F-w uenmg ii tex BBBaaHHKEJSUU;.; X . .wl Rk&jw7 r- vl frff' fcAWlU ' - ( j I i & Philadelphia, Monday, March lii, VJ1U ATLANTIC CITY PERKS UP AT THE FIRST SUGGESTION OF SPRING THE DAY'S NEWS IN PICTURES Al :.7fc ii iV 'ML , &:'&. w, Hit Eik ElaL fF '--i- " - - r- - : ri .r'-"v " f iy He.. SHMir .mw ESmmmmw ,1. . , --; ,-. -'.,., a raff? "'" BSKVkaSKY iMHtV aasmarfTtiT a" ,.., -- '4 . r .. Vvw.l. ..I .. l.'lAM. fata, r iwiM " ' . iia&MnBiraiiHiknajfnnaiffiiii;iiifi!'iMifsiv.i)iLit ft u '- v - w- , , . ,AMr.n. f' j&Jk &,. . mtL. jflPw - o'?ywwlN-ww-- -v. - smmzk m&rm. Mmm: mmrnmmsmsEJzzr: j m.. a,- va aaaaaaaaaaHataaaRTw Htm fHBiBHHHBRFvHNHPSKSiaBaiB?. ;'. Aa. a tfflB ' Hlk t-H dik & i-H kJIuoj aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLaK-;' l 'aaV?aiaPv f TaaaaaaaaMWaWarffJ,HrMw ' " IliilMlaaMit V -.'. -r '."' flt-W W KJaaaaMM aMT - .J EBB J'.. Ra rh JaakF"Vl Uj ilKalP '4 ALMOST EVEItY DAY in the war uews of tlie wcitern front j oil read ubout jialroU from llio oppuaiug armies mcclhis out in ..iiiti- m tmiTii . .1 r kL M3Mi W MMHk''' ' jW:wM- $ Wf 4&i$h ' S&ttfj'1' .H- fo Man's Land, with ono eiJe or the other retiring after tho skirmish hearing in wounded. That sounds easy, but did ou , UI1.b v,,0A,lh WVA1,;vU3, l' ',l 1,n "'?, I 1fT V'& HWBBllPWt. . JlJfl ifUvi ?fU.L! ' AtIvV I"! Itt ever stop to think this is done without the aid of stretcher bearers? The photograph above illustrates how the trick is done, lloardwalk by Masler Marshall Itussell , ; m, K?K ' WHm vm& WiUflAK -f4ml ' K'fJ' it being one of the incidents in the training of our Philadelphia draftees at Camp Meade. Left to right, you can acquaint Laird, U. h. A, .and litis swagger stick. At 5 v , . t& XaSp.. ;J"SSw .'iW f,i1ltfj " ' feJ r5i reS yourself with the "sailor carry," the "coat-tail tarry" and tho 'pack strap." Then there is the trick of rescuing a wounded leatt 'll0 Lcmng Public Ledger camera ' i ' I '''lilfvi nB - :'A Wltk" 'MffiW iU,l''' ' ;$M k r mmm Mm ...srA" v. " ' -n "'" tffct rffU1 DACIlUr .. t.. f. . 1iAlnran19 Clnit nraA(it lVin ii tv r1it r vlll flml tl faflii iltftVult ltn still nntl TIPnflllrll r f tliM (Inklr.l nulla Ititt In ti JjVbli A1V1-,, VJltl " UUD Ci IUI JVU 4I4VV(3I Vv pvieviu v'"6 vwww utivk utiavMai wu cum JWu y wav.ai w w i.v unuvu iVBUimi jm a.1 . 9 - m Fit. iw a- ai ...! i.kai iiiia d ' . niiiar avail -a na , pan raaan a irtiiin rnn iiaaca ami ara anariin B nv n npnsiii ni fit w nw ilia ( an faui. K 90 IlfT Willi UlCBC giriS Ul UIO UlUCfUl iJtllUVIf IUl leu imit Ujvi. w-j ii-i.BVHt wvvivm 4mvpfi j mm iivcvNUU tu vumiiB .w - wvuvn . v vm wi cr..:'1 (-:?.. iJJ.. MV l- 1 J . 3 f 4.T ( Ui, 1J '"', . H u .. -u .. . .... 1 111 1 111 1 an ,. ..1 .i.i.. "- -.-.u j "-'- . miv k ".-' - . ... . ' .t, jwc arorfi . . e . . . rtnir 111 " 11 iniiiiwnBimMi'"' j,tai-''-r- v',: iw.. ' vA-ioji. .t . . txiiA , ' -' "" i'"i"Ti r - JOIN niji NAVY and learn how to cook, may yet become the slogan or Josephus daniels's proteges. Otrcr at New York naval recruits are put through a cours- in learning how to produce the kind of dishes mother used, to make. This particular elms is trying its hand at .muffins, baked potatoes and meat loaf. T J , Western Nswspsper Union. ' - ,V X&ii.i . ,i '&:? M, '.'1 si &. tr'PHt 2Htf&:fiC3S!S MU4abi2itBlaSaaVlfi