MHWWKvvfTr3H f '- 7 : ... - . ,lj3Tl UiBHBkMMiJ iW i PyiJgT .GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE! Sedgley Club to Have Thursday in April Clyde Marquis to Speak on - . Pood Campaign at Red Cross :TfITU tlio coming of mo lonscr unyn IT an4"lio month of Aiirll In the oiling, ..mehotf yo bejfln to remember .hat yoji JbelonE to.tliut dellKlitful Sedseley Cluli out I In tho'larK mai you imu lorBuiwn iur u tmonth Or HO OCtuusc juii vvciu ru uusy ' with Kcl Cross Jihtl N'liltonnt Service und i'munclls of Uoftnpo, nml the few hoiira Kof relaxation yon had wore ppent some Rwtaere where it t'a wufm nml tlicrc wum fl- . J.'or Cllin HID vvuu "ui iiureasiujr P during tho coal famine. Well, Just ns v.u uccln to tlilnU of Sedge- ';Iey ComCS voru mm. niu uiiiiuhi riuiR 'luncheons uro lo Biun in .ivi'iir mm win . held on every Thursday of Hint inonlli. Tou know the time-honored custom of ! .. .. ....ii,. ltnln Hull. "which Ih built iiruund i-.tnia pitvkj Sittie' old Fulrn)oimt .I'.trk HglithotiHc? In 'April and Octouor mere uro tim iiiiornuii f luncheons, which aio cooUiid and served by ?iome one club inctnucr nnu nuvcrm miics )ch time. It's quite Kllllns to hco tiicm in tncir IViretty dresses, tojipeu vviiu um BiiiRiintn Istake, the food ii not funny, It's delleloiiM, B-and we hae the licit times you ever Knew. K Mrs. William Wlllcox Is president of tho lclub, sou know, and Mrs. A llllain l'.llli rrBCUN IS V1VU Ucaiuem. ..,a.i .mj ,,t,iiu- Pirn treasurer and Mrs. Krnncl'i i:attcron Is l ..i-rctarV. Ft. ..,. ANNA J.llll.ui i a niaiTiHKc on oaiur l&Aday In OverlirooU was an Interesting R! affair, It not? You Uiiow Mrs. Undl-. ?C0tt w.u a .lapancso pilnecsH, hut when l Mr, ljllalvOLV UR'U WI1U IIIUUKHI IIUI- IIIH.-U VI .i.ii.ifAi m.1i,i tiprn thnh crv Miutll. hero sauw-"; - ..--- -- ;tobo brought up Americans, an tJio had ' mtdc a solemn promise to do. Anna has r llttloi'of thp Japanese cast of featuics, Sdon't yoii' ttilnk?- Ps Anolncr-J'liuaucipnm-inuii wnu inuirieu JapancftO woman was Jir. irwin, uic Kfcrother of'tho lato Miss Hophlo Irwin and Kill Agnes.' Irwin, oi huh i:iiy. iiu nun EllTd In Japan mox. of tho llmo liluiKclf, too. tliou'gh he cnt botli Ills son una E'.t...iht.i " i Amppli.1 tn m ffllfi'itlml. fPhn wvufcv. w ...v....v . - .- . I',dUKhter'wcnt to Mlfcs Irwin's School first Itod then to Bryn MuWr, ami Dick Krad- 'Mted"from I'rlncelon. Certainly tho Jauaiicso women uro facl- ' Bating; I.shpuld think many a man would 1 tall in loye with them. Lv - ANY. of jou who rodo down Chestnut .street any day uftcr Wednesday of if list week up to Saturday must havo no- I'tlceu tho crowd which clamored lit tno . floors OI 1110 biuru wiieru mv uuiuujei miiu iwas coIiik on. Would you believe that In f'fhls great city there could yet bo found B1 any Junk that could bo sold; nnythln left ,tht could be given away? Well, thcro ;must to, because on the face of It the women governors of St. Kdmond'a Crlp- K-Died Heme will hold u huco rummaco salo for three days this week, starting to- fmorojv. Xheres always soinethlnp; you uon t rtwaqt, I suppose, and always something else you, do want, and so theto will always bo Tt wjelblllty of rummuge .sales. Kor you ftaa aiinli rma Vi I u n A ( i litiiioli nf people who havo not dug Into their eel- Jars as yet, and so It goes., Anywas, this tins starts, as I said, tomorrow, and lasts UMUUfell vuii'cuuy UllU XllUlAIUy, illlll wui bo held ut 1021 Chestnut, Just as tho fltilntrit cn I EfTjiiBj second Walton boy John M. Wal- tpn, 2d has been homo from Hancock I1' With his family for u week'n furlough. ffAna he certainly had u. good time, for tho l whole family and all his friends gave him v'one party after another. He Is with the f'trench mortar battery, which was the K First City Troop, you knuw. There aro .rumors that the Philadelphia boys will n soon set tall for Franco, so I doubt If Jack J Will get another leave In that case. Tho i ftthfrr 'WnHftii !.. TTntii. ir Trla n t, Iftufenant In the militia, you know. They ;Mrtalnly havo pretty sisters, haven't they? fpHERC; Is Kolncr to bo rather a' chance KMnJifce btyle of speakers for this Monday iHjthe Independenco Squaro Auxiliary of Red Cross. Instead of a talk from MMe-'one who has been at the front, we jyjto have ono given by Mr. Clyde Mar- ?ul. food expert, oji "Campaigning for" "ood." The lectin o" will be given ut 3 .O'clock and will be of Interest to many, for i at times perhaps a bit hard to know hatto conserve, us there are so many ehanges now and again it's dllllcult to Wfati tfD tn thft Hi-tit-' 1Hfi ma U will 1in tVP liea'r, from tomo ono who knows, M0 think? NANCV WYNNE. r.- !m mwri Aorivir.ips L&V'follbert Mather, of Havcrford, spent I2?,L,y?'k:,s"1 In Baltimore with Captain J, who a stationed near that city, father's nltcr, Mrs. Victor Mather, has been soendlnir several weeks n as city with her husband, returned to noma on Saturday with Contain Mather. has a short furlough. ;Thr will be a concert given tomorrow rnoon at th Llttl ThsatrA Mr h lin. "Of the Business Qlrls Club, at 804 Tine i. inose who will havo chargo of the If are Mr5i- Clnrtr PnlA. HhIiap ATru Wlor Jackson, Mrs. Dvenson and the man- .i ,l,e c,ub- Those who will take, part i-eceua Ayres, pianist: Miss Susan- -ljf ' Vfc.niHVU, 4.IICE, -JlaUClll X1UUU Ilfcl1. hamlfir Mr. T. T iramnmn' t. ...1 - William Qreenby, vtollnlbt. JT i Qoorge II. Eaile, 3d. and her mother, VWi B. Browder, of Chestnut Hill, ro sed yesterdav frnm 'pw Vnrlr uhnrn PJT have been 'upending a fow days. ! Catherine Collin, MIhk Doris Miller, Catherine 'Knight and Mlsa Mary (ht were members of a house party th Mm Tjiu'Iu tiro.. ..i.j. . i.n- !.,., Jllltibeth, N. J. (r., and 2klrs. UnvKnn npeter nt Ilrvn r, entertulneil n, rllnn ut ISdIf ImtiiM IBaturday evening, later taking their 1 danca -at 'J18 Merlon Cricket '. --", isuwoib hco mv. mm iivio. ln t,icas. Mr. and Sirs. Robert V. i .Mies Koulse Twaddell find Lieutenant Mfcnder Johnstone. JJ S, N, VfMJalIllil li-tliuiti llUintm Iidm rAllltn1 I School at XALVitit Tf T attar il vlwlt tn .Vnie ut tlio KalU of Schuylkill. .-and Mrs. J. ,v. Xlegler llae- nti- 364 .(lis imiruiretiietit nf their, daushter. 'lura, jlegler, tu, Mr.. Wullaoe Jtus- ' Anqover. o. Tlio onsasemeiH ot Spring Luncheons Each Miss Mrj. Zloglcr to Mr. Harry 15. McPhrc. of iounmtcmn, O., has also been announced. Mr. Mcl'hco Is with tho ambulanco corps In I- ranee. Tho Chl Omega Delta Minority, of tho I.ansdmwio High School, will give Its t-ce-ond danee at tbo Twentieth Century Club on mo ociiliig of March 23. Mr. nml Mr, .t. Ilnnnoti WIImiii. of l'ii w.Ml. aro spending some time ut the St. Charles, Atlantic City. Mr, n. O. Ilnrkncs.", of Queen linc. Falls ii f Schuylkill, gae a luncheon, lot lowed by cards, on Saturday afternoon nt her luimc. Her gucxts lucluileil Mis. Or trudo Turner, Mrs. Margaret Walton, Miss l.aura Selieclcr, Mrs, Oscar Noll, Mri. Charles Hrlckcr, Mrs. A. lltixbatim, Mr. Wllllani Tioost, Mrs. tkrthu Ki-en and Mrs Alfied Ilnlns. Mr. and Mis. Hiukness en leiti'lneil at dinner hi the evening. Tho Voung Mrn'H Literary Iiislltulo of thf l-'alls of Sohullilll will glo a ilanro on Monday excnlng, April 1. In tlio clubhouse, oh Mldalo nxenue ut Frederick street. The Junior sccllon of tlm Phllumuslati Club held Its monthly Jiuttlng Friday nftr niiun at the clubhouse. .".'Jll Walnut streej Plans for the Piitcitiilnment which Is to lie Bleu net Saturday nt the club for tho benefit of tlio Fiom.h lllago relief oininit tte uelo discussed. lAilluwlug tb. rtitcrtam inctit on next Satuiday there -..111 be an sale of buiuouiado c.iUoh and can dles, tnailo from war recipes'. Tea was served after tho meeting, nml Mrs KdvMtrd W. Mumford, chairman ef tho Junior section, pieslded at the tea utile Mr. and Mi. IrWiig Corse, who hae been visiting their daughter, Mrs. rr.inl.IJn Steele, at her lmmc In tho (llinid l'.irnis, have ictuined to their homo In Minneapolis. LANSDOWNE WOMEN FORM FRENCH CLASS Enci'irctic Gentler Sex Plans for Gardens Glee Concert Is Enjoyed Now that the French language ban become such a necessary ofio to know, soino of tlio women of Iansdiwno aio t.iklug advantigo of an opportunity to learn II which the Twen tieth Century Club offeied them. A class has been formed bv Mm. Wil liam A McIJwen,, chalinuin of lull el isos, tho ineinlier.s of w'hkh Ineluilo Mis. Isaac A Adlcr, Jlrs. Tlmiii.i.s M. I.nve, Mrs. lhiuone 'arroll, Mrs'. Thomas A. I'ulllii.iti, Mrs lUlph Stewnrt, Mrs. Samuel 1,. Kent. Miss Dnrnthv Mi'llwcti uud Mm .Meis. The class moots iivery Tuesday morning at the Devon shire. The l.ansdownc liramh of tho l!ed Cross will hold Its annual meeting In the high school auditorium on Thursday evening, April 11. The junior lied L'ioss out thero now his finn mcnbeis Tho Fo-d fJ.irden Assnclitlou out in Iins downe Is already busy financing for ground to ba cultivated this iprlng and summer. Fifteen plots of giound h.ivo been grunted to the organization, but still more are needed. Miss Katharine 13 .Tonus nml Mrs Helen Ship ley have chargu of thu cllvblou of the ground. Tho Twentieth Century 'lub of Lansdownn was filled with persons eager to hour the concert whWi tho (lleo Club or the Country Club of T.ans(lovvne gavo Wednesday night for the benefit of tho As'oclated Charities of eastern Dolavv.ire County The gleo was led lij Mr. Henry Ilotz, and ovcr.v number which It sans was most enthusiastically re (clved There were quito a few ropiest num bers on tho, for the Laiisdowne people were anxious to bear some of the tongs thev hud rnjo.vod so much In other eais. The soloists of the evening wcio Mrs. May Fbrcy Hot, sopraiio. and Mr. William Sjlvano Thuniler. phnl t. both of whom were, of will known and most appreciatively received. An exceptionally line number was Victor lleilierl's "Italian Sttect Song," whli.h Mrs. Ilotz sang with the gleo cluh, and which had to bo repeated. During the evening Mr. George Fotei; Whlto gavo a short talk on tho splendid woik tho Associated Cbailtles Is doing In tho towns around there, which made every one feel that It Is burely a woith-whllo oiganlz-itlon. Ttie mcnibeis of tint (lice I'luh are Mr. Joseph A. McKeon. Mr Charles A. Wood. Mr. William It KoiUi. Mr. c. lldwlu Hunter, Mr. F. Hecs Phillips, Mr. John J H. Phillips. Mr. W. Vernon Phillip. Mr. Carl F. Welh inan, .Ml. Alexander Wilson. 3d, Mr. Thomas J I. Morris, Mr. Frauds U. Caldwell, Mr. Cornelius 12. Fluey, Mr Harry J. 12brey, Mr. William II. i:uiih. Mr. Paul V. Qulnlan. Mr.. William S. Plckard. Mr A F. O'Daniel. Mr. Allen It. Holfer, Mr Frank Ilopkinson Fvaus, Jr .1. 11. Lincoln r.'dwards, Mr. I'hlllp Warren Cooke and Mr. Bernard Poland. The honoiary members aro Camlllo Zeckvver, Maurltz I-eefson, Samuel L. Laclar and Georgo Hussell Strauss. The Gleo Club entertained the ofllcers and board of governors of tho Country Club at the club after tho conctit. ltem of new a for the soiletv pnr; will lie nreepteit unit printed In tlie Kienlnr I'tilille Ledcer, proTlded thej nre writtrn m, nnu hide of tho liuper only and are slicned with full name and telephone number of the sender, a It must lie ixfitble in verify the notei. Ad lire") "sodfly lilltor." Ktrnlnx 1'ubllo l.iilncr. 000 Chestnut treet. ?aVJ!W. Photo hy Photn-Craftrri. MISS MARIE IIUBEB Who will bo nn aide ut tho benefit rummage sale to be given this week nf 1024 Chestnut street; rt- rTJViSoESktoaT''5' Kliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii rjMs&NwvBkHMBk jfe HilKlHp9illllllllllllKPHNiPllK9r y I'llulu l'1 Pilule '1 t' l MISS JANK JIAUI.K Uauglilcr of Mr. nml Mrs. Charles r.iMaulo. f 'Jlil7 llitten- liottsc siiiiarc, who ravu a dinner on Satuiday eveniuj; before Mrs. Troth's: Dancing Class in honor of Miss IsiUiel Fisher, of IiulUinotv, wlio was her gucsl over the week-end. IN LIBERTY LOAN ARMY Nearly 100 Members of Emer gency Aid Eagerly Await Opening Gun in Battle Miiiibirs nf tho joungir set are going to take a pinmlnent pari in Ihc thhd l.lhoily Loan ihlve. whlcli will stall April fi. Nearly 100 girls, all of whom are meinbciH of I ho Cnieigency Aid. hive In en preparing for thu battle for tlio last two wicks. These oimg workers participate. InwuMy drills on the roof of tho liulM Ing and aio eagirly siwaltlug the llrlng of the gun announcing the opening of tho bond campaign, The work of this company bus elicited favorable onnncnt fiom oillcers In tbe t'ulttd StiiKs ai in The drills mo In charge of Captain J Gohln Cranage. Their activities In loumd'on with thowoik of the women's I.lbeity Loan (onunltlco will bo direct! d by Mis. Noun. in MacLeod, It was announced by Mrs. Mad.eoil vcsteiday that her "Anny In Uluo" would tako chingo of sl booths In thu central section of tlio city. I!ootliH will be cricoid! In the Liberty statue In front of City Hull and In tlm Waua maker store. Others will be. tumid at tho Glrard Trust llulldlng, the, North Ainu lean llulldlng ami tho Com mercial Trust Comp:in llulldlng. In addition to thilr work at these sit booths, the aides will bo subject to call for duty In connection with thu sale of bonds ut other booths In vaiiou:! sections of the c,t. llesides Mrs MniLcod, the director, the nllluls of the "ann" aio Captain. Greicheii Clay and Charlotte IJrow'n : pcutenautH, Agnes llrocl.lo. Margaiot Thayer Margaret Dunlap mid Mary Uiovvn Warburton , ser gantn, Margaut Ilerwlnd and Mars ( lark. Hire ale the pilvatcs: llll'.abeth llroikle Calheilne Mr Chailos C.hoate. Jr. 13mtly Cooke l.le.inor Davis, Mrs. I'pton Favorite Sarah Fiunklln Sydney I'lanklln, Mis ilovvaid Hansen Ithel lluhn. Alice Perry, Sib.vl Thompson. Mary Poicher. Doiothy Ill.iir. Genett Farlca, 13(11111 Itolilnson, Mrs. Donald Jenks, I3mll do Kosenko, I.enoro McCall. Lnulsa N'ewlm, Mary l'ancoast and Sarah Penio.-e. Mrs. 13 II. Casnitt, Harriet Deaver, Olivia Gazam, Han let Goyelln Mary D. N't vvbold, Mary Sharpies", Isabello Pago, IMlth Wilson, Hetty Klllntt Mary Knight, Mary Law. Trances Leaf. Jane Maule, Pansy Scott. Susan Stuart, Helen lirlnton, Mary lirool.e I.ucllo Carter. Alexandra Dolan, Gladys Fo, Lisa N'orils, Kitty Smith, Alva Sergeant, Mrs. John H Thajer, 3d, and Umiu Dorr. Itrbccca Thomson. Hannah Wright, Mrs. Hcckschcr Wcthdlll, LlUatxth Anbury, Louise Ashhurst, Lsther Jean fJoclimau, Mary LoulEe Caldwell, Catherine Coe. Mis. Travis Coxe, Alma Curtis, Pauline Dciakl.i, Mary Dercum, Mrs. Graham Dougherlj. Cliarlotto rahnestock, Margaiet Hughes, Hop" Mc Mlthuel, Mis. Doer Newton, Geitiude Pan coast. Mm. Iluiry Pattou. Nancj Sillers, Io?ta Sullivan, Constanco Vauclalu and Mary N'ortls. $150,000 FUND ASKED FOR TWO INSTITUTION Campaign Will Be Launched Tonight for Deaconess Homo and Christian Workers' School A campaign to ralso $150,000 for tho Deaconess House and tho Philadelphia School for Christian Workern of the Presby terian and Itoformed Churches has been de cided upon. The Deaconess House, at 1 122 IM Spruce street, has been noted for Its ex cellent work. Tho campaign, which will last ten days, villi bo launched tonight nt a dinner at tho llellevue-Stratford. where tho campaign headquarters are. Sylvester S. Marvin Is chairman and Thomas It P.itton vice chairman of the executive committee Mrs. Perry S, Allen Is chairman of the woman's division. M. L. Johnstone Is the campaign director. , Annual Muslcale on Saturday Mr and Mrs. Qeoige Hamilton, of ItUlge avenue, gavo their annual muslcale on Sat urday evening at their homo for the mem bers of the Hellman Council. Sons and Daughters of Liberty, of which Mr. Ham ilton Is deputy. Among the guests woro Sirs. Hduard llaker, Mrs. Deborah McMurtrle, Mis. Mabel Hagerty, Miss Minnie Jankc, Mrs. Laura La Porte, Mrs. James McMurtrle,- Mlsa Ada Diingan, Miss Anna Fulton. Miss lleba Dunlap, Mrs. Frederick Iludenr, Mrs. Esther Kroth. Mrs, Joseph Wyatt, Mr, John ltoy, Mr. W. Harbison, Miss Margaret Hoyle and Mrs. Joseph Godschall. Elect Officers for This Year The members of the Clthtens' Patriotic Committee of the Falls of Schuylkill elected the following officers und board of directors at Its last meeting at the White House; Hon orary president, Mrs. Kllxabeth Dobsou Al temus; president. Mr. Krnest Carvvardlne; lce president, Mr. John Kyle; secretary, Mrs. Charles W. Uothvvell: assistant secic tary, Mr. -John Wattj treasurer, Mr, Joseih Illyt Mrs. William Gray, Mrs. Alfred jlrnc, Mrs. James Lawson, Mrs. Annie SivarU and Mhjs Grace Kelly, - . '- SOLDIERS WILL SHUN KNITTING SISTERHOOD Guliek Tolls Girls One Interested in Athletics Will J3e Sought rw orK, M.llLll I " The nthlctlc gfrl will attract llio lionieeiini. ing soldlir Inueli moie than her Knitting sis ter, Dr. T.mlier H. Guliek, mitionat president of tho Camp Fire Girls, told 2000 oung women delegates nt their annual p.itilotle council 111 i. Ill this city. Doctor Guliek meiilly returned from tho W'esltrn fronl. where he made a moral sur vey for the V. M. C A war council. While visiting the Ainirle.m troops he. was under lire for eight hours "The American soldlfis," Doctor Guliek said, "are becoming accuslomcd to outdoor life, and the girl of their cholco will bo ope who has alio led ihc outdoor life and who Is Interested In outdoor sports. They me tho 1 v$$jHKiL oHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV H JMHfll!''' mHllllllllllllllllllllllllllw i3B i B - 4s I Mm ! tf gm s S WSw- T Si -1 V siiniMifiiiic-ffTi i'i'li'fi'iw'iiiiy);,-..y j ,wjrtM6MMxi''tfrj QtuxLtaruw l'hoto h HaLliradi MKS. E. S. REDDING Of 'J!157 North Park avenue, who is active in various entertainments that hravc been given for the soldiers. Joll, InUrestiug tvpo of girls, and that Is what Is Intended to bo cultivated among the Camp Fire Girl". "Do oii think for one mlnuln that after tho war any girl would care for a soldier who spent his time, knitting and who re turned homo wearing a urcss? No. Neither will a soldier care for tho girl who wears military (ov-tuiues but loses tho desire for healthy outdoor paetlmes. Tho men will want a good time and only Jolly girls will meet tho demand." Doctor Guliek said the moral status of the troops In the American cantonments In Franc was excellent and that condition.! wcto constantly improving. President Wilson, who Is honorary presi dent of tho Camp Flro organization, sent the following nusfiago: "I wish I knew of some useful advice to glvo you, as you suggest, but apparently the Camp Fire Girls do not stand in need of advice to be eltlcicnt " 'SAVETHECORNOF1918!' CRY OF WOMEN'S ARMY Threatened Shortage Speeds Plans of Feminine Farm Labor Leaders A threatened corn shortage Is giving Im petus1 to the drive of the Women's Grand Army of America for recruits for tho worn in's land urmy. organized to fulfill tho alms of the blogan, "Savo the Corn for 1918." Plaiis of tho Women's Grand Army were announced today by Mrs. J. Willis Martin, president of tho Gaiden Club of America, for recruiting women to answer the tall of George T. Powell, of Orchard Farm, Ghent, N" Y who has sent out a warning that there Is serious danger of u shortage In the corn crop this year from Injury to tho seed by freezing. Mr. Powell is ono Of tho farmers of New York State who employed women from the Bedford unit ns farm, laborers In 1917 and found them, he says, In many re spects superior to men. Jle Is now agricul tural advisor of the women's land army. The women of the army will live In their own barracks and will hire out at farm labor prices In groups of two und three and up ward. They will be, transported to, and from their work, sleeping In their own camp and carrying thejr own food. The recruits are from professions and trades and must pass a physical examination much like that which (Voldlcrs undergo. MRS. KAUL DODGE Who, with her husband, Lieutenant Dodge, has returned from Water town, N, Y.', and will make her home in this city. Mrs. Dodge is at pres ent staying with her mother, Mrs. William Longstrcth, of Kitchen's lane, Chestnut Hill URGES MOTHERS DAY MESSAGE TO TROOPS Miss Anna .Tarvis, Founder, Also Suggests That Sons Send Cheer ' Write" Molhois, send a mesiago of good cheer to your bo In camps I Sons, write to jour mothers." This Is tho special messngo of Mother's Day this jear from tho founder, Mlsa Anna Jat vis, or this city. MhIIici'h Day, a day of good cheer, of b.ipplnrss, reverence and sacrlllca for mother" nml sill the lofty Ideals that the name convojs, 1ms been aekuow lodged by the Government as a special Hag day and is the second Sunday In May. It has been (clcbiated iis a day of filial devotion, n day when sons should endear themselves to their mothers with little tokens of rcineinbranco or loiters. 'ihlo car, wlih thousands of our "sons' giving tlm sumo idealistic devotion to the c.'ui'.o or tight and Justice, It Is only lilting that we should honor and cheer them Send them gifts and letters from home. And so the Mother's Dav International Association Is urging that tho messago bo curried Into tho camps through tbo letters from homo, tho v. M, C A. and all societies connected with the welfare of tho bos In tho nrmy. Special puttlotlc services ending with a prayer for "mother" will bo preached ot all tho camps as well ns In tho churches, lluy Double Memilng "Mother's Day should carry u double mean ing to us today," Miss Jarvls said. "Moro than ever mothers should bo honored. They aio the ones who aio making tho greatest sacrllloes In tho lingo light for peace and Justice. They are giving the country brave, strong and good men to reclaim tho woihl from militarism. They have made their Ideals their bo.vs' Ideals, and so wc should not forget tho boys." It must have been a wonderful mother that Inspired such a degree of devotion In her (laughter. Miss Jarvls has fought a hard battle in bringing this Idealist day Into being. Since Us beginning, in 1908, It has spread throughout tho country until It Is observed In virtually every Stuto and even In uome places abroad "Wo want to hrlng Mother's Day to every bnv In camp and to all thu boys who aro In France," .Vllss Jarvls continued. "Mrs. Wil liam G. Sharp, wife of the American Am 1, ssador to I-'rancP, has consented to for ward the work among tho boys over there. Special services bv tho chaplains and a pr.iver for 'mother'' will bo heard Just back of the trendies. In the hospitals, too, tho mes'.igo will bo forwarded. Whlto carna tions will greet tho Invalids wherever It 1( posiblo to get Hum One woman who Is working In an AmoiU-an hospital In Frinoo has agreed that every one of her thousand Iiovr shall get the mvxsago In one way or another ' Would lluj War Stamps Tho wearing of a white carnation, the emblem of "motherhood." has been ono of the rustnms of the dav. This year Mlsi Jarvls is suggesting that peoplo buy war savings stamps Instead. It Is hoped that tbe Government will luc the little while but tons, symbolic of the dav, to Individual:) who puichaso war savings stamps the week pre i edlng Mother's Day, for, as MIsn Jarvls said, "white carnations have become sc.uco." "Florists inaugurated the custom of using red ones, and now they aro uiglng tho uso of any and all How em." oho said. "This Is not a commercial day. It Is a universal vvolfaio day and we want all to Join In It. Tho flowers are expensive, and the sentiment of tho flowers Is broken when the while, car nation Is not used. So 1 ftel that .no Lay ing of thrift stamps in far more patriotic and the ltttlo white button will mark tho spirit." Tho special "Mother's Day" services for tho churches will bo a patriotic one this year, with a prajcr for "mother" at the very end. It cannot fall to bring a throb of gladness to tbo mothers, somo of whom may bo lor rowlng for their boys by that time, to knew that a prayer Is being lifted up In clinches nil over the country at 12 or 12:15 o'clock on May 12. .ACADI1MV OP MUSIC T)HILADELPHIA T ' ORCHESTRA LKOPOLD RTOKOWRKI, Conductor KIIIIIAV AITKnNOON, MAUCH i'L', AT S 00 SATUIIDAV KVENINU, MAUCH -.'3. AT 8;15 HUS3IAN rilOUKAM TSCIIAIKOWHKY Hmphonlc Poem, "llomeo et Juliet" AUUNSKY Variations on a Theme of TMchntkowsky for String Orchetra niMSKY-KOnSAKOW Caprlcclo Emafmol HKHYAUIN "Poems d I'Extaae" 1IOHODIN "Dances of tho polovt-txkl Maldem from 'Prince Igor' " Heats NW on EJale at Huppa's. lllu Chmnut METROPOLITAN gj$SB THURSDAY EVENING APRIL 4 AR CONCBIIT I1Y JOHN McCORMACK AND AHSISTINO AttTlSTS Last Appearance This Season ST, NOW 5SS Mon., Mar. 25 HAI.V. OPENS IncluJa 10?J War Ta and Blamp.d rtaturn Envelope, In Mnll Orders Tickets75c. $1,$1.50,$2 flaSh?..8!,,,,. POrtll.AU 11BOUEHT PP.OOP.AM B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE Till! ORIC11NAI. CYCIX3NIC COMEDIENNB EVA TANGUAY JiombaiM Her Auiltenc With IUpptney IMHOF, CONN & COREENE jlarla l.o t Co. I Dorothy Oranviu. others. GAYETY "l'hDy LADY JJUCCANUEna Hunting a Husband By MAIIY DOUGLAS ft'owrlpfill CIIAPTiJll XIV Being an Outsider n SAW a new look come over Captain Dono- ail's face. He respected tne. Perhaps 1 was not so much fun. Hut ho bad learned that I was not the kind that could bo Idly kissed and forgotten Tho Captain tovered up tho uwkvvatdness of thu situation. Wo had drawn up In front of tho Iload Tree Inn, lie called In a banter ing tone to tho others of the house-party. "Loitering along the way with a pretty girl." Wllfied Hale called out In return. And yet wasn't that what 1 was doing? I was loitering along the way. So far I had Accomplished nothing nothing Perhaps I was slightly more attractive, llecause I had time now to brush my hair. To give a faint pink glove to inr nulls To put on my simple frocks wllh care To powdir my nose' These girls are farther along the road than 1. et the oldest among them Is onlv twenty-one. She Is considered experienced, sophisticated by the test. And 1 am twenty five. Hut they havo been preparing fo- tlio marriage game slnto they Hist went nut with their nurses, to nlicy In tlie nark. And 17 1 have been working struggling First to gel n position. Then slowly ilslng until I was Independent. Fntll nt Inst I ioiiUI belli out nt home with small comforts, And now, I have thrown It all up to go Into this new game. It Is not vet. "I mtii, I see 1 con ciuer," as 1 learned In high nhool. Hut Just, "I conic. I see " I came back sharply from in reflections For Captain Donovan find 1 wrro going up tho slops to tho Iload Treo Inn It Is a fascinating place. My (IrM cspeil ence of the kind. A green lawn, over which me scattered tables and chairs of green A latge awning covers It all. While creeping vines clamper up the trellis that shuts out the sight of the road. 'Cock-tails?" asked James Meria, ii" the looked around at the pretty faces of the girls 'For me, thank ou,'' or merely a nod was his answer. As ho rnmn to mo I shook my head ".Vo?" be iisKed. ".'n, thank ou," 1 said 1 heard my voice It sounded thin. Ills expression did not change. Hut 1 caught the lift of nn ovebrow here, the dent of a dimple there The pause was al most Impeiceptllilc. Tho laughing conversa tion went on as hefore. The carefree gayety of attractive girls, and men, who lount for something. Hut in that pause t felt I had In en weighed : and found wanting. I was, "No sport " I was almost out of It. Tho cocktails The glrM sat sipping, while I Idly plajed with a ilowcr m my place. Tom sat next to inc. "How do you like it. Sara?" ho asked, wllh u sweep of his nrm over tho pretty scene. I" do like It," I sulil. Hut there was a clioko in my voice. Tomorrow, Mj I.te Itelurns to Hnotl. BROAD TONIGHT at 8 Sharp MATINUIIS WED. nd SAT, AT 'J MRS. FISKE QlN A NEW TLAY SERVICE 111' HENIlt I.AVEDAN of tho AcuuVmt Kronrals dMik-llMi version liy William l". Tavlor) PItECEDED IIY LWIID DUNSANY'S A NIGHT AT AN INN NOIi:.--Tho Curtain Will Klso at 8 and Promptly on "A MliHT AT AN INN." GARRICK Tonight ',, Mttlanlt POPULAR $1 MAT.' WED. OI.IVEIt MOHO.SCO Presents 111E NEW COMEDY DHAMA TH E LITTLE BELGIAN lly AltTIIL'It HICIIMAN A TYPICAL MOIIOSCU CAST TIME ,Y 1'KICKS EB, ft Sat. (fl. to t I "? fl t. (except Alt. Eire.) JUC IJU Mat. FORREST Last 2 Weeks .MATINEES WEDNESDAY find SATL'IIDAY THE BIG Greatest Dancing SPANISH and Singing Show SPECTACLE in the World "THE TIP TOE SHOW CHESTNUT ST, 0FE LAST G NIGHTS $1 MAT. WED. K AJLI.NK A Monday, MARCH 25 Seats Now MESSRS. SJIirilEHT HUM. PRESENT 'i hi: pvniuiTir . vvivnat u.vuden lltll'MPHANT SPEl'r.vl'M! D0ING0URBIT with a COMPANY OF 200, including ritNK TINNEY J.VS J romiKTT IIENIIY LEWIS AHA LEWIS UI'NCAN MSTEltS ('HAS JCDELS SAM AMI THE I'A.SSINOS LEVI! NOKA1I AND TOO MANY OTii::HS TO MENTION Not ForKettiiiK tho Winter Garden Iieautv llripadc NO ADVANCE IN OUR PRICES LYRIC LAST SIX NIGHTS MATINEES WED. & SAT. WILLIAM MAXIND ;h Elliott MACLYN Arbuckle aversnam 1HENU nek enwic In "LOUD AND LADY ALGY" ADELPHI HVKNINQS AT 8:lrl n-UCjJL 111 MATINEES AT 215 POP. MAT. THURS., Best Seats $1 With MARY NASH and Entire N.Y. Co. AMERICA'S SERIAL SUPREME "THE EAGLE'S EYE" By WILLIAM J. FLYNN Itwently Itntred Chief of the U. S. Secret Service, TODAY THE PinST EPISODE OF THIh WON- uunrcLLY TimiLLiNO seiuai, op 1NTEHNAT10NAL 1MPOIITANCE HEOINS AT TIT 13 REGENT THEATRE MARKET BELOW 17TII PItODUCED IIY THE WHART0NS rt A OTTr matineb today , UAbirSIU $1,000,000 Dolls Walnut Ab. 8th Bt. A Real Beauty Show iJTRANn a,n- Ave. ut Veiianco, K. of Uroad J x i"4s Today, Tomorrow A Wedncadar JACK PICKFORD """ck unapiar -t-"-iiis Bum us ukmuchju;i'i Trocatjero KKSB Sulta .. --w.i ,'-. in WMalfit.k.taUlterfluaUai "Some I'lianes of J'rearrit-liaj notaWy," lecture, Br, Winner' Stone, Academy of Na ural Sciences, Nineteenth street below Raee, 8 o'clock. Admission free. j i.ievenm annual ball, Kerry Men' rr( tlvc and HcneCclal Association, Kagles' TemJ pie, Mpnng uarderi street below Hroad,- o uiocic, yvumission oy tlcKet. Missionary rrntrnary rttrlirallon, Hlmpso,, MotliriiHiif .-ntanar f-l.,,rn1i I ,l, Iiw4 Hlsliop Herry and Doctor North on the "Callf oi .Mnenca and tho AVnMil " X o'clnek.. A.fl-' mission free. y if .ivranl of Hoy Heoiit medals nml prltea,, -'M Iloom TOO. City Hall. 8 o'olocit. ii'lil .'Meeting nf Wnlmit Street llusnria A "-" f'! elation, HetleviiR-Stialford. 8" o'clock. .-.'f Vl'fl.l l, tt...t...u .., f-A.V .. . t-t , ., . an.,,-,,. in itii.iiir.. ,,,, ,i,i)ii.,r-i iipi v i v3 Market'3 ment Association meeting, 5309 sued, 8 o'clock, Meeting nt .Nirlliwe( llimllirn Men, 3S . lArffl Columbia avenue, 8 o'clock, '6(1 ,n . . ,., . i, ? u lltniril liniirovemeitl Assnelatlon meeting. Twenlletli and Shunk streets, 8 o'clock. 'clock, lecture, by, "The Airplane III Hie Wnr.' r. t, Joseph A. Stelnlneti, president Aero Club of fanl?'A cnnsjlvntila, parish house-, Church of St,' gfi' Judo and the Kplphany. Kltventh and Mount Jo l Vernon streets, 8 11 o'clock, Fnder ausplcea; " 1 of Mcirs Club. Admission free, I'rlrlnttc rnlly, with iidilrr.. liy riiaplala C. II, Dlcklns, U, S. S.t nt St, Matthew's! l.uthcrun Church, llrond and Mount Vernon strcits, S o'clock, Adutls'lun free. all this vi:rK hELECT PIl'TUHES PItESENT CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG Iii l'lt-rU rrcsentutlon cf THE HOUSE OF FROM THE PLAY BY AT A V MARCIN GLASS AH Nest Week MAUEL NOItMAND la "THE l'LOOIt 1IKI)W ImmsMmlM 10 A. M, to 11:15 P. M. ALL THIS WEEK wuni.n PirruitES i'iiesent FIRST SHOWING OF A SPECTACl'LAll, M.VHVEI)US PHOTODHAMA 1'EATUItlNU Montagu Love IN THE MOST WONDV'.ItFL'L HOLB OP 1113 CAKEEH A BIG STORY TOLD IN A BIG WAY St'PEP.TlI.Y ENACTED A TWUMPHANT PRODUCTION A KASC1NATINO LOVE STORY THE MO.ST Tlinil.LlNlI PHOTOPLAY OP THE TIME A NotaMo Supporting Cust. lneludlnj? Jeanaa Huc-els. the Younff and Heautlful Leaulng- Actreaa of Oeorgo Arllas'a Company 5:13, 7:45 ALL THIS WEEK PMIAMOPNT Present ,, P A U L I N E V FREDERICK. In First Miimlntr of (he Superb Product to "LA T0SCA" Vlctorlen Sardou'a Htnry That Jlaa Woo World Itenown In Drama and Opera ADDEU ATTIIACTION "The Son of Democracy" (Slith EpllQdel VICTORIA JUvir &ZF4 efL & MAIIKKT ' , i ' M 1U1 u.Ml WttVL I d:3o r. v.. 'yfigm "CHEAT1NU THE JPUBHU" iyrtm ADDED ATTH ACTIONS ?T?? "The German Curse in Russia" vp&t "THE SON OP DEMOCIIACY" t3ih Chapter,) (S ,&A Ti7'rnvvrT mauket bt. ni. utii liuuiJ" METIIO Pint Bbewli mdlV urinTTT T.SVT in "Tun uiuiui irriuii Shell uAME-C v "The Eacrle's Evo" Pru'.fi Attraction " XalNHMMl MAIIKKT BTRKIiT AT JUNiril VAUUEVILI.U CONT1NUQ 11 A. M. TO tl r.'.l T A CVTM'C PWVITTi'. With' MYKOrjr? """"' " """ ' w-. AND VAN! "KVETtYMAN'S SISTER,'-' OTIIEit ACTaP TJTn JTIWiV Oroad and SmiW Av, UHUlif ll"i DAILY NlllU' Beatrice Morrell's Sexttt JEWEL OAHMKN In '"TUB lllaj- VT THE CHAMPAONB WYrX ' i ' i r i P.RORR KRYS MAnivur ht. iieir i w" f Jaii) jwtsNi Walter Law & Company Metropolitan OPERA HOUSI Met. Onera Co.. N. TOES. KVNO. Marrh 1U. L'Amore Dei'OTr I En at :io. Kandeis. TiaTaa Miea, w r' i"-. "JJfS A .? V aui tfSY ,. Zv n $; n tjj 1 ' 'Kvs m 30 V1 ml P31 'W C5 1 . Jrv (ifs Hi a Km ft," " r'J. .-i . - ' . v ...,.. ..' Mj.i-.jf' . , J" J ., . ..i.. .,1 ?. . .. .f i.'i, . A "' l'"'&j:tifk t'.i - fr.-- . ,4 lLxiLjL& ,.,3. - f- -:. i..v V.J;,"ii.-JA&5KVW. '.'& laWr . 7. it V.c o ...., A1. ..' 1tiwf Bfc afiS j ;,.;- i 'a ,-!'-' itmi&& ALie.-'a