WSWfiWTWi A , mr,,v'. '' v-f "y vrvsro 'K.vJt EVENING' PUBLIC- LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY, PEfiRUARY - 23, 1918 m I 111 1 K JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE k New Rummage Sale Appears on the Horizon In genious Device 01 Would-Have-Been-Deb for Proper Footgear Other Things ' " " WI" J'0U 'l0llcvc " POMlWo that "' i 1110 IIU1I1VD Ul II1U I1CI1 UI1U M VlBiUI nil-, B ea, In tho homes of tho poor nnd proud, J vcn In tho homes of thoso who nro not L A,1 hut humble- thorn nrn left nnv 4 JIIUMMI --- things tnui couiu no useu lor a ruminn'ia sale? Would you? well, tlicro nre or ' thero must bo. for hasn't another group of women pinnnou to noiu another i m mage 8a'0- Jumble Inn or White Kltphnnt eale, whatever you mny choose to call It? . , . .1 .. J..IJ..I ... l.n. a Mn C, Ana naven i uiuy uimvu w uuu ,t uw V March l, so nnu ;i m ivj tjnesinui S street? Well, they have, nnd this time ' Its to oo lor tor si, i.umonus uomo inr crippled Children, mvo you ever .iiecn v. out there, by tho way? It's tit Forty- fourth street and Huverford avenue, and ' the good sisters of tho IJon Scrours are In charge or the homo, They nave tnirty-nve little boys nnd girls thero and It would mako your heart ache to bee those blessed babies. Ono llttlo fellow can sit up In bed or lie down now and then, but night and day ho has attached to his tiny leg a Great nelght, But he smiles at you as If no'hlng hurts him nnd he "shoots wooden soldiers" and "kisses" his hand to you with all the delight In tho woiltJ. One wee mlto with a terrlblo hump cm her lltflo back was enthroned on the out1 knee of n sturdy looklns boy of ten. He had been run over and tho other leu was gone; but he helped- "Sister" take caro of the tiny ones, and so ho lifted tho llttlo deformed ono and shared his plcturo book with her. I stopped In ono day when they were all playing In tho big room which Is bet asldo for that .purpose nnd "Sister" asked them to sing for mc, Thero wcro about twenty children In tho room and thev were all r busily playing, but at her word they stood V up and sang uway as If their little lives depended on it: cute llttlo darky songs and ono or two llttlo ragtime melodies. And It's for these dear little children that tho women's auxiliary of tho homo will hold tho rummage sale. Mrs. James Mundy, that splendid organizer, Is presi dent of tho board, and tho vice presidents are Mrs. J, Shcnhan and Miss, Katheilnc Ualelgh. Miss Adcle Tack Is recording sec retary, Miss Agnes Levis corresponding tecrctary nnd Mrs. L. A. Hlcklcy treasurer. Others on tho board include Miss Florence Sibley, Mrs. Ashtou Dcveroux, Mrs. I. J. Dohan, Mrs. Thomas I', Hunter, Miss Ma tilda Jenkins, Mr3. Anthony Hirst, Mrs. James Bonner, Mrs. A. X, Burke, Mrs. John Coyle, Mrs. John I Connelly, Mis. Joseph Gallagher, Miss rhelan,Mis. James P. Mc Nichol, Mrs. Stanley Smith, Air-. William B, AVatson, Mrs. H. 0. Vetterleln, Mrs. J. J. W11U and Mrs. Jlurtha 1'. Qulnn, IN THESE days of economy, the little dcb-thnt-wouUWiave-been of whom I speak was trying hard to carry out tho conbcrvlng plans In nil things. So she wore low shoes and high pearl gray gaiters for best and used last year's high walking bhocs, resoled, for every day. j. uno evening a fortnight ago she had been to headquarters studying "first aid" and so foith uml It had taken nearly two ,Hours to reach her home afterward, due to the fact that rtho. cars wcro held up by ,? "the snow." When Up. who was taking her It '"home, finally dclhered her at her door sho 6 fvras so tiled nnd exhausted that sho did 4, snot look at tho gaiters as she pulled them 4 ' off beforo tumbling Into bed. ' Next morning nbout half after 9 o'clock the phone rang and It was her father, who j called from his ofllco. "My dear, Mr. t fl 's daughter Is passing through the jclty today nnd I have told him you would entertain her at luncheon lit the Union league,- sam ne. "ami l vo asked Mrs. C . to chaperon you." "Very well, Bad," replied daughter, glad enough of a lunch "on father." Then she arose and prepared to mako herself look her bebt, when )o and behold! tho gutters wero found to bo black with mud. What to do? Kven wcro sho willing to bleak through her economical regime, It wm "heatlcss" Monday and bho could not buy ne. ones for love or money. So, my dears, that resourceful young womun pro- rtf ceeded to wash thoso spata, lighted the T oven of the gas range In tho apartments i' .nd. placing tho gaiters therein, sho dried r (hem to a nicety. "I had to basto them often," said she, when telling mo tho talc, "for fear they would bum." And, if you'll believe mo, I never saw neater looking spats than that selfsamo young woman had about her slim weo ankles, and they wcro tho ones, sho told mc. . NANCV WYNNU Social Activities Mr. and Mrs. Itlvliard Tllglunan are re ceiving congratulations on tho birth of a con or. Monduy, February 18, in Augusta, Gu. Mrs. TilBhmaii will bo remembered as Miss Mary Blcanor JJohlen. Mrs. II. Dobson Altemua Is spending tho .Week-end at Atlantic City. 'Mrs. William J. Clothier Is vlsitlnp in rhoenlxvlllo for the week-end. A card party for the benefit of the Mlserl cordla Hospital will be given by the Junior Auxiliary this afternoon at the Jllttenhouso Hotel, Twenty-second and Chestnut streets. ' The hostesses will be" Miss Catherine Scan ncll und Mlts Margaret Coyle. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Foley, of Lang , Jiorn, have taken apartments at the Coro- nado for the winter. Mr. and Mrs, Foley are spending the holidays at Atlantic City. Mtus Margaret Bannon, of I.anplionie, is xpending beveral days with Miss Genevieve Harrison, of 4628 Walnut street. The en casement of MUs Bannon und Mr. Charles Harrison was recently announced. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll J. Ilogers. formerly Of Bala. haVA taken nnartriienta In. tha ftat if -iterke it ,U04. Chestnut street. K ' 'I T.. aa.J' Hfn T7...1 liaarA fm " tng;' several days' at Atlantlo City. Mr, and Mrs. Walter If, Congdon have ...returned from their weddlnr trip and are V, ipcndlnj n short time with Mrs. Congdon's T nan.H vm n it ku , n n n , nnvH.qn rr -.tNorth 'Broad street. Mr. and Mrs, Congdon i.iwlll live In New York. t- b ,f ' a. A r,lnv t,Mttntf nt 4hn Wnmfln'il Club was held on Wednesday at s rt'ook, "The preildent, Mrs. Frederick M, pbeHprenltUd- Mr.-Cha Charles B.'Beury War, Ilcvolutlor. nnd Famine," Mr. Bcury cent trip throur h Muu i,.i.i.. n-i.- i . tvnT MC',''.dHlfa for ,,,e afternoon, Captnln 1 cllx Mcllcllen. was unnblo to bo there. Tho r . n ,V,"T.W"1 " Wednesday, H tin"1 " .m ?olorl. when Mr. Warwick .1 I rice will lecture on "Current Hventa.' March ,'nmes The .Needlework Guild of Wvncote met on Thursday nt tho residence of Mrs. II, H. Do Tuy In Jcnklntown. Mrs. J, S. Dcwnld, of 271S North Thir teenth street, entertained her BOO Club on Tuesday at WlmlcyV. The mein'oers were Mrs. O. Welshro.1. Mrs. A Soclllnn Mrs. C. SifliUr. Mrs. Ij. Krutzer, Mr. Mary Smith, Mis. H. Godthoip, Mrs. C. K. Firth. Mrs. J II. Combs, Mr. v v. Ilrenren. Mrs. F. Utc.ifleld Mrs I. Harbnch and Mrs. Bc wald. Mr and Mrs. William J Irlrk. nt Wootton, Uryn Mnwr, aic at tho Hotfl St Charles. Attantk! City. Mr. and Mrs, Albert G. Melts, of Oak monl, gave a dinner-dance on Wednesday evening. Their gU'"ts Included Dr. nnd .Mrs. A. J McCnmhrldce. Mr. and Mrs. Homer C. Ilelford, Miss Irene Stanford, Mr. Thompson Tomlln. Mr Thomas Ciilhano and Mr. Albert O Metts, Jr WILL GIVE COMEDY IN AID OF WOOL FUND Comfort Knitting Clnss, of Wissa- hickon, to Be Helped by Play Directed by U. S. Marine Under the auspices of fie Cuuifort Knit ting Class of Wli"ah!ckoM, tho two-net comedy. "The Burglar's Christmas," by Marlon Whalley Colo, will bo presented on Tuesday evening, March 6. nt Woortvale, th clubhouse of tho American Brldgn Company's club. Tho play will bo directed by Mr. Harry March, of tho United States Marino Corps, I and tho Philadelphia Navy Yard band will furnish tho music. The affair In given in aid of the wool fund of the clacs, which has sept to the roldlers and sailors 337 sweaters, 110 pairs of wristlets, seventy-two pairs of socks, eighty-four helmets, eight trench caps and two scarfs 073 garments In all. Theso hplendld knitters complftely out fitted the crew of a submarine at ono week's1 notice. Mrs. Frank Kenworthy. chalrtmn of the class: Miss Ada Thomas, secretary and treasurer, and the following members will act as patronesses- Mrs. Walter Acuff, Miss I.llllnn Allison. Miss Jessie Allison, Miss I.ulu Anderson. Mls Grace Bagley, Mrs. W. Bnsley. MrJ Martha Bailey, Miss I.avlnl.i I!um,MIss Ada Beaver, Mrs. Louis Picking, Miss Lydl.i Hinckley, M'is ..yrtle Blick, Mrf. Louis niock. Mrs John Hongaaidt. Mrs. William Boon, Mrs. W. Broad, Mmi Mllyon Broome. Mrs. A N Brookw. Mrs W. Brooks, Ml-s Sllpnle Brooks, Miss Lillian Brown, Miss Burk, Mrs George Camp, Miss Allco rarr. Miss Marian Carr, Mrs Boliert Carr, Miss nthel Chappell, Mrs Louis Clayton, Miss Gladys Condon, Mrs. Cox, Mls Dorothy Creltz, Mrs. James Cropper, Mrs. John Baser, Mrs. 1)111, Mr?. Clarenco Dengler, Mrs. James Bills, Miss Kmma W Bvans, Miss Sara Fnlrhurst. Mrs John Falrhtirst, Mrs. W. Ferguson, Mrs. Sarah Fisher. Mrs. Saiah Foylo. Miss Alice Falrhurst, Mrs. James Falrhurst, Miss Anna Felton, Mlsf Bessie Felton, Miss Anna Fox, Mrs. Franks, Mrs. Garrett. Mrs. Boeo Genne. Miss nila bcth Goad, Miss Uva Goodyear, Mrs Oil Hard, Mrs. Mary A. Graham, Mrs. Trank Gray Miss Mildred Hackett, Miss Bacliel Hackett, Miss Harris, Mrs. John C. Htalv, Mrs. Stanley C. Hellerman, Mrs. If. Hendrl, Mrs. Hess. Mrs. Hlghley. Miss Bthcl Hodson. Mrs. Chester Hopkins. Miss Udna Howarth, Miss Bthel Hobson, Mrs. Bnima Howarth. Ml'3 IlUna Huebner, Mrs. Peter Hummel, Miss Virginia It. James. Mrs William James,Mr.s. Webb Jones, Miss Udltli John son, Miss Leona Johnon, Miss Helen Jones, Miss Ireno Kavash, Miss Helen Kenworthy, Miss Martha L. Kenworthy. Mrs. H. Ken worthy, Mrs. George Kerber, Mrs. iihu Klrkner, Mrs. Joseph Klppax, Mrs. K, Lev ering, Mrs Leldy, Mlss Margaret Lewis, Mrs. .nary . i.matay, jnss wury j. Lord, Mir Marian Lyle, Mrs. W. Lyle, Mrs. John Mc Cabe. Mrs. W. McNully, Mrs. Melxell, Mrs. A. H, Mehler, Mrs. William Montgomerv, Miss M. Ireno Moyer, Mls Maude Mutch ler, Mls Bene Nelson, Mrs. Oberholtzer, Mrs. Pearson, Miss Dorothy Perry, Miss Car ollno Peterman, Mrs. John Piatt. Miss Fannie price, -urs. Jotm Jiamsey, Mrs. Georgo Itam sey, Mrs. John Boot, Mrs. Blchards. Mrs. IX. Boberts, Mrs. It. Itoblnson, Miss Paulino Boblnson, Miss Alice Boblnson, Mrs. Bod geis, Mrs. Albert Homme!, Miss Florence Bussell, Miss Klslo Busttell, Mrs. M., Miss Buth Sner, Miss Hilda Sehrader, Miss Freda Sehrader, Mrs. Joseph Schofleld, Miss Isabel Schofleld, Mrs. Shopp, Mrs. K. Shur, Mrs. James Slater, Miss Hilda Smith, Miss C. Blanche Snyder, Miss Bertha Snodgrasp, Mrs. Snodgrass, Mrs' Kenneth Snyder, Miss Jessie Summers, Miss Irene Spencer, Mrs. Ada Splnks, Miss Clara Springer, Miss Clara Stlnaman, Mrs. James Spotford. Mrs. Fred Stott, Mrs. Stratton, Mrs. Clara Street, Mrs. John Struie, Mrs. Swnrtz, Miss Anna Sut cllffo, Mrs. It W, Tnvlor, Mrs. John Tav,or, Miss Jean Taylor Miss Anna Thomas. Miss Dorothy Thoma, Miss Helen Thomas. Miss Emily Tlbbot, Mrs. W. Tlbbet, Mrs. Trotter. Mrs, B. Tucker, Miss L'mnu Wurdle Mrs, Herman Hagenhucher, Mrs. Anna Weln, Mrs. Charles Whlteman, Mrs u. White, Mrs, Bdythe Wilson, Miss Ada Wlnterbotlom, Miss Sarah Wood, Mlsa Sarah Wooler, Miss Kvolyn Wragg, Mrs. Yeagcr and Mrs. unaries xoung, The members! of tha Fourth Beformed Church gave th'lr annual ColorjJM Ua Uit evening In the social hall of tha church. The marriage of Ml"s Tthr M Dorwart, daughter of ex-Councilman George, i:. Dor wart and Mrs. Dorwart, of 6233 IPdue ave nue, to Mr. John II. Boblnson of G43 nidge avenue, will take place on Saturday after noon, March 9, at the home of her parents and will be followed by a dinner for tho two families. Mr. Bohlnson is In the Survey De partment of Philadelphia. MUs Mary C. Lyster, of Manayunk ave nue, Boxborough, has gone abroad with ona of the base hospitals. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Lever of Green lane and Pechln street, and her brother and sis-ter-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kenworthy, have gone to Florida for several weeks' stay, Mrs. Georgo Sands, of Monastery avenue, entertained last evening at her home, when her guests Included Mrs. Harry Dyson. Mrs. Harry McOon'gal, Mrs. James Haughton, Mrs. Frederick Carbaugh, Mies, Hlltabeth Schofleld, Mrs. Daniel Lentz, Miss Irene wjng, Miss Irene II Schofleld, Mrs, Joseph Sykes. Miss Mlrjam Leech, Mls Edna Hyde, Mrs. Le. Burgess, Mrs. Leea M. Schadel. Mrs. Hlph Cope, Mrs. Charles Morrison and Mrs. Charles -Schotieldr There will be u supper this evening In upper Boxborough, In the Boxborough Pres byterian Church. Tho hostesses will b Mrs. John K- Bansford, Miss Sara McAllis ter. Mrs. Z. M. Gibson, Mrs. Thomas Hen nlnger. Mrs. William Steele, Mrs. John Lex, Mlsa Sarah Mlller, Miss Mary Miles, Mlsa Ida Paulus. Mrs. John Carley, Mrs. Lydla Carley and Mrs.. M. K. Schofleld. The affair Is n aid of the Improvement fund of tho church. . Mrs. William Carver, ,Cf Barren Hill, gavo a luncheon on Thursday. There were thirty B Mla Ann Beattjr, of 4141 Manayunk aye. MORE MEMBERS OF MRS. DUER'S DANCING CLASS I KilbIB' b(b1b1HbIbH k bIbIbIbIHbIbVl. 9ibbbbIbbbb1 : KWD-T M bhMi s1- H B p yjLM.HBF i H BMHB a v HH i M.".':t. il?v , Vff4SA7 i3,2,1i,'r-i,'.iJ.flara K P'. rV ri. '4 ."V: i . , i& -$.i s M'-1" W.VWM..SMmWivnimiii(V 1. J X VHr AVJ MISS ELIZABETH MENCKE NEW ROOMS FOR WAYNE RED CROSS Old Miel School for Girls Will Be Transformed Into Large Branch of Auxiliary Thn reguHr monthly meeting of tho Wnyro branch nf tho American Bed Cros was held on Monday, nnd It was reported that the branch lins turned nut about ten thousand girment and bandages during the month. New classes in bvgleno and tlrst-ald hive bcon form ,1. As thl" lirnnch ha nvii' than three thotmml members now It has outgrown tho hcadquaiters, which was the first lloor of an apartment house The workers have rrov Thlx limise nbout twenty yiars ngo was tho homo of the fimnua "Mlel School for r.lrls'' on tbo Main Line. Tho moving takes place on Monday. The first Poor of the houso will bo devoted to sewing and the garment making; the rec ond lloor, to tho gauzo nnd muslin bandages and dressings, and on tho third fluor la a largo rest room and the caretaker's apart ment. Mrs. William Henry Brooks Is chairman of tho Wayne branch, and other members of tho oxeeutlve hoard are Mr.s. C Harrison, Mrs. C. Howard Clark, Mrs. Bobert Sayre Brod heart, Mrs. Horace Hobnrt Hare, Mrs Archi bald Barklln. Mrs. William Hngland, Mrs. Fred IS. Kmblck, Mrs. Louis Jnquvtte Palmer, Mrs. II Grafton Wilson. Miss Or.ico Boberts, Mrs. W II. Nichols, Mrs. Frederick J, Jig gins, Mr.s W. II. Stone, Mr.s Matthew Ban dall and Mrs. W. V. Alexander. The teirltory of tho Wayne branch extends from Radnor to Devon, Inclusive, and soma of tho workers are Mrs. Frederick Fraley Hallow ell. Miss Nancy Hallowell, Miss Bober ta Hallowell. Mrs. John P. Wood. Mrs. 11 S. Bedflcld, Mrs. Galloway ;. Mortis, Jr., Mrs. J a. C Harvey, Mm Thomas L. Fansler, Mrs. Phlllppus W. Miller, Mrs. Langdon Williams. Mrs. Coleman P Brown, Mr.s. Arter, Mrs. William Bahn Whelan, Mr.s. W. M. Stroud. Jr, Mrs William Townscnd Wright, Mrs. George Shoemaker, Mrs. Hulme, Mrs. Bdward Laurent, Mrs William Henry Sayer, Mrs. Matthew Bandall, 'Mrs. W. V. Alexander, Mrs. Allen Baer, Mrs. Pierson Conrad. Mrs. Will am H. Boberts. Jr. Mrs. Brbon and numeious others, Among the guests In Mr. Biid Mrs Lewis A. Biley's box nt the opera on Tuesday eve ning were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holsman, Mr. and Mrs. Feicy O. Madeira and Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes Townend. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel I). Iliddlu entertained Mrs. Alexander Dolan In their box. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Denlson, of Hose mont. returned this week from Atlantic City, where they were staying at the Br'ghton. Mrs. Bobert K. Strawbrldgo, of Bryn Mawr, gave a dinner at the BltzCarlton on Wednes. day evening before the patriotic entertain ment at Lu Lit Temple. Mrs. Benjamin Chew and Mlsa Bessie Hays were among the guests. Mrs. Straw-bridge will clobo Woodlawn, her hnm lii Ilrvn Mawr. early next week and move to Washington, where Mr, Strawbrldge . .stationed. Mr, Bobert V. Strawbrldge, Jr., s In ca:.q. Mrs. William Augusta AVeldendiclm and her infant daughter, of Kaycrest, St. Davids, and Mrs. Thomas Walton and her children. .. n,iinn si. Davids, are visiting Mrs. Charles Walton at her cottage In Palm Miss Katharine Ogden, of Badner, will leave on Monday for Mineral Wells, Tex., accompanied by her aunt and cousin, Mrs. j D Jennings and Miss Katherlno Jennings, of Pittsburgh. They expect to bo gono a "'sirs'.' Lewis Llllle nnd Miss Theodora LII lie, of Haverford, left yesterday for San An- '""ir'sTwrniam A. Lleber. of the Hill. Bryn Mawr. left for New York on Monday to remain several days. Mr. ond Mts. Thoman McKean. of Glncoe Houso Bosemont, have taken an apartment at Fifteenth and Looust streets for tho re maindcr of the winter. Golf 'Season Opens Early This Year at White Sulphur With the coming of spring weather In the West Virginia Alleghanlca tho opening of the golf courses has taken place three weeks earlier than In any previous season, The greens are In apler.dld condition and golfers havo been over the course many times tlili week. Professional matches were featured ,i,u urek. Mr. Charles Motheraelo and Mr, Jack Bellwood playing 'exhibition matches on tho elghteen-hole'courBS. Among Philadel phia who play over -the White Sulphur links and are expected at the Greenbrier this spring for a few weeki' rest from tiring war duties aro Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dercum and MUs Dercum, Mr. and Mrs. Bodman Grlscom, Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. B. Boberta und Mr. B. Jay Flick. , 'Mrs. Joshua Ladd Howell, of Philadelphia, arrived from Palm' Beach with her little granddaughter, Miss "Honey" Willing. Mrs. George Willing, Jr., Is on a yachting trip and will Join her mother In a fortnight at th Oreenbrier. The Juyenlle rtdlng set at the Oreenbrier bids fair to be, very largo and QUlie smart inn "tiu, iivn Willing, Who proofloiy. uow noi.iiv uiv ewi ' ' ' ". Vf , fV PTJl'ifl"? A""-'toVtf'",;7fl.'ii"lBfc7Jv'rl.Ti5 .".AfciV M r ' JVJT liV'.,. M jv, t,v. 4V&flato MW:,v4iViV"-,.iKSSiiat? M i JL. . AE V'A:, etVfT ffl isuen a large nouso on i.ani.i-.v, ,,... . nB, n ,tllm0 Mrs i1rmKas Is most Wayne nnd a member of the executive iioani P(,n,rou, Wtl ,,,. talent, nnd I' always ready hss had tho place painted and papered ami t0 MfT ,)cr ff,rvPfn t0 thc Kpi, cross In remodeled to suit the convenience of the Bert . . . clmrite of Mrs. I .11 I- - f-y, I .nil,. &a ., . ,.. -.. ... - . . , . ..inrew v v www a 4 V u.,ri(. nV MADChAU... MISS ELIZABETH VAN DUSEN NOTES OF DELAWARE COUNTY Drexel Hill's Large Choral Society at Woman's Club Plans to Give Concert for Red Cross in April ON'IJ of the nmst patriotically artlvo of th 'mailer town- Is Diesel Hill. Something I nlwav be'ntr clven nut there for tho Bed rrn snd with the fre wool fund thero nnreloiis re-ults have been brought almut. A recital was given i Tuesday after noon, at fie home of Mrs lMward Solen berger for the Wneflt or this fund. The pro gram was furnished by Mrs. George W l"iiElas f wlm -ang iharm- J. Lawrence Wldmyer and Mrs Henry S. Miller. The Choral Society of the Woman's Club, of Drexel Hill, which was reccntlv organized, has proved a great source of pleasure to all thoso who Joined It. Tho society Is under tho direction of Miss Martha Harry, uf Phila delphia, and a concert Is being planned for the benefit of thc free wool fund of the Bed Cross branch out there. This affair w 111 taka place some tlmo In April Thn members of the society are Mrs. How ard M. Aldrtd, Miss Mabel Becker. Mrs. John Corroy, Mrs dward C Fay, Mrs B S. Foljambe. Miss Anna Freed. Mrs. J. Schuman Mcmer. Miss Hllr.iheth Hnriall. Mrs V S Ingcrnoll. Miss Margaret Kay, Mrs. Alfred H. High, Mr.s Charles S Oseunach. Mrs Georgo C Bvder, Miss MargaretNaylor, Mrs. Llndsey II. Mason. Mrs Thomas F .Simmons, Mrs. Frank J. Beeves, Mrs. W. B. Stamford, Mrs. Bdwln D. Solcnberger. Mrs Bobert (. Slmpsoh, Miss Thompson, Mrs. A. S Wick ham, Mlsa Anne Vlachos. Mrs J. Lawrence Wldmyer, Mrs. W II. White. Mrs. Charles II. Webb, Miss Corlnnc Hater and Mrs. Lewis G Wilson. Tho pianist Is Mrs. Foljambe, and the as hletant pianist Is Mrs High. Mrs. Fottainbe Is also president of tho eoclety. Mrs. Wilson Is secretary and treaurer, and Miss Hafer is librarian. The chorus jneets every Friday afternoon at thc homo of Mrs. Foljambe. Tho Woman's Club of Drexel Hill Is plan ning to glvo a subscription card party on Tuesday afternoon, March E. It will be for the benefit of the club. Tho arrangements aro in charge of Mrs. J. Lawrence Wldmjer and Mrs. Henry S. Miller. Tho Oakmont Tennis Club Is going to give a minstrel show In April. Thla Is an annual affair with the club. Last evening a card party and dance was given In Aldan, for tho benefit of the Red fross branch out there. ho Junior section of the Century Club, of Norwood gavo a Colonial dance lu tho Nor wood Auditorium on Thursday evening. An event which will surely bo helpful to the t-plrlt of the towns partaking In it Is tho community night to bo held In the Nor wood Auditorium on Thursday evening of next week, It will be In uiarge or Mrs .lonn II. Colwcll, who Is clvlo chairman. An Inter esting part of tho program will be a summary of the work done by the Interborough Branch of tho Bed Cioss This will be given by Mrs. nobert M. Stults, branch chairman; Mrs. Photo by Mircsaa MRS.HUTHERFORD McALLISTER Mrs. McAllister will be remembered m . Misi JMarlon . Coona, daughter of ; ijHI: JH I v I'.'; ' - - - 1: ;t4v'&J I MISS CAROL SMITH lid ward N. Doebelhower, chairman of tho Moore illusion ; Mr Alfred A. Crooks chair, man of the Norwood division: Mrs. David Mmir, chairman of the Glenolden division; Miss i: M Duffer, chairman of tho Colllng dalo division: Mrs. Walton M. Kelly, chair man of the Folcroft division, and Mrs. .T. C. Bliss, chairman of the Sharon Hill division. The meeting of thc Woman's Club In Swarthmoro was held at the home of Mrs. Sylve-tcr Garrett 'on Tuesday afternoon Tho program was In charge of tho Mothers' Club wctlon. nnd Mrs Philip Jatsohn, of Prlmos. talked moit Interestingly to the women on the subject of "Women of Korea " The program at the meeting of the New Century Club In Chester on Tuesday after, noon was In charge of Mrs. William I). Ban dall, chairman of the current ecuts section. A talk on thc events of tho day was given by Dr. Grnrgo II. Balguel. Miss Virginia Camden, of'Llancrch, en tertained tho Crochet Club to which she be longs nt hir homo on Thursday evening. Among those present were Miss Jane Cowan, Miss DdretllV F."'WiIsh, Miss Bertha Short land, Miss Florence Wilson, Miss Helen Belt enbourg. Miss Henrietta Inglo nnd Mrs. ).!, .,rt owens Of course thc gills are all knitting now Instead of crocheting. The Junior branch of tho Llanerch Woman's Club met recently at the home of Miss Dor othy F. Welsh. The girls started ut this meeting tho knitting to which they have pledged themselves. A dance was given by tho Juniors during tho Christmas holidays, and the wool was purchased from the pro ceeds. Another danco for the benefit of tho wool fund will bo given on Saturday evening, March 2. Tho large carnival for the benefit of the Junior Bed Cross of tho Haverford town ship Bed Cross branch, which was tn have been given this month, has been postponed for a short tlmo on account of thc coal short age. The entertainment Is under tho direc tion of Mrs Caroline Llttlefleld, A subscription dance will be given tn tho Bldlcy Park Auditorium on Saturday eve ning, March " At the last one of these suc cessful affairs among those present were Miss Margaret Hall. Miss Marlon Kraw, Miss Dorothy Brandt, Miss Sarah Grant. MUs Maybelle Cochran, Mlsa Bex Leeds, Miss Mary Morehcad. Miss Winifred Sloan, Miss Mary Morehead, Miss Winifred Sloan and many others. ROSEN'S STIMULATING ART Young American Violinist Stellar l'ea- tuio of Brilliant Philadelphia Orchestra Concert A resourceful talent lu which Intellectual fire Is a prime Ingredient Is that of Max Bosen. who made his debut hero at the Philadelphia Olohestra's very stimulating concert lu the Academy esterday afternoon. Tho joung American violinist Is u product, as Jascha Helfetz Is, of thc gifted Leopold Auer's expert tutelage. Comparisons of Bosrn's art with that of tha most sensational virtuoso of tho season have thus inevitably arisen. Such a method of apprlsement Is natural enough and yet not precisely lair to euner performer. Helfetz Is a master of phenomenally sensu ous tone, u necromancer with supernal musical beauties at his command. His direct appeal Is to tho senses. Bosen, with, at this writing, a loss dazzling technique, evinces an Intellectual grasp of his subject matter that la highly Invigorating. It is possible that his development may lead him Into paths which even Helfetz may not tread. Musical prophecies are dangerous, but from what has been seen and heard here of the two gifted young violinists who have so stirred the American public this year, It can be suggested that their respective arts will become rather complementary than com petitive. Helfetz on his two appearances here offered nothing so pregnant with Intro spective Import as the profound and master ful Brahms concerto In D. which his alleged "rival" gave yesterday. Bosen's plajlng was of a fervid sincerity that bespoke a person ality as earnest as It Is subtly magnetic. That he completely won tho Interest of tho large audience was manifest In the warmth of hU reception. He was enthusiastically applauded after his dignified and authorlta tle reading of th thnurhtfut allegro, after his delicate and refreshingly unsentimental handling of the exquisite adagio, and after his I spirited, yet discreet, Interpretation of the' vivacious last movement of one of the few violin concertos that are almost sym phonic tn their breadth and grandeur. The purely orchestral nurojbera of Mr. Stokowskl's program were keenly enliven Inr. The "Melateralnger" overture, the solo Wagnerian number of a program that waa originally to have been devoted exclusively to the Inspired aerman who fervently com bated Prussian oppression, waa zestfully and sparkltngly given.. The Tachalkowsky Fourth Symphony, which closed the bill, proved as ever a sense-satisfying revel of'sheer melody. The much-admired melancholia of the I'Pathetlaue" color scarcely a passing mood 1,'of.thU Joyous, work. Mr.. Stokowakl read lt BEHIND THE SCENES ' ' t tj With Rulers and Leaders of Wartime Europe . . 0 By THE PRINCESS Harriet, Marchioness Copyrlffftt lOlt. THH other day there fell Into my hands quite by chance a book called "My Rus sian nnd Turkish Journals," written by the Dowager Marchioness of Dufferln. nnd as I began rending Its Interesting pages I remem bered the beautiful and accomplished lady who had pre tided with such graoo' over the vice-regal houses at Ottawa nnd Calcutta, and who everywhere had left such charming remembrances. And I wondered how It Is that nowadays we no longer meet women of that old tpe.purc and proud, who nro an honor to their sex and to their country I do not wlh to de prrclntn tho present generation, but ono must, perforce, ac knowledge that the preceding ono had a charm of Its own, more likely to be re- vnt.w us.s haiiZIWILL membcred In nfter years than the bolstrous activity t.t latter day representatives of tho "weaker eex." THU LADY DUFFBBIN Lady Durferln, with her slightly proud manners and her perfect urbanity and ,ti..,,iiv,o M,,,. ,,v. f.v.-..,.- ....-.- i nnlltpr.eftff. wan nerhaus too Vlctotlalt lor I present taste- but how beautiful who looked, how perfectly sho boie herself nnd how sho always appeared tn- great i.iuy m-i Is like herself, sllghtlv formal, slightly sllrf. but so devoid of maliciousness, and at tho same time so thoroughly Interesting a mag nlllccnt example of the poslblllty of writing a fascinating work, In which no shade of scunllou.sncss uppears. While I was reading It my thoughts went back to those days on the Bosporus about which she speaks. How well I remember her during that summer, when we used to see each other continually at Constantinople, and especially during that visit to a harem where we met for tho llrst time, and which sho describes so vividly. Lady Dufferln wan then at the icnlth of her beauty. I don't think that I have over seen a prettier woman, and the reputation she had was certainly well deserved In every respect. Bur husband, the carl, afterward Marquis of Duffcrin and Ava, was considered one of tho most brilliant diplomats of his time. In all the positions which he filled, either as vlterov In Canada nnd In India, or us am bassador In St. Petersburg, Constantinople, Borne and Paris, he had been n success He had most accommodating manners, which Is tuoro than cruld be said of some of his successors In Bussia, Sir Itohert Morler, for instance: and his ready wit, conciliating temper, combined with Hrmncss nnd dignity, had singled him out among his collengues almost from tho first dayH that he had entered upon the dlplomatlcal taioer. His beautiful wife had certainly contributed to his suc cess, ar.d to this dav sho Is icmembered with nffcctlonato gratltudo In Petrograd, the life of which toward the end of the last century sho narrates so vividly in her book. TUB BOOK This book In Itself is a valuable contribu tion to tho Intimate history of tho upper clascs at tho tlmo It describes. Society has considerably changed since then, and some passages out of It lead like tho memoirs of St. SENIOR DANCE IN ASSEMBLY HALL Graduating Class of Germantown Academy Gives Up Affair at Manheim on Account of War The senior1 lI.ism of the Germantown Acad- emy held It annual dance last evening ; . ',." . i.i.. H..II e ti, fixmmninwn , in me nww.iiu.jr ... . v - ----" I Academy. On account of high prices ana war conditions, the class ueciueu to nuo nn Invitation-subscription affair. Mr. Al lan West, president of thc claHs, ap pointed the following committees: Mr. Bod ney M. Beck, general manager: Mr. O. Walker Ketcham. chairman of the decora tions, assisted by Mr. Daniel O'Connell, Mr. Bodney Beck, Mr. Bobert Williamson. Mr. Miner B. Stearns, Mr. Allan West and Mr. Thomas Vscher; Mr. Bobeit Williamson, chairman of tho refreshments committee, as alsted by Mr. Daniel O'Connell, Mr. Allan West and Mr. A. Walker Ketcham. The program committee had Mr. Thomas Vltcher for chairman, with Mr. Daniel O'Connell and Mr. Miner Stearns: tho music commit tee Mr. Daniel O'Connell, chairman; Mr. Bodney Beck and Mr. Bobert Williamson. Mr. Miner B. Stearns waa chairman of the furnishings committee, assisted by Mr, G. Walker Ketcham. Mi Daniel O'Connell, Mr. llodney Beck. Mr. Bobert Williamson, Mr. Allan West and Mr. Thomas Vlscher. Tho chairman of the dancing committeo was Mr. Allan West, who was assisted by Mr. Bob ert Williamson and Mr. Thomas Vlscher. The utomoblle Club of Germantown held a d nncr-dauco on Wednesday evening In tho new ballroom of the club. A number of nrlvate dinners were given before the dance, and the lloor was crowded. The decorations weie in keeping with George Washington's Ulrthday. The Westbide Presbyterian Church has a of Bed Cioss workers belonging to Auxiliary No. tiOO. of which Mrs. Charlotte XV Biook Is director. This group has been do'ng splendid work. Jt Is composed of two units one which meets on Tuesday evenings Horn's until 10 o'clock, under Bio direction of Mrs, John Lessens, In the V W. C. A. building, CSJO Germantown nvenuo. Ther are about bcventy-flvo women work ing for this unit, which was organized ten months ago to make surgical dressings and i.-.iiui nunnlles. They concentrato most of the r time and attention on the making of hospital garments. Mrs. Andrew B. Wight has charge of the ,i, unit, which meets In the Y. W. 0, A. building all day every Friday. Thero aro thirty women belonging to this unit and they have two workrooms on the third floor, where they mako surgical dressings, hos pital shirts, burgeons," operative sh rta and other hospital supplies. Last week they turned out 300 surgical dressings, and have made na many as 600 in one day. Of course, the number of dressings turned out In a day depends largely on the style of dressings, as some are very much harder and more tedious, and, therefore, require a longer time to make than others. Tills unit Is particu larly expert In tin making of five-yard rolls, which aro very difficult to do. They have finished as many as eighteen and twenty rolls In u day. Mm. C. M- Walker, of Hit West Somerset street, entertained at dinner on Wednesday jn honor of her guest, Mrs. Owen Detwller, of Altooua. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gallagher, who were married In Brooklyn on February 9, have taken apartments at the Dehnar In Ger mantown. MrB- Edmund J. Oadsby, of 61B Kast Chel. ten avenue, Germantown, entertained the members of her musical club'on Monday aft ernoon at her-home. Mrs. Gadsby read a paper on the life of Tachalkowakl, after which several of hi compositions "A Song Without Words," several sonatas, eta, were played on the talking machine. Items of news. for. the sneletr pate will hi .kAn(A.1 nnrf nplnta in ih Kvnlnv l-iahil. Ledaer pruslded thrr are written on on side of the psper onlx and are 4Utned w'lh full nins and telephone number ef tu sender, V-RJErTtBwr' j , Jh!eP9bbbP i ' ' J RADZIWILL of Duffcrin and Ava ti- ', Simon or of the Marqulsn de Crequl, wh we were told of the customs of the FreMfcA;. , court under the Bourbons. Lady DufferluC W? ' ,,,,,, dV ..((.rn HUUUb ,,1 . ,CIIIVIII, ,1, WWV'J for the reception of embassadors and etf their wives at tho Winter Palace, does) notsv reallro that she also writes history i that iW."j consigns to the memory of her reader. '' customs ana iscis tunc exist no longer, idkv nre as dead and gone as the Bomanoffs. Yvl, us who have seen all that, who have taken? is a part Ir. that court life which Interested-, ' her ko much when she beeama ncaualnt4' with It. there Is a melancholy Interest , n fV l.ln hn, nllltt,d thnllBht nlinlt, ., Bnll .'fi how foreigners looked at us during a period:, yfa 1 of our national existence. . $ v iter account or me murder of tho grana-,jj tj father of Nicholas II Is written with a pen -, I uhteli. In Rome reneet. remind nnn nf fha . V. steel per.cll of the engraver, so lucidly and dearly docs it deal with the personal feel- Ings of the witnesses of the catastrophe. She does not nttempt to make what tho French ball "du style." She simply relates what she ' has seen nnd heard, and her story Is, on that. lu'inum, ono 01 ine o?st ever written, una fels that It Is true In all Its 'letalls. that' every word of It Is sincere, down to the re mark, "I uwnot tell jou what a fearful Im pression It makes upon one, such cruel, per sistent murder!" NO POLITICAL DE3IBES , The Turkish journal, also, la Interesting, especially by what It does not tll us. It la no secret now that during the time Lord Dufferln was In charge of the Cngllsh em bassy on tho banks of the Bosporus many 1,.1,-ny riali,,.,,.. nr,l aiillA,,!, .,,Aailnn. .n,.,nln lllt(.rlmtonu politics had to bo settled. His ,f( ,, nec(...lry, informed as to much that was going or. In the chancery of the palace at I'era. of which she gives us such an amusing description, down to tho In numerable flights of stairs tt unfortunate inhabitants had to climb every day. But lint ono word capable of being Interpreted In tho light of an Indiscretion escapes her., There Is no eagerness to be considered a, "femme politique," no question of any wish on her part to make herself Important, She Is restful In an age of rcstlessnees. Ono will carry away, after having perused tho book, an Impression of calm and of sin cere pleasure, such as very few volumes at the present day leave behind. Since tha death of her husband Lady Dufferln haa lived more or less In retirement In London or In Ireland, where her oldest daughter. Lady Helen Munro Ferguson. In also settled. Thoso who havo seen her lately, nay that she has kept nil her good looks, notwith standing tho fact that her hair Is quite white, nnd that sho has seriously taken up her duties as a grandmother. of her eldest son, tho Barl of Ava, who waa killed during the Boer War, was for her a blow from which sho never recovered. Other family unpleasantnesses connected wltL money matters nlso came to darken the clos ing years of an existence which was so bril liant at a certain moment, ar.d tho loss, of her husband was a trial difficult for her to bear. But all these catastrophes nave not embit tered her: she has remained the kind, indul gent and graceful lady she nlwaya was, and the serenity of her soul has never been shaken. One of her greatest pleasures Is to be with her naughter-ln-Iaw, the present , Marchioness of Dufferlr,, on American, who has brought with her to the old home of the Duefferlns at Ciandebnyo nil the cheerfulness of her country, together with Its practical senso of the realities of life, nnd who Is considered ono of the most charming woman' In English society.. ANNUAL CONVENTION . FOR SUFFRAGE PARTY Fourth Group of Afternoon nnd Evening Meetings Will Be Held Today at Bellevue-Stratford i Tho Woman Suffrage party of this cfty icrvdl hold Its fourth annual convention at "" """ ' """nonnuai tho Bel evue-Stratford todav. n-i, ,,. "-,". 7.V.. .-.' .. i ..u ttiiutvuii ocnaiuu mil laKO piKCO in ma junior jioom ana win Degin at 3 o clock. Mrs. Maude Wood Tark. chair man of the National American Woman Suf frage Asjoclitlon, will Bpeak upon "Federal Amendment" Mrs. William West, of the Philadelphia war-savings committee, will speak of "War Savings and Thrift." The credentials committee will be In ses sion from 1 to 2 1 30 o'clock and the polls will be open from B to G o'clock. The publlo Is invited to attend these meetings. Thero will be a wartime dinner and patri otic rally in the lloso Garden of the Bellevu at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, president of the National American Woman Suffrago Association and vice chairman of the woman's committee Council of National Defentc, will be the principal speaker at the dinner. Tickets: for thla may be purchased at tho suffrago headquarters, 172 1 Chestnut street. Tho public will bo admitted free at 8:10 o'clock. The otneers of tho Philadelphia County committee of tho Woman Suffrage party of Pennsylvania are: Chairman, Mrs. Georga, A. Dunning; vice chairmen. Mrs. William B. Derr. Dr. K. M. Helstnnd-Moore. Mra, Joseph M. Gzzam, Mrs. William D. Grange, Mrs. Wolstau Dlxey and Mrs. Joseph Waa scrman ; secretary. Mrs. E. Q. A. Bills ; tre urer, Mrs. Harry IJ. Kohn; auditors. Miss; Sarah D. Chambers, Miss Anna H. Sr.yder; executive secretary, Mrs. Frederick. S. Drinker, The committee lu charge of the convention arrangements Includes Mis. Jasper Y. Erin- ' ton, Mrs. Francis I, du Pont, Mrs. Jean Kane Foulke, Miss Helen Flelsher. Mrs. Joseph M. (3aziam. Miss Mary K. Gibson. Mrs, Bdwnrd Y. Haitshorne, Mrs, Horatio Gatos Lloyd, Mrs. George A. Plersol, Mr. Thomas Boblr.s, Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson. Engagements Announced Mr.' and Mrs. Bobert Foster Whltmer, ot 4703 Klngsesslng avenue, announce the, en gagement of their daughter, Miss Martha. Cameron Whltmer, and Mr. George Talt, son of Sir. and Mrs. Bobert Talt. of Norfolk, Va, Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Walsh, of 4025 Walnut street, announce the engagement of engagement of stkA l Laeette Walsh. .Sffl cr. U. S. N. XL; , "$ Prlzer, of thla 'Vi their daughter. Miss Elizabeth : and Mr. Howard Davis I'rlzcr son of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. city. Mr. and Mrs. Hdward Stiles, of 8S3 Wind- Vf, sor squarp, West Philadelphia, announce tha in U Stiles, and Mr. Carle Hepburn, of 17'flK$ Pine street, who Is now In tho officers' train- a. Ing school. Vrt'J r -My BlWk, I'W-V' IV ".j Industrial Kducatlonal Conference, Seat vue-Stratlord. Free. T!d Lieutenant uert nail imks to ueogravwajMr 'Vc Eoclety or. "Flying n Four Fronts." WltVV, ipoon nan. Memoera. ffi. Butfrnze convention ai the BeUoTae-SitesW ford. Free. "Big BUtere"' ball, 70 North JTl street, Admltslon charge. ;,'. rtlc sitters' masauerade nartr ferine! of the Junior. Cluba. 109 North Frai street, Invitation. . Wartime Dinner and I'atrlotle Woman. Suffrage party, -Bellevue-Stra' Free, after J.30, v "".Mj i -tuuifi w f" - n a hw i.ianianani wtmww ; I original merooer or in iyi I fcfor-U0OrMiici OMfAy'4 K M A' iM fi sSl e?l .11 M i r ii ffl J Ifi !' Vf.V"J 'H LSJ'" ' W , nu; li!HEilW'SS BMW-JM " " W11TWK.T1, W"