Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 22, 1918, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Lil flUUYU DUlllDrtlVUrtlD
iitGli Italian! Fanno Esploderc
Una Mina Distruggcndo
un Posto Austriaco
11 In Austria si Credo Immincntc
l'Invio dl Truppo Americano
nlla Fronto Italiana
Published nnd Distributed Under
PERMIT No. 341
Authorized by tho net of
October 6, 1017, on file at the
Postofllce of Philadelphia, Pa.
By order of the President.
Postmaster General.
Devoted Remnant of Porfc-a-Mousson Population Trade Disputes Smoothed Out;
Mnss-Mectings Called to Urgo Di
rect Negotiations Wild Scenes
in Parliament
v;;w ..s
r... ';;.. mt i t -. . ... m
Typical of the Spirit That Defies Germany's
Invading Hosts
Slat! CorrMpondnil liming Public Irderr -HI! flie America I .trm, Iiaucr
by Economic Agreement
Signed at Madrid
llOMA, 22 fcbbralo
Dalle notlzto tori glunte dal Quartler
Generate Itallano si apprendo clio gll
arlatorl nustro-tcdoschl lianno nuova
snento compluto delta Incurslonl acrco
ropra cltta' Itnllanc, vlclno le Unco dl
battaglla, rauando considered oil dannl.
La cltta' dl ladoa fu bombnrdata
per tre volte o fortunatamento non si
tbbero a lamentaro molto lttlme, ma i
dannl causatl dallo i-copplo dell bombe
la IUIUI1U iiuouomii.a fttniti .Mllcalll,;
Domoo iuruno ancno C'uuic sopr.T, v enc
zla. Vlccnzn. Mestre o Trobascleghe.
Le batterla antlaeree nprlrono un In
tenso fuoco contro ell nvlatorl nemlcl e
II costrlnsero a ritlrarsl prima clio po
tessero recare magglorl dinnl. Una
rnacchlna austriaca fu colplta In pleno
e caddo In name nel pressl dl Volpagu.
Dal canto loro ell nvlitorl Itallanl
' el Inglesl attaccarono rlsolutamentc 1
rampl dl nlazlono ncmlcl. bombardan
doll efflcacemente Una linmcnsa qu in-
t tlta' dl bomhe rurono lakdato cadcro
.v lopra 1 campl dl avlnzlono ncmlcl vlclno
La Comlca, AMano, visnadcllo o slotti
dl Llvenza,' I'arccchl barnccamentl o
ft rlrnverl dl neronlanl furuno dlstruttl
dagll nvlitorl Italian!, 1 quail holtnnto
sopra Motto, dl I.tvenza Usclarono oa-
fir dere duo tonnellato dl bombo con alto
ft esploslvo.
i,e viuimo causaic uaua incursionc
degll nvlatorl nustro-tedeschl sopra lo
accennato cltta' Itallane non furono
molto, ma In maggloranza donnc.
f I.ungo tutta H fronto l'attlwta' com-
1 kuttli n nnn fit smltr I tit an un n I'nflnnt
Uniilti nun u iiiuhii IHH4MU wt '
dl artlgllerla frequentemento furono lo
lenie lungo la Vallo Oludlcirla c ad
nccldcnte dclla Valle del Urcntn, alio
Fcopo dl lmpodiro tiualidasl tentative)
da parte dl truppo austro-tedesche, In
tenzlonate dl avanzaro per detto valll,
A nord dl Vnlstagna si verlflcnrono
parecchle scaramucce da nurte dello pat
tuglte d lncurslone e quelle Itallano rlus
rlrono a catturaro un certa numero dl
Dl fronto nlla testa dl ponte dl Capo
Slle, gll Itallanl rusclrono a far tcop
plare una mlim ed un onto avauzato
nemlco fu completamente dlstrutto
Ucco II testo del comunlcato ulllclalo
pubbllcato ierl, dal Mlnlstero della Uuci
ra In Homa
Duranto 11 glornati dl Ierl si c
erl(lcata moderata nttllta' com
battha con frcqucntl nzlonl dl nrtl
rllerla lungo la Valle niudlcarla e ud
occldento della Valle del Urcnta
A nord dl Vnlstagna lo nostra pat
tUKlle d lncurslone fecero ulcainl prl
Bionlerl e ad orlento dl Capo hllo un
posto avanzato nemlco fu dlstrutto per
mezzo dl una mlna
Cill iulatorl itallanl ed lnglesl ut
tarcarono cltlcacementn I campl dl
alazlone ncmlcl lclno La Comlca,
AWano, Visnadcllo e Motta dl LI
cnza Sopra quest'ultlmn c impo un
Idroplano latclo' cadero duo tonnellato
dl bombo con alto eploslu. Tutte la
macchlue tornarono Inc'oluml
La scoraa notto otto areoplml
I(I,Anemlcl larono sopra cltta' lclno
I -roll dannl, Pa'doxa fu bumbarditi
Mr tro volte o numerosn bombo ruronu
lasclato cadcre sopra Vlcenza, Mestre,
President of the National War
Garden Commission of Wash
ington, who has prepared figuics
to show what passage of the
daylight saving bill pending in
Vongrcss wouia mean to war
War Garden Head Points Out
Its Importance to Food
ciucAuo, reb ::
Charles lAtltron rncl, president of
tlio National War Oarden Commission,
In a message to tho National Security
Lenguo In session hero toda, strongly
Indorsed tho dallght saving bill now
pending In Congress. Importance of the
measuro to tho food production cam
paign was pointed out by Mr. l'aclt In
this w-ij
'Tho dallglit Kalng-4 bill will put a
big push behind tho homo food producers
this ear, and In food wo find security
Say we hao an hour a day siert for
sIt lnontht of twenty-eight days each.
That means US hours, nnd multiply that I
by ten million war gardenrs and we
!mA nun lilltlnn fniir hiindpnit nnil '
eighty million hours added to bacltjard
and acant lot cultivation. Reduce that
and sou have'.lme equal to 1GS.4SJ years'
'Think whit that means to tho
workers In health! They will bo ablo to
get out Into the bright BUnshlne In tho
lust part of tho day, to say nothing of
what cin tin done In war gardens The
National War Oarden Commission Is co
operating with chambers of commerce,
boards of trade, city beautiful commis
sions, banks nnd ever organisation that
works for tho bet,t Interest of a muni
F1KLD, Jan' 13.
Till. Kjwer and strength of heavy
cannon confront the adversary from
Dunkirk to Venice, barring the bit of
Switzerland. Their message of death
forces ally and boclie to take refuge
under tho earth, to lie flat upon Its
scancd surface, to give and take. In a
fight that has endured three and a half
years. Franco has said In tones of
clarion heard around tho world, ' lis no
passeront pas."
I have Fcen this situation on the
Somme, at tho Chemln den Dames, nt
Verdun, at Hholms nnd St, Mlhiel and
Lunevllle. For months t have voyaged
from one secteur of the French front
to another, with the ever-growing cer
tainty In my mind that nothing the
boche can ever do. even If the antici
pated offensive of which rumor Is In
the air, comes off, will ever break
through: that tho victory Is with the
Allies because of the advent of the
United States
I write these lines In the phadovv of
Pont-a-Mousson, the little city lvlng
upon both binks of the Moselle, the
scene of tremendous fighting In the early
davit of tho war, a picturesque town
whose outer edge of housoso has been for
threo ears nnd a half In the very front
line. In the far-back springtime of
Peace, I remember Pont-a-Mousson, and
my first sight of It, lvlng In a gentle
hnze of early spring morning As I saw
It today, a mass of ruin In the main,
most of Its houses mre wreckage, others
still standing and Inhabited, I was struck
with the courage of those who still Uvea
within Its borders Tho majority are
women, for tho most obvious nnd oft
repeated reason that all the men ore
dead or In tho uniform of the potlu.
I walked Its desolated streets In a
gulo of wind and u. falling mixture of
rain and hall, all the way out to the
front line, among the ruins of houses
about which are mltrallleu'o and trench
mortar and the guarding soldier of
Prance, .nnd back again througii the
The Grand Place reminded mo of an
ancient object of art, demolished, Jet
Ftindlng still The shops about It were
opn, selling all forts of merchandise,
tho customers being only pollus of
I course, In tho main. They offered tho
over her arm. going cvldcntlj to market.
She was as we II nwnrc as anjuouy tnai
n bocho shell might land any time about
her, even upon tho brldgo we were cross
ing, that a shower of mitrailleuse bul
lets might encompass us, If uny boche
should tnko It Into his evil head to fire
througii the rain and hall.
"How long hnvo jou lived here, ma
dame?" 1 asked as wo reached the other
"Mon Dleu. monsieur, nlwajs." she
answered, surprised apparently by the
uselesness of the question: 'ninavs. I
was born here. It Is my home. I do
not wunt to go anywhere else, nnd be
sides, If I did, where would mj man
come to after the war ana no is re
leased from n llocfhe prison?"
"Mercl, madame," I said In admiration,
and I watched her figure as It disap
peared around a ruined corner,
I wandered away with my officer es
cort, whom I had rejoined at a given ren
dezvous, to our automobile Wo rode to
the edge of the city, beyond, to th sum
mit of Its highest point, where upon a
clear day tho very buttons upon a Her
man blouse could be counted, and where
the stceplo of Mctz Cathedral would bo
visible, tho Metz that Is destined to re
become French. At our feet ran the Mo
selle, loslnir Itself In the rain to the
WASlUNdTdN, Feb. ::.
Central Pershing will get mules, army
blankets and other materials from Spain
In return for cotton, oil nnd other com
modities from the United States tinder
tho terms of a pact signed jestcrday at
Madrid. The State Department Was so
advised by Ambassador Wlllard
Tho terms of the agreement could not
bo learned and It was not known
whether they had nnvthlng bearing on
the rate of exchange between tho two
countrlet, which the United Matci has
desired to adjust becauso of tho recent
depreciation of tho American dollar In
Spain, where It Is now worth only about
fifty cents
Success of the negotiations for ex
change of commodities was welcome
news to officials here, ns the ability of
Ceneral Pershing to buy supplies In
Spain will save ohlp tonnage and enable
the (leneral to build up his reserve
stores tnoro rapldlv than otherwise
would have been posslbl"
The negotiations had been In progress
for upward of a month and followed tho
refusal of Spain to supply a laigo num-,
ber of mules, 200,000 blankets nnd other'
materials ordered by Ceneral Pershing
last month The official renson given
was Fald to have been tint tho Spanish
ramoad sjsltrn had broken down and
'(Special Agent of Government
AMSTERDAM. Feb 22, Mass meet-! Brings Message of Fricnd-
ings to support their demand that sliip to Union Men Here
Direct pcaco negotiations snail do
opened with tho United States have
been called by the Austrian Social
ists. The Austrian Kmpeior 1ms trained
tho leaders of the different parliamen
tary parties ho will prologue the
Iiclchsrath nnd gov ci n by absolute
methods It a majority Is not obtained
for tho provisional budget.
Wild Hcencs In the Iteiclisrntli on
Tuesday un tho occasion of Premier
on Sedler's speech mo described In
a Vienna dispatch to tho llcilln Vos-
slUiczcltuiii,. Tim Czechs nnd Slavs
nt one point ostentatiously left the
House and during the ri cater part of
tho Premiers speeili maintained n
continuous din. Tlicro wero shouts of
"Lies!" "Trcacherv!" "Tell them that
In Herlln!" nnd similar expressions.
The Premier was audible only to
those near him
CVech protests nte loud iignlnst tho
advanco of the (icrinui troops In Rus
Tho Poles are etiemely dlsv.ittstled
with the Austrlnn Government and
demand the tTktnlnn frontlor shnll be
fixed at tho ltlver Uur and that Count
Ceinln. Austro Itungarl in Foreign
Minister, bo dismissed.
I. A Alton, a special agent nt the
Department of Labor, Is In Philadelphia
conducting a public campaign explaining
the nltltude of the United States Gov
ernment toward organized labor.
Mr, Alton Is one of tlio ten "mis
sionaries ' sent out from Washington to
cover tho country In tho campaign. He
has made his hcHdquarlcm at the Fed
eral i:mplnment Service. 136 South
Third street He will speak to every
labor union In this section.
"This mission," he said, Ms more of
a publlclt) stunt nt the present time. I
go rrom union to union, wncrever tne
chance comes, und explain the plans
which the department wants to take to
make libor n gieat army and to con
ciliate any differences between employer
and the emplojea
"I shall especially work In those
trado unions which comprise In the
lti li ii ill it' i.-iii-ii.'
explain lo shipyard worKr,rM
and .the results of the, threaUojd
or tne snip carpenter, MrnicB a rot
Wilson handled-1 ,i VIL'-1
"It Is extremely e.senllat wutfcxi
should know that the Dtpartnttof ,
Labor has the moat friendly " aHIUM
toward them and that It wants t. M
them ret decent treatment and to'wp-
hold their own end durlnr Um WMt
The man in the trench relies on t-.
man oenina me oencn, una noumnv
must be permitted lo Interfere wltM ts
war machinery."
I IV. ,
r?e -
Four Years for David Radin'Flftet1
Months.for Israel Freed, M"-sH
Israel i v
i& ra( V
nvnAdnHntini vi- Y-t. Am
niiiuuuouuiiui ., iiu- - iRraoi
Freed and David Jladtti, .convicted r ' Va
Capital City cap factory fire In Kast 't
htroudsburg, have been sentenced by
Judge Searle, of Honesdale, Treed it
fifteen months and Had In four years In
the Ka stern Penltentlarj.
The lawyers asked for elemtney, asserting-
the prisoners were the toots of
men "higher" up. The arson case at
tracted notoriety on account of the
prominence of the men, The fire In the
large factor' caused a loss of nearly
$100,000. l-itfej
Iteedcr Denies Resignation
Friends of Willi ml C. Iteeder. ihlef
of tho third Survey District under the
Department of Public vvnrus, are in
i - .t 1.. l.tH .IahIhI r n ranAel 4Vi,it Ha
trenches, out of sight through tho ,i "jS, 'T-rat e T " rel-l " '"-"l" ,l commission In
weather only, tho trenches of the Ger- v" ,,.," , ,,,,,,, ,, ,. the Ordnance Department of the Unltf.
man To the right I could barely make -egotlitlons at Madrid apparently states army "I lnivo not resigned,"
gff. ssff; r..jaays1,," w'xtt, , aa, "'"ctor mte-are lM
Kv'erv where there was tho sense of, ",e. If"lt''? h't.nlc- '"' th.i Allies were1
clpallty bv .sending Its w ir garden Inevitable plnird, canned foods, nannei
)rlmers to Help.
' We are coming to times of stress, and
daylight saving will mean better health
and moro food, the two essentials of vic
tory Let us then get back to the land,
where wo find food, health nnd happi
ness A people must be happy In ad
verslt even As Kipling well says
'It alnt tho funds jou give or the
army as n. whole, but the close co
operation of evtrj blooming soul' that Is
going to win this war. In that co
operation you have security"
tensn waiting We heard all about us,
as we hear all over the front these days,
oven nbout the American climps, of a
coming German offensive, a giant of
fensive that alms at breaking through
before the boys from tho United States
are In gieat forco lu the line. When It
comes. If It conies, all Is re idy to give
tho barbarian about Pont-n-Mousson, as
at Verdun, the 'Miall not pass"
Du Pont Employes Escape as Build
ing at Gibbstown Is Destroyed
PvFLSBOP.O. V .T.Feb 22 One of
the factory buildings at the Itepauno
plant of the du Pont Powder Company at
In n position to nop not old) the ship
ment or goods to Spain from the Allied
countries, but from mutrals hpiln Is i
dependent upon this country for Inrge i
-upplles of foodstuffs, as well as other
Messenger in New York Pa, a -.58,000
for Membership ,
Xr.VT VOHIv. IVb triin... i.
Ldmonds for eighteen )e.us a telephone
boj mi tho floor of tho stock exchange,
has purclnsed a Mock exchange mem
bership from Frank II. Keech for J58 00n
This is J2000 over the prtco paid at
the hist picvlous sale
Mexican Battle Continues
Jl Altl'Z. Mex, Feb 22 Fighting
south of ,TImlne7 continues, according to
unofficial reports received hero from Chi
huahua Clt) n ofllclil telegram re
ceived at lnllltar) headquarters stated
the General Carraseo killed In the light
ing Monday was a Villa commander and i
not General Juan Carraseo, a Federal
Mitchell, Fletcher O Co., Inc.
Chestnut St. at 18th & 12th
5708 G't'n Ave.
Buried Under Slag With D-naniilc
PITTSIll'HGH. Feb 22 Carrlng-
iweni) iiuuiiuM in. uyiiainiif, .Alexander
Pearson, of llrldgewater, for ninny vears
a professional bisebill plaer, was bur
led undei a pile of hot fclag nenr Junc
tion Park and escaped with Ids life,
despite tin fact that his entire bodv Is a
mass of burns '1110 (l)uainltn did not
thlrts, embroidered silk li indkerchlefs, n ,;t,bstown was destroed by tire which
rose or a pansy with the words, folio,,,,,- explosion in the bulldlnglate
',.ntipn!r de Pont-n-Mousson '
Tim hlreets are camouflaged with
theets of toarso bagging nnd interlaced
twigs, us are many roads about the
front near the line. As far as I have blown from tho building
observed. Pont-a-Mnusson Is tho onlv Then followed 11 brilliant flash.
town along tho front so protected, and column of smoke and u. roar which
the only 0110 directly under flro and a 1 made the cirth tremble, and within a
part of first trenches on this western ' few minutes tho building was reduced
area of batt e. In dear weather mo to nsnes jusi wnai hum w
000terd5riashnoVIllg.itaBave"winilnR to $ WSSMSmMSmS
the workmen and tiny barely reached
a place of safet) In fore the roof was
boche can sec almost into tho Window a
of standing houses; ho has been able to
for threo vears and over, he has belched
thousands of shells upon the clt), but he
rr n.. ...l 1 mnli, o rvtli.ln Von i-1 has 'not passed, nor will he!
' I T cros,ei- ti,0 ancient bridge over the
bliamokin Mohella that united the two bectlons. of
... , the city. August 14 tho French dettroyed
SilAMOKIN". Pa. leb 22 In 1 col 1, ,.,,, n,,M,,c,in vni. h..n r..,..
llslon betw.en .1 Shamokln anil Mount taU,heU , roug, fashion for foot pas-
i-armei trolley cir nun a inuio locomo- ,,. u ., KO ... .- th. ijoche
h' tw'rnerenjdnebi ! St'SS VJ'aS d-SSMl
ablv fatally; fourteen passengers on the
trulley car were hurled from their Mats
nnd the locomotlvo and car weie de-'
Daniel Sweltzer engineer, had bfth
leg so b.ull) crushed that amputation
in IV bo necessary John .'"arako, con
ductor, was crushed about the abdomen,
lloth are In the Shamokln State Hospi
tal 'lhe crew ot the trolley car escaped
b) Jumping
Venezla o Trebaselegho, u nord-ovest
dl Mestre. Fortunatamento si ebbero
a lamentaro poche vlttlmu tra la popo
lazlone civile. In maggloranz 1 donne
Le batterio antlaeree uccolsero II
nemlco con Intenso fuoco. Una mac
china ncmlca fu colplta o caddo In
flamme vlclno Volpiigo.
Ierl mattlna uno del nostrl squad- -
ronl aerel bombardo' la staziono fer- 'child Drowned at Bordcntown When
rovlarla dl Innsbruck. 1 -""'" "
Glungono notlslo secondo le quail I RescueiS rail
glornall austrlacl ed ungheicsl con-1
tlnuano a dlchlarnrsl convlntl che
1'arrUo dl truppe amerlcano alia fronto
Italiana kU Immlnentq. Scmbra cho tale
asserzlone sla stata aucliti fatta nl parli
mento austriaco dal prcsldcnte del con
eigllo del mlnlstrl.
I glornall "Tagepovt" o Pester Lojd
itlmano che le forze che gll Statl Unltl
manderanno alia fromte Italiana nmmon
teranno a circa un mlllone dl uomlnl
Dettl glornall Invocano perclo" che
tutte lo rlservo dl truppo nustro-ungarl-che,
comnrese anche quelle rltlrato dall
m) 'Ukraine, sluno lmmedlatamento concen-
p- irate alia rronte italiana per mantenere
Rf la superlorlta' numcrlca. Ad ognl modo,
1 aicono 1 aetti glornall, e essenziaimenie
k lmDortante che non si dla tcmDO nell
jl Statl Unltl dl dare un aluto all'Italla o
F colplrla prima tlellurilvo uello truppo
It amerlcano per costrlngerla ad una pate
Camp Hancock Men on Parade in I J,: jf,w y0rk Coffee and Sugar nx
i" ' ..i. I r . 1..1U.. n,-i nilnntfl1 ui"
lii-imicx-TOWN. N. J . Feb 22 Ger
trude Wclbiiack, eleven )ears old, living
lu Trenton, while picking coal near tho
Lalor hticet wharf above Uordentown,
along the Delawaie ltlver, .vecodent ill)
fell on a cake of Ico moving down the
Tho child held onto the Ice and was
carried down tli stream, soon falling
Into the watei Her cries brought two
men In boats, but they weie unable to
rescue her nnd she drowned The body
has not been recovered
Exchange Ptohibits Wilting of Cir
culars Among Traders in Codec
NKW YOUK, .Feb. 22. Restriction
on tho writing of circulars which tend
to Increaso the prlo of coff'o or en
courage outsldi speculation In that corn-
mod ty ha-s been, pioc.ru cm -.,--
naked 00 whomsoever crosses and
when ho sees an) thing looking- like ani
mation, he launches a tornado of shells.
At the entranca to, the bridge from
either sldo are two pollus, whose duty
Is to permit the crossing ot only two
persona at 11 time, since the last and
nineteenth time the temporary bridge
waH destrojed by German fire. Inci
dentally, I may say that Pont-n-Mous-sou
has been bombaided 280 times slnco
tho war began, and tint hardly a da)
passes but that a few shells fall upon
the little city.
It so happened that as I crossed to
day my fellow passenger was a woman
nsldent ot the town, a woman on the
other side ot mlddln age, her head un
der .1 great umbrella, .1 fur of rabbit
skin about her neck and heavy woolen
bocks over her shoes. She preceded
111c, walking slowly but solidly, a basket
Is unknown
The building contained fourteen re
ceptacles containing several hundred
pounds of thcmlcals Its destruction will
not Interfere with tho manufacture of
high explosives.
.'El'.VsVf SECOND J100R ,iS"j
If, Augusta
ix 1
13 AUGUSTA. Ga. Feb. 22 Virtually
Kthe entire Twenty-eighth Division. 30.-
IflOOO strong, will parade through the
- crtefs ot Augusta toaay, vvasnington s
mrmaay, according to announcement
-r.iiuauf- ai division ueauquariers.
r,T Realizing that the division would very
KjroDaDiy leave for trance nt an early
Edate, and that tho people of Augusta,
wno have crown to regard the Fcnnsyi-
S vanlans with an affection equal to that
,lor their own boys, would not have
another opportunity to review the entire
1 .Unit again, the leading citizens of the
lij, pity took the matter up with Major Qen-
K, trai cnarles II. Mulr, commander 01 tne
R, division, With the result that he
l?y-roml.f1 in riit nn IIia tifirnriA.
Ik -r
iliance A jesomiion was uuu-ncu ra-
ing that In accoruanc-o mui ,,. inuun
...i. ir. iim fool administration the
writing I') member; of such circulars or
similar 1 ublicatlons would be construed
as In violation ot 1110 I'jiano
Du Ponts in Thrift-Stamp Drive
WILMINGTON. Del. Feb. 22 The
du Pont Powder Company has proposed
to Its employes who have subscribed for
Liberty bonds and are paying on the
Installment plans that they exchange the
subscriptions for war-savings certlfl
rates. It Is pointed out tho stamps are
a good Investment.
Mate thil
our bett ear.
Your earden
vtiH be beautiful and more productive
if you plant Maule's seeds. Every lot
is tested for health, v igor and growing
power before the seeds are sent to )ou.
176 pas" Ai" cfcalaablt planl' CDCP
hit and garittunt information TIVEiEi
Write for it today.
Include 10c for a packet of Maule'a
Giant Panties the largest and mot
beautiful known.
Yea tart monty ati gtt frtsh utit
uhtn yea boy from
ZISO Areli Mreet I'lilU.. I'a.
Handsome New Spring
for Women
Values at
6' Itlell GknvifP o,l T-',.!eMft.c QtnvtT-
fv bound in Pullman
mrmmT Xtloli P-eh "TrnrapA V..
Dodge. Detroit's multimillionaire Under
jit Sheriff, Is stormbound near the Straits
K.Ar l.n1rlnnul .rll. fnilH mllpHflM,, OS
-- wninillHI, ,.( .WW. ,.,W,WV.VM M
Mr. Dodge spent $1000, his entire
.year's salarv as Under Sheriff, to
charter a private car In which to escort
the hnmli-M. nunHnl In RtvlA to Mar.
f.'Quehe nrlson. Ha Is said to have oil-
W'alned the -car In spite of a ruling at
sTyasmngton against private cars.
Wilmington Electricity Boosted
..T-tfTT k-travj-mi-k-i.-f t-.i rs, mm mi..
ISPfsi- '''U'lnuiUi J-'CI rcu, -, -aao
rjyUmlngton and Philadelphia Traction
1. 1 Company has been granted perm -salon
ffM n .Ka TV. It, ..a n. H.nl..lHH . !...... A
T -J.UI9 Uillliy wllllIMDaiVII ,l HUIn
Hbthe' rnt-H ne -l-trift riirrpnt In Ihls
Rltv. ThA ml. tn thA dnrnii-itlo ran.
, -uimer will be Increased bdoui one cent
. Kilowatt nour, wnicn win mane tne
rata for houses nine and one-half cents
a, kilowatt hour.
Northumberland Wins Water Fight
,0nnT"-IITITl"?rT.4.TV T TC.n .
H 5 the decision. of the'Publlo Service
f- Commlaalon this 'borough wlna Ita two-
7 Jfr flafht for an adequut water supply.
Wected to provlde'an adequate supply ot
!n, and-to-Install' KJ.horsepower
Mler and ten-toots pump at IU dam and
awar aar oumpr-i-awr h iww
Three of them Tea Dinner Supper. Good
music good service good cheer to help make
glad the birthday anniversary of the man who
spent the Winter of 1777 just 24 miles from the
Adelphia Hotel!
chktnsjt ATir
Hundreds of
worac n 111 e
taking advan
tage of these
wonderful savings, over SO of the
most wanted style!, to choose from.
All high cut. Pearl grey, ivory,
champagne, brown, black, white
kid, white and canary buck, brown
and gun mttal English with wing
tips, also handsome combinations.
High and low heels. All sizes
and AA to E in the assortment.
Women's New Spring
Pumps & Shoes
Mason & DeMany
, n 15 Chestnut Street
(Opposite Keith's)
One of w
Ilia v
limn- vj
f'lierrr Tnu. Itusila
Calf. Patent and Dull
Leather Pump, DlacU
1'ngllsb VNulUlmr bhoes
witn mllltnry ana
high tiffin. alao
White -vubucL. Lace.
All sizes and A to 11
Wide. In tbejot.
Women's Shoes
All good si)ies in im
Calf. Patent and Dull
Leather. Good ranga of sizes.
P" '" liTJ
) ''U
v -,
Boys' and Girls'
School .69
Shoes, 1
Dull leather with
good stout soles,
ful broadtoes In
low and button.
me u to ;
Boys' Krelder Shoes
Rpec-lsl lot, with double r A
solea. Sizes 9 to 13H. Ktl
Sires 1 to W. L98 ?V;g
Boys' Wax Call Shoes,
Kudlcot- Jobnic.r.'a at ,At
Double oak sales, the P"U
shoe that will stand real hard strr
Ice. Ungllsb and Ilroadtoei. Sizes
1 to OH.
680 Pair Men's Winter
Special purchase. Gun.
Our Great Removal Sale of
Brings A stounding Savings
UMpAKE advantage of eer opportunity to save' is the slogan of today.
Our Removal Sale is one of the biggest opportunities of the year. As soon as the'
building at 1211-13-15 Chestnut Street is finished, we go into our new store there. We.want
to go in with absolutely new-, fresh goods. To do this we are selling every fur in stock.
At One-third, One-half and Even Less Than Half Former Prices
rJi'si-Aitrifctt ) Him iftti riiialiffr
rorjsx em
-.- v T
V, 1,
MeUI, Black Kid and
Patents In lac and but
ton (alight factor hurt).
All size la the lob
UJtDA Y KV JOKs""" r"
'i'his is a saving even greater than
it seems. Furs next season will be
priced almost double, in some cases
quite double this season's prices. You
can see for yourself how well it will
pay to buy now instead of waiting.
And by the following arrangement
there is no strain upon the purse
Purchases will be reserved in our vault until next fall upon payment of a deposit.
Payments to be continued monthly during spring: and summer.
19.00 Taupe Wolf Scarf. . 9.50
19.00 Kam. Wolf Scarfs. . . 9.50
19.00 Black Wolf Scarfs. . . 9.50
25.00 Skunk Scarfs 12.50
29.00 Red Fox Scarfs .... 14.50
35.00i Taupe Fox Scarf 17.50
35.00 Kam. Fox Scarfs 17.50
35.00 Black Fox Scarfs 17.50
45.00 Hudson Seal Scarfs. .22.50
45.00 Wh'ite Fox Scarfs 22.50
75.00 Black Lynx Scarfs. . .37.50
75.00 Slate Fox Scarfs 37.50
75.00 Jap. Kolinsky Scarfs. 37.50
79.00 Cross Fox Scarfs 39.50
110.00 Mole Scarfs 55.00
850.00 Hudson Bay Sable
Stole 550.00
900.00 Hudson Bay Sable
Cape 585.00
950.00 Hudson Bay Sable
Cape 650.00
Fur Coats
75.00 Black Pony Coat 37.50
79.00 Marmot Coat 39.50
149.00 Natural Muskrat Coat. , 74.50
175.00 Hudson Seal Coat 87.50
179.00 Natural Muskrat Coat. . 89.50
240.00 Hudson Seal Coat 120.00
185.00 Nutria Coat 125.00
290.00 Hudson Seal Coat. . . .145.00
275.00 Hudson Seal Coat 185.00
390.00 Mole Coat 195.00
365.00 Hudson Seal Coat 245.00
425.00 Nat. Russian Squirrel . . 275.00
395.00 Hudson Seal Coat... .295.00
950.00 Jap. Kolinsky Coat. . .595.00
150.00 Hudson Seal Coatee. . . 97.50
245.00 Hudson Seal Coatee. ..125.00
350.00 Hudson Seal Coatee, ..195.00
395.00 Hudson Seal Coatee.. .225.0Q
495.00 Russian Kolinsky 295.00
49.00 Nutria Set 24.50
49.00 Australian Opossum
Sets 24.50
49.00 Raccoon SeU 24.50
59.00 Taupe Fox Set 29.50
69.00 Jap. Cross Fox Set.. .34.50
69.00 Taupe Wolf Set 34.50
75.00 Kamchatka Wolf Set. 37.50
79.00 Black Wolf SeU 39.50
95.00 Red Fox Seta 47.50
95.00 Jap. Kolinsky Set. ...47.50
95.00 Kamchatka Fox Sets, 47.50
110.00 Black Fox Set SS.00
110.00 Beaver Set ,. .55.00
125.00 Ermine Set v .', .62.50
135.00 Fisher Sets ....... . .7.50
179.00 Cross Fox Set. , S9.50,
195.00 Mole Set ,..'..,. . ; t.7.SO
450.00 Hud. Bay SW S.2M.0O
650.00 Silver Fes Set.' 345.00,
750.00 Hud.BySalfeS-rt.4.
Mail orders promptly filled.
Repairing and remodeling at low cost.
Purchasing agents1 orithlmccipti "
usual JO per cent. aU9wed.J1j
1 iV
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