rf kv. X EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FBIDAY. FEBRUARY 15, 1918 E5sL 'OMAN CLIMBS TO GLORY ON HER ABILITY : THE LETTERS A SOLDIER BOY WRITES HO j w. ? n -: i En fat n V B tf at it. s ft av tsy vr t r Fit fo. r.-s, ? pk Mn:s letter f I . f AS VIEWED by u. Ifflt 'Beats the Quasi-Sweetheart One and Shows That at Times a Soldier Searches for the Best That's in Himself I it A'BTER, all, there's nothing much XX that surpasses a man's lo o fur Tjfct,rnotlier. Tlio best that la In htm fltjiiU vp to tho top like a breath of twwin air when ho thinks ot her. ',, Who says this? Tho conspr. I have fTstften wondered how It must feel to bo censor If at the same time jou m. disinterested In human beings. Tho Jr reading of tho letters must bo hurtled. -tw-V'f course, but oven so, what u chance crcii- .1- j. .. , . ..... 'h' T. I wanted to know a censor and J ortune threw one la one la my path a wukeptlcal one with a senso of Immot. ;j tut there are Borne things bigger thuti i tumor. And over lii Trance, where ten aro charing to'get at tho llun, '"Sis particular censor found ono of iiiese things shining out front every ay letters man's lovo for hh y lother) f . . net, IT HAVE on mv door now." writes "t this particular United States arm) (fleer, whose touching on this subjeit, , v tho way, was not solicited, "u pllo of o or threo hundred letters that I J ae Just finished leading. There aro ply a few bVlgltt points In this J ork a touch of unconscious humor hen some zealot aers that tho war U 111 soon bo oer now that he's over. ' when botno Lothario swears eternal I ive to so manv maidens hv- a. mii.ikI i? jrm letter. There is a better side t it, though tho men's letters home ,, v their mothers. These aro a ptctty '" nod rnflertlrm nf fti iit ttiacn lu lit "'" '" '" K tern een In some that hao u prct r hard tlmo to keep this best In a ,ht." T IS nlco to know that It Is utothcr many a man has carried to Trance V keep In his heart. Can't jou see THE WOMAN'S 4 Litters and question submitted to thii rtrjartment must be tiritten mi one side of - vcper ontu and signed uith the nam of the writer. Special nuertes like those mint oitf or invited. It is understood that the editor does not nrcessnrity indorse th sentim'nt a tressed, AH communication for this deptirtnunt should bn addressed as follows Tllh OMAN'S KXCIIAMIK, Lvcnino Public Lcdicr, Philadelphia, Pa, TODAY'S IVhat la a "Jorcer." and how can H be Died In the kitchen? How eon fUtlront be ecoured? Mtlt are "brioche."? b ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY'S INQUIRIES Ninety ralortet or units of food raloe nre eontalned In n run of coffee with rrenm. Moat of these are conUlned In the cream. To polish bronxe rub with rlnth mnl tned with a tlKU aueel nil. Then dry with a toft clean doth and polish with chamois akin. fjTho herrlnibono ttlteh Is a cross alltch e which It used to flnlth elf the raw edges t of flannel or heavy material stf, , . , T A Dachclor's Coffee ri he Editor of X oman'a Page: I 'ear Madam I am fond of a food cup of j f e. and when It ! of a cold'n yellow 7i r It meets all requirements, but un r jnately this Is not always the case. H s iore frequertly of a dark lead color and n this Is the cose it It not nt to drink, In Jf estimation. These conditions happen at m tho same pound of coffee and this Is r( 1st puzzled me. X have had as fine a cup j& cofTea from the way we make It (not ti4 isolated) aa any one could vtih. nnd ,. lit I would like to kLow Is how to mske o it will have that golden yellow color ays. f (oroi io mention inar i am a nscnelor fry to say, aa In thla case, they aet a "e careless la there any way that I can e my rofre of that aolden yellow color &. I the time? Thanking you In advance ti remain aa ever, an old patron of at LitMsa rcauo Ltpusa. r,vTnov. oor bachelor man. I could glvo some ' 'er advice, but then let's stick to foe I If tho one who makes your cof- cn produce a golden yellow cupful J morning there Is no reason why she vl nnot do so every morning. Provided K Is made the coffee in the tamo way jij, ch day here aro some things that Suld.jca.use that leady look and taste V 'en'lt comes to the table: bervlng It 44 -ore It is settled, reheating It and let- )g It boll for any length of time or tc -ring It a long time after It Is rnsde. V ie 'quality of cream, of course, makes Mg difference in the color of your cof- t i. but I take It for cranted that vou rA 3 UJU nnow ii me vop 01 me ooiue Hi )tead of real cream were being served ,i ,'Uld know If the 'top of the bottle" f you f On tho next "golden brown" day go - t In the kitchen ami ask exactly how " is coffee was made Praise It and say " ls so excellent you wish It could be "it way always On the next leidy day out and see If any of the three possl T 'Itles mentioned above occurred. Do a 1 tlo diplomatic detective work. Is my ,xst advice. a Kvafjim fnp ha fhllrl 1 y w- fcj. ...,Jk -,. . ., M Dear Jfadsm It is most essential In a tld a Ufa that ha or abt have tygtem i If the children rise at a certain time, eat eakfatt at a certain time ar.d then act to i "iool early, they naturally set through the T. y'a work better. If they have to bolt 7 elr breakfasts and then rush all of the kt v , ey to school, they or sure to aet ladl Vi im stlon, they art lata for school and are to '''. nt hrMalh' that nAftllnv aAam In h t , Jh rht. If there la a certain tlmo for them 'i Praetlee on the piano, etc. It la sure to , " tit 4 aeeompllshed If there Is a certain time li li'. which to do It. After dinner the children ' -Ttould Immediately atart on their lessons, V r jfM there baa already been a period ae tt I'w-etned In the afternoon to do them. If , 7a ' around they will either not know ; ' r 'air lessons or loso sleep. The bedtime t to should be fixed In the rhlld't mit d 1 . ' len ne or she knows that the lessons must 'aMM finished by that time. Of course, there . vwa u iwo limn, uue in- worn ot loo - ly la easily accomplished If this plan Is foi- !?. Tours truly. c. T. " ".""yjyatem Is Indeed tho keynote to get- :S ". ng things accomplished, whether it be ' t ( the llfo of a child or of one who Is y aatwn up -tnis piece 01 aavice so Kinaiy Ij iiiteered by C. T. can be relished by Ttjo wisest of us, v Sllrer-Cleanlng Formula " f Edlfor 0 Tvomaa't Poet: 1 Oaar'Madim In answer to the inquiry at iJ Vr whether a. mistake waa made In glvlna ha forniols for clear Inr silver for Mrs .C. I 5xM hlce to asy that perhaps the mistake At, to myself. Hera la the correct for W: On half teaapoonful of baking soda, sk ajt vonerous handful wathtnr soda, on sen- .Myu hMndfiil of salt on trfew nf sine. to (our and half Irenes The site of doesn't, matter, but' the above alia flu xbio an ordinary pan. rut in tiivsr pan sua lei ins stitc come 10 a. DOll. lot It bell for twenty minutes at least. 1 oTrver out atd'rub with a, of t cloth. i rogrrots jor anoyance. -m.jj.js. t waw no annoyance cauaoa at this I 0t tho line, Ap4,wb would bo-vory 1 paOaVMd to have you como again. 't Htxr ( 8rTe Oystera (Jm VaHfor of Woman' Pa ft ar Madam ' Mow stiouid oniitj i J? Tvvant to Bav tlienr for- a first Ot WttHeik iMrs.i u. r. c. mi lo very fine and make ITtaM ecotof f tto afeto, PJaem ."fnl fS! to his mother s. army censor Old Friends HEN IIOI.T Oh, don't Jnu remember tweet Alice, Hen Holt, Sweet Allre with hlr to brown? Olio wept with delight when you gar her n smile, Anil trembled with fear at your frown In the old churchward In the pulley, Hen Holt, In n rurner ubscure nnd nlone They lisle fitted slab of rnnlt no ernj. Anil tweet Allre Ilea under the stone. Oil, don't yon lemember the school, Hen Holt, And the mnifer no kind nnd to true. And the little nook by the clear run filnjr brook, Where wo gathered the flow' nt they grew On the matter' srare growt the era. Hen Holt, And the miming little brook I now dry i And of all the friend who were echonlniulrs then. There remain. Hen, but you and I, her standing In tho censor's mind tanged alongside of tho girls who get Hho quasi form letters? Hers was tho loo noto the censor remembend It Is nlco to know that mother counts, becuuso so many would-be ptogresslvcs havo told us that her day with her children was done as soon as Ehe flnlsh'd raising them God bless tho censor! Ho paints another Mud" of a picture. Wo can sco tho memory of mother sweeping Into a man's mind nt tho time when' ho needs this kind of a memory. Audi somehow wo know may bo lt'3 old fashioned to say It that In spltaof all our ptogicsslvcncss there's still none In the world llko mother. EXCHANGE INQUIRIES t. How lin TVanre reropnbed the work done hv Anne Moriean In helping ta reron- struct the devastated reslons of France? S. What Is asbestos? 3. What will stop the bleedlnc of the cuticle1 when It Is Injured In awkward muni-1 curing? I The Rcjiool of Itlth Commercial Intrur- tlon fop lOiinc. nirls was opened In Paris since the bexlnnlnc of tho war to preps rev. Trench girls to take the plnee of men In responsible financial pol lions. J. The military locket It n. novelty for the men In mllltarv service It Incloses the aluminum Identification tag thjt enh nf them It obliged to have on his l'eron, 3. Wigs vtere first worn bv the ancient 1 ryptlans. A Message for Mrs. D. To the editor of II onion's Poor, Dear .Madam rieaso print this that Sire D maj see It ., ."". ,Mr.". '.'"T1 .na,e "nt sou "" baby things that I ha 1 given my little girl to plnj ...... rrl' uu s"ic oiner uuie nreese- Mj llttl girl Is lust four years and my boj nie months old They both grow very fast so I can sen! u quite n few things I om get tliu: nnother box ready and jou win receiie It about VVedncslsy fun you use a blaik cont of a loose style about tUr 3S' let me know through the paper Wlshlmt sou the best of luck (virs ) T The star of good hope nnd better days Is surely shining for Mrs. D. hhe In turn hasvvrltten to thank all tho kind 1 B4ira ft a til-. ,1. .a. . . .t.. I ' . . " l,,vn lI, UIlt- wuovo inciuioueu who have befriended her. We wish to thank Mrs D. of Walnut street, for sending a ho to Mrs .Tdcii Anent a Boarder To the Editor of iroman'a faec. Dear Madam Soveral nights ago In jour paper of which I am ft dally reader. I esw where some one desired lo rent a room and did tot know how to go about It. You gave her a name and address, telling her she could register there. I have a lovely bedroom, very attractively furnished, bright and sunny suitable for a klrl, and Intended to cut out the address but found that I had lost It. Will jou kindly prltt It In sour column? I upset some nusslan oil on a porch rug I tried scrubbing- with hot. eospy water, but It still lemalns Can jou tell ine what will take It out? UEADEft The Place to whlih vou refer Is the. Philadelphia Bureau of Boarding Houses in the Otis Building, bixteenth and han som streets Here, for tho sum of twenty five cents, you can register your room Miss Uditli Sheldon is the one to address. Try a mixture of one part chloroform, one part benzine and one part alcohol on the rug Put a large piece of blotting papsr under the rug and draw a circle of french chalk around tho stain, bo that It will not spread as you work on It. Work from tho outside In If this doesn't satisfactorily remove it make a paste of Kretn h chalk nnd chloroform, spread it on tho stain and let it teiualn until dry Then scrape off Doesn't Want Us to Cut Our Hair To thu Editor of lroman't Page: Dear Madam I note In jour column that a reader advises women to cut off their hair. What la this world coming to. anjhow7 Pretty soon wo will be living our llvet by machine. First. I contee.d. In answer to A. I'.'a first argument that women's hair la Insanitary even when It Is shsmpooed. that It Isn't any mora Insanitary than clothes are and fur coata and all the rest of the thlurs tbst cannot be put in the wash every night. Roi-ondlr. I would like to ask, after hair and beauty are reduced to a state of regu latlon by efficiency, what will wo have gained? After all. It seems that If we live our lives with only efnclency as the main thing to ba coitldered. we are going to miss a very creat deal. I am a man, not a back number either I confess that since the war I am a convert to suffrage, but If It Is going to mvn that when we have suffrage wo are eolng to lose our women folks I think I II egln to sigh for the days of grandma. Oh, please, advar.eed women, for the sake of a man who gett genuine pleasure out of look ing at pretty tresses, don't cut your halrl JUST A MAN. A Great-Great-Grandson To the Editor ot TTomoa'a Page: Dear Stadam My reply to you printed In today's Issue la not correct. In to far that you left out on word, vis, "great " I wrote great great grandfather, and you can readily flruro out I would bo dead If nni. . grardson. In rurtliep trrim te lt Rln.l. .... .. be did not make clocks but sold them with ' ..,. a.e v.,. uu ,i urms in ine same business today In thii city. Hit ,tock, no doubt, cim from Fngland. Ho was a very prominent cltlxen of this city. I have seen ono of hit clocks, It, win his rams on ". at.tue clubhouse of "Stat In Schuylkill." of which be wag a member. M. C . Jr. .. Tn"5!S y.u for th further Informa tlon. Wo also beg pardon for our error. How to Introduce To thf Efttor of Woman' Face; Pf-ir Madam Vhen Introducing my mother to any on whos nam do I mention first? And when Introducing, a young roan ard a lady whose cam should bo mentioned nr." 1 . 1" 1 v. . AGNES A girl who Is about lo nreaant fni,a to her mother Usually gays to the friend a she t ikea, him or her to- her mother, Lf.JiV' SJOStoar, jM .' ' '!' SJlMaS SHOULD A WIFE BE ONE'S PARTNER IN BUSINESS OR A PARTNEk IN BUSINESS BECOME ONE'S .WIFE? "There's No Sex in Brain," Yet Much Brains in the Sex, as Margaret Bailey Proves Heroine of Sophie Kerr's Book Offers an Interest ing Problem in Feminine Character I Hy M'LISS QIOMi: perrons assert that women buc- O reed In bu-lnoss hecausn of tho un- scrupulous lino the nuke of sec, other 1 prons claim Hint success In business tebnies only to thoo women who subor- ellnnle sex, hut In tho meantime hophle Kerr has written u linnfc nimni n n hook In which the hciolnr, Margaret Bailey, Is made to reltcrato on no less than h half-dozen occasions that ' there's no at in brains ' A contention, of course, which even tho psychiatrists wouiei not neonate to dispute 'The Golden Block' (Dotibleday. TaKe. . Co ) Is.t nonskld paUn slono lnaclehv llenrv Doldeii who Is also a contractor M-irsaret all intclllcence, perreerance nnd Hinliillon Is the pack-horso of hei family nlilch loves her dearl v hlln nlii ! supports them Starting a outhful busN ' ness i ireer us h stenoKraplier. kIio he comrs t'olden s right-hand man" and the Kenrral manager of tlie Htm .!oIdeii Ins a ulfi- and because sho Is niean and "li'fn Hun briiivii nua rraspmg we have, of course, the trlanclo Hie heroine if this novel of polltk'3 love and business, however, is a mighty ohlti angle of tho three-cornered comb!, nation Dav after day she comes fresh nnd sweet and wholesome to the offices day after day she shows new phaies of her cominerclil ngiclty, t y after day sho sltn facing tiolilcu racked bv the petty Miperllclalltles of hW pigeon l)ralned spouse and dav after dav slic esi'ci ts lilin to uulntilu that cold Im personality which Is tho accented rulo ,ZZrZ Mar! or garct Is shoclted hv Ids avowals into tell ing him quite frankly, but oil u klndlv, (hit not him does she want, but merely a partnership In Ids business The $75 a week th it ho pays her Is Inadrqu lie "We lould work togtllier If wo were married ' fald lioldcn , "whit's to pre vent that' Theic s this to prevent ' said 31 irga ret "liven If T loved von enough lo try It it Isn't logical It ln't human nature wife sn t a business pirt ner, and can t be exiept In a very differ ent waj ou nnd I must wcik to getlicr litre Maybe some time nnr rlages can bo ananged that way s itls factorlly, but It can t bn dono now A wlfo who's any good is nlwnys her hus band's partnci. In ono sense, hut our generation is too cioso to tho ideal of the wife, In the home nnd tho husband In tlio office lo make a success of it In any other way. i " 1 Editorials for Women by Women WINNING THE WAR VIA THE KITCHEN By ELLEN I. KL'LLEV Department of Household brlenre- nf the atlinnl Mnr liinleu LouimUlon TTniUN memorials como to bo creeled to the hcroc3 of this world w.ir the hammered brass should bo taken from tho pots nud pans In tho kitchens of tho women who made tho victory nnd woild peace possible I'oi the (list tlmo In tho history of tho world women Into a big pait to plai in lulnglng about 11 rucccssful conclusion lo tlio conflict lllthcilo thev havo hid ,1 pine In hospitals only, for they Ime been gg5rySKiSs. A gzHK 'n!H aaaaaaR-wseau.. E f WSm' 4 W-v A Sows? 53 F AX I "TOIEW i : .3m V 1 ELLEN I. KELLEY Lord Tthondda, of England, tells of tho food needs of the Allies, and we know of tho food cards and the Government measures tp dlstributo food In England and In Trance. Mr. Hoover is directing the conservation ot food hero, and with him every man, woman and child should co operato most heart lly. But we must first ralso food In order to conserve it. Aiming nt the city farmer, the National War Garden Commission of Washington is campaign ing for food "f, o. b. the kitchen door." Hero is whero tho woman must play her Important part. She must be the leader and tho inspiration to tho garden work as well as a doer of a great deal of tho real work. Tho kitchen Is a great mvstciy to most men. They know little or noth ing of what women do to cut down and make both ends meet. Hut Just let them help a little to get food as far as the kitchen door and then see what happens to It. Last yeaf the vacant lot and backyard garden crop was estl mated at J35O,000,O00, and this joar all signs point to an Increase over that figure. To aid the women who will carry on this great campaign tho National War Garden Commission will send Its war garden manual to any one who writes for It. Tho best advice obtalnablo will bo given gladly either as to raising food or canning und drying It after It has leached tho kitchen door. No woman need bo told that the cost of living is high. One of the main reasons Is that the United States Government lias become the biggest buyer of everything, particularly food. With a million men under arms the flist thing to reckon Is their dally ration. At the lowest estimate it costs forty cents a day. There Is $400,000 a day for food for these soldiers. Then thousands of sailors aro wanted for the ships that nre being built. These, too, must be fed. Thousands moro havo rushed to the manufacturing centers to engago In war work. They must bo fed, The trend of population of tho world Is away from production centers. All this forces up the cost of food. It will bo seen, then, that every' per son who helps to feed himself helps to feed a soldier. Thoreforo enlist as a "soldier of the soil" In the war .garden axmy, then promote yourself to a colonel of conservation nnd hold your back doorstep fortress safe against. the enemy. New England Club Women Elect The annual meeting of the Pennsyl vania Boclety of New England Women, held in the Acorn Club, resulted In the UfUon of. Mrs,. C. Howard Clark aa . .-, .. J . l . ..;. - , wjuLXr) fPp ? fp y bjp v ji iJP'iiii - "J ''"", j..rV JHWiJl,., - ..aaHaafJHH .aaaaaHtaOTaV T flBKHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasV3fagg.M aaSaMT J jfP 4gagagaHg.g.g.Ejaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafaac .HiafltHFiSffisnaHSBjLK' HaHtV SrsatataHtatatataHt aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaT va3aaHMnaaaaarV 4HHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaHBanaW Staaalflp JffiiaaaaaaaaaaaHF V " HBMBBMwaiMttat vHkSsIIIBI .JEJaifllttWItLtr -v -. i HUMMISmr fPLKaHiBBBHHHr v I BlillHwITlMtMKi i'' ililHHWw ii ,& 'Tm WSlmBBBKBKKimS& lMlllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH KOPIIIi; "I cant put It Intra clear words, 1 in nfiald, hut you must see Hi it .. woman wlirt mikes a liotiie nnd beats children nnd brings them tip pioperly Isn't doing It wlille sIipb working nt mansglng a pnvlng litf" I, futoiy till day few women win? vvotk minago It singers nnd iuttosc mid writers hut theli wolk Isn't rl(,ht nnd nluo steady hours a il ly sl diva i v(ek Soino VMimen whoso hiisbimls illp nnnage it bv dint of illre iiiriH hut thev aient lilt sort I in t liking nlinut J in talking of the women whose hiihinils me nllvn nnd porfcctlv tnpnhln nf eimlng . i living ioi inrir wives aim i imiiics women like that h ivo no tight ti be away from their homes all div long, whetlur It's foi work oi for pi i And ro sho pcnd3 Golden away to get over U, wlillo she days behind to nun age the business 31 irrlagc with a nice ' homey ' woman Is tho euro she recom mends, and when lie conies bails safelv Hurried then she cm bo hla business ashed only to hind up tho wounded and mourn for their dciil. But now all has been clnnged, and with hun dreds of thousands of men taken out of tho economic llfo of tlio nation women aro asked to tike up the work uf keeping tho wheels, of Industrv going Host important of nil wavs of keeping tlio machinery at homo going is tlio production nnd conservation of food. 'Without food tlio wheels of industty halt and tlio soldier faints Defeat follows. Tho women of Hie United States, I am confident will co to It thnt this situation docs not prevail The back doorstep I3 their elude! nud tho kitchens nro their forticssea behind which tho wa'r will bo won. From this doorstep tho women will watch their back-yart and vacant lot gardens, and In their kitchens they will conserve the food that will go rp far lowaid feeding themselves, thus releasing Just that much food coming llnough the regular channels for tho soldlets nt tho front Si JlCy Kestuurant Men Organize Johfl O. I'atton, of tho IAlglon Cafe, has been elected president of the Phila delphia, Restaurateurs Association, a new organisation formed for tho purpose of ttKHt out Tor tne interests of the larje tutus ot iniwawBU. t v'- A ,,-v rt e. , gy-vp. V 4. ,c )'y ; V . 1 ,: X t , KERR pirlncr nnd they can all live happily ever nfler Itul Just as j ou decide that 3Iar guet li one ot thoiro efficient, sexless bu'lncsi creatures who, tlio feminists tell ti" arc going lo develop Into a third ie If Ihev ilont watch out, tho book Is lomluelcel with tho heroine actually miming to tlio elooi to meet an honest lo goodness man W hether .Margaret Che up tho tiohlcn blocks foi the licarth!ones u not reveuleil but, at tny 1 ite Mrs Kerr Ins take 11 n leal prob- jViu of II n modern huiilmts girl and piiscutcd It, If not with an Intriguing etibtleiy of ptyle, nt Ie i"l with a frank Miiceiltv tint wins the readct and keeps him asking throughout tho book lion, given fifty ycirs, tho women are going to solve the question of reconciling their enjoyment of a elcnrly won economic In dependence with tho n itural yearnings fm homo nnd 'kinder' tint old 3tothcr .Nature has rooted so deeply in them Colors White Shoes To mtkn your white kid shoes like new tint aie past cleaning get a ten-cent package of elrtFS dye, take one-fourth of tho paekage. put In .111 old teacup, pour boiling water over tho shoes and biush In djo with common vegetable brush live them two coats. 'V.ou can make them any sluido to m itch yout suit viaterproof loat in iv he given, by pro em lug a drilling piste, the slnelc of the shoe Tiflh vtnat iHGWtti 1422 Idanut Street Presents JY2h0eiapf7ients . x)PcJasuot v Uhuthernflllear Of printed voile, chiffon organdie and new weaves of silk and cloth. Of tailored silk and smart cloth materials, especially fea turing shades of biscuit and oyster white. oa?o&ciifo For travel and motor use. V yVttf. UtL 1ej.Ji f,'r 'l'"l. !' r? I ''aaaaaaaataaaHtHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal V ? ' . . ''"' lf.,QtA i. ,"V VA- ,' , wjiW. js- I' -,"'' A", jTSCfSBSSL"''1 ''"' MPMaaaSHaaamVasV ,-.... ...... ..:y.-,- . iiftf-1 ,iaiftaiMirri ii tinr'WliirtfiiiiFmiiniffinTiffii ini-.-a-fia-iti t v ' r " i m THE APPETITE OF THE CHILD Jefifce em rrneslli mtiMie tiljl be plie bu Doctor Ktlloge f pi'!l umn dailu. but in 11a rase ulll r.,a0"",i5 or frrafment of nllmcnu b ""VHP "Si Personal qvrrlet on health c",''i tromptli ansuerrd ( postaoe l inciotra. By J. H. KELLOGG, M. D., LL. D. fTWlAT there exists a close relationship - between the dominance of ippetlte and tho formation of character Is to be Inferred from many notablo examples In history. So Interdependent are body, mind and snlrll that the whole triune nature of the child Is Influenced In a greater or less degree by what he cats, .j,,, and drinks f' -,, lndr. ork ,0 .p-nslie . It This was well understood nv so""; " , niesan to rlisnge tho gnrnienis next to the ancient nations. According to 'f01""' ) the skin every . lev f W the historian, the early erslnti cliiinren whe,her ,ie Huiltlrv ,, H pnn or wcto brought up In an extremclv R" npl, 'larre does not Hltcr a hvglenlc fact, the manner. Tho only fooa aiiunr. ...- was bread, cresses (fresh nrtk-"". fruits and vegetables) nnd v."1". The quantity of this food nnd the time of eating were regulated with esclnes. as were also their exercise and recrea tions ' Tho design of the Perslinn In in these wise regulations was to prevent evil Being convinced that It Is much better to prevent crimes thin to punish them, the Terslans endeavored so tei order It as to have no criminals among them." Were parents In there divs as prudent as thoso heathen educators how much of wretchedness might he averleel Depraved appetites are sometimes in lieilted, but moro generally they lire created through lack of proper cite and training The child begins life with an appclito demanding gratlncitlon ouli In accord with normal rcnum-nii..-. Hither through Ignorance or indlffer. rnco on the part of parents, this state of naturalness Is very soon modified During tho period of his earlv help lessness tho average child is fed In sea-' sou and out of season, with little or no regularity. Expressions of pain or bodi ly discomfort aro met with proucrs ui fnod, until tho gustatory sense, habitual ly gratified to appease the demands of all the senses, becomes lh ruling pro ponsttv Tho Immediate outconio of such treat ment Is likely to bo a disordered diges tion nnd a morbid condition of the stoni neh conetantlv craving the plcarurable sensation produced by eating nnd drink ing Tho ultimate result of such man ogcinent Is sucli an emphasis on sensuous cratlflcatlon that tho child becomes, as Is sometimes pertinently remarked, "all stomach, and can conceive ot homing so desirable as something 'good to eat" or drink Thus Is established a eloml nanco of appctltlle, which, Indulged In one direction, will bo hard to restrain In others and will cast Its Influence over the child's entire life. Wrong tendencies as well as right ones sro continually rlienglhened by e-:ei-ilse. K) thit tho desire to gratify tncll nitlon nnd to satisfy the sense of taste docs not grow less with Increase of jears With what difficulty then shall the soul that hag through years of wrong educa tion In childhood been In bondago to the animal propensities arise, shako off Its shackles, ' keep under the body and bring It Into subjection," when tho -,ears of maturity are reached ! l'roebel, that deep student of chile' culture, said that In tho early jears the child food Is a matter of the grcates Importance; not only may the child by this means be made then Indolent and Inactive, sluggish or mobile, dull or bright, Inert or vigorous, but. Indeed for his cntlro life QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Fruits and Starches Xtn fruits nnd starches disagree If taken at the eame time? MAItT O Certainly not. Fruits and cereals and S tJ-Tfin Jr'ork SKIRTS SWEATERS BL0V5ES ance5fodk-&enwy3oit'ns Wraps BAimNOSVin HAIS NOVELTIES JAtiteicwiem5(xr fruits and breads make an excellent com bination. Trults contain an. excess of alkaline substances and cereals contain an excess of acids The two ilarses of foods complement each other. riushcd Trier On the slightest exertion and sometimes wnon perrrctly nuiet, I an, trmthlitrl with flushing of tho face. What iaues 'hi"? Your diet Is probiblv not correct. Ton should go on a low protein diet that Is eat sparingly of peas, beans, corn ami avoid flesh foods Prink a great eleil of fruit Juices nnd rat Juicy fruits. Kat moderate meals nnd mastlctte votir food thoroughly. i:at plenty of such vege tables as spinach, lettuce, celery, etc no sure there Is no sluggishness of the bow els boely should alwavs have us fresh elolli- lug next to it as possible It Is an ex ecllent plan to cliatiKP every elij. alter nating with two suits for a week Hy llils mesns the exposure of the girmcnts to the air purine" them When the gar ments accumulato effete mitter fiotn the skin It loses Its value .is a nonconducting agent, hence It Is not so warm as before Manv people who suffer from cold feet discover that 1 lean stockings ire warmer than those tint havo been worn a els or two (Lorvrlitritl War Suggestion I'orm a regiment of tntrcel wavers and send them to put a crimp In the Kaiser Msdinte Qui Mve "Many a Micklc Makes a MucMe" fTUIAT is Hie reason Uncle Sam counts on jou (o SAVE that little bit YOUIl LITTLE BIT. Small savings in cvfrry kilclien in the land mount up into a huge, almost unbelievable total. TOMORROW IS PORKLESS DAY. Do jour part toward mass Ine up that total. U in You can ffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMiiiMii jr iioing nfodtjt on Diiplay Dally 1 ll l Jl ' THESE dreaty suits are ex- 1 I lH'V ce.et'nBy modish, with an j fsl J fjli S IF "'''''y ,t'at appeals to 3 IT l' i TanF Vl ''le mott practical. 3 fW" ".Y"T3En 1 '",e co'ect'01 includes all I I r - VfJAtti V l',e newe,t spring colorings I ra I N isr3s ant' very recenl 'y'e and ' M IhkJ sLr&WlJ- pocei effects. M l$ 'm 2J'S0 '" $33.50 tl iB m I30.S0 to $35.50 sXSZS 1 Model Wnl rrlie 1378 li:- tin in J :M your daintiest tabnes with 20 MULb IbAM . .. . BORAX SOAP contain nothing mi-f rvnveiv in SUAW wuw All soap to one part It's the Borax the work. io a oz. package ot MULE TEAM BORAX SOAP CHIPS will do the work of 25c worth of ordinary laun dry soan. These china save soan cutting, they dissolve rapidly and and antlseDticallv clean. To make ccnulne. good for all household of boiling Water to three heanlner tnhlosnnnn. fulsof20 MULE TEAM 20 Mule Team Borax Absolutely th beat ftorax for Witehtn, laundry and bathroom, .t flme anrf labor sa.er. Always took for the picture of ths famous, tO ilules on every pacJv it7 of both thtss products. Sold by all good dealers Tomorrow's War flf, BtlUAKFABT Orapefrult Oatmeal and ton mliv freamed left-over nh on toiif uu.M.iir,ir. .vu;ATLE88l ij Split pea soup I Cotlngc cheese and chopped 4.1 " on lettuce " Tea Cookie ' iJlNNKTt (WIIL'ATLESS) i Hamburg steal: Hakcd potatoes Cabbac, ra-i, Apple and ornbroad Puddino CAlinAOi: rjllrtnv K One onion mimed, one tonuto h ot canned! two tablespoonfulj shI Ing, two cupftils told boiled oSk! two learpoonfuls salt, two iMesZH curry powder. 1 cupful water ? grnvj j one tablespoonful nour Vr niunii iiniuii in snortenlng anj CUIIJ Jiunuei IIIIXCU tO '.1 pajU tuT llttlo water, 1'rj together a f.Z.' utes, then turn Into n Baucens, inl with cut-up tomato, clionr?!? tititen Hint it nine m ,... . 'rTQ (, .,.... ...... .-. omen ana salt, e mer slowlv for ot least an ho. liquid Is nil absorbed. ,lilft bcfort Ing thicken with flour stirred Into, ...... .. .mig "uicr. uooa HouseiceMJi Call to Girl Scouts 4 III IIEIXV MlRflMtnT Trw , tllrl Prout who won rherk v i , H snl n national eertinrate nr mu LlH the Satlonnl War clarden -7rlt, lhllH VV aahlnaln. an.l I ..-JS'H. ' !nmlsilr?s coal .hovel-f., ll,V ,u-i ISSSSL !S-JB ulrl Si outs of tho country lm... opportuiilty to aid their countr, Planting war gardens this sprlna t i can do no greater service to jour'? try than help to produce food al follow that hv helping to sav, A never en joved am thlnir nun. Ut1-' to worlc In fnmt .;..,i"l' course, wo must produce food befof can pietervo it I.very Girl Scout 1.5 country should write to me In ctI the National Wur Harden Commta! in tho Marjland Building at lfu5 ton and ask for a food rir ..r Tlien :ou should organize the trooiT a garden planting campaign er w, nif communlly campaign in a Wj, Our roldlers must have food. u.;! of us be a soldier of tho soil andiS win the vi ar 'the Kvpvino Tunttc Ledoeii !m raiiscii vviiu me .aiionai War Oirdai i'oniiulslon for every one of its mil, to ho sent free a war garden primeri the reader will send a stamp tortiyiM age Now Is tho lime to mJ CJl pi ins and to organlrc ro there nii nu i no, t .,-, wiuc as last jtu IUAU0(&BLYNN.Inc I528ChesfnutSt . Ipfiuirl JSnou for tlir Heller Dressed Hi. u omen einej cnimrcn jt For Washing s CUICC- UM " swlUllUHB. UltCS, ls,V feel oerfectlv safe in washinl. .!.--- -'" .. .r CHIPS because these chips but the purest of soap audi Ihn MAn..An ( ih narll lUI. JlUliUllUI Ul 1111 .V II borax. in these soafj chips that Jets I stittness no shrinking. Une make your clothc3 white old fashioned soan nastc. nurnoses. add one nunrt BORAX SOAP CHIPS. ZO-jiiiTiWBrl l0cStti CUPS XdL&E&H&duiLi