F;r 5rf w.i. Vj"r .. Ir" I t P B I' IA NEVE OSTACOLA LE OPERAZIONI MHITARI - Jjmitflta Attivilu' Combattivu ilila Fronte ltnlinnn, Causa le Intcmperic PREPARATIVI NEMICI I Soldati Tcdcsehl Prcfcriscono- Di lertare, dl Fronte nlln Salda. Re slstenza (IcrII Itnlinnl Published and Distributed Under PERMIT No. 341 Authorized by tno ace ot October 6, 1017, on file at the Postoftlce of Philadelphia, Pa. Bv order of tho President. A. S. BURLESON, Postmnster Gcneial. IIOMA, 7 marzo. 1,'otlzlo Bhinto dalla fronte M hat- t iitlla rccano cno nunc mice ntur mWtr ".- ini.n r.iiliile fortl nevlcato che ', !-i.pnnn le onerazlont nillitnrl. CIo f ionostante I duclll delle artlKllerle con. JU '. i- ...A...1il ,Mintl ilplln frnntA jon moderata Intcnslta Rlpartl e pattuslie d'lncurslone. Bern, ire che sU posslblle- o necessarlo. con tlouano 1 loro operazlonl " spesso si irolfTono local e brovl combattlmentl dl llmltata Importanza, Informailonl Rlunto dal Quartler Oenerale Itallano fanno rllevare cho 1 tmtonl contlnuar.o l.i loro fehbrlle pro- .iMn. mn rttilpnti Intpnalnne ill j arTettuare una nuova grando offcnMvu tir al fronte Itallano, lion appena lo con- ' .. . . ..(.n.liliA In tintnlillii tin....., i ClXlOni CllllHHiV-iiu n jii'uuiiuv i-v.iin.k- tere. Imovlmcntl delle truppo nemlcho Fono Bitglorl dletro le poslzlonl occupato . ea(H austro-tedeschl prcsso la Vallo iall'Aitlco e li Vallo Lararlna, noncho' . .lis nuldlcarie. In detto rcclonl rem- bra che l'Austrla nhhlu nmmassnto 'mrwchla artlfrllerla cho el presume sia mlta ritlrata dalla fronte rtina. II Oenerale f.'orsl, uno del plu' npprcz- ftl crltlcl mllltarl. In un nrtlcolo pub 'lllcato dal glornalo romano "f.a Trl- j i tuna, dopo aver rllevato cho una 'irlrresa dl nffenslva da parte del tcdcsehl ' r juIla fronto anglo-frances.0 si present' Ciuasl Imposslbllc. esprlmo la sua con- i-'vlmlone cue 1 teutom temoranno un ,ruoo colpo contro le llneo ltullnnc. lo ..quin prepemano nunori auiicoita . II Ceneralo Cor?l termlna II suo artl- Fcolo dlcendo cho nl Cornando Itallano j il Impone la suprcma necesslta' dl 'jreriarare una efllclente dlfenslv.a fiua- jfjora non si presentl un mezzo o l'occa- etlone per unaziono tu oiiensivn. r ADItanu (ifho icrro uivaeo o parecciu L'leMatl ltallanl prlglonlerl che sono rl ijri.titp nnlehi Li ai frnnin nlla tpn.'ion rpsistonza che .', AMwtn in .r.iniiu Itfillnno. Alt'nnoen 4lla Invaslone I soldati tedeschl ed Bill- 'trUcI crano llduclosl che una pace Vrebbo stata presto conclusa. ma dl S'fronte alia salda coeslono delle armatc ! ft'ltallatie dovetteio camblare oplnlnne , Ctrendo a dlserzlone erlfuglandosl ! Mselle montagno o passando ncllo Ilnce I i-lhUlane dandosl prlglonlerl. , 'tueltl a fugglro dallo manl del nemico uulc ,l ci,utuinni ui 'i", v - m tno iiovernmeni icrvico win nae ms i-pr'-iunp. nunmai r m mo .initn.-.iu K rareluntrcre lo llneo Itallano n.ir- tll 1,eot Jl,Rs 'f antiques In America. name called out tonight nt a smoker tc I forces In France. Is to he decorated with .no che mglhila dl soldat tcdeschl. "eral years ago. his brother. Jules ho KuFn l,y the members of the Patrol- ,,, Var ,.ross ,)V Prrmlcr Clemenceau, Wl trova no tiel territorl Inva" Mastbaum, entered thn real cstato ofllce i nun's Benevolent and Protective Asso-1 ac(,rr,,. to information received todav. ie l trovavano nei terfiiori irivasi, . .,, , , . .... s,Ir jt.1(,t. cat on. Tho i-moker will be hehf nt .fl. ' ,,, , r..mi.u ..i.i. tn .i,,, ,,.r ihanno dlsertato o dlsertano contlnua- ! "l "',.,' J,"'.,1 1 . .?-..;., . i CJiand Fraternity Hall, Sixteenth and . After th.- Premier s Ms t to tno Amer- 11 torn mnralfl ( nhliattlt H- "um eit lliae U1U real vmulu iiv.ii h" . ,., ,,, Aliniit tuentv.twn s.illnrs , lean trout on HlUHiay. vv lien SIX vnien- tsm H . , , .. ..., ,irti,A BiP- U dlserzlonl dallo unl a' Kcrmanlche Mifwocoil' numeroso cho 11 oomando tc-1 If,"11? , "al ; x-i, ;,! n T Vllser orl Kfiiptclale campo In "V Ittorlo ovo I Mrtorl , ieatturatl vengono concentrati. 1 arcc- tlehl. mlcllala dl nuefetl soldati sono -li. .i.iintn ai n.i.LM snlilntl sntio R.KiUtl rlmossl per lgnota destlnazlone. Wk$i I rlfuglatl dlcono che lo dlserzlonl WTOiinno al nemico il prctesto en poxer h'Mintr&re neno case ii.uiimu v uu.v,(3 feflMltrattare gll nbltantl, con la scusa dl fel?ol(r aecertarsl se vl il trovl nasccsto ,iulche dlsertore. Wf I rlfuflatl hanno ancho asserlto cho , "SSi'Ll . .11. I.nllnnl onnn OrtrVPfr! I n 1 1 i l4t?1irv irtllllia llUliaill PV.. mi.v...... i Es-Ktri Conegllano e Vlttorlo, ed adlhltl al Ri'Iavori ferrovlari. Quest! sono soggem If'sl un Inumano trattamento e scarsa- ' mute nutrltl. Boltl muolono per esaurl- imento o per malattle derivantl dall'es- ''kftsi ponllniinmentn esoostl alio Intern- )m..I gA ot frttAAn Ml 3.. TI ch-.hha i..nllnlmn VTof.nnl inn R..IU .1 dcuuiuii: uuhiici'n" ...... .... Ifc -gM ancora declso m aceuare ic nomma IflX'a capo della mlsslone per gll Statl l&ACnltL Egll ha dlchlarato cho non vuole ,Boisarsl dene responsamnia- prima t Wfoe iano cniarite ea assoaate aicuno ir RJhitUrlta' verlflcatesl per gll acqulstl fjiu aaua Micsionc iviiiuarei iiaiiune cue iCtrovasl In America. V" WASHINGTON, 7 Marzo. 'T t, .. ... . .. I irennuto dall'On. Burnett ed appro- Ki. , fato dalla Camera del ltapprcsentantl. ttj i.uiuvo ai servizio miutare aegu j. AMranlerl tiul' resldcntl od alia deporta- r.tlOQa In ca.na ehn pssl Inslstnnn nor Bl l'eatnzlone. trovasl nra sntto rpsarnn 'trdella Commlsslone del Scnato. K' U predetta Camera ha lerl l'altro ,pprovato un progetto dl legge con n 'flUalfi al ttrnWPiti, rh. nilfitstnsl ulfunlarn Jfacente parte dell'Kserclto degll Statl Iinltl. tanto qui' come In Francla, puo' i'olrenlre clttadlno amerlcano nualora at taomento dell'arruolamento fosse gla' da LuS anno resident neirlt sttntt Ttnlet T EwMatl che si trovano In Francla potran- sbsctd naiurauzzaii a mezzo aei ,v ...s,.,. US. . U. S. REVOKES ITS ORDER If BARRING JERSEY FISHING j-flve Fathom Shoals Off Wildwood if Open as Aid to Navigation. Sjv tJ n i.. i-,, vou vfucsvion ngures iWASniNCITON, March 7. Orders of VQ8 War Dfnarlm.nl ,ilnVi .A..i un... Tiiw..A 7u ."" '"i:: """ " '(I'SiVsi . t..'."B otl r,ve fathom j-.. i nuawooa, jv. J and de- rtUtaSCd thn Kiinnlt, nf nu . EfiPMnaylvanla and New Jersey five L'W 1X million nnnnrla Viava t.A ,voked through tho efforts of Represen J"Je l8aao Bacharach, of Atlantic City. Wls off Wildwood, and twenty fish ijoands are operated, which represont a "til investment of about $150,000. Mr. &acifar&ph tnoi. inn n..u.t 2., .. KJ Department at the request of the auo v-ouniy isnermen's Asso- . Thfl action nf h.a rTn s.---. m. i, t.i7. . '" ""' "VHflllHIll amn. ." ? thei Krounds that tho fish Wounds located dn tho banks wero a genace to coastwise navigation. Mr. 7 Pointed out that the Fire nOnj Shoals worn nlinnn.,! t... nn-.tn. w'.!!ne.ot.tne rnost odangcrous places witnee of fth pounds on them was an nnl 10 navlvqltnn nn . 11 1.. . 'tmtnii ,i. . "" " "' .lnB snoais gw miles like a city warning- navigation The Dolnt nn whlAh ,. rr-- a Itten rSV0,kea lta orc,cr was on tho QUes- Uolnt.o Th. u''vi, -r. xiacnaracn let fl.h J a Iaree part of tho suPPl)r l . " .iir ouuin aersnv en niin nh . JM eastern Pennsylvania was brought PWing a portion of the vear from thsn aica. ' Sospett Prisoner M n. Rn : 7e Federal ni,ll -1,1 . 1 . uked in il 7 .""" ihcb iiuve ueen Ci.rX.J "5 '"lo lno tonner doings iS? J? Peters, twenty-elght years a2 wa arrested while acting sus- irt '1. nefr .Washington avenue t Pnai!,ear.,n toda' be'ore M S aaW' Peters t0,d conflicting r " ttuora tor oeing near rVii? "nlti "V oto material RAIDS ON FRENCH LINES REPULSED Paris Reports Enemy Activity on Two Fronts Where Amcr- leans Are Engaged I'AUIS, March 7. "A violent bombardment occutrcd In tho lUielma legion toward Crunay." I!ie French ofllclul communlquo stated to day. "Kncmy raids wero repulsed In the Champagne- and Vojgcs regions, follow. Iiib henvy nrllllcrylns:. "Tho region north of NUncy was bombed by crcmy iilrinin last hIrM." American troons nm nt nti..t- ,.. i tho ChampaRiio rrKlou In the Arcoiine mm neinin-ncs-nnmeH Bettors Tho St .Mlhlcl sector, which 13 held mostly by Americana, Is In "(ho ickIou north n'f Nancy." LONDON', March 7. A heavy laid. Under nrrfr.rttn f ! barrage, was directed ngalnst UrltlPh I troops near ICpehy latt night. Tield Marshal Ualg reported to the War Of- flee todiy. Tho raid, ho said, was com pletely lcpulsed "South of UoIh Orenlcr." ho .,! "and cast of I'octcappelle. tho enemy was I I'liuiut- unsuccessful, In thn vii .,p .- t- .. .ictai i-ersmnp u Lens, and cast of Ypres. tho nm' V -.. -v SSS.IIL.J nt iiiu r"t;.i.i im. u-ncr rr . til ery was active In tho Neuvo Chapelle sedtor shortly ' l:r,Z,'1 lhcru wns conHMablB ar- , IIKIIUX. March 7 I , "English aMators bombing Turrolng . killed a rrre.it m.inv r,r tlm i.vnri, i..- habitants, ' the Herman War Olllco de- oi. a ,.i.. 'Vopfl,,. ..'t e T.i.l...,. .. .. .. ... ... .., .....j- ...i ni.ii i Hoops brought In three oflleers. 114 men 1I bomo machine guns as the result of nn auacit on two Uelglun farms.' "" fJtmiJpu Ifrf cf irfif . , v-i, i,..iui.ir.Aiwf. LflPR lltlPYnPOTPnllli tCO UlldlJeLldUy, "on"n'"d from Tnee One (-tlnct. Ills father. Iel Mastbaum, was ii member of the llrm of Young. Smyth, Field & Co., wholesale, dry goods merchants. Ills father always had n desire that his son would take up that business. But joung Mastbaum had other aspirations After finishing his schooling he en tered the employ of Hlnibcl Ilrothers as a buyer of antiques and Oriental rugs. Ho traveled through tho Far Kast and other parts of tho world fh 'search of raro tapestiles. As a buyer him a wider latitude, and he gave up his position of bujer nnd went in for "al cstato on his own account lie '" wltn rapid success He felt In need i " iiarioer arm n was uc, ..i u i of Martbaum & MeW.er v as organized. Later It became Mastbaum Brothers & Flelsher. Inc.. this company taking over the bu-inet,s established by Isman. ,,.... vuour seven years ago -ur. .iiwiiouuiu d , d oi t, motlol lclure ,,usl. s He bcc(mo ,ntCTC8tC(, ,n tll(1 ""Kent and nijou Pream Theatres. , j k personal charge e,f the Theatre. Mr. Mnstbaum's " -- .. . veteran emplo)es salel touay tnat u was nothing unusual for blm to remain In his olllco from 8 o'clock In tho morning until midnight. Three )ears ago, Mr. Mastbaum formed tho Stanley Booking Corporation. Although Mastbaum gave most of his I time to his business Interests, he made t a point to (lnd a llttlo time for play ,... .....tf A ..i-lllnM I.aaIto nn .vl.to, r m nil Ul WllUHIi nwna v.. n...... game. In which ho was an expert. Mr. Mastbaum Is survived by a widow, whrj was Miss Hilda Oanzman; his brother, Jules Mastbaum, and two sisters. Mrs. Ellis Olmbel, of this city, nnd Mrs. Louis Glmbel, of New York. Ho was a member of the Masonic fra- I ternlty. Mercantile Club. Athletic Cluh . of Philadelphia, Phllmont Country Club, Pen and Pencil Club, Vaudeville Mana ger a' Protective As&oclatlon. Old Colony I Club, Poor rtlchard Club, Federa- I tlon of Jewish Charities and was one of the owners cf the Portland Me., base- ' ball club. Lonesome, Gets Drunk and Dies MAHANOY CITY, Pa.. March 7. Orlef over falluro of his wife and fam-. Ily, who aro In Itnly, to Join him here resulted In tho death of Joseph Overlder, fifty years old, following a drunken de- I baucb. His body was found on the hill- I side by miners going to work early today. i Vl lvniA n .AstlSnftlrv. . l.lvtrV rtlin Wf 1 . .. .. t . Itt 4 - l-t.. 1tu . - ....1 . S? t Aa.vBslAlB i ' i This Morning's Fire at our 24th and Master Street bakery, will not cause any interruption or delay in our deliveries. All customers will be served as usual, with bread from our main bakery at 20th Street and Indiana Avenue. FREIHOFER BAKING COMPANY EVENING PUBLIC 8-MILE U. S. LINE DEFIES HUN FOE 81,000 Soldiers Occupy Battlo Front in Lorraine Sector WASHINGTON, March 7. Uncle Sam's soldiers are now In chargo of more than eight miles of trencher on the battlcfront In France, , although In an air lino their frontage Is ' only nbout four and n half mile?. This frontage Is liable to extension nt any time to the regular trench allotment for an nrmy corps. Irregularity of the trench lines Is responsible for their eight mllei of length. They nre Inld out -o that flank Ing fire may bo obtained nlong every part. of the front. Strong points con taining ma-hlno gun'" Jut out for t''1' purpose, j no irt'in-iiv'i ui- iuii.jw clciely nnv protective slopo ot the coun- frv niwl wnnil.-r till nnd down hill. The American sector In understood to bo n divisional frontage, which nvnns that at least thrco divisions of Ameri can troops are there to give the neees. fary support In depth ror tne rront lines. This fart has aroused pup. illation here -i to who will he ole.-'ed by On command the llrst Major Oeneral Hurt- r"'r..ot. " s.""r ' " " v W Tin ! . . . That capacity but at yet the exp.-dl-' J A.... commander has not mado any i menX"lon . i, I, nnsslble thit the Vrencb system will be followed In the Am-rlcan armv m. far as the appointment of corpr cm- mandcrs Km- It Is tne euMom in Kranci to select any one of the division , nM.i..d in o nnrns and to ul.ice him . n, ,hn 1,pn,l of tho corps, lie rttatus the bead of tho rorps. lie retains' rank as division commander, how-, rml In the case of the American ' -- .... ever, , nrmy that wouiii uo n majoi Kviivn, I If tho French practico is nuopieu, ,)rN(n ,y iwo gahnllne engines or BUinu tberefore. the grado of lieutenant gen- J ar,i type, eral may be employed only for Held army I u'wlll have the familiar caterpillar U was stated here that tho Kalnbow pvlhl0 , on the firing lino in Franco In net Ion against the Germans, nlihough Its exact location Is not Indicated and Il has not been mentioned In recent dispatches. How long tho Italnbow division has been fighting Is not known here, but It has been em the front for rome little time. It was the second National Gti.u I division to go overceas, following the New Fngland contingent, whlrh wis "10 llrst Hu.ird outfit to g( t hit tho war. Honor Roll at Patrolmen's Smol.er I'mn. lMillmlelnhlA nol ceni.ui who Is.ritANi "l .Marcn ". lienerai .ionn a and marines from League Island and the can holdlers were dce.uated. (plural navy hand will he prest nt 1'olnv Cum-1 Pershing and M. Clemenceau dined to mlssloner Hnrlght, of New York who ' K,.!rier In the lntter's privatn railway had planned to attend the affair, sent .1 j Later, as hn was leaving for Paris, telegiam to the olllcers of he organlza- ,. ,,,,. ,Io...i lt to become known tlon today ntatlng that owing to u pre vious engagement he wctild bo unable to attend. ii 1 1 ifTium'fTrn ,imi i iiiLTr..inrr-TTTT.r: iiiTTunnafiuifumiii Mill! 'II n'fcwtirC me-u.-N.-imw -., Cr Laiesi Oxford Fad Tor Spring T Exclusive smart ilrilon 'n strictly hand-made nx'nrrii ) P M Turn oIu, Z,ouli AT hc'l. Thrsv nxfoids are equal . I MM itttlc eind qualltv tn any uxfurd niotcii eit aroiiml-rtour ( A shop (it tli.OO lien only at. . . ' Wi; are establishing ti Htandtird of umiirt stjle this Spring other shops will II nil It hard to eeiunl. This Oxford Is tlm neme of perltfit grnee miel the Correct prln Piishlnn. You'll llnil Its rquul In quality Id the spirit Phlludrtpliln shops, priced nil'.', lint due to our llirgo viilmne and -hurl, Mmill iirnllls, you ran aelect )'our favorttn stjle here while this ipiantlty lasts nt our M'I'.I'lAl. l'KK V. this week or ST See It NOW and view nt the snme time llie nllipr exiessltely inodlkh Spring stjles this week unit save ft in T, Illlltl; NOW. B6mmL mm& fiartWaMEN IZ08-IO Chestnut St HfmTimw:niifi)iiniiminrnnp""'""""i"n m-tm.TrT,Himi;:irTrnriiiimm:iiiiiii!unajJUjiimiLuiiiititiiimiimimi BREAD LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, U-Boats' Weekly Toll of British Vessels Slnco tho middle of April 067 British vessels, 718 of more than 1C00 tons, have been sunk, Tho weekly totals follow: nder men tons I'. n s.i r. n l n in fnr V ir.iu torn .. 11 . . IS ...17 ..14 , s . 1 . til . II . 11'. . II . II It 1H . f-i . II Wpck nJliiK April 2t April -js inon torn, . . 411 . . as . . a i .. I" .. i .. is v. k f.n.ltnir imm tons (VI. 7 (Id. Oct. Hit Nov. Nov Nov. N.i . ir. IV.. Hie. 1M. llpr. Jnn. J in. Jnn Jntl I VI. I Mi 1VI. Jliv a Mm' May 12. in. jit. May .1 mi', .lunfl June July JMv K. Sf SI IT. II It SI IS SI II .-. IS S'l IS s la It in. si. i. !l in S3 311 II It ill "a' 10 IT. Julv IS juiv ira Julv ill Ail. .". Aux. t"J .ne. Hi Auit. 1!H 10 l.t 1.' u is Wn,t in n IV ti SI s..t. in. M.l. J.I Sfin au. Si I Mnrvh S. Tolnts. 7ls SPJ t;Q() WJ1LDS WAR TANK FLEET FOR U. S. ARMY LiRlit KiRbtmc; Inthino Planned After Rritish Model Already Under fonstruction HirrnotT. March 7 ri.ms have been completed for tho building of a big fleet of "tanks" for the Tnited States army by tho l'ord Motor Company nt Its I)e- tn.lt i.innt The llrst model, drafted ls than two days ago, is well under construction, '' J It ha, recelxed tho War Do- p.irtment stamp of approval inanufar- l.ir "' ''";r,,,;M''b TtAx f ,. "t.inKs" will be leadv fur ship- m(MU )f) . American forces In Kram-e within tlio novt two months The latest Kurd .onlilbutlon toward helping America win the war Is to he U .VcaVW'f Jl, .'SnS a"W.. The latest Kurd -onlilbutlon toward rhino gun operator nnd Is to ne type of traction and nltiiougn not in tended for thn heavy work that has been dono bv tho Immense llrltlsh and Menm "tan's" in tho warfare In France, it Is expected to proo an exceptionally ef fective) lighting macbln". GEN. PERSHING TO GET WAR CROSS OF FRANCE Premier Clemcnrcau Will Decorate Commander of the American ' I.'v nndit Iritmi'V Fm COS wn;tt Tim ami:imc.n ap.MV IV that he Intended to decorate tho Amor lean commander. .T Si Z"" Floor 5aves$2 nl3in??Z??nVf " "httti mi laas 1 rimriJUjTMirrmi,TTiin3inagi.ujjJA""-wrti.iz, m&f NO DEFINITE REPLY FROM STATE LEAGUE Winner of Pennant. Still Is Un- decided Saints Hopeful of Arranging Titular Scries Manager ,11m Caffey of tho champion St Columba live, of tho American Ilasketbnll League, has received nn an Hwer to his challenge to the winner of 1 tho I'ennsylvaiila State League. At the I minimi banquet of the local organization last night Coffey announced that he had a letter from President Lewis, of the tip-State league In which he said he would prcpcnt the den to tho pennant winner.. The Stnte League seaon doesn't close until March 1(1, and It Is possible that u play-off will be nccesi-ary. As a re sult of last night's contest, In which llazleton defeated Nantlcoke, 1S-H, the latter team only has n half game on lhizleton . - t. Columba will keep in shape bv pl.t) ItiB (-ervlco teams Monday night ut Tinymore llnll tho K'alnts will line up against the Fnlted States Marines. The following Monday they will meet n quln let representing Camp Meade. Two service teams, stationed at tho local navy yard, tho Com I'epirtmont and Supply Department, will i ,oet to night nt Cooper Uattallon Hall, Twenty third and Hhilstlnn streets. Doth teams havo some or the btst o.ige players In mis siLiioii in tneir line-up mid the outcome of t'io game Is uwiiltnl with Interest with local cagt fans .' A- .1. Tlnbson ami K c r.udd formerly of the defunct Industrial League, have arranged to plav :i hraco of games to decide thn liilnstil.il chain. plonhlp of this city The first game will he plavod Fildav, March 8, and tho second Friday, March IS. Traymore Hall will ho tho si'eno of battle. Kr-tly was appointed lefereo of both games. The teams also announced tho men they will use. Hudil will have Curlctto nnd Frankle. former lHstern I.eaguo stars, while Iiobson will iclv upon the rame lineup whlrh tied Ilinterwoitii fir tlrat place, prior to the Indus-trial League disbanding. The pln.veis to lie llu'd by Uolvon nre: 1M wards. Peeves, Iloiiiewnoii, rorwaids; Moorcneud Kll- p itrlck, l.lvlngstotio and Fox guards. 11. (I. Iludd- Curlettn and Hoffman, rorwaids: Morniimred, Frankle, F .Newinan center, and mil Putler, BU.irils JT'0' ? C7 rr' j. PI'lirilASINO JT grs tstf rV ff okdi:i:s atckptkh m y -s I 923 MARKET STREET Jfr7Z6w gNew Spring Suits 5 9 Lingerie Waists 2$1 Worth $1.00 Each Dozens of Mnart, new utiles for choto. Fashioned of voiles nnd organdies, with lacs and embroidery - trimmed fronts. Somo plain tai lored. EXTRA!- House Dresses Of percales, In plain colors and checks, fllngham collar and cuffs. V I 79c c Newest Cloth 1 Dress$1 .49 I Skirts fl $2.50 Values W Smart spring styles of shepherd checks and tweeds. Made with bil liard pockets and belts. a fflfflra WOMEN'S SPRING A .69 SERGE DRESSES ft Over 100 smart, new frocks of screes that are most exceptional values at this special price. All sizes up to 44. Women's Silk Poplin Dresses Women's New Spring Suits $.50 6 8 i Children's Embroid ered Dresses. Large variety ot col- 43c MARCH 7, 1918 THRIFT STAMP SALES BOOSTED THIS WEEK Every Effort Being Made to Increase Amount Sold Be fore Third Liberty Loan Anticipating a falling off In sales due to tho Liberty Loan drive about to open, the war savings stamps committee Is making special efforts to boost sales this week. Lust week the sales In east e m Pennsylvania, amounting to moro than $1,000,000, wero 11 per cent bet ter than any previous week. Tho U3 agents of the Metropolitan I Ife Insurance Company In Philadelphia County, who have fotmed twenty-two- so i li ties of ten or more persons each, have sold $113,830 worth of stumps. Some of the small suburbs of the city .ire bright examples for others to follow inie having but twenty houses has 1i..iif)i, in Anln ff.0 hapMi nf.ntl.nr linv- ing but one store,- nnd live houses has In. uglit $450 worth. Thrift cards, ,.ach iijntnlnlng one twenty-flvi cent thrift thrift st 'mm. donated hv n n.itrlotle c .ilniiir thn Mnln T.lne. nre to bo ills- ir.liutoil to tlio Ionn nlinlls of the Arel- 0 pupils of the Ard- lojwcr Merlon High more llraminar nnd -'..liools tomorrow Tin. I.Vrlp.il llpcnM'rt TlsVf nf PVilla. delphla reports total sales to dnto of war t-avlngs stamps, $l,uii,iio.io; ihrlft stamps, f41t,470.2S The total sales at the Philadelphia postolllce yes- terday wero J1S.S70.S7. WAR LOAN FLAG UNFURLED .,1 Banner Mado by Cabinet Members' Wives Raised Above Treasury WVSIIIXOTON, March 7 Hefore nn a- soriiilaito of nOOO emnlnves nf the Treasury Iepvrtment. Lewis 11 Frank- .... ... .." .. - -.. Mil. I1T1! HT 111 II1C iir ll'HIl III Hillllfi.,- lion, today raised the new honor Hag of thn third Liberty Loan on top ot tho Tieasurv Uulldlrg. The ting was made by Mrs V, . H MC Vri.ahedboVd7rv,v,hti:,a!l lreds of ffaritients here. Adoo and IllOUlllt'I li ll.ie 11 IVW .".'I..., ...fci. .. ?A,,1,cctK Sf!,n,,o,nXV;,S,rieaI,fo; tne inovies anu win no wiu" "ca, week in more than 17.000 theatres thrntmhotit tne country A eiupncaic en inn ii.ii; iiiu nn in' fsetiteil to eicrv State and town that eJ( ceed'i Its quota of tlio third Liberty Loan. Lancaster Strike Near End LW'AHTnit, Pa March 7 Mem liers of the plumbers' union, who havo been on strike here fer ti week have reached an agreement with the master plumbers for fifty-five cents an hour. I'liey demanded sixty cents It Is now ii..ilned the strike will be settled at a meeting tonight. CV t X TI A Special Group Values to $25.00 $ 15 Suits that express all the new style points and many original touches that could only be found in suits selling at fully double these prices. All the popular materials nnd colorings. b I I A I New Silk and Serge Dresses $ $ 10 "Just for Friday" brines you a low price In deed on newest, fashionable frocks. Women's New Spring Coats .69 5.00 4 Children's White Dresses. $1 29 ics and embrold-T "' Lac. and embrold- PICTURE BRINGS WAR NEWS Mother Fnlnts ns Son Is Shown in Hospital In Franco WATKIITOWN, K, T.. March 7. Mrs. Jennie Prlco fainted away when sho recognized her foster-son, Krncst Price, I In a. picture of nn American baso hos pital in France. Trfio picture was pub lished In a newspaper nnd Is one of thoso given out by tho Ilureau of In formation. Prleo left for Franco last July with tho supply cempany. Seventh Field Artillery. CRAZED BY JAMAICA GINGER Oklahoman Terrorizes Town Kills Negro and OKMUIXiUR. Okla.. March 7. Crazed, according to tho police, from drinking Jamaica ginger, Clydo Jailer, u teamster, was arrested by n posse during the night, after he had ridden horseback through the streets llrlng at houses nnd passersby with revolevrs. a negro was snot tnrougu tno Head ' and Instantly killed, ra'nsjEliiM'caSISIrMSJaiSajJSa Mavfeon fjl I It! E S 1115 Chestnut Street Opposite Keith's Furs Half Pricel OUR own beautiful furs right' from stock. Every piece must be sold be- E! s iW a W i P & , H ?! n t E IOre reiTlOVai tO OUr mi UJ i , . .s . . m nesiniii otreec. This list merely skims the surface of the huxiL ' F. 1,1 the great variety and the pi g) Purchases will be reserved tent of a deposit, payments paym spring and summer, Beautiful 49.00 Nutria .... 55.00 Raccoon . . 65.00 Taupe Fox 69.00 Taupe Wolf....'.... & 75.00 Jan Cross Fox 1 120.00 Black AVolf I 125.00 Black Fox m 1.00 Rrnwri Fnv f, .w. vv, -- w .. ... - Ci 1 145.00 Fisher H 197.00 Pointed Fox The Signpost of Spring- Weight Fur Scarfs 47.00 Wolf, all colors 23.501 32.50 47.50 65.00 Fox, all colors 95.00 Hudson Seal Handsome 75.00 Ponv ' a . '-"-r r " . n 125.00 Marmot 1149.00 Muskrat 51 179.00 Muskrat - $ 230.00 Hudson Seal n 250.00 Nutria 290.00 Hudson Seal 370.00 Hudson Seal 390.00 Leopard 450.00 Hudson Seal 'WS.S. Mail orders M nronmrfv filled. 6n . , gl Repairing ana re K JnHnn- nt In ,1, yOR SAVINGS STAMPS AND THRIFT STAMPS BUY TBEM MOST ANYimil 1 HWHIII - - Ej coaf. jgafflera giraill!llllfflllIIIIII!ll!l!Ulll!!l!il!:!llllIIIII!lillEll NEW HEADQUARTERS The S. S.White Dental Mfg. Co. 211 South Twelfth Street (Below Walnut) m 3 1844 i In 1844 Dr. Samuel S. White, a Philadclphian, started whH is today the largest dental-supply industry in the world. A' ,, I single attic room was sufficient for the humble beginning; of. kft a business which has taken an active part in the municipal 'W development that identifies In 18t5S this same business had grown to such proporHoaa?' hat It renuired the S. S. White Buildine. the landmark thm stands at the corner of Chestnut street at Twelfth, to accom- h modatc its various departments. a- 4i,- ..., -- .- ta nine wcu i uu iu utc niuctciiuciu taciuncs WCni WA erected and other manufacturing space was encased to taks fi care of the demand for its products, leaving only the executlra jV Qcnarimcius uuu tciuu aiuru In 1918 the 'Chestnut street building was found to be a1 adequate to meet the rapidly trative ucparmicnis aim iv,etan oiorc. 11113 Jiccessitatea 1 moving them to a new and more spacious building owned ' the Company on March 1 aZIl South 12th street, which rcneciallv built to suit its increased reauirementa. r -. - . ... I he nrst uoor ot its new business, and is especially arranged and equipped ior the,c vemence oi patrons. .... rr.' .. ts... a. s. wnue loom rauc other S. S. White Mouth to the public at retail prices, Profession. THE S. S. WHITE "Sine 1844 lk dQttUI 1WMC1I i wt URGE U. S. MEOIATldttil St, Louis Strikers Call for-Fi intervention , .5?, JP ST. LOUIS. March 7. nprsMK uvrs or. tno 2S00 strikers of th Wi Company, engaged In UovcrnmeM'; here, appealed today to James noil, of the American Federtl Labor, to havo a Federal medlt l.n.M ,h km.1 ,1. m-M ..I, .jJ.? t..u iu viiu iiiu niriKP. nv ,av. Federal control of the coitmMl plants here an the result of 'aMw' loomed ns a possibility today, Stftt ' leaders say. The strikers formuMtal new demands last night. They Inofift eight-hour day, 60 per cent IncreaM Ik wages and recognition of the union.;'" ITncontlrmed reports were curreS'.'t day that the Government may wS troops hern In a few days to guar 5J5 plants If thero Is a permanent tle-ufi, ' Bradford Auditor Asphyxlt4 ' ICANH, Pa., March 7. Suffocate' fumes. It Is believed, Robert Oiier,af Bradford, McKran County, an auetftor, was found dead In a room at the ! tierlal Hotel In Smethport. The oxygen iad been exhausted by a fire that Wt eft burning, It Is thought. '.,," llilll UVCM I'AIIAUPlfU ItV U. II 1 & DeMan5) A . , .n-- - r . m. 11CW StOre at IZjU-JLiJ-lO J Come see for yoursett' IIS L. remarkable savings. in our Vaults until next fall upin to be continued monthly durtii l 1 Fur Sets i 32.50 i a - tiit 37.rm-8 60.00 11 62.50.K; R7 Rn I I i'ov 72.50 98.50; Fur Value Extraordinary 99.00 Ermine 49.50 179.00 Kolinaky 89.50 370.00 Kolinaky 185.00 Fur Coats 37JM "? -r:r. 62.50, 74.50 89.501 1 1151061 125.00 145.00 1 aj'l rm r. a kS TS. 1 loo.ou sm 195.00 225.00 P u r c h a s i't g agents' orders oe cepted with usual 10 per cent allowed. I 1868 1918 . Philadelphia as "the workshop ot fi V T" fH.w. ;MJ.n.Mj.a. r..A.-.. ut iiic iicsiuul sircci a a are, : m growing needs of its Adminifi- '. . . . . ' ' nome is given up to the re .. -it. ine stanaara aenturice in; and Toilet Preparations are, as well as supplies for the ', ' f"i h DENTAL MFGi i tka SluMUr4" .tO I 'if 7" , A, m vf- fa I m i "A a ;a sfl itni t tI Ml 5 ,' Wf tw (, .it r,3ll :A 1 .! rx-. i ti. .In. i. i inki m yjA Tim m m v s -I, 1 1 'n. VSs m ry trlraroed. a to It '. d. a toll v "sK $mnrMM?L& frX?'ArV lors. Hla a jo yw. )NMi, -f .,-s'ftTJ ,x-f;iwr!!..jtSi .: 'v-fit. .J- .. . T' 1 1. - - - L ., " . " MMl kf&k-,.