i'V'r'"ft r ' --'"'- - "-rr -w-vtwt? v'4 v ? t??? '-. '" .' ...--Mr", v ', v WTrwicrrwn.1 '..DTTbTi EVENING "PUBLIC LEDiHER-PHILADELpaiA, THURSDAY, ' MARCH 14, 1918 ft.. VT-v. ,-V f-fVT " ' ' ".VJ IN ORNAMENTS? EXERCISE FOR YOUR BRAIN'S SAKE WARTIME! MENU AND RECIP 'ASJI ', m i r. I. h ft& If Iff i t . IV if Li' I Lfx E1 rf . Br i p iifi i- V 1 I ?. m & ! hBf mLtiTi. !Y WANT TO CUT THEIR HAIR, -BUT. THE MEN 'A?, v Coiffiye Is Part of ,f hd Must Stay Put, Which All Reminds ;; ;,, Us, "Are Women Ornaments?" that It'a definitely settled weien are people, there' another artum looming ud large. Aral women ornamentaT ..;TWi matter has always been more ,V4r leas discussed, but since woman V' ifrnt out one morning and got a war '. ','J '" taken on a new angle, woman sW'OT Jwawinuc, linn iiuiioouy miu em ' Sj rfaerely found out that lt'a easier and rW". Vtaa dangerous to work In a pair of i :?;. '.trou than It Is to work In a dress, . 'K tuna-Avar nmflri Anrl fatrhlnir. Anil an flf nt "didn't atop to think whether the r ( Trousers were particularly orna ', ontal or not She Just slipped Into 'tfyftfittta and got to work. ' f3i inow, woman ror similar utilitarian ''"i'S-'ftasona would like to cut off her hair. ? 3 Not all women, understand, but -St enough to make groups of them stand 40. on the street corner on the way home !.i "' llOm t FlM nlant at MtivVi t find ifAnr4n whether or not they'll do It. There are many reasons why they hould, you Bee. Of late we've been counting the cost of so many things. Time and lost "motion, for Instance. It ta appalling to"thlnk how much, time women have wasted on their hair. I am afraid to add It up. Some one would be sure to hear about It and tell Hoover. But these reasons, weighty as they may seem, are not the chief oncsj It would be more san- fi i.11 t0 "ave anort halr than long ! ? ' hair because thn nhnn mn ,..,, i.i ,Jl probably be washed more often than the lonar one xena Tt nmnM un ........ because long hair Is such a mennco In an Industrial plant that It must be covered with a cap. THERE Is Just one thing to make woman stop and think before she toea to the barber. Man doesn't want her tol Witness a letter that came to the woman's page when the subject was recently broached In our columns: THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE ItUL'IiZ iH'.'j',.T'',!'Pn"'.u"t? 'i.v"om! ZHH.ilS '"'"' '. !""' that the V VJSS..IS "vif"' 'Lr ,""'' l? the editor foe not ntetttnrilu indorte the mtrmnt 1. ff&latfk rfi,n'K?MS.,,,i,0", fort. devor'me-t .koutd b. Idclrm,! o.ollow TUB W WQVIAN'8 KXCIIAM1K. Evening Putllo Ledger. Phlladeliihla. Pa. iol TODAY'S 1. Want amonnt of whrst floor, butter snd mar pr wrlc In allowed In the wl. ""tff .rmVxn ..jTstera tntteotea for well-to-do fomlllM? t Row eon the shlnr npprnfo bo re- noTea irom a suit of clothenT i YThr ohouli mlt nrer bo added to po totoeo while ther are holllns? ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY'S INQUIRIES jL Ib ftnbatttntlnE hnn-r for white turttr mn one Uhlenpoonful ererr nennt two neTa fa1liall flit. tablMpoonfoli of f. Chewl nc rum ran bo remorrd from rlothlnK br holdtnt piece of Ire tUhtlr orer It for n few mtnnteni Thl will tnake the com crnmblr unit . " con D bmhel off. S. wben the Mrer doll'i rlftthefl refune to utAy on or meonn of the little cord boora "bendhArkn" orunpirr paper ellpa will be fonnd to hold them - corelx In place. Milk Not Boiled for Baby To the dffor ot Woman' Paat: Dear Madam When convenient plae an swer tho foltowli.s queitloni In your very awful column: in . Hour can Parisian toilet artlrle. ha ejoanea or waanr-OT 3) la boiled milk better or aa irood aa rallk )ut heated for a flfteen-month-otd It) What Is the moit satlifactorr first aid for alburn on a baby's akluT tit What are the duties of an executor named In a will, and what compeneatlon does h. receive, and from whom? A. n. C. (1) Parisian toilet article of French Ivory can be cleaned with peroxide ot hydrogen. (!) Unless a doctor orders boiled milk for baby simply- glvs It the milk heated to blood heat 'All the milk sold now Is pasteurized. It Is always safe, how ever, to feed baby under directions from your family doctor. (1) The safest thing to do when baby la burned Is to take him to the doctor Im mediately If It Is at all possible. If not. cover the burn with wet baking soda or apply carron oil until you can see a doctor. (4) The duties of an executor named In a will are as follows: To probate Will before Rea-lster of Wilts. Cltv Itall LUUv. x to put estate notice In paper: to make tv" vtnyntory and appraisement of testator's jirupony aim jue in iieftiBiers omcei to collect assets and pay debts, for which ' he Is allowed a year, to file accounts In Register's office, and settle estate In ac cordance with terms of will. The compensation allowed for these services Is 5 per cent on personal estate "nd 3 per cent on real estate. This comes qut of the estate of tho deceased. Further Identification of Hymn To fkf Editor at Woman's ratre: Dear Madam At tho requeet of a reader for tho hymn "Meet Mother In the Sklee." I 'mbmlt tho hymn. Tho mu.lc and word, will M found In tho Hall tt Mack Some of the , Ooipel. No. 1 ai.tl 2. on pace 10. W, n. IJV Editor et Woman's Page: " Dar Madam Inclo.ed find the word, and ratio to the hymn "Header" requeued, If you bare her addreie plea forward It to 'Mr. (Mrs.) C. M. ' The hymn requested was printed In Kvi a-?v .B' c-MiauBBi nn hiiu icuurr Ws ' wiiu nctti il in, ituwcver, wan unaDie lu -,;ot tell from what book It was taken. I am f, VwVv.wre the above Information will be ap- .;,. preciaiea ay a iriena wno askea ror tne -nymn. Tne woras ana music nave been forwarded, aa the address was held 'hre. Thank you both. , ,' Cocoanut Pie ' To I Editor ot TToman's Page: Dear Madim Can you slvo mo the recipe .for maklnr cocoanut pl.t ta Clara Kimball Tounc married? (Mln) P. C. JW Cocoanut pie Cream half a cupful of i batter or nut margarine with two scant "A. aainetifs1 nf TnMtAmmmA tlvai- anrf Mrh.n Ft ,:WV',, "ht add half a box of cocoanut .J. ,.'!" -.- . - ,'W.. .w ....a.-., .iu n.ll a ' ( apu e iniciuug iauicbuuuiuui ul WKicr. low iota in quicKiy ana iitntly the lffened whites of six eses, turn Into a ', til tin unea wun pie crust ana bake In a ;k oven. 'l.d ' Cla :wrir " v-ira. rvimoaji xou i' J 'UTeunar Is her name by r KM J THA JAdt BattlM kt VMin't : Clara Kimball Ycunr Is married. marnace. Soup BiHor of Woman's J'aBf; Ifadam- Pleaaa BriLt a recipe for MP. MOTHER. :1JS! mm -recipe Is furnished by the food twion; .potatoes, one quart milk, two sure, inr.e). wDiespooniuis oieo M. two tableanaonfula flour, nna sie-kalf feakpoonfuls salt, one-ouar- onrui oeiery salt, one-eimtn Jfl'peMMrfew arnlns cayenne, olllnn- aalted water. i Sft rub throUah a strainer. ScaM with' onlOR, Remove onion and t etowiy io, potatoes. eit tne I AV taa-rcdlcnor Stir until well . then stir Into bolllhe soun. Cnnk mtnau,itram' and, wrinkle. with OpM : SwMter f rp Mm tatwmVrttt K . i rM lai'taanear fulqra wrMaaaa dtreatlana for .' oaJtartaoa awoaKfiT 'I wast f ? ?av as M RH no Q -isznisrrL aT" Tltsaaie era the Vf M.W9P.tMt emm awai, ra. ZKTm saw" t 7awt IT" SatkSsiK Vx tSKiff WON'T LET THEM the Scenery He Decides, While There Are Potatoes A wheatlta meal once a day offers no problem to the housewife whllo potatoes are plentiful on the market as they are now. The food , administration urges the use of potatoes at every meal to save wheat. Here are some things to do with them: Make potato cornmeal muffins, shepherd's pie, potato sau sages and no Into bread. Recipes for any of these dishes will lie forwarded upon request to the Woman's page. Understand I am not a mossback nor a dodo bird. Hut I think when women bccln to cut their hair oft It's time to call a halt. Why, what nro wo Kolng to do without raven-haired Susies and gllnty goldilocks Maries? I'm not Joking. Here Is one man who believes In woman's rights, but he doesn't believe they have any right to cut off their hair I A MAN. rnHEHE you are. Ho has called us JL a an ornament. Perhaps It Is well to remind you, Mr. Man, of tho days when you and your kind had locks, curled and gently flowing all over your shoulders. You, too, were orna mental then. You were as much a part of the scenery ns wo aro now. Would you be It ngatn? Would you grow flowing locks for tho sake of tho scenery? I don't think you would! THE question still icmalns open, Is woman an ornament or Isn't sho? Have clothes and the way wo wear our hair a deeper significance than the word ornamentation carries? And still another phase to It. How many ot us would look like Irene Castle If we did go to the barber's7 Wo are open for answers. ',. writer. Kpeeinl ni.rrl.ii editor dot. not ncetttnrih dt n An otut aid ot ertut life. fAn.il nliiM INQUIRIES t. Dearrlhe a rarne to be nlajed at a St. l'atrlck'a nltht pnHr? ' n'Tir..hi? i'lT" J" Nl,rth nVl and Month Dakota been rrnnted sufTraite? I uermlmilblo for n man to walk In the otreet between tnn nomrn? Th,!in.!S..,.-,,0,00?t wemen emrnsed In .....u,p in inn i niteq Ktate. ii-iVr.n"" of "nirland In an oriranlto !i A"J"'I fP" "" nlnnteerrd to mend the nrltl.h eoldler.' clothe.. S!j'n business letter to n mer nert or n unmarried woman with gvatff.tdgBtln,'j """'" Not Annette, by Any Means To the Editor of ll'oman's Paat: To5'wni!Sd?mTo ,"'"". n arsument. will manJ WtJiiill' know " Annette Kellcr KhSV .sTknl'S1 WZ' VA hl"n diver, or M.. the. blind s rl who had uch wonA.r. iui latent tnat a few year, nen the mmm had so much printed about her? P M DAHDT. hiAJ"!ie,,te Kellcrmann Is tho actress and JlfundUen' bUS 8h.e ls not blind. It Is Rhie.K.eJLer of ,vhom yu are thinking hilSrt1 -ill10. maLveIou deaf, dumb and alanBJ2.',Wh0.m S iht "Orld looks nit. .f.... ti i. w"' can ne done In spite of rrushlng- handicaps. Mlu Keller writes and lectures. She Is th rty-cleht years old and unmarried. B Thank Yon! To thi Editor ot Woman's Pace; Dear M.d.m 1 Itrtn. . ...- .??. "A C"""" b ,h ' S"anoth.r ver Childhood s doyi now pa., before me. Form; and arene. of lont am: Like a dreem they hover o'er me, tnlm and brlcht a. evenlne'a alow. D!i ,n,t knew no .hailo of eorrow. Joienfh m''0"".1' h,'1r, pure "nd free. Joyful hailed each comlnir morrow. In the collage by the ca. rVn.. 'f'A. ,h? n". tre" 'wining- Itnund the old and ru.tlc door. An,?Jl'w the white heach shlnlnir. Where I aather'd ehell. of lore: Que.a my m.i'her'a eentle warning A" "he took mo on her knee. A1rt A.''I.""Ln 'I'"' mornlne. In the cottare by the .ea. r.i i W. "fc'i? fa'rer scenes I roam? ''i,1.,!' r,h;ll ceaee to lne thee. A1?vWS'n "! ,on" d"' I" clo.lns. Ohl how plen.ant would It he, on aomo faithful hree.t repo.lnc. ,In the cottage by tho e. J. It. Thomas, (Mrs.) J. II. o. Lucky Wedding Months To tho Editor ot Woman's Page: .t,I?.kr s'".lni Will you kindly tell me which months are con.idered tho luckleet In which to set married: lucaiesi nniDK.TO-nE. There are many old superstitions, hut It Is hard to say which Is considered the luckiest month, rxcept that the old rhymes warn niralnst May and July. March predicts sorrow as well as Joy. One old rhyme says: "Marry In April when you can. Joy for maiden and for man." It would be a pity to consider suner. Simons In this matter. The convenient month for those Involved will bo tho ""- iuujuu, juue Driao-io-oe. Napkins and Grapefruit To tho Editor ot Woman's raoe: Dear Madam la It ever prener to use Daoer nankin. t rflnh... ir .(.-".7 grapefruit be iervedT HELEN. Papir napkins should not be used for dinner, strictly speaklnir, Mnny rules that have heen hard and fast for v, i Ki".'""' '!'?"'?. have been set aside J . ,V . - ' r me war, if it la felt that usfna- nanep nankin. . , I- formal occasions- saves time and labor some, use them, but not when thero are guraia. Grapefruit may be scooped out from the fruit and aarviri In !.... J , ...LTlil come for this purpose, with a teasnoonful r. Av:':..':."'rrr."',.ecn..'"'. or ".,;-'-? "? "' ""in, ine neavy nuiko jiuij invmt oeen removed. Mali Delayed Reaching France to rn Bailor et Woman't Pasts him. Aa soon aa we receive a Tetter w answer It. but my brother iT.lm.h, do", not set any mail from ui, and that makes u. feel pretty bad about it. vn, kl. C.7-.S others, ao pteaae help us. and tell u. iisTt to do or wnero to so ao as to find out why he flaea not mmt mit mall rk..t. ".!? advai-co for your trouble, t. I. The forelBn section of the Postofflce Detiartment in the Pnatnfn. n.iiii.. Ninth and Market streets,, would be the place to take up the matter; but even these officials cannot five any definite iniurinauv" auoui ine oeiay in malls. Nearly every, one who wrltea a, Midler boy In -France has 'found out 'that It taxes a far a-raater lenrlh at tlm. e- the mall to et to the soldier than for sm auHtivr oiatt vy u America, uut tiere .." aatlsfactlon the letters o iy aa,u anq ooys. , sixweK v try vn laaes, if ia ait auite soan, wnen. year IN THE MOMENT'S MODES Spring Afternoon Frock of Tan Shantung Crepe This very charming frock, de signed for spring afternoon wear, is of tan color shantung crepe, elaborately trimmed with blue-thread embroidery. Tho double collar and draped vestee aro of pale-yellow organdie. Tomorrow's War Menu The rcclpo for any dish mentioned here will be forwarded upon receipt of a self-addressed stamped envelope. DltnAKFAST (whcatless) Preserved Peaches Paeon and Kidneys nice Waftles Coffee LUNCHEON Fricassee of Potatoes and Onions Peanut-Butter Sandwlchca Tea Scotch Oat Cookies DiNNnn Casserole of Lamb and Peas Baked Potatoes Currant Jelly Lettuco Buckwheat Chocclate Cake BUCKWHEAT CHOCOLATE CAKE One.half cunful fat. one cunful sugar. two CRgs, one-half cupful milk, three quarters cupful buckwheat flour, three- quarters cupiui wneat nour, two una a half teaspoonfuls baking powder, two ounces melted chocolate, one-half tea spoonful vanilla. Cream fat, add sugar gradually nnd tho yolks of tho ckks, well beaten. Add milk, flour and baking powder and beat thr.Toua-hlv. Add melted chocolate and vanilla i fold In the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs and bake for forty minutes In a shallow cake pan. Food Adminis tration. These Shall Prevail War lnld bugle to bis lips, blew one hl.tat nnd then Tho seas answered him with ships, the earth wun men. Straight. Death caught his Blckle up, called his rpaners srrlm. Famine with his empty cup came after him. Down the stairs of Paradise hastened angelH tnrce. Pity and Self-Sacrlflco and Charity. Where tho curved, black sickles sweep, where nale Famine clings. Whero gaunt women watch and weep. ccme these ot wings. When the red wrath perlsheth, when the dulled swords fall. These three who have walked with Death these shall prevail. Hell bade all Its millions rise; Para dise sends three; Pity and Self-Sacrlflco and Charity. Theoaosia Garrison. AM h k W liMV Wis i-WOjji lM qW.JWSfWWWWW.VrWWArWL TETLEYS u India HICKORY CMomo , DAILY EXERCISE AID TO HEALTH Advice on preventive mfif.c.rtff win be olvrn by Portor Ketlooo l M timii rfoflu. tint in no rnee told dlapno.i or trralmrnt of nllmcnM be allrmplrit, Pcrtonnl quertts on health will of promptly aneuicrcil tt postape U inclojra. By J. H. KELLOGG, M. D., LL. D. EVEN tho brain and nerves share In the benefits derived from muscular training. When a musclo contracts. It l In obedience to Impulses originated In the brain nnd sent to the muscles along a nerve trunk. Hence, muscular exercise also Implies txcrclfe of tho brain nnd nerves. The same law which Induces muscular growth as tho result of exer cise, applies also to tho exercise of brrtln and nerves. Hence, muscular exercise. Instead of detracting from mental de velopment ns might be supposed, ac tually encourages tho declopmcnt of the brain, and, other things being equal, Increases Its cspaclty and cMldency. This Is undoubtedly tho reason why muscular exercise has so marked an effect In steadying tho nerves, giving one self-command, mental equipoise and readiness. Nothing so well prepares ono for promptness of action In emergencies as thorough training of tho muscles. Tho derivative effect of muscular cx crclso renders It one of the most ef ficient means of counteracting the ef fects of laborious mental occupation and such employments ns are likely to cause an excessive flow of blood to the brain. When the muscles nro active they nro capable of containing n much larger proportion of blood than when they nre Idle, nnd thus drain It away from tho brain and nerve centers, which, through excessive and prolonged activity, may have becomo congested and surcharged with blood. On this account, regular, systematic exercise Is of the greatest value to stu dents nnd o professional men. Thou sands of men break down before com pleting their education, or Just nfter graduation, nnd thousands of clergy men, lawyers, professors nnd other brain workers make disastrous failures In consequence of the onret of some nervous disorder which might have been entirely prevented If the brain had been cooled nnd rested by regular systematic exercise. Exercise, to be really valuable, should bo systematic: that Is, It must be taken In such a way as to bring Into play all the muscles of tho body In a natural nnd symmetrical manner, or, In case tho exercise Is taken to correct deformities, or ppeclal weaknesses, It should bo such n will bo best calculated to accomplish the desired end. Exercise must bo taken regularly. The wav most business men take their exer cise, going oft on a hunting expedition once a year for one or two weeks, or now and then taking a very long walk or a tiresome rowing excursion. Is not calculated to strengthen the muscles, but rather to make them sore and stiff, nnd to discourage efforts In this direc tion. Exercise should be taken dally. The system requires Its dally dose of mus cular exercise as much as Its dally por tion of food, and It would be quite as sensible to undertake to do a month's eating a elnglo day as to take all of one's exercise for a month on a monthly holiday. Hence, exerclso should be taken dally, and. If possible, at a regular hour. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS The Appendix Please explain tho office of the appendix. ROY L. 1. Tho appendix Is only part of the glan dular structuro of the colon. Down In the colon when the material comes In from the small Intestine thern aro a great number of mucous glands, among them a big one that forms a large amount of mucus, which lubricates the Intestine and so protects It from Irritation. The appendix Is simply a part of the glan dular structure of tho cecum that la protective. Best nalr Oil What ls the beet hair oil? IOWA. It Is the kind produced by the scalp. But If the hair Is dry the best remedy Is to bathe the scalp with a little cold water. Dip the fingers In cold water and rub the scalp vigorously and the effect will bo to stimulate the flow of blood through the scalp and cau.e the scalp to make more fat nnd then the hair will bo oily. Asldo from this a very little vasellno or lanollno will bo whole some for your hair. Food for Child of Two Years What .hould be the food of a child two years old? MOTHEIt. Fruits and vegetable purees, grains and nuts, and a moderate allowance of pure cream and cow's milk. Fruit and Rheumatism Are oransce and Rrapefrult bad for any one havlnt rheumatl.m? s. A, V, No, they are exceedingly good. AH fruits of all kinds arc wholesome for people who have rheumatism, because these organlo acids are not the same as mineral acids, which are decomposed In the body. These organic aclftj nre di gested and utlllied In the body, oxidized so that they tako the place of other food substances and do not appear In the body as adds. (Copyrlsht) nTEk and Ceylo Comes in Sealed, Airtight Packages Retaining All Original Purity and Flavor ONE UTTLE TEASPOONFUL MAKES TWO CUPS GARTERS are recommended by best stores be cause every sale means a pleased and satisfied customer; every mother who buys one pair will return for more; every pair is guaranteed to give long, satisfactory service., "Stocklnas held the HrCMOHY way Are steaUnis h1d ta surely stay." ASTEJN4.CO. Kev-ri. COCOA IS WHOLESOME ' The Eveni.vo Public LEPOEn has re ceived the following letter from II. 9. Wilbur ft Sons: lowlngVtC" yUr nttenllon t0 lhe ,o1' r rnl iurJsl,us of the Evening Public! .edobb, Tuesday, March B, on page 6, our Artvi.... . . i.' nrta ,:-'fc"wninni appears, one wi mc iicJiiUn11 yenry contract with our pub 5 .On the same page In the fourth !"J ?" Just below the center, Is nn an Jhifi.i , a nuery ln regard to drinking drffik ni"' .Tn:' "uery reads, "WW the Sin.. Ir5 9f one or two cups of cocoa 1'1. harm:" and the reply states --. u. ,BJ":e tha' "Codoa and chocolate are unwholesome If frccls- Indulged In n.!...''"". Induce conditions which miRnt readily be nttrlhutcd to some ner ;.." ti.""lrdcr etc." The reply also Bays ',.2. .wh"e the objectionable element i,,m ' ": ,he theobromln) Is small, It Is sufficient to produce a cry decided cf foot In susceptible persons.' ., Eou"e- ln answer to such Inquiries you aro to give such Information as you have, on hand, but I submit that there Is virtually no medical authority of re cent date to uphold the reply you make. Probably ns good authority on this nucst.on as can bo found and cfertalnly tho most recent one Is Philip n. Hawki Ph. D., of tho Jefferson Mcdlcnl College wnoso recent experiments have appeared In the Ladles' Home Journal. In the J"uc of December JO, under the article is It harmful to drink coffee, tea or cocoa? nnd after nn exhau.tlve discus slnn of tho matter Doctor Hawk says: Tho nctlon nf cocoa In the stomach l strikingly dlrfcrent from the action or coffee and ten. In the first place, cocoa contains more fat. protein nnd carbohy drate material than tea or coffee and consequently Is to be regarded more In the light of n food. It (cocoa) stimulates the nervous system, but this stimulation Is much loss than that of coffee or tea. Cocoa also has a sustaining effect, which Is not possessed by coffee or tea," and In conclusion Doctor Hawk further says: "Everyth'.ng considered, If wo must iboose between coffee, tea nnd cocoa for breakfast, let us choose the slow-moving energizing cocoa ln preference to tea or coffee. Cocoa Is a satisfactory drink for children If diluted and taken In small quantities." I know, personally, that prominent specialists on diseases of the digestive system almost always prohibit tho use nf coffeo or tea, but recommond cocon. While It Is truo that there ls theohromln In cocoa, and whllo tho chemical com position of theobromln Is virtually Iden tical with caffeln and theln, ln saying thin the whole truth ls not stated. Coffee will produce n drug habit, as ls perfectly well known, while cocoa will not pro duce any such drug habits. If your answer was '.n your opinion correct, then you are In a position of advertising a dangerous or harmful suh stance In your columns, and such ad vertisements should bo excluded, tf In deed you aro not liable under the postal laws. Please look Into this matter. We do not wish In nny way to dictate ns to the reading matter In your paper, but nat urally could not well contlnuo to ad vertise nn article In which we have Im plicit faith when It Is condemned In your reaaing columns. Very truly yours, H. O. WILBUn & SONS. INC., B. K. WILBUR, M. D. Scalloped Potatoes Wash, naro and slice potatoes In cold water. In greased dish place a layer of these potatoes, eprlnklo with salt and a little flour, dot over with one half tablespoon oleomargarine. Repeat this until the baking dish ls nearly filled ; then add hot milk until It may be seen through the top layer. Bake ono and a quarter hours ln a moderate oven or place back of tho stove and cook slowly. The milk should not boll. A little grated cheese may be sprinkled over each layer If desired. Food Administration. War Savings Jingles Molly, my sister, and I have fallen out. And what do you think It Is all about? For War Savings Stamps she spends all her money, And when I laugh she says It's net funny. mm MM m f7&" good Boys' & Girls7 ' Springtime calls for new shoes wartime calls for good shoes as 1 economy, we are specialists ln shoes for children and have learned how giro you style, nt and wear at moderate price. 919921 Market Street 4028.90 Lanoaster oth aad Che.taut &6o4os Oermantewn 8MAH-M k874Mt Oermaatown j35B!!gmmimifflam Original and t:'' A S"v4'vJ ?J'T Spring Millinery1 Top Coats Sunshades and Bags Summer Fur Wraps Mourning Attire a Specialty 1 MaafflflifiKBfla raitiBiatoiiiMiiiiii Spring Models MILLINERY SPORTS HATS. I f TOP COATS ' .WAISTS FURS For SetiBonabU Wtyr 4 ftije adfur ? flfljlltnerp fjopnc Editorial for Women Written by a Woman r i VMLa HILDA SP0NG STAGE WOMEN'S WAR RELIEF By HILDA SPONG Member of the New York Committee. rpiin stage, always so prompt to an - swer the call of charity, came for ward nt the Important period of the world war and donated the services of Its women for tho relief work at hand. Unfler the title of tho Stage Women's War Relief, tho actresses and other women allied with tho theatre com bined tc work for tho great humanl tartan cause. At tho headquarters or national ex ecutive office, 366 Fifth avenue, New York city, surgical dressings, hospital supplies and other necessaries are made by women of the stage under tho per sonal supervision of Miss Minnie Du pree. This New York workroom Is alsc tho receiving place for all finished work sent In by the branches located In other cities of tho country. It Is from here that all materials are boxed and shipped direct to the other side. Miss Rachel Crothcrs, dramatist and president cf tho Stage Women's War Relief, has been untiring In her efforts to promote this splendid work. Miss Crothers spoko recently In Chicago be fore representatives of tho different war reliefs and was gratified to hear the statements madNj concerning tho work accomplished by tho profession slnco Its opening April 10, 1917. Wo have shipped to France, Belgium, Italy nnd Russia 101 cases, containing surgical dressings, baby clothes, boys' and girls' suits, hos pital supplies, knitted articles, rubber articles, tobacco pacxages ana comfort kits amounting to a total cf 124,191 articles. Our traveling representative, Mrs. gnc SHOES Shoes and real to a Avenue Btneti Areaue Areaue ' yggjMv: 1 5 iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS aaaaaaaaaaaaaHeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal ItaaaaaaaitHffi' SRRfeP laaaaaaaaaaaK-1. 0 JV? ''Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat&fwi' ?' SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK ' aaaVaaaaaaaaaaaal!aaaaaV an u G Si Zr t im-Wmm , , a,.- Hemingway) Importer 1524 Locust Street Exclusive Designs in Otis Skinner hns been Instrumental In organizing tho Philadelphia branch, and thruugh the Interest nnd generosity of Mrs. James Elvcrson. Jr., we secured the house at 2020 Walnut street ns permanent' headquarters. Tho work rooms hero nro open dally to tho women of the theatrical profession, and thb women both n the stage or those who derive support from tho theatre In nny capacity, have come forward nobly to odd this qucta In 'lis growing organi zation. . When the lied Cross began to take over other organizations they found the Stago Women's War llellef was the only one representing nn organized profes sion and proncuncei) It such flno work and such Individual work that they asked us to'stand alono as an Individual unit. 1 ' It Is worthy of note that mnny of our women have given not only money but time and work fcr the cause even while actively engaged In their profession. The ultimate aim of this organization Is to be a permanent thing, to carry nld to any members of the profei"lon that may be In 'necc of It after this great present demand for our scldlcra and Allies has been concluded by peace. Kecipe l'rom trance i Four tablcsnoonfuls salad oil, four tablespoonfuls cream, three tablespoon fuls vinegar, mustard, salt, pepper. Mix the fujlad-oll, cream, vinegar, n little mustard, unit nnd pepper to taste. Heat everything very quickly, with an American beater If possible, Tho sauce gets white quickly and looks liko whip ped cream. ISoon It becomes as thick ns the best-pinde mayonnaise. More over, eggs are not required. The sauco will not curdle, and can be made quickly Mile. Madolelne Fovrc, Noufchateau, France. Hcprlnted from tho Delineator n t it! H 7', I, for ; Spring and Summer 1918 1 1 I I Paris Importations Exclusive Creations 8 ' i M Inspection Is Invited " I i h : &5j lt eaaaaaaaeaaaata1Bal?IaaaaaahZekW 1 I Vi2r"'',i',Na. V. f'.."A.. . 'Si. m. l $a f' A V 'l I 1 i ll I s a LJI 1 f; (i I I ISM" I . TUiRMtntkvsAtUaUftk. rmr ' Waldorf Potatoes j Cut cold boiled potatoes Into cusi and mix one cup potatoes and one-haS cup cream sauco, having prsvlouaB ndded four tablespoons of grated cheaai Pnllr ever notntne. ttnA u... . . T . . --- -- ---.. ..u ucai lowly wunoui Doiung. How many realize that Cabbage According ta scientific, dUtl. tlsns Is over to 7, watt. whereas ' COCOA "ALL FOOD, NO WASTE" contain every element ntcti. ary to tissue and body. build. Ing. Serve Wilbur's rtgulirly . give your family the benefit of a delicious drink that Is alto a perfect food, WAR TIME RECIPES A tittl booh'.tt containing deli clou and eco nomical recipes. 5enf trot on re quest fo . O. Wilbur A Son, Inc., Phtla. I rrra ASSsm&t a I I im 1 1 iaMaaaa& ?f afsT i- fSF MAHK - J -f JC 3 j g g fflJl jfl TTUaTlV .f!TJ3l- DECAUSE the girl of today jS 5m"fl vM rjf'W would have that dash of M is--l I lLatrlal style and touch of femininity Sj jE T "SjlteSr ' 'le wear n u'' or coat of ; (jfeTOJ Tweed-O-Wool. j X& &Jl II fiCutt"v With our wonderful collec- If3i lU III "Oil !lTTv?)0 ''on co'or yu are "uro t VS II j H"ij,T'!i find your shade. ' I 'lW $23.50 to $33.50 J&W 1 "':!1 $35.00 to $3G.OO sJSSXS Ji l"w 1' ni(flflilllHllllluVUjUi'' 31 JWo; UAYL0(BLYlN.liJi Juik V 1528 Chestnut St OfM? ( Apparel for the Better Vreiiei il I JXen, Women and Children I E Jrt 1 1 e effli- a'v- H i' I JHiV oN Walnut Street S 1 v0. Announce Their Display of j 1 c t t x m r w I MAS HI The Flesh Goes Awav! The first thing a Nemo Self-Reducing ?OT1!?i9.c!i?I a too-stout woman ta to make hex LOOK SMALLER. .Dl'.foodthlna Itoes Is to make her ACTUALLY SMALLER by the automatic Sentle massage which softens fatty tiwuca ao at they are absorbed and taken away. Nemo Self-Reducing it the ONLYconat that can do thi It makes stout woman more stylish, ""'SSPSifortable, and more healthy-hence HAPPIER Get your dialer to fit y la the .model you need, ' 20 Models-J3.00, $4.00 and up jij m 3 p 3MT1 lLJk&. A4TiaVrllW-AaTArJa7T III aDlMIISM n 11. IV i.. " " .9 F WWBj wi ' V i, T m El lnUtMllfae1tH.aU .1..1 l.t ,. . ' i 1.11 it -r - i ' f.',.'- K f rv ti. h'-'s vai iBia.. ''tmJflSiv.ift.-i . , v. -w , E2ES.1, maatWstimmmii ' , '-, t '; A,. it. -JL -....; riuuri ' ;t -r i an misjumm-9 i ni liiji