Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 21, 1918, Final, Image 1

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final Euentno
ft IV.-NO. 137
C'orntdnT, WIS, thi rtntio I.IMH COMI-ASt
t'A Am1-nQC!UrlnV;
Mied ilUDdbbdUUlb
fenjrlip1med bv News
ferwneinieu uy iicwd
T?erit; Surrender
1j - "
obilization of Army
Mad Been Ordered
hcviki Base Hone on
Threat of Civil War in
fcN r.Dvmiinv
, '
., , ,,-
RL1N (via London), Itb. .1. .
Hsing eastward irom .. 1
and Uono (a irom 01 mu.t
I .l,.nArl th I
400 miles), wc iwtc ....-.
of the enemy ana ",r"m
veral dl-
.... a I'pnerai. bc
nnn c- ,
nl commanders, . ouicc.b -men,"
the German War Office
red today. '
tdditlon to prisoners we iook
nn 120 machine guns, ocr
.,.nmoblle8. food-laden trains.
'Incalculable other material."
Wt hac occupied i-eai u'
itlng the frozen Sand Uher," the
H said. "We nae nwmi
Bgh Wcnden and arc now before
..... il, tiet nf
Wtnden Is nrty im ""''""
mr.d Yolmar. 01 votmar. ...."
farther toward Petrogra.i ....
are on the direct rallioad -line
i niea to the capital-
J.Tnrf-nA1. IVb IU lueiaje:"
ruii'vu.. ,
American Ambassador i rai.c. ....
Allied envoys at noon ioua .."
wring for a uutck departure from
...v Thev were oerwiieim".
"'" - - !. -..,1 I
the sudclen news ot wn. ..
...vn willingness- o mum "
iilrtated peace. me
declared, (
r. tnat eeu
sepal ace ieace
not mean a bieal: between i.us-
the Allies
r Lctilne was the chief advo-,
the wireless sent out from here
icing ltussla's -willingness tcr sign
iCerman peace. Tour other com-
Maries supported I-enlne, while four
iscd him
t opinion prevails here that. Petro-
'. e-.- tn i. ,1-m.IaiI vTlthln a fort-I
sfatewlll bedeciueu wiinui a i
jc ' i
? ......, ine,o.i
ArPr. t , 1-aI, 11 felelaveu). 1
.C iceji.w, . - .
w i. .i r.r Hia nnsslanArmy on
:fc '""''" -'" .,.,,,-.. 1
halted and wired the soldiers in
Itrograd: "Do jour dut ! uctena ine
ulutlon 1"
IBy an overwhotiiilng majority the (
Mievlkl and revolutionary Socialists
tiie left in the central executive com-
Kee voted to defend Petrograd at
costs. A mobilization of all work-
lit being considered.
tie information was nasnea iojub
lotny Institute that If the majority
allsts do not break with the Ger-
nf Government the Independent So
fts will start a civil war.
e Germans have occupied Hapsal
sport on the gulf of Finland. ftfl-,
t'mllea aiuthwest of Iteval) and
ca an mo omciai aim members of I
. s . . I
! o let
Irom Dvlnk (125 miles east of Riga)
.' enemy Is advancing toward raofr.
( Important railroad center about 100
I northeast ot Ovlnsk and I7S miles
sitliwest of Petrograd.
fht Austro-GernianH are concentrat-
r niAnn is.ji criieiveABeAM- r ... .- i.ii .
i .v..s ... .,,, iiuui, wuiie .
forces of the Ukraine Itada ure con- I
slratlng at Brest-Lltovsk, under CI
et -
, report was received from Kleff
ay tnat the llada had proclaimed
ptance "of the Austro-Hungarlan
lie -first ot the foregoing dispatches
i AmDassaaor Francis and the Allied
omats were to leave for "San Fran.
It" which may have meant "San t"ran-
but was garbled In cable trans.
fritls would be the only comparatively
"o cney couia travel, un tne north,
"Finlneh revolution is under way:
the west and southwest the Austro-
rniana are advancing, while on the
n tne Cossacks are threatening.
v , -
i r
LONDON, Feb, 21.
erman detachments twenty -miles
"or VltehBle distributed nmiMo.
1 1 declaring resistance tn Rnmnn,,l
i e...n. ...... t.t f.... . I
' ,uu,v, aiiu e,iv uciiiimii jgrces are
Mtrln to occupy Petrograd. accord-
in..i..-M . i... w ... "
Si't iwniB,owi nsv xnr, veMUBIIl XwS
gra.v . .
ill -Editdr "and Col. Repinirton
?bIUihed Forbidden Articles
DDK. Fh. 21-.K. A. n -..
l ! .TjvttilnW fnfiiln i. . M
ijwianUColonel lUplngton military
N pt the 5 paper, were, today fined
E .aW for pubi'shin refer.
ff-V'TsK"':r-Si-,j:s.r-wi. ana
(0 ine Versailles' conrerene. ..
tides "in question had been for-
)tffHM4 Butchers en Strike
ma HAncK
, i - , .
- TiJUrtss
i mri
2z f&zszs. !
Kill Recedes
Ited iIocs cleamed lodav where in.
tcrday u( roses tried loM'ossom and
bloom In Die springlike thaw that made ,
nood of u,e Hihujiuiii imer. !
"nperaluredtmiof 4". degieesvvas
caused ,,y ,,, HnIri(t of le weatn,r
"' Ul" 1""'" '" wlmr Th,? cl,,lly
uctl0II .ellt tll(. .nMCUrv ,, tn ,,
"'H - reHi at 8 o'clock this morning from
a lilgli mark of 51 degrees yesterday
morning. The change (o colder. c
coullng In the Weather Uureau, was duo
to the movement of ii high-pressure area
moving fiom western C nutria southeast
ward across the t mintt . I'uli and con
tinued cold weather will prevail tonight
and tomorrow, with the lowest tem
perature tonlghtv uliout IS deeieex and
diminishing northwest .wind", todaj's
forecast said
The Ice-filled water uf the SYhuvlklll
ImiI recedsd almost to normal thlsmoin-
I..- .Il I (... ... -.!..
MH nun iipiiik u'liniin iu 'iKIllt'CIl
feet above normal, a lecord since 1!0I,
As a result seveial mills nlong the liver
at ManaMink mid Venice Island vine
shut down. It was the first time that Icllnrri elthei "now or at am future time
,,!!rll8'""d."lJ,"oa,',1"'Lnf"r,e,lll"' VPt anything fiom an Institution
to close on account of a flood. So lapld- , :, , ......
ly did the flood-tldf ubate that little
actual damage wan done. It uui said.
1'iilL.AUELil'HlANb KKKr
Take Down Many Moie Trophies at
ie Trophies at
mnel Club
West Chester Kennel Club
N'i:w YoltIC, 1'eb, 21 ThroUEhout
lVb. 21 Tiirouelioiit
the day lMilladelphluns continued heir
n Inning streak at the Westmlnstei 'Ken-
ltel Club's dog iliow.
111 pointers. V T. l'acne's Mldklff
Zuka was thin) in meiicau-bied
bitches and hi the limit under rift
pounds In the open class for the tame
weight the blue ribbon was won bv the
l'ane cntn. Jlldklff Imperlu JIaud,
and Htei won first In wlnneis, with
Joseph (J Amistrnne'it Post Tlmil
ledger J!eseie In i the open class fori
bitches, fifty pounds and ocer. the Uobi
White ICennels mnil Its Initial appear-1
anc-e ami scoreu icn place Willi j.jns.
downe I'rlit
, In the field tl In liss William ZelB
ler. Jr.'s (heat Island, Hinging Hells,
Comanche Itap and Mary lontroe, the
ftreatest htilnE of neld trial performers
In the countrv, were first, hecoml.nnd
thlid. The Hob While entiv, I.ans.
downe I'rlm. was fourth In Sehlppetlies
TiaUk 1. Smith MWettt nil H.lRvna fn.m
American-bred tn winners dogs with his
llamiv liov In YnrLsbiioM m. .,..
, lianllffe'H Lena and I.Ittle Marvel were.!"1
1 udrintnl nml 4lil.l t. ..... a . -i.
Hecond and third In the open to Galen
o.vh ni. vviiireiis King, and Tna was
reserve In winners to the same dog.
Mrs, Jlarrv S, 1'eastei, among other sue-
esses, nas (list In riilliimluMH with
Peaster'n l.lttle .luanlta.
. .
ii VE I
Mrs. Katip Loeb's Boy Gets Fliend
to Wtite He's FigTrtjng
With Cunadians
Somewhere In Philadelphia there Is
a worried iiu.thei Mrs Ifatle Loeb
who doesn't Know where her son Is
Should the mother see this, she will
know that her bov Is with the Canadian I
railroad troops In dance. I
A letter has reached this elty written I
bv n. friend of the missing son The mis. i
"' suites that the fcon was doing his!
,.b)l p-rance and that he bad en-
listed unuer tne name or ".lumes Calu-
nan, -o. -, .ut..o-i, .mi e,, eanauian i
rauioau troops, i ranee. -
.,. .-.... r.t. .
tne nun iiriin iuiiriiess. je says
that he wants his mother to Wilte tn '
hliit because, .perhaps, he may never
fcomo back to PliliaiJelplilu,
"-4-A' ' VAt. A VJUVialllXa
Eighty-one Not Yet Reported Upon
and 1917 Saved
WASHINGTON. Feb. 21 The War
Department this afternoon Issued an
announcement placing the total Identi
fied American soldiers dead as a result
of the Tiiscaulu sinking at 127, Including
tluee otllcers
Klgbt-one who sailed on the Tuu
canla have not et been reported upon.
n1.,e Kn0B'1 lo "a'e uee11 saeu ar
, -
ar-irrnn i cTTTV PKRTIIcfrATK
. sirf - wu.Kiuawtaau
. mr, , ... .,.
KA I . Ill 11. ill, -.It Mirvi' I
-"- - -w -- -4 - .... w -
"Secictary McAdoo Announces In-1
crense of Interest for
Next Issue
WASHINGTON, Feb 21. TJie next
issue ot treasury certificates of Indebt'
- ,i.. ;in i.n. ,.,,..-., ... ., - -.
Kecretarv-MrX, m imimineen. nVi l. -
of 500,000,000 In the short-term certifl-
cales at 4 uer cent, elated February 8
was entirely subscribed, although only
the New York and Kansas City districts
exceeded their allotments.
"The amount of subscriptions from
the country at large was distinctly dis
appointing," Secretary McAdoo said.
With the first Issue, the banks were
asked tn set aside 1 ner rent nf tlmle
resources each week to prbvlde for their
allotment to ine niwee tiv issuck. ijiric
of observing this request (s bellevesV toj
ltatA nnnueil the "fllsnnrwilntln,-' onh-1
scrlptlons from the smaller banks and
trust companies.
The increase fiom i per cent to 4'i
per cent has caused considerable mur
muring in financial circles as to the
probable Interest rate on the third Lib
erty Loan.
The treasury announcement states
specifically, "There will be no further
Increase In the international rate in con
nection with the Issue of certificates in
anticipation of the third Liberty Loan,"
1 i 'a '
Price, Davis, Bartels and Meard-
wood Fall Behind in Scho
lastic Work
Coach Lawson Robertson's track nlan
were given a rude and untimely Jolt this
afternoon when four of the best track
men at.Penn were declared ineligible be.
1 cause of scholastic condition. The ath-
1 lefea harreif from comDeimon until thev
I make e up their back, work are Harry
x'rice, capiain oc iiir urowsuumi v irMiii;
FTed uavis. star sunnier irom aieroers
burg; Rd Bartels. a sprjnter and weight
man. and J Meardwood, n sprinter.
Prhw-and Davis were 'to havd reDre-
'lt.A lU-nn In ,h atinllnl nt1ilrls
iraines bf the Johns Honklns IJrllverslty
( m.' u.,.l-e in . Baltimore: Tholr
'fiir jw.- ,i ;;: .'- ."-... . t -':
JTas? r:r r
1 JCillilBiLL LUtlNd
,XT l a i. a 11
Won't Accept Anything
From Institution So
Lacking in Courage
Tells of "Hypocrisy" in Ask
ing Him to Be "Out of
Town" Tomorrow
Joseph IJennell today refused to ac
cept the degree of doctors ff letters
scheduled to be conferred on him to
morrow Washington's lllrthda) hy tho
t'nlveislty ot PcnnsjIvahH
This sensational development rams
this afternoon a' the I wtitt of a tilt
between Mr. Pennell and the I'lilveislly
when in a letter to Pmvot l'rigiir Pahs
Smllh.llie famous altlst and either de.
(ro 'JC'"B " courage aim juiu.e.
Jlr. fennell's tetter" wai hi answer to
nne rltten tlJ ,,,, ,,,. 1)ro0,t lSmtll
Informing him briefly and without ex-
plana,lon tl,nt ,he tu',l'e, of ,hP l'n-
Uerslty would not confer the degiee to-
"ererr.ng uuureciiy 10 tne action or
cue .rj ciuu in recenuy summomuB nun
hrforo the governing bod tn amwer
lharget of haxlnk- nnde null-
tharget of liaMni: nnde nntl-KnglNh te-
mailcs In the dub and his subsequent
, ,, ...... i ..
resignation ns a reBiilt of the affair, the
renowned nrtNt charges Ibe I'nlverslty jwas wldel) Icnowji In mllltiiy and niedl
wlth sacrlflchiR him on the altar of cal circles, died today lit his home, 11.1.'
local prejudice. lie further claims that
the action of the trustees Is thq result
of fear of local ilimor"
ltevonlliig also that In a tall: which
he bad with the provost on last Monday
It was suggested that he " be out of
town" for Washington's Birthday ns a
best means of evuillng humiliation for
himself and of the Institution, Tennell
ftaH the provost for 'hvpocrlsj" and
,, , .., ... ,,, ...
declares the authoillles would hae left
him the "victim until the last echo liaa
filed away."
nespne tne tact mat tne wnole seetli-
line uniiercurrent or ine Art i;nin anatr
palpablj nt the liasls of the cnlver
lt'H action In not conferring the ele-' the TVntli Peniisjlvaiili nlunleers. In
glee, Mr. IVnnell In giving publicity to the Clll War and made an exiellent
the I'rovosfs letter and his answer. ' recor(1, l4ntor i, aH mn,ie tmgeon
cb irges that theie was no definite lntl- , ,.,,.,., . ., .
'm-vtlon of the nature of the piotests maov ol l"r ' ,r"1 '" """ "
against ills lecelvlng It. lelved special mention fiom Ibe legl-
The Tenuell leslgnatlon. ivhlch has
been the subject of heated dlscussjon lnUmceil nH brigade surgeon at the time
art circles for the last few days, vrar1 . , ,.. . , ... ,.
also linked with the. .umor that Charles i t-"'e r-lttsburglt riots iu 18 . .. .
M. Hums, eteran nrchltect. member of Major Turnbull was born In Phlladel- (
ine -ri uiuo aim irienu 01 j-enueu, was 1
to he rebuked bv the house committee
for the expiesslou of niitl-Lngllsh views.
The lommlttees meeting Is scheduled
llir Ullllliuirrp ...ccuiiB IS se-lieuil eu Aft r Rra.iiatliig fiom the t'n!
for late this aftei noon and is sluoiided. . , , , .... . .n
In nistery. ot Peiinsjlvnnla In 18 I, I)r. T
' ' 'studied liiedle'lno nt Vienna II
-u..uS vi.i.i ic AKi-isr
n tne meantime ir en.is or I ennell.
pointing to the aluable service be has
endered to the uovenimenl, lit the draw-
Ing of Insplilng lKistcrs for tho Liberty
I-oan and other patriotic movements, nre
(onthiueil mi I'ste oiir. folnmn Seven i
Npvv 7pj,1nilf1 Trnnns flan-
,-,-,, ..... -- y.
. V 1-k S
t.iivo HriRnnPVS in Itmn .
Near Polygon Wood
PARIS, Feb. 2.1.
German forces northwest of!
Rheima delivered a surprise attack
against the French during the night, I
but it wan repulsed, the War Office
nHnn..n,.j ibl. nflernnon
"v i."
The official statement added that
the number of (.erman prisoners
uupiuriru iiuciii eji i'hiid iiiri
Moncel on Wednesday was over fiOO
and included a number of officers.
LONDON, Feb. 21.
New Zealand troops successfully
conducted a raid this morning east
ot Polygon Wood, capturing a few
prisoners, according to the War Of
fice statement today.
Enemy artilleiy was active during
the night in the direction of
Aeilal cavahy has been success
fully and extremely busy during the
last few gorgeous days in" the high,
freezing, sun-filled heavens.
, , , , ... , tili - ,.
llinuenuuigs aeuui uniuns aie uc,
tempting to hold Olt Ilnig's cloud- I during the construction of the Frankford
hiinlllnre lincers which are dailv ob- elated structure, has proved more (.at
iiurdllng lancers, wnicn are uany oo lBfactory t0 tlie ,)atioiis. The former
serving preparations for the Geiman route, he contended, was zigzagged nnd
offensive carried the cars over four steam rail-
nTIi '..- n ..
Allirty-IIVP utuimH weii icii
have been destroyed in the last three
days and nineteen driven earthward
uncontrolled, a' total of fifty-four
"quletused" by the Britishers, of
whom only, ten are missing, despite
the severest and almost unending
fighting day and night.
While Hlndenburg and Ludendorff are
poring over tlTe details of their Impend
ing; dr)e, the air is filled with tho throb
blng of mot6?s,'tho faint patter of ma
chine (tins and the thunder of air bombs
exploding In towns and vjllages bthlnd
the firing lines.
The' British airmen have dropped huge
ouantltles of explosives on billets.' am-
j mwnUion Uumps?, rw''' tjoiM&and
1...iua in1 N'arUiw-n. JrMcno. ..They
"Zr,7 . . . il' .. .. '
i tpMi enrmj sswwn ttywcjewv ssC'
Widely Known Philadelphian
Succumbs After I?rief
Major I'hailex Smith luinliUll who
Chestnut slrceU. after a short Illness k" lmen as sMe.tei S Marvin
Although he had been complaining for J P'I'lent "f ll.e National lllscult Com
some time. Major Turnbtilt had not been I,al" Wnltei r llalllng'r, loading
confined to bid It li.nl not been be.alcll"ot ","1 eiiKlneer: Oeorge Burn
lleveel that hlrf ccndltlem was serious. """ ' I'MiKier and social leformer.
Maior Turnbull was tli author of "ot "' I""',K "t w "f tli highest of-
several books, which wele legirdcd as
,, , ,,.,,. , ., , ,
meoicai aucunriiie's iii wan niiiieiueiiiii
and auinl suigeon iu seeial of the
ir.nimii iiii-iiini en ,iiii,ii-iinii. ouwi
i '
I!"" wa ieldent singeun of the Tsen
York Oplilrinlinlp and Aural Institute.
I..lln I.....II.I.. .. f l.lln.lAl..l.t . hl.ll I
Maior Ttiu.bull also had considerable
military e.perlenct. lie enlisted with
mental mid division headriuaiters for
r 1 a. Xovember 10. IH1. lie was me
M)n o nr ience Turnbull. who was
-.,-, i ,,,,im.,i ,i,. u i i,i, ,i.v.
.,. Mlin., f, , n,. fnlveisltv
Mimlleil iiiedle'lno lit Vienna He mar-
tieA M(sK niizabeth Claxton, well known
, Philadelphia's smlal-c holes,
j. , .
" '"
In the eailv eighties Itoctnr Turnbull
Wa, appointed surgeon of the United
States (Icologlcal Survey ill Wjomlng,
- r-
Pncnlnfinn TntvnrlllPPfl tn.
y,-jU.v..-w.. - w- . v. v. .. -" i
'V - . . . ,
I, o tr a i i a rVlrit-nrhns
Transit in City
A lesolutlon making possible levlvalj
of "Jltnej and motorbtis renke n aj
lain wale " -" Hie cltj's tangled
tiansportatlor. pioblem was lutioduced
1.. fl..ii..M f.i(t,nlt tl.lia nflnr.nn I,,
,";;"""" , " " 7" . ,Z '
Common Coiincllnian Aueibaih,
Tnentj-nlnlh vvaid
Attacking the piesent tiansll seivlce
ns 'Ineffectual and liiailniuatc," the
resolution called for Hih tieatlor, of ii
Joint committee of Select uuil Common
Councils to ronslder the ndvlsibllll) of
modlfjlng the restrictions em "Jltnejs
,""" "" J""w
he. pioposed 'om -
died by tbn two
utul niotorliuses. 'I lie
mlttee to be uppol
fhamhein is lo lepoit not later than,fall to the pavement. Vvalsh's skull
April 1, according tn the resolution, im'vvns fiactuied and be died before reach-
new methods of ttunspoi tailor, other,
than tits piesent trolley service. The '
1 I, tl resolution mov Ides '
committee, in resoiuiion pioviues,
would look Into the legislation, that
Urova ine -Jllliejs one in Dusiliesn Willi
n Iat In ...milfe Intr Ibe beaw In.nllnir
I and other restrictions.
A letter jas. read from Thomas II.
j Mitten, president of the Philadelphia
Rapid Transit Company, In reply to a
resolution adopted b Coum lis two
l weeks ngu, requesting the lestoiatlou of
J the Second and Third streets ((hides
I burg) trolley line to Its former loute
I on Urow n, Nvv Market. Laurel, Front
I and Richmond stieef. Mr Mitten said
I the present northbound loute, -via Cllraid
avenue aim
-Norns street, wlilcli was
... , d aB temporary expedient
road grade closing, entailing many
Representative of Crushed Sinn Fein
Government win tie Bent to
,. U. S. Capitill -
NKW YORK. Feb. 21. The "Irish
Republlce" Is going to open an embassy
In SVashlngton with an ambassador and
will fly the tiigot the republic that
whs put down after a few days' battle
by. the British, two years ago. JT The
establishing of the embassy was made
possible as a result or a meeting held
here in which 000 was subscribed to
maintain ., mn.v, ,,h,e contributors
being the Bolflievlkqiub of New York,
W T$i fflh Ambassadqr will b DnTat.
rule- urs-arteu.;
wriu-.,.n stateil
l thatliiV
-l-jri.'," .i.il.
visit to 11'rtuliUii
"--it ' i .." i a"'
lately en ms arrivi
Little Supnort Found for
Governor's Legisla
tive Scheme
Friends of Prohibition Be
lieve Special Meeting Would
Endanger Cause '
Si' far is suppoit fiimi urJtir advo- y
i.itcs .if tpe prohibition amendment Is
i one ei neil, (lovernor lliumbauxh has'
little or no backing In his reported In- J
teiillcni tn call an extla session of the
l.rcNhitme ti, rutlfj this national Icgls
latlnii itirsiuv i invas ainoni. pnlltl
clans of nenrl ever line of thought
his ibvilnped Iheli i ppo'ltlon and It
inav In alnui.t inm lulvel added that
thtre Is ulijeitinn bv the advocates of
Ultlnll-wlde pnililliltiou
I In Philadelphia It was developed today
j Hint such aidim advoi ites of nation
wide piohlbltlou ns the Rev. Dr. Carl
1 II drummer piestdeut of the Inter-
Chun It reiteration; I)i Homer Tope,
head of the I'hlluiMphla District Autl
K.ilonn tnutti itlulm.. iia. nf ,h '
Methodist Kpl-ropil Chureli. the Itev
Doctor Jlelk. of the l.tithei.in Church,
and other clernviiidi me ni.iliil calling
an etl. seslnii of Hip l.eglslatute. Dr
iiiammii houevei conilltloued his at
titude upon the thought that some of the
! present lcgWutnts might be influenced
I by the iccent nil.ni of Maivland and
Kentucle) Add I.. Ibis the thought of
lals of the ivnnsvlvinla Hallroad and
i'" "' 'he Ilaldwhi Locomotive Works
and It beeoiues leadllj appatent that
(iiirnor HiiitubaUKli has conceived the
Idea of ill esliu session nf the LegMi
tuie wltliout iniisnltlng such factors In
the piiilllbltloii movelllellt
m:iii.ti m: xow oiiosi:h
'Ibe big ipimiii against a special ses
sion ns IndtiMtiil bv these advocates ,
of ' latlllcatlon" Is tint the T.eglslatuie
as nt piescnt runstlluled Is ngnlnst lall
ftuatloii And there Is no assurance
that a majoilt of these legislators bae
changed their minds
Iu the last Legislature when the lo
cal option measure came up 4r u vote
there were 01
f,,rtl nr,
'"L "C!
jJJJ ' v yl.'
Illy Kveut)-twr who voted
oposaV it Kipilied.; IH to
local option bill Ju the loirer
Vhat the tesult ntilrt Jia j
,,. , ,l. ,. , -, . .i.i.l
mined, because the local nptlonlst nevrr
ini. n n,.,. ,ii.r iikI. .if.ii in ii,.
t.,r ,i,n.i.,
These men will, of coulee, sit In any
speelal session wlilcli f.oveinor Brum-
baugh may tall, and advocites of the
I n rttill.tl Inn , tfln.i t Int. n In li.l.n I .Inn ,
ijiiwiii.ij.ivi. iiiiiiuniiuii nun iiiiiutiii .ui,t
., nl, , . uliihiail tt lnnnwb lff I..
these inembflis. .Wither do thev want
lejectlon, with Its eonseriuent effect upon
the country, it Is prefened to fight It
out at the prlmailes and later at (lie
election, when prospective legislators
mut show their Intentions
I Sample thoughts on th etm session
'pioposal nte given by lleoige Ilunilnni,
.Jr. leading Philadelphia flnJnclei, who
L seems to me that It would be In- t
ndvlsible to call u neclal meeting of the
Legislature to consider the prohibition
amendment unless tl.eie is very positive
,x UppcB that the present body vv ould
- .. ..... IM. (II - -
.vote ror raiincauon. inr oumi m
, i-peclal session Is an expensive operation,
.and while, the expenditure would be
I amply Justified If nfllrmatlve action
'tesults. It would not. In my opinion be
so Justified If the teal object is only that
J uf putting membeis, who may be can
! dldates for ie-eIectloii, on recoid, and
pioseculliig an educational campaign.
( onllnueil on ruse lour. olniiin Tliree
Connors'. Alibi Plea Convinces Jury
ill Manslaughter Tiial
A Jin v today acquitted William Con
puis. 2.117 Ludlow stieet. of a charge
of manslaughter, arising fiom the death
of Viicent .1, Walsh, 2127 Anh street.
'Ibe verdict was retuineil befoie Judge
Uenrv. In Quarter .sessions C
"r1',pll',l?AV,n, ,,efen.Iant
- jlllti wlrut.K Walsh nnil calls
.sessions conn, ji
on June
sed him to ,
lug the hospltul. The fatality occurred
ut Twentieth and Market streets.
CoiinojH and other witnesses declared
. .i," iiefendant was not near the
""? the ass "ault en Walsh The
...,. , ii:i.i iieen tozether earlier In
the evening and had quarreled, but no
blows were exchanged
Automobile Collides, With Biead
W'agon Two Young Men Anesled
brand-new car oeniiiging 10 i.. .Nord.
linger, of the St. James Hotel, was taken
fVi. .. irarace at Twents-nlnth and
Fletcher streets early today by Jo.af(ernuon when an eutlie tni)t of ,,.u
hlih'ave ue At TiJ.niit "'plrVV !1t .
collided with a bread wagon.
Two men. giving the names of Jr seph
Maher, twenty-two j ears old, 2125 North '
Thirtieth street, and John I rederlcks.
169 uover ie. 7 imuer ,
..... Tiiev nre anegeu
.......a- Iim "lit. Xelthel Was lnlnrerl
'-'r.1" '" '.;'..""'
though the machine wus almost a corns
nlto Avrtclsa
Magistrate Collins, of the Twenty
sixth and York streets police station,
held the two men under $800 ball each
for a continued hearing on Tuetiday on i
the charge of having stolen the car. I
4 Six Engine Companies Called and
Neighborhood terrorized
A practical Joker touted sl lire com
panies, with two battalion chiefs, and
some 150 residents out ot their warm
beds In the wee hours today, by pulling
a fire alarm at Twenty-seventh 'and
Cambria streets. Shortly after the
alarm was turned Jn, six Are companies
uppeared on the scene. This, aroused
1L- t,H. Al(ptthiSI-hnai1. vT fl sa k.ln.
urn tiiiw.o """--" " f" .""
located, an 'jevurnirn 10 mmr weiwme
u.a. .l,l, Itnhreru! on for thn 4nlt..r
-..-,.,..., . 1 .7 ",,'--'.,
CiThe nonce are now on ine,iraii. w th
CSfeaia oi.ninsy ewejo .uviiiissaTCHl lor
BL -M,ll,r , MIKaKWI . ' , -'-W-'-.
Only two victims of tho collapse of n V. It. R. bridge nt
Sixtieth street nud Enstwltjk nvenuo hnd beu Identified up to
5 o'clock this afternoon. They were
Louis Sknlmnge, ngctl forty-two, OlftB Gleumorc avenue,
mttvloJ, laborer; And tew Piltirio, ni;ect thirty, 510 Noith Sixty
fourth street.
SilN DIEOy, Cal., rcb. 531. Mnji.r John Punoy Mitchcl,
i 3T"-or rf New York, today leportcd for duty nt the Noith
Island army aviation station.
WASHINGTON, Teh, 21. Aunilnisliation foices today won
the flint slrfimish ou-tho inUioail tantiol bill in the Seilntc. By
n vble of 52 to 23 Scijntcor Cummin's amendment ! educing
by $2,000,000 the compensation bill to be paid the lnllionsd
wng rejected.
So that they v 111 not letnul tho conaisfontly hlh dally
output, nveinBinp 200,000 ton3 of antlunelte. the mine woikein'
epiesentatlve3 notified the opcratois today that they would
woik on Washington's Biitlulny (tomouow) thmugh patilutlc
motives. Announcement to this effect wa-j made by the nnthiA
cite opcintors' committee In the Lafayette Building.
NEW YORK, rcb. 21 Lew HcCniy, tho Giants' slugging
catcher, may not be back in the game this ycai, according to re
ports here, for he is still sutfuiiiig fiom injuiics received -last
ec.tson. He will go to Hot Spiings, howevci, on Match 1, to
gether with seven of his teammates.
MEDIA HIGH .. 0 2035 W PHILA. 2D . 8 13-21
RIDLEY PARK . . 5 712 NORTHEAST 23 . 2 1113
Aged Prelate Sinking Rapidly
After Alarming Heart
-'.tie nprriUUm of Atchl
. .
usiiop rieneyr-
r some tlmeMfr
H, "lm has been 111 for
utremely iMllleal
- '
Although It bad been reported that lie
ad Improved during the last two .lavs,
alarming heart svnintnms ileveloneil iHte
this . if lei noon
It Is bellevdl- that the iihblkhniiV
nilvaueeil age will be a gleMt obsiaeln In
overcome In the pieseut crisis and theie
ale giave feais (bat be will tint lallv
tluousli the pie'i alt.nK
Contfnucd application to work hi spite
of his Illness Is lespoiislble fm bis
e'rltlcal condllloii
rim .,,.., Ti', i,l ,r TTnnlA dm It,
' ., . '
1'orts UjpreRlStercd Compa-
ttiot to Police .
Here Is an alien enein who Is an
alien filend
A Herman, loval In t'ntle Sam and
the Stils and Stripes, was lerpouslble
today for the anest nf a fellow alien
accused of evading icglstiatlou both for
aimy ilraftees nnd enemv aliens 'I lie
pilsoner, Morris K'ohif tvventv-nlne
(jeais old, .'Hi North Ninth street, was
repoited t the police of the Fifteenth
slieels-iud Snvder avenue station bv the
patriotic "alien filend," Who, the police
said, has taken It upon hliu-elf to go
among his acquaintances lo see that
lliey obe.v the national laws for registra
tion. The police withheld the name of
the volunteer detective, He hlin'elf Is
registered as an 'enemy alien"
Kolm. who was at rested bv HMrlcl
Detectives Smith and Osteibeldt, was)
,,,,..,. .,,. ,.,,.,., authorities bv
turned over to tne 1 ederal autnorltles uv
Magistrate Baker this morning, He told
contiadlctory stoiles anA said he bid
lost ills reglstiatlon cards. He has his
Hist Ameilcan dlbenshlp papers, '
Woiker in P. It. R. Shops Escapes
Injuiies When Buried by Cave-In
Walter P. Huhbs. aged fortv-seven
veais, J0I Noith Twenty-Rev entb ,i.,
I'omHen reevlced tnlurU ., .
amn- received Injuries no mor KPr.
ous than laceiatlons of the back ,1,1.
r'nns,l,ala Jtallioad shops at Pavonla.
where he was working, caved In, bun-
Ing him In the wieckage
Fellow woikmen dug him nut of the
wreckage, expecting to find him crushed
o ileal i, mil were astounded tn find
""" vintiaiiy uninjured
r,!. , , . .
Vviiy iippoiniments
. . . . .
A. OlnlaT,: 21 4 Soii.h ir.;."V.r. Ji!
t 'Hti .. nnn ii i nir in in.im. I
ln.n.nln- IU .Im.I i . "
Inspector, Depaitment of Supples.
Jisoo; Kobert c, roiter. 2.'27 I'ltzvvuter
etieet, Inspector, Uureau of Hlghwats,
,1200. and Melvln -f. Hecklei, 7013 Tor-
Recieatlon, T ' a day,
' --
iiQ.. n-o,,!.
Havana Kesulls
rillHT KACR,
thrae-jear-cilda, 31, fur.
Phoneta 110, .f'olllni
rickle paney, 108,
S lo S 7 lo 10 2 toB
T to X lo tl 1 to s
Iianay iic
Sto t
to a I to a
Tlm. 1.0f Ulanni. Hweat Marsueriia I
mr Ham. Little Manard, Kalbrln and l
Hl'CONtl HACH. Si; furlonaai
Meamer, Jiu
I.-aie. 10.
- , - "r: - 'Aiv - 51 - "ir.'
I teJinnnilAasiw, is
. usnsii
iiuiiinan. n in a T in ill i tn s i .
'. .... T ''".:.; -.'-.' i i rerjorxea iu nmo sieucu cmearo
ri.ufford Ul .;,' . ,p a to i C -contract. Doolau.. after; 'playTSg
i'siii.s . j ie j . hW for ten cars. 1nmna in
HACK. .!& fuptnnss, Lh. ier1a anil WBM taken . flVp hvWd&1..
-.1., i,. . tman wheru hb, P
..'i'B"j.'"i" : I i i ! I sritkinai nroueriies. .na
n if -ri An. lid. ioeuna i.....u a ia ..,-. --,",-.. : ',- -a.j.
i ttJL&l!J1 . ' . , . ' ; a , .4 !UKSrka lUf
.rL-TWm V'T M'iM.ti w l .mBrrm , . u -
Councils Asked to Find Why
Smith Company Has Most
of City Business
. t ti.. .l-.illriil inlin-i
, nivveoyjAprneir "i-1 " - t
l7l.nl lonelluPi'V'-Sl'm ?ne MT'
Smith's surety company was eturted In
Common Council tills anernuou .., -
resolution introduced by Common Conn-
ellirmn Chailes II. ou iaBri., u. .. -
-..rl. second Waul.
The resolution, greeted bv the loude-t
applause In a long time, was downed
iinaiiv bv a vote of fift-two to thirty.
showing surprising antl-Admlulstratlon
stieusth. 'lbs National surety e om
pany. for which the Thomas II. Smith
Company Is local agent, has done be
tween' TO and "5 per cent of the cltj'
bunding business In the last six months,
aeeoiellng to Mr von Tagen. Three
ears ago, he said, It did but 17 per
cnt of the total
"Theie must be some reason for this,"
he said significant!)
The resolution called foi the appoint
ment of seven membeis of Common
Council to Investigate rhaiges of
favoritism said to have been shown by
lontractois to the concern. Mr. Von
Tagen suld the Major's connection with
the bonding business In this city has
caused gossip and should be Investi
Plan to Aid Expected Teuton Drive
With Internal Rebellion Is
Promptly Crushed
paiiis. fi:h. si.
A fmiuldable (if i mull spy organiza
tion, the object of which was to create
Insuiiectlons In France while the Ger
I man offensive was in full swing, has
been dlscoveied Iu St. Ktlenne, 11 was
announced today.
Tfle organlzitlun Is said to have been
elliected by a German baikeeper. Many
anests have been made. Including a
diaftsman In a St. 1'tlenne arms fac
tor), who was connected with the re
cent strikes,
Speedboys Outclass Southern in
Dual Track Meet, 37 to 17
Wes.1 Philadelphia High School opened
Its Indoor tiark reason this afternoon
b) leading their ilvals from South P
. delnhla High In a'dual meet In the
' I'hiladelphla High gym. The Speedbojs
Mh,,';l K'11 superloiHy In the distance
, run and shot put by winning the first
tluee places
I 'At the completion of six events, the
West Philadelphia team had tallied J7
., ,,,, ,, ,, ,.,, .., ,,.,,.
isrr.-. . 1 ..!. T 4... I t.
r ii treim urn iiusii nun uv -iiiiuars.
. . '':!'. ...Mod,n.lnry. South Plill. '
1 !", JlllCliril. I 'H. ll" rf
Nhn(.nnlVVnli l.- l!rlsl W'ekt Phllft :
seiioiid, Msclntte, VVt Ibl) - Ihlrtl, Calon, I
West Phlla. lllatsnce. 84 fl. 8 In. '
lUMii 3umi lie oecween wuson ena
j.llM. jfBM s u
Half mile Wuii by Thonm. houtb I'hlla.)
s,iiil iUron. vt Phils t thlrC Cten,
u(l hila. Time, 2 rnln Urn"
!!20 vur J daab W on by Naes-ar. West
I'bila i aeeond Kalney South pl.tla., tblrd.
I'trretl, West Plilla. Tlma, 28 4 5 see,
June rein veoii ur .i-oea. ac j-ona
roncl ncK. vve.c ,.; r. waugl..
" ' .1 . V M-V. ' I. r i
Mike Doolan Signs With Cubs
Mike Dotan. former Plillly shortstop.
urchatved" the Clumn
ororn-d out C
unt per a
liaMtil by
P. R. R. Structure at 60th'
Street and Eastwick Ave
nue Collapses 4
Groans of Survivor Beneath
Wreckage Spur Efforts of
' Rescuing Crews
l'our woikmen were Instantly lelll4
and six others were serlottsly Injured
when a railroad trestle on a. small bridge
at Sixtieth street and Kaslwlck avenut
collapsed shortlv after 3 o'clock tht
afternoon. The trestle was, constructed
iccently In connection with the building
of a pusenger and freight sen Ice by
Die l'ennsjlvanla Katlroad to Hoc
As the foundation ot the tresle gave
away four narrow gauge cars loaded
with building material tolled Into n
excavation about ten feet deep. The
men who viere billed were found burled
underneath the wreck.
At D o'clock tills afternoon four work
men were fetlll burled In the wreck.
Their moans could be heard by a. squad
of policemen and woikmen who were
trjing to rescue them.
"Please help help " groaned a jouth
whose face was visible.
Police surgeons and other doctors
were rushed to the scene. An ambu
lance from the University Hospital
brought seveial puhnotors along, The
pulmotors weie placed into operation
and air was pumped to tl e injured men,
all of whom were unconscious, with the
j exception of the jouth whose face could
no seen,
The woilcmen killed and those In
jured, according to the Pennsylvania
rtullroad, were all emplojed by Thomas
J', alley, a contractor of this tity.
I'lrst Information of the accident
reached the Slxty-flfth Btreet andWooe
Itnd avenue station through a telephone
message from one of the clerks of the
If. A. May Foundry Company, at Sixty
first street and Kastwlck avenue.
Immediately a patrol wagon fllltd with
policemen and a complete "first aide to
the Injured'' equipment was rushed to
the scene. When the police reached the
l piace uiey lounu several injured work-
... i ,. .. ... . .. i . .
vi"c"j"i"'ec upier ions ot airt, ana IrM.-, ..
"i'"' WWni'7rganlnV1ihd"lUMWvA
j feebly for help.
. - r -
. .-., . r . T'
Heroine, With Revolver, Force!
Armed Man Who Held Up
, Her Brother to Flee
Wi:sr CIIKSTHH. Pa. Feb, SI .
Miss L'vejjn Bush, sister of Harry Bush.
station agent at Isabella, on the -Wilmington
and Northern Railroad, saved
the cash from sale of tickets,- the ex
press money and other cash from three
men who were holdlnr up her brother
at the point ot a revolver last night.
While the men were going through the
pockets of the agent, from whom they
secured thlrtv-elaht cents. th vnnr
, JS.XB g &"? $$.
She also had a tevolver.
Dropping the money upon the stair
way. Miss Bush ran suddenly Into the
office, getting the drop upon the man
holding a revolver and compelled the
tliree to back out of the building. When
thev reached the outside one of the men
fired three shots at the j-oung woman,
but she did not reply and the rnen
escaped. There was over 1200 in the
money bag saved by her action.
flnii Fnnli WfiV rtav unit Mimlit TJCTI11
.. .,,, , .. .,.,. ,,,,,
Be Limit Set by Railroad ' J 4
Administration JUsto
IIHQIIIVlirAV T?l. . M-. . s ..AK1
MAoiii.uiu.,, rcu. .i, Anrougn
passenger sen Ice betw een New York and,
Chicago will soon he limited to one fast
tialn each way day and night that Is,
two trains each way every twenty-four
hours It was officially stated at the
tallroad administration offices here to
day. I
This marks the Inauguration of a ns.
tlou-wlde clipping of fast passenger
service between virtually ail cities of the
What line will be used for the reduced
New York-Chicago service has been left
to Regional Director Kmllh at New York.
trains now run between the two cltles, ,
four ltaving terminals at the same time i i 3
None, according to Director McArim. r'r
carries a full complement of passengers. JSgS
j'or Philadelphia and vicinity! jritr'x
ud coiiHrtiffil coW tonight and Frtdattjffi
r'"' 0,C"' if"Peratur" 1onlahtahouirm
m teOTtt; diminishing northfatt-.'yf ,
Sun rl . S 'T m.Sun sets.. 5ip,n,- Ajf
low wsttr. S s.m.lrxiw water. B X n.m.I'', j
mh water.lO-: a.m Illicit. vuLter.10.4T 2"U &
..... . .' ' " - , .
TKJIII'.wXKr, ks JWC amnj tW f
s 9 no iu us i i i ii a PTTiV
- i
', iTTTTrn 1 1 SO 20 20US
" " '
Woodrow WIMk. :'
George Wtuhifigton
How the first PreiWt ItWfUa I
head in the Frenek iWeluUitMq, r,
crisis d8Cjid by 'th-akm wfc I
as PmicaMtcbiCroatsMrfc ' H
similar .Mvplutlwry 'crfhf in,
Rusaii.? ' -7if--h l-kl v ii
a.-l.l'Ii.ltU- T- '
vorioiu imw waai ayafaaaa; p
f ''I 1mr'W14,
1 L 5
1 .A
, rm
i. ifii
'T M..iH
t !
- -T,)l,
wn ' " mm ' ' '
rMWf'f, ryil'i'sfllli,'!! 1.1 ,., fm,.m. s..Ul rF ' - , Vt '
L f. :-