1V y' -wvvV, -3 -"7". EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEK-PHILADELPHIA. F1UDAY, MAItCH 22, 1J)18 JT '""'-V " -P tfi Tri'' 1 J' ) ,fV TV.? 3 i I m GOSSfr OFTHE STREET PHILADELPHIA MARKETS ENTHUSIASM IS DIMINISHING ON WAR-FINANCE CORPORATION United Railroads Company Bonds Considered Cheap Planning Sale of Property to San Francisco mHEHU doesn't Rctm to bo so much enthusiasm In some quarters over 1 tho war-flrianco corporation bill ns there was somo time ngo. A great many held tho Impression that It would bo a sort of cure-all for financial Ills of every description. They don't talk nhout It as such now. Thcro U on Impression abroad that politics has already begun to lnflucnco the possible administration of tho bill, but whatever has occurred ono does not find so many enthusiasts clamoring for Its speedy passago to tavo tho railroads and public utilities from financial chaos. Thon'Uiero was that lengthy correspondence on tho duties of Stato and municipal public service- commissions toward tho public utilities that were bccklnp; for higher rates to meet tho present war conditions which passed between tho I'resldcnt nnd the Secretary of tho Treasury. Few papers mado any extended comment on these letters, nnd hero gain it was said that politics had obtruded. 15e that ni It may. It was of somo significance that the petitions of the pis companies which supply Chicago and New Orlans with gns for permission to Increase rales were refused. Every one knows that of nil public utilities corporations nono has been hit to hard by tho increase In tho cost of labor and materials as have, the sa.T companies. Among the Important contracts which arc waiting on the President's elgnaturo to tho war-flnanco bill when It Is passod. It Is said, Is ono for 60,000 freight cars. Tho war-flnanco bill contains a provision for purchases of railroad equipment by tho President, and until the bill becomes law no contracts can bo signed. It Is said that of the 0,000 freight cars mcnlloncd abovo tho American Car and Foundry Company, on account of Its enormous capacity to turn out promptly such equipment, will rccelvo 30 per cent of tho order. Tho passage of tho war-flnancc bill by an nlmost unnnlinous voto by the House yesterday afternoon and tho signing of tho railroad-control bill by tho President had no nppreolablo effect on tho market, unless the activity of the last hour could bo attributed to these events. Some brokers attributed tho strength of the Kteel stocks to the con ference oi Steel Company heads Just adjourned In Washington, while others said they saw more of n bear lnflucnco In tho reports from the conference up to date, as It seems u foregone conclusion that there will bo no advance In steel prices. Those who wero Inclined to bellcvo tho other way pointed to tho recently published leport of tho earnings of the; Itepubllo Iron nnd Steel ns proof that present prices wero gooo. enough. United Railroads of San Francisdo A banker who has recently returned from San Francisco and Is thor. ourhly conversant with the situation regarding tho United Hallroads Company said that. In view of tho negotiations for tho purchase of tho property by tho city of Han Francisco, ho Is satisfied that the piescnt market price of tho United Ilalltonds of San Fiarclico general moitgago 4 per cent bonds U very much lieliw thel.- ucttial worth, par'Icutntly In view of the comparatively nmall Indebtedness ahead of theso bonds, com bined with the excellent comdltlon of the property and Its good record of earnings. Information has been received by bankers interested In the company that theso negotiations nio progicsslng satisfactory and that Chief Engineer M. M. O'Shaughnessy and William Von Phul, general manager of, the United Railroads Company, have been In consultation for several weeks discussing tho method of valuation to bo adopted. . They havo agreed that tho basis of tho sale prlco of tho property to the city shall bo tho picsent physical value of the same, plus 'an amount equivalent to tho probable net earnings during tho life of their franchises. Cities Service Company Condition ' , , i Henry I... Doherty & Co. leport that the gross Income of Cities Service Company for February, 191S, was $1,SI0,610. This Is nn Increase of $167,744 oer February, 1917. It should not lie ovei looked In comparing January and February, 1918, that Februaiy contained only twenty-eight das as compared with January's thirty-one, nnd also that February, 1918, In addition was a month of many holidays. Tho net lncomo of tho company for February, 1918, was Jl.815,870, an Increase of $166,124- oVer February, 1917, whllo nfter providing for preferred dividends tho remainder for tho month applicable to the common stock was $1,480,234, an Increase of $119,457 over tho corresponding month off tho preceding year. For the twelve months ended February 2S, 1918, the gross Income of Cities Service Company was $19,597,248, an Increase of $7,287,538. Thero was an Increaso for tho twelve months of $7,345,445 In net Income nnd the remainder for tho common stock for tho period was $15,420,788, a gain of $6,190,603 over tho preceding twelve months. For tho twelve months ended February 28, 1918, tho I equipments for the preferred dividend wero earned 5.05 times ns compared with 4.48 times In tho preceding year. Tho lemalnder for tho common stock for the year was equivalent to $60.08 on tho amount outstanding In tho hands of tho public, as compared with $44.81 a sharo for the twelve months ended February 28, 1917. Showing tho steadily Increasing earning power ofiCltles Service Company, It may be said that for tho first two months CM818 there was earned a remainder applicable to tho common stock of $3,148,263, which was at an annual rato of $72.50 per sharo on tho common tock outstanding In tho hands of the public. The earnings are after what are believed to bo ample reserves for nil Federal taxes had been set aside from profits of subsidiary companies. Government's Local Market Reports This dally report lit sent out by the Iturrau of Muriels of the United ,Vfnss Department of Agriculture, Philadelphia bianch, tellh headquarters tit 300-lli In- auiance nxchango llulldinp, (Vhnl.tl. M,l.,a Inf... IMs In tnhhers based on auks Ht the various rallruad depot..) rnuiTS APPLKS Per I.W. (40 In 43 tiuirtcr pecks). VlrslnU Altiermarlo Pippins, tlrsts, mostly, $3; ii,n l)al, jceterclal'a , ",''. nunlltv condition good, A itradc. 2'i-lnch, , -i m ,.iu; .New YorK nnlilwina, n'muiy -vir union n-noa, A srnile, S'j.incn. ,;.uiwwi ttrnrlt. l. .1...., mn.tlu tj i. It .f-a.te. 21 Inch II nn.l...mbt niH,i. nn,lltlftn fill J1 -inch. t.'i. somo poorer, no sales reported Mnlnn Ilalriulns, quality condition, .poor, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GUMS AND FLOim ...Yl".Fat trlti.nlM bush. Market firm. tn Hint offer)!! Quotations! far lot. In export elevator Uloiemmenl standard In. .!.i lnn2 . "Inndaril prices- No, 1, northern I""". li'.STi No. I Urd winter. K.27I No. I durum. $:;7i No. 1 hard whit J3.27! ii"r,nl:ri "" - -! uo. ao. n -. for,!' "" No. 1.I2.3:ii 'to. No. 2. JJ.22. V.r.lmilln tirirea Ite.l ulnlec. No .1. i.'-JI! "?''' So. t, J2.1S; do. do No 5. 2.1s a-iniplo L-rad'a, 2.0flT2 13. o(t. No 1 J;!( llu- N- 4. 12 tit; do, No. 5. J.M3I 'ample urade. njM2.il whei. .J1 "iaimum rrlcl' on,v ,0 '' t,ll'', V hioh ; .mut nuamiea in me wnfiii aro v i "D '" "nrrant it. '" tVr." henls Maximum price rontalnll.l I' iiM...1"'1' .""'. Moisture to 13.'. per ran- Business Career of Peter Flint A Story of Salesmanship by Harold Whitehead (Cotvrlahlt ...-..' ' .itiii iHin.iurp in ij ., I'r .... "mi-iuro c unJrr No I or No J rl 2.23. think Hnrr wn ... i. ......... ...i.. ...n. i ....' ' '. -b.-i. .'inaillltllll i'i n .,...-, Mr. It Mtrfirou ulll answer vour bnitneti qiirMfonf om (miiIho. arlliMri. n.lftrtlilna nnd tmiiloiment. Ark vour onflloin rl'nrtu nnrt pltr till the ocM, )our rurrrrt imi,n nnd lull firfcrrs 1.1ml be nlaned In all In.iulrira. Antwm lo trcinlcal qucstlona will bn fif IV wiull. Olnrr- Kill lr ilinurrril I llil rolunin. rin tiioil Inlrrrllnff riroblrml ul (noulrlft , le iroirn Into the Haru 0 I'tter I lUt. XMII THANK goodnc."! I'n made a rfnl salo at lat. 1 wns bfKlniiliiR to that the Cllm.tv Collection of Broofty tr. ln't thro nthln that could ho dona during- Ihoao houra to In crean tho erilcltnoy of tho atoro? There should never be nny slack hours. When cuatomcrs nre not In weigh sugar or tea. I know it merchant who In ills spare time weighs up cgts of meat and nn ench cut ho puts it tnr marked with weight and price llo told me that ho could handlo twice its ninny customers In tho rult hour through this uo of to-called slack hours, (CONTINUIIU TOMOnilOW) wy v'.-avti.?jesjllar SrW. 'ffizxsb i &'$&' aw r v r1. Tsirtrs "'""" rat hoPeics,. i ;;:.n )inra-.ieman.l moement alow; red U.20. had been plugglne bird nil morning nwtnwn UMneaap, ratrn faner, mJI find no. I nheata Maximum nrlM tie under ,, ,,, , ,, . ni.dlum twti, iery fow Bale". 2C2.r,n No t or jj 4 red, j....i jjj,. 4 ,0tt rrd. without any micccst at all. As I came (ijti-illty fair wide raniro londltlon, con- -:' , n, i,. -!,-, . .. i-i Meraiitv fronKi.t 1 No r, whatM.vtmm ,ie ronMiiiina "1 "' ,l lunchroom I met Swlcl. V2: Morldi per hot 17.1 to 100). 78. l.iicirt.xN'TS -rlorlda. no arruaia. KAI.i: Norfolk per I1I1I. (20 to 30 quar ter lfrla. T.VffM 2.. I.KTTl'i'i: I'lorldn per himper (3 to 34 dnz lipailal. II 7SW.1. I allforulaa, per irnto ( I to s doi ), 13 r.n. Ml'SIIItooVlN -Nearby, per lb. (3 to 4 Hi linkell RXB4V ONIONS New York and eaatern. per 100 Hi auka xelLina. TUcS 1 1 1 poor. 3.WBV:. PAIISNII'M Neorhy per bbl. (2.1 to 30 quarter peokal. St .luffl 7.1. l'i:.S riorlda. n huh. (13 to 15 quar ter perks), poor, month- 13. rnriT.nsU No nrrlvnla l"or.Tii:s -Very few actual aaleai de mind alow: market atron. lnsuffleient aalea lo quote on hulk atork, nearhv. per S-bueh. haaket (31 Iba ). Ilrsta. r.UWt'.HC. aecondl. S.im.f.e HPINAt'lt- Norfolk per hbt (20 to 2J quarter prrkxl, $2 ll.lff 3, Texas, per bush laaket, pour (7 to in quarter pecks). ,c . iWIIlir I'OTATOKS -Nrarbv. per.S- luieli basket (H to I) quarter pecks). 7seW "Well. oung man." be said, "how many orders haa you taken this morn ing?" "Don't bo funny," I snapped. "I don't think anybody selli tbeni." His eyes narrowed for si moment. In a few minute I was sitting In his Utile i-ulibj hole of nn office nnd looking at the orders be had received for tho last week more than forty of them! livery one of the salctmieu had sold Mmo sets except me. Oh, well, those fellows bain good ire glilng them nil the Philadelphia A rrivals at New York Hotels JAPAN GETS SHIPPING TERMS London, Starch 22. Hcuter's Toklo correspondent reports that the Jupntieso commission having In hand (ho ques tloti of furnishing tennaga to tho United Stales met oil .Saturday last. "America's proposed thurtcr rate," tho dispatch continues, "being one-half the, local rate, It Is understood that counter- ........ i e... . ..i..Bn .... 1 . ,. I...!.. .In JlllllMieitin lur it tn.iiii.-i I'di' lu Hu-lun 1 iniuruuci', i-t iui'hum u spun ui .uiiiiiu- mle, to America lir.VTrW '.M fc.li(xlAD-TMl!lrfh i0- VV1I.UAJI A. tnii- ?' e.IU4lh;?""!4 t'b-ni. eltlBloye P, T j ... v '.iiru 10 runarai aarneeav ti., i m.;',.i,.nH;..,"iT'"'" 'tl'h Cem. -rlca4j may call Thuni. ar. ,UWKK. !"" 20. ,WIt.UAM 3.i amnl of Martha ajm l,ilo John Itourke ana grand- J eor of lata John H. an Atary Frayn.,.lr-.j ...y..,- u 1u.n1 iHaKeT-. at. iiaiaurea nu I " . j wvueo to funeral, Mon,, SMO a. .11. ,rivirtT ei miitiitr. 2J0 . Hcolt .. t rnucf. i.-xMH.-iiu 11 opuii i t.uiiiHi- iiiinfKlan, l'a. Illah requiem ma.a Church , wete drawn up for tran'inlsslon r.'.'ahrlel, Norwood. I'a.. lu a. m.. Int. i iroorl,-n " a.lvc.Irat Oem. Auto aerviv. ? HOVLH. ..March 20, 1UHV. xlf at Jo.'l aeph A. Bple. of fulmort. Blblnford. Uount jia.7. jreiano. iteinnvea anil inenija inviuiq lu funeral, .Mon.. H 3 a. m, North .,' i "akvlew. Delaware County, i'a. JlUth. rnaaa ft. Charles's church ID a in. Int. Sul .,iitrirB m. . carriaiea, NTllAVllI".ltllli:S- l'lnrl.la. per Ot. (pony npl orr 14 .1 Her rent mol.Mire 111 under retrljeratora), heat S3a4.1ci poor, 124 25c. 1 1 or No. 3 red. $2 2ti No .1 soft. I2.ld. veoCTintra I ei?,? ?lu',n. rrlc" contalnlna; not oer 11 7 per Vl.dfcTAtlLCS Wf'111" "e under No 1 or No .1 red. ASl'AltAOt'rt Southern, per bor (1 do. J-.-0., .1 aoft red. I2.1S Majlmum price heads), colossi!, Mree site. 17WI': fane). ' fin'alnln not over IS perient moisture no small size. Liter, mi. extra and cholco. ery , "nyp. -" 1 or No. r, red. J2.10, No. ." aoft smill sire, 12 7.1W4..''0. .. 1 r " -17. llHANS -1 lorlda, per hush. Paskft (12 to "amplo wheats hnndled on merits, but In 15 quarter pecas). creen. tl.A0f:i . . ' v". ease shall prices he hlaher than 40 under 75ell 21, Florida. r-r crate. IJ 2.U2.nu mutty wheat-Value shall determined , 1 hen ho took mo by tho arm and s.tld, CAHItAiif New Vork. per ton. Danish '.v acli samplo basis of tho dasa und sub- ... . seed. !7ilT23 1'lorld.i per half-hbl. hamper , lf,, . I l "nnt 5 to walk back In the office Ulltn Ml Us S14.M .13, ' ' "'N Hecelpts, 22.ll9tl hush. Trad" was with me" .llll,n. tl.. I.I.I .'!-. n ft. nll.,lF nillet nnd l.rln.1 ..Ia.I .....I, t. 1.... .... 1 '" .111.. . .IIIIU'H. I I r . w . ,.... .'. tui'.i i..-.ii oii'l ii--.'-.. pecks), washed, fl H 1.2.1 I Quotations Car lots for luenl trade No CAt'l.iri.l'WIilt Per crate (t dor heads). -J'ellow. lt.03Wl.DA. Ne 4 Jellow. II tmW 11 21W1 71. poorer. 4-ic'titl 10 California 1 W Clll.nitV Now Vork. washed, per hunch OATS Receipts. 21.S0I hush Offerings (1 doz slalksl snw.Mie. Clnrlda per irato were llsht nnd the market ruled firm hut (tl to s do stalks), 7.1eW11.1.1 !r"''" quiet CJuotatlons: No 2 white. CLTl'MlinilS -llothouso (per net I. Jl.nu Jl will OHV, j standard white fl O.Hi 1) 1 Oil. Sin1VVn.V.4i4.''-,'1WIU''M,; -No 4 tt,,,," ri.Ol'15- ItccclPts, I'lin Mils and l.7ul..on ins In aicks. Th market ruled firm, with PUSlneSS reel, Int... I I... Iini.. rrAin. i.n "''"'illnna wereaa follows l'er lint lbs. In lend.. Voll .ire BlIhlB them i. "n, nn -, ,,urr wn-ai, inn per cent eooil Kola In imrv nn " flour. $10 7r,Tll HO. Kansas wheat. 100 per h' fCIS I0 "orK on- "5 ' .,Jr,eii,(,-7.1S,Jl.,!Sl,.,"rr'n wn'", lo" "Walt a minute, my younc friend," hvi:ntM"TiTn w'aV'quieand steady. Quo- s'!1'1, "'' "Von don't think much tatlons ut JMUfl.-, rer bbl In sacks of the nitnax; set, do you?" InOVmmVS Kranklv, I didn't think much of It. t Th(ty BeMnei , , vrrUy ,)Py r,dltiK There waa a fair Johhlnir Inquiry and nnd I could Inrdlv ltmnlno nnv mw. llues were well sustained The quotations ',' ' , '" J1'1. J1 'm"B'm n,,?.t"1'i wera as follows: Cllv beef In sets smoked ''eliis fool enough to buy them I told im'Ii,Har"Jl,'d i.-1'.0 'aiern l.eef. in sets. Swlxel this lu n) many woids. smoked, ,14c, cltv beef, knuckles and tenders. ,, .. . anioked and iilr-drled. 3.1c western beef. He was silent for a minute nnd then hSm.R'i4iaV;C',"a, "'T-K ,n'V,':-,,"" "' ." '" low the story of tho ireq loose 2tir2'.lc do skinned " wi v iiiiniuiu; iu n M. K. Urliris. llreslln. H, IV. iiudii, ilriind. 1. H. I'arleton, ilrial Northern. Ii. 11. Cl4nir. Herald Square. I. I:. Mllmun. llreslln 1.. I!. Duncan, llreslln K . lMlxnerald. llreslln A. M, tlrnxe, llreat Northern. .Mrs A H. lroe. llreat Northern. .1. It Hall. .Mnrlbornush. l. f lleeter. Vim Corlland. V Hlstand. llrlstol. 11 M Kerr, llrlstol. C l) l.lnn. Herald Hquare. II. V. .Mil'aullei. Woodward. It I' Itlslu. Niunrre 1.. IV itncsch Herald Hquare. It. H. 8iee, iirand. I. K Mtoll, Manders .Mrs y M. lliimn Aberdeen. W. .1 lleaty. tr , WhIIiiiK I' A ltlee, IMrk aenue. ... . -Ml"s I: V 1. Ilooth .Martlit MaslilliBton. .1. 11 l.ird. Marlborouah. It Cann. Ilrozlrll. Miss (1. M, i:mery Cnlllncmood. IV. S. lliwheleii, i-ontlncntul. S II Haikelt. llreslln W. lnilise. Herald Squire. i" i.iiiciniuth. union Kuuaro. A l.tns. llreslln. IV. Mulr. llreslln. N Itussell. Park Aemie. Hclaer, IP raid Square. I Mtimt l-nlim Siillure. ii. smart, iiresiin SPIUSO KIXIKTI I ' ATi.iNTuyrirv. v.. J. TlWMORE ATtMI(l riTV Sprlnc romrii lirnt iii lh flnlf "-Irfnin in Atlitillr Ity and (Ii TIIWMORK Th World's lrfiitrt ltPort. Ktrry qt) 111 b thfrr. Mflkt jnnr rr-srTit tlonn now o an not to tip ilNuppnlntrd. A mcrican and European iPlarui . IlltAUI.KY. Morrh JI. SlAROA)lKl U.. lUutihtrr ot Utn Danlfl ami Host, Jiradlf-y. J It.-lHtlvffj nnd trHndi 1nvlti to funerm), i J. an A. m.. 1312 XV. (llritrti av. Hoi. .Tiiasi of ruiuUm Churth ot Gu. Ill m. im. noiy ijro" win AUin ri. j hoi; i: ii ii ii i. i.. .i xt ivi:usrnsvitxi:. r.. GALEN HAIL-IN-THE-MOUNTAINS U'KICM.IISVIMJ:. I'A. OrnaU)cur.,lJi-yalr. Klniii,nrr. Uvtry romfott for Ions or short rest. llAtbf. MuiaiK. HealJent l'hBl(.latL. 1'. AH. It. It. TIiioubU I'ullmuns New York nnd 1'hlU, HoTiHi M. AVino, Managftt. SUNSET HALL " Jl Vrttontino. Albert. I . Vntfr tlcrmltaac. v. Willlimn Urmlln I' II. Wlnlanr. Urcallii. r. L Aosl UcraM hquaro. TiiADi: Ki:riM;NT.Tivi;s i:. I.nr.h. clnthlnc. llrrallti. ,1 Wa Tin mater V. J Johnston, men a tlothlnfc, Htvit'luHi nl Tenth tr"t, niuunT'a .MIjh fr Ol.t dr'Mn.n 15 laOft Twnty-Utli Btft't. ltoom 1RH (II mini llrothcra tl. 11. lunn, art ntnillf wnrk. .irtlHtt' tniti rials iiriMdwH una Ihlrtv-oetonit iftrret J, WanamaKT MIk Jf MrM.ilion. worn fn'n clonka. aultH, nlttrtK. totume. nilara jiklrt ault nnl coal-. Uroadwjy ttnU Tenth J W Wllaofi i Co J. W. Wllaon. ilry iajou. urand QOAKI) OUT OF POLITICS nil tba year. Cheerful homo com. fortsi crisp, dry alrt hautlful mountain walks. Utal place la spcaj Vaster iol(doj,s. Not a sanatorium Wrlto Oeo. 8. Gaul, man ager. 1Verncrsllle. la or Ledger Central. r.M'CATIONXI. Younr Women aiwl Olrls x r. loose STUH-HUi. an .1,. .,..i.0.1 i,l 'ir. nmer hams, smoked city cured t ntt Unnw- 11 i I ;" nrann and niersKe 2ifaiie. do boiled TOMVrnnS Hothouse per lh.. nrsts.nonelcss.42e I'lcnlc shoulders. S I' cured .inc. seconds. SlfMno, Tlorldaa. no arrivals I "l"??- -,'c' " smoked 2.1'sc llelllcs In TttltNII" i-anadlan rulahaaaa. bulk, per h "TV "ceerdlnn lu aerau.- loose 31e 10O hs,, 71eJll.2l liriifcfaat haeon. ns to hrind and iieraae. ,."'. rti-. "0. es;ern curen. .me l.ard, western refined 27'j ft 'JsU,;, tlo, puro illy, kcttlo renderid 2;isf21ic Vt'ATIHli'KKSS Per Irnnch. 23c. AUCTION SAl.r.3 YE8TKIIHAY APn.BS Washington, per bo. Wlnessps, t.(l.1ifl2 111, Yellow Newtowna, tl.TO02.4a; Homes, tl 23W2..10. OKANUKS Florida, per hoT (15 to IR0 oraimes), t.1 HIOII.M; do (l"n to 21(1). tn.TO N .1.1 do 12.10 to 2N0 ornnsea), JT OoOH.tt.l; (,'allfornlis non auctioned (IIIAIMIMlUir- rinrlda. rcr box tSI to HI In box), t-' T.IO.1 HO . , , I.i;iIONS I'alirornla, per hnr 1300 Itm ons), t? no. do CH'iO lemons). IS 50. IlEFINKD SUGARS Th" market ruled atsidv supplies nnd a falrlv s. tlR ilm,n.1 quota on a basla of 7 4.1o for extra granulated niiMhlmr nlmiit 'I'onco ile I.conT' Have joti read Mark Twaln'H 'Jumplni; l-'rog"?" Ile picked nut n doren inch stories ni this from Mia set. 1U told mo tho history of them He made me realize n I ncier did before Just what lit er ittiri- really meant. Literature) Mini I'll" means Imlly iwod alories written under amalliliy well-known iiersons. He showed mo "I1 n tirn,tll-f Inn r.f tl. ..... mi.ln. ne n.. fJHQ I-' " .-.i'-i. j. iii- oil,,, i, m , i.l u, UUU ; iii -.tiniiniei iinwiiiornc a atones, lie tftl.l k,.I..Al,l.1 nl.n.. U- 11, ,... ..'in r-t'iu. in,,!,, lll.tiui 4IU- till, Ul l.UKUr DAIRY PRODUCTS mTTRn-ri.n,.a .... i . I Allan Toe. t never knew aujthliiB l.et ruled firm, with llaht offerinica of fine ""out that man liefore M'lthln a half eoods. Ouottlens' nlld.pacl.eii creamery, un hour I wis no enthuaed oier tho extra. 4Je- do hlffher storlnir lota 4:t(i44c. Kt ti.nf i i,n.i .,ifA n ,ure-A M.., xtra firsts Jloi i)r. i. inim.e. .o,.a. K(l "nt l "ml quite a illfferent nttl- assl.ltc. nenrbj prints f.mci 4Uc n era ire Hide toward It Swivel eWdently no- now. BIG DEMAND FOR SPOT T,rcT.ivrcnircs tm yarns VVoV .?.?ri,.r slr"!,". 4,H' ',-r.. KrTa''. V. " chiinKe. for ho Baid: .... , M... ... l47W4nc. ' " "vou think better of the pet i:i'.OS Offerlnas wero llaht nnd the mar- don't you?" sr.il- T, .. 4-i. .11.. C-nn:nll. Ket niUaiued noo Per rjsrt under n cnod Willis ucpoiL vtLiMij, iaiJu-iiiuji .lemaiid Quotations. Fren eases, nearby "why, yes," I answered, somewhat Those Employed on Govern- "W. VcV 'casrtiLit'we.ter'n' SXllXlS: X? l Ti".".1 ".'"V" "" fSu monf WmV tlllii per case, nrsis, tll.tn per case, dldn t tell mn nil that before, and while IUI.I1I. WUin. rancy selerted el-as wero luhhlnir at 4tl!e,n lot nf It la In llin uellli,.- ..in--.... I ,.-'. . ,. 4St rmf. ''"J.". .i -.i i... e. , I Miundcd pretty drv I Biipnose It hounded i.ocai ucaiern in ccmun jamo 'M'""- ,.:: ,m.V vl vV-,"'.:k... i,u I drv lu-e.-ina,. I l..i,i b.n omiir,.. i. ... fan")- 2Ua Sf21e New York, 'whole milk! -n much." fair to Kood. 23S2.C , . ft t'UUblKl Governor's Office, However, Is In different to Auditor's Threat Itiirrlstiurr;, March 22 Auditor Jen eral Snder has received tho Hint reply to his letter Issued to tho heads of all Rtatn departments renardliiB alleged political uctUlty of sonu of the em- , ployes. It cntuo from tho State Insur- nnco Kund Hoard, which asserted that Its attaches havo ncier offended In tlili respect nnd that there would be no po litical activity this sprliiR amons them. Th.lt the fiovernor's odlce Is not both- , ered liv tlio letter of the Auditor (,en- ' eral, who threaten- to hold up tho sala ries of State olllclals or clerks who de vote State, time to the O'Nell campaign, was Indicated when the clerks In one department were Klen O'.N'ell petitions to circulate. These petitions canm fiom tho .Administration's nlllclal dlstrlbu-, tor some tlmu oro, but had not been Riven out. Y.W.C.A: Now la the Time Learn to Swim The Ideal Pool GERMANTOWN Y. W. C, A. 5820 Germantown Ave. Heater Filtered Sterilized Vlione, (lermantorrn (12011 lloth Seiea conditions utichanRed for tho last two or three weeks, nccordlns to tho weekly trade review for the Philadelphia dis trict by It O Dun k Co. Prices are hlRh, with a Rood demand for spot de liveries , . Conditions In tho local woot market show substantially no chanse for a few weeKS past. .Meumm woois nr nun under llRht offerlnss und Rood Inquiry. Half-bloods show some. Inquiry, which aNo prevnils for low wonls Klne Rrades of wnols ato quiet and lav or tho buyer. The Roodn market rules tlrm and it ons on men's and women's cloths Mot nil of tho mills riport rctlvlty, speci.iilv thn. having larRo (j'ovtrn ment unit rs to fill. Cnntinulnir. tho review savs . .Manufacturers or smnvvaiis Ml H-Th market ruled firm under lljrht offerings nnd a fair demand. Tho quota tions wero ns follows. Chickens, soft. meated roosters. ,'!RWi2c, niacin voune roostera .12Q;.11e: old roosters, .inff.ljc. llllCkS. Pekln. intfi',. a.i In.llnn ttonn.,- 3SJf40c: geese, .1sii42c aulneas. rer nalr ll&l .10. plceons old ner pair. 4Htt43c! 'do iiiuna- ner pnlr. 2.Hf3.1e Irti:.ssi:i) urrerlnza continued lluht end tho nnrKet ruled llrm. Willi a filr demand The quotations wero ns follows 1 rozen fowls, 12 to box mllk-f d dry-picked 'iluv st-ie '..I ;ili ieiirlilns 4 lbs nnd vr apltee. .ITic, 3'4 Ihs. nplece 32iff 4C. do. 3 Us apiece .tnfr tie 1 roeti fowl. In bbls.. fancy drv nicked Wslxhlnir 4 Ihs, ;nd ner anleee. sv do 3U iba apiece. 32033c: .mailer slie. -jSHSOe. Itrollln. chickens, we ah nr 1U O" Ihs sntee. i-. I .ey fancy. 40O42e: Virginia fancy 3ilW.Hci are falrlv nctlvo at the nrrscnt time Dress manufacturer are ousy i nero nas neen other nearby. 3lSCc: western 34-fr3Bc. a" tliat Swivel bad it t-hi-i iu rmf i no f u unrM A mtvrnv nmi'iii inaiiin i,ui,. .u.. j .. i ... r . - l . . . . ina-"4V. ih.".V lV,'l-i" Sg"rnSlT ft"4 fa-. l anu took notice, -.1 - oeiFi-sta-r .. "-J., r .v : . m:" ".'" ,,tc"3Jl?'3.c: a- 3H lb. p'e, 3132c'i i. fll4 CTS Ihs nip I-. "'.ffflfie. rt....u. chickens, wfstern. in bb!s.. wi-lrhl'nff HH ltm! anil nrcss manutaciurcrs nd ov .p,,c. SSe. uo. 3V. lb. aDleci- experlenclnjr dllllcultv In SlS2e( do" s OS lbs. apl?co 2S(J30e rjfii :tent help, lllsh pilco of roo.ters. drv Dick ed. 27e Csnons per inf ill tho last few weeks some Improveinent anions clo.iK and suit manufacturers, but In this particular the seaton has not been n satisfactory one, "Shirtwaist and dress manufacturers state tliey are -..ttlni- ooMino r""e . : : . .. --:"-... v.. . i... -.,.,-- oe,n .i1 -!', ,-r.."X''.". v i. Moor ana material lias rciurueu iiusi- '1'r,,,"!-.::,,"i'1:. apiece .-is-um-ic smaii.r ness somewhat : -"!.i'e. Turkejs. nearby drv-plcked "JlSnufnclurers of boys' and children's kfi'.cy'w3eU.frCidf?vrn!c0k?rdi.l0vS7;,T..r clothlnR have had n Rood season's bust- 'tSoT-aSSSAVSSf HC3S and aro well sold up. I S4C33oi do. common. 30c Ducks, western "Jobbers of hosiery, underwear nnd w.lehlie 4 lbs. and over. 3nW32c do rte knit Roods leport a falllliR oft of sales emaller sizes, 2SB21C. (lees., nearby, 280 uuritiR tno laii weei; or len nays, rrices, rfri, IlllltCltl, 1 L,,,l,,.,vi ,., .....iLk. u.'.-..." , of woolens and piece Roods state that I materials are hlch nnd the market con- a would bo In every home?" continued Swivel. "Don't you think we would be doinp a service by telllnR them about this remarkable set nf bonks. Hero you are" He opened u drawer In his desk, picked over a lot of loads, and passed one over to mo from n Mrs. South, of Alton, a suburb of Iloston. "This woman Is Interested In the set do and see her and find out what you mil do with her" Well, i went to the house nnd Mrs. South asked me to step Inside nnd she thanked me for cnlllnR, because she was Interested In some Rood lltcraturo for her two ouiir d lUKhters I told her been tt'llliiR -me, tlnucs to advance and in somo lines the demand is Rreaier man me supiuy. "Tho chemical market continues fairly active. There Is a pood demand, al thouRh In somo lines there Is shortaRc in stocks, duo to the war The situation In dyestuffs remains unchaiiRcd; whllo the demand is not quite so large, prices con tinue high. , . , "The paper market shows little Im provement. Manufacturers and Jobhers leport that while an averaRo amount of business is being done, there Is no marked Increased m volume of sales, l'rltvs aro Inclined to advance. t ami in less man uair nn Hour I was on the v-ay back to the ortice with a signed order and a check In full attached. She bought tho $49 set. and as It was a cash order, I got 15 per cent commission. When I arrived at the office Swivel said "Vou got the order, I suppose?'' "Ves, sir," and I handed It ovtr to him As he took It he said, "You can't sell TtivthltiR unless jou have confidence In Then ns he noticed It was only the $40 set ho added, "Vou could Just as easily havo bold her tho S8D set. couldn't jou?" "Cif ,'niiri.,.'" T liml tievee tlinfii-lil Choirs stnelt uau ,.n...lli, . .. i.t. ... I ...... r .. ..,.i-., . .. msnd VlmnrhU- .!, ,l.,. ," .' ,MU' "" l lllUt. 1 Willi Sll SailHC!! lO UQ aiUO mann ausoroinc tno limited urferlnas Ono. . .. ... - ... tatlons: Apnies, per- bbl :. Kin $4!i I to sell any kind of set that I never IVInesap. 1 4 fir ii; Northern Spv. t4W: Huh; ! thought of tho benefit of selling the oarasion iti.i llrrenlnir. J.I . unfit. Paid- ... i,.i c.ui ii..e i omi lleautv. XJDe.-v .-.II. Hr.v. ,-.--. -...-. ...... ,u. v t4o. niack Twlir. ttifSi bad for one days work!" ail vork 1m Welirhln 11 ,,. i, ik. - . ,' i'V??'' Jli'Vi-.?, ' '" .loz'.n: ?; i iii" -V ""i ao:'io' 8 lbs. per dozen tl sua 23; do. do 7 IK. .... ......... . , k, - I .1 . : r Aii- iV- " "'-". i-.-j, ii . . ....'. ,up l'er aozen ira.7a dark. tlW2 small and No. 2. 75cOJ2. FRESH FKUITS Texas Senate for SulTraire Austin, Tet March 22. The suffrage bill was passed by the Senate, 18 to B. It now goes to tho House for concur rence In amendments. TOO 1.ATI: t1IB..Cl.s.firATlliy 10,000 Stenographers Wanted ly U. S. Oovernment, and thous-vnds upon thous-vnds of nook, keepers, Private Secretariea. Type urllera Aciountants and Htenogra rhera ire rante,t bv business houses. Vou can obtain tho Intenalve prepara tion necessary to sreuro thens posi tions by entering our courses Alt buslnesH branches tnught Monday, Wednesday and rrldxy evenings. Spe cial classes Tuesday nnd Thuradav nl.his. Note Special War Course, to all students bepan February 1. Banks Business College 013 CIIKSTNtIT STBKKT AUTO TIKES TIRES TVitchrr Wnntfd Ponltiona waltlnr. Frtn rfBtstr'n for Colkijo A Nornul icrHduntii Modern Tcaclifrn Ilurrau. 100S MarLft St. STRAYER'S Th8 ,1'1"t uinpii school (tniKU7 en Pw.itlom trunran'd .entnut Htrt Kntf r now. Day or ntsht. .MI'SIC 30x3W 33x1 . ..$12.55 D AfiTlME PIANO PLAYING ""' TAI'MIT IN 20 IXSSON3 llooUtel Vlalled I-rea CnrCI'iTJ'NTN' Sf lltlllt, of I'sniilnr Vlotl. IS JO ClirsTVI'T "-T, Nlirnee 0117 his vrvtNnn ht tIom stm other alzes at prices as low In comparison I P-ll f "NTItVATOItY All Instruments lluarintecd "5011 m.les l t-1 ILirmonv Vne-U flr-imatle Art. etn Noin 1 1 i-i m. x tikis co. , "'"' N "r"' "" r'-""n"t '"'"-'''"'" SIM N. llroad St. lIJATIs WllliJoWri. Manh 21. I.ILLT. wife of Mlihael Wldlows and ddiichter of Carolina and late llenree ea-lcr. aaod 31 llelntlvca nnd friend. Inviird to funer.il services, lon., L' ii. rn . asut N. Marshall at NTi:Ml!ll' NOTICES miVUDIMI llOAimiNO - OKNTI.KVIAN WITH rim- nisiiiiii iidmi: w:t i'iiii..vi)i:i.i'iiiA (vvirB HKt'UNn.Y nni'i:ArKi vvori.n i.iki: to iki:t ncriNnit voi'.s-o m.vii nii:n i'oi pi.i: to ki:i:p hopsi:. mil lllt.Vt. AUItANOlIVIKNT.S WIM. ill: MAUK iti:Ki:iiKM'i:!s vvii.i. hi: m:yi'iin:ii a 27 l.iuxir.H oitici: "FLORIDA TRIPS" iitovi riiiKni:i.i'iii.v . S19.00 "M "'"' sa2.oo TH TO TO S22.40 W.T Trip S40.00 JtrKSONVIM.K Itreular aervhe la belni; maintained. Pest vva tu travel in t-omfort nt low fares, Mlth best service Consult us about vour trip Houlh MKIirilsNTS VIINKKS- -flN.l. CO. Ticket Olllces J ' ,"""? ,' I pier IS s li-ltware Ave. I'lione Inmlmrd 1000 or VViilnut .100 W ! TU'llNKH llctl'f Pass ARM, Jlon.( H.Sn ft. m., 1312 W, Hiram ay, rmtl lllaai nf raxmlatm 'hilar nf riataii Irl In tfnlap 'raaa ('am A lata '.( .w s.vh. a.Li iwr--s s ruiK nun; iiinrini, IinoATiWllLU .March 10, KilKpURlCH t imoAlwr;LU ns no. lutatiwi wi frlnti(i. mrrnhfrs of Phltn. rrlntlnr lrM mn'ji Chlon. So. 4, in vitrei to funeral, Frt,. tt p. m., SOU 111k ava. !nt t-rlvBtiy. Rt. rnlna may bt 1wh1 Thur., aflfr 8 o, n. 11IUH1LKY Marcli J1. OUHTAVH K., riunbinil f KIU H. Uroutfy (ne Htcnarpj) Itrlntlvrs unU trlfwU Varrlml Mfna HotUI y anl Senior Holy .Vm Ihku-j of Sacral Heart Itona Mora Confraternity, fthanr J funeral. Tuea.. H a. m.. 1HIH '(.Irani avt Solemn requiem muss Church ox Genu .SQ a. tn. Tut Most llleonetj 8 a cram en Ccm.( Kally. r.i. Auto funeral UltOMr. March 20, MIOUAGIf J. m.OU.Y. nnn of Catherine and IaU Johr ltriHlr. Itelatlven and friends, ull aocletlut of which ha shn a member. Invited tt fu nernl. Mon., H .10 u m.. i'r,. K. lhtjth at Holnin high mifii of rrtiutem St. Ann'a cnurrn i a. m. ini uia uatnearai tm; imoWN Miprh 10. FURDKRIOK . T.KWIH. eon of William Carey and Hattla In. i.rirvrri, mm d., r.Finiivra miiu irtrnva nvttett to funeral nen1c,. Hat lUtO p. m,, i-fd.nce ot father. UJ3 S. 40th aU Int. urhate. rALKT. March 1. KATIOLD CAMP- UKLI, CAI.KY. naea 1. on of tho Rev and Mra. Lleweilvn N. Caley. llelatlvet and frlend Itnlted to funaral aervlcra. 8at.. 2:30 p. rn. Church nf Ht Jude nnl th Natlvltr. 11th and Mt Vrrnon at. tYlend may call Krl.. lOfl Alt. Vernon pt., after 70 o. m. CAI.UOOM. Marrh 1. ANNIR K., widow of Alexander K. Calhoon, aged (tn. Hla tte und friends InWted to HerVIca, Frl.t 7.30 p, m,. Hoyerford. la.: aluo aervica at ()ller H. imlr JliU?.. iKn Cheatnul it.. Phlla., Hat.. 'J p, m. Int. private. r.VMPKNIIOUT. Suddenly, March SO, PKTKK. hunband of Frances Wo I a Campan hout (nee llarwood). Helatlvea and frlfndi, employea of Hun Hhlpbulldlnir Co.. Chetart membora of Kotlrmakra Union and Phlla. I.cxUm-, No. Rl, I.. U. O M.. Incited lo fu neral nerlrfaf lrl.. H30 tx. tn , M12 Sprue t.. Wrat Phlla. int. Hat., Mt, OUva Cem., lUltlmnre. ill., on nrrl.nl nf 10. a. m. train from 11. and O. station, lialttmor rap4ra copy- CAM.OWAY, At Chewn. March 20. J. IIAI.UY, non of PRUlp and lata Naomi Cal low ay. HetRtl.ea nnd frtenda invited to funeral, resldenru of father, Chewa, N. J. Hat.. 1! p. tn. Services ut house. Int. Chwa, N. J Train leatea Chcictnut at. frrrleM 1 r m. for Chewa. CAllUN Suddenly. March 20. MATIT A., widow of Jamea M. Carlln (nee cull Ian), of Ashland HelshtR. 't.x. Manayunk. Ktla tUea and friends invited to funeral. Mon.. "" H 3l a m.. resilience of brother. John HcuU llun. IS:: Hurnaidn at.. Manayunk. Heaulem mn Ht. John tha UaptUt Church 1U a. m. mi. nt. j nun uem OHAPl'ATTK. -March 20. JOSEPH It, Jr.. eon of Joseph 12. and late llestna Chap patte nee MuUrut). aced .1. ltelatlvca and ' friends Invited to funeral. Sat.. 0 a. ra.; father's residence. Woodbine and Schiller f sts . Narbrrth. Pa. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. CIIA8U March 10, at Gardiner. M.t -SAUA1I (IHUY. wife of llazen Chase and fill I id tit nf. nf Ufa. nnrl Prai Illrhftrrl flrrV Park. West Chester. Pa. Hervlces, Hat.. I , i, m.. at Cloverly Parm, near West Cheater. la. Int prKate. CIAltK.Marrh 20. I.AWHKNCE. hua tiand of lutrt Iioae Clark (nee Hrowni. (or tnerly of U17 H. 11th st. nlatles nnd frlnnds. Annunciation lenel.rlal Society. In lted to funeral. W(f., M..1D a. m., 1111 Christian st, Holemn requiem mass St. I 'a ut'a Church lu a. in. Int. Cathedral Cem. i J-VY, March 21. EMZAIIKTII CIAY. mottvr of the llev. A. II. Clay, Hector ot ilia Church of the Itedeinptlon, Mth and (Market sts.. aved b"A Helatlvea and friends liiMtea in services, sun., p. in., cnurch of the ltedemptlon. Int. Arlington Cem. J'rlends may call nt the rectory. 10 N, not), st., Hat. H to 1U p. in., and Sun. until 1 p. m. ri.KAVErV At 1017 U-iee at.. March 10, VESTA J., wife or John E. Cleaves. Rela tive und friends. Klchmond Council No. 143. M. A P. ot lv. ami Camp No. 140. P. O. St A.. Invited to service. Frl.. 2 p. m.. liver II. Ualr UUis., 1H2U Chestnut U Int. Private ro.NNl.M. Suddenly, on March 21, 1018. JOHN C. CON Ml LI a, non of lata Daniel and Catherine. Connell. tuced it tears, Helstlves tmd frleml't. also Yuba Trie. No 78. I, t. Jl, M.. Invited to fum ral scrWces 'on Mon.. at 2 i. tn.. at l.itn rexldrnre. 2413 S. Pront IVt. Int. nrhttte, Mt. MurUh Cem. Items Ins mav bo lewtd Sun. ca. f COPPOCK. March 21. SUSAN W.. widow of -William ('oppock. JttatUcs and friends. L'nloml J. W. .Moore Circle, No. 87, Ladles of th O A. It.. iuWted to funeral services. Hun. 7:30 p in., ut the realdenca of dausti ter Mrs tleortco Cutler. Woodland ave,, Houtn Irtinjliorne, Pa Hrlc?s Mon.. 1 p. m.. iun nil pariora oi i.oneri iTanKnneui. Si-th snd Hprlnff Harden sts., lhlla. Int. Mt. S 'Aon iVm , Uurbv, la cuKitKUi'. juarrn i, juaiifn it. tun -. tw'l 'II I "M n HEM.. Fun -ral Mon. i-aal de nt?. Morton. Pit. LllVMiur, l,. jnm.wvi I, lp a. in., from lata , int. private. D JO-sr.rit a., sen r.WCM AM) tltl)KN win, J3R0W0; Horn lfeauty, ll?S.ti limn ,iiirsrai f-llf(, itlHCK I Pararon. $40R; Oano. S3 frl Ml tie rift I. I.lBlin! Hn Tim u (id i nn ... western, rer box. Wines ip, 1 7.T(is.,-,ni V'Sllan ll?na.nn' 1.7S.5l blillsenliur. tl 7.1W2.S1: Homo lleautv. 2i 7.1. IeU clous. '. 2:1 03 7r.i Klnir IL.tllfrS -,ll llrllev. it .".UM2..1U, Ktaman Wlnesnp. ll.734VS.ni); I'earrnatn. SI 7SW2.7.i. Nelon I'lppln, 1 tl.nUMSK.V York Imperial, II .Vl3. Ilalil-I ln. noesi lllack Twig, l .-,116; llano, 1 l noir2. Apples, nearhv, iht hamper ."i'ioI ii 1 M, ilo, do, per "i-bush liaaket. 2.Vi 1 1 '.'.", t.einons. per box. .1J IIiiihihb. i per Imneh. I2'r.1 :,u Oranxia TlorlJi ner box :IM s.5lli do. Cullfurnla, per box. s.lM?. I TiinirerlneH FlorMa. rr str.ip. I.1fii7 llr.ipe-, fruit, riorlda, per Ikjx, sadi.tfiii rine-1 apples Torto lllco, per crate I4SJ7 Straw-, berrk's, 1'lorlda, ier nt , 208-4"c I toiiayn iicsi.vKss i;rinic.t Volt enn'f sell anything unless joh haic confldencr 111 it. Whnt iloes this moan to YOU? SS- n ' VxfBBWBKKV Business Questions Answered VEGETABLES l enlov onr IVter Tllnt atortea ery mtleh , I ha rM.l somo book exp.'rlence ery aim . liar tn what I'etcr Is halni I nm now xvlllni.' In.iinilico. .V number nf us would ' like to see what ivtcr ould do n the in- I suninc uame H. M Ii. IVIiT la BohiK lo 1iui- homo m.-.v In. Trado was quiet and th. market was i tcrenlliiff limes 11 jno iiisuranco Hum barely steady tjuotatlona Whllo tiotatoes, 1 nniH IMense note T hay liuslnoaa, rot I Jersev, per s-bush. basket, 3:1 lbs,, Nn. 1. KalllC, Don't 01l tlllllk It tullllclH bettor? I lO&iliie, No '.', i.-i3.-.o While potaloesi fc . 1 Per 1UU Ihs . rennsjanla. I1.5DW1 H, New t tJ , , . York. ll.r.Otn 110! western, tl SIUTI mi. Of what i olor should the shades In my1 Hrteet potatoes, Jersey, per S-bueh. basket, atore windows boT . . MANAdHfl I S3 lbs.. No. 1, line Ull 20; No 'J. TiistTAo 1 eannot xny (leflnltoly unless jou let me l.nov wnai imu ui kuouh jou hoh -lu any rase, han a neutral color You I don't want to litva anvtlilne In th store window which will distract at-. tcntloti from tho poods displayed. Thero nre a lot of slack hours- In our Catsup, Olire Oil anr. Tqnutoe Shipped In rtinuy container. e . BSSBBESal'SSSBViJ'PWVhW.'&i psBBMVLgrfShMSySBH Theie picture, of larn. pie ahipmenU, daily encountered by mott erery road, are repro duced from bulletin juit issued by the Penntylranta Railroad. Staggering Losses Resulting From Flimsy Containers The railroads of the country are yearly paying out In claims, as a.result of the use of flimsy, easily pilfered containers, the appalling sum of $40,000,000 As a further result of the general use of flimsy containers they are losing Ihe staggering sum 'ver , $200,000,000, because loading space cannot be fully ullllxed. . .I.n.rri and nrnner tvn nf efintilner were idonted. .T.iR.VS ?c0DZ, Vii ..V,.dKy.; a .i:!aA& th: go ng pictures is truly startling and nothing snor o ai"iu . i .. """VVh: ,hnM" iV: va e ne of industry stieh a conamon woum noi oe ioici.ism .i , ......v .,. ....- r-. ....- .. -- w Defmltled in nllwiv manarementt .. .. ..... ... r.. .. ,-... -.,- -. - . - ii. AMTJJOSS AND DAMAGE LEAGUE ' :4 - ..-.-..-- ?.-.-s.- u ...ji)...Mi. iit. 1 Hweet potatoes Jersey, per hamper. N 1, I tl.21Qit.riO: No. '.', AOcfJll 1 l-lery. New , York, per bunch. 20&.t0c: do, Florida, per irate, uiK'H,,i in, iiiuce. r lonoa, per hamptr, 114(3 2.V li, California, Keherir. per trate, tl.AU0S.TS raullilower. Cull, fnrula. per crate, .Mletl r.n llrussela sprout.. Lone UlunJ. pir Ml.. triif2uc 1:11. Plant. 1'lorlda. per ikjx. 1.185; do. Cuban, per bsx, I11i4.f0, cucumbers. Florida, per iiox IntliS. riquasb, Klorlda, Her crate. $-.'.',i)!f4 Mplnach. Norfolk, per bbl., 12 no 683 do, Texas, per basket. UOcttll Kalo, Norfolk, per bbl., UOeiitl.lu Heuns Ho. riaa, per uaim.rr, .,,. ,,!., , ,uiiu, nor crate. II 30 ns. Slit do. per ltm bunches. I3MS. Teas. Klorlda. per hamper, I24J S 60s do, California. rr drum, ilPH J'ep nera, riorlJa. per erale. IStjai do, Cuban, per box, 3f3. Tomatoes. Horl.la. per rrate, ISCS.T.Ii do. Cuban.. par crate, liu 4. Turnips, Canadian, rutabagas, luo lb... 75c$Jtl.&0. AsparufU. Ueorvla and Boutll Carolina, per dor. bunehes, ts noflift; do, California, per doa. bunches, s 'IS. Cab. bae, pnnlsh. seed, ner ton . j I n aa : do, I'lorlJa. nsw. per basket. TScWtl.SJ .Onions. New Vork and western, per luo-lb. has, 801. T5C8I11 Ne. 2. J'V? Watercress, per 10O bunches. ISU3. Mushrooms, per lb,, 80W40C. Maale's Giant Pansjr Seed Largest nnd most beautiful known. Satisfaction jrunrnntccd. Mako this year your Hc-lp-Win-tho-Wnr year with a real growinfe garden. Send for THE MAULE SEED BOOK 170 pa gel oil of valaalfr plant- VDVV inf and gardening information aviEiEi Write for it today Every lot of seeds tested for health, vipov and Rrowinj; power before bewg sent to you. Voa ioc money and get Ireih itelt whin yoa lay front WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc. nau Arch Street Thlla., Ta. cpcKr ROYAL MAILS JLLU iNEDERUND&ROTTERIHM .. , 1 . NSUTRALrLAO irlOc for a sJ 1 J" PadEe Serric. (lit.2adani')rdCabia) racket ot . 8u.,i.siooYOKdHAMAi2JaU)iioa.t. WNGAPORE CHINA DATAV1A RAILINGS 1KUU SAN i'RANCIBCO JAVA JAPAN J.U.BPreckeUlllroa. Co.. .01 .Mrk.i ut., a.. u U. L. UUK.NKTT. It UtlUcir IX. ft. I. I.N .MKMIIKliM V1IVJ.IIUI. A 1 i.iiii 1. tivntil it XtK. "WH f o( John and Mary Cromluy (n Curr;, )Ula i tlvf and friends, I-caaue of the Baered yr Heart, emplojeaof Quartermatrii lpt,. fl U. H. A,, Invited to funrrnl. Sat.. 8:50 a. ro, V 13is h. 13th at. Hlch rrqulm man tit. n Hlta'i Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Croai L'cULMAIlV. Marrh 10. CATHEIllNK. widow of J it mi J. rulmary. Itlat,xJ p nml friend invited to funeral, Fr1. 8 a. m.. n; from reultUnc of alsltor-livUvv. Mr. Joseph (Limble. V2H N, (lint at. lllsh man St. t!urthiE9 Church, lu u. in. Int. Holy Cro ,nr Cem. l UTTI'irt. (ntf Brhml.in. Hudrienl? .Marrh 18. OATIIADlNn C. wife of LcopoJ Cutter. ItelatlvpR and friend Invited lu funeral. Hat.. 7: TO a. m,. '-'113 Ann U Sutmn rrtqulem mm Church of Our LaUy iirip ni . nnsimna u n. m. mi. private. .; DA I.TOM, March 10. AIJCR M-, wlfa of ,r IVank Dalton (nen Tlghe). Helatlvei and rriena invited to runerai. nat.. 5 a. m.. 3331 I'ottcr st. Solemn requiem mui Church n of the Ascension 10 a, m. Int. Holy tiepul chro Cem. DANUY. 23I H. 11th at., March 10.. MAHY, wife of Charles Pantr 'aved 75. tj 'ici,iit'n uuu iiiruua iniiot tu iuurini rn., v, jn., inn Snyder Hve. wnriin i em. AUin nrvir. II nt lot. Mt, i '.V.llV,"" "1l .... IstV".. 1 V.n 4L of Citthnrtne Daniel (nee O'Donnell). HtUv ( tlea and friends, also empta of Aulctar nt Co., In. lied tu funeral, Cat., 8 a. m,. fronvtfT 712 Itullroad ave.. Dryn Mawr. Ta. High mftsa at Mother of Ooud Counsel Church, H n, in. Int. St. Innla rem. Auto funeral. I'AI.L'l, .MrUCIl -, liATIIAIHrtKt WJQOW of rat r Irk Darcy. Ilelatlves and friends in vri Itfd ta funerul. Sut.. S a. m., rstdenrosof, nephew. Janus C Murthu. 1320 N. fi7th st. t MclH.Ni: In lovlm? mtmory of our 4 i.1.-8? " ,"J. rtflulr?'. !V 9."?b"r-cA !- Qther, MAItTJ A Mi M.VIJ, v. ho. depatltd Tr ',", "l Xiv"VkM CtZ lllijllirr. .tii v . 1 1 iiiuiii .. HUB IIIW atla.lVII a--. -. fl.lUIJT IIIIIIIU 1IOWAHD and UKOltUU. Bcntljs ALI.RN Marrh 10, suddenly JAMES It., fon of Utti WltlUm n. and Anna M Allen me Yonker). Hplftthta athl friends. John K. ArniotronK Council, No. 130, Jr, O. U, A, M. , MhkuoIIh Hen. Assu. Invited to fu rral sc rvtcf s, Sat Up m., trothertn e iM FABMGABDEN and the HOME. Auto ferv.' r. nmaln-i tnav to lewed Trl.. 7 tu rt 1 1) r, ni DAVIS. March 10. nUN'KVA DAVIS. xi aited 40, Itelatlvea and frlenda. memlters of Ainunda Hmttn Ijjnvomen t Asso., Invited to runemi eeivirs. oai., iu a. m.. at. Mnry's Church. INth nnd HalnbrMc Ms. Itrmutni may bi lvtd Krl. after S p. m.. lll-'J H. DorraiH- at. Int Kden Cem. uri.'Mt.r, iuiuu .ii;rc;.r.i, nuanana or Murvaret Deney. Htlatlvs and frlenda. ...nsnl Unl... ...... tin,.. .'... 0 I..u .. i,i?(.nt nu.... m,., ,,w,7 .miiir ouvicw Di . nt, wnaries a i.uui-rn, inviieil lo un.ra. J, law's residence. Charles V llowen SB-MI N, requiem mas. Ht. Charles's Churoli 16 su av. VJ litn at. int. linvnte, ureemtoo.i tit. or r.i int. Holy Crora Cem. - Cem. Itemalna may l viewed lrl., 8 to 10 1 UKNNKLKlt. At Kalrlew, M. J.. Ii m. Auto service. Maretl 20, MAUT KMMA. wife of Josepn AMIIKOtll. Manh SO, LAUltHNCK AM. lienneler. aaed 00. Itelatlvea and friend, llltiHSI. son ot 1 rank ami Marl Amhruiil. I InMted ta funeral. Bat., lulu p. m., l'alrt n ated ID IlelatUes und frlsnda Invited to e, N. J, riervlies Trinity 1. K. Chunh'W , Inh... ll.nr, ll IU i ut n hU. I'ti.Btnu, I . . ..I .. m... .vlll .raa, in.',,, mtA 1 O ,-, . V-. u. ww... ",'.,, , ,,' ", ' .""...M. V.U,,.- M,I', "' n.-' u. in ,. iioiy v.i,,.e m,,i iiraina ir 'IU I lev. vs will meet I0UIII and 12 o'clrakvt frmn Alarket St. uliarf at lllt..ei1a. .$ lurch wi, 11)18, In lla. sta . N. .t, -v...-. T u .UBHT .'. Al'I'l.K. 11IM.ON March 2n. JAMBS K., husband Si 1 1 BtofflfeABf.' A 9l3nMrx2rrilif CLOSING LIVESTOCK PRICES Clilrato. March VS. lrnflHRecelpts. ii.. 000 head: tomorrow, ail 000 head, Market falrlv .Ltlve and 13W-'0 below estertla'K .vera?. llu Ik. I1T.10IMT TO! Iluht. I.J W17"i mixed. Il H.117.K.l! heavy. .1I1.SJ OIT.B5I roujh. I10.S0W1ii.53j sood to choice hCCATTVK Iliipt. H.OOO head, Market "Inilii)?. n'erelpt. 10 000 head. Market tronr; lOo hither, tlo.73, Jmb., I18.U0, K.n.aa City. March !S. CATTLE lie, c.lnta. 2000 head. Market steady. "ll(&S-Recelpts. 7000 head. Market 10 O " 8IIEEI'' Itecelpt". 1000 ead. Market steady, Booth Ornah.. March "3 HOCis n. relnta, 17,700 head. Market alow, lBOSOo "YlATTLK Itecelpta, S0O0 head. Market Hl'lKfBP Reeeljit., $000 head. Market steady to .tronit. CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS. t'hlrarti. Manh SS.--HUTTKIl Itecelpt., 7a"7rluba. Market, unehanted. , edOH Rfcelpla, 1MJ1 ae. JExIr. Jftt Mcflrata. UMlieiNiwta, 1V SAU en le.turnad casea.- ajWBSVl 0. ,' t 'v k' i VkrA',wWtfcj urpee's Seeds jrow& tllnorn. the lAKTII, IMIKII llantls lemnrlal servlrn In Chestnut Itlll llnnllut r.lhnr'i ..slilenrA. At 1C. Wmlilnelnn l.i... t'hunh ut s-ime lime. Triiln leave, llroad iilermantown. High mass St. Vincent d. Ht. Htutinn ror (nrstnut mn at lil.ll a, m 1'aul'a Churtn 10 a. ro. Int. Jloly Bepmchr--n ATKINSON'. At Vlneentnwn, N J,, Cem, . 1W March so. HAllAlt IIAIUlltOVK. wife nt I6.S'AailY. March 21. KWmiK V.. vrlf. ,.! DanUI It, Atklnaon. Itelatles and frleniUlof John J. Donathy (nee Woutenholmot, Tu I' Invited to funeral, Hun., 1 p. m.. residui.ee 1 aned 32. Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited in . V. .... In. .. lis.,.. If !lnn A'ln.n.A.. .. X 1.. tt llnllu .u. llll. v,ll n. I ... 4, II, ,, ..... ." -,... !,, .(,, ,,,P, Ii30 a, m. train from 1'hlla, hl Hwamllle, N-.J- " liAllll. wu'ieniy, laren -o. iiuiikht j.. husband cf Matilda llarr, llelatlea and bXksilipjk iURPEE'S Dollar Box ofVegetables food Will Win the War Produce It! BURPEE'S DOLLAR BOX of Vegetable Seeds fPL Ust ycar We ofTercd for the flret tlm uurpee i uonar uox oi vegetawe Seeds, The Sales exceeded by many thousands our fondest expectations. For 1918 it has been Improved by the wi auuiviuu wi u tuuijiicic ;ruen jiian ana leanet on seeo bowing. It contains the following seeds, mailed to your address for 91.00. Sean-Strinilre, Green Pod Carrot-Chantanar Par, ley Moss Curled B.an-1'erdhook Bushl.lma Ck.rd-I.srge Ribbed White Radl.V-Sesrl.t Turnip Bean-Ilrlttle Was L.tlu-lcebers SaUIfy Sandwich Island Beat Ci obi's Lettuc.-Wsyahead Tornslo-Chalk's Jsw.l Beat Improved Blood Oelon-While I'ortusal Turnip Purple Top Strsp-Leaf Cabbai.-Allhesd Early Burpee's Annual for 1918 Ta. IraJiHj AMirir.n Si Oaroie. kaM bun elor.d and mrMd and iff lk grtalut lulaiaUwkm intend tdantinamoardtn. II eoniaint m ami relioMe inf n as. Wen tlwl ' U, "U.ia..TsiM If..". !. 101 Hvlr(.iir.rtl- ;l I nmn. is w.uedvw pn frmm.. ipWjiry WMWS f a Wfi, Yjil IAHTII, l'h l p.istur ot Chestnut lllllol Nelll V. Walsh union and son of John l.il.ll.l Church, l'uneral nt l.'ut.iw luco J, nnd late Mary J. Dillon. Relative, and il lantlst church llalilmore. Hat. lt;30 a.m. friends Invited tu funeral, Mon. 8.30 a. m.. emoriai 'hurt h ut It, Htutlni ATKlNr larch SO, lanlll It. nvltfd to funeral, fun., 1 p. m.. residui.ee J aned 32. itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to s runerai aervicea, .von,, s p. m., sjj cir t'.af , s 10m at.. ranktord. 'rrlencla may call fiuni!",I UV1 7 to tl d. m. Int. servire .... iun:ni;ui.y, jiarcn .a Uakland Cem. Auto PATniCIC H.f rio.h.nrl nf lata Ulnrirnrait IlAnnllu faaaat Ti- friends inembera of Chestnut lull Council, ' venney). rtelatlves and frlenda Invited tQ'.eVi',, No. 215, I. o. of 1. A.. Invited In funeral funeral, Bat. 80 . rn,, resident. ot,on- '"' ,iJ i.rvliea. 7151 Qermantown ave.. Mt. Airy, i Hat . 2:15 Int. Ivy Hill Cim. 1'rlcnda :15 p. l nil Irl eva ,f,v, in. 1,... b niwionw .,, , ,.,Sl , I,,,',.' -.Ill ,t !., ....V.,.1,,', ,T,, iiu,. band of rluaanna K. llaylle thee ilcVauah) and son of Henry v. anil late llebecca A, liawie, aueii iu. iteiativra ana irienas. members Plssion Memorial l'reabterlan Church, Mclirl.l. lllble Class, ltadlant blur I.oise. Nc. I'.OJ. 1'. ami A. 11.; Camden Korest. No. r. T. C. of Ut llrldesbur.-. Council. No. 18 J. Jr. O. U. A. M.t YViasi. nomlnr Circle, No. 130. II. of A., Invltco tu funeral, Krl.. 2 p. m... SOdi Knorr St., Tacony, Frlenda may call, Thura. eve, Int. North Ceitsr 1 1 111 Cem. nKATTIt:. Suddenly, Manh 21, WIt MAM 0.. (on of Hugh and Mania tleattle, a.ed 21. Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to runerai eervicee, fuq., a. P. in, parenta' residence, ins N. 13th at. Int (i llslda Cam, JlKNNriTT, March 20. W1M.IAU i husband of Anna Jji.kman IJennttl. n.la. Uvea and friends. Firemen". Pension Kund, Invited to funeral aervlcea. Hat., 4 p, m., aW Crittenden at.. Ka.rtltn. lot. pruals, Itemalne may ha viewed frl. eve. HKHNIL'tl. Marcli lo. ANNA. wlf. uf noberi Herulua lne Ktevensou) and ilaush. lee nf Jnhn and late Uliia ritavsnson lf.1. live, and Irlend. Invited to funeral aervleea Hun.. IJlii p. 'in.. 1743 8. Tnyljr st. )(,v Morrlal. Inf, Kernwood Cem, Mobile. AUi Houston Tea., papers eony, .. " nillllV. March 21., MAItV I. Wf. Qe William Illbbv. Itelatlvea anil r.l.na. league Of Haired Heart. Ht. Thumsi .AquI- . m . UnSl Marrla atvHoleinn reoul.m n.... 8t, thoma. A'lulnaa Ctiurrt,B0-R,'in. InlT- sHi.tt:i ar In-law, Joseph J. Haley. 08 Nlack av...- w lamdAwns. Delaware County. Pa. mass Hi. Phllomenn'. Church 10 a. ra. lnt-."jl;-'i tt. Charlea'a Cem, Auto funeral . ( t"' 1 uurii-iAiiiXi.n. -inron..ii. rJuwanw .. ini ; rl I,., SOU Vf 4T' , Itl Ktlliaui ,'l ,U. b , i I lunkmvyer, aed .2. Itelatlvea and friend.?'' f, -Invited to funeral, fat,. 2 P. m.. slliitSjJI.V,1. chapel of Andrew I. Hair Hon, Arch id" a ltn ata. Int. New- Cathedml Cera, TsliTs'JS fi nore rapera ple&aa eopy. , m 't; KAIIl.t.T-Msuh 20. OIIIU8TINA. vIMj' cij Aimrrw --.ia".. " nw. .idii ii'tw rrlnr). IiiuUea Aid Hoflnty ol fcit, Mlpiaiill (Urman I.vthrran Churcb. lnvlU4 to ' ruatw . ervlces. X(on., a p. ni.. r.q"caof JlMW; JT A C Int. prlvatu, OrMiiwaod K. l . j i email' nj v nnj irvuv. i.i . Auto rvr t -..' wlfo -of Uornllua rrlar.n4Mnnirar'l frlenda. Sodality ofB. V.. M. ot t JkfcVjM Itapusii vnurr, iimin, iw i'5ilA "tJil "P m i-Brnt.. reftldnr. . IM SavlilkaL. SJanayunk. Hol-ran hlfh requiem. iil John tba Ilaptlat -Cburch 9 . TO, li. W ininntr Cem, , !.. ' 8lftOTMarrW 3V&&&:i mimk,e'im Jv-rFi, -4r a "W-W " r m m WlaW aiar.r- v .L. - m mm m i ailLa.kaaLa.a1 m ahaMB.. tTiSrr.-w,,tS !,. A.baw. vsMTsas;."s.vn-i .. j p.,- W "-. KTza flaHLLmauJaJRaitflHL ssLtr-!a ?.