Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 18, 1918, Night Extra, Image 1

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VOL. IV. NO. 158
Councils want
lltevolt Against Diffusion
of Authority AmuiiB
Municipal Bodies
.Bills Will Be Introduced at
Harrisburg to una rrown
; Fiscal System
a aecUlvc revolt -lias developed
F-.nB. those responsible for munl-
Itlral finances against the indopond-
E- r ...oil W tho rntirts.
.-.tit DOCr UUBOVDrvu "J ,
the inspectors oi county ii!
Kn.l other cflkerH of city nnd county.
increase salaries and e
ilrfthout repaid to the lc.
.functions of Councils.
i1 Legislation of the most
trader will lc lntroduccI at the
Ii.-.. .. : ,.
jiext session of the Legislature in an
Effort to bring "it u uu" ";-
14f.nr nnd Councils, it win uc ill-
Kjrected. at the courts, the Fuirmount
, Commission aim wie uuaru ui -
j..ton of Taxes.
& Tpy"' f"ult' rlanntil
iTbe men now at vrk on thec remc
jut plana I"1" Panra ll numuer
ilor tho lines detlded upon two Mars
rtoV llio Charter ItcvUlou Coimnlttcc.
je campaign also lomcnipwica .-M)-,1
suits to prevent fliBrunt abuwi
MPcr- .. . ....... .... r..
Itie revolt is iiucmmucu "j """"
Hw cnt, demand , for ,Bnw
fttcs, to proviao wu .
rould cost the city more than $200,000
FjMch yar oppo'liion piaim u ...-
c!l r...lta ritiHiii'a Committee and
Ear la tha event of tho appolntmcnta
i'lmlnc made, of t..paers miIIh In tho
pZrt to asiertiiln whether tho movo
ha n abuise 'of power.
If The plan to placo absolute control of
f fa city's finance In tho lianda of llin
kW'0' has proBrcnscu miww i..
U madfl puunc in ua .-mnu.,
the next two months Tho , public ex
planatlon will lncludo a recital pf the
ithmbles resuUlnB from the wide division
cf power as at present ewremra, ....
'ilU contain the Indorsement of munlu
M flnanclers and civic Improvement
wrkers, wlio aro batk of tho ccntral-
ieinr proposition.
Prk CommUklon's Tower
Vr....M.nht rrlllelsm lll tlO leveled
It the Talrmount Park Commission bo-
kusa of Its allegea nueriereiico nn
functions of tne niunn-ipai gum li
st. . body uppolnteu Dy tno uom
rjuflgts. and not responsible to uoun
h or tho Major, although tho latter
t(Ilclo Is a member. The ameiiu-
irtUtlve to tho Boaru oi iieioiou
TaS Will mako that body directly
(countable to Councils.
'Kone of the lawmakers nrt nnau-
ders engaged In the work or framing
Mslatlon tendliiB to give tho Major
and Coum.Ha full control of expendi
tures vtlll dltcuss their moves at this
Uro further than to say 111.11 m.;
hdtit moat of tho plans discussed
i approved by the Churtir Revision
tj Cbllrman naffnej'. of Councils I l-
Ifcince Committee and a, memDcr oi mo
rtiirhi. n.vlslnn Committee, when asked
(today relative to the plans t lentrailze
Werln the Major nnd Councils, said.
"I have alwajs ticcu in uimr ui jjiul-
i the full power of expenditure wnn
Wtha Mayor and Councils. Couni-lls
iBOUld have absolute control of money
land should be held absolutely respen-
Islfyt for the way In vUih.li It Is fr
iended. Under existing conuiuona
Councils can do nothing but sit baik
I and, eeo even the most eorbltant de
mands go through or hold them up und
to an appomtlvo power to tpenn me
noney anj w a j-.
I" .TAtmUa l tilt tlin Vtlamn fr.r Itl-
eues In the tax rate and tho Major
I criticised for tho tamo thing. Does
i not seem the right thing for Councils
have control rather than to nave
aney spent by bodies responsible only
ithemseUes? I was a member of the
arter Revision Commltteo and ap-
nved every piece of legislation that
aa Introduced by that body at the last
sum. I havo not changed my inlna."
, Want Major In Supreme Control
&0n of Mayor Smth's closeHt llnanilal
Eadtlsors today Hakl : "Many things will
it asked of the next Legislature und
among the most Important will bo I'hlla-
Klphla bills that will glvo Councils
right to control expenditures Most
t('the bills. In ono shapo or unother.
aye appeared before at Harrisburg. but
t year they will not bo nllowcd to
Wiber and be lost In tho shuffle.
EyUHjre la hardly a member of Councils
rwrqoes pot believe tnat.tno appropria
ton of money ahould be made cxclunlve
r hy that body und through the Major.
ia thing of havlnir tho courts or some
fttalde board making financial demands
' time when It would greatly upset
mg to pay out thef money must bo
Wd. If officers of the nretient Ad-
latratlon have any power things will
'Changed. Our nlans are not com-
jt, but this tlmo wo mean business."
gcd Uold-Up ilen Arrested, Ono
n. Caught In Act
ml?. Keller, twenty-one jears old, of
suun and Racej-treets was held with-
amjry following his &rrest last night
fcnmceman Ktckensher. while tho pa-
riv was on ins way nome.
hn Klttgerald. of 6018 Wayne
tj was held up at Klght and Race
uu rriiecu oi ,..iv chbii iinu
I imall articled. 1yhn nntrolnlan ar.
I WhllA fti l..M-..n in lullni. .ilaa.M
arreutri T.-allu. .pl.n wn. IHttiillM.d
1 Swede, Hungarian and Scotcn-
kjy man, Then. tho Irish
CMcage, March 18. X CSerman, a
? Hungarian and a Scotchman,
'.tn; parade In honor of fit. Patrick
jarday n MUth chicj,,,,
I'A. O, If. lrulate'd udoii having four
jmwd policemen lead the parade, 13ut
" or picking out four irishmen,
J ft make the seleotlon, and fats
Positions Along Lens Road
Shelled English Get Pris- '
oners at Achcville
l.tuttlnn, March 1ft
British positions In llio tctlorH of
Baps-urne mid Cambria, along llio Lena
roail an J between Warnelou and Zonnc
beko were licavlly shelled by llio Ger.
linns thioughout (lie night, tho War
Ollko announced loilnj .
South of Aehcvllle, ltrlllh raiders
entered a German trcni.li, securing sev-
Wr.it prisoners
Home, March 18
Five hostile i,irerafl have Ken shot
down, tho War Olllce announced today, j
.n iiaiiun mrsuip dropped i oiuds on
the airdrome at Llvcnzu.
llio artillery on both sides was more
active at Sagarin t, Montcllo and 7en
boti I'arln. March 18
I Strong nrtlllerjhig was teported alone
I the right bank of the Memo and In the
osges In todsj'a ufricl.it iominiinlttlc
1 rem h patrols brought In prisoners
north of tho Alllette
l.neiny raids in French outposts fell
"""ii nuimwcai oi luicuns una i.tponi-
Succumbs to Heart Attack Whs
Chuitmun of Now Liberty
Loiin Drive
viedln, ! March 18 Itarrv V
Rhodes, president of tho Media Title and
'trust Conipanj, died hiiddenly at D "0
o'clock this inornlnc from a Iinirt altacl.
Mr. Rhodes was liftj-.ono jeara old and
Is survived bv n widow who was Anne
Rhodes, daughter of tho lato John n
Rhodes, u manufacturer
Tho death or Mr. Rhodes i.ime as u
grcit HiopIs In Medl l und Delaware
Countj llo was chairman of tho third
Wbeitv Ixian commltteo outside of thn
city of Chester and whs preparing for
the big drive.
Mr Rhodes went to bed appirenlly In
good lu.illh list night About midnight
he omplalned of feeling unwell A
Physician was summoned lie seemed
better this morning and waa lonverslng
with his wlfo when tho end c.uno sud
denly Ho was president of the .Spring Haven
Country Club, u member of the Concord
Lodge I". and M, president of the
Media Home Defense league and con
nected with a number ot other lliiancl il
and social organizations He was u
vestrvmui or tho Calvary 1. J Church,
Rockdale, for jeais.
Chiaigo Packer Denounces Charges
as "Pack of Lies" by "Irrespon
sible Political Aspirants"
Chlcagu, March 18 Declaring that tt
Is not trtya that enormous profits are tho
cause of high prices and that It Is a
falsehood to charge that meat Is being
hoarded to keep the price up, J. Ogdcn
Armour, head of the picking firm of
Armour . Co today Issued .i lengthy
statement on tho meat prlco situation
"It Is not tiuo that thero Is an undue
margin between the prlco of meat on
the hoof and meat on tho hook," tho
statement said "Wartlmo prices on
foodstuffs aio sufficiently burdensome
to enable agitators to arouso the public
with tho chirges of graft and profiteer
ing. Meat prices are the especial tar
gets of these detainers."
Armour then paid his respects to "Irre
sponsible political aspirants" by term
ing their charges against the packers "a.
pack of lies."
Asks Government Aid in Suppress
ing Outlawry Order Sheriff
to Increase Force
Lexington, K March 18 Govcrno
Stanley appealed to the Government
today to detail at least one conipMiy of
regular iirmj troops In Kentucky, tc
protect life and property In Leo Countj,
whero outlawry has broken out.
The Governor also sent a telegram to
Sheriff McGuIre, of Iajo County Insist
ing upon rigid enforcement of tho law
and urging tho Immediate dcputlzatlon
of enough men to preservo the peace,
Short Term Men Veq From Salem
County Camp
James O'N'eil and Jose Tcrrlm, the lat
ter a Mexican, both short-term prisoners,
escaped last night from tho road tent
camp of the Salem County Jail The
men were sentenced about a month ago,
Kerrlm for assault and battery and
O'Xell for larceny.
Sheriff Harry Mlffiln, of S'alem County,
has sent out requests that the fugitives
be arrested on sight and returned to
tho Jail. Both men vvero dressed In
vTwo Automobiles Stolen
Thieves stolo tho 'automobile of Ben
jamin Joblln, 4936 Chancellor street.
wniio 1L wao niuiiuiiiK ni riitrciuu Iinu
Wallace streets. Another car was stolen
from the garace of Samuel Benham,
Krnins und Sllyerbrock street.
Stone Ship to Sail May 1
Han Kranelteo. March 18 A trial
trip with full equipment wlll be made
by the concrete ship Faith on May 1,
and soon afterward will be loaded and
Btarted on her first ocean voyage,
jYeic England Soldiers ,
Get French War Crosses
With tho American Army in
France, March 18,
American troops of the New
England division, stationed In the
Cliemln-des-Dames boo tor, liavo
wou twenty-five French war
Tho censor permitted this fact to
bo unnounced today.
Bishop Warns Those Who
Refuse to Urge Right
eous War
Today's Program at
Mcthodht Conference
- p in. Tim inlsslonnrj ccntcnury
Address "The Centenary lend tho
I'icscnt "World Conflict." Rev.
Ooigo Ulllott.
Address "Tho Hcsoutics of Meth
odism: Can and Will tho Chinch
Meet tho Present World tinier.
t,ctioy" Ulshop WIKon S. Lewis,
t'oochow, China.
Open i unfertile u rontlmlcil li tho
Rev r. Jf North, corresponding
scirctuij nf tho ,l 1J. Board ot
I'oiclsn Missions.
C p ri The missionary centenary
celebration Oncrnl themo lhc
Cull of Ameilci nnd tho World"
Addicss, 'Tho Homo I'lcld." Bishop
Address, -The foiclgn 1 icld ' Di
Music bj the (holr of the Coliiinbu
Avenue Cliun h
Methodist ministers who do not nrcaeh
from tlio text I he Cause of the Miles
Is the (amp r Righteousness ' will In ,
pro'eiuted for ticntou, according to i
Bishop Theodom Heudcrtou of Detroit
prcsiuing at tho Ulrt tcsslon of tho
Phlladclpht i annual conference In Simp
son Memorial Church
In n n address crackling with hot
shots at Scott Ncatlng, dismissed Uni
versity of I'innsjhanU Instructor Mid
other piclflsts. Bishop Henderson an
nounced that a campaign to stir up I it
eut patriotism In llio churches would
coii'lnuu until Maj, with the "rlghtcous
tiest, ' slogan as a text
".nr prcaihcr who wabbles from
this text Just ns guilty as no out-and-out
traitor." ho declared, launching
a plan for the organliitlon among 1 ij .
men of .ildi to the Department of
"The National German - Aiurriciii
Allluue. should be mobilized under tho
leadership of senator LaKollclto and
sent to tho front-lino trenches In
France," he asSertW
Threat to Pokier
His declaration followed announce
ment by tho Rev. Dr. John t! Wilson,
district superintendent, that he had re
eclved a threatening letter becaupo of his
pro-Anicrlean sermotib,
' I ho nnonjmous writer ien in to
'cut out those Ij Ing taUs about German ,
and that I am being wutched," said the
Rev. Dr Wilson "My icsponso to that
Is that I had In mind for my dlbfrlct Just
such a plan for lo-operatlng with the
Deptrtment of Justice as Bishop Hen
derson. A lajinan offered to flnanio It "
Bishop Henderson, In announcing tho
patriotic ilrlvo In Methodist ihurthes,
Continued on rate Seirn, Cnluitfti Tlirre
Lieutenant George l'lachairc, Here
to Teach IT. S. Aviators, Hti3
"Ragged" Seven Boche Planes
Tamp Meade, xi.. March 18. Lieu
tenant Georgo l'lachairc ono of the
aerial daredevils of Prance, paid Llttlo
Fenn an unexpected visit todiv.
"Just dropped down for lunch mid to
seo sotno red lomiades," was the way
ho put It when his high-powered nlr
platio landed on artlllety hill Tho
Frcnchmin left Mlneol i, L 1 , ist. rd.ij,
and spent tho night In l'hllidolphla
This morning he headed foi Camp
Meado und afler a two-hour flight I inded
safely near the home of the Jl.'th rield
Artillery, uti all-Philadelphia unit
jfu leaves tuts afieruoon for washing
ton, vi hero ho will beijino an lntiuc
tor In tlie aviation scitlou of tho Amer
ican army. I lachaire during his raieer
aH u blrdmau has dropped seven ma
chines und his won several rrench and
British vi ar medals
"In Praiiin I havn Instructed manv
Autrt leans ill tlio art of tljlng." slid
tho blrdman 'and thej- are good fljers
too. They have tho punch and nerve,
as j on say In In America, und a genuine
determination to get thero "
Saloonkeeper and Bartender Under
Bail on Charge Made by Police
Charged with niKlntalnlng a gambling
house, I?dward Gallagher, a saloon
keeper, of Hleventh street and Rising
Sun avenue, and his bartender, Joseph
Olllvel, were held today under 1500 for
court by Magistrate Beaton, at the
Tenth and Uultonvvood street police
The police made u raid on tho saloon
Katurdaj night and arrested eight men.
six of ve horn wero discharged L'vldeuce
before Magistrate Beaton today renewed
the chargo that Gallagher waa ono of
the fcaloonmentwho had disregarded tho
"het-tless Monday" orders.
Line to Link Lancaster and N. Y.
Lancaster, Pa. March 18 I-ancasJer
will be linked with New York city by a
parcel post truck line on Wednesday,
according to announcement inado by
Postmaster Hpencer today. A trial run
will be made, and If It proves successful
the line probably will bo established
"DMne Healer' Must Serve Term
vVahlnton, March 18 .The Supreme
Court today refused to review the trial
of John Flr New, of San Franclyco,
convicted and sentenced to prison for
using the mulls to defraud New, It
was charged, usaerted he could heal by
divine power.
Soft Coal Output Increased
vvatl'ilntlon, March. 18 Soft coal
production In the United states for the
week ending March 8 won the largest In
nearly four month!" or since the week
ending November 24, the geological sur
vey reporieu iuuy, 1115 .output wuh
11,!88,000 net tons,
I i v; , s - . 4s&,s ts ." -v vn . s ' sjV4$VI
S i " sJ '. HjfWv'si
This, the nnh
photograph to
of whom nie sin vi vols from
tdgo of the ten directly below.
night niakinc the flag shown
Misericortlia Building Be-
ing Rushed to Com
pletion for U. S.
One of the lirgrst nnd best equipped
war hospitals In this country Tor the
c.iro of our woundid boldlcrs will be
locat-d hi Philadelphia If tiegotlat'ons
now pending between the iirnu officials
In Washington mid Iho sitters of Mercy
nf-Mc'rl6n"-r6rf!io hnslnff of tho Mhe
erlcordla Hospital, 1'lftj -fourth street
nnd Cedar avenue, urn succ-sjful
Government olllc'als have expressed
a desire, to take oir this hospital pro
vlded It 1 an be finished and ready to
recslvo pitlenfs within thirty das. Its
cofihtrtn lion is now four montlib be
hind schedule 1 he work his ben de
lajtd by short.igo of 1 ihor und 1 u
terlals Orders hive been Issued by Mother
Hlldegirdo to tho contractoi, John Me
Sha'n, I bin North Street, !o rush tho
work to completion bj April 15 As
surances havo been tccclvcd from Me
Shaln that tho hospital will be ready
to recelie n.itlentH bv that time If ho
can get tho ncicssiry m iff rials 1 1 1 1,
will not be possible to actually complete I
It b- then, howeici
llio Government has be 11 co-opt rat
ing In thn speeding up of th.s work
Not only have tre prlorltj shipment
orders been given the railroads for all
materials tctpjlrcd, but 111 iiiuf.tctureia
hivo been ordered to glvo priority over
all other building operations ill the 1111-
I II., 4 .(.,..-, U
1 For some time tho work Ins been de-
llajed by Inability to obtain materials
for smokestacks Tor the nowcr piant,
Tho Government has bten appealed to
to remedy this condition It is untlil
patcd tint the materials will bo deliv
ered by Iho manufacturers within 11
few days.
"The liosp'tal officials ottered the MIs
erkordli llospltul to tho Government
some tlmo ago." 1" 1'erdln mil DJraug,
nf lMuard 1" P'lruiiK S. sion. the nrchl-
I tects of the building, said "llio naval
, officials Inspected it but decided It would
not bo suitable for them
'The subject was then tnken up with
f.ontlntie.1 on Pjae Slv. uhimn lour
Chaigo Crew Deserted Transpott
Without Attempting to Sao
Men on Board
VVnslilnitlon, Murch 18 Charges III it
tho trew ot tho torpedoed American
transport Tusuinla deserted the ship
without fin elTort to save her passengers
will bo probed by tho Houso ot Repre
sentatives Representative Steenerson, of Min
nesota, this afternoon Introduced-' a
resolution asking tho Secretary of the
N,avy to furnish all Information regard
ing the conduct of the erew nt the tlmo
of tho sinking The resolution was In
trodmed 'to establish the truth or
falsity of tho charges published In the
Minneapolis Journal on March 13, based
on a letter from C A Holmgren, a
member of Iho Twentieth IJ, S. Hngl
neers and one of thn passengers 011 tho
Tuscania, 'that said vessel was alian-
I doned bj her crew w llliout un effort to
save tho passengers.
The, Tusoanla wus torpedoed on Feb
ruary B off tho toast of Scotland with
J00O American oldlers abroad. The
sinking resulted In the death of 143
American soldiers by drowning-.
Found Dead in His Room and Be
lieved to Bo u Suicide
i.nrtrr. Fa. March 18. Dav 111 O
MUey, sixty-four years old, constable of
the Flrat Ward ana a rormer poncemnn
and city fireman, was found dead today
sitting In a chair 111 his bedroom, the
gas turned on full The fact that he
had attempted suicide by gas several
j cars ago and that he was In financial
straits leads to tin) belief that It was
Ho was tho father o( Kitty Ml ley, a
vaudeville actress.
fsjffaBPBfaCffc 1 .Jt!&VlL fy l M 1
reach tins tountiy lccording tho burial
torpedoed transport, viewing the
As theie was no Anieiicnn fluR m
in the photogiuph. Wooden crosses
Spoils to Be on Basis of
"Mutual Interest," Says
Pclrograd, March 18.
Leon Trotsky, Bolbhcvlk War
Minister, declined in an interview
today tin iigiecmcnt exists between
Germany und .laputi to "divide Rus
sia on tho basis of mutual inter
Trotsky further declared tho
Allies' greatest error has been iu
"assisting .lapahe.se pliius for occu
pation of Siberia."
"Amoricu will be the first to re
gret the Allies' policy," lie said.
Washington, March 18
'Die falsehood nf thn allegation It
shown on tho fate of It,' was the way
the Japanese Htnbapsr hero this after
noon dismissed the i barges of Leon
Irotskj that Japan and Germiny are In
eagtio to divide Rusl e between them
'on the basis nf niutu tl Interests '
The Slato Dcp irtmeut said It h ul
liollilug coiKcrnlng Trolskj s reported
remarks tcgirdlng n Gt nmti-Japaneso
nlll men or lit respect to tho f tct TrotHty
had made such an asrtrtlou
The United states takes (he position
offlclilly that Jupun's motives toward
Russl i are minus sellMutcsr
Trotskj's declaration, however, re
calhd there has betn talk of a Ger
m in-Jap.iucso alllanee In thu past, an
attempt lit whii h vwih levealrd ! the
.linmermauu correspondent e, which
showed Germany had tiled to wean
Japan to hei side bj terrltotlul agree
ments. The United States will piob.iblj In
terposo no new objections to Japtneso
proposals for Intervention In Siberia.
The original withholding ot assent
nnd expression ot views ugalust Inter
vention, however will stand. If Japin
goeH Into Silitrht, even though with
Allied approval, bhe will still be moving
without Iho Amerliaii appioval This
was Indicated In reliable quarters to
day as the inerli.ui position nt the
present moment
The I'cneral viewpoint Is that the
United States has said Its sij. but this
Is framed In friendly Huguago and Is
not such as lo prevent Japan from act
ing If sho sees fit Officials made It
clear, however, that thn American Gov
ernment has not relazed Its position at
Japan appirently Is marking time
awaiting President Wilson's expected
lemarks before tho "court of world
opinion" on the proposed expedition
Announcement by Premier Terauchl that
nothing has been decided upon with
reference to the situation squares with
official announcement here that negotia
tions between tho two Governments aro
still going on
Japan's urmy Is ready for tho ver
dict F.ngland's official spokesmen have
declared In favor ot the proposed step
la Siberia. France concurs. President
Wilson demurs but while Kngland has
spoken out In tho open, tho President
has not jet participated In tho "open
air diplomacy" of the situation. There
was some Intimation today that the
President might select u. visit to some
nearby army training camp as the oc
casion to outline hts views upon the
Japaneso und Russian situations nnd
the wor In general, or simply Issue a
statement. How all peoples receive
the dlffctent views Is then expected to
determine Japan's action
Deep satisfaction Is felt here at the
wholly friendly manner in which Japan
Is proceeding In the negotiations. It
emphasizes, officials say, the new spirit
of co-operation which has developed be
tween the two countries.
Right now, however, the Russian situ
ation Is so confused that calm and de
liberate action Is being urged by the
United States until all parties con
cerned can fathom what la going on
behind tho scenes there.
TI'.NUH VBNCILK IT decrees that ar
tdeal far your over? purpoet.. liv,
CoriBimiT, 1018, t inn
of lli- victims of the Tuscania. shovvh
ceremonies liom the top of a high cliff
the illnp;e of .Mull ncntby, a few of
with tho u.inies of tho victims have
INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., Mnieh 18. -Ralph Gtny and Ills
wlte, each aged thlity-nine; their tlaughtei Maiy, seventeen, and
a hon Ralph, ten, aie dead todny as the tesult of a cioasing acci
dent ncav heie. The family was diiviug ncrossthe tinck In an
automobile when a Big Tom passcngei tialn, said to have been
ti.ivellng Hty niilfs an lioui, s.tuick the machine, killing all
l'lie thib afternoon destioyed the one-stoiy fianic storehouse
and g'alago'oi; nobeit DlscherA CheittnhntnrtvenueabOve"Temi
bticct. 1'iank Dooney, twenty-one yeais old, of 530G Teluj
stieet, was bevnely liumed on the face when he braved the
Haines in oiticr'to have a motoitiuclc. The loss is estimated at
i?G0OO. The file was caused by burning brush fiom an adjoin
Iiif! cornfield.
House Prohibition Leader May
Present Measure for Liquor
less State
Dover, Del., March 18
The Delawato Scnatn held no session
this iiKTiiing, despite Iho fait that lie.
Hon on tho Federal prohibition aiiiend-
int nt had betn matin Iho special order
of business for 11 otloek Attimi upon
tlie latilli.itlon has been blocked by the
opposition tint his drvclfpcd to the
Governors war measure, tne iwo uius
being phi) oil against each other.
Petitions, telegrams and vigorous pro
tests of ever) description poured Into
the Senate today asking that tho drastic
provisions of the war measure bo
amended beMn It Is passed Political
moth en urn scented In tho bill, which,
If passed In Us orlginul form, It Is con
tended, would glvo ulmoat uulocratlo
powers to thn defense council Jt creates.
Tho lines aro drawn tightly between
the athotates nnd opponents or the bill,
und It may bo several dajs before final
action Is taken upon It.
Representative Bojcc, tlry -adcr of
tho House, announced today that 111 the
evant tho Senate dcla)s action upon the
Federal prohibition amendment for un
unusual length nf time, ho will Introduce
a State-wide prohibition bill In the
tVicc Sant's Servants
All for Daylight Saving
Washington, March 18.
Undo Sum Is going to got up
ono hour earlier to beat tho Kaiser
beginning March 31.
Asked today If they would .ob
serve tho new daylight saving; law,
now awalUng the rrcsldent'a slg.
nature to mako It effective at "
a. in, March 31, Government de
partment heads wero united In say.
ing tho rulo would bo observed.
nvery ono from President "Wilson
down is on the play for mora day
light effort. Tho White Hou.o and
all departments will start opera
tlons for tho day according: to tho
Government clocks, moved forward
an hour. And all anticipate greater
efficiency, inoro pep and more
tlmo at homo with a garden or
other win the war measures.
Peseta Ltncrn Coupint
I'lioto irum ITnd, rwood A UnlcriiouU
the group of moutncis, many
overlooking the graves at the
the Scotch women worked nil
been placed over the grave.
Men Who Meet Today
Choose Name Called Di
rector's "Scabs"
"Bolshevik forces" of the Polico De
partment vIW faco somo determined
ojiro.sltlou from 'Io)al members" ef
tho bureau henceforth.
That Is tint prediction of policemen
who tailed it meeting of a new and as
et unnamed organization nf policemen
j for this afternoon at police band hcad-
tiuaiters, Tenth nnd Greenwich streets
t Tho primary purposu ot the meeting la
lo select a nanio and to Install Lieuten
ant ileorgo liuusewiuo as secretary.
in" organization ih neitig ronued to
promote lojulty to tho administration
and to put a eiuletiiB on 'dissension"
Harry V. Johns, president' of Patrol
men's Benevolent Protective Association,
today said that the meeting of 'loyal
members" was nothing but a plan of
the administration to frighten policemen.
"Dlreltor Wilson and several of his
advisors aro behind tho movement." said
Johns, "and the meeting won't be at
tended by any of our members This
now organization Is nothing but a 'scab
union.' "
Pennsylvania Company nt Gloucester
Turns Vessel Over to U. S, .
Tho 7000-ton steamship Chestnut Hill,
built for the William W. Bow ring Com
pany, the first steam vessel built by
the Pennsylvania Shipbuilding Company,
of Gloucester, will be turned over to the
Government some time today,
The vessel la one of the best of It.
class of a typo that has been found par
ticularly valuable. Tho original con-
iraci causa ior a speed or nine Knots.
Tho (Jhestnut Hill has developed 11
Blamed for Loss of 500 U. S. Army
rlnrlnna.l, o.t March 18 German
agents were held responsible here today
for the poisoning of more than S00 horses
of a Government shipment en route from
Camp Grant. Ill , to the east coast for
service In l"rance The homes were
poisoned when they were unloaded at
Covington. Ky Sunday and given feed
and water.
Secret service men are working on the
case, but havo found no clue to the
Shirt Factory Robbed of Silk
Thieves who entered the shirt manu
faturlng concern ot M. Don & Co.. at
117 North beventh street, atole J360
worth ot silk rloth from the sixth floor
ot tho building.
i j
x y
l A '
. u
Constantly in Action,,,
and Acquit Selves
Believe General Offerrsiveik
Will Come Only If Ger- '
mans Are Forced t -$
' ttl
Ofllcial War Dcnartmcnt Rt-k
view Indicates;Vast Opera- '
tions Are Planned
Washington, March 18.
American troops now arc in the
front line trenches at live different
points in France.
They aro constantly in action and
acquitting themselves creditably.
It can bo revealed for tho flrat
timo that in their raid on Murch 11,
not only did they act on their own
initiative, but they penetrated th
enemy trenches to n depth of 300
yards. They had no Frcnclt support
in this movement.
The Kntcuto Is loalng hopo of a tuv
tulncd German offensive In tho west.
Only if compelled tc by the exigencies ;
ot tho general strategic situation wilt,
Germany try to break through on the
western front.
Tho general situation Is Improving
along tho western front from tho Allfed
viewpoint. British und Frwnch buc- S$
cesses took pluco during" the last week., -3
All this Is distinctly emphasized In tho '. '
weekly war review Issued by tho War .,
Department tcday. Throughout, It -'!
breathes a. most optimistic tplrlt. The
review Is us follows:
"The period of Inactivity In the west
is being prolonged. Though the raids
now taking place would In tho past Havwa, tyS
been considered Important enffaKetnetilBLvS "a
ne.rt1il-.HR. nwlnr in tlm fnr-t tl.ttt ttlM...?'
are merely of mnor, tactical valueMhi.v'H
euiuioi ot; item 10 uu iiiujcr uPcr-ronWK,'j4.'. -III
riermani.Cl Maximum Strettkrtk . X" S
"While hostile preparations tor,MC
offensive In the west are not slacMfcr i.
Inr It Is becomlmr more evident thai t tttVl
enemy will launch, this offehsfvo only &"?
compelled to by the cxlgep6lea ofttMVw
-a....1 u, , lrl,i ul..,.ltln, Tll.lljh eABil, vt.i
ftcuciai o,,.,,u C..M-.W... ,..,., .w.a ..3.
German divisions are reported bb arrlv- s
Ing In tho west. It Is Important to noto
that tho density of enemy forces has
nearly reached a point beyond which It
will ba impracticable to go. for should
any large additional body of men be $
massed, the chances are tnat the con
gestion of the lines of communication
will become so great us to make It Im- fJ
possible to maintain 1110 nexiDiiuy 01
maneuver which Is so essential.
Our own forces In France have been
constantly In uctlon.
"Our troops tire now In the trenches
at llvo different points.
Drhe Stirreitiiful Kalil
This week we undertook our first, as
sault agalnt ilerman positions unas- rf
slsled by any Allied contingent. At 'tti
dawn 011 March 11, after a preliminary
bombardment lasting tnree-quariers OI X
mi hour, we drove u highly successful-'as
raid against 11 German trench segmen"!Ji
Our men penetrated the German Una to M
,. .i.nti, of 300 varus ine enemy waa-uii.
driven oft after a hand-to-hand fight ;
whereupon our contingent returneu to vaiha
our lines . . . ... SSS
-WC llirru iio ... -...... -...., .,.1-, , v.
troops, acting in co-operation with smajl jWfB
a... .-.... .Inn-... in ...' I Tl A .m.,l-.-IVIM
French uetaenmenis, raiaeu uermaii; '."a
trenches. Two 01 ineso operations warn -VJZS4
t m ...ac -.fM.i,Hn -. AAV ua lap -Bti r am am Jf? .vVn
ClirrieU UUl biiiubiivviuw;i vv vii fariji.
.a ... . a?nri rnil.lu ifit
rroniarzc oi puma v . .fjtfw
'After a prolonged bombardment th y$2j
attnrkl.il; units wcro unable to gain thttn wj&lfl
objecthes. Vtvr of the enemy wtro M1
found In the Hret line trenches and tho fcf
.I. i.. ant fnpu.iirtl Intn tVin flm. i-fii
HUttlriviri (s-n -.,.. .... ....- ... . flVw
tn a m ,(?rnnd line. .t
Oar men remained for nearly an hotfr &j
in om fSurman noBltlonH and retired. iXj&c
.. fiAf In flirt tntr much damaee and rD-r'r':
turlng considerable quantity or
T . . .I . J..E-i".
Snlnnlng Is on the Increase. Our aur- i
tlllery Is "very active." Frequent hoitllfi-v
bombardments were curnea agatnsc enVf?j
American sector near the Swiss border.' r tsg
Secretary Baker, the summary eaia, w
about to undertake an Inspection, of the,; 'fj
sectors and a -.low of training capa -Jj
and so on. .--Li1 J3JuJ
As lor me casiern euuaiion ens arenas:' ,'
mnrv unlit German caDture of OSaaaav
"will no doubt be ot economlo lm-r sa
.n..AA ,. tt.M nTTlV." 1 . U1
The remainder of tho statement ti
viewed Allied operations. VV
Mysterious Cylinder Believed Bom
1-. Wn,fln'i H...ij. 1
tU O UUIBI. O 4M.t,BMStV ,
AtlanU. March 18. Mrs. Srjijy
.Schoonover, flfty-nvo years old.
tune teller of a gypsy caat of con
nance, was today placed under
Eusnected of being Implicated In a 1
nlot. Tho evidence was secured fcr.J
Annla Simpson, special Investlgatae t
the Federal Government In the wm
himta was found a mysterlou 1
der-shaped package believed to
Infernal machine. It Is alleajM
ur-mfln ha.d mRde threatti to blow mi
boarding houso and told stories "of
alleged bloodthirsty past. .
mrs. Bcnoonovar sain ano navm
here to try to effect the. release
son, who Is a private at camp
Banker, Murt Return tt '
-.- t-l .-.- VI.mI. . TPtVl!
Court today decided that John
land, of a Little Fall. N. J., M
foua-ht extradition ordered by
ernor of New York, will hava tavi
to New J.raey aa raoo trui 1
tilctment ofowaapuiaor t aaf
land waa airaiiHi la Naw
HiN Mc;aas m s
.rS frr
' thm false!
i?i v-
, . ,
V '
r - ,fi,li!a?HK
, -i'W..?,
- .- t . -l , '"
w .JyJJ
ijf. WKUi