'.TTYlT W ' " Wi lie . f T 'V.- T ' ! .... . ' . .. i , i , ? MISS WILSON'S TRIP MAY BE CALLED OFF SfafflMEfflgRS ra; AIX FIRES LITTLE FIRES You pay half the cost Where there Is a long term lease owner and tenant tan profitably In stall a Globe Sprinkler System by dividing the cost between them. The lower lire Insurance rato toon payi (or this mutual protection. Why not protect your property? GLOBE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLLR CO. ill Wk.hlntlni It i.i.i. ... t.'--r. i'if.iniin ail '$.&.:: v , DifflculUes of Etiqucllu Kcurwl .Should President's DuiikIi- lor Visit France si MJV "IM J1S nshltij;(oii, MiiilIi IS Society ncitcnitly, with tho dlplo- nmtlo 1111,1 Administration ilrclos In pattli'tihtr. In inutli lulotesled In tho "Vowed Intention ot MIm Mm Buret 1 M'lloit to lontlmio lin particular war , "oik In 1'iniiio. Miss VIIhou Iiim made no scinl or j Iit Intention of JoIiiIiik frlendi ldcti- Hllcd nllli tho Y. .M f A im soon us I mtlsfnctoiv iiiniimuncntH cm bo i miido In the matter of traiispuitallou tind miliMlnteiii o idnoad While no ntlklil fimlgmr or nallio would ntro to mm trout tn l'icsldent I Wilson or Ills diiiiRhtrr that the Int- tot h iiLtliltloi iibioad would ho undo. I sltnhlo ol uuwehome. It N tcnicm I hcred Unit (rn In pi no tlmo Alko Unostlelt win Mittiil piohlbltod fiom eol m; to l.'miluiid nu n puicly annul Mslt mil tint tin- pinlrst will nude b mi .Mnciltaii Sen itor then Ptnlnlnolit III tho Irmlr islltp of tho I'l cedent's own p.uty. I ho nbjettloii tln.ii tilled wn-1 tint n ...A l.iu.,ll A V., i.,,., 11 ",0 "teitaliininiit of a iluUKhlcr of Col'P01"1 liu8he" ' ldllMII, the chit f occiltlii lit n foipwu r-tutt would either hale to t.tl.o mi olllclil form with the dUtmy of tho Amcil mil l!oi eminent full teinsnli'oil us In tho i.iso of n Mthu; pi hurst or the Amoikan visitor kIicii no olflilnl roe OLD CLOTHES DRIVE BEGINS - .-(.,- ?w?v firvia.r 'I ho Kcd Cross hus Issued rt call for 6000 tottH of clotliltiR for usn of noucoinuntnntH behind tin; (tcrniRii lines In Belgium nml tho occupied tcrritoty of I'miiir. The photograph shows Mrs. .1. (Jurdncr Cassatt ihecklni; tip the. contributions tit lccciilnt; licnilqunrtcro nt '-'21 youth 'lliinl Btrccl iffin. JIUK aUHPw' JflViilill "I tn" International Motor Company a plant in Neir York 1. ,.l f Itll . ...J... .-saa: SWARTHM0REB0Y GIVEN WAR CROSS Scercly Wouiulcd, Gets Cinctctl Honor rwV am BBT. ' ,Ahi, j J ,JL. VVHIi Hie mriliiin ArnM In t riimr, Mnri.li II ' AmoiiK the new nil Amcrluui KuUllrrn 'who ie honored In tho liinih tjm- ? trnn enl '" "v "ed "c initio Im oiip from M.iriiimon. i no n-i 01 ino'o . mibl. ui,n .ip hoiond i.mnsr. wiml.l Mf tleronled with will itusmh follnwri: ti'ixn lion e mini 1 isslHK to tho InivtM IV rornorjl llus-cii iaiii.ni orsmirth- " menin oi inn .imeruau neno at mt ' .........I .. ....... !l.ll UN Ul' 1IHIWHIIIK 1(1 IlllOll "Snltloii lit nil Tho lhl loiirse hi' luidlui; to tho Anicikui Hlutosmin who "(polled a mm h dr-diod plciiuic ii ip tin tin- most pi,iular iiuideu that owi inlhimtl the White House, would limp heoii uiidisliahlo lull the point of iiw of tho Rreit Ameiliin MJJ t .non, id, 'lenousij wounueu nut re- inilncil nt his poft of i oinli.it . Scr- I rcant lliailiH W htoul, of llaltlmoie "continued to llio his Run. dlrtUhiK inrn , . .. , lieiJ hip . Jiiiiiif J nuts l; .3CiiLi: iui i uiiiiv.-i avuliiof iiiii ii' MISS (JHAHAM'.S I'UNUAI. ? JIKLu IPLANTOPLANT WHEAT ON JERSEY ESTATES McADO'O COMING TO OPEN LOAN CAMPAIGN ON WAR ANNIVERSARY Sum to Ho Raised aiuMntcrcsL Kate on Now Liberty IJuiuls Not Yet Deterniinocl Ward Organizations to Aid SOUGHT BY RED CR&SS Ambulances Used ns Trucks to Col led (tnrmciits in CnmpulKtt ' to Lavt Weeks Weentl niiiliiilniiert ol Ihn Southeast-' cm rriili)liinln t'liapter of the Atntrl-' au Hed Ores Hre lnt trulia j hi ii rHiit pilgn to Riilher III IO Ioiib or iituierd and turplni ilothhie for tho liihibllantn of ileriimu oiouiilrd lerrltorj hi lleliilimi iind nortlierii Inure 'lhl Is the tlinpterH uuot i of h 600n tell lot. Width tile tlelcl 111 llellef t '11111. , iiilFslnti bad ir.iirsl(il flip tied front to obtain In the I nlttd Staler 'I lie tfrlw will termlmiln H.itlirdi, wlun nil (lie (lotlilm; nml Mime lolleited will lx Kem to e ork and then to the nods inol hern and i hlUlren of tho oi ( upU d l i -rltnrle'. fontiary to tlm Keiiernl belief Hie Ild flo'is iIi.iipim i?o lint londilel n house'ln-housp ramans It U the ('It'll ion of the iiuIIioiKUh tint Hip number if this ore iiili'iKkiii i an mippi Hip i loin inc theinelw p, If It beenniej expeillenl CominiiiiUallon u tho Ited fron will hewewr Kielvn prompt iittintloii and all iiinbulaiao will lo Milt iih conn na posllile. ) 'I tin (Piiilnl-iloii will not anPil iliilh IllK of Him or ilellulto texture whUh Is uiniblo to Fluid hud woti and pin Ipi t fiom old weithei 1 In a .ill fm HUii'liNlllic (lnlbi, ilnH ami Rood (.lioi-a Is eHpdlilh m nlr While Hip piitlro weel. will lo dixcttd to tin nl IpiIIhK of thlM i InthhiK for Hip Hi IkI iiim mid I'midi no ilntlilne fur tlilj irlltf will !. iKiiptrd aflei Mtiml i Atislralin Mil h I.mIoik- llrMianr, Au.lrnlln, Mlirih I' ma Jorlt of Hi' 11011-11 1 lo Innesfill Ii iw In en ilemolMinl In a tjiloni IIkip wt re m in e ualtltj. illfpitili fimii'MpllinuniP lit weel, -lid ureiit d nun ce had bien douo In mUiiiI (owns In Noith Qiiiriinl ind, bj a imIoiip under ' rnlli. Eiltluiore, h o heniiiB ma ft frt'i Corporals Jotpli 'niortillj wounded plei o imdei lu iy . W'alKei ltd tlmorc. and 1 Hum is Mnrnei, liilti more, 'coiitluiitd to lira tln.li ijuiia under lniit bonibirdnunl ' Priiatn lJInar MlUoiiourIi, of Kclloce, ' Minn. atlaUnd to a. i erlaln Inttery of Ev. field artlllen. who ' fulflllid IiIh mlsnloii, IS earning ulhpitiiipi tmotign u jieavy lire T. T. . n nti.rli.itl v tit lilu in. mi ..r . ... 4(ll!ia jwit ,i".i-"rf .- .-. i'w.i. vil I.UIU- oat berscanl lliinoiid ijiiliil.in hi I'j,,, JUnn ; I'llwitcs Kmllo Krnfl, HI Paul: flnrlcH Dinlcliuii, Storm I.il.i, I ; tharlts JUI.iUKhlln nt lluli hlnsoti, ?. ' .. .ti... .....in. ..n ii... ... ' 1vi ?i nn ; ..u.i ...nn.i ... nun unison St iJlinii '. HaiwN V Mi Pi it.. Itemvli It. fit Ml I I'lojd I! Lesiinaii, Piesioll, Wli , K Nicholas .iiMiiiimnrrii, .-si i-uu ioim W . -. . V . .. lll-n.li. t ..lit... v neunii -" ."i"' '.11111 - miners of flue eneiK. h ivIiir Klen ptoof ulneei i.k.l. a(r. Itiln tlln llnp rif t.rit . n 15 linen ii. 'V ' --- - " . mill' ft aw under Hie. wounded at tlnlr posts ift'of loinbat." , Pornoral Homer W lilted, Uewt met . av . . . iirt AU situiK, iiown an inemj who at- Mf teniptid to kill him aftci miking to Mir ivr '-....I.. '. l'riinto iuom 1i4l.ii I.. .I ...i , 4 l. A' 'i'ouiirioih uml wpI.(IImI- V pllncil w.itiui, who aiueu mo I'renili on Ppairoi i" .tiiniiiu i.u im-iuiivi orpoial l.t wU A. .Simons, ; h, .,,. , X)kla. md J'ilatii . .Scll, Unloni Hie. En ! Sliownl (oolnivs mid (.oiir.tKo of V UM-ll.K-llftlfll flllll IIU IAI. ......- .uundtd hi Kliulilii.' nttaijs" 'pledges OK LOYALTY Kr it int.' i.rat ta a fiiaa in.n t- a r b- niaiviv ni, riviiviJV o Uj I Held tit Cymv.vd Tomonow Miss laiiib tiralnni well known as nu ediiiiitoi mid fotmer pilnilpil of thn foumart. Ill IllKh Si hool for i it Im, who illtd l'rldo aflet a Inlet lllnis ullt b burlid tomoriow from bet bona, ini fnwjd awmii, fnd MI-h (Irali.iln h li.icliliic inner li, ill In tho ilohti llamo'lc (ir.immar Sibnol wblih litel i-Iip left to btionie ti.nlier of hlston lit the 1 1 lull Sibool for lilrK S'lwntenith and Sprinir Oaiden KlriilH Win n the lapld Riowth of Hie loni inoril il iouri-0 bei.ime mppiihin to in ilp II a diMlml departnit nl hoii-(il In a liiillilim; of Us nun she was bi lei led to take ihiiiRe of II In IS'iS .MI.-h In .1)1 jiii was apiminlid lirimlpil ly the Hoard of l.diiiatlon of Hie ( oinnii ulal IIIrIi Sibool fin (JirlK, m ikliiR her Ihn tlrct woman prln iitil of a Phlliiilihilila blhh Ml ool. SI o iitliid fiom aitlio work In I'lull JKWISII LWSION AltADKS Join 100 Men Keciuittd Here Will British in Palestine B nai.siiiL- of A. f). li Kpi i ii p . . Highest l'catuiG of Cclebintion Til.lll. In (tin kl nu nut l.ti li.n.. i..... it wrf,... ... .... ....... i, ii. . .j.iiji.--, iiiih In tlie iloniliiiiit tiutt In tho iclehratlon of St. I'atrkks Ua ill I'lillulclplili . k.j (cniBr in-ill iiim in in tn pins (ii i iii- city, and crhiii Hie Milrll of pi- pv ttrlotlwi w.ik Ha most notln ilib fen-1 B," 'tureof the hcixIus In bonoi of Ireland h patron i-alnt I The mojl ilthoi.ilp irhhiatiou was ,that of Hip ih If nt (.lukrof Hibernian, Jn front of Hie headmnitoiH, at HiOii Korth Hroul Btnet, whem tnoro than i 10 000 itrsoiis witnessed tho imfurllin; : cf a laigo miIpo (lag lontahiluff Rl5 Kara, hi boier of immbris now In the unlie Pu'edlnc the (eremom w.ih a parade pntiiipated In li llo SioutH taJets ot the .nous churches, it blue Jackets' bind and snu.il thuusaud members of the A O II. I ' Admiral Tannin, louiinandciil of the Stiy'Jnrd: Judce Honnlwell ami Con. tresinian Mcl.auRhlln wern the meakers a.t tlln rprMimnl. a niri.t . hlnH n.illl.1 1 lilt McOane), tho Lounty president, pre-I noea S., ..A .).. I ..I 1... ....I .1 I i. uiihd .iinuiiiiaiiuii uy aiiUHO lionni t?& WCI1 pr IrlfilitMPit ilir. umiI. t.. ninrln1 tnllitarv hii Ila ima.... Hi. lin.u .mil jg q . .-v. ..lu ..iiuu. iim ii. ..in ..in. ! r fl'Pl's heciuiso of their hatred for ' (fngianu was tho feature ot tho exer j ickea . U I ;0NE DEAD, TWO HURT iV IN CYCLE ACCIDENT Man Jolted From Ucar Scat E- pircs Pedestrian Mortally Injuicd tine hundred leirilitH of tin .liwii.lt leRioit resldnils of Philadelphia hut nitiies for the mo-l i art of Hoiith and iiist Itussit, will haw l'hil nUlplila to niniiow foi fan id i fin titm-pnt soon lo P.iIeMInc Ihi nmti they will 1u Johiid b otbei Anitili iii-ririiltetl de- inilinipnlH of the Ililtlsb lewlsh 1) it I lullmi it Is i Mm ticl thil tlioi wilt re leh I'alihtlno about tho inldtllo of Mm s u ddnoiiHtr.illou In the Interet-ts I lac of inruilliiR for tho battalion, the eutlio loo p irailed tho htreits of the Lily ws. tudi It was oik of tlio most uotablo and nop in irehes Hip iit baa air wit netted .loipli (ilnMieri; aeicd as niarniiui itnti II I'riiiut. head of tlm paraili nml inlttee. as aide Major Newton, of the lirltlsli army, had n conspkuous place lu the Hue ah did Prof II Hninian. oT leinpli- I nit ei ally: loscph . famel, Miretari of tho Pentisj li.inlu Zlonlbt So. dtj, and Judah Kiiufiiinii, if New York, dlreilor of tho leather's t-cuiluary. PItltaMiM.I'IIIV hn lx en i-rleilnl -'I foi tlm blK demuiistriUoii that Is I" ., mark the opeiilnie of tin- third lahcH t Loin i.iiiiiMlKii iprll is the llret an nlirrsiri ot Hit Piitrnin of the I nlttd -' StatiH Inln tin w ii, his bet n n lined as s Hit niienhiK tlil( Sdicliti or tn Inasili) MiVthtt, as tin. head of Hip n itlon rt llniiltilil Hislrni will oflli liilli stint llio iintlon wnlo i niipalmi with an adilreht heie Amount of Hip loin and I In r iti of Inteiest the bonds will bear hut tut lit bet ii tbliriuliieil, but It kbd ilion to Up eii.iilcd lii fniitjrtsH within tin lint ftw tins will ilellnlltli IK tilt t niallirs It his In en animiiiutil b IriiiMin lx it tun Hi ollklali Unit the i iMiik of Hip into to I'd pci tent on the I isl Issue if siiort-lrim triasur firtllUatts t!H not nn.ssaill nu in th it thpie will be mi nili.inie In the ralp wIiIlIi Hip iilw J.lhtrly lanu Is to bear follow lllR Ills SI'PP h ,ll till lb IllDll sli-.itlnti In I'lill lib Inlil I. S.irptirl Alt. tlou will mike iinotber whitlwlnd loin '" ' 'IS?.1"-! of (In touutli speliilln 111 '-I of bin t" lolnh l.libln.1 Mini Ii Hit Soiilb, Mldilb Wtsl 111111 is-i,,,!1,.' it.,,,.,,,,1 miNpIii cWlitll hii I ltltur sir. i ti hi Willi mi I lair Itilm ninth nl irl i l ..ii jiNlor itli titii '- nil mi frnls Jr lltlsra 1 1 tan I "! ar- flel I hlrets .iin tOHrliH Urn l rsou lirtttnlli slrct an 1 nllr hi inn -7- llnrri S lUlioMi. Ililrtj iininl Bilrrfl Hllll M PlllllHtl III mi .S l.ihiurl llMrlhololln w lurlltl clltb llliil iirl. slm If . I -Ill'htril Mrul'lu ItMiiU Uhtb li I llarurl strpils ii liiincs I liiinu twin Mi in. I I Itz WHlir ulrprtt II- 1ir.l It Wxblnit Itintiiii mi mis hii 1 l'ltllillltl Sllifl I.' - I 11 fulilluuli Tnll III mid llerka elrrsts "1 lllen I. Klrbi linn NnrUi llrm I itreM II unit t inln ii liMi,. s,lxii nrHt mil rimtiH&pli plrset ." Hi ri rt t I'urtir ts;i si if ipiI 1 i iim Hi I ilnlii II fin ,Ts rtsi I slrsil ll-lini, i r lip im in I'irk mil l.rl leh Hvemi'-i 1 Muni i Piiimtt 1 i n s on I mil lliiinlnn I in Ftrn tt II III! till llnliy louitll street Hill Mil (Ii r nlriiue. Ill WIIIIhiii I Ihwshii Slxtj ntlli slippt nn I ( ii II in 1 iiipiiiip II lltrbprt b 1'orln t.sTI .sit 0 t01 (in piiv IJ thiinms It llllli nik lot I mid Cliitnui lust slreol U IliiimiK I, 1 1 Brill 3'l"i t,ennmiloiMl lilt a a at -f 1 rmu Is I llrdineii Tllcht'inn 1 Hiid Klrkhrll. Mtri I i mi i irn uriii an I riivi an 1 Oifiril lwinij Propose lo Plant Sprint; Crop tis Aid to Nation's NuciIh Trenton, March II W Idle New Jersey la not primarily n wheat-prodilcltiR Stale and xlrtually all of the wheat krown here has been of the whiter lailellcs, It has deieloped lu tlm pieitnt war enierKcncy that spihiR wheat mi hale nu Important plaie on mum Jersey farnia, nttordlns In iiiiiinuiiiemenl totla from Hie Stile ARriiulturitl folleRp It also una said that this would 1 1 CHpcilalli true of tho lartre Iracli In tint not I hern half of tho Stale, whlih are not oidluirlli plinlid for crops, and thai owners of man exlensliu estates are wIllhiR to turn oier it Rood portion of their propirtj for wheal so thev mlRlit add MiiriithlnR to tho total out put, with no Lonipensatlon to themsclies The ioIIprc also puRRests the crowing of Hiring barle.i In the northern touiitlet. where Is la said that thorough and early Pippiratlon tan bo Rlien and a maximum aireiRe of rnrn has already teen slten attention lu the plans II Is nimouiiied that with tho aid u i hirce iiiiuiber ot forelRii-born laborem and the uo of tractors and other labor sailnR ibiltes wheat rould be taken care of on Hip North Jersey estates eatllv despite tho Rener il shortTRo hi in in power Unit i:as( tnaioUH liittnst mil t ulhilsi ism I foi Hie in w loin Ills nut spetth n fl.l ItaihiR hero will le hi P.liliinouil, a. April S i . " , ihoroiiRli oiRaiiiilinii win he ibo ' Holl lurnitic Shop at Lukens Plant ALTARAND CHANCEL FURNISHINGS Reading Desks Crosses Crucifixe s Va s e s $30,000 coaiksvii.u: i'iui: thief featlln of till wolk III it Is to lie tlonu bj the loiuiulttiP in i h irRo of the loan In llm Phllidi'lphli tllstilit Prollt Iiir lii too t xpi rlt Hip if the two fotnn i t uupilRiis the wtiikt is will loc no time and no t ffort In to ixIiir out of Its hiillnc plate rwi tlollar thai should ht doiuR lt bit hi tho light 10 win Hit war S"ptritP ward oiriiiI7.iIIoiis hIiiiIIiii lo tlitisp in polltli il i.iinpilRus hue been i stabllshed In tlm iltlrus' i lln ptlgn louimlttiy , with the x irloiis polln stations us Hip litiiitiii utt is of tub working tllilslmi An appi.il has htin mado foi lohmlters to assist In biilldlfiK up the ward oihiiiiliilloiiH mil reiulei Im, them ffrtitlie Ihn following list of ihilrmaii of the wartl loiuuiltUiK and the ward htadipi irleis h is beiu silioted II in loin Ho, M(nuitii9lnn Spirnlli and car SutuH s-ci on 1 anl Jnelflli mil Tino 1 irtirnth mill I uiuet i.V . . Pf 11 jasper Btrcel, Camden, who was (JOlled off tho real seat of it inotoieiclo i When It ran down and seriously Injund A- pedestrian at Math slrctt and ferry f ticnue, Camden, died early today In tho , TVest Jersei llniiipniiilhl,. Ilnsnltnl. Ills Lkull was frat'tured ti.. ... y "u niaciiuio was lielng drlien vy Miliolas Dancskl, twinlj-lho years old, R,hose home Is alto at tho Jasper street k ladrisa. l 'As he unnrnanlinil tlm Inliiraiifilliiii nf K'' treets, John Wjlln. fortv years old. oouiii ninin street, walked ncross . MHincr LOIllrol. natiPRlH ran Intn litlll. iVyllll WI1H sprlntiul Inlniijiil i.tnl lu In &.'th& hosnltnl In i. .lilnc- imirllllnn ltPaKl was isllglitly Injured and after K'y injuries wcro dressed ho was ur I. rested C uecorder htatlihoiiRo today held lilm k Without ball liijuwalt tlio action of tho p sAiivner. U. S. l'LA(; HLIt SHItOUl) Y. M. C. A. Men Carry Collin of 1'irs.t American (Sill Air-Raul Victim Paris, .Mm ill IS Smkisj foi Miss faiollno Winona Mil tin. of Koihillle fouler, N. . Mho was tho III -st Amerkun ktlni of l'.uls air lalds, note lit Id lu tho Amerkan pIiuilIi In tho Kuo do Hen I, Tho coflln, ilutped wlttr tin Amerkun (lag, was ojiilcd Into tho ihuieh by Young Men's Cluls tin it Assoilatlon secretaries who ac lompanlcd Miss Martin on tho trip ucioss Hip Atlantic six weeks .iro. Tho body was placed In tho chilli h x.uilt, pending arrival ot mimbciM of tho family $30,000 LOSS IN OIL I'lHU Explobion Starts Blaze at lJuyonnc, N. J., Plant llHionne, .N. ! . Manh IK -'lidcwaier I Oil Company suffered n $50 000 loss lo- d ly when tho plug of a hlRh-pressuie I still was blown out. Tho i:oo Rallons of Rasollno were nleased and this was Igiiltetl by a fire burning under the still 'I he gasoline from nine other stills was drawn olf by 111 emeu iff the plant One of tho stills was loniplctely destiojed 1 Hurry II im nui J lltrry I Unities a nlir street T and I samml W t hrlsllmi tlnttit 7- IIhitj S Miitlrio Kttiets b Miinlmli hin Irlck, strtetn II mil 1-' jHinei II II. Kin llilnl stu MliMIUP I I mill 14 Max Maur won I elm I" I" Samuel K I oiii IiIipIiii nuttoiiMiiol slr-'ls , , tit t riil tl wets 1117 Nurllt I nml strcil 17-lreilll wflu III" "sorlli I n nt strut IS Imhhi I llelKt I UlraiU Hill Mont conn rv nieiili!' l'l It U P Uruilfoi I 1 onrtli mil inrk. jj tjrnrKi I. Mcl.mihtln I.l.litb an I Jcf ri-reitt strii-tit ... iUtlll I' Keo llllli Mini ( tntrr striels tfin itinil . . . 1 PiatiriH 1 tniitnll Ir IJJp aiilnil mi I 1 1 trrlnaliiii ctrc l i. 1 I, llreltfiuT tleriiidiitown ncniH anij llaiin-H elrept ' 1'riiliils Mi llht in Twent seventh atrert nml lllcliluil aiiiiie .3 J Harrv sihtnnti 1 1 r Tuil nml Ituan streets. 1 r inkfoiil Destiojcd (inilesillle. Pa. Maiih 1 1 m the I t'llglu of "liltli Is unknown, tnlalllug a loss islhnittd at ?. n uon dpsimird tlm i nil-till ulna; shop and plinth simp at I tho pi ml of t.uki ut sttd fompini t irli tod o fm it t liitti ullii i neaibi mill InilldliiKs wert InVeilous tl fnper of i hiing wiped out Iiestrin Hon of tin mil HuiiiiiR simp nil Htrioiislj liupali opi latlnu at tin l.ukpns phiul In tills simp tin tolls foi all pi lie mills wpie ground and n p ilud MOHS UIOl' IN HKLPASr Sinn Kcincrs Ilattle With Police ami Many (So to Hospital IUI'iikI. Match 18 lu the Natlonnllst tinnier of Htlfast supio riotliig i,iK oiiurrrd bctwien a limb of sinti I'cIiipin and tho police Miui ctsutltlts wiro seal in tin hospital, Including a uiiniUr' ..r nolleeinen shuliiii llnlii-rt 'I ho rioting lastttl foin houm and tho it mil 1 iilriiuiuiit mllltarv was tabid out to t,iko Lburco , .. , ., .. '"f tl10 dlMf"-' luitli mil llottoii .MMM I in nt IpIIi mil IIIMiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiliilllilllllliiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiliimiiniiiiiiiiiiimiii T U.Vv 'iM m Opt n .S'd n rdau Until I'lic Artistic Lamps Willi slriitlci silk flout nn etui stems ami iiiuiiiitcil with sm.tit lookni"; silk shades of llir iicm sliapt'M tli.it h.irnioiiic with the lUiutativc siirumiidiiiKs. l'uiislicil in ipiict ,llltlfUC luIois. The I lorn 5c liranncn Mfg. Co. lielml XiiIim ooms 4J 7-44.5 North Hro.nl St. "A hhoit walk alonir Automobile IJow" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiniiiiiiii- HJLrF" '.rt,M Look Your Best! i or wonifii tlilH it huh tirhl it fccul fMTiiTlcx.mi y rehiiUr ut r oui k.i,iia I t i l..h irmlfiKR tt ffrLlle "", " .'; .: " a i ,. i UliV WtHuail tHIl I PPIi Nl'- tun i.Mini-i r In (leal (umJltluii It rUJlicj-s I IIOiri"ll O III" "MM Jpifl, JI 1'ufcliMid In miflcns ami A TiiiiriM nri . Kill s LLEWELLYN'S ll'liltad-lplilu n Stan laid Irui Sloro 1,'ilS Chestnut Street 1 ur tuotli Ih tnt Ho ert nu I Ml 1 1 la tfezrzzz 3" iPllts -vr.V'JUM,, "' '("'( 1 Grand UuUc NUholas Again Arrested Rvi ,',0r"'1, ,nri'i 18. yiuml Duke .lICllOlUH llllH llDnn ..rmLlnil i.nli. 11' 1 1 1. ' Hflieral Slllnul.. t it.. . l.l r .....re l'l la exneetetl In lui pxllpil Ii. I'Arm' Khire Qrand Duko Michael nhcady has rvv-u teni. ARE- YOU GAME? aU1' dealtneu tlm lightest ivelsht. pr aB?i.p-ow,t. a""1 mtt 'Itlilxnt motor for anf ..nr- ,N,,d money to conatruU modal tn tubmlt to Uoiermntut. ,, P, P., W II 1.1 MS. l, I,. 303D tJorlli lUlli Ht.. I'lillaUelnlilil rh 0OT AMI IIJII1 . tkolum:s Iriatmitly rallavad by cur aorrlal arth aiinimrtii. luted and adluited by txrerla trfi".'. N.. ". m rlantlo llo.lrrr tht moat tomfortabla aupnort for varl. fM vlna. an-ollan lluitia iwuk knera end tinklea. Tri'Mca. tahdomlnal slid Million, .uu i7. A.f'r,'.f ol all klndi I jLa A Mat Exceptional Holiday Dinner at $2.00 Per Plate Special Menu and Special Music for Today "St. Patrick's17 Night a Holidays m u y come and holt days muy go, but St. Put rick' s night is the night of ull nights. It will be "cut up" night at die Colly. -. An occasion when everyone "breaks out' into refined gaiety. The menu will be a special surprise. yz . "Five Minutes From" AnjTvncrc" ttoTEL Colonnade CHESTNUT AT 13 .STREET Dancing 4 to 6 and 630 to Clotlng aBBBBBBKaaftl'V -f lllVMlfllHjatt Hp I KnHBHanaBaBalaBP''BBBBBlaaaaiwHMBBSBB cv . i SBSnSHMPPUHSuBHHaLH s- Baldwins Use Trucks Many Ways The all-around usefulness of reliable motor trucks for heavy or light loads, for long or short hauls is illustrated by the case of the Baldwin Locomotix c Works. One Baldwin Autocar motor truck, known as their "office car," carries mail and makes light delheries around Philadelphia.' A second Autocar hauls materials between Philadelphia and Eddy stone plants (12 miles), making several trips daily. A third Autocar makes short runs from shop to . shop at Eddystone, and a fourth is operated as an ambulance. Motor trucks are doing more work today than ever before find out about the Autocar in your line of business at The Autocar Sales and Service Co., 23d and Market streets, Philadelphia. "The Autocar Motor Truck" The Autocar Co., Ardmore, Pa. Bnuwuhc mi, r.J I n,V"1 m This Monday Morning We Mark The Formal Opening of our SPRING SEASON with an Abundance of Spring Suits and Spring Overcoats, showing some of the Clever est Models we have ever designed, in a wide range of new and attractive cloth pat terns, tailored and finished with the thoroughness and skill that make Perry Clothes distinctive and dis tinguishable above all others. 1 m V A i V i mX-lA, w" K i.lJiil I 1 1 W WIT "' li zi !F- n Perry's mm it i tit ii m.i.i" stu U taint tut oflT all tarnuntl, skirt atlnt hed at w ilbt line with wldn wilt statu that rIiod appearanie of all-around belt tonrara lllllliirv Hhoul. derij tlose-ntthiB bod. Perry's iiiiumi.i: ii!ii;.!-ri n "MIIIMM" MUlll',1. Ntw (ouraie .llllltar flioul tlerai long lapels; top poikata flapped bottom pockets slash id ; Mint- waistline; I'll a team luaik. The Fountain of Perpetual Youth had nothing on 'the Perennial Originality of Perry Styles! Ii Make a memorandum of the New Concave Military Shoulders in our Spring Suits and in our form-fitting Spring Overcoats. Then put a postscript to it about our sack coats with the waist cut off all around and attached at the waistline with a wide welt seam that simulates the practically forbidden real belt gives you the effect, but conserves the fabric. I Conservative Models and cuts, of course! Braid-bound Suits that blend dignity and dash as successfully as our tailoring blends the edges of the braid with the surface of the cloth. JSingle-breasters; double-brcasters; long, narrow lapels; slashed side pockets; top pockets with Military Flaps; slanted pockets; regular flap pockets. ' J Altogether a showing of new Spring Styles in both Suits and Overcoats that will make you glad the Government is going to give you an extra hour of daylight in which to show , off their beauty. PERRY & CO. "N.B.T." . k 16th & Chestiiut Sts; dr lux ' fl j i i ra 71 'si ft I 'it r U m S Ji.iTS .va "HI "KA1 vyv. ij j. I v- m . I m 'A A h v i ftp ; si ia'r. .vwirni h.i7i .nii,,r w'-Piiwnc m in wgna jiii' IJrtJtW "'n ' tUt , .-,., ,V . ! -'', .? i ri, i -."K i& l -is,1 tf.- . . -a it iir Ji v V1 CVN i A1 - t -te'j 1 ."'.