Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 13, 1918, Final, Image 5

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rv 4il
FAME, RICHES, IF HE WINS'W'AMK STHIKHS ON II. 0. OK I..Jro rtnu nt ;s:i tiiinbiiiimrnt, th
muMm ni)iunv ll.' ill,' I (KI.V . . existence or which whs definitely erl-
1IM, I KtMIlN II" IlLi laii.I)cl.ro i:m,,l0ycra Often Have lied bv llio board Kuril rhl.ilipt anient
Only One Approaches De
fended District, Others
Wander in Country
Strong Allied - American
Action on Battle Line
Each Wounded Soldier Determined to Get a "Boche's"
Scalp, but Talks Modestly of What He Has
Done Already at the Front
Clement CirtH Chance to Prove
Can Ma7;e Cheap Substitute
for Cusolin?'
railed to Anticipate ltiso
I nmlon, Miirc'.i IB
, Zemiellni participated In lat
.i.hi- nlr Mid on Ihi&l.md.
w...rh. comin.inder of Immo
einouiieed today.
V leshlncliin, aT.il- li I ',
I MroiiB vlrll AIHcd-Anitrli.Mii .icllnn
"M mi- oniuo lines wan rureetm today
Of these only one cram r hcedlne Hip Vren... ,.,., t...
MTli '
ventured lo iippiom.li mo eieicnueii uis- raster tiuop fl'ilpincnt
P 'i
trlot. , .... I "" iiuiifc-i.i in.,t tiio foundation fop
Tour nonius (" ,.... ,u-inrj- run no l.ilil In J!1S l.i IulI,
A houc vim deiiiollMiul una u woman , of llio plan or haMcnliiK Nutlonai Army
died of shock, men over iihe.ul of National (iuard unltn
Tlic other airships wandered Tor hour and of r.illlnK out as rapidly m possible
In remote country dlt-trlcts, dropping I units of the 800.00U cund draft,
bombs In tlio open country. While the tinnylng ol National Arm
units noriiKi) now does inn mean th.it
This Is the llrst time Zeppelins have hey will bnvc Inmiedl.ite nctliui. It l
wrtlcllMtcil in mi llnellHli raid eiticc taken to mean (hat the Alllm arc ere
laid fall. I """g ,l '"riser reirve, t.u their forcci
ipi uv ini.ie uioiuie
'I hat Hip Allies sue now plannlm? n-
Cfr,'Mvl, n Mi llrm I..-,.....! .. .. ....,.
. . . , r, I i ntO ..-.'.. w ............ ii..'iiti If ((j.milK mi
IN UUl UnlU li i .'WHO "" ci mans, is tlic indlt.itin.i from pna-
"H mnncurrs
,..., March 13 America will have u Kreutcr pirt In
. rvrman nlr r.hl elver Varh. nn roliblo Hctl.ni than It was dreamed
say. In .Macedonia or ltal the fiei-h
.Miierirau forces will bo eiulcklv mall.
SlaJJ Corrtstondrut LicnUw I'vllla I ciloir ullh the Ameriinii Ann) n rmnci)
WITH TIIK AJinillOAN" AUMY INihand. lie tried lo epe-il,. but T put my
TIM: I'll:!. I), Veb. 15. ' tlnser to my Up.- n n tlsn of caution
T II.WI. InUrvlcued iecrnl n. t.ie , ,tmj !,, n KPi.iUre lh.it Indkaleil thcjnnllM
1 -'ouuded SinnntM In an cv.ie.uat.on ,,- t,,,,,.,,,,. nu. , . , ,.... Alm
i. ...!.. . . ... ... rt " (
iu-i.1 ni ii.-ri. or me une i..icii h oi. ,Io tmltml nn.ler-tmid'nc. Then lie
Hi' load to leroxerj, and of the number pointed to his mate Ijli k be.lde lilm.
I t-au, ihclr Injuile.s wcr.- due either to "ro Rot liln tale." raid th. l.ittrr
ew InrK. .Manh IS Can t'r Louis
dement imuiiifiHtlirc u ciibslltute for
Caroline til a .ot of 5'j lents a salloii?
Ilo wis rel.jued liom the IuiiiIim and
!ll be Riven .in opportunity to iioohii
pllfh this feat :.t llie .Siiiudnrd T.rthiR
Laboratnilri. If bn rue'inl' fiiinr.
honor and ueuftti au.ilt b.ni: to- nib r-
po. liny ni'iy be a Ioor p Ison
llnnlmi, Mm. . U I'aM'ire of int
ploj.ra in in.iii) i,i-id to milk ipate tbo
In. ii. u c.l ru'i of llx'iic ha been one of
th" UiiiHirlant I'lmtrlhuliiri . iue nf
r.ient HlrlK. mior.lli.R lo tin ie.oiti
'.' tin national Imluylilal ninfeiciiuc
lio.ird on strllies lu Ameileati InduMrlci. .
Vrcttllni. lloxlnar. Mualennd I
nt Frankfont Wlgh Stti&4
iin nl,ed lo report upon inu (tf, but
lompic.c uiioriu moil was icccncu truni I i
only li;. j "L'nherslty Nlsht" w'll be cetWi
1!u-.c n'aiilH kboueil n.m 1,., i,niny "ie i-aiiierH Association, i,
- -- - - ..... ...... linhlln,.l 1l.l. U..I,r.ni ln.K.
. . Ul.n,v.,.. ...ll." " I,"', W....V ,
resuuiK. noxini; an.i oiner
In "iitllnii
r'lTi'ii pril ii to i)
and i',2sr.,M0 dijs of production lojt.
Oplnloii'i (re iml.ed nln of labor com
inlsMoncrs mid medlntorr lMnct con-
feritico appear. d to hne been the. moot
ober (!, mtt
thero dhputes.
iiletho.l of settling thero
reals There will be selections
u en anil niUHleal clubs or Ine 1
slty of Pennsylvania and mUsld.Wj
Frank funl Hand. J'l
The pr'nclpal rpenlier will be thJ
.lonn ii, nun, or me . ,m. w. i
University of Pennsylvania. w-
ri itciiA-ivii
man life than at first believed. Tweut
nlnc perMms were killed by bombs lu
the city, while slty-l oIIith died from
nuffocatlon durlns a panic In the under
rround lallwny Five others were Mile. I
In tilt; tuburbs More than s-cvuity-llve
renoni were Injun d
luff Ire 'he iitlack 1 retn.ii aviator"
made a counter-raid on (.'olh.i 1i.iiir.iRis
In the icnr of the i.ernian lines. It was
o.Tlclally nnnounced today. Six tonn of
bombs "weic dropped un.l (.cvcral llres
were obsrved.
7he Herman raiders, comprising slxtj
Gothas In nln muadrons, suffered se
rious losses. So far four machines, In
eludlns three t.'othas and one biplane,
have been reported thot down. The crew
of one which was bi ought down near
the Chateau Thierry was taken prisoner.
The bocho planes followed two routes
In approaclthiR Paris llie Hist warn
I IrK was rounded at If' 10 p. til. and "nil
clear" at 12:15 a. in.
lime for takliu: over sect Ions .if .1...
west line. rr!.ii!.iiR veteran forces to
lue.t the fir mi tu. 11CW. frontH.
All the ilr.iflnl iiv-ii mmiI iieiost cau
not be m inphlly iiiimukiI iis to ra iko
them r'ody for a wreat mllltiiv netnni
this p, li'R Jim b. foie bms th"j could
Ie fnil Int.. various irctois icIIcvIiir
tlm sea .im.l fo-cx now on Riiard Th s
proeesj would form u n. e.b'd man
power reserve, make the Alllp.l rorces
more niobllc anil serve to meft the
thrrat of a German dilve In any dlrcc.
j Hon
, But inllltarv nuthorltles le,.taro that
the lusN of victory can bo formed this
.,c,n il in,- ,nics uo not delay
uermaiiv nns reuno.1 tho n,i, ...i
of the I(iistin nil, Itiiini.nlan iravhes
In other words, (lirnmnv within ., vear
and a hHlf, a.'ipareiitlv, will be well 'pus-
i tallied us rcspeetH food .mu! many b.i.11
I nruled supplies which she can drain
from the nar i:st. tint n blow now
would Unci her rar moie vulnriable thin
one delajed a rew months oi a jmr
The Kiisslan situation has last n "dirk
, tlnRe over the whole war problem lor
the Reneral public, but the pktuie 1.
not as black lis painted, neionlliiR to
mllltar.v men, piovlde.l the Alllis and
Auierk'ii strike hard this jriir
Major lieneral Mnreh, ehlef or stalT,
h.ild loda that all the n'eil humanly
liosslblo will be Injeclfd Into Iroop shipments.
.ueldei.t or i hell tire In vh'ch the boehe
has been j-cgularly on the Job slmv! our
tronpi look poircs-don of the ec(or
noilli of Toul. (ipporlurdly for de'alk.1
ijnverratlon wltli any of llie Mounded
men was liupyslble under orders of the
iu-iW'i In cliarRe, but rich and everv
nun was rcnniiKls gl.nl to si,v a word
rial, v.ueii perm.lted, to answer a nue
tl.m m two Th-lr Reneral demeanor
was Indle.itlve to me of flie spirit pre
vallhiR lu the urmy. a ipl-it tint spells
Intent and dclre to set bacl. In the llni
as seion as lnture and the surReoiis
permit It forecasts the esprit ele e-oip
In this klnkl-clad outfit, and lnilies one
proud to IAS u lee'ordrr r. iiinric thrill
Allhoiisn th.'lr nanio.i havo been pub
lished from WashliiRton. I ii'n not p,i
inltted to ti c ttiem In this milc'e I (an
thirefore hut rIvo them peiiTal c-ciPt
ror imui.iri. and .juallt), lather thin In
divid lal pl.t'
f-0-ir.'jnt . M fr, p,,P nKtii.i,
III. He U twriiv- e.us of ace and
has sened four car. mid nine months
In lh army, lie is mifferliiR from a
wounel In the right arm lie had been
In a (Pignut and came out Jilit as a shell
burst a few reet from the edce of the
trench lVarlmr another would land In
two bocs of Rienades 1)1iir upon the S
rlrhiR step, be rushed for one and nlaccd ii
until j It under temporary over. As he re- il
turned for the other n second thell broke
close lo the first one and he received u
fraRineiit In the aim above llu elbow i
Notwithstanding his Injure ho nianaRed i g
to e.irry tne i,o of Rien.nles w.thlii the
entiaiue lo the abrl before leportliitf a
w on tide. I.
Private li.illM from I'nl.
Illll Rot hl.i ut the beginning nf the
revap Thalij what makes blni snte.
He told mo tills morning lu n whisper
when the nurse wnsnt lookln' that when
he gets Jarl he want" to wing one of
(hem kuJi hlniseir and Km vv he's done
It He won't bo happy till he Rets his
boehe, be rns."
Hill smiled iir.iIu as he he-vid bis
male, apil squeezed ins hand lu approval
in I I. ft bl'il.
Hr. I rmil v'iii (i. atrr l"d I
iusi.v 9. In iillrRed to liave told lb" pro -pntlvc
Invf-lor he bad unovnel a
r.irmiil i for miiklCK tniMdln. nl J'j cuts
a gallon llu i.ilKtim .oiiliilnlug '.''. per
cent of water. Two of the eoinpliin
unts lnrsf.-el J'Jnon I'.rcenlly s
slrtatit Plstllit ttniiHV 'lallej received
two lftters fmni V. l Itoilci Ihc
.hrinlsl's attonic, i luting Mi llorbrs
eeiuvie'lioii lli.ii .'leiurnt hail uid e
sure dl"eovery mid inking mi ipn.o
tunlt.v lo glv. Mr Talley a ileino.i.tin-tloii
Deny J'rnncc Aiks Troops
V iivl.lnulnn, .Match 1,! I'ul'lih-d r"
poits that I'r.liice hid nppeilc.l to the
t'nlte.l Mates for more soldiers drevv
an ollldal denial toda from Major (leu
eral Mimli. chief of surf, who r.ilel no
null appeal hid been nude and that
the movement of Anierlein troops lo
Huropp would continue' to go forwar.J
aceor.iinK 10 iie program
worked out.
(icrmaii, He's Tlreil
Helm; a ( !- I nan Imi I
. rael.ed up to be. thinks
nf .''ltj-llrsl ntiel vine
of 1.1 fl
ail lh.it I.
.lullus Plat
Mint- lb
tried to (iiiuinit rule lele b luiiilng on
tlic gas at lilji home ).steid.i lie N
n bakei. sKt.'-lwo .vears old. inul slivs
he ..t his ti-iele em account eif h's
iiiiiloio.litv ttiugeons at the We-rt
already i pi,i,i.i,.iiin liomeipilhli llo.pilat i.i)
that Pints will mover
ason & DeManj)
115 Chestnut .Street
Opposite Keith's
Buy Furs Now and Save
Half and More Than Half
II. 1
was e inning nut ol the ranie letnl an hour S
later when 'i shell exploded unou the i S
edge or the treiielt and wounded htm hj
lu the right hip He protitlcl being nfi
taken to the llr-t aid t.tiitl.ui. say ug liliigj
wontiit ,..,M mahlm- nil. I lie l.wt (i.nilrtl i EJ
to get blisv Willi his niaclil'ie ruii llr.'t
lu speaking lo me ho t.il.l'
New York, Malcli 13
Gcrman 'h resumption or the U"o of
Zeppelins for raids on llreat llrltaln Is
the flrrt nckiiowledgnient Von 1 linden-'burl-
has permitted of the constantly
Increasing superiority of the Allies In
i... ". h L.. v..ia..i ,.,.i,' Mf.'.V.J I'om.ho w.i. .ie i.ijv. .... .u.u uoop snip- " p (ilsc 'iiuii.os' somelhliig now
e-omparativelv low speed and ul'nerahll. lcn"'' I and I want to pa them ,lu-l as soon
Ity havo niado them more costlv to send The draft' il Sammees have learmel as I am back with th- oiitl'it I want to
on baby-kllllng expeditions than the Hie great war "panic" rapid!) and well I get niKtd up In the IlK thing we pull
value of the material damage they liave proof of their adaptabllll to modern up" w'lereln volunleers uro . ille.1 for
i"fliS...i:V.,f.hfl.i:S ,ll.iAiifi::-r-r-? -varfare is show nln the decision t.i, end !,r , ,,o,,'t geL a boeheV ilp may I
rale can be lowered bv air raids appir- tlirm "'"'"l nt l" ,lrK'"1 ""' 'I1 lMo nevei see another plate of ariin biaus I fa
rnllv has eaused Imperative orders that French (loveinmeiit. as aunoiinied jes- If , ilM ,K ,.,s0 t '011111 Colonluls that M
the bombing of Urc-it Hrltnl'i lontluue 'terJ.v by the L'nllod Press were lieic before u lu the tienehes I'd 1
whltcver tlio risks While their tialnlng Is not as far get his i.m. t,m. and pi.'Kle 111 Thev'ie
.Von Illn.lenhiirg has not enough n'r- n,lvan. eel as their olllcers would lll.e tn , Ithrr goln' to blow laps .iV(r me or 1
planes at Ills dlponl lo Keep up the ill4e t t;,ey ale In better rhapo than I am glu' lo get 0110 or more or that
mgn'WlU& lumo" .H'n,e,V,,i? mo.t ol .he National Guard units. j KaHer oul.lt "
duet air olTcnslves against Paris and The llrst or, the National Arm ill- Private - - - Is a .lew lie balls
London He has been ..impelled, theie- , imis lie nil Its v ay to I i.uue I from New Yolk, lie Is a lH'.Ie, mild-
f0lf' t0rni-0 ihe renewal "of Ills' at ta.Ts H"'" Vlmn l"rlv,, U vvl" 1h !"'"t ,u il I mnnnereil tpe of man with str.iiglh In
iinon noncombatnnts In the Hrltlsh Isles train ne ' " '";,""" I f '"
Von lllndenburg's pass'o'i for enie'encv 11 i" meiw i" ...... uc.e... ... ..t.() tnillM, 1lmv , nt mlnc.' I
llie lalCfcl llie.noe.s ui ...... ..,. it .u
go tnroiiRii Mriiiauy me senile eooisc
Hint has been gi(ii the legulars and
Nulloiial Guard now abroad, un.kr the
eves or the. Lett V rcncli aim Hrltlsli
lCCAL'SIC wo must sell oit fur in .stuck
hoforc jiin into our new .sluro, ;it 1 Jl 1
l.i 15 C'licslnut .stroct. wo :uc inakiuu
alistiluto oloaranoo in our
Purchases will be reserved in our vaults until next fall upon
payment of a deoosit, payments to be cotitinued monthly during
spring and summer.
In till mutter of t laughter would not
permit him to uo the less destructive
tpr of nlr nnCYiio unless It were abso.
lutely necsrary
Thr on v develonnient that col, .1 ex-
. . 1,h Ttln.lnnK.I- I , lll..l ei .1 . . ..- .
CUSC ..111 I1IIIH1-I"1II1 ...' ...V 1..IV,' ' ' n.,lntnp,
this character would be the gradual I instructors
establishment bv the Allies of eoutiol ' Then the
of the air along the west fiont on perleuce lu
Fur Coals
75.00 Pony 37.50
1 1 9.00 Marmot 59.S0
1 49.00 Musk rat 74.50 '
1 79.00 Muskral 89.50
250.00 Nutria 125.00
290.00 Hudson Seal 145.00
325.00 Hudson Seal 185.00
525.00 Mole 350.00
Spring-Weight Scarfs
can no longer te-
ulrplancs from the
Hln.lenburg. In rac.t
move many or his
battle lines
America's participation In this, vital
factor In the war Is becoming Increas
ingly felt. For the next offensive the
heln of America's aviators may even be
sulTMeut to blind the German general
staff by clearing the air of llie Hun
maihlnes. That Is the aeronautical Ideal
which the Allies, are striving to reach
Von lllndenburg's use of Zeppelins to
raid llreat Britain shows be Is uneasy
at the prospect
have their llrst ex
trenches, seatlercd
among seasoneei troops 1.1 give mem
confidence Later they will take over
and defend a tie tar, the length of
which will glow as mole nun aic
No Opposition to Saloons
Jvorrlste.wn, Pa.. March 1J -None of
the applhatlons for llepior licenses In
Mo.itBoiner County Is opposed, it be
ing the last dav to IIIu objections, so
that I.kcnse Couit next month will be
brief unless theie aro spcillli violations
of lltruor laws alleged
said. "There v. as the signal for gas
and I had put r,n my mask As T was
crmilng up into the fiont-llne trench I
frrin the eomuiunieaior i irippeu on
I something and my rifle idiot me In th
I root. The doc says I'll be Inek In a
I .. ..... T .. .... ... 1 .. 1 .1... ...
lew .lavs, . wain 10 kii h. ,'v,-,iv in.-iv
self One reason Ii that I want to getig
a line on the nit of his clothes I used g)
to bo a ladles' .Ires .miker luck home H
nnd '.he cut ef clothed Inlerestsone " 'K
Private was one of the parlv g)
raided by tlio bodies upon their first FJ
try lie lias a wound through the left Pj
lung, now doing nicely, nlthnugh ror a jj
time his lite was despaired He was not jj
alloweel to talk but hail nude clear to J pj
the nurse that he we tile! like to see "one il
or them correspondents that came from
Peiinslvanla Vauto that') whero inv a
home Is " jj
I stepped up to his cot and took h. P1
47.00 Wolf, nil colors. . . 23.50
65.00 Fox. all colors. . . . 32.50
95.00 Hudson Seal 47.50
99.00 Ermine 49.50
155.00 Squirrel 77.50
179.00 Kolinsky 89.50
Fur Sets
53.00 Kaccoon 27.50 M
'(ir, fill Tonne Fnv Mtnl
1 05.00 Taupe Wolf r .'.'.' 52.'50 1
I .iU.U" black Wolt 60.00 lf4
Black Fox 62.50 $
Brown Fox 67.50
Beaver 97.50 t
Pointed Fox 98.50 a
sttZ. . '.'jOSN
1 -; vL $ W
MM Mfl I t f 1- sk ".' . mi-ssm
vi tv " lji pyt --I u .eiir v trr.. i fimr.--
iLlp 'Wa7 ,i fir
s -f i m i a
Mm I
Le! a I s j -'flJ'j
trf ft I ' - yr ii'T '
k 22 -s r-
u 9 t ,fS - -v . . v- '
IV VV" .-. XrsW-.
.lni7 orders promptly filled.
Repairing and rcmodcliliy
at low cost
Purchasing aijcnts' orderx
accepted uith usual 10 per
cent allowed.
jjgfeTOaigrisnrfflg-M I
New Zono Law Eliminates Saloons
in All Principal Cities
Inntin, Tex.. March la. Ttxis will
becomo virtually a dry State as a re-'
suit of the bill parsed by the I.eglsla-1
turo In special session denoting dry
rones of all territories within ten inlk'i j
of all camp-j. Not only will the saloons i
be closed hut refldentB lu the zones '
are prohibited from Importing liquor
for any purpose except sacramental,
scientific, medical or mechanical. Trans
portation companies aro forbiddin tar
ring Pernors Into Mich zones.
The law will cIopo saloons In Galves
ton, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Houston, j
El Pa?o, Wichita Falls, Orancc. Heau- I
mont, liiele Pass, Del Wo, Brownsville,
Laredo and smaller places. Austin.
Waco and Dallas arc already dry.
A Statc-wldc piohlbitlon bill Is vir
tually euro or passago at this special
session and will becomo effective about
June 17,
Y. M. C. A. Entertainment to Buy,
Comfort Kits for Soldiers
Comfort Kits and Knitted garments
purchased from tho proceeds of an en- I
tertalnment to be held tonight nt the I
Pennsylvania P,allroad Branch V, M
U A., will bo provided tor former em-,
ptoyes or tho railroad who are now In
ne military or naval scnlco of tho Gov
ernment. The entertainment will be uirdcr the
usplces or the glee club of the office
or the auditor of freight trartlc. Musical
"lections, (dories and "modern magic"
Jjn oe among tho varied events on tho
program, c. V. Dcaly. musical director '
"f the glee club, la In charge. i
SimijPi c, TownnJ. rin ntuir. Art. un,i
' Sv. .h A- ''Yan'' CmiiiicrlRii.l. Md N
ll.imf ''drlelison. .".IS N lllth t ,
.I'!,,?I J. b'lvsn. r.4H S. tilth st.
. .ill' SV Ktowlej. Green's Hole), and 1
.". ': 'OJC'-. U (lret,nvll e. Pa.
Tssa.MfmiSS N-8t" "' ,da
JIB1M i 01 "m"u H, .in CilunK BE,
..'. iinuon. iv in k
ir!.." :? K. Aood. 1930 K.
"Ur II, Clliininnn I'.ll Wlnnn,. oufl n.1
urrm si,
'ouU Bt,, and JUry
lrim'.w0"' TtV-n Morn
t.?"c! 1-lU Wood nt.
f"T J. SnrllAn. r.l'i nu.. .....
KIfiaKtl. ii-r"V.V.'t.-, ."" v.
-i'l-"."T IT. ,1.- IlliJSrt MVP.
to Y"ivii
fi?s.li?',rw7 ?, u,?" nd Anno
Alt?,. i-r'f!??-xvi.yi:!rd ve.
AlsiV, V '..?' . iiirsra sve.
U,!i.K'uM"n' "" " t'onestoca t.,
72? ;.",3"Nr: Wh8.?!' 7""'" "'
, Wood I ml ave,
in a at.
Arthup uJJfi 'V i.W
.:'" ." y.'l't. 20S.1 N. llslley at., and
kVAr.V'.. AV.. .!. Canton. O
Il '-loroutea. Prtntu-rfr I lis w ,..T.,.Jl.....t
Cabot at., and Laura
Cl.i K" F'"'. 'nrt Allenhens- ave., and
inSH' i'PT.K: .'.I:'1" Allegheny ave.
l Ii n i. i'"".V". niawaier (.. alio
F- lV.l iull,.,'l1' 2nl 1 ItiWHter si.
I' '-.'k.Uol.r.rl. We.ivllle. i:pi. and
Ki.lviiii. T. :- ."nerson t.
rjt 7"' 11
....'... ..n.ney. nan ai raheny ave,
t."S ."Trunk. III! Pliwir it., and Ann..
HemlsTTer at..
sin si.
I."wl, 1H37 H,
S Ji?Ik "!" O. -limls". ittll H, tstl
Efnt th' fti'l' n 131,1 a 71h at.
'litta 'y'!"'lh'l. I'" d. 'Mth at.
a Hvri rt rtimv'l"m''l
L j " iri ii"ii
AHl Allh?nv &e.
r &?.! ... wlii..
u.k: "T"t it, 4i r iM uiiu ituu
New Glove Store
informs llie gentlemen and gentle
women of Philadelphia of the new
location of their glove store at
123 South 13th Street
and invites them to consider that it is truly
and appropriately their hlorc, for to the loyal
patronage of Philadclphians, through forty
years, are due the success and growth of this
'business from a half-store to this beautiful,
modern store, devoted to gloves exclusively.
Two "Neiv Store" Specials
To secure the promptest inspection of the
finest and largest, glove stock in the city, and
first Easter Season at the
to signalize the
new location
At the New Store
123 SOUTH 13th ST.
(Also at 400 Fifth Ave, New York)
For Men
Light-weight Gray Mocha
one-clasp self and two
toned embroidery a
Geutlcnian8 Easter glove
. 2.85
For Women
White Glace Gloves for
Easter, made in Grenoble,
Franco two-clasp, over
scan! and "perfect fitting."
r ' "P S m oitDiiit.s At'i'iipiiin m A '
915 to $75
Muriel:, of .specinlueel ineliv
nnlity, .show inu ovrry new coat
leiiRtli ami .st.vlc thouKht. All
the most wanted nuitciials in all
the new coIoiiiiK.s. .
Disp)lay of Fashion's
Newest Conceptions for
Easier at Hirsch's
Economy Prices!
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday
A display of added importance
in these days of needed economy!'
A greater assemblage of new
stylo thoughts at most popular
prices was never before, collected '
under one roof.
A display that all the more ,
forcibly will impress upon thou
sands of Philadelpbians who wish
to dress smartly and yet econ-
onifec that "HIRSCH'S" holds
true to its slogan of "THE HOME
Roses Free I
To Everyone Visiting Our
Daylight Store Tomorrow I
With Ea.sler lint a hlioit time off
every woman will feel duty bound to
romc in anel t-.ee what is correct In
suits, coats and riicscs.
Anri, with full confidence, vc are
sine that ccry woman will be most
agreeably hut prised at the wealth of
stjlos and the lovvness of our prices.
$10 to $49-75
The smartest silhoucttci de
veloped in .silks and horfres.
TtimmiiiK effects are new and
novel and colotitiffs embrace
every bright hue and color.
$12-75 to $45
Thc.se hpritiff ccats that em
it ace so much Ftyle, elegance
aid quality. A light coat Is a
necessity to ecry spring ward
lobe. All colors.
boenine "l Millinery Opening
& I r : r o:L u! 1 -...
Of Our New
Silk and Muslin
I Corsets
! House Dresses
-Ilk ('mill
i..n ti..
t iiilerniu-lli.i,,
...Ie-, MkIiI
Kvery eminent evnuld leir
ii I. u l.v hdl at SI mi Various
lai'e' .mil cilihrulil. i ir'in
n ed cite 1 1
Copies of High-Priccd
Models Displayed at
$1.95, $2.95, $4.95
and up to $15
Mill 1 eiy nf unUMi.il (harm a 1 1
I'iquiit lu lh"lr Lirleus line, tf
icit ?Iot of tl.em :ue tidaplioii' of
I1ll.i1 pi Iced luudclx lu uut eivvu
vvuil.rooiin All er them are be-
Ulld (l.tllp.ltlKIU tit OUI lllut pul
Ul.il )ii I. en.
Specialized $10 Hats
Tll.lt e.l)lllp.llv moil l.ivur.lbl)
vvllh .in. Mild In hpechilty rl't.ii.n
at $I.',. anel 5IS vu .Milan Iimiips
mid (.eorKelte i repe oiiibliiatlons
In varlou!. tilniiniUK elTeUn.
Sec Window Display
(t pjoi' ipi.tluv ptiLi.Ir.-, in
in. i in lulnii. mill iK.it pI.iI.1m
Ni.illv uliiiiiu.l with ion
traetilii; e-nl.l giuhhatn li.I
inr mid e uffi
j ' - I
Charming New Style Con
j ccptions of Silk and Lingerie
I 95ctos?50
I W'.-Uft inudcla tc-le.e.lt.d vv it li
W'.-Uft inudcla
Bieal cue
Lingerie. m.iteil.ilH uml llie
popUl.er bill!" hlioevlns VIII loim
trlmtiiluK efr.ely of appealing
nl. bailee.
A Wealth of Newest Style A
in urcss and Sports rvlodels
A eurprlblns'y l.irse nunihet ol f'
new btleH
Uevcleiptd or berBe, vvnipcordh.-;
novelty (.mjl, .ip.l (he pnpulHMl
H.illn unit
poeUnt nn.l
elt effe'ct.
In vierleiuje, t
New S t I CD
choke In serges
herd (.lucks
splint; culorlns
navy blue.
No vv
Smart lull - length
models ot serges and
neat checked mate
rials. Some, show
.belts, others In full
flare models.
New lino effects, de
veloped of verses, pop
lins and Panamas. Va
rious effects In all new
Q Opening of the Infants' Departme
J Suitably Introduced by These 6 Extra Special Values
-V tMMMtl
Infants' White fQn
Lingerie DRESSES, "
b'our Bl.vlm. Some enibroideied
mid KinoeKeel Trlmnieel In plnl(
and blue.
Infants' SUU and CQr
Cloth CAPS UJ71-
White cnPolmcre.Hnd sill; poplin
Infants' White
Serge COATS at,
Some vvllh belt, others in neat
plaited effects
Children's Shepherd $0.00
Plaid COATS i
, Mado of nhetpherd plaid oloiaj
ChUdren's White
Lingerie DRESSES,
Neutlv trlmnied With nliik nt j
riuuuuv. oir truni i iu cjn
Chi!dri'. New '
ul navun-' "-,
- J 4
2 ifl'MBO. 43Wrjtm'natf r .,
oln, W4a liark.l tt.
fi,.llVWIii'WM,riHi,MfJ ?r4 -j.
tM.3 ' !;.- . ,r-,e"
f Ml I .