillilllllUi ii, i HMi. IIIIA.UA I!!Uiii!!L i I.UIIII! Mllll11.
wt:i iniii iiniiiuii'iHiiir mil irw ii mi nn i'iiiym'tiii nnw &
ill UP
u miss ot scventetn,
di esses who weiiis lie i Ii ill down her
Tho tlrnt nnrrl iRo sealtd n lonmiitt
lliat was Joltnl by u bioktii eng.tRt
ment foil-tlve tars ago; tin stituid
satlslied love nt Mist sight in n two
week arquiilutuiiee'shlp old) after an
exciting elopement, an angry father, u
police warrant, pursuit and the, happy
Intervention of t'nclo t-ani
'I'm so tickled to pieces over the
affair tint I don't tare what people
si," declared tleorRe (' Miller, the
slxtv -eight- ear-old bridegroom as he
But No Celebration Will Be Weatherman Says So, Al-
Held on Anniversary of
Azure and Golf Emblem
though City Is Shivering in
Icy Blast This Morning
The Philadelphia nag is twenty-three
years old today, but contrary to tho
custom of the last few jears no tribute
,2 to ine municipal imoieiu was uutitneu
jjj either by tho city government or by
I? Tn-t -.AnH 1 ,1.. AnH Lahha M,,M-
M uae. Jem -tliu Kit, ji unwi c -,u-
.1 -.Inln-I 11n. T..l .. n .. .l.Dl.n..,..l 1... ,1
proclamation by Mayor Smith This
year, In the rapid-fire events of world
Iraportanco, It was lost sight of. Twen-
jy-inreo jears ago tne city formally
', adopted azure and cold and the design
Jin the, center of the field.
uesigns zor a civic nag, a city ensign
. -.. - -I I... A Tll.ltn.l.l
:v BiHi u jiciinaiit cil tilt: cnty ut riiuuucr
rt)hla as well as the combinations of
I aiure and gold now generally familiar.
tro prepared by the lito Ilev. Dr. Hen
ry C. McCook. tho noted Fresh terlan
author and clcrg)man who was pastor
bAmritns nr Tahprnnnln Presbvtprlan
'ii- Church.
A Thero aro good reasons why any
WrltiTSn mnv K nrnilrl" ftf th rlntleptv
Heir banner. It symbolizes, among other
things, tho most American eltv In the
Jl'nlted States: the community which In-
Ktroiluced the study of line urts In Amer-
vVt Ilfl anil Vi n t Imlf linn 4Via wAte
WX, . '""'"-""" ! -'
r;riiuruie-ai scuoois in eue worm, il may
F.ftlrly bo said to stand also at the pres-
nt time for a community which Is
..Iretr than any other In America of the
fjtommoner Boclal lces And It la the)
j"j oi ins city or uoincs.
iy irsi i : a iViiih:M .an i s t
(Dispute Over Boundaries Involves
Examination Into Survey
Archives Since 1830
frtft S Duw '" llie ia""1" County uir-
- . t.uuri over llie lines separating t"
,'Jrms will lesult In the examination of
i lUrVev recorrln ulnrn 1 R3ft to npttlA the
t Klwood S. ronrp. nn of tliA nronftrtv
ff'ners, Is charging Freeholder John
fi . .?' owner of the other farm, with
iv iriuionaiiy usurping three acres oi
rllla laml tll ,ilantln ulthnllt TnnrAS
i The dlftntitAil Inml ! nt Tvnlcrhn nv e-
fJ",U9 and Browning road, east of the
fVyPer Creek. It originally belonged to
!"iiiam urowmng, wno uieu in ioou.
K Methodist Leader In Jersey Sick
P The Rev, Samuel II, Hann. a member
r, tne isevv Jersey Jlethoaist i;piscopai
rwitrence, wno for tne lasi ten jtm
teen becre.tary of the New Jerse
4V nna net., t am,. ml ulm tvhs
L. .I1 V,MV ;.g.ui3 HII- .... ..-
litacen In ,l.n.A .. ,1... ...InlutAra1 rA-
lirement fun n 1,m raCAnl HPHsloll of
Ejnference. Is seriously 111 at the home
riils daughter. Sirs. George II, I-angley.
Monmouth street, (Jlouctester. ;ii
MUiIater was stricken with pneumonia
Sunday. ,
Whether It's cold tr neither It's hot,
hrrlni; Is here weather or not
This Is a metrical effluvium of tho
statement Issued this morning from tho
man who c imoutlages the neither le-
ports at tho Federal Building Informed
that the temperature this morning was
' b.,V( no ,n niiiLa tli nnnlm.ln tn roll llbt
palms together (not with the cold) and
smile ilondlshly, and to cause the aver
age citizen to rush to the atlo and drag
from Its brand new summer moorings
that Jlttle old overcoat, while the wife
scurries around and pokes up the fur
naco fire when Informed of these things
the weather man stuck to his original
statement and said that "spring has
come; ou can take It or leavo It"
Here he Interrupted his argument
long enough to siy that the official
temperature for last night was 37 de
gress at midnight and reached the lowest
at 6 a in, vvhen it registered 31 de
gress. At 8 o'clock tho mercury had
revived enough to push Itself to the 35
degree matk und was steadily mount
ing upward i
"Warmer weather coming toward
noon," said Mr Weather I'rophet. "Low
pressure areas esterday over tho entire
northeastern stctlon uf tho country
reaused esterday's Hurries of snow and
tho general raw ntmospheie. Will this
last." Will. March Is the uncertain
month of tho ear. What will happen
In tho next fort -eight nours only old
man Boreas knows 1 have known the
gentleman a long time and I am con
vinced that his word cannot bo de
pended upon"
Phtladelphian, Leader's Cousin, at
Last Passes Test
Donald II Ibilg, nineteen enrs old,
of 2360 Heed street, said to b a reli- '
tlve of Mr Douglas llilg commander
of the British forcis In I'raihf, has
tnllstcd In the naval rc-heivef"
From papers In pnttsesslnn oi his
lather, tieorge llaig, it uppt uh that
Sir Douglas is t sttoiul iuuMii to
Donald Halg was lejetted tlu-to time
as being undei weight but flmllv pissed
the plijslcil ex-imlnatlon nt tho Xaval
Home, Twent -third street and Ur.o's
Ferry road Ho will leave foi Cape
I .UU tUlllUlfUlt
ll,t, , i nil our i
nilil i t -.tl ii llmtl ttt
o thi u I itu uur Oi i
I v
Huiics (il
Eye Talks
Our Nrvl lull. Mtil . Vplll III
It) Joseph (.'. IVrKiisim, Jr.
C IIOOI, Pool s and
r- failii.il .,i Im ii inn, it m
nit arr tiigcd 1 o i
oh I 111 n n with
ht tllhv, norm il ee
Alnnv u vniinntei
Is li priiiiitiiiltd foi
falling In hind In his i choir!
work wlx his eves mo tll
rectl, though unsuspeclidl,
The i-ure wav of learning
whither onr child Is hindl
ctpjied b such t ondltl ins is
to have an t tut in ttlnii made
li an ot il I IM
lie will givo von competent
and unblK-cil inlvlte
MiMievtr (lit tits need
iittMitlon go In tlit oiullst
mid win n glts-ts uu n
qulrid luvt! bis pre si '111 It n
tilled b a eoinpittnt opti
I'n irlitltiii Optiiiiin
6, 8 & 10 South 15th St.
tto Do 01 Ixai t ifj
ThW Till from a opjrl.ht
crlf nil rl.lits leservtd '
You'll Revel in This Pre-Easter Display
of Smart BLOUSES
Si-Asd Vrtll'll tin ,1 AlirvlilnJ MvtAl. !.-. MvnlnuliiA a
m ! uv uviihi'icu vtibii wiu VAnuatic urw
viiccis mat oomoino smartness nna aisiinc
tion and at a savin of $2 to $".
Hundreds of wftmn 1iho attended this exhibition.
They hao bouctit lavish!, appreclatlnr the extraor
dinary aluf a o aro cffurlnff, und etllt thfr are
d'jzcnb for jou to teo If jou attend this moat tin
pert ant etylo eeit In TMladelphla now this neck.
Exclusive Styles First Shown in Phila.
Blouse Shop
1208 CHESTNUT ST. StretttatS
iDnlsimer Standard Shoes;
3 for $4
mtka them
Conspiracy Charire Withdrawn
Withdrawn! of the charue of conplr-
ma raiita pretense by Airs r.muio
obi, 2123 North Uover street, re-
ja in the release of the four alleged
omra oi the rat County l.snu ana
cn uompany, or rvorin caronnu,
further hearing- before Magistrate
The first peep of
spring tequires
$1.50 Each
Huperior workman-
I .hip itvlo nd auiilltv
necoiltv tu vtry rood
Colff Attached or IMsched
A. R. Underdo wn's Sons
Itubber (,ols nntl Mh's I"nmtblnri
202-204 Market St.
L.tahlUlifU Mate i"
Spring' Styles
l'rtnn Maker lo Wearer
4 30 Sort Hat. 13.50
m on Mt !!(. 3 oo
II oil rol lisia. a nn
M.00 Derbra for $3 00
G. Erria Donoyan, 135 S. lOlh&l.
A Dalsimer-Spring Offering of
For Children and Growing Girls
AS SPRING unfolds, newer and mere charming footwear models
for the younger Ret appear. In this Dalsimer display the climax
of correct fashion and graceful beauty is attained. High boots,
oxfords and pumps of exclusive design vie with each other for
favor, and nowhere will you find such a wonderful assortment for street,
school, semi-dress and dance at such a comparatively small outlay of
And the assurance of Dalsimer quality and workmanship make
them specially preferable,
A Chic Quintet for the Younger Set
Car of
r HiRftPnnv &m$
Vlllltwl JM liar-nine". !
createat ea.entlaU. YUI ua.lor.TOur FOOT
iTlmlnta. I'alnlMi, Antlaepl If. limpenalte.
(A) (B) I (C)
Patent colt Patent eolt Black ktJ aim,
Oalter l.uco lace vlth' white buck top,
a a m I lilch
cut, with top
plnsi of
uhltu Duck,
Cray ooze or
aha 1 1 pa mis
fawn cloth or
gra; waah
able Mi top
Tan mahog
any calf, laca
with cham-
kid All-whlto .panno waah-
. Dull jc-.lt
lamp gray cloth
top, . All-tan
Huaala cair,
Uun metal calf,
with nbro aolea
and rubber heel,
S4 AO, Tan ma-
liouany calf, with
calf, dull Lblo kid top, 1 flbr "ole . ni1
cnlf, with , ,..,h, rubber heel, ST.
Bray cloth n" I'athori .ran nueala calf.
li n i
. Vi
top, 4 to I Hop
HU to 11. 4 tl
II n lo s. , ii ii io a
st.it tn sa, ts to in, ac-
according to cording 1 to
also. ialcu
with fawn lluck
cloth top 97. Tan
mahogany calf,
with field rnouae
lluck top, :i to
I, AA to I), $.
Cordo t k n
calf pump,
perfo rated
wine tip and
to4 ptrf ora
tion, 9 7 . MO
pumpi pff
f orated I . p
and too per
ror.tt.on 91 SO.
All white
w aihabte kid
fiump, white
vory nolo and
heel, perfor
ated wing tip
and heel and
vamp foxing-.
A A to C 2 V,
to 7 b. 99 AO.
Cordo -tan
calf, lac. ox
ford, wtng
tip, 17. SO,
Nut brown
lac. oxford,
port orated
wing tip and
ho. 1 and
ramp foxing,
A.A to C, 3H
to JV,. 7.50,
Shoes and Hosiery
1204-06-08 Market Street
The New Perry Styles in
Spring Suits and Spring Overcoats
'i Mi 1 Y
iW5 W ft i J 1
ill mfki
Cnnravi Mllltar t;linulflerai
lone; gr.veful lniiols; fll't
collir, alntler, clo- titling
body both In unlst and t-klrt.
In double breasted nnd In i,ln-ple-brt-aotrd
Inodcla with but
tons cct closo together.
"oke lMtk Mlth four ainull
tuck, at joko Million t waste
of fabric, nniinr Military
Minultlrrai hlrt cut off .all
nruund; rlrtl welt aenm nt
nalit line lo lniulale bflt.
8, II. Car. ll mwiiu
, While a Man is only as old as
he feels, a Suit or an Overcoat
is as old as it looks
MORAL you deserve a new
Outfit for Easter!
You will not be sure of getting
the best outfit you can buy, from
every point of view, unless you
look us over at Perry's!
IJ There's a new freshness in the
Perry store! There's a vitality, a
virility in the new style advances
this, season! There's a brightness
of youth and the primrose hues of
Spring in the iridescent silk linings
that smile out at you and challenge
you to a good time!
And, of course, back of
all the Newness, back
of all the Brightness,
.is the sound substance
of the Perry all-wool
standard in both
Spring Suits' and '
Spring Overcoats. ,
From $20 to $55 for Spring Suits
and to .$45 for Spring Overcoats.
"N. B. T."
16th & Chestmit Sts.'
it? V.5V '-' .
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r - mmmmw-m -".- tu'
t'lH "f 5 ' V
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v: a'v fc-ft - "larTT . AJ 'it
UaUakltK.fK. " ,V.U..'
SkSSi aaUjrfli
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