hS s t, " i" " --; -j t v !W JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE fill Irwin to Address Square Auxiliary oi the Red Gross on Mon day AfternoonOther Matters TELL, the Independence Square Auxil iary of tlio Hod Cross has certainly Celled the winner" thli Umo when they ye managed to get Will Irwin, the nie of war corrcipondcnta, as ho In o, to address the workers next Monday iernoon at their rooms nt 60S Chestnut t. Isn't that wonderful? He's been yen months "ocr there," ou lnov, ihcro when war hrokc out and has n back several times. He Is going to us of 'Tranco on tho I3vo of tho at Offensive Ho has been In unR- hd, Trance and Italy, also In Russia tho eastern front, and lie has been Undying tho effect of tho social and ceo- nlc 'conditions or mo people In Liuropo (fhlch hao been brought about by the treat war. He studied particularly the jne conditions of tho women and ccr- jtlnly will hao much to tell us. I think 'will be a wonderful opportunity and jrould not miss the chance, to hear him ! worlds. Tho talk will start at 3 o'clock. that Doctor Garfield, has taken away atless Mondays, tho talks will be held that day. !18T we heard that Sarin Ncltson 'Madeira had gone down to Tcvas and an wo heard that sho had not and i that she had. Again she wasrcpoilcd i walking on the boardwalk arm in arm I'raukle Sullivan about a week ago. jirll, that last was probably right, as ta had not gone then, but she has now, 6d what Is more sho left hero on Tuesday arnoon on the 3.25 train, so let us h her a cafe and speedy Journey. ,'It's hard to realize how scatteicd about recent oung husbands are. Isn't jtT Some In Texas, some. In Georgia and no In Illinois, and somo even farther Vmt. pAnd It must be hard for the fathers and Others who have guarded their daughters carefully, and neer allowed them to ave unchaperoned, to hac them go oft these distances. However, there are Marly alwan two or threo at the same Scamp, it no nioie, and bo they do not t too lonely with their husbands away i much. Pjust thlnlf of the girls who ate spend- so much timo near the camps, whose nMrrlages have taken place elmo the war started. There's Eleanor Pepper New bold, xgot Scull Blddle, Jean Thompson Tliav- T," Shelby Johnson Thajcr, Gliuljs L'arle tther, Sarah Ncllsou Madeira, Vlfa. Iteath ipplcton, Charlotto Hush Drayton. Maria razer Dougherty and dozens of othcia. JlltJ Ccrclo 1'rancali of tho University of Tcnnsjlvanla will rIvo Its annual ay and danco on Thuis'day evening, rch 7. Tho play will bo "Lo Malade Im- tlnalre." by Mollcre, and Is under tho irectlon of Doctor Do Sauze. During, tho Mnlng Monsieur Lausanne, of Tails, will ako an address. The proceeds from the play w 111 bo glv en Us year to tho ricnch war icllcf com- tttteo of the Emergency Aid, of whh.li Mrs. broelius Htevenson is tho head, for the irk of reconstruction In tho fivo French vUlaees that the commlttco has undertaken ?W rehabilitate. The committee Is ral-lng- funds to buy I 'farm Implements, clikUcnn. cons, pigs. InKnata nrtA IiaiiuaIwiLI ntnticllu fn rlt n in ttm ipoor Trench peasants who aro, slowly ntrargllng back to tho village that have en evacuated by tho Germ-ins. These easanta aie absolutely ponnllohs, most f them homeless and It Is the dealt e of BVcommittee to help them mako a ftcslt rt In life. Tho committee Is also hoping purchase n farm tt actor to bo loanfrt i tho peasants for their forma and tented other tcconstructlon units "OUNCJ four-car-old John was about to take his usual afternoon constitutional lind grandmother was "fussing" around butting on leggings and mittens and all tho lother necessary evils of a walk In tho eld, crisp air, John was rather busy gaz- r at some birds outside and grandmother to call him to put on his hat. S,"Come, Hon," sho called, "put jour hat LV The small figure turned quickly from window and, with a severo frown sckerlnc his small face, John said. on't call mo that, grandmuddy, I am ' one of those wicked Germans." ' course, grandmother apologized and plained the great difference between Jon" and "Hun," and diplomatic rela- ns were renewed. But who would not vo sided with John in his righteous In- atlon. NANCT WYNNE. Social Activities ikrs. Eugene Newbold, of Chestnut Hill, I apeadlng a few daa at me uon Air jio I.' Augusta, Co., visiting her brother. he Engineers' Club of this city held a (lutes meeting at the clubhouse, 1317 uce street, on Tuesday evening. Dr. HoD- t rli. Fernald, who Is a member of the ilted States Government Committee of'Con- Hlng Engineers and Coal Conservation and Hicity, read a paper entitled "la Our Fuel Ply Nearlnc Exhaustion." He spoke of tVltal Importance of coal. Its production. I and supply ; then of the coal substitutes , petroleum and natural gas. iter a synopsis of 1917 conditions and a : prophecy of "arter the war," Mr. Fer concludcd with a talk on "True Con- Hlon." Motortruck Association of this city ,th largest meeting In Its history last ling, at the Hotel .Adelnhla. An lnt.rt. i feature of the meeting was tho fact that ra were signed by all of those who at- a, ana then sent to each member In the d States service. One of "these letters also aent to President Wood row wil. n Secretary of War Baker. w speakers included Mr, Joseph B. Mc .' President of the Phi lade I nh la rcirtrln IJPany; Mr. It, D. Leonard, general sales t ot tne Atlantic Iteflnlng Company; eeorgo Mi Graham, chairman of tho Otial mOtOrtrtlolc mmmlMlnn Waahln. DC j Mr- W(nftnt n Whit. ..l t. Hi. WtL.. i- " fC"IUCl. mLW Mtt Company. Cleveland. O.. and Ski - . p ' cnirman of the Highway tMuu v.ontmissioD. Washington, i l-.Max KJirlnr Via a-i. j MH.i i.-t jJjsbana, who la In the engineers corps. V """' ," arrtvea sareiy in Before her mflrrlnv lila ..n.H.K. naarlng was Mlu Eiiznhrth r,,... Ur of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A, Custer, of s.4tlmore aenue. ' Violet A. Jlllftnol Aanmht . T-M J- Juonal. of ZBS ctouUi Twentieth 1 ZT-f ' wi v m oiWMtto "t vr mr nmrrr w. . Workers at Independence the tailors at Sen ells rolnt, ('ape May, Trl Vn',f",,l,f "er cuests at Cape May will He Miss Jeannette. Allen. Miss Elizabeth Hunt and Miss Elizabeth Locknood, of this city. The Ardentca Club basketball team, which ll Riving a series of basketball Ramos and dances, cave a dance recntly at tho Heth Jiicob Hall, 170S South street The feature of Ihc nffnlr was an exhibition basketball game. Those giving the exhibition were Mr Neff, Mr. Carlli. Mr. Levy, Mr. Tailor. Mr. uroRln. Mr. Schwartz. Mr Wolf, Mr, lleln hart, Mr. Plait and Mr. t'orman. Mr Mover Hnjder refcreed tho Rame. The music was furnished by a strlnR band, which consisted of Mr. Charles fund, Rultar; Mr. Ttimimel Cohen mandolin; Mr. Albert Tine, piano; Mr. Nathan Wolf, banjo; Mr. Metr Snvder. mandolin, and Mr. Samuel Miller, mandolin. Mr. Itajinond Belnart entertained the visi tors with a few voi-al solos. Mr. Levy and Mr. Carlos Rave a sketch entltV-d 'The Pawn shop, and an exhibition danco wax given by Mr. Oever and Miss Oevrr. The Ardentes biskrtbatl team will give a Ramo and danco on March 1 at St. Timothy's Hall, for the benefit of the Ardentes basket ball team Mr, .to.fph NefT's jazz orchestra lias been engaged for this occasion Trofcs slona talent will also entertain. The team will donate an allotment to tho Bed Cross nrH,n0.?T''. Th, commlll' I" charge Jger: Mr. . Schneider, captain; Mr. A. Neff. Jfr. J. Carlls. .Mr. I. SchvvattV Mr "3 (Vor,ra,tl,. Mr j CaVsonrrilrVueMK m" xr' .?'f' Mr' ", ,n'". Mr. T. TaMor Mr. Jr. Silverman, Mr J Kravltz and Mr. B. 1 oi miiti Mr. Maurice Bosenherg and Miss Ethel Goldberg of South Philadelphia, whofo en Ragcment has recently been announced, have I , 7, ' !in I"f.K0' Cal ' wncro they will visit friend-. .Vo date has been set for their wedding. .trX.MSSl,la,Wcll;er' ot !'3(! Routl1 Third Aiulitte CII. '"nth'a Stay '" xx-n'ir; R1a Mr8, Morrl'' Berman. of U63 ;'d ai'?ue' Crndcn. celebrated their I,?. "' welnB anniversary at tho Hotel Astor. N'ew Tork. Among those resen be-rM11"- n,id,Mrs- B'rm" and their two Mr xn"; W Mr- and Mrs Na" Berman. w,I "S rorend- ,Mr- " Berman. Mr Samuel Beiman, Miss Tanny Berm.m and Miss Beba Herman, all of Camden, and Miss faidje Posner. of Yonkcn, N". , 0,JIr;'. J ?,""," Hrfsy' 3tr' "a,'ll !' Haj aim .xii a H. I,. Hrnry Ra,0 n ar(i(, t,rldgo party jesterday afternoon In honor of Miss Beatrice H.iRy, at her home. 32 South Lansdowno avenue, Lansdowne. The en gageinent of Miss Hagy to Mr. Poster T. vvallworth. who Is now stationed at a near by ofTleorx' training camp, was recently an nounced. Owing to tho proximity of George Wash InRtons Birthday, tho alTalr wax of a very patriotic nature. All decorations and favors were mltilaturo replicas of events In the life or Washington, and red, iwhlto and blue ere tho predominating colors. Thoso who agisted tho hoslescx In recclvlnR were Miss Beatrice Hagy, Mrs. Hatold Ogden and Mrs. Clnrlcs Wallworth The. guests Included Mrs. Alfred Wller. Mrs. Harry Qulnn. Mrs. Owen Brook Evan, M ss Helen Benuers. Mlsx Anna Endlcott. Mi"x,Pr,0?1'3' I'aKy'r M"s -"""W" haff ler. Miss Mary Snonden, Miss Dorothy Lone- x?' ! nulh CTUcr- "" R""' Tackier. Mrs. William Turner. Mrs. Blchard Dlcken M)ti, Sirs. Thomas Klavell. Mrs. S. Moorr head, Mis .loxeph WallHoith. Mrs. William !.i!r,PS,'',',?!ri- 1ror'W Simons Mix, Mabel Ihllllps. Miss Clara Eppelslilmer, Miss Kleanor Owen. Mis Ijulso Vanzandt, Miss Linlly Moorshead. Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Ver non Phillip Mrs. Ljddon Tcnnock. Mrs. Hcnrv Statzell, Mrs. Xorrls Scolt, Mrs. Cul ver Bovd. Mrs Chxrles Tome. Mr. Herbert Ilajp. Mrs. Austin Bojd. Mrs B, V. Tavler Mrs. Frederick Kelly, Nta Julian Kecnan! Mrs. Clarence Deartnond. Mrs. Allison Mc Cown and Mrs Ednaid riummcr. Mr and Mrs. A. B. Gandy. of 2332 Xorth fclxttncth stieet. left the city jpFterday to spend several weeks at St. Petersburg, Fla. Mrs Jaine L. Glase and her daughter. Miss Helen Olase. of tD2 Woodbine avenue, Overbrook. are spending several months at Haddon Hall, Atlantic City. The eiiR.igcment Is announced of Mlsx Edna Carson Smith, of 4C2 North Fiftieth street, to Mr. Horace Leonard Plzagno. ot D719 Lauxdonne avenue. Mr. rizagno Is at prebent In camp ' RETURNS FROM SPECIAL MISSION Visits and Trips South Occupy Time of Main Lino Persons During Lenten Season Ml. Teter Shields, of Bryn Mawr. re turned last Tuesday from France, where he went on a special mission for the United States Goverrment. Mrs. Francis Travis Coxe, who has been spending the winter with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Laurence Paul, 3S6 South Twenty first street, will leave next week to Join her husband, Sergeant Travis Coxe, U. 8. A who has Just been transferred from Wash ington to New York. Trlends of Mrs. Lawrence Paul will regret to hear that she Is confined to the home with a severe attack of sciatica. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tltler spent the week end In New York. Mrs. Edward Laurent, of. St. Davids, Is staying at Atlantic City for the remainder of tho winter. Miss Elizabeth Sjpher, daughter of Com mander Sypher. U, S. N, of Washington, Is visiting Miss Marguerite B. B. Cadwalader daughter of Mr. and Mrs C. M. B. Cadwalad er. at her home In St. Davids. Mr. and Mrs Georgo L. Justice, of St Davids, will leave this week for New York' where they will lslt their cousins, Mr and' Mm. Chandler Bates, at New Bochelle Miss Buth Sanderson, of Ardmori, was entertained by Miss Grace Mlddleton of Kenwood avenue. ' Meeting pf Woman's Club Held in Germantown School The Woman's Club of Germantown, of which Mrs T. H. Carmlcbael Is president, will hold a meeting on Tuesday afternoon, February 28, at 3 o'clock, at the Oerman town Friends School, Coulter street and Germantown avenue, The community serv Ice committee, of which Mrs. Ernest T. Toogood Is chairman, will give a 'talk on "Our Cookless Kitchens"; a. symposium special speaker on "Cafeterias" and "Com munity Dining Booms" will be there, but It Is to be an open meeting and every one is to take part. On Thursday. February 21, at 10i30 o'clock In the morning, the Current Events Class will be held In the pariah house of Christ Church. Mlaa Lewis It. Dick will have charge of this class and a "Book Be view will bo given by Mrs. II. M, rhtft. Mies Jane Campbell will read a paper on the subject. "As Others See Us." r Items. ( news fr the tt!tg ,,,, wH . rr.pt4 .nd print in fa, KteaTag vjtfil ldr protldetf tbr are wrMl.a n .J, of the paper lr and are JcnaJ WTu full iiliDt and tetwkjHJ !?l?gj'u &. pfm i 'xin i v teVENlyg ffUBLio aJi3DaKiiXi4viKU'iij:A tfiuiuAY. -jtejukuary h :'- V9HDHHIlvBiHHL mm i wm wJPxikiMlLLM:i riiote by International 1 Urn Service. MRS. FRANK D. ZELL, JR., AND MISS LTHEL CAMPBELL Mrs. Zcll and Miss Campbell havo been snendinrf several weeks in Palm Beach. It is evident that they look advantage of tho wonderful sea bathing PLAN TEA AND Entertainment in Falls of Schuylkill on March 7 for Wool Fund of St. James the Less Church Mlife. FI1UD BEIMAN'N and Mrs Harry Tegg will give a tea and cotTeo hoclal on Thursday afternoon and evening. March 7, at the home of Mrs. Pegg. 2713 Chalmers ave nue, In aid of tho wool fund of the war relief work ot St James the Iess Church. Tho hostesses are the daughters of Mrs. Dietrich Conradl Tho largo card party that was to have been given by Mr James Iowry and Mr. Thomas Welsh at the homo of Mrs. Welsh. 3035 North Thirty-fifth street. In aid of the Bed Cross group formed by the Catholic Al liance of Women In St, Bridget's Church has been postponed until the early spring owing to the Illness of Miss Gertrude Lowry, who Is In St. Mary's Hospital. Mrs. S A. Nolan Is chairman of the group ; Miss Mary Clare, of tho alliance. Is Instruct or and has for her asststant Mrs. John May. rromlnent among the workers are Mrs. Wil liam A. Dlrkln. Mrs. P. II. Kelly, Mrs. Georgo Staub Mrs. Daniel Boardman. Mrs. Joseph Bergln. Mis Mary Flynn. Mrs Thomas Gavaghan. Mrs. Charles Brown Mrs James Lawler, Mrs William Boyd, Mrs Thomas Foley, Miss Anna Flynn. Miss Theresa Hl Ilnger, Miss Ella Foley, Miss Bod, Mrs. W. Swearer, Mrs John Flanagan, Mrs. Conlln and Miss B Burk. Mr. William Grlndrod and her daughter. Miss Mary Grlndrod, will leave during the week to 'visit Lieutenant Irvln S. Grlndrod, of the Thirty-third Engineer Corps, who is III in camp. Mr. Joseph Causey, son of Mr. and Mrs J. Causey, has been home on furlough and has been the guest of his parents at their home on Wlshart street. The 'Little Sisters" of the T. W. C. A. will present a humorous sketch this evening at the seniors' party. Elaborate preparations are being made for the twenty-fifth annual Colonial reception to be given tomorrow evening In the social hall of the Falls Baptist Church. The pastor, the k..l.D T. Cl1in1M Trm. KA1in1aa anil Mrs. E. Gehrlng Harkness have rehearsed the living pictures or Drauwiui voioniai scenes. There will be special music, with Miss Em ma Jan Is as accompanist: and recitals de scribing the pictures, by Miss WUIa Dodge. There will bo refreshments served by maid ens In Colonial costumes. Under the direction of Mrs. Horatio C. Wood, president of the Mothers' Club, which has become a branch ot the National League for Woman's Service, a food demonstration, with prominent lectures provided by the State, was held In the Falls Toung Wom en's Christian Association BuUdlng on Bldge evenue, jesterday and will be repeated this afternoon and tomorrow evening. The dem onstration, which Is free to all residents of the Falls. Wlssahlckon, Manayunk and Box borough, will be continued on the same after noons and on Friday evening of next week. Each demonstration will be different, both In kind of food and In the lecturer In charge. Others Interested In this affair of the State arranged to help all women In serving the Government are Mrs. Alfred C Garrett, Mrs. Edward P. Goodell and Mr. William d Ship ley, of the executive committee of the Mothers' Club. preparations are being completed for the Colonial tea which will be given on the evening of Washington's Birthday In the social hall of the Falls Presbyterian Church, under the auspices of the National Servloo Commission of the church. The affair is given In aid of the wool fund for the knitted garments the. members of thejcommlsalon are completing for the soldiers and sailors. The interesting program will Include vocal and Instrumental music and recitations,. The guests will be arrayed In Colonlar cos tumes and will be received by the following committee similarly gowned i Mr. Elizabeth Dobson Altemua, Mies Anna Fulton, Mies Ma tiida Campbell, Miss Mae MaoMurtrle, Miss Jennie Crooks. Mrs James MacMurtrle, Mrs, Fred urens.,Mrs- Robert Creed Jtra, David Hunters Mr. Mirkley, Jgma, y,. . ' ) ' COFFEE SOCIAL The commission, orcanlzed at the beginning of tho winter, lus furnished sixty complete outfits of knitted garments to sailors and soldiers. Among tho members of the commission are Mrs. Georgo Hamilton, chairman , Mrs J Chldester, ferretary; Mrs Georgo Wagner, treasuier; Mis. Altemua purchasing ngeut i Mrs. Horry Jones, her assistant; Mrs. Wil liam Thompson. Mrs. Benjamin MarMey, Mrs. J MacMurtrle, Mrs Bobcrt Boy, Mrs. Crooks, Miss Fulton, Miss Matilda Campbell. Mis Jennie Hill, Miss Mary Hill, Miss Jen nie Hughes, Mis Elizabeth Hill. Mrs. Hock ing, Miss Nellie Groves, Ml Lillian Grove. Miss Elizabeth Neely. Miss Fannie Thomp son. Miss Viola Markley, Miss Evelyn Maln warlng. Miss Alice Craven. Miss Martha Craven, Miss Margaret btarrett. Mls Lavlna Starrett and Mrs Charles North. The children's auxiliary of the French and Belgian War Belief Association at tho Church of St. James tho Less vas organized last Thursday In the parish house with Miss Mary Grlndrod. Mrs William Grlndrod, Mrs. J. Metcalf and Mls Eleanor Hennessey as Instructors, and Is proving a great succes. Tho joung people are enthusiastic knitters and a Urge number are expected this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Among the members who helped to organize the group of workers nwt.. ?.iMarfaret al8' al"s Constance Rhodes, Miss Anne Hemphill, Miss Isabel JVjatt, Miss Lillian Wjatt, Miss Florence MacDonald, Miss Bernardino Chlres Miss Dorothy Rlddlough, Miss Ethel Wh taker and Miss Elizabeth Davidson. "nuaaerana H WIW5 DOING WOHL2; ,Mtl '"V I i Phla." ,Dntatlo,;,""0,, """' - " vltallon.1"" Ch' dn"' n"fl AdeI'"''' in. Lu Temple. Admission charge Industrial Education. Bellevue-Stratford. Dl.cu.slen of tran.lt problem, by aire den Improvement Association. Boss Man slom East Washington lane. Germantown. Ma.qn.rad. ball for benefit of Jewl.h war sufferers, Academy of Music. Ad mission charge. " M Prodortlon of "Robin Hood" Ht PhlU- ?it,S5raAla. Soltty for bene' Knights of Columbus war fund Metro politan Opera House. Admission charge. Mu.leale for beneflt ef Bed Cro... hem of Mrs. Henry W. Hancock, 5500 Wayne avenue. Oermantown. Admission charge. Meeting of Tlnmtn; Prolectlre A..oela. tlon. Parkway Building. Members. Meeting) . George's IIUI Improvement A.. soclatlon. Fifty-second street and Glrard avenue. Free. .. "'"f.41.. 'ctar' "The Brltl.h Empire, tha Obligations of areat Wealth and Power." by Prof. Earl Barnes, under auspices of University Extension Society, Wltherspoon Hall, 8 o'clock? Admission charge. Browning Society meet., Xew Century Club. Members. Sl.terhood of Rodeph Dlialom Congrega tion celebrates. Hotel Lorraine. Members. Deeteh-lrt.h Society has dinner, Dctl.Tiie. Stratford. Members. Market Street Merchants, annual meet. lng at the Bingham Hotel, Free. Lecture, "Theagbt as Determined by Social Claascs.'' by Or, Frans Boas, Houston Hall, i Free: 1&1Ha.I uIwJ.Iumh, HI.. u i nnLv LEAVES FOR STAY OF MONTH IN WEST Residents of New Jersey Towns Take Advantage of Pleasant Weather for "Visits and Trips EDUP.WAlEi: I'ABK Mr. Ceorge Be Bennevllle Kelni, who Is spending the winter nt IlOl Porter htrect, Philadelphia, has left for a month's stay In tho West. Ml Allco V. Iloche, of ("lift lane, has gone to Westfleld for ;t fortnlght'H stay with her sister, Mr. Wllildm I Murphey, whoso homo I nt 141 Ferris place. Mr.. Frank B Earl, who I (.pending the Inter In Florid i. will open her home, tho Ivvhurst, on Patk lane, on April 5 Mrs. Samuel A Nedlch has gone to New York for a few dajs. Mr and Mrs. James E Sweeney of Phila delphia, spent thn week-end ns the guests of Mr and Mrs. Nell Sweeney Mr William Heatd, of Germantown, Ta, Is spending a fortnight with his mother, Mr. Alfrt-d Hrald, nt her homo on Warren street. Mrs Henry W Hall, who closed her home, hito Hall, and has been spending several months at the Penn Cottage, Lakcwood, I now at Glaslyu Hotel, Atlantic City, until after EaMer. Mr. Francis E Green and Mr. Frank Oreen, of 1034 Spruce street, Philadelphia, were guests of Mr. Lewis Thlebault at her homo on Warren street. BUBLINOTON Corporal Howard Lewis has returned to camp, uftcr spending a few da with his mother. Mrs. G. W. Lewis. Ht her homo on East Union street. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Henry have re turned to Woodbury after visiting Mr. and Mrs Gordon Phillip over the week-end. Miss Altha E. Hatch, president of the Women's Branch. New Jersey Historical So ciety, I the guest of Miss Margaret E. Haines, at her homo on High street, Mr. Samuel Probasco. who Is In the United States navy. Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Probasco, for a few days. Corporal Bembert M. Lamb has returned to his home In Sarasata, Fla., after spend ing a few da) s ns the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Frederick King. Mr. and Mrs. Harry nuth have returned to Yardley, Pa, after a ten-day visit with Mrs. Jones Campbell MOOBESTOWN Mis Mildred Benners has left for an extended visit In Detroit, Mich Mr. William W. Stokes and Miss Katurah G. Stokes, are spending six weeks in Day tona, Fla. Mrs. Walter McCorckles has returned to Trenton after a ten da a' visit with her cousin, Miss Henrietta Wlllets. The Bed Cross branch has reported that In January the packing and shipping com mittee has sent out 113 sweaters, twenty muf flers, twenty-one helmets, twenty-one pairs wristlets, twenty-two trench caps, fourteen pairs socks, live ear tabs, two wash cloths, twenty bath robes, ten pajama sets, forty hos pital bed sheets, 105 operating gowns, eight operating helmets, three tray covers, five dust cloths, 1883 surgical dressings and eight comfort kits. DELANCO Mr. and Mrs. John Bates are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son. Miss Bessie Vandegrlft has left for Quln ton. III, for a six months' stay. Mr- Howard Shock has left for Aaburr College at Wlimore, Ky. Mrs. Henry Holzlnger has returned to her home in Morton. Pa , after a short visit with Mrs. A. B. Sterling. Mrs. Frank nankin, of West Philadelphia, was a guest over the week-end of Mrs. Fred erick Demerest. Mrs. William Both has left for an extended stay at Trenton. Mr. Lester Toy has returned to camp after a visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Toy. Mrs. Edmond J. Poweu and her two daughters-, Miss Eleanor' Powers, and Miss May Powers, have lea for a. montn'a stay. m. o r 1018 ' BEHIND THESENESa fSI .With Rulers and Leaders tif WartimeEuroWv ny THE TRINCESS KADZIWILL ' .'f'sf' i3 The Private Fortune of the Romanoffs (CopvrlBht, Utt) been written cor xa-private fortune of the Bomanoffs and tho many, many millions which they were sup posed to posse's. It may therefore be of Interest to the American reader to know the exact position of tho former Imperial family of Bussla In regard to Its money matters. First of all, the millions which havo been attributed to them were In reality far from being ro numerous as was supposed abroad. The bulk of the fortune of the nomanoffs con sisted of estates which went by the name of "oudlel," were administered by the ministry of the Imperial houe hold and belonged to the sovereign In his quality of sovereign, not a n private per ttStl sonage. Their amount fui.SL'nsH JIVIV.IU ill before the revolution , . was estimated at something like 1100,000,000 rubles, nil In landed eMates, mines In Si beria, cotton field In Turkestan and vines In tho Caucasus nnd Crimea, Becently tho administration of thl fund hid bought oil claims near Bakou and Grorny to n con siderable amount. It was out of thl fund, to -which mut be added a sum Invested in .linvrr.nl Hut. Inn nnd foreign picurilles. the amount of which hns never been made public, thst the Emperor and all tho mcin- hers of the Imperial family nceivei the allowances which constituted the their Income and which were paid hulk of to them In accordance with their rank BOTAL ALLOWANCES For Instance, the sons of tho rrlgnlng sov erelgn received a larger allotment than hi cousins, wno were the children of a granrt duke. Formerly nn Immense amount of money was given nut by thn minister of the Imperial household In that way. because whenever a grand duke got Into debt, which occurred prettv often, ho applied to thl general steward ot tho Imperial family to get them paid. At least this wa what went en during the reigns of Nicholas I nnd Alex ander II. But when the Into Czar Alexan der III succeeded to tho throne tho first, or. rather, one of tho first, things which he did was to regulate the etnndlng of the Imperial family, not only In regard to their rank, but also In money matters. Each grand duke .and grand duchrr was to reodvo at his or her birth the sum ot 2,000,000 ruhlos, which was rather more than bid been the custom In preceding reign. This sum wa to remain Iirtested In the State Bank until Its owner had reached Id majority, or In the case of girls, until she had marrlid, when It wai given back, to gether with It accumulated IntefC't. It con stituted the private fortuno ot Its owners, who, apart from thl". recelvo In tho case of a grand duke placed In tho direct line of succession an annuity of 600,000 ruble", nnd In that of a grand ducher 300 000. which, however, camo to an end with their life. The consort of a grand duke with tho ex ception of the wlfn to the heir apparent, received 150,000 rubles a jear for her pri vate expense, and sch grand duchess wn given a trousseau of 150,000 rubles and Jew els, tho value of which was left to the dis cretion of tho sovereign, from whom they came a a gift The heir to tho throne re ceived 1,000,000 rubles a year, and his wlfo 200,000 rubles for her privy purse. Four hundred thousand wa the amount of the annuity granted to the Empress, which. In case of widowhood, was Increased lo 1,000,000 The sovereign could take what ho liked, and the expenses of hi household were valued at something llko 12,000.000 ru bles a car, prt of which, however, was given by tho .State and did not tomo from tho oudlel. but formed a part of the budget of the nation for tho year ADDITIONAL FBESENTS Some grand dukes. ct-peUally the hi others of Alexander II nnd his Hons, icielved the latter, who was most renerou In regard to tho members of his family, large estates ns presents, vvhlih were generally entailed on their eldest sons Thus their private for tunes were very much Increased. Tho old Grand Duke Michael, who was a very shrewd and clever man, made excellent Investments, especially during hi tenancy of tho vlce rojalty of tho Caucasus, which ho held for something like twenty jears. If not more. He left a huge fortune to hi numerous chil dren, which some of them soon managed to squander, being reduced to their early In come out of tho Oudlel This came to an end with thn levolutlon, and the loss left them In dire straits, ns was the case with the Grand Dul.c Michael and hi wife, pretty Countess Torby. The daughters of the former Czar Nicholas ADELPHI " $Xoo'Mat. Today Rcr. Mat. Saturday. Holiday Mat. Tomor. A SMASHING SUCCESS! WITH MARY NASH Ty?,.w CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE MOUTH 8.10 MATS. WU1) , 1 m BAT. Nlxlils $I.W. 81. 7Se, 60c Jl.is. II. ill-, 60c lUccpt Mils. & Holiday. Msr. Blmlieit Tresent The Minimi ftrnaation OVER THE TOP CO OF 100 INC'LUDI.Nd 1UJ. JV1NN JUSTlNK JOH.N8TONE LVRI C LAST 5 TIMES Holiday Mat. Tomor. H $1.00 nUQULAn MAT1NEK 3ATWIDAT WILLIAM ln "8'!ie?:;.a,e,t A Cure for Curables niiLA. iNQumnn says "Deiithtfut remedy, I bound to attract large audiences because ot tte original lines, wrlcard-IUie iltu atlons and painstakingly conceived cait ' rAnEWBLi, rKBPuuM V..NCB inta sat. Monday Next far 12 Ntahts and 4 Matlne The Greatest Revlaw Bucteia ot the Beaaon Jack Norworth's Chummy Mualcal Itevlaw ODDS & ENDS OF iai 7 nntlra New Torlc Cant Direct From T,knnmnallv Successful Season mt th Their and Norworth Theatres. Including t mjou HARRY WATSON, JR. LILLIAN LUKKAINE JACK NORWORTH he Uproarious Telephone Sympathize v!th thi Rcenc. Iir JrK ."ororth Cxcruelatina Tongue Twister, '-Swim. Sam, 6lm." Hear at Harry WaUon. Jr.' noting Mtt, Feast Your Eyes on tiqulsito LUlUn Lorraine. Admlri America's Moat lUautlful Chorus. " SKATS ON SALE TODAT MAKE TOUR nESEP.VATIO;S f,OVV ACADEiir or MUSIC TVed., Fto. 27, a p. M SYMPHONY SOCIETV OK NEW YOnif I WALTER DAMItOSCH, COND. FRANCES STARR XVUt recite 'Carrllloe," by BUn Post Cam. matrix, with orchestral scttlnt- by Eliar. Jttairred aaataiat Htppa'a NOW TTTvTBVT-Y thb jqlly oiniji ' ", LTmwtero ? avsbm lFrai. rjrT ao LAUItACK. I)n-. f f. ff' j . i s.. - have the two million that were given ''ta them at their birth, with the exception ', the oldest, the (Irand Duchess Olita, who la '' herited Under the terms of the will ot 11 Krcat-itrandfather. Alexander IL; an Immense i,c. rum of money, which he Jeft trgardlese- of sex to the oldest child of his eldest rrandson, Alexander IIL the tlrand Duchesses Inertia and Olita. especially the formet', who was married In her father's lifetime, were very fib J, well provided for by blm, and the Duchesa ., of Mlnburah. the only dauahter and 'fa'- ''iiW vorlto child of Alexander II, wa ;lvn by, 'SW3 him a liuae fortune amoiintlna; to several ,v5f minions, witii tun condition, however, that this money wa to remain alwas Invested In Itussla. THL" OUDIIIL KSTATnS inn estates when were which were administered .by the Oudlel vvero kept In excellent condition, and sreat care was exercised In regard to the management. Their loss Is a terrlbe blow to the Imperial family, who. wjth the exception of a ftw of It members, euch as the Grand l)uto Michael Alexandrowltsch, the brother of Nicholas If, were wlso enough to Invest part of their personal fortune abroad. The Kmpresa Dowager so far haa had, at least It was the case under tho Ker ensky administration, her allowance regu larly paid out to her as before. Of course, at present It may no longer be the case. But she had money Invested In lhigland as well an ln Denmark, so will not suffer at much a her relatives from the new state of things. 4 It may not he out of pUee to mention here that the Intend ot Nicholas II having mil lions deposited In hi name In a IOiidon bank Is a 1115 th. Ill grandfather had money de posited in the Dank of lhigland, but when Alexander III rcended the throno he had It taken fiom there nnd transferred to the ItUHvlan Htnto Dank. I doubt whether the deposed Czar has really nnj thing Important In the way of funds placed In safely abroad. At least this wan the general opinion In I'etrognul when I was last there, three weckn after the revolution. Washington's Birthday ' Luncheon in Northeast Miss Sally Uiillmer,"of Kensington avenue and Cumberland street, will give a. 'Wash ington's birthday luncheon of fourteen cov ers tomorrow afternoon. Miss Mrtlo Hodman, of L'ast Cumberland stieet, will eutertnln her card club this afternoon. Mlso Klolse Sailor will be tha guest of the afternoon. 3 MARKET BTHKET ABOVB 16TU nar. A. M. TO 11:15 IV M. ALL THIS WEEK 6ELECT Presents first Shewing of CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG AND 1IUU OWN COMPANY IN "THE MARIONETTES" Neit Week -Houslas Kitlrbanlo, 'Hmdln' South" PALACE ttM MARKET STtfEET 10 A. M. to 11:13 P. M. (TOLDVVYN rreacnta MABEL NORMAND In "DODalNO A MILLION" A R C A D f A CHESTNUT BELOW 18TII U0I13 A. M . IS. S. 3:4S, 6.45, 7:4B, 0:20 P. M. VM. S. HART "craR PMj In "RLUB T1LAZES RAWDEN" Added 'Hon of Deniorraey" (2d Folsoda). Mxt Wefk RF.SSUK HAYAKAWA In HIDDEN PEARLS" VICTORIA ilARKET Above OTn 0 A. M. to 11:15 r. it. LAST WEEK OP WILLIAM FARNUM In WILLIAM FOX Plcturteatlon of "LES MISERABLES" Next Week PETROVA In "The Lltht Wlthla." Added 'Son ot Democracy" (1st two Episodes) REfiENT MARKET ST. Below 1TTH nIjU1J" METRO 1-rennta EARLE WILLIAMS ln "AmniBR-a MARKET STREET AT JUNIPER VAUDEVILLE CONTINUOU 11 A. M, TO 11 P. M. "THE REEL GUYS" tire0 EDDlll CASS ADY Others. CROSS KEYS .M; . CUNNING A8K 1,m RTIOADWAY BItOAD t 8NTDER AVE UllUAIttAI DAILT NIQUTLI "MY BEST GIRL" DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS "" JIusketaer" FORREST I,I0"TS at sins r WlVI,o x Matlneea Tomorrow A Bat. CAPITAL DIVERSION." Evg. Ledjer. Extra Mat. Tomorrow waahingtonv Birthday I1E.NRT W. 6AVAQD OtTara TUB NEW MUSICAL COMEDT i 80 People mam i mm m& A TRAIN OF MIRTH AND MELODT Mflits, Irrl. 8at. Mats. Entire At rV (Lxeept Sat. and Washing- Lower .7) I . jl I ton a Hlrthday Evas ) 'Floor V ' v l'ltnty of (lood Seats. BOo and $1.00 UAUKlvvlV sutj, Tomorrow L gliU "AN INSTANTANEOUS SUCCESS." Telaarapa. Extra Mat. Tomorrow wh$m0Jr,,' OLIVER MOROSCO S LAUQHINO HIT &n& BROAD Last 3 Evgs. "SJ-JSay Extra Mat. Tomorrow SJ' LOVE FORBIDDEN With ROBERT EDESON Next Monday Seats Today CHARLES DILLINGHAM PrmnU PENERAL I Wm. Courtenay POST ( Thomas A. Wisa, A Love Comedr by 3. E. Harold Terry. . k i ii i! T op li ti si i a NEXT MONDAT EVENIMO AT IUS ISjiImJ wnwi MU nSCNamKi Smiling "PAT" O'BRIENS Lieutenant Eojal Firing Corp. I f ' My Kscape From a German Prison Cam ; Most Enthralling Story ef Adventure. f' ., ata 7So to 2 Htppa'a, )10 Chestnut, ., f,,, ffl r -cv V&irviJ'a rnTJUArptcv ' t' ,J Saata . t TrlTmTTo milcv a rnrir iJ. T. XEilill O AJtlEtAXXVb ...i-1 WSaW 2 SHOWS TODAY-3 u ANNETTE TCELLERMANNv, .. and HBR BIO SHOW , ir1-'- Lew DOCKSTADER'RubevilW ELBA RUEOOEIt t CO.! MAtIB KINO-qtajai, CTD ANn OaimantownAv. at Vaaavaat OlKAlNU BwtMrt'Araiwerawt OWnwiaa 1 tutbtrtxawnrrSSSt FRANCISX'f JUSHMAK " and MBVRBttV TtATXK to -'UNPgft BUaMIClj uxtijs Rsraas it- i a ',ol v l'S fl .,r"Y 'i&m m Sllverouys to apeak. , Soott, J'aper Company. BlHv-tMUtont' Bwployea.aaa IrUtHimi . , i .ft. ' M - -5i