Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 27, 1918, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Una Colonna Austro-Tcdcacn
Bcrsagliatn ad Oricntc
del Breiitn i
I Y. M. C. A. Worker in Franco
Refutes Charges of Intern- '
I pcrancc and Immorality- i
Italia c l'tnnci.i Acccllnno
Tialtuto jicr i SokrcUI al
Scrxizio Mllltarc
Published and Disttibutcil Unilcr
Authorized by the net
October C, 1017, on die at
Po-!tolllea or PhilailPlphiu, Pa.
By older of the President.
Postninstcr licncin'
Cttrrr tnotifciif f miiut, t..i.is. ...
.. m. n: li.j,:.: .'..'. .'."."" ' 'rr
" " " i'v in f rnwr
.mi:rkk ni.i.n tii:.xiHnviiTi.n
i i. iiia.m'i; iii :t
I IWutlnj: (lie n-ntlilni; Inillclmrnt re-
liorlnl lo liaxo born irrnd news-
1 nipt" In c t'nltoil Mutes tliioiiith
I Jllfhop ..Mctionalil, Uiiilrmnn of the board
i on frnperanc and public moral of tlie
Vtrtliodlut t'lnircii upon nlligcd lotitlw
Hon nmnnc Hie I'nltcil Slate force In
Krntie. II l l.vatis, editor of thi Veo.
man Side d wlio come from De Moliie I
l. mid In now a V M C A worKci In
I'miiie. Maud toiln
I Know tllsliop McOnnnid and lip
llcve Mm to be a Krc.U MftbodWt illxint
wliu Mould not say nmtlilmr lie be
1 1I.M4.1 In li tintrna llnl 1m tiii l.un
I10M. !!7 febbrnlo Mii!ly misinformed In making Ills 10.
P.nlle nollrle frUintt dal tjit.irllcr ported Mtatement of mndltloii in t'ip
Ocncrnlr llallano El rllr.i c'ii lo bat- "" ll,r' ' can nnhnhatlnstv state
terlo llallano linnnu illlcu-rniento ton- I'" l'"'""-,' "mallon tin' tuc
, . , , ,. ,, , , , , .amiiiei In franco arc better bchaud ,
eentralo I loio Modil ml.o nolzlonl thai, when In ilvll lit,, .il lioinn linuiU '
nemlcliP. p dlctro ill r-st pel Frttore onne lias been i educed to tlio xcrlrsi
eho M ffteiidi.' trn II l'oslna c I Astko, minimum Thro I not nne-li-mli us
rull.i fronlc del Tremlno Oil Itnl'anl !',ucl1 "f llil cll lnre n In mj liotue
, . , ., . , , . "xti or In otber Ainerlcin title Tbe
nvcxano notato die In detlc posli'mil m ,estrlcHon nualnn iilcolmt are clieer-
xerlflcaxa tin linollto innlim-nto ill fully accepted and religion! followed
truppo c ill mnlrrlali da suerra n I'ar- by tbp Milillern
tlgllerln ebbp imincdlatnmente lordlno 'Tl,10 "'l". "l!1" '" ',"nuar' from "
., , , lii called poi'lal dleafe nmoni the wlilli-
dl boinharnarle troops ua :i pip tliouiand I doubt
(111 tffettl del lininli.inlainento furono If any Anierkan town. ccn of nn1 :00n
oltlml polilie' II pretleo llm del million! I "r Soon population. (Oiovm tmrli a low
Itttllanl poito' lo FcoinpiBlli) r la ill. I rn" W"rK J B,,I"K "' -nlantl
.,,,.. , Hinonc the nfllcpr to promote the bet
UuiIoiip ira Rll uuhtro-tedpfi III. d pbiiI .,,.,,.,,, ,, mor. romi,on, RmonB
ullcrlorp nltlMt.i fu pirallrz.itc the troop. Th" homo folk uliould be
N'ell.i iprIoiip dl .Moiiln Ami) no I tl- proud of the condition now prevailing
parti llallanl d lnrurlono raKSiMineru nmonts the mlijler In france
In Unco nenililie c irtUtioiin un Krati-le Vour torrexpondent unlierit itlnplj cor.
allaimo ncllo pinirnl Kltuil i ho e occu. toborate Jlr. f.win'n plalenicut
paiano, lo tuall upilnno un Inteujio Throughout montlta of perFonal obvCra
fuoco Inutile r kpti.i iilrini iliiillato. tlon I hao teen numrroti liixtancc
Ad orlentp del lirenla. hell I Vnllo del ! where Rcneral pincers and" other of
It I Kfemlnflv true, well born of Ren- Mill OA1U AWAITC RFPI Y I TROOPS SENT TO QUELL
erou blood. I can sco tliatln It there nlLOWl rtTTUlO UL1 ,ti ' DISORDERS IN IRELAND
I a Joy of itiiiitig' equal trithn Joy of. rmrvair inmim nrinnMlM'
IMnc, lint I there not another wrt rilUlTi tUUHl llHIlnl
of courage? for dot thou not fte Hint '
II.A nrwtmtri t !... .1 .ll.... I. 1...I .. t
...- .w.....nu iiivu uisi;i Htiei is I'ui .' . .. ., .
President's Next Statement to "l ?"
World Tribunal Dependent
on Austrian Attitude
County Clntc, in Minister, Virtually
Under Maitlal Law as Hesult
leper rant; li.io dpnionfitrated their
paliiPtaklm; Hiid fatherly Interent In the
troop under them I denlrc to make
till statement a li;orou a possible,
mmlnc as It ilnea from firft'hanil ob
seration Thertforo It ha nn obious
aluo oer any necond-hand opinion,
honciei eminent and well meauluK
The Anieilcan public should Know tbeli
.loldler In the trcnc'.ic and Ixhlnd the
line are worths of the hlKhet praise
not only .n soldlei but nlo an men
i Klour, Lard, Bacon and Commcal
Show Slipht Decrease 25 Per
Cent Jump in Year
j WAMIIVi.TO.W IMi :; -ISetall food
prlie in the fulled States showed nn In
ire.ise of 3 per cent foi the month, ended
.lanu ir IT. oet the inecedltiR mouth,
'the Labor Pep.irtmilit announced tnda
I four of fifteen neie's.iry food artb le
I showed a durease tluill, - per cent,
lard, baion and coin mal, 1 per lent
eaeli Hen phov tlu Kieatet inirt.ise,
18 nor i ent fees and liotatoe In-
Fecual.ila III lino ileRll ultlml bollettlnl ore.isid il per cent cull, buttei I p I
liffldatl II lienilco lasclo' cadeie entl- 'cent and inltk 3 per i ent
nette bombe sull'abltato dl Venezia. i hlrlidn steal;, lound hIijK and Hb
irenia In iinello dl Mestie e ilium., n '''-'"t Incua-eil . Tier Lent, poll, chops.
.. -,----,- -- -- ..., . i.i... n.n in. ii . hup . en. n.in'i
....... --.-. ,-- - - .-- -..-.
Uurlnif the eai emieel January I
Seren una lolonni ill truppe nustro
tede&clie In miicl.i, fu bert.iRll.ita il il
fuoco dellaitlsllciia llnllan.v a illspcrM
ion ten.. i :icr sublto peidltc (,r.tl3
ime. Sul rlmaiiPiitp dell.i fionto Hal'. in i fI
ebberw le solltc Incurslonl .Il iul dl
pattUKlIc v inodeiall iluelll ill liltl
ellerln Hcco II tc.o del roninnlcato lllln lale
pubhlcato lerl d il Mlnltero della
iJuen.i In 15oni i
I.unco II -pttorp tin II l'clu.i e
l'Astlco pull. i fionle del Trentlno,
un Insollto moilnunlo In nlcmiH por
rlonl ilelle pos7onl del ncnileo fu
nrrestato dall nltlinn rffetlo dl un fuo
co concentrato dclle nostrc batlerle.
Vella reclonc dl Mnnto Ahnlonp I
imstrl repartl ill r'Cincnlrlniit i.uiha
rono nllarnie nello lluee nemlche piu
Mjcanilo un fuo. o lion nci.es.mrlo
N'ella Vnlle del Seicn (ad orlente
del llrenta) una lolonna nemlca, men
tre marclava, fn Inaspettainiuenle
colplta dal fuoio dell.i Host! a nillgll
erla II nemlin mibl cravl perdllo eil II
rlmanentc dell.i colonna si sbando'
I.'atr. Itn' Iuiiko II rlmancute dtll.i
fionte rlmaso normale
Durante I'ultlini Incut sioiip .urea
compluta il.lKll ii laturi teutoulcl
rop rUlit tut rnnMnn-il I ilm . r I.
Captain P'tvid A Kcnkcs, Sitcentli Infanlr, lT, S. A. nnd a
member of the Amcncnn expeditionary foice, .i .pntrnced to
a twenty-five-year teim in Leacnortli Piison after liavmi: lieen
found Kuilty by enuitmartinl of 1 1 yinjr to noid -.cimic ajjainst
Ccrmnn.v and thereby nttemptuiK to iolato 1u o.itli of ollice.
Captain llenKei, wlio is Anieiican boin lint of (ioiiniiit p.iri'ittiiKt',
A.vt liiouclit back from 1'iancc and tried at Coxpiiiom Island,
N. V. Captain llenke.s lepe.itcdly attempted in icsicn fmm the
seivicc lather than liulit (icrmany. Up.on ins romiition lie wns
dishonorably dismissed from the set vice and sent to Leavenworth
Prison under military i;unrd. The phntngi.iph shows Captain
Henke.s and his nine-year-old d.itiKhtvr. I-'ianee.
Gay Boulevards Shock to Writer Who Returns From
Danger Zone Incident of Frightened Poilus
Reminder of Dialogue on Courage
lilm who forms the Idea In which It l
born, and Ihat nnotlicr sort mut bp the
portion of him whom the fortune of
war frown upon, ns our licro of Ther
mopjlae who held with clenched
(eelli as the poet sIiir" And canst thou
I not nee that Pipn If Ihou underxtandfjl
not this soil of cnurnce, that It relcned
In ceilalnt of defeat, lipnco was Ml
licrlor to thine lliift thou not seen
slaics In battle without anjthlnK In
ealn In Mctoiy, jet biaf nnd nllant?"
'Thou showest mp true for doe not
Ja In tho Moid of tho poet say to
hi men, 'Ho men of heart, lime pride
u Itliln thj soul and blush not In the
hi at of battle' ' Whlih here proxtth that
lour.ipe Is fear of shame that hence
there ale three cour.iKe for I do Fee
that he who under thi d.u ri r of Id
iiemxs Hord lOliqu. rs desire tu fl
KUbtltiilr4 n ' more pulrsunt pas
h'oii tho Idea of natlio sod. the ten
turles of effort piously put forth bv hi
niieeslors that appear befoic lilm and
that he tlchta to sale
Tin: ki:i: or siimi:
Vnd since we hae found n couiace
.bat I born of Joy In bllllnc, another
Hint I born of feir of shame, shall we
not bow mine liiunhh lo one Unit I en
lcored b nn lde that makes supreme
n ineiitnt blou oxer a phtlcil pol
bllltx' for such Is he who llRht for
loe of li.itllP rod sllunlliR the IllKhisl
and purist form of courage true."
I I don't know the M'oaker. bi cause.
! a I remember It, the old m inilcrlpt
! !ld not Klve them Hut ihe tbomtht
I tnlsht bp worth! of Soeratei, And In
application they arc a modern a xrs
lerd.iy In thee das of biltle for
eerj man In the trenehe be be Tom
my or pollti up Saniniei'. who Is llRlitliif?
. for lnxe nf r'Bht and justice. Is tlRlilltii;
(on for tntlio nod tie It across ihannil
or across sea, s (luhtini; foi an Idc i
a mental thins tint In no means is
monopolized bx those of niintnlltf
i Canneis Advised by I'ood Adminib
I tration lo Hold ndn Make Kepott
' on Supplies
wv.siii.vn ro.v ivii :;
I'resldent Wilson Is waiting upon
fount Creitilns cvpected icpl to Id
taut pcaco term niessace before deter-
mlnltiR his future course us to the new UN the (lovirnmeiit
statement bcrere the tilbunal or the
If II show a conciliator! mid iiiep
thi spirit the 1'iesldent will nciln ap
pear before t'onKicss to aiuplf bis
prxlois slateuietits nccordliiR to the
hrllef amoiiK Intel national authoiltli
Whelhei he wou'd icplx to llritllngl
OTiinot be statu! iiiiw '
Tho Kciui.il spltlt lure todai ufti i
inserting Illiniums inisi-njre, was om
lof rejection fierswiiere the thouRht wn
Ihat HertlliiR was lnih.eri, that he
i! iii.t.,uiK u Ramc ini R.iuie. ai -cnrdliiR'
to the Reneril x lew, wa lo 11 y
to foster pai'.llst splilt within the Al.
LONDON, fell, '.'T Additional Hoop
I haxp been sent to aid the police of
founty ('Hre Ireland, this nctlon of Abe
(loxrrnnicnt being made necessnry by
' tcports on Sunday last of outbreak, of
I law Irssnewi there
London tiewspapir of all shade ot
' political opinion have retelxed bad ac
counts of ibe alarnihiK sprend of lawles.
i ues In the south and west of lrrlund,
slid the Dublin loriespondilit of the
Times sis It I Imperatlxe that prompt
and firm slep nl leprcfslon be taken
f I J J s
Vale I a. one of thtJjlnn r'eln' fender, J
meinoer ii rarimmeni tor uui in
but he has nex'er taken his sest.
. , t,
The DepMirfabl Horn
Heard half a mile
ahead. Hand and
Electrically oper
ated. Trice $4 to S251.
We (focJr a complete
I'ounli l 'hue. whciii'd last Sunda s
dlturbain.p uports imannted, has been
deiWted n speLlal una under tin- He
fenrt' of the Kialm nit.
Vlrtu.ill tins is a ileclatatlon ot mai
tlal law fount' flare, In the province
of Xlunstrr. Is on tlie xxestein toist of
Ireland Its population Is about tir.,Ui)i
The chief town Is I. mils I'rofissoi dc
m 217 North Broad St
XX XIIINf.TON, IVb .7 XII ixuneis
tml.ix were ailled b tin fond .iduilii-l-tr.itlon
to retain on hand for wnr pui
poses all canned inin, pe is tomatots,
slrlnt: beans and s ihnon
deports of sin h holding inu-- be
made at onie to the ilixisnn of i i-oidl-iiallon
of pnri h ises of the fond .itliulo
islratlon (Juantltle of tllee in'ks
not wanted will be icle.ised promptly
within a few ilijn after receipt of these
leport This was taken to mean xh.
lual innim.indieilnR of all Pinned Roods
In tho food ndmlntMr.ttlon
lied until ns nnd to tri to cause n split
ammu: ihim
I'artkiilnilv he anneirs to be nlax .
ItiR in Vmeru.au pul.lli' opinion. tiltiK
to distinguish It from the Alllis proper I
lie niuepts 1'iesident Wilson's, rour basic j
ptlnelples, while at the same time lie at-,
tiuks the III mill and french There I
much of lamoun.iRe about Ills leinnrkr!
loncirnliiR IlelRliim, nnout self-delor-1
iiilnntlou and about lleimaii xiur alius,.
nn'ordltiR to the thoURht here f
The disposition of the Uus'lin prob
lem is lonsldercd a pirtlcutaily ndrolt
maneuver Self-determlatloti In l.ltlui
auln nnd I'ourl.ind would be established
-with liptmnn Run RiiardlnR the bil
lot boej Inland would be liidepemlent
but i-n bedded about hv Herman lontrol
nnd (ieimin threats nearb.v that II In
di pendein'e would be null The promKe
not to establish Crniiau tide la fsth.nln
.mil l.lxonli Is the slnttle pleilpp of free-
iloni for nil of the oveirtin Itusslan tei-,
The fliancellors statements rcKard-1
Ins Herman' "war of defense' nrc re-'
K.irded hiio as thieiiiHi.ue sophostrles,
ulili h lu'tho llsht of liuniaii atrocities
appear ludlirous, I
fount fzcrnln, bowcvei mav adopt a
dllfertnt tune, as he bns In the past I
VXhllo the Xustrlaiis ale so linked In I
(ieinuiii li debt that ,i bir.il. Is dlf
fliult. Austria's .veirnluK for pe.ico Is
such that the President believes n polltl
cil offensive should be continue. I there
Just a Ioiir as un ihance nf a separate
peace Is possible In these circumstances
ho will doubtless appear In ConBres.5
asaln If Crernln answers his list mes-sai,e
Tyiol Wool garments in
style and quality of cloth
arc the best obtainable.
Genuine Tyrol Wool has an
established place and a known
Spring and Summer styles and
colors are now ready and are
sold here only.
Women's and Misses'
Plain Tailored Suits
21.75 25.75 31.75
New Spring Hats
Street, Motor and
lop Lioats
Due persouc ilmcseto Uicli-c e novi
ferite a Vencsla e tie fuloiio Uu-ise a
MeTstrc I.p xlttlme appaiteiigono lulte
alia poiwlazlone civile
I dannl mat ri.ill fuiouo lion molto
Durante II "laid' sopr.i Venecia In
bombe neniklie colpirouo 11 falao Hei
lonlco, In cul moil' Itobnto Iliownlng
Le llucstre del palazzu e la f.uclila
furono daiiniBKlatc dil fiammenll del-
I esploslone
II Palazzo Moienlgo, ove una xolta
llsledc' Lord Hion, fu inlpllo da una
bomba e cosj' puro II Palazzo tlrassi
'111 aftreschl del Lonshl cho adornano
II palazzo, lion fuiouo il.iuuigRi.iti. 111.1
non cosl' le nltir pirtl dello stabile
Dopo l'.ici.'us.i fatta dal Ileputato Pl
rollnl in una iccento seduta del Parla
mento, lontio lerte dllie sospett.ile dl
axer relazlonl lommeiclall con I paesl
nemlcl si ono avutl iluc sensaziouali ti
restl In Mllano 1 foiiimendatoii Ho
nacossa e anecchl dliettoil delta Kl
latura Kascafnl di hcta. sono htati ni
lestatl sotto laciusa dl aver trattato
sffarl col nemico o solo nel 1910 axreb
bero rIC.ixato d.i dettl affail un piolltto
the pike of food as a whole Inireisid
.'S pel tent All .iitklts showed detlded
lnire.i!e eiept potato, s. which ileircaseil
II pel lent
foiu meal jumped 77 pei iept, xibkli
was the Rrcatest chaime rei'iideil in an
food piiie llacou incieasid i.l per lent,
laid D.I. polk limps 44 liain 42. milk : "
hens 29, buttei .', esgs J3. suk.ii 18
and flour 17
Moceniso, Byi oil's , Residence, Hit.
Bomb Falls Near Browning's
Death Plate
27 Dutlns .111 nlr laid 011 Vcirke list
xveek Teutonic fleis diopped 1 bomb
close to the Herzonlio Palace, in
xvlilch Hobeit UioxvnliiK died oil the
Giatul Canal. It broke the vxlmloxvtt
of the palace and tt fuc.tdo Is maiked
by fiagments fiom the explosion
Tho Jlocenlgo Palace, xvlieie I.oul
Biiou oike staxed, was stiuci; b
Mll li, Au J ( lir .11 i,,iL c I (dm
WIIL'.N one leans llm war rone fot
Pails and a balli and the few nlliir
thiiiRS Impossllile of MttiiinR lelatlve. j
ly ueai tile tlRhtiiiK lilies, oiu- Is sliucl. 1
with new perspeitlvis Aside fioni the
xarlid uulfoims upon the sticits of the 1
capital it tould h.ndl.v bo evitbiiied.
theie was a war on 'I lie 1 afi s and
shops aie rtowdul thimiRS till the the I
allis and tlin opeia, and the mi tro or.
unilerRiuuinl Is Jammed
food Is nbuudiiit and iwrllons In ns- ,
taur.uits are as copious as of oie saxe
siiK.ir. of which 11 little less l Rivili
with tbp coffee it Is onlv whin iiii I
Ro to the suburbs les hjlilleues, tint the 1
war meets ou iiuaiu in tho harmless
foim of smoking ihlmnexs and the
fexeilsh bustle 111 f.u lories and munition
fouling fiom wheie all plane alerts aio .
fieiiueiit, and neai vvln.11 birbeil
tin au-
I' lift Un 1, mill 1 In J .1 e I '
I know 11 tale of two poilus who,
upon leutuilui; fioni a ilauKcriius ricon
iiilssinif In wlili.li their lives wire ilsked
a hunilnd thin?, upon ictallluK their
lAperiiui ts to .1 llvutiiiaut nf their
iomp.ni, wile aski d
"Wcie ou afraid ' '
"nil. s, 111 lliiltenaiit
swi ml
'Tain pis
nevei fi.ir
Was he lliiht or wroiiR ' How accom
pllsli the nsti.ilnt nf fi.11 Art tbero
in.mv in. thuds' If so, what moral
value have tin" Is these questions
mum to me I leincniber an old manu
siiiiit iiiutslnliiif a fragment of .1
dialogue. .ipoupli.iI, peib.ips, and that
I had lopinl In a. ineinoiandum book
I billeve It liltle known, tiuthful in
iitliibiitiou hi not but it so will ap-
thought befoie nit that I
laid tlie olllcei ,
an tiling. fiai
vou must
is vvenk-
vvlie ' Idlis 10 the
,iud pol-on gas abound oir Is a tilflt ipjole
slioiked bv the nppiuut gaetv of Ihe , 'Till 111c Is not couiagu Hie ait of
boulevaiils until 0110 uniembeis that being nfi.iid and conoueilng the fi.il."
the Litln li iiipeiainent Is bv nituiei rm 1Jf,t thou lonipn led '
such And Hun night falls bunging' :v the will to imuiuu the jo of
darkened slmts and pun lug .lindanes ,PU11B(, ihp Jtn f lendeiing evil to
kuaiillus ovirhnid amid the st.us those who have .11 lid ev Ills against me.
Hut behind tile ipustioll of tempet.l-
I inent is soiiutliiiiK ilse; Ihat ga.vetx- Is
linmblued with iiiuiage, Dial thire exist
distinct tjies nf louugn - one Ignoilng
dangei and void of fa' the other tlie
iciognltion of boin and the resolv.
to domln.te tlmii XXIikh I "iiperloi
to thoo wlio liave uicnacid my Ilfn
and tin I mil nf uiv fatlieis And Ihe
singing foiwanl of shield and tpeai, the
1 lushing of that wnleh opposes tlnli
Pitli.ipi- Ibis is (image 1 tut tf it is,
Mason & DeMany
1 1 15 Chestnut Street
(Opposite Keith's)
dl xentl inlllonl ill lite Seiubia ihe to. homh. us also was the 1'al.i'zzo Uiassl.
socleta' nxeste un ulllclo In Zuilgo. olio
al prlnclplo della gueir.i doveva leallz
raie alcunl crcdltl ion la (ieiuianla, ma
tale ulllclo si Ir.isformo' k. In una vera
sgenzla per ilforuiie la Oci mania I'n'.il
tra Socleta', la floiet Seidell hplnuei s
dl Sagrado, che avexa capltall nella I'l
lalura It.iscnnil ill Seta, pare ihe abhln
iperato per 1 Austlia
WASIUXa TON". I f 2 feblnalo
rrancla ed Italia banno aitettalo In
sostanza un tiattato rou gll Stall t'liltl
ilrca II servizio mllilaie del loio suddltl
lesidentl In America, n simile .1 nuello
recentemente stlpulato ion 1 Inghlltena
fd II Canada'. 11 Segielario ill hlato
Lansing ha dl cio' liiformato 1 On flood,
capo del tomltato pailamentaie jier gll
iVrtarl i:stei(!l, dklilaramlogll dl axel
The firscoes b Louglil, xvlilch adorn
tills palace, escaped damage, but ,
I other paits ot the building aufteied.
T.OMI- fob JT V feniiotlklal all'
nouneeineiit sas enemx airplanes
j ilioppcil txvent -seven bombs on In-
'habited places tit Venice tlility on
Mestie and fixe on Castelfrantn. Two
pei sons xxeie kHIed and nine Injuied
1 ut Venice and tluee wcie killed at
' Mesne. All vxeie ilxlllans Tlie ma-1
teilal damage vxas sllglit.
John I). Rockefeller. Jr.. Has Mumps
1 i;W YORK'. K eb 27 - lohu 1) lloclie-
fellei. .Ir. wlio was expected to preside
at the meeting In farntgle Hall held by
1 the tJIrls" Palilotlc Seivke League of
Hcexuto al' ilguardo del lablogranunl , the War Camp Commuiilt serxice, was
dagll ambasciatorl anieilcanl dl Pailgl proxented from appearing beiause of an
e lloma. attaik of the inuinp ne is saiu 10 ue
Sembra die la dlscussloue del "Allien piogieseing nlcel
hlacker Bill," die rlguarda I suddltl
delie nazionl belllgerantl soggettl al sei
vlzlo mllltare e lesidentl ncgll Statl
I'nltl, avra' luogo domanl nonostante
lopposlzlone deU'-Vmlnistiazioiu' Pilma
della stlplazlono del trattato con 1'ln
ghllterra ed 11 Canada' II dlffeiimento
della dlscusslono ira stato rkhlesto dal
l'lpartlmento dl Stato II Segretarlo
Lansing ha cosl' soiitto
"Rlfercndoml ul ucRozlati the II U ui
tlmento di Stato ba axuto con I govcinl
belllgerantl alleatl riguaido nlle con
xenzlonl circa II seixlzio mllltare. de
eldero. Informant che lo storso martedl'
'tono state (Innate duo conxenzfonl con
I rapprescntantl Brltaunlcl, una per
l'lnghlltcrra e 1'altra per II Canada' e
che ora bo rlcexuto telegramml dagll
ambasciatorl amerlcanl dl Roma c Pa
rlgl secondo I quail, salxo llexi modifica
tion!, la.proposta degll SAatl L'nltl per
slmill conxcnzlonl e' stata accettatta
dalla Francla e dall'Italla lo aspetto
che nessun serlo ostacolo sorga per hn
pedlre l'liumedlata Anna dl queste con-,
venz'onl." '
aa-HllBllMli.nMMKrMM j
1 The Favorite of jidB&M 1
1 1 91m Bath Branchet BPSS pi
I AVlKS7 Sp&Xtf:&5SZP' Havana filler S
I SKBV t&if'&ilttSsP?' Shade Grown gj
MK&0ZJZZ?:' Mild Fragrant
SKSp' Delightful Satiifing l?j
WWjES-iz5gjL In several sires &
MSlH inLW. '",( Bro' " Mfn., Phila. M
Our Great Removal Sale
Furs Helps You to
ONT let a
single chance to sae slin bv vou." is the advice heard on
1 s r- iri e e . 1 1 .
everv side, uur Kemosai dale or turs is the merest ODDortumtv to
aa ii
sae the ear
dollars can he saed.
will prohahly bring you. On some garments hundreds of
Because We Move to Our New Store, Every Fur in
Stock Is Reduced One-Third, One-Half
and More Than Half
Before going into our new quarters at 1211-1213-1215 Chestnut Street, every fur coat,
coatee, set, muff, scarf must be sold. 1 lence these reductions. In addition ,
Seeley's Adjuslo Rupture Pad
Increase efficiency of a trutt S0ft
:tor i-c
' IBP -J r JUo-tll. i
i r " iHf r
Th elf.djaitln feature, of thU I'a
li It ar to xvaar and th rhumb.
Kercw IteiuUtor allovta nf a Iter las
vrnaurs at Mill. Moat ruplura irow
tlowlr wan liiraune truatci that waoiM
rliht In Ilia bcslnnlDK virre not. Our la.
Rratad appllanraa and adtanrcd math;
laora laiproTcmtot for sierr caaa-ao
our maar.
Four Million Tons of Coal Were Lost to You Through Failure of Alines
Along the Chesapeake Sc Ohio Railway to Receive Sufficient Coal Cars
December January
Number of Working Days 2r '-b
Daily Railroad Rating of Loading Ability , 17o7-n
of Mines, in tons 17r 172'7"0
Tonnage available full-car supply, per
month, in tons J,:J81,'2oO 4,491,500
Deduct loss per month 'on account of causes ..,-
beyond mines' control, 10, in tons. ... 438.125 U9,1oQ
Tonnage would have been shipped,' or 90
full-car supply, in tons 3,943,1211 ''i2,'
Tonnage 'Actually Shipped .GMA10 LWO.lbO
Total tonnage lost account failure of Rail- .
road Companyto furnish cars 2,233,715 2,411,590
Total Tonnage Lost December and January
Account Failure of Railroad Company to
Furnish Cars 4,665,305 tons
Tonnage actually loaded equivalent to '. . . . .9.64 days in December ,
9.44 days in January
Tonnage lost equivalent to 12.86 days in December
13.96 days in January
There are 448 Mines on the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway.
. . , , s. ,.ix. I Xr oJ-fVt t r ,- H r 4,. " . .. '".if 1.
Purchases will be reserved in our vaults until next fall upon paument of a deposit, pay
ments to be continued monthly during spring and summer.
All charge purchases will be billed April 1st, if requested.
19.00 Wolf, all colors 9.50
25.00 Skunk 12.50
29.00 Red Fox 14.50
35.00 Taupe Fox 17.50
35.00 Brown Fox , 17.50
35.00 Black Fox 17.50
45.00 Hudson Sal 22.50
45.00 White Fox 22.50
65.00 Taupe Fox , . 32.50
65.00 Brown Fox 32.50
75.00 Black Lynx 37.50
75.00 Slate Fox 37.50
75.00 Jap. Kolinsky 37.50
79.00 Cross Fox 39.50
100.00 Mole 69.50
250.00 Russian Kolinsky .,125.00
295.00 Silver Fox ....... 195.00
850.00 Hudson Bay Sable. ,550.00.
Fur Coats
79.00 Black Pony 39.50
125.00 Sable Marmot 62.50
149.00 Natural Muskrat 74.50
175.00 Hudson Seal 87.50
179.00 Natural Muskrat 89.50
240.00 Hudson Seal 120.00
185.00 Nutria 125.00
290.00 Hudson Seal 145.00
275.00 Hudson Seal 185.00
390.00 Mole 195.00
365.00 Hudson Seal 245.00
425.00 Natural Squirrel 275.00
395.00 Hudson Seal 295.00
950.00 Jap. Kolinsky 595.00
150.00 Hudson Seal 97.50
245.00 Hudson Seal 125.00
350.00 Hudson Seal , . . . 195.00
395.00 Hudson Seal 225.00
495.00 Russian Kolinsky 295.00
49.00 Nutria . , 24.50
'49.00 Australian Opossum . 24.50
59.00 Taupe Fox 29.50
69.00 Taupe Wolf 34.50
75.00 Jap Cross Fox 37.50
75.00 Brown Wolf 37.50
79.00 Black Wolf 39.50
65.00 Raccoon 39.50
95.00 Brown Fox 47.50
95.00 Red Fox 47.50
95.00 Jap. Kolinsky . . . . . 47.50
110.00 Black Fox 55.00
125.00 Ermine 62.50
135.00 Fisher 67,50
140.00 Beaver 89.50
179.00 Cross Fox 89.50
195.00 Mole 97.50
450.00 Hudson Bay Sable .. 295.00
650.00 Silver Fox . . ..... 345.00
750.00 Hudson Bay Satle. .495.00
Mail orders promptly filled.
Repairing and remodeling at low cost.
Purchasing agents' orders
usual 10 per cent. mwoedrA
1 . '.
.- 1 w u
a ,
accepted with
, - J ,..l .w ''
I. Bt Kur. W7 yr1
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