Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 16, 1918, Final, Image 14

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    WTfS.V "
i ' ' - " J - 1 . a
tWr C5T?17i rwtnrT.TTir a xt a xtt- T7ir. a r7TT .
fiu ouii vvv mnivjiaivi ain iiMriVAZjrjiii
uh r ai.i.'i'HH! infill j i u in r rv
JTankee-Mogul Threatens to Start Something,
Four One-
ie-Shotters, Seven Holes From 420 M
rards, One Par Five and Six Other l
in the Deal Line That Will Make the Other '
460 Yards,
Two-Shot Holes Make Up Links
I .oJW 1
&-- CBPv
I I I X X ', --i '
few kO A
:i . Millionaires Look Foolish
BA8KBAI"r' ,n"Bntcs nro only human, after nil. They mako Uielr mlv
t-vT taH5s da' otter day and, after something ho been dono to correct
-.inoao errors, tney go rlRht out and make more, mistakes. It will bo icmoni
v'v' ,l10 XlU,unal I-eaKim tools a nine; at Chniley tVceglimau, of the
b.-CUM,' heCaUSO of Ills circus luirmln rmlillcltv nhniif til vir-lt.lltilinlfr.rtn
Kv jtikrol1, and It Is uald that linn Johnson, vent to tho mat with Harry
? Vrtlraatee-. of thn rtr.il ntt- i,.. 1....1 ...nt.i ..... ..-i ....t. ....... ..!... i.t
,,..i D ---.-- -. i ...i,., iiu nuu ntiutti Butnui illinium iiuuuk ,11-
'nniMltu ..1 i. .-,. ,. ... ... . ... ..
iff,-"""'-j "" riiLiiuinriii nanus,
"- hftlUvtwt II..J. 41.. ri -, . i.
fci. 7V----- . mu nun iwuui vvuuiti oc lisoti on nil iiiiuro ocais; inn sucn is
...VIlOl tllft MNA rntntiAt !.... .. .1... I..-.. i. ... ...... ... .. 1.
'VKr, - u.w.. .iuilii, ai mu
iM'wijr ur Bumriiiinp, tor u storj' Haa been unlcnuhed that Colonel Juke "may
CTa n,ko a J,al ,,Illch w"' throw tho Alexander, Collins and Spialtrr transau-
Kf'm '" i,lu H"""e. luippen is ready
PiTlrf "al" oven AVeechman choke."
'ftt s st"" la about to bo pulled
l.l . tn rar1 tmi.Ai.nt ..- .. .. ..I & .,.
, - PUii.,ui luun ui wupy iluuul
8 to bcpTd. The Yatilts need somo
rr only a r-iuplo of mnnthi away. Colonel
Wi aiikiu uio mo nncics to tno rumor, uno is tin iiuunert 4 nrter tip
fiSk. ' Kreat and onl' T" Cobj. Tho IMilllles
wuui icirou may uo it it lias a vnanco to mini tonic uib money for inn
Georgia Teach.
p Xew York needs a Rood outfielder,
L had Joo Jaekbon, of tho White So,
&Jt lUBBer nnd good all around plncr, and
v. -tho open market. 'J'lllv Wnlkir nJso
JJ3J outpost Is bcllied to be the. property
jvt, Jako ha a chnnco to get in bid with
V tar, plaj cr.
5 ... I
RUPI'IMlT Is nut n plunger bj any means. He dues not t-ccm
antotis to hpend his money for ball platr and passed up sev
eral opportunities In tho last few nionthn. It was said In New
York that Colonel .lake had an option on llufh S-ch.uig und (-trunk
but failed to cxcrclso It.
Minor League Stock Goes Up; Many Will Start
WHUTJIEIt tho lato International I.caguo lcall.i Is "late" or nicrtlj is
"taking time out" Is u question, but the inunner In which mlnoin gen-
erally arc making their uhuiiI preparations to contlnuo Is gratifying.
The dreariest jams ever came out of tho brush during tho winter. Tho
raages of tlio war had knocked all tho props from under tho spoit. I2crj
body had cold feet and the i h.iuco for continuing to interest .1 wnrwiurlcd
jfx? public on a nation-wide scalo wuh lets
!;! ",4, A1 A1 Hint l.n ...1.1 A.nf i.t ltd, 1.. I.
.711 -. VII.,, V.tL tllU IUIU IVVl illttSk lltltj
K$ Men generally luo worst oer JiilllcteU
s' , foodless public
" Since tho thaw, announcement comes that u neat flock of minora will
' be ready to tackle the usual assignment of developing stars for tho major".
At least a dozen will bo In at the kick-off at least, it is stated, and among
, thesu aro nearly utl of the old reliablo feeding schools for tho big b'ugues.
Tho International, In fact, is the onl one of leal Importance without a
certainty of "functioning" some, following Is n list of thou Intimated as
K being sure to start: American Association, Taclllc Coast, Hasteni, South-
' em. Western, Teas, New York Stute. Mouth Atlantic, Central, Xurlhut't-
', v em, Western and tho liluo Illdge.
ADDITION to tho above, two
J- hi
hunt, but on account of their
ratified b tho National Commission their names have not been
Dave Robertson Well
fTUIE animal holdout ditty Is being
-- 'Andsome Dacy Uobeitson, thcwalloplng Giant. The Virginia medico
has a joung wifey who Is stated to liao other asiiliatlons for friend hubby
than a low-hrowcd pursuit llko tho national pastime. In any cent, tho
demon hitter, who has Jed tho NntlonnI League the last two seasons In
, Jiome run clouting, is In a comfortable attitude, for ho Is doubly entrenched
for tho Indejiendent role. Tho avcrago holdout threat Is not based on any
thing concrete, but Kobertson has a piofesslon, Is known to entertain a
desire to tart at It as soon as possible, has another Job in sight and as a
player would bo sought bj any team in the country.
Many hac wondered wh this gieat natural plaer never has : cached
the dizzy heights of a real baseball sensation. Possessed of a gland eo
and an awful punching, capacity and as Meet of foot as any other plajer In
the game, there has been lacking something that enters into the attainment
of the highest efficiency In any undertaking. In Robertson's enso It uppcais
to be a lack of ambition. He alwns has plavcd tho game In a llstlf-s
manner and has made llttlo effoit to conceal the fact that ho was in tho
same for tho money neccsari to establish a joung professional man with,
out ready funds.
The Giant authorities report that tho aio not worried by Itobeit
son's balking. Thn Idea Is entertained that ho will come through In due
season. It he eliould not do so, however. It Is said that joung Koss Young,
the Toronto kid who outlarrupeu Larry Lajole last season, will bo rolled
upon to fill the Virginian's shoes. Young Young Is said to be able to do
anything handy around a ball yard except catch and pitch.
THAT Robertson is unusunlly bolstered for a holdout stunt Is
further evidenced by tho charico to servo as high school athletic
coach at Norfolk,
Such a nlco little
Ebbets Is Full of Ideas and Pet Reforms
UNCLK CHAULIK KBBCTS Is a man of ideas, and while ho has troublo
In convincing others of tho value of his many schemes. to savo da light,
labor, money and other things, over oni! compliments his resource and
his persistency. ,
ThcUrooklyn baseball Edison saw two of his pt schemes turned down
cold at the big diamond powwow in New York, but ho has the habit of not
being squelched and doubtless will continue to offer his clever leforms
Whether they arc appreciated, or not. Said rejected Ideas Included a penny
changing machine to meet tho proposed war tax arrangement and tho
"playing off of double-heuders during tho first series between team. Somo
cruel critic advanced tho notion that the Idea to adapt uny machine cal
culated to prevent short-changing In New York was as good as, dead beforo
It was suggested. Anyhow, tho adoption of the "nickel nursei" tumbled
before the revision of baseball prices upward, which was agreed upon by
the magnates, and the contrivance' therefoie did not liavo a fair show,
Tho double-header scheme went the way of tho proposed legislation ngalnst
freak deliveries tho time was not rlpo,
Itecently widespread publicity was given the alleged program of tho
Brooklyn promoter to pay all of his players In tho servlco half salary
during the duration of the war. This story was too good to bo truo and
r was nailed by the Dodpr chief himself. Ho said It would "bust" him it
jsucli a scheme were attempted. This Innovation would havo cost him about
$10,000 per annum, ho said, nnd ho admitted that the tlmo was not oppor
tune for such patriotic philanthropy, much ns ho felt llko helping the
..country along.
Two other Interesting and original schemes aro accredited to tho
'Brooklyn magnate of late besides those mentioned, Ho is said to havo
laid out a part or tno noiu ai tno uouger vain. ur leuius piay mi ear
Hand also to havo begun a move looking
'J - -
Kf'M OCAnClTY of good man-power in
0 is given a the reason for supplanting tho usual cmplojcs In
J- this field of endeavor with the gentler sc.x.
Umpires to Efc Schooled
BHESIDENT HICKEY, ofiho 'American Association, will eeo to it that
hi. itninim nnt nnlv are schooled In the new rule ncalnst triple ,-
I Jigal pitching, but that the rule is enforced. Thero aro lots of smart base-
,11 men (who fear tho umpire win tan
iXty and can fool tne enarpesi 01 umpires, iney turiner opine mat there
1 be squabbles and 'kicks with resultant delays' that will knock Into a
hat the good Intentions or tnose
.'shlneball and the like.
X Olson Thinks Rule Should Work Both Ways
i1 t ....
fJCi OLSON, wno Is wintering in
. aniract from the Brooklyn people,
t UWtime amy wru uidou iuq iiau
..." -.7 1 . 1 - l.- ..i JID..
"w ,Wir. ' -- n " "o uouoi iujio uuout h not lot a gam on it homo noor this
ba better tlvan ever this year, alia so ivau wants his con. aon. win m,i r tonint in
iw uu- MauiiiB vo aw, muunu v " nueivo mo con- th, st jo? guiinaalum. Op W.dneaday Bt.
.utcr mis pair ot citiiuovvns, it was
. .. - . ...... .
iitiinci-s, is unci inuycisi ui iuw-
to iriiHlt n bitiKroll iiini would
soon and we probablj will ! foired
- ...,, -i. .. i -i
iiie hw(,ii inarrM ana ennrinuu? puce
heln this ear mid. ns tho season Im
.lake N Marline In now.
pold .Ieuniler, nnd thero Is no telling ,
and tin- lip is out that if nlib can't Ijp '
would be cunrcd. Joo Is n iccoftnlcil
no doubt would btlii a hiiKt pilci In
ia belm: lllrted with, but the Itid S'o
of t'unnlo Maok. .njwn.. Colonel ,
tho kayilo nnd purlmpj hu may l.md
than nothing. It now npprnr, how
A.... A t a (.. flirt It .inllini. Itltlitli It .a
UVLII l.llt' ,1 IIIU IILUtllVI, 1 1 I 1 1. I , 111,1
upon a coauess nna more or ics
others art expected to be in the
applliallom, having been not jet
Fixed for Holding Out
wafted from the Irglnla coast
fall-back Job already is definitely
toward tne use or rpmalo cashiers
tho cashiering line in Urouklvn
in Detecting Spitlers
aown nara. i-ucners as a rule are
wno want to strangle tho spltball,
Los - AngeJcs, is anxiously awaiting a
according to a coast paper, which
uu niu a u wiiy ui uno ui uimriey
BU. ...A. t Ua .....Ai 1
IN 50MMER- Tne- Cccl of w itarly' iwoRinjimc. tart-
ThE ORtBM ORftii - TM, 3.ntj.liviC, 13RD - THC
Good FoRrM liv GfjeRaoi ComPainHoaj
7 -
?-m. fc
iscr--TT ---VV-X ' Ok That CCutS" ' CL'' I J V I Ll BET ITS
IN winter- The snjovx
MAMTLtX COuRCr - l.fs
TrteU- TMt. 05RA& wKV.
i Do w n t o v n Lightweight
Too Clever for IWana-
yunk Boy
ll 1HI.L hkli.
I L'siiig his long iradi to inarUcd ad
I vantage by Jibbing and stabbing Kdillc
McAndrews througnout the fiitlro light.
I Joo Welsh upset the dope ai 111 C'.im
I lirla A '. la't night n mi at tlio ind
of six roumls vuis rntltled to the honors
and nil that go with Mich.
Joo wasn't tho loust hickwatd In
pushing his long left Into MeAndiews's
rounteuinco and nrenslou illy Insetted
his right with telling iffect In the
foui th louiid, t-iiurrcd on b the rhout
Ing nf his manager. Hobby (JumiK
Wi Ih almost put .MeVndrews awaj via
tho knot Itotit loiitc. After Jabbing lMdlo
a few times, j,lt. ,. loose with n right
hand swing Tho blow vunt n little cifT
Its Intended mark nnd Kddlf vias avtd
This right-hand smash, however, forced
MeAndrens lo bo more cautious and
very careful
McAnUit-ws whs too anxious to I mil a
knockout punch and duiing thu sK
rounds fauntd thu air with in.uiv wild
swings Welsh easily avoided tlio In
tended blows
In tin- seinlwlnd-up Jno Koons shnilcd
Joe 1'hllllps in n bald fought bout
Phillips hud the btttir in tin tail)
round i but Kouiiss sltong finish t o
titled him to too lt i Islou Ham VVtM
with n big ndvantngx In height, wtlkbi
and riaih. nurnl his lifth Mi light
knoikout. win u he Mopped Jim Jackson,
tho J.ultsonvlllo blacksmith 1'rankii
Conway ilnfciled Toniinv Honnaii and
Jlmm Jojie fought a Uiaw with Jhni.iv
Scraps About Scrappers
There will not I- a Itovlm show at th.
I Nation (I A e' tonight Th. elul, Is ehanclni.
. ownershlii
Jo Tuber. Vhlhidelpllta's roiitemtrr for
i both the nv-iaht slid liaMininflulu tltlts
ha b-pi malrhed to bo St-le l'lef'ncr In
naltlmorn lVl,ru.iry "T The bout will bt
tiiflvo rounds to a dedilon.
1 rrnnlil- Miiitulre, under th nanssement
of H-nnan lllmlln hns niHdf bis homo In
tn- i tj 'rite forintr VVllllftninnort t,o
Is hot on tho trail of a bnul with IMdl-
1 M Andrew n
iterm.ni TrMoi s unknown
Uninmt luprlfl
i:,S. rW"Br.i.d or jAhirny NWe'nn T.rrln.
who halls from St Paul It u former pupil
of .Mike iJlLboiis und has neitr been defeated
.Tohtiiir "VI-nlrT, hailntr fullj reeoieretl
from ihe1 eftecta of r I rokf n nus-, inn
startd lleht trnlnlnir for fulur bouts Willi
tho leading Ilghlnelcht'
Severnl nth-r loml luxi-ra ar- plvnnlns t.i
staro a comfbaek Vounc Jack O Hrlen la
worklnn nut dally In his brother's Brin. wtdle
Henri Hnub-r th II 11 Island uinntcr.
doea hla tratnlnic at ntxbt
Hilly Kotfe'a four-rr rnllMment In th
tiavv will MDlr lu several weeks lie Is
thinking of re-enllmline and la set-king a few
bouta bt.for coins "over there "
jo niooin. manaarr of nattllng f.eonird
nd Utile Hear exrf-rta to -nllat In the
ay In a fr d If o h will most llkel
A up
it-nice e'lub
I Johnny lllE.lns nnd narry l'rantz. both1
member of Ih wlrelAaa rorps, Hra settlne
Into nnt-ilHs trim by working out at Adam
ltan'a acadetn. .
1 .lohnnv lliirim. manaaer of Oueale T.ewla
1 an! lb Cambria A. 1 . has made Joe T.jnrh
I an onr for a six-round bout with liusate
ie T..,i.-h tleellneit. an errort Mil be made to
obtain tho eervltea of Kid Williams.
llenny 'vatxer nnd Joo t.ineh. both of
whom stopped their laat opponent within the
required limit, are all et for their lx-round
or lena eneounter scheduled for Monday nlcht
at the Olympia, Th winner of thla bout
will bo In lino tn meet 1'ito Ifennau for tint
bantamweleht title.
Johnny Murray, of Nevr York will l;e.
forced to hla beat If he Intend to win hla
fourth conterullio bout via Hi- knockout
routo next Monday nlieht at tho Olimnla
Hla opponent la llarrv Kid llronn. wis, has
won hla last eleven Ilghta,
IMdle ei'Keef b been matehed to box
alx rounda with Dick bfladman. the New
Vork bantumwelght, at York, February 23,
.11 lon, tho local llahtwelsht, believes
that If ho ever meeta Danny Ihruah, tho
KnsiUhnian. aaaln, ho will emerge with flrat
honora. Confldenco la ligir the battle, AI.
Mck Ilayea received a poatal carit yeator
day from Tommy Connor, th hr ran ton
middleweight. Connor haa been wlh tho
American force In srane for two jeara
and l service In itexKo. He Im Jut
returned to I'arla after a four montha' alay
in thu trenchea .
St. Joseph I'rep Plays Tonight
Ht. Joaepli Prop baaketball team, which
I Hroouj i PaiD
This oncc -BcgiOi.s
That cXUB "
Thc Bill. Cocr Due)
Yoo T7lo" T YouJ3 Isir
cobb to bis sold
Detroit Outfielder
Said to Be Involved
in Bigg-esl Deal of the,
Year Hug-gins1
Says Nothing- as He'
Leaves 1'or Cincin-
ltv KOllKKI' V. MAXWKLl,
A I lllli the Ik
. Joiiiutd mitl
ioi slovo lt.iguo had nd
I th giand old game of
Ij.in li.ill vas iisltn' comfortably lor the
annual spring drlvi, sonic ono spilled
mnw fuel In the fiirn n c and tho bnlmj I
nil iiog.iu to iitiitirnto tno tun or the
dopcMeis upi In .N'Vawk Nimetliliig
had to h.ipit n In n i ate like that, and
It was im uilmotMi ilnldtij to put ovtr
the biggest dial of th ear. Tho Alex-
I mult r
mil Mllffi r tiansaition lool.id
putty dooil, but that lould be sur
insscd t'onnli s dealings vUth the Itcd
Sox iilso loonidl up in tho oinng, but
the i ouhl be pushed Into tho bacU
giouuil rhll.uli Iphia eoulilii't get uw.'iy
with nil of ihc big stuff In tlio winter
league, so It was dieidcil to sill the
girat nnd nnlv Tims Cobb to the
Kumar vendets winked overtime last
nlRlit, and soon the bluls on Ilrn.ulwnj
Welti warbling their littst la to the
denizens of that thoroughfare 'J he
news sprt ail like wlldllri'. nnd now the
(Juthpuiltes are h.ilfwnv believing that
Cobh villi bo n Vuukio und t'ol J die
ItupiHit will hind eiv ti- man biimllts
of eoln for his rt lease from 1 troll
'I he di'ipesteiM Insist tli.it n big deal Is
iiiiiltiuti) hleh villi land rJrus In the
big town, and will not have It .m other
Huggius (Joo lu "Visit Home'
I .Miller llugglns picked his grip l.ist
night and announced that he was going
1 home to Cine lnii.it! for a few tl,1s lie
was cornered by a tlock of scribes nnd
, while ho admitted that a big deal was
111 prospect, ho steadfastlv termed to
I drop a hint as to the plavers Involved
I This Cobb minor has bobbed up cver
ear and it Is beginning to show signs
of wear It Is old stuff, but they fall
for It lu New York with the same en
thusiasm ns they weliome n sl ila.v hike
race or a wrestling match It is the
I Hi st tlmo it has been pulled In the big
j town, so It must bo something good
At that, one never eau tell what will
I happen In theso tlajs of strife No one
would believe that Speaker would be
sold und n guy who even hinted that
I Ale'C and K liefer wou l lie placed on
tho auction block would have been sent
i to alienist Kor that Icason, It Is
best to treat tho rumor Willi nspect nnd
wait for developments Wo don t have
to believe It, but wo cm wait
Cobb Too Valuable
Viewing the things from the anglo of
the Detroit club, It doesn't seem likely
that Cobb vi ouhl be disposed of. He's
much tuo valuable However tho same
thing was said when minors connected
Trls Speakct with a deal. Tils was
As a matter of fact, It is much more
likely that Hob Veach or Harry Hell-
1 man, of tho Tigers, w
ill plav next sen-
Quakers Compete in Four
Meets Polo Title at
S;ake Tonight
This Is a busy day for tho retm ath
letes, Representatives of the Hed and,
Hluo will compete In no fewer than I
four separate meets and a fifth one I
vins scheduled, but was called off only I
j esterday, I
On Franklin Field this afternoon. 1
T.'oaclr Law ton Robertson will stago his 1
military-athletic games. The events,
which are closed to students of the
University, have drawn mo're than 200
entries and Include, besides tho regular
track and field contests, several mili
tary features. Coach Kobertson hao
been drilling his men for soma time In
the gentle art of hand-grenade throw
Ing, bayoneting and rescue racing,
Added to theso events will bo 11 wall
scaling contest.
In the Wefghimau Hall tank tonight
tho water polo championship of the In
'tercolleglate League virtually will be
decided. The 1'enn cohorts will meet
Yale, their conquerors at New Haven
some time He?. .e)r the Quakers aro
anxious for reveng . 1 ,
PJittA'ZJSZZ&'J' .: Tl.".T
a CUP im run 'Big 7coRmame(uT
()y, fvY flMNU-M-DutTS
AraD A
10 PeB c(vt Tax
Pi ill ow i or
THC CLt-13
Tf-tc Annual "Bill.
y'ofi .tut- i - Vm 'j
to yanks,
Ty Cobb lins been vviblicd on tliu
Yankees by (Jotham ilopcsters.
son with the lankees. Detroit cer
tainly could uo a pitcher or class nnd
llugglns Iris several of thou- birds
around tli.it bo could well nffotd to dis
pose of lit llinnu in A each would mid
color nnd abllltj to the innl.ee uutllcld
".Miller llugglns Is stealing Clark
CJtllllth'H stiilf," r,h a Uttrolt serlhe
M-'laik ir-id to pull that Tj Cobb pui
iliaso stunt eveiv time hi laino to pe
tiolt. It got lo In n stale Ji,l,o llverj
tlmo flilllllh lamo to Dttiolt he ex
plained Unit ho vas lieu lo I. mil T
Cobb for the Washington club. Of
couise, the poor old Washington club
was Just about as ne.u lo a lln inci.il
precipice ns .1 t lub tan git nnd still
stay above, but tint novtr bothered
Orllhtli in his talk about landing Tjrus
Kavmoiid Cobb tor the Nationals
' Frank J Navlu was getting some
what peeved about UrlUlth's publicity
stunt, which was growing liksome Urlf
tlth hud several vers good friends among
the newspaper nun of Detroit and ono
of tin to had n ses'-Ion with Grlllith one
evening (In the lobbj of a Detroit ho
tel nt which be h mded nrifllth n valu
able scheme lie told (,'ilif to make out
n thtek for Sloo.ono for the purchaso of
Trus lt.ivmoud CobbH contract and
the writer would pitsent It to N.ivln.
l'ine I(ublicit StulT
'Of course, the cheek would bo pho-
tem.iphed anil the photogt.iplis sent
broadcast lirlllltli made out tho check
and thu pliotogiaphs viero taken. Hut
(IrilT ieall pulled a piker trick, sineo
lie might have 111 uio the iheck out for
1500.000 or ?10a.noo instead of $100,
000, since it vi as not certified and tho
Washington flub tight then could al
most as easily have paid 11 mlllon as
one-tenth of lint amount
'However, the Washington corre
sondents tell for It hard They sent
homo photographs and long stories nnd
(ii llllth became a little hero, for wasn't
ho doing all he could to glvo Wash
ington a winning ball cluh?'
Hut, as vie b.ild before, let's wait and
seo what happens
Yule, Harvard nnd Princeton Will
Tnko Up Athletics Again on
Inexpensive Scale
I NHW HAVllN. f6nn, I'eb. 1C With
tho announcement hero' today that the
' triangular conference between athletic
I ofllclals of Yale, Harvard and Princeton
had resulted In all three declaring them.
selves In favor ot tcsuming Intereol
I leglato schedulc-s hi so far as possible,
1 Interest In sports took a decided spuit.
I Valo baseball candidate!! took to tho
batting cage today for tho first practice
of tho season and the plavcrs will be
! turned
cut of doors as soon lis the
virtither permits.
Although Professor Corwln did not
glvo the details of tho conference to the
press fully he Issued tho following
statement: ,
"Dean Hrlggs. of Harvard, and Dean
McLcnahan, of Princeton, spent, this
afternoon lu New- Haven in conference
with Professor Corwln on plans and
possibilities relating to- collegiate ath
letlo sports. It was olHclully reported
that the sense of -the conference was
favorable- to Intercollegiate' sports on n
simple and Inexpensive scale. It Is
hoped that this means many contests
with our ' (Yale's) normal competitors
tnls-sprinc." .-ft." ' t .x A
- f
i Hfe-4 4S& 'I 8l
i i
J .d J iHi1
. -ter
na td.
tt-ic Endless winter
Pliilatlelphians Withdnuv
Opposition in the Inter
ests of Harmony
NHW YOltK, Feb 10.
With chnmplouslili) tournaments' ie-
I stored nnd piospctts bright for a banner
e.n followeis of tenuis ivpn cj gen
uine satlsf.it lion todav oci the ,n Hon
ken be the foiled Mates Notional
j Uiwn 'It mils Assin lnllon .it Uk tlilrtv-
MVtntli aniiii il meeting at tho Wahloif
Astoili. 'J ho national singles championship
tourney, togi ther with th" Imvs and
limloi s' event, viere .iw.utli d to the West
side 'Itnnls Club of 1'onst Hills; tho
doubles will ho belli nt the I.ongwood
Crh ket Club, of Unstuu, and the woniin's
and gills' loiiiniVH will be stnged by
the Philadelphia Cricket Club 'Ihei
girb event Is 11 new tournament The
eiitlro ticket pioposed by the uomlnitliig I
coiiimlttto v as elected
Those Kleclcd I
President, Major flcorge T. Adee New ,
York, vice iicsiont Julian S. Jlvrlek,
New Yoik, sctrttarj, Kdwln Fuller
Toriev, Clinton, N. Y . treasurer, (Jeorgo
W. Wlghtinan, Itoston
Section il ileleg.itis to servo until 10.0:
New Hiiglaiid, l.'dwln Mieafe, Ilostnn ; to
seivo until Hil'i, Middle Atlantic A. Y.
Iakicli, Jr, Wnshlngtun; til-.tnte, U.
W. Ilalterlioff. Clin Innntl; Noithwcvlerii,
Thomas C llurton Mlniuapolln, South
westein, A It Adoue, Dullas, Te ;
California, I ir Sumiin ilartl), San I'ran
cleo In leg.iitr-ut-I.iigc, to strve until 10.0
Clinton 1, 1 Mills. Pittsburgh. Pa : 1
D Junes m I.011N, and Paul Mithloii,
Hattfuril 1 01111
Harmony Prevails
The opponents of tho selections made
bj the nomination committee decided nt
tho last moment to withdraw their op.1
position In tho Interest of harmonv, I
Previous to the meeting It was thought '
that the baelois of IMwIn Toney nnd
tho Philadelphia leprcsentativts who I
wero In favor of electing AI liosldns
either piesldent or vice piesltlent would I
mako a deteimlned light to defeat Mnjor
Adto and tho other candidates, but after
1 amassing nniong the delegates, It was
thought best to withdraw finm tho Held
I'ndti the l.ipld administration of Hi,
win Toney, who acted as chaliman In
the absence of Major Adee, tho reports
01 tut various committees vvto
through with dispatch.
Girls Tourney in Philadelphia
Two Important pieces of legislation
were suggest, il during theso leports
won 11 mien ine iieicgaic"! lo applause
'lhe he.iitlly Indorsed the plan to nt-
tempt to hold n national championship '
touimnient for itlrls under nineteen'
vtarsoftiRe H was explained that thn '
l..l, pioposed was to conduct the lour-
inmtnt tlurliiB the dec'dliieof the worn. I
en's national tournament on tho turf of'
the I'lilladeliililii ri'ekct Cluh. Tim i,. I
ject was to so launch the new cham
pionship as to provide the girls with de
sirable sunountllUKs nnd afford them
tho atldltloii.il Inspiration of vvatchlnB
th greatest of the women ot the courts
while lu action.
Joseph u. Carpenter, Jr, chairman of
the Philadelphia Club, had replied to let.
ters, however, that his club was a lilt
timid about attempting tho doubles
championship He proposed that the
girls' championship bo tried out on Sep.
nrato couits, and then, If successful, It
could be deve'oped as had tho junior
and boys' tournaments It was decided
to determine tho details of holding tho
tournament later.
OeorKO V. Wlglitman, of Boston, the
treasurer, lu Ids report showed that tho
funds of tho ussoilatlon .amounted to
130,000 and assets of JCOOO. During the
past ear lis revenuo had been about
$5000 behind Its Jncome. A carefully
devised budget si stem Is to Lo estab
lished to cat ry on the work of tho or
ganization for tlio coming jear.
n Ali'P umnT n nnr t iin-v I
wi .. "" wuei irilju OUA
Captpln Tony Ulddlo and Sergeant
Kateher, tlio fighting marine, will don
tho gloves at Jack O'JJrlen's gymnasium.
Fifteenth and Chestnut streets, this
afternoon, ,'IJ'ie pair boxed an cxlilbl-1
mm ui wuantico, va , a vveeu ago and
Captain lllddle did not believe ho was
In shape to do himself Justice, He dial,
lenged Kateher for another bout and
1'iofessor Jaw n lilmsclf will bo the ref
eree. Schupp Joins Holdouts
KUWYORK, Keb 10. Ferdinand ScbupD
star lefthander of thtr Ulanta. today Joined
the ranks ot the baeball holdout. If d.
clarea his work In th 1010 and 1917 cam.
rutla-nfl tlAIAI-V InAMAntlHttraMnn !..- .k
JflKirt ,ithe foutrapt, ftat, aent ifcUav
Wul IA vwuit elglilecn holes im my holes running from
Ideal courso for nine glo but a taste
Tho country should swing gently nnd
pleasantly to avoid monotony. Uicry
hnzanl should bo nrranged In conso-
I nanco with the Idea that golf propcrlv
nlntfil i.tiniilrl Itn fhrntleh tha nlr. J
would not want a slnglo half-missed
shot to 1-t mo out. 1'or that reason I
am a firm bdlevcr In cross hazards on
I my courso tlicio would nlwavs be those
crossing dllllcultles lo bo carried To
.meet tho varvlng troubles of opposing
wind 1 would havo two or thrco tees to
every hole. I would have long grass
traps and other obstructions to g't over,
thus forcing the hall to bo carefully
placed and plavcd through the air.
I would havo two routes or moro to
every hole; one. with a proper rew
for tho expert placr ami tlio oth
tno snorter plajer. . fellow who tried to get home.
All tno linos of traps, greens anu lair-' Tm other four holes I would !-
wajs should fit Irregularly Into t he , tllstrllmtc with sharp nnd careful i
lanascnpe. I would llwo lo sen tne
whllo faces of bunKers, but I would not
have many mounds. On tlio whole, I
think that I prefer seveie hnzaids, lll.c
those at IMno alley AMienevcr I get
up to play down thero I am mentally
awaro of tho penalty awaiting the
slightest mistake on rnj pirt. Such
ho'cs nro Instructive
I am a great lover of short holes nnd
I think niv first nlileft would bo to make i ..., ..., .,. .,..' ."' "' '
theso shorter holes Interesting "When
., ., ... i l tut', iiiiu inn iititLiiii: itiui
good, they show ro mueli character, anil
when I am plavlng I am nlwavs glad to
como to them.
I Tour flood Oiic-ShutU-rs
On my course I would have a less
than US-.varil hole, fieri civ guarded, for
a perfect cut shot, a IGO-jord hole, wllh
less sevcro trapping, for a full mashle;
a 100-vard hole, with still less trap
ping, fur a full Iron, and a -'.'0-vaul
hole, with less guarded greens but se
re penalties off thc line. Hviiy golft 1
knows, of eoursc, that sudi holes would
not follow each other, in fact, I tiy to
keep mv sequent o about loo jnrds
npirt However, the natural ploy ot tin
1 ground with whkh wo me tlc-allng must
govern tho design of hobs I want to
m iko It clear that nil thu ..0-v.iid hole
1 I would want tho carry from the tec with
no chance for a topped shot to mn up
1 Also I would eipcot my green keeper to
I keep tlio fifteen Minis or ro In front
of thc gieen as perfeet as possible, thus
giving tho shots a fnir fall.
Next I would turn mj attention to
Challenges Entire World
to Finger-Pulling Contest
Charle" ubert. of Moux Pall E-outh
Ilaknta ha cliallelifcetl the world to il
rsiiio of nncer pulling II 1 s-reut In
iloor epurt mul Iileh1 m Icntillc. Im sons.
'1 hf game lotlMst of clneplnK tho middle
flncer of either hind The Ijeer I the
one whoso linger l straightened out llrt
It Is not staled whether or not tho snort
le fur tntxttl comp.ui
Tlio management or thc annual Penn
relay carnhul, UIcli v 1o heM
.lrll 2C and 27, today Ksiud ttn
pramniar school InltatIon r.irochtal
bcIjooI ln nations will lo issutd early
next wteK Tlio Krainmar M'hools h.ie
been Llasbllled In the following older:
rhauiplonshlp clai" redapojry Trartlrp
ritlnioiit, Uuulnp, Ululnf. aiiRtin llliril
tSnuthuarkt -McCall, lMlUh"ll, Ktudcrton ami
("Itfh 1 Vow tun, Locan, IJnrry. Ha li.
fliRliorn. Mflntjr CIoclaml, IUcKt.lt
lin xel ami 1Ij
i linn t! MfHdo Ul.mior. Hunter Moifott
Juhii Uclth A Itlener, Webster and .lutkdKt
t I is n JJliarswotKl rurnesM, I'HtlipUll
I jon Kearne, Mount A ctnun. J fUr dun
ant. 1'hlltdt.liihU IraUtH.
. Ihkm 1 ritler, Ocrmatitoun, I erinw
I'tPttirluH, (lnicr Harrilj I.e, l'utnr
IIucj Tujlor und Keo
l'lni T Itobfrt Morris lOHev. ivlree
It mihM. Hlnsrerb McriiNe. M Hall Man
ton llanni. llebton and MarAhall
(Its, ( Kaucb-flose. William Wrlali
Calhoun, Wilton. Hamock. Hawthorne
INorthpat and Northern I.lbcrlle
Clins 7 Hensoii. Durham. Kdln M
tStnnton, Wax no I'n. Iandroth nnd l'owem
Clana R lliotk JIanajunk, Mount Alr
furttn. Hrldffburir. Urown-l'rlr-pln, Ulsiton
I.uncfp.l.iv,, Martin tin 1 McMkha.l
i las 0 Itrant Hamilton, MtKean. Mor
ton Head. Mowi UeorKe, Oxcrbrook nnd
t'l is 10 .Mer. Hlinov. Hllwood llton
Uo, Mulir. Howe Wlssahlckon, Joel Cook,
Ulni-I.owfll ttnd Kano.
C1,H ii Honri Gilbert. Hill. t?chielYor
Tux ChaKt? taiwndule, I.awton, Create und
Wbatcheaf t i .
TlahH 1J .Taenia Thllds. Comly, Iljcrs
Tllt-hman Ittorry und Maple Oroxo.
( Uks 13 Open to all nchuols lacklns tb
aeenth and cit.htti urudeu.
Sport? Served Short
Princeton I'nherMtr defeated tho Collen
r.t iim i!itv of New York In n dual awlm-
"i'ne niect by a scoro of -IJ points to In.
rred Walker, roach of last Tear's on
irivr,X,rfgi,aUh?eKB' iJM
Nationali for th rnnilnr bascb-ill season
Ho wa with New Haven In tho Eastern
1-caaua lait summer.
Major Mnrltn J. l'lrkerlnir, cradunt ath
letic manager at th University of Pennsyl
vania, has been called to tho servlco of hla
Th lloston Arena hockey team lost a
hard-fouaht came at rittabursh to th
PltteburBh Athletic. Association, ths final
acoro belns to 0.
The latent holdouts of ths Cardinal, are
Cruli and Long th two outfielders, who
have refused to accept th cut -in salary
made by I'realdeut liranch Hlckey, As Jack
hnilth lefuaed to elan hi contract a few
weeks aau, the entire Cardinal uutflt la now'
tn u ttato of rebellion.,
The klned contract of Prank O'ltourk.
th ounc third baseman, waa reielveit by
Charles II. Kbucts, ot tho llrookljn club.
Mrs, Dorothy Campbell llurd. of Fltta
bursti played the Plnehurat championship
cour In 45 4180. Thla la the low Ilium
for the, scaaoiv anions women tollers.
Vila Helen Morrlaon. of Plttaburth. won
I tho women's annual I'ebruary tournament
I at llelloalr Via., when ho defeated Mrs
1 1 rank U Jones, of Memphis, lii th Dual,
by 4 up and - to play.
1 . ,,,r,M,illin Coif A.totlallon has d.,
,clded to hoW Ihe regular tournament thla
ieur und will urge th cluba to hold regular
dottfrled l'lel. Jr.. .won th Claa A sc,uah
louriianient v tutj .k,t ,. iiueiia .iuu,
defeatlnv Hex Delicti, tho novellt.
Th 1'nlted Stale ambulance roroa baalrel.
ball team, of AIIntown, won It thirteenth
iraigni saint;, uciruiuia i in ui Aueniown
The llatleton Athletic Association has de.
ciatu io iaso up uosina. uueoaii, wrcsiuns
uiim utitri i,,it
( harlen V. l'rnbnJr, cf th Union Tloat
Club, and VV". V. Oreenouah hav qualltled
lor ine nnai rounu uv in Ainaaacnuselts pa
trlotlu squash rai-guvt tournament.
Hob lannera d.realed Pier Maupom tn
th ambulanc
Riant. At Chlcnvo. Hatt
I of AiwlvKleokbofcr
k,t,rv-,'uBuioii oimara
Hath men r chl.
lly CIIAItLi:S (Chick) EVANS, Jit.
0 to 4C0 iuiiH
flng variety - ,
Hon, these 72-!5
would havo seven
all directions, makl:
wind, To my notion
tho real modern two-shot distance! f'
Wauls Ileal Thrce-Shotter
Then I would Iry to malm ono
long holo of, say, t!o jards, ai,a j,
bend cvory energy to make It Intii?
Ing, for, sfrnngo- to nay, I usuillr rtl
no enjo.vment in tho long hole u2
could all ho llko the seventh at SS
vaiiey it wouiil Ho line, hut th tM
long holo Is a terribly monotonouiVS
clnracterless arfnlr.
Next I would turn my attention ton,
clistnnco between 4C0 and SJ0 virSi. i
would compiomlso nnd put two l,ol.
ono on each nine of about n .?
"' f.thnt distance being about the uiita
Mvard. mlt ot 10 pr..ent balI, 0f lw'H
f (" would make the going easier for 2,
to variety over tho two nines trln.
for two-drive nnd cut-shot holei im.
two-drive and two-mahlo holes, jw
would run from 2S0 lo too jartiiT
l,.tif-lli. r
" ' ft
Kwrv Plnli Vi ivlnd Tvii-a 4.
I lly tho time ono had finished pit
uio eigmcpii noios or tins couni k.
i s.iiilll1 lilt n llcriil f im nlnl. ...
would bo such
that unless cverv .i.
was skillfully plavcd It would find tra.
ble. Yet I would not want the temw
I so grciii inni ono wouiti no completelr
Al!tthlnll fit tllfl .I11 ftf tllA ,Allnl
t ntn 11 llrin hrlleeee In l.n.l.. .. .4
- --- -- .-.itiig uj
back of the green open and lcs sermb
trapped than is now tho caa on mwi
i I mn decldetllv opposed to blind holes:
' ccopt in ino lew cases wnere llietnea
Is a punchbowl over n high hill and t?
u teo shot I piefer to seo Oie'bohW
of the plit when I have nu Iron In uy
1 baud :
' 1 have never c.utd miiili for rnoanlt
. i line I save In the amateur final of 1)1
Travels u teo shot on ljo fourth v
Whcnton, heaih el for out of bounds, btt
tho sharp angle! of a mound and l!d-
Into tlio totnse i
I It must be understood, too, that I
I should want tho greens undulatlnr ail
I of different size
t havo given but a rough outline tt
mi Ideal course, but on such a count
with work and plaj In healthful propor
Hon I could find "paradise enow." j,
Jimmy Curran lo Select"
Teams to Represent
lumcttisuiug u
Candltlatis for the MercersburB Act
uny tiuck team aie now- boIiib aheail
full speed and t'oacli Jimmy Cu
protcRei are all sot for tho final
for pl.ieeii on tlio varsity bouid, KB
will he held the beelnnlnB of next WMk
Chief Interest of tlio coming trlallt
centered III the Unlit for positions oath
one and two mile relay teams, vbU
will make their first public apiieanw
lu tlio tenth annual Meadow hi ook guw
il ircli 8-9 In tho Second Ileglmmt tt
inoiv, llio.id street and huscruthiBi
avtnue J
Althouuli a smaller number of cut-,
dldiUs mo strivliiK foi tho teams thai
In fiiimer ears, t urr.m fully ejpt
to send w limine quartets to this clty.fcs
lu AVoodrlnp, l-'lllman, Kwedo and BaW
tic Mercersbuitf lias a splendid nude
for flrt-cl.iss relay teams V.
Wooilrlni,' Is without a doubt the bes
schoolboy bprlnter In the coiuitr
lllurlng tho last summer, wearlnc tl
colors of the Meadow brook Club, hsm
every scratch 220-yard laco In whlcil
competed, which Included the MlddltWj
l.tntlc Division championship of th il
A I', and tho national A. A. U. Junta
furloinr at St I.ouls. AVoodrlng iQM
the Middle Atlantic record for th lltj
5 aril dash of 22 1-3 seconds. 'iM
International tournament of the AnwW
can Howling Congress opened herttoWJ
Cincinnati's 200 bowling teams
roll against outsiders for tho laurels,
Cincinnati has turned her keys over
mo pin knights during their vlaitm
Christy Mathewson. manager of I
Cincinnati Iteds. will pilot ths tetnj
nabenall star3 which will compete, n
Clrch, Hal Chase, Leo Magee, a
ltousli and ,-Matty" compose the teu
. 'J
His car wort I
and it smothered the blow.
Car escaped without daroaEVj
VApcllDU Ul juit tjl
Here's more than a mere b'urnp
an absorber of bumps
on nvKRcnvrs JfcB
S. F. Cr. fllh mr.A Arch Sl
Opn Monday and Baturday Unttf 1
oun Monro g. Max WU.I
. Jo Tuber v. 3IutllilBrSli
Joe Lynch vs. Benny V
lor.ioa -j ii,, en,. Kei. Wt.Tie. ArDO,Il,l.ov,
aik...uts1?j'.vtLafeAL :wr- iA'