Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 28, 1918, Final, Page 9, Image 9

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Overseas Club Sends $4000 Worth of Tobacco to Men
"Over There" Every Week Nancy Wynne
Has Various Things to Say
RCALLiV, the nuict tv.iy In 'which tho
Oversias Club v.orks . i.a v.tts lliete. is
marvelous, Isn't It? Sty deals, do you
know that that bunch of energetic women
havo tindcrlnUcn to rcml (linve given the
order unci It Is helm: carried out, too)
J 1009 worth of tobacco u ivcclc to our
men "over there?-' And that's only rhlla
delphln. mind you. Why I thlnl: It Is
Imply wonderful that lti tho various in
terests they havo undertaken to nialto
money for tho fund, they ha'o raided
enough to put such order through. 1 tako
prldo In naylnc that wo aro remnrkable for
this vork. Indeed In proportion to popula
tion anl money in this city wo nro well
In tho lead In our Kmcr.-roncy Aid work,
nnd tho Oversea') Club Is, as you know,
a branch of the l'mergency Aid, I'lvo
jears ago If T had been to'.d that these
women slio aio tho "toul and backbone
of all theso good works would glvn up
their tlmo from D until 5 o'clock nearly
every day of their lives, cither at tho
Kmcrgency Aid headquarters, tho tied
Cross, tho Overseas Club, the Xavy League,
tho various relief committees, tho Jlotor
Mossenser licadfjuartcrs and all tho other
works, I would not hao believed It. No.
becatiso flvo ycais nso thoy did not havo
to think of anything but clothes and balls,
nnd dinners and partners In thu social
world. Hut now cry few euro If they
havo new sovmis, nnd most think It better
not to buy them anyhow, because that
money could bo so well used for tho ISrel
Cross or tho poor Set blows or Aimenl.ins.
SrnAKINO of tho Kmorscncy Aid, did
you know that the Mask 'and AVIc; lias
promised lo rIvo tho proceeds of its
Jlaster week's performance to ceitaln ilcsli?
nated committees of tho I'.mcrsency Aid.'
That Is great, too, Isn't It.'
In front of tho kiddles?
They nro so small you don't realize how
they pick things up nnd mimic. This was
evidently tho caso the othor day with u
certain joung father that you know and I
know, lie had a bad cold and Mued home
for several days. Now, this young father
had a small daughter aged two jcais and
about two months to bo exact, and also In
1I10 farily there was n .imall lo,i, whom
the daughter was wont to pull' round with
her In her arious avocations. Whllo father
was homo he hcaid "small dog" hark In tho-
dlstnnci nnd, forgetting that "small daugh
ter" was on tlio floor in thu room with
him, he !,wcetl rcmarl.eel, "Whcie Is that
damn pup?"
No or.o answered, and -o all was well,
till about fla minutes later, when pupple
was heard toping along tho hall. "Daddy."
said daughter. Daddy, see damn pup?"
TIIR women of the Navy I.eaguo aro
golnj, to hold a big baratir for tho hale
of lamp (-hades iiml knitting bags nt tho
Hit Carlton oh April 1, I'm told, for their
free wool fund. There aro so many vol
unteers for work theso days It's almost
Impossible to provide enough wool for
thoso who arc willing and anxious to
woik, hut cannot afford to bu woisled to
any extent.
IHHAU Alden l.ce was ablo io get a short
furlough utter till, though ho is now
back on his ship. lie nnd Udlth, howcer,
had a little wedding tiip, If It was a belated
one. Kdlth is going South to join tho I.lllles
for a while. To mo this marrying and then
having to icavo one's husband or wlfo In a
few dajB seems infinitely pathetic. And It
It Is pathetic to me an onlooker, what must
it bo to tho poor little principals? How
ever, better havo each other a little whllo
than not at nil, Is their argument, I guess,
and I believe I'd do tho -jamo thing If the
necessity arose. How about it?
Social Activities
Mr John P. Ourelner. Jr.. and Mr. Tluodoie
Treed will glo a dinner a,, tlio Uellevue
Stratford on Saturday evening, March 1C,
before Mrs, Hclivatd Troth's Dancing Class at
Mr. and Mrs. William I.IseUr Austin and
Miss Austin, of P.Obunont. have sent out
cards for Saturday afternoon, Major Laush
lln MacLean Watt, of tho Ilrltish forces,
will tell come of his experiences at tho front.
Miss Elizabeth Hobart Mori Is 'lias returned
from a visit to Uoston and Is (.laying with
her grandmother, Mrs. William II. Morris,
in VUlanova. Miss Morris's engagement to
Mr. Wlliard ri. Hpener, Jr., has been an
nounced. t
Mrs. Joseph If. Crumb gave a charity
brldsro party at her homo In Ardmoro yes
terday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Crumb gave
tho Ian of their at homes last evening.
Mrs. Charles Scott App, of 34UI North
Eighteenth ftnet. entertained tho members
of her sewing club yesterday afternoon. Tho
guests included Mrs. O. '. Aberle. Miss
Dorothy Ilarber, Miss Charlotte, Doak, Mlas
Margaret Smethurst, Miss Charlotte Fleming.
Miss Helen Shell. Miss Alice Smethurst. Miss
Lillian Horner, Mrs. Hussel Hoffer and Mrs.
W. Washburn.
Mr. John J. RIeinscn announces tho mar
rlse of bis niece, Miss Annallze Lienor
Detels, and Captain Harold J. Vogler, U. H.
A., on Tuesday, February 12. Captain and
Mrs. Vogler will be at home after Marvh 1
Rt U0 Kaet rifty-Rrst rtrcet, New York.
Miss Katherlne Kennedy, of 2103 Spruce
treet, entertained on Tuesday evening In
honor of Miss Miriam Kelly and Miss Marian
A surprise party was given on Sunday at
2515 Myrtlewood ttrett by Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan Hyman In honor of the twenty-fifth
anniversary of the wedding of Mr. Hyman's
parents, Mr, and Mrs- Slgmund Hyman,
The affair was a family reunion. Many sil
ver gifts were presented to them by their
children and relatives. Refreshments were
Hr Mr. and Mrs. Louis Samuels, of 1219 North
neventh street, announce the engagement of
their daughter. Mils Minna Samuels, to Mr.
Batnuel Davidson, of this city.
The coming twenty-first annual Purlni
fires ball of tho Temnl lleth Irael. to be
X field this year in Mercantile Hall on Tues-
r event, oectordlncr tri, the, rAmmlltpH nf ar.
I.TjWuifementi, of which Mr. William M, Lewis
I,'', cnairman.
In Dlaca of the cotillon wrhlch nreccded the
J . , fca.lt in former' years, there will be many new
iciiurca inirouucea, inciuoing a special con-
ert by Ihe, orchestra and eomo very Inter
swung patriotic demonstrations, enu
tbt singing of tio national anthem.
Mrm, WiUU'm()Sud4ard ntertalne4 her' 't-
mm ?,.i,TnS'. U,p ""' Alts. Wll.
Charles ,"' .'..? 'Mnl! ' MCS'I". JIW.
'!'", -''' Slercer Bailey. Mr-. Hinlln ('.
IM L ,.' ,nob"t I-vtiTio .Mlshler. Mil
Mnln Oiaul.-. Ml, rhnrles Parker Hovel,
Mrs. A.
!' O'Uaniei mill Mrs
Hurry J
.n?i;. Ic,"rj' ' 1'",'t- ' I-atisdowne.
entertained a fen- p,op(c nt luncheon last
inurslay ijPr BUts rver- Mrs Wendell
i-rjc",.arr- Ktfwart, Miss rmrotliy S. Mr
matt torgQ Hoopsr and Mrs. Muri-cl-
,.A I'lrtWiy parly was then bi- Mr. and
Jire. Medoff In honor of their daughter, Mls
Mildred Medorf, eti Sunday. The following
guests wer present Miss I'.tb.i Toplln, Mr.
lienjamln Soik. Mr Iult Solodar. Miss
lea ibel 1 rantr. Mies HjlMa ShafrltA Miss
e a floldterg. Mr. Benamn Kabacl:, Mls
i n'nlr'R' JI'"-'' oJI Medoft. Mr. Samuel
sfi S"'MV- " n- Medoff, of Montreal, Can :
Miss Its, IVIdman, Mr. Morris UVInetuel,.
Mr. Allen llajard. of Weatmlnslsr: MIk
Sopl,, .Inciter nnd Mts. Sadio Tucker, of
Park-ldoi Mr. r.l Tlialeker. Mls Molllo
Tlialeltcr, Miss Anna Itutowsky. Mr. Sol I.ln
Ker. Mr. Philip Newman, .Mr. Sidney Wetn
rod. JIUs 1,111a Welnrod. Mr I,-w Medoff. Mr.
n-ivo Medoff. MIks IMIior Ilarlev. Mr. llnrrv
Top.ln. of Pittsburgh ; MiMer Abraham Me
doff and Mt S'asba Jacoblnoff, of New Yoil.
Tlie enus i.'lub will Ble a daurp March
-0 at the Hebrew T.ltenttuie Hoclrtv Third
and Catlisrine Urets. The ortloers' of the
club lire Mr. Plilllp Herrlntr. i.rfcldfnt : Mr.
Morris Koller. vice pre.sidetit ; Mr Nathan
Inglier. secretary, and Mr. Joseph Aeirod.
tiensurer. Mr. William Toll is o. tho m
lertalninnt comnilttee The tneinhers of
the Kaegen lutiga w liold honoiary posts
there Cbms whHi will be present i.rn
I " gen lunga. Stanford. Polnsettla Sewing
Circle. Atlas and the I'nlu
Mr. and Mis S. Albertstad' of nr,t 'nit
tjei Mrcet. Ba(o a paity in honor of Mi.
A lbertstadi'H mother. Mrs. .nna. Albertatadt,
ho letmmd fiom r.u'el.i Un month. Mr.
nnd Mrs. r. Kraltowsk-t- and their tvo chll
diui came up from Atlantic City to a'lend
the aifalr
MI"S Hol It A lioilea i of l'lrti-secoml
strtet. eiitertaiiwd t a (.'eoigo Washington
party In honor of Miss Helen Dolotes Mc
Kay, of New Yolk. The bouse was deco
rated with palms and flow-tra Home of the
guests mere Miss Agnes MuKnnn. 51ls
Mary Kobe. Miss Mary I,o-iry, Miss i:ira
uelh I.owry, Miss Camilla Fat ley, -Miss Marv
Sherlil,. JIl.ss Margaret Sherlrk, Mr. Arthur
Donnelly, Mr. Thomas l'.ush, Mr. Joseph
Marltie, Mr. Frank Malloy, Mr. Fiank
I.owrv, Mr. James Stein. Mr. Tarl" Doslo
and Mi. John Markman
Northeast Philadclphian Will En
tertain in Honor of Guest From
Richmond, Va.
Mlis J'.eitlna Pagon, of llast Montgomeiv
aenue, will gle a luncheon of t'ele covers
tomorrow afternoon for Miss Anna Morton,
of Illchmoml, Vu . tio Is visiting her for
beveral wpel;.
Miss Myrtle Holllngswortii. of North Fifth
Etrcct, will enteitaln her retting circlo to
morrow afternoon.
Mrs. 41. Harrison, of Atlantic Cltv. and
Mrs. II. Abrams. of New Yoik, ha been
the guests of Mr. and Mrs I.ouls lljoom,
of OSS North Tlfth street, for a few Weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. liloom cntei tallied over tho
week-end nt their home (limners Mate, U.
S N., A. M. Kline, Mr. Herbeit H. Ciamei.
1. S. N., and Lieutenant M, U. l.alos, of
the jQist .signal Pattallon.
Mrs. IS. Collman. of I'ouilh ar.d Thump
ton ptreet", i' spending the eeu in Al
lantlc City.
Miss Mamie DIrtsih. of S.'S North Fourth
trcet. entertained a number of her frlendi
nt her home on Saturday evening, when
among those, piosent wern Miis P.eba lilltz,
Miss Anna Kos.s, Miss Ida Dletsch, Ml(.s
lllslo Dietfch, JIIss Blanche fJoldberjr, Mr.
Harry Kramer, Mr. Mav Schwartz. Mr.
Louis Fisher, Mr. Solomon Sachs. Doctor
Uoldberg, Doctor Jrry, Mr. Nathaniel Wald
man. of Doston. Mass.: Mr. and Mrs. Judel
son and Mr, and Mrs. Dletsch.
Mrs. William Levy, of Kalthnore. Md.,
has been lsltlng her parent. Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Stern, of 009 North Klghth street.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Fortnvin. of Front and
Norrls strietr. aro spending sevtral weils
In Norfolk. Va.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. F.osenbaum. of North
Hlllhih stiect, hae left Atlantic City, anil
aro In Lakcwood. From thero they will go
to Saratoga Splines, whero they will xe
maln until tnc middle of March.
Mr and Mrs. Louis Lazar aio on their
we'ddlng trip, and upon their leturn .will
live la Springfield. Mass. Mrs. Lazar, beforo
her marriage, which took place last Thurs
dav evening, was Miss l'.hena P.osensweig.
daughter of Mis. Hekne, llo.sensweil, of
2716 North lllghth Mreel
Pictures of French Battlo
'Fields Tonight at Bellevue
-The Hattleflelds of France" will bo shonn
In rerecn pictures taken in their natural
color by a new Frcrch process tonight In th
ballroom of the Hellevue-Stratford. Tho
scenes to be depicted were mado by M Ger
vals Courtcllemont, the famous French ex
plorer nnd oftlcer of tho Legion of Honor,
special authorization having been given him
by Marshals Joffre and Halg. The pictures
show the battlefields of Verdun, Itheims and
Arras and the davastatcd regions of north
ern France. Other tcenes Include the big
guns on tho Marne and the destruction of
the lllages by dynamite; sQnsit otr
Verdun and Itheims and the marshes of St
A committee was organized by the former
Minister of War, M. Mlllerand, and known
as "I-n Protection du Ileformo No. :," for tho
benefit of i 00,000 French holdlera who have
been tent home because of disability and
not In the pension class. The committee Is
presided over by President Polncare.
Tho Philadelphia committee and patron
esses Include the following: Mrs. Hdwln H.
Hatch, Mrs. J. Gardner Caesatt, MrH. Cyrus
II. K. Curtis, Mrs. George W. Chllds Drexel,
Mrs. Stanley G. Flagg, Jr., Mrs. Maurice
Heckscher, Mrs. Norman MacLeod, Mre. John
Markoe, Mrs. Francis T. PattiTrron, Mils
Caroline Slnkler, Mrs Cornelius steenson,
Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury, Mrs. Alexander
Van Itenssolaer and Mrs. Barclay II. War
button. Tickets may 1 obtained at the news-stand
of the llellevuc-Stratford or at the home of
Mrs. Kdward T Stotesbury, 1025 Walnut
street, Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson. 23" South
Twenty-first street, has charge of the sale of
Wedding on Sunday Followed
by Dinner for Two Families
The marriage of Miss Anna G. Kills,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Kill".
of 2611 North Thirty-second Btreet. to Mr.
Nathan Silverman, of South Bethlehem, tool;
place on Sunday afternoon with the Itev.
Marvin Nathln, D. D, of the Beth-Iirael
Congregation, officiating.
The bride wore her traveling suit of bisque
colored cloth with braid hat to match. She
was given In marriage by her father and
was unattended.
The. ceremony was followed by a dinner
for the families. Mr, Silverman and his
bridawlU return from their wedding journey
en 'iti "a1" fr'At-v"" ; f!9
ByjeafryG- public uzmBiivmLAmzLviA., Thursday, febkuauy
CtiaMHaflalaBaT'ta I .JaHHrlHaflLCi . I ift!lr4ti.- aVt
Iintcrtainment Was liiven Last
Week to Celebrate Nineteenth
Birthday of Hostess
-Mr. llanj c 'ionl.li.iiii. .It . if the I n.ied
hlotts Na., has returned to duly after n
ten-day furlough with his parents. Mr and
Mrs. Harry I'rimliliam, of 1:187 l'enii stieet
A t.ucuill tiaity was glii'ti for hint befure
bis leaMiig, when thuso piesclit worn .Miss
Helen Stor.e, Mls l.lla Mot'ny. Miss llmsU
Willis. Miss K.itlili-cn Otteii. MIks llmma
l!oer. Miss Isabel Palil. .Mls 1111a Flannl
gnu. .Miss nilalu-tli Flannlgau, MHa Stdl.i
llihiiii. Miss Lillian Flilmor. Mls Himiia
llasset, Mlns lll.mehe P.rddltig. Mik ltavset.
Mis. Willi-.. Ml-, lliaii-oti Miss Mai Ion Wil
lis, MKs Theresa Kellur, Miss Lllrabeth Ke
lai. Miss (Iran- lougli-m. .Miss lli-'eu Tert.
Mrs. William Hradlev. nf r.ll.ton. Mil ; Miss
.tnnle I'lnokhatn Mr Hair Ciuokhniu. Jr.
Mr. WIlllHin Willis. Alt Albert Illff. Mr. Wil
liam Walton, Mr blank Walton. .Mr. James
r.eddlng, Mr. Joseph Id liar. Mi. I'liaibs
Croatdale. Mi- llajmCtiil H, ln-it, Mr William
Adams, Mr. James MuI-iiiMitln. Air llan
I'tookhani, Mi. Ilarij Cloniuier. .Mr. John
I'rool.Iiani. Mi Ahln Miliiioll and Mr. John
A partj was Riven at tlio lioim- nf Ml
Kthcl Yuung, of 1!:g Ilrliitco Mreet. l.it
wel;, on tlio ouuslon of Iter iiliu-teei,tli
birthday The guests wern Miss Kmelinu
Atklrr, Miss l.'tuma I'ledfiUkp, Miss "lara
Itudolph, Mist. Isabel I'liannel. .Mis Ida AMi-
neail. Miss Ma Lister. Mls Aim I Mci'nr-
nak. Miss ( lata Walton, Mi's Ida llruestle.
Miss M Frank. Miss llerthi Pfufer. .Miss
lleli-i i inwa Ml"s MjiiIii Fcter, MWs
Margui-nte Ituvlr, Mis "".aia I:nte, Miss
Majn-B I'.ovle, Mls Mjn t'ottci. Miss V'tlma
HolTman, Ml.-s Mabel youns. Ml6s lleitha
Snjiter, .Miss llthel Young. Mr William Zaii
zliiger, Mr. Franklin Hoger". Mr. Hat old Al
klss. Mr. Au'lln Homer. Mt. Milton Firil
etlrks, Mr. ileurgn Ib-dnif. Mr. lt:i .M---Mtillen.
Mr John Lord. Ml. Ilelmout Patlei
son, Mr John Haiinel, Mr Albeit Young, Ji .
Mr. Geoi'e Cornish, Mr. John l.oe, Mr
I'.a.wnoud Young. Mr. Hlaiier, Mr. lieorgu
(llllesie, Mr. King. Mr. Paul F! mining,
Mr. 11 lJrnun, Mr. ntld Mrs John Webei.
Mr. nnd Mis. Piown, of Yeimont, and
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young
Annotitu-einent Ins betn made of the mat
llaiie of Miss Jennie MiArthur. of Jutl.fenii
street. Fran I, ford, to Mi. Harold Lcaih. on
Fcbruaiy Ik. After an extended wedding
trip they will lln at 17S5 Orthmlut stteel
Miss Loulo noum.m will utei t.tlii thu
members of her brlilco dub tomoimw afler
ikjou at her homo on Uaklind Hlreet.
The iiiarn.ixe nf Miss Abie Yamood to
Ml Altbut 1)1. nine toul. place lal in
iiing at 7 dVlod. at the Fr.tiikfoid Awnue
l'irshylnau "Imit -li Tim brides sister. Mi-is
Kdna Yarwood. attended her ns in till nf
honor ar.d Miss lllsli- Pravlng. tho brldi -Kiomn's
sistei, was btidcmuld Mis Ail i
Gray was flowtr gill. Mr. Pravlng hnd
as best man his luolher, Mr. John Diaxlng.
and tho brblo was given In marriage by her
father, Mr Walter Yatuood. The ceremony
was frjflowid bj a leoptlon in Assembly
Mrs II. Herman, of Pilling and Ariott
Mrcets. entertained tho members if her Iho
hundred club at luncheon yesteiday
MIhs Suia .MaiMurnli'. of t'-03 l'i.n siuvt.
and Mr. Jtobcit McCotmell x. orn man led on
Thursdo, Kebruarv SL t thu Fiankford
Prtsb,yterlan Cliur.'h bj tho Itev John It.
Laird'. After a wedding trip. Mr. and Mis.
McCounell will lic at 1C:.' Hawnith Hreet.
Mr. and Mis. Klwooil Zimmerman, nf
James etieet. nie receiving congratulitlons
on tho birth of a daughtei.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shank, of Middle
town. Mil. hato been lsltlng Mr and Mrs.
Joseph Hornci. of Foiill.rod Mieet. for tho
last week
Dr. and Mis. I f'balfont Trj'. of Orlho
dox street, Frankfurd. arn being ruiigraiu
lated upon the birth of a daughter who has
ben named Janet Louise
Mr. William Toland, the son of Mr and
Mts. John Toland, of Finn street, Frank
ford, has enlisted lr. the naal icem-s. und
Is now stationed at a jteaport town on Ihe
Jersey coast.
Lecture, "Modern France, nr lloir a N'ntlon
Is Formed," by Prof. Karl Barnes, Wither
epoot) Hall, Admission charge
Aonnal supper, I'mtur'i Aid Society of the
North Presbyterian Churdi Ilruad t-tiect nnd
Allcghen avenue, C o'clock Admission
Lecture, "flie Production of Optical (lis
for Military Purposes," by Mr. F II. Wright,
captain, I'. S It., Franklin Institute, Free.
.Muos-fiieellnir of unlnn Isbor leaders nnd
religious workers. Arch Street Methodist
KpiFCopal Church, Broad and Arch ttreets.
Entertainment by mernbcr of Hake Hos
pital Unit, So, 20, University of Pennsylva
nia, Mercantile Hall. Admission charge.
"An Kwnlnr of American Poetry and
Song." before Olrls' High School Alumnae.
(llrls' High School, Seventeenth and Spring
Garden stieets. Members and their guests.
Violin recital by Abram UatluTltcli, Art
Alliance, 1823 Walnut street. Admission
cllilrr, ....
Vnlt'd Hutlnemi Mcn'i Anoclatlon meetn,
Ulngham Hotel. Members,
hurTrac mectlnr, reildence of Mrs. John
It. Harding, Penn and Arrott streets, Frank
ford, l'ree,
llfprcacntallres of Catholic Societies meet
In Phllopatrlan Club to arrange for guard
of honor at funeral of Archbishop Prender-
Literary and mtitlral eienlns for tlio bene
fit of French soldiers blinded In the war, St.
Sauveur Church. Twenty-second and De Lan
cey streets. Admission charge,
American International Milpbnlldlnr Cor
poration has dinner at Kugler"s. Invitation.
Olllclal French war pictures exhibited at
the Uellevue-Stratford. Admission charge.
Methoilit Sunday, hchool mpcrlntcDdenH,
Co'okman Church. Members. '
Dinner In honor of Harry W. Wadtwortb,
veteran court crier, at Adelphla Hotel. In
s Itation. ....
lllmtratcd Lecture. "Tho llattUfleldt at
France," by Mr. dervala Courtellemont,
Bellevue-Stratford, 8; SO o'clock. Proceeds
foe "La Protection du Ileforrae No. t," .A
I'mJaakiB cbari . i"A 7 .
I .' tiZi8 p mrs
i ' V a JB?
LS,) Unmans
Large Honor Roll of "Men in Service at St. Paul's
Reformed Episcopal Church Paid Tribute
at Services
jXTi'.s tiivr.i.iis w nm:i:.
I'J- Notth llrnnil e-ttf ,-t fao ;i
of ,",.Tnr,
followed by hrldKC nil 'iuesd.iv nt her home
Her guests Included Mrs. Haloid Smith. Mis.
Daws. Mis. Juhli Fijnz, Mri. Joseph Lamb
Mbs May Kills. Mis Whltf.nd. Mis. P.enoiif
fttul Mrs p. F lieuther, nt H.ii tfoeil. I'onti
The litlt. who Is a slter of the hoMess. Is
Hpmilli.fr the winter m this ill.
Mrs H.iikmnti entertained at bridge.
if tetday afternoon Her guests Ineliidfd Mrs
Aitliur I'rlti-hard, MIs F.mlly Mclluruev.
-Mrs. CeotgA Milton lauplilne. Jlra An
thony alian.in. Mrs Jjiitw L Ilrown, Mrs.
Wllll.iin i llerk. Mrs P.ilph Lees, Mis.
Frank Sat age. Miss Kalharlnn .Mt' Ibley, Miss
Hazel Ilreatle, and Mrs Mejis
Mm. i.'eoii;,' Mayer, nf Pittsburgh. ! slslt
ing Mr and Mis Jacob Scbrelber at their
hutiie, llul .Vmtli Ihoidstiert
Mre- Hsrni Voll. of .It-'v Notth Pail, nf
tine, will inirtaiii a- luncheon and tards
tomotion when bet- gutnts will Include Mis.
Wllham Tioosl. Mie Ilertba Keen. Mi
(Millies llrliker. Mis. II !. II.ul.nejs, Mhs
Lillian Mall. Mi A Uuvbaum anil Mts.
Albeit P.alns
Mr and Mri limet Walling ate spending
sieial weeks hi old Point Comfort.
P.ed fioss Aiislll.ity N'J 211. which held
an enthusiastic meeting on Ti.epday III St.
Paul's Hefonned Kplscopal I'lmruli. ltmad
und VenaiiRn strets, has ten rew-lng m
ihines. which are In npeiatlon from 10 o'clock
In thrt morning until 10 cloth at night.
The wool department i well Mocl.rd and
largn iiuantlll's of complete lets of l.nltKd
Mnnents hate been finished and mm to
hridn.ua! ters lti th- surglial dressmjiS rooir
Ihousandi of the dieislngs, pads, pneumonia
jackets, heel ling", iilghttngali s and all sorts
of hospital citinetitu hao Ik-mi completed
Thu m oilli ers i-lcrtid foi the nulling sca
niti ate Chairman Mis William '. T.
llaueile; 1 1, o chaliman, Mis. J. i'Uton Ta
bir, illrecloi of hO'pll il g.itiii"iit" Mt.s I',.
It. lloyer. illteclor of nurgh.il die-dug-.
Mis 'ieniga ljiminlng, knitting si'itiiiii Miss
Maiy Laucr: treasurti. Mie W F. Fulh r,
and scctetarj, Ms. Frank Taj lor.
Tin- nctltc numbers Include Mrs M sto
ker. Mrs. II. II. At hint-on, Miss Albright. Mrs
.1. S. Arnold, Mt.s A M Able, Mrs. Clar
ence, lliool.s. Mrs J S Hilt. Mla L. Ilrit
ton, Mis. L Chet-ter Mrs. '. M. Chilsllne,
-Mrs. T c Canow, Mrs M. U ('ressnian.
Mr. Foil est i: Dagcr. Mrs. William Lav-i-niiurt.
-Mil's H Kbeibaoh. .Mies J" Lberbacli.
Miss -M F-iller. Miss A. Forrest. Mini J
Forrest. Mr-" J ,tthens. Mlt-i C (!je.tt, Mrs
.1. H Hattz-II. Mr S. .1 llothcrsall. Jr. Mrs
J. Ilinnaple, Mr-i J ! Heslev Mss ('
llairls, MI.-S 1! ilatcngfeliler, Mls u J
Ilattman. Mte. J. -' Johnson. Mis Ii. .
Jones, Mrs. 11. Klenzei, Mrs. J. Ktster, Miss
Ludy, Mrs. J II. Lake, Mts M. I. Maetagur,
Mihs IX Muller, Mrs. Murray. Mrs r. II.
MaclCinzIo, Mis II. K. Maddock, Miss J.
Mills, Mrs. (i. A. Mattln .Miss H. Martin
.Mix K. .Moore, Mm. I. A. Mci'rav, M1.--S
L. M. Noll. Mrs C A Nlghtllngor. Miss
C Neef, .Miss .1. II Oberteuffer. M's V I)
Paul. Mm J. Phillips, Miss N Phlllipj, Mrs.
Miss Margolis will play at the I'urint
concert to bo given by the Ahav
Zedak Society of Camden at its quar
ters. Post 5 Hall, Fifth street and
Taylor avenue, Camden, next Sunday
afternoon. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Max Margolis, of 4316
North Fifteenth street, Philadelphia,
who are prominent in Jewish the
atrical circles. Miss Margolis will
also tako part in the play which will
be presented by the children of the
Sunday school which the society con
ducts. 'Qtien Esther" is the title
... , an jrunm yiay. .
OfllccM of the KmciRcncy Aid Aiilc
Service, who arc stcwntdcssci at
the Kennel Club show at tlio Tirst
I'i'Kiment Aimory, now Koinp mi.
lit llliik -Mis l, ,S.iii Ml A Mll k .Mis
W. Solider, Mis 1 Sihofleld. Mrs II. S.
Sllcot. Mis. I), hhitlel Mrs. It. Kelt. Mre.
M Walthri, Mis I! Walker, Mis. W. T.
Werl:. Mrs 11 Wenlzrll, Mrs. A. Wclkel,
.Mis F. Wtbet. Mr .1. Walker, Mrs ,1.
Wtlgli-t. Mis L. Wngley, Miss ilerv, Mies
ilage .Miis Krouse. Mis. Karnshaw, Mis
' Otto, .Mr-. Coleman, Mis. McLaughlin
.Miss I! (iorens, Ml I Monre, Mrs. S. Hsit
f II. Jim. Ogden. Mts llitst. Mrs. F. It.
lb'iiner. Mr II. Hitich, Mts. W. Dngcr. Mrs
Muidork, Mis. L. Carpenter. Miss K C
'onnlly. Mrs W Ihnory. .Mrs. F.lsenlohr.
Miss M. Cii.ih.im. Mi's A. Hartmjti, Mrs. P.
L'ell and Mtf. M. Mjnn.
Once or twice n month His chuirli metu
bers pay ttlbuto to their own women and
men in tho settice In- Intiting sailors and
tnailnes to enjoy the lrrpltallty and home
life of thi members
Tho honor toll Includes Sergeant It 1)
Kanfnnan, Corpoml Joseph McMonnrle, Mr
Arnold I'atter, Mi. Andrew Pasrha, Mr
Thorn is J. Shonio. Mr. John Sprang, Jr.
Mr. Albeit W. 'Ilmrpe. Sergeant I. Hoy
S Streeter, Mr P.Icb.iid lttirton, Jr. Mr.
CeoiK M. VmII, Mr. liar!es Wilglet, ilr.
James ii. Hill. .Mr. r.ltner .1 Wltlterld .
Mr. (Jeoige Farnsworth Fisher, Mr. Kenneth
Keith Campbell, "Mr. Harrv Conway, Mi.
I'eicv Wind Atkinson, Knsign K. lUnk. Mr.
Vrcbln K llatee, Mr Fiederlck 1!. Wright.
Mr. Itobett Keir, Miss Helena II. llfaiis,
.Mr Hugh Mcleod Neniand, Mr. James
Santeo Fulton. Mr. Walter Shultr. Lieuten
ant William Shunter. Jr.. Mr Waller Wright.
Mr Thomas Stewart. Mr. Decatur Jacob v.
Mi. CorgH Yocuiii. Sir Warren Cressman.
Mr. Jsmss 11 Hunter, Miss Suo lllair Ful
ton. Mt. P.avmoinl Coward. Mr l'i dirlcl.
II flreer. Mr. Howatd Wright. Mr. Maurico
Tucker, !r. Kiincr lles, Mr. J IM-vIn (Ira
teil, Mr. Kdn In 1! Schtmlck, Mr Jisvnintui
-Schofleld, Mr Wavtm L Sherman. .Mr Kil
it in Fittest, Mr Charles Landls. Mi Albion
Ancker. Cotpoial Ficdeiicl: Schantr. Mr.
Howatd j. J,.f;s. Mr Ktcrett O. (I'uloit. Mr.
P.Ukrell I' Femilmore, Jlr. Alphoii".o .s. tut.
butt, Mr. Warren i: ,SVliutncke.r Mr. Kd
waid .1. Slfk, Mr. Pitt K. Rudolph, Mr.
Hugber Stallman. Mi. Karl O. Franks. Sir.
Howatd L i. WeliM-, Mr Hiram K t.'ols
hall, Mi tleorgo W Ito(,ts, Mr. Jnlm II,
Campbell. Sir. William IS MeCnnnell, Mr.
Charles J. Hitter. Mr. Clunks It Illlllngslev.
Mr. Ifnriy Sliaip, Mr. Kail V. Wlddop, Mr
Linford Carman, .Mr. i-laik A. Hippenstetl
and .Mr. llurdon Scliof.eld, One of the largest
lints of mn nf the church scrting tho Cot-trntin-tit
from this section
.Mts. Zja Hoffnn, of .orlh flroad street,
was the hosvss to the luembets of ho card
club a i lundieon nt,d catds on Tuodaj
Tlieie tve.io twelto guerts
Interesting Program for
Sunday at Philomusian Club
The Sunday night suppers at the Philo
musian Club for the enlisted men from Camp
Ll, Ailentown and League Island l'a be
come tremendously popular After a delicious
supper provided by uevei.il hostesses, assisted
in tho servlrg bj the luh juniors, a delight
ful ciitertalimti-nt is t-ltm
For -Sundat ttnilng. Man h 2, an unusually
Interesting proKtarn has been unatiged by
Mi's Ilertba H iliaham, prvsldsnt of the
Philomusian i'ub choius. aislsted by Miss
Ma Porter musical director of tho chorus
Several excellent choral selections will hs
supplemented with lots of good singing from
the audience. In which Mls Porter will
hate p!endid instrumental support front
Mr William Slno Thunder at the piano
Miss Florence Haenle and Miss Kllzabttli
Porter, ilol.ns and .Mr Frank It. Vlguers
comet '
There tt ,n be solo numbers by Miss Haenle
Mr Horace P. Hood, baritone and M'ss
Helen t larke .McCoy, soprano.
During a short intermission In the genera'
singing the Itev William J Cox. chaplain
of the Itojal Canadian Field Artillery and
cavalry during the Boer War mil uddreej
the audience
Ileras of iiew fur Hie mrlrtr past ni i,.
ird.VJT r..,JddJil",r ! written on ona
' ,h'.iV1'? H.nlT " "! Willi full
TiAeti 11. U.5Q. et ll.pps', and it doors
STRANH cfo,,nt,'n Ate. at Ven.rio.
iJlIflllL Ilerbsrt AmuMment Comnasy
IlftUrt COcttr, Pr.tMent
"A Woman Between Friends"
AH"1 "SON Of I1BMOCHACY" (flrnt K!lo4)
Alptronolitan opkba house
XueiruiJumuii M,lropolll(ln 0p4ra Co
runs, evu ,
AT 8.
Madama Butterfly
JlnifJ. Firrar. Fornla. Mm. Althouie,
mrf. lln'is, llvxait. Cond.. Moramonl.
Utati 1108 Clmtnut Ht. Walnut 44S4I llaeo 7.
TfcMtre, llth V Da Lmt. 5d Wek.
TTIth Blorason's Orlclnal lh Act.
taB 4t4 t.f sf4sA'',r Yih" a tn P a. rllaalifek
28, iois
With Rulers and Leaders of Wartime EuropttlHH
A Royal
'LeyynUI. Hill
rrttllS is an nld, old r.tory. At least. It tool;
place a few weeks beforo the war brol
out nnd this Is very long aco. Indeed. When
It occurred people were stll. of the opinion
tint (ieimnny mas the land nf lioelbe and
FUilller and t!rti-b
ens nlth gulihn hail
and blue eyes, want
ing tl tide r 1 1 n d 0 n
tiees In undent
tJernian Utles on
summer enlngs,
Millie ; Faust, on
oliiUest bent, nan
lilting lotnewhero
hi a il.ulc oi tier t
vavlay them nnd n
whisper tender iitum
ises in their ears
And the. lore af
fair which I am
going to relate han
ii c ii mi In tno
TVeliuar. vv hero
limit hn roltipu'eii ills
ttmnortal piuis. In
the Weimar, tlm
name nf uhl h is
nssoclati-d utli tb.it
dead (iermiuiy tbo
norid shall see ti-i
mnie. At least, it
began tbeie, though pitlVi t.ss ItAPZtWIt.I.
Its tragic end c-
i-urrcd at Heldelbrrg, tlie oilier historic- town
with Its mined cai'tle. Its .ii-rn ami chinch
spires, th.it uliall no longer attract tourists
ss they have done In the burled past, which
seems now so far auay fiom us all
Tin: iu:iioiNi:
lis hetoiiie v.s a llttlo prltuess, hu also
had gulilni hair und blue ryew and who had
hoped to rM-ape from the tedloUH lite to
which she hud been bcirn und fr which flie
f.-lt that nlin was not madi-. She Imeil tlm
sun. Mowers, Ioely lreses. tine Jewels, tlio
tllmrtv to go about and In do what shn liked
with her p-.istenri-, and she could not resign
berrelf to m-o It How In tlm same even
Ktream In which that of her mother and of
all her Mnilred hud been spent. Her heart
liunsered litter Independence, anil the light
to 11 e and line, which was denied In her b
the exigencies of her rani.
Sh. was a lebellloim little 'princess, and
she tas to pay tho penalty m sadly mid so
ciuellj, that one cannot help pitting h'r.
instead of blaming hi, as ln-r mini relatlies
did when tbe found thi-iint-les fared lij n
Fcandal such as had neer buforc rutHed the
pr-xm of their Iintightv bouse, hho was a
miserable" little piliuess also, so miserable
that th larked tlio rourage to assert herself
and to brea'.t tlitouah tlm banleiH whbh
Implaeablv pitjudlces had onc-ted all around
her and that, finding herself powerlesa to
fight her way through them, she lay down
and died when Mie bad at last iniiunoed
herself of tho hopelessness of thu struggle.
Tins poor girl, whose death caud ucli a
sensation among nil tlie ioal nnd imperial
circles of (lermany, was tlio Princess Sophy
of Sa.i Weimar, n cousin of tho reicnlng
tlrand Dulto of that name. Her father was
a younger scion of tin- Illustrious house nt
whose Mirltie tlln great floetho himself bail
worshiped, and her mother a Princess of
Vseinbouii: Itudlngen Tho bluett blood In
Kuropo llowed In her veins and shn seemed
to bo destined to unite hernelf In marriage,
with some tiennun prince whose ipiartcrlngs
wero as unimpeachable as her own Hut,
Mas' in our matter-of-fait twentieth cen
tury It Is not enough eien'for a pilncess to
be able to boast of n long lino of famous
ancestors to find a suitably husband. Some
wealth Is also tcnulnd in order to sustain
the dlgnltv of one's rani;. And the parents
of tuetty little Sophy weie so badly off 111
that respect that they had not even been
able to go on lixlnx at Weimar and had
to retire, lo tho relatlv" obscuillv of Heidel
berg, when- thej uuld at least nonoinUe
without Its being loo imii-n noticed.
Prhirci William it Ka Weimar had
bought a modest villa In tlm old unlversiti
town, whcic Ills high blilh made him u
conspicuous pet nonage, und secured for hint
quite c-xceptlonablo treatment from the local
socletv. without Imposing upon him any
etta expenses he could not ery well barn
liicutled. Whenever a ball was given nr a
leceptlou tool; place at the house of Milne one
or other of tlm few- people whom lm con
descended tofieiiuetit. tlie best lairlnge out
of the best lhei stables In Heidelberg was
hired to tabo him together with Ills wife
to the entertainment The rest of the time
1h Princess walked or used, in unite :i
democratli; was. the street earn whenever
she 'Wh.ltn! her friends A local dressmaker
Inudti lK-r gowns and tho-u of her dsuglitei .
and tlm butrhei and bakei s ;ii outits were
often allowed to m :umul.it to a i onsider
able amount before thv wen settled with
manv slelis nnd grumblings on tlm part of
the Prince It was u n.iriow, hararsiug tx
Istence, that was led by Urn fainlli. one Hi
which th" question of nionej played the
ptlnclpal pail, and In which tlm cblldieti
wern taught befom exeiythtiig cli-e th neces
sity to be economical, which, by tlm wa.
neither tlm 1'rluctsH Kophy imr lier two
brolheis were Inclined to accept
The. formei was tlie one upon whUli this
constant, want of tcadv cash told in tlie
most painful manuet Her mother had taken
her lo Weimar eluiltiK one- or two winter
seasons and had even iiriselited her at the
lleilin court. Hut tin so UMi bad bee-n tlie
somen of mm h gib't t th" lilgh-splrlteel
girl, whose, prido liad t ufferc-d ho much nt
finding hci-'elf elicssed lli.o a hoilemnld. lr
not woise, blilc tin- Kiiinptumis gaiineuts
of tlm other Ming pritii.ses iii whose so
ciety slie was tliiown. that hi liad implored
her parents to spate Iter tills ordeal In tlie
futuic, and had made up her mind to te-
Positively Closes IMarch 0
M ... A..
MCBta ana l-.it Muts.
(P.xcfpt fat. l.ve )
I IxnerHoor $1.50
l'ltr.lr ot Geo I Meats, r,0a and 1 on,
P.ROAr) This and Next Week
"UWlU Mat.. W..I. A Kt at 1 15
ino i?ATini:d Kuns huue in
-OSin TIMB." -il7"lr".
A Loia Comsdy bv J. r. HarolJ Terry.
GARRICK Laat 3 Evgs. t",.l,
'wVe-I-lVls.H-HJ 2H5 1.8 115 P. M.
Six Imps nnd a Girl
J.1 AOt i sclIwjvI.
i V
"i s
4i -1 , T,j
4 ' m e.
Love Story
i,? .
in.In Ih If.l.ltt ... . . . i
, " eioriueiK, nitero st least net ora ' ;
r?ir,-i ?,Mih".rs"he v,n":"I "bout In llkvsfj
aCUC10thrf but IkjwciI dnu-n l.efor. Iie rarft'X
fi".;.in."li"n'1""!' J". n tnember of tk va
uranct Due-sl Iion a it.tM.. 'l!
- " u c. V. ,1
..-;'""." ru woman of pUc Id turn-
1 r,",' ."?.,'".. !?3.l'kW not to.., c J
n ;LV Vt in". lvr Hactr adoui. ,2Hh, 1
lUfTtlOTe. Ul.OMT.. th lofl.i. a.i.J -. '
I:L"t?-Sr-i "iV f'!,J?3r ,ook i 'requentlne soISi..
nJeV...1". I'edelberg. where perhaps, unit 1
.........,, .oouiuone, sue would never bar 'ii
el her foot Hhe met then, all kinds 3f J
peop lr, principally students of the tmlrJll?v
..i In' J' "'".''"'""I , Joung men belonging tr-ij
s'lia Ira'.'"!'.'.?1' "W',.y ,ha" t"9 one "' blohlC-l
elm was suiuiosed to mm.. 1 .
Among then! trai the son of the great Ber-VJ
,,.'r'i,','.aron vo" l'h'hro.ler. thi Mt'Ji
to many millions, ami nt h .,,. ei,. ..l.j ,3
,l,K ...... .'.-. ----V" ' - ... ..!.-
find who ;uggested'to her i try to ViSSSSi T
a tractlie and handsome fellow, but ot tWifd
b eiv crmin, .which, a.-cordlng to German-J.W
i .i JI:K:fr,l of unY P?lllltr of his ever ,$
n : iv... .i.i' i i . "."""oanci ny tns parents ;j, i-a
.rin"i..l,ti"Ji!lrl; if '.l nu'' wl "h" tht' W
' '" r'' ",h0',,,1 ff." l" ,0' n'l " was he Abl
HIio wlihittf rtil in ti . ,...i. . ai V'H.'
0.-I- lamer iiiki mother to conreut to their -ft!
. -V.V.rZ .. rew- in ciiKHging colors the VT
Kil' . . i l ' o.oeaiHUUi lire rlia would b
this to h-ad with hi in ; a llfs where every
i?.. 1 1",1'1 ,' nt Pnc fulfilled: whete all
iiiiiJ'i '.',ar, couW ,vl,h ln t'1" wr
K .Z' ".""'."r, gowns, pearls, diamonds, motor.
om ', l1?,'J,'iih011"'? ancl M'lendor would ba
put ut her disposal.
i,rJiri-lirl .l,c"v"1 ''lm. and at laet picked
..?.UM:,"I, ,V1ura1B '" 'Peak to her parents,
wit the result that ehe drew upon herself
sue h a storm of abuse that, In her despers
,.? "i',.v "" (l "'" -v'.Jt thing she ought
oV.Jlav? """'t'. She went to seek her
IY7 ' ' i11'.0. UnM whf"' l10 wn" "aylng and
intirateil.htm to run away with her and to
hldo her somewhere where, It would be lm
LVT. ! for h0r ftlpr to nni, Ufr bu, ,,,
1,!. . f'.'f the llltnlons of little Sophy. Thu
liarcin did nut earn to endangir hie jiosltlon
in tlm world by n roiuuiics with a member
,",, .'he royal houe. which he feared might
;!,ii i Br.Mul'' 'oiiiwquenceii for him. Ha'
i!.e .''.m'".? "" ""'"hi anl --ger to marry
mr with the consent ot the Weimar family,
'.. ,.,",t,,Pd, ''""."''ly thought of this social
triumph when lm acted tho Faust to th
hnVii'K1""1. who ll1"1 believed in him.
Sir. 1 1" '"'.' '."" rIr f"r a tiundestlne love
trniitf so ln '"""luocal
Princess Sophy returned home broken,
hear rd. haMng lost nil her Illusions, with
nothing but drearv piospects befor her,
iir.!?0! '."" biother'M isvolver and shot
herself lti her room the same night. The
poor little girl with golden hair and bin.
e-ies. the sentimental i.'retrhen who had be-
lived that the (leriuany and this Weimar of
i'--'iV,V' .MUI u,""", f lioethe. p.ld with
her fo for her mlstalie.
II H. A. M.
ll.icr. il
pinHT I'fiEsnxTATioN or
st Week MA1J MAHSU n -rjeloieit Traltol"
in "run JiAmoNKTTr.8"
10 15 A. M.. IV. -i, 3.5. r,:4.-., 7M3. 9.30 P. M
In Puramount Picture "IIIDDKN PEAKI..V
Added "Son nf Democracy" (3d Eolsodsl
N'it Wetk-Hlllle llmk, in "By,-, JOsuihtti"
VICTORIA """ 'tSgVi.
Flfrt Ntlonil Kshlbltors Circuit Pnwtntt
hi Plrt filior-lnc 'THU I.tcIIT WITHIN"
Added "Von of Democracy-' cm noisodel
N.It Week -IHLUs 1IAIIA In "Du Dltr""
REGENT MAituuT si-. nelnw i7T
11 A M. to II P. V.
CUNNING 'r",: itXN
u u m u wllo jj.vow.sj
llie New Doctor; Walter tawt othtri.
P. ROADWAY "oau u-nvder avk-
' P.frJ'ie Il'lslnef Man' lMdf Cassadv. Osa.
Walril In ".lack ipurlucl.. l'rodlcal"
jinssns. HiiLuuir
Nights 1.50,$l,7oc,50c
Jlatmees .1, 75c, 50c
.LUeJ-er 111 EVENING AT S.1S
"Many a Laugh, Sob and Thrill"
t vnin TOStnitT a-p stis
11IUO Mat. at. H.t Swta II.JO. ' ;.
J.1UK xuiinuKTiiH vnummy iitviaw
uiLiLtitws uJinn.ii?iiu ,v
..I that Tlataf ! nisbltia' rhAVil In THcaatna "
INQUIRER. "Pull ot turprUta In mirth (U'
inoiodr." r,j
Serg. Arthur Guy Empey
iSeniatlonal, Vivid Daacrtptlon and
Demcnatratlon of Tranch Warfaro.
Purchaa 8sla In Adyanoo at t ' .
ll.ppe's. HID Chestnut Ht. Peats 76a ta It.-
WITHERSPOON HALL Ptl. Elf.. Mar. 1,'ttKJ.
"Laughing Wml
Leaeock"?? tM
(Rtadlnss rton His "
Ultk Twtin
Art vm
-9VP m
l- J M
. s,yt
Own Werkal . J -sr-JL
Ti.ta. DIM io ai.;.u. umvaraur axiaoaiea . 'a
. . . T. -. . .... '. -, .jlA
rm. WHkuiuM BU. T7 L
casino. ALREEVESi
t" M wimm
. M
- . .- ., .,-':i t,f j f. i...1"' 'i
3 s ..tSlk, -' 'je-astltGSfcirf. .t'i TMC '
B-" ' .M.