Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 06, 1918, Final, Page 9, Image 9

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Wgrge Attendance ui, upera juast rsignt tfi'iluant
Asseiiiuiuye yv itncaoco viJeict ui r ar iiiasi v
, Question of-Pronunciation
SmiIEIlU certainly woro many bo par-
A tlM Iasl "'B"1 "l -iuu.uiiu. imiiw.h.
Everybody who Is still In town enter
tained' every one eisc, aim cvun uiuubh um
frocks wcro of last year's vlntago (moro
vnnor to tlio women who nro curtnlUtiR
S In wartimes), tho result was decidedly brll
1 Hint. Tlio 1211 Kirk Prices entertained
4 far Rachel In their box, nnd Mnlslo Hush,
VV Alfred Hunter and Phil Prlro were tho
T wefts. Uytermaio vnner aim ner iinsoaiiu
la .,a nllh the Ocorgo Kales Halters, l-'ytcn-
bdale looks very chiirntln- nnd still iifTpelM
Plight colors, which brine out her dark
Pliialr an" falr c,,orlns' Tll ''rnncls
rowens had airs, vviiunni jjuiiiu ami .r.i.
5 AHrton Cuslimnn as Bursts, nnd Hopo
Vnd Tony Cromwell onco moro entertained
Aii. iho Stotesburys box. I wonder it wo
ItVlll ever prow tired, of Puccini's music?
J doubt It myseir, US 01 100 iiiku a quality
t sink Into oblivion, -nnd l-'nrrur, though
fbtttcr suited to vnmplrlsh characters, was
(f charmlni, Indeed.
Jly tl.O Way, mil yuu ci" "re uiijiiuiiK
io effective as her net-up at tho (Jnrrlck
on Monday night, when her husband, Lou
Telles"1' appeared In Ills new play,
Blind Youth"? Ueraldlno was In ono of
thi boxes and she woro n whltb Rovvn In
very scvero and plain lines, diamond pins
In her hair nnd waved tho most Rorgeous
scarlet ostrich feather fan. It was soma
mTirnK Liia to bo much excitement 111
!'"""'" .
home circles over mo aiinoinu.-t.-iiii.-iii in
tho cngaKcment of Danny Hutchinson to
t Miss Dutchcr, of Chattanooga. You
ik, tlio engagement of Miss Dutchcr to
Mr. Donald Hutchinson, of Philadelphia,
was announced In ti New York paper on
Monday and It was repeated In several of
the Philadelphia papers, but ilie name was
changed to Danny. Now, Danny's mother,
Mrs. Daniel Hutchinson, says thcro Is not
a word of truth in It. Tho New York
paper fald that Lieutenant Hutchinson is
the son of .Mr. and Mrs. D. U Hutchinson,
jr., of' this city. So every cno Is wonder
Ins who Lieutenant Donald L. Hutchin
son, 3d, Is and where ho lives In Plilla-
i Tho t.ews in tlio Nov York papers wus
dated Chattanooga, but stated that Miss
Dutchcr (whoso name, by the wny. Is HI
nora) Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward M. Dutchcr, of Newton, N. J.
SAILOUS, marines and soldiers liavo
given the best sort of appreciation by
their constant p.-e&cnco for tho Sunday
evening suppers and muslcales Riven under
the auspices of tho Phllomuslan Club nt
its handsome clubhouse, fortieth nnd Wal
nut streets. I'roin tho beginning these nf-
Ifalrs to provide a homellko unil agreeablo
way of passing Sunday evening for service
I men have been deservedly popular.
This last week tho hostesses were mem
iters of St. Andrew's Church, of .which tho
Rev. William J. Cox Is rector. Mr. Cox,
Sf who was chaplain of tho Itoyal Canadian
Field Artillery and Cavalry during the
Boer War, delivered an address of xvol
J come and Inspiration. Tho program was
f arranged by Miss Ilcrtha S. Graham, presi
dent of the Phllomuslan Club chorus, and
Miss May Porter, musical director of tho
I rhllomulan Club. Miss Prter leu tno
f well-trained chorus In several Interesting
I part-songs and also directed "community
Jilnelng" in which tho audience gavo old
fivn.ltu lirlno Tic-l,-imintitftl ailtmnrt l-n
I given by Mr. William Sylvnno Thunder,
Jjlanlst; Miss I'lorcnco Hacnlo and Miss
nizabeth I'orter, violinists, nnd Mr. Prank
R. Vlguers, coruetlst. Solos wcro con-
t trlbutcd by Miss Hncnle, Mr. Horace It.
Hood, baritone, and Miss Loda Goforth,
rnilE novelty of the automat has almost
' worn off, but every once In u while you
ij see an enthusiastic person pushing nickels
into the wrong places, turning on coueo
spigots without putting u cup underneath
the spout and you know that somebody
else Is getting that thrill that comes onco
in a lifetime. Tho first thing you do when
i, Pessy comes over from Now Y'ork, or up
.i frfim P.nlHmnrn n nn fpnm Phlnntrn. in
,, ., . -,
j?(o tako her to lunch at tho automat nnd
j'Eive her somo hotenkes. So, wlien Phoebo
i ktM& tin onm nlnlimnnil nn 1VTrn1'lr l(it
If VMUQ lip 1IU11I JklUlllllUllU "' i'lUllllllJ IH-I
I'hostess immediately braved tho midday
It crowd and managed to secure enough of ti
'j,table to enjoy "country 'fried sausago"
if and tha inevitable) nnd utterly delicious
j.hotcakes. In tho course of tho convcrsa-
iiion sho said something about now gooa
jthe "surrup" was. That sounded nwfully
"S funny to Phoebe's southern-trained ears,
i,lut she let It go. 'When another remark
tfTiis casually dropped about tho "surrup"
$ Phoebo got worried. Maybo it wasn't what
she thought it was. So sho ventured nn
'J apologetic question. "What is that stuff
you call 'surrup'?" sho asked. Hostess
hesitated a minute. (You know you can't
't take a big blto of those hotcakes nnd get
.away with any conversation.) Then .sho
f;ld, "Don't they have surrup whero you
t.cotne. from?" And the soft, drawling voice
'tl&mo back solemnly, "No, we have 'sarrup'
own home." NANCY WYNNE.
oociai Aciivines
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brown, Jr and Mr.
r,Wi4 Mrs. It. W. Ooodall, of St. Martins,
rvutsinut urn, are spenainif a ivw uujo m
tle iaurel House, Lakowood, N. J.
p. Mrs. B. Franklin Pepper, or Washington,
U.. C, formerly of Chestnut Hill, Is spending
fWma tlma at Atlantic City.
Mrs. John Contnchnin Stevens, of Sunny-
ptlde; Rydal, lias gone to Augusta, (J a.
Mrs. Is.irin T RJnri-. nf T.AV(rnpfc. fu flriAnil.
lis six weeks at Augusta, Ca.
Mrs, Daniel B. Wentx and her dauchter
I returned from Camden, H. C, whero they
bve been staying for somo time.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Watt, of Wayne.
I Me receiving congratulations on tho birth
r n a dauchter: Mm Wnfl will lin rnnnn.
llered aa Miss Anna Freeman before lier
Itoarriage taBt year.
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Urban, of Itadncr..
Ue spending p. few weeks at Camden, S. C.
IStrs, Frederick Jost, qf 1904 Pine street.
n. wv nw iiQnits inioniiuiijr luiitvrruw unu
I'Ttmalnins Thursdays' (n, thla month. No
l,hyt teen'ent outf .
. .saammBmwMmm&? juac;rtk,i..te.i .ris
aHUWAMI HldlBllnHBlHlf i ' r" 7 L. . ..TV wwiih" rT"." i ' ' ,V-W,r1 " Jl , w--r rj-vrTTf T V V 11 Z . - . J7L.. - . -" i ' -, ' ' j. '. ,- .v rHTn'TAffl 'A Ir- . Wf -- .
ii - r t ii.TiirmiMiwiiMn frTwnnii n iTBiiiirir mi tutMiaiimiT! t vm w mmnstm w wiry - ' "' f tmi--11 .. -r iiitMfflMftiiWiiMftf&T-ii ''iitwi ninii ir i iiiimiw n
l'ho'o Kl-lirH'll,
Daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ell Kirk
Price, of 170!) Walnut street, who
was tlio truest of honor nt a box
party given nt the opera Inst evening
by her parents.
meet nt thn home of Mr?. William Hcntrr,
In .Trnklntown, on Friday afternoon nt 2
Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Watciin. of 102D Sprueo
street, aic guests of tlio St. Charles, Atlantic
Lieutenant Sayen ScliultK, P. S. It. C,
spent tho week-end with his mother nt their
home In St. Davids.
,Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. llalhy and their
daughter, who havo been staying at Atlantic
City, havo returned to their homo on Lenox
load, Jcnklntown.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinylle Ilerknesa, nf ltydal,
are staying at the Traynmre, Atlantic City.
Mr. Henry I. Peter, of O.ik Laiii has. re
turned from Washington, where ho was
spending tho week-end.
Mr. und Mrs. Joseph ". Itiltt. nf SS11
Larrhwood avenue, Wst Philadelphia, nro
receiving congratulations upon the birth of
a son, William miens ISrltt. Mrs. Urltt
before .her marriage, was Miss Anna. L.
Owens, daughter of .Mr. and' Mrs. William F.
Owens, of West Philadelphia.
Mrs. Jacob Sclilielifr, or I10t Xoith Broad
street, will ho hostess today at luncheon
and bridge, when -her guests will ho tho
members of her card club. Th.-y Includo
Mrs. John .Miller, Mix. Harry ilrlese), Mrs.
Louis Weber, .Mrs. Hlla Shaw. Mrs. Frank
lin Hoover, Mrs. L'dwln Lloyd and Mrs.
Alexander ltenhk.
A large caulpaVty in aid of the War L'mer
gency Fund of the Bodeph Shalom Sister
hood will be held this afternoon at tho Prog
ress Club, Broad and Diamond streets. The
commlttco in chargu Includes Mrs. J). F. Jill
born, Mrs. Frank Ilahn Miss Mllllo Kohn,
Mrs. Max Ucrkowltz, Mrs. Albert Berkowltz
and Mrs. Lrlas Wolf.
Tho Mount Sinnl Auxiliary, x. 3ii3. of tlio
Southeastern lVnnsylanla Chapter of thn
American Bed Cross. In tlvo weeks turned
over 408S surgical dressings to headquarters.
Tlio women of this auxiliary im-tt twleo a
week on Monday and Thursdays, from 10
a. m. until 10 p. in. at Mount Sinnl Hos
pital. Tho directors of the auxiliary are
Mrs. i:. M. Malpass, Miv. A. L. Balder and
Mrs. A. M. Clrcen.
Miss Loretta Geiser Bride This
Aflcniooii of Mr. Harry Clark,
of Kenton, Del.
An Interesting wedding will Uko plan; this
evening in Tioga, when Miss Loretta Geiser,
daughter of Mrs. Bona CJolscr and tho lata
Dr. W. B. Oelsrr. will bo married to Mr.
Harry C. Clark, of Kenton, Del. Tho cere
mony will ho performed at I o'clock at tho
home of the bride's mother, 32(!2 North Thir
teenth street, by tho Bev. f T. Isenhcrtier,
pastor of tho Gethseniano Methodist Bplsco-
pal Church, Broad and Westmoreland streets.
The brldo will wear a rolie of plaited white
georgetto crepe with panels front and back of
white, crepe de chlno embroidered with beads.
Tho bodleo Is finished with illet lace. Brldo
roses will bo carried. Miss Lthcl M, uelser
will bo her' sister's maid of honor. Sho will
wear a gown of soft silver-tinted taffeta, fin
ished with n touch of gold and lavender,
and will carry Ward roses.
Mr. James W. fclark will bo his brother's
best man. Tho service will bo followed by a
dinner for the families. Mr. and Mrs. Clark
will leave on nn extended trip nnd will bo at
homo utter May 1, nt Kenton, Del.
. Tho marrlngo of Miss Parrlo Van Bonk.
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorgo Van Bonk,
of 3817 North Sixteenth street, to Corporal
Waller L. Schultze, of 620 Chew street. Oer
mnntown. look plnco on Saturday afternoon
nt 3:30 o'clock In St. Paul's Beformed Kpls
copal Church. Broad and Venango streets.
The bride's father gavo her In murrlnge, and
the. rector, tho Bev. Forrest Dnger, D. D.,
performed tlio ceremony.
Tho bride woro lier traveling suit of bluo
cloth with a bluo hat faced with champagne
colored crepo and n corsago bouquet of
orchids und Ward roses. The bride's only
attendant was JIIss Kstello McClure, Her
coat suit was of bluo also, and her black
hat was faced with dellcata pink. Sweet
peas and daisies wcro combined In her cor
sage bouquet.
Mr. Herbert Schultzo was Ills brother's best
man. Corporal Schultzo nnd his brldo left
on n short trip and upbn their return a re
ception will be held for them tomorrow eve
ning; at the home of the bride's parents, which
will be' the future home of the bride. Mr.
Schultzo will return to camp, where he Is a
Corporal in the, 304th Engineer Corps.
it. m. of new. for the ncletir pace will. !
rented anil printed In thi fcitoliK 1'ubile
.r...uu i.iw , ""!- 3- -,,,. -.,-,
onir anu .", .... ..,
oi in inc . "?. "," "v,..-.r.i:. "! i
rr.."?."po.: V" V&&r($ . W were . r. - " lraca and. the hedge was Impenetrable. - ?;"&; Iw conducted In.lh. nVSSr?w
.... i' i. . -. ,aasfc.'.s",7i:. "- u i i":."":"" ,:; .-iv.. :r;.T : "? ""jiv,si. ::rj' .":"'"j".".?:i" .iri kifh .ehooin. hut iti not nroriod .rnHwiLN
M&itfEJiitKak ' l ' ? Mf-.v - t "'f -i V--i. ..f '. f -. . . u , Viit had.so far iJdftd . hri Itelf wavafcrosa f w nrVH?Kln for any VTipnitrM. rwi . , . in ?XOKD A
?rjLV'i'iif ? ummmmsa wwm mwmm4 mmwm . . i io r . Kiiiii. juukbt. Aav jfiuiwiivhiii'iii mf hitrriea lorwaxu. iruaiinir iu inn kuou jonuiiv i '" . -" -" -w -"- .-' -..- r-- - -. - .
Business Career
6f Peter Flint
A Story of'Salesmanship
By Harold Whitehead
.1f. It'fidrirnil trfH ,.ii.,m t.nii, f..itn.t flllfX
Konji on hnil'i;, nrllino. nrfrrrllslne inJ "",!''?''
I Al; (tmii niirtrlnne rlrnriu o.iif itlt'f
v ' - "" :""ir"' "". v." jv ..,..
fid IM
vnnl Io nil fitmitrir. 7iop irSMi are nnonv
jti'ir rurnri nniiip ri in run nniinj.i fmum
mom miul he twiarul. ,1iimi'ci tn Irrlislr'il
iri(oiM i, Hi h, amr by Mall. Oilier ulll I"
ii.ilcrr,l In Oil, column. Tli- tnol Infirrstlso
M-oMrnn nt tiiqutms nill he uoi'tii Info ll'C story
t n:r.i. i urt wii
know I had ncrv
Ito much today, t didn't
nerve until now, but havo
been so wrought up that 1 cnutd havo
screamed for relief.
For two hours t walked blindly over Pon
ton Common, trying to gather together my
scattend thoughts and readjust my outlook
on business.
1 went to Benton's otllce this morning ni
Initntettd and 1 had to wait half on hour
before ho could see me. That half hour was
the most unrninfortnblu I ever spent, won
dering, wondering what was going to happen.
When I Vent hi ho looked nt mo In qillto
a kindly way and I tell relieved somehow at
ooee Then he said, "Flint, We've gut to let
sou out."
What do you main let tne out?''
'We've got to let you go; we cannot use
you heie."
ou mean you can't u-e me In tho kitchen
goods department don't you. sir'.' ' I said ;
"yon run uso me in some other department."
Sit," ho answered with a shako of his
head, "t can't us. you In any ibpattment.
ion will li.-ue to tlnd a Joli somewhere eise."
' You don't mean to tell me that I'm fired 7"
I said with pained surprise.
I'm sorry, Flint, but l'e got to dismiss
3'"ii. You've been u source, of trouble down
stairs ever since you havo been in tho store.
I in afraid you havo been relvhur on your
father's friendship for me to let you do
tilings no ono else could do "
"I liao not" 1 said Indignantly. "I've
done putty much as well as tho other fel
lows." "I'm nfrald that doesn't s.iv much for you."
he nxponded. "I would lll.o to hold you
hero for your father's sake, hut for your
own sako I must let you go."
"What will father say'.''' I gasped : "I
daren't tell him that i'v,. lot my Job."
"That. I'm afraid, is your trouble not
mine. Would you lll;o mo to write to lilni?
"No, not that," I said quickly.
"Will you?"
1 thought for n mlnuto then said, "Not
Just yet; let mo tlnd something else first."
Benton shook bis head and said, "I shall
write to your f.uher. 1 cannot let Walter
Flint's son be running around Boston with
out a Job nnd perhaps needing n f.ilher'H
intlucnce und guidance."
"You mean to say," I said, "you will butt
Into my affairs and write to my father? it's
nothing to you what I do" 1 went on hotly
I felt passion rising In my heart. Then
discretion fell to the windi. "You sny for
my sako you Hit- me. That's a tine thing for
a man to my. If you wanted to help me
you would keep me hero and glvo me a
chanco to make good."
"I nm dismissing jou," said Benton quiet
ly, "bicauo having trouble will make you
realize your true place and duty In tho busi
ness world."
"That's the iamo kind nf bunk that dad
used to glvo mo when h licked me," I said,
"but n fellow doesn't want a pile of trouble
thrown on him. Ho wants a helping hand
and a lot of sjmpathy."
"1 think I've tried to help you a lot,"
said Benton.
"You help me'." I lelorted hotly. "You've
I eon down on me from the day 1 camo here.
You'vo done nothing else but find fault nil
tho time, and you talk of helping nm and
nt tlio came time lire me I'm glad I'm
leaving you. I'll perhaps get soniewhero
where they'll appreciate a fellow better than
your hiifh-hrmv hunch does," and with that
1 rushed to tho door.
"Stop," said Benton sharply. I had my
band on tho knob as lie spol.e, and without
loosing It 1 tumid around and said:
"What's the matter now?"
"Your money." lie replied nnd he held
out my pay envelope; "you aro released
from ilulv ut onee."
1 snatched tho pay envelope and left
without another word. I passed Itnslo Lever
nn tho way out and she said, "Why tho ftuo
Ulto n funeral?" tint I didn't notice her.
After walking on the common for a
couplo nf hours I sat down on a bench,
physically and nervously weary. I found
my pay envelope, still clutched In my hand.
1 torn It open to take out J.", when to my
surprise I found $2.8:; In cash and a receipt
for $2.13 for the plates I broke, and In ad
dition to this a. llttlo note from Benton
which read:
"Dear Flint I Inclose $1.1 -which I want
you to accept from me. It Is with leal n
gret that I liao to do my duty to tlio store
and dismiss you. Somo day you will realize
that you aro to hlnmn for this trouble, but
now Is not the time to tell you. I liellevo
you can nnd will make a real business man
as soon as you have got rid of those foolish
Ideas that peoplo aro trying to Impose upon
"Don't blame other people for your
troubles. See If you yourself alo not le
sponslble for some of them."
A wave of shame camo over me when 1
realized that Benton, although mighty hard
mi me. was rcnllv trying to help me. That
$10 will tako cnie of me for on" week and
in that time I'll surely land another Job.
ioiiay's iti'siMiKS i:pk;h.m
Trouble olrn tikics yau rvuUxo your
true ilaco mid fluty in the bustnoi uorlil.
What does this mean to you?
Business Questions Answered
T nm u salesman In a retnll More and I li.ivo
illfllrultr In eln-lns business, i there niij thing
1 cuii do to win over tho vvaverlniT etiKtr(inr?
' It. K. W.
Yes, If tho customer Is hesitating between
two or threo articles, make some sugges
tion In favor of tho ono which she appears,
to llko most such as. "This is a particularly
charming design." "Wo nro selling n lot of
this size and It Is giving much satisfaction."
in other words, try to emphasize the good
points of tho article which appears to be
favored. If, however, she is hesitating
whether to buy at till, thn thing Is to assume
that sho will buy and say, "How many yards
shall I cut oft?" or "What else cm I show
you?"' or "Will four of these be sulllclent?"
By so doing you tako the customer's mind
from thn question ns to whether or not sho
will buy nnd tilted It to tho slzo or color,
etc., sho wants,
Activities of Interest
in and About Lansdowne
Jlr. and Mrs. Clarence II. Ilppelshelmer
havo returned from a short visit to Atlantic
Mrs. Charles J. Pilling, her daughter, Miss
Josephine Pilling', nnd Miss Oilvo Mason havo
nlso returned from n week's stay at Atlantic
Lieutenant Clinton Wunderllch. of Camp
Meade, spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wunderllch.
Corporal Harry Farren was also homo over
tho week-end,
Miss Florence Conway has been spending
a few days at Atlantic City.
Tho Americanization Federation of Lans
downo met at tho homo of Mrs. Charles S.
MuBscr on Monday morning.
Tho Woman's Guild of tho Kplscopal
Church mot at tho purleh house on Monday
Tho Junior Dancing Class, of which Mrs.
Alfred C. Balch has charge, met on Saturday
evening at the Twentieth Century Club.
Tlio Chi Omega Delta Sorority of tho
Lansdowno High School Is giving a dance at
the Twentieth Century Club on Saturday
night, March 23.
Miss Klma Brooke, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Horaqe Q. Brooke, gave a small din
ner party at her home on Saturday evening.
Her guests were Mr. and Mrs. J, Norman
Lukens, Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdward M. Miller, of
Philadelphia j Mr. and Mrs. Harvey n. Hvan
son and Mrs. Clcrtrudo C. Moore, of Klrklyn.
A few of tho young people In I,ausdowno
attended n meeting of the bridge club to
which they belong at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs, James McKeli, In Cynwyd. on Saturday
The Yellow Dove
HomrliiM. Dili, li, Miffon nnd Comranw)
Till! STOKY Tllt'S l'AU
,, AH, llnsbinil , tnj.tlllnl bv "The Yrlloir
I "": u IWi'-ltorviNinrr nlrplnne Unit drum
lilmnltini I,,,,,,,, ,pr nr.li llnr unil Hint
m.ikrj lierlotllr trip-. ti Klizl.ind. Month nf
M-urrli Inur fulled lorule the IiMIiik nl.ye
?i. . "fj" I'bme. unit nlturk ntnlntt It br
., r "lr t'rfen.r. lute hern rnuullr fnlllr. Thi
thin Unit in,,!,,, T, iPj,m- He,." ern
i'iVmT .''"'''In I' Hint Ihrre.l 11 "lenU" In tbn
llrlll.li V)P ,,, M1, ,l(. ..,,r-- ,I,(-
lire liniirl.iljlr liniillani-iu vtllli the iiiovrnirnt
ur lrufi,
n..l.:AJ,V '"-TIV lll'.ATIK "Ti: Imd n repnlri
!i -' J"r. ftxl"H Hie iii'il minTiiIut dlniwrit In
!.,'.. '"'rli'"! "Irile ulll. In vihltli mine riiMnrt
,V.t " '", 'I'"1 .i:nl.iiiil's iiin-i ixiwerfn mm.
Hn the tilcltt Hie Ur i,irn- tlio l the l"Jf
it a imrly i;lrn In lienor nf .10IIN UI.IO.
ile.lil of riillMlnr nnil u nrrill nrllt. vvll(-
liithn.K-r rvlrniN even In the Kins lilnijelf.
Aitonllni; I., tli-tein. Itlfrlu It irnnllti-d to
w-lret Id-t null nnrl, vtho Intblib-l
It II, II llMi:s,r.v, ttPiitlrin.in pnrt
I" in nml iiiiii.iiIhiiii innii. wllh the rrniiliilen
f Im-Iii nn bller- 111- llun ItlHtl- VIXIII I.K.
l.lliBliIrr i.r mi ini-rlriin nillllnii.ilre rr-lilintt
liisl.tml. n,l i irni lM ll.l.t). ii re
tired i-maln nniirr. new nn iH-rl.il ilntir nl
the War lllllie j,p ,l,er rnniplrle Mix
ilrtle. Iinrlin . dinner nml even iitlrr tin;
Jflllir lire nf ,n I,,,!!,., H.innner.lrv l ililtlnl
fni- 'M.iiMiu." i hi- t Iml.v imrpl" lhi
Teliiikei illrrrted ncnln-l hl innriite Mini lil
lo.iTt, nm, ini.r.nii,il "Ibliv!"
linrliie i lull n n. rniivrr-ithm llnninirr-lrv
nks I aiiliihi Hi Mil, I rer Mime t liturrlle im"-r
mill lli urn, l,rr ltlli Inlrn nil-, him vlirii
illnne In the ktnnklnit rnnni unil nfrr lv
mlniilr, or nn.nnt-srnl i.irriln Munt", ''
fur the ilmirrlie ninrr vihltli IHUrlil linil
neil In hi mi . Il.iinmrr.lej refn r". even
nftrr lllrtl.i khmt, trt-ilt-nll iN frnm it prr-nii
i.inirit .Vl.iell. llurU enli-rt n ll.imim-r-lry
llrtrntt Itlzln', Uire.tl nf eniiire.
When lliimmrrli.i lilke- Hnrl linme lit" no-Hie-,
nnnilirr iMitiinmhlle fulhivvlmc thein, ami
Blve III-, ili.innenr nnler- tl "liie" It. "
the im'.inllnie. the KnulUhm-in llntU ilitluiiltv
In ninlilliic nn nnrr Io liU llunre't nnr--tlnnlne
n- In hv lie dne nut iiime mil untl
ilrfrml hlniM-tf ni!.iliil the liinll , nf other-.
A the niir.iilint e.ir Kllln t'.rll il'kj IlnrlH ir
he will like ulnt he glve her mill l-ifli Ihein
Mtfe nnlll he riiinrt Ihrni. Dvilleil by Ihe
llirlllliiB r.iie Hurl- imr-e. .In n the nlinr
oir roiiien alinnihle ll.linmrr-lev - llinnn-lne,
llurU, villi the ntik.vue nf ilu.ir.-ln imprr..
i-llli- mil of the emiii-lte ilnnr Into the il.irl.nr-.
unil Ihe ,ifrt) nf hrr f.llhrr" el ite.
iiM,i:ii(irs Miciti.i-
O.Nv-'i: within the bottlers of her father's
est.itn .infl hlddfii In a clump of bushes
near the bulge, nil Idea of lllgbt left Doris's
head. Sin- vv.is home and the t.imlltnr scene
gavo her tiititlileine. i'lom the middle of her
dump of bushes glow a. spiluv tiee. and Into
It she quickly climbed until slu leached u
p.iliit winro she coultl sen the tlgmes In tho
load hesldn the quivering machines. Mm
had not been follovvul. Tho live men wcro
gathered umtind Cyril, who was protesting
violently at the outrage. They had not miss
ed her jot. Ktryker was tin Ills knees be
side the stricken wheel.
"Come, now," she lientd the leader aylng.
"you're not to bo hurt If you'll give Vm up.
"Why, old chap, you're mad," jrll was
saving coolly. "I was thlnkln' you wanted
mv watch. You iluse me twenty miles In
tho dead of night and then ask mo for olg
nretto papers. You're i-linllln' -what.
"You'll llutl out soon enough." said the tall
man grulllv. "Oh' with his coat, Jim
Now search hlni."
Cvrll made no leslstaine. Doris cnuiu sro
his Voce quite plainly. He was smiling.
"Bum go. this." In- said with n. puzzled nlr.
"I only smoke made clRiirettes. ou know."
But they searched him thoroughly, even
taking iitf" Ids shoes
"I say. stop It," sho heaid him laugh.
"You're 'tleklln'." .... ...
"Shut up, d n you," said tho tall man,
with a scowl.
"Blght-o!" said Cyril, cheerfully. 'But
you're wastln' time."
They found that out In a while and tho
leader of tlio men straightened. .Suddenly ho
gave n sound of triumph.
"The girl !" he t-i led and. rushing to tho
limousine, threw open the iloor.
"linno!" lie iJiniiteil excitedlv
"She can't
be far. Find her."
lie rushed around the rear wheels of the
limousine and 1or the Hist tinio spied
gate In thn hedge.
"Tricked, by (hid
her, boino of
"It won't do a bit of good." leinarked vrll.
He was sitting In thn .111 t of Ihe middle of
the road near the front wheels of tho ma
chines. "Hho doesn't smoke, chap, l.-iu
taste, I call It, gettln' 11 lady mixed up "J
a hunt for cigarettes Besides. sht-H alniost
homo bv this. The house isn-t far. the
lives there, you know."
In her tree Doris trembled. She was well
screened bv Ihe branches and she heaid t be
crackle of footsteps In the thy leaves mi the
searchers beat the hushes below her. but they
r '..... i .... r.,ii...vi.,i- the n.ith tuvvard the
,...-.... '"-.' 7. ;...,,.,,, ... i i 11S.
U Ulll !llllllll I II 111 !- ..-
Wild thieaf
it won t
help mat ten
of t lines." said Cytll. Iiruslilror '' '''ft'?
his dollies. "You want soinelhliig t litiin t
.. ti.-.i'n flit I hopo you rn satisfied.
bo vet inay'll hrlng llio.glrl In n
"V!v gh-ed-'uroAmd Idn. caielessly and
brushul hb clothes again.
lie had tllxeoveied that Strvker bad put on
the spare vvluel nnd was parley ins with one
tlC..V,,,i",;"r,v0wScll Have your way. What
more ca', i do for you?' If you don't mind
I'd like to be going on.
You'll wait fr Iho glil-bere'
noils w niched Strykcr skulking along in
1 lltl,' ."........,... riiU...l wiille out of which.
I "'lYr ir , li oV.-kd. U shoulders coat-
!'" "".. . ,. . .a.I nt
ess Cyil I emerged and leaped for Iho ru
dio.--boanl of the moving machine,
y.'u foigot to search tho limousine." s
tlio run-
"eTh , t m. scrambled to Ids knees and
fired at ho rclieatlng machine whllo tho
others Jumped for tho touring-car
It had no sooner begun to move than thero
war. ii s.iun.1 of escaping air and an oath
from thn chauffeur.
"Y puncture," somo one said. Arid Doris
heird a rlley of curses w hell spoke
eloquently of tlio sharpness of CjrHs pocket-
'"do'i-Is In b-r hldlng-pkice breathed a bigh
or let If. Cyril bad gotten safely orr. and
lU last worls had created n diversion In
11 o'o inn of tlio enemy. They were work in,"
J .,...... , hi, tlio. but slie knew that tho
pms she could imgot
to have eiuucu no- iiui"-,- -. -., - -- --
fill probability, sho. would mvo been s.ifo
eneath tlio paternal roof. The worst of It
was that C.vrll thought her sale. The packet
In her gl vo burned In her hand. Beneath
."' "v. -!?i...i.M Lniwi-eii her refUL-o and the
SM were two men. and how to pass them
hOUSO WOrO IWO nn-o. ..' "" --' i -.--
I in her nreelous possession became now the
Ml" objec of her' thoughts. J '5 ril had told
her that tho packet must under no clrcum
lulnc X, fall Into thn hands of their pmsue r
nnd tno uespcraicm-, -. me ...... .j ... .......
Ihein gavo lier a. renewed sense of her Im
portance for good or 111 h
Cyrils cause-
whatever It mlgnt i e.
Now that Cyril
h' gone she felt singularly helpless and
" ,r i i, fnee of such odds. For n
ii oi ent sho thought of hiding the packet In
the crotch of ono if tho branches vviu re she
light come and reclaim It nt her leisure and
Mown and um tho chanco nf being taken
,.,..,, it Hut tie uiiPleiu-.iiltiiesM which
m Jiit l-esijt from such an encounter tleteired
her nndso sho sat. her chilly ankles depend
Vic awaiting sho knew not what. Sho had
!,' mVst reecncllrd Herself to the thought of
almost reec
noHltlon when tho tall man iu tho road blow
rt a" on a sporting vvhlstlo and soon the
lapsing of footbteps tliiough thn goto ad
vised her that the men Insldo of tho grounds
had returned.
Tills was tier opportunity, unu wiiiium
'.' .. .. ..1... .li. ,......, I .inlnll,. .in. I'm
IU Jirit'll CO" uii'i'.'i -i-'-i-j ........
irOlll lllO Kltlf.
i the shadow nf
quickly ns pos-
iht in tho airection ot mo u
Out of breath Willi exercise anu excue
tnent. wlion she reached a patch of trees at
the edge of tho lawn, sho stopped and looked
behind her. Then sho blessed her luck In
coming down when she did. for Fho Baw tlio
thin ray of n pocket light gleaming llko a
will o" tho wisp In lier place of concealment
and knew (hat the search for her was still
""i'Var lent her caution, She skirted the edge
of the wldo lawn In the shadow of the
trees, running like u deer across tho moonlit
spaces, always keeping tho masses of ever
greens between her nnd tho wicket gnto until
Site ieauilt.il mo iwiin ..ti"ii mio-hj niu
paused n moment to get her breath. A patch
' ...A..lll.l Inv ttuAen Iter nn,l llm ti.
Ul niww,,r.,v ..w .'.- ...... ...v ....-
an,-., she saw 'vrll still seated on the giound
."nlng ngalns' the fumt wheels of the toni
ng -1' while In- argued and cajoled the men
arest him Helping blmelf bv- a whee
os li atose he fa.-t.l the lull man who had
cone up wnvliig Ins uvolver and ultiiliis
e.illliur in- a lot
n-ttli I'l-fil fiffllll lli:ir
nSV"S gnV,' ' N .iv hat tbn affair had
u-tulted so favorably to Cyril she began to
rt-Kiet her Imprudence In remalnhig to stn
fho adventure to Its end. .C.vrl had played
fit.fl T 1.11ft ll.'Ul IUIIUWL'II IH lurtiiui-
A Komnnce of the Secret Scn-lco
Author of "The IlamlnB Sword." "Mtl-
enp, etc.
tho open sho heard n shout and knew that
sho had been seen.
Thero wns nothing for It but to run
straight for tho house. So catching her skirts
up above her knees and scorning tho garden
path which would havo taken her a longer
way, sho made straight tor tho terrace, tho
muln door nf which sho knew had been left
open for her leuirn. Across the wldo lawn
Iu the bright moonlight sho ran. her henrt
throbbing madly, the precious yellow packet
clutched lightly against her p.ihn. tint of
the tall of her eyo sho saw dark found emerge)
from the hushes and run diagonally tor tho
terrace steps In the hopo of Inlctceptlng lier.
But she was fast, and sho blesied her tennis
lor the v Ind and muscle to stand the strain.
She was much nearer her goal than her pur
suers, hut they rnme rapidly, their bulk loom
ing larger t veiy moment. She saw- the lights
nml knew that servants were at hand. Hit
father, too. was in the library, for she saw
the glow of his reading lamp She had only
to shout for help now and some ono would
hear her. She tiled to, hut not a sound
c.iine fioin her patching- throat. With a last
ifToit she raced up tho teriaco step-, pushed
open the heavy door and shut and bolted it
quii-kly behind her. Then sank Into the near
i M piece of furniture In a state of physical
Dm It Mather did tint faint, an act which
might Knillly have been forgiven her under
the tin must. mens. Her neives were shaken
by tin- violence of her exeiclse and the liar-lowii-s-i
of her escape, and It was some mo
ments before she could reply In the niiMons
questions that were put to her. 'Ihen sho
niiMviiffl evasively, peering through thn win
dow at the moonlit lawn and seeing no sign
of her pursuers. In a few moments sho
di ntik a Klass of water and took the arm of
Wil-mn, her maid, tip thn stall way to her
i""ins, nfler giving orders to tlio servants
that her father vias not to be told anything
iieit that she had come In rj tired and
had gone dlricliy to bed
Fur the present at least Cyril's p.uktt was
'.He. In her tbessing room Wilson took ntf
her eln.il; and helped her Into hcdtnmn slip
pers, not, however, without a comment on
tin- bedraggled state of her dinner tlres and
the shocking condition of her slipper. But
Imrii explained with smno care that Mr.
llatnmersley's machine hail had a hlnwnnt
near the wicket gate, that she bud become
frightened and had run all the way across the
lawn. All or which was true, li didn't ex
plain Mr llnmnierHley's tlelliictitie,. as all es
tort, but Wilson was too well tialued to pit-
sume luriin r.
A little sherry and a biscuit and Dm is re.
vivetl rapidly. While the maid drew- her
bath she locked Cyill's clgatctte papers In
the drawer of th desk In her bedtoom, and
when she was bathed and ready for tho
night she dismissed Wilson to her dn-ssliig
room to wait within call until she had gone
to bed.
Alone wllh her thoughts, her flit act w.m
to turn out her lights ami kneel In the whi
tlow where she could peer out thinuuh the
hangings. It was Inionceivable that her
pursuirs would tl.ue in make any attempt
upon the house, but even now she wondered
whether It would not have been wiser if she
had taken her father Into lier contldenco and
had the gardeners out to keep an eye open
for suspicion characters. But thn motives
Hint had kept her silent downstairs ill tln
hall vvtif tvtn sttonmi- with Inr now. She
could not have home to tIKcu-s with her
father, who had an ouraordtnaiy talent for
getting nt the root of illlllcultles. the sub
ject of Cyi-U'n questionable packet of ilg
iii c-t to papers. She was quite sure, from tho
ndvtntuie which had befallen them tonight,
and the mystery with which Cyril had chos
en to Invent the urth le committed to her
care, that Cyril himself would not have ap
proved of any course which would have
brought the packet or his own actions Into
the light of publicity
The packet of tlgar.-tte p.iptrs' With a
hist scrutiny of the landscape she pulled the
shades and hangings so that no r.iy of light
could icaih the outside of the house, then
groped her way across the room. A thin line
of light henrath the door of her dicsMng
loom showed that Wilson was still theie. Sn
she took the precaution of locking that door
as well as tin- others leading to the upstairs
ball, then went to her desk and turned on
her lamp. She unlocked the drawer of the
desk and taking the small objot t gliigcrh- In
her lingers, scrutinized It carefiillv. It was
yellow In color, quite new, bound with a small
i libber band, a vry pinalc, u very harm
less looking object to havo caused so much
t -titcineiit and tumble to all who had been
concerned about It. She turm.il it over and
stretched its lubber band, snapping it
thoughtfully two or three times. Now for Ihe
llrt time since Cyril had given It In her
illd she permit herself to think of the hidden
meanings the thing might possess, in the
machine during tho rhusn Cyill had wor. lit r
unreservedly to bis side. As .igalnt the mvs
terious men of John Blzzlo Cyril's cause lind
been the only one to be conshleted. She
had been can led olf hi r leet and there hadn't
been time to think of anything but the r-al
ncccxslty of acceding to Cyril's wishes In get
ting the small object to a place of safety.
Then It had only been u packet of clgurettn
papirs a mere p.icl;-ig,- of Biz-ia-Crolx.
which everybody, for some reason or other,
seemed to want. Now. weighed llghtlv in her
hand, the seclusion of lit r loom gave It a
different character Sim recalled Cyril's
hanteilng tone at Inning hieu chasul twuitv
tulles for a cigarette, lint his attitude de
ceived Dniis no mole than it had his pur
suers. Theie was material here for. some
thing more deadly than cinarcttes. She
took the yellow packet in both hands and
pn-Hsid It to her temples UH though bv this
act she could n.-u-s Its seciets into her nun
brain. In spite of heiself she was frightfully
curious and frightfully afraid.
She got up and paced thn floor lapiUlv.
No It couldn't go nn. She miiM know the
truth. As lln key of the mm unopenrd loom
fascinated Bliicbeutd's wife, as the box- fas
cinated Pandora, so this unopened velluw
packet plagued and fascinated Doris Mather
Sho hesitated another long moment nnd
then slipped off the rubber hand and opened
it, trembling in that the tlrst leaf of paper
came out In lier lingers and fell to the iloor.
Sim picked the paper up and piuiuint-il it
minutely, holding it up to the light There
was nothing uiiumioI about it. no mnik mi
sign of any kind that might Indicate a s.-.-iet
mission. Leaf bv leaf, slowly at flf-i and
then morn rapidly, sho went through tho
Paves, examining ea.an page back nun rront,
without success. It was not until she was
almost half through it that she came upon
tho writing four pages written j, ngthwavs
In Ink with a linn too tine almost tor b-gi-billty.
She put tho packet down for a ti -nnent,
her heart throbbing with excitement and In
ert tlulity, too apprehensive to read, in mortal
dread of a revelation which was to change
the whole eouisc of her life and Cyril's There
was still time to close tho book nnd go to
bed. Why did sho sit there holding thn
thing open, stupidly gazing at nothing? Jr
Yes, If Cyril was tho Ulipeal.ah! thiiif,
of I'.cr doubts. It wus time that she knew It
nnd no compunctions of honor should hold
her with such a man Besides she had
promised him nothing. Hesitating no long.
rr, sho held tho leaves under the light of
her lamp and slowly deciphered tlio thin
At first sho could make llttlo of It. os It
srimed to consist of numerals which sho
inuldn't understand, hut hero and thero she
made out tho names of towns, thn names of
li-giments familiar to her and a soles of
dales, beginning 111 March and ending in May.
An tho meaning of tho writing grew rharer
to In r, sho read on, her eyes distended with
honor. Kvtn a child could have seen that
this wus a list of the British forces under
arms, the proposed dates for the oomph-lion
of their equipment, training and dtparturo
for Franco. When sho had finished reading
thn written pages, her inert lingers slowly
tumid tho blank papers over to the end
There was nothing more. Cod knows It was
enough! Cyril tho Honorable Cyril a i-py
of tho Cermans!
Sho sunk low in lier armchair her senses
numb from the honor of the lovekition. Her
thoughts hemmo confused like those of a
sick person awakening from a nlghtmaie to
a half consciousness, peopled with strange,
beautiful linages doing the dark things of
dicums.- Cyril her Cyril a spy!
Boys Will Help Farmers
A cainpalsn tu enroll lilgli school lioy.s
for farm work In tho Unltctl Stntcs boys'
working reserve will bo opened next week by
tlio school inoLllliatlon committee, which In
co-operating with tho Pennsylvania commit
tee of public safety. Preliminary to the en
rollment lilsh tehool pupils aro studying thn
world's food problema.
Ten thousand boys In the city high chools
nro being taught that the fanner inOnt rely
on linahlllcd or partly skilled labor, and also
that boys III tlio higher scnoois must lurnisn
Hunting a Husband
The Search llcgiiis
TOM and I were or. our way to the Merle's
house-parly. Tom looked nt mo npprov
Ingly. its w'e started for the train- ' realty
fell my fro'k deserved It. For though It was
simple It was effective. My lack of money
has been made up by n wealth of euro.
"There's Wilfred Hale, Sara." said Tom, ns
wo seatrtl ourselves In tho train.
Tom left me nnd camo Imrk u few- minulcs
later with a tall, dark man, whoso black
ejes cVuldti t reist Haltering ono with their
I shall have mv i hair changed If I may?"
said Mr. Hale, with the charming manner of
a man who is used to things.
.Mr. Hale made the Journey to Merln Houn
n pleasuie He tnlkctl simply and ttmrto
nn feel happy by listening to me. Ho lis
tened ye t.igeiiv. 1 was tin longer JIIss
Lane, private sccietnry to u largo firm, but
.Mlis Sara Lane, voting and charming woman.
I tideptetl nil of Jane's pretty helpless ways.
And laughed 111 my sleeve, when I saw tlio
solliltmn way In which Mr. Hale looked nut
for me. I, who was quite used to tho K
o'clock Jam In the subway!
Why Is It that men find the helpless type
nf women so attractive? Is It because It
bilngs out their own superiority nnd brawn?
As we neaied Fcrndalo. 'loin nnd Mr.
Hah- collected our bags and golf sticks and
other paraphernalia.
"I'm so glad you golf, Miss Lane," said my
new acquaintance.
"Ah, but I don't," I raid slowly. "I've been
away lor the hist five years There was no
time lo It-m ii golfing there."
"A convent In France, I'd wager," said
Wilfred Hale.
"How- did you know?" T asked.
"(.i. I can always tell thn manner,'' said
Mr. Hale, with a satisfied smile.
Tom looked fiankly amazed at tho turn
the conversation hud taken. I knew In a
moment he would ruin It nil.
"it, Tom," I saltl standing UP hastily, "did
you see my handbag?" Tom brought It over
tn me. while he looked at me stiangeiy. I
whimpered. 'I'll explain later'"
What 1 should explain 1 had no Idea. For
the conversation bad taken a turn that was
tpitte unexpected to me. But why not be a
graduate of a Frenth convent .' It would hn
my last lib. Besides It would account for
so much -my inability to play golf, my slight
knowhtlge of the new dunces. It was a.
As the train drew Into the station, T saw
fioiu the window a stiiatt inotoicar drawn
up beside It; ami nearby a little lrlh
Jaunting cur. (I had only seen that kind
Iu pi.-tureH before).
Uur host .lames Merle, Jr , came toward
u, golf cap In hand. Ills fiuuk, gray eyes
looked- out on tho world kienly, a Irllle criti
cally. 1 thought.
".May I drive you in tho ttap. or Is It the
motor?" lie asked me.
"Tile nap. your lonlshlp, T said, laughing.
James Mi-ile, Jr, looked at tno a moment
"Your stivntit my lady," ho said. In the
same spirit.
I hellev.- our ftli-ndhlp began that 'mo
ment. i niiiiirrnn Terlliiu the Wn.r"
Doings of Clubs and Societies
There will be a preliminary meeting at the
Huntingdon Valley Country Club this aft
ernoon at a o'clock to organize a motor mes
senger service In connection with tho Ogontz
and Huntingdon Valley branch of Iho Betl
Cross. This work will include calling for
Bed Cross supplies, and ns the season oil
xances carrying fruit nnd vegetables, to the
different cumins centers and working in
conjunction with the Honin Servite Cointiill
tcc. It Is hoped that all who are Interested
and can olTi-r their services for this Hue of
woik will attend the meeting.
The branch nf tbn woman's committee,
Council of National Defense of Cheltenham,
.lenkiutown and Ablugton, recently organized
at a mui-s-mectltig In Cheltenham High
School, is arranging to havo canning centers
modeled after those at Bryn Mawr, iu tho
Cheltenham High School Building and In the
Philadelphia Subtiibau Cns and Klcctrlc
Coinpa'ny nil Yoik road. Jenkilitovvn, whero
tho kltulmus have been offered. Of the regis
tration cards, "no of which were, given out 111
the liouso-tn-lioue canvass, already Sua have
been handed In.
There will be a regular meeting of the
Plastic- Club today nt 1 o'clock. .Miss Anne
W. Stinvvbrldge will piesldo at the tea table.
Tim Bev. Frederick Pooln will glvo a talk
tin "Thn 1 tu tit of an Oriental Bepubllc"
next Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mrs.
Phillip L. Whitney will preside at thn tea
table. All members who have (hlneso cos
tumes are asked to wear them.
Next Thursday thero will b a private
view of the exhibition of paintings of Mr. and
Sirs. Phillip It, Whitney. The exhibition will
continue until tho I'Slll.
tin Current Kvents Day, March 2rt, Mr.
Henry McCnrter will talk on the Academy
slimmer school ut Chester Springs, Pa. '.Mrs.
Clara N". Madeira will piesldo .it tho t-.i
The V. iiiMii - Club of Wymote will meet
today at !:3 o'clock, when Mr. Wurwnk
Janus Price will talk on current events
Girls Win Scholarships
A student of the t'nlverslty of Peiihsj I
v.inin, .Miss Mary A. Hippie, and u pupil uf
the West Philadelphia High School for CirR
Miss Catlieilno Pi legal, of S013 Jlaverford
avenue, were tho winners of scholai ships in
the AVoman's Medical College, offered in tho
icer-nt tli:u,iiun drive ot the Woman's Hos
pital, aceoidlng to announcement inailo yes
teid.iy by Dr. Lida Stew.u-t-Cogill, captain
of that teai i
Miss Hippie collected nearly $1000. Hon
orable lin-ntton is given to lilts But ha J'in-lls.
of C?lt lailisibivv-ne avenue, who.-.e ifiorts
were sue a that sevctal w-ilthy v.omi-u indi
cated thev v ill finance her medical similes.
niiir.o io
Miissits. sin i i:in
Nights $1.50, $1, Toe, 50c
Matinees Sl,7oe, 50c
& S1.00 MAT. TODAY
A""""" VVIIV
POP. MAT. T0M0R. k $1
.man sup: LOVES
With MAKY NASH & Entire N. Y. Co.
POP. MAT. TODAY '& ?i.oo
teiiy vwav
and the llrat-l.ookliit- Chorus In Town.
MONDAY" NIGHT Scats Tomor.
Greatest of All-Star Casts
x I
'. . '
i v:':.y
1 ranlilln In.lltutr inceti, Srienth itr','v, '-7jj
Kmslnclnn ltnnr,l nt Tm.t Mia n,Hav -.Vv-G-in
street nnd N'tntnnetinti,... n,.,nn. i.a t. Jr 'v'"!
XI... (In.. U I. !. . -. . .. .VS...
.... . .... ... r..,.,,,, ui,T-net-onu Birel ABII c- TTv."5
ness Men, West Bintich Y. M. C. A. Free. " S'tSj
.ii i rnirni inninrn .nm mm, II Jii
Slnrlii-ii Htreot !... "i'.
' " " , , ;u
Xlrftlrt,- ,if rlflt-.j,,..tM.I .t rl,l l.l 'MMl
Business Men's Association, G219 Mtrlcet , Y3A
t trcct. i-ree. ; " , fl
t-rn iiik-k iinprnirnirnt AMornilon rnttli, , , ""wvl
J52I Chanin nt avenue. Free. f .TIM
fcl.l.lll Sl,..l II... I..... 1, ,., .. .H
meets, fills South Fifth treti !?,- 4.AfJ:
l.rtlure nn St. Paul, by Hi Iter. Stewart
i'. Keeling, .st, Peters P. H. Church, Wayne
aventio nnd Harvey street. Free.
.Vililre.. mi "ZlnnWni," by the Iter, Dr,
Joseph Krauskopf, Holy Trinity Presbyterian
Church, Klevenlh nnd Bocklnnd streets. Free.
I'lrih nniiiisl thinre, Itrhrera (Irate Horn
League. Apollo Hall, ITSii Xorth Broad street;
Merlin of (lonr,iphlcnl Knrlet.r, Wither
spoon Hall. Invitation,
i this 111:1:1:
PinsT kiiovvi.no op
'i v.tuptjtion ef Prank 1 Packard's Noval
Ni:.vr wi:i:k -maiiv pickiviid in
r ALA.LH 1" A- M' " ;15 P- M-
a u. x- FINAL DAY OP
li first SlioulnK. "HIS ItOYAL JIKIIINXSS"
Thurs., Prl. ic Sat. MADtlfJ KKNNKUY .
Coming -"Till: ClIOSS niMHKP."
eiinsT.sTT in:i.ov iotb
10:10 A. St., li1, -j, ;i,45, 0:13. 7:45. 0:80 P. M.
In I 'urn mount lii-tura "PA'B'fl DAUaHTElV
Ailtltsl -"Son of Democracy' (4th Chaptar)
WSt. TOY l'ranla v
Aillnl "Son vt Democracy" (3d Chapter)
v njxutx unvt ()r 1JUBAMa..
1 hurs , l-'rl. fc f at. DOr.OTIIV WALTON
111 "I.OVB I.UTTKnS"
'li' H1 . i,u.iiiiuuii.
T.JrfUUNJI 11 A. M. lolir, M.
v ti;i.i:phoni: TANOLn" othbiis
rnncc -i.T."rc siAitKrrr rt. rtow coth
v.nuiiijij Unlly TmleeNtgbtl
BROADWAY i"oai sn.i pntdhu avk.
v.- U 11 IV UV U W KNOWg"
FOllREST Mat. Today isiso
Bntlro Lower Plour, II. Balcony & Oallary. 60c.
Xlghti unil rial. Mjt. Kntlro
fllx'Ttit Sut. i:-t-nlni:) Lower Floor
Plenty of Oooil Seats, Mia anil 11.00.
0 F J 0 Y
MiikIi- h VAlAEItDE,
M-iiiili.li "Waltz Kins"
m'anihii itnvt i:
ti.1 Si-uorltiiH nml Henors,
Iho Tip-Too .show
G, T DTTr Llinlte-1 Enjasoment
Popular Price Matinee Today
Maihi'-e l-lnt tlo luxe." Now Y'ork Evi. fiun.
"A Triumph" inYS?
- rhlladflphla Prfio.
M WHUM Mack HnI 1-ou TUf(Mi
BROAD Last 4 Evgs. v- &,
SJJb $1.B0 at Pop. Mat. Today
wm "
A T nv fAmi1ti lw .T. T. tTnrold TVrrr.
rr y8&J3tifc
Pi-mnli. B sa1 A - fmM
mmuzrzr vxm&
Tr.HTAlN.MENT." North American. '
EYO.. MAJICH 13. 8115.
11 Y
Am-nnnl t HIO. at BTEPANO, Ilarplat.
n-iiMcirm. Tr,o. it. no. tl.50. 12.00. IS.OO,
lldipfii. 11 1H Chmtnut Ht. Chrcka to Oo. T. Italy, ty
Iho Evrr-l'opular HonEstr?M-Comeillenn
In i Srle of New Konit Itlta
Littlo Hilly Mnml Earl & Co.
Metropolitan 3?!8E"&m c...N. ;,M
-....miivttv-n.. t t - t nrnmffiv
i.laT,7.ilB K I 1 I I . V . Ill 1
it s o'clock . . riim
Minn. Uarrientoa. urailau, Mattreld. tlmi.
Lazaro (V'lrat Appearance), ua I.uca, MaMonM
t UaAa. llri.litc:ltan. Laurentl. Cond.. ifl
Vaiil. 'Beati US Cheatnut St. Wal. 4I5I riace yr.Jgj
Oerinantown Ave. at Venante-i
iirrt)rt A.muaemnc urniDtnif
Herbert ElOntar. Frealdant i
-.,r-n- o TTA-nm .T.IX
WITllEUBl'OO.V HALL, TUuri. Ev., liar, t at,i.
1?AT7T. "Th Hlitorleal naclntrouu "aaf .
iUPilXU th Ureal War"1 Aa
BARNES Auatrla.lluruiary'" ,
Tlckrta. 6o and "3c. Unlvaralty lltn
Pui Offlco. Wlthararoon nuildln. ', -
Walnut Ab. 8lh 8tf & HJB OWIJ
Trocadero.Hgg0 LA fAg
;. Mm
4, . ,
r i ...i
t UlU
j ,!
" - i
' v.i
' M
i Anttjym
- "'
1 !HM