V, 1 'liP "T , ,1' ' . 'h-" V HVISMNG J'UBUO "lEDGEU-VuILADELPUIA, TUESDAV, AIAKCH 5. 11)18 GOSSIP OF THE STREET EYES OF BROKERS CENTERED " NOW ON LIBERTY LOAN DRIVE Opinion Prevails That Market Conditions Will Be Unchanged Until "Campaign Is Ended Gossip oi' the Street i rfI.LNi:sS irlmix iiirenio In Hip liioUcr.V oftlcM In tills til. N'o one Kcetiw to tiiko miuli lnlrre--t In Hip Mock twirled. Those where opinions were n-Knl Mild thev licllcvcil tlieio unuM lie rn little rlmiiRe In rnniltct imiilltlcms till lifter tlie tict l.lbci t I.oun uiniiuldi. The Bieiitect ill aw b.ic.k to market icc-tlvlt). iivc-onllnc to the Iirolu-IM. li the ctrcme tightness of the tiloncy m.irKrt. pome fjoliiK no far hi to My money cannot be had Of course, llili Ih koiiipm1i.iI overdrawn, iih money can bo liml, but the pilc-c imKeil It prohibitive. It Is gpnct.ill) nektioulcilsed tint "every inc" ic prcp.irlttK for the next Iilherty ninp.iicit, both liicllvlilii.ils uud Imtil.x AttPiitlon was drawn todity to tho lurjjo amount of dividend? vvhlc-li me liming clue shortly, , but tho belief Is tll.it tle-c, lii-.lt' ni of MtkliiR the muni ch.inneN fin reinvestment In mlsull.incoiis net uritic, will be l.irReh Invested In Llberts lloiuls The iuhii.ihoi of a Mi Re out of town bouvp, who pclsonall.v took inoio than the usual iirtlvo Inte-ient hi the last two i-iiiiipnlftnx and who Ih now t-cttlliR IiIh Iiouvc In nielei for Hip net I'nmp.tlKii. (-aid jeMcrdiiy that no matter how larso the ioiihiik 1.11k rtv Iloml Issue ho believes It will uc.ito more ciUhiiFl.i-.ni than tlthei of tho lit nL two. and ho lookH forvvaiil to t-ec It n ureal mii ?. Up thinks, however, that tho period which Is beltiR talked about hi which to make the canip.ilRii ,ls too nhort. and remarked that If the Issue should bo ?t..OOO,000,000 oV JSOOUOOOOOO. the time devotid to the lampilRii should be not lec than eight weeks. Mote persons nro talkliiR about and ptiiinlUR for tho third Issue he t-uld, than he expcilcmed previous to the llrst two e.itnp.ilKti". Tho bond and Investment holies outside of -tmn etiRiiRed In tho flotation of leecut new Issues, uic btRliinltiK to prtp.iiu foi the . .itti palRii, antlelpatliiR that business from now on will take on u stmllai toinplcxlon to thai lninitdliitel picicdhiR the tvjei foimei iiiinpalKiis. Procter & Gamble's $25,000,000 Note lime "As Rood as (!nv eminent bonds" vvus the remaik of tho iniinuKer of one of tho Mrsest hankhiR mid Investment Iioumjs hi the rlty ester day when hpeakliiR of tho $25,000,000 Issue of 7 per cent t-erlal notes of Procter .1 (.Limbic, of Citiiliinutl. whleh nro behiR put on the market by a sjudkatc made up of the Oti.ir.inl Tryst Compan.v, the National Clt Company and the I'ilst National Hank of New York. The notes me serial $.i,ono,000 matiirhiR each je.ir fiom 19ID to 19J3 They mo behiR offeied on n "'4 per cut basis for the earlier maturities, the Ield Increasing nnc iiu.'irtei of 1 pe rent for ia h sue cccdltu matiirlt.v Tills Is probablv the luyest Issue as et p.ihmiI upon li the lapllal 1siks lonimlttec, and the Kenual Implosion Is that thc.v will meet with favoi fiom Invcstoit In this cttv. Thero Is considerable speiulatlon as to what tho pi 01 ceils of this note sale aro to be applied bejond tho takhiR up of the $18,000,000 bank loan, but It Is well known th it t'10 byproducts of this concern, es peclally Rlcerlu, Is cmplood by the (Jovcrnment hi Imnienso quanti ties In the manufacture of IiIrIi explosives. Tho complimentary remaik mado above about this Issue lomes with a better Rr.uo sIirc i.elthcr the person who mado It nor his concern is Interested In tho Issue Harrisburg Municipal Bond Issue Postponed It now appeals that (he Issue of IlarrlsbuiR. I'.i , municipal bonds 011 vvlili h bids were invited and weie to be opcnul on I 'rid t last, arc not to ho Issued at pic-cnt OvvhiR to a technicality. It Is said, the bonds weie ice.illul and oideis wcio Rlen not to open the bids. It is also said that tho technicality dlbtovcied may also affect tho validltj of the recent issue, tho bids on which and the final award wcro given In detail In this column at tho time Montana Power Company's Bond Issue It Is generally acknowlcdsed on the Htieet that in the face of many short-term, Iilgh-jIcM offerhiRS which have been placed bo' .10 the public reccntl.v. It took nerve on the pait of Lee HIkrIh-oh & Co.. vvhoc lepie-i-entatlve heie Is II. A .Scilc. of tho Land Title IlulldliiK. to put out the 14,000,000 Issue of Montana I'ovver Company first and refunding mort gage K jier cent hIiiMii,; fund till: t-.vcai bonds. These also weie appioved II Is Mild, bv the capital Issues committee. The statement aoc.omp.in Ihr the Issue shows the company In splen did condition, with an Increase hi net earnings of almost 100 per cent Inco the ear ended December 31, 1913. as compared with the net earn ings of tho cnr ended December 31, 1917. The company is pajins 7 pel cent on Its preferred stock and S per cent on ltn common. It la understood that quite a number of tho bonds are being taken up In Philadelphia and Baltlmoie b.v conservative lucstoi. Things That Mag Affect the Market piomlneut bankei leniaikcd rsteiiliij that, -o far as the piesent coiiditlon of tho sto 1; market Is coiuerned the onlj things which. In his opinion, will make any appieciable 1 hanso from Its drifting iiIour alnilcMl us It is doing at pi (sent, would bp the nel address to Con gress, which will bo mado soon b.v the President and which will not change mattcis fundamcntallj, hut as usual will nrford home operators an c-xcute; a decided victoij for tho Allies on tho Wcbtern fiont, or Komo adverso nevva wjilch would have a depicsslng effect on the peoplo as n whole, and, lie added, the onl one of these which seems a certainty Is tho President's address to Congress. Attractive Investment for Reserve Banks ) A well-known linn, dealing largely in commcicial papei and prime acceptances, has pointed out that at present prime bank and bankers' acceptances eligible for pmchaso bj tho Tederal Ttescrvo Hanks are an attractive Investment for member banks. Ilcie arc the icasons given: "In subscribing to certificates of Indebtedness banks nro"not "ie quired on subsciiptioii to mnko pament In cash Immcdlatclj, but merely to grant book ci edits to tho Uov eminent Where- 11 banking Institution' has such eicdlts on Its books It will, of ionise, anticipate! that It may be called upon for funds at any time. The lesult has been that manv banks have been holding unusual amounts of cash Provision foi such calls bj the Government might with advantage bo made tluougli holding at all times a certain amount of piimo acceptances. 'When .1 call It received fiom tho Government, Instead of making pavment In cash a bank could turn In p.'lme acceptances to the amount of tho call and re ceive credit for such acceptances on tho srmo daj. Tlu 11 bank could keep on hand a ccitnln amount of Uh resources in liquid shapo to meet Government calls, and at tho samo time lecclve Interest on such funds. This Is not tho enso wheie funds aro being held In tho form of cash." Excess Profits Tax A dispatch from Washington Piollts taxes Eajs: Ulemcous rcpoits havo been cir. ulatcd by icvcral trade organt tatlous, sas an Internal Itevcnuo Iluicau statement today, that lucre nicnt or Increase hi property values, as ascertained by upp.alsal may bo treated as earned suiplus ot undivided profits and Included in Invested capltul for tho puiposo of the excess pioflts la. '"The excess ..roflts tax law,' tho bureau explains, 'cxpicely nlacfcs the computation of Invested capital upon tho basis of the cash and othTn Property actually put Into the business and not upon that of a present valuation or appraisal ot Uh usscts.'" Present FIREUUG SENT TO HOSPITAL Man Who Set Firo to Stable Will He Remanded for Examination U A'lcr ho had admitted setting Urn to siaDie on tho Parkway yesterday. James Tlerncy, thirty-four years old, recently an Imuato of tho Philadelphia General Hospital, was remanded to tlie hospital for an examination. Tlerney was arrested near tho pre nt Twenty-third and Itaco streets, when Ida actions becamo objectionable to tho flrc roen. It Is uald ho .showed purtlculnr delight lu seeing thd property going up in tituoke. and Im alleged te have told htofey, u policeman attached to the Twentieth und riuttonwood etrerta po lice elation, that ho pet. flro to winio Waste hi the tttable and caused tho iblate. fA Afalitant I-'lie Marshal Gallagher alo Iwc'tJlined bofore Ataalitrato Watson In B. I'anlM. OI..I.L .l"T ."..i .Jul, icfeuing to one phase of the csccsa "OLDEST WOMAN" VOTES Hiooklyn Orcat-Grandmotlicr, 102 Ycais Old, Casts Ballot HKOOKLV.V. March B .Mrs Sally Gold, of ;s Stage street, HrooK ln, 102 yeata of age, and eald to be tho oldest woman voter in tho country, cast her first vote hero today In the special congressional election. It U the first time women havo voted here. Mr. Hold uroso at B o'clock tlila morning In order to bo the first at the polls. Mrs; Gold was born In Austria -una camo lo this country forty years ago. She has two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren living In lirooklyn. , Tampers With Meter; Aiphyxiatcd While trying to get money from the gas meter In the cellar of hla home to tiny rood James, urpwu, utiy years oia democracy of religion bows A '1 Y TI11 S" - i Hieh and.Poor Stand in Line About Ovcrcrowdud Ca thedral in Mingled Prayer and Curiosity During Funeral Ceremonies v Ily M'LISS ns-iiriinei 1 m pi 1 sous vviiii r. no tl bought or hope of being lid-1 mltted to die cathedral, stood tii.tn oftnl of (lip two laiillniN illMinm and them for ninre lliau live lioius outslib- I'm lev of the. iiIIHi-p wlirre the body of A11I1- bistlon I'reiiili-i c.imI lit- Willi mtlpiii i..ni. 11.-1 ,11,1 --onip nni. mi.M.,1 1 ! ... 1 with what seriiipd to ,p a iloop persiiliul I lo- Othrrs, fratiklv iiulosltv seel.iis watchrd with rnv v the p isp with wlilihl Ihn fnituuntp liwessors of the wlill. land pink tl.kots gained entrance to wit- 1 tirss the solemn iltcs I'lvo hundred nollienirn trn fiom eaili of the fnrlj-lwo dlstr.ts. ami h.iiip p-c-, Itras br.lde. th rntlie drlill under tl.p , umpivlslnn ,,f (:,,, tln lc. ,,. I.nl.t hi, I. , the i rowd Mvm iiftit tin- dnois of the i hun Ii Wpre npeiipil It was iIImiivpipi! lint fdi iluplli nlis of llu- tin rllml uh tp ttikPts villi h entllliil tbp Imlder to the prlv llrgi' or a H'Mt, weir niliig nffeinl as gcnuuie .Pit. weie bilng i.rfPioil as genuine Igtd lnp..llo of th. bits ot In th.' bands of cvpiv pn.-io.tlv. ,. r... . ...... - .. A rigid , board entrant foi owed Long queues stnt'ngl at the dnois of tap iatlipi1r.il and win-, , lug mound fm llvp blinks down Itntp I street and its in tn at Summer stif-el began funning at K In tbp uinrulug I Manv working women tamp to the 1 1 hun h at " hi thp inoriilng to look for i the last time upon the- pl.irl, fea ur.s ... .. it-,.-i.-ii .UK,....,. . ., I.,..-,,. persons rollPd tip In thp I'.itlipdril ie. uiv In in nn. i.illngs-r. .1111 of inotms nii.lprlit.tH and nuns , iiiip bv Hip bun- .Ire.N. on foot and In .onvpvaii.ps S.nalor nous i-pnrovp iii.-oiupinlp.l bv TlionusW Ciuiiiliigli nil i-leik of Hip Court of Ijuirt.i sessions and i "ti-, gressiiMii MiI.iurIiIIii. .mlvpil Uiiop minutes after in and muled HipIi Iips In the ptihtii- of thp I'ltludiai while , mp procesMon. tii.i s.'.inti. wmi..i.i .o.i filed from the . hapel Into Hip . hur. h and up the main aisle Ne.irbj stood Mltliiil 1'r.mils Iiojl., nlso a 1 tte-c.iner A.oljtes in their bl it k tolns ami shoit whlln surt.lltes were follow i d bv thp pemliiarliins and Itiithenlali i Irrgv 1 hi n t. line the iiiPinb. rs of itllglous orders the .lt-igv ..r Hip ill... es,-, in,- i r...uit ..r H,p can,..!,.- mivMsttv Hip iiinns'Ki.nrl I Now thp rU It puiplp of Hip Iilslinps anil hS5fsl)0p ffianufitjs pangynr Sxiols Artbbtsiip as Zealous Prast and Jaithf ttl lplf tilT thou O man of Cod flv sJIrS these things, and pursitr Justh e, " godliness faith tharllv pa tient e mlliliiess l'lghl the good tlg.lt of faith , I iv hold on . ttinal lir. wheie unto thou art iillfd and bast . on fessril ,i ptioil . otifi'lon befolp III. UO I witness ' (t 'limotbv, vl 11-1.') 'lo enter this pulpit m M dsv of public inoilinlVR .'lid speak tn those as. senibl.il help of the gnat pistot who h ts hti-ii cilled to Ills i veil .-ting le watd Is a task vvlilih 1 f'.l Iti.om p.-lenl to fulfill wnithllv. but which lias been placed upon me bv tfcoso whose wishes. In an bout like this, are as a command To all assembled heie, ami to thousands who nre not present, this Is a ilav of private sorrow as well as a dav of public mourning The hleiarthv of the Church In the Pnlted States has lost one of Us most ptutlent Jtcalnus and Influential iiicm b. is The metropolitan see and the province o( Philadelphia Inve Men vis ited bv a sad bereavement Ihe clernv ami people i.r the din -se ovei whlih the most lev.retiil IMninnd Prim. Is Prendeigcst tilled are bowed down In Hie grief and pain of the bieiklng r bonds that hive long united nilnds and lieuts hi frlcnd-lnp and lovi 'Ihe olt of I'hlladclpliM the Com monwealth of Peiiusjlvanla. and tills nation i cognize and mint tin- pas.lng of a high-minded and faithful iltlr.ti lo thosu united to him bv tho ties of kinship, and to all who knew him lntlui.itelv. his death. Is a peiomtt loss To them he h is left the sucicd niemorv of a niaglianlmous friend a wle coiin selm n lender-bearteil comfoitci in 1Ih- Kni d.tvs thi public PI ess has k. pt 1 heroic all the people the oiilllm of Ills blogiaphv, and the ptlmlpal events that uiaij. the stages nf w.ll-nlgh Ihtee siot' v.ats will, li have b.cn passed within il "I'M cenlei.tl in this ta- tlifili.il. where, as a om u oi mmwii ?:....n if. irrfoV.. Ir,.,.:ii!r"i,,":.HBvr.r.7!,,.Lf -e.. .1.1.. , itl.etlr.il lie iriuroto in tin- evening ot his life 1" complete his la bors, to end his c.vrlhl) comse. and o find the rest and rewaid of a vjork ma appioved bv Cod vvbo needed not to ho ashamed, having handled ilghtl) the word of Ood BOUN IN AT.M03Plli:tU: OP PAITM Mo was bom In an ntnioplieio of Catholic faith and rectitude; ho spr.uik from a woithv family that has given many sons and daughters to ilnj sauc tuaiy and tho cloister I Is eh Iclhooc and vouth weie suriomi.led vv th al the advantages of Christian plct.v am Chilstlun edue.itl.iii at home and at school Six vcats were spent In St Charles's seniln.rs Thete 1.1s vocation was dec id. d Iber. lie ncipilird thosp lMestl in.llt1c and characteristics !. i.i.i. .llKilnirulshed bis car.er Iho traditions of the men and Hints of Dish, cms Pgan. Conwcll. Kent lik Neumann were Ills Inheiltauce 'Ihe living ex ample and Influent o or Ai ebb simp Wood and Auhblshop llsttii. and the zealous priests who labored with tbeui acting on the solid and purn stratum of his native character, gradually developed and fasldonert him Into tho Ideal priest and bishop, who In bis day pleased Cod, w.. found Just, and his name will re- '..'.I.. I.t tinnnr nml benediction i .,u.1" '."..".T.l ..!. will, the ec. All 111" IHO " ' l'is-- " -- eeptlon of a few ycara. wan spent In thin cltv Kor tlilrt-Kevcii jears ho was pastor of St Mala.bv'rt c'.mr.h 'lhoi-c who nan hla pamplo lend heard Iih words f I oni hla ordination de.lared IiIh woithliiihH. and bv their testimony ho vvas raised from one position of bonoi In 1 80S bo was mule vli.it general and tiust to a hlghei position of trust 2f the'dlocci-e: and on l'ebiuaiv 21, 1807. was tonsetrated auxiliary bishop of Philadelphia Ho became auxiliary blsh on when he waH In Hie full vigor of manhood and pastoial expeilence, ann for llfteen ears was constantly engaged lu various duties uh auxiliary, vicar gen .....i ,n.ini' nt st Malacbv h and an actlvo member of diocesan boards and committees. When tho benign und be loved Archbishop Itnii passed fiom lime to eternity, bis devoted friend and faith ful auxiliary uccaiue uuiuinintitiioi, ...... three months later was elevatetl to the dignity of auhblshop Never was appointment greeted with inoio slnceie gratitude and Jo. Ile had now added fifteen ears of eplscojial ex perience ami development to hlH natural endowmeiitH unci sacerdotal powers uud gracee. With bolenm c-ercmony apd unl. veisal rejoicing ho vvas enthioued lu this cathedral, July 'JO, 1111 as head of this Important metropolitan see A few months later, with equal solemnity and rejoicing, tho pallium sent by the Vicar of Jesus c'hrlst was placed upon his shoulders. He w'as officially and publicly Invested with that sjrnbol .of authority and Insignia of ofllce which placed him In thn senate, ot fourteen archbishops of the United States, to con tlnue the work which. his Illustrious and saintly predecessors In this nietrofVolltan see had banded down to him. saoi; i.HAnnii oi-' dioci:hi: Tho place ot honor and authority In the Kingdom of the Cross Is ever beset with difficulties and trials and sur rounded by anxluuH cares. However, Archbishop I'rendergaat had the prepara tion of long experience In diocesan ad. ministration and lie faced the duties A A -l"v TV'-iv- w.-vs. nri hl s ions ibislll told Ih it tin inrirLTf- m.i iieiirliiir tin- end. inailp vivid tiv Hie 'I hen IliP dnors nn lied fin flip Intef 'rnimfs unit tin llirittit- hiiit-,.,1 n, iirril Iiik the Soniliir lis , s nm,. i, Irish vvntiiiiu who had Pijnlrd .1 vpeniliic- ' '"I 'i'""t "P with lift rl, ! Iitogue and lllr 'l"-'l'il blrs-dm; Unit Iip pioiulFeil to '" '"" " "" ,,ln1 ni1 ' I'"1"- hu III . Vm ""' 'H'KpIII.p IntoiirmciUH of Hip . I""" "ntiounccd I" " h..t tint hid ,,r'c" "liablp in poiirtiatn II vttiedi.il l'"rtalH the mom. in of n,r .,.m..H. """ nHimiunus to .11 1 iUk.U,--. men ""'oveied. women iio-kp.1 IIiiiilcIvps 1"1 ' f,' B'linlU. led leg mil. of the iiii( ri in in Thosp who jcais ago bad watiheil with he same lntlrin,. mill iln" tme lpvnrin-p or iuiIos'H tin I ihi ifiitito nlis ovei Vn libllnii lltan Imu.iIIiiI ll . ..Vttu ,0 f ." ' ""," '" "" ', '' " ..-l.'-l'r;,!,l7?,1:1' ",''','',PV1' I ', '"-'''I '" ,,Rl'f '"' ' "' I..netlt of Hip faltliful .. the fut that. In the i ii" of n hhl-dinp bad tint been cpiirp fin- Ihr ixhliiirs who i mild not obtain even i tanibiig space within the Ciitlicili.il I'niunieri lal oppoltuulsls who uprp nut In fori p Willi phturps or the Anil bishrp did a tic'avv biisluess before and aflpi tbp muss A llttlp Kloilp of iiipii iirivlug plult ((K(i) allI ,,,;, ,,, ollv.-drab of ,,, ,.lllKH f ColunilniK iiniroiins in. ,,,,, ,,, llr ,,,,, ,, riI , ,,, ,,, ini,K ,,, (1,,u,0 ,, ,ll(.Vi ,,,, . , ... , . ,,,,, ,..,.,. ,1.,, ,i, tc I, tl l,H iospiipoiis ciovvd - I ,,.,,. ,..,..,, ,,,, m.t,.., i IHJ.MI.. LtMll.Mi lOO.MUllI Ti.iv clcr Meets Piist 4Iish:ip on He ,, i l ... ..... u,nl l" J'nastei l.M sl'i:il Mai.'h " flp Inv eling ov.i Hip wotld f n ni inv veais without n -lllgl. niNli.ii Ml, h ip II dwell c lino link belt to Ills old lioitl. town cHt.ida-. to llnd s no,- ,,M friend. He li'i.l a p.itv l.trlv this m .ruing h. wis ph ked up b Hu poll .- aftrr In ." '7 .'"' "'.'"' , ' ' !:'!',;;; "ti.''Vini1 tc now in nth ions ,imi lol.l.i .1 . linn lOT.llitlou In the ilinri il Itosint t! gers to faith and mortlitj width stir- 1 round us at the piesi at da, Ihei. in.' b. fnre hint spetlal piohl.ms pre- seiit.d bv dlvirsllv of elements anil of lingtiig tn Hi. pnpul ltlon , but v.an t.r thought ami piaitltal adtulnls- tt .il Inn hail ptepiird him to ptnvld- for llu( netils and snlvi the inoblrnis lie was no sti.ingei lo pi I. ss and people No untiled hind was al the 1 1 r Im Me hid gmi' thinugh a .tint. pi. te ionise Me hail ben .urate, pis. tor iniisullnt. Vital Uenei .1 anil Alls il la i v lllshop Mvtr ml.st Knew him and he wis familial with the state of rier, i.irlsh If .ver a blshon at Ills Installation could sav. 'I know mine and mine- know nie," and go foi tit to hlH labors under a cloudless skv. that nun was the thltd Auhblshop of Phila delphia II" bud with hint a loval, I milted ilergv. an arniv of devoted men and women In the lellglniis onb rs, mill a hndv of li.ople not surpissid anv-1 wheie in Hn world In Huh fldelltv to lli.lr riltli in iesp.it foi theli pil.sts In then ceiieio-lt, t i lin-tltutiotis of I -llglon ihitllv ami iiltnuloti oi In theli svmpithv ami love fin him vvhinii Iho Molv eJhost through the suttessor of St I'eti I. had Im-eii to nib- ov.r Iheni In the uinit ami b.v the puwei of Christ 1 bt.ir In mind while I speal, of the i.trppi or the Aithtilshop the grc it worl lellcJniis ntnl laltv I 'do and l."l tiiel, or the ilev out 1.1 ests .. l.rt liliri. ,1 .(! lllS Mill p-itt In the vvoikH that me Identified with til lit Ihe works tl. lie for the c'liui.li In the dlotese vteie not ei lu slvelv Ids hut Ids was a great put, ami In litii cnlM ' 1ml Usui bun with it spei al imt dlstliigiilsliing prominence nn Ihe ih.v of his Install iilon Hie lev ll line ' 1 1 mill ruhn who soKe Hi tin or Ihe iliin.se slid III tin nunc t. m- ulev unit vuieil duties nf iliotesm ml inlnistrillon bis Lite jinUinenl am biding wisdom unbilled with tnjal levotlon give sei,l,p pm .-less to a uiei .no ins p - ieilv sol PltuilP for Hip weir.UP or Hip tletg anil propip nuiekeued Into arfeetlon He vetii ration Hip admiratlnii and psteem which Hie integrltv or his offitlal virtues liad be gotten 111 us i,i:avi:s an unpurinc mmik 'Ihe long veats ff his mlnlstrv full of libors and anxieties roi hlmseir aim icnleto with blessings for others have left nn enduring muk upon priests and people It would be dlflkult to name another man lo whom a diocese ewes mole for apostolk 7Pil. Inch Ideals or pistnral iidmlnlstratlon and sacerdotal virtue In all that tonteinid the Inleiests pr the Kingdom or Cod. In the .stablisb- .i.,ri,rM noil Instltut ntis or re ligion ami chailtv.. in Hie Inipoitant dutv iiv.. in no- ...ii.". ..'.. du. atlnn frpm Hie fut-1 or c lirislliti .....,... !.. tl,.. fi.lliolli s,sletu of I III.. I' fcl".'- . ", ,,l , lln. fl public stiioois in me iiui.i- ... - -j Hie high ulionl ollege. seinliniv, anil unlversllv, aiiiujimioi' '""""", tne ntosi iino-o. en,. i.u- cresalen .n.ininlouH of religious edllc.i Hon Ile hail one great allegiance in whleh all duties are coiuprlrid alle glance tn Hod II. II abe united be two gical principles tn . ... .,,- ...... .,.. the lovn of (lod and the love o our countrv In theso ho nevei railed Hi vvas alwavs rtadv to fulfil every dutv of illUciishlp and to assist the ofllclalH of the ftovenunent, btvaui-c all au thority Is of God Ills example as a citizen helped to promote pe.ne, harmonv and good will among all i lasses In the conunuultv . ho leall.d that while we arc divided in lellglous belief. Ihete are still the nrftiii.il claims nml fundamental ties o' a. loinmnn human biothethood lo unite us as uilghbois; and tho lights ami du ties or n . opinion citizenship to bind us together in one civil nlleglauio and de vote us to the lovo and t-eivlco or out count I y All classes knew npd loved him ('bli PURE FRESH PAINT Believe Me wt Winter is disastrous to paint. Look over your property now and avoid expensive repairs later. Get our titimate no obligation Kuehnle PAINTER US..6thStS& . ARCHBISHOP PRENDERGAST LAID TO REST UNDER CATHEDRAL ALTAR anllmii-il (rum I'urp line vlewpil fintn ihr ilioli lofi of the edifice Clolhed In Hi. vpstmints of his oIIIcp bo lav upon Hip nitiifnlqup ral-iil on tho Platform Hi it hid hepti built ovpi th from inn. r th,. mlddlp i.IkIp Th. bodv fm ni tin loiiRirgalloii as Is Hi. iiistom In the rutin. II. I'hui.h at Hip burial of a cleigvtn in In the bin Ml of a l.llh in Hie hn.lv Is pin. ed fining the iiltai This svmbollPs Hu lei-peitlVP Inislllniix of the tvv. The priest, from Hie altat. fat ps bis miiRii gallon us their lea. bei' 'I In- lavitiiu looks to the altar for advlip ami lli-tt lU'tlon The j-enl.e bi gun at 1 IS ... Im k vvllh i imii rsslon 'Ihe boiioiarv tMll-biatPfn liml 'JSO si initial lalis bid gnthtrtd 111 tin .Mini to Ihe north of the Cathedral. 'I ho iiim-psxlou IpiI through Hi.- south siirlstv. a, ross Ihe samliiarv In link of tin- main altar and Itii-m p to Hip ninth alslp, from whl.li Innds a oi to IlipCathedial .hqiel luwhl.h thp irlc-tB and pielitis had galhcied in vpst, Till: i't MIItAM'filtTKUIl 1'lrsl eiiine Hie hnnnrarv pall-b.-arers 'I hen i-iiiii' tin- ihurlfi-i or i pnerbearer lie was followed bv a i loss-bi-arer, flinkpi! nn It ti. i sld- bv an ai-oljto bPiullig a light. . I .audi.- llu pptuln i n ins follow pil Hip Iiim si miniiu hi .passid the .Impel door In Hip ninth nl-l. Ho- pill-sis atiiJ prplales fpll Into llu, 'Ifip . l.-rgv of thp lirepl.-llilHiPlilHli hliin, Ii or tin I'nimin i ailiolli- rhunh .aim- first mid Hipii i tin.- tin nii'tnliM- of lellglniis onbis fo'lnwcd bv Hi. s.iiihn pI.irj Tin- fa. ult.v of w i albnlii- I utveriMlv at VViisliingtnn, of ulil.-li the Ai.'hblshop was a suppoit. i. w.-i,i npxt In tine, lluv vven- fo low til In siinPsslon bv th pi im limls of litigious onb-is the mnnslgiiotl, tilshnn., and nn ..bishops el i amp Itlshnp Mei'ort, all. tided bv the olll. pr of t'n mass Tin v vv.i. Hie l!ev lr IMuiond .1 I'mrmaiiil.p .tiiii ..llnl of Hip an ll.llo. . hi. asstHtllllt prhsi; ih. lit Ijpv SlniKlgnnr ll.nrv T Piunigiol. H l I.I, t-.tleaeoii uud tin- 111 Itiv MoiiHlrnnr I'ptPi .Masson 1ilhdi.it on Tin in islers of .pr.niotil.s were ih.- Ih I'riiuls .1 I'larl., riclor of th. Cathedral. Ihe It, v V .1 Walsh sptirlarv to Aie'iblshep I'ren.Iergast, ami Hie Hpv Thnniisl' Mi Nnilv, nitsr mi vi. i. in: i.vsr" 'I lii si wilt- followed by tt hbMinp llnu.ino, I'li.lm.l I'aihv ami Ciidluil iMbbon-. In llils wiiv the rilhliis of Hip r.ithoh. . I.ut.h . niv out Ihi go. pel It. lulu Iihi th lit Jt -hill !,. list 1 id lllo I . h ill I . Ill I t ',- ni in ,f Ion. I l Ii Ih. I l.lr.il lor III. to i, si jioo.i i ,i i ih,- p. - i m mil dreu lookrit upon Ins towiung form and nohle fate Willi ulinli ill n and nn"ct'- lion , the poor ... t, lus fi n mh and tin lr . fiel woie the tlutshi. il of his home Ills hrul was lngi ami omiIIowIiir with s,tnpiihv foi iveiv foi in of sultiling. wtongtdnnd ncidj liiiiiianltv anil urged hun lo lO'iipeiaii in all tits or ti in- ami n tut. nt iliiutv and sin I ij setvii. Me ii.uld sij 'I am a in ill and tvpivthiug human ts to me as my own ' I am a c hri-.tl.in ami ain.l.oum) to love ins tficlghbor as myself." There was In Vrclihlshnp pieuileigast a tletruess of v I. w a sound iirai thai judgment, , mirk. d business ability and linn giasp or details tint won for him Hi. lonlldento and tesp.it of men of pub Ik- afralis. Me bid unwavering eon IiiIpii. In bis pilesn mil iiioplc. alt im- railing tveiiness or illsposltion a single ness or put pose mi in, i tei) hunillltv audi phtv. iiuil at the saint time a title estl in He of the aulhoiltv, dlgiiliv ami ic sponslhilliv i.r the pistonl nlllee it. ill, ill. - vim ltlon hi was sentl.tteil unto the Ifospil of lioil, illnsti n sue iissni i.rilli Vpostles, mil Hie elt im nts of ri.i.i ami ti. time so ufliil In him Hut In stood forth In evei sens. Hie form i gi.gis, tho chrlf.ll in pitiern or his not k, tn an the iii-ppest, simplest in. thing or the word 'lie has be. ti a greit priest In thought wind aiu deeil ", the vvliol.. ,'ii.ei of his life, and In the lll.il', nt Ilia '.iioiv oi nin IIS DtlMIN TIMJ PM.TS Mtn- wo tnav piuse fo nsl. W'luu is . niislgnlng to the totnli, and vvon foi the sei ret pow.r the s. ul-inotlic that him Hie .nlinlr.it inn ami imp or thon r.n ins tiiii n tei ami ibletmlnes aetlou suids, wit. a.tu.it.d In the stiong. In nnb a diilsiliu' Whu Is the one'livlne ftlth tint civi- llcht lo his lu iloiiilnant mne in Hie h.nlnni.v of n nn- in.e ...s . ..i..M- e-. in ins r.iilli mi Hu dav or ins ii.nsei i.itlon , in ohedlem lo tin p.lilill. il Itw be I in .ni p. on pi .iit'si nm i,i i mo iioo on Ills dvi!i bed he agiiu testified befoie wltnif-es tii.it he hail r.illluullv lielil ami taught all Hi. nitliles of c .ithnll, heller 1 .lib ileiei milled .ml tons, . rited the tome or his lire It iljiiniinit d his In-lelllgiu..- mid mule Ida s.ml . Mug r.it to H.e live of Jesus mid Ihe t.'iillv ot His ti Kin Molhei II kept his heart llimihle and armed Iiim in all Ids ton ll'i ts fm the dogmas or level itlon and elirlsts liws or tnoialltv Tint mind Hilt Is In Jesus c"hrlt dheiled his thought inclined Ids wolds ilitiiinlti.il his aetlnns It to.k possession of his being and rnlscd his UTo to the suner uatuial older Mo judged mid valued things heie below not bv the maxims and nir.if.urpn or Ihe uniegeneiate wotld, hut bv the stand ml i of tint infallible 'leohei In vvhli ': the .piiii of tiuth nli'.les mid agilnst will, h the g ites of lull nil tl! tint m vail In lint light he saw light II. ap- i pre. inteil lire ami won. ami ill tilings ,1Pit tnlp ,,,ei lin, ihm ttsloii did '". ' .'l1 111,1, ." IIIH...' ,11,- .,,.- .. . ., . not t ins.- him to tin. len line Hie great- ovs r pr, , the impot Ian. e or ilolny ,vi,h ll )ll!4 R, ii his hind found to do I .villi tainiht iiim lo iiuiierstiiti.t leltei the jov or being a shepherd of souls of living and working foi find i glorj in. I the salvation i.r his fellow men ll was r.ilth that en ibled liliu to estimate Hie value ot souls and the In finite merits or the blood shed for their rale. itlon SPIRIT Ol' I Hft SOI f, The hphlt nf filth Is the lintli of 1,'od and the love of lesua i 'hi 1st In the pnul of nnn It lull lines Ihe zeil or the apo.th- gives power of eonvlitlnn and ..inversion to his worth hu. .ess and flilltfillness to lily mtnlatrv and to his loiinsels .ui.l pieseme tint Indefinable influence Hint touches hearts, lOnverts slnueii. eutnuriges the weal and 1011 toles the thing in in anitmited with 1 k. m -Vh. C-a-a-mli t? -rv VXr i -TlisV trali.ing responsibility 1 wM WfevXs f r tl,c in,h,st,ia' SMmSs3V architectural, en &0Pgg0 nance after completion. I (fflOTB 'm tcec & Sons Company I TMliScOr Enine,r Philadelphia . -.BBaBBIIHIaaaaaaBaPWaBBaBHBal .i thn highest honored nf Hie ChUlch's dignitaries In the lulled Males, n,c C,ndluals, walked III tin' leu 'Ihe procession bd Ihroiigh the mil Hi lalle In the icir of the Ciitlndr.il and 'then up Hip mlddlp alslp When It ,ie.ichul Hip plitfntiii the pal He I pan li vedo had bein walking two bv two split ithch lank". iiiHi.hlng mi eltb.i side of the hhr 'Hume the ml. ted the sain,- i in n.v and took thtlr pi ices ' IIMmp Mii'nrt. with the ollheis of the miss, udv inteil to Hip IohpsI step of I the altar uud tho lit ft pta.vprs wire said 'Ihe srrvlie In Id Ibis morning Is 1 known In th. riibrh s of tin- Callioll. Chilli h ns a faldstool p'liitllli'.il high mass of r.qiilem The tenn ' faldstool' j fnlisiit because of Iho fai't that ttie . ele bran! bishop ue a fatilMnnl at the lowesl strt. at Hip i let. I of the altar In stead of the iIiioiip Tin. an hlilshiip throne In Hip . ' uIkiIi.iI will not be used until bis sti. it-ssoi- oki-puiIs 11 1 n hupiesslvp feature of Hip nervhP mine wIipii at Hie ofr.-rioi.v of the miss all of Hip priests In the i hureli, to the liunibPi of s.v.ral biiudrp.1. light, d tiippls ami held llii'.u In theli liiuils Thev weie i Mhigulslied after the Com. iniuilnu ami welp llglUPil agiln . luring Hip nlisflliitl.iii of Ihr bodv I'ollow lug Hip mass lllsliop .1 I' lb gls fit hpv In of Ihr dliM.-si- of I'lltshurg.i .IpllvrrPil a p.ilng of Hip lain An !i blsh-ip Up dwell upon his in.inv good qualities lie ptittlgrd iii.in Hip slm- lplpt of Hip llfp be led told of Hip high Ideals Hut he call IpiI all tluougli l.lu .'Hli...llyU.Il ...... II. 1... I..r . . Crt III. j 111 I, ,,'r, 1,'nill ,1,1, ,,,- IH.IIIK lllll' , .. - fc he ill voti-d In Ills fin. I. mi: ,i!(ii.j rinv follow lug tin sermon then tool, place Hip qillntlplp absolution of1 Hip body. This was prrfoi turd bv IIMinp llnhau, of Xerantnn . Itlshnp clarvev. of ltinu i lllshnfl Hollghrltv of llulfiilo, llshnl M.Devllt, of I hit risking, and Cardiuil ItlbbniiH, In Hip nnb t of tiiiiiiliig llaih ptil Up In Hun perfnrinnl tho I'hurihs nrpinoiiv of iibsohilion of Hip .liml Afler tiilonliig Hip anllplinn, 1 ,11-ot it. Iioinhip' (l)ellver us O f.onl) th. "I'alir N'ostei (uur rather) wim .aid s this was hehlg iIoiip Hip ptp- ile ill . hd Hip hi. r linen-dug It with ,Iip Hiurlfer mid sprlnklhig II with holv witei. ' Tlieu followed tin- t.adlug of evetal vetPlclns f1ei this rill..' tin- hndv wis bottle to tin . r : ImopiU. tin tn llu altnt Its Ii I t.-'tlni, il n r ,t, ,i hi u f phe wa leol h ll.ho. lii oil !.l t i. ... . o- th. ii t.l.n i d over rd of ouls the 7 ll of failli is -el lor and 1. --Il.llll , l( . tning to c oriei t St Paul sptak- ' lug In his 'I plsile ti. the Hebrews ii hip ii nf tin' triumphs .r the s utits or Hie (lid Testami nt slinplv imiiilnus the tiiinties't t)m ,h,tiltv nf theli faith II, filth Abel -P., faith Kiioch -Hi fillh oih-l!v filth he thil I. .ailed Miiahaiu obev.d,' ' Ui.l it vvas leputed t!i him unto justne" Hv faith Hit, i omiueie.t kingdoms, wtotiht justh. obtnlued promises stopped the nioullis nT lions ipieiu heil the violence r 111 i. csiape.l the dge of' the sword and lecovcicd stiength ft mil 1 weakness ' When thn lusplied wilier would .le st, he the soul or Stephen lie cills him ri or Hip spirit or i!ml and or f iltlt i (Aits vt r. ) When lie would stt Dnr- lulus befoii' us Im savs tint he Is roll I or the spirit or Hod and or r.ilth, ( Sits, v J.) l'ttini Hip il iv or Pentecost to nm own time the sublime .outage and heroic ntts oT apo ties toiif.ssnis martvis have been lnsiiinl hi the plilv and roililiide of faith 'llns spit It of fallh has -usialii.il bishops and priests In manv dangerous .lis... in whl.li weak ness of soul ni .inn or Judgim nt would hive be. ii disistnms to theli flock This Is the vlilory tint overcome!!! the worhl, our fit 1 1 1 1 ' In a vtonl, the unweuiiil pitleiice, the sliength ami hoiiPitv of tliita.tti the reailv sact I- fkis. the pilnful self-denlil and Iron nnrmem of llevh .mil hlooil th.it rnno hied the life of him whose hod wo ate trllett and watnitl. n. iiisheitt . nableil nun in live in tiiitit, vvnn all men ami ,, U, j,npi nf the peace and bliss of (iod beiond the gnu. l.l.sns HP Ills I.M'I, We .in- gtllipted In this c.itlietlril of SS Petei and r nil lo Worship Mod whose siipicmo Will the Most IJrvriPiid I'dinond Plain Is I'lendergast has nbeved in ih ith as In life, to unite our pi .iv i't M with the l nbloodv Sacrifice of the Mass and the absolutions of the Cbuii'li r.u the soul tint has lert Its pet lulling house or elaj j and lo pa) the tribute s or mil bents to Hip nieniot v of a great shipliPi.1 of his flock and a gteat iltlett nf this lepubll. W'o liive coino to prai foi bin soul Self-sat rlfl. Ing unions silntlv as he wis he has been judgrd hv a Judge Inflnltelv boh. Whose Im mm ihe Jii'the tlem tiids fie.-, ilom rioin verv bl.mlsh befon- man in. t. is he iv. ii Ills llfo w is one of grave ilutles nml remeuiloiis le-ponslhllitles .mil behu; hiiniui he nm have r.UI.,1 to reieh at ill times the high pei frit Ion whhli u. i demands of thus,, who Inn been sen I mated fiuni men lo orrei satilil, ,- foi sin lo ntle lu Hie Kingdom or I'lihst. lo in i i mh, is an , x.uupie r Cnod works. In do. nine It, Inltgilij rravit. lal us prav r.u his mul his soul1 longs foi oni placers and cues pot for1 our praise ' Let us ptav for him not I only tod iv, bill foi in my divs, Ihaiiklnir I Ood lint It has been our hlessetl rot. tune to hive ha.l Ms eAiunple ,,tid touii- , 'el to idir.i and help ns licuenwaiil ' Let us find .onsoliiton In the thought i that heroic the iinnal tlnoiie nf the ' linma. uhite Lamb lu pitsenn 0r th, Virgin Mothei of i.ml lu the tnuiiiint nf tin angels mil or Hie lust m.ido in i ,.-. . .... ,'-, , M-.1 WHO 1 ItCltl iiiim w ...ii win n.e iuie,ei lo lllll. in Intension no. ismg for tills ii, 0f, foi this pioviiin for llils tountrv fa the l liui L li in ill tin vvoilil mtn , .-. . .... hi. - I" ir-,1 WHO 1 Iteitl 11 Hip lippitum III which thn mflln hid l.pu plated 'Hi. si ib was waled In pint e. The last chapter In Hit life of ti great mini, n (.teat pilet, a great American bad been cinnplrled I'relalps ples.nl ill Hip servlieR, be sides lhop who took active put were Althblshop illeniinn, of St Loiilsj lllslmii I liil, in of Nraliloti; lllshop llHVPs of .sri v,,ii. lilf.li.,,, UltKrv of lloilipstn , flMinp I'nri.llv, of Mevtlatiil, u, Hi-Imp Imueheilv i.r Iturfalo , IIIhIiop Caiiiiou, of llrle , lllshop liimti, of .N.H.Iu Mini , ItlHhi.p Monii. ghati, of Wilmington IM j lllsliop Walsh of l'otllaml,( Me lllshop llnl kins, of Piovl.leii.i, It I : Ill-hop .Mp. Krvlll. nr llaritshuigl lllshop iM'oiin.ll, of I'libmond. Vn , lit liev Al bol ubretht of ileHiseinaiiP Kv . and lllshop llrffioii .. VV'In.t,, . flt,,, ' -. i The atllvi- i.iltlif inriH weie (he lit lb v .Motislgnui iltnrgi- Itoriieinanti, V I'. M Paul's Heading, Hip lit P.ev MonslRiior Vllthirl ,1 i'imiii. St l-rmi. .Is ile .Sales, I h.- lit ltp Moaslgnni I'harlPs I Kivanagh. M Katharhie's,! Wavne, the III Itiv Jloiislgitor llugli T lltui.v. I.I. I, l.ltt It. intor of Hie lioiiinii Catholl. High h, liml. Hie Jt. Hpv Moiislgnnr Ihigem- Muipli), .St. John tho IliiillstV Maiiajunl. : Hip tin-.' I.ilke V .M.i'nbe. I K I.I. K.aml Hip l!.-v Hi i man ,f. I It user It Ii St dullest! .s.niliiiuy, iiviibitnk, Hip Viiv lb v ('Inrl.w.M dil'-inll n s , pt.ivhii Inl of Hip AuhisIIiip Drib I- In the I Illicit ,-liitis. thr P,j 'r, patrl. k Millab- i' J iir.nln.-l.il of thp Cm. gl. gallon ,,r ihr Mlssliitis Hir , i .lames Tlnunlns M .Mliharls Chester: Hip llrv lliriinnl I' ilallighrr, Ml nildRPts, I'.iIIh of fihuvlklll Hip Hi v .Mlehai'l Kngan, St Jllihirl's: Iho Itev I'f'it'Mklettl.v si John autliis's. Itrldeshuig. an, I Ihr f',w rraui'M .1 Sherban, .si 'Ihonias Aipiluas The hnnmarv pallhraiers were Inhn M I'.iiupl.PlI s-.tmiiri r.isltipr. ,i , Jnlitil It 1'i.niliii IMwanl ,i Kit Ii-p. IgtiHtlus .1 IViInn .laui.K I'lah.nv Kr Law. map 1' I'll, I, Vnthnnv lr-t Igna. Hits J lli.rtui.init P. tpt- , Mob-in, I Pei.v Wealing I'.t.rP Kein in. J.wpli l Vlagee Mariln Malonpv Hr Petpr 1' ' .Movlan, Willi mi Miiirath Jr. jj Quliin .Mh In. j ii,iu, JntnrH J ;,,ln Wall. i il.oigt- Smith. Jin mlih .1 .Sal llwtn and Uiisstll 'Ihivti- I I'ollow nig Hip hurl il. Hip visiting leig, w.r.. ini.ttninrii , ,, ,,, , lllsliop .M.iiui nn. I thr prlots of the, all., dral pirlsh .M.-ml,, rs of , ,I,,. iil.liv and inonslgiinil wrnl to Hip milt bishops tpsldimr wl.II.. Hip pilestH w.nt to Hu- Catholl. ijiiIh- Mlgh .s.hnol. Map l.enlll ami W nod ltfrtv I I r,n iino it iii v n:vv. iionr niwds esthnited at f,o nnn stoo.) out-, side Hi. Cuthnlial III tain to wait for, III niipoltllllltv to view the bodv of the d.a.l prelate while It lu in s( no ' he bi.ilv. . lad In ponlllhal tohes irslnl I .ip.'ii i itafalipie or ptnplo wbli h had h.eti p..p.l u, flom f ,hn n,ar W(l) the pp. total cross suspeude.) about the netk and tho white milt r. purplo glove., and sindnls slgnlfvlng tho Aichblshop's i a nk lu the Chinch 'Ihe nine nocturnes width loinorlse the tllilnr nlllt-c for the dead embraced Iho p Piling stivlep, the rpacc within Hip F.initu.irv brinir i.iiiiitilii,li. nn. a bv the pit, sis ami seminal lima of the j ntehdlocesp Uenealli the lannpy ot Hut '.iscoiiii tiiinue Jiisiiop iviccoll, tlie auxill.uj bishop ol Phil itlt Iphla and admlnlsttator foi flip alt htllocese whh seated, Willi lllshop Mt'Dcvltt. of Mar lisbutg on Ids left. While the people strt. mud up the mld dlp alslp on their wa to the bin, Hi processional, headed bv Hip .rossbeariri anil Hip aiolvtes, entered the rdlllce ami mar. bed to Hie sain tuarv The semi, uarlaus lu their surpll.es, followed by the priests In their casFocks and the bishops In their purple vestments, mule ii striking spectacle, and as they passed within tin- saiictuarv the vast audience was huhcd lnstantl The not turtles were i celled as fol lows l'irst, Pathei l'lt7pitrlck. of St. Malichvs. the parish where foi eais Hie at.liblshop was In. movable lector; second, l'alhet Cough or St Coliiiiih.it, t 111 i el I '.it hi f Donovan, of St Ag tth s Churth, fouith, I'.Uhfi Nash, or the Chinch or the Mplphaii) , fifth, Pathcr Mall, v of the Cluinli of Our J.atlj oi ItnF.iiy, sixth, Pathei (iitlilnci, S J, of tho chinch of Hie Uesu , seventh, Moiislgnnr Isoleri, of the Church of St Maiv Magdalene ot Payzl , eighth, Mon slgnoi Klti.in of St P.itilck'a Church, im! ninth, IlMiop McCoit ' TO AWAKKN SIIIPOIIKURS PictutCo of Actual .Scenes at the I'mnl to lie Shown lime Not l.teie pictilles bill the aitualj I In Ills, of l.ittle ma) b. oblaiiied fiom the r-linwiug t.r si enes rioin the tionl at Mi Market stieet now being pirsentpd .. ,: ...:,.... l . .. . t ..,:: n. :.,.. ; ... ion t out. i m.i.-s r-oippuiK ir irn wntMng with the I'lillatlclphla I'hamhtt of I'oimnerte To awaken shljiworkets to the rr tl and Mil ring Import of theli giant tack, tint Is the nlijet t ot the pit Hues, as ex plained b IMgar S McKalg. secietary oT the Chatnht I oT c'ommtice ' The I tilted Slates. s sutTerlng from tho illseaso of .1000 miles away," he stid ' I he te plenties no gu.uaulec to cult It ' , irs jail rou m:.v kkii'Man i i Conviction of Until Control Prop-' iitianclist Is Upheld i LI'.V KI.AM'. .Match f, Ihn I. ll, Ilin in blrth-confrol advotate will, have lo jeive six mouths in the woil, j house and piv Hie tine of $inna jm posed on hlni two veils ago in robte lutlgti I iltl itnits ue appeals to a nigiu r t oni I 'Ihe I oni t of Vppcals his upheld the polite touit tlet islnn Itcltnian now living lu c hi. ago w.t arrested while n temporary lesldeut of Cleveland ih.uged with having dlsitih nt.'il i In ul irs a.lvo. atlng bu th . .uitiol The Past That Makes MmmmnxmEB33xaBBmmmKasmaamaMaBBimBmmmmmmmmmm Year after year since 1851 the Western TTntnn TMfCrranU Pn Viae rrnnn oV.oo,1 ..' br" ". "S7 6U4V C4ilV.au, giuwiug . in SCOriR nnd nnhlir-. ncpfulnnce 'Mvtir H- .,ron A one million, five hundred thousand miles of-' wire goes into twenty-six thousand cities, towns and hamlets and gives work to fifty ' ' thousand employees. . .. loaay unaer war conditions, thousands of J lun. J 1.1.-1.! 1 .... . m. uui uujro iu n.uan.1 utc clothed, better housed because there is such a icicgiupu oyoicui. wit cnM vvniii n ci I I UJtJVl 1 II UVUI frJMUA iff fiERMAN LINES' PIETO i.'f Authority to Take Stop Asked of Congress DrastWv, ."' WAKIIINtlTON, Man.li ,v Piesldcnt Wilson todav usked Con gress for iiiitlnn llv to tako over plertt own. il bv Merman steamship lll'CR In the I nlted Stat.s. 'the Piesldent sent his rcimcct ,l Cotigicss thrnugli Senator Martin, Vir ginia, i halrni in of the Senate Approprln HniiH ( ntninltnp. Martin announced ,ha ..ffji would nfTi r an ameii-linent today to th . Jtl uigeit item tency mil giving tne 're'l. dt nt Ihe neiestuirv aulhnrlt) ' ' Mien Pinpntv Curtodlan A. Mltchdi I'nliii. i asl.td authority to sell tho ter minal i.inpertles of the Ilamhurg- Aineiii in and .Noith '(lerinan l.lojct ( .sit.imshlp Hues This would nppenr tn be a step to Aiiipi hanlo ennui propel t In Ihlic muiitrv- a wide depirture from . the polli. pursued heretofore H also is ttemeudou-tiv significant lr) vhw or the PiesldmtH veiled threat, I. ... lo il 1.) lniliiMiil.il America, lo declare a btiv.t.lt in' Hi itinii trade after peare mints irCenjiauv rails lo . otlie to lei tils. Sale of the iii-imiti iiets would df pi In i In in in of possession of lier ovvn A landing polntH on Ann i kali shores. iv diastli stip invvniil i iirtnlhnent of ief' tniii trad, lu the future, with this court- tiv at leist (lUAUKKLK: SIIOO'IS HIMSELI Mminc .Makes Attcmpl on His Llrt After Phoning Sweetheart Joseph Mi Maims t,r Hrv n Mawr. .iv in.ii me lu ilviiisn i lot lies lulled up His sweeth. art fiom a boolh in the Muvrt rmd stiiloii M-sieid.i, hikI after fa i ipi triel shot himself lu thp left shoulder, Ui glnal'l s,fon mid Mllsworlh Stilkei i I. rlts In thp tit ket nflk-c. shvv Mi.Manus tall fiom the boolh mitl laid him on -i hpii.lt Walker saw- tho rt"- ilver bulging and when lie picked fit up h ml ii nighleueii girl's voice call ing 'iih. lell me what has happened!" Ile told In r the storv .and hung up be fnre he niiild le im her name I Mi VI inns vnis tHken lo tho Bryn Mawi Hospital, when, phjslclunft said he will rptovpr Mp said that he htr overstavnl his le.ne and had had (a ilil.it rol Willi his sHittheait I :.(IC COAL CUT APKIL 1 jl Spiinj; Kciluctiun Announced by ti I ttel Chief Potter 'Iho usual flfts-eent spilng reduction In tlie mice or mil will go Into rfect Apill 1. attordlng to announcement made bj William Potter, administrator fot IVnusjlianln Mr I'otter ha? been advised of Hie nductlon by Washlngtm. This will mean a saving of more than $10.0.10 OOfl to anthracite consume, loZ vvhli h SSnii.nnn will stay In tho pockets of Pliiladelphlatis Steam sizes or atitluaclte, such as vrv uspd bv Industrial plants, will not be atrccted i on i.vri: i nit i.vssn it'vnov nnxTiis .,-.1 ' :S ,.V".r.'h " .'" W ti nstoit. d. c . .-.h'"1.1 AI-l.t:.N lielnitv-s and frlrnei; Imlle.l it, srvlirs Ihurs. -J p in, at tho 5 'iV V . ""',r "w-' ",-" Ohestnui at" 1 '.... .,nl Prlv-ile huuth laiurrl lllll. " ''c'Li: wife .if J Itolnh Ultel. aJ a.-. Itclatlvra un. frl. nils Invited to funeral senilis Thiirs lu h ni . trnm the ctiVtK-l of An.lrew .1 llulr . Sun Hull and Arch "!" . Inl Trie He IK-muius may bo viewed VVo , lo li n in HOW IT. March ", ron.VKMA A. wlfu of Siiniiiel H II llnwlu Inn- Kennedy). I)u, n.ill.o nf 11. fmipiiil will be given, from .".V. V Uth t. , MVli: .March .1 AMhI.1V Aeldow 0f Is., i II Mine ace.l 7u Itelallvra and frl. ml. iilsu I nlun HI". I' Vt V U. lend Jt invli.il tn funeril limn. I p ni , nt iVl. .lein. of In r sTiuul-on llsnal.t Jlnnplili, Uln .irkn.e l Int (in enninunt Com l'ltt:sciN -Pil. JT nt llombay. India, cll.vnvs iiHUBtiter of J I.rpliT nn.t llmtle i nlllni. Preston imeii 17 tunnel ly of 444IJ Dixler si Itiixhornuli PhlU , JVA1T , March S unexpectedly In Thlta lelphlH, ANSA I Ri:i:MAN wife of Htrbert I Walt llelatlvee and friends Invited tn . rvlni. Tti.irn , ' t 111 , nt the residence! of hr iHthei Mr John H I'reeman. 184 nun uvmMli live VVaine Pa Int private. WILLIAMSON Mar.h 4 MARIA K. (nee M I... in) uiiotv of William V Wllllanuen. rft .1 it kNienllle 1 h Ui l' yS. VJ Pit mi 1: llt'VRHLIts wanted .iTl, Hnuar Hoalerj? 1 llllKhins Works 1 ant VV etmorean.l l, Itimvis, 1 nit jtivr Li., l si si 4u r, siiel fuinlshed roomiil Imaril f iteHln.l I'rrsteu eS'II. v. TARM AND GARDEN Cover Your Garage With Lovely Vines Evergreen Bittersweet (Euonymus radicans vegeta) is the best climber for coy ering brick, stone or con- T crete walls, or for trellises training on a frame building. Glossy green all the year; brilliant berries in winter. ' Extra large plants, 75 cents each; $8 a dozen, delivered. ' ADOLF MULLER Jox A Norrittown. Pcnna. B iMaule Scctl Book Free' 170 pmc nf nhiiihl frurdeiilnff And IiIh nt nc ttiroriiMtluii omp led by cW 1 II. Ull ,!. 4u(. .. .I..A A ...- V VI III.Mtl viu'l.i:. IM', 'I in Vr.h Mreel I'lilla,, Pa. t I The Present PossiH i .V. .... c. . Jr, taier, iiappier, oetifr and better eauinnod thing as a world-widrv c , 4,.' h? M $ a 'I ?1 il tl '! Nil , 1 1 M n r-i ts x. m v Ml . ,a A vt :'. rtt ; 3&HM '"i'pi.niiion.tni . aivrnur vhm nmi 33fi jeaguo etrcat. t, , was asphyxiated BahatattaUlaM AakafcaMattllaaballiaaktat before him. aa he laoed an (lutieae.- witn !." f Vitmmjtm mjULW WWW VrM-rAjl HL.tfl wjv". ": ,'x'Zttfii S. 0 . iA. j "(,jU, !, it v..tte .2 mttmiLUHmBSBSkU