Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 08, 1918, Final, Page 5, Image 5

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    "' ", 'IWrfrWIfy v k-!s!'W5
.' .-y!v"- "V "-,' .?', . ..TSfl
W Rail Control and Finance Cor-
poration Bills to Be
ML i . .
i,aw ooon
Other Chances Mndc in naUroud Ac
ns Drawn up uy Administration
, WAHHtNUTO.V, Mnrt.li 8.
tim Th0 biff, uUI war mcamrcB iiic w.ir
finjnee corporation bill, p.ihfciI l.y.llm
fis.nato "It" ""'' llrce iHxwHiiR. '"1
filie rallroaJ control bill, wem cluro to
KWl processes In (."uiibicwi today.
VB The control umi imiimnn; i,-.uit.
HMwforc Iho Uom Mill Senate. n.itlllca-
Pilon of tlio iiRrcemrnl ruitlicil by con-
5 Sunt l lm,rk ",0 ,i,st Klr." l'."1.'!1"'
&u HilnC Wrcclor tienrr.il MfAilmt
Y?Z-.j .,, to contiul tlio rountrj a
fiMportiitli.il hMei.iH iltirliiR the tv.ir.
Vh. last step. I'rwltlent WIUon'H t-lKtia-
.... I. r-xnpcicu iimuivuiwu.
fWAtlho name tlmo House len.lers will
HXy for oulck action on Hie wulrrnn
slVY l0T. .q. i, II, n r.illron.l
'Si hv dtlnB Got eminent em.otirn'ge
"ment to deielopm.nl ot Inland ater-
!?,, fo tliat fuller usn ran be imtdo of
fh'm In conntLtlon ultli Hie national
from innferenco from com
njltta the railroad l.lll proi Ides:
fi n.(e Initiation bv tlio frealdent,
I hXit to retleiv by tlio lntf rstiite
4 rommirce ("i mlrin, xtlth the tm
8 JfrliSlnR that Hie rominlMon ki I
;: K guided lately by mo ricwocmn
fc-rfflHf .K-ermnenta. con-
A ml tttonty-o no montiii, ; "," ":
XrtuVloii of nery small Imlepenil
$. ..! neomPe"U?io lallioafl In tlic couu-
Rutlroai! Tio-Up Has Injured Their
nusincss, Committee Will Tell
Hull Chief McAdoo I
TltllNTO.V. Mnrcli 8 Delays In trans
portation li.n.e caued Mich ferlons Ins-!
mid einbarraF'incnt to oyster alilpperi ot
tlto .Maurice ltlier .district Hint tlic
State Hoard of Shell l-'lshcrle ha ap
pointed u committer, consisting of
Vliarles A. Coicrt, Joseph M Kotttr
and lieorce A. Molt, to confer ivltlt 111.
rector Jlt'Ailno and l'ood Administrator
TJio coio beds were completely frezen I hi
lor more tnau retell mccKh, durliiK which
not a dollar's worth of oysters was
shipped. Since the broaUInt; of the Ico
thieo ei'ls nRo shipments iere re
sumed, but the planters were then con
fronted ultlf the tlcup on the railroads.
They are not permitted to ship to Htiy
olio destination In , les? than cjrliad
lots, bo that dealers In xniall communi
ties arc unable to obtain the few bur
reH wcel.ly required for their bushu'i
Kieti In c.irlo.id luts delays liavcVeer
A shipper at Illintie reported that
lie had loi Jluan in three ucohs and
could not continue business unless relict
imim itsruied i In another case n ship,
inent between C! I.isiilmrn and Woodbury.
u distance of cleien miles, wan held up
four days lllun more serious delays
liavo been encountered In shipments to
Senate to Act Promptly on Bill fdr Sale of Enemy Soldiers Told by oniccra They
Prnnortv finrnmn Allinnw! WiU Hc 'i'rcatcil Brutally
Doomed to Go if Ca&w
WASIIIMlTliN.-M.irch 8 of ileriuali-ou ncd Imlu-tibs and con
fonsress, with (ln Administration-? icrns, legltlmntc American enterprise
backlnB, aimed today lo destro tlerman I ('an Tap 't wartlmo Kalus, Smatois
Kultur forcier In America. It was ready ' l'olnt out.
to strike a death blow nt 1'russlan Inllu- ' ' Senate was rncteil tu iiRr.c to
&'? In Go crni ni II control
& '"Awroprlatlon of ?r.no,noo.oOft HS
W, .?,.'" f,iii for new equipment
? anil necessary flnanclm.'.
K Pavment to the r.tllroacH of a re
j illueil on the aerai?e net opet
B lntaSmo"f 1915. .1310 atld 917. ...
t1 InclUMon
brnall rallMKiuH, tim
v' .. ..iiA.. nf tlif mmmpiiiiai i''""""
'i iimiiitii"" ' -
a- ..,i. nif Iltlfl p. IPC L' lUllll.t-
ti fllfr rail innn --. .,
i tlon of tlic period of control w.n tlio
?!..". i.j.iL-Pu f.iiii!rpn made In
ihrAdnilnlbtriitlon bill. Ah orlBln.illy
dran Hie measure khio me i res, . t
i . ... ....!. 1-iIpm. nvchlilro l: II-
delphla ami other points.
comiiieicl.il. Iuilustil.il. fliKim Ul.
political and social, In tlio fulled States.
"Itlp It out by the toots." was the slogan.
Senator!, and ConKiesineii were deter
mined to Rlio It no t hatice to rise uB.tln
after the war
Ah thn flist step In this drastic pro
Br.im tlio Administration foices sub
niltted to the Senate the incisure sub-
Bested by A. Mitchell t'.iliner, custodian I
of i nenty property, rIiIiib the 1'rcslib-nl
power to sell all ileiiniin property In '
the I'nliril Stntes Tlio tuoperty would
L'e concerted Into Mbeity llomls and
used to buy shot and shell to be rent
in I'oss the western front tit Us piesvnt
i let man muicis.
Former Mayor of New York Said
to He One of Most Apt Pupils
at Camp
lieriiuiti-nw ncr IihIiMiIph liiuulnE up
In lalue far Into the hundred nf mil
lions of dollais. ir.uh Into lrlu.illy
eicry State 111 the I nloii Some of them
an- niaklni; littuh war iirnllN for their
I litrnian stockholders tod.il The t'nlted
I Stales, actliiR as custodian of tlieso In
dustries, Is banking enormous earnings,
to be turned ohm to (ieimaii Interests
after the war f anj war roiits are
to be made, ConBress wants Americans
to make them III nuthnrlzliiB the sale
, the measure promptly. It was the In-
tentloii of lenders to brliiB It up today
In tlio form of an auiHuttiiciit to the
pending lillllon-dollar ureni dellclency
I bill. I'uless somo Senator should im
pNpCitedly make a point of order against
tlio amendment, Its adoption today was
I Mitually assured.
I The other aspects of ileiiu.iu luihipncc
political unu soel.il are to be taken
cure of III sep.iialc legislation 'I he
Sennto Jmllclary Subcommittee, In .olcd
by Senator KIliB. of 1'tTih, li,iH about
decided In rpcommend, wIUhiiu tlic
slightest Inodlllcatloii, the King bill to
break up tlio tlerniaii-Aniertcan Alliance
and recde Its IVderal ohartei i
llegardhss of whcthei tin ihjrgcs
HEicllisl the Alliance nic well r.iiinilcj, l
numbers of the subcoimullti weie of I
the opinion tliat h.iphcuatpil tiganl.i
tlons, especially ofe (Jeini.iii leanings,!
were no lotiBcr eutltleit to i v. tn tlio
t'ulteil States and should be Imiiieillately
dlssolied Ulllelals of tin- Alliance are
still waiting to Kilo fin lint listliimuy
lu defenso of the ol gatilKiitlon s light
to eMst and the topiinlttee will tindoubl
edlv hear tlieiu befotc It make its u-port.
Lieutenant Candy, Already Deco
rated for Hravcry, Hrinps in
Prisoner at Risk of Life
AltMV l.V
Viscount Bryec Assures
of Sanction of Meet
ing Here
Tuft I
if nole power to
. roua !.. --.--,.,. .... :r,..,i r
3 itlwctor general aii.i o-n ii i-'"- -
in.iUe lates.
i. ,.,.( kiiei I leal V luciuueu .o.v inu
rederal contiol Indellnllc
8 -i,. ,,r nuance cornoiatiou bill,
conMdcrcrt s Important by the Adniluls
tratlon as the ralllo.nl bill, faces
trouble In the House. Strong opposition
to a number of Its proilslotis Is expect-.
it to delay Us final enactment loim-
"d- . ... ,,
It deieloped toda that In ainendliiK
the bill to in oxide for nomination by
iha President and confirmation b the
'T Senate of the members of a committee
that IS to superxise new- secoiuics lsmivh
V eoalltlon of Senators laid the fou-
datlon for a bitter fight on a w ell-know ji
; pinker who Is said lo be slated foi
membersli I) or llic innmilliri.
As tlio Senato passed It, tlio mil
limits the power of this cominlttio nxci
new Issues to buperxlsion and iccom
mendatlqus us to the wisdom ot floating
such Issues. Tlio conmilttee'rcconiincn-
j,i... .. , . ,.,., ... i. ..T i.
tO&lKJIII flu e.'evi(, in in, ii .1-3 iiiui.ii
-B&lal-t In . i. i.. , I tin. n.it.iflntl nf lien.
r. "HBiiV in jii v , vii.inj, iivi,i..,.j.i ... ,..v-
Kjless Issues us though the original pio-
tl voion line aim imprisonment. lor xioia
i1 flftn nf tlin enimiiit lfte' mdriH bnil
tttn left in tlic bill.
The measure uutliorUes the lending
'(?. of 1,500,000,000 to industries and oilier
M enterorlses engaged in work necchsarr
Sf to' tlie war
- -
First Contingent Y. M. C. A. Work
ers Will Prepare for Franco
Fni.yCKTON-. X J., Maieh s -Princeton
will bo the tialnliiB center of
the first contingent of 500 Young Men's
Christian Association xorkcrs xvho mn
soon to be sent to France, In response
to a request from Premier f'lcmericeaii.
to eerie7 with the Kicneh ann, It waa
here last night
The rrlnuelou faculty, partlcularlv
the French department, has x-olunteeied
Its eerxlces in the luMriietion of tlio
U 100 men wlio will lake charge of Iho
V 'Ttncn l. ji i- ,x nuts. It Is said that
' the number will Include m.itiv lenreseni.
Ji " citizens of the communities from
re, uiui uiey aie recrinirii
Japanese Mission on Way to U. S.
WASHI.VCTON, Jlarch 8 -A Jiipaneso
ttllltary and linluiitrlal ,.ils.on headed
lijr Lieutenant Oenor.il K Ciilku.dil In
ipected hero not WVdnesd.-i'. Tlio
-.omcers arc conilns l vtudy the nar-
F n- iiioDiiizaiion ot inuustiy In the
SAN" I)Ii;CO, C.il.. Marili 8.- SmaFh- I -.- , ,.-,-. -, , ,
st;:,?x!!,7or:,,,:n,,uxw,c1F0R A 'VICTORY PEACE
put in one "of tbo most thrilling Hours
of his career 111 a I'niiadlan I'urtlss
reconnaissance all plane beio lato jes
terdaj. In spile of a fortx-inlle-an-hour wind
that whipped across the axlatlon Held
from the southwest, tlio former Max or
of New York made sl perfect starts.
hrndlltiB the controls alone. In lauding
the llrst time, howexer, bo xx.ih com
pelled to tuiii the lontrols oxer to his
Ins'ruetor. laliniind Uruss.
Mntor Mltcliel and Kruss aseendeil to
an altltudo of i'.hou feet and remained
aloft for slty-llxe minutes t'p there
u llRlit soiithwesterl.x xilml was binning.
accompanied b' a light rain, whli'.i later
Ineiensed to heaxx showers 'Iho niaj.r
hud the time of his life cutting llguie
M at this nil it uric. The plane rocked
(onslderablv in the iie.ixy xxlud during
the last nh.i'c of the llight, liut he man
aged to keep i-ontrol.
"I will tin n Major Mitchel looso to
handle his ship nloiio after about tlxe
luoic bonis' Instruction." said ICruss
after the llight. "Ills chief fault now !
NKW YDIIK. Match S -Viscount'
Jlrjce, ex-Ill Itlsh ambassador to the
fulled Slates, hi a letler leiviied hereby !
U'illlnm II. Trfft. ppresseil approxal of
tile "ln-thiiiar-fnr-penn,iiietit-pc.irf"
national coiixentlon whlili is to be held I
In Philadelphia In Max under the aui- j
plees of the t,e,icnp to ihifon-e Peace, i
Ylncoiini. Urjei' proiul-d lo use his best
efforts to send n reiircentatixe of the i
Hrltlsh League ot Nations Soclet.x, of
which he Is a leader. .
"I reJoUe that jour le.-iBUe ip Inking l
such energetic action to gain the full
New Chief of Stall Demands
Speeding Up of Shipbuild
ing and War Work
America, must speed up her shipbuild
ing so that tlio American army abroad
can Brow and so It and the Allies can
be, supplied, and sho must put more
"pep" into her war wor...
Tills in f abstain. p is the dvtrlnp Chief
of Staff March lias laid down to other
war chiefs. Seeking lo Injirt snme of
his own "pep" Into preparations, he has
with Tin; amim-h-ax
ritA.Wi:, March $.
Herman soldleis nio 'being told by
their olllcpis that they will ,e u,rlucd
and pinbably killed If ..aptured bx- the
A.nei leans This was leiealed 'by a
Prussian prisoner who has just h.cu cap
tilled on the Ainiilciiti flout
'I'he w.iumhd HiriiMii was tarried
in by l.lelltili.illt .leiseph f.-inbi. of tvj
l.llls iiiemie nilengo, ,. r the men
dci.or.iled feu bnixery In Pk mler I'kni
euceaii on Sunday lam.
"I lieanl the liermau gmaniiig out
be.x und our barb.d wile, n, two of Us
xxciil out to lln, 1,1,,,," M,,i c,,l,y,
'riiPio was auolher tiermaii out there
who was tunning ami who showed light
1o Uriel on I, I, ii and he dreippul I got
the voiinded man m, mx boh and
il'iixxlcd b.n k tjnoiigh our eiil.iiigleiiieiitK
lie was a big, lie.n.x filkni, but I got
him In. all light "
Canbv was suiprlid when asked whx
he bud llk.d bis life In blllnr tlie tier.
man lulu the American tinuh
'Uli. hi iieided ptlsoneis," he ex
plained s i'.iiiIix talked In .,, wealing Ids
War frnss. Inn it was nuidestly hidden
undeineatl, his lalinoat
An aiitoniallo pistol of Spanish manu
facture was found on the capllxc,
An AnifiiiMii army ih.iplaln lalled
upon the prisoner in (he hospital and
talked Willi lilin Winn the eierman ic-
xealed the w.iinings that had hern I
serxrd upon lilin by bis nllle'cis, ho was
asked II he bellexcd such rubbish. The
Prussian was iinnplii-ed and mumbled
that ho did not know, lie was plainly
foal fill, I, owe xi r. for lie fnttlxely ejul
pxery oiip that entered the xinid xxlim
h xxas the sol. patient. It xas not a
i.ifo of solllai.x i onlliicmeiit as II b a
largo room loutalnliiK twclitj e'ols ami
an ordei ly Is iiIw.i.xn prpsent
Tlio prlsniier's xx'imifled Irg xx.is mi -pended
from a pullec appliance In pet
uiit tlie xeoiiud to ili.iin ileiiulx and
! In xvas ticatcd with ciety kludues-
flu Wednesila.x tin wi.ilhei xxa
austrUn army
sent to france,
reichstag told
15 o r n e Dispatch Rejiorts
Forces Shifted Violent Can
nonade on British Front
P.m.MIJ, March S
Austiiau tioops I, axe been sent to
Piiiuce, the piusslnli Mlulstrr of War
.lniiouncril In the Kelclistug, nccoidlng to
n illspdtili tecelicd from ltcnie to-el.ix-,
Tlio number of Austilati inililiei a
shifted was uo't irMaliul.
fciprinp; Wcatlicr KnockH Price From
IliKh Point'
SIONnoHVini.i:, N. J., Mured s.
Hens arc hi lug In South Jersey nt a
iHte tliat bhlti fair to bo of xal.io In till
ing the national food i.ude,. As : irsutt
of tlie Oox eminent ciub:i'g iigalii'l the
killing of hens and Ihe arrlinl of sprlnB
i like xx piiI her there h.is been a Rreat In
j cirnse In egg production and pi Ices tuni
I bled to thlrty-llxp ipiiIs a iIozpii, xxhole
I mile, In this reglrn this xxeek.
Koi the llrst time In m'in xee-eks con
sumers am paying less II, .in half n dol
lar a dozen for etnetly fresh egBS.
I.ONDU.N. Mar. b K
Mnstliaum l'lincral Next Sunday
'I'he funei.il of S V Mastbaum, the
lihotopl.iy prodiiiet. will be IipIiI at 10
M.'iloek Sunday morning from his honip,
I tl? siollth llroad slrpet Itabbl Klmaleh.
i p.itor of Mlkx-rli Israel Snagogtie, will
i iuiiiil(tixt 1,js mrx li-aci Intnrniniit 111 tut
Ileaxy jamiomidlrig was announced . (l j0,t ha Cemeter.x, Krankford,
b.x the Hiltl'h War Ulllio todn.x
In tlio Kibes. emit lector (in the xallcx
of tlio Scitpe lilierl u xlolent. elm I with '
big guns elcxelopid.
,'l'liptc xxas nl-o coiisbhrablo tiling on
the west Vlandirs front, l.etwei.i the
ptes-.Menlii lailway mid the llntith-
lllll t foll'Sl
itm.t, snt.n vnit
-., "Vi 1,1?
Uclawnro Colleco Gets lllcrh Vrk
From Urevder for Guernsey ; ,
NHWAltK, Uel. March 8. Tlio VtUit
Ainrix trollego PNperlmental farm hi
fold to a Pennsylxnnla breeder th note ,
r.uernsey bull Anton's; May 'King lo,x '
STiioo, a reenru pni'n in mis mihio. TH
farnijilso sold to the sanio purchaser 1
hnlf-slster of tbo noted bull, Moll
Iloso i) I)., ror J76U. Moiiy Hose o C
In a four-) ear-old Jielfer and xvlll fuf
tdsh a record on April 1, which xvil
. ..f. .1.1.. ..i.nll tA tinn ..n.l.i.li. Mf ...It,
ll llllllll l.i.l, kU,.'Vr r,JI,,l4(. U 111111 f"
and C4U Hounds of butter In a. year. . "
The Bin- of both of thsfl animals w'aj1',
mid bx- the collrKa farm two jenrs no''
for J 1000. A
. .)
Txxehe Picas for Pardons -ju J
HAIluisiiUHii. marcii , TivelvA.,
cases baxo been listed for the Board 6t'u L
Pardons, meeting hero on March 20ti'Ja
There Is only ono tlrst-degree murder,1 (' f?
case that of ,f. O. t'lirlsty. of Daunlll'2:,!?
I'AIHS. i,ikIi
llieie- was roinewlrit uiarki d ini
linn uitllleiy n.tlxltx in tlie ih.Ii.ii of
laipampelle and AxoU'int, tbo Win Of
lli. am niiieed tnilij A Tin Ion mm-pil-o
ati ink nt Mom el. was ie'Ul.-eil
with serious l"v. -, In , enemy and
ten prlsomis lln hilling one nllli 1 1, wen
.Inliu M. Unix cis, l.axxjer,
M1W UtIC, March s. J
P.owels, nlle of.ll.e fiirPllliiM
1 tlon la in cis nf Ne.e , k, dt. ,1 ,,i
xeioil,X J. jestrrdax-, ;if 1 1 i i
Illness: blollght nil. It Is said, In
tin M '
I IV I I-.
xx ml. Ill ciiniipe.tl hi xi I'l, the pet in, in nt
adxl-oiy bo.ud. to x hleh lie xv.i. ap
poltlle'd seipie lime ,gn ey I'lesldenl II
son, Mr. limn im was nit -eight Jc.irs
old. .
I " 1 '" W 1 two-thlrd actual tltk Jtffi&f?:"'' !'' ''iJlKM
fnnreal f',-fe
I pioym?nt ywB
ililllllHliaf v Si&xNmP
ff WRAPPER By,, n r .n run .r. ,,,.
Afsnv ahanea and alzes
loc atraigtit to i lor ix
'.'l " J
Y'-i ,
III lauding, but I think lie will tarred ' suppott of public opinion,'
this xxlth a temple more bonis' of In-
stt m tlon. Tlio major Is eine of tlie' best
i.pplls I cur had. He Is destined to
liviAitiic a cr.ukcrjack aiiuv corps (llcr.
legirttlug his own inability
to he
n shipping boaret, ami
'Iho contention's nblce t Is "to sustain 1 Vance .Mci'onulek, of tlie xxar trade
the determination nf our people to'flght I boaid, tlie need for speed and tbo full- i
until IiiissI.iii mlllturlMii hao licen de- est rnerBv,
feiited, contlrm opposition In u prema-1 Hlg Buns are a paramount need.
ture peace and focus attention upon the ' March Is understood to nrllete thai I
wanner and the mud began In tire litxn i
sousht to xlsuallzo Amerlean needs and Mm xeiy gie.it dPllght of all the mhlleis ,
nil leadeis as Chair- I There was a balmy touch ot spring ill'
tlie air.
wrote, I TO"Kt to xlsuallzo
e preb-l'0 Impiess upon sin
fiiuiii Hurley, of thn
IdiL'B.se.s Held to Do iMoio
Peace Than liO.OOO.UOO
only adxautaBo the American people are
hoping to sain from the xtar a per- '
influent peace guniantred by a league," I
of nations"
P.uMi;, IMi. Hi I by mall) Pi evident
Wilson's pen Is doing moio for the
cause of a Just anil lurpulsir peace than
20.fion.00ii mtorils. Vatican authorities
and the Holy Kathcr himself candldl
cNptuss this opinion
'I'he Piesidentt perlodlial addresses
lo humanity, and not the xeirs, arc le
gaided as Iho mile pnstn by xthlch hls
torv will lneasuie the xxar's length.
I.Ike countless other obperxers til"
Pope sees that the waning peoples need
politico light and guidance So Wilson's
"dcnieicratlc sermons to the xtorld"' ad
mittedly find a rympathetle and ap
plauding audience in the xxhltc-iobed
IlKUic of ttio Vatican
l''oielgn nuncios all make M,,'stantlal-ix-
the same it-port of th ""olv See
Piesldent Wilson "hi leallty not only
tbo popiil.n pulse, but touchei) tlio
popular he.ut."
Til" Pope, although a noble by birth,
appaientlx Is a "laxv and order t'atliollo
Socialist" In his own political phll
osoph.x. lie is tald t hate under prop
itiation a seiles of nc.xelleals and ad-ilies--es
on labor and social subjects for
publication lit the wai's end
Ills llolliipps Is still hopeful that arms
will be stacked befoie the summer's, end
lie ecs peace iiIichiIx alipiei.iehluB
Juli'b Charles Roux, Noted Writer i
as Well as Hhippinj: Expert
.i: VtiKIx. .M.iuli .. A cabin re
celxed here toda.x by eilllelllls of the
li'nnch I'lic annoiiiiicd Ihe deatli .ill
I'rance of Piesldent Jules t.Miui les Hou.
He xxas speiit-sexen .xcats old and had
been president e f 111" company sitico
It'll I.
M. Itotix xxas a writer as xxell as a
shipping expert, the best known of his
xxoiks being his "lllstoiy of the Sues
Canal fiom tlio T.'nio of Pli.traoh."
March Metropolitan Printed Article,
"Is Amerira Honest?"
these arp pxen moro xltal tnan men for
tlio moment Anel he has stiown Ihe
war xtorkers that luoro ships must In
hurried up to meet pressing supply proh.
It is axiomatic that with a limited
supply nf shipping only a certain num
ber of troops can be scut at ross and bo
kept supplied. At prrrent, supply prob
lems are ptpsslng, for with thn Allleel
superiority hi material diminishing. It
,KIV ortIC, March S The Match ucccrrory thai Iho mailable tou
liuuiber of the .Metropolllan Magazine ' uago be quickly Increased.
Is barred from tlie malls today. This , March, for tlio moment, la Bixlug nt
action xxas taken by tbo postotlleo an-' tentlon lo this phase. Ilo l trxiug to
thorltles because or mi nrtleln In llic i........ ,i. ,,-., ,.r ..,..i. .;.,
Mmch number by William Hard, pii- ! ,1"p.r1 '", "LV " ' ", ,, ' " ""' ,cl
titled "Is America HonestV" huslasm Tlio new- rhler Is nn especial-
This article pui ported to show differ-i 'V dyti.imlc for. p. and there are signs
ences between President Wilson's poll- that he Is stirring up things not alone
ties, ns stated b.x him. and tlio nation's hi his own department, but In other
actual course In ileallng xi Hit small l,at- hranches closclv allied.
lll-.xmericail countries e oionei lionsc- T,. .Ille., ar nolllrlv l.nt ,...,,
X'elt Is a leading contributor to the Mel
rojiolllan. 1'islt Wardens Meet Today
IIAIlItlSUl'ltR. Manh 8, Nathan P.
Duller, Statn I'ommisslonpr of l'lshcrles,
has summoned nil Stato fish xxardenn
for a ce.nferene'e bete today to ar
range for the spring xxork, xthlch Is to
bo undVrtakeii as soon as xxeather Is
faxorablc. Ileeause gf depletion of tlie
forco due to war some xxardens may bo
put on piopaga'lo" woik
ly pressing nun tioxernment for more
ships and their xlewa are leflected by
March, folonel House nnd others who
baxo had a full insldo liew of thp rltti.
March Is conxlneed that the Allied
American Hue In tho xxest cannot bet
broken, but he is Impressing upon Ids
co-workers the thought that iho Her
mans will last correspondingly longer If
big Buns, airplanes and other supplies,
along it Ith a sizeable army, ate dclajcd.
Didn't Know Constitution, but Haw
Two Sonn in At my
I'.ill lotlMii Is a much better test than I
.t knowledge of tho I'onstltutlon. when it '
comes to granting citizenship papers. In
the opinion of Judge , Thompson, xxlm
gianted flti.il papers lo Antonio Potento,
nn Italian laborer, "111.' Indiana avenue '
Potento lias txxii sons In the Anieiic.iii
army, but kiions little about the hlstorj
and laws ot tho country. '
"Wlix- ilo you want to become, a citi
zen'.'" he xxas arketl
Potento, xtho found difficulty In un
derstanding the Hngllsh language, mau-
uged to explain:
"I want to ne naturalized for my two'
boys xtho aio in tim iiimy" I
"Any man xtho has giten two sous
lo the, senlco eif this country Is at
tached to tlie ptinelples of America and
is entitled to citizenship." remarked I
Judgo Thompson.
Aims to Lift Munition Duty ,
WASHINGTON, March 8-kaw tu.i- !
lerlals, paits of equipment needed to I
hasten production of munitions or any ,
necessary xvar supplies, duty on width '
would bo pa table from appropriations j
for the support of thn army, xvfuld lie I
admitted duty free during tho xxar under
nn amendment lo tho urgent deficiency
appropriation bill to bo Intloduced by
Senator Martin, of Virginia, ehaiinian
of the Appropriations ronunlttip.
tflttm '
I j"tri ' ' '!"!!? 'V'IW I ' ' ii .Hint Ii nl nn ! mi iiaiaa hwiiii ' iiVimfl?ffTWTffTTTTT
, 1 1 ,1 1 Uli WHIM II III 1 ilj'ili'IlllltllJ 111 ill 111 ilium
not only
To visualize this fact, we ha,ve arranged for an
exhibition of products, for the prosecution of the
war, furnished the Government by some of our
This exhibition will be on display in our Banking
. rooms from March 11th to '16th inclusive, and will
include many articles of great diversity.
It will be well worth the time given by any serious
minded business man for its examination. ,
Further, it'will furnish a concrete example of how
the Government is spending the vast sums of
money you loan it when you purchase (
Much of this money is being spent .right here in
Philadelphia and is returning to our.trade channels.
You are cordially invited to attend.
First National Bank
.of Philadelphia
I . '315 Chestnut Street
"H. ,V-t:L:.ni a A M A D "M.
MavPson & DeMan
1115 Chestnut Street
(Opposite Keith's Thcalic)
This Removal Sale Brings the Time
When We Must Sell and
, You Can Buy Furs
at Half Price
IN MANY instances you will find them less than
half price ; in a few instances you will find them
more than half price but in every instance you
can buy furs from Mawson & DeMany at unheard-of
reductions prior to removal to our new store, at 1211-13-15
Chestnut street, which makes clearance abso
lutely necessary.
Purchases will be reserved in our vaults until next fall upon payment of a
deposit, payments to be continued monthly during spring and summer.
Fur Coats
75.00 Pony 37.50
119.00 Marmot 59.50
149.00 Muskrat 74.50
1 79.00 Muskrat 89.50
230.00 Hudson Seal 115.00
250.00 Nutria, 125.00
290.00 Hudson Seal 145.00
390.00 Nat. Squirrel 195.00
525.00 Mole 350.00
The Signpoit of
Fur Sets
55.00 Raccoon 27.50
65.00 Taupe Fox 32.50
69.00 Taupe Wolf 34.50
110.00 Kolinsky 55.00
120.00 Black Wolf 60.00
125.00 Black Fox 62.50
1 35.00 Brown Fox 67.50
195.00 Beaver 97.50
197.00 Pointed Fox 98.50
Fur Value Extraordinary
Graceful Spring -Weight Fur Scarfs
animal, stole, cape and
'White, laupe ajid the other colors ho wanted, for Easter and spring
other smart moaeis.
47.00 Wolf, all cotora... 23.50195.00 Hudion Seal 47.501179.00 Kolin.ky
65.00 Fok, all colora'. . . . 32.60 99.00 Ermine 49.501155.00 Squirrel
Mall orders promt
tilt Ailed,
OtlfW foet.,
Purchasing agents' orders accepted
uHtHuwtal-JO per cent, allowed.
The Best Kind of a Charge Account
Down Oil 3 Dili 01 $Lv Weekly
Exclusive Models in all Colors ' ) Pay $1.00 Weekly
Other Top Coats, $12.75 to $40
Our New Tailored Suits Win Favor
Ladies' and Misses' Sizes, $18.75 to $45
Novelty and Tailored Street Styles cin r qca
Regular and Extra Sizes ....(
Silk Blouses . .$3.75 to $10.00 1 Separate Skirts . .$4.75 to $15
Cotton Blouses $1.00 to $5.00 Children's Coats. $5.00 to $15
Children's Dresses $1.00 to $10
' J H
I i i
9 S
Exquisitely Trimmed Hats, $3.75 to $10.00
afJaaW I .'Aftf
iaSV I &1
si Jf N. I t"V
mIi7aM ; n
i i VM Ml mi 5'
I mill tt Wssaf ' '3
'iMlm ' Ji Im ' ,i
C vl . i ,111 :
ri u ' llll! Ill ' v''
Im I ' -M
II I'll IJTV if IH ' :
MulM Hull llU : "tl
J lil IM i
7 ' 'y'Ma
I ; 1
New Spring Clothing for
Men, Young Men and Children
Choice of the Foremost Styles and Materials
$20.00 &
The models represented at this price are so numerous that we
cannot describe them. Every taste can be satisfied.
A Wonderful Showing of New Spring Styles in
SUITS AND TOPCOATS $18.00 to $35.00
fmm women a m
UrrlC Women'. W
(JOOCS Oxford Tiea
act .
Woinen'a Ruttet Calf. .$7, $8Men'a Cordovan .Oxford and
White Nubuck...$8
Black nnd Ru.
Shoea $9 and $10.50
Mitaea'. Children'a and Infanta'
Shoea. All leather:
Silk Skirts
Vz -Hose
9x12, Seamless
Large full size
Brussels Rugs
$1 rln in, nnrl nav $1 Weekly
Axmlnster Rugs, 9x12, S37.50. Velvet Rugs, 9x12, $30
Tapestry Brussels CarpefJ 90c, $1.10, $1.25 per yd.
Inlaid Linoleum, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 per yd.
Print Linoleum, 75c, 95c, $1.00 per yd.
China and Jap Matting, $12.00, $15.00, $18, $20 per roll
full fortv vds.: large variety of patterns.
Snowflakc and Madras Curtains, 50c lo $3.00 per pair
Vacuum Carpet Sweepers, $9.00. '
i : I ;!,.. Still... mild oak. unholttered in Moleakin. Special,
TF" "-.-w .. ..., . , n fi.:rr!.- :.l.
tiedroom auue, complete. L.aig: uu.ou, w...i.ui.it., ",.
Napoleon bed, linulied in uoiden UK, ope
cial $65.00.
Genuine Reed Go-Cart, Cor.
duroy upholatering. Large Rub.
ber Tire Wheela. 'Special, S18.
61 Fay It
U $1.00 Weekly ?
lvyf fSj . o f jW
Tins 48-in. Buf
fet, genuine quar
tered oak; lined
silver drawer;
French Plate Glass,
beveled edge,
large compart
ments, special
This solid oak
Refrigerator. Large
ice chamber, zinc
lined. Like cut.
Pay $1.00 Weakly
&AL 1
t &
' .&
Tl -.
,. n
It r -J
,tf Cl
' t ' '.iQgLU IL!JL :