Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 26, 1918, Final, Image 3

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    ""-" - -y nVk.' r. f$m
Lieutenant Flachnre Disclaim;
m Any Merit in Krmgini;
Down Hun Planes
Flic From Wushlnjjton In Hour uiid
Twenty JiinuiM on wny 10
Xuv Yoik
"Anil tlilH i'ti" li, this is just iiie
CroK ile Hueiro the KHVu mi. ihum for
bringing down 11 (Icnnnn plane without
Has or bullets Tho boche, he JU"t lost
1,1, what ou call It neff uli'ii lie soe
I wai nfttr lihn IIo vvns Jut plain
coward "
So iloof l.loiiie tuut licorices I'hiehnre
"ace" anil hern nf the Kretn.li a Intlou
eorl". attempt to expl iln nua the thlril
end most Impressive of the. gllstcnlm?
tiailKes mi mi nronst us n tint
(if tho llvo pnltn Iiuvei, me.li bearing
clon.uent m Hm i8 to some 'ilcoil nf no,
table i.eloi' in the nil " Sn min.li he
cannot den)
Hut till In liuci' words the hlstorv
of tho llio silent li-ittlii, 150(1 fiet
aloft' Nioiur, far soonen miuW h
face death fioni a Hun plane than a
batten of iiiiilein wniTai nnd Inier
Tlewers pencils Medals arc things to he'
ivorn, not talkiit of .
"I made tho tilp ener here fioni "inli. j
InRtoti III one hour and twenty minutes, '
flylnu at an altitude of uhmit one thou
sand feet," the lieutenant illiulKed ivlti
a (treat breath of ullef, inn e Hie Im-i
mlncnt ilamcer of belnc uKod to tall, on
his own CXploltH Hit 111' tl le'lllOled "I
(ipeit to do somo Km ilriltntf over
League Island I'lirk this nftfinnou
close to the Broiiiid ko that all can ee
nf Tho marines are down theie now guard-
" in mv machine "
. ... t ,.., . ... . . . . ...
ij. lie lanueei ncre jfipniiv miiiuoon in
I i llta flrht till of Ills (lli-lif from 1'.i hI,(,ii.
IB toll to Jllnooli. New York
Tl.o onlv thlntr I mlswd , my fllcht
nn WaslilnKlon lure was the slsht of
B'i "n5'i bird-like planes In tho air that.
xrhen they grew larm r, turn Into Taubes
I saw scleral buzzards and hawks In tho
distance and for a time thev brouttlit me
back to the lluhtliiK IMds of lYaiiie but
the)- illdn t jsrovi larKer and larger as
they came ncanr. I'm rather t;lid the)
didn't, ulthoui.h in all the nifthts I hive
had I hale never luid time to think of
fear 1 Intend to stay In l'hllaeklphla
for four dais and will then no on bitk
to New T.nrk "
Hcsted and relaxed ifter a nlcht's
letp at the HelleiUi -Stntford, the lieu
tenant has found time today to run
through the war news, but liothlni;
he reirt there dlMiia.ved him In the
"The rrttuh people dicouragid''" He
brushed am'o the suKRcstlon with a
laugh of lontiuipt liovi collld they ho
under sueli leadership .is that of Cleui
enceau and IV filn
In liionomicliiL tlie niims his eves
( lflmMeil .i .r!.. itel Irllillle limn linrilj
"It is haul, of e-ouie he i.iugsc a epilclc
breath i-i think of those demon kuiis
only slxt)-s. in miles outdde of Paris.
But novel fiat I'aris Is elernal" )
r That tin iiirsinl Ki.ne bul by fno
means menaunK erisis or ins nation
may end tin I ai mue.li seie ner tlrm has
been looked fer seems to the lieutenant
lery pontine nd even If not "Iln
possible" the word Is not 1'iene.h," he
borrowed the historic phrase of tho
little corporal" admittedly the llrt
.of his htroes since his schoolboy da)h
at Mec
Not more but better ailutois are
i sorely netded by the Uritibli ailatlon
forces. "If I can persuade Just a few
of the finest of voui lount; men lo en
list, the object of my trip shall be more)
than accomplished." said tho lleutcnint, ,
"Hut not just nnibodv will do," he,
.explained sh)ly "It takes something
' of a man " I
Just turned twentv-flie himself, tho
Ileulemnt has servcei In the war since
i its lei) outbreak bilnRltiR elown of
ficially tvulie eneniv nlrplknes. lusldes
many Informal lllRlits He has leeeiifd
In all four medaK the I.eRiou of Honor,
'ine .iledilllo Mllltalle tho Croix del
Guerre and the i:ncllh Mllltaiv Medal. I
f . He has been In this country slnco last
County Commissioners Make Ilul
' ings Fifth Ward Cases Defencd
Wi Tho Count) Coiunilssloiieis toelav
llcIiaiiRid the- location of tweiit)islv poll
'Jr lag l'laecs. Fifteen ivtln ehuileed lie.
jfteause the orikluil division houses had
frtn Vacated Decision was le'seived as
,-, oj uie mud and sixteenth divisions,
Vflftli Mard, until April :(. owIur to tho
luiuum oi james A. I are) anet isaeioro
ntern, the Penrose leaders of the ward,
to appear.
Cllanifi'ri Kill Aiii.l.. iiu Cn1tf.va .iflee
... .-.- .....uu ..H ... .... .....
jlillh Wsrd lsi ellvUkin flolu 31S2 Itlch-
inonn in ai.oj itieiiiiuniu.
E.uh Ward Huh illiuion. from SfllS Cam
f Wi to a II i: iiiiKThet
J-oth Wsnl J.'.l illiis'im from siOeitll
i;-e...rL . ."rl ' ' ",' ' null.. "i, i ,.r
Bt .lih Wnr,i nui ellitsluii, i"l."J Ann to 232s
Bx-.I-i I'learileM
lt Ward, 'Jlii minion, from 2S70 Km-
jEJl Ward 'Jtllli ilKlalon. from P an.l Weft.
morelaud (iHrlhvet eur ) to llettlvllloi
lllWl l AUfol.'im.' Ji.-., 1... uu . ,. 1
jLit'iih w.erd .tilth tiivliloii. frum ."i5i'U Wood-'
Ij.!?111 He to "ViS 1 mum
Mttti Ward Isth uiilaluii, from SuJ") Aspiii
I In Mini It..... ..
Fit',?!'. Ward Ith dlvlMon, fn.rn Is.'", ruin!
lJ.;lr,. " aie . In .M.'ii MrC'1-llnn
K 30lh W'sril i,ih elivluluii, from 1S03 X dlli
"1 1SJT N lllll
Itemoitd beeollse of xr.raiicte.s
K Rth cu.,, ,n. .!.,..... - . ., .. . .
Ia ... "'i'81 iniiMiuii, i reiui .i.t n 4 rem lu
I.V...1I2 H Trout
t56 nr"ri' Jth dlilslnii, from 2.10 hnrue'.s to
l '100 H 'J,l
a'ltlijjaru, 3d .llvlnlon from 1(2(1 N front
-.lei HnDe. una .lerrHi.n luentltwpfil fur 1
tlith Ward. 2,"ah dlilalnu, from 200J I'ulr-
s.'nount (eve to 2101 Ml. Veriuni
Slh Ward nth dlvialon, from J17 Ithlimoinl
o1?..1"" MarlbeirouKh
- Want 2Hth dlvialon from Hold llerlllau-
. ifn leve tn nun (lennantoun nve
SS9di Warj ;;4ih uivlloii, from l.'U Ilttner
V. to 2IC..M uih.
L-r War.ClTlh dlvUion, from 4812 York rd
ftf-.to 41K 1 Virlgrrd
f'hWard ITTTi dlvlilon from 2H.".l U Mad-
I . l0n to 3J47 K ThiinniHun
Ktr ." ."?rei. inn (inuioii, rrom 1114 h
llli", r"1 " OOll(,
Mlijl Ward. 3d dll
". .10 3'US I'omly
lalon, from t.000 Stato rd
Olh l'...t . .,.-., i. i.. t
from 313 Chrry lo
BK1. Vlil.Uace. i
K? "'"..W" re". "lh dlvialon, from 210 Bth to
,,'?. iitn
.. ' l!nlv"r1. I" dlvlnlon, from 111(3 Mno to
1.-1101 lie.
!.''' Warn, lat dlvialon, .from 201:
v o .074 11. Huaquohatina'uie,
school Girrs moui: funds
Day's Contributions for Christian
Woikcrs Make Total ?72,44
Pont rUniHi-iiiti if rtJnt him inr.rli-iil
sfvifthrt lirlin..ll im.inilirn fitr tllft 1llllll.
r . - --- vwwtvv" sa(isiaa u '
l?ll'llla hehoeil for Women Chrlbtlan
JfWorkers of the Presbteiiun and 'He-
LflOrined ehnrltnu nt trwlm,, tiinelient, nl
Euffhe, tin.i.o I.. 41... Ilull.iii.i.l.linlfnrrl
lt?h total collection for tn ,,slx daa Is
,...1-,., iutj jeev. lluiieTiltiuijltuuii,
liMptaln of team No, 10, lecelied the
fHnipioasnip bunaer for too lurRest
sum obtained
p The Hev. C.WA. Ifauser. educational
kfuperlntemdent of publications for Kab
fbath richool Hoard of Heformed
lburches. spoke before tlio eamplagners
3 taaaaawaaal
, tss'inK
; , :.' w. f , ,iia. i i ta
i- r. .W'8yAW s
Kroni-h "Myinjr ucc,'' who ens
unlly "tlroppcil in" on rhiltidcl
phiu at Lcikuu Islund 1'nrk yi"
tcrday, en route from Washini;.
ton to Minuoki, Lone Island. U(
has "dropped" twelve Ccimun
planes, won many dccoiations
and cives nn exhibition of aero
nautics at I.cnKUe Island this
AiTCSted US Alien Enemy, Mil-!'".
... . . .
.sicinn s Activities Are
Being Investigated
"When I shintd up fur sen lee," she
mid tod ly "I had my elouhts nboui u'-
l iikIiImcIuii, .Maie.li '.'li Ire; r.illeet for forelKii duty, for both my
Tho iilltu enemy e ustodlans' depart- inothe r and fiith'i wiio born In Oer-
inent today beitan liiiestlR.itliiB the af. ''"' althouitli they e-ame oier to this
, . ,,.,.,,,,, .. I'ountry when thev were lery jnunic
fairs of Dr Kail .Muck. Iloston S)m- I lln, Pr rllm,(tej llcri. am, arc miI
phony orthesti.i k uler arustid at his Auierlians Mj mother Is an enthusl
hoine rtiid.i) as an alien eneni) a'tlc war workir
lustleo D pal line nt ollkl lis decllnid "Alter I received my nppolnttneiit from
lo dlseuws .lluek's nriest Pendlnn a r...
port from audits who made the auist
in lioston
Host. in. March 20
The arrest here of Dr Karl Mue.lt,
director of the llostou S)inphony
tiirlithli.i hd 1 todav as an enemy alien.
is one of tin mo-t Important since the
entiame of thi 1'nltcd States Into the
war, redcr.il oftklals said today
It ii .n furthir Intimated that from tin
Information iiliiili tmntly eleiedeiped
fiemi Tediial inie-URitlons of Muck's
activities tin tornier kaikr of tho
Kalsn's ro)al oichestra will be Interned
lor the pirlod of tin war
Couple Married in Court
Judge Pattcrvoti la t'ourt of Common
Pleas No 1 today married IaiuIs H
l.lpxchutz, and Jean Horn of 3001
CiilIIiI avenue JudRe .Shoemaker was
also on tho bench while the ceremonv
was performed Court Cleik John I.
llums had the honor of beliiR the first
to kiss the bride us the representative
eif the court, lioth the bride groom and
the brine ate ntneieen )cars or ape,
'Xpany -""' '"' " uu""uc
Plates, Cups and Saucers
In dozens for Bridal Gifts
r .' i lalllllllllBiXlwifralMHMrliw
j - mnmwn
Oxfords Galore
All Our New Spring Styles Here
Every Pair Genuine Calf or Cordovan
No Side Leathers No Substitutes
Genuine Cordovan I Gun Metal or Wax Calf
(U exclusive StylesJ (All Styles. Ml Shapes)
$7.5o $g.S(r $joi$6 7 $8 $9
Thousands of Cordovan Calf or New Dark Tans
(10 Stules. All Sizes. All Shapes.)
$.50 $7 $y.50 $o $Q
Chestnut St. " Market bt.
French Hold Up Passports of
Dr. Viohv ErlaiiKer, Hed
Cross Volunteer
No matter lion euphonious a n.inio I
niii ho, If It Iiiih a llni;c cf the Toutoiili'
(im it lulls fioni our tonkUi, it mn
iaiso jou trouble despite oUr patriot- i
inn and mlf-nnrrllke
As in tho im of Kdn.i KerKcr, the
tioteil writer, the rrencli llocrnmont i
watitH to Know tin wh and liow and
, llio whercf"le of the Tcutonlc-souudlliR ,
niRlioiiien httaihed to nil allegid harm-
. U'Si AiiKrhaii woman I
So Dr Viola Krlntuar Is spendlmt lir
1 time tuiLlj nt the AVest l'hlladilphla j
linapltnt for Women Inctead of In u hos-
pltiil mmewhere behind the IliInK lines
In Kranop l'ortj-elRht hours before she
vim to sail for l'lame lifr passport went j
in the 1'rein.li loinul to lecelle. Ids of- .
Ihlal slisnatuie Hut It was n fused, I
whlih was uniueountnblo mid Incxpll-1
i able for a fe. lioursr
Then cime the iphin.itlon The
rnnrli consul liesltaUil on account of
the n urn '
"it's must imliiiiassliu," said loctor
l.iliuuri'i, "in nielie an Imitation to
Mlt a lounti and to be met on the
ilileihold bs a ripresentatiio of jour
hint sillnp 11,11 111" lint suie he WMllt
)ou, after all lioweier. i in waltlni; for
the howt to change his mind "
Doctoi llrlanxer was to liuie Runo to
1'iance as a p1ifK1hii for Hed Cross re
lief Minli Uut It 1ms In en a cry care-
ml ami a ery niduou.s tisk of tho
1'iench to heip Kples r.ut of tho He.1
l.uhllc and not one of Its olllcl lis wlll
aecipt the ri"ionslblllty of sendlnif
"onr tin It ' mi) pel son with ,i Teutonic
name i
, And, In addition to the fact. Dm tor I
rrlanuer s patents were born In Oer-
nianv. althoimh thev mo as thorouKhly
Anierlcm as the tneltlnif P&t of nations
is capable of prodiulUK
Doctor I.rlinKT sened ns an Interno
t1"' Wrl I'blladelphla Hospital for
Women after her grailuitlon from the
Woman's Collene of l'enns)lianl.i in
1'iir and Is well known In midlcal clr
e les here.
' mo ne lorss aim oiuiincu my pa-sport
without elllllculty, I was surprised and
efisappoiiited to be rrjeitci! by the Krcnch
lonsul 1 wnnted se much to ro "
Doctor Urlangtr has been abroad ,i
number of times and sneaks Trench as
!l..-.i.' ., li . a . 1K, . . ,
lluently a most Americans ever are
atile to speak It. Her work was to hale
been carried on amonR tho children of
tho devastated portions of France atid
is the kind of work sho likes best to do
"I'm sure I could du Rood over there,"
the said confidently, "so I am anxiously j
waltlnR word from the, Trench Since
I pave up my practice In Cleveland and
prepared for oierseas dut) I scarcely
feel like RlvlnR up the project until it
Is certain that I am not to be accepttd "
The cai of Doctor KrlaiiRer resem
bles that of l.'dna Fcrber, who was to
ham Rone to France to write for tho
Hed Cross inaRiizliie. Her name, how
eier, causee thfi authorities somo con
cern and sho gaio up tho Idea,
Held for Robbing His Kmplojcr
Accused of steallnR largo quantities
nf polhh from the H. M. HolllnRshead
Con. pan), his employer, Frank Haker.
thlrtv-elRht )ears old, of 12 North Twenty-seventh
street. Camden was commit
ted to Camden County Jail In default of
$500 bail by Hecorder Stackhouse today.
vxlr B
Of the West I'hilndelphiu Hos
jiital for Women, wIiomj pass
ports to Fiunco, where she was
to cnnaKe'in Hed Cross teliel'
woik, havii been held up becau-e
of her German uncostly and the
Teutonic flavor of her name.
Workmen's Compensation Hoard Alto
Makes Awards for Philadelphia
and Chester Accidents
The cii) his been illri.tfd bv the
Weirl.iiuns I'ompe usatlon lliarel to pay
tl. Vim ta .Mis JIar Mood" .1.11 South
.Sheridan stieit. mother eif Deteetli.
Kiauk Mi.l'artiu), wan ivas shot to
ilnith last AUKUst, by a naicotle tlend
Pigment of this sum Is to extend ovir
a period of 3hii weeks
Another iiuaid miuU hv lbfei es
Scott and Klaudcr was to 1 limn is
MclnOre, 611 Potter street, Chester,1
whose elaUKhter was killed' In the iv
Plosion a )ear nun In the plant of the
lMtljMon,. Ammunltloa Corporation Ho
will lecelvo J1050
The Philadelphia ltoutblnek bupplv
ouipan), vrus ellrerieel to nai $11 la
to Mrs Marl.t V.i rv lliiJ eolith
Kleienth slreel Her htishaud, was, ac
cidentally shot Decembir lc. Ill, widlo
sulkltlliR business fur his iinploiti in
a store at Liil .South Tenth strei t. and
died shortlv afterward
The rmuller was In the blind of a
customer, Whoso shoes weie belllR
polished by e'eein Tho e imipenvatlon
Is to be paid In wiekl) iillotuiiuts to
Ce-tore's iildun and two ihlldriu for a
piiiod of thirleen )ears
Matt Klllrd by Molorlruik
ricorire H M'oorp. of 133J llxfend
stieet, was killed toihn bv u mote'itiuck
at (Hrnrel nnd HIiIro aienues Tluuins
Hovie, nf JJ1J Oxford street, driver eif
'ho truek. was arrested bv tho pejlke e.f
, jjincecth and Oxford streets sta-
A $
&. -WMih
demands rJET'cJ
Salted Nuts.
Favors, Bon Bona
to harmonize
with the table
D16 Cbeetnut 5t.
Executives and
l-Office Managers
The Dictaphone is the
swift, fchnple, economical,
efficient iv ay to get your
letttrs Into the mall-chute.
It means mora and better
letters, and a well-organized,
smooth-running cor
respondence department.
i Jrkmsr.msx
J I J-'! -'-iJ;-'v.Viv
Administrator Potter, Flisha
Leu and Chairman Cameron
Seek Action
l nlfoimlt) In the dlMrlbiiilmi ofunpiy
iais tn the mints Is to be iiriTul upon
ollli lals at WiishliiKloii In a li lckutloti
that Mint to tlio capital from riilladol-
I Id i toda). 'Ihp) wire .stale I'liil Ail-I
mliiMrator l'ottir, Kllsha l.tc. m tins i
lee president of the IVnns) liaula Itall
hmiI, mid 1'h.ilrmau I'umeiou, of the i
state fuel administration. In charge of I
the lentral riniii)lanla illstilet wlure
inllill null Is produced
Jlr. f'aineron said hul, of iais Is cans- I
Ini" Rrv.it IniotiieiileiKo at the mines.'
Hi pointed out that while somo mines
(in iiiehliu; tlKlit) lur cuit of their
iioimal Kiippl), iiiuiik.il to Kip tin in
inoiliiK lle ila)S a Meek otluis :u le
mIWiik only twenty per cent, or a sup
pl) siillloli lit for ll o dus" pioduitloii
a mouth
The ileli trntluli ivnit to W ushliicioii u
iinifir with J. ! A llauow IVil.iil
fin I dlMillnitor.
Wanilnvr from Doitor ilaitulil. fed.
ei nl fin I itilinliilstrator, that mil, - ion
siimeih lie-in putting In their lellnrs
nixt winters toal yipplv soon after
Iprll 1 tliei will faie a shortage similar
to the one ixperlniied luM wlntir .
nieiiid toda) at the oflKei of the 1'hll.
adilphia loal lommlttee
1 minis I l.iwi ilialimau of the
SK- Wednesday's Specials gfj
1 o
Easter Suits j
Chic New Arrivals
Models for Every Woman and Miss ,
Alteration Without Charge,
in Ample Time for Easter
I 1 At the
1 New
Market, Corner 12th Street "-jp
vemr 1
For Secretaries
and Stenographers
A More Valuable Position
A More Modern Position
A Thoroughly Dignified Position
Less Overtime Work Less Fatigue
Less Eye and Nerve Strain Improved Hearing
That is what The Dictaphone in your office, on your work'
will mean to you.
You must have many friends who are Dictaphone Operators.
Talk with them. Ask them what The Dictaphone has done
for them.
Better still, tell your employer that you would like to try
The Dictaphone under every-day conditions in your office.
We'll make the demonstration without expense or obligation
to him, and teach you how to operate the machine in a jiffy.
Phone or write
Regblercd la Its U, 8. and roreign
Walnut 4153 Bell .n 11
205 Keystone VSII
Write for booklet, "The Man at the Desk' Room 301, 924 Chestnut St., Phila.
It U not a DicUpUa nalmlt U traiU mitkaei "Tka Pirtaphe "
lommlttee, Immediately Issued a Mmllar
wnrnliitr lo tho consumers here, as tho
a,dilces from Doctor Uartleld siiRffi'sted.
Although tho lallrood and fuel lid
ministrations liino ro co-ordlimti-d pro
duction and tinnspoitallon nn to prolldc
for nil needs, consumets. It Is pointed out,
mint fall In with tho spirit of the plan
mil lifRln to liu) lninirdl.ilel.v, so there
may be an npial dUtrlbutloii throughout
I lie Miiiimer inontlia.
foal dealers who sent out eoul order
IiIiiiKh In itmlopiM buirliifr the liupilut,
"rciler.t l'uel Ailnillilstiatlnii ltuslnesH,"
have bun ordi red to slop tho priutlco
hale their ii'iil siitipl) sliilt olT. lie-
I ,.0,jimj p. Pram Is
,. I.i wis, it) fuel
' adinliilstralor
It Is understood in it u' Ic.ik' one
dealer has sent out hundreds of such
envelopes nnd persons iccelvlni,' them
weie under tho Impieslon thai It was
mandate! for thfin to Pisco tlulr fuel
older with llio dealer. iiHIioukIi the)'
luier lioiiKht Horn hlui at mi) tluuv
'I ho order blanks nri Issued by the
iiuntv fuel committed and nil orders for
c oal muM bo t ntered on the blanks and
slimed b) hoiiselioldcis beforo dialers
can deliver any eoal.
nf in rt tila ty "Ui
it tnotit rMif i nt nft hi)
(p urn fpp l f'i oroi t
1 nil 'I'Miil t,tO"
20lK Century Storage Warehouse Co.
Miti rit(Mir smi n
. Onn UrM I hllii tuition
New productions fres'.
from the workrooms de
signs from Paris, where
they do all things right.
tiolcro, hton, .otiaie nnd all
wanted cflccl-.
Trim Serge Taillcurs
Delhi, Jerseys, Poplins,
Cheer-0 Tweeds
The variety is iimuIuir fioni
dasliine; youthful suits to mod
els with poise and elijjnity.
Rookie, pebble, moss, ashes in
fact, every color you can ask
for. Coats arc silk lined.
Better Pay
noi ii..i . o. m.i
SI 3t VneSUUU 01., faila
Week Before Easter!
Perry Spring Suits and ;
Spring Overcoats are Ready!
New f'nniAre MllltHr Mioul
ele ra, Ioiib lupI i top pockets
rlappeelt oottom pockets
slashed! time ivalat lino;
llre-aeMiu liaik.
All-wool, Perry Workmanship and
the Biggest Values that our Pur
chasing Power, our Loyalty to a
Clientele of over Half a Century's
making can be relied upon to procure!
J This Spring will see the cruci
ble test of sound values in Men's -Clothes.
-Not in fifty years has
there been so critical a time for
the man on the street. J
jf How is he going- to be sure of
old-time all-wool quality in his
new Spring S.uit and Spring
Cfl He will have to put it up to
his store. He will have to de
pend upon his store's fidelity to
the all-wool standard to his
store's ability to avoid being itself
tjf We have stuck to all-
wool reliable, depend
able all-wool worsteds
and woolens, made up
into Spring Suits and
Spring Overcoats with
new slants of style, new
elegancies in linings and
trimmings, the'eomfor4-,
ease and distinction of
Perry Fit and Style. .
.$20, J?25, $30, $35, $40
for Spring Suits and Overcoats
Perry & Co.
"N. B. T."
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fl'eineitre lllllnry hhoulders,
leiy tlglit-fltthiff ivalst; liotli
single- anet double-bicasted
fronts; inrlety of pocUntt.
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