'snr !tTOTi"' .Wl Y- V7'i t j-ir I 'V,V.-' ". i. J .V" i?J ' 7 7'V?XT i.-ii - V.-'V-W EVESlNtf PUBLIC LEDGER- VHILAD13LPHIA, TUESDAY, MA110H 12, 1918 ' v !- GOSSIP OF THE STREET BROKERS AWAIT WASHINGTON'S PHILADELPHIA MARKETS ( GRAIN AND l'LOUK vvihsvt Uec. Saloon Is Closed SECOND DRAFT TO CALL On U. S. Complaint i 800,000 IN SMALL GROUPS GERMANY'S PROPAGANDA NOW RAMPANT IN CUBA CnMttuird from rnjte One tried lo 1i11p wlilr-Kcy bottle nml ' i fin. . in ." M. A 1M1I M AT XnmAATm A X TfTI TITT T n 'n- '". '"'WW S."ll l)Un. .Mftrivs 1,- rr1ava nmtup tint tiihlr-ii Jlll bl i I .U J. 1VJ1N Wl liVir UJ 1 A1N 1 JDlJ-iJUO i "jyri Vi'M-Vi7"V.. ! f AXSa "KT tn'- fore the police cnlcrcd they saw- a dorer, - I"" or in ., w r ! JKh'""J "'."n.bird price. No t. northern nr morn marines run from the back i, '""' MU0" "',"" nulloii In tins w.ir. II ,1 i'KnnV,V:-Nl,'"fri,h'tr'r"T room ami dlsnppuir up a small street l ',r'' nMV.'Vor. tn compose the, ;,, rn 1 a.l.l'1iiitt i . f,"l winter v,V t .. t? 1 Vi ?""'' mnrhv i l'rcwl" unrest mid uncertainty l.v some I Lull in Trading Attributed to Uncertainty as lffL.wiJ i,ss-T-.!V s $??' . iCwi. , ,,mi . Kcuy t. .. "'i'- imun.,rni nn.t for mi . 8 i. r i. rU i. i? T. T T ! "" "" Ko irVft ."".ij- r" viJ!.r..r In court l. .Wcn.l hi Place. l.ul,''i Hio following la authoritatively a to Exact Character ot Pending: Lecns- i"",!;10 ,"-. ViiiiiiVsiT ?.'.:.: i,- .im m.t m.cy tin. currs -ummonn Muted: I lation-Gossip ot the Street ';unS tZ ,,- Vt - ! n'?.' 'noiil, lu .rVin, ii"' ' ' ' MM,., rourl .-.L-aln nave cM,resslon to bounced .I nntiortlnneil iimntii.' thn in rsn :i i,. .'"," .. -..!, . - . " ' . ... ..'. . i , , , , . it i "i-iun-.n ni ni pru-f nminnnms m ipu-u mi rrti).irrlH. itu tic aim i ('onttrinril from Vtce fin mlRlit H-rvp tlio ci.nny an n prrolnr liimlA IjaHmoniH whern thHr j.Kiii w hw p . i A-i'illl, .'if II i-mi-.--iit "j iVnlUAmericnnlfim UcIhk Prcnchcd nfoiiriied to the himIT orRiinUntloiw nii'l , Openly nml Attempt Mado to Upset Present Government lion boardii, even tlioUKh they " Hae ' .,.,,, ,. , u ,. been pl.ue.1 in a .lefeiml claMlllcatlon, Mn.lilnnlon. March II, (.erman will be wlthilrawn lth croat care nml propfiirnmla, foiled In the United Slntei, turtiiiilailly from the lnilwtile of Hie ' m ninnliiK rainpant tliroiishont Cuba, nation for ppccl.ll nervlo- In the Blurt , nmirilliiK to Information to hlfc-h Oov corps and lUpartmenty i eminent iu.irter to.lnv Third. YoutiK mm of draft nKe llh rr"' ' !" "er to.in. certain iitiiciitlonal iullllcnt'om. lll t.eniiiin literature N I.Hnp diffused be Inducted Into the service and Hetit lo biondo.iM and opnlv nnmnir the peo. un'xersltleH, colteKcM and teclinloal and plu j nntl-Aiuericanlim l licinc preached Kec-otwlarv scIiooIh to be Instructed In ,,., .,11 ..1.1, ... .-i,n iui.ii..i .......i,r..,4u l .MM..I L..-. . . ' --...--... V.. .. . .. -...I ......V III"'"!!..,, ...... ,..,., i..m.-1 .-. .v.... r-iiiirn oh koou us tiendluK leRlR-1 tec ninvai arm until tney nave nniuum 0 nno mfm oil ivh U,VVV, HAW VMUW TO CAMP MARCH! Last Increment of First '. Ordered to Prepare tefe Enter Scn'ice . 7828 FROM THIS STAl New .Jersey to Supply 4275, JJMHJ J I QNK ll-known tankr. when as.- , ., op,n.on yclcrday on the -. , WYJiV3 i-Jn n?n"f Sf -.,,, . T$ZS "Z I "X fir'- " "" "'""" ZlocsZluZ V l I V era. trend of ,d.n. .aid that tl, public now was taU,K to railroad, , VA- ,. f)"? Xf jTrl M' W.K Irrn'raXT. ' S" "nldJItne tb , Th?; Z t l,.e ,. .ndlcale. NeRTOInduded , I . Kl and. nccordltiK to precedent, would conllnue to do so for some llttlo tltno , v.fi "c.i . nr N"- 3 rwl- '-" No' 3 lic-irlnit Snnte 1111.1 ,,.,,, . ! l1'1''1 ," ' ,0 , , I" typically the Herman nallun-wr. cl- I . j I to eomc, then It U cw.,ch off ,0 Indu.tr.al, and thev wlllW a boon, ; i V5?r 4 Sf."r ' .unAHl V.o, ..AW j I.hj. M.liu.rll.r nmnher ., ....u, i h" ,..-n the ? A.'!,ed aT ilav r.cK'lolS I. for a wM.e: . the mc t.me the rU w,U he In .the l.ad.round who a ,,, njXrut"- ! !M ,;'?X,,,B."- !?,3; '-H.'fV ''" " W ' "- " S S,'" 'i,! tS'Sll fjf the Industrial, have the xputllRht. and so It row. ' , J'V; V, vr7t c,n.,..mC,,,V' 1 I!?',';,1- lalliiB the law." conmunted .ludce Wen- within the nutliorlr.atm,, ,',f " ,,P T. 'f J'1' U" '! ,l,p Sla,1l", f,',T T"m ' ' I ,4or!h' men wliK I It h rarely the puWIe aS a major.ty ta Inler.Med , two distinct S,fft& ?m7'V,,i VT- F "rt "T' ' '" ' "-- UJ'il JUJSK . "' ''" -.'tt-'J m Classes of gtockH at the nme time, he added. . fcmiinfti 'jWiiVJ rSlS.rY'S They did not consld. r the moral effect creased by tlu, ,.,,.,,,;' ;r "i,, , ' '?"!",': V." r r.K,,V" I t ' , "'v'.VrVr t ,"Xta "$ '" "v",l,lt,,""1,r-v1 '-"uaMon . .,,, Mnrch 12.NUntT-'Sy II Some brokers say that while there In ., dScournKlnC news from KiWf ' u' Nu '"' -C!! attraction, 1,i.d nnfr ,..il. c J IhorUed by ,..,ue J . f m . ,T , d . K ,C ''.? ?.. .Tl" . ". I SLr.'tt,"' "! ..".'." " t!......n.i ,o, men were order! wSBM m Washington, there Is considerable doubt ami Indcllnltencss In micli news fo-;,,!!. hli vlV, W i,iii'?r 'K11 ir In! , place wan tho only obj.ciloii Mr. (lib- authorized by icei n r .1 ' . . tr"" "" ,'"il'1 S,I,,H f'"' " ,wo ""'n,,ls lh" l',"',la' il """" newspaper. by the War Uepartnient to prepare forpfi ,.i j .i. .., ...... ... ...... . . Noi '.':' lh" "'i'-cIim reprrontrd. boiiev iireented, mid this the naloon- .... '" " - ot ttie h.i!i1 net. , course of triiluil'i;. lleKUlarly thereat-1 Suu.ir prices paid by American buy-' induction tutu tnilnlnir c-imn. Thl waI'.,J'' ,a as comes nlonfj. and they are anxiously uwattli.K tho Until toi.choH to ""h-M . '-nine ih.,11 ., .. .im ermin,.i ," groc I t. d sc.ntlmie. The JudKes . .' ',' ';,"nnt now be announced what the ' IncreaKitm- stream of selected m.-n J" "to brlim ielw.1 'on to show the I ",,u tl0M 1",to tri,,nlnf mps. This wajl, El .. .. 1 1. 111 ....- .i-n .'. c. , .... .i.."cn "a,n"l" Imii of tti- cl.iss ami sub-, ' rV."Kr. .'....., ... total number t i. ...,.. , ... ..V ". " ! ..111 i. ., 1 1 fnlted Siatm- with ,,ih..r l.iir i.nrliH the last Increment of the first draft. I I t. ino 1a111.1t... .in., pwiim ,v,,ii..v ,..,.., ...il. -inviii ii.jiu .nu tiL'.iviun .i itiv "..z neiii inn renionsirnii. . 10 hii.'jhii. 'i u.i... .. ,. - ,..',. 1., .in .'..inr.M ,,, ,' p.,,, ,,,,, ,,,.,,, u,.- i,,ui .,,.",,,. ,.,,,, , , , , , ,.,"' ICKIPts. 1,0", bus. SuHMi'S wr.' ,, Vih n.no,,r. nl.nltt flin ulvn nlirl trnnu nf fl.n T lltnrt., T r..,.. ii.nl nt fin, c",n llallt i,n.1 IK. ......I,.., ...,..., .... r. ,,.,... I' Treasury about the size and terms of the Liberty Loan, and at tho s-amo time hoping that the wuMlmmvc corporation bill will not suffer at the hands of'somo legislators who seem determined to emasculate everything that Is Rood In It. ' Mutters In Europe Bcem to have no effect otie way or other In the financial districts. If there Is any Interest shown, It Is In tho Japanese altuatlon. A prominent hanker expressed himself yesterday as favoring the settlement of the ltusslnu situation by Japan. "As I see It," ho said, "Count Lvoff, who seems to have a larfie fol lowing, will In all probability seize the reins In Siberia and ask Japan to assist hltn In restoring order. 1'ndcr these circumstances Japan would not be Invading Uussln; she would simply be answering the call from Russia for help. This would effectually check the Kaiser's alms, its Japan has an army of moro than L'.UOO.OQO men equipped and trained to the minute. "Of course," he remarked. 'Ilussla, with till her gieat undeveloped natural resources, could find her nearest market for- lumber. mlneruN, etc., In Japan, and Japan would bo relieved of the necessity of transport ing these raw ; roducts ucross tho Pacific as she does now from South American and American ports. It would leave the South American mar kets freer for tho United States and Canada. "This, to my mind," ho Bald, "would bo tho most rciimmiitlc settle ment of a badly mixed up situation u-i it stands today. Of course, all depends oil Ttussla's Imitation to Japan to come over and help." It Is significant that Japan has under consideration 11 bill providing for moblllzutlon, requisitioning of war Industries and conscription. IKor Exhibit at First National Bank The Ulrst National Hank of Philadelphia, by Inaugurating an exhibit ot tho products of Its utistomtrs which are being used In the conduct of the world war and for the equipment and maintenance uf our lighting forces, hts set up 11 unique and Instructive object lesson which shows how closely the nation's commercial, mntmfai&uilng and lluanclal fabrics are Interwoven In this greatest struggle In the world's history. Never before liavo the private olilces and public corridors of a national bank In Philadelphia been Invaded by such an Instructive exhibit by its own customers. It is worthy of a visit from every loyal citizen, either resident or hero temporarily, to give him an Idci of the part which Philadelphia and her products are taking In the war. According to the president, William A. Law, the credit for the en 1 terprlte Is duo to Krcas I!. Snyder, vice president of the bank, who, In the following words, gives the motives for tho exhibit: In the great struggle for humanity now waging each Individual Phlladelphlau Is so ret on playing his part fully and so conscious of hla limitations that we sometlmeV fall to grasp the Immensity ot " accomplishment wrought by L'.UOO.OOO persons men, women and o'.iil dren each doing his little best. Concentrated on our own tasks, we overlook the fuct that Phila delphia, after taking the lead In financing the thtcu major wars of our country, Is now one of the moit Important sources of supply for tho Government's needs. This exhibit Is planned lo hi lug 11 greater realization of the results of combined effort, to emphasize, the Importance of Philadelphia's part In tho war program and to show the Industries financed by our banking institutions In order to assure full, prompt production of tho requirements of our army and navy. Our great regret Is that lack of space made It Impossible to Invito a moro general participation. If any smull success uttoml this effort. It Is attributable solely to tho whole-hearted co-operation of tho exhibitors. It Is the Intention of tho olllclals of tho Klrst National IJank to turn this exhibit to good uccount in the sale of war-savings stumps and Lib erty Uonds, ,' Dearth of Tax-Free municipals Moat ot tho bond and Investment houses were complaining of u lack of business yesterday, although there were several exceptions, especially among tho larger concerns. On every hund there Is a dearth of tax-free tnunlclpals. There is acarccly a bond house that has any for sale, and tho few issues that are coming out ut long Intervals are snapped up at prices which must bo yery gratifying to the municipalities. Of course, there nro many niunlclpall. ties that would be delighted to Issue bonds for muoh-nee.led improvements., but tho capital Issues committee und u general feeling that nothing should bo allowed to Interfere In tho least with the forthcoming Liberty Loan aro responsible for holding back. Reasons for Buying Good Securities Among tho nlultltudo ot reasons us to why the present tltno abovo all other times Is tho best to buy necurltles, tho following ten reasons, ' taken from the stock market letter of llaydcn, Stono & Co., aro peculiarly apt: 1 First. Intrinsic values on earnings are as great as, It not greater 1 than, over before In our financial history. Second. Adjustment ot prices, duo to selling from (I) war waste, (2) necessity, (3) supertax on lurgo Incomes, (-1) fear caused by seeing others sell, bus been very thorough. ' Third. Adjustment of Industry to a war basis has largely been paid for already by stockholders through their relinquishment of extra dividends und tho charging of cost ot war plants to accrued earnings. Fourth. Tho Government und business are co-operating as ncver before, Tho friendly basis, of understanding Is bound lo continue and grow und means much to tho security holders, who own our great nterprlscs. Fifth. Tho cxccss-prollt und Income-tax laws liavo already been considered and discounted by security prices. Sixth. Tho borrowing of Allied Governments lo finance tho war has stimulated Allied efficiency, productivity and Individual and col lective wealth-creating effort to an unprecedented degree. Seventh. Tho moral standards ot tho Allied nations have been Incalculably advanced. 1 Eighth. Yields on securities arc greatwith no more risk than normally. Ninth. Continuance ,of tho war l not likely to depress bond prices moro than moderately, so drastic has been tho decline from normal. Tenth. Tho security market Is a barometer, not a thermometer It records coming,, not current, events. I'caco will find prices much higher and bargains In tho hands of those with tho courage, and foresight to discount Its advent,. not those who await clear skies. This Is the experience of market history and tho same principles apply now aa always. ' n Public Utilities' Part in National Crisis ' . O. B. Wilcox, vice president of Bonbrlght & Co., Inc.; writing in the Annalist, of Now York," emphasizes the great part which tho public utilities of tho country aro taking In meeting the national crisis. Tho wtlcle contains tho following paragraph: ' "Time and labor and money saving machinery In tho United States rnust offset tho high cost of labor, materials and fuel. Machinery will Tin the war tlmo and .labor saving machinery; theame machinery, and nothing; else.can protect our trade balances and our gold reserves ; against tremendous and destructive losses when tho strength of alt the ( world will enviously reach out for our accumulated capital.' ' "Our publto utility systems save tnoro 'time, labor and fuel, nnd therefore more money, than uny machinery In this or any 6ther country. These savings mean moro rafld production und lower manufacturing Wstai that Is why the 'demands upon tho public utilities havo been 1 greater than ever before, and that'ls why .wo ore dependent upon them i,T'or speed and success In preparing for and prosecuting tho war." Mectrical Securities tand High ..hv'ujiidoii naectricui riiBviaw.nyii uy . n.w .iibju,,,, - -. .!. ..'. 'i .'i.si'J'j .Lil: ..il. ,1;.., ill l Ihnu urlv divi .-I .Jl.ilis: 'nr l.,t f,,r liv-.it trail. N !l Mi I ''"m'. &"-V.' -"'' " I "" IIMI'-'WIMW I 'Ar.s n..r.inls. flu. Ml I"n1 liomin.t ... . r'v -i"1" nml th- nnrk-t rui.-.i linn. uUti IU;u ,,fivrlnt (Munition-: No -Vh."'.' " "'" M."T. t 1 !!.!.. r.l vhtt tl OH "J.."'"".! Nn a "hlte. 1 (I.".', 5i l.tiH; No. I unite, HI tli I us I'Mlt'lt lln-.-ll.m, .-,:, 1,1,1, ,111,1 I Ml.T.-.'i N In S.11I0 ort.rlm-H'wi f lluht nml tli OMtki t ni.,. I firm ..,,,. .t......... r..i.i. ,1. . 1 ,, ..-.. ., ...Ill ,,.111. 11.. I II, 111. ...- IUe ill.it-.Hnna fnllnw Per lei! fix in I'l". Hi. (i.tli.n smhs Willi, r whi.il. 100 1-. '-nt n.mr lllllll r.n K.ir.. whu.t. KM ii'T rent tl.ur n -. r 1 1 r.o -erins h-ut 1 '"...'. T.r .""' ""ur 'o Milt 11 r.o. mi: li.nflt ., tl to, .Mnnnd nml j prni , fjuotnllena nt tt I Mill i:..r,n i. r M.l ! ill 'nr), PROVISIONS . court Is assiir.d that lllake Uvea up ' " " '"" m be, but it ,my ,e Mnt,,(1 to hl promise. ,,'. ' ." . "'.''" "'" "' "".UImI than I i.- f-oun llll'llliss it (in- ifiinnisiiau. . s tiled iikiiIikI Paul 1'. Mass. Il5l.i".ti Hall e iik street. The remonstrant was Wit limn Itoselimaii. Ills l.iopanl ctn et. uho complained tlvit Ma bad ,iaiiltid' I'lonerlV liccnmmml ...a .... promptly assimilated. ' n-'iT',1."," 'If ,,l,",'ul,,'-' eonfrentlng tl na Ion in he siippi,- nf ,aIl0r ,,,,,.,.,; ant to ngrloultmv hltn on April 13 The Mlimiilceeper. how- "ow Jevlm are to be withdrawn other iraliilng Institutions for this pur- pos-e. 'To sum up, tin-re will be im sudden I nltlidrauul of great numbers of men from the ranks of industry and agrleul- nniirte... 1 ""- 'luring inu roniing summer, nut iass 1. from which ' """ "'" '"' drawn In relatively small The movement will Include the mobl- cloed-ls taking aniantage of Cuba! L'nini.N 'riitu 11 .. 1. ...... ....- .... Hoxeiniiient h.'nds today, despite the 1 lll!illl" ot "''00l) "outhern negroea jp fnet the prlee Is lilghi r "than ever be- northern camps. It will start Mart .ut.-. 1 1 .-i.-aie uisaii 1. tenon. However Hi rinans ubine th mi' Inlying Mexican Cuban market sugar ver, produer.l siMwal witnesses who were In thn barriiimj'at Hi. time of the nllegtd assault and v.il.l Hint r.iisehman was noisy and oliteelionnble mid that Miss bad eject, d him from the plate, but had ued 110 iinneoes-'iir- vlelenee. complains iik N'i:niiiii:.-i' placi: 11 the ease nf Michael ,t. McNnntara. contain many will Pi'oilps Hircugliout the year ill such a more men tl.-... .... wai as m ere:. in tim tn.ui ....L.uti.t i,,,..,.. !!!'.'!..',,!,,w.rV""r"1, f"r !"" n,n" l wntild fueiiiv with industry mid ngrle.ilture. If 1 ....... ... .,."11" r'"'"U tp '"' m deferred rlu-ses. us well as men ii.... . . '" " ' "'r'' called In. "i iiasH I, will be .p....,.ill..,.v, Million) irgnrd to tbu b.rs eltli. .....u. siiuauou in agrtcultnn. CENSURES CHAUFFEUR !' and cantlnue tlo days. I, 'i:pautmi:nt selected In small tiom- r on account of their si.eelal 1 technical qtia.llle.it'iiiis or for the pur lise of sending tin in to schools, where uiej win ne gicn an o'nimtuiiliv lo I Coroner Knif-hl Admonishes Two D.ivcrs licforo Kxonerat- inf,' Them I ., ',' " ", .' " lii.lefore. the local ImiinU ..in 1,., t ' . Knen an om poiiunity 10 1 Tlerc uns a f.,ir inl.l.liu movement and. northeast corner of Hroad and Cnrpen- , ,r,rt, tl tr, ,. ., ,',,., . "ccluiro .such quablleat ton-.'' . ,.,P , ,, , Trtee. -,.r.. well milntaliipil (Jnot-.tlon,. I t-r streets, John llrouiil. v. iKent of the ..,.r ', ,,. '... '. r", "m """ "' ' or-1 . A (nneninient chauff lir and a motor- ! ..i ',,'' "I":"'- fmi.ke.1 nnd Hlr-.lrl.sl. S.le. , w , , , Soeletv testlll.d that ' L 1 "''"""J,"' "" m"li In Clais I.1,.,,.-..,,. ' man of the Southwestern Itiillunv Com- l?&Wlln, &.,?"'!&&? .'I!,'' 'nirf. ' this Place Is ,MrZl,, 'JXl, Vu. "T?wZ"luVhr, V'"?1 ,In,Wl,,,!' ' W0ME FARMER HELD ! imn ere censured by Coroner Knight l.ers smok-r-iiV' Vi"r, ,k",V,,k,t"iv,ll,V,;i!' ' ,x,'lv l,y ,"''l", mi'l thai a cabal ct Is rrglstr-i N ..,',o 1 ,. '' 1 """, ,t,,a' " ,'() dVV vl ivr nnfc l,"1'lv "' Ul" ",lu-" """ '' 'leath of fimily.mKIi-,V-,n ' ii .""s '' -ur'S' "' 'nduoted on the sicond floor In 11 'l.l ,,, , ' , " ' ' ". "' nssMuously 'UKhlhALINCt HOGS Scott McCartney, tlilrty-tlve ears old, ..XM;ic;'.-.: ,kV-m"V !..: 27 ',.,...,( .I.srde.lv mant.er The room Is . r ' mVi' 'i ?- ,'i,"l",',1t,,,IUvn"" " ?! ?', S"."11 ''.'i" Urrt''' " "" Wi"' .In. .U .mnkeil I'sm-.-iic: nth- r hams Mn.,n rnmniritlv.lv lie v-ii.i 1,111 I... I "'V"- nf a crop, his call to the colors fl..-noi- ,.,ij, 1 ... ,,. kill, d February SS. L'S,k"'. .'.. ir2 :,A!,:.il,riir,i,."f,sl.!;;.'V h.".. u" ; sio ;.," t l""1 ", ,'',"r,.rrMl " ',i" '- ' tn." "-emoted .stranBe n.sap- Mec.,rt.,ev was mm -.., ., ...,. "hilnT " '' . 1M !P". ",,"k'.'l "Ti '..'" ..:L... ........ . ' ' ''."'. '" '" quota of hs boanl :, l,m 1... lle.'liancn 00, I.' 1 !..! input imtnlrilelc drU-nii lit- HiihIiivp II.i.m .'..,",. t.i, ,.,... 1 itii it ... in ii'M" . ,i:,,'t- hi 1,111, ,1,1.,, ,,,.,.,,. ..r .I...... An.,.. . - "r. . 111 i.i,ii . --------. ,. .vi.i.ii. i.iik,.,- .-.-:-;-. --- -- ---- .- --.- .- ....... eliolllili'tH S. ! pur. ,1. loe-e. '.'I'.r ,lo imnke.l. "",'i,.- ll.-IILs. In elckle nl.iw to m.rrine. tnnne V'i1! c llrnkftiat tj.ii-nn ris tn trnii'l nri'l iieer.!,'". elty rur.-a liar i-iiiv or Hi. -in com polled pi stand nml being served with ill Inks while thus standing, nilovtng ; ine eiitertiilnmriit, A piano and n drill! Unites to 1. s-o eiiKiiged. Whenever any reglstiant whone call 1.1 me eoior.s nan i.,.,., d, ferr. d by rea- and Cider Nearhy tVe.t (In. 1 iiii- I'lntTi iiiiTiirin 1 in 111,. iii, 1 . 1 11 1 ' - - . 1 " ! 1 1 1 ii ni 1 1-.1 - 11 1H.1 II....I... . .. i"ir ri.i ii.iuiMii 1 H..A.I 'lit. 1 r, t-.i n'i-,-1 1 rii r. 1 ,-.....- ...... . . inn iir niu ............-. . . .. -.-. n.. .i ,1 1 i-it 1 i r u iinW'-j7i.Vi'.;V.,.'- ,'iV.,,Ur.' .it. krtti, ien-1 furnish the music and any of the p.i- " ' ,,..' ,,' , , ,"-1n,'u""'" I" ;':"K!x,r,el .McKlnley. ,-, ,.,,, fanner ,Vf H',K,,-V' "'" Sr,ul" Warnoek stnet .lcii.1. 27'j;esi4r. trolls who possessed any vocal alHllty ",'"n J" 'J-ne beoii Idle ..11 the faini 1111 " ' " IMoll. who has be 11 a tenant mi Investigation bv the Coroner's mile. were permitted to slni- II,. nit i.imv i-iiK.iKeu or in nave tr e.i . '.'', u it. . . 11 1. 111 r. of Piiiii. f bowed mat JIci aitney. w n was not KKI-'IXKI) SUCAUS voung iiegressM tlore s ne of to "'"' "'" 'l"f''"n-t that has beet. ,,.- l'.' ''- ''!"'l'les a c. II In t ,V H bes !.- 0.1,1 loved by the HoVerni,."t,t. w.i.s er- I smollorr .ol-'.'mJ V . , 1 ' irded him. tin. b..-u,N w forthwith In-' 1 "y ' """" ""re. aunltltig trial .,11 milled to ride on the truck operated Sntrntles -.t.. .-.r.ll i..i ..rue. w. w II smol.l.ig cigarettes and acting In 11 ills- ,,...,.. ,,,.,, ',.,' ' ", " ,." '""""'Hi "'" lh- cliarge of steallnif sl bocs ... 1, bv Mass, and that Sal-.sv bail falliil tc -ati.i.. n ..n a l...ls ,.f 7 i:.i for .ira orderly nnd Immodest manner. , ,,,, '"" ""llltary setvlce If his barrels of elder f.,111 11 f stoi 1 its Tear at IV1111 s Ivrrv 1 oa -it d """ "uut..l. ' At.otney Albert II Ladn,,' Jr.. pro- " ' ."!,!"b'3. ''"V"."'1 ",".'""1 '" '"" I m"V!'","'"' uV ,"" ''"' - "la .'s Magazine Ian"! 'whlch point 'cars 'X I)IKY PltOOUCTS "s""1 '"'t IXounley had exiigaeiatrd ' j i" " . 7 T ' "l'1'1 ,"f lM "M'.dlent iVu'V1"1,?'''.,,"' ''''".I'l' IPhl... win, made supposed to stop. U.Uin I JttMHJLlh , t,u cnniUh,nM ,,.. ,,., ,, .rll.l inul the' H ' l ?M (!r I"" tr"" wrvUv "rl"r! f" dis'.'.mr.V" ,h" ri,r",' . , "" xoner.ill.ig Xake and Mass. I llPTVIIIl Uei.k nml a.- I".r wl'h re- , number of persons whle'i tl... room will actual call 1.1 the colors to the men . i",,', '',,?' ' "h." owner of lb,, farm 1 who were arrested following the aee, le.lnt, .oTnlliu in .nor- rr..-l l....l.itlnr.-. , ,, ,, I, , nr. Mb hl..,r. "" r,:,".v needed In the production of i.af ,,. , .. ,. ,"' V ",'', '"KIMIulate.l him- I d. lit. Coroner Knight .ensllled Hie... , xu$irtiz wv-'v'ifwj"- iW. , boon a,i ,;,. ,;:,;., an,i":.r,,n ,"''.: "! 'r'.,H tiU"i"v " .;,,f r.v;-,,,1,::;1' : , ';t;i,,,",'!v;i,e1r ,B,,:"vi,1,,1,e",:,,ii :,"!!!: i!::-"-:h 'a:.,'s I' r'V'Y ::,r.?s '"'""'V f ..in.' whirl. . I.H-..I.-.1 t.. the .....A"." '."':.. '""-.". " only ex. I., .bswonun forme,-, but"later'h''i,a,: ' ' ,'. ". , w mie .' V,St ,, ' w l,oe cars r.11',1 r.--i " union- 1 iii-ro .ir, on :. . ... llecause of the peculiar camp situa tion, sotnn districts that have completed their quotas will be asked to furnhn more men and will bo given credit Un- VN ) P. R. T. MOTORaIANIoV" the seeonn draft. Several thousand of those today or dered mobilized will be used to fill Ufl the ranks made vacant by deaths and other withdrawals. Others will be for Industrial calls, of which nfty-slx hv already been made, Deputy Provost Marshal Heneral Johnson stated. The first contingent of Industrial workers drafted recently went to France, Johnson said. Today's order will take men from all Mates iMept lown nnd .Minnesota. Fol lowing am Stato allotments: Arizona, HS; Arkansas, 1541 ; Cali fornia. I74S; f'olorado. 323: Connecticut, .in.l: Delaware. 308: District of Colum bia . 102; Idaho, 24:; Illinois. 191! 1 mum. a. -m . ; ivnn.au, an. ; .Maine, KO ; Maryland. 382; Michigan. 5558: Mis- sourl, 117n; Montana, 521: Nebraska, 4f. : Nevada, 72: .Vew Ilumpshlre. JI2; New Mexico. 127: New York. 12.231: N...U l...1,n... n . n--. ..a- ..'i... i-rftuui, .0..; iiii..., njttii; UHH( honia, R9S; .Vew- Jersey. 4275; Oregon, .1(13; Pennsylvania. 7828; Ithode Island.' am; soutn Dakota, 226; Texas. 4041 I 1231 Myrtlcwo'id stieet. and as tho vc I III. le leached Penrose l-Vrry toad and .Magazine lane, It crashed into a troll- 1 he car VHisfnpcriit.il by Ma.vnard of nrlntu Inl.lilmr ul 1 ..US rule.1 llrni nml noe l.r m-.' iuh.it lth .l.'in.in.t nlwnrbliri the nfferimis ..'in. tntlom.: l-'r.-e enses. iiert.y tlrs. ll .0 per stnn.l.ir.l .-as.-; current i.ei.ntii 11 l per .ns. . w-.-slern extr. tlrM. fll.iii m r e.ise. firsts, ft 1 lo pit inre. fan. v se,-, t... ,Kn w.-ee 1n,,hntz nt 12'. lie per t'.7.en illlUSi: nol.1 slnwlv anil rul'.l weak nn.l lower. O'intatlnns. New York full-i re.iin. f.inty. .lane s.Vin': sp.-. I.il lilehi-r ... il.i. f.uiey. Hepteinl.er-lni.il'. 2.V. N, iv Vork. lull .ream. f.ill-inad. fair to iai.l. 2H'I2I-. no trreii singrrs but If occasionally one of the patrons volunteered a .ung such en'erta'ninei.t was perm'tted. Mr. Laduer then Miuglit to r.eitse the cabaret featu.e by stitlng tint there Is n general feeling ..f unci-rtiiltity In I th saloon trade as to whether or not It Is unlawful to .iniliut a cabaret. He . LIVU The market inl.-.l linn iin.l. r llal.t ! oOerttnr. tin.l a lilr iliin.ui.l (ju.iiiitio'irt. rhickniK. snft-ine.iti'.l ro..si. r. :t." tw, tmniv voiliii roosters, nnivtl-.'e ..I.I roo.ters, 1 -Js'iiaile. .lurk-;. I'ekln. 3.1 fl :i-. . .luk, "l.i.ll.... Ilunnrr. Sn'niie: Re. sp. niu;i;.-. I KUltn'.is. per liatr. Sl(1.2n, pis. nns. nt.l. per pHlr. ::..f.:iii: plaeons. younu. per Pair, I l.ltKSSKfi The m.irki.t ruled Pint, with i.lim.in.l ri'inUly iit.s.irl.lnK the MmliL'.t otf.T- Incs of i hole.' slo. k. Ciui.tiitliilis- Tr.iz. II fowl.. 12 to t'.iK. mllk-feu. ilrv-piek.Hl. r,mi-y sflei'te.l. yii.;. welKhlnu 4 Its. l.n.1 over iipleii'. a.V'it'; :,a th- nniece. "2 ! 34e, do, 3 tws afilere, SnttSle lromfnuia In Ll.l... fH..;y. drv ph ke,l VVelKhlmc 4 Ihs. an-l over 'pleee. 3..-. do. .V', His. npteee. -:I2'.13.1.". smaller slip's fSSLVJi. Itriillltu , elilcken vvelKhlnif ttififi lt.s npln .ler- .ev fnuev. lay1 l'-'e. Viislnla fnno. .iil.ie. ether nmil.y. ,11 41 SH.'. uenl.TII. I'.l'f.llle. Iloatllit; . Iili kens, wi-titern. In hov.- WVIffh ln V-i 'lin nnd over apl .I..', iln I IP.. '.piece, ...ot.l.c, ou, ,i-i iu- ...m.-u, .ill,,...' Ui, 3i-j Fa lijs HPlre I Klluit- ..-.fitrTi. In 1,1 ' , ,. ., 'It.. .1. II- Si ". I... ....I-..- HII'I .,,r. MV'in ."..Vi u. ,, a 1. ,' ,,'r o,i,r,-r- .llM.T.'c; ilo. 2'-j3 Ihs apteee, 2Slt.1iiv. Old inn-terw. ilrv plrke.l, 27i'. C'npnni. per Hi. VVelehlns- sWIll lt.. Hpie-e aSUnile; sm.illir . glrea. SfUCtic. Turkes. nenrliv. ilrv-plckeil- lancy, ainnoe. mir to noon ;Kwa,e ;iur. .rnp . ..mi . orv-.n. hii.i ri.nry. t.lw.l. ' . .. Kiniey anil her am st followed. UKCKUITIXO XKW MILITIA tile supply or labor annul tenant to nrr rlciiltu..- and lo nml. Ilk- all means for Incrcashig the harvest for the iigileul tural sea-on of 1!HS. There Is now pending- before c-mirri-ss .. I II nutlioii.. lug tin Secretary of Wn - grant fur loughs, with or wliboir i . y. lo nun In the army to enable then, to engage ... 1...1 i..i i ....i.......... .,... ...,i.l .... ,-n ..... . . ... - ui'iiie. . .... ...... ..si ii ..i.oi ai iiuieinis said Mr. i. Ibbmiey had been striving for T,. ,.,.. r ,is in u ., r,.n..v.. I'OULTKY twelve years ..have the lleenso .lu.lces lt ,,,, lt u.tt ln In pailleular In-! . ..,.. ..,.,.-.,.,. iiei-iaion on tins stances In which men who are the main-1 ouestlon but no previous c-mrt had dor. , ...... f f.irls have be ,. Indiiel.d into ' so, and a saloonkeep.i- who did not the service either through voluntary I T ,,,,., W,,li n. nn- dedte t.. con.luet a cabaret was com- enlistment or wleetlon, and wlio-e J '" Ulcn'",t "''" Open.-) nil Onice polled to do so when be found a com- ,rv,-.s dining the present emergency ill City Hall p.tlto.' one square away from his place . :iK.eiitui-e ale lifedul. These fur- : providing siiih eiiteitalnment and l.nmhs will be granted after consider.!- f.l.'iitenant II. til v F. Walton ,li- to. thereby securing all the trade. tn f n. clicuiustane.s of tho hull- da i.peneil a roerultlpg statlo'n'l.'i' the Judge Wevsel told Mr. Lailnei thatvldual case In which they nrlse, when Mayor's reception loom. City Hall for be ci uld not ngiee with him In this tl... military situation Is such that they I the new State mllltla ' ' statement. n he had only vesterday can be granted without ton great ills-' Itetween :t(n) anil :ir.n ...., ,. ....., tefiried to a decision which bad been I luptlon mid disorganization of the aimy , to make up the Pblladelph'a quot'i Tn'u rendered bv - Judges Sulzberger and or of any particular organization of the troops of cavalr.v ..to In' be maile up imi-k.v, in wiin-ii me coin iiiaiu. us ;ios- aim,v. Hon a to cabarets very cleir. ..,,...,... .-..tM's- ilesldes, whole a- saloonkeepor saw The new central rrerultnu.- station w 111 another m in In the business v-.ilatli-.g . "As to further meai s lo prot.ct agrl- , ,, 0l(l fl(im ,, ti f (l',.,, .'..-I .l.v the law Hat was no excuse for him to culture a new regulation has been pin-; ,,,, um , , . "' nlsn I, Hie l.iw- I Its re.ne.lv wi.s llllllfnitisl lllllllol U.lllg Ugl I.UlUral Stll- , .,.,,, ,... ., , .,",'. . . ' ."" n"uhl, .iKin.'ir.'VlS!. '? '"e a lemon.trance with the ,1erk of dents In ' 'V'IhIwIT' 're-' V" ""V "", "' '"' Hie old I MM I'llUI I iinil MiHt 111" tlUHT JHJII'I nii-JH-n ' , il L'l lll-l I ItlJ.ird UUrlpf- tll.i I., r ..i.wi iu..,,i ,.r .i.ii.nr.L,. ii.au. ..,.. twn inri. of tlio .luartfrniaHffr 1'-I n,.. .. rt ' ri'iri i, inrniiii n iiii.uh cw nn - inini -.- --.i- - - - - mi mh will take a chance. Ih-rebv Jeopardlsliig partment provided tneir c.ass siaiinuih their license, a ..t.i.... ,:.. .. -...-.""" e, niiiiiiai-i t.-iss ... IP' ne Kiiooriiooii in ...iiKazine ilio im,;, i7i i, V '"V "M'Ml'io'l that n.ne and Penrose Ferry road, to stop "lie v is l.i l'r"K,n from a pen audi their cms when they reach Hut Intcr- stie was utile In rii'M.i- put sixteen section rn b,nels of rider were also found ' missing by tie phvili'lnn and n iiiii,. I j dil.ctlv. vvork disclosed ivv..,.,KH and SUXDAY SCHOOfi HKAD DIKS V.':,"n ',','"; ,'o '1'1''' '," "", llo,no of an Itillan lesldlng a short distance l'tom ,. . , ,. ..- tr.-..- , nr the farm The m.yi declared be bad Benjamin Collins Tllllllfrhutst Was ... ii n.iseii ...e iiropcity from Mrs. Me." n : . t. ,!.!. n. i M.,l,n ,er nn-... C..l I , 1 luilllliuill, lluuutl uuvuo .'uoim... :am m ff m 1.- Id. .Hi i tan, 2 4.; Vermont. 1R6; WashlngtorW jrn.1 (!38; West Virginia. 514: Wisconsin Sji 2214; Wyoming, 134: Massachusetts!;;! ri 2lifi!i; Alabama. 2034: Florida. S0i-B 1 Heorgl-i. 5925; Kentucky, 1C51 ; Loulx-I itinti nr. 7i MiiKiiva tmi totn v.b4Ii' Carolina, 5174; South Carolina. 341 V aJ TentieHsee, 2753; Virginia, 2178. B iSi u v.r.a 8 51 t -M. ra REGISTRATION TIME FOR FOREIGN TRADERS! c i1 M Those Without Certificates by Man 18 Cannot Continue Transac tions Named in Order iV'jVfl ;,.m I 1-1, n 1.'am. n...... .. I.nnl. T....... I 1 . -. lenj.imln Collins Tllllnghnst, one ... , debdila Is advised that bankers, tner. p- ft"l ko'mh mercnaiHK in cnanis, manuincturerH, exporters ant the oldest rubber Phi adelnli a. for yea. a Sunday school of the Frankfort! Hat liiurch. died inrly today n bis home, 232 Wlsler street. Hetniantown. He was US ears old. Ills widow and one sou. Albeit W. TillliiKhast. survive hltn. For many years .Vr Tllllngbast ilon diictnl his business nt 23ii Markit street and be was active until sK weeks iiro, when he suffeted an attacK of heart dis ease. He was a member of the Ninth llliU Country Club. head or the I Importers, and all otl.ers carrying ac (ford llaptlst , counts with c-r for foreign correspon fiom this clt.v and (he companies, of nifnutry. liod keys, western, lid so far as I am con ' Is such as to place them In the upper f.T-OIif.,,. ...... . ,,,,..., ,",,.,. lot heieafter accept this . third of their Cass, lly Ibis menus It , ItLUItttl. VOX I.. Mh hit BUBIKI) fair to Bo,l. 323ilc Turkey.: old loin, i excuse." will In. possioie ... .. i.-i ... .. ,".",. ... 7" 3lr;ir.e: do. common. Sao. Hucks. ueitern. .H,,,. siioeinaker added that he did ' of such oung men In order tn cnatile bcnator I.oilge and Navy Ofllcillla lit ?m?wLl'" "t "" why rules had not been token them to perfect themselves as agricul- Fttner-.l JK'w'e.tern; is027o.- S' .uaher "dJizJn- ' to revoke he licenses of su.l. places ' turallsts and thereafter to protect them J Unual ents. either In account current cf cu f, S rltles. who have not made nppllcatioi "'4i for registration certificates by March It 1 n'tta as reiiu.reu l.v executive order by this Pre.'.llU'f.t. Will Iia iirr.,.t).,i-a An. Mnnfi Hniilng transactions covered by the ors 5tj ,UT.: .. ,6 -i I lie s.uieiiieiiL .OIICWS t. J-'l .U,n tn .1,.. .ll.lln,,!,.. I.. n.t.l-l-.!l lA-fm satisfactory and exten.fed publicity tint V'VtM Federal ltei.erve Hoard has authorlieif ' P'fM the Federal Iteserve bankc to continue Tfc 1H to take nimllcatlons for rrrl-.trn.in r . 1 certificates beyond the dato orllflnall'f' ',yl "t. but II Is now felt that surVlelen' '.tfj jti.r v.,.ii,..e street .is 1,1-nisoil on in,, lime litis elapsed ti. eiiiilile n I concern.! . iVJ a. ms and legs Ibis' nftenio.oi Ii , '' familiarize themselves with the 'tV 1J slipped fro... a pip- at Hi- Torcisdale , r"1?". " " ,' ",n Ja,i' n,n n0c "l JEC flltritlon i.i.i... The iml-i was clean- ,l,r,'b.v. BlvPn ,,lut. P "r!l'n exchanjV3 Mllltt I It'll l'l. ii.. i in nil) i '"in t-itiin niiariMiinu nnviril lit' 1ta avami . '.l ,r lug u pipe when the accident iiiiiii.i'iil , (1't,r , (e ,.arrler on after Marc is imiiries were rtiiini iii .ne 1ills, unless a registration certltlea ri, in. .im.. i.urj,,..., ...ii, ,,..- ,1.,- ,,,,.i;i. snail nave necn appuea to go home that date." Laborer Hurl at Torre-dale Plant O. W. Mitel, tlilrt -two years old, of Whit,, wluhlnc 11 tn 1'J IS, iiei ilnen. $7..".04u7.7ri, ilo, do, tllo IPs per .U.en. .. 7-,'(7.2S do, do. 8 lbs. per dozen VofJ c.CO; do. ilo. 7 ll.s. per .Inen. I. :,:; do, do. '.'aii'j U.S. per iliilell, J3W3.I5;, i-.,1 . ,,ne leslllt ri nr.- ,,n,.ii n,. v.. -. ?-...!' lean to one itsuu. FRKSII FRUITS when miihli wjim furnlthf nnd nun J In biich mtiV r... Il 1.1 IX. UU..tll Itlllt lllflV lin it uny rum linn m .. . ,t ... ....... i iiiiiiiii. .i:ii-iiii l 111..1 . ... .iml uuinen permlttr.l to U.irc-- pn.mlscu-, sluml.J perform In tnc iwn nurirj-in i ( j-attn.n) ,,r!riaiH, VoJii ,.f VL f.!L!?l iijsly. Thit hort of tiling nml.l only ; tlio nation. , k. rve of Cpoiki von il Mrvm- VfVnw.r Die wholv Influstrlal ami acricumirai ( mnih.im of t!n Xuy who ,io,l :ii,)r- Urin nni wtttt uiily jtifMl i. If. Lilt v.ilii'1" 1 fftMTTU.ll w r wi'll n'ittalnnl tit i i hole" uto k. (Juotntli-ri1: Apple p-r Mil. Nine. I !. W'itiiH.tp 14'miI. NnrthTii Sp. I'H. HuM..t.r.lMiH.. $: Will '. t.i iiu. I!l.:'.tf JJ.ll'lvAln fAJMV 7t r.u. Ke.tn- llciiljl I ti 'j .stitvtn.iii Win jhj t I .. I . r- ii t f ',1 . t, '. i 1 1 ii ; .use that the law was not definite, nn i there had been rulings that It was not j ! unlawful to furnish Instrumental music., Judg" vVevsel ri piled that be under-' ! stood this statement was based on oner 1 decision In' which a very liberal view I I had been taken, but the act of 1S7 pro-i I videil that no liquor should be sold or, I furnished in any theatre or place of iainusiinetil, and the question therefore ! depended ml what the law meant by uny .other place of amusement. Whlln It, , had been held In one Instance that In strumental music was permissible, thin court would be lliellll.-il in uilinw prei.- -,-l'ushel client, although his own view was to the X. S.'t'i! . ..n.ilmri' , hiiianHS, per Imnri, 2iii:i.r.ii;'i,rniiiies 1 i.ir. jiBi. S ii.emaki r seemed to coticur. Ida, Ptr box. at7... ornnuei I'alltiiriil.i. """'' , , ' t ...i,. ..ln.i . ,.e,. ler l.ov J.lii i!. lunKerlnes. Florida. pr and lie aiked Mr. Ladner what he pro 1 strap. .1i7; Kmpefiiilt li.irld.i. ir box. .p.sed to do. The law-j er at once replied ls:lr::7.v'!ne';!,1;'r."rr,e'.'.r,Je;s'.'v. .TV .KfcltH.it th .-almret feature would bo cut .i..iiii ij; ramn-rri h, jtrnfy. itr i-m . ii.ih out anil im imifu'. fiimuiK " '''niiih Attotnoy T.a.Iner nvinn nimli tlio o-, Mttmllon Is Iioinp mbjtrtt d In very com .i i,.i.. .. ,.u ,.e ,i,nnin .... I . . ... ... i. ... .tic. . a. ..i wi;',,"1,'5 ." .'ii ''""" '"'e.ln.l ,vas thronged I with tela ls and trlernl'. A dntiU of bluelacUets from lit,, navv j,,,-,! were ! the active i.til Immers. Tl,.. .,., 111.11: llli.ik Tnls. I ,. I'nilio t.'l'n I ... ! Yjrk Imp'-iliil. 1.1.2541 I 75. Hen Imvl-. ;it. ) 25. lipple., Westell), p. r 1"X - VVI.I.Sip i i J I. .15 113: Winter IPilinli... l.75t2.5n. Spllr. I I enlnirir II.7.-.4I.' s."., Itnnie ll-nl.n I'JIi 2 :., llellrluus. I2.5l.il I. Kilns, 1 HHI 2.50. Hit e. $ .MIS. 2.50, Sllivni..!. VVIneM.ip, l 50 if ' 2.50. I'.-iinutlln. 41 753. Newlnwll I'lppln. i l -5'u 2 Ml. York Imperial 1.5n'n2. H..I.I win. 11505.2. Ill.nk Twin. l. 5I.I 2 25. I Hhiio, )1..Mir2, itpples. nenrby. per.h unper, 1 .i.li-fl I I ..,. I. H.il..'-. I ei.r.iv iipr -i L.iNket 25el S1.25; leinnns. n r l.nx iirelnnslvo study In order lo discover any means that may be taken to protect nnd augment Hie labor supply uppuiieii- i ....in,,..,, vril rti..mr,i . mil t. . Inili.strv and agriculture witiinui ,, .,,,. t.Iirj. ,-.,! , !,,,(.,, ,, , precluding III.' p.ninpl nml orderly prog- dent Lowell. ,,f Hnrvi.ed: Fran. Is I less of our inliltarv l.lans. II Is conlldenl- lllcglnson and Hear Admiral Leigh s Iv believed Hi.il great pinsrcss can be 'I aimer chief of Hie Hureau nf Nnvma .iii.de along Ibis linn and thai more cf- '""',,"'"" '"' '-' Admiral Spencer fectlve ni-asiires than nny yet dev Ised 1 1;,,..'""1' "I""'''""' " N.t Ix-Pail-can be pill Into operallon lo uttnlti the I desired end. FIIOM I.N'DCSTIIIAL HANKS "It must be emphasized that this is a war of mechanics. The toed of the several annul forces for men highly skilled In technical and mechanical pur suits Is greater than In any former war. Vet this need for specially skilled men finds tho nation under tho neces sity for Increasing lis production In al most every line or industry. v uuuraw l)KY.'0Xi: BILL IS PASSKI) J, "draw berries. Florida, per quart. -5'U' ' ,lt, miUed In McNanmra's place If lilt, j ns f ,lien from Industr.v must VKCKTMll K'? I license was renewed. The court. Willi-!10 made and these withdrawals must . iiaii.iain,i.a i M nw reassurance, said It would con- UiiP u,n who might otherwise be de- i Tim (,-enernt nisrket was nub t nml ban ly . aider tho matter. , feired nn account i !sey'."per '.'",.uM.,.Ui,.!!kt . S?l M..!-No.'"l. 1111' llearliiKs on othfr len.onst ranees will , Ideations and skill. Texas Legislature Prohibits Liquor Sales Within Ten Miles of Cump Austin, ie March 12. The lower house of the Texas Legislature has adopted the conference committee report on thn bill piohlbltlng the sale of liquor' within ten miles of a military Camp nn shipyards. The Senato had amended tho ' bill tn make It become effectlvo April 15. The bill now goes to the (lovernur. v ... l , m ' U - CS I jr Vl t'K'a i$m v line, Nu. i;, L'.Mt a.V; uliflc pittatuH, p.-r tno iMH. ivnnteyiVHpiH, 91 41111 711; i-w vorh, $l,40SH.iHi: wewlorn. $i;i M l.tto ! pn Inloi'. Jerney. pr fci-hu)i. 1M . IJ:t Un. Xo. 1, ll.iritfl.n.": Nn. 1. "ti""."i( v. putatiit. Jeriv, pt-r li'impT -Nn I. !.riO ftm": No. ". 1'fit l.j."i. ijirv. N w Vork. Pr buncli, iif."Mi; ilo, Klorltln. p-r rraii', 7.V4i J J.pttu' Florid i. pfr ti.tiiipiT, t 1t?'J: iS". I'nllfornl.i li'i'lu-ru. per rrat t,'J'tH" r.iulinowtr, f'allfnrnl 1, p. r rte. "f)r$i" J 1. ". HruMticlM Sprout n, I.oiik Iwl.inil. hit nt . ISflSno. KKiv'pUiitH. llorlU, por Pox. futri; eio, futnii. wr 1'i'x. 4 y 3 i'u rumbefH. i"lorl1.i. per liumptr. $3Si.V r(UilHiifB, runt-la, !- tui'i .im n t I Hiilnnrh. Norfnlk, per Mil.. 12. noun. tin. I Texait. PT r.sKi.. i.;"..h...ii fnlk. Dei- LM IH1 .Ml lieu npp h.iliuier. I-fl I. HoflH. 1'Ior .(. PJ rratp. $1.r''6iL. do, pr loo tunrhe, iif Vchb. FIorlJH. pr liamper. I-'U'I: rto. I'al Ifornla. per ilrum. IOWk. IVppern, Klnrhln. periralv. 4 do. Ouliati. per box, tMCTt, TonmtoeH, KIorMa. pt crate. J3W'l.r.U; il.i, Cuban, lr crate. ItUil Turulps, Cnnmllnn rututiairutf, loa llm., $l..itiri'. Cabbacn, l)iintnh. ttf"i, pi-r lun. tiuUltoi lo. FlorUla. nw, per tkt.. ti& "H, Onion. New York Htwl watcrn, it l(M)-lb. bac So. 1. flti? 1 25; No, 'J, 3Ul75c. .Muahrooins, per lb,, 1m Jieartl tomoiinw. Nint'lecn Hurt When Car Upsets ih:atiih Closing Livestock Prices - Chlrtiifa, Marrh 1-'. HOOK llecelpt. 45,iH0 head: tomorrow. MMMHI ht-ail. I.Uht. Kteutlv: otbern loo beluw iculfrdav'B averae. Hulk! MiinoniT.S.'Vi Ufiht. tl70irlf mixoil, llu laveif.on; iieuv, ...i. ...u-..i.n..; iuukii, 1.V7oi!tl5.l3; sood to ihulco heavy. I1U.4,. I "'ATTI.E Ilecelpts, 15,000 bead. Steady I to Mn.ni 114. ,.,,.,,.., u..... J10.10. l.amb., lis. Smith Omslnl. .Marrh IS. IIpOH lie clnts 1R.I1U0 head, l'tvs to KM lower, CATTI.B ntcelpta, 7000 head. Steady. riilKKl' Hel.t, 17,000 bead. Ten jo 15o hlaher. Kanaa 'ly. March 12. CATTI.G lie- celnt". 111100 head. Market Heady. IIOIIS Iteceliiti. VOOU head, Market ' s'l'l&KP Itecelpta. 0000 head. Market SOo hliiher. . NEW YORK UUTTEU AND EGGS ' New York. Slareh 12. HUTTKH He. rrfpti, 7HH tuba. Market uncettled, Uo- Chf"lOS Hecelpta. 17,861 eaae.. Market firm Kxtras. Hllo: eilra flrata, 38ti e, flrata. 36c7 5nla.-S0W1T'l wMt. 4540oi brown. 3040ci mUed. 8803l)c. London Bank Beudjr for Business Vew York. Sfarch, 12,-s.The Ixmdan City and Midland Hank announced that It la iiow In a position to handle trans- owoRft "yiiiy -Vi"L""r2.,i'f.'., w-72 Wi:ilKll. -Vlnr.li tl. lillHSTIAN VYHIIIIIt. son nf li.te .Ienli t.n.1 .VtHrsHreltin Weber, llet.iltves and friends, also nieinhers .f Perk ins !..!. N" 402. I". & A M ; Sprlinx llar ileil 1'ouinll. Nn. IK. .1 Ii. of A M . also inenili.-rs of Hernnn Kefnriiii'l .Ion iiiiir.li, Imlt.-il tn lunersl. Wed . 2 P PI , Kill N Kill si. int. M(- V'ernon IVtll. Kein .Ii.m liiav I.' viewed Tnes. eve M.-.- V1.I.IOS Mar.il 1.1. ..1 H.-tlll.nnr.-. "kite Nnr-i Mil VVil.t.lAM. son of David nnd late Uliz n 1-ior'l.l.i sli.V'1 Slel'alllon ltelatlves nnd filemls In- viien ... IUI.-.-.i ,,,., , ... ... ....... re.lil.ii.-e. 514 Vine st. Int Ml. Marfan IV.n Vtlto flllleri.1. 1IK1.II Marel. II I'Al'I.IN'i: D dnuah ter of Anna F. ami bite John Itelli. It. t. tlves and friends Invited to funeral servl, ea Thura , It Hi., nt Hie i linnet nf Andrew J Il.ilr ft e.in. ..nu ..in. ..'.., -o- .ii. private. Itemalna may bo vlewtd wed VVVHNIIU. M.iriil 12. nt re.ldenei' ( .on Samuel ' VVnirner Jr.. VVnnevvni'il. Pa SAMl't'-l. r. VVAUNKIt. Sr . need 7." Heiiltlv.s and frlel.da Invited to servlivs srl 3 P la-, realdenee ef ibnmhter. Mrs 11 II fiagilj. Newvllle. 1'n. Int private Sit Newvllle. Tr...ln leave llroad SI. Slu. "'V.Arnf.IliiAI.K, Mnrel, 12. nt Klltn .'ke.ir'.t t. IIOWAIH) P.. husband nf r.inn V I.au.lerdale. Hetatlvea and friends !:.'!.n.a..V', ...r.tirs. Thura. h p n, Oliver II '.Hair 1IW-- s- t-'he.tnut at Int. l"r.llllY. Mnl. It. nev. CLAHBNTK It hiLL-ind nf Jlsnnila J'.erry ana pastor or n-ur.n-ri.ilUe H'a.l .vieinoil.ai l-:p.seonHl 1aniierav.nl' '- ., ,,, v. ,. ....,., (n. lltn", Pr J ..."m,"IM.oa., ai'cuunt of tlulr Hpcelal quul ....l .1.111 n't... .wv.k.lou .- imtii- l llKlttJOllJ illHI llHI. 1 ITT' llll!.-.'(ll,l IIM.lt- I t - . . r i. . l,llt,..l ..Ml I... ..I.e. i !.... I mw,. Ilrle, l'a Match 12-A city street cirj In one of tlir.t vvajs. ,uill ,,. ,ml lwellty asseiu:ers "l-irsl Men already In the mlll'iilv .,m,,rd turned over today In rounding I service who liuve such special skill will ., hi.ip turn on a hill. Nineteen were In-! I bo taken from Hie line regiments and I Jured. KplacopalVhurcli; VVoudlvn. N J, Int. prl ! llirlelKli I'm. Friends may ohII Thnra eve at re.l'Ienee of fat ler-ln-blw Tinira. ;".. ',,, ..aH.. ... v-,.,.aiv,. .Inhll A. I'Hrruw . -"-, - N...J, .VP',7" Wt ,' piT-vis7rfVs-iniiT MciVaNIJ. wl.iow of Allen Mcl.aue. Int il"JHmorel!il. . 1 1 KM' WAXTKIV l'KMAI.K GIIH lleHned youns Blrl to a.alat mother I with care of tr. mo., jtlrl. 4-yar.olil boy; ref renulre.l. i-nnne .., ,,... i... COoklNH ANI HOVV.NSTAIItS VVOilK. ep. ileriiian rreferrt: sood vvaitea; adulta, l una .-i. i-.i. ... . , , , , 1IKLI' VVANTKH MAI.K I.INEMKN Experienced men wanted , for work In our yard. Apply 0:30 a, m. to 4 r. m., Atlantic Ueflnlna- Co., Employment bept.. Atlantlo Uate. 3141 l'aaiyunk ave. rABM AND OAKDEN Maule Seed Book Free ITtl pa.f a of valuable, aarrt.nln nnd . .f valuabla sard. SilllM TXTTrkijI fl ilfai : 1 Ij WSSSy NationalBank'V'l j Z. Wy Third and Arch Streets VOjF p ' jSS75 A Commercial Convenience sl, InSv ""' "- in a Commercial Community """ s Ktateiiwnt of March 4. 1U1S. j Iitrsot itn:s i !.iaiiii.ith:s ' ,,ffl7r."rii,S:IB,,n,.v.-,l!:5ill:8a:iS W i..-w $S00'000'00 ' I'u. ion e?"' I ialil'lllV Ve: """u' ,oi.nt 07.317.47 1117.010.37 V '"count ot 'Arrept. (irrulallo.l .. , 4110,001.31) ' .?..' rteeuted by Areepliilnea Kvecu t e d 5 . I $ fil-llaiik 3J.0D0.77 4 S r..V . ,. a ue.Vr.o 1.108.5113.40 tl'.lls la able with 1.1. ., ....... , erui ueirrve HiiiiK suo.uoo.uu , . S 13.ntl. 080.15 mils Iteill.rounteU with t ' .. .w,vv.. t-.,i-.i it...... ii.r.1. inn .nl .1 r foreign Hill, uf Ki. V. eliansff aold with lin I dor.ement ef thla Hank 13.000.00 ? Har loan Ilcpo.lt...... 667,000.00 . -J llcpwlt. 10.100,31)0,61 :v I I I I13.770.e.13 I I I tll'llCKItSl J. H. McCULI.OCH, 'reaf.lent 1 I TIIEOPOtlE II. CONDEHSIAN IXIUIS N, BPIELDEnaEU '"""'vice.i'reatQ'eni I'lce-lTealdent and Caihler . SAMUEt, CAMl'nKLI.. Aitt. CaiMer. O. 8TUAHT VVIHTE. -Inf. CaMr. , ,, MauKu " jfjiEDEIUCK KAHH.AMn, Audtanl Cathitr $ J & UinECTOHS'l VV. It, CAIll'ENTEll, Cfcolnnon o the Board , W Iinatlua J, Uohau Henry V. Mltchelllaiula N. Mplalbers.r amuel E. I.andl. I Aaraii Uana H. H, Marvlni Win, McAdoo. Jr. Win. p. Oelbermann.. J H Ttwo. II- Cond.rman J. 8. McCulloeh Nathan-T. Kolwell Jonathan Jenk. H H.lloracJT. PetU John C. Martin .-unr-lI..Brlon, r Jr, ChiHia . Clark ', jtnrr CjJesrrrfrmmj r jrr? n l jd ii r .Ji'ilis namcoais mm miDoer uooasi HALF OFF Till U poillliely nur limt rlimire tn nhare In tliefe remrUbIe bar t Jl Rnliit. With the coiii-laiil Inireiiwe of prlre In HHln coat's nml rubber jtooda f TiJ the nf man nr ivointtu itlll Knap up tliene barfralni even ttinurli jou mayv lie la no immrilhile need of ther rooiU It utll pay you uell to buy liow In iiiiother ueek tfili iiierilmndUe Ull be three llmeN this present price. ? THESE PRICES GOOD UNTIL SATURDAY, 8 P, M. Men's and Women's Raincoats Styles of every description nnd color. Imported and domestic materials. Trench and plain models. $ 10 Now ... $ 5.00 $ 15 Now ... $ 7.50 $20 Now . . . $10.00 $25 Now . . . $12.50 $30 Now . . . $15.00 Boys' and Girls' Raincoats $ 4 Now . . . $2.00 $10 Now . . . $5.00 Children's Storm Boots, $1.50 Boys' Hip Boots, $3.1 WATERPROOF MONEY BELTS.... RED RUUUER GLOVES HOT-WATER ROT- 7C TLES, $1.00, NOW OC 20c 25c 8( RUBBER KITCHEN APRONS. $1-50 VALUE ICE BAGS, CI $1.00 VALUE 0 GOODYEAR C 1 . f I Vfl !H AIR PILLOWS... Men's Dlack Rubber Coats and Oil Clothing at Special Boots and Arctics at Regular Prices a 820, Chestnut 'Uf it't rubber, w have il.' '"'y,-'yy?tR"r.''-!i!v':i'Lrs.T'. .n.oriuai.vu, pwasasi .y . WfflHBBraBBw,i'M, ijLv -T S-luhifaj aia v IWiv WarTa