Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 19, 1918, Final, Page 5, Image 5

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    V a T ,
t II T f II1
New Jersey ah nenuy, uui
Must Await iMovo y
Gli Austro-Tedcschi Itespinti
in Varii Scttori dalle
Truppe Italiane
Senate Subcommittee Decides
to Bar Extra Authority in
Overman Measure
fS, IiMM.lli: llltllKIK LI TO
i tin
V ........
st, ..ti.. tiplnnr Itlver hrlelae I. mi lu
K Major Mnlth nnil III. i eiminlasliin. New
Intty t unit liaelc of the plan
rfrann by our engineers mil in nuea
ii.n rtf an nttprnnrh on llie I'lillntlel
1 this altle alioulil nt, nt Hi' rnoul, re-
j autre ninny monllis.
A Tli Moiill Jersey member, or llie
tir rommi.olon lint nil of their plan
templrle unci there U not modi for u.
t do now but tit back ami wait for
Philadelphia to ahonr soma slgna of
Published ami Distributed Under
A PERMIT No. nil
Authoi bed by the act of
October 0. 1017, on file at the
Poatoflicu of Philadelphia, Pu.
By order of the Piesldent.
Postmaster Gcreral.
"lloternor Jlclge wilt mil a apeelal
wiilon of Hi"- I-egMature at ant Unix
In enter to Marl setting; the fnnels.
lit ha ' toll Mnvor ".inllli. The
fcrltlfe ahoulil he built within i next
few yeirs. hm there nre in, engineer
lug rilfllriillle In the inn,
.Plillaeleliililn ii- ii t IVniiMthiiulit
r.alil gel liusv. and If long delaye. re
It now It lll not hr tlir fault f tlir
.jttw Jersey commission," Htnlement
if hamurl T. I rrnrli, member. of the
Jal.ritste Bridge and Tunnel Commls
sum of New Jersey.
ItOMA, 1" febbralo.
Dalle liotlcle glunte dal Quartler den
erale llallano nI rlleva che, nell'assleme,
le truppe Italiane lunno splegato uni
llmarUievole nttivltu' lungo mite le
llnee, resplngeiulo paltugllo e ilpull
ueinlcl it Iniurrlutia eh leutnvano lag.
glungcte le loro pouUlonl
Consldeievoll alonl ill artlgllcrla si
rrlflrarono In parecehl puntl della
fronte e speclalmcnte sulle linee nor-
I'etftions circulated In -Camden for
Stop at 30th Sttcct
I'ctllloii for a Pennsylvania llatltoud
slntlon at Thirty -sixth street and Weal
field onue. Camden, were circulated
today by residents of the llosedale sec
tion of Hast Camden, who declared that
the poor trolley service caused them to
turn to the steam arllvvay for trans
portation reiier.
A civic association to pass through
Ihe stallon project n lit be formed, It
M said, "! n public meeting win be
held. The talltoid Is said to liae ex
incised IM willingness to cs'abllsh a'
station it guariiiiiecu slilllcleut pitton
age to warrant the iliange. which It la
pointed out, would Involve revUlng the
entile llurllnston and Canidrii Inaiuli
mhtdule, wltli n two-td-thiee-iuluute de
lay foi eastbound train, and a thiee-to-nve-inlnute
delaj for we.tbound trains
Tiollej patronn a-ild thev would be glnd
ti us) the tallioail.
Detroit Student's Plane Catches Fire
rn Texas Field
Captain Hansen's Wlfo Permitted to (Public Scivlce Commission Takes Up
(Jo to Hot Springs, JVhcre He
Is In Custody
The riilladelphla-Caniden bridge nro-, I.a batterle Italiane. dl piccolo call-
Ject Is now up to Major Smith and the bro. furono attltluslme tra 11 I'oiIiia e
tHer members of the PennsjUanla I 1'Astlco e resplnsero parecchl (ntttll
toroml'slon If dela occur their re-j dl aan7Jtu ill rlpartl austro-tcdo.-hl
fponslblllty will not be filiated li- the d Incuisloue, bemagllamlo, anthe, tiuppo
jnierstato Itrldso and Tunnel ('oininln r still In inailnienlo ttso le retroxle
fUJa Vt .c iitircj ui uy .UVtlllU
Wnlter Kdge. of the neighboring Slnte
This notice was nened on the 1'iiinml
rtnla conimWslon today bj tin ,'i vv
,Jtrey experts
E In a letter tn JIaxoi Sinllli, Governor
TAto ald: ".New Jersey has now com
Dieted the legislative authorization
MCtseary to meet one-half the expense
era iz,uu",uuu oriuge. Tiie cost or the
itructure as worked out by engineers
jvomowliat under that amount Our
.Leilslaturo meets annually and I will
'((Hot hesitate to call a special session If
f necessary rather than In nny way re-
Jittrd the building of this most necessary
1 Improvement. ,Mw jersey felt It neccs-
ury(lo levy the tax while tho bridge
Tan sun ill iiiuli-si ui jivRuiiaiiun
The Sevv Jersey commlsslontru'who
will have lnul eay lu all matters per-
tilnlng to the bridge Include .Samuel T
French, of Cuiiden; foimer Mayor
Richard T. Colllngs, of Colllngswood;
Slierlff Daniel 13 Hendrlckson. of Wood-
", lury, and Thomas J. H. Harlow, of
: Wanle Shade
! All of these men as mcinheis of the
Void Delaware Illvcr Cominlsslon have
'rvnl weirral narj In rniiMlderlni? ami
'Uormulatlng plans for a practical brldgo
between Philadelphia and Camden, with
the result that they now have a com
j'plele englneerliig project mapped out.
. So far thu print lpal opposition to the
plans Ins been to tho uplia! approach
which Is planned for Delaware aenue
l above Arch street This the New Jer
ir tv i-ntmnKsInners (lalin Is a nuestlon
fl that can cnl!y be settled and without
roucn io"s or time
in discussing .New Jersey's share In
tho costly projec t Commissioner Samuel
T French wild, 'The South Jersey Com
missioners arc a unit had: of the plans
drawn bv our engineers, utul the ques
tion of the approach on tho Philadelphia
I Mi I. nnn that nbould not rermlrc anv
RO ...! 1nf.lli nt limn In sMHf. II tinq
fc been a mitter of disappointment to us
that Major Smith and his fellow torn-
1 ml'slons hao not seen fit to Indorse
tan cry practical plans arranged for
use bj Engineer Wnddell
VranL 1rti lonn fM,1l Clnn
fj Profiteering in Congested
j Centers
jS1rAhlllMJ'IO., Tcb 19 Natlou-vvlde
rent Using, with reasonable lncrea"es
v trer pre-war llsuics, was stronglj urged
' )" Frank Morrison, secretary of the
tt American i eueration or i.anor. Derorc
i me iioiic pub c Hu dings and OiounUs
' Cnmmttlfn Indnv
5 Rent nrofltecriiiBr in contrcsted centeia
"prevails to nn almost unbelievable ex
tent," Morrison said, 'and Is lesponslble
for much of tho unrest among America's
"Ilngland, soon after the war started,"
the labor fcccietary bald, "adopted a law
preventing any raise In lents above tho
pre-war bisls and In that way did much
to keep the stabllltv of the laboring
man's dollar
tn is Hosoiuieiy "gseuiiai iuac u e
Government erect houses for workers In
fltl.. uont. ., (I .n ..1.1 tl.l.lnnn.l
' (V,n,l ulinrn may til.nlu lio.o ti.nn
(reatly Increased
'The housing bill this committee Is
considering asks for $30 000,01)0 and
that will bo only ii starter If the war
lasts '
Morrison denied that labot wants the
Government to build houses for them
after the wai
'All that will be asked then Is that
v the workers will bo Rllovved to eain tl e j
money to build their own homes, al-,
though 1 believe the Government should!
' lend tlir. ,rnvf fnf thin mininse. ttlSt ns I
1 It lends money to farmers " ,
etu.lt Mlci was badly I '" "-'"' ,l" hnl lm"c (!l,r,,f"m ""', '"
ils iiliiilniie burst lnlol1'1""' ''"cl"t'. " "djouiniueul was
ng ut lane 1'leld, iiear'"lKe" ""'" "' "ui"'J
l)l.l.fi Teias, Feb I'l Cmlrl Mc
lor I, Dennis, He
but lit d when h
names on ihmuuib hi lajve I teld. iir.i
lieie todaj. Doclois attending him said
Dennis could live only u few hours
Dennis wns nbout 100 fet In the air
when ho tried to make a nos dive
Being too close to tho ground In lauding
his plane was bioken and the gasoline
was Ignited.
Dennis Is matrled his wife living In
President Wilson will not receive any
additional powers under the Ovetman
reorganisation bill. This was today de
cided nt a meeting of the subcommittee
of the .enae Judicial v Committee
Membeis of the committee preented
tentative amendments lo the bill, vvlili li
will take awav any additional poweis
over the executive department that I
might be granted to the Piesldent bj
the bill. Ii was nirrced 111 the subcom- ,
inlUee that no additional powers should
be Included In the measure.
Senator Overman contended that Ihe
bill merely gives the President the rlRht
to co-ordinate the work of the various
executive departments, and that it does
not give him nny wide sweeping power
In thaimo. buiealis pud ilcpiitment"
Dthtr membeis of the cinninlttee tlelted
.Mis. .Matilda Hansen, wife of Captain
It, II. Hansen, who, with her twelve-year-old
daughter, was Inlerned nt
Gloucester city jesteiday on orders fiom
Washington, following an attempt on her
part lo accompany list husband to the
detention utnip at Hot Springs, N C,
vns teleased today She will be per
mitted to go to Hot Spilngs, X. C.
Put wlille theic may keo her husband
only once u week utul then fot a half
noiu at a time
Mis Hansen was ordered Interned
lietnu.e of bei attlons lu i onnectloii
with the ariest and Interning of her bus
band and 174 (allots of the tlerinui
steamship Wasgenvvald. who weie re
moved yesterday to the southern tie
tentloti camp Washington olllclals
have since decided that vAli llantu
may icmaln at llbeity, subject to het
fuluie actions
l.leutinant Paul Slioib whii-r t us
fodv the alien sallois ni.iilc lb,, nip
rtpoi ttd .on his leturn today tint minv
of the llennaiis had coinplalneil that
tlieii ' tlavt lluir tuiaiiHirf ,
Mciubets of the eomliilttee aro fctlll Iti forlublt enough' I.leutunnl siiml.
the dark as to what the Piesldent pin- savs that one of ,, lneii told the tiei-
Coutlugentl di liuppe uemlthe ch"
mart I iv ami lungo 1c alle Galnuira
fillono botubaitlutl ilnH'ai tlgllella IU-
I'aul In poslloue sulle allure dumlnaH
dl lAltlpltno ill Aslugo e fuichl toii
rentrali fuiono esegnltl veiso la alln
Frenela e nella Valte del Vlrenta per
fiustiate I tentatlvl dl avanzata delle
ttuppe austro-tedesche
Vlolentl duelll dl aitlgllerU si verl
flcatono sul sallente dl Monte Solarolo
o le batterle Italiane erllcacemcnte her
sagllarono le avvctsatle, riduceudo al
sllenslo pirecchl pezzl ncmlcl
Le pattuglle Italiane In esplorazlone
e quelle d Incuislone fuiono instanca
bill e complrono fellccmente atdlte nzlonl
ronlro 1 postl avunzatl ncmlcl a Grave
dl Papadcpnll e lungo II medio totsu del
flume Plave Moltl del dettl postl ncmlcl
furono sorprevl dalle pattuglle Italiane
die dlstiussero le glial nlglonl e toma
lono nelle loro trlncce con bntlltio dl
a ii n I
l.'attlvlta' dellartlgllerla oustro
tedesca fu abbastauza lntena lungo le
poslzloul veiso It cobtn, e duiautc le
arlnnl dl bombardamento II nemlco feco
nvanzare varie pattuglle verso Corttl-
laz7o Ma lu tiuesto punto, a tllfesa
della testa dl pontc, vl erano I marlual
Itallanl che, faeendo largo uso delta
granato a mauo, rcsplnsero II nemlco
Impedendugll tiualslasl tentatlvo
Ketti 11 lestn del comunlrato udlclalc
pubbllcato. (cil dal Mlnltcro della
Gueira in Itoma
Tia II Poslna c 1 Vsllco I nostri rl
pattl dl Incut slope tplcgarono una rl
marchevole attlvlla' e le nc-trc bat
terle dl piccolo callbro beriglliiono
con fienucntl ed eccessivl fuochl II
nemlco In movlmcnto.nel baclno del
sullaltlplano dl Aslugo U nostra
nrtlgll'rla bombardo' truppo ncnjl
che die marclavano lungo la allc
Galmatra cd etTettuarono fuochl con
centratl nella Valle frenzela e nella.
Valle del Urenta. II nemlco rlnnovo
II bombardamento delle nostrc posi
tion! sulle pendlcl orlentall
P.eclproeo cannonegglnmentti si cpijo
sul sallento dl Monto holarolo
Le nostro pattuglle complrono ef
fettlve a7lonl dlstruttlvo contro postl
avanratl neinlcl n Grave dl Papado
poll e lungo II medio corso del tlumo
Plav e.
Luiigo la reglone costale II nemlco
Inlensinco II fuoco della sua artl
ellerla. in dlfferentl puntl, e splnso
, tnnanzl varle pattuglle attraverao
' Cortellazzo Tuttavla queslo furono
respinte dal fuoco delle granato n
niaiio lancHte dal marlnal til guarnl
glono ell quella testa dl ponte.
I'ire Destroys Sihool Biiildlni;
CoCHIlltHPOItl' Pa l',b 11 'he
High sibonl liulldlntt; was burned ye
teidav The Hie wns of uukni.w u nilgln
the loss Is mole thin $30 000 'litis Is
the second school buined here within
eighteen months
poses to do lu the way olitorganl7atl( n
of the executive depaiti uts if the bill
Is passed
Asked If he had anv Idei what the
Piesldent would do, Senator Overman,
chairman of the subcommittee, leplleu
'He hasn t tnlil "s that yet"
Abolition of Cupitnl Punishment Not
Hm infill, S.ijs Aiionu Govcinot
mans it was lucks foi th,-m ti,.i n.
Mid not have lo make the trip In cat
tle cars"
Hoovn V
Laying Plans fot
Catch in llistoiv
I Comnlnlnt Ap-nliist Pronoscd
HAItlllSHL'llll, Pa. Feb I? -Charges
affecting the street car serv
lee In Ihe Itoxhorough and Mntnjimk
districts, Philadelphia, will come berore
the Public Sen Ice Commission late
tonay. It was said when llie Publio
Sen it c Cominlsslon concluded hear ugs
on the question of vvhethci it has
Jmlsdlttloii In the decision of torn-
plaints of Incieascs of Holle, futc fiom
five lo six t'ents when a dve-cent fate
title Is atlpuHted In utdluanet'S iiutltr
whli Ii miii Ii cotnpihles iinltl tlnlr fran
chises The commission will lejider no
tlei I'ltiii. lu any of the i.i es today,
'I he faie Incieascs nrtra-tid repre
hent.itlves of the Stale League of Bor
oughs and Ihe State Street P.allwny As
soclatlon. The first caso up, which was
representative of the others, was that
of Wllkrnsburg ami adjacent boioughs
In Allegheny Couutv, who had llld de
tunnels to the consltleiatlnn of the fine
tndlh.imr piopoals raised by the Pitts,
buigli Hallways Coiiiianv
The bnioushs buhl that the fi.n.cblse
indliiaiii .- llmltlur the fare, to live
cents weie passed under ruustlt'ltloiiU
iiltthotltv Riantetl to the boroughs utul
that If the queUlon of coutrartual
lights unilei' tln-ni Is raised the inattel
Is foi the courts anil not fot tint com
mission In decide The lull way repte
senlatlves contended that Ihe matter of
'file schedules was one of tho duties
.. ... ,,,, piesnlbed by law for the commission's
lOU Ilbll! ' consldeiallon, and that nt all events It
- i" tin In the pull" t powers of the
liik'irtst tale
I,, mliiig Lebanon anil Conshohocken
tinllt v ( will 'come up lite this
ft, moon
Lchlffh Valley Head Congrntulntcs
Employes for Work In Cold
Appreciation of the work of employes
of the Lehigh Valley Ilallroad during
the severe weather of the last two
months Is expressed In a card that lias
been posted on all the bulletin boards
of the company. It contains a state
ment signed by 13. 13 loomls, presi
dent of the company
The card Is headed ' Heiocs at Home."
I l
' ' i. . .i ' "
President Loonils pr'alsea the train i
for sticking to (heir xvork during
tf.ro w oh tiler, elcularlpg that Uxtra
not n slacker found. He declare '
the work ot the men during the
weather lias enabled the comrwity
glvo me Government "the co-op
It rightfully expects." ,,
Major Philip It. Sheridan D
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1, Major
I'hlllp Henry Sheridan, thlrty-mjenjj,
years old, son of General Phil ShtrMan,
died here Sunday He was graduates!
from West Point In 1902, Recently kt,
had ncen serving on tne General Staff, ,
BUI bl
!t I! Vtneli-n l.'IT Wiilnut .1
V. len.ler till) S IMIi at
Knrt VV liuttnell.r c jnu 1I J
l.mmn lth k. South llavar.1. V V
Ilnrry v Itcinn.tpsd Ueiruit Midi , and
llratrlc VV litis in llvtll c re.lt. Mlcli
John M Itennlnit ."-44 N I iiivrenee t , and
Marie i: brhnlW . IT, V Ilte nt
Pet.r ttaek is, - U.rniHntofcn ave and
Km I'xI.liV Htl T N lth St
Rohert ) M.vrs wt I si ruer t andllor-
.ni. lotalil S.'v orl. tltv
Itulut vlivpi. 1U Ullh t
XlllNliTuN 1,1, Ii i'ic. i
Iioieuieii and deep.siu iWhennei tv nt I
lutotonftienie with lt..l ihnlnlti.itin M VRRIED MEN IN CLASS IV
lloovei hue todav to imp plans fot the matrled men who have cither a, i
biggest eatch In nistnrv foi isis f, or ihlldien malnlv dependent upon
lie uiantlc and Paclth will be matle them for stippoit will be placed In Class I
lO Vlehl mild Of the iIjiIIv To... ... ,l.i.. .. ..,.... ..r .I,. ,l...r .n
the p.tcentuge of murdets commltletl I E,
I anticipate that within five years I
from the eonclusloii of the wai there,
will be u maikeil decrease In tipltnl i
trim? In this cnimtrv, due to the fact I
that peice and good will toward men
will bo uppeiinoi In the tiubllc mind '
utiil X.n. t
l srr. , in linn .i
William II Pool- ir Norfolk Va . and
V luln (lro. It'iiJ lullotv .1
tianuiet Kenan S.'M iTHlilfnril avr and
llnra 1 .Id nan H.,1 t mnltford h.
Simon Sehorr llul sih st and t sther
ll-llnsk, il."4 I ernuii al
Oerfr stratih N.w Vork cli and e'lara
s.ellilee 71 J 11. rk. t
Carey T. Ilavnor. i'mhio Meade "VI 1 , and
h.sle V llainlln Mil Vienna at
llarrv II tliirton JI.Mi taikaon at and
e'ltliarln. :t snvtt.r -'i-'s w Itanernft at
Jo.-pli lllfflilej -!n Ilortr at anl clrace
Irwin Oak 1 an t
O.ear .Moore, Camp Dlx N' J, and Lydtle
fte. lil-'U Vddlsnii st
Henry ejlll..nl 1TD1 Manton at and lies
'Vinai' ve'ro'iiT sThiV'si N J" nJ , Woman Rccof-nizes Body
John I. Shn.inak.r I'll", N .'1st at and
lesale 11 VMIlUni.oll 1 til Vernon at
Joseph Fish, II'U x iith st and llora lla
pa lot sk J. 3-0 Ro.eherrj at
John Carter, 710s xjjhrook live and Cros
sett Mathevv. Tins sajbrook ave
Jack Hlrnp'on Ut N Hums at. an I llor.
.nee itajnoiu. ." i iiurn ni
John napn ISIS N Jllh si una I.llllan
eiarria. mm -."'.'. ... .
lobn A lennlnas .21, I'ulnsll ave and
Carrie L I'avta l.'JT S Melville si
F.uiiene II "leven.on J1.0 M tflth at and
e arri. v e nmphelt. litis t ltutchlnaon at
Joseph Christopher lelp.rvllle r nnd
l Olicclta .vieienmrrr .cipcruir ,-
.viueiic.ui tinie thl, ,e,,i to lelease ted
l""1' 'or iignteis abtnatl tlic food id
ministration plans
1 'Ihe wai, with Ils demands for In
numerable mine sweep. is and skilled
I stamen to man tlicin Ins vn.iK
tltpleted Vmerlcas flshlng fleets tlie tlsli
einien eleltgateg said 'llie Milpplng
Uoird and (he Labor Depai tmeiit It Is
expetted will be ll9ketl ti. till the gap
to a tullng' jusl receiveti nv Walter I
VMllarel chairman of District Appeal
Hoard N'o 2
This ruling from Washington tlis
poses of any possible question as to the
class of dependencv Local boards have
been advised definitely upon the problem I
tint has Riven them so much tllfllculty I
ami henceforth nn iiMtrled mill with de
pendents will bo placed tn Class 11,
'llie abolition of capital punishment
In rlronii h im hid no adverse) effects
according to Governor Hunt, In a letter
to Miss Ljtlli M Phillips Ul feoulh
Thirty -ninth sited who has been lu
tticsted for several vears In the efforts
lo abolish the death penalty and Is now
conducting a campaign for the passige
of such an ntt bv the Penusjlvanli
Leglshiltiie ilon.i nbollsh.d the death
penaltv four ye.its ago
Governoi Hunt -.ays
'In mv judgment the enactim-nt by
the voteiH of Ibis Stale under the Initia
tive abolishing tho de.itti iiHlntltv has
not had nny adverse effect wintcvei on feai2iaJ3ffiEJiBEILMSEiaj
Mann & Dilks
Ladies' and Misses
Plain Tailored Suits
24.75 25.75 31.75
Spring styles now ready.
Tyrol Wool has an established
place; a known value as to qual
ity of cloth and individuality of
Street and' Motor
car Victim as
of Jlotor-
Her Husband's
Ihe bodv of a man who died jester
tUy from Injuries supposedly received
Ii. a motorcar accident was Identified to
day bv Mrs John Gabrl7 of 32JS Gaul
street as that of her husband
Gabrlx was found yesterday nt Tw on
ly -fojitli and Spring Garden streets and
died without making a statement Ills
skull was fracturcel.
Meet at Union League in Now York
Monday To Visit T. R., Taft
and Hughes
INDIAN'AI'OLIS, Ind . Feb 19 Will
II Ilavs today made his first move as
pilot of the llepubllcan pdity, when he
Issued an Invitation to all former
national chairmen of the party to meet
with him nt the Union League Club In
New Voik next Monday night for a con
ference and biuquct
Mr. Hays Intends to visit former Pres
idents Koosevelt and Taft and Charles
Kvans Hughes while he Is In the Hast
These who will attend the Union League
conference Include George H Cortclvou.
Frank 11. Hitchcock, Charles D Hllles
and William It Wlllcox. of New York;
United States Senator Harry S New, of
Indiana, and Victor flosewater, cf
Omilia, N'eb.
Brown Calf Oxfords
vlIK tiend of cor
rect fashion leads
to these exquisite
blown Oxfords this
season. Superb in line,
with Cuban heel, yet
extremely artistic in
aich curve with cloic
trimmed welt sole. The
pi ice is $9.
if'' ' 7
Luxurious Woolen Stockings $0 the
to match exactly pair
Shoes and
for the
l 1
The S
IThc Stors of ravmoua 3hoc.
19 So.
A Quick
Service Men's Shop.
Eiay I'oot ProfessiomtUy 1'ittcd Thiee Gculiiir
Btolhos Supenisivg.
Matfson & DeMany
1115 Chestnut Street
Opposite Keith's)
Out Goes Every Fur in Stock
In Our Great
Removal Sale Now On
Reductions Are One-Third, One-Half and Even More
WHEN we move into our new store, at 1211-1213-1215 Chestnut street, we
shall not take a dollar's worth of merchandise from o.u r present estab
lishment. AH thit goes with us is our name and the good will of thousands of customers. J
Therefore, we have disregarded cost and profit and repriced our entire stock of Fur
garments LOW ENOUGH to sell tin's big storeful of Fur Coats, Muffs, Scarfs, Capes
and Coatees, aggregating more than $100,000.00, in the next few weeks. r
This Removal Sale Offers the Greatest Bargains in Half a Century
Hundreds of garments have been reduced to half price. Some are even less. Not since the out
break of the war have you had such an opportunity to SAVE on an absolute essential of dress.
Purchases will be reserved in our vault until next fall upon payment of a deposit.
Payments to be continued Monthly during: spring and summer.
Bombs Dioppcd on U. S. Lines, but
Gunners Spoil Aim Hospital
Is Bombed .
KWnir im: amhihcan aumv in
ITlANCi:, Feb 19.
German alrnlancs are devoting much
J attention to tho Americans.
Lncmy .planes, again flew over the
town where a few days ago an American
field hospital watt located, and dropped
B, vuiuua, uui willioui uauiutatr. KJllV HUbtllC
.".nunc! nttis untcil in cat lie ill u unue-
ftd condition by an American aviator.
I Tho activity of the American anti
aircraft cunncrs. machine gunners and
Kj battery operators kept the enemy ma-
.illicit uom nying tow cnougu eu gee a
r rood aim. One attemnted to conic lovvor.
tlmt wns hotly engaged and driven off.
, jvnoiuer was cna&eci eiown aner it uau
"ecu mi ojr iiiici-tiii uri i. mv, ,11 uiy
ft nosuio planes wero over tho American
I PoaltlonV.
B ( The nrlllliv nettnn nisei tufiu llv.1v
. and a number of casualties are renorted.
One shall Hrnnne,! nn n. conk tent nnel
Ii, wounded six men. Three men In the
J trenches wire wounded by shrapnel. In-
.eluding a second lieutenant. Several
others were Injured when a town was
f shelled
Brlffht mnontle-bt assisted the world nf
S.llis American patrols last night, but no
Germans were seen. A portion of the
l 5t;ior was subjected to u spgut gassinc
iy the enemy, but tho men put on their
.masks and trero were no casualties.
Answered b
J. G. Herndon, Jr.
',Eyery Day,ja the builnew.
Section of the
Hardwick Si Magee CjdT:
Only at this store and
then at rare intervals
are you afforded this
opportunity to secure
Salesmen's Sample Rugs
Approximately there are four hun
dred sample rugs (in one size only
9x12) in our celebrated French
Wilton and Oakdale Wilton weaves
French Wilton
Vine as silh
Regular $QQ (f
Quality. .Oi.UU
Oakdale Wilton 3& $60.00
Price .
As the Stock Is Limited it Will Prove
lo Your Advantage to Come Early
These Unusual Offerings Are in Addition to Those in Our
The range of patterns, colorings and sizes is such-that you may secure a
'beautiful, dependable rug or carpet for any usual or special requirement.
A Splendid Variety of Extra-size Rugs
Hardwick & IVXageb Ox
Superb Coatees
150.00 Hudson Seal 97.50
Very smart model Kolinsky Snultrel Collar nnd
245.00 Hudson Seal 125.00
Stylish model of all Hudson Sell
255.00 Hudson Seal 145.00
Superb style handsomely lined Kolinsky Squirrel'
Collar, Cuffs and I'oekets
350.00 Hudson Seal 195.00
Beautiful Cape Model, with handsome Miawl
Collar of Chinchilla Squlirel
395.00 Hudson Seal 225.00
Handsomely trimmed with Kolinsky Squirrel Col
lar, a wonderful draped belted model
495.00 Russian Kolinsky 295.00
Handsome model, made of the very finest Itusslan
Kolinsky skins, trimmed with tails and paws
all around bottom
Sets Far Lower
Than Cost
49.00 Nutria 24.50
49.00 Australian Opossum, 24.50
49.00 Raccoon 24.50
59.00 Taupe Fox 29.50
69.00 Jap. Cros Fox 34.50
75.00 Kamchatka Wolf ..37.50
79.00 Black Wolf 39.50
95.00 Red Fox 47.50
95.00 Jap. Kolinsky ..,.47.50
105.00 Taupe Wolf 52.00
110.00 Black Fox 55.00
110.00 Beaver 55.00
125.00 Ermine 62.50
135.00 Fisher 67.50
145.00 Kamchatka Fox.,.. 72.50
179.00 Cross Fox 89.50
195.00 Mole 97.50
15.00 Skunk 7.50
21.00 Taupe Wolf 10.50
21.00 Kam. Wolf 10.50
21.00 Black Wolf . 10.50
29.00 Red Fox .1450
35.00 Taupe Fox 17.50
35.00 Kam. Fox 17.50
35.00 Black Fox 17.50
45.00 Hudson Seal 22.50
45.00 White Fox 22.50
49.00 Black Lynx 24.50
63.00 Ermine 31.50
75.00 Slate Fox 37.50
75.00 Jap. Kolinsky 37.50
79.00 Cross Fox 39.50
110.00 Mole 55.00
J0.00 Marmot 45.00
13-ln. Flare model. Large Cape Collar.
149.00 Nat. Muskrat, 74.50
Three-quarter Loose Model i Coital
and Cuffs of Hudson Seal and
Natural Muskrat.
150.00 Nat Muskrat, 75.00
Three quarlei Flare model l-arge
Cape Collar ant" Cuffi of Kolinsky
175.00 Hudson Seal, 87.50
Three-quarter length. Loose model.
All Hudson Seal.
Out Go All Coats Without Let or Hindrance!
240.00 Hudson Seal, 120.00
Sport model Laige Cape Collar of
Taupe Wolf.
185.00 Nutria 125.00
Snappv Sport model Largs Cape
Collar ot Nutria and Nutr'- Belt.
290.00 Hudson Sea! 15.00
Full length loose model .ege Col
lar and Cuffs and Bonier of
Taupe Wolf or Skunk.
275.00 Hudson Seal, 185.00
Full length Flare model. Fine Skunk
Coltai, Cuffs and Border, Hudson
Seal Belt.
390.00 Mole 195.00
Smart Sport model, with large Cape
Collar of Taupe Wolf and Mole Belt,
490.00 Mole 245.00
Full length model Taupe Wolf Col
lar, Cuffs and Border. Smart Flare
moc'el. Very good Btyle.
365.00 Hudson Seal, 245.00
45-Inch full flare model. Large Cape
Collar, Cuffs and Wide Border
of Silky Skunk.
425.00 Nat Russian
Squirrel 275.00
Full length beltrd model. Wide Bor
der of Squirrel and Large Skunk
Collar and Cuffs.
850.00 Nat Mink. . .576.00'
Beautiful 45-lnch model, with wide
Mlnlc Border and large, elab
orate Collar.
Mail orders promptly
Repairing and remod
eling at low cost.
This is an unprecedented sale. Don't
miss the savings.
Purchasing agent'
orders accepted with
usual 10 per cent hU
lowed, j.
7 J
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