Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 14, 1918, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Ouijn Bonrd Brought Message
, From Susan B. Anthony,
i T-i..t.i:..u.. t ...i.. c,,....
j j. iiuiiuii Ajjiuj tsujia
'pickets are her glory
Editorial by Dead Leader Written
f .. Mit,. Tlitl-nmnnl fftf
I uu .-. "'"vii w
Onkial Organ
n Sfatf Vorrcspoiulait
WASHINGTON. leb, 14.
J Whether or not you bellexe In the
luperhuman nblllly tit tlio otllj.i board
to transmit ine?ies hark to enrlh fiotn
' those who hac passed to tho Blent In
ond. t I1C" u'" """ ""''" r thought
J tho.o far dlntnnt, to lay bare tho
Mjt tr lool; Into tho far future, the
follonltis ftory t-etit out for iiublleatltm
tMay,.v ,ho I'libllelty latly of tlio Nn
illonal Woman's SuffniRc iiarly may .In
terest you.
' Two euffiHRlstti of tlio National Winn
'n'9 party iiracllcal-inlndcil politicians
iwero ln Itcd out to dinner. Their ho?t
ttt own?d a niiljii lioaiil The suf
Ifraffcttes ern uir il In try It. They
fjint their lliiKPrn on tho little table
Suddenly It ipim aruiuul und raced from
"end " end of tho lettered hoard. It
'lipped up llrtt one fide, then tho other,
jnJ "lien it i-emen noun it wrote:
"I am happy to mine "
j "Who are ou?" (he woman asked.
J"tf. H. A ," w.ia what tile nulja fuelled
Susan IS Anthony's Initial.
'Tell tis, da you approve the pleletn?"
- "They are my Klory." Susan answered.
."tVe lng for Joy nboe their banners."
Then, wltli an eye to the mecfuitleH
f tlio niomint. one Ht'fT ielt n'd
"Won't jou write an editorial for Ilia
Suffragist (tho editorial had been p.mt
jioncd for the puke of the dinner party)
and Susan wrote the follow Inc pata-
rraplis wl loll appeared In the Surfra-I
Jl-t of Janunrv 3(1:
fbt of ,1a Hilary 30:
The battle has llnally begun. After
four generations of skirmishing and
lanBUard engagements, the enemies nf
jemocraey are forced lo glic battle
on the suffrage lines.
The thin gray line of leter.ms who
durrd the first assault on the
ronsreslonal entrenchments have
marrlied on. ltut their flags hale lint
hfen furled. Indomitable crusadcra
ae kept the banners high.
Whole women fought few and un
armed millions now stand with the
raked sword of political potter In their
liands. The Pieslduit lias seen that
thlnlng host It Is for him to -say:
IScntlenu'ii of the Senate lay down
your arms. The way has been cloud
too long. Women shall pass on their
road (o llbeity."
But he and his fnllnivi rs shall not
forget the snapping Hags and (he
naked sttords.
At the end of this tho oulja bo.tid
Head It to me anil as tt was itad
aloud tho board would write:
Slowly, ami iroiu nine 10 time. ".No.
no." and make a change At tho cm! It
It Isn t goon enougu ror tlio Suf
fragist r.llzabeth (Kllzaheth Cady Stan-
a1 ntwnvs illfl. the wrltlnir W,ill An
!'Mt vou want to do wlth.lt." niul t
culja -board would spell nothing more
that e cuing.
Chief Instructor of Free Government
Nautical School Appeals for
F "There wl
m the very
ill be a Ircmeiulous demand '
ry near future for oilicers tor I
fh ,, ii,rli'ttit i'i,-lm. " ,ln..l,e.Ml
.. ,... ...... v , ...u...,
ITof. Samuel f!. llarton, chief Instructor
ot the free Government Nautical Scltoul 1
ltie university 01 Pennsylvania, In an
WPai tor recruit i winch he Issued to-
day. "And, he continued, "It the young
men of today realized the wonderful op-'
portunltles (or a future life career which'
ro once in thH branch of the service
thfy would swamp till olllcu with ai
plications for enrollm nt "
There Is still a chance for men with
red blood In their v Ins who love the sea
and hanker for adventure (o becomi
deck otllcers on the many large eariro
.vessels now building Classes arc con
(landy being form d at the nautle.il
cnool and (he graduads, In most cases,
.are being quickly placed
are being quickly placed. Already mora 1 c-nj0r on hin Which r,.n0n,l i.t
than 100 licenses have been obtained by ba,10r 0n "niD W"lch LausC'l bxplo
ftudcnls at the school. There aio bolh Klun Will Write Book
(day and night sessions.
uraduates of llm school who go Into
oierseas sen Ice arc exempted from tlm
urau. a new ci.'ik.i will be organized
February 25 and pn paratlons are being
hude for a ruh of npplleautK, Natlio
lAmerlcau cltlisenshlp and 11 slight sea-
teipeVklncoithepic'paTMmii.! ''" ' PlrlnB Jo write a
ms for enrollment. Piospectlve hook of Ids iMieilences. I 'ah,, UUH
tits should apply to tho shlpi'lng r''w,y ' "charged from tho Phlladel
's local recruiting station at 108 i l,h'a Hoi-pltul.
, laruig e:
fl cations
i"cai recruiiing station at ls 1
(ouuin rourtn sticet, In chargo of John
' Frederick hewis, section chief.
'Campaign to Furnish Clean Enter-
4 tamment for Soldiers Wins
j (icncral Favor
Governor llruuibaugli has heartily up
sproved of the campaign to glie tho boys
,ft the camiis clean eniiiinliunenl, and
i nas written W. U Ilex.uner that ho
18 Uro that the lieitntp nl lrn!mvlvnn!.!
jrlll not be lacking in their support In
,'tn sales of the Snilleage Hooks,
' Mr, Hexamer ritiiimim.1,,1 luil.'iv II, ,
(Vary Plckford has iinrcbaseil tnn ImnWu
jnd dlstilbuled them to tho lueiiibers of
; um Field Artillery In Callfor-hi He
Io said that liurfalo had sold J3U.O0O
Local chairmen nf sales conuulKees
I We been appointed, and It looks as If
Uio number of books printed would have
- niurvascu on account or mo de
mand for them.
lL The T.llinftw rn,n. 1.. . I. .!..
; ,wnich la Kalned by use of the tickets In
' InA Nrnlllinn. Tl !.. r . .. .
;"" """"-"ku uuuKs. lurnian wio only en-
jj"e .nly diversion offered them after
, iuurn 01 urill,
Camden Firmen Hi Ti;nii,u
Task Until Acetylyn "Can
Opener" Is Ohtained
A Ullllcult luoblenu for the Camden
inremeii to deul wilhMceurred this morn
1"B at tho Victor Talking Machine Com
iWny, fl i,,lie.J:ool,er trret wl,arf la a '"rge
n. ."BalIon tank use'l 8 repository
- r tne nawilmii fm,i th !.... l...
-iuSI i. , -.,,, ..u i,,,it iit-jiiuy
V.W. ch '" blow" lllto tllB ta"k through
ri'C! soino friction In caused by this
.'&"."' " ,s Bal1' 'nn1 '"o sawdust
tr t?" nre'
' vhil1!? flrenie" C0UId not get ut the tunic
-winch was rom-lm- i,,Li,ia 111,. ..
t'.ami il... - .. """" "n miiiucv,
6ihKii.ily..n,,'ll,ir.pumpea walcr '"to -it
'iiih 'I'8 Bnwlut Pipes, but It did
l.Ttnt , finally un acetylyn Baa
."ClUlng lliaell HA ,nu l. !..! .,.,.
Cut r.nZ- . V w uu""''i4 WHICH
F"nlpen the l0 of the tunk like u can
ulheH "1? ,"0,'"'0 wns llnally extiu
Jtutshed after a liaj-it battle.
S , Blast Kills Coal Miner
, MOUNT OAUMt.'r. i
JT CA11MKU l'a., Feb. II. I
dynamite froni coal when It
Li.." "iiiwnue ironi
The I'leasurc3 and Interests of a
linrc Sort of Pro
Brant , "Sonata ooiiIiiks" belong to the tnoro
ruro and rarefied nuiPleiil Joj.
I-Iko chamber music, muli an enter
talnmcnt la ono of plca preponder
atleigly to tho trained musician uml tha
Kenuliie, even Keasoncd, niuslu lover.
I. Ilend-k Kzermnn, tho very notable
Piano Mrtuoso and Interpreter. ha been
responsible for kIvIiir Philadelphia music
ocrn their almost solitary opportunity
to enjoy the pec'nllze.l delimit,, of a
formal Honata program" (luring tlio
last few seasom.. Ho ban bad xarloua
colabora or. but none of mole capital
miallflcatlon both In technlttiio nnd pro.
found inu.leal appreciation than Sas.-ha
Jacoblnnrr, the yontiir l'hll.idelphhi Mo-
Inlkl. who Jo'ned him ton cNenlnc In
lllier.nooti Hull li- nm., .,
ll?.c.l.,!,,c.'l t,l m'w Sonata In l junior t'.v
ininp it. tioepp, tlio Ueethoven Kreulzer
.sonata and llrnhms's Sonata In t) minor
Opim I OS.
I.Ike Mr. Mzeriiiim. Mr. .laeoblnoff i
both a musician ,n1( up nit 1st, lit. is (1
Jimtli of whom Kreater IIiIiiem can ,.
espected, because he lx dolnc ureal
thlngn now and Iiiih a career ahead of
lilni In wlileli to aeconipllsh the greater
The conjoint rlTortu of the two artists
passed out of admirable routine, pol-lotu-il
ns tlm'r perfomanco was, Intur.'
rally Interwoxen of the nlanlsile i ...,
nnd the xountN of the llddle, unllled Into
a proportioned elation between the
luo Instruments, and became creatle,
re-creating uio Mgnuiranco as well as '
present ns Uio scores of tho coinposets. .
The reactions, and results weie edifying
aim c.Muuug.
.Mr. tioepp' Minatt i a wnfth-wlitle
Piece of music, perhaps more fm mil
iary than Inspired et iv ' m-. lis
melodic inoinciils and Its - f pun
Hinefulness. With cou i and
harmony Mr i.uepp Is pr Iv con
eoncerncd, and he Is a m.iter wniKman
of bis guild. His D-maJnr sonata is
'"'.."'"V "V ,Al,,r.! .,,'". ,,u"
theutlc specimen of Is type, tilted by
more than an exercise piece; it Is m ati
merit to stand 011 other and frenueie
programs. Such as 1111 accompllslimeut
I as Mr Uoep has wrought Is a trlbuii
I to the my lively and enterprising
spirit 01 composition rue 111 riilladelphla
for the last few years, (ho fruit of
which has Ixen much Interesting and
some notewotthy original music.
PuKe, understanding of the Intentions
and full reallz itlon of the reqiUieiiHiif
were trails of the Hrahnis numbirs as
piaycil ami the Kreutzer had a roundness
of proportion and soundness of lnterpre-
Itatlon that renewed all Its splendors of
I Inner meaning and outer form. The
'sonata evening' was an oienlng of
leasurc and interest. W. M.
. , . ,,.,,. ,,,.,. 1
Celebrates Birthday nt His Desk in I
the Northeast High ,
lr. Andrew .1. Morrison, principal of
the N'orlheast High School Is seventy,
four years old today and will observe
tlu' anniversary of his birth by working
at his desk.
' tIl( dni.tni' 1,-iu i-iiii,lr..l .... ... 11.
nfl- years as a teacher and Is conthient
that he will add a few more to his record
'efore he retlics.
Nineteen years :il-o h was appointed
'o his present position and Just prior to
that was a member of the faculty of tho
1 r 11 11.11 nign M'lioni Kor many icarR
I Doctor .Morrison was principal of tli
, 'o-tliern Liberties H01V ni-ainome
School, Third and Urnwn streets ito
attributes his health to the fact that be
,1rf..ti't ,1'nt ,0 .,,..1 .....,.. ......1.1
...v.... . ..v.,t, ..uu mci-in pi iiiiiriiis Willi
contldeiice. .Many men of prominence
were classmates of Doctor Morrison when
no attciuieu tlio central High School
some years ago. Among them was Dr.
Uobert hills Thompson, president of tho
Central High School.
Doctor Morrison was born In Itock-
'l""- Hucks County. Pa., In 18(4. Ho
''as taught nviny men who h.ivo slnco
risen to prominence In the clt". Stat"
ind nation He lives at Tint V"st
' nango street, with three daughters
nd tv-, pons. His wifo died several
years ago.
Krlk O. a. Palm, 733 North Twentieth
street, who was a sailor on tho Helglan
relief ship lino, which collided with a
munitions ship in Halifax harbor, result.
lug In un explosion which cost hundred
Palm, ufter coming to Philadelphia,
I t....lr .,,,1 1,1a llrvt tuinniw lln t.j.'j il....
,vv", wk .... ... - ,...,...-, . k,j n ,n
I he wants to become an American citizen.
: He was born at Karlsborg, Skaraborga
I County, Sweden.
Federal Prohibition Xmcndment
Ratified Senate Clinches Stand
I ANWAPOMH. JIil.. I'VIj, H. Tho
Senato has llnally passed (ho resolu
Hon ratifying tho Federal prohibition
amendment. This ends tho matter so
far an .Maryland is concerned, an tho
Housu passed tho resolution Inst week,
and It docs not have to bo signed by
the Clovernor,
The, vote on tho Haul passago of the
resolution In tho Senato was 18 for to
7 against.
CHIP of Cobb's Hollow
his 1 otters
. .. .
- -w 1
CreAm of Barley.
Cupid's Really Quite de Trop: SentimenL Gels Scarce
a Show. Weather, Transit, Food and Coal,
Claim Us All Now, Heart and Soul
JriMiTKKN-KUHITKKN h an unusual ycrtr unit unusual tilings ate bound
to Implicit In II. Jn an ordinary year It might Vecm strange If Will
Shakespeare hIiouUI return to earth ami wu'lk tho Mt-vcttt if l'hll.idtlphlu.
Hut In 1918 mich an occurrciiro would cxclto less couiiiicnt than usual.
Nlnctccn-Klghtceu Is an unusual year and unusual things an bound lo
happen In It, l'cople might be i-tartlod, In other years, It Napoleon should
turn In his gruvo. Hut In IMS they would only nay. "Oh, he's tr.Mug In keep
warm. You can't Maine him,"
Nlneteen-lllghteen Is an unusual year and tlieicforo the proprietor of a
stationery torc on Kelly street was m,t mirprlsed when four men walked
Into his establishment just as the u.-y Hush of sunset was fading Into the
neutral gray of a lVbrnary rvenlnc yesterday and announced that (hoy weie
William Mmkcspenre, .Iitlm Keats, t.'hrlstophrr Mailowe uml Colonel Itlehai.l
Lovelace, who diet III ICIl. They wild In choiiis:
"Nlneteen-Klghteen Is an uu - -" '
Hut tho proprietor cut them short. "What have ion got'."' he asked'
"Wo huo Milentlne... fair sir," c,uolh Kit Marlow.-. "(hid wot there ,e
uiuisiial men mining your citizens of I'hlladolphl.i tod.iv. and wo lime set
our minds to work so that iKilt ,0 ,,onl honutir-khullv spell that
h-o-n-oii-r. Master Stationer i,v ui.in.ual vulrntlnes. lly thy leave "
The following were the alentlnes they left behind them:
The I'assionuto l'liilaileliliian to His
(Ills lirnce, Tliinii.is 1: Milieu. Pri'iiimt of
tho riill.nlehhi.i Itnl,l Tr.itii.lt i'.iiiuhiiiv )
r'oine, ylvc me utrrrt runt to miy ionic.
Ami I will hint tin 1 nn thr; ii.Mii ;
V!, ( thou 11. nit but one mr
77io' tr inland 11.1 Wi' im'
7iru ihull ir firi) rtilr mniihi
"""' ' "'"' iy v. 1:. r.
'; shallow vivc-s, to ;,oe iis
Jcforfloiu birth siiiy mmlilyith.
7irn Kill I iiiiiAc thec bah of loses
,1ml a thousand fiayrant ;ioilrs,
A cup of flowers, uml 11 Urtlr
llmbrolilcr'il all with tiavrn of myrtlt.
A yoivn miutr. of the finisl wool.
Which from our prilly lambs ice lmll,
fair flctcC'ltncit .st;in rs for tlir vnltt,
With bucklm of the juircut y;iM.
Thy tiller ilnlien for thy meal
Ah precious as the yoils ilo tat,
ahull 011 1111 Icory table be
I'rcinirul lach tiny for Ihcc ctm( mr.
.1 belt of straw uml Ivy bud
With coral clasps and umber studs:
Yrtt, all these pirtllis shall be thine '
Ihon'lt but inn nir.s 011 my Uml j
Ihc shepheid swains shall dunce audi
sin n
for thy dellyht inch May moriiiny:
these my prayers thy mind may more,
Then lire with me ami be my Lore!
To Sir Francis A. Lewis, Coal Ad-!
ministratur for Philadelphia
To rrnntis, in lenilng him for an liuber
dashery. '
Tell me mil. Frank, I'm an Inyiatr,
That fiom Ihc nunnery
Of thy ihaste breast and frosty pale
To warmer thtnys I fly.
True, 11 urie mlslriss now I chase
My one hope In tills air.
And with a slionyir faith iinbmvc
My winter underwear.
Yet this inconstancy is suili
As you, too, shall adore:
I could not lore thee, Frank, so much
Loved I not flannels ,11101c.
Convicts Knit for Soldiers
Convicts at the Kastern Penitentiary
have contributed inoro than 150,000
dozen nocks to tho Red Cross for tho use
of American soldiers and sailors at no
cost to tho Ked Cross except for tho
Dear Rusty
I heard Fatty's mother a-tellin my
mother that Cream of Barley's the only
tiling that ever filled her darling up even
if it does take 5 dishes to do it. Gee
whiz, five dishes ain't notliin' fcr Fatty
' 'nd when It comes to stuff as awful good
ns Cream of Barley, I'm surprised he
don't keep right on eatin' breakfast till
it's lunch time. If you don't answer
soon, I'm gonna quit ritin to you.
' "
'l' (lie I'otul Ailiuinihlr.'ilor
' I'l'iinsylrnnin
n.iM'11 lliiMjrd llrlnz
HV1111, (11 illniiiiiva .U'Uh oiiiiu-
I'leir r ( a,
I umittli mn iirlk nb'tic my empty
I ;ifuri ,
1 .(ml fiiinbft d.n 7oorer 10II1 my huol.
I U ss 1 rtrs,
I Ami Uml: on ,,iilr.-s itays, mill miw
' '".' o'e;
Wmlilny mr Uhr l our irliu yr( iiiri
1111 of,
ritll.fnl likr Mm, lll.r Mm wllh yrvb
W1.1M ,SH',
llcslriini 1I1I1 in, ni's hum ,nnl Unit inim's
With 111W I
If 11st;
.".if 1 1101 iiilirnifrif
Yet in mete thought,. iiiimIJ
it de
llapln I think on tin r and thi.11
hike in the lark at brink of dan ariiiny
From sutlni iitrtli, .-nmi hnmni at
hrai en's yati ;
fur tin 111.1 omfii, ri mi nilnr'd, such
yiiire brimis
'I hat thin t scam to 1 liuiitje i" 7 state
villi l.iny.1
Tit the Weather .Man
'tifOlflli: ;,.s.s.' Wtnlil I 11 in nfciiif.
fail im thou ml.
Sot in fi.n splendor .mm aloft the
' ntnlil.
'.And waiihiuy, ictlh iternal lids upcil.
I. the Xtituic's patient sti 1 pit .s
f.reiuite, f
the moeiny waitis ill tlnlr piiritlike
t task
of purr ablution round earth's human
1 shores,
I Or fia-iny at the new soft fallen mask
Of snow upon Ihc mountains ami Ihc
' moors.
So yet still stiadfust, tllll unchanac
able, folsid llyhlly on the. mercury's brlyht
urtttst, 1
7'o frtl forever Us soft fall ami swell.
And curse merer in 11 sunt uniist;
Sllll, still In steadfast mini ( . say,
tiueh aieful wtathcr;
fit ml!
ii'i'H ii( that, fit
1 SJ7 .fi'ik )
p"T Jail PB 6 .BfsJI
"" f rH f .i HrWI
i Tzzzzj&r mm?i wjitss ' 'uu1 m k i i
f wTVS-S? V I Essential to Women! I
2. 'if! I r- T" many thousands of women a nemo
i 111 1 Se"'Reduclng Comet is hardly ls ejien-
v ( i "al than foid and fuel more than ever m
3 . lft I J now. In war tlmei, when so many women H
l)r HI H are called upon to do men's work, Bj
Vw 1 J Im i It l the ONLY corttt that gives ultra U
A If I Ml j I 1 Ityle white conserving htatth, B
a I I "vA 1 'II n It reduces both sire and weight. Famous
a U I 'CVJ lL H ' world over for comfort and durability
til I jpCV H Many models for all full figures 1
S I A.W H S3, S4' SB' Bnd 1
A l 'Y y B There are many imitations of the Bf
N I jfbmUntM HI Nemo aielets and M$apointingl Ineiet H
R I I 'III 1 flu I on "" CENU'NE. I
iVl I lljffl'll J BE A WISE WOMAN I J
WiSPf Adu,t,'Io to Every Figure V ty
I yV&WiA Jlwl'nlon'i smooth "unbroken line." In front Hi v'.
"'Xiri eniJbclc'f,'0,nhoiildertowiUt. Reshape s, reducei IE t V11, I
I III AM ,,Klna"cnbiiit.lnducfsnerrct.iiriicefulcarrUg Vfi Ij!
I aTB Forlln:urei-$1.00 and ll-BO. fi t'
I 1.111 W I """UrtleiUe.Foslilon.InslUnle. Nw Tork m :
'. 'I . ; li i M , mmmmmmmmmmmm
Clergyman, Orator, Soldier,
Lecturer, Educator Honor
Guest Tonight
A Kient tisthuontal supper to (ho ltev.
Mr. Kussell II. Council, rounder, presi
dent and chief patron of tho Templo
CnlU'islly, will be held tonight In cele
bration of his secnty-tlfth birthday to
morrow. duo thnu'.ind admirers of the noted
Philadelphia clergyman, orator, soldier,
lectmer, educational leader and benefit
tor will meet him at this occasion, It ln'nla'n scrlcc In the war. Hdinund I',
pltmtd. Pechlii. of the Class of ',",, wlia h.ia
The siiiier, which will ho lield at the'omo to the PnUerslty for llieim ceb
llelleye.Slratford. at 7 o'clock, Is under ;bratluiis. Is expected again this year,
the auploos'of the board of trustees of :'le comes from Virginia as a loyal IVim.
the Temple PnlMrslty and (he Temple slvanla man, an ulumuuii of sixty-four
t'uherslty Association. I'r. Wllmer ;eais.
'rtiseii, IMieetor of Public Health and All of the.,, oillcers of the aluiiml
. nai uies, win piesiue. .Mining ine rpe, in-
eis nut lie I'r. l.dgir balls Snillli. pro
mii of the l'nieislt.i .f l'.Miii'..vlianla ;
State Senator Wlllhuu 1'. sproiil. iresl
dint of the I'nlon l.e,igue, and ileoige
Wharton Pepper, I1.1i1111.1n of the Pciin
sllllllllll ('omnilltee mi Public Safety.
I.'niest T. Trigg, piesldent of the Phila
delphia I'hamber of Conno-rcc, Is treas
urer of the committee on aiiauginielils.
The -upper Is one (.f a scries of el cuts
llierby I'octnr I'onwell Is being hop,
I "led by (he city as his age approaches
the thiee.fourtbs-"f-.t-eintur 111:11 k.
Anicrican lCxjircss Company Has f"r"i"l meeting and listen to the pro
10.V, Kmploycs in War Service , 1$"$Z"Zi X
ill tllO AlltlOll
rholMBriii'h lllii.lralliiB lids article on
Iniii, p.iite.
A uiilipie st-i-ilcc (tag In honor of em
iioei of lb" Aui'ilcati i:pies Com
11.1111 Who hale gone to war will be lln
'mid fiom Mm olllce biilhllni: of Hint
company, ll.'i Cln stunt sticet. ni.st
i'he banner, which Is ten by fifteen
feel, Is a lloiel otle III that It designates
the number of employes, n;3 to the
present date, not oiil.i ltont (Ills country,
but fiom all oier the woild as well.
julm aie engaged In lighting the Htm.
Piuiiiis on the bin, stars of the Hag
mil, ate that IMS Americans'. 1ml llrl
nii'. liuhtieti I'auadtaiis, tlght.lun
l'"t i in h .mil siietitii-u Italian workers
'.o tie loirti'.ui.v sin- in some branch of
l.ii. si 1 1 He of the Allies.
1 , . miliar pine of hunting- has been
inn '"I in New iiil; mid one In Chi-
, Ni urn 'ai' Im-uib mlded In tin-list
mi' d.n and the numlieis will have
., P. . o.ingeii frmii time to time
M t Uu- i.ii-.Hii'ies l.l the fiiretgn
Mi. m i.r tli met 11 are In lug plied
I -i An an-, iilio are not ,.f mllitarj
Special (.'orps of Workers Now in
Franco Meets Success in C'tim-
paiejn Atnoust U. S. Men
ASIll.Mii'OV. I'eb. II i'h, Alner
lean expedition. iry forces In l'lanee are
responding whole-heaiieill.i In Hie lioi
einnieut's otfer lo lusiiro ttiem against
Hie hazaids of war, Secretary McAdoo
antiou'ices. A coinpielienslio elToi t to
bring the full benefit of the m hi.irv and
naval liisiiiauce act to the tittcntion ol
all Anicrican soldiers abroad has bee:
going on simc last Pi ccinlicr. anil latest
cable adilces I10111 lieueral Pershing in
dicate that high lusui.ince totals will lie
An adeouate force nf oilicers and en-
, listed men under the I'ommaiul of Major
W Maul 1. Stialghl salli-il for l'ranco
I last Pin inber Pi take charge of Insur-
tti.-e woik lor 1110 oierseas rorce. . In
t n latest lepoti Major Straight sas
, , i.tllecrs and men In tin, Held sire
meeting Willi great success in their cf-
its to secure lusui.ince applications.
Parents and dependents of men in Hia
liK-rlc.iii lApeilllloiiaiy forces are nd-
seil Unit even elfort Is being made to
ii the men lull opportunity to until
lionise lis of the lioicrnuicnt Insurance
The iflotts now going on In the t'nlted
Slates are paralleled by 11 ilgoriius ram.
piiign .11 Prance. Totals, lioneier, aie
not ;et aiallable.
Springlike Weather Carries Ico to
Hay Witliout Iiainngc to Hivalvcs
.MAi'itici: ihvi:i:, n. .1, i-,ii n...
iiisteriiit-n uio mm i- hopeful null th
springlike weather, which Is earning
this Ice to the li.ii so ipiletli (hat little
or no d. imago Is cpctinl. None of lli
old oysternien can renieinlnr si season
when there was fo much be In tho river
that has moved witliout damage.
to enrh of ptr;tl si-hrvillHijH who will!
ilfllvrr ropips cf th" turtln iulIIi nttnn
to i uptown nl h hnoIhovH kun,
ut ntkninnlv him! jtiHl-iiinU! nt- itpply
Tt-r SI no 1h fit HiMIHiin tn lll'tml L-ash
Apply to i:. M. lOMiliVM)
. i:. cmt. nn a nan sou ms.
rtilLiiIelplilii, Tit.
Member of Class of '5G Will
Be Among Guests of
Alma Mater
The annual Alumni Utiltetslly lipy nt
(ha Uuherslly of I'ennsyhalilii has been
arranged for by the (Icucral Alumni So
ciety despite war conditions. It will be
held February 21, the day previous to
the Unlveislty Day cNerelsoi, which
hao been eondueted from a ery early
'time. Proot IMgar . Hinlth will ilo
llher an lnllniate tall, nbuiit l'eiinslia.
'.' " lore 11,11 n in en luvileu to conio
back and see the I Diversity in session,
mi that tiny 111.1 j- more intelligently 1.
filler the problem 1 or inn- Intellectual
b ideivhlp at lirst lianil nnd meet tho
pioiost. trusties 11ml faojilty. all in ln
llniate felsh,. Iniltatloiis bain
been sent by the licnerat Alumni Soelelv
t'i trustees, faculty and the olllcersof the
alumni, general, departmental, class and
I lie aluiiml will bo given Informal!
r' gardlng those classes nnd piotessors
I mini uiey wolllil IlUe til see, li.llllig
onee known ihem so well. At 1'.' ,111 the.
will attend ch.ipi'1. whole several of the
older alumiil will bo called on f ! talks
In the provost. Following a luinheoii
at noon at Houston Hall, the alumni
liusiees ami facultlea will bale an la
I'lusen at tho Academy of Mum
' S() KILLKJ). FATHFIt Ol'l'l'lf
' "0
Parent of Ttiscania Victim, l-'otiy-1
sevrn Years Old. Tries to Knli.st'
.IAi'KSO.V. Mich. Peb It W A '
' l.uk. of Jackson, learned ic--terd.iv
tliat his- nineteen-year-old H,n. Wlllnif.
as ilnmneil on the Tucanla and he '
lii'inediately went to 11 recruiting sin
tin" aid tried In 1 ullst In the siillllcrv
sei lice. . '
Clark, who Is foilj-ieien years old, j
was not accepted bieaiiip of pin j,pr,
Coiuini: Ciiil Sci'iiio Tests j
me 1.111U11 M.-iiei. 1,'iui Serilci- Cum.
ii'isslon iiiiiinuiii'i-s the following i.atnl.
i.itlons: .Marcii 211, eanl-pei for.iltngnn.
ihlno operatlie. m.il.. uml f,.m;,i -
'" $P' Jl.mli (J. Inspector of leg.
ultiqs, male, $isiin: .Mnr,, i:j. foro.
Isltint, 111. ilc. Jiinii
In-ieclnr or '
Jl'isn; ,.
nid f'liiali.
linlhliig, mall atul f.'iiKii.
niiiirier of i-lntliuig. in.-ii,
1 MiU.
1 .
r f M v iikiii.hu ii;i'ii.n at m
New Lingerie
W 2
J?V for
I,-.' ,
L'uch waist is worth $1.00.
Fashioned of voile with luce or
embroidery trimmed f touts.
Some plain tailored.
Silk Plush and
A Final Clearance ft m
Every coat is worth )
double and more our sue- t7 H
cial prices. The smartest
models of the season
many with luxurious fur
7 - ll - rlB,
g '
X Women's New Dresses
Values up lo $7.50, al
A real surprise for those who como to Hirscli's
tomorrow. A choice of serges and poplins in sev
eral tailored 'or neatly trimmed models. Sizes for
women and Aliases.
WASH croc
of ginghams, chambrays nnd
percales, in plain colors or
Btripea ellects. sizes 2 lo li
tr "
Movement Launched lo Spread
Propaganda Through Vari
ous Channels
A mniemeiit In spread propaganda in
f.uor nf prohibition and woman miffrugn
through th schools, churches, colleges,
fraternal organizations uml other chan
nels ha been launched by a group of
lending Philadelphia!! and It I." prob.
11 bio that It will be put up In leading
politicians ut eiery (urn during (hu
coming campaign
A meeting was held jestetday nt tho
I'lllep of Cicnrge llurnhani In the Morris
llulldlng, mid the mine proposition wan
brought tii nt a Hinting held In tho
.New Century Cluli, ut Willi II I'r. C. St
Swift, seerilary of the IVnn,viiinl,i
Anil-Saloon League ; Fletcher W. Stltes,
of (he last l.eglsl.iltiro, and Mrs. licorgo
A tuinnliig, chalrmnii of the Philadel
phia County National Woman Suffrage
party, were the speakers.
Among tlint'o who tittruded the meet
ing weio I'r. W. W. Moiitgnmery, tho
liev. lieoige llerheit Toop, lll'shop
Ilhinelaniler. the ltev. biojil ; Tom
kins. Dr. .1. Madison Taylor, Dr. Hrinst
ha Place, Piof. William II I.lclitcn
berger. Dr. dudsoii D.il.unl, holds .1.
ICnlli, Prof, hen S. Kniie and Dr. S. f'.il-
tn Smith.
llepteseittathe women ai e Interested,
Including Dr Anna llnitaiil Shan. Mis
(coign llor.ue hoiimer, Mrs. Joseph M.
lazzaui and Mls.s liciliiide Dly.
Works of Art Now on View
". hills Setill has lent to the Peiut
sy.ianl.i Museum In riomorial Hall a
small but 1 tit i resting collection of works
of art, whlcli nro now on ilew. i;he
collection Includes a throne seat of si.'
teenlh leuiiiiy Indian stvlo and a lino
old arm. hall, foniictiv the propeity ,f
' ,,"l,I:'' '"'n''" ' '"
17.10 tn (voT.
itibtitulf"-. 11yonc cm
get up :t buttle that looks
iOinclliing like
1 Jut in a IiuipJtfiJ years 110
liic lias 'iicrccdcil ill
i;tiitatiujj the woipJctful
ilaor of this ain.c.
irrin TTiii jm jT t
A Special Grouping
Charming New
Spring $
Values up lo $18.10
Tin's price is for Friday only, uml the
Mivinjj is most unusual for liraml-ncw
frocks, at the start of the season.
, Tlio newest stylo inlaptations ilovel
iijnt'i! in taffetas, satins, crepes ie chine,
tioorjrctti' eropes, wool seryfes anil wool
Tlio trimmiiiKs are novel and tlio col
orings are bo suggestive of bright spring.
Cloth Dress 1
$3.00 Value
A Friday special extraor
dinary. Just imnuine buyine;
u dress skirt of doth at so low
a price. New spring model very
special nt $1.81).
Cloth Coats
j J
"v fo
I B n th
HI Ir ' t
- ?.WdM
- 7J - lMH - H,M
GIRLS' $5 AND $6
A clearanco of remaining
stocks. Ono or two of n kind,
but all sizes from U to 14 years,
Our Price
publlnhed riery Thurnday In
them i-olutnim. In becimlnit
inoro nnd moio u rccofcnltcd
Btilde to rcononilcnl buying,
Tbrlfty liousekeepcrH know
full ell Hint nowhere In
rmir Htiie8 can Rood be
bought mj low nn In an
.Xinerlcan Hloro Quality,
lltneHt V v j; M i H ani
.Menmirn euusldered.
Are jou reaping tha full
benefit of tho inoney-sailnc
opportuultleN no offer?
' Gold Seal Esgs,
65c l)07'
irent. blc felecled ckks
p.ickfd in doneii ciitona. Tho
bei-t ikkh a ben can lay.
Fresh Epgs,
60c Uo-
llier.v cue BU.iranteed
fieli Von tako no i-hunco
In buylnp ckbh from an
Amerlcin Store.
Lmiclla lluttcr,
60c Lb
l-i ery inurnlns'H Bun
inakeH new friends for
liOiielhi. tlio most popular
niul tiiilvei'Hiilly used butter
In four Statute f
Hichland Butter,
54c Lb-
I'lmlce Creamery
B'hjiI Miiue.
Our Very Best
35c "
Sold tn ti treat many of
viir Stm es. ir tho jloro
"here you trade does not
fell II nur iniinaeer will bo
Kind to direct you 1c tho
nearest American Storo
where It In Hold.
Our Very Best
Coffee, 21 c Lb.
tion't tret alarmed at the
price not necessary to pay
more. Wo Kiiaranteo thin
i-orfco to mnko tho best
"cup" j nil eier drank.
Our Very Best
Ulaik or Mixed Tea.
Mir Very IlcM, India, Cey
lun or .Want Tea, ISo lb.
Teas of exceptional body
nnd diliililtK,- qualities.
Blended Wheat and Rye
70c Bas
Hlfh Krado In everv par
ticular mo It and "di your
3Iarrov Beans,
12c Lb
South American prod
uct, equal In food ultie and
rntliiK inmlltles to tho llnest
S oik State. Vou aro hailns
lie op ciery pound,
Choice Tomatoes,
13c, 18c Can
UlK led ripe tomatoes,
packed III sanitary cans.
"Asco" Buckwheat,
12c Pkg'
lint cakes for a cold
iiRirnluK, and Asco Is tho
llne.-t on which you ever
You'll want a can of Asco
Syrup at le to bo along-.
Ion't hkII your cakes
with Honiethlnc Inferior.
'Asco" Oats,
10c PkR
Vcrv line selected oats
lie pack them oun-eliey
'mr Buarantco or their
Tanev Mirlnip, ran,
Siinlliip-i, can
Miuil, blc run
Threudril Ciidn.li, pk
Iliinrlriii Ciiillli.li, In
Ilunelri, Ilnkr, In
Knliiiiin. run ,w...l
Tumi riih, run lie, a
Mnf l.rrel, eiicli , . , , I
rrailier llti'.t. Hi.
Ilrenil Criunlii., pkg,
linuil 'alnii, lint.. . .
Mililer' ('iit-iin, linl.
.... Vio
.Be, ISe
He, He
8c, S.le
ifle, sSo
10c. ISe
. tlln
. . ..10c
. ..1.1r
The following
'rices in nil our Quality
Meal Shops
City Dressed Pork
Chops, lfnn-K Shoulders
28c Lb.
I'lie llfKl Ciitu, ,'ISe lb.
lit f rum tin. Hnett nf
liiril.I'ril linen.
Heef Liver,
Fresh Heef Kidneys,
Cooked Tripe.
16c I.H.
Liver Pudding
Head Cheese,
Soused Vie Keel,
20c LIJ.
Hump, Hound. Sirloin,
3:,c LH.
Lean Soup Heef,
18c LU.
Hamburg Steak,
2oc LH.
Little l'ipr Hoasting
Hams, 30c LB.
Krout Specials
I'lato Beef, 18c lb.
l'rcsh Pork, 28c lb.
Half Smokes, 13c li-lb.
Salt I'ork. 20c H-Ib.
Krout, 10c quart
Smoked Picnics, 26c lb.
Kirrywhrrs In l'hlUdel-' ' '
lilt nnd Thruuhut
IVniiiijItMiiU, Sr-Yt. Jereey.
larjlauil anil IlelarM
j' , r
AriLdlUWftil i
-A I
v urn
f. . i 'i-