Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 26, 1918, Final, Image 6

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,fi. (fll!-.. r.
-- , --
Sftique Aeroplani Teutonici ,
:? Abbattuti dagli Aviatoi'i
if Italiani c Frances!
PiiKHh.pd nn,l nlatrilnitptl tinder
' Aulhorircd by tho act of
.October 0, 1917, on flic at the
ostoflico of Philadelphia, 1'n.
By order of the President.
Postmaster Genera'
IIOMA. : Tehbialo
ri-ll- unlUL i..bi kin. iJMfl f.n.., .11
V' tatUfflla, c lonfcrmatp l.il ' rapportl
rU, rluhtl dal quartler liencMle Kallano,
K?v il t-ilei clia lungo tutto le llnee si e
E!rt "rerineata una grande attivlta' netea. e
che varil scouir! avvennero tia g'l aria
tori Italiani e framesi c mjelll leuliiiilcl
Durante tlettl scontrl aercl rM aue-tto. .
' ledeechl lianno jicnluta ben cinque ateu
planl. due abbaltutt dagll u via toil ital
iani. due da quelll francesl ed uti allro.
colplto dal fuoeo dello balterle Italtatie
tnuaeree, caddc in nanuno presto ic
e llnee dl Itorso.
I T? t combattlmcntl ueiei axM-iuien, din-
! ante II glorlio, Alia K-r.i kII tiilalutl
Italiani effettuarono parecchle Ineuisioiil
sullo llnee nemlehe. lomplcndo cfllcacl
oombardatnentl, I-i stimlone fetinvlarli
dl Mattarello, u ud ill Ticnto. . iiuellu
,sjll Prtmotano furono bouibatdite dacll
treoplanl Italian! mentie si rrltaar.i
iiin Intenso trafllco e grandl iiiovlrnentl
dl trenl cpn truppv Anclip I r.unpl ill
ila2l6no nemlcl pifbii, I.a I'omka
Ban l'lor dl Soupia furono bmnbiiidatl
dnfill ulatorl Italiani tin- pioilumi
dannl grarlsslml
I.e azlonl da pailc ilcll art sllorl.i
(lirono vlxacl preuso If llneo dal llunni
Adlge all'Astlco, inentic- funmo al
4uanto inodfrate lunao tutto II reeto
della fronte ltallana
f mpartl il'lucurslone inKlrtl noatfiinnu
in Uolento comViattlmenti, oorii u a cnr.
po con rjpartl dl trappd nutonn lie iirnw
la rha iUtra del I'I.M'. u rlu-.lroiif.
a. rcsplnccre 11 nmloA lion senr-a .ntiKli
Inflltto prdlt coiildcroll
A Capo Site pattUKll" .un"iljilie
anzjniio opra un largo liatto ill
Uflla fronte, tiMitafotio aitan.are l.t
lfta dl ponte. ni.v I nupp. italUut
BrontnmffntB aprlrino un mlcldlali
tuoco dl tucllcrU o tp ilttpeii-cio Kena
,1 n.A i.jrmeffer ill lointcculra in alt-Uti ,
"...;.' I.,... ,. v, nr.. ujixiaimcntc
Kcco II teito del toiiiunlcato ulMc.ale
pubbllcato, lerl. dal Mlnlrtem delU Gucr
ra. in Iloina: ',
I 1'n iaoe calinoneEBlamndo -1
,fl.n' .lall'Art ire al'ASll'O. l nvjuriai.-
,..uHi .it fi,.,.n i& Holst-rii iUiiL'o n
lresto ilella frontn dl ti.iltKiia
Sulla rta destra del l'l,n
.-4n InrlutfA H'lllllieirnU ill
un t -
un i -Mil
battlmento mriro n i?t1K c h II m i.m
t ell InfllP-'e ionrmifri-vi;ii P'""-
i V Capo Slip priJtUBlln "--t.'" 'he
Kinra laripi tr.itto dl fronte. teiitarotio
,tU(.care la testa dl pontp furuiiw
iprontamenle dlspeiae
' r nn ln,.i,tj ultivtt.'t .lPIlil ! II' I-
flro' durante il ulorno supi.- le p ine
R. Jlinee. Qualtro nia,ili!:ie luMKiicfu-
Uono nbbattuie. due dagli .olaturi
in '....n..l .. ,1iip ilal notrl I'm uuilita
f I iV -- -,...- ., . ..
macchlna lolpita dal luovo uenc iiumi
batterle antlaerc.cadd in flaiiiin
llclno ltorfo ...
1 Alia eera 1 nostil ,mop,anl bom-
,krdarono l.i Mnxlonp ferro'a!l.i ill
' Mattarello u. sud dl Tretito, ijella
dl I'riinoUno In un niume.'to In ml
il erlfleava uti Imenso iralllco, An-
:, tche 1 campl nemlcl ill a lailone prcs-
ra Ijx ConiU-.T. c San l'lur dl Sopia.
urouo bombaidatl dal nostrl aviatorl
Dl nuoo e niai-chlne ayversarle
bembaidarono l'abltato nirestA Ca"tel-
' tjfranco, Jlestre o Vcneila
Duranto II I'om'erto intnalle.iti ibe
bbe Iuoro lerl laltru iireso la etoi a
Villa Uurshese In Koiuri. la banda mili
taro amerjoana "tlportn' una htiepitoo
idCCBKHo o fu fatt.i ecno ad uia. ludi- ,
nentlcahlle diino'ti-nrli'DP SI talcol.i
el)8 oltre centomlU pcruliH ait'tteto ;
at concerto. Tutte lu autoilla' ill Roma ,
erano prcatntl, 'Otiie. pure Thomas Nel
son Page, rAiiibanlatoie Aineili'ano, o
"til ufllclall aiiieilcanl ilic i trna.ino m ,
Dopo II conrerto ebbe lnouo u 1,1 i
u 'Itarlla a II l.lllill nlllti, !HU Kftlfl llllll-O
ft 1 npln,lr,.,ll tr iletl.i I'lttj tr.L le Ji. ,
olainazlonl dl una .foll.i compnhta unaa MM TJ) f.lrord me, olid Jt.tr
oltre trecento mlla petsone. tr.i en -
laslastlcho grid.i dl' Vlv.i Wllso-i' Viva
VAmerlca' Viva gli Alleatll L:i bands
so.sto' prespo il muiiumetito dl Vlttorin
4'inanuelo 11 ove.. It.slinie all" nllie
bande Ivl fimenuli1, futotio estguiti gli
innl nazloii.il! delle poteuze alleate
Slamo s-tatl Informatl die un grandl-'
naif concetto sar.i' dito la sera tlel "J
tnarzo prosslpio, pel Walnul Street Tlip
itre. con 1'lnteivento dl una bandn inu
slcale rectntemciite otuaiilzzata dal
maestro Salvaloio Sanso'.
La uuora batida, tomposta da pioveiti
musicantl italiani, lia welto pet divitii
la fatldlca lanmJa rost ,. perclo' e
lira chiamat.l la baiida del ' Garibnldllil
II niaestio Sanso' h.i preparato uno
ltcelto progranuna muslcaln eho com
fpremle pareeihl spartltl dl opere Italiaue
dl Innl national! delle nazloui ulleate
Moltlsslml hlglletti himo statl g..i'
yendutl noti goltanto tra gli Italiani, ma
xnche tra l'elemento amerlcano Tutto
lascla credere che 11 conrerto iag-
trungera' un completo successo
Senators' Want V. S.
to Own Hog Island
rontinued from Pace One
Food served at Hog Islaiui
mil he le
"You can alwaa hear some complaint
bn the subject of food,"
Aa the newspaper reporters kit the
Admiral's office he told them that lie
tad "no derlre to hurt tho feennsrs ot
nny one" when he barred reporters from
kccompanylne tho Senators on their
trip to Hog Island.
(There nre two strips of land at the
Mtver Ami of ttip Vortleth Ward on both
of which the Uirvrrnment U said to Isold
sptlons. They are aald lu bo equally
ttslrable for housing plans for Hoi;
wand workmen, and no matter wliluh
M Is anally purchased existing: hous-
, mr plana will bo adopted.
iyilOiio of the tracts contains about 2'1Z
M Htuiii; ,.tjiituuu sicuun cjtIDi'siii.
ham Klxty-sevenlli fctreet to Island road.
fcfilit other atrip la 250 acres In extent
1 la locaieu at jsmnii, ron unu r.im-
aJ Btanii.
"The city1 iiev'e&Mlint plank aq In
1 anape mat nciuuu loi"iuni ooura
r tho Qorernmeut decides to take
or both- alts,' advertisements ran
a4eel in the papersT'for the city'a
rwoi fjia woTXf ssyiu a cii piaciai
"wb' Wlte"f now Ajexof Councils' n-
tnunttts'V provide, jaoo.uuu lor
ewer.' iiKiiiv. water, etc. 1; is
aod that the coats of these lm-
-ntu til I.- I.m--. -II.. I..- ,, -
' aj,d dorernmant. ,T "'
W... ....I U UUI HIT Ua.L.V U. ...
1 nousinr mtautlon tooica new turn 1
Owen, Bralnard, the New York
who. la ctuinuan of H hous-
Ml of On tnergeaiey rit
Jsoovnoajf that tHtr tm-
;k amjMPWItjtt
First Partial List Given Out I
by War Department Con
tains 61 Names
The Whi lrpartmrnt today tccelod !
the r.rnt paitfal lltt of those oindallj
i repotted niUalnc or amonit tlie tinldcntl- j
. fleil dead on 'tlii" Tuc.inla th-re ere
I NlYly-onp name In tlie list, a follou a-
H.iRK.VC'i: V. Al.t.lIX. Tra0M CH
, UMiniir. A A I.TtVKIN, Temple Tex
' IIOOKrt IIAKCII. 1rfT.. Kv.
AlKll.ril IIAKTOLOMV'Ol trv It'un ir.'i
Kdlfcotnb Aenue. New Aorll tltl-
Wtl.l.IAM IILS'N'IK ration, Mnnf.
vntvnit c. JiitANi.A.vu, cmton. cir
1I11NJAJIIN II. imow.V. ilirron. V
AI.ICIIIK 1'AltOI.l.O. Ahrllle, Wt
IOK l-OL'tlltAX, Lton. lkl
Ht'llUN i'OIIKN's Aln Onb'ti flthr IVi
Clirlt(,l-hr ae?iu llrrklyn .V
TOMMll: W I.IXJK- lt(tlle. I.j
JOHV Jt 1'UmVI.Kr, rflnntln 1, cmnl,
brother 111 I'mnuf tf(t Han J'rimi o
ki.ai, juvi -,m ri
mii;NlMI iwa;-., .vJrna T:
iiii'iim:i r in;ini:n, n
fmi.r. i I'urr.-. n v
J; lifir
AI,KVHUJ lirSV.WtelHlUr.ii f-
tn Vrnit'i xrniie. rortlan 1 dim
Kl.oriKNVIO CIIHAh Allef. Te
llMWAItl) O. rr.VltKIl Welmtr Tf
IMLI1 M I'ISII Whentnn. Minn
NIXTON riXlltBM. Alltr TT
(IMDAU'i'K I1AU.A. Itlo ilranJ-.
uitr.oa ii.iir.i.vu. rin.ni v. u.
WII.I.IAM (i. iinvnil. IJUrl on. Va
VINC'KNT A UUIIMAX, I!t Wejinoutll
KIIUAHII ('. (.HMIAMI.lt. firrnnlon. r.
AHTJirtt ' .irNKRlt KenoihH Win
KHAXK KO.HHAl:TII fnn Ahlontn. T.
MAT HT1IAM. Mt.ITnr,l Va.
fllAP.t.KS 1' II MeVKT Mr r'ntherlnr
MfVev. Tiintlur Till 'I'ttilti n.nu, H,tn
Vrn nflr
Umi.t:) It tfvrtsli l rtlnl, iv.nn
l.vmiKrtT ir ii). M:n i n Muri,i
father IOmT A k! ti um!(1 Xrflnlll
IlOV MfVi Vint ,M- V I M'iliLj"tr
tpotltrr 1 le.o rroT.n niu Dmivrr. '"1
KIi'lIAltH A XIXIllirillT Heith.1 Xlm-
lirt. mother, 1C7 II mt ''Vi'irlnE tre-l.
i olumb'i, O
jTt.R'H SOTICOW1TZ Ml (I'U'ld XntllA-
wlt7 "leter, JtftO (Irnpfl ereet N" VorU.
!i;XJ AMIS' I OIAISTIU). lenlno Ujli
1IK.V OWKXH Camillan. Te
I'LAUCXl'i: l'Al'I. Alevamlrla. 1 i.
I'l.VllE l TVU.I.l.V. I'Mar IUflJ. 1j
.It'AX A IT.Hl.. llnerpe, Ter.
l!i:OU(iK I' lT.ltrtY. 1.01 Wolf. O',
.TAMr.S It l'OTII.I.O irunt Itik'oi . Arl
IAI11. '. KAKKBl rah Merhit. raiil-
inotber. .1H j'lilrflelil ar,Hiie .Jttlinolfiun,
I.fi'lO RMO Han Antorlo. T
1-RNK I, I'.KH.LT Mnft,n t Jt-llti
fattier !'.' tet rort--ntlli e'reet
(teelJn,l, O
A1.11U t. KU-y. Chur'nlte yui-h
(iiiiiiai i'.odhuii'i:. iutr miii i-
r.WMOMI IIHB"1.IJII Me.llitne l.o.l.-e
IIP Itvr.t' i'!fl X.ZI. Itoeru 1-.
HHVK i-lUl'1'r. llllumiue.. '
I 1,1 IS M -Mint Muit-olli r!
1MI.1.HM It Hl'EXcnt Nm 1 unjun Mi
AHTIII'lt .TIl M'll MIU Te
NKHS'Altl, 1. TI't.l.tXOTOX. I'limSn. ,
.-it nii.r:- 1 M'Ast.t v, ri Tne I al
m:ahi. o wki-t:sb:hiii:i. Jitn ksii vi
pa-TUlCK II WIIITH Iiallar
Pll'I, V Mil IlVM" Vuebc
l'our Philadelphia Couples to
KI-KTOS. Md . 1V JC r.iu. I'hlla
ilelplila outilp tool: out m.irrlji 11
rer.ees In lllkton this motnltnr They
iTe Albert V. rrrett and Girtnidi
Upatt. llorape ( t.amtnan and 1,-irettn
B Slnek. Charles I. Helm" and Cirollne
V. Hoffman and Oeorcp l..tforct ,nnl
Viola JlcCaniiton.
JftMi O Itoyl lTHi OiTrt'r
t ml Mabel
'Ttvlftt 15 'nn9i3c
itrr V tni. IUi-i I' and JVuli li t
Mill. York t
Pfnjimln Abraham 107 Hut to: nc-1 ar.O
!ir ri-herkr 1T-7 S th '
BdwuM ' l'roj .." trrr.ai ft , JLtl
Jfarsart F I. i"( Orianna t
Hornrt II Xt)ian AI'ii!ot,ii I'j atitl
rrath t fl Ifi't'i V ir.i
T I, lUfford lsr : t'nvi-ian" a.
am. .Mtrsarl r Vin -i3i II IMuihln
I.-rbtTt !:!Vr t34J JfIrnion t -ml
Katl nuili. 12.t.' l: Oxford m
Arthur 11 Ir.ot..r, VM Tarviv i ntii3
A1W YmtaoM. 4.H rmnkfoM
rharl llo 1-8 nh t . jK1 Hva Obr
hnltzf-r '! V 27th t
U'fbI-r 11 Kthsr.Ia Urar I'1.
U h?) Van (lslt-r rhtr, l'a
lilftAM II i'IhtV' (iirrttfor'i. Vi
Marcant Wolff 'olIlTufrtalT. Ii
Awotlfi Koffo'.lro ."IS thritlu i
JUlil ('8DDW1, VJ1 Har l
IMi T Mati Norfnlk Vk rr.J V
. art!
, and
i.1 i
Klrrhnr "ftw jit. vtrnon --r.
I IMt-nti.'.ATi-i 72i rrm OanI n ami
Whtotlna WiBr-nlufc 7JO Sprtne jrUr
(tVnfB" H"1U lMhi.foiJ Ar"i.1, ml
Soi hi flumtitv.:.. L.1 Irna nt
'alln It. Uolfrt, I.a molt, Ja , ut1 Mdt
I Vf. Klklm 1'irlt l'a.
Wlimot Aliton i'ni'Ifn, N J jrJ Altu
I Uti . CnTni-ii X .1
Max Hrftiskf, fll". V X rmkLr t' unl Kit..
l'ljlla-rh, 142 1 -M p.
Danll At. Ilroa.1bn. 'J-sO V Tm t.. and
r.:isabsth W Munvan. 2K0- X I at
WlllUm Watnlbj, Baltlmnra, M.I, and Al-
litrta M iiwam i-- mi frnon ii
iVarun I'ot, I.lniflm Hotel, jml Ha't
UouM. HrmrtilYTj V. V
G"jrfe 5tarnlf 112 X I rini lln t Jt,i
...li.. t.1l.t. .It , V
i rariKim w
1 Uavi,. 4.21 (ururi jve
, ;
V -XrtLsW5s2;K:, , ' I -s -.
ft . teVSkl StfVitl.
Undivided Responsibility
Kngincefs Philadelphia
Constructors Toronto
Engineers .and Contractors
REPAIRING heatinff, plumbing, ventilating
fiower piping, ateam fitting, alieet metal work,
tuulatlon, heat refuiatlon, electric work, tnotor
iaitallatloni, electric eleraton.
Pratt sosst.rs far Intrssitnr poWtr bailer rsparlllti. mskUa
ssislMe t earn Isnrr (rails futl
Steam, Plumbing and Electric Supplies
'( I
' v u Ttlp)imt$CanMmiu
George Hiodbcck, of 'll'lv On
tario street, was appointed clerk
of the United States Distiict
Court today to succeed the late
Wiltinm Wright Ciaip;. Jtr.
Rrodiicck has been nttnehed to
the office nf the Federal courts
for moie than twenty-one jcar.
Foimcr Uennty Nai5"d foi Position
of I.ntc W. W. CiaiB Votcian
in Scivice
i,'mi;ii tin din K who n ,i t lilef depu
ty fieri, ill the I'nllid -ilatei rlirlet
Court llkd awai the atlldaMts In mm"
of renn-yl.iiita'H most relebiated law
stillp. today Mas oppiinled to nucceed i
tlie Hte William WriBht cralp, chief
tlerh of th.it loiirt. who died last Weil
tiefd.iv 'I he appointment 'if llrndbeou.
who l a It'Miublli.in. a nimounci d
thrntiKh nil older 1-nued b Judces I
lucoii nnd Thotuptoti, KittlnK In the
I'nltptl t.tate lditilrt I'ouit in llil" dtv
The onth of nlllcp will be admlnlMin d
ill a few tl.iH Cnnetatulatlnns from
einplojes in the Keilei.il fctvli'.. ntid
otliirt Pimp fM-i the telephone nnd by
who to liiodheil. l'toni the d,i that
llrodbeelt oitered tho l'edernl neri ice
nhin he .is tentv-oiip 5 earn old, lm
h.11 b en h"M ill htu.lt fl'Mii by judm
and prominent oipnrntloti lawyers
HiolbiMn i. fori j -two sejrs old. Mi
Is marilel .1 id hai 1 il milliter foiirtien
caiH old lie reside,, tit -M'JS Wi-t ("i
tnrio street Ills Iirt positlrni lu t be
IVderal t,ri!ee was that of tleilt In the
I old I'nlted Slntes Clirtiit Cnuit lit this
clti This rmirt 1'itii bee.-iiiio tonoll-
ilittt ih tie n 11 oiues i'liuh
I'olllt. aftel the II K-.IK tit til
.,. , li, 1it'J I. nr fi Willie he
was n fltt
dniiutv to tin- Lit" Henry 1! Robb
was chief eleil. of the
cir.MIt Court , , ,. ,
Aftlt tllJ) 1.11-0I dltioll "f t'-e I. lilted
.-'tates CiMtllt Cniirt with tin I lilted
States titrnt I'n'irt. Jlohb beiame
ehlef deputy to the l.iti -Mr ialir
When llnlili tli, ,1 uroilbeclc su, ,ieiled
T.obb mil has held tint position t-vm
h sJti' of the nllldavlt- and leR.il I'tP'r
lht P.i.elbe. ha- ln.l.:.eil and tiled
i.wj- weie t.io in the leBil suits 1
.Tlllf.llOll Wll'l the leic-.J.r1,ll " pr"-
ceedlmts .tpnlnvi the rhiladelnhl 1 and
Rciilm; Railway 'ai'' .iro ,,nd 111" in
ternational l.umbPi nut IiPteloiniicnt
CoiniiMiv. main til who.
dlreetoiit w ert h
'iiunted to pil-uii
r- aj. .
.'..,. ..t t'ininnil I'll .IS No I tUll.ll
sitinted final dureis of dl"i'
follow I11B .. ,
M.ihel frtiai Chtr.es I onl
Hols it V frt.m Mtty It. Mate
M-tri. rrum -sjiuair-t t,,-,,
);iil-lh frnm Klllltm 11
Sinn from le.nt 1 ".".
.ltni II frt.i'i llel'i '', ,Kln-K,,
I'lorelitf '. from Hurr. Ti.mt
Helen II iioiii I'renl. J 'd'tner
-Marairei M. fr. m I5rninl. r 1
ttlni 11 from tfurkidiia Xnm-tiJ
All'st fr.iin rtBfles miKf
JtimM P fi'ini C'V''" ,A- 1,r"
1.1.1 rrom ,-miel .1 M. llrl 1
, l.lmir frm lit r-in.ii 1 vn
fir trenl i'.trl r Meer
I 1 '.Iftnti from Mumle I' llle,
1 nietii frtm llan.v Uainber,
John (I frnm Anna SI l-aiidis.
Jferiiuiiti tl from Mir IVine-l hi
Marl's i. trvn ti,iu ,nd P. l.eel
Phjnirian Hurt in Auto Accident
When his, automobile barked into ,1
telephone pole and ovei tin ned near Lan
caster lithe innl Remington nwd, Dr
.Toxtp'i r.ieteri. i'i .soiin huty-tiitid
lrett was pinned beneath the tai Uo
w-as inlurtd on tho head
DH aaaB aaiaaaH '
BHHK IIKl aaaaaaaaaai '
r t V3wnVaMMaHaHalaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaiaHHaaaaaaaaaaaH
One contract, one intelligent planning
of the entire operation, one responsi
bility from start to finish all the
anxiety and risk of error is instantly
removed by Steele Service.
S$rvic Might and Day
laaW' "t MaaaHFJr? '1
TaBafek'' aaaaaal
' polltlelanc In connection wun iw or..
I lililliri.' tvn TI''XrT.,il'""'lk" is the fact that State "Y,,r
.1. tSKlIHih A1) lL-iMjli willlnin R l'n. chalrmin of tho Re-
DOCIl'MENTS ASSIGNED pnbllc.in Stale rominlttee. who l up-
KUtU.Hl.1'1 m rtWHiui, MiirifeMed the refetetu mil.
State Commission Aulhoiitd by
liiiuse l!eolution to TnUi1
Tlieni Otoi
'I III .S I U.S. I'i 1 - I In I 111 IlillK
mil of a. I Hinds now 11 lb, hands of
fret holders of ioliIitiei, as well as due-
umetits peit.ilnltii. to ih lou.lriietlon 1
1 o( n hrldce over the Deln'i.-ii River
between Camden and ,lillj(l"lptilu and
it tunnel iindii the IMdton Rlier be
tween Jeisej c tv and New Voik, Is .111
tlimlxnl b a It'll i.in-td In iinatilmous
lote in tli" llnttse this afternoon, lotto
ilui'td In s,,inblvniaii Kdlam. of Cam
den. The nmnii nntl doeinnerils wl.l li"
ii'mm to Hi" in uU or;,Miil:'.il New Jerse"
Itililce and Tunnel Cnmmlssloii, whit li
was bv let ml liws ntiiteil throtiah lilll1"
sjitiiivoreil by sjieaker Wnlieiiun. ft
c.imtli 11
'I he II011.1. tills iififrunon also ndop'ed
lesnlutli'll lilollillns fur the appoint-
in lit rif it tommltt n or llouso mem-
btr to Hindi the 'Innui liinil, yteni
mi that ,t I'oiititv riKl'trntlon plan wi'';
be iltitd and iep,ut .it the next ses
sion nf the l.i ulsl.ittirc. while nnothei
resolution. In Mr GUI of Mtrcer was
niloplcil proitllui; for tli" iippolntniint
(,f 11 1 otnmltlfp to sttnli the oiienitlou
Ae 11... ....1 1 I .HI, ...,t ....,,.,.-. tl....
I. in ltl, Cllli.ll ,llrtt,,,t fn, ntli.li., 11
This eniiinilllte 1- to lentil nlo it
the nel session
The Iloii.t this ;i ft ei 110011 passeil a
bill ulliill Itllrs 111' S'e ,)ts,i 'Ultlioil
lbs touttol of imit'ir libit 'ei on fin
b'l.its, the Nation il lin.ird of Stt ii
SavUitln'i .is.ettlii); tint a slni'lar loll
will in Intiod'ited in thi i't iinsj li.iiila
rnlllnir to "Hi.il the 1 1. en ntiets.'iii
votis fop its iMH-ajj; . th .Senile this
sfttriition. for the fointh time laid met
the Wilson bill in ivlillm; lie u mh
1 onst.t1iul.il in .Site .lelse siuill.tt to
that in I't nnst Iiiuil 1
Tli" it ilniuc of iiaial flcl lei 1 foi use
in the w ir with litiiii.iui It. one 01 tin
tilijltts uf a lull iiftPli'll bv v inltlt
in.iu Ila.tinnn of Oil. m Counii. wh'i 1
w.is pisstd n tli. M ti.ito t'ds .ifternmiii
It pinMdi.s f n tlie est tlilisi.M-rit o' :,
li.iutlt il s, hu ! Kiililiwhete 1' .New 1
si l w lit re stlIilti!N t 111 li. H iln-il ,11
tuiitti'.il .mil e ikIi e. .mi, lirat'jlies
'I In S 1 al- ti-ul tin bill litlodlu til
b hftlilfl Ml V, lis nt Cipe llav Colltl
ti. wlili 11 nx.ts Un iitts f . lij,:,l 1 c
wrtlslng m iesiinH
Collars and Cuffs of check
t:,i tUns 0 1 nn
OT Striped gingham 51.00,
(j. rr of-
Wanted for the Coat Suit
Pique Vests, low-roll col
lars $1.00.
rAn attractive touch for the dress
Collars and Cuffs of colored
organdie some on the
high band $1.50 to $3.00.
Dainty, sheer hand-embroidered
Collars, trimmed
with narrow ruffles or lace
, 50c to $3.25.
Satin Tie-Collars w h i t e
and flesh color $1.00.
I To outline the garment at the
!neck and tie in a careless sailor
knot or a natty four-in-hand.
The new ones for now and later I
in the Spring. '
Tailored, Semi-Tailored
.riuiiy xsumes
Handkerchief linen, batiste,
voile, Georgette and crepe dc
chine; French hand -made in ba
tiste and voile.
Two to Twenty-five Dollars
A few discontinued Blouse
numbers to be cleared away
at $2.25 to $3.50.
CA . Jc. opeppard
1008 Cheslhur Slfer r
Tm y
n - T I
tf -""' x
ontinned from Pace One
I admit that there li HIe chance for
I either party to dodne the. Untie.
Close friends of Stat Senator William
t l....l .. n.l.,M (.onntv. V111 in
luntilita: forths ItepubllcanKtlbernaUrUI
. liiuui. ui itrnn, . --- .
i.r.mlnniinn ,. ii ha bteti aounuina
eentlment In the partv on the dr lJ'
Whether ho has netuall been "; ' '
intere.t piH leader In placlUB the, di
loitld liot be
Platilc lu tho p'nlfoi"1
Icurnml lnda ,
The fart that llieie Is eimiiaH 'ui
nient in fax or of the . "'"' l' " ?'
the leaders to ma!. iotn.ler.iropol
for .llapoMnR of the ' booo .iiieMlo i M
;, matter to be met durlnR the ron It.K
ramplKn ehons that It "" "'?,?
ho hip nubjeet on hlch tho light will
On renter, d ... .. ,
ci.r t-.nrnee was here fciluteaj
ind had n number of tail's with lar.oui
leader The matter or tno nrv p'im, i.egiiauire.
n. i,i.. i.efme him. nnd lie lisUnrd "I Iiaao not reached nny coneluslon
was tal,en bfioie n m, "" ". . ...!--,,.., i ,i, ,.ni e ,,nioi .
t t.n iivii
tl, teAiIerR ll.lll lO PT. W
the matter without comli'B out will'
opinion ceitiln or tn-ni eaiu
n f.i imirnpi. that he did taUe
I hey
if nil milntons on the tnnttet
Setntor t'en(ose -etfrda denied he
'mil atijthlni: to do with tli proposal
that aitlon 011 the atuendinenl be I net
ooned and left to a "t 'f 'he peoi'le
S'eeillieless It r.iine cut wllhln lweln
houis nftir Senator Vcnin-o left the
I city Another point lefetred to hv local
!,.. t,ni lieen lu
1 liiaopiiiiii.i ui 1 "
1, ... j t,.i,'li While he is tint 1 e.rc
,i, us, d "f .iM'Idlni.' poniiitir here, fie
.'lnliii i" ninde that lie eirtaitdi not
foil' wins b.s u.u.il I'l.ttim nf LimriRii
This ptint Is loo'.etl UP n as ssn'n-e-int
and man. lentme U'p MiRgestion
tlint it Is dlflli'ult to l-'ep fiom inaklnK
ptiltlii expressions on the issues of the
dal lu I'hilnilelphii, while In the tcin
iti uf t'nto itowti. wliete h has a hie
faun, these cininalcn l--uei do not 1 oine
Up m fteipientli. Neither do thev get
such wide elti'tilatii'ii If he Kes ix
pttssloti to them.
,lut how Senitor Penrose lould "swal
low ' .1 pio'ilh'.tloti plank Is mote than
the dopesten ptetend to answet All
thev claim to I. now i' tint lis U'o is
lulns conslrteieil and thtie .are tnaiii
wlio think thero will be a dr pl.ir.k in
the Republican I.Ufotiu wlitn It is
If the iitoliibltio.t stueiulinent is to
be submitted to a vote of the people,
tho time to bilng it to their titlention
Is ut the loinlni; primaries. This is
H1.1 opinion of the Itei Dr. Call II
(iramu.ei-. president of the Inter-Church
1'Vdti.iticn wlili li lepieimts inoro than
701 lot il 1 hurcln".
lie said th's In n sl.itemeot today In
answer to the pvtpjx.il of "wet" poll
tlelatis that the piolilbltlon amendtnenl
be 1.1 pt mil tn an ls;t" of the coming
impalgri. The sulistltute proposed was
tl.it tlin nest l,egl!.iluie be asked to
nnpouir the 1 otnlng Gniernor to rail a
ppealal elet'tlnn about .March, 1P10. to
eotisldee the ptohlbttlon amendment,
"The ronilng primary Is the time to
get miul.it opinion on the prohibition
uiiMidment." tit (J. 11 oil Dr. Grainmir
"The proposal to Ketn the issue of
pinlilbitlon out of the riot tl 111 of the
nit Legislature Is opposed to the funda
metitil plinriple nf our Government that
the people should Ik allowed to lOU'tol
eminent py cliques or to jrovernmeni oy
mob. They are Iiojtlle to representative
government, vvldcli.ls bas.,1 on the Prtn-
rtlnl tltat rtlir lAirttil tnra sen In lift
chosen In act on tho Issues of the hour,
in lew of their known aontlments on
such Issues. I am oppooed to this new
lino of action elnco I am an Amerlmn,
in nympathy with American nrodes of
Co eminent and not
Uols!iell.l. I
tiiir opposed to
llnni ns a friend of
prohibition, for
thin movement Is now1
on the flood lido , Hnccers and
until, til- t caln bv onftniitivinent
,itla '
ItARRISBt'Ra, l'eb IC Goernor
llrumbauKh, lio returned to tho capital
'today after an extendtd southern ttlp.
, told newspapermen tlint he had not
i nifliln tin tiln mlnrl pnikwrnlnr ,1m nit
J iaiatiiiit" of calling an extra eesslou nf
vy..v. ......n .- -..... v. - .,..-. ....
slon. ' ho said "I cannot eav how soon
I will reach a derlnlon There are
.irlFeti in (ounealou wltli 1 an oxtm aes- nmple Iism been mm nil In many res
slon. and 1 am tnnsldulnc; tlient tnittants for weeks, utmost unknown to
The Gflierunr did not cpie.s himself the customers Olllclally comlnp; Into
eoniinln the proposal to lav the pro- Ulll, jestcrdny. It didn't lenlly ,trlke its
hlbitliMi iimendmi'iit before the people trId, MnlI1 ,1H,ft. ,PCaWP yesterday, a
at a popular1 election to be held next ' , , ,, ... .... 10,t,r.t nro.
.March If the Legislature adoptB such , v"illesi na tian lestaurant pro
n. ifsolutloti for leason that ho Is not prletots wire under tho Impre.slon that
jet familiar with the details of the lctnry bread, becauto It ronlalued bo
proiKisltlon I muclrwhe.it Hour, could not bo i-enetl
Plain T
THAT same law of returns which makes it
ultimately cheaper for a government to pro
vide the most efficient equipment for its soldiers,
holds true also in the equipment which a citizen
may provide for himself. If such equipment hap
pens to be a motor car, the purpose for which it
was chosen may very well be thwarted by an
undue frugality exercised in the purchase. Many
National cars are going to far-sighted men today
who view their investment in the light of its pos
sible returns to them over a long period. They
prefer the National to a cheaper car of less merit,
simply because they know that in the final ac
counting it will have served them better at
lower cost.
-"' ' - - " ' SI.. .! -
SixandIwelve Cylinder CHodds
7-Pnjj. Touring Car, l-Pass. Phaeton, 4-Pass. Hoarhter, T-Pass. Convertible Sedan
6pen.Car Prices-TheSix, $2150; The Twelve, $2750
The Six Sedan, $2820; The Twelve Sedan, S3.20
f i
Tho Governor fald ho had rccclvtil
many letters on tho nubjecl from In r
fona Mho believed tho time rlpo for n
ote on tho prohibition amendment, citf
tlni'itt for wlilcli, he paid. I crowing ?l
leaps and boumln throiiKhotit tho Mtatc
Other nugecatlons mndo with regard
to tho extti aeealon Include: A Rrealer
measure of eelf-iroicrnnioiit for tlrat nnd
aeoond does cities: tho enlarifement of
1'lilla.delphla, county by the annexation
of parts of Delaware and lliicltx coun
ties alone tho Delaware lllver; the re-
moval of pollco from pomicB, nnd the
i creation or n new ciiish oi ram
Victory ureaa mix-up
on Wheatless Days
( onllmied from Puce due
djcpentlo loolilnit IndiMdiial. who ap
peared as It nothing could meet with
lils approval, picked up n. hIIco nral sub
jected It to n critical forutlny.
"It looks as It It MIGHT be nil right."
Iin said to i. fellow tllntr In a tone
, as If to Intimate that actually it wnh
I not poliron, Ho took n cautious nibble
Ills llpe moved tentlnfilv
"It IS all llifllt," he ileclated
The Joke about It wan that Ictory
I bread SO per icnt wlieit nnd 20 per
cent substitute. Hko biiley, for ex-
and Misses'
ailored Suits
25.75 31.75
Spring styles now ready.
Tyrol Wool lias an established
place; a known value as to, qual
ity of cloth and individuality of
Street and
Coats '
with airplane
Eizhtecnlh Succtuful Ytar
6 5 North Broad Street
t cv
aliiliaJ.i-S,itTi.,iuAji ,ii. v,..-.A.l ,V
vnpintn icus Jlow Up Tj.,
Undersea BoaUnMeaitcrrni
..AN' ATLANTIC 1'OHT. l'eb
his i-hln rammed nnd ank if VT n
Mibmarlno which nttarUert i5.n
tho -Mediterranean wai totd h.eiT1
bV the tnnet,r f nH , !j' .''." to
ship uhlch narrowly 7vad b?i5 .,,.l
bv n tnrnr.,ln O .1 i:.74 "lltrlr
enemy. Tho master bI,i.i,.!i.
reneil n clieeu for ,, In ,,, -"?. " J
n. lew ard when 1,, ulilp nrrlie"1,"!
Medltteranean pot' "h4 a(a
iccoru nir in tiip tn- ,
tornedo wa .ppm -.7"S," rPotL
tiwai.l tho ,esM.l ifnd Vms"eTK!fll'1
IS'T' .".' ilir. '? file AW ?
....,. ... llltl PIIUIUT, 1 Ol t,ia.. 'sril
10 R.sie 1 iitilck orders nnd m."1
hevled dlrealy for tlu sul ..? K'1
was utrur.
unit and sunk a quantui TSW 1
roo to tho nut face oier the ipl''Mi
1110 l -iio.it was last Keen. b. raia""'.
- "
We mid
Our Second ,
Y,?tc you one of
, the fortunates" who
enjoyed our Special
$1.50 Italian Menu
last Wednesday?
The event proved
so popular that it
looks Wednesday'
' . t nat means
till further notice.
The menu this
week ii even better
than last and the
music, well need
more he said?
$1.50 Per Plait
Coleman't Orchestra
Will Furnith the Dance Muiie
Dancing Every Day
4:30 to 6 and
6:30 to Clotmc
' ".9ii-A ', 1 1 ,
otel Colonnade
type motor
. ,. ,iBl.
') i"i