it fe Pi m n iKc i.'C Ir i m r.. t ef- Ki rn & IS m VmVKWtSM' fc?.S"'r ' - i. SPLITONPEACE tt -n- l! l --.. i naaicai memDers l$t Cabinet to War 'Against Imperialism .( . . -.......- KATY IS TJENOITNCRn K.&.I Iiomlon. March 18. n Trot'kv rmnlus In control of Kuatlon at Petrograd.whlle Nikolai i u managing at Moscow, it li d br sneclal dlsuatches received today, itsky. it wat declared, rclln- f jklicd the 'nmirlcsnriat of foreign airalrs to M. Chlrlirrln brransc ho had ,-' mm hand full a nrcililcnt of the reo- t hitlonary vtar commission and food I fttA' ?,iv 1'etroirad. March 17. i' tfy, Two DolMievIk romml' quit the iiJiJWSKlan Cabinet, l addition to the four jfwAclal pevolutlonarle of tho Left, as a K;iult' of tho Pan-Sovlefa ratification JjVtaf th German peace treaty at Moscow Lk&jKturdny. It became known today. The F ifeeftra nctlon was nrcannounccd, but r .tfcot of the ItolshcvIM came as a stir- V S? The Bolshevik Ministers were M Dl ft: lieiiko ami Mari.imolnclle Kolontnl. Thi M1' Social ltevolutlonarlns vvcro M. S n- uerg, 11 ivawiKlcu, -u. ivurcuii line ,u i s irosniai". ino laucr announcca ineir Ifc party's Intention of declaring a "morel- l. " ! nap nn tnmi-rtiillfim i 1ia Intn nn raftHmftnn nf Twnr, un :s i . .. - " " --- - ,--. ...... i.?- 704 o 2'I T)ntlf)nnllni. r9 IIia t-ianrtn knn t ah n jwtvtiir "'" mic iirv.q fuwi nao typical "-tCHin'ollcr' process M. Mart- off, chtef of the Mensha"'k faction chargd tht ,t- full treaty was not publicly knnr rd dccla. cd that the Indemnity iicn'jvli" by Germany was fA 9.000.PfiO,onO ru-Vf .M 616,000,000) In- .ff ' tho treaty declarer rtrograd u free oy. "Vo af fnrn 'II 'utlon, not only from Geriruiry .ul trotn Japan," de "clartd Marrfl Premie wlno Bic'ie at mldnlsht and repeated hr arinitr-ts for ratldcatlon of tho paot The clialrnrtj o tho Pan-Solot Con gress rv4 lie yjcetlns from Samuel Qompe- ?rH3ldent of the American Sdc"iJor of tbor, repreentlnB the Amcr'.cr uor!ers. Ho added that ."Oomp'" l 'he American Scheldcmann' lajid ' ho bellecu tho answer to Preside:" ''!lon's messugo made un-mecear-' ft' additional reply to Qompeii. Thc consress a Breed. Peace negotiations hao been started with the 'tadn Government of Ukraine, In compllnnc- with the JKreement with the Central Powers, It was reported tu "day. Ilerr Von Jloenbcrff, Korelgn Minister Kueh'Tiann's anl"rtunt, has been named invoy to Moscow Herr Billln will com" to Petrograd to take charge of Germar flrances A conference of eighty workmen, rep resenting eery factory In Petrograd, made a public declaration eterd.ty against the caucus oto of the r!olsheik faction, which favored ratification of the eace terms. All relatives of the Itomanoffs (the 'amlly name of tho former Czar), above jiixteen years of age have been ordered to register. It Is believed ponslblo thev vlll be exiled to Siberia with Grand Duke Michael. V A'ETP.OGHAD ALREADY , VIRTUALLY VVAUUATUU v &t toi dun, Maron 18. It It. understood rS-v" th evacuation of Petrograd has $ n compiei"!. .onu oi ihu jiujuiiHiion T ' 111 V.m lupmllt.rt In 1Rn fllA rttv hpm. Iji-'-''fUr, ani In order to mak certain that te ora.r 13 oocjeu an passonger trains ive been uspended tifj-i. ' Tne counoll of commlssurtes of "Tho J immune of Potrcrad." which will bo e efRoial des.giiatlon of Tetrograd and e district sirrour.dlnc it In future, has itho.ii the, retppearance of ull so- '" lied tiVurireotsU ""evviiiiiapers whlcn iad A, a en auunresrvd s'nee tho beginning of v. N a German ntrcnslve. rEACE NOT PEhMANENT; DECLARE BOLSHEVIKI vfniomi, March 18. Bolshevik leaders ike I o that the treaty with Ger- ny l'l Insure permanent peace Iteei how long a respite might he ex- 'te Lenlne paid that nucstlon was porslhle to answer, as It depended on many international movement", such I tv. wht.t extent Germany may succeed t ITkral 0 and Finland, when Japan IVfttrV lKcfc a" "-u'arice, ana aiso on mo gen- SVfe1 t. ? AnllrRn nf tlin wnr nil 1 tin ntlipr K, t'nts and tho lluslati domestic Bit- Mi inioti. Y v flula a local soviet army. As the ' J (ic terms necessitate the demobillza- i r. r " n oi me new jjoimipvik urmy una Klijtl rds. the Bolshevik leaders are seek- B"f M il.. I il. ) i a pian jor me oriiuizuiioii oi ii new JJ , ) aiy. The Germans, it Is declared, will n$f rt X hlnGtr this movement, and It (teems it' T tJ1'- ilClCtlllCi UClCHBtl Hill UU !-V MS- ' 7 Thsi faooikl Revolutionary party or - VcViatvtatlor, Issued n. mandato tn with 'tf rl,A.-. a... ,.. ...... .k... bah ln l.t.. 1 i Pt. pledging support to the Uolshevik r" .ivemment in all Its activities, which -f ,-v nartv may luard as beinir in con - rVi , . nance with the victory gained by the '.toner revolution. M. Stelnburg. mln- j1 r of Justice, und M, Kakegaieff, mln- . V '"tr uf acricultliie. are the most prom- fct-t5.iient tablnet membera thus withdrawn. fe-,ji'Vv The AJMtusslan Congress Congress of Soviets fe,t W Mourned nfter having approved the re- i ftVyoval of thu capital to Moscow and ,. .voting to elect ii new central executive ' -committee to tonslst of 100 members ',5r- hfK&f?AA BALLIN ON WAY &W TO RUSSIAN CAPITAL pTctrograd. March 18. Th director LmM1 nf Him Tln.nh,.ri-.Amftr.flii l.lnn Dallln, with Herr Langhof, a lan financier, will booii arrive In irkd oil a business mission. leer ItI)tn Is one of the nrlncloal ren In ihu Gorman business world fur years was an intimate ot eror wi;:tam, although recently io been, imported he is out or 1 with tr.t Emneror on account of "criticism of the Oovtrnment'a r New Soldiers Appreciate Glyco-Iodihe :From Recille to Tap's is ll.-.. .. , . nuniuiy cainus. 0 f , (V6CN lly penetrates to the deepest tissues and .rives instant relief to big limbs, sore muscles and blistered fcer. -Iodine' contains none of the Poieono'i- or stain. rjroducinc com. F?f wtlwr iodine preparation!. ts wnnifniy ernewne as t", tijWf.'.fururuggiftrt isvaiiu LiiiMv,i wi nufssMtMiia, r. 4.Jtfl,J- V policy, should That a man of hi caliber ro to Potrocrad ls alKnlflcant not oniy ot ine extern to wnicn jiub sla has beer, opened to Germany, but of tho Importance of Germany's schemes for Industrial exploitation of llussla. AMBASSADOR TO BERLIN APPOINTED BY RUSSIANS - . . ... - . . . . . r-. -." London, March 18. The Uolshevlkl hate appointed M. Joffe, who was chairman of the Husslnn peace delegation at Tlrest-Lltovsk, iih ltusslan ambassador at Herlln, accord Ing to a dispatch from Petrograd. The correspondent adds that strong detachments of the lied army on Friday night arrested a regiment of the Proo brajinsky guards on suspicion of coun. tcrter-revtlutlonary designs. UKRAINIAN SUPPLIES DISAPPOINT GERMANS Wnahlngton, March 18 That Germany was disappointed In her hope for food supplies from Ukralnla Is shown by a dispatch from Ilerno quoting a Berlin telegram published by tho Strasburger Post March 14. Tho tele gram says the stores of grain are very limited and that there Is great political unrest. The dispatch. In part, follows "After halng announced that the stock of cereal to be found In Ukralnla surpassed all expectations, tho German press Is todav obliged to admit that the resources which will be at tho disposal of the Central Powers have been exag Rented. The Strasahurger Post of hc 14th publishes a telegram from Berlin which Is highly Instructive as regards this "'To estimate what resources we can draw upon from Ukralnla. It must be recalled that the country Is In n state t political unrest. There nr still man) political disturbances In that country Mn th part of the population thire Is n certain mistrust regtrdlng tho troops which are penetrating Into the country It goes without saying that calm must bo re-established before the shipment ot cereals can bo made on the scale which vvc had hoped " To these dldlcultles are added those of a financial character. There Is no currency of the Cnrlst rcglmo Now the Ukalnlans prefer this monev tiy the new issue of rubles The Ukrainian peasants are eager for goods nnd arti cles must be procured which they TV slro to receive In pajment Tho trans portation dimcultles are also well known " 'In what concerns tho cereal stocks, tho great .states are almost entirely pjl Hged The peasants alone are In pos sesion of provisions, and In order to ns. sure tho futuro they must bo supplied ith sudlclent seed and ngriculturar materials. Grain no longer elts on tho largo estates It can bo affirmed that there arc really Important supplies hut nt present one must have patience and receive with a critical spirit exag gerated reports ' " GERMANS MAKE BIG GAINS IN UKRAINE A Copenhagen, March 18 The German advance along the Black Sea coast In southern Ukralnla con tinues, according to reports received here todav Having occupied Nlko lalev. seventy miles northeast of Odessa, tho Teutons nro now moving In the "di rection of Kherson, an Important Rus sian commercial port nt the mouth of tho Dnelper Hlver Immense stores of grain are believed to have fallen Into the Germans' hands nt Nlkolalev, while tho Germans also came Into possession of great shipyards unci the Black Sea naval station Tho greater part, If not all, of the Russians' Black Sea fleet fled to Sebas topol when the Germans occupied Odes sa, It Is now reported, although II Is understood that the Invaders captured some small craft In ,thn Odessa harbor A train service between Berlin and Odessa has been Installed but It Is sup posed that tho hulk of tho grain ship ments Into the Central Umpires will be made by way of tho Black Sea and th Danube Klch seizures of Russian soil are be ing made by tho Turks as well as tho Germans, both fortes apparently meet ing little or no opposition Moi-ow. March 18 Tales of atroci ties rivaling tlioso of Belgium have reiched hero concerning the German occupation of Wchlleff and Jlomel On the province of Moghlleff, on the Dnieper River) The Germans uro reported to bo con centrating large forces of urtlllery and i av airy and armored automobiles at Orsha Glfty miles south of Vitebsk, on the Dnieper), threatening an offensive. GERMANS ORGANIZING NEW FORCES IN RUSSIA London, March 18. German army ofllcers were reported today to be actlvclv engaged In "or ganization work" In Russia According to Information from Toklo, u riernun armr et 1 (V tfin nM.nn. ers of war (presumably both Germans' anu Austro-tiungarlans) Is being formed In Siberia, adding Iresli peril to the situation In tho Far Unst At tho same time Petrograd advices slated that German ofllcers In Ukralnla aro taking tttpi to organize a Ukrainian force Whllo tho forces In southern Russia have ostensibly been helping the Ukrainians fight the Bol shevlkl, the German operations Indicate that tliny seek to make good their boast that they now hold an open road through to Persia In the direction of India SEES NEW RUSSIAN RISE AGAINST KAISER ni'rftlcii lor the t'nllrd rrms) Srw lork, March 18 Itussla'a acceptanco of Germain's peace terms has beeji repudiated even before tho Klrnnturnu hn.i hcin nl. 1 '"ehed to the Ineffective document itiv icaiKita.iuiii ui 01 uuillllllDtil It S from the Revolutionary Government In protest against any agreement with German Imperialism demonstrates that onlv a smalt cllnnp llnflt- til Hnmln... 1 tion of XikolAt Lenltiis Is resnoiilbln 'or,,.he unreasoned action of tips. Tan- c,.?.'" .ul w' vn. itinaennurg's diplomats aro once more In a nuandary. They cannot truu the peace they havo mado for fear of betraval, and they daro not continue to treat lllissia as all ac tlvo enemy lest this provide the cr impetus jor a fenslvc power Impetus for a recovery of Russia's of There Is every reason to believe that the delegates to the Pan-Soviet Con gress mere men without experience In public affairs, who were not Informed uuthorltatlvely concerning terms of tho peace treaty they were accepting. They put their trust In Lenlne, who, prac tlcally alone, Is responsible for the de livery of the paper pact to the German autocrats. GRADUATE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS WANTED Experienced in design and construction of power plants and of steam, water and electric distribution systems. Permanent work guaranteed to efficient men. , Apply to John A. Stevens, En gineer, Lowell, Mass. , a strenuous time for the men in OYKSt Therefore, its use has no restric an onusepuc ana germiciue in any EVENING? PUBLIC MAY TAKE DUTCH SHIPS TOMORROW U. S. Delays Seizure Hol land Given Until Mid night to Reply HINT GERMAN RUMORS Armed Guards Await Orders to Commandeer Ships Ex ceeding 600,000 Tons Washington, Mnrch 18. Delay In re ceipt of nn expected ofllclal cablo bear ing on tho Holland-Allied negotiations for taking over Dutch tonnage nt noon today will probably hold up tho seizures until tomorrow, It was oinclally stated today. At tho Navy Dcpirtment It was said that no definite action had been decided on, but It was known that armed guards were being held In leadlness to bo suit aboard tho Dutch issels Tho Kt.ito Department also whs reticent It was said thut no confirmation had been re ceived hero that the Dutch Cabinet had accepted the dcmandi f tho Allies, and would oluntnrlIy turn over alt csscls now In American ports It was believed In some nuarttrs that tho report origi nated In German sources for the pur pose cf endeavoring to block the de cision to take tho vessels over at once Although no definite utatemint was forthcoming us to tho hour tho vessels Were to bo taKen over, II was i.ild In what nppcired to he authoritative clriks tint plans already hid Intn well advanced for putting them Into sen ice home of tho exels uro the flnmt In transatlantic sirvlce, and aro inoro than 10,000 tons Plans have been made put tl em Into tho fcrvlie certain to bring about the greatest results, it was said When the hour lomes for their trans fer, trows hupplled by tho nav i partment and the nival reserves will bo plated on board It was also (.aid that guns would ho mountid us u protiitlou against subm irlnes It Is estimated that them are about i-evinty csscls llitig tho Dutch (lag In American waters, tho total tonnage being In the neighborhood of 175,000 Other ships In British ports bring the total lnvolvid up to 000,000. Dutili To (.el I'nml Under present arrangements tho Dutili will get a portion of the i-hlpplng and a liberal sup)I of American food Ger niuny Is thrumnlng utallatlons ugalnst Holland, saving sho will no longer keep tho Dutch shipping lane open, and that she will suhniarlno tho fond (.hips Addition of tho flipping will b h consldeiuble hilp, ispeilully as now America Is strulnlng her losouices to tho utmost In order to f.peed up troop shipments abroad Hir work to date Ih meeting with sua ess and hence every added ship Is of material aid The Dutch problem offers delicate pos. slbllltles In Mew nf Hollitid's hltuatlon between 'tho devil and tho deep hea " feho wants to rem i n neutral, for she realizes that with either hldo penetrat ing her territory the little nation would soon become u (.humbles such us Bel glum was. In lino with this situation is tho pro test of Norwegian shipping associations sent to tho German people and made public here today This protest overthei sinking of a convoy led tho dlgners to 'express directly to the German nitloii their most deep abhorrence of the Ger-1 man navy's conduct, the brutalltv of1 which stands In i-liarpeit conflict with tho love of humanity and Is without. parallel In tho history of naval warfaie and Is unworthy of a seafaring nation DUTCH TO BEAR BRUNT OF SUBMARINE WAR Amsterdam, Marih IS Germain's answir to the Hntentc M lle diclslon to tnko over Dutch hlflp ping will be nn Increase In the rigor with which e-von the submarine war Is being conducted Liberal newspapers assert a marked Imruisp In tho destiui tion wrought on shipping by the umltr fceu boats will bo notid Immediately. The l"runkfurter Zeitung (.ays: "Under the proposed ilrcumstonccs no really neutral Dutch ships will exist Germany will have no reason longer to leave open n free pissage to the North h'ea, which was created onlv In tho In terest of Dutch shipping Tills passage h is been only u nuisance to our sub marines. whoe viarfare n futuro will be much more effective Unfortunately, Dutch ships will suffec most, and tho supplies promised Holland hy the Un tento will bo i poed to uncertainty" The Vosslche Zcltung terms the step taken by tho Allies a monstrous uct of violence. The Tagcblatt savs "Holland naturally must renounce a further sup ply of loal und other Indispensable ma terials from us." TODAY IS "Paddy's Night" at the Hanover "PAT" and his "Pretty Colleen" will be with us. We havo celebrated many holiday occasions, but for a real typical ijood time wo stand "pat" on this one. Tho menu does not necessarily specify "Irish stew," but that pood old fashioned home taste will be flavored throughout tho entiro special menu. Special Music and Dancing. epfb' .Jfew m6 Janov ANOVER Twelfth and Arch St. ffnlroc en ItlU (,) CLAUDB U.,MOIIR. Mr. JB5t TKtfii In -se tt 1 ii i i i ii ' IJ3D(MB--PHILADJ3LPHlA. MtiNDAY.' DfeNIES GERMXN CANARD Archbishop Declares No War Use Has Been Made of Cathedral TarU, March 18 Cardinal Ludovlo Henry Lucon, Archbishop of Ilhelms, has denied tho charge mado In n Ger man ofllclal statement that an observa tion post had been observed on llticlmi Cathedral Tho Cardinal says! "Thero Is not, nor has thero been pre vious to tho German entry Into Ilhelms on September 4, 1911, either optical, wireless or anv military Installation on the Cnthedral that might havo been mis taken for nn obervatlonpost. Lately a few workmen have been employed on conservation labor there. "Until last spring no work of presei--vatlon hnd been undertaken In order to avoid giving tho enemy urtlllery an ex cuse to fire on tho Cathedral " BIG STRIKES SPREAD IN AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Telegraphic Communication Between Budapest and Vienna Reported Cut Amsterdam, Miuch 18. Ktilkos me reported spreiidltiff In Austria nnd Hungary, according to .eporls appear ing In (lei mun newspapers. A Vienna dispatch to the AVcsser Zeltung of Hienion, m)i that a ttiiko Tins begun i spliiRrrc II neiuUo in t tit 1 1 I ptuitl ilollo In Uudapest mid Is assuming largo inniiluKiic, inlllgficiiiloKll perdlto ton proportions Telcgrrphlc communli i ; sldircvoll. tlona between Uudapest and Vienna were suspended Thursulay A Vienna dispatch to the Lokul An rclger, of Herlln, confltms tho lcpoit of last week th it workmen In rnllwitv shops have gone nn (tilkc i It savs Vienna und nolKliboi Imr Indii'tilil ipnteis nil" uffoctcd Tho men In tho lnllvvay shops of one lino quit uoik on Tuesday and vvcie joined on Wednesday by tho hhop vvoikois of other rallwas Under illicit of mili tary intervention tliu men l etui nod, but did not vvoik. tary Intervention tliu men letuineil, UrU. ' c1?11?. .mltragllatrlcl Itulluiie. hilt Hid uotivoili. .iiv,.o " n" i iioi.iKu nij.1111 unniiii, vul f'.inion cm iicllii rec ono morlillnn WMl ! & ' ''1 i . H --------- Hl H PHsB A .. ' B H ll l ' ' :' - X V iiwt 5- IH IH ,H lHBs lv pL pH pH ."'"P: -i r H lK '-.:;-'.'';.--BW01B WM Hr k H yj0-y:Kl'--''nm -L JB 9: Li 7 -;'wT H kBf nk H r ' sAeft. ;-''-. '!'. . ir 1 RI Blft Esr iffiSiV VW ',i: ",-KS r' i Bl r bI H V iHir s ,jjMy&":- ' -t'-SBH H B r '1 . JmtmgmL Turkish rftf JSor MfssMli xS58YllM'sTre5f3W sZhmr. Ii&L'ub'b . Pr:-- T?.w iIPdMl!ftWJd:Ms riri3r v Li 'nm'vvx ?-ti& ' EiimWffwSBSSmk MiWi Kka'-. --JF-HB-H-Bilet' ; rtMh MiU'v l3TTi,f3fe-i?iri ui? -i!eaic-l -HkLbC , l lHI. ?S iT i i tsWtf'vwSKfl-?' B.r-t5f1tl MirljlKii'i'ii41. WM.iMvMlMMTirr-f' S?;'-"'"-lifri5fii ifi-rfg?Wllidit wFy i mtt. ,.- -.;--M-----ffr' 'yljb K-mmmsSS! .wit-r . s'liBiP x I Vr,,;--r?fc(M :MSWIilKP5SlBL A 1 r,J' W---iwaWtBwEWBUlw-rW ihij M 111 B ''' lQS95cwraRiHM I T ' 1 :cAllilliPwlM 1U U P'iS,'iyki-1'iiiix!m'''-.7i , - . i Hi JWsfl 1 -It SB Hra! tfR.-JXaeCTS , I VKp:,---'XJS-'ry-''u ' iH H SidQ p ) i .' l,ti..,SKj " -.! Tj . . . jr ii'- - VulsBnVW9sH9 VV v1 R Nk f i m r- -..-,. .v1iMiC MM '.' ::'' u , , ?iillil ' He's got a box lHHWiP9i I j i of Murads in his fcHMggPM !' 3 old kit bag. ' IIB,IwMhIPf 1 I See him smile URmSQ ; smile smile. ' BmMwMSmBr I H e I DtHKp ,; H N Wnmr ' ' I 0 y 0 'If ,HrJ mr 'aherihlMieaQaiskTuriilak tBlMjK cndEffitimJUttesiii&tliitm pN Tmmt . --t.j -v JM " -i -i -: , t-liirf.f-,Vk,- 'xCtkr',Hiiy"-t ., -.'- "V,i. ,J-i. ,v ' iii rffll i r flWlrTfMW-Milil i Ti ir iimillMMHff ' w&iMtiimUtomUtoJteM, , t , - ,r, --r 'inliiri- Y,' ALLA VIGILIA DELLA 0FFENSIVATEUT0NICA Gli Italiani Hanno Respinto il Nemico sullc Linee dellc Montagne LOTTA DI ARTIGLIERIE Lo CaUcrie Itallano Impegnato in Considcrevoll Combattimcnti ncl Boeso Corso del Piavo Published nnd T)ltrlbutd Under . , ITHMIT No. 341 t Authorised by the net of O.iobr 6, ini- nn. nie at the Postofflce of 1'lilia delphls. Pa, lly order of the I'rfsldnt. A S. llblll.KSON. . Postmaster General. Itomu, 18 inurzo. (lt tiltlnil dlsparcl Rluntl alalia linea ill h.itl.iKll.a eonferiiiano clio una era lido uttivlla' ill i.itlugllo si nota lung!) tttlla la froulo nonllci. Da talo nltivllu' e il.i utlro opcnulonl del lu'inho c evldenle cho fill utislrolc ilcstlil li.inno prep.irulo mi'olTciislva con I'dblcttho (II lirv micro lit planum. I dlsparcl aRRltnifioiut die (llst.icca nifiitl iliili.inl miiki stilt! foratl ad lie (illaic li.iltagll.i nellc ildiidiiio ill .uimto Asoiono o sono rlusclll a re- Inipnrtuiiti (oiiiluttliuciitl ill aril- gliirl.t si .slanno svoigenilo liuigu 11 b.tsso Kirso drl I'I n c. Itomu, 18 Mnr.o Nollrlo glunto il il Quartler Generate Itallino, circa lo operiirlonl svcltcsl du rante la glornatu cN tabato alia fronto Italian l, lecano rho II auMio-ti-desclil In rlcognlalono nelle Vulll Coiuel c (iludliarla, sulla fronto del Tnntlno, furoiiD postl In fuga dal fuoco dl fucl lerl i n dcllo initragllatricl Itulluiie. . . i u MABOH 18, 1918 MABOH 18,- 1918 cho ten ta vane- rafglungere lo llnce Hall ane sublron o la atessa sorte. Una grande attlvlta' da parte della pattuglle Itallano dl csptoratlone bI ve rlflco' nella reglone dl Monte Asolone. In alcunl scontrl Ira pattuglle, avNcnutl nella allo dell'Ornlo, gll Italiani rluacl tono a catturaro alcunl prlglonlerl, Lo batterlo Itollane bersagllarono c dlsperscro truppe ncmlche In movlmcnto net scttore meridlonale dl Clsmon ed ef fottuarono Intcnsl fuochl concontratl contro lo poslilonl ncmlcho ad orlcnle dl Zenson o presso II delta del Plave. Oil avlatorl Italiani ed alleatl furono iinch'cssl nttlvlsslml. Gil avlatorl Ingic sl riusclrono nd abbattcrc una'nacchlna nemlca durante uno scontro aereo cho si orlflco' ad orlento dl Montcllo. Du rante la notte tra sabato o domenten le aerennnvl Itallano lasclarono cadere due tonnellate o mezzo bl bombo sul camp!; nemlil dl avlazlono nd occldento dl 1,1 cnza, Da un oltro comunlcato ufTlclale, pub bllcato lerl sera, si apprende die coin battlmentl pluttoto llmltatl si vctlflcano lungo tutta la frontc bl battaglla La lotta dclle artlgllerlo rontlnua abba stanza Intcnsa o spesso dlvlcne loIenta, Bpeelalmentc nella Val Camonlca, nella reglono mcrldlonulo dl Montello ed nt traverso 11 basso torso del I'lavc. Ucco II tealo del comunlcato ufllclale puhbllcato, lerl mattlna, dal Mlnlstero della Guerra: ltlpartl nemlcl In rl'ogplzlono furono postl In fuga nelle Valll Conccl e Glu dlc.irli (frontc del Trcntlno) ed a uud dl A sla go Lo nostre pattuglle splegarono una grande attlvlta" nella reglono dl Monte Asolone Alcunl prlglonlerl furono eutturutl nella Vulle Ornlo Lit nostre batterlo bersagllarono tuippn nemtche In movlmcnto a sud ill Clsmon o dlressero un ilolmto fuoco contro lo poslzlonl ad ist dl Zenson e ul delta del I'lavc. Gll avlatorl Inglesl nbbatterono un ncroplano nemico ad ct dl Montello. La scoisi nottu le nostre acrcouuvl lusclarono adere duo tonnellato o mezzo dl hoaiibe sul campl dl avazlone nemlcl ad ovest dl Llvenza. II testo del comunlcato ufTlclale, pub bllcato nel pomerlgglo dl lerl, e" Il so-nucule- Combattlmentl In plccoln s;ali sono In prosretso lungo tutt.i la front j dl battaglla Ad Intervallt It lotta dello nrtlglleilo dlvenne plu' Intenru nlla "i7TW,.''ri 'kJ.,, ... ' mannMipiui hi "Mivmnng "W -" W 'WTA ale dl Montello ed attravero II bao del I'lavc. Oil avlatorl austrlact die effettuarono la Incurslone aerea Bopra Napoll parti rono dal I'orto dl Cattaro. Ncl rltorno essl pasarono dclno noma, ma non lanclarono bombc Gll abltantl dl Koma sono Btatl Istrultl dl laaclare le porte del negnzl o dello case a luml spcntl. Al Vatlcano c' oplnlone gcncralo cho noma non sara' bombardata per la prcsenza del l'apa. Id 1 luml non en gono fpentl, nemmeno liegll appartnmcntl dClCatta?o, II porto dal.nata dal I quale partlrono gll avlatorl austrlacl dlsta la Naioll 3B0 mlglla c perclo essl percor sero non meno dl 700 mlglla. II Generale Coral, II crltlco mllltare della 'Trlbuna." commentando II pro posto lntervcito del Glapponc nella I...... i .ii.- ,.i. u.roi,l,r. II solo mezzo per salvoro I deposltl dl munlzlonl o la rlcche mlnlere, ma rhc, come al sollto. le nlleate Invecc dl ragglungcro una rnplda soluzlone si perdono In dls cusslonl dlplomatlche, mentre e stuto rlpetutamente dlinostrato cao la iic clslono del conflltto o'. solo posslhlle per ., ,tIU fnrrl dtlln ttmil. II GenC- ralc Corsl csorta 1 governt dcll'Intcsa ini,n,a Ia aismiflslonl ed a r,n,ir Immedljtamente le Inlzlatrvo1 tanto In polltlta. nuanto buI lampo dl battaglla, come nppunto hanno fatto gll lmpcrl Centrall. DOOST nUlTISH FUND Benefit for Soldiers' Families At tended to OvcrflowinK - . .- -i . it,A UahaI nf T he runn to n uscn ior ine i"-n" .. . i i.. i-nn.innu f iifiiuii sold era is r cher "& ..!: I??S .'."Wrfe -.rte hVir.Vu.h',. i,e .em e.l V nlnme it given by tie. irillsh relet committee of the ,..". . .. .. iHL. i a-, ti.n i.iiti.llnir had been filled to capacity several per- sons were toreeu xo remain un mc piviv- walkiJ The rally wus In rhargo of a commit tee Iieidet bv Mrs II Huril Grubb nnd iomposd of Mrs. J. Willis Martin. Miss Kate 1' Ilobertson, Mis. Ilajnrd Henry, Mrs Adolfe Carlos Munoz and Miss Elizabeth llus. During tho piogram baskets were pussed by tho girls of the Emergency Aid and contributions were libeial .Speakers told of experiences with the Ililtlsh forces ill campaigns both In Franco and in tho Galllpoll peninsula 'V ;.. v V:-' GERMANS ARE FLYWK FROMAERIALATTAOt! 1 Citizens of Towns Bombed' by British Flee in Panic to Interior Genera. Ma!. Panics are occurring In Germany s. . ' result of nrltlsh aerial nit.. - 1' h2 man towns, say' reports from there ill 4 Coblentz, according to a Basel dhm'.i.V '! there was several fires In the outhiriJ portion of the town, and an ammi,.infn',1 factory was blown up. The railway . ;j """ s i.uuit ij again hm. .1 damaged. B " ""'J, J SwIsb traelers renort (hot i- ..' '1 principal nhlne cities many house. .J J apartments are vacant, numbers of i. -J Swltr.fir.nnrl Thov .n ii" ." fl na against continuation ot German lil. raids. Amslerdam, March 18 a dispatch from Berll n, In rebruary En. X yenty-threeattk,;i tente aviators mndo tvv on German towns Three raids .l! mado on Treves and one nn n.:" IH brucken, Manhelm and Plrmasens Winu 'M ,.,......... j ...,, ,, cauneo, me din. Iiatch says, a considerable amount of "A damage was done to private nron.M, J1 Twelve persons were killed and thlrtr- ' Mt iisjuicu, luiien oi tueni sevettlr ' The Germans captured one hlnlon. M Tno omsr nttiicKs were dlrei.lii ...... ij,....ii ji...,.. . ."ir-ctea"! I-'-mbourg. Hoar and. Mw'Srt EJ , "" "'"' '.? "axP..caUM.a " Interruption i w one. me raiding airplanes In anu, Jorlty of cases having been nr.t.i.j' by tho anti-aircraft guns from rtachlnt J mv - i. ,,......,,... flJRT URRYfbr ERAS DEVELOPING U PRINTING i rib -t t,n. rvinw FRANK J.CURRY THE CAMERA SPECIALIST 812 CHESTNUT3TREET 812 " V' l""- ' y -uti , CL1 pJiWJLi ,1 !. ( 1 t ' "" M, !'.J-I iB----lMlSrit4aM!y-y m&z