Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 22, 1918, Final, Page 5, Image 5

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i -rc' ; . e .rjmiBiiiM
hu ' TV3KBH
Present Boche Offensive
I Recalls Heroic Resist
;f ante of Verdun
Allies fully prepared
Bcajly at All Point to Meet
Drive of Germany's
Mighty Hordes
( rorrrpoilcnl rvrnlna Putfl" I edoer
wild (lie American .tnni 1 1 h ranee
rrl. March 2. (By mall).
From tho Trench front which I re
ntly v lilted at three different points.
t I hear stories of .1 three-line defense
upon the boche swo mat manes me
HlndenburK line look llko a feather In
l snowstorm. These linen arc to cocr
any possible Allied combination, and
ire classified respectively as "ordinary
combat field," "Important combat field"
end 'battle fleM" the word "field" J
telnff local and the application general
IkIhb to zones. Allied aviators hae
photographed and noted Brent nctlvltv
within eneiny lines for a distance of
sixty kilometers hack; with the mass
In and moving of quantities of np-i
nrntlv fresh troops and a vast con-
1 flomf ration of artillery and aviation
On tho Allied side, all Is ready for nn
ittack, ready all along the line from
' tie sea to Alsace. So thoroughly ready
' that e of the Allies can well sing
' to the tune of "The Old Gray Marc,"
x .
Continued from Pane One
ten form until this morning before the
IH6ln'', s,;!"-oeder. managing editor
J i WWJ. York S,ant8 zung, was
recalled to the stand Hnd asked to Idcn.
tin and compare, tho nrtlcles hi his
nper nnd certain clippings with hand
written matter upon them. Ho declared'
that the latter, consisting of rHo lines,
had been printed In tho Tageblatt of
September 3. inn, as an addition to the
remainder of the article, which had been
clipped from the Staats Zeltung .Mr
Oray succeeded In getting Into thn tes
timony the word comment as leferrlng
to the ncJJcd lines. His contention Is
that the ndded lines were "comment"
nnd not transferable muter at all
Mr. Kane offered In evidence samples
of handwriting liv Werner and Darkow
upon which Melchor had based his
studies. ,
A aheet f pasted copy rWdcuco of
overt act No. 3D, waH offered In cvl
denco liy Mr. Kane It Is a clipping of
a cable dispatch bearing on the negotla.
tlons between the United Vtates nnd
Holland on the matter of Dutch ships
In American ports The Indictment
charges that the Tageblstt editors
changed the dispatch by adding that
Holland would never accept tho United
States's terms nnd would allow food
stuffs to rot In tho harbor before they
i,ui,iu uiiiwuu meir snips.
rollctle. Tho original dispatch said
that I,s. Toilette declared that If tho
program were carried out, "brcsd lines"
would result.
Identification of the handwriting on
"copy" seized by tho Government on
tuo nignt or the raid, which was on Sep
tember 10, HII7, was made by thr hand
writing expert.
The alleged seditious articles weren't
read In court. They were merely marked
as exhibits and will bo read t the
Jury later
.Mr. Melcher, the first wltnei-J called,
at the beginning of the fourth day uf
the trial, at first went to great length
In telling the Jury on what he based his
opinion Ho t-ald h" had pent revernl
dajs In studying the handwriting of
Wei nor and Doctor Darkow Tho ex
amination of the hmdvNrltlng of the de
fondants, he testified, was marlo through
powerful glasses and with tho nld of
i lulcioccope. Later he loir.pired tho
writing In tho "top" belied with tho
oilglnal handwriting of the defendants
T.xlllljll. Identified
Kxhlnlts m irked Nos Hi. 16, 17 and
53 wero Identified as being In tho hind
writing of Werner, whllo exhibits
marked Nos n and 10. according to Mr.
Melcher, were written by Doctor Darkow.
Many objections to the testimony of
Mr Melcher were made ny counsel ior
Gli Italiant Catturano Parcc
chi Prigionieri e Matcrialc
da Guerrn
Published end niMrlhuted Undfr
PEItMfT N.i 341
Authol hy the rt if Oilr,hr (I.
W7 , "n.nle at the l'ontortico of 1'hlU
Uflnhla. Pa,
Hy order of the Pr'sMont
A a m'nr.rsov
Postmtfr On
Itomii, 22 m.iro.
l)Ni.ictl il.il ((iiartlrr (iencr.ite
I l.i Ha no numitizlano rhc un'.uimoii
Jat.i .illlvKa' rnnihntlhn vrrlllea
luiigo liitln la fronle (II ImiIieII i.
C'oiiili.iltliiicntl sunn In progrcsso
In lurccclil punll ilello Unco.
Th old rrsy mare.
Wft have eho artillery.
VV hae th Infantry.
Wo hi tho cavalry.
havo the fljlne men,
f"o Clod help Kaiser Hill
As far as available records permit. It I
,! b known tint the boche haB accessible
i for uso on the western front 2'JO '
y airlslons, representing a fighting rorce or
- 1,578,000 men, and that every other ,
. tranch of the present available German
, force would add about the same mini-
Itr of men. Inferior In soldierly
i Mn1lli fnr rllvrn ipii.rinv nr. fhrrmcll i
type-of service and years, without any i
' Mhtlng ousmv at an. aiy ngureH ui
171,000 flrt-rnnk fighting mn arc
'based In part by boche lossest during the '
last five months, and the fact that In i
bte September, 1917, the Austro-Ger-1
manic armies had massed upon tho litis. '
slan. French and Belgian fronts ion
divisions, 153 on the western nnd 135 on
the eastern This excluded the rela
tlrely few divisions of Turks and Bui- i
farlans which do not enter In my calcu- I
litlon. Probihly eighty dtllons, rep-1
resenting approximately thirty rtrmy
x corps of present numerical formation,
are deemed quite sufficient to cope with
the present Russian condition, and that i
' on fhe Italian front as well. If this as
sumption Is correct, then 220 divisions '
. an tho hlr front where, as I have often I
' written, the war Is to be lost and won,
Is a fair estimate of the boche total
ready for offensive or other work that
may' come to It.
I mutt not detill what I know of Al
11(4 readiness, save that It is tome readl-
j nets and very much on the Job, saturated
' with' a great confidence and the spirit
s efjverdun, whose second anniversary
j was recorded little more than a week ago
' tola).
Verdun the Unconquerable
rfor now, as ever, Verdun xtauds out
'Verdun, the connecting link between
'f the Lorraine and Champagne fronts
Through the present variety of Its nat-
Heal nti A .-.! 1 1 1 .. Sl- I ...
i be tontldercd the most Important fort-
' tin iiad nt fat kA Ua js-.
,j I-.BP ol u turit, C I C I lie uvi iiiuiia
hae unceaslnrly increased their de
ftnrlxe and offensive reaniirras frmii
. 1171 to February, I9I8, Metv Is but
Ji lxty kilometers from Verdun and a like
r -vwiig tiuiif 01 .mniei, ioui ana
4 Nancy. It has never been the objective
ef Rttal In l,n P&bnn .. n m 1
and the Verdun front, on the contrary,
have foiled every Germanic Intent and
effort, the enemy never even crossing
the Meuse save at St. Mlhlel In all I
naye read or heard or teen of Verdun,
there is no statement, as far as I know,
of ..what Verdun moant nn mr.anB
t the morale of the Allies, nor what part
Jim; glory and heroism play, conc!ous
, 17 or otherwise, upon that morale. A
1 J?!' resume might thercfoie not be
nthout Interest.
The most Important arteries that place
l t," m direct communication with
I 5L?,blirc f,ollow tho JIarne Vltry-ie-
? JTancols. tha Drnnln n Il... II.,
' ?'' ?he Meue from Lerouvllle to Pag-
..'a .J." " irom toui to Frouard,
ana the AletirthA fmm s.-nnn., t ...
Tine, The course nf Iia t-u rn i
doubled by, the nhlne-Marne Canal.
I JOrmlnff. fmm Vllrv.l.1?rnnnlB n II..
lAttjt communicates to tho very heart of
7lJ"' ana instituting at the same
aTi p.owerfu' "ne f defense against
'., ourr irom tno norm. This line
Mfore tho battle of the Marno hM n.
x.T troops from Meaux to rievljmey.
t The MoiiftA. onl !, srADiiA ..n.nnMi.
;. an almost touching point, and then
.. BtDarate abmnflv. the, innr halu.n
tltetn Wldanlnir in tahntit nna littrtrlvAI nvA
uj?en'y kilometers between Treves and
aieutres. South of this line, the country
Involved fnrnin an tDfinlraifn trlnnc-lA
Mho apex resting between two deep val-
01 me two rivers To tno west,
the Aire and the Alsne valleys form two
mranei conditions, between which rises
the.Argonne forest upon an elevation
'ner man the surrounding country.
Itninn. 2J tuarzn
PI attendono partlcolarl circa II suc-ces-o
consegulto dalle truppe Itallanc
net Kcltore del Rile, nnnunzlatn iK un
tomunlcato ufndalo puhbllcalo, lerl. d,l
Mlnlstrro della Cluerra
Intnnto I'lmportanii del sucrrsso e
M.ita confermita dil dlsincd del crrrl
spondentl dl gucrra prcseol n fronte dl
I.o truppe Itallanc rlsolutamente at
taccarono le poslzlonl oci upito dul no
mlco nc t-ettcro del flume S Ic e rluscl-
roni n pcnetrarvl Infllggcndn nl teutonl
'perdlte coneldervoll, II nemlco ahbin
I dono1 le poslzluil lasclandn nella mini
dcgli Italian! parecchl prigionieri .
Molte mltragllntrlrl mortal da trlncea,
1 fuclll ed altro materlnlo di guerra fu
lln'larga quantlta' cttturato dagll llall-
anl, I quail tornarono nolle loro llnee
con II loro hetllno e dopo aver sublto
I llmllate perdlte.
1 Dal 20 nl 31 mirzo II governo llallano
i ha chlamato tuttl I Htfmllnl hi nmKn
nr i,io.....i . .1.1. .,,, . . It"" uriensc i mfpo jn.nn -.
ndmlMed "because ho said thoTdded If a? , takcn U"rt0r M"M' "1C u
turo was editorial comment nnd not nn Tl,e ''"'grs against Werner and Dar
alteration of the dlsp ttch as charged Asl,,ou- aT"' t,,nt between April 6 and Sep
It nppears In the paper It Is separated I tember to 1017 the "with Intent pub
from the rest of the article by a dash ' Hshcd from time to time articles In which
Judge Dickinson admitted the evl-'thc gave aid and comfort to the Ini
drnce on this Hct as well as nn nets No .perlil tlcrnnn llovernment and Its sub.
37 and 38 N 37 Is a dispatch from Jects while they were enemies of tho
The Hague rcgirdlng unrest in Or- United Mates '
many In which threo reasons for the Government offlclats said today that
unrest are given the whereabouts of Robert Pzepanckv,
The Tageblatt editors are alleged to a former employe of tho Phlladelphl i
have stricken from the original dispatch Tageblatt and a witness against the de
a sentence thut "failure of tho U-bo.t fendants, was still a mvstery to them
campaign to end tho war' had been Kzepansckv usually took the place of
one of the tcasons for unrest The Werner when the latter took a day off
other charge Is the chsnping of ' bread on Saturd.ys
lines" to "bread riots" In n speech on I Tho trial was adjourned until Monday
the war program mado by Senator ti at 10 o'clock
nlnbaro lo Industrie. Parte e tutto 11
lavnro che sara' esegulto dal volnntnrl
dovra' essero fstto senza pnga. IValuto
dovra' csserc date alio rcgucnll Indus
trie: Agrlcole. melatlurflche, tesslll. chl
mlche, costruzlonl, manutrnzlonl dl
strnde, e per nltrl mestlcrl come oggettl
dl sellerla c vestlmeuta milltarl.
So l'arrolamcnto volontarlo fnlllra". II
fJoverno llallano l provvedcrn' con
l'lirrclameutu forzato
I.'llall.i c' It ttrza nazltne tra le
belllgerantl die ha ndottntii detto si
sterna dl servlzloi Ta OennanU I'adotto'
nel 1010 c I Inghllterru nelt'nnnn so
guente. I,n I'rancla oru attende che In
Camera l Depulatl approvl un simile
progelto dl legge
l.'nrrolamentn volontarlo per It lavoro
fu preparatn da un t'nmlltn.n Centrnle
sotto la presidents dell On Olurfolll, Ml
nlstro per ('Industrie
Un dlspaccln di Parlgl nnnunzln cho
un ncconlo e' stato stlpuhto tra la
Francla o la (lermanla, p che nvra' lm
medlal.i eNOcuzloiu- per lo eeimblo del
prigionieri ih" iihbtano superata 1'eta
del 48 annl Tuttl I prlvntl o coloro che
lion sono ulllclall che fanno parte i)el
prigionieri dl eta' superlnre it quella
accenuata, sni.tnnn rlmpatrlatl Oil uf
(lcall siranno Intematl In Svlzzera.
Telegrnmml da Londra e da 1'arlrl an
nunzlano che una furlosa lotta si sta
svolgendo alia fronto Occident. ile I
tedeschl hitino comlnclato una grande
offenslva snpra una fronte superlore alle
50 mlglln l.a lotta si svolge- principal
mente dal flume Srarpe nl sut dl St
Quenlln o tompreude settinta mlglla ill
trlnceo ln oomunlc.it') del Held
Marshal Halg .immette che nell.i fas-e
Inlzlnle rieH'offenslva I tedeschl fono
rluscltl a penefrare nello llnee Inglesl,
ma le perdlte subltr dal lien Ico .ono In
gentl Continental Accepts
Anti-Dance Ruling
fontlntipd from Pare One
today that there seemed to be a deposi
tion on tho part of tho city to strangle
the hotels Tho city should take Into
consideration th.t without hotels there
could or would be virtually no growth
or expansion, he declared
"Ninety-eight per cent of the money
ipent by hotels Is expended In Phlla
delphla," he said "I.lttlc of It gofB
out of town nnd utmost all of It comes
from people from distant points Thus
tho hotel Is constantly bringing pros
perity to a city."
The hotels will be greatly affected
how much so no ona p.ui at present tell.
If I had a ilinnca to build my hotel
again I'm frank In salng I wouldn't
do It. Why. Philadelphia will bo n
'Jay' town after this, nnd everbody who
wants to havo any pie. sure will neces
sarily have t) go to New York or one
of a thousand olhcr pointe. There goes
a lot of home monc to help other
cities riven Camden will be helped."
liven so, tho "Jazz" band artist nnd
the csbarrt waiter arc not waiting until
further developments Philadelphia Is
c'e.d, as far ns they are concerned, nnd
thev are deserting the town lll.o rats
from a sinking ship
M, Busonl. innmger of an emplovment
agency tint furnli'ies orchestras to ho
tels sain toilav tint the state of tho
muIclnns would be pitiful unless some
thing could he done to relieve them It
Is not considered possible that nil will
be able to tlnd work so Kinn that they
will not have a Jiard time before tho
first pH dn comc. All hive families,
Mr Busonl said
But the liquor Interests are Jublhnt
over the ruling of the court v.n n.
Iier, head of the Retail r.lnnnf nt..-
tssoclatlon. kJ,i today that It would
TI..y '"lp tho "'1U0r '"Crests and
imi. n wouiu provo n Wg Impetus
'It will undoubtedly heln II. u
men' Mr Bonner said, "and will prove'
a valuible ascot In th future The
cabaret nan always been regarded by
them ns one of the worst enemies of
tho retailer. There are In Philadelphia
about 1900 saloons, nnd there vvera but
about sixty cabareto. Thus tho many
have suffered for the sins of the few."
I'cnns)lvanla Serbs Loyal
Marrlobursj, l'., March 22 Tho Serb
Federation Mobodu, meeting at McKees
port, telegraphed Uovernor Brumbaugh
a message oi -lojaity iq democracy.
Kent to Vetkek fw Neniait
MlnnaanAtl- llnn " MarrlV .'S?S JJ '
Congressman Wl'lllani Kc'ntT j:pi4'li(3'
WnshlngtonHoday to rrarl,tr.lrt,m. 06tf 'i
sldercd the.lVatlonnl ,NonpartlMji"Lep i
I05 nl antl", 5atr!ot&YA. C. .TpwivMIf, ' A. $
nrAldrnt. HVrfT lravft).nf klhlV lliarH '! ' U
fleers have been, arretted, op bhargei' oC I
ii 'Jllfr,l '"' "-.l four-fifths actual size V-iit'-'i-',;.ilK ' J
GniioymGnt .riBII v.
iiiiiiiii,i,,,,i,pyp FI 111 Hi
Zfiww TM4as33 sT ma iw.ik, .m nw " '
iSaPKOl HV MILD HAVANA FILLER. 1! Ill llll llll ',
t lWTif H ftW SHADE. UMUWN ..tSTi fl f. 11 II t , V
Mtny thtpes and tlica
ICc tttrolRht to 2 fnr 25c
Belted nnd bll-
warn pocitots
1 Popular
W. B . r-B and
American J-ody.
; $3 to $s
ltlilorle Soil of Vranco
The land.Iav about th Meuse hills de.
''fods suddenly on the right bank of the
nver, reappearing on the left toward
, j,"' north and east where chense, Slgney
JAboeyc, Hlrson, and other points were
r$upied by the French after the battle
0f Charlawlll, In rmtnrn thpt ndvanCA nt
' Invtdlng armies, an witnessed by combats
s l tna Flghlh army at Slgney l'Abbeye,
Ui Fourth at Vosse. between Chesne
Ktnif Pttan an !, Tl,lrn In thA nv.
KIron of Dun. The crossing, of tho Ar-
nne roreat. it will bo remembered, ne-
aanj an enemy difficulty through the
tMeesslty of covering against flank at
tack constantly threatened by the Third
Ijlrmy between Verdun and lUTlgney,
R' uit me opposite bank or the Meuse,
KTron, Llouvllle Fort, and the defenses
(fat -Tout on the Moselle resisted every
FHtacle. Tha fort nf flsnin das Ttn-
IfJnaJns. Isolated upon a height at the
"1 or which spread out the entire
hU Mlhlel dlitrlct. fell In the fair
1 Mrly dava it VAm .llinl, V.,ft-t,A
rilsm of the French about Toul
t PfjnPtiy re-established the situation.
f ontliitied from Pace One
On account of the traitorous action of
tho member from the Twenty-fifth Ward,
I think we should take action at once"
The vote was then taken and Sherlc
Harry HanMey, chairman of the com
mittee, declared the scat from the
Twenty-fifth vacant and asked the com
mittee to proceed at once to organize tho
ward anew. Senator Varo asked the
committee to retain any ward com
mitteemen who 'rennlned loyal to the
pirtv last fall when Campbell went over
to tho Town Meeting party.
In a later address Senator Varo re
minded the members that another meet
ing will soon be called to select a State
slate He reiterated his request that
the ward leaders "select the strongest
and bet candidates regardless of their
stand on liquor'
So far an I am concerned" said the
Senator. "I have no cholcvi with regard
to tho State ticket except for the lieu
tenant Governor. We havo spoken here
for Congressman Scott and wo will stand
by him to the end.
'Tho Republican voters are coming
back to the Republican party In
droves," he continued. "The fact the
principal candidates nrc out for pro
hibition has eliminated the prohibition
amendment as nn Usue. Tho fight now
becomes a straight-out fight of tho Re
publicans ngalnst the Democrats. We
want to present a solid front against
the opposition."
At the conclusion of the meeting the
nomination papers In blank fur State
Senators, Representatives and i"on
giessmcn were distributed. Tho com
mittee set next Tuesday nlffht as the
time for tho ward committees to meet
and nrrango to start out for signatures
to the petitions
Political peaco so fae as council
iranlc Jobs arc concerned, and the end
of battledore-and-shuttlccock tactics
wero assured today by nn agreement
between Select Councilman Charles Se
gcr, of the Seventh Ward, and leaders
of tho Vara and Penroso factions
Tho agreement re-establishes coun
cllmanlo positions as they were decided
upon prior to the reorganization of
Councils on the first of the car.
Tvto men dismissed by Dr. U B.
Gleason. president of Common Council,
will be' reinstated. A plan to remove
Doctor Oleason will bo abandoned and
two bills now before the Law Committee
and directed against Wlllam II. Telton,
chief clerk, and his son, W, W. Felton,
assistant clerk, will bo allowed to die.
Plans of the Penrose lenders arc said
to have Included an effort to disnlnce
Chairman Joseph P. Gaffney, of Councils'
Finance-Committee, and to alter tho rep
resentation In that committee Thee
plans will also be dropped
Councils again become "neutral1
ground so far as Job sw Itching goe
Doctor Oleason, Penrose leader of the
Ninth Ward, started the war several
weeks ago by dismissing John I' Kcll,
of Congresman Vnre'a ward the Twen
ty sixth from a II.IOO Job as clerk In
the Finance Committee, nnd Simuel
Ilcitty, a Vare worker nf the Twenty
second Ward, from a JlfilO Job as com
mittee clerk In Common Council They
were dropped to make plices for two
Ninth Ward Penrose workers who lnd
been dismissed from other municipal
departments Kelly will be reinstated
April I andlleatty, May 1
A. M Thompson, who was appointed
to the position caused by the dismissal
of Kelly, loses the Job and as jet has
no prospective berth Tnompson was
dismissed from the position of assistant
pajlng teller In the City Treasurer's
Another who loes under the agree
ment Is Thomas Kelle. a Ninth Ward
Pcnroso worker. For ubouf a month he
occupied the Job formerly held bv Beatty
and two months ago was dismissed us
a writ server In tho sheriff's oJn.c
Tho two tills now before the Law
Committee, If favorably reported and
acted1 upon, would havo provided for an
Immediate election to fill the places now
held by the two Fcltons
The, agreement as to J0I13 does not; In
clude any reference to legislative mat
ters, nor docs It necessarily presage any
further agreement
1 In bringing about tho agreement. Mr
Seger Insisted ' that 11 cutthroat war,
such ni the one outlined, would do no
good In tho long run and bo directly
against the agreement under which Mr
Gleason was chosen president and the
membership of more powerful commit
tees decided upon
Although not holding the balance of
power, Mr Seger Is strong enough to
cause trouble for any faction which he
opposes His desire for peace Is said to
bo responsible alone for the settlement of
councllmanlc political warfaro to far ns
Jobs arc concerned
I.aneaater, Pa.. March "2. Rock de
posits which aro being taken by tho Gov
ernment from a great quarry near
Rheems for smelting purposes are now
being hauled away by the tralnloads
under the strictest secrecy.
This week threo carloads of dynamite
w ill bo exploded simultaneously to shat
ter one of the largest bouldrrH there. It
was learned today from 11 local firm
which has charge of the work A two
carload shot of last week shook the
whole end uf tho county.
Theo. Presser Company
Sheet Music and Music Books Dealers, Publishers,
Importers. The largest Music House in Philadelphia
1710-1712-1714 Chestnut Street '
Announce the Opening of
A complete line of Victrolas,
anda record service that the
music-loving people of Phil
adelphia should expect from
this House.
5 $3.00
Tomorrow, A Most Sensational
SaleEaster Suits
C S5"i 7 Embracing Values up to $35.00 Qlf P""
1 J mii , ,3fefeiSrm-' m5!L- &b 43
1 jfKmaimmmmmMSL
VtliffiflSJr uozens ana uozens or newest Moacis many mVmW&&
M to- zj.nmoiiyi; jtyiKO uiiu ji ciuiuiio uy w
Again Hirsch's come to the front with the unusual and demonstrate their firm
policy of practical economy. With but one week to Easter this unusual event is
announced in newest Easter Suits.
More than 1000 brand-new garments, developed of wool poplins, serges, gabar
dines, Poiret twills, shepherd checks, tricotines and novelty tweeds in models of
approved popularity, trimming effects and colorings.
Other Charming Easter Suits up to $50.00
ales Manager
jto take chfti'ito of retail end
pfj high grade Motor Truck
J proposition for, Philadelphia
J and territory. Must havo
ability to organire depart
' f root and direct salesmen.
Ati experienced local man
'preferred. References and
statement of oast experience
1 - required. All. communica-
!1, Mow trUd in strict eon-
IM'V ttl baW UbU '
Maviteon & DeMair?
1115 Chestnut Street
Opposite Keith's
It Pays to Buy Furs Now
While You Can Save
OUR Removal Sale is an opportunity to save on
reliable fashionable furs that every woman
should take advantage of.
Reductions Are One-half, More Than
One-half and One-third
These furs will be a handsome addition to the wardrobe next
iMinn fnr modes will chancre little
and the following plan will make their
buying little tax on the purse.
Purchaif will be reserved in
our vault until next fall upon
payment of a depot! t, payment
to be continued monthly.
Fur Coats
15.00 Pony 37.50
ll 9.00 Marmot 50.50
149.00 Muskrat 74.50
179.00 Muskrat 89.50
250.00 Nutria 125.00
290.00 Hudson Seal . . . 145.00
325.00 Hudson SeaV. . . 185.00
390.00 Leopard 195.00
KprinQ.WeiQht Scai'f8.
59.00 Wolf, alt colors... 29,50
65.00 Fox,' ll colora. .. . 32.50
99.00 Ermine 49.50
55.00 Raccoon . . .
65.00 Taupe Fox .
105.00 Taupe Wolf
125.00 Black Fox.,
"Mill order
MM order PTomptigHmes., -.
prirlnt w rfim94tl0. lw
'Urm:rmrrcvrrr-7 THF
fSSffe? gro.4-A. MllinAir s- L fl
j!L -V " " V-J-rr .-.:::-.,: : i) V Sjj0g Of Refreshing Loveliness JgE i1vCH D 1
xTTXiS3B I 111 $2-&" $4'98 J&t $$3 7 3
Ca Thn ftwVip K aSK& f & AJlll l Vil Ilnory 1h Incomparable 1MWW Y JL s
HS rr . ffifii.ljMn as, . vttMl 11 l bolne ni"itl 1" our own aajreSWffil.p.u. -. VV VVl Z ?i
2 Footwear Vf A WAJ W'gPgsJ- m jL Vj U ) worKiooms from ire.1- P r2S3 VJ 1 If iK
KS of the T r'A Vn-X u ftii n ill I IV 111 tlol,s ,hat arc ""'"b ' A 1 V I II
SI Nation I A I 1. 'VS H 'tn , 9 ill iloublo .mil three times our A V 1 I A
. -- . i i- i a i i -a . i m jumj m t r- -j- ..-- .-. , . . . ln Mw ,
yilk&t j .A 1 1 Vj j VrlaJ I nU Tn " nlves' effects, Email or xL A u m '"V
nirararararararamre ' III Iiav man X rV In vl YX? iin- VI k.TT TITt larue pauorx. luroan?, mun- ' - ,.,r - m it
" uwlra ffOI ilCU N-S-JiLt J ( - ill m r-j!T ItJ rooms and pokes. (' S Jfr IP V'
f A X P .. T t.t
I 0 A 1 & georgette Crepe 3UK u ; n "
l! -i77n AJ M i Easter HI Waists $l -98 f L '!
II ' 5 fjf JP 5 DRESSES V Poiuviood ft COATS J J
a S - ytWtml ifm U i "" fA 1 Waists of Individual smartness p C.UU 1 nJr'j
31' T yT COL I MkWWW ff JLlJ pSfe & nnd dressiness many are samples. X J ,M , "4
li I 5W j4kT rrfT I mWk B ai itniV but one or tw ol a Und. , 'tt
a' -'0- Hh i-H Li And Up to $19.73 Afft1!'' V ) 'B0 p lollare. some with And Up to J4250 M . . (j
1 Uo f jLL jf II X Doiens and dozens fiXT S J J. , frllled or i,and-embroldcrcd fronts. . ,tyii.h new t t .
d Yr UT I fm of, "",elyf t?rtZ X viMj&Jfr' Also others of crepe de chines and thwiiuarVer andfrulK frA ' '
3 P lnh I I V taffern- uHn" iiSpa TrC cashable .atlns In dressy effeUs. iSSStt? effects Jh M "m '
A ' 0 1? r eJL I la 5 de hmcs and Veor- i T All the nest sprint; eludes and llns. senres. t-rttfii ml i'j
1 Ltfj For Easter Lfft J I ) !!Jiw, n1 wl,uc 'ijjiSL m. rA
' llJBirr 1 iuJ..hMV.l'o Kn Lz M !V is : WnmPn's $fi.98 Women's SI 2.75 Children's White ChdoWs $3 jf-- 1
'Mm I &"&.!? q- 222r A "I Silk Poplin New Easter Ungerie PUA WUi
Wm 1 A.rorNo.36o- JW I waists s suits dreSses ,lalf mtl
ttmm.W P- Thl Snappy. StylUh Oiford J&W lIVEllJUlJlJ fVsl Wvf" W
J -" - sjr. 'g ob1 SS-50 'l $0,. .
i UR alert foreslghted- My ? n, (X Tailored, lace and , , m Of shepherd check lace trireme. land 4&Y ''M1 W
m I I ness eieanticdiSLri. W rC"uHri embroidered trimmed Several stles for materials In a popu- pink or blue ribbon ,KLi.i- 'Jf.- tfM
W J CitA,i .Ti?.. nstmi if efffcts. Voiles and choice In new color- lar coat modef. All trimmed. Sires to 6 New belted modal. f. ij
W$7, ' "" S bution and advance C. J orcandles. Ings. hlzes up to 44. slies. ars. sires 2 to yeara. Sfo' d
Kw'"?3 I llll preparations have enabled M .... ,,, TOHvL1v.,v. , . fc-. Ai . ilBfT jLM
Hl '' I ' us to i give you greater money's worth In shoes of dis- f HHaWiMSl afWsTwm YSTsnTfwinaV3BBHHB. B'V- Ji'i JB
kKWWW V Jill tinction than ever. Why pay $6 and $7 when you can m OBV4w.tJr S I$iPk? C J4.v ml Wkm Wbk n m ?5at A" Wi'vfl
r 1 i 1 get all the satisfaction in the world here for $3.50 and 2 aag.g LOfe-v? ,'.,&. WM
i o-t . .u ..... ... x S nrT? i n AITi i torn wS ssJl tS I s utTlFiT-iM LJ$B'&,slKaM
i llll tiitso oic iu ui uic smart styles youn see I tm smi Ss. is Slv HH &W sxs s --( g s. -sk . -i s SR aW .. T m. .C PsWh-'nTi MJ1 13!M
'III on best dressed men Easter Sunday. They are very 1U P L i.li .J.J.JL!aCAJLlJnL..- faitgflft.M ' ,.VU
155.00 Squirrel 77.50 3 HbH oeauuxui ana stynsn. bee them tomorrow. WB M 3K-LyMllSpi-- Jr$ BIMSi' " Eg'VB
149.00 Hudion Seal.... 79.50 l ' '" M WilW Bb STM 'JWr STTi5il !s.slSp?V Sfe'!B
179.00 KolinaWy 89.So ft Q OP Ci f L hl 1 H4 t VfllllM im tfl SIS WhU I Ml Ikl -OTfe. 19
fi7Krt I WWVW l lf IVVV VIV1VV W. IlillNl ffilKB cus. ereat activity In this FI HH,4V V'JslH
Of iOU III till m IHHk .Hii.li.li.li.li.li.li.liK zonular barira.n btore to- lHllK J? jliil.i.l.i.l.i.liil.i.l.iHIvHIB4 Hfelpts.il.H
. 98.50 B H K"'?I.Ai" ."' If0'" " U aer"niin "rew'ciienen I I Ul'"lm-JIU1 JssJaajpssBSMajreysw OH
. 98.50 1 III rf,"1 0,r?",ornsoVri.tb b'l L,blh U?250a K"1 5- nr V,rVti st- llll 2! SUITS COATS
order I 'ii k.,ih h v.ir "til, hi ' I 'STJ Cru.!v,,Ji ,?h'uoaa f.'MB". llll MM or erg-es. popumi ana snen- . , , .. . . - ior' popuns, aerMB. eMMI li S'
A I? l"iH;U,hm-,n"VWi.,.fcb,to Y herd I, checksum .evera, new In; h. jW. & ".S' $&
fan ., - .. yiiira aw. MWm J .1 W , --,- , r, .
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Brown Fox.
Cross Fox .
Beaver . . . i
Pointed Fox.
cceated with
ount ulloif4.
JA t -hMkhlMkefrmilt
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