k-rj.?,.rr'.'w''jvtrw;n?'...i7,vjvt'',; ' k,Z ,B(j , ' IV.f 71, J-S,"l "AllWJ- "-V 'V -. ,, - f .MHa I "7 t J Jfcuenmtj pumit meager .! ' n ) T zr Jt" M J- ' " Y Wd ..A, ..ft '.i -V.vfcU. V j ; ' x '$ A,. '3 &M,,rw5r,vt. I' AiV Philadelphia, Tuesday, March 19, 1918 ' 4 .. .,- PHOTOGRAPHS OF INTERESTING NEWS HAPPENINGS, THE WAR AND PERSONS OUT OF THE ORDINARY . - ... -.- j- 'fe S2V ;m rv?t i,y -? X,j ? fS g &M 3aa&rt fK.! '? VV 'S .vrs 4 ! f '$ ba.tfw '4mj.i VVSi .u sTi,'- H J .J-'"r. ;?v VI ' 5-V vv 7 V&&: jM 'J mr .D x& KW Bft- it,' -lt fc' fl 1. 'Sj T tf&& Ifi?- fM XJl, ESHPW' si?! k4 35 .4 W r ;r VfeV i V k- .ii. .W i 'V ;"?.. v:h S&fir. s; ?&' ;-iB5 S" tf ?? VZi m ft (M '-$ 'm&t .vs. lir - yn feti m . . ?a Ki "'' R Jyr SftS so. &m iM s.; v ir Y- iS iif ifcy 'v( W i.. xKf' KiJw7jrwM??,,rxS Kvm 7tc, v, t. jj.r sjb T1? " XKAiai K." .V rCK esst '? KmKJjM fH r "'i 11 'i sJ"; m mm :sx 3j ., 7 JUST TRY TO IMAGINE the emotions of these Americans, on their way to the first-line trendies in France. Are their thoughts of home, the perils awaiting them, won tiering how they will re. turn, or is it with the tame alluring sense of un certainty with which one enters a game of chance that they go forward? These are questions only a soldier can answer. ?4?i.v. b ' . V-. ;.& . d'.iijv- x . THE IDOL OF THE COUNTRYSIDE is the Amcriran soldier who is m foitmmtc as to he able to speak French and thereby spin jams for the entertainment of admiring peasants "oer there" about things over here. Imagine the happy lot of this huKy marine, who is able to chat with every fair maid ho meets, providing, of course, file is willing, which goes without saying. In this particular photograph he is the cjnosure of more elderly eye, which is the acid test for the Americans' popularity. Coimnlttrn on rubllc Information. t .Suft s t;-Ji-,r;ri "' - .. R?3V - .'TOW lWZyW'i v K"s;?7J V s.iy S &f ': " itiJ t ?$ ? ' '&'$ "TOVtg r l. !' -!:v vmr KcfTT m wt ''4J&Z Xf'f' A MODERN BETSY ROSS, you might caption this photograph. Rut Mrs. John Croby Dorccy, of 4246 Wyalusing avenue, has given more to her country than a flag. Her three beloved sons have en tered the service with her maternal blessing, the last one, John Crosby Dorsey, Jr., having just joined the Marino Corps. Whereupon his mother is adding another Mar to the family service flag. m$ .;h.2 39SS a&assS fmm .4 iftirmZ;, vS. m :-rm &?$..?- 9fcS!"i- &$ ft., t ' &?-& ' 7t iJVl h rs iP$ -if i &, 5W tSl'M THERE'S MUSIC IN THE AIR most every evening behind the battle lines in France. Here, to speak colorfully, the horizon blue is serenading the khaki, the former being a corps of Alpine buglers who hate dropped in on a company of American Marines at their billets. Committee on Tubllc Information. l?xlfr" n.n i V-l"-3 Aii HP mv. -w, T .&,&?, mTsm: m&& ' 4 & iV ' A W&' ?' &f . S;li 'Mil Ac- V'-' r I l&sf. rJ;4J Kg '1 &l x: is: ? i. ''v' ( Af: J'A - i1" ".-;--: i43f SSI MS 4 AH ?.i ?! j ?; i5a is-f- ;Ki '.-? ?M5,vi 'i , . - .' : , ;e5i'ffi . .P! ft. irs i t. .'. j "ISNT HE CUTE?" you can imagine the wom en folks exclaiming upon beholding Master Aubrey C. Dixon, Jr., fully equip ped for a morning's fun in Rittenhouse Square. By the way, if the coming of spring doesn't mean anything in your old life, just pay a visit to some one of the public squares and sec how it affects the kiddies. i'i?i && rm fi?r: m Wj Wctt?. I.rk". . ?f J. mi lM$ E5SM A ? aJi Wt. ' V i '. f . j. t S !i.J'i,V8P!i.'i 'jswaM.n mmrnim WHAT KIND OF VEIL have yon thought of for your spring bonnet? perhaps you might he taken with the diamond mesh pattern in the extreme upper photograph. The mesh is four inches wide, of cheville dots, and is worn with a, trim turban of black chip straw. When the momentous question is decided, meet Mrs. Nor man MacLeod, who appears directly above. She is wearing the uniform of the Emergency, Aid Aides, of which organization she is the director. "SJvl Jt' ,'tfa Xccy:J$ is.rssti 'try& -vs! "$ in i iv SfeM 4: ! ;3 C ',. S.l 1U 8JiM f&S Vti'C I-5V.1 fel 914 iivv '?? Mt m .mHmBJBHVPhPVIIhEP rs ;d ;;a sAKf'iStviNi 4 ;'" 1. 33v .t V-fvk''-W',.N. t ' Hfc CLAIMS THE. DISTINCTION ofbcirtg the first American soldier wounded In action in the war. W. WmlA1 1 tt lalf nii iIIIa auljiaiitAairllv tk lL ranil tf-ttJUtrfill rAni ti1knl In ttuk t7i1li fl.,! If. .!.! TIT.. I. 'i